#so ion know know dabi
splataii · 1 year
so uh @b1ueprinc3 made a post and i was inspired to make this drabble.
pervert manager dabi x male reader
cw: sub/bottom male reader, top/dom character, dacryphilia, degradation, minor exhibitionism, groping
anyway dabi first meets you an just thinks ur so fucking cute. he just loves your enegry and attitude, and becomes a lil too eager to train you, always being a lil touchy. hes down horrendous, always grabbing ur ass to congratulate you for a job well done at the end of the day or whatever.
insists he a “hands on learning” typa guy. always grabbing you by the waist so he can grind his obvious boner against your ass as he scoots behind you. always grabs u by the back of the neck, rubbing a thumb up its side as he leans over your shoulder to look at whatever work has you occupied. grabs you by the beltloop when youre passing him so he can spin you around and tell you about this “important work related thing” while he keeps his fingers pressed into your hips.
he already thinks you look pretty good in the assigned uniform, but one day, he has the genius idea to spill some water or something over you so you're forced to change into a top that's a couple sizes too small (which he insists is the only available uniform, yes it's mandatory, no you can't go home and change).
he promises it was an accident, and that he’ll wash it for you (despite the fact you insist you can clean it yourself) but instead spends his time dropping random shit on the ground so he can see your pants strain against ur ass and the way your shirt rides up your back.
the liar also takes your old shirt to the backroom to fist his cock with, pretending it's ur fucked out face he's cumming on. you ain't never getting that shit back
speaking of jerking off, this bitch does it all the time. specifically does it when youre getting off break and heading to the break rooms, so you can hear the sound of him shamelessly moaning your name as he finishes to another one of his gross fantasies of you laying spread out for him in his bed. he exits the stall and smiles when he sees your face like its no big. always makes sure to give ur ass a nice slap and some half assed “work hard” crap before he leaves you totally embarrassed.
nyway he also a bit overprotective, never stepping more than a couple feet away from you while you're working with a customer, and even other coworkers. he knows people know how cute you are. why would he leave his sweet boy to deal with those random mofos? he just stands behind you glaring when he feels someone is getting too close. you get a little confused, when they eventually leave, terrified, but he's always there to comfort you. your ass is his, you don't need no one else baby<3
he can have a bit of a mean streak sometimes tho, stretching you thin. whenever you (expectedly) fail to meet his impossible deadlines, he’s teasing you. talking about what a dumb little boy you are. he could probably fire you, if he wanted to. but he wont. if you could do this one little thing for him.. he pulls you into an old storage closet, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants so he can slap it on your face and spread his pre all over your cheek and nose. he can't help it, you just look a lot cuter this way. besides, he knows you can take it. dumb little boys like you are only made for one thing. since you're such a bad employee, show him what a damn good whore you are.
dabi claims he's only mean cause he cares. boys like you need to be taught a lesson so no one can take advantage of you. but sometimes, he plays like he's gonna make you answer calls while hes spearing you on his dick, just so he can see your pretty tears as you shake ur head no.
once again, he can have complete one eighty's, giving you all these bonuses and gifts at work saying “you deserve it” and all that shit, but everybody at work knows the reason you get all this special treatment is cause he slutting you out behind closed doors.
at the end of the day, you’re really just dabi’s personal whore. and everyone knows it.
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dabisbratz · 1 year
hai :3
ur the resident pretty boy of your school, well known among most of the student body for your charm and cute looks.
youve caught the attention of quite a few boys, but especially dabi.
your friends notice the glances and sideway smirks hes always giving you in class, n warn you to stay away from him cause he's “bad news”, always gettin into trouble with the teachers and hanging in detention with his friends.
but i mean, they have to be exaggerating, right?
by coincidence (if by coincidence you mean he was totally stalking you to find the best time to “accidentally” run into you when you weren't hanging with your pesky friends) you run into him as you walk down the empty hallway and give him a friendly smile, and from there it's history.
he’s always gotten so riled up seeing you being so friendly to all the other students, but being on the receiving end of that smile was a completely different experience entirely.
after that encounter, he starts sticking closer to you much to your friends dismay, but you can't understand why? he’s pretty sweet! always holding the door open for you, helping you carry your books to class, sharing things from his plate at lunch.
i mean, maybe he was a little touchy at times always wrapping his hand around your waist and pulling you closer whenever you two walked through the hall together.. always glaring daggers at whatever boy tried to talk to you.. never leaving you alone without him.. and maybe he was a bit too much of a tease with the little pet names he called you like “dollface” and “babe”.. but it was all just gentleman behavior right?
well best believe you got your answer later that week after he invited you over to his place to “study”. his niceguy routine had totally fallen apart after he saw some random ass guy trying to flirt with you. he was gone like one second and already people was tryin to get in ur pants. he already had a hard time keepin his composure as he watched those nobodies try and talk to you when he was clearly the only one meant for you.
but that certainly took the cake.
you were so confused at first when he had you pinned against his living room floor, marking every square inch of you up; it was already so different from the nice sweet dabi you had come to know.
he had you bent in every position as his cock drilled into you at a brutal pace, clammy hands gripping the sheets as you tried to steady yourself.
but truth be told, dabi had been patiently waiting for this day. to fuck you like you were meant to be fucked and show you and every one else how no other guy could come close to filling your needy little hole like he could. it was intoxicating as he listened to you moan his name in a voice that was reserved for his ears only; a sound he wish he could bottle up and get drunk on for forever. you didn't need those other stupid guys or those stupid friends.
all you really need is him baby<3
bruh ion even watch mha how your work got me over here obsessing over this guy i don't even know😭
okay bye🏃🏾
THIS IS SOOO…EEEHEHEHEHE JUS JUS JUS dabi who’s only soft for you!!!! gives everyone else snarls n mean glares but softens his gaze whenever you’re looking at him….. says stuff like “yknow you’re my best boy, right?” outta the blue n completely catches you off gaurdughhhh makes you repeat it until it’s all you can say— you’re his, only his. in love with the thought of dabi seemin kinda awkward n maybe even standoffish in public— super sweet n endearing— but behind closed doors he’s mean n sadistic… for your own good!! N THE FACT THAT YOU DONT EVEN WATCH MHA BUT I GOT YOU INTERESTED IN HIM???? EEEEE!!!!! IM HONOREDDDD
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alieinthemorning · 5 months
Cold Wishes Over a Hot Drink [Dabi | Todoroki Touya]
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Content: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Banter, Happy Birthday Dabi | Todoroki Touya, POV Second Person
Pronouns: None
Header: @/takepopopopopo
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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January had been unexpectedly cold after December’s nice weather. Today, January 18th, was no different. However, the day was special, so you decided to whip up some hot chocolate. You knew this day was coming, as it does every year, so you made sure to set aside enough money to make it a little fancier than hot milk and cocoa powder. For today, you were able to get actual chocolate (milk and dark), vanilla extract, cinnamon and whipped cream. You whipped up two mugs as you hummed a familiar tune.
Surprisingly, no one bothered you as you did this, but you knew that would be slinking from wherever they were because of the smell. So, you hurried (as quickly as you could with two hot drinks) to a quiet place.
“Bold of you to follow me out here.” He told you as you stepped outside onto the roof of the building, the cold air immediately attacking your senses.
To keep your body from violently shivering, you instead focused on sassing him back. “You’re a glorified heater, I’ll be fine.”
You almost slipped twice, but you didn’t spill a drop (and didn’t burn your hands). You held the drink out in front of him, rolling your eyes when he raised a brow at the mug.
“It’s just hot chocolate.” He eyed it for a moment longer before taking it. You noticed that his fingers lingered longer than necessary, but you said nothing in order to savor the feeling of his cold fingertips.
And then he moved away, and so did you. You both leaned forward on the railing, just watching the world pass you by as you relished in the warmth slipping down your throat into your belly. And it kept you warm even after it was gone, even as the sun set.
Your eyes fell close with the setting sun as you murmured, “Happy Birthday…”
A hand came and rested on your head, pulling toward them. He said nothing, just held you close. But then, as the sun finally dipped beyond the horizon. He whispered,
“Happy Birthday, Touya.”
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Places this on the table and fucking dips
Side Note: I have been reading a shit ton of BNHA fics, I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING, BUT that's what I've been doing lately (I'm also about to start working on the BNHA Masterlist update on Tumblr so...ION DAWG).
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
AU: Blackest Night falls upon Hero Academia! (Caveat that they live and find their version of the Entity.)
The discovery of the Lantern corps and everything is a huge surprise. US government did a great job covering up that one of their Air Force captains vanished to join an interstellar police organization and refuses to acknowledge the US government trying to give him orders to do shit. Cate knew Hal Jordan; thought he was nice and is unsurprised to discover he vanished to join an interstellar police force, married his mentor who then turned out to be a major supervillain and threat, and now there is a zombie apocalypse related to all the Lantern shit.
Izuku is sent both Blue and Green rings. He takes the Green ring more due to Aesthetic:tm: than anything else initially; Toshinori accepts the blue one. It does amazing things to help with his injuries unexpectedly. Katsuki is offended by how the only ring he's sent is the red one. Shigaraki is sent a yellow ring to absolutely no one's surprise. He is followed around by a blue ring powered corgi and is pleased by being able to safely give a dog pets.
Dabi is overtaken by a black ring which has...interesting implications. He ends up playing Black Hand's role here, just with less necrophilia.
All For One has an orange ring.
Blackest Night begins! The Emotional Entities are revealed! Turns out both Ion and Adara were hiding in the rings sent to Izuku, so Izuku and All Might have emotional entities just. Chilling out in them. Both would like to know why they keep ending up with superpowers that have a side effect of them sort of being possessed by something else.
Dabi ends up taken down by the combined force of Izuku, Shigaraki, Bakugou, Shouto (another blue ring), Ochako (violet ring), and Tenya (indigo ring). AFO ends up not being very helpful and instead keeps trying to pick fights with Toshinori. He's not doing a very good job at winning those fights.
Blackest Night ends! Dabi is...semi-alive(?). Toshinori is the only ring-bearer to keep his ring, but now they all have to find the mysterious Entity to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
They find it!
It's...it's chilling in Eri. It's completely content to be chilling in Eri and give her comfort and more powers. AFO tries something. Entity smashes him so hard his potato face looks like a good outcome.
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jinkicake · 2 years
FHDHFH NO BC REALLY SCARAMOUCHE GOT ME AND I HATE IT!!! Bc all the fanart is top tier like it belongs in a museum and he the same vibe as imposter albedo like they can destroy a nation as a treat bc they’re lashing out🥺 chronic dabi disease. Like someone made this Tiktok about scaramouche walking in like “ daddy’s home” AMD IVE BEEN CRYING BC ITS TRUE HE STOLE ALL MY ATTENTION like wow I LOVE a mean ass man he can be all yandere in public but I’m taller than him like I’ll throw you over my shoulder and take you home💀like good luck choking me I’m into that,but unfortunately the dick is the punishment bc he will get and more unhinged the more you push him, like yeah you can ignore him yelling at you when he’s pissed but in retaliation he will fuck you in the harbinger meeting table like 6 mins before they’re supposed to start he has absolutely no shame bc who’s gon beat his ass?? Lmao can’t decide weather he gags you and they continue on w the meeting like normal like your NOT bouncing on his dick about to pass out or he makes them watch as he humiliates you “don’t try to hide your face now, should I let them use you too? You’re already making a mess” like yeah you can roast him unites red in the face but is it worth him electrocuting you when you cum?? And doing it over and over?? Him🫱🏽‍🫲🏾Lisa Using their electro powers to shock their partners when they cum to make them loose it😔😔 like I would be scared FR if I even made him roll his eyes bc I will be blacked out for four business days he system updates your brain so you just gotta chill for a while like the dick is phenomenal but at what cost😫 and speaking of he definitely has customizable ones like he definitely has one that lights up in that big ass robot like I saw art of the “ fight” of him fucking the traveler In that robot and the wires holding them in place, and now that he’s got his redemption arc started I want him to travel around!! Ion even like going into sumuru w them annoying ass mushrooms 😭 I want to see him go to Liyue and hear about childe reputation “ you know that harbinger that almost drowned the harbor? I hear he’s sneaking around w that hot funeral consultant” “ excuse me what did you say🙂” I need him to restart his hoe era bc I KNOW that he was trying as much shit as he could as a freshly free “human” like idk how he knows kazuha but wouldn’t be surprised if they fucked like he’s a traveler and he’s seen shit, like kazuha could probably tell you about some crazy ass threesome he had in sumuru while on sex pollen😭 like they are for the streets!! Scaramouche would just have to give up bc I like him like oh you hate me? Hate me harder that’s hot🥰🥰 like very jealous of the fatui grunts bc he degrades them 😒 like okay your right maybe a “god” does beet to put a lowly human in their place🥴
EXACTLYYYYY like why is scara's fanart so good it sets me up to fail.... he's a fucking short puppet i should NOT like his ass T T but then again,,, he's fucking crazy and i love psycho characters..... he's unhinged and i enjoy it!!!
((the mention of dabi.... my heart hurts,,, my number one psycho like hes forever in my heart!!))
naur literally scara is so scary because he doesnt care like the dude has nothing to lose so he's so reckless T T it's not like you can ever leave him or anything so he can do whatever he wants w you!!! hence his obsession w fucking you in front of others and just treating you like shit sighhh
honestly, im torn between obsessive yandere!scara and timid gentle!scara like there is no in between... he's either k!lling everyone that you talk to or holding your hand to make sure that you never leave him.... i guess clingy scara is another form or yandere!scara huh-
wahhhhh no literally ughhhh he and lisa are bitches when it comes to teasing their s/o w electricity like their fingers are literal vibrators.... ADD MISS MIKO TO THAT LIST TOO BC SHE'D ALSO DO THAT- they're all evil!!!!
oh my gawdddd did you read that one post about fucking his robot? my jaw DROPPED when i saw it.... it's like fucking eren's titan
i've seen the scara kazuha ship connections already!!!! and honestly,,, i see it.... i truly do!
also, i have to ask.... how do you feel about his supposed redemption arc? bc me, personally, i don't know how i feel like i want closure for him and everything but i also like him as a little shit >:-) i dont want him to get softttttt but idk!!!
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savnofilter · 2 years
What bugs me is these are the same mfers who preach about “I was abused!!!11!1!1 and I know what it’s like and I love the Todos but Endeavor is daddy and Dabi is wrroooooong” like…y’all are seriously gatekeeping trauma and being preachy like y’all didn’t do toxic shit as a trauma response goodbye, suck a dick disrespectfully and fuck off. Fuck I hate the bnha fandom.
especially since their main drive for why they wont support dabi is sometimes based on the literal sides that they are portrayed on. its like?? ion wanna sound pompous for saying ppl dont know how to digest or understand media but shit. 💀
as soon as i hear that spiel i just gotta roll my eyes and tune out. cuz what youve been through does not give a full on excuse or good reason to support something that isnt worth supporting. its like ppl like shitty things because they want an excuse to be shitty themselves. mayhaps why they cling to any of the bad/nuanced themes of mha.
and also, its very popular so the "bad" amount of ppl are going to stick out like a sore thumb...
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intotherumiverse · 3 years
ship your moots !!
I got everyone of my mooties in clutch <3 p = platonic
Edit = this is so long I can’t. I have everyone that are my mooties (or I think that are my mooties) and I hope y’all like ‘em. They took so MF long
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@katsumiiii + aomine daiki — cocky girlfriend with even cockier boyfriend. They’re playful banter is god-teir and for what? Daiki tries so hard for mira and she just plays it off. @katsukissy + bakugou katsuki — it’s >:) + >:/ moxie is such a menace to society and Bakugou is just taking it. plus they’d be such a power couple I can’t @koishiguro / @lvrgrlkoi + kise ryota — but like whipped boyfriend + “I don’t give two shits ‘bout your little fan club” girlfriend. kise tries so fucking hard for koi’s attention it’s funny. and she’s just 🤨 you done the entire time. @artof-apollo + p! denki kamanari — they the 2 pretty best friend. They are also crackhead x crackhea, with rare smart boy moments <3 @spike-this-ass + gojo satoru — dumb himbo boyfriend with secret smart partner <3. They’re the 🙄 +🤨. Gojo getting into the dumbest shit ever and Sunni’s just like “okayyyy? Tf you want me to do about it?” @myhoodacademia + power — cocky gf + cocky gf. Dee’s just like “I know you love me and power refuses to acknowledge the hint of the fact. But anyone else look at dee, she’s drop kicking someone
@lilsparkyswife + armin arlert — himbo + bf who tries to keep himbo safe. Von’s getting into the dumbest shit ever and armin’s just there like “ 🤨 didn’t I tell you fighting eren is never a good idea?” @katsuflossy + shiggy — I mean I guess he loves her. With them puppy dog eyes he makes everytime he want sum it has to be love. Ni on the other hand is just like 😐 tf you want now?
@noirstoxin + p! itadori — “yo ita. Try feeding sukuna hot sauce and see what happens” enough said.
@solar3lunar + megumi — quiet kids in the library vibes (even though nova isn’t really quiet per say) but megumi loves he and her antics. Would take on cafe date
@minruko + mirio togata — them nigh as would be so loud together I can hear it from here. Mini’s just daring Mirio the stupidest shit and Mirio’s like “okay!! I’ll do it for you <3”
@combat-wombatus + kirishima ejiro — soft gf + even softer bf <3. They are so sweet to everyone around them it’s crazy. Also parent couple me thinks!
@yuujisbby + itadori yuuji — dumb bf + smart gf. Ita’s doing the dumbest shit to impress Sasha and sash is trying to not let himself get himself killed by not letting him do the dumb shit
@bubblime + sukuna — it’s just overexcited gf + tired bf. Bubs is always down for anything and sukuna is the tried boyfriend telling her to come take a nap with him
@silkylious + shoto todoroki — analyst couple ; y’all can’t do anything around them unless you want to be roasted in the most blunt way. Just “is that why you make your daddy issues your whole personality? 😐”
@mypimpademia + taiga kagami — OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT juice and taiga would make sense. Over excited bf with bf who’s seen it all. Will hit him if he over worked himself. also matching necklaces??? Yes.
@kunikida-kun + keigo tamaki — show off bf + ion care gf. He tries soooo mf hard just for rei to give him a blank stare and continue on with her day. @whipped-cream-writings + bokuto. Softest couple ever. Matching jersey hoodie and cafe dates before practice. @dragonsdreamoffire + shinra (fire force) — himbo + soft girl <3. Shinra loves dream with his soul and never leaves a mission without giving her a kiss @fatgumshoneybun + joker (fire force) — cocky bf with confused/shy partner. He tries so hard with princess and they’re either too confused or sleepy to make head or tails about it. They have the most amazing cuddle seshs though.
@tobi-momo + kageyama tobio — they’d be perfect together. Do doubt. kags always a stuttering mess when momo is in a 5 mile radius of him and it’s so cute I can’t
@angiebug101 + kirishima ejiro — himbo +even bigger himbo. They sound like they‘re on drugs half the time but they love each other. Always taking photos together.
@xetou + aki (chainsaw man) — she broke through him and now he’s stuck with her for life. He doesn’t even know how or when they got together in the first place. Xetou just popped up
@vilbabywritess + bakugou — angry boy with angrier girl. Vil will not hesitate to fuck Bakugou up but they in love I guess.
@lvvrboy + denji (chainsaw man) — seven will fuck over Denji so much he has to fall in love with him. The himbo is so clingy for him is terrifying
@sanemiya + sanemi — angry boy + soft girl. They are legit the “I hate everyone but you” trope and it’s so cute. Miya the only one he listens too with no doubt
@moonlit-xio + p! Denki — it’s the way he’d bully her with love for me. But they would scrap in the streets for some griot no doubt
@kazescartier + genos (opm) — confused bf with chaotic gf. With kaze’s high paced energy she needs someone to mellow her tf out. Genos <3 @myamuraaa + Shindou (Bnha) —flustered sim is the only way to go and shindou has no restraints with that. Also they would come through with the matching fits . @sassi-sunflower + p! Mina — the most chaotic pair ever and I’d love it so much <3
@mads-fairy + kenma — loud gf + quiet bf. Kenma is always so confused on how Maddie has so much energy while after talking to one person he’s drained. But he knows how to settle maddie down
@oikawaplssteponme + hanta sero — they are so flirty and lovey to each other it’s disgusting. They’re are always touching in some way shape or form and kisses are frequent with them
@sobaluvr / @katsupremacy + hitoshi Shinsou — :| + >:) Shinsou is so tired of theo’s antics it hilarious. But like the banter and funny quips? Hand them over to me now!
@fuckasslesbian + p! Bakugou — they’re are menaces to societ when put together. Enough said
@reject-human-return-to-elefante + tenya iida — >:) + :^). They’re a really good match, the right mix of chaos and sameness?? Tenya is so calming for Bat it’s insane. @tododekukisses / @tomiokariceballs + Metal bat — angy couple. They fits? Immaculate ✨✨✨. Will fuck up anyone and everyone. @hvnlymha + shoto todoroki — soft couple ever. They are so cute with each other. Soft kisses and rain shower dates
@miashimaa + denki — the most chaotic, off the hinge, high as fuck couple ever. It‘s a walking dumpster fire and they love it. @vodrea + Reo Mikage — Drea is a clingy mess and Reo loves it. They are so cute together and it’s full of loving looks and kisses @cloudytamaki + tamaki (Bnha) — soft nervous couple. Picnic dates, and late night star watching for them <3 @izukulus + izuku midoriya — match made in heaven. the cottagecore vibes in this are amazing, and they’re so MF cute I can’t @kozumeslove / @kozu-zumi + kenma — soft gf and soft boy >:3. Cat cafe and roller skating dates galore <3 @morosis-haze + neito monoma — asshole + snarky gf. They’d be at each others throat’s 25/8 and it’s so funny to watch it @cubbluv + Mirio — he’s so softtt??? And for what??? Sorry but they’d be a top tier couple @r0manz + yui (Bnha ; class 1b) — it’s legit 😩 + 😐. Roman simps so hard and yui doesn’t know how to react to it. She’s really soft and hate when Roman flirts with anyone else @izukxnnie + Tamaki amajiki — they’d be so cute together. Love letter in lockers and holding pinkies in the hallways omg @rosetheshapeshifter + Bakugou — rose is drop kicking this MF ever, punting him across the fields and having a smaller the entire time @ickyjiki + dabi — the “I hate everyone but you“ trope on clutch with them two. His gaze is softer around Juno and she loves it <3 @ryuvanaka  + denki — friends to lovers trope? Denki is so whipped for yves I can’t. Denki just fizzled out whenever they’re near it’s crazy. @shotos-noodles / @kuroos-ramen + kuroo — the science flirt jokes he would use to try and bag zay. And she’s laughing at his nerdy self. Best couple I say @asaincy + Shoji — Shoji is so nervous around quincy it’s insane. He tries to flirt but it’s so funny. But quincy is so head over heels for him it doesn’t matter. @dollops-of-delusion  + Izuku — Analyst power couple. Delusion knows so much it’s insane and paired with Izu? Off the walls
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
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Genre: Drama, Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Name Calling, making out, mild voyeurism
As Atsumu made his way into Y/N’s apartment, he was surprised to find her shoes in the walk way. He figured he’d have time to set everything up before she got home from the shop. He needed to tell her why he’s been acting out and he hoped all her favorites would help. What he was not prepared for, was the sight of Y/N sitting pretty in Bokuto’s lap. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her fingers were tugging at his hair as she continued battling for dominance. Bokuto groaned, as he squeeze Y/N’s cheeks pulling her as close as he could possibly get her.
Atsumu couldn’t look away. He had never seen her like this, but he had always imagined it. The rage was building was he watched Bokuto continue his ministrations, sliding his hands up the back of her shirt. Opening his eyes, Bokuto moved to whisper something when he was met with the honey colored brown of his teammate. “What the actual fuck” Bokuto snarled, pulling a blanket over himself and Y/N. 
Y/N looked at Bokuto, eyes filled with confusion as she watched his face change from a snarl, to full on rage. Turning behind her she was met with the sight of Atsumu standing in her living room, hands full of bags. “What the fuck do ya think yer doin here Atsumu?!” she hissed, moving her hands down to zip up her blouse. “I texted ya doll, said we needed to have a little chat.” Atsumu answered, placing the bags on the table next to him. “I thought ya were at tha shop, so I was gonna do somethin nice fer ya.” he continued, taking out the contents of the bag. “If ya wanted ta fuckin talk, ya coulda done it at the shop!” Y/N hissed, standing and moving toward Atsumu. Before she could get away, Bokuto held her back, shaking his head. “I don’t want you close to him sweetheart. I don’t trust that he won’t actually hurt you.” he mumbled into her hair, setting her in his lap. “I wouldn’t hurt her. I could nevah hurt her. Unlike you, ya fuckin scrub.” Atsumu hissed, throwing the bag in his hand down. Bokuto ignored him, eyes focused on Y/N as she tried to steady her rising anger.
“The fuck do ya want Atsumu?” Y/N sighed, leaning against Bokuto’s chest for comfort. “Ion wanna tell ya, when he’s here doll. This bewteen me and ya.” he grunted, waving his hand at Bokuto. “Be a good bitch and run along now.” “Well, you’re not talkin to me without him here. I don’t fuckin trust ya Atsumu...now say whatever the hell it is and go.” Y/N hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. Atsumu simply rolled his eyes, and carried on. “Fine, if that’s how ya want to play it.” he grunted, setting himself in the chair he pulled out. “I’m in love with ya doll.” Atsumu stated, charming grin spread across his face. “I knew it was ya, from the first time I met ya. Ya should be so fuckin lucky to be love by a man like me.” “I know I don’t have the best record, but I can be everythin ya need in a man. I know ya best, and I know I can take good care o ya. All those people before you were just a good time, till I was ready to make ya m-” Atsumu continued on, telling Y/N about the life they would have. How it had always been her. And Y/N watched, as Bokuto’s patience started running thin. 
She wanted to minimize damage, so she found herself standing up, and moving toward the table, her hands held up to halt Atsumu’s rant. “This isn’t the time for games Atsumu.” Y/N mumbled, stopping a few feet away from him. “This isn’t a game!” Atsumu snarled, swiping his hand across the table and knocking everything off. “This is real fuckin life! But ya neva take me seriously!” he hissed, standing up from his seat. “It’s always a joke to ya. Like ya better than me or somethin!” Atsumu screeched, as Y/N stepped backward. “Just cause ya got some dick ya think you’re better then me?” he snarled. “Lot o good he’s gonna do ya when he realizes you’re nothing but a fucking cock hungry whore.” “We all know ya wanted me anyway, and ya just trynna play hard to g-” he didn’t finish his sentence as Bokuto threw the first punch. Atsumu found himself clutching his jaw, as he looked up and the domineering man above him. “Say that fucking shit again...I fucking dare you.” Bokuto hissed, his eyes full of rage. Atsumu merely smirked, wiping the blood off the corner of his lip. “She a fuckin whore, and she always will be...”
dabilove27 @elianetsantana @amberalisa @lia-faerie-queen @yafriendlyfangirl @adorable-punk-superheroes @ouijaeater15 @vhskenma @mushimoon14 @al3x1ss @black-rose-29 @swoonhui @sunnyflowers @oppositesunchild @that-chick212 @aurorahoneybuns @sugabeaniee @fucktheworlddude @elisamousse @victory-is-here @prettysetterboiss @marajillana @marvelousmimicry @loveinhaikyuu @koutayoomi @cuddlesslut @kookie-doughs @simpparty @its-the-aerieljeane @batgirljr72 @jeppiet @letmebreathepls @atria-avior @bongofrito @halesandy @fluffyviciousbunny  @fairybnha3 @honeybeelia @softiebadbitch @afire24 @nnmesis @undying-vagabond @missmaskedwriter @emogril @k3nma-fairy​ @syndellwins @chantalkate16​ @mus1caln0tes​​​ @dabi-sunflower​​​ @thegracerammy​​​ @mangobubblet3a
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 3 years
Can you do head cannons of dabi with a black girl reader?
girl tell me why I didn’t see that inbox was a thing until now 🧍🏾‍♀️, I’m sorry I didn’t see thing until now omg 😭
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🔹: okay I see Dabi with the blue balls 😛👊🏾 ( the GIF)
🔹: Chile anyways
🔹: basically being with him is like being in a mafia 🧍🏾‍♀️
🔹: tell me I’m wrong- but it’s up to you wether you wanna be a villain or not
🔹: the first thing that came to mind was that Dabi likes the faces you make
🔹: I got that from another headcannon^ but like deadass I can see it 🧍🏾‍♀️
🔹: like if You see Shigaraki’s skin peel off or if you just see some skin lying around and you make a face like the picture below he loves it 😫
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Ion even know where I got that from lemme stop-
🔹: other than that here are his top favorite things
1. Your facial expressions
3. How you just don’t take shit from anyone
🔹: he all know he a ass person... change my mind
🔹: CONSTANTLY smacking it
🔹: like it’s his number 1 job 💪🏾😫
🔹: like he might even push you over and fake bang you (in front of people too) but that’s a story for another day
🔹: claims you have the FATTEST ass he’s ever seen
🔹: if your ever irritated with him it’s cuddles and free booty rubs 😃👊🏾
🔹: I also feel like Dabi can braid hair
🔹: he probably had practice from Toga
🔹: he somehow got very good at it
🔹: might even steal your lotion to give it to Shigaraki
🔹: When ever someone on the Leauge of villains says some shit to you that just ain’t right, best believe that Dabi is steeping in
🔹: but he quickly learned that you know what to say back
🔹: like Shigaraki could say some bullshit to you and you be like “Man I know your not talking when you haven’t even put on lotion since the day you was born😐, came out the womb dry asf- when you came out it sounded like a a brick on some concrete, stop playin with me 😐✋🏾”
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He ain’t never put on lotion so quick-
🔹: For Dabi It’s lowkey a turn on
🔹: Chile anyways you changed himmmmm
🔹: he try’s to be nice towards you but sometimes he don’t even come out right
🔹: put this ni**a in his place please 😐👊🏾
I hope you enjoyed it 🤍 Please Like, comment what you think and follow 🤍 have a great day 🤍
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squeakybunni · 3 years
K one more and i got work
I have a very awful and persistently horrible dad, like actively is a piece of shit w years worth of trauma, And i feel like id vent to Dabi about him.
How would Dabi feel if i asked him to pay my dad a 'visit'. If you catch my cold 😗😗
Sorry abt that, bestie ): Have to say I know how you feel.
Violence and abuse mention warnings btw!!
He’d be so protective when you mention anything with your father, having issues with his own. The fact someone else is going through something similar to what he went through is painful, especially knowing he can’t do much of anything to help. He’d listen to you vent, not being the touchy type to hug you unless you do it first. He wouldn’t care if you hug him because he’d return it, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to give you affection if you don’t ask for it.
Now about paying your dad a visit, he wouldn’t kill him ofc. But he’d threaten him. Something like grabbing him by the collar, and heating up one of his hands, saying if he hurts you again he’d hunt him down for it.
(Ion feel comfy writing about physically hurting someone’s parents, so sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for)
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
Chapter II: Act IV: Requiem of Echoing Depths
Spoilers UTC obvi lol.
This post be long lol
Ion what the first thing was called because my dumbass activated it on accident
In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion
If it put the miners on edge, simply stop mining.
Grab the diamond sword fools.
Nah girl, they were called.
Lumine, we've already been inside the depths girl.
oh the angles
wait girl you're onto something
why the fuck is the whole structure upside down
You fucking liar
you knew i was here
Dain shit aint adding up with you
Unless you are in some timeloop that just spits you out places
this aint adding up sir
so the portal
that y'all both went through
just spit you out
to exactly where i was
sure jan
Aw wait don't say network
flashbacks to KHUX entering the Wreck-it Ralph world
How the hell
Lumine is unimpressed
Homegirl is like
"Tell me who you are before I slit your throat."
Twilight Sword - Captain of the Royal Guard
Kaeya is the Cavalry Captain
Alie will remember this
Dain: real quick
Lumine: your throat is looking awfully sliceable rn
The Gave of the Guarded
Okay so not only where they cursed to be hilichurls but also immortality
and whatever the fuck is going on here is weakening the effects of the curse
so does that mean
only the royal family we're allowed to remain...human?
Girl what the fuck is going on...
Girl what do you mean that its both Khaenri'ah tech and Abyssal power
what do you mean
this older than Khaenri'ah architecture is somewhat similar to Khaenri'ah architected
Dain I'm gonna punch you
they were protecting a group of hilichurls
this shit hurty
looks up
oh you made haste back to the palace?
So those in the palace got a different treatment eh
Fuck Celestia me and my homies hate Celestia.
girl what the fuck is
a shit this water pool got the cleansing pussy
"When a god applies a curse, it rakes effect a a higher level of reality than the person themselves."
Replacing you?
(oh btw i opened that secert door right before this cutscene and i think that letter is in Khaenri'an script)
Halfdan with his whole chest was like
Memories of Inteyvat
I will inspect every nook and crank
Lumine's flowers...
The nation flower of Khaenri'ah...Inteyvat
Inteyvat symbolizes a wanderer far from home, signifying the tenderness of the homeland.
girl they should have had them speak this part.
The Black Serpent Knights' Glory
I'm on my own damn side
I'm bout to hurt the fuck outta my readers.
Good luck, Charlie.
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zawadni · 3 years
anon because ion feel like being cancelled: okay so uh step-brother!dabi x male!reader. Reader is a pro-hero while Dabi is a villain. Reader and Dabi weren’t close as kids, especially because Endeavor favored Reader over Dabi. Reader has always has a thing for Dabi (mostly when he went by Touya but doesn’t know he’s still alive). Dabi knocks Reader out and takes Reader to his small apartment (or where ever) where he fucks Reader to assert his dominance so Reader decides to think it’s Touya and that just makes Dabi more upset and fucks Reader harder—mostly to take his anger out on him. Can it have some somnophilia please 👉🏾👈🏾
This was actually pretty good but I don’t write for bottom reader! So you can resend it where he knocks reader out and rides him if you want
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orphic-osamu · 3 years
hi hello !! happy new year to everyone !! i’d like to say thank you to everyone who’s been here <3 esp those of you who have been w me since the very beginning of my blog.
specifically thanks to these mutuals <3
@dazedbydazai ; skyyy omg we’ve known each other since ?? 100? 200? ish followers? you were an absolute sweetheart and a good friend to me
@shozaii ; mitraaaa 🥺🥺 you were so nice to me n i enjoyed interacting w you very much !! you’re a pure soul n i hope i can stay a friend throughout 2021
@hollow-purple ; haNz!!!!!!!!!! my i’ve known you for quite a while now. truthfully i never really liked frogs ‘til i got to be your friend n started to grow affection for them. you were fun to talk to n i loved the drawings you showed the server
@suehiro ; chrollo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaAAA YOU WERE FUNNYYYY N YOU MADE ME SMILE SO MUCHHH :((( you’re amazing n stunning, keep being you 💕
@agathokakological-writer ; kuNu 🥺 we met later on but aaaaaa it feels like i’ve known you for a long time. i’m sorry i haven’t been able to talk to you much but i want you to know that i appreciate you lots n i hope we stay friends !!
@masked-buffoon ; yOU AMAZING HUMAN BEAN!!!! thank you for the support n i just wanna say i LOVE your writing 🥺 i haven’t gotten around to finishing your series bUT from what i read so far it’s amazing !! keep it up !!
@xphntmhvx ; phANTOM MY CHILDDDD !!!! i am honestly upset that i’m not part of the many fandoms you write for bc you produce such good content n you’re so underrated istg 😔 thank you for checking up on me every now and then !! <3
@stardust-x-moonlight ; starrieee ! ion even know if you’re going to see this but </3 you’re absolutely talented don’t forget that !! remember to take breaks n sleep as much as you can !!
and for everyone else! i love you all n am very thankful you exist!
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inkykeiji · 3 years
ok wait in addition to 🎀anon's last ask how do you think touya and shiggy would react to a brat/tsudere cause im am 100% one of the bitches that bullies the person i like cause ion wanna admit i like them- (you dont have to answer this but like i just thought about it and wanted to share cause like ????? idk man)
oh my fuCKING GOD aaaaaah hmmm i had to think on this for a lil because i am soooo not a tsundere BUT I AM A BRAT 😈😈 seriously ask dabi he’ll tell you
okay with shigaraki i think he would be fucking annoyed—he would absolutely not play your little games and i think eventually he’d literally fuck a confession out of you oop 🙊🙊 they both have tempers but tomura has like, ZERO patience with anything, and he values honesty a lot (ie being all nah wtf is ur real name and dabi being all omfg i’ll tell u when u need to know it shut up and then tomura being all nah i dont want these ones send them BACK). tomura, at heart, is also a fucking brat, which means he knows exactly how to deal with a brat. he’d have a very ‘no nonsense’ attitude towards the whole thing; either you wanna be with him or you don’t, stop playing around. TOMURA HANDLING A BRAT RUNS THROUGH MY MIND 24/7 OBV but god he’d be so harsh, you’d never ever ever be able to get out of punishments and it’s very easy to set him off or to break one of his ‘rules’. def a lil sadistic and enjoys punishing u for being a brat, it’s quite the powertrip for king brat himself <33
OKAY NOW dabi ohhhh dabi would find it hilarious. like you’d unconsciously do something that indicates your feelings, and he’d teasingly press u about it, and then when you bristle and deny it he’d just laugh and shake his head like yeah, alright sweetheart, keep telling yourself that. i’ll be here when u need me type thing. if it goes on for a while, he’d probably find ways to make it more fun for him by beating you at your own game, upping the stakes and borderline gaslighting you tbh. and when you start to seriously doubt yourself, not your feelings for him but yourself and your behaviour, he’d find it absolutely hysterical. he’s so mean i love him so much :( (tw soft dabi: tho if he truly loves u back, and u guys end up in a relationship, he’d tone this down—i dont think it would disappear completely because he’s just v manipulative at heart, but it definitely wouldn’t be as frequent or as intense)
i think dabi would handle brats v similar to shig tbh EXCEPT WORSE LMAO because lbr canon dabi is sadistic as fuck. he’d definitely try and coerce you or manipulate you into breaking rules like 110% no doubt in my mind JUST so he can punish you. v toxic of him >.> HOWEVER i think you’d have just a sliver, just a teeny tiny hint more of a chance of getting out of punishments with dabi than you would with shig. enough pretty batting of ur eyes n promising to suck him off will get u out of more than u think (i’m telling u he’s soft at the center. he rly is. there isnt MUCH softness at his core but it is there, it does exist, it’s just under layers n layers n layers of hard exterior. he’s like one of those giant jawbreakers!!!! the ones u like strain ur tongue licking as u try to get to the bubblegum??? do u know what i’m talking about lmao?????)
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savnofilter · 4 years
Kinktober Day 9
Natsuo ➷ Midoriya ➷ Kirishima ➷ Fatgum ➷ Shinso  ➷ Tamaki ➷ Todoroki ➷ Bakugo ➷ Shindo ➷ Giran ➷  Dabi ➷ Shigaraki ➷ All For One 
☠️ warning(s): ⚠️ everything between both parties is consensual. ⚠️ 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒, con/dubcon.
☠️ genre: smut, holiday special.
☠️ words: 260+ [about one minute each].
☠️ read more: kinktober(uary)
☠️ summary: instead of the original fic idea, i swapped it out with somnophilia hcs,,, enjoy.
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Natsuo (x)
wellllll since i dont know much about him i dont feel like he’s really into it. Up to your choices tbh.
feel like once on a blue moon he’ll wake up and decide he wants his dick in you like a thermometer or just finger you until you wake up.
isnt really something you guys discussed, he kinda just admired how beautiful you are.
if hes ever feeling freaky-deaky mayhaps he’ll eat you out,,,
he fucking loves it when you reciprocate his touches, it urges him to continue and tease you more. 
honestly just being able to pleasure you himself is what gets him rock hard, he doesnt even want anything in return he just wants to hear your sighs and moans.
natsuo's first just cause ion feel like it's something he does every day, more like once in a while just to tease you~
to dooont talk about receiving --, hes a sucker for waking up with his pp in your mouth. 🤭
he likes to flex it when it's in, pushing you just a little lower just to hear you gag a bit. 
"Sorry babe, couldn't help myself~"
…. well thats aight with me-
isnt big on full-on making you choke on him but if you wake him with the glawk glawk 3000 he’ll have a brighter day. 
hes a Todoroki so just know he has the gene being a sadistic teaser. 
if you wake him up with cock warming he will literally marry you while he destroys your guts.
he likes somnophilia 11/10. 
Midoriya (x, x)
Midoriya is mostly timid, already having the consent talk between you two but hes still nervous.
oftentimes he just grinds up against you and keeps you close, but sometimes his hands do wander in other places.
when he first starts to experiment, he likes to soft kiss your neck and rubs his hips against you softly.
he might squeeze your breasts here and there to tease you, hands snaking under your shirt to feel your warm skin against his calloused and strong hands.
like headcanon before, Midoriya doesnt like to do penetration until he knows he has your full-on consent.
hes sweet but dont expect him to go full on soft with you lol. 
forbiddddddd Midoriya chooses oral because this boi will go for how long it takes his tongue to get tired. 
and thats not very easy. 
he loves to admire your body so most often he does it out of the,,, love he has. 🥴
and hes a closet perv too. 
if you give it to him -- instant NUT. no cap. 
he'll be like "H-Honey" and then tense up and just nut.
but ofc being the good s/o you are, you still continue because youre a good s/o like that. 
bonus points if you treat him like hes a dirty perv for liking it, also gets on his subside if you really wanna degrade him too. 
some times when hes awake enough he can have the dom energy but most times her cant help but be a pillow prince for you~~
and he doesnt mind either. he enjoys it. there's something down inside him that just helps him sleep at night that you use him for your pleasure and his. 
there's just a whole lot to unwrap here. ;)
Kirishima (x)
to place Kirishima in third being hes the type to stay up like an hour after youve fallen asleep and stick his cock in you so he can feel you grind up against every few times throughout the night. 
gives you a few encouraging thrusts before he does fall asleep just to give your body a bit of a head start. 
wraps his arms around your waist to ensure you cant escape him. 😳
of course since he is like this, somnophilia has been discussed between you two so he's not on full on creep mode. 
sometimes he'll wake you up by just pounding into you at full send. 
likes to tease sensitive parts of your body just to get you to wake up,,, bites marks littered on your skin as well. 
hes careless and the only thing he is really focused on is? hes not sure. he just know he fucking loves doing it with you too. 
best part is when he records and then faps to the footage later-
but what can he do, he likes to cherish every moment you two share ~
oh please wake him up like that. 
he has no qualms if its him in your mouth or you taking him inside you he just wants it. 
when you wake up him like that he honestly feels like maybe there is someone up there. 
is such a moaner. 
he likes it when youre a little rough too, cant help but be a masochist when he wakes up smh. 
if you ride him please let him choke on your fingers -- better yet have your ass face his direction so he can do whatever he wants with your lower parts as well. 
even when you are giving he still wants to reciprocate as well, he loves to have your pleasured whenever you two get busy.
most times when you engage in somnophilia it has to be days when he has off. why? he might just go all day. 
pleasure him, but do it wisely. 🤧
Fat gum (x)
taishiro is the type of guy to like put his dick in your mouth lol. 
not even like get you slicked up or anything, just cock in mouth. 
probably gets you semi undressed before he gropes you like a creep, getting his cock hard before opening your sleeping mouth and slipping his dick into your mouth.
makes you choke on his cock to wake you up, enjoying it when you dont have time to hide your gag reflex and watch as you try and get use to his tip pressing at the back of your throat. 
half of the time, taishiro doesnt even wake you up. he plays with you just to get you wet and stinky.
sometimes he diddles himself and cums on you just to have you confused when you wake up. 
honestly beats Midoriya at being a closet pervert, but does he really try to hide it?
he doesnt really care to receive it. 
sure it's a very nice surprise to wake up to but he prefers it when hes the one playing with you. 
likes it better if youre taking him with one of your lower holes just because he already has enough experience with your mouth wrapped around his cock. 
if riding him manages to wake him up, teasing him wont go on for any longer. he has no choice but to take over and just ran your brains out. 
when hes done flipping the script and you both are satisfied you more out of shape than him, he'll be like,
"Welp, crepe for breakfast?"
Shinso (x)
oral central
i cant think of shinso having his ding-ding be the first thing to tease you when you wake up with fingers and oral. no and's, no but's. 
he doesnt like to rush you up on waking up, more with the smooth process and it isnt really doing it for a reaction.
he just wants to toy with you.
honestly, like fat gum he does it so youre usually in a confused state when you wake up. horny but not knowing why and knowing full-well you didnt have a wet dream either. 
its not until a few more times of him doing it is when you realize it's his doing and that in itself has you in a blushing mess. 
not expecting that from him at all but not complaining. 😳
sometimes you dress just a little provocatively just to inspire him~
if you dont wake him up with his cock in your mouth hes gonna have a bad day. >:(
jk, he respecs wamen. 
deadass do it once and he might just marry you. 
if youre doing a little under par from what you usually do, he'll just have to nudge yah a lil, push you on, use his quirk. 
"Fuck -- just like that kitten~"
he doesnt really care if you wake him up like that, much appreciated but he doesnt really care. 
i mean if you do, just get ready for an early morning of face fucking… just saying. 
Tamaki (x)
yall aint ready for this one. 
some people may say, 'aw tamaki would wake up s/o and just cuddle her to death uwu<3", while yes he will, dont underestimate him.
to think of him in somnophilia is where we break the closet pervert ends. 
hes more of like, i really like my dick and i really like you so i’ll just go on and fuck you awake.
theres on lead up or anything, he’ll full on give you brain or just fuck you as if you are awake, apologising profusely once you do wake up.
“I-I’m s-sorry to wake you like this… I couldn’t help myself…”
he’ll never fully use quirk on you while you sleep though. thats a big nope from him.
when he sexs you up he wants it to be fully him… and only him.
(i mean its his quirk from him -- but you get the point!)
CEO of going till ya numb.
his favorite his sticking his dick into you and rutting into you like a dog in a rut. 
definitely is a groper. cannot and will not convince me otherwise.
he just really loves it when you moan out for him and make cute noises~ its all he needs to start off for a good day.
well, it definitely is a pleasant surprise.
doesnt affect him like he does when he wakes you up but he appreciates your efforts.
most times when hes conscience enough he’ll just take over as if you werent trying to surprise him before.
honestly if youre looking for an early pounding thats the best time and way to get him into action.
since he sees it as teasing he cant help but have to pay you back.
he’ll be straight up clapping dem cheeks and he’ll just be like “you feel so fucking good” with the nicest sounding moan anyone can mumble into your ear.
yeah…. I encourage doing it to him. 
gets him nice and possessive giving you both a good time while he can live out his lil dom fantasies for the day.
//win win.
Todoroki (x, x)
hes like a blushing mess.
if you couldnt see him as a sub before, well get ready for this.
catch him off guard and guarantee youll get a completely different Shouto.
he turns into a full on pillow prince, with no shame. As long as you focus on getting him off he’ll let you do what he wants.
if you especially focus on his soft spots that dont have to do with his nipples or the third leg between his legs that when youll get him puddy under your hands.
well shit, say your name like that and he might make you revert submissive behaviour too.
you treat him like a perfect lil’ prince whenever he does, wanting to pamper him anyways.
on a rare chance could you spark him into flipping the tables but thats more on a random occurrence more than anything.
note to self: sub Sho? surprise him.. ✍️
Bakugo (x, x)
this one is kindaaaa tricky.
now, Katsuki wont do it often. but when he does it, he does it with uhh,,,, passion. if you would like to call it that.
he mimics all the spots you loved to be touched when youre awake just to see how long it takes for your body to wake up and realize that hes playing with you.
calculated in his actions, obviously. hes not some idiot who rushes, everything he does is precise whether or not you know it.
because of this, being able to please you is easy so his clear motive? not very sure….
maybe it's to see you squirm and wake up? mayhaps to see what pure pleasure looks like written over your face. who knows, all you knew is that he always had a smug look on his face when he was able to make you cum by the end of it. 
thats if…. he let you that is.
sort of like Todoroki, you may just get him to be the whole bottom in the term, "power bottom". 
tries to hold in moans and groans but usually fails which makes him sooooo frustrated. 
if he gets too flustered he'll make you stop and give whatever you have him by tenfold. 
brace yourself for a long and bumpy ride, you may have to do it on days he isnt going to work that day because he'll sure rock you out of this world. 
best if done on holidays as well, itll leave you walking a lil awkward for a few days. 
and of course, that isnt okay for being on the job is it?
Shindo (x)
hes this high on the list for a reason.
ongggggggg he’ll tease the ever living shit out of you until he gets bored or decides youve earned it.
damn snarky wont even prep your body or anything, just straight out the cut uses his quirk just to get your senses all riled up. 
does everything on the scale of full on senses to just barely touching you. 
his teasing always wakes you up into a confused state that is wanting to more, shamelessly begging for him to continue.
he carries great pride in taking responsibility in getting you like this. but dont be mistakened! he will not go easier on you just because you woke up. 
you had only just felt the pre-course to the real action~
buckle up, kitten. 
nope. if youre going to take advantage of him, he wants to fully aware. 
… for sadistic reasons more than consensual. 
Giran (x)
this old fucking man. 
likes to sneak in and just feel you up good. 
of course he doesnt want through his back out so yknow- im just kidding. 
giran will go to town if he has to. 
but most times, the old fart just loves to, "make love" to his darling. 
calls you sweet petnames in your ear as you sleep, just so you can dream about you too. 
he knows how to tease and play with you. he can finish the job without even so much as stirring you awake. 
hes studied you long enough and has played with you enough to make you finish as well. 
it's magic honestly, and his best part is leaving you with the mess between your legs and nothing but confusion written all over your face. 
how could he know that's your reaction although he leaves before you can wake up? 
simple. hes always has his ways~
the few rare times he let's you into his humble abode is when you decide to treat him. 
really adament of sucking him off to wake him up just to see his early morning smile. 
him rewarding you with giving you the same treatment or dirty praise is all you need before you leave and act as if you werent sleeping around with a villain recruiter and his #1 sugar baby for that matter. 
when you surprise him in his study is the real kicker. 
youve been under his desk many times to be familiar with the spot and assume the position. 
you usually bring up breakfast or dinner (whichever time you arrive) and wake him up in the good way that motivates him to continue on with his stressful job.
surely, he can never thank you enough. if it wasnt for your efforts, he wouldnt know how to deal with himself~
Dabi (x, x)
✨ rise n shine, dabi's fat cock is here to wake you up. ✨
this asshole -- this asshole. 
has no shame at all. he knows full well what hes doing. 
likes to feel you up and just feel at you sometimes. hes so touch starved that he cant even help it. 
he ranges from teasing you till you wake up to full-on fucking your brains out. 
of course he enjoys it when youre confused but wanting more, your body more than ready to receive his hands. 
at some point, you just like to tease him for it too. usually he catches onto your game and plays accordingly. 
he cant help but feel blessed that someone he loves so very much could enjoy the same interests he does as well. 
just let him know you like it when he feels you up and he'll give it to you anytime you ask~
would not recommend unless you want early-morning-face fucking.
like you wouldnt catch someone wake up from something like that faster than Dabi. 
you may wonder why, it's just his touch starved nature. im telling you, it responds to anything. 
no matter what position, how you do it you will get a positive reaction from him. 
tell me you cant imagine him moaning, "that's it, doll~ swallow my cock like the slut you are~"
this man is just a walking breathing example of what the word simp feels like. 
youre supposed to turn away because hes not the type of guy to fall in love with but most times like this is when you cant help it..
Shigaraki (x, x)
master diddler, yes he is. 
hes the type to not even stick his cock in, just like hump at you like a needy animal and just mark up your neck as if he hasnt had sex in years. 
is the type to use other parts of your body to get off just to avoid pleasuring you as he gets off.
youll wake up to his cum in various spots. between your legs, on your chest and even your armpits. if it has a place where his cock can fit its going there.
he doesnt give a shit if you fuss about it later, “why didn’t you cum inside” headass.
youll have to earn him using you like cocksleeve the proper way.
youre either a heavy sleeper or light because you can wake up as soon as he starts or wake up after hes done.
Either way, as long as he can see the pureness on your expression is all he needs to help his perverse needs.
Shigaraki isnt the person to use you during your sleep without having at least talked it with you.
yeah hes a creep but hes not that weird.
likes to whisper degrading stuff into your ear when you sleep just so you can dream about what hes doing to you, his hands not stopping a moment as he gets off to feeling you up.
just dont expect anything less then degenerate from him 
you have to be a special type of breed to even think about touching him without him being in control.
the thought of you possibly being able to one-up him is a no-no.
he wont allow it.
if he even senses you thinking about it he’ll stir awake and glare at you as if there is no tomorrow.
but say you do manage to catch him off guard, this may be the only times you can really edge a moan out of him of.
so use your time wisely.
All for one (x)
ive said it once, i'll say it again. 
you just have no rights bro. im sorry. 
he wakes him sometimes and just goes, "this bitch deserves a rude awakening today". 
like okay mr fuckface. 
is the one that is always on x games mode, no softness for him at all.  
probably has you wear those kitten/mitten collar things like*cough cough* kakegurui *cough cough* even when youre carrying out errands for him. 
the point is honestly to keep you in place, and you cant help but like it anyways. 
some may dislike being viewed as a pet or anything less but you love it hence why you stay. 
plus, if you could runaway, would you be able to?
nevermind that, you didnt want someone else to replace you so youll stay his obedient bitch for now.. 😌
you wouldnt. you just wouldnt.
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dabisangel · 4 years
Pairing: Dabi X Reader
Genre: Fluff (?)
Warnings: Soft boy Dabi (Not really a warning. More of a blessing lmao)
Word Count: 1.1 k
Summary: You’re sitting at your kitchen table working on some Chemistry homework. You're having a really hard time, and Dabi notices. He decides to help.
a/n: As I’ve said before, school is kicking my ASS. So I wrote this while writing equations for alpha decay (which sounds really fancy but is kind of easy ((((SoMetiMes)))))) . Please enjoy my ramblings
P.S: I didn’t proofread this. Please don't kill me
Dabi lounged on your couch, tapping at his phone screen.
You tugged at your hair frustratedly. Chemistry was one of those things that made no sense to you. All of the rambling about ions and elements made your brain want to melt.
His attention turned to you when he heard you curse under your breath, and made his way to the kitchen.
“What are you stressing about?” He asked pressing his palm to the table, leaning over your shoulder. After eyeing the paper, he reached to pull out a chair and sat next to you. “Oh come on. Don’t tell me you need help.” He teased. The smug look on his face was one that you knew all too well.
“Please. Not right now.” You raised a hand to your temple and squeezed your eyes shut. “I have an exam in a few days and I have no clue what any of this even means.”
You were being completely honest. Every time you went to class you would take elaborate notes, making sure to jot down everything your professor said. But to no avail, chemistry still made 0 sense to you. You were so stressed that you could cry.
“Here let me help you.”
You craned your neck in his direction, scrunching your eyebrows. Thinking for sure that he was toying with you, your ears heated up with anger. “Dabi I’m not kidding this stuff is r-“
“You’re only fucking up because you're setting up the equation wrong.” He pressed his pointer finger to the paper. “If you’re going to set up an equation for the alpha-decay of thorium-232, thorium should be on one side. And the new element and emitted particle should be on the other side.”
You blinked in disbelief. Of course, Dabi was smart, insanely so. But you had no clue he was good at chemistry.
His eyes flicked up to meet yours. “Are you going to keep staring at me? Or are you going to re-do the equation.”
Snapping out of your trance you brought an eraser to the paper, getting rid of all of your mistakes. “Thank you.”
After bringing your pencil to the paper and looked at him cluelessly. “Okay, so what do I do?”
In about 30 minutes he walked you through the chapter, explaining everything from top to bottom. Surprisingly he was very understanding and worked with you as you asked questions. He fixed your mistakes and explained them to you after you’d made them. After he’d finished reviewing the equations with you he left for the couch. “Call me back if you need any help.”
You tapped your pencil to the table. It was all starting to make sense. You were able to quickly get through about 10 more questions on your worksheet. A groan escaped your lips as you came across a new type of problem.
“What?” He asked, still lounging and not looking up from his phone.
“What is beta decay again?”
He rose from the couch, his feet slapping against the wood of the kitchen floor as he entered. A finger pressed against your homework, at the section that you had just gone through. “Good job. Those are all right.”
You smiled. It wasn’t that often that you received praise from Dabi, so when you did it meant that much more.
He took a seat in the chair again and looked over the worksheet. “So you would set up the problem the same way.” Following along you nodded slowly.
“But instead of four over two, it would be zero over a negative one.”
In wonder, you stared at him. “How are you so good at this?”
A shrug was his response.
“Cmon.” You inquired. “You seem to know it by heart.”
He looked up from the paper, and over to your face. “I went to school too, doll.”
You blinked.
“I wasn’t always in the LOV.”
“Oh.” You said stupidly “I guess that makes sense.”
“Chemistry was my favorite subject.”
He spoke plainly, raising from his seat.
No matter how much you thought you knew Dabi, or that you had him all figured out he always had something up his sleeve. “You continue to amaze me.” You said staring up at him.
His lips pressed against your forehead gently before he retreated to the living room. “I’ve helped you enough, hurry up so you can go to bed.”
Craning your neck so that you could see him from your spot, you pouted. “Are you going to stay the night?”
Not looking up from the couch he responded, “I can’t talk to you until that homework is done.”
‘Fucking great’ you thought as you stared down at the paper. There were at least 30 more equations left. You gave the clock a pained look. It read 11:58 and you weren’t sure how much more time it would take. With a sigh, you brought your pencil to the paper and began to work through the equations.
After what felt like 12 hours you were done with your homework and trudged over to your boyfriend for lounged on the couch. “I’m done.” A yawn left your lips and you yawned. “Let’s go to sleep.”
Dabi rose from the couch and lifted you wrapping one arm around your waist, and the other onto the back of your head. He guided your cheek to his shoulder, massaging your scalp as he walked you to the bedroom. You wrapped your legs around his hips and crossed your ankles. “You did good,” he whispered, opening your bedroom door.
“Thank you for helping me.” Your voice was low. Exhaustion was getting the better of you, unhooking your ankles as he moved to set you on the bed.
“You’re welcome.” His hands reached for your blanket, tucking you underneath it. A kiss was placed to your forehead and he placed a finger under your chin. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
A frown painted your face. “Are you leaving?”
It wouldn’t surprise you to see him go during the night. He usually did once you’d already gone to sleep, and would reappear later that morning. You glanced at your alarm clock. 1:34 AM.
“Yeah. I have some things I need to do.”
You tugged at his sleeve, “Don’t go. Come on. Can’t it wait?”
Truly you didn’t expect your pestering to convince him to stay. He stared down at you and slouched his shoulders a bit. You could tell that he was tired too.
If you weren’t so sleepy you would’ve jumped for joy.
“Really?” Another yawn left your lips as he moved to lift the blanket, and settled into bed.
One of his arms snaked around your waist and he pressed his chest to your back. His chin nestled into the crook of your neck. “I feel like you’ve earned it.” He teased, placing a small kiss on the shell of your ear.
You smiled as your eyes fluttered closed.
“I believe I have.”
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