#so go follow faem
finemeal · 1 month
Got sent an image in my head about something that would be tragic.
In WolfyTheWitch’s animatics, Polites wears a bandana on his head and then he ... ya know. So now I have this image that every time Odysseus embraces Polites' "Open Arms" ideology, he looks down at the bandana of his friend (at this point he's wrapped it around his wrist/arm as a reminder to remember them, prolly during ... Remember Them)
Then? During "Monster" he tears off the bandana as a symbolic showing that he will be embracing the "Ruthlessness is Mercy" ideology instead of "Open Arms" ideology he's been trying to hold onto
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n7punk · 3 years
WDtFD Fic Notes
WDtFD is now complete! I will be taking the rest of the month of November off from posting for the most part as I will be working on an original novel for NaNoWriMo, but I intend to come back to fic writing after that. See my announcement here.
Epilogue life:
Obviously these two have more healing to do, but it’s going to take years. Luckily, they have eternity to process their trauma. Catra has less guilt than Adora, but she has been through a lot, so it takes her awhile to settle down and really feel safe and loved. Adora struggles with what she has been forced to do, but being an enforcer for the coven helps her to feel like she is “making up” for what she has done.
Catra, despite pending the first several weeks making fun of it, comes to really like life on the faem. It’s the polar opposite of how she grew up while still being secluded enough that she can be in her preferred form with worry. As she slowly begins to meet the farm residence (under good conditions) she warms up to them and eventually befriends them too. Regardless, she loves their cottage. She calls it quaint to disguise the fact that she finds it cute.
Adora does get a new parasol, something like this, and she and Catra enjoy going out together, even if they spend most of their time on the farm so Catra can be herself. Adora gets a “real job” one summer just for shits and giggles and leaves all her coworkers thinking farmers are so backwards and withdrawn that they don’t know the basics of society, but hey, at least they don’t suspect she is a vampire. She mostly sticks to farming and coven business.
Adora does learn to cook, and recognize ingredients, exclusively because she wants to cook for Catra and help her in the kitchen, though it is a challenge when she doesn’t know how anything tastes or how much of something is good, so she always needs to follow a recipe, even if it’s one Catra made up and wrote down on a card for her.
As she alludes to in the end of the fic, Adora picks up poetry, though it takes her awhile to hone her skills. She writes poems to and about Catra, and when she eventually gets good, her poems have this timeless quality due to the almost “throwback” lifestyle she lives with little modernity. At one point, she begins publishing them and becomes quiet famous under one of her aliases. She uses a few to publish poems over the years, almost always in compilations focused on her life or sapphic love.
Catra is right about her immortality, though she would die if she lost Melog as she needs them to sustain her, and she is more susceptible to dying of injury due to her reduced healing factor (though she is also less likely to die this way than a human). She works a variety of jobs, taking up a few trades before she settles into carpentry and wood carving. Of course she uses her claws in addition to her tools, and she ends up building a little workshop near their house with Adora where she creates her pieces. She has a member of the coven sell them for her (as she doesn’t visibly age, she tries not to put her face out there in connection with her work, and then her stuff can be connected to a timeless, faceless studio and she can maintain and client base past what should be one carpenter’s natural life. She hires a few werecreatures in the coven to sell her stuff, in a similar way to how the farm sells its produce).
The two of them have a lot of trauma to work through, but in the end they settle down into a peaceful life on the farm.
Songs for this AU: Lykke Li - Until We Bleed (title track). The Wolven Storm (Priscilla’s Song) – The Witcher 3 Unofficial Soundtrack. One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death - Bring Me The Horizon ft Amy Lee. The Tradition – Halsey. I Will Never Die – Delta Rae. Haunted – Taylor Swift. 1121 – Halsey. Smoke – PVRIS. The Lighthouse – Halsey. You And I – PVRIS. Bells In Santa Fe – Halsey. Eyelids – PVRIS. Bad Habits – Ed Sheeran. Same Soul – PVRIS. Taste Of You – Rezz, Dove Cameron.
Chapter 1
This is my oldest AU ever, with the biggest lag time between concept and writing. I came up with this AU in late October in 2020 as Halloween was approaching, and I intended to write it soon after as I was writing SLAS at the time, but obviously other AUs kept calling to me, and then in March or April of this year I was like “what if I just wait until next Halloween for it” and then I…. ended up doing that lol. It has been a full year since I came up with this idea, but I’m really happy to finally be writing it.
I feel like I have to acknowledge/recommend SleepySappho’s vampire fic from last year. I think I came up with this AU before I read that (though it had been published for 3 months, I only go to the tags occasionally, and I have uncompleted works filtered out so the only way I found that one must have been someone recommending it to me), so it wasn’t actually inspired by that, but it’s good, so I would be remiss to ignore it completely. I don’t know if there are any other Catradora vampire AU fics, but I haven’t seen/read them lol. Another Catradora vampire AU that I got into after I had this fic idea was the CaSPOP AU on Twitter and every time it updated I would start yearning to write WDtFD again.
A puma and a cougar are the same thing, which I feel like a lot of people don’t realize, but I didn’t want to use the word cougar as a descriptor because it just sounded like I was talking about something else.
I was careful for Catra to never use the phrase “her heart/her heartbeat”, though Adora uses it often in reference to Catra. Catra has a weird relationship with the heart in her chest and doesn’t usually casually refer to it as her own. This led to some purposefully awkward phrasing that I left as a trail of breadcrumbs for the later reveal.
Catra mentioning Melog being made out of mud is a reference to Melog (Melog = golem) in the original She-ra, which was quite different. I saw an interview with Noelle where they said they wanted to have something like Clawdeen for Catra in the reboot, but it would seem like they were copying/infringing on Steven Universe if they had a pink lion companion even though it’s from the original show. Thus they made Melog, because Catra really needed a therapy cat lol.
Chapter 2
Shadow Weaver actually got a job at a prenatal clinic so she could scope out potential werecreature of dhampir children. She knew she would find a werecreature first, so when she came across Catra’s parents she was prepared to snatch her (accessing her home address in the office records) with the assistance of her supernatural abilities. Dhampirs are extremely rare. She expected it to take much longer to find one, perhaps even a lifetime that would necessitate her snatching another werecreature, but after a few months, a woman came through the clinic with an unusual pregnancy from a one night stand (vampires aren’t completely sterile, but the chances they get someone pregnant having unprotected sex are lower than the chances of pregnancy on birth control for mortals, and thus the father didn’t think twice about it). Shadow Weaver actually (unethically and illegally) discouraged the woman from terminating her pregnancy despite the problems it was causing her because she saw magical potential within her. When Adora was born, she was proven right and once again stole her in the night, leaving the area completely shortly after to raise the girls in reclusion.
Adora’s place has a built-in microwave, otherwise she wouldn’t have bothered with getting one.
When Angella and Micah were first courting, Angella had him over for dinner and had no idea what she was doing, so despite ordering the food, she still burned it trying to reheat it (she had never worked a microwave before and literally just had one for show). Her terrible cooking became a running theme/joke in their relationship. She would try to cook for Micah when he was sick and it would just make him sicker but he would still be touched by the gesture.
All supernatural creatures are resistant to someone else’s magic being used on them, but sires have compulsion abilities over their fledglings because those fledglings have their venom/magic inside them. Vampires have stronger compulsion abilities over mortals they have recently fed on for similar reasons, though the venom that is used to subdue prey during feeding is different from the venom used to shut down someone’s body and turn them.
Chapter 3
Comments: oh I’m worried about why there’s no chapter titles Meanwhile me planning this: I hate coming up with chapter titles and it’s a short fic so it doesn’t really need them, right???
Chapter 4
Writing Catra in human form was, like, hard. Like DT said something and I started to write about her ears pining back and then realized I couldn’t. Add on the fact that Adora didn’t have normal body responses like a heartbeat or that much of a need to breathe – though she still does it instinctively, so she could still gasp and stuff – and writing this fic was a unique challenge.
DT passes themselves off as just the manager instead of the owner, but they made up Peekablue for the purpose of tax evasion. No, I will not elaborate.
DT is watching Cats because because they’re a theatre kid and also thought it was a funny joke, but then it seemed fated since I missed this update because I was watching the recording with a group for Halloween. It isn’t good. The 2019 version was so bad I’m still struggling to believe that it was something a major company invested money and time in, saw the final results of, and still released it to the public. Should have just cut their losses and saved a bit of reputation lmao.
Catra’s hate of the butter smell is because of how horrid it smells to her one she shifts, but it’s also inspired by a friend I had who worked at a movie theatre and fucking hated the smell of move popcorn after that. It clung to their uniform and wouldn’t go away. There is a class divide at the movie theatre: those who prefer working concessions because you can watch the movies from that booth, and those who prefer to work the ticket booth because you can avoid ruining the smell of popcorn as much as possible. Catra aligns herself with the latter.
Melog’s mud can’t come loose as magic has granted them an actual body, but I think if you cut them in half then the center would be mud or mud-like (maybe like that pink tubby custard a vegetarian tried to pass off as industrial meat back in the day) and they would have the ability to reform like water-droplets.
They have paperwork because Angella, despite not being techno-phobic, doesn’t trust computers with coven matters on the basis that they could be hacked, so everything is manual/physical.
Micah doesn’t actually say shit like “I’m not mad, just disappointed” but he never raises his voice and even vaguely implied disappointment threatens to make Adora cry.
Chapter 5
This entire chapter is The Scene™ for this fic.
The feeding scene was supposed to be in the last chapter. Actually, it was supposed to be in chapter 3 in the initial outline of 4-5 chapters. As I was writing chapter 2 and I kept inserting scenes not in my initial plan, my outline grew to a solid 5 chapters, but I still posted it with a predicted count of just 4 because I would rather add chapters than take them away. The adjusted outline had the feeding scene at the beginning of chapter 4… and then I wrote chapter 3 and only got to half the stuff I wanted to, which pushed the feeding scene out again to the very end of chapter 4. Except when I got there, there had once again been more added scenes that meant I had run out of room and it got pushed to the beginning of chapter 5. What I had left in my plan was about 1 to 1 & ½ chapters from there, so I was like, I still don’t know for sure it’s gonna be 6 chapters, maybe I’ll just make the final chapter long, and I left the count at 5 until I finished that feeding scene and realized I was already at 6k for Chapter 5 T_T I finished the chapter and gave up on making the fic just 5 chapters at that point. I was so determined to make this a short fic with just 4-5 chapters and it just refused to happen.
Chapter 6
Adora not wanting to kiss Human!Catra was inspired by when I dated a girl with glasses and I felt like I was cheating on her when I kissed her while she had them off. She just looked so different that it felt wrong.
Melog doesn’t need to eat or feel much motivation to do so, but they do find smells interesting.
In this AU, the only way to become a werecreature is to be bitten by another one on the full moon and get their saliva in your bloodstream. You because whatever werecreatue they were, as each kind has its own strains, but appearances vary based on the person.
Adora’s job as an enforcer is to be the first line of defense before they call in a hunter, so she doesn’t kill people. Rather, she hunts them down and tries to talk to them to sort out misunderstandings and accidents. If what occurred was neither and they didn’t have a good reason for what they did, she then calls in hunters, helps them track the individual, and leaves it in their hands. She is hopefully able to help them before that is necessary, though if that isn’t possible, she is comforted by knowing she is helping to protect innocents from people like her.
Catra’s operation on herself is inspired by the five women in recorded history who have survived performing their own c-sections. One was in 2000 and both she and her baby survived. Reading about it is insane. Her name is Ines Ramirez Perez if you want to look it up, but don’t if you’re squeamish. Of course, a human could never remove their own heart, but Catra was still an undead vampire at that point in the operation and could only be killed via being staked, in addition to her werecat healing factor that helped her recover afterwards. A normal human, even if someone else performing the ritual, likely wouldn’t have recovered, but it would be possible, and anyone with a healing factor has far increased odds.
I don’t really explicitly confirm it, but Catra’s taste changed due to a combination of her new heart, the large transfusion, the change in her diet, the change in her health, her recent healing, and having detoxified her blood in the ritual.
The car isn’t mentioned really in this chapter because Adora didn’t get it back from the mechanic until a few days after the fic ended.
Original Outline:
This fic weirdly changed and… didn’t. The backstory changed, but my ideas for the fic itself were always centered around a few scenes, and those followed their outlines pretty well.
My original idea for the backstory was Catra and Adora having the same experience that they ended up having in the final version, but Shadow Weaver wasn’t acting alone. Rather, she was part of a vampire cult (along with Hordak and a few other villains) led by Horde Prime that’s entire goal was creating more higher vampires. It was going to be that Adora was eventually freed when hunters came after the cult, but them letting her live and not mistaking her for just another member of the cult would have been a bit flimsy. Truthfully, though, I changed this just because it was too dense of a backstory. The backstory for this fic is still dense, but this would have just been too much for a “short” fic. However, if this was a full length AU (9+ chapters), I would have kept the cult part of the backstory.
I also changed the world. In my original concept for the first, hybrids still existed so Catra was magicat that, as a werecat, could also transform into a full cat. However, as I wanted the supernatural community to be a secret in this AU, having hybrids also exist kind of “lowered the stakes” since there were already multiple races out in the world and the only reason for supernatural folk to keep themselves quiet would be fear of rejection based on their powers, I guess. It just made more sense for there to only be humans in this AU and all hybrids to be represented as a “halfway form” form for their respective werecreature (werecats & magicats, werelizards & lizardfolk, etc).
As far as the fic itself goes, there was only two changes, really: 1) everyone living on the farm rather than in a regular neighbourhood (which allows them the privacy to be their supernatural selves, so it just made more sense) and Catra not having a place of her own (which allowed for her to move into Adora’s place easier, crucial for the tight turnaround of this AU, and also hammered home the “always running” narrative). 2) is that… well, I came up with this idea before I wrote OTOS, but around the same time. What I’m saying is, in the original, Catra ran back to her own place after healing up, still bitter about the killing/turning thing, and she only returned to Adora when her heart started, thus prompting her to “temporarily” move in. However, I really am done writing heat, so after I wrote OTOS I knew that I would change that, and making it so Catra didn’t have her own place to stay allowed her stay Adora the whole time more easily.
I wrote a very detailed outline for the feeding scene, as well as snippets of other scenes, all on the same day that I came up with this idea and all of that only needed minor adjustment to work with where they ended up being by that point in the fic. Overall, the story of the fic largely didn’t change.
Batdora shenanigans
Chapter 1:
             Saturday: Hit with car.
             Sunday morning: Call Micah/Mara, wake up broken.
Chapter 2:
             Sunday afternoon: Glimmer and Bow come over, breakfast, bathroom, cuddle.
Chapter 3:
             Monday: Catra walking, throwing books, getting hot, Glimbow confrontation, nightmare.
Chapter 4:
             Tuesday: Catra going to work, DT, Glimbow talk, car, cuddle, night farming.
Chapter 5:
             Tuesday night/Wednesday early morning: feeding fight, waking up together, staying.
Chapter 6:
             Wednesday: Breakfast, unpacking, grocery store/kiss, first kiss/making out.
             Thursday: (Catra works), asks Glimmer about blood.
             Friday: Batdora walking, (Catra working), Asks Glimmer if Catra can stay.
             Saturday: Mara letter writing, handing off letter.
             Sunday: Melog’s fed up with moping.
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the-panmixxia · 3 years
Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children - Chapter 15; (in)Custody Weekend
Original Link (by me!)
Rating: Gen
Characters: Logan, Remy, Virgil
Ship: (eventual) Logan x Janus
Summary: Logan Sanders is so excited to study this exciting new creature that's been discovered! The spider-like creature is very interesting, and oddly adorable.
A few weeks later, a similar situation arises when an octopus like creature is discovered.
But surely they couldn't know each other. They aren't sentient. They're not related, and they definitely don't have an overprotective (and oddly attractive) snake parent looking for them. Nope, definitely not.
(or, how Logan became part of a monster family)
Warnings: Spider, accidental kidnapping, laboratory
Master Post
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(fic is not in this font)
Logan was so engrossed in his work, hunched over the laptop since four this morning, he almost missed the little patters coming downstairs. Without his dad there to wake him, Roman had woken up at just past nine, messy hair, clutching his Rarity teddy, and slightly confused.
"Daddy, good morning! I'm awake!" Roman greeted, cheerful despite the change in routine.
"Hello, dear, good morning to you, too. Did you sleep well?" Logan gave his best smile, closing out of the windows he had open, leaning back in his seat. In a few seconds, Roman was there, clamoring up to sit on his lap.
"Uh-huh! Was nice and cosy…" Roman glanced around as Logan played with his hair, noting the lack of packed lunch or school bag ready to go. "No school?"
"Not today, I'm afraid, I'm not going to work either."
Roman frowned, processing the information as he stared at daddy's desktop picture; Roman on a swing at the local park, smiling widely. The legs of the person pushing him was in frame, , reminding him of who wasn't here.
"Issit cause of Remy?"
"Is it." Logan corrected, before conceding. "And yes, in a way, but Remy hasn't done anything wrong."
"But he's still in trouble." Roman responded, somewhat sadly. Logan gave him a little squeeze.
"Yes, that's right, dear, but daddy is working on it."
Roman nodded along, kicking his little socked feet as he mused to himself. "What are you going to do, daddy?"
"Well, first, I'm going to cook us both some breakfast. Then I'll need to make some phone calls, then we're going to look for Remy."
"Maybe he's out getting a coffee."
Logan pressed a kiss to Roman's head, smiling softly. "Maybe. We'll check there first, huh?"
Later that morning, Logan approached their local Starbucks, Roman holding his hand and following. They'd gotten on a bus, since Logan's car was still seized to find non-existent evidence for Remy's alleged crime. Roman had only come here when in the car, whenever Remy managed to convince Logan to go through the drive-through so the teen could order - an event that had increased in frequency until they were here nearly every day.
The establishment was mildly busy, the rush of university students wanting a morning coffee had tapered down as lectures started, a few older couples and students deciding to skip class remained.
Roman tugged on Logan's jacket, prompting the scientist to scoop the toddler up in a secure hug as they waited in line.
The barista was only a little older than Remy, and a little shorter, looking rather tired yet with a cheerful expression. Logan readied his picture as it was their turn next, smiling politely as he read the name and pronoun badge.
Happy to help!
"Hi there, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?" Peter smiled, ready to type an order into the till.
"Hello. Sorry, I'm not here to purchase a drink, I need to make an inquiry."
"Oh. Do you need a manager? I-I can get you a manager, no problem.” Fae asked, glancing around for a superior.
“No thank you, I need to ask about a missing teen that comes here rather frequently. I fear he’s being pursued and would very much like to get to him first.”
“Oh, fuck.” Peter mumbled, before his eyes widened and stared at Roman, realising fae had cursed in front of a child. “I’m so sorry sir -”
“It’s quite alright. Please, look at this picture, I need to know if you’ve seen him.”
Peter blinked, smiling politely and leaning slightly to see the man’s phone. He recognised the teen instantly, how could fae not?
"That's Remy." Peter said, nodding, before realising that the customer probably knew that already and wanted more. "He's in here pretty much every day, knows all the staff and other regulars by their name. I mean, everyone knows the staff names cause we've got uh. He knows our names without - he doesn't have to look, you know?"
"Yes, I understand." Logan said, patient with the teen. "Have you seen him? Within the past two days?"
"Oh. No, actually, I haven't. Which is like, strange, do you know where he is?"
"I don't, he's missing."
"Ah, yes sorry. I uh, forgot."
Logan sighed, taking the phone back. "It's alright. I apologise for holding up your line, thank you for your time."
With that, he turned to leave, and though he hadn't expected much, he still managed to be disappointed.
"No Remy?" Roman asked, rather sadly, so Logan gave him an affectionate squeeze.
"I'm afraid not, dear, but we'll find him."
Next visit was to the college Remy attended, a rather small yet prestigious institution for science and industry that sat within an old church. Remy claimed that he simply enrolled because he 'loved the vibe'.
Roman was less shy in this building, tottling off to read displays, but responding with an enthusiastic 'Okay, daddy!' when he was reminded to stay where Logan could see him.
The person behind the desk was idly typing away, glancing up at Logan.
"Hello, my name is Dallon, and welcome to West Shores Technical, college of Sciences, Mathematics, and Industry. How can I help you?" The line sounded as forced as humanly possible, but Logan smiled regardless.
"Hello. I'm looking for a teenager I believe has gone missing - he goes here, so I was hoping I could receive some useful information on where he could be."
The receptionist clicked their tongue, looking around the desk before sighing slightly. "I can't tell you much unless you're a carer, what name is it under?"
"Remington Dormir, first year."
"Hmm, uh okay, is he in biochem level four?"
Logan puffed up slightly, feeling proud that Remy was at such a high level at such a young age - being able to skip three whole levels, totalling six years, due to his intelligence and dedication. After a moment he realised that he hadn't responded, and nodded.
"Ah, yes, that's him. I have a picture of him, if you'd like to match it to the student id."
Logan showed the picture on his phone, watching as the receptionist eyed it critically for a moment.
"Yeah. That's him. Are you a relative?"
"Not exactly…"
"Oh, are you Logan?"
Logan blinked, but nodded. "Um, yes, how did you know?"
"You're the only contact listed."
"Oh…" Logan mumbled, feeling a little sombre. Obviously he wanted to be on it, but to be the only one listed -
"He's put your relation down as 'science guy'."
Logan laughed slightly, caught off guard. "Yes, that sounds like something Remy would say. So, do you know if he's here? Has he been in here today?"
"No. He's not been in since Monday to attend a lecture, and has spent the rest of the week in work placement."
Logan physically deflated, the stress of getting his hopes up and having his time wasted.
"Okay, well thank you for helping…could I please ask that you call me if Remy does happen to show up? I'll leave my number if you need."
"It's okay, we have it. You're a contact."
"Oh, yes, sorry. I'll get going then, come on Roman." Logan called, watching as Roman tottled over from watching a plasma ball.
"Bye bye!" Roman called to the receptionist, smiling sweetly. "Thank you for letting me play with your toys!" He beamed, gesturing to all the nick nacks dotted around the lobby.
"Aww." Dallon cooed, gentle. "You're welcome."
Logan smiled for a moment, before sobering back up, and leaving - holding Roman's hand as he went.
The search continued much like that, a litany of people unable to help. Dallon had called later that evening, only to tell him that the police had showed up to the college demanding the same information with no warrant.
The news was frustrating, though he forwarded the information to his attorney, and went about his business.
Sunday morning was spent, as usual, at the park with Roman. It was a children's play group that he adored, though Roman insisted on walking a lap around the park with Logan first, in case they found Remy. There was no luck, though Roman did enjoy petting a very muddy doberman, in turn becoming rather muddy himself. Logan simply hoped it didn't reignite the 'can we have a dog' conversation.
Playgroup ran smoothly, though Roman often paused mid-game to watch his dad, picking up on the nervousness Logan was radiating. The scientist tried to relax, and give a little wave, but Roman only nodded, more certain that his daddy was upset about something.
He'd taken Roman to a family-run café for lunch, the toddler politely asking for macaroni and cheese before working on his activity mat with an intense focus. Logan had connected to the cafe's Internet so he could keep in contact with his solicitors via email. He received the notification from his news app, the headline instantly catching his attention.
Logan scanned the headline, frowning deeply as Remy's face was plastered over the tabloid. The story was framing Remy as collateral in a horrific robbery - though it was more accurate than Remy being the perpetrator, it was clear that the authorities were hoping a good samaritan would find Remy and call them.
He bit back a simmer of rage, glancing around the cafe as if checking who was watching. He half expected one of the scientists to be sat at another table, laughing at his disdain, but alas. Roman was still working diligently, colouring in a sentient milk carton bright pink.
Right, this situation wasn't ideal, but it was surely manageable.
Dialling their main solicitor, Tyler, confident they'd pick up despite the out-of-office hours. After five rings, Logan was correct.
"Tyler Windsor speaking."
"Yes, hello, this is Logan Sanders. I need a meeting with you, as soon as possible."
A moment passed before Tyler responded. "Oh. I've just seen the headline. Nine Thirty, tomorrow morning? Should be enough time to drop your kid off at daycare."
Logan scoffed, stroking Roman's hand as the child stopped drawing to look at him. "Roman isn't going anywhere until I have assurance another officer won't be able to take him without my consent."
"Yeaaaahhh." Tyler responded awkwardly. "Still trying to figure out how he was able to do that. The warrant certainly didn't cover it."
"I'll see you tomorrow, thank you for seeing me on such short notice. Enjoy your Sunday."
Roman gently handed his daddy a blue crayon, smiling as his expression softened. "Is okay daddy, we'll find him."
Logan smiled at his son, holding his hand.
"Thank you, Roman. We will find Remy, and he'll be okay. For now we need to wait nicely for our food to come." He inspected the activity mat, smiling gently at the doodles. "Can you tell me what you're drawing?"
Remy didn't manage to sleep, despite the fact his head was throbbing painfully and his eyes were tired, the weird situation he found himself in made falling asleep rather difficult - nevermind his chronic insomnia acting up. It was still pitch black when he clumsily rose back up, eyeing all the weird shadows cast in the room. The only light he had was the glow of the strange forest outside, slowly changing hues every few minutes. It was calming, in a way, though Remy had no idea what was making it glow like that.
"Wonder if I could get an uber out here…" He mumbled to himself, trying to stay somewhat relaxed in such an odd situation.
Wandering out the room - not his room, regardless of what snakey said - revealed a slightly more illuminated hallway, though the long, empty corridors instantly put Remy's hackles up. It was just wrong.
Creepy. Didn't like it.
"Don't like it." He whispered, to no one in particular.
Back down the stairwell, because now was not the time to snoop, Remy just wanted to see if there was any way to go home.
He determined the front door was locked after a moment of uselessly wiggling it, along with all the windows, although it was a perfectly normal thing to do at night Remy couldn't help the flicker of frustration and nervousness at being closed in.
"Ugh, this suuucks. Where's Lo…"
A sudden, gentle tap on his leg was enough to startle Remy, jerking backwards and almost tripping over the little guy.
Virgil trilled in concern, uncurling now it was safe, and staring up at Remy. Even he could tell the human was a little shy, especially around Papa and Uncle Pat. When Virgil was woken up, nestled in a big web above Papa's door, he thought that Remy might've been going to knock on the door. It's what Virgil and Remus do if they can't sleep - instead, he went downstairs to mess with the door.
Silly, that wasn't how you got back to sleep.
Ideally papa would be here, but Virgil was happy to lead Remy to the couch.
"Where are you taking me, spider baby? Is this revenge for stealing you?"
The creature, the baby, just tittered at him, urging him to follow until they got to the couch.
"Uh, nice couch? What do you - oh yikes you're crawling up me, here -" Remy huffed and shifted around to accommodate the spider, stroking his carapace gently.
Virgil chirped, wriggling, trying to encourage the human to sit down.
"What? I'm holding you! Am I doing it wrong?" Remy frowned, examining his hold, anywhere that could be causing issues.
Virgil made a series of clicks, standing on Remy's shoulder before deliberately dropping into a lie position, and repeating. After a moment of blank staring, Remy lowered himself onto the couch, sighing at the celebrating chirps.
"Weird baby." Was his only comment, though kept a careful hold on Virgil's carapace.
Unbeknownst to him, the serpine father was at the top of the stairs, listening in with a soft smile.
Virgil set about making himself comfortable, turning in little circles on Remy's chest before plopping down. The teen sighed, breath tickling the spider.
"Cheeky little thing, you are. Just using me as a bed. I've got plans, you know!"
The spider baby began purring, unprompted, sending pleasant rumbles through his sternum.
Remy was a little chilly, but it didn't stop him from drifting.
And soon enough,
He was…
Too deeply asleep to notice as a soft, warm blanket was tucked in comfortably with six arms, a gentle hand touching his forehead affectionately before leaving the two to sleep on the couch.
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hi!! i have an oc named hongwon and i was wondering if he can have some neopronouns 🥺 nounself ones are Cool tm too !!
i don’t have much abt him, since he tends to change w/ every fic i write abt him, but here are a few Fixed Traits, so to say: he has two bfs (seoyun and yijun), who love him (+ each other) a lot !! he’s genderfluid, and he’s an Exhausted Student who mostly skips school (much to the disappointment of his bfs, who Try Rly Hard to encourage him to go /at least/ twice a week 😭.) oh :oo and he rly likes video games, specifically horror ones !! wants to start streaming them as either a hobby or do it full-time once/if he ever graduates !!
i hope this is enough info abt him🥺 thank you so much!!!!!! and i hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night !!
hey there! i apologize for how late this is. i hope it's worth the wait! so, for Hongwon, i decided on three sets today. the first is fae/faem/faer/faers/faemself, the second is nyct/nycto/nyctos/nyctoself, and the third is em/ems/emself. here we go!
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I just met this new OC, faer name is Hongwon! I think that's really cool, fae must be awesome! It seems like fae's genderfluid, which is pretty neat to see, and fae's also got two boyfriends. I bet fae loves faer boyfriends. It also seems like fae doesn't like school very much, because fae keeps skipping, but hopefully fae can get some rest and maybe try school again.
It seems like nyct really enjoys video games! Nyct likes horror games the most, and who could blame nycto? Nyct's got great taste, horror games are where it's at! I wonder what nyctos favorite horror game is. It also seems like nyct would like to stream nyctos playthroughs, which would be really fun to watch! I bet nyct would get a pretty good following online if nyct did that.
I bet em's really sweet and nice to be around. If ems boyfriends love em so much, then em must be pretty special!! I bet em is a good friend to those who know em, I'm sure a lot of people enjoy ems company! I wonder if em makes friends easily. Maybe people like to make friends with em first, and now em's found emself with a large friend group. Or maybe there's only a few people em calls friends. Either way, em's a fantastic OC, and I can't wait to see what happens with em!
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once again, i am so sorry for how late this one is. i really tried to make it worth the wait, but still. if you want me to try again, send me an ask and i can try different neos! have a good one!
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redmoonrises · 3 years
Hey can you tell me about the creaturae plot? Cause I have no idea what it’s about
hoooo boy, this is gonna be a long one XDD
i'll start with saying that a lot is still up in the air, but there's a pretty solid skeleton of what i want to happen for certain characters and events.
imma put it under the cut because again. l o n g .
in the beginning, there was place where all stories end. a universe dedicated to the fragments and remains of all the stories that had been completed, or that never would be. and in the beginning, there was a grove, tucked into the folds of the universe, a single tree with red, green, and golden apples, guarded by three who did not know where they'd come from before.
paz, rev, and emi only ever knew the grove. each guarded a fruit, and they all guarded the grove together. not that anyone knew where it was to conquer it. one day, paz broke a twig from the tree and it transformed into a pencil, allowing her to access her powers of creation. rev discovered they could build their own creations. soon after, two doors appeared. paz entered one, and it vanished. rev and emi entered the other.
paz's door took her to what was known as a city-fragment. these floating bits of planet were essentially capitalist cities, run by mafia and banking clans and casinos. while there, she unknowingly entered a death-game. upon winning, she became a death-god as all others who won these games were. it was in this city she first met dorian, and while working with faem out of necessity (dorian is also a death-god) and eventually friendship, she used the name iden.
rev and emi landed in a world of magic and fantasy. a fragment of a long-since forgotten magical world. rev learned as much as they could, honing magic and their own power until they could learn no more. determined to gain more ability, they sought out the fabled death-games, participating in one and winning. they too became a death-god, taking on draconic features. the price? they could never return to the magic-fragment, as the citizens did not allow travelers from the city-fragments. rev and emi moved on.
rev had a vision. they brought together fragments and bits of worlds, shaping and forming them into the donut-shaped planet now known as creaturae. creaturae, for it was the last name rev had given themself. some fragments, such as the isolated city-fragments, were left untouched. but iden and dorian sensed the powerful death-god rev had become, and travelled to creaturae to investigate.
the three had reunited. iden took the name parzival, and along with rev and emi explored this new planet. dorian vanished, under the radar, and began to create the labyrinth that phased between worlds and connected creaturae to horrors and wonders yet unknown.
parzival became bored. she decided to create an island. one part of creaturae fully under her control. she found adrian- a character from a story she'd written with others, a crossover into reality. she brought him to creaturae, to the castle on her island, for his story had ended with the deaths of all the others. she formed a city, a replica of one adrian knew well. for some time there was peace, and quiet.
then it all shattered. characters from adrian's story were brought back through the librarian's timeline as fictionals- meaning they could only die the way they had in their story. other than that they were functionally immortal. adrian was reunited with lucien and jay, the three having been married for some time in the previous story (nicknamed the neapolitan trio). others had returned too, and settled into the city. (the story adrian, jay, and lucien are from is the coalition files, which me and a couple irl friends have been working on for a while. it's kind of sci-fi and superpower story thing and also very complicated lol).
disaster struck. other timelines were creeping in on creaturae, and parallels were springing up. those on parzival's island found themselves trapped living plots aligned with those in stories that had already occurred. conflict after conflict, even rev and emi getting involved to try and stop it. by the time it was brought to a close, nothing would ever be the same again. (this part follows dream smp plot points because i was hyperfixating on that when i wrote it, but it's only essential for character development, not a synopsis, so i won't go into a ton of detail).
during a massive battle, jay calls on her doppelgangers from other timelines of her story. two are most prominent: darkjay and white crow, each with powers similar and different to her own, with their own stories and tragedies lived. whit uses fire manipulation to burn away parzival's flight wings, leaving her defeated. she surrenders and is placed in prison under guard of jay. the parallels still raged for some time after this. while in prison, parzival takes on the name genesis, using he/him pronouns. rev isolates themself with emi, trying to avoid the parallels but only being drawn further into them.
it's revealed that the labyrinth, dorian's creation, is the cause of the parallels seeping into creaturae. in a final bid to break their hold, genesis is released from prison and assists rev, neapolitan trio, and the jay syndicate (the group jay and her doppelgangers formed) in finally freeing creaturae of the parallels. the labyrinth remained, but the power was under control.
rev formed an organization known as tahva (it's an acronym, idk what it stands for yet i just like it) to help them protect creaturae, the surrounding fragments, and the universe they reside in. they hire dorian to help them by monitoring the labyrinth, which fae agrees to (he's probably just bored tbh). emi helps rev any way he can.
genesis (once again using the name iden) and dorian mostly separate from the others, basically for everyones' mental health. after all, parzival was the mastermind behind the tragedies caused by the parallels, and dorian's labyrinth only worsened the problem. the two take up refuge in a woodland mansion as minecraft mechanics begin to affect creaturae, lowering the stakes by making death impermanent. dorian spends far less time at the mansion than iden does, travelling between city-fragments to help rev and tahva take down capitalist schemes, wandering the labyrinth, etc. but fae always make time for their friends.
iden has been through... a lot. i gave my sona just as much trauma as i did p much all the other unwilling participants, especially during his time in prison. everything after the parallels are defeated i refer to as "post-plot" because it's largely undefined (deliberately so) and is time reserved for all the characters to heal. because soft as i am, i can't let this end as a hurt/no comfort story. so heal they will, even if there's bumps along the way.
there's a lot i left out for the sake of trying to summarize this best as possible, i tried to include anything plot-important though.
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Duchy Conversation 4
[27/03, 4:29 AM GMT - 27/03, 6:13 AM GMT]
[The following transcript details the conversation is between one of the Crown ARG Discord members and Duke on Twitter]
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Donti: “Hi! How was your day?
Its me again :)c
((If its late or youre sleeping dw about responding :p))”
Duke: “Forgive my tardiness, my embroidery was enchanting me so that my ears laid unaware!
How do you do, Donti? It is the Duke speaking. I must say, my sister has quite the opinion of you!”
Donti: “Oh its great to talk to you again Duke :D I hope I left a good impression! Is your embroidery going well?”
Duke: “It is going quite splendid! The Crown truly does spoil us, giving my sister and I such rich-coloured thread. Truly we are fortunate for his generosity and love.”
Donti: “Ohh! Good colors always make embroidery fun! What are you making?”
Duke: “I must ask though - as a sheep yourself why must you graze on such nimble hearts? Wolves are not supposed to concern themselves with the opinions and thoughts of prey such as yourselves but Prince is but a pup, why must you all be so cruel? I am quite interested in the answer, you see, because it is I who saw the tear tracks down faers face and I who heard the drums of despair in this household.”
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Donti: “Oh..
Are you talking about blunt anon?
All of us are very angry at them, whoever they are.
I promise they do not reflect us as a whole.”
Duke: “To answer your previous question however, I am making a rose for Baroness. I do feel horribly for how I was unable to aid her with her spoiled dress so I do hope this gift soothes her and shows that there is no ill will from I to her.”
Donti: “Thats nice! Baroness loves flowers and nature! Thats super thoughtful of you. Im sure she'll love it :D
But back to Prince... Are fae ok? we're worried about faem.”
Duke: “"Blunt anon" is quite a peculiar name I must say. Indeed that is the scoundrel I speak of. It is wonderful to hear that you all are not that way - frankly, if I suspected you were the one to make Prince cry I would have simply neglected to respond, as is customary when one deals with enemies of one's family. Prince is currently recuperating, poor thing. A bleeding heart only leads to death and yet fae still has not learned that yet. I do wish you to send out a warning if you would be so kind - do let anyone know that if they ever treat Duchess in such a matter they will swiftly come to regret it. A gentleman does not revel in violence but she is my most dearest sister.
I thank you for your kind words however, I do indeed hope she enjoys my gift so - do not tell the others but she may be the only one in this family I can truly connect to on an intellectual setting, besides my sister of course.”
Donti: “Ill tell people not to be rude to Duchess. Not that they would.. Im pretty sure they like her :D”
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Donti: “"Blunt anon" came when people would send... Rude asks to people. It was originally just blunt questions. But it escalated to... What happened to Prince :( We're trying to find them, but theres only so much we can do
Oh wait! have other people reached out to you all yet?”
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Donti: “I know some of my good friends have talked to duchess.. But not to you yet!”
Duke: “Ah, indeed people have reached out and only Duchess was there to greet them. It pains me of course but I found myself with activities to do throughout the day. Schooling is still important to Duchess and I so that took up quite a bit of time - do not tell Crown but I was indeed spending time taking in the beauty of ballet instead of working purely on my Latin. Tea time too is an important affair, especially for I, and then it is always important to spend time with ones sister! So alas, you have been the only one I have graced with my thoughts and feelings out of your crowd of sheep.”
Donti: “Hm. I like the name sheep... Its a little kinder than "plebs"
You seems to like a lot of.. Elegant things! (I hope thats the right word) like embroidery and ballet! Where did you learn such refined taste :oc”
Duke: “Where did I learn such refined tastes? They have always been apart of me, you must understand. The Crown helped unlock those parts that I kept buried deep away and help nurture them. Oh such a brute I used to be! No care for the finer things in life, only one-upping my beloved sister. To think I used to slide in the dirt just for a measly point - bah! Truly I am in much debt to the Crown, for without him I still may have been a unruly fool.”
Donti: “... You played sports before you met Crown?”
Duke: “My sister and I both did, yes. It does not do well to dwell on such miserable times, Donti. This is why little one you are still a lamb.”
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Donti: “Oh! If you don't want to talk about it, you dont have to! ^u^ Friends dont force their friends to talk about uncomfortable things!
Hm... But if the plebs are sheep... And I am a lamb... Who is the shepard...?”
Duke: “How sweet! Tell me, little lamb, who do you think the shepherd is? Or if there is one at all?
If you are a little lamb then I must ask, is there a Mary to be found alongside you as well?”
Donti: “Hm.... I think from our perspective the shepherd, (or shepherds in this case) would be our lovely mods :D
But from your point of view? Its most definitely Crown!
Andd.. Im assuming a Mary is a leader... Little lambs follow Mary after all... Hm. A lot of us have shown leadership at some point in time or another! It really depends on the scenario!”
Duke: “Intriguing.
It depends on the scenario you say?”
Donti: “Yep! People take charge depending on whats happening, and sometimes theres no leadership, just us discussing and working through it!
Why do you ask?”
Duke: “When the flocks have gone and left and all there is is the gentle bobbing of the water, who do you trust to save you from drowning? While you thrash and scream and feel yourself weaken who do you look towards for guidance? When the taste of salt kisses the interior of your esophagus whose name is on the tip of your dying tongue?
For I, it is the Crown, as he saved my sister and I from exactly that fate - but who is it for you?”
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Donti: “Hm.. As a "flock" we all support one another.. That way, we can have multiple points of support! One person supporting that many people would be very stressful for that one person, you know”
Duke: “Of course.
Even then in a home all parts play along and join in the symphony but even with that, some are still load-bearing.
Who would be your load-bearing walls? All I ask is for some simple names, you understand. My curiosity is much like a cat, you see. Only satisfaction may truly bring me back.”
Donti: “Hm.. Are you asking for the names of my friends?
Well. There's Jack and Raeva, whom Duchess has spoken with, I think. Llyr, Ren, and Luna are also friends of mine. But I try not to burden them.
They are not so much load bearing pillars, but more of frail walls to shield me from the cold.”
Duke: “The drifting breezes that bring forth frost and tremors truly are such tiresome times. That you have shields is wonderful and it does ease my heart, but I do feel as though I must impart some wisdom else I'd be an unfavourable acquaintance - do try and build yourself a roaring inferno, little sheep.
Have so much fire around yourself that the winds cannot glance your way and even the Grand Archer Yi looks on with fear.”
Donti: “... And what if the fire burns me?
What then?”
Duke: “Do you think yourself unable to control the flames?”
Donti: “...Yes. Flames are temperamental, after all. When the inferno's dried up every last bit of water and eaten all of the wood, what will it turn to?”
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Duke: “You want the answer to be yourself, I can see you reaching for it with an outstretched palm. Here is the truth: you can quell flames easily with just a few words. You can breathe in the ash and let the smoke dissipate. You do not have to be burned.
Ah, but these are just fun matters to think about. Do not dwell on my words too much. I would hate for you to overthink just simple pondering.”
Donti: “...Ill take your words to heart, friend. Even if it's just banter.
How do you know this?”
Duke: “Do not cause yourself concern with such a thing. In case I have caused you to distress then please do take this video as repentance. Isn't it so lovely how she spins?
Donti: “Oh! that is a pretty video.. I wonder how long it took for her to make it so effortless..?
Do you dance?”
Duke: “Such an exquisite form of art. The mastery she has put forth would bring others to shame and ruin. A true professional since birth. I myself do not dance in this way - my sister and I are well versed in the waltz and ballroom dance as is customary for our statuses - but ballet alludes me. Alas, if only that was the direction I chose for my life to go but no matter - I have embroidery, poetry and oil painting to keep me truly green from envy.”
Donti: “Those are very enviable hobbies! I imagine you're skilled at them too! As for ballet... Ive heard that in order to dance that way, one has to go through great pain. I'd hate for you to experience that”
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Duke: “A bit of suffering is always worth the pain if beauty and joy can be received in the end, do you not think?”
Donti: “As long as youre happy, I suppose!
I’m sorry to cut this short, but its getting late for me! And probably for you too ^^
I hope you rest well!”
Duke: “I hope you have humble dreams and a quiet rest. Goodnight, little lamb.”
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Discord pt 72
[14/03, 4:03 AM GMT - 14/03, 5:35 AM GMT]
Special Edition: A Court Trial was conducted for the defendant, Discord Member Syd, who has been charged with the crime of committing espionage for Crown by revealing the Discord server’s secret chat to Prince. 
Cast List:
Defense Attorney: Dreaming
Jury Members: Donti, Socks, Chat, Corporeal, Raeva
Prosecutor: Snow
Witnesses: Grimm, Jack
The trial proceeded as follows:
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boo: “hi
uhh. all rise. court is now in session. honorable judge boo presiding”
Syd: “[everyone rises, the prosecution snow and dreaming make their way up to the front of the courtroom to give their opening statements]”
boo: “alright prosecutor what's your opening statement”
snow: “Good evening, my name is Snow and I’ll be serving as the prosecutor before this jury on this dramatic case. On the 19th of February, 2021, the defendant admitted to committing espionage. I am confident that by the end of this case the jury will agree that the defendant is guilty.”
boo: “okay. defendant's attorney, please provide your opening statement”
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dreaming: “good evening members of the jury and judge boo my name is dreaming and today we are meeting to discuss a case involving syd, a appreciated member of the server that informed a member of the court, prince, about a secret chat on the server. throughout the trial, we will be interviewing witnesses and show that while my client did commit the crime, she should be given lesser punishment as she owned up to her mistakes and has reformed her ways.”
snow: “The prosecution calls Jack the Observer to the stand.”
Jack the Observer: “[i go up. two hologram-esque red eyes float around me, slightly glitching and flickering in and out of existence.]”
snow: “Jack, were you present during Syd’s confession to revealing the secret chat?”
Jack the Observer: “i was not present at the time of it happening, no.”
snow: “What is your impression of the impact of the secret chat being revealed?”
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Jack the Observer: “I understand that many people were upset and felt betrayed. but no knowledge was lost that crown could not have easily gained through other means.”
snow: “How are you familiar with the defendant?”
Jack the Observer: “i met her when she was already in prison, some weeks ago. i was the first person to see her after she was arrested, besides Fetch and the Warden, and i have been visiting her regularly since. i would consider us close friends.”
snow: “Based on that familiarity, why do you think the defendant committed the crime?”
Jack the Observer: “she has told me that she was trying to help prince. and that, at the time, she believed in Crown's ideals of a "happy family" and wanted to join him. i believe her.”
snow: “I have no further questions, thank you for your time.”
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snow: “I call Grimm to the stand.”
Jack the Observer: “[i go sit back down]”
grimm: “[They get up to the stand, and shake out their wings. They clasp their hands together nervously, though they have a steeled look on their face.]”
snow: “Were you present during the defendant's confession?”
grimm: “I was”
snow: “What were your emotions during the reveal?”
grimm: “Rather neutral, I hadn't yet grown any strong emotions or attachments here yet so I could only watch without much to think. It was already known that there some sort of bug amongst us.”
snow: “What effects do you think the leaks of the secret chat had?”
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grimm: “It obviously had some sort if impact to the present day, although it honestly doesn't as major as it should feel.”
snow: “How do you feel about the defendant now?”
grimm: “That she is someone who's learnt from her mistakes, who would rather not make those mistakes again.”
snow: “Thank you for your time, that is all the questions i have.”
grimm: “[Grimm returns to their seat]”
snow: “[Prosecutor returns to their seat]
[Prosecutor grabs a case file and stands back up]
I call the defendant, Syd to the stand.”
Syd: “Oh... Okay.
I wasn't expecting this.”
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snow: “Syd, how did you first contact Crown?”
Syd: “I never contacted Crown.
I contacted Prince.”
snow: “Were you unaware that Crown had access to Prince's discord?”
Syd: “At the time, yes. I didn't know that he had access to faer Discord.”
snow: “When you said that we were being watched, were you already contacting Prince? “
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Syd: “I'm sorry, can you screenshot the message in question? I don't know which one you're referencing.”
snow: “Of course.
[[Screenshot ID: [arc: keep stuff that we’d normally put in secret in secret and stuff that we wouldn’t in other c...]
Syd: “And remember, we’re being watched regardless of where we post”]]
Syd: “Ah yes, that message.
That was the day before I had contacted Prince, I believe.
Essentially, I was telling the group that even if they tried to keep secrets, the Court would find out.”
snow: “I see.
When you leaked the secret chat, how did you think it would help Prince?”
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Syd: “At that time, I...
I guess I really wanted to a part of the Family. And I thought that the only way to do so was by gaining the Court's trust.
I also wanted to mention that I believe I contacted Prince the same day that message was posted.
That was my mistake, I apologize.”
snow: “Did you believe it would make the family appear more or less open to Prince?”
Syd: “---aah fuck--
My head has been hurting... uh.”
snow: “Take a moment, then.”
Syd: “What was the question again?”
[Meanwhile, on another channel where the other members were spectating the Trial from]
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Maxwell: “Oh jeez do you think syds okay?”
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Maxwell: “She said her heads been hurting...”
Jack the Observer: “she's been bedridden for a few days
been ill for like a week”
Maxwell: “Oh no”
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Jack the Observer: “honestly she could not get out of bed until literally today, so. uh. yeah”
Maxwell: “Holy, do you know what’s wrong?”
grimm: “I don't like this”
boo: “i tried to dull it down for today but
it did not work
so there's that”
Jack the Observer: “she's just been ill. and having visitors while she was sick didn't help”
boo: “...me not taking care of her while she was sick didn't help either”
Jack the Observer: “we're thinking of moving her out of the mineshaft to get better after the trial, if it goes well.”
boo: “yeah”
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Maxwell: “Oh no”
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boo: “we won't disclose locations of course”
Jack the Observer: “you were indisposed, not your fault”
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Maxwell: “Of course I understand”
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boo: “it's a warm biome i think it's far enough from here”
Maxwell: “Is she....okay?”
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Maxwell: “....”
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Jack the Observer: “she'll get better”
Maxwell: “We can’t even really help, we can’t disrupt the trial. It’d be best to wait till after it’s over”
[Back at the Trial:]
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snow: “How did you expect Prince's perception of the family to be impacted by leaking the secret messages?”
Syd: “I..
I... think at the time that... it didn't really change faer perception of the family?
I told Prince that... there was trust issues from the group...”
snow: “As in the arguments over whether we could trust Crown?
Syd: “...Yes”
snow: “Did you dislike the arguments?
Or the fact people were anxious of Crown?”
Syd: “I think they're not really... uh....
Sorry, I'm having some trouble focusing”
snow: “Please answer my questions.”
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Syd: “I'm trying!
I don't want people to fight
I think that's what you're asking, right?”
snow: “Yes. And also, did you want to trust Crown?”
Syd: “I did... yes
snow: “So when you contacted Prince, did you do so with the intentions of wanting faem to do the same?”
Syd: “I... think so?”
snow: “Are you struggling to remember due to time or other factors?”
Syd: “I-
I’m fine...”
snow: “Are you in any pain or duress right now?”
Syd: “I'm. Fine.”
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snow: “...
boo The prosecution has finished the cross examination.”
Syd: “...”
boo: “alright. uh, dreaming, you can now call your witnesses”
dreaming: “[they get up and go to the stand]
the defense calls Jack the Observer to the stand”
Jack the Observer: “[i go up]”
dreaming: “hello jack, were you present during syd's confession?”
Jack the Observer: “...
i already said that i wasn't.”
dreaming: “sorry, how did syd telling prince about the secret channels affect you?”
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Jack the Observer: “no.
i mean it certainly made things around here more interesting. and it did eventually lead to Syd's imprisonment, which is how i met her. so tangentially it did, but not directly.”
dreaming: “okay, how do you think syd has changed during her imprisonment?”
Jack the Observer: “as far as i can tell, Syd underwent the most change during her initial stint in maximum security. once in lower security she had already realized she was initially in the wrong, had developed a strong aversion to Crown and things which reminded her of him, and felt deeply guilty for her betrayal.”
dreaming: “do you think syd would be still loyal to crown if she was freed today?”
Jack the Observer: “if allowed free will and with no outside interference? no. absolutely not.”
dreaming: “okay that's all the questions i had for you.”
Jack the Observer: “[i go sit back down]”
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dreaming: “the defense calls Grimm to the stand”
grimm: “[Grimm stretches as they stand up and go to the stand]”
dreaming: “how do you think syd's imprisonment has changed your perception of her?”
grimm: “Do you mean what I think of her as? Who I think she is now?”
dreaming: “yes”
grimm: “I talked to her a lot in prison. At first, when I came here I didnt have any attachments but, admittedly shes become on of my attachments. My first visit, I talked with her about what she did and she made it very clear that she regretted it. She's very much against what she did.”
Syd: “.....I... ugh.”
snow: “[glances towards her] Syd, are you alright?”
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Syd: “shit.
I'm okay Prosecutor.”
dreaming: “that's all i had to ask grimm thank you for your time.”
grimm: “[They take a glance at syd before nodding and going back to their seat.]”
Syd: “...”
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