#so much anergy
medusa12346 · 1 year
Pick a card Marylin Monroe:Which planet are you?
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This is a repost.
Pile 1:
HOLYYY - yall are Saturn. Calm, cool and grounded and always aiming for success. You also seem to be very balanced in your masculine and feminine energy and give off old soul vibes. You might seem a bit restricted and uptight but a lot of people love you for the way you handle things. You seem confident love but I dont think you are that confident as people see you. You seem very lucky when in honesty you work hard for your success. You also have a bit of libra and venus anergy in you. You seem as if you never take a break! You also might seem a bit lonely and less affectionate. Also very badass. You seem very connected to nature! Sometimes letting go of things Is hell. Its with a lot of work you’ve reached here. It seems as if you’ve dodged many obstacles in your life when in reality you’ve just overcome them. Your planet is SATURN.
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Pile 2-
SO MUCH FIRE ENERGY! You are mars and sun. Hotheaded and beautiful. You love to start things fresh and are always looking for new ventures to embark on! You are also conventionally attractive and seem like the person who would love pets. You also seem like someone always going out in the sun and exposing yourself to the world. Um if you’re a guy (in gender) you may have mars-jupiter? WE all know what that means I- You seem like a king/queen and very confident even if you aren’t. You’re very balanced in your energies and also very fair. You have a very big and effective aura. Do you like wearing fur coats? Probably had sneakers when younger and now wear high heels/very high class boots/shoes. You might have a problem sleeping because of your anxieties. Aw babe, and let it all go and let your life flow. You are Mars/Sun.
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Pile 3-
So youre the moon, with a twist. I see you! You’re very nurtutirng and motherly towards your siblings, friends and your family etc. But you are also harsh on them when its needed. You’re the type of person who would have Leo Moon in 4th. You love to work as a team but also try to be in the spotlight, which is fair and balanced. You deserve recognition for your won work. Do you have a garden, lovely? Probably very moody though. Type of person to cut your hair short/dye it without telling anyone until its done. Like art, babe? Does something haunt you that you cant let go of? This definetly won’t help, but let go of it honey. You probably have a short silhouette and shorter legs and are very defensive of your loved ones. I would take that as a positive 😉 New beginnings may not be your thing, but you’re very accepting of matters you can’t change and are very easy going. Your planet is moon with a twist.
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high-king-of-ghosts · 2 years
Wailing Song!AU
Ghost King!Danny who regularly needs to purge all the excess energy he gets from the Realms. It doesn't hurt him if he doesn't, it just makes him even more restless then usual and amps up his already haywire ADHD.
Now there's plenty of ways to expel this engery: fights, practicing powers, longer patrols, or even taking Cujo for a walk. How does Danny get the job done? He sings.
He learned, through one VERY intense solo rock out session in the Keep, that if he trys (or is emotional) he can put the power of his Wail into his voice and words. When he focuses it like that it doesn't just outright drain him of everything he's got, but still is a massive release of energy and his powers. So when he gets that tell tale zing of too much energy though his blood or even if he just needs to release pent up emotions he goes to a deserted part of the Zone and just....sings.
It's become a type of comfort for him at this point, something he can do if he's feeling overwhelmed or that the world and the weight he carries is just TOO MUCH and he's needs to /get away get away get away/. Or even when beings around humans and ghosts alike just gets hard sometimes because he'll never truly get to be either one ever again, forever stuck in the barrier between Life and Death. Never Fading and never Dying, just adrift in the space between.
He always goes someplace desolate in the Zone, maybe a random uninhabited island or even just drifting along with the tug of some imaginary current with the wide galaxy of greens/purples/blues undulating around him as he sings. The Zone itself is what nudges Danny in the directions it needs healing the most, takes him to quiet areas where he can sing and heal all the damage from centrys of neglect under Pariah's reign and absence. He doesn't like the idea of people hearing him sing, doesn't even know if he's any good, just knows that it's one of the few things he can just...fully ENJOY with no strings attached. If it also helps him release anergy and heals the Zone along the way? Even better.
Little does the King know that his haunting voice echos throughout the Realms each time he sings. His Wail carrying it away to curl around the nearby ghosts as a healing caress, taking away pain and healing the area around it with the new energy. The genre is ever changing but the effect will always be the same, because even when if the lyrics he sings just end up being screams of anger, sadness, and regret it brings peace to the Realm.
The ghosts all know of The One Who Sings, the Siren of The Realms, The Healing King, or better know by all as The Guardian. They know yet never confront him, it's something the know deep in their core that they shouldn't mess with. A warning from the Realms to leave its King to heal, both the Zone and himself in the small moments of solitude he can claw out for himself.
#TheOneWhoSings #SirenOfTheRealms #Siren!Danny #WailingSong!AU
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 months
I got bit. Ill post this to ao3 when i can think of good oneshot tags.
but here we are for the mystic misunderstanding au
Hiccup groans into his hands as he and the twins are locked up in yet another dragon hunter ship hold. The twins had been trying to pull off some crazy new stunt. Which would have been fine if it had not been in the midst of a long distance flight with no warning. They had crashed into Toothless rather harshly and sent Hiccup plunging down into the waters below. Hiccup had tried to get to his best friend midair, but the winds were against them and they had hit the water and then nets had been cast over him before he could even think to start swimming towards his dragon. 
The twins had also fallen into the waves and gotten captured before they could fly away. Hopefully, the other dragon riders would be along soon. He and the twins had been scouting ahead and were expected back soon. 
He sits on the ground and just tries to mentally think his way out of this latest capture.
“Dont worry Hiccup!! We got this!”
Tuffnut grins brightly and Hiccup sighs. He knows better than to try and fight them on that. He looks to the ceiling and breathes deeply.
“What sort of name is that? What does that even mean? Arent you guys vikings? Not particularly fierce.”
The hunter guarding their cage says and Hiccup feels a shameful flush filling his cheeks. While he has grown used to his name, and even found moments of pride from it, it still is embarrassing to know at his core what it means. Anddd then Ruff starts talking.
“Oh yeah, Hiccup means runt! Its enough to scare off the goblins for this long!”
“H here was born all gangly and tiny.”
Tuff adds with a chirpy grin and Hiccup wants to die.
“Thank you Ruffnut and Tuffnut, for the amazing commentary.” 
The last thing he needs is Ryker and Viggo calling him a runt while he is trying to take them down.
“You're welcome!”
They chirp together and he recovers his face, groaning louder. 
But there seems to be a hint of fear in the hunter’s voice. Hiccup looks up. The man looks worried.
“You were born early?”
The man asks, voice shaking ever so slightly.
Hiccup sighs.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But that doesn't mean I any less of a threat!”
Hiccup straightens and rises from the floor. He puffs out his chest and tries to look intimidating. The twins snicker but the hunter steps back.
 “I would never…”
The hunter’s eyes widen, shakily moving his hands in abortive motions. 
“I-I need to grab- Captain... Yes the captain.”
The man mumbles to himself and darts away.
“What was that about?”
Hiccup asks looking at the twins. They shrug and then start banging on the cell door to try and get it open. It does not work but Hiccup supposes he can appreciate the attempts.
The hunter returns and then unlocks the cages. 
“Please accept our apology for the inconvenience. Please please dont hex us. Here. Take this.”
A sack of… something is pressed into Hiccup's hands and the guard leads them all up the stairs and to their dragons that are sitting on the deck, not in cages or chained. Hiccup immediately goes to Toothless, crooning to his best friend and checking for injuries. Toothless churrs back and licks his hair before getting Hiccup to mount. The hunter from before touches his arm to stop Hiccup from launching into the sky and speedily draws it back as if burned when Hiccup looks at him.
“Please say that you are not anergy with us…”
The plea sounds so genuinely scared and…
Hiccup’s father is feared. 
Stoick the Vast, able to pummel the world and make enemies flinch and think twice with just his name.
But Hiccup.
He does not want to be feared. Not really. Fear had led Vikings and dragons to war much longer than either side really should have back on Berk. 
Fear almost had him kill Toothless when they met.
But mercy earned him his best and first friend. 
So he reaches out and touches the hunter.
“No harm was done to me or my friends. All you really did was save us from the water and hold us for a little bit. I see no reason to be mad. If you were not dragon hunters and killers, I would almost call your actions friendly.”
He ends with a chuckle and a pat.
“What is your name?”
He figures he should ask, given all the strangeness abounding. 
The man whispers.
“Well met Henrik. Come on Toothless lets find the others before Snotlout annoys Astrid too much.”
And they launch into the air, with the twins not too far behind.
What had that been all about?
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The spinners Book of yarn designs by Sarah Anderson, book review:
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First things first: I SO EFFING LOVE THIS BOOK. BUY IT!!!
Like most books it starts with a nice and tidy chapter overview:
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The introduction is just a bit of "what is this book for" a bit of the spinner history of Ms. Anderson, where she got all the ideas and so on.
Chapter 1, Spinning basics
is self-explanatory,
It talks about twist, and controll samples the basics of fiber prepping for spinning (carding , combing, working with dyed fiber) how to choose, what to look for, woolen vs worsted. For a book that is not ment to teach you spinning it's surprisingly detailed (not complaining there is always something to learn in the basics, or to remember)
Chapter 2, singles for plying
How to spin a good single, but So. Much. More!
How to spin a good single, what makes a single good, how thick/thin. Difference between wheels and handspindles. Tips and tricks to spin thin singles on a wheel. AND plying! Like, what kind of plying is out there (chain, bracelet, center pull ball how to trouble shoot etc), how do they behave what to ply together (2ply vs 3ply, and the difference they make in a knitted sample, trouble Shooting)
Chapter 3, stand-alone single
First a general information on how to deal with the different behaving anergy and on felting (some singles need to be felted before using them, but how do I do that)
Peppers through (in ALL chapters) are examples on the yarn and how it looks used (some are knitted, some crocheted and some weaved.)
For every yarn there is a detailed explanation on how to spin them what to look out for and detailed pictures to show the process, that help recreating the yarn
Also look at this cool thing?!?!? Just made with the enegery of the twist! It's plainly knitted, no pattern magic just spinning magic!!!
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She also wrote out a very detailed recipe for "sizing" energized yarn. So it stays in form when stored, and after using it and washing the fabric all the energy comes back and makes some unbelievable cool effect (collapsed weave my beloved) how utterly cursed, how utterly beautiful, i want 20
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Chapter 4 spiral yarn
In the beginning of this chapter, you have: how the tension shapes the yarn (more tension on the thin single, moderate tension on both, more tension in the fat single) general info on the finished yarn ( it is delicate, and should be used in projects according) also here we have a wonderful example in how the instructions are build
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Name of the yarn with a bit of info, the singles you'll need to built it and the direction it is spun and plied (always telling you what fiber got used). And beautiful depiction of yarn and knitting(crocheting/weaving) with the yarn.
In this chapter she also teaches you how to incorporate beads into your yarn in different ways.
Chapter 5, opposing plies
What happens, if instead of 2 S spuns singles plied in Z, you take on S and one Z spun single to ply??? Well, at least 6 different beautiful yarns!
Also one amazing theme through this book, are Ms. Andersons Sock experiments. She takes the same fiber base, spins and plys one sock in basic ply and one in a different way. And then she wears them until the first hole appears to see what yarn construction is more sturdy. Absolutely amazing
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Chapter 6, Bouclés
We all know Bouclés, i believe. But who spun them before?
The chapter starts with basic boucle technique 1O1 and takes you on a Wilde ride.
You guys have seen Bouclé in weaving??? I'm madly in love with it
She takes you throu basic bouclé like you know it. Showed differences between fibers, color possiblitys and "spiral bouclé" mixing bouclé with the spiral technique from chapter 4. Which is so insanely beautiful!
It finishes with: shrink bouclé. What happens if you ply a felting single with a not felting single? Spoiler: very cool stuff
Chapter 7, cable yarns
(how beautiful is this combination of color and construction??)
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Two 2plys plyed together. Lots of things that could go wrong but if they go right you get a yarn that looks like a chain. How cool is that??? (Extremely) we get a lot of amazing yarns not limited to basic, beaded and dyed. Absolut Chefs kiss 👌
Chapter 8, crepe yarns
Looking forward to these, because I know exactly what fiber to use!
How to describe crepe yarn? That is DIFFICULT, because even if the construction is the same in every yarn, the use of singles and tension makes them absolute unrecognizable! If you get handed two crepe yarns you couldn't tell on the first glance! How is this the same construction method?!?!?
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Same build as the other chapters. I want to live in this book. in total 7 crepe yarns that are full of love.
Chapter 9, core yarn
Do you remember the 90' where wrapping colorfully thread around your hair was the shit™?
Yeah, that! But better, because it's yarn! 12 different ways of coils are named in this chapter.
After that follows...
Soft core (this is not an asthetic, well maybe it is, but not in this chapter)
Your basic core spun yarn, in 3 different variations. Explained in detail. What's more to say?
Chapter 10, novelty yarn
Let's combine alle the cool things we learned in previous chapters and add little extras!
You meet an old acquaintance: the knop yarn that is followed by 7 different ways of making pigtail yarn. And then we have: beehives, cocoons, 3 ways of altering the cocoons (+one beaded inspiration) and something that makes my fingers itch with need for colorfull locks: tailspun!
Imagine this:
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But SO colorfull!
The last yarn we get to know is "squiggle" a yarn with hiccups (or that giggles) either way it's adorable and very cute!
In the End we have a: glossary, Bibliography 👀, some acknowledgments, an index and some Bock recs.
On the VERY end there is a paper pocket with cards for all the yarns?!?!? HELLOOOO?!?!?
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General opinion:
I LOVE this book it is the best book on spinning i have read so far detailed without being overwhelming. Also it is impossible to not notice how much care and love were involved. This is truly a book from a spinner to other spinners.
General information on the yarns and techniques are sprinkled between (like the sock experiment and how to work beads into the yarn)
It is well built, the chapters and everything is well sorted.
All in all, a loveletter to yarn.
Cons: i can't touch the samples. And that is TERRIBLE. Also i want to spinn all the yarns right now in an instant, but i don't have enough fiber, money, or time. A crime!!! Just Mean!!!
2023 we'll have a spin along to this book. More information will be on this blog shortly:
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Say hi to the Anergy gang!!! My fan made gang for bomb rush cyberfunk!! They are a gang of cyber heads here to her people back and energized and happy! Their big fans of the bomb rush crew and the DOTexe and so mixed both into their own gang!! Let me give you them and little facts on them!!
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*the leader of Anergy and the most chill, he'd vibe with anyone with ease
*hes got a doctorate in mental health so he is technically a skating therapist (he don't mind it)
*Out of all of the gang he's to most happy out of all of the gang! He can lighten up about any mood with it
*second in command and the most hard hitter! He keeps everyone in line when it needs to happen
*he is the one who gets mad the most and you can tell by his back price of his head bubbling with rage
*hes a really good guy once you get under all that armor he put up! He love cute things and will never tell you!
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*the one with the most energy in the gang, he's the one who racks the most points whenever in a point fight
*one with the most energy comes with the downside of no brain cells you will be simple with a lot of word if your gonna chat with him
*hes the biggest fan of DOTexe and will semi copy their lingo and so he is known to say lol and EZ
*the silent one in the gang he is the most chaotic, causing harmless pranks on people to cheer them up!
*he is actually deaf and do will speak in sign language or since he is a cyber head use the radio to make sentences (like bumblebee)
*like his name implies he is incredibly quiet and by accident or not, scare people just by making a sound or tapping the person. He will always say sorry if he did scare them
I hope you like them as much as I do!! I hope one day if I'm able to they can be a mod for brc!!
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vixensandfoxes · 2 years
the STRENGHT needed to make the conscious choice to fight when all of your instincts and experiences and programmation says freeze or flight is astronomical
Or how my fox was triggered by an asshole yesterday, yelled and cursed him off, slammed the door in his face, and made me fall all over again. Proud, so proud. I know it took enough anergy, in those 15 seconds, to crash us all down for days with the fatigue and recovering. But holy shit i'm so proud. Choosing to fight is strenght. Tiring apart all your instincts and immediate trauma response to do something ELSE. It's liberating, it's hard, it hurts, it's golem work.
love'im so much <3
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ufufuyfuyfuy · 1 year
The best YouTuber who changed my mind. 🫰🏽
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First of all I met her in youtube, I think her opinion is good and she has so much anergy. When I tired, disappointed, or this disappointed, she can save me for stress. I hope you guys will be watch her videos bc when you don't have confidence or anything about education, she can cheer you up. 👍🏽
  She's always improving herself and learning a lot of languages, She really speaks English well. So I want to be like her. She's my Idol. 🫶🏻🎀
  Finally I like that you can live alone. She doesn't have to depend on anyone. She can go on a trip or study by herself. and make money from being a YouTuber That's admirable and something I really want to do.
Momojung 🧃 No.25 M.6-3
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
Me: yep mlp me oc staws like make Wall list a dys a me mlp/my little pony me cherater's:::
So starter: galy glow (red gala x twilight sparkle be parents) so expleing her a ferts cherater a 2011 das a canda be "normality logic" like normal expleing radom sidacion and expleing rabbit hole a someone get a past and how teching a not so hart a das arbument her and dys look like dys back story and cute mark be like start in apple or canda like dys dizaine a more sens a normal See a persen eyes
And galy frends:::
Appy cherry ( cherry jubilee x applejack ) more be joner a cowgril like western child a grup like so energi canda naive but stel be never left a code stert self like more wona play as you be canda sad a lost staws like game a das backstory more a das look radom cherry and apple make radom pony soda and be so energy strong
Fluffy gem ( fluttershy x rarity ) more be like rarity because magic but more mom a fluttershy a be shy or canda because so lot toking a someone a wona das cute's dress like pastel pink or pastel staws a takes wona a backstory a das more take you staws and expleing fix dress a code be too fick or too big a be okey a das wering a not lost a money and anergy take mett/angry staws so more gem be shy fixer or canda like dys and dys not bed like someone be real life so canda be like code pinkie pie a out toxet toking multum time
Dipsy flowers (pinkie pie x daisy) so more be normal pony more donig a mom a be happy but more make candy a flowers a canda more artys as candy staws so cute mark be like flowers as lolipop be like dys so backstory be im dont wona money and me lot a masiw lolipop flowers das more be happy das Valentine special
Rainy deer (rainbow dash x deer "radom a comic series") das more be deer normal not pegas but canda wirts corors like so pasteli or sowing like dys but dys a horns a head das make magic dys efekt a not fly but can make magic so after dys canda dys a be fatcher das left because drama and staws like dys because town deer is enifing rude rule like too much takes only self
So prcess now a das:::
Pricess rose ( das celestia x rose ) more be canda love gems staws but more das doing a look a someone did do okey a not call mom but enifing going woring or creppy finks a das red son or das more dizaine a rose and was hot coros be in a code "rose sun" like gefrut or sowing
Pricess flena (das Luna x fleur dis lee) more be logic a grup like das more pratys megic or canda knows a megic corors a teling you like get wiolet you be soon more sylesly persen a get blue more be pretty a canda logic hole and more like dys and canda be cart a cute mark a moon in
Pricess hart shiny ( das candance x amira) so canda be joner grup because love was dress dizaine a drowing staws a radom book a total not a be dys but canda more say as arts so dys more sans like be dekoracion staws
Offical note: 27.11.2022.r
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brainpoo · 2 years
This should not be in caps but I don't have the energy to change it
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My two philosophy essays are both for the same module because some GENIUS in the philosophy department went “you know what, history of modern philosophy should have TWO final essays just for FUN”
I am so angry on your behalf anon this is student abuse lmao
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apeshit · 5 years
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
Okay, but consider:
When Amy and Rory get stuck in New York, they try to leave at first. I mean, of course they do, they’re not idiots. If the Doctor can’t come here, why can’t they just get out of the center of the paradox? And even if he still can’t pick them up....well, no reason not to see some of the world by the slow path.
It’s just not that simple. As it turns out, the contortions of time and the way it’s adhered to them trap them physically, not just temporally. When they try to leave NYC, time goes...weird. They find themselves back where they started, or time slows to a crawl, or starts skipping and fracturing for them. They wait for trains that never arrive, or drive all day and get nowhere, or walk and find their strength sapped away. You get the picture. So...they stay. They poke their boundaries every so often, but mostly they just stay.
It’s not so bad. If you had to pick one place to be stuck in for the rest of your lives, New York City from the 1930s onward certainly won’t be boring. And River can visit, occasionally, even if the Doctor can’t. (Sometimes she leaves them gadgets to keep them equipped for any timey-wiminess that may arise, like the thing that looks like an egg timer and detects artron anergy within the city confines. They always wonder if she has a Reason for these things, but they don’t ask.)
They build their lives. Rory stays in medicine, of course, even if being a male nurse is a little more unusual in this period. Amy writes, fantasy stories about little lost girls and brave boys and strange wizards with funny blue houses.
(In her stories, children always find their way home in the end.)
After WWII they adopt a little war-orphan baby named Anthony. He, more than anything, anchors them. Life goes on. They settle, like the foundations of a house.
Until one day in the 60s when Amy (older, but not slowed down yet) bursts into the house, grabs Rory, and says “She’s going to be HERE.”
“What?” says Rory.
“1969. The Moon.” Amy waves a copy of a magazine with headlines about the space program at him. “MELODY.”
Whether or not they’ll try to find her is barely even a question, after that—potential damage to the space-time continuum, versus the fact that their little girl will be out there alone and hurting and in danger right now?
They’re Pond-Williamses. You know how this story goes.
So they start trying, again, to escape. They’re in New York, and she’ll be in Florida; they even know exactly when and where they’ll be able to find her. They’re so close.
But they can’t. get. out.
They try and try and keep on trying, as the next few years pass and the city feels more like a prison than it ever has. They do everything they can think of—which isn’t much, sadly, because they don’t have the Doctor and they can’t reliably contact River, and she doesn’t show up for these years. (They wonder if that’s a good or bad sign.) So their options are limited, and mostly consist of the blind, dogged obstinacy that’s a family trait. But...it doesn’t seem to pay off, this time.
They watch the moon landing through tears, at home on the couch, holding each other.
(They’re going to keep trying, of course, but...they won’t know where she is now. They’re back where they were when they first lost her, in a way, and it feels like reliving Demons Run.)
The next few months are...strange. Empty, almost. Listless, even as they keep testing their boundaries—because is there really a point anymore? They had their chance—their daughter’s chance—and they blew it.
And then, one night, the egg timer starts wailing. Not the usual even chime that signals River’s popped into this time, but an earsplitting wail that makes itself heard through the walls.
They stare at each other, baffled. A silent agreement passes between them. They grab the artron energy detector, head out the door, and start driving.
It’s a long, frustrating game of “hot or cold” circling through the city and arguing over whether the gadget they’re holding between them—which has dropped in volume to a quieter, fluctuating sort of alarm—is getting louder or softer. They both know they won’t go home as long as there’s any noise at all, though. Whatever this is—the Doctor? River in trouble?—they can’t ignore it.
And, finally, they find a dirty alleyway, with a little girl lying on the ground. The artron energy detector stabilizes into one long, steady keen as they near her, and Rory finally shuts the thing off. The little girl, crumpled and still, hadn’t even stirred at the noise, but he can’t take it anymore.
As he kneels down beside her, though, one hand reaching to steady her head while he checks for a pulse—then, as he gently touches her, the little girl stirs. Her eyes open, oddly fearless given the circumstances, and fixed on his. She raises her head a little, leaning toward him, and he adjusts to support her.
Then, as this little girl sits up and looks from him to Amy, her lips part, and a little breath of gold escapes.
Amy gasps, suddenly, the breath punched out of her. (Although, really, part of her already knew. But she hasn’t seen that gold in a long time.)
Their little girl smiles. “Mummy,” she breathes, and then she looks back to Rory with those same bright, fearless (trusting) eyes. “Daddy.”
And Amy falls to her knees beside Rory, and Melody flies into the circle of their arms.
“But how? How did you know where to find us?”
Melody laughs, delighted in her discovery and in being able to share it, as she was/is/will be at every age. “I read your books,” she answers. “I read Lost Songs, and Summer Falls, and the Garden of Forgetfulness. I knew it was you, Mummy. I knew your stories.”
(After all, Melody—as befitted the weapon of the Silence—had been born with a very good memory. And during those days at Demons Run, when it was only them, Amy had been the one to tell Melody her very first stories.)
So they take her home. They introduce her to Anthony, who’s in college now and takes his big sister River being reintroduced as his little sister Melody remarkably in stride. And...always wondering when the paradox might strike...they keep her.
They try not to tell her too much about her future, specifically. Spoilers, you know. But they keep her safe and well and happy, as she grows (more slowly than other children, but that’s all right). And they tell her there’s a long and twisting road ahead, but they will be there, one way or another. And she will find happiness there, and she will make them proud, always.
And they tell her that they love her. That she will always be loved.
And that’s enough, for a good while. But they’re getting older, just as Melody is. On Rory’s 82nd birthday, Melody catches him apologizing softly to Amy. She smiles and calls him an idiot, but there are tears in her eyes.
He dies at 82, and when Amy reaches 87 and suddenly starts putting her affairs in order, Melody and Anthony have an idea of what’s coming.
(It’s hard, sometimes, having parents who know the future. Even harder when they can’t change it.)
But what actually happens that year is a car accident. Amy doesn’t make it.
Melody, who was driving, doesn’t either.
At least, she doesn’t live through it.
“I don’t want you!” the little girl shrieks, twisting in her now-much-older brother’s arms. “I want Mummy and Daddy!”
“They aren’t here, Mel,” Anthony says desperately. (Last week, she was a young adult. He didn’t think this was how regeneration was supposed to work.) “They’re gone. I’m sorry, honey, but they just can’t be here.”
“I want them!” she insists. “Let’s find them!” And the tears start up again. “They said...they said they’d always be here.”
Anthony frowns.
Left to himself, he wouldn’t have thought of it—he’s an adult, after all, nearly fifty, and he can survive the loss of his parents. But the little girl in his arms...well, she shouldn’t have to.
And maybe that’s what makes several childhood stories click together in his head. Some told by his parents, and some dropped by River when she hadn’t known he was listening.
(Maybe it’s just that his sister is a bad influence, he thinks in amusement.)
“Okay, then,” he says. “Let’s find them.”
The tears stop. “Really?” the little voice says, suddenly quiet and hesitant.
“Really,” Anthony says, hoisting her more securely into his arms. “Do you remember Mum and Dad ever telling you about a sleepy little town called Leadworth?”
And that’s how, in 1994, an American named Anthony Zimmerman and his adopted little girl Mel (”I was close to her parents”) settled in Leadworth, England. Mel was a little spitfire, but she promptly befriended the neighbors’ girl of the same age, Amelia. They played together, shared secrets, and when Amelia developed her obsession with her imaginary Doctor, Mels was the most eager audience for her stories.
After all, Amelia had always been Melody’s first storyteller. And Melody had always been Amelia’s first listener.
Because the most important thing about Amelia’s stories—even if Amelia didn’t know it yet—was that, in the end, the children always found their way home.
(AN: full disclosure is that I’m sure I got the bit with Amy’s books guiding Melody home from some other fic where she writes them in order to help Melody--although I don’t think it worked there? Not sure. I’m definitely not the first one to use that idea, anyway, though I do love it.)
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Being Arthur’s son and Dating Barry Allen
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You see that gif? That’s the face he made when he saw you for the first time.
“I would like you all to meet my son, (Y/N), Prince of Atlantis.”
Barry’s heart was beating so fast, his brain went error 404. He was like “CUTE BOY ALERT”
“Hi! I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you!”
“Uh- I…you….Barry Allen.”
Good. Now he made a fool out of himself in front of you.
You just smiled sweetly and shook his hand.
“Your hands are so soft…”
“Oh! Thank you!”
After that awkward interaction Arthur quickly explain to the team that you were going to spend a couple weeks we them.
Barry was over the moon! He would be in the company of a cute boy? For weeks? Sign him up!
Throughout the time you spend with the league, you grew close with them all. They were like a second family.
You liked Barry, he was much like your father. A complete teddy bear.
Although he was a LOT more chaotic.
“Hey (Y/N)! Maybe we could go to the park! Or get some ice cream or…”
“Barry….slow down for a second.”
Arthur knew what was going on from the start. He knew when a boy was pining over his son. Lots of them did.
Arthur couldn’t blame Barry, you were a good, a handsome one too.
He did try to keep Barry away from you, Barry was the definition of chaotic anergy and your father didn’t want Barry to shook your world up.
You were just a simple boy with simple needs, Arthur didn’t want Barry to shatter your world with his over the top energy.
But he didn’t have the strength to deny Barry’s love for his son. He wanted you to experience it.
I have the feeling that the league would know Barry was in love with you. And they would try to push him to confess his love.
*insert Oliver shamefully flirting with you*
When’s all said and done, Barry would really benefit from your relationship.
You were calm and he was chaotic, opposites attract.
This boy would be the happiest in the world.
Don’t even get me started on your sex life…
it’s meant to be.
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circethegoblin · 3 years
here you go. some down to earth tips on how to not die metally nor physically.
tired of those "drink three liters of water everyday uwu" and "wake up at 5 am" and "buy a bath bomb and a fec mask and some other things you don't have the money for" shit? i'm here for ya.
eat at least three meals a day, one of which m u s t be warm and above 300 kcal (it can be istant ramen with an egg added if you have to)
you technically should shower everyday, but we know how it is. A change of clothes is sometimes enough.
keep bottles with water everywhere. On your desk, near that spot on the floor you always end up sitting on, near your bed, basically whenever you know you spend a lot of time. No need to get up and go to the kitchen will help. Obviously change the water in the bottles as often as you can.
Get some form of physical activity. It doesn't have to be much, you can for example replace scrolling on tiktok by walking around your room and scrolling on tiktok! Brilliant, isn't it? Obviously, running or doing those 10 minutes workouts from youtube is better, but you are still getting like an hour of walking.
Buy blankets. Steal blankets. Summon blankets from other dimensions. Just make sure you have a lot of warm, soft blankets in your house. You will thank me when you won't have the anergy to wash your sheets (just take them off and throw some blankets on your bed), or when the power goes out.
If you have pets, ALWAYS keep spare food that'll last for a week for them.
things to always have in the kitchen: milk, eggs, flour, rice, pasta, yeast, cheese, oil, a leafy vegetable, onions, tomatoes, apples, patatoes, some flavourful sauce, sugar, salt, spices and an emergency chocolate bar. You can make a lot of food with those. Just make sure you won't eat the chocolate too fast.
Have a lot of spare batteries. A lot.
Get urself a flashlight, a lighter, and a pocket knife.
Remember the apples? eat one a day. if you don't like apples or you can't eat them for any other reason, you can take a kiwi, banana, orange, basically something that will give you vitamins and non processed sugar.
do the dishes before your sink starts developing it's own ecosystem
drugs from that one guy around the corner = very bad time
Open the damn window.
Don't watch so many commentary videos. You are probably not even checking the sources, so you can easily make unjust judgement, and like. did you even hear of half of those people before?
make a discord server just for yourself. get into the habit of writing little things that happened to you there. rant about the fanfics you read. or the movies. vent there if you don't have anyone you can vent to. write your ideas there, write e v e r y t h i n g. make a section for passwords, for quick ideas, for your to do lists. you won't lose it as you do with sticky notes or notebooks. there is no risk anyone will see it. oh, and when you'll have a strong impulse to tell emily that you hate her? write that message in your private server and list all ur arguments. look at tat the next day and decide if you really mean that.
life sucks. come to peace with it.
cuddle ur pets if you have them
1 hour a day without a lot of sensory input. if you have to, reduce to half an hour.
if you find yourself scrolling endlessly through social media, make sure it's pintrest (just don't compare urself to the people here; if you have issues with that, tumblr may be better)
delete. twitter. from. your. phone.
influencers are lying to you; maybe not even intentionally. remember when you were watching that cute-aesthetic-productive morning routine, and you were wondering why your life isn't that pretty? why your room is a mess? why you cannot for the life of god be aesthetic 24/7? its the filter. don't worry about it, their lifes arent that nice either.
realize there's actually nothing stopping you from screaming as loud as you can right now. like there is no physical barrier. think about it. realize there's no actual physical barierr to many other things.
your body is your body. you can decide how it looks like; just remember it's in your greatest interest to keep it healthy.
If you wear make up, take it off before you go to sleep.
moisturize your body; everything is better when your skin doesn't feel dry
have a one brand of cosmetics that you love and buy things mainly from it. they often have sets of products that complete each other. i like ziaja. it's a polish brand, it's surprisingly cheap and has nice quality
cleanser, moisturizer, face mist
of you can, change your sheets once every two weeks
do the dishes before your sink starts developing it's own ecosystem
do a deep house clean once a month (don't beat yourself up when you don't tho)
keep your workspace organized (it doesn't have to look organized to other people, remember)
cook your own food
keep a calendar
no money for scented candles? got ya. make a simmer pot: throw some apple peel, a couple of cinnamon sticks and whatever spices that smell good you have into a pot, add some water and simmer. boom. your house smells good, and you haven't spend 20 dollars.
If you really like candles, buy scented wax melts. it's cheaper.
Buy urself scented mists. they're pretty cheap and will make you feel A LOT better.
keep your clothes clean. if you aren't sure if that shirt thats on your chair is dirty or not, throw it in the washing mashine anyway. better be sure.
if you can, make your bed right when you get up
wear clothes that make you feel good. put some effort into your outfits. really.
be nice to essential workers.
if you have money, give tips.
remember, you do not owe anyone love; it is not something you can force. even if they saved your life. even when they helped you in your darkest time. if you don't love them, you don't.
you don't have to be in a romantic relationship to be happy.
if you want to, date! date everyone! date girls, date boys, date nonbinary people! date people completly different than you, date people from different countries, date them!!! just make sure they're kind and won't kill you. even if you don't end up in a relationship, you can learn a lot.
don't be afraid to piss off people that deserve it
smile to strangers :)
heard of dark academia? check it out
romanticize the heck out of studying
do not let your studying be just reading the same partagraph over and over again. it won't work. believe me.
seterra for geography, quizlet for everything else
try to make yourself intrestet in whatever you are studying (watch veritasium, listen to podcasts about weird history facts)
notes are for you and you only; don't worry about them looking pretty. doodle on margins, make weird metaphors, squeeze in as much info as you can.
when you're studying, listen to music without words/in a language you don't understand.
chew gum while you study
get the forest app, get attached to the trees, focus.
don't feel guilty for taking breaks
grades aren't everything, but they are important.
eat something in school
don't just use the cheapest pens. invest a couple dollars in something that will make writing enjoyable and smooth
those study with me videos? they're great
if you like to argue with the teachers, take care of your grades becouse. they may not like you afterwards.
be nice to your classmates and help them with homework. if you don't do your homework they'll help you
executive dysfunction won't let you study? been there. sometimes it's better to wake up ealier tommorow and do that homework then.
don't feel guilty for failing a test
go to the goddamn class
don't pull all nighters oh my god don't especially on weekdays
don't get involved in the crime, and if you do always have a believable explanation why you were doing it
have different alarm sounds for every day of the week
set a daily limit of money that you spend
great hobbies that don't require a lot of money; urban exploration, writing, hiking and learning other languages
thrift stores
don't eat grapefruits while on meds
nail polish removers dissolve most strong glues.
if you have a cut on your skin, desinfect it. do it. please just do it.
always have pads with you. even if you don't get periods, at least one of your friends probably does
sign up in your local library. its free
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snupp-snoel · 3 years
i miss drawing sm.. i need to draw so MUCH!! there is anergy in me bro. energy!!! to make things and to crwate images. and dream a lot
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xiairi-q · 3 years
hi hi!! may i get some match ups? Some words that I’ve been described by my friends are optimistic, laidback, empathetic, friendly, understanding and accepting!! I get really enthusiastic with everything and i’d say i’m pretty easy to get along with!! My personality type is ENFP and my enneagram is 9w1!! My zodiac sign is an Aquarius. My love languages are physical touch and understanding others deeply!! My biggest interests include psychology, fashion, crystals, and horror/the paranormal!! Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love getting to know others and observing the little things they do (it’s so cute!!). Somethings that really get on my nerves/makes me anxious are insensitive/hateful people, conflict, yelling, emergency sirens, and sudden loud noises. My highest kins are Mitsuri Kanroji, Joe Tazuna, Sayori, Ochako Uraraka, Alice Cullen, Minori Kushieda, Mako Mankanshoku Sonia Nevermind, Rapunzel, Perfuma, and Sasha Braus!! My sexuality is Bisexual and i’d prefer someone from Drv3!!
That’s it!! Sorry if it’s a lots of details lol i just wrote whats on my mind!! Have a nice day!! :D <3
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Okay I am gonna be honest, I didn't do any research at all. It was just a gut feeling I guess.
Understanding and accepting, huh?
I say he would be really happy inside if you could understand why he lies, like the reasoning behind his lies.
You anergy just matches perfectly.
He loves pulling pranks on others so you two would spend halloween together and have so much fun.
I think his love language is also physical touch.
So lots of cuddles if you have anixety attacks.
I think lying is related to psychology and since you love observing what people do, you could just study him and his actions.
Cutest couple out there
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Alternatives : Shuichi Saihara
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