delphi-dreamin · 5 months
Y'know what rubs me the wrong way? People who say that Lucifer wouldn't 100% get a case of feline paralysis if you fall asleep on him? That man will so reluctantly wheel himself back over to his desk and do what he can to keep working with you asleep in his lap. But he will only go places he can from his desk chair because he doesn't want to risk standing and waking you up. He is so gently in love with you.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
hey ha! saw requests are open so i take the chance and may request something also sorry for the english 👉🏿👈🏿 soooo the thing is im obsessed with lucifer from sandman in an unhealty way and there is this idea in my head that lives rentfree so luci saves f/reader that is trapped "in" a demon that shows them there bigges fear and all the things and people that they did something to they regret so we are crying and fearing but luci comes like " T_T...you shouldnt be here" grabs over our shoulder puts there wing protectiv around our back und guids us to the illusion that the demon is creating at a point where the illusion brings us to hesitate the next steps luci push us forward and be like the lightbringer angel they are and we are like 🥲🥲🥲 mhmhm thanks and fluff stuff
i know its kinda specific and its ok if your not up to this but want to drop here im a fan of your writhing so im looking forward to everything you post xD
so have a good one ans thanks for your time 🌚❤️
Hiiii anon!! Thank you for the request! It’s detailed, and I love that 🥰 I tried to follow your request as best as I could. Hope you Enjoy!! 💞💞
Shadow Shadow ~Soft!Lucifer Morningstar xGN!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, happy ending fluff, demonic possession, crying, anxiety, implied anxiety attack, greatest fears, comforting, pet names, fluff ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
The dishes had piled up in your kitchen sink. They had been bothering you all day, so with a sigh, you got up and went over to address them. You started cleaning the dishes one by one…
Your ears perked up when you thought you heard the door move. You looked back at the kitchen door, but it hadn’t moved. Odd, you thought.
Suddenly, you felt something invade you.
The feeling was hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced and entered you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body go numb. You were sucked into yourself, having no control over your body anymore, somebody else was now at the wheel.
Everything around you was dark. You could still vaguely see through your eyes, but you were being pulled into the darkness more and more.
Suddenly you were pulled into a memory filled with true fear and terror. You started to shake as you were forced to relive these twisted thoughts and memories. They were warped, having heightened fear and fright. You started crying, falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
You didn’t know how long you were in those state, but you were cradling yourself on the ground, scared to death and sobbing uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you heard a voice, not one of your own.
“You should not be here…!” The booming voice exclaimed.
You then felt the invasion start to be pulled out of you.
The feeling was still hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced you once more, but this time exiting you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body come back to you. You were sucked back out of your depths, having finally control over your body again, the somebody else at the wheel now gone.
When your vision came back to you, you saw a tall figure with strong wings standing in front of you. You were still shaken and scared for your life. Your lip trembled and you immediately put your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.
“My name is Lucifer.” The large being spoke softly, bringing one of their wings around you, “What’s your name, little thing?”
The wing around you made you oddly calmer. You felt protected. And you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I… Y/N…” you whispered, wiping the tears away for your eyes.
Lucifer nodded slowly in understanding.
“That is a lovely name.” They cooe, “I am sorry that you had to experience that, my sweet…”
“What… W-what was that…?” You whispered.
Lucifer sighed.
“One of my more roudy demons who got away from me.” They admitted, “It won’t happen again. You need not worry.” They reassured you.
“No but what was that…?” Your voice trembled as you thought back to the horrific feeling that you had felt in every bone of your body for that time.
You winced and tears threatened to spill down your cheeks once more. Lucifer sighed in sympathy.
“You see, Demons like to thrive off of the human mind… And this demon specialized in fear” They explained gently, “So the demon pulled out your biggest fears to feed off of and survive inside you. Humans call this possession.”
Tears began to flow down your face once more. You nodded at their words.
“It was so awful…” you choked out, your voice cracking.
Lucifer’s wings held you closer and their hand came behind you to rub your back.
“I know, little one…” they cooed lovingly, “But the demon is gone now. It will never bother you again.”
“Ok…” you whispered, looking up at the Lightbringer with watery eyes.
“Thank you” you choked out.
“Anytime, little one…” Lucifer gently spoke, “I’ll come back to check on you soon, alright…?”
You hiccuped and nodded. Then Lucifer left and you were back in your kitchen. With your dishes.
Lucifer Morningstar Masterlist
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Family Line
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Fandom: Obey Me!
Characters Featured: Lucifer
Written for a GN!Mc, (you/yours, they/them pronouns used)
Genre: Hurt*/Comfort
Wc: ~1.2k
Cw: abusive parent (father), mentions of emotional and physical abuse, resentment and relationship grief, *leaning WAY into the hurt on this one, noted Mc has siblings
(Here is a version with my Mc, Storm)
》A/N: I wrote this fic with the song Family Line by Conan Gray playing.
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Lucifer paced slowly down the hallway of the second floor of the House of Lamentation. The nightly routine to ensure all his brothers were still accounted for in the wee hours of the morning was tiring, but it was the last task he needed to complete before turning in himself for the night. As per usual, Asmo had just entered his room after spending a late night at the fall, and the sound of Levi cursing at one of his video games was occasionally heard in the distance.
The last room to check across the hall from his own was Mc’s. Usually, they slept rather well, going to bed earliest out of everyone in the house. Tonight though, something was off. Lucifer raised a brow as he approached the room, uncertain if he was actually seeing light shining from the underside of the door. As if sooner believing he would be going crazy, he checked his watch- seeing the clock showing 1:45am back at him.
Maybe they fell asleep doing homework, he posited, approaching their door curiously. He paused before knocking, trying to listen closely to the music playing from behind the thick wooden door.
“...I can’t forget, I can’t forgive you ‘cause now I’m scared that everyone I love will leave me...”
Lucifer frowned. The somber melody continued, telling a story of pain and suffering caused by the individuals a child is supposed to trust and feel loved by. After listening to a few more bars, he knocked on the door- hearing the music decrease in volume slightly. There was a short pause, and then the door slowly unlocked and opened.
Lucifer sucked in a terse breath, seeing the clear evidence of your woe worn plainly on your face. You refused to make eye contact with him, instead staring at the ground. “S-sorry, Lucifer. I’ll turn it down, I didn’t mean to keep you awake.”
Lucifer felt his heart squeeze in his chest. “Mc, is everything alright?”
You glanced up at him briefly before looking down again, your bottom lip trembling slightly as they desperately tried to hold back tears. After realizing there was no use being dishonest with the first borne, you shook their head.
Lucifer nodded, gesturing into the room. You stepped aside, wiping your eyes as he entered. You shut the door quietly behind him, pausing as he picked up your phone to look at the song you had been listening to. He scrolled down to the lyrics, reading them over carefully. With each line, his heart ached more and more- not only for you, but for himself.
“Why are you listening to this song?” Lucifer pondered aloud, turning to face you. “And why so late tonight?”
You sighed as you approached your bed, sinking down onto the push mattress. Lucifer quickly joined, watching your expressions carefully.
“I talked to him earlier tonight.” You stated flatly, trying to stop the shaking in your voice.
Lucifer raised a brow. “Your father?”
You nod, rubbing your forearm. “Yeah...”
“Ah- I’m assuming he gave you the usual- lectures, degradation, and insults?”
You scoffed. “Pretty much, yeah. But...” You paused, turning your head away from him.
Lucifer took your hand in his, squeezing it gently. “But?”
You take a deep breath. “It felt different today, I guess. Like, after seeing all of the texts in our group chat between him and my siblings happily sharing childhood pictures. Every single one of them, they were smiling and having fun.”
Lucifer nodded, squeezing their hand once more to reassure them that he was here.
“I...” they bit their lip, “...I couldn’t find a single one that brought back good memories. I look miserable in all of them- even the ones where I am smiling. It just makes me think...like...Is there something wrong with me..? Why does he treat me so terribly? What did I do to deserve..?”
You burst into tears, snatching your hand away from lucifer and covering your eyes to try to hide how shameful you felt for acting such a way in front of the Avatar of Pride. The pain you felt ran deep, the mixture of resentment, grief, hurt, insecurity, self-blame, and anger all overflowing out of you like a waterfall.
Lucifer felt his heart splinter as they sobbed, feeling the emotion flooding their aura with each shuddered breath and wail in agony. He inched closer, pulling them into a tight embrace. He rubbed their back as they cried into his chest, gripping the lapel of his vest tightly to ground themself.
As they cried, his mind wandered back to the song lyrics, reflecting on his own experience with his father. It was different than Mc’s experience, sure- but it’s not like Lucifer forgot the numerous lies he was told for the sake of manipulation, the way his own father would shame him or degrade him for anything he did that didn’t fit his “grand plan,” the over-the-top expectations that Lucifer tried to meet, but was never able to, the emotional distance...and he remembered the punishments far too vividly. Not only for him, but for his brothers as well.
Lucifer gripped your back, feeling tears threaten to spill from his own eyes as memories of the toxicity within his own family lineage. He closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breath as he rested his chin atop your trembling head.
You sat together like this for quite some time- not that either of you was really keeping track. When you had expelled all the tears your body could release, Lucifer finally said his piece.
“Mc, you did nothing to deserve such terrible treatment. A parent is supposed to love their children unconditionally, and your Father clearly failed in that moral duty.” Lucifer paused, taking a deep breath. “Nothing will change what has happened to you, or the fact that he still treats you this way, but I can assure you that you don’t deserve it- not one bit.”
You nodded somberly, though seemingly remained unconvinced. Lucifer rubbed his thumb across your shoulder as he waited for you to find the words to speak, allowing you to take as much time as you needed.
“I just...” you hiccupped, your breaths still slightly uneven. “I...I never got to have a dad- not like my siblings did. And I...I just wish I could have that. I want it so bad it h-hurts.”
Lucifer closed his eyes, taking another deep breath, though this time it was his turn to shed tears. You snap your attention to him and pressed a hand to Lucifer’s thigh, concerned over what you had said to produce such a reaction.
“I understand that feeling, Mc.” He murmured quietly, trying to keep his voice from shaking. “And it’s something I don’t think I myself have properly addressed. Perhaps, while we should grieve the loss of a relationship that will never be, we should also keep close the individuals who cherish us for who we are- warts and all.”
You nod, chewing on his words.  Inching closer, you rest your head against his chest, finding comfort in his steady heartbeat. “Then...could you stay with me a little longer tonight, Luci? I don’t...I don’t think I want to be alone right now.”
Lucifer pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, clutching you tighter to his chest. “Of course, my love. I’m not going anywhere.”
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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Alastor: “Now, let’s talk about literally anything else please!”
Me: “Good! Cause I don’t know where you went so I can’t go further with this!😂”
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dirtgrubber · 1 month
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from my new favorite scene in my favorite fanfic by @morningstarwrites
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marsalta · 3 months
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Someone’s a little sleepy
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fancyfeasti · 4 months
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"I guess you have changed."
-Husk, Hazbin Hotel Ep. 8
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koemiexists · 2 months
Sleeping Beauty
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summary: you wanna try something new with your lover tags: finally some porn without plot- oh no there's a bit of plot there, sex, vaginal sex, somnophilia, sex while sleeping, porn, creampie, aftercare, embarrassing conversations word count: 1.9k a/n: i had to, physically could not stop myself as I made this smut shot...
The only person aware of your relationship with the Radio Demon was Husk.
If it were Alastor’s choice, it would have been no one. However, Husk had stumbled upon you exiting his bedroom and questioned you relentlessly on why until you cracked.
You had to plead to Alastor to not have Husk killed right then and there.
You weren’t sure why Alastor would want to hide your relations with him, yet with the talk of the Vee’s, you believed that would be the reason why. His and Vox’s rivalry seems to go back way before you made it to Hell, so it seemed obvious that Alastor would wish to hide anything that may seem like a weakness to him.
In a way, he was caring for you by seeming like he didn’t in public.
Privately, behind closed doors, you two would often cuddle or talk, and on some occasions, Alastor would initiate intimacy with you. It had always excited you, considering how hesitant your lover was with physical contact. His touch on your skin gave you goosebumps, and you would gently pull him in, giving him kisses to melt away that barrier of rigidness, giving you the Alastor you loved.
At the moment, you were fidgeting with a bracelet you had recently bought. It was a bright red, almost glowing. You waited eagerly for your lover to slink his way into the bedroom through the shadows, so you could ask him a favor that had been on your mind.
You didn't have to wait a minute longer when the murky shadows pooled in the middle of the wooden floor, Alastor forming from it after a few seconds. His grin widened a little at the sight of you on his bed, and you gave him a small smile back, facing him completely.
“What’s in your hand?” He inquired, sitting next to you as he stripped his jacket off.
You bit your lip before turning to face him even more. “It’s a bracelet.”
Alastor quirked an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face. “You fancy yourself some jewelry? Just ask, (Name). I’ll buy you whatever jewels you desire, only the best ones to compliment your natural glow.”
“Not exactly...” You fiddled with it and sighed quietly as you tried not to let the embarrassment overrun you. “We have sex sometimes.”
He stopped his stripping, looking at you now, his gaze direct as you stuttered underneath his piercing eyes.
“And... I love it.” You inhaled deeply. “So, I want to try something new, if you’re okay with it.”
He still stared at you, his ears twitching as his short tail wagged barely behind him. “Continue, (Name).”
Flushing, you stood up so he was in front of you. You took another breath, and placed the bracelet against his hand so he could observe it. “I want you to have sex with me while I sleep.”
Before he opened his mouth to say something, you interrupted. “This bracelet is something I will wear at night, so you know that I want it to happen while I sleep. So, we are clear on, uhm, consent.”
Alastor moved slowly, taking your hands away from your sides, gently grasping them. “You want to do this tonight?” He didn’t look up at you, and you shifted in place, glancing away repeatedly.
He hummed in response, slipping the bracelet on your right hand before looking up at you. Rising up, Alastor gave you a soft kiss on your lips, then another kiss on your cheek. “Alright.” He said lightly, his smile widening. “However, as of right now, I have errands to run. Charlie’s tasks never wait! Aha! I’ll be seeing you very soon, darling.”
You watched as Alastor left, leaving you flushed and tired. Glancing down at the bracelet, you left his room silently to grab some food from the kitchen.
Angel Dust was there, and you let out a soft noise of surprise. His eyes moved from his phone to you. “Heya (Name).” He greeted, giving you a smile before turning back to his phone. 
You greeted back, before you made yourself a sandwich. Eating it slowly, you kept glancing at Angel. “How are you?” You spoke up softly, which surprised Angel.
“Eh, so so.” He stretched. “Worked a little too hard yesterday. The sex started to hurt after a bit.” He complained, running a hand against his fluff. “Had to shower twice.”
“Valentino.” You spoke bitterly. “Does he always overwork you?”
Angel thought for a minute, before shaking his head. “No, but sometimes he does. Often enough for me to be pissed off, that’s for sure.”
You nodded in sympathy. “Who wouldn’t be upset?” You begin to shift nervously as you quickly finish your sandwich. “Uh, I have a question.”
“How do I prepare myself... for having sex... while I sleep...?” You asked meekly, face flushing heavily.
Angel snorted, then frantically had to cough as he began to choke on his drink. “H-Holy shit!” He heaved in laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. “Wow! I- just- wow!”
Rolling your eyes, you pouted slightly. “It’s not funny.”
“No- no it’s not funny,” He grinned, laughing quietly. “Didn’t know you were kinky like that.” 
You let out an irritated noise, and Angel raised his hands up, laughing softly. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.”
“Better...” You murmured.
Angel cleared his throat, and gave you tips. “If he’s big, make sure you stretch yourself well before you sleep. But remember, more lube is not always better sometimes. You have a pussy, so it’ll lubricate itself.” He sighed. “Use about this much, maybe a little more.”
He motioned to the tip of his claws, indicating a pea size amount. “You’ll be fine. If you’re a light sleeper, you’ll wake up during it.”
“Okay.” You said softly, still extremely flustered you had asked Angel for him. He didn’t seem to mind, though, his eyes glinting with a knowing look. You were confused, but didn’t ask what he knew specifically, opting to flee from the embarrassing situation to your bedroom.
Twirling on your heel, you locked the door behind you, knowing that Alastor would just use his shadows to check up on you. Slipping the bracelet on, you walked over to your bed, heaving a sigh.
Everything in your room was brought by Alastor. It was his effort to show how much he truly loved you, going through the time to analyze exactly what you liked to personalize your space.
Your bed was perfectly made, and it seemed like the sheets had been ironed. Letting out a soft noise of amusement, you smoothed your hand over the pillowcase, admiring the silk material. After you complained about your hair frizzing with your cotton one, he replaced it with a high quality silk.
The sheets smelled of him, and you inhaled deeply, a smile on your face. Turning off the lamp at your bedside, you slid underneath the fluffy blanket. The warmth comforted you as you slipped into a deep sleep.
You weren’t fully awake when you felt your body being moved. Something curled around both your legs, spreading them open. You barely heard a soft ‘fuck’ as your cunt was touched eagerly.
You tried to shift up into the ministrations; however, your body was still struggling to wake up and move, leaving you to the mercy of whoever was doing this.
Letting out a sigh, you felt relief as something long and thick plunged deep inside you. Your breath hitched as your body was jolted, while your brain fought to fully wake up. Despite this, your body didn’t go into fight or flight mode. Instead you leaned into the thrusts. 
Your eyes remained closed as you let out soft moans, and the bed underneath you banged with each movement. Your arms sought out something to grasp, making contact with a limb. 
Blearily, you opened your eyes a bit, letting out a loud, warbly groan at the sight of Alastor. He was above you, grabbing your waist. His claws were just barely piercing your skin, his eyes focused on you. 
You huffed, moaning again as he thrusted deep into your heat. “You wanted this, didn’t you, darling?” 
Inclining your hips up, you let out a soft groan of agreement. “Al...” 
He smirked, biting your shoulder. You gripped him tighter, letting out a yelp as he pulled back. Blood was covering his lower mouth, leaving him looking wild.
“You’re so precious.”
You couldn’t respond to his comment, instead choosing to lock your legs behind his back. 
Alastor’s eyes glinted, his smile wide. “You’re beautiful.” You let out a whimper at that, your cunt squelching as he thrusted roughly. “You like that? Of course you do. You’re my precious doe, who loves everything I give her.”
“Alastor,” you panted, rubbing your clit in time to his unsteady thrusts, watching as sweat rolled down the side of his face.
“Close?” He asked, breathing heavily as you nodded. “Good girl.”
You whimpered again, and he just laughed. “You want to be so good for me, right?”
He flipped you, leaving you squealing as he grasped your hips roughly. “Ah- Alastor!”
He grinned and moved his hands to pinch your nipples, watching as your pussy fluttered. “Ngh!”
“You want to be good for me, right?” He asked. “If you do, then why not ride me? Show me what your body can really do, my little doe. I’ll give you anything you want once you cream on my cock.” He whispered filthily. 
You pouted a little, not wanting to really do any work; however, you knew that Alastor wasn’t above taming you if need be.
Slowly, you began to rock your hips, letting out high pitched mewls as your clit grazed his pelvis with each motion. Your hands were firmly on his chest, leaving you to use all your strength in your hips.
You panted, sweating as you went faster, watching as Alastor slowly became more undone below you. “Am I... am I doing good, Al?” You asked sweetly, your breasts bouncing as you changed your movements. 
Alastor’s hands instantly sought your hips, raising you up only to plunge you back down. “You’re amazing, my sweet lady.” He purred, as you bit your finger to stop your moans. You reached your climax with a shake, cunt squirting all over your lover.
He hummed, jackhammering into you as you kissed him sloppily. You pulled back, a string of spit connecting you two. The sight instantly had him cumming deep inside of you, letting out a soft sigh as you groaned from the warmth.
“...You could have been more gentle.” You admonished lightly, giving him a cheeky smile. “I would love to be woken up with you creaming my pussy...”
Alastor flushed lightly, something you don’t see often. “Do not say such dirty things around me, dear. I don’t believe I can handle it.”
You cooed, laughing. “You said some dirty things when we were fucking right now, Al.”
“Heat of the moment,” he quipped back, pulling out. With a snap of his fingers, he was fully clothed, and a wet rag was in his hands. “I should not even clean you up, considering how improper you’re being.” His tone seemed serious, but you knew he wouldn’t do that.
“You jest,” you purred, letting him gently take care of you. “You would never forgo aftercare. You’re from Louisiana.”
Alastor smirked, his monocle glinting in the light from the window. “You are right.”
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petitprincess1 · 4 months
Lucifer: Now. Do you or do you not feel bonita?
Sinner Adam, wearing a fitted robe: *long sigh* ...I feel bonita.
Lucifer, grinning genuinely: Wonderful! Because you look bonita!
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l3viat8an · 24 days
Fluff idea sitting in Lucifer’s lap while he works. Not even really talking to each other just enjoying the moment. 
Ahskhs fluffy Lucifer <3 rambling as always-
Honestly if Lucifer could he’d always have you sitting in his lap. Especially while he works at his seemingly, endless pile of paperwork.
Nothing calms him down more than knowing you’re safe in his arms.
Now it depends a little on if you’re sitting facing him or his desk-
If you’re facing him; wrap your arms around his neck or nuzzle your face into his neck and Lucifer will immediately relax into you. He’s still working ofc! He’s just not as stiff~
His fingers will run up and down your spine, when he pauses to think. Lucifer clams it helps him concentrate- but really he loves the way it makes you wiggle in his lap.
If you’re facing his desk; he’ll ask your opinion on little things once in awhile. Smiling at you proudly when you point out something he missed or just agree with him.
And it’s just super peaceful….sitting with Lucifer like this- The sound of his pen scratching away as he signs papers ‘n corrects others, soft classical music playing, (if you’re lucky you’ll even hear Lucifer humming along with his favorite part) and the faint scent of coffee, mixed with warm pine~
If you’re not careful you might just fall asleep in his lap <3 and then Lucifer will have a new homescreen for his DDD!!!
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fullychaotichell · 16 days
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"Alastor is knocked askew by his sincerity - unbalanced by his resolve - and what makes it even worse is how Lucifer is still lit up by the warm sunlight from the stained glass, glowing and radiant, as though his entire being was enveloped in a halo." - Of Saints and Sinners, Chapter 17: The Harp
This scene got stuck in my head the moment I read it last week!! Regret that I couldn't finish it before chapter 18 today, but glad I did make it anyway XD
Quote and inspiration for this art is Of Saints and Sinners, a fic by @morningstarwrites!!
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novawuv-hazbinhotel · 11 days
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Before to sleepy have sleepy deer and his king🙆🏻✨
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usurperss · 10 months
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Some more Lucifer. Playing around with different outfits for her 🖤
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Family Line
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Fandom: Obey Me!
Characters Featured: Lucifer
Written for my Mc, Storm (she/her pronouns used)
Genre: Hurt*/Comfort
Wc: ~1.2k
Cw: abusive parent (father), mentions of emotional and physical abuse, resentment and relationship grief, *leaning WAY into the hurt on this one.
(Here is a version with a GN!Mc)
》A/N: this has been on my mind a lot lately and I have been in need of some comfort for my own mourning of the type of relationship ill never have with my own father. I really feel like id have a kinship with all of the brothers about my issues with my dad, but even more so with Lucifer. Also, I wrote this fic with the song Family Line by Conan Gray playing.
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Lucifer paced slowly down the hallway of the second floor of the House of Lamentation. The nightly routine to ensure all his brothers were still accounted for in the wee hours of the morning was tiring, but it was the last task he needed to complete before turning in himself for the night. As per usual, Asmo had just entered his room after spending a late night at the fall, and the sound of Levi cursing at one of his video games was occasionally heard in the distance.
The last room to check across the hall from his own was Storms. Usually, she slept rather well, going to bed earliest out of everyone in the house. Tonight though, something was off. Lucifer raised a brow as he approached the room, uncertain if he was actually seeing light shining from the underside of the door. As if sooner believing he would be going crazy, he checked his watch- seeing the clock showing 1:45am back at him. 
Maybe she fell asleep doing homework, he posited, approaching her door curiously. He paused before knocking, trying to listen closely to the music playing from behind the thick wooden door.
“...I can’t forget, I can’t forgive you ‘cause now I’m scared that everyone I love will leave me...”
Lucifer frowned. The somber melody continued, telling a story of pain and suffering caused by the individuals a child is supposed to trust and feel loved by. After listening to a few more bars, he knocked on the door- hearing the music decrease in volume slightly. There was a short pause, and then the door slowly unlocked and opened. 
Lucifer sucked in a terse breath, seeing the clear evidence of Storm’s woe worn plainly on her face. She refused to make eye contact with him, instead staring at the ground. “S-sorry, Lucifer. I’ll turn it down, I didn’t mean to keep you awake.” 
Lucifer felt his heart squeeze in his chest. “Storm, is everything alright?” 
She glanced up at him briefly before looking down again, her bottom lip trembling slightly as she desperately tried to hold back tears. After realizing there was no use being dishonest with the first borne, she shook her head. 
Lucifer nodded, gesturing into her room. She stepped aside, wiping her eyes as he entered. She shut the door quietly behind him, pausing as he picked up her phone to look at the song she had been listening to. He scrolled down to the lyrics, reading them over carefully. With each line, his heart ached more and more- not only for her, but for himself. 
“Why are you listening to this song?” Lucifer pondered aloud, turning to face her. “And why so late tonight?” 
Storm sighed as she approached her bed, sinking down onto the push mattress. Lucifer quickly joined her, watching her expressions carefully. 
“I talked to him earlier tonight.” Storm stated flatly, trying to stop the shaking in her voice.
Lucifer raised a brow. “Your father?” 
Storm nodded, rubbing her forearm. “Yeah...”
“Ah- I’m assuming he gave you the usual- lectures, degradation, and insults?” 
Storm scoffed. “Pretty much, yeah. But...” She paused, turning her head away from him. 
Lucifer grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. “But?”
Storm took a deep breath. “It felt different today, I guess. Like, after seeing all of the texts in our group chat between him and my siblings happily sharing childhood pictures. Every single one of them, they were smiling and having fun.” 
Lucifer nodded, squeezing her hand once more to reassure her that he was here. 
“I...” she bit her lip, “...I couldn’t find a single one that brought back good memories. I look miserable in all of them- even the ones where I am smiling. It just makes me think...like...Is there something wrong with me..? Why does he treat me so terribly? What did I do to deserve..?” 
Storm burst into tears, snatching her hand away from lucifer and covering her eyes to try to hide how shameful she felt for acting such a way in front of the Avatar of Pride. The pain she felt ran deep, the mixture of resentment, grief, hurt, insecurity, self-blame, and anger all overflowing out of her like a waterfall. 
Lucifer felt his heart splinter as she sobbed, feeling the emotion flooding her aura with each shuddered breath and wail in agony. He inched closer, pulling her into a tight embrace. He rubbed her back as she cried into his chest, gripping the lapel of his vest tightly to ground herself. 
As she cried, his mind wandered back to the song lyrics, reflecting on his own experience with his father. It was different than Storm’s experience, sure- but it’s not like Lucifer forgot the numerous lies he was told for the sake of manipulation, the way his own father would shame him or degrade him for anything he did that didn’t fit his “grand plan,” the over-the-top expectations that Lucifer tried to meet, but was never able to, the emotional distance...and he remembered the punishments far too vividly. Not only for him, but for his brothers as well. 
Lucifer gripped Storm’s back, feeling tears threaten to spill from his own eyes as memories of the toxicity within his own family lineage. He closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breath as he rested his chin atop Storm’s trembling head. 
They sat together like this for quite some time- not that either of them was really keeping track. When Storm had expelled all the tears her body could release, Lucifer finally said his piece. 
“Storm, you did nothing to deserve such terrible treatment. A parent is supposed to love their children unconditionally, and your Father clearly failed in that moral duty.” Lucifer paused, taking a deep breath. “Nothing will change what has happened to you, or the fact that he still treats you this way, but I can assure you that you don’t deserve it- not one bit.” 
Storm nodded somberly, though seemingly remained unconvinced. Lucifer rubbed his thumb across her shoulder as her waited for her to find the words to speak, allowing her to take as much time as she needed. 
“I just...” Storm hiccupped, her breaths still slightly uneven. “I...I never got to have a dad- not like my siblings did. And I...I just wish I could have that. I want it so bad it h-hurts.” 
Lucifer closed his eyes, taking another deep breath, though this time it was his turn to shed tears. Storm snapped her attention to him and pressed a hand to Lucifer’s thigh, concerned over what she had said to produce such a reaction. 
“I understand that feeling, Storm.” He murmured quietly, trying to keep his voice from shaking. “And it’s something I don’t think I myself have properly addressed. Perhaps, while we should grieve the loss of a relationship that will never be, we should also keep close the individuals who cherish us for who we are- warts and all.” 
Storm nodded, chewing on his words. inching closer, she rested her head against his chest, finding comfort in the sound of his heartbeat. “Then...could you stay with me a little longer tonight, Luci? I don’t...I don’t think I want to be alone right now.” 
Lucifer pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, clutching her tighter to his chest. “Of course, my love. I’m not going anywhere.” 
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popamolly · 3 months
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summary. (y/n) continues to spy on Lucifer, preying on the little vulnerability that allows he allows (y/n) to see. Unbeknownst to both of them there is something blossoming with each conversation and shared stolen glance.
warnings. lucifer morningstar x stripper!fem!reader, eventual smut, mention of death, slow burn, biblical references, sex work, sexual themes, trauma, abuse, murder, slow burn, 18+ minors dni
author’s note. italics is for a flashback, just wanted to let everyone know if that isn’t made clear in the text, i finished this up at like 2am. enjoy sinners &lt;3
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Lucifer held you captive with his words for hours. Explaining everything you wanted to know about him and his army of ducks. That wall was slowly crumbling as was his resolve. Though that seemed to be in the back of your mind as you found yourself intrigued by him and his story— ultimately finding out that the King of Hell was actually quite charming in his way.
“So these ducks are a manifestation of sinners,” You look toward him as if to confirm his words and when Lucifer nodded you continued, “Every sinner in Hell? No wonder you have so many.”
“And this isn’t even half of it,” Lucifer smiles proudly as he hops up from his chair, gesturing toward the rubber duck piles that almost reached the ceiling, “There are more at my amusement park.”
“I see, I guess I am just trying to understand why ducks of all things?”
“Spiritual progression? Rebirth? New beginnings?” Lucifer taps his chin in thought before shrugging, “A mere duck can mean a lot of different things that’s why, plus they are cuuuuteee!”
You laugh, a real genuine laugh, which was a sound you haven’t made in a long while. The King wasn’t so bad once you got know him. If anything he was an ideal king that you would read stories about. You wanted nothing more than to listen to him talk for hours more.
“What?” Lucifer got a bit self conscious, realizing that his excitement might have came off a bit nerdy or childish, “It’s silly isn’t it?”
You shake your head to ease his insecurities with a lopsided smile, “No, I just had this version of you in my head and seeing you now, in person..it's completely changed now that I have met you.”
“I hope that’s a good thing.” Lucifer chuckles. He fiddling with the top of his cane as if he was scared to meet your gaze.
“It is.” And for a moment you forgot why you were here. If you had to chose between the V’s and Lucifer when it came to deciding Hell’s fate, Lucifer would win by a landslide— but Lucifer wasn’t the one who owned your soul, “Tell me more about Charlie. Your face lights up whenever you speak of her.”
“She is my pride and joy!” Lucifer boasts proudly, “She has this whole Hotel thing going on apparently. I’ve been poppin’ in here and there to help her ya know, being an awesome dad and whatnot.”
“And what of this hotel?” You ask, leaning a bit closer to Lucifer as if he would tell you a secret, “Does she really believe that she can redeem sinners?”
“Yes, she…she does,” Lucifer sighs after a moment, turning away from you to run his fingers through his golden hair. A heavy weight clearly on his shoulders as he thought of his daughter and her fairytale like dreams for Hell. It hurt his heart to know that he couldn’t do more for her. He knew he could make whatever dream of hers come true except for the one she wanted most. This was a whole other thing entirely. This was something between Hell and Earth and the lines have always been blurred— he would never be able to cross it even he wanted to.
“You don’t sound too sure..” You chose your words carefully. There was a tiny crack in his wall of vulnerability and you wanted to crack it some more, “Do you doubt Charlie?”
“No no no! Pfffft, Of course not!” Lucifer quickly says before sighing in defeat, raking his fingers through his blonde hair, “I don’t doubt her..I just— I don’t think she understands the weight of what she is trying to do. I just l don’t want her to end up hurt over this.”
“If all else fails then she will know that you were there for her,” You say, placing your hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “All you have to do is believe in her, even if you don’t believe in her dreams.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Lucifer turned to look at you. A split moment in time where the world seemed to stop and it was just you and him. Your words might have came from your own selfish need to stay on Valentino’s good side but your kindness remained true. It became clear to you that the King was nothing more than a prideful man that was trying his best. Not only for his daughter but himself and for Hell. In the short time that you knew him it was something that you quickly learned to admire, “Yes, well,” Lucifer clears his throat, his cheeks flushing slightly under your intense gaze, “Thank you for the company. It was nice to…open up a bit.”
“Of course, your majesty,” You nod, taking that as your cue to leave the King to his Kingly duties as the time you two spent together had made day turn to night in an instant, “I will leave you to your duties.”
“Right! My duties! I am a very very busy man! So many souls to collect, tons of sinners to kill, people to torture, the list just goes on…haha!” Lucifer wanted to jump out of his own skin and slap himself silly. Curse him for his rambling, why did he even feel the need to impress you? A lowly sinner that meant absolutely nothing to him.
“if you ever need a friend or,” Your fingertips grazes the doorknob to his bedchambers with the tray of empty plates in the other arm, “…A listening ear, you always call upon me.” Offering one last smile in the King's direction, you slip out into the hall, closing the door behind you softly.
Lucifer couldn’t help but feel how his room suddenly felt cold now that your warm presence was gone. There was a certain emptiness in the air that reminded him he was truly lonely. \
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“So the King of Hell’s daughter wasn’t joking about the redemption of sinners,” Vox sneers over the tiny screen of the voxtech watch he gave you, “And whatever the reason for the Radio Demon to be by Charlie’s side, it surely only benefits him.” The watch screen slightly glitches from Vox laughing, “Redemption of sinners?! How stupid is that?”
“It could be possible,” You say, making the watch on your wrist glitch some more.
“If I wanted your opinion bitch, I would ask for it!” The static noise was starting to ring in your ears, its material overheating in the palm of your hand, “Whatever the case is, I need you sucking Lucifer’s dick by next week if we are going to get any valuable information out of him, do you understand me?”
You bit down on your bottom lip, tears stinging at the corner of your eyes from feeling guilty about getting close to Lucifer under such circumstances. Your paths should have never even crossed. You both might be in hell but you were in entirely different worlds. There was this unspoken connection you two shared the moment your eyes met and it was just enough to get the guilt eating away at you.
“Or do I have to tell Valentino that his favorite obedient girl is being defiant?”
“No, I—”
“Good, I’m so glad we have an understanding. Now go get me some actually good information I can fucking use!” With that Vox hung up the call, making you let out a deep breath that you didn’t know you were holding in. You toss the watch to the floor angrily, dropping your head into your hands. This was all just a stupid pointless mission. One that had no satisfying end or results because there was nothing to say. There was nothing to report back. The King, Charlie, and those around him was plotting to do more good than harm.
You leaned over to turn the faucet off, stopping the hot water from filling the porcelain tub completely after nearly overflowing it from being too lost in your thoughts.
Slowly, you began to slip out of your clothes, neatly folding them and putting them aside before stepping into the hot water, the stinging pain hardly anything you would flinch from. That stinging pain felt good, it reminded you that you were present in the moment even when you wanted nothing more than to just to disappear.
Closing your eyes to relax, you sink deeper and deeper into the water until you felt your mind slowly drift elsewhere.
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With a melodic hum, you turned the page to your book, intrigued by the ancient text and words of God. Surrounding you were scrolls and other relics that you stole from the council’s library, eager to learn more about God and his mysterious ways. It was all you could do in Heaven after all, live blissfully but you were bored of that. Instead of thriving off the golden city’s pleasures you always found your head in a book, a simply pleasure that you’ve grown to love.
“Boo!” Lucifer suddenly pops down in front of you. Startled, you toss your book up, which he catches with ease, “What ya reading?”
“God’s texts Lulu, what else?” You try to grab your book from him but he holds it above your head, slowly inching upward with the help of his wings to show that he was taller than you. He wasn’t but you’d like to humor him every now and again, “Lucifer! Give it back!”
“Wouldn’t you much rather see the gift I brought you instead of reading a boring book?” Lucifer wiggled his eyebrows in jest, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“A Gift?” You stopped jumping for your book then, your wings tucked back into you with a curious glint in your eyes. Lucifer gave dramatic pause before presenting you a green apple. He tossed it to you and you caught it in your delicate hands, smiling at the kind gesture. “An apple, how romantic.”
“Is it not to your liking?” Lucifer played along with your teasing remark, circling around you as he playfully grabs and twist your hair around his fingers in such a loving way that it had your heartbeat quickening and you breath falling short, "I thought I'd give you something a little bit more nontraditional."
It took everything in your power not to swoon over a damn apple because it wasn't just an apple to you. Lucifer would go out of his way to bring you things whenever you two would meet up at your secret spot under a new sprouting tree. There was something sparking between you two and you weren't sure how long you would be able to avoid it as you were a hopeless romantic. Lucifer had such a way with words that whenever he spoke it was if he was building palaces- cathedrals even. Between that and that charming warm smile, you knew you wouldn't be able to deny your feelings for much longer but until he admitted it first you weren't going to say anything. Call it stubbornness but you simply didn't want to be mistaken and absolutely sure that your feelings for him were one hundred percent reciprocated.
"Next time get a red apple," You said, finding that hidden resolve within you once again as you smirked at him, "They're sweeter."
"Are they now?" Lucifer stopped circling you to stand only inches apart from your face. He was so close that you could feel his breath against your lips. A ball of anticipation formed at the base of your stomach, making you feel as though you have swallowed butterflies, "(Y/N).." The angel in front of you swallowed a lump in his throat, his own body betraying him as he backs you up against the tree, lips only barely touching one another, "Can I kiss you?"
You were breathless. Lucifer had officially sucked out all the air from your lungs- or so it felt like, "Yes." And with your consent, Lucifer crashed his lips to yours passionately. He invaded your mouth and all of your senses. You melted into him, relaxing against his body as you brought your arms around his neck to pull him impossibly closer. It was as if fireworks went off in your head. Even the sound of distant ringing of the bells had you questioning if it was truly meant to be.
You suddenly pulled away from Lucifer, "Bells.."
Lucifer blinks at you dreamily, "You hear them too? It's perfect."
"No, Lucifer, the bells! I'm late for afternoon prayer!" You shove him out the way and continue collecting your things. You have been late to afternoon prayer for the past two weeks and were already walking on a thin line with the Seraphims, you couldn't afford to be late again, "I have to go."
Lucifer pulls you back to him with a slight frown, "So soon? But this might be our last time together for awhile. I have that council meeting today."
"For what? Don't tell me this about your dreams and aspirations?" By the way Lucifer looked away from you you knew it was exactly that, "You can't bring that to the council members, they will see it as a threat to everything they have built."
"And have you ever asked yourself why that is? They should embrace change, not run away from it." Lucifer says, his facial expression serious, "I can prove to them that change is positive, something good!"
You shake your head, "Don't be a fool Lucifer."
"Why can't you just support this? Support me? Is change so bad?!"
"If it's going to cost you your life Lucifer, then I can't support it." You place your free hand on his check. The pad of your thumb grazing his soft skin comfortingly, "I won't support you in this."
Silence falls over you two and for a moment you thought that your friend had finally seen through to reason but it was the exact opposite. Your heart broke and you knew that your support was the one thing he ever wanted from you and you denied him that. There was this quiet heartbreak you felt in your chest, realizing that you had lost not only your lover but your friend as well.
Lucifer's hand comes up to grip your wrist, gently pulling you away from him, "With or without you, I will do this. I will show them. Show everyone." You could only watch as he turns from you and flies away, leaving you to be covered by his shadow and retreating back.
"That pride of yours," You whispered, hands clenched tightly into fist at your sides as you felt tears leave your eyes, "Will be your downfall, Lucifer."
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You sat up in the water suddenly, gasping for air as you felt someone violently shake you. You sputtered and coughed up what felt like a lung, water trickled down and into your eyes making your vision blurry for a few seconds before you could blink them away to focus on the person who was kneeled next to the tub, concerned clearly etched across their face as they looked at you. You blinked away the water, the blurry figure now forming into none other than Lysandra.
"Goodness, dear! Do you know how dangerous it is to fall asleep in the bath?" Rushing to grab a towel that was hanging on a rack, Lysandra lets you put all of your weight on her as she helps you out the tub, wrapping the fuzzy warm towel around your nude body, "You're lucky I saw the water coming from under the door! What on earth were you thinking?" "I had the strangest dream.." You start to say, breathless and panting but Lysandra shushes you, helping you dry off and get warm as she leads you out the bathroom, fully intending on not leaving your side for the rest of the night.
"Hush, your mind must be in shambles poor thing," The elderly woman leads you back into your bedroom, "A nice cup of calming tea should do the trick. Now stay here and don't move."
You were still in shock to even register your current reality anymore. That dream you had felt too real, almost as if it had just happened. Why was Lucifer in it? Why were you an Angel? Why were you in heaven? You dismissed it as nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you. This only happened because of your growing connection to Lucifer. It was nothing of importance right? Dreams come from imagination- but there was a part of your mind that knew that dreams could also stem from memories.
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© POPAMOLLY 2024 all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, or repost on any other social media.
@pyromaniac-on-caffeine @froggybich @punching-pentagrams @elleofdragons @futureittomainn @cryptidghostgirl @yelinmarceline @sunnydays-funnydays @theperfectmangovoid @ag-cookiebat800 @lil-bexie @haunt3ddo0ll @hamthepan @delightedtosee @astarionsjuiceboxgirl @fanfictionfans-stuff @hannahrose130
Be sure to leave a comment & let me know if you want to added to the tag list for this story so you’re updated whenever I drop a new chapter! xo
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dirtgrubber · 2 months
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just pals being buds
inspired yet again by @morningstarwrites amazing fic “of saints and sinners”
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