#so get off your moral high horse. you will never get where they are no matter how hard you're trying to convince yourself that
unlikecharlie · 1 year
every comment or post that I see yelling about sympathy, empathy, and reminding us that those people are humans with lives and families only makes me wish they're dead even harder. matter of fact, I hope they all suffer as much as possible and then go to hell and suffer even more. there
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hypaalicious · 2 years
I’m seeing mad revisionism going on about Tumblr in the light of all the mess happening with Twitter rn, and I just wanna remind y’all of a few things:
Tumblr was not ever an idyllic paradise where no drama or problems ever occurred
all the inane discourse topics and antis and all that shit existed on Tumblr just as much as it exists on Twitter and Tiktok
you don’t have to make up blame to put on folks migrating to tumblr, you can just say with your whole chest that you just don’t like people hopping from other social media sites to Tumblr and leave it at that
Cause some of these posts I’m seeing circulating around are looking goofy and I just want better for y’all.
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sednonamoris · 2 years
ghost story
known by law enforcement, civilians, and outlaws alike as ��the ghost rider of new austin’, you join up with the van der linde gang in your youth. so begins a long and complicated history.
ch. 1 cloudburst
shot by a bounty hunter and left for dead, you’re saved by an unlikely pair in the dead of night.
ch. 2 gift horse
now healed, you plan out the job that will fulfill your life debt to these van der linde boys. what else would it be but stealing horses?
ch. 3 daddy’s got a gun
a job gone wrong, and a journey home gone worse.
ch. 4 drowning lessons
the hottest day of summer launches your friendship with john off the deep end.
ch. 5 raise a little hell
you, john, and arthur go out on the town after a successful score. of course you couldn’t leave it at just one drink.
ch. 6 american dreams
need, morality, and family are difficult to conceptualize in a life defined by crime, and your vision of the world has been shaped almost entirely by the van der linde gang.
ch. 7 stormchaser
abigail roberts joins the gang. your relationship with john is changed, maybe forever.
ch. 8 dear john
a year’s worth of letters, never sent.
ch. 9 hang ‘em high
a high stakes bank robbery forces you and john to confront exactly how close - and how far - you are from one another anymore.
ch. 10 a dark alley and a bad idea
after an argument with abigail, john goes into town to drink his worries away. as always you follow, and as always there's trouble - seems like you bring it with you wherever you go. 
ch. 11 sold down the river
the blackwater massacre, and the aftermath.
ch. 12 teeth
john never returns from his scouting trip. you, arthur, and javier seek him out through the snow.
ch. 13 through the valley and the vale
once dutch gets a train robbery out of his system and the snowmelt starts, the van der linde gang makes its way to horsehsoe overlook.
ch. 14 pony up
john and abigail continue to argue. you and jack are both stuck in the middle, so you make the best of it by teaching him to ride.
ch. 15 act the maggot
sean is rescued, and the gang celebrates his return the only way they know how - drinks all around.
ch. 16 life ain’t fair and the world is mean
arthur’s decision after meeting with mary linton again leaves you caught between a rock and a hard place.
ch. 17 once bitten
john and abigail’s relationship continues to deteriorate as arthur begins a clumsy courtship. you and john run off hunting to get away from it all, but things don’t exactly go to plan.
ch. 18 come all ye sinners
driven from camp in the aftershocks of an earth-shattering shift in john and abigail’s relationship, you find yourself in an unlikely situation with and even more unlikely friend. is there a way forward?
ch. 19 oil on troubled water
tensions are high between john and arthur. will collaborating on a train robbery bring them closer or tear them farther apart?
ch. 20 blood of the covenant
arthur and abigail make a promise. you and john have a chance to find out what that means for you, if you’re brave enough.
ch. 21 good, honest thieves
a fight with micah leads to a lecture from dutch. loyalty is exactly what you've been raised on, but to what? to whom? the answer seems to be john every time.
ch. 22 unbridled
a theft gone right and a deal gone wrong.
ch. 23 thunderstruck
a storm brews over your journey with john to meet an old friend and make a profit on the braithwaite horses. what will happen when lightning strikes?
ch. 24 working for the knife
you and john return to camp, where an unexpected crisis awaits.
ch. 25 arsonist’s lullaby
with sean dead and the confederate gold nowhere to be found, the braithwaites learn exactly why boys are off limits.
ch. 26 water of the womb
[coming soon]
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Okay. I don't understand how it's gotten to this point with fans pulling made up shit about Loki from their asses but no.
Loki is not POC coded. He's not Jewish coded. He's not neurodivergent coded or whatever the fuck else.
Big. Fucking. Whoop.
But you know what that really means? Loki plays into the cycle of abuse just like a normal person and then goes on and makes it worse by dishing it out on unrelated people who never did anything to him. Like, I dunno, all the goddamn humans he kills?
He's that psycho kid with a psycho dad who tortures ants because he can't find healthy ways to cope and it doesn't get much deeper than that.
Stop making shit up that.
If you have to write paragraphs upon paragraphs of made up bullshit you call meta and headcanons or whatever the fuck to defend the idea of liking this guy beyond the shallow fact that you would never dare go this hard for someone ugly or god forbid actual myth Loki?
You do not actually give a shit about the character. At all. Because you don't actually see the character. At all.
Personally, I love Loki for what he is. A dark grey chaos loving trickster diva and selfish asshole god that fucks with people for fun and gets the story rolling. All of that is what makes him fun as a character while paying appropriate homage to the stories he came from in a way that still feels respectful of what ancient cultures were trying to convey.
But I also love the actual good Loki that people write in fanfic sometimes.
I don't love the posturing people use him for to inadvertently spread misogyny or even white supremacy that slips under the radar because fandom can't accept that their shit does stink and there ARE bad actors.
It is okay to like or love Loki. It is okay to want things to be better for him or to be written better for him. It is okay to write fanfic where he is all of the things you want him to be.
It is not okay to culturally appropriate and deny what he is canonically with made up bullshit pulled from your ass to pretend that Loki was justified when he was ATTEMPTING GENOCIDE. And it is especially not okay to then have the audacity to deny the fact that Loki has pretty privilege.
Fuck you people doing this shit. At this point I prefer those that actually admit they like him because he's hot. Because at least they don't go rabid and are fucking HONEST with themselves about this shit and about his character.
And above all?
Have civil discourse and discussion if you want to, try and get more people to like Loki and see the lighter grey in him even. But you do that by being NICE.
Not by being a dismissive, denying, bullying asshole that then pretends you have the moral high road over ultimately meaningless. Fictional. Bullshit.
I guarantee a majority of people who hate Loki now? It's not because Loki is imperfect or the "other". It's because his stans do everything they can to be toxic, hostile, and in turn make him look bad.
Even Loki's never attempted to justify his attempts at genocide. Escape accountability, sure. But not justify it.
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ryuksbathsaltedapples · 7 months
High honor Arthur Morgan x younger reader
Ch 1 abt 3k words
Cw: older man younger woman, NO ACTUAL SEX yet 😏, eventual smut, FEM READER, shy and awkward reader, Arthur is a flirt 💪, masturbation, and believe that’s it nothing much
Author note: this is like the first BIG fic I’ve ever written💀 so if it’s a bit scratchy let me know! Would love to have feedback on what I can do to make my writing better. On another note I’ve only played about 1/4 of the actual game so far, so if this is not an accurate depiction of high honor Arthur let me know, just Spoiler Free!! But I will adjust his personality to make it as cannon as possible. Oh and suggestions for the next part would be great! Brain frog man, craziness
|Arthur finds a girl who needs help with her dog, little did this girl know he was gonna be like a parasite in her brain!|
Arthur was a tough a man, a man who’s killed, robbed, and hurt. But, he does have some morals and values in life, despite what others might think. He’d lived a hard life, 36 years of living and many of them running with the Van der Linde gang, but he trusted the people, trusted Dutch, and he’d never turn his back on them.
One morning while it was a bit cooler, a cold prickly brisk in the air hitting his face as he rode his horse, he saw a girl. He didn’t think much about it, just some young lady out for a stroll, that was until the young lady started calling for him. “Sir! Please! I-i need some help!” Her voice rang out in a pitch clearly distressed. On a bad day, he wouldn’t have tuned around, on an okay day he’d probably would’ve stopped, but today was a good day. So Arthur thought ‘what the hell’ and turned around riding his horse up to the young lady.
“What’s the problem miss?” He said his deep southern voice ringing out, the calmness in his tone widely different from the thin nature of hers. “M-My dog he’s…Jesus he’s fallen in a hole I can’t get him out…! I promise I’m not lying pleas help me!” Her voice rang thin again, he could see the red teary stains around her eyes, and even though apart of him felt suspicious he decided to believe her (besides if it was a trap, he could make it out unscathed easily). “Okay okay, tell me where the dog’s at?” He stated clearly trying to get the girl to calm down, he watched intently as she wiped her eyes and took some deep breaths. “He’s over there…, I tried pulling him out, but..damnit I can’t! He’s to heavy for me…” defeat and embarrassment rang through her voice as she spoke, clearly upset at her failed attempt. Arthur got off his horse and waved his hand, at this the girl started walking towards her big o’l dog.
“He’s in there…” the girl said quietly. The hole was deep and the dog, well being a dog was digging and running around all in it, clearly not as stressed about the situation as his owner was, Arthur sighed a little, realizing he’s about to have to either get in the hole with the dog or fight to get it out “your pup better be a good o’l companion for this…” he said in a slight exasperated laugh as he slowly crawled into the hole, the lady above not responding to his comment. The hole itself was most likely formed by an old cave in, a failed well hole at the looks of it eroded by time. Once Arthur was fully in the dog immediately ran to him sniffing his shoes and pants, its long tail wagging hard.
“He’s a good dog…! Just a bit…well stupid” she said a slight giggle falling over her voice as she spoke tiredly. Arthur took in the smelly big o’l animal, covered in dirt with a stocky build, a large black lab with a very dumb glint in its eyes “well, let’s see if I can get him out”. Once the dog had calmed down a bit he slowly wrapped his arms around the dogs flappy stomach lifting it up. With Arthur’s height he was able to push the dog up enough for the young lady to grab it, the dog crawling out to freedom; as Arthur himself climbed out of the hole he couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the sounds of her scolding the dog.
“Oh you stupid thing! Making me get all dirty and tired! And then forcing me to have to drag some poor soul to get you out!”. “Oh it ain’t no problem, he’s just testing your love” Arthur chuckled whipping some of the dirt off his jacket and pants. He couldn’t help but notice the slight blush on the young lady’s cheeks as she looked to him, she smiled a little as she spoke “..thank you sir, you’re a good person..w-what’s your name?” Her voice ranged shy, something he did not miss. “Arthur Morgan, and yours missy?” he spoke smiling at her, “it’s Y/N”
Weeks have gone by since you first met the handsome stranger. You weren’t expecting to think about someone who just helped get your dog out of a hole so much, but here you where in your room combing your hair out thinking about his smile, his hair, and his nice weathered cowboy hats and coat. Your daydreaming about this almost complete stranger was cut short as your mother walked in to your room. “Welp! Break times over sweetie, we need to get back to work” your mother spoke strongly but nicely as she exited your room.
You took a deep breath and stretched your back before getting off of the bed, and going outside to continue doing chores. It was a day like no other, feed the chickens, water the animals, weed the gardens, things you’ve been doing since you came out the womb. But, today instead of your mind drifting to thoughts about reading or going swimming in the evening, your only thoughts were on that mysterious cowboy….his face wouldn’t leave your mind, his shadowy stubble…., his tough eyes…, his hands…long and thick fingers, calloused by many hard days of work and life…you wondered how they would feel…, maybe in you hands , or….on your body. This time instead of the voice of your mother waking you from your thoughts, it was the prick of a rather thorny weed that made you snap back, you felt a bit embarrassed at yourself, how could you be so dizzy over a man you met once? I mean sure he was nice, respectful, tough, and handsome….But that’s not the point! ‘If I’m ever gonna get anything done I need to clear my big o’l head!’ You thought shaking your face and continuing with your chores.
Sabbath day, you loved it, sure the preacher could get annoying…, and sometimes some of the church members looked at you weird. But, your chores didn’t have to be done today; thoughts raced as the sermon continued, barely paying attention to what the preacher was preaching as you thought what you would do with such a fine Sunday to yourself thoughts about baking, catching up to a book, maybe even begging your parents to let you ride out on your own for a few hours. These thoughts raced and raced, until the next thing you knew you were walking out of church and heading home, but something of surprise came when you got home. Your father, a very gruff man handed you $8 and told you to spend it on what you wanted: well, now you you knew what you were gonna do.
After eating lunch (very quickly might I add) you headed for town, your plan was simple, get some treats, some new pencils or pastels, and maybe check for a new book. You walked into the general store and said hello’s at the owner before looking around, taking in all of the small candies you might get; it was nice, for once being handed money and spending it on something other then necessities, being able to just do something nice for yourself. As you were looking around you heard the door to the shop open, you payed it no mind and kept looking around, trying to think about which sweet was worth the amount of money and what you would have left for other things. Once you picked out the candy you wanted you moved to the small art booking section, filled with the very basics and nothing more.
Looking around you heard a voice “excuse me missy, but I need to grab that” the voice was deep and relaxed, and it caught you off guard as you saw a tough hand pointing to some lead pencils. You turned your head to the man and your eyes immediately widen, the handsome face of the cowboy looking back at you, you couldn’t help but blush immediately feeling very awkward not expecting to ever see that man again. As you stepped over a bit so he could grab the pencils he looked at you again, his serious blue eyes scanning your face, it made you feel a bit nervous “hey…you’re the young lady with the dog!, thought I recognized such a pretty face” he smiled politely at you “y/n right?”. You nodded your head fast as you looked at him, Jesus, marry, and Joseph you could have fainted then and there, maybe it could have been like a romance, him capturing you in his arms…taking you on a romantic ride….kissing all over you… “I-I want to thank you again sir! For getting my dog out, you saved me a lot of trouble mr…Arthur?” You spoke tumbling your words out as you looked at him, standing so close you could really see how large he was, much taller then you, and obviously more muscular.
You felt like a train being derailed almost completely forgetting where you were or what you were doing, that was until he spoke again “well, don’t worry about it, feels good to help young things like you. I remember what it was like at that age, always needing help with something before you get it down” your mind raced as you saw him walking to the counter ending the conversation, you couldn’t just let him end it right here??! So you spoke again following behind him slightly, thinking of the only thing you can do for the man “hey…if you like pies or breads I-I’d like to give you some, I mean as a thanks for helping me, I’ll bake anything you like!” Arthur looked at your for a second taking in the offer, then he spoke cracking his neck as he did “well why not? Haven’t had a good apple pie in.., well a while, besides free food is free food!” He smiled at you as he payed for his things, and oh lord, that smile, maybe you should’ve stayed in church all day with the thoughts swirling in your head. You told him where you lived and to meet you there tomorrow afternoon and he agreed before exiting the store, outside the window you could see him talking to an older gentleman who pointed inside as he spoke to Arthur. Suddenly you felt very embarrassed.
You went to sleep early that night unusual for you were known to stay up a bit later to have time to yourself, but the thought of seeing that cowboy tomorrow made you want the day to come sooner. You woke up early that morning and immediately went to go look in the ice box to see if there were any apples left, luckily you found a few and as you were bringing them to the kitchen your mother noticed, and was asking why in the world you were baking now? You stumbled through an explanation about how you were thanking the man who helped you with your dog, your mother eventually backed down but she still seemed a bit upset at the idea of some strange man coming to see her daughter, but she figured it was just a curtsy for him helping you. You baked the pie as fast as you could while also keeping it well, once you were done you hurried outside to catch up on chores you missed while baking.
It felt like hours upon hours of waiting for Arthur to arrive, but eventually around 1pm he did, you saw his horse riding up to your humble estate and you tried to fix yourself as best as you could before greeting him. You walked him inside and your mother walked into the kitchen staring down the man very intently, looking him over and judging his appearance. “Hello Mrs….?” He trailed waiting for your mother to answer “L/N, Mrs L/N. I heard you helped my daughter get our dog unstuck?” She said curtly never taking her eyes off the man “yes, just doing what I can to help. Quite a beautiful estate you have” he spoke warmly trying to defuse the tense air. You stood there quite awkward as your mother interrogated Arthur, but you kept yourself busy as you pulled out a plate for him and yourself and began to prep the pie, “…mom do you want any..?” You spoke quietly looking at your mother who was finally starting to loosen to the cowboy “not right now dear, I’m going to sort the vegetables, I’ll have some after dinner” she said as she left to go drag in a box of recent vegetables grown.
You made Arthur a plate and he sat down at the table taking in the atmosphere of your home, you felt nervous as you put his plate on table before making your own and sitting down. You watched him take a a few bites and a very pleased look spread across his face, “well I haven’t had many, but this is probably one of the best apple pies I’ve had” he said smiling at you clearly making himself comfortable in your home. Your face flushed red and you smiled at him “thank you…I try my best” your voice shy as you ate your own serving. Your mother came back into the house and started sorting and washing the vegetables Yall would keep in the sink; you continued to talk to Arthur, shyly asking about his life, you noticed his answers were rather vague but you didn’t want to push him. From what you could gather he really was just some Cowboy, taking odd jobs and exploring this part of America looking for the next big thing.
After talking causally to him for a while you began to lighten up a bit relaxing some, your mother walked back out of the house and once she was away you were shocked to see Arthur lean over the table a bit staring at you. “You’re quite a sight Miss y/n, always nice to see pretty young ladies like you, especially if they’re making me pies” he chuckled lightheartedly giving you a nice smirk. If you weren’t mistaken you believed you just felt your whole body pulse, suddenly you felt very hot and you could barely make eye contact with the man your whole face covered in blush. “Thank you…” you spoke out quietly voice a squeak as you felt a tingle in your legs. You heard him chuckle at your embarrassed demeanor his face lit up with a dangerous charm. After a few moments your mother came back into the house and shortly after Arthur left thanking you for the hospitality.
Later that night you had gotten ready for bed, cleaned yourself off and put on your nightgown. You laid down and warmed up underneath the covers, closing your eyes and getting comfortable, but immediately thoughts about Arthur clouded your brain, the words he spoke to you making you feel hot and sensitive. Images of his face…his hands…, Jesus his hands, his long thick callused fingers, you couldn’t stop thinking about them. And then something even worse came to mind, books your mother would have burned if she caught you reading them flashed in your head, stories of damsels and their knights in shining armor, but it was more than that… You kept thinking about those certain chapters…were the knight would slowly undress the damsel, kiss from the top of their head down to their stomach…going further and further till they reach their cunt, kissing them along their other lips….fondling their chest.
You couldn’t take it anymore, your whole body felt on fire as you kept thinking about such sinful things, so to ease the tension in your body you slowly started fondling yourself, gently pinching your nipples letting out soft quiet moans and mewls, your breast felt soft in your hands and the feeling of your nipples hardening from the touches made you feel wetter. After a bit of teasing your now perky nipples you traced you hands slowly down to your own cunt, slowly rubbing your now very wet slit, trying to keep your moans low as you rubbed your wet clit, your pussy hot and sensitive. You slowly plunged your fingers into your sopping hole pushing them in and out till your legs started to shake and your back started to arch, the wet squelching sounds of your tight pussy echoing across the walls.
One hand using fingers to fuck yourself, the other hand using your fingers to rub your very needy and inflamed clit, you couldn’t help the quiet moans and whines coming out of your mouth, as your fingers kept moving inside you trying to touch those spots that made you cry out. You kept this up for a while, getting more and more worked up, but no matter how much you bucked your hips, no matter how much you rubbed yourself you just couldn’t cum, you would get so close to the edge just for it to slowly dissipate. Eventually your arms started to feel tired and so did you, so with some aggravated whines you tuned over and went to sleep, pussy still wet and needy.
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spock-smokes-weed · 9 months
Okay okay one plot point for my One Piece Sound AU is that Zoro is a kendo instructor, and works at the dojo he grew up going to as a kid. Meaning he still works with his sensei Shimotsuki
What I can piece together with Zoro’s early life (I’m still in early one piece idk anything about that gets added to his backstory later) his parents died before the events of the story, so in my AU im going to take that to mean his parents died in some kind of accident when he was a junior in high school.
Shimotsuki took Zoro under his wing cus their families were close and Shimotsuki knew what it was like to lose family. He gave Zoro a steady job at the dojo, set him up with an apartment, and supported his passion for Kendo past high school.
but shit goes south when Zoro finds out he's pregnant and has to notify his work. So again I'm in early one piece, idk anything really about this Shimotsuki guy or what's in his soul, what I do know is that he's a sexist who told his own daughter she couldn't fulfill her dreams. So I think Zoro telling him that he's pregnant with no plans to get married or mate, he'd get on a moral high horse about it. Idk if it's close to canon but I'm okay with bending the personalities of minor characters for my own stories
Essentially, he tells Zoro he would have to give up his dream of being a competitive Kendo fighter if he goes through with this, and that he wouldn't support Zoro and his "lifestyle" so he fires Zoro from working at the dojo. Pregnancy discrimination is a very real thing, and like small tourists towns aren't exactly known for being supportive of unwed pregnant ppl.
Zoro's side of the story is all about his ambition and masculinity, while he goes through something where he'll be judged and made vulnerable, and I think something like this would be a massive hit to his ego and emotional state. It makes him bottle up more, while also making him lean more on the straw hats and Sanji.
When Sanji learns Zoro is now jobless, he offers to let Zoro live with him. They have a whole posturing match about it until Zoro agrees, but ONLY until he finds another job. The plot, as one says, has thickened.
I would say there are about like two months in between when Zoro finds a new job, and I do have some plot ideas as to what will happen in that time span, but rn the important thing is that he gets a job with Mihawk. Who's a fencing instructor and another strong male omega. Mihawk takes Zoro under his wing and lets him use the fencing space to practice his kendo but also shows him some things in the ways of fencing. I like the idea of Zoro having a strong role model to look up to. Like this male omega who's comfortable in his skin and strength and would never let anyone walk over him. Also, someone who doesn't coddle him just because he's pregnant and doesn't assume he doesn't know his own physical limitations.
this is a sidenote tangent: but it really pisses me off when ppl assume people shouldn't be doing anything physical while pregnant. sure avoid stressers, but if you were incredibly physically active before getting pregnant, it's fine if you keep being that level of active, and decreasing as your pregnancy progresses. exercise is great, and it's not other people's place to tell someone what is too much, it's their body!!!! sure Zoro probably couldn't do all-out kendo matches, but there is probably a lot working out he still does, and I already know he's annoyed by people assuming he's doing something wrong by working out.
anyway post over. goodnight
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sarcasticbeanie · 4 months
odysseus! for the send me a character thingy :3
First Impression I read about odysseus first in my Chinese textbook as a wee child of like. 10? Or something? It was the "Nobody" story, and I thought nothing of it because it was. You know. For a class. I did think it was a funny story though, and I suppose my first impression would be "classic main character from mythology", and nothing else.
Impression now He's a war criminal. He's my babygirl. He's cruel and wily. He's my poor little meow meow. He would kill with no hesitation and excels at war. He's a draft dodger and longs for home. He's the Sacker of Cities. He's the Father of Telemachus. He's filled with hubris and had a solid hand in his own downfall. He's paid his price and he just wants to go back home. I don't know man I'm squeezing him and throwing him off a cliff but I'm also tucking him into bed in Ithaca. u get me?
Favorite moment Many... but I love the part where he shot an arrow through the axe heads and did the dramatic reveal. it is I, odysseus. you've taken my home, prepare to die. etc etc. There's a visceral tonal shift when war and bloodshed suddenly seep through the pages after dozens of pages with no active warfare and not much death ... it's good stuff. I liked it.
Idea for a story Concocting a sci-fi fantasy AU for the Iliad and Odyssey in my brain, in which there are spaceships and magic and godly-AI-run companies and cyborgs and impenetrable planets made of metal and firewalls. Demigods are cyborgs whose cybernetic enhancements come from one or more godly-AI-ran companies. Ody's skills now include hacking and programming, and the Greeks finally won by attaching a "trojan horse" to their peace treaty. Calypso is a deathly intelligent and powerful space mob boss whose henchmen are all androids, and she wishes to meet someone who matches her own intellect. Circe runs an exotic space casino with replicas of long-since extinct creatures, with only magic-users as employees. Polyphemus is a heavily guarded surveillance station with hidden company secrets from Poseidon(TM) which Ody and co. stole, leading to tragedy. has this been done? this has probably been done. but I'm basing it off my own OC sci-fi universe so this is. so so niche. and only for me.
Unpopular opinion I don't know why there's a sudden uptick in the need for characters to be morally pure and good, and I think the debate surrounding "whether Ody cheated" is. odd? especially since there's so much vitriol against the guy for cheating? It may just be me but I don't really get it,, I wouldn't have cared even if he cheated. Listen. Listen. There's no moral high ground in Greek myths. They're all war criminals and that's fun for me.
Favourite relationship 10 fics on ao3 and it's odydiopen. i love poly relationships. even if they have no basis in canon at all. but neither did telegony and it's still considered to be part of the epic cycle, now is it? but also: ody & telemachus. your son is grown, and you have never even seen him as a child. your son is grown, and he does not even know your face. are you still a father? is he still your son? you've missed every part of his life and then some, and now he is a man grown, with his mouth twisted in his mother's wry smile - though he has your hair and eyes, you cannot see yourself in the tilt of his head, or the gentle crinkle in his brows. but now there's time to learn of him, now there's time to hold him in your arms - there is time, you are home, and that is what's important.
Favourite headcanon He would've loved the GPS. RIP my guy. All jokes aside I don't think I have one? Feel free to tell me any of yours though. Please.
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maroonmorons · 1 year
listen okay I’m rewatching captain america civil war and I hate it so much!!!!! I hate it!!!!
this stupid boardroom scene like let’s ACTUALLY walk that back
new york: loki washington dc: hydra sokovia: tony lagos: hydra
not to mention you are showing this fuckin footage to wanda who is still traumatized by sokovia where her parents and prob everyone she knew as a child but her brother dying and THEN he got to die like 2 minutes ago also thanks to tony (are we watching the same media?? hello????) and lagos literally just happened????? which she clearly blames herself for even though if the bomb had gone off on the ground more people probably would have died??????
and THEN we get to enjoy tony being all high and mighty when he literally created ultron against advisement with his own fuckin hands and sokovia never had to happen! “we need supervision” ok first of all YOU need supervision and you HAD IT in avengers 2 in the form of bruce and oh yeah literally everyone else telling you to stop but nooooo you knew best he’s on his fuckin moral high horse but as soon as the accords don’t go his way what does he do? goes right around/under/through them “oh that’s charles spencer by the way” YOU LITERALLY GOT HIM KILLED EVERYONE ELSE SITTING THERE HELPED CLEAN UP YOUR MESS
“steve and tony were both wrong”
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I have mega angst thoughts but it has to do with Matt’s morality about killing and idk where you stand on that…..
Ok we had a wee discussion as I had some further probing so here we go:
|| Judge and Jury ||
You touch your daughter again, and I will know.
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He was making his way back home from a quiet night's patrol when he heard it.
Shouting, screaming, crying.
He made a detour towards the sound, perching on the top of the fire escape in a familiar alleyway. A young girl, can't be more than 16 or 17, shouting into the dark. He could smell the alcohol coming off her from all the way up here. But there was something else under it, he knew her.
"D'you hear me you masked freak?!" she lobbed the empty bottle at the wall where it smashed spectacularly. "Come out, coward!" she continued to yell, "come out and tell me how you saved me!"
He jumped down into the alley and she recoiled in fright. Matt stayed where he was, palms up, as unthreatening as he could appear while in the black getup.
"Y-you came." she stuttered.
"I… heard you."
She regained some of the liquid confidence. "What about all the other times? You never heard me then?"
Matt heard the venom in her tone. "I'm sorry, I'm here now. I guess I'm only one man."
"So is my father."
Matt tilted his head. "Your father…"
"You won't fucking remember. The one you beat bloody, years ago. The one you told never to touch me again."
Matt blanched. One of the first that he'd let the devil out on when 'doing the right thing' didn't do anything. "I remember."
"Well guess what?" the girl staggered to the wall and slumped against a dumpster.
Matt sighed. "I- I'm so sorry. I know a really good lawyer, he could help gather evidence this time and get him-"
"Hah. The law." she laughed bitterly. "No-one listens to girls like me, the ones that've been through the system. The ones that have been passed from 'family' to 'family' because they're so fucked up… no-one wants 'em, no one cares. They… they just wanna sweep us under the trash, pretend we don't exist." She shook her head. "Doesn't matter what I say he's done to me, he'll always get away with it no thanks to you."
"That's not true, I-" Matt started, but she pushed off the dumpster and stumbled towards him.
"Why didn't you do it?" He could taste the salt in her tears as they started to slide down her cheeks. She shoved him, making him take a step backwards. "He doesn't deserve to live."
She punched him hard in the chest with her fists. "Why didn't you?!" she repeated, her voice broken and hoarse now, kept on hitting her words right into him.
"Why didn't you kill him?"
Yeah, he remembers that night. He wanted to.
His blood was up, boiling, spilling over his hands as he pounded them repeatedly into the guy's face.
He thought it would be enough of a deterrent.
Frank's words echoed in his mind now. 'I hit them and they stay down'.
He couldn't be that, can't cross that line, can't be everything. Judge, jury and executioner. And because of that, the bad things just keep happening. People fall through the cracks in the system because sometimes, the law isn't enough.
She was crying into his shoulder now, her punches dissipating into feeble smacks as she crumbled. He stood still, let her take it out on him. It was his fault after all.
"You fucking… bastard! Y-you should have-"
It was too late, the damage had been done. How many others like her had he 'saved' from all the way up there on his high horse of so-called morality?
He should have.
Matt tags: @saintmurd0ck @mindidjarin @castlesnchurches @peterman-spideyparker @pastafossa @mattmurdocksscars @mattmurdocksscars @marvelswh0re
@hellskitchens-whore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @briefcasejuice @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @e-dubbc11 @father4giveme @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @imperfxctly-me @stress--relief @murnsondock @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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laf-outloud · 1 year
WIndy back with a bang! This show never misses or makes us endure dull moments and I love them for that.
I have to remember to keep good faith when it comes to Gus, he’s smarter and more in the know than he lets on and seems to have his own motives that he’s not quite willing to let people in on yet. He’s also the character that knows Tom best since he knew that unless Tom found the body himself he’d never believe it was Mary Collins, and was instantly suspicious of Tom letting the suspect go. The team needs someone who isn’t going to let their distrust of Tom blind them. His dynamic with Hoyt was so good– I’m a sucker for when the lawman and the outlaw team up. I’m also wondering if we’re going to see a new arc for Hoyt with him going legit, I could see Gus and Hoyt running Independence together. Hoyt’s days as a ranch hand didn’t last long and with it his relationship with Lucia is also over, or at least that’s the way it seems. I’m hoping that Lucia now enters her girl boss rancher era.
I’m happy that Kai didn’t run away, I’d miss him. Plus we’ve all seen that Independence is a boring town, it could use his drama 😉
I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about Abby’s sister or her joining the show so soon (I thought Boston wouldn’t come into play until season 2) but I love her and need her back ASAP. Kate probably feels the same way lol. Those two kissing while Angel Olsen played did more for the gay community than Chaos Machine/Jenneel ever could. I loved the scene where Kate was filling Charlie in on all of the gossip. Didn’t think I’d get my shipping wish fulfilled in the same episode as her introduction! Their spark was there from the moment they met! Kate really is the most charming woman. I’m glad Abby seems to understand her sister a little better now, and hopefully realizes that they’re more alike than Abby thinks (side note, get off your high horse Abby). I’m also curious because it seems that Charlie knew more about Liam than his own wife did.
Calian’s storyline has taken quite the turn! I’m guessing that Calian is going to turn to the town, specifically Abby and co, for an alliance to protect his tribe. The Native gossip mill must be wild, how does this chick know so much about Calian? I know it’s probably just because it’s convenient for the narrative, but I like imagining people gossiping about the handsome Calian.
Did anyone else think that Tom Davidson was going to kiss Abby when they were searching the scene of Liam’s death? It’s funny because I’m always happy that the show doesn’t force romance and I’m a slow burn type of gal, but every episode I also want Tom and Abby to kiss. He’s clearly so into Abby. “You saved me, you’re so smart and determined, you ran the town with Gus while I was gone and I’m totally not jealous, you care and my family doesn’t😍🙈🙊” And this episode he reminded us that he was previously in a mental institute by hanging the guy that stabbed him from the ceiling. My skin crawled when he stabbed that guy in the hand. I was wondering why he let him go, but apparently Davidson sheriff work needs to be done off the books. Abby is growing on me as time goes on. I love the parallel of both her and Tom being artists, and being so conflicted when it comes to him and her morals.
And speaking of conflict, a Tom Davidson doppelgänger! Props to the casting department, they really do look like brothers. I’m surprised Abby is able to admit that she might be wrong about Tom, and I’m excited to see where this takes the case.
All in all, the perfect episode to bring things back. Humor, romance, more mystery and good, old fashion western drama. I missed these characters so much! Can’t believe we only have a few more episodes in the season.
Swoon! I love your reviews! Thank you for continuing to send them in!
Gus has so many layers I feel we've barely scratched the surface! And him and Hoyt? Comedy gold! (Matt was wearing a pretty smart suit in one of the bts photos... maybe he's looking to be on the town council?)
I miss Kai when he's not in the episodes, I can't imagine him being out of town. But I find it interesting that he was so willing to open up to Hoyt when he's been so tight-lipped prior to now. I wonder if Lucia's put in a good word for Hoyt, or if it's just easier thinking he may be talking one criminal to another.
Kate and Charlie!!! Chate? Karlie? "Those two kissing while Angel Olsen played did more for the gay community than Chaos Machine/Jenneel ever could." You're not wrong!
I'm right there with them gossiping about Calian!
I didn't really see a kiss coming, but the chemistry he and Abby have is fantastic. And I did not see Tom's descent into torture coming. Now I'm really curious as to what he was in the asylum for.
Called it when I saw those photos of Tom and Shane for next week. I knew there'd be a way for Tom to be exonerated of killing Liam. (Even if he still might be guilty.)
I'm lucky that I get to rewatch WIndy as I'm typing! Along with everything else being fabulous, Hoyt looks fantastic in blue! (I think that's a Walkerverse constant!)
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0-cal-princess · 11 months
I think my friend is cutting me off cuz she found out about my eating this order so I'm gonna complain and moan about it 🍓
So basically you wanna cut me off after nearly 4 years of friendship because I got a little too silly and developed an ed??? Even after everything we been thru together??? Girl what the fuck. I never fucking judged you for the dumb ass shit you do even when I knew you were 100% in the wrong. You have no fucking right getting on your high horse calling me sick, saying I need help and that I'm doing something wrong when you partake in equally self-destructive behaviors, what the fuck??? I literally was there for you when your life was falling apart (which was 100% preventable if you just stayed put and did things the right way like i fucking told you but oh well), drying your tears and holding your hand because i love you and i care for you no matter what you did so it really fucking hurts me to see you ghosting and avoiding, and treating me all dry. I understand it was my fault for being honest and transparent with you about my issues but you're literally my best friend??? Like i've never opened up to anyone like I have with you, that's why i felt comfortable telling you about my bulim1a. i never expected you to react the way you're reacting and it honestly really fucking hurts my feelings. Ik you're going thru a lot but if you dont like me anymore you can just use your big girl voice and fucking say it to my face instead of ghosting me and treating me badly. we are fucking adults so why dont you act like one???? I never fucking offended you, or body shamed you, or said anything about your weight so why are you telling ME im losing too fast and obsessing over it??? you could have just kept your mouth shut and let it go like I do every time you talk to me about some dumb ass shit you do. anyways your fucking loss i guess, thanks for being my friend and im sorry we broke it off this way i hope nothing but the best for you and i really hope you work on your issues, i will strive to do the same
my friend confronted me about my ed and then ghosted me after telling her it wasn't that deep. I feel like a fool for spamming her phone trying to get a response out of her. ig i'll wait another day then i will text her the classic "did i do something wrong :(" typa shit. i just wanted to vent cuz i cant get it out of my head. it bothers me so fucking much like sis what the fuck since when are you the moral authority??? but anyways
I broke my purge-free streak yesterday and it wasn't fun. I couldn't even purge it all cuz it got to the point where i gave myself a horrible headache so i just let it be. I think i will go over my cal limit today as well so yay aint it fun?? I feel like somebody beat the shit out of me, i still have a pounding headache, my chest feels like somebody punched the shit out of it, i have no energy and my throat is fucked. Im also very dumb so i weighed myself and got spooked so I took some laxs as if my life is not miserable enough yaay for me. Never purging again in my fucking life (that's a lie). anyways thanks if you read it all, stay skinny ladies <3
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s1renidae · 11 months
"barbie dolls promote unhealthy body image etc etc why are you still supporting the movie"
have you considered: she slays
more importantly have you considered that there never has been and never will be any ethical consumption under capitalism and that people should be allowed to have fun and enjoy art even when you morally disagree with aspects of its production? have you considered the people in the movie are actual literal people and not the dolls, and that brushing off their efforts to diversify and heal the image the brand has created as "rainbow capitalism" while entirely true, is a moot point because no matter what they do or how they do it it would still be capitalism? would you truly prefer that barbie (and the artists behind the film, because those are real people too and are making real deliberate choices believe it or not) never made any effort at all to change or replace the harmful imagery that you're so upset about? as much as I'm sure we would all like them to, Mattel Corp and the barbie branding isn't going anywhere anytime soon, would you actually like it better if they stayed the same instead of giving the newer generations actual diversity and positivity? what would boycotting the movie do for anyone, apart from letting you signal to everyone how good a person you are for not supporting the film that's partially funded by the successors of the successors of the people who promoted harmful diet culture in the 60s/70s/80s? where do you get off calling people fake leftists for choosing to simply let themselves enjoy something cool and fun (and harmless in comparison to most other media that's being pumped out lately) instead of agonizing over how it's connected to bad things that they don't like and therefore they would be a terrible person for liking it. the movie is already made, it will make a shitassfuckton of money regardless of whether you spend your 20 bucks on a ticket, it's made by talented and at least somewhat well intentioned people, it's promoting good ideas that still desperately need more of a push into mainstream even if the way its done is flawed in some ways, capitalism will continue on killing us all even if we boycott the damn movie jesus fucking christ just let people have fun and not worry about every little moral nitpick that could label them as a bad person in someone else's eyes
"also Mattel uses child labor" yeah them and like every other major corporation including the ones that produce the equipment that's used to make 99.9% of the movies you watch as well as the clothes you're wearing and whatever electronic device you used to create and post your stupid fucking infographic. hop off your high horse and let people enjoy their silly pink outfits and nostalgic filters.
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senstrike · 9 months
‘i don’t pretend,’ he says, his voice a growl laden with blood and cigar smoke, ‘i’m not the one with the phony nice-guy front.’ the words are slow, drawn-out — a deliberate jab, aimed and fired. the beloved two-time all-valley champ, local celebrity: always the one with the moral high ground, always the good guy. defanging the cobra! like teaching kids how to look out for themselves is some kind of evil. like because he never made johnny wash his car the kid deserved to have his face kicked in. larusso deserves a fist to the face and kreese would be more than happy to give it to him ( couldn’t touch him / reached for the closest thing to him ), but the time for that has passed.
johnny lawrence learned forgiveness somewhere; where, his sensei cannot say. he’s taken larusso into his life with open arms, like that’s not inviting the enemy into your bed, like it’s not volunteering to jump into a pit of snakes. and that is what neither of them will understand: it’s easy to preach morality from your state-of-the-art showroom surrounded by luxury cars that cost as much as houses. ‘let me tell you somethin’, larusso. you’re not the hero in this story. so get down off your goddamn high horse and tell johnny to give me a call.’ he learned forgiveness somewhere.
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vadergf · 2 years
i had fun with this corny shounen anime love conquers all ending lmao i can see criticisms from a story perspective on like memory loss endings cause sometimes it makes past actions hollow but personally i think that depends on how s2 moves forwards bc people are already assuming everyone will just not remember anything and i have a feeling that some people remembering will actually be a source of conflict (ckarl, cfoolish, whatever relation dreamxd had with cdream and cgeorge) in the future, like imagine the drama of ctommy and cdream becoming close and then remembering what cdream did and handling that, etc
i feel like it also helps in fixing irl issues with ccs who just don’t wanna bother with more lore (tubbo is not gonna be willing or comfortable wrapping up his lore with ranboo probably, for example, and if it impacts his story thats a shame but that’s a risk this type of stories have when there isn’t a single person telling it). people just have no empathy or regard these ccs as people so they feel soo entitled as if they could carry the story they wanted in the medium and estructure the smp has, like no you aren’t getting an accurate portrayal of abuse in a story told through minecraft roleplay with 20+ writers all who just made shit up as they went along, if you are a single writer you don’t have to deal with the inconvenience of one of your characters simply being unavailable to appear in the story bc they have other shit to do lmao. sorry for wall text, i get this behaviour from kids but grown people throwing a fit after yesterday are so embarrasing like come on, by all means express your grievances and move on, don’t attempt to make a kid feel like he’s a horrible person for playing the oldest cliche of the hero and the villain becoming friends through the power of understanding and compassion
I loved the ending so much like yeah actually love and understanding are the answers to everything sorry you're fucking miserable ig !!!! Also what you said abt ppl who might want to stop doing lore or retcon certain bits like it's very true and this is giving them the perfect out (cranboo is leaving crab rave)
also I've never been a fan of the good portrayal of abuse in exile so this is harmful blah blah thing like get off your high horse ffs. media isn't black and white and if you want a good moral ending why don't you fucking read a children's bed time story book and fuck off from places where you need nuance
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
There’s something so inherently disturbing about shippers on a moral high horse who genuinely post, in public, that there must be something wrong with shippers of [ship]... when those same people unironically ship ships that I could easily list off a dozen moral failings and things that make that ship problematic. And I mean ships where you don’t even have to bend over backward, it’s really very openly right there in the main text.
The hypocrisy of this is what gets me. They are free to get off on their deeply twisted and problematic ship - but if they do, they really shouldn’t raise their noses at other people who ship other problematic ships.
Just enjoy your ship. Stay out of other shippers’ business. No need to make public posts acting like shipping is a “moral failing”. I mean, obviously, there is never a need to make public posts about the moral failing of liking certain fictional things. But just, twice as unnecessary when OP themselves likes the most disturbing twisted shit but somehow manages to justify why this is actually #goals and OTP material somehow...
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God I hate seeing pr o s h i p posts so much. Bc like. All the ones that get popular have the nuance of an unbaked potato.
if someone writes a story where bad stuff happens like pedophilia n shit, and it's v obviously not romanticized
im uncomfortable, but whatever. Not my thing, I'm gonna move right along.
If it's romanticized and "shipped", then im stealing shit from your house.
Ships are meant to be "i ENJOY seeing this happen and these characters together"
n if you try n say otherwise you don't know fandom shit or you're twisting words because it's what's nifty. Ships are something you enjoy seeing to the extent you're giving it a lil name or some shit so you can find MORE. that is the point. that's how it's always been. I've been in fandom for far too fuckin' long n never seen it used otherwise.
And it's fucking creepy if it's a ship w/ a minor and an adult. Drawing romanticized ship art n writing fic where it's totally normal and okay and there's none of the moral and ethical issues is gross.
That kinda shit is what led me to being groomed twice n almost taken advantage of. Because my teenage ass would see that shit and think "oh well it's fine if they understand eachother soooo well and they REALLY love eachother"
Yeah yeah dont censor yourself for kids or whatever but also like.
if VNs in the yandere boyfriend genre can put disclaimers that they contain shit typical of the genre you can put a disclaimer on your trash ship shit lmao
I'm not gonna send anyone hate over it bc fuckin'. I just do not care enough. But I am gonna avoid you and send only the most rancid vibes your way. I will feel nothing if I hear you fell down a manhole.
this kinda shit just fuckin pisses me off so bad lmao.
One of those things that makes me actually violently mad because so many pr sh people are like. SO fuckin high horse-y like "haha im so cool and unique bc im PrObLeMaTiC lmao get triggered snowflakes <3 ur a stupid idiot if ur uncomfortable fiction doesn't affect reality sweaty <3 even if u mention how ur life was actively harmed by this kind of thing idc <3 me jacking off to underage characters is more important than anything else <3"
"lookit me im so ACCEPTING and MORALLY SUPERIOR than these PURITANS"
when like.
the "puritans" are just "hey can you not be weird about underage characters n shipping them w/ adults?"
like. do your kink shit. Do your questionable relationship dynamics between grown adults. explore darker subjects. just don't romanticize adults fucking minors.
the bar is in hell but some people love to play fuckin limbo
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