#so like. idk I guess but we'll make it work
chickensaredoodling · 6 months
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Hey gang! You'll never guess what happened ~
These two incidents happened within hours of each other and it's been a lot to deal with and I just have to laugh at it a little. That said, I'm opening emergency commissions with 25% off. There are limited Christmas spots, so get 'em quick and help out an artist. Please let me draw your blorbos and pets this winter!
For more detail: Commission Info I also have a kofi where I accept donations/tips and sell digital zines.
Reblogs are very very appreciated!
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automatonknight · 10 months
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^doodles of the guy (and some other things) i was talking about his name is victor he goes by any pronouns, there's also @igamer12 's wizard in here (long hair and round glasses). more info about viccy under the cut i guess
also erm. i know dogshit about adventure time, which vic is an oc for but whatever <Cain's idea so complain to it /joking. coming back on track, she's a living suit of armor that's also a cowboy that's also a sand wizard. their hobbies include lying for fun which i think is quite nicely captured in half the drawings i did. it also goes by like fifty different names, but the, so to speak, official one is victor (it doesn't mind diminutives or how you spell it). really doesn't use magic that often, prefers the sword, which is named big iron. also has a skeleton horse called sugarcube but i haven't really drawn that
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bangcakes · 3 months
#god i was so giddy today (or well i guess yesterday. its almost 2am JDJFJFJF)#i was waitin all day for him to finish work so i could message him n he messaged me in seconds... triple texted NDNDJDJDNDNDMDMDN#god hes so cute. im so !@@@@@ i like him so much. like ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!#he makes me so happy idk how to explain. i just !!!!!!@@ like him so !!!!@@ much !!!!#why do i deprive myself of him 😭😭😭😭😭#but i mean we did talk for 2 hours straight in person a few weeks ago. not much you can like. converse about after that JDJDJDJDJDJDJ#:')))))))))#maybe i'll let myself be a lil hopeful.... 🥺🥺🥺#personal#also omg i think i figured out why he was so combative??? when i saw him last#i think it was bc of our mutual friend...........#n e way HDNDNDNDNDN#so maybe thats why he was like that. bc with me.... sure we tease each other but hes not like....... out for the kill idk JDJDJDNDNNDNDND#hes so sweet.... like not in an obvious way but like NDNNDMDDMD IDK.#we'll put it this way....#when ppl ask him for help... he tells them to google it#meanwhile hes explaining stuff to me in detail; going up to the teacher n asking questions for me; getting up out of his seat n#looking for a plug for me JFJDJDJDD LIKE ?????#hes also so polite... thanks ppl... holds the door for ppl. god hes so......#if he's like....... the guy im gonna be with for the rest of my life... o i'll be so happy BDJZNZNNZNZNZNZNZ#THIS IS SO SAPPY GOD.#if u saw the messages you'd be like literally what are you giddy over HFJDJDJJDJDJDJD AND THATS OKAY#hes just some guy.... love that about him the most.....
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blackbirdblackbird · 2 years
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Maybe it’s time for Kara to try this gauntlet instead of Supergirl.
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sn0wbat · 4 months
alright, question. because this post is getting very long.
i've still got a couple more pages left of this, and this is kinda the first time i've been adding onto a comic arc in real time on tumblr. so i'd just like to hear opinions
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camellcat · 5 months
sighing I've got this creative writing class yeah? and it's, like, whatever, y'know. but I'm coming to realize I have an issue I would've literally never fucking expected in that I can ONLY write doctor who fanfiction. every single prompt we're given I write AT LEAST one.
and I can't write about anything else unless I write a doctor who fic first. it's like a need like if I don't get it out of my head and onto my screen I'll explode and never be able to write again. this most recent prompt I wrote two separate fics and was forced to turn one of them in cause I ran out of time. what the hell
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spotaus · 1 month
Scheming :)
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Bro last night was so much......... I'm still reeling...... What even.... They gave us so much. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. I didn't KNOW.
Hear me out... Poundmates Jo........ Not a party member but maybe helpful. Him looking soft has me so fucked up. Why is Akane alive. Why is she alive bro. Why does Jo know she alive. Why would he- FUCK dude I'm trying to work but all I can think about is 8
i hope we get poundmates jo and we have to do it pokemon style where we have to beat his ass and then catch him <- delusional
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 4 months
leon b is way better than leon a but the way he holds the 1911 is gonna make me shit myself literally such a mean ass game
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omnic · 4 months
found out another one of my first projects is to do stop frame animation with clay figures
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prijune · 2 years
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*throws oc art at you* LOOK AT THEM
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witchstone · 1 year
okay i've Calmed Down and my dad and I sat down to sketch out what to do if this happens 
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ensiignchekov · 1 year
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise (running) | swordplay (only if you count watching sulu fence) | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | sewing | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
tagged by: @fasciinating (but not really since tumblr didn't technically tell me i was tagged so) tagging: you!! i think most of my dash was already tagged in this haha
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#well it's now after midnight. i had abt an hr long total freak out. made a very bad life choice that is#almost absolutely garenteed to bite me in the ass very quickly. and i am no closer to decided if im going to this supid mini conference#tomorrow. i should go. my boss has implied that i should go.#so i should shut the fuck up and drive out there tomorrow morning and sit thru a bunch of annoying bullshit#and stop throwing a tantrum abt it. i do this literally anytime i have to attend something social#my body tries everything in its power to allow me to justify bailing. and its exhausting#like u cant just get out of things u dont wanna do by laying down and having a meltdown abt it#i mean. objectively the actions demonstrated were not those of a person fit to be on the road diving a vehicle on what is shaping up to be#less than 6hrs of sleep. but ya kno#and if i go tomorrow its literally all day. kike full on 8.30 to 5.30 and bbq starts#and i need to work on my presentation for thrusday. so id have to bail on the bbq bc i dont wanna fucking deal with that#and then my boss will be like: ur leaving 🥺 and ill feel bad bc anytimr i let the symptoms of my aflictions affect other ppl it just#feels selfish bc like. i know whats happening i dont have to let u get caught in the crossfire#but my brain is telling me i shouldnt go. but if i went it would prob be fine. i just dont want to#but i also dont wanna txt my boss at like 6am like heyyyy so fyi im not coming again today bc... like i dont even kno#bc anxiety i guess. but like boohoo shut the fuck up. if i listened to every anxious voice in myvhead id never#do anything... and i dont do anything. but i shouldn't listen to those voices. but i also shouldnt drive on a lack of sleep#idk i just wanna txt my bosss like: how much do u want me to go? bc ill do it if u make me#but i also might have a breakdown afterwards so like i maybe wanna avoid that?#idk i should sleep. we'll see what happens in the morning i guess#unrelated
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Oh yeah also to be exact for stream purposes, average playtime from all 60 reviews is 10-12 hours, but total range is 8-15, double for a 100% playthrough. You do have to progress in the side content to progress in the main story (complete x missions/get x points/get to x rank type of deal), and you'll probably want to progress in the side content to level up since it's money-based and that's the fastest way to make money. I'm pretty sure the variance comes from getting sucked into the side content (probably not likely for your playstyle) or having trouble with the bosses at a lower level (they're apparently pretty hard this time).
It also looks like the Infinite Wealth demo is split into two (an adventure mode with the extra cutscenes and another one that's basically the demo we've seen around). Adventure mode Allegedly doesn't have proper saves at the time of writing (this was an annoyance for one reviewer so I assume it's long enough to warrant that), so it's worth taking that into account too. Anyway that's about it lol don't quote me on any of this because my brain just shut off after a certain point <3
OK BET TYSM CHAMP YOURE A LIFESAVER soooooo doing Quick Maths in my brain i might divide the stream up in two if i start playing at 4:30PM and i plan to marathon it.
ill take a break 3:45 - 5:45 saturday morning since that's a part of my regular routine and ill feel weird if i dip on it. I Dont Need Sleep but god forbid i skip out on all That apparently. plus it's a good break period to get exercise in and move around LMAO
going from 4:30PM -> 3:45AM's like.....10~11 hours... so that's about halfway through the game if i get entranced by side content... if we do somehow finish it all in one shot then we can just do the IW stuff after my routine.. epic.. it prob wont be any longer than an hour if that so stream- AUSPICIOUSLY THINKING- should wrap up around 7~9AM saturday.
#snap chats#and then when its all done ill take the longest nap of my life afterwards LMAOOOOO#jk. ill prob sleep for like. a minute. imagine if i did art stream later LMAOOO NONONO maybe sunday.. if im really ill bout it..#some are wondering Snap Are You Physically Capable Of Doing Thaat and to that i say Yes. Yes I Am.#i didnt grind out buzzsaw mill raids on gaiaonline over night for nothing.. im a Gamer in my soul... a bad one but a gamer nonetheless..#i did it for ishin i can def do it for gaiden- esp if theres an audience and i have people to chat with#also the Break Time will be a great cut off point for recording so people who can't/don't want to show up for the stream can watch it#see it's all going according to plan..... it's all going swimmingly.....#i like how generous im being with my gaiden time. girl we know im gonna suck and take longer LMAOOO WE AINT DOIN IT IN 8 HOURS#maybe ill 100% gaiden off stream or somn if the side stuff really ropes me in#also im late as balls answering this OOPS my friends came by the dining hall and we all chatted. and apparently im going to aldis tomorrow#DONT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED but i needed something from the store#just one thing thats it.... i thought of buying snacks and the sort for gaiden but i aint gon subject people t me eating on stream#ill just go with my wack meal prep idea from before LMAO#anyway SIXTY REVIEWS THATS HEINOUS godspeed brother... thank you for your hard word ill do my best to make your work not go in vain#idk HOW but. i'll try not to be lame and low energy during stream I GUESS THATS ALL I CAN DO#boo about Money Aspect returning BUT ILL BE OPTIMISTIC. i wont let that sour me until i see it#i wonder how long the IW demo will be- what it'll HAVE if people are upset about the lack of saves#again i dont think it'll be terrible long- an hour is my min so id be surprised if it reaches two hours#it'd be epic if i could do all of gaiden before my routine since then i can cleanly divide the stream but we'll see
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girlitfeelsgood · 1 year
the few people I've spoken to on a dating app that live near me have just stopped responding to me and/or I haven't felt like the conversation was very good etc. the only person that I've really enjoyed chatting with and connected with a bit lives quite far away so I've been thinking it probably won't go anywhere yk. anyways now I've found a uni programme that sounds quite interesting in object conservation (I have been wanting to go into history but that's not exactly a degree that necessarily offers a lot of work and this is still history related while being meant to prepare you for a specific job, and a job that I think might suit me at that) that happens to be in the very city she lives in. I don't believe in the universe sending you signs or whatever but that's. interesting.
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