#some facts
wjforever · 1 year
Throughout the entire series, in translation, Dongfang calls Orchid just a little flower spirit. But in the book and in the drama, he actually calls her 小花妖 Xiǎo Huāyāo a little flower demon.It starts back in the second episode, when he doesn't know her name yet. But the funny thing is that he doesn't call her that right away. Before this she forces him to return her hair, which of course impresses him. And then she begins to explain that one can't take away someone's work, thereby justifying her intention to release the criminal from the pagoda. And after that Dongfang begins to call her 小花妖 Xiǎo Huāyāo.
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Of course, I wanted to learn more about this nickname in order to understand what meaning was put into these words, because he called her that until the very end, although he used it less often in the last episodes.
A few facts. The translation of the word demon in Chinese mythology is significantly different from what we are used to. By the way, the same word is called Ying Zhao. It seemed strange to me that demons turned out to be cuties, but when you learn more about the meaning of this word, you understand why you didn't perceive it quite correctly.
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For us, demons and devils are more similar in meaning. If we are not talking about the Devil, then devils are the same demons. But they don't in Chinese mythology.
I copied this for you
妖 yāo - demons or alternatively translated as monsters. Born when an animal, plant, or even an inanimate object absorbs spiritual energy over a long period of time and then gains spiritual awareness. Not inherently evil, although many have antagonistic relationships with humans.
魔 mó - devils or alternatively translated as fiends. Evil spirits/creatures of remarkable power and cruelty. Similar to the demons and devils of Western mythology. In some novels, evil cultivators emulate them by practicing devilish cultivation methods and committing atrocities in their pursuit of power.
Some novels consider Demons and Devils to be a single species (妖魔 Yaomo), others as distinct species (妖族 Yao race / 魔族 Mo race).
魔 is sometimes translated as "Demon", which can be confusing at times (particularly when 妖 is also used in the novel).
However, this is not all. I dug through the material and found something interesting.
妖 yāo Initially, this is a female image. A mix of two images of a woman and a baby that are superimposed on each other. The beauty of a woman who hasn't yet submitted, the extraordinary one.
Original meaning: beautiful, magnificent. Enchanted girl, charming girl. Extended: inappropriate behavior, demonic spirit. Witchcraft, demon, magic.
The words demonic, gorgeous, beautiful are closely intertwined in the meaning of this word. This is a demoness, a witch, a sorceress.
Other translation variants are abnormal, bizarre, phenomenon, goblin, evil, magnificent, charming, fascinating.
I believe this is important that it's a female image, and not just a demon. So Dongfang admits her feminine essence.
I think that the closest thing to European culture is the image of a witch, or rather even a sorceress. Beautiful, rebellious, dangerous, powerful. Like Triss and Yennefer from the Witcher, if you're familiar with this universe.
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So it's on the verge of a compliment and an insult. Some women are offended when they are called witches, while others are flattered. Maybe this is another reason why Orchid interrupts him so abruptly and tells him not to distract her. Not only because he says that she has features of the moon tribe, but also because he uses such an address to her. This is a curious question. But it's debatable.
Also, it's perceived as the opposite of a fairy. Fairy and sorceress, beautiful and sweet against beautiful but wicked.
I also found an agave plant, one of the varieties of which includes the name demon. 妖炎 (yāo yán Demon's flame). It has spikes. Considering that Orchid is a plant, this adds a new meaning, the orchid with thorns.
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Anyway, it's pity that in the English version they refused to use this nickname, because I think it adds more colors to the relationship between Lanhua and Dongfang.
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roselyn-writing · 2 months
Tiffany Ann is the newst recruit of the Special Forces. She decided to join them as ‘program’ to make the bonds between the Lin Kuei and the Special Forces more stronger, and get a little experience with the modern technology and etc, Also, She got bored with living in the Lin Kuei clan, unlike her siblings, who dedicated their lives to serve their Grandmaster and Grandmistress, She doesn’t want to be a Lin Kuei, she wants to be something else. She didn’t tell any of her family of course, even Selviya, her own mother.
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x-heesy · 11 months
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Open letter to @staff
With all due respect 🫡
Hier die Definition , als freundliche Erinnerung, eures Jobs:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Seit Eurer feindlichen Übernahme hier, von den derzeitigen Besitzern, ist Dumblr ein widerlicher weltfremder Ort, wo die ausschlachtung des maximalen Profit und unnötige Belanglosigkeiten wie Eurer extrem überteuerten & nutzlosen premium „Services“ 🤦🏽‍♂️ als Priorität gelten & hingegen gleichzeitig die fast überall geltenden Menschenrechte mit den Füßen getreten werden!
& Funktionalität & usability sind seit Eurer Version für ios zum Beispiel seit Version 19.9 alles andere als Updates sondern massive downgrades- alles sehr sehr sehr unprofessional „programmiert“
Eure ethnische Säuberung war nicht nur Menschenrechte verachtend & unmenschlich, sondern speziell für mental kranke Users sogar besorgniserregend & kriminell, dEnn Ihr habt auch eine gewisse Verantwortung diesen Mitmenschen gegenüber = Community 🫶🏽
Und jetzt sind explizit geltende Kunst 🎭 plötzlich erlaubt❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (was ich sehr erfreut in Kenntnis genommen habe) 🫶🏽
Will sagen: Ihr wart von Beginn eures terror Regimes nur GEGEN EURE EIGENEN USER: COMMUNITY= antisozial Deluxe
Dies ist die Definition für euren mothertrucking job
„jemandem oder etwas zustimmen und ihn ermutigen, weil man möchte, dass er, sie oder es Erfolg hat“
& Euren million dollar verschlingenden, panischen und stümperhaften Versuche 🧪 porn bots zu eliminieren, schlug kläglich fehl! (Und dies sehr auf die Kosten der hier vertretenden, einst wunderschönen Vielfalt diverser Kunst Blogs) 🪦
Ich appelliere an euren gesunden Menschenverstand
Bitte macht tumblr wieder zu einem besseren Ort 🫶🏽
Here is the definition, as a friendly reminder, of your job:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Since your hostile takeover here, from the current owners, Dumblr has been a disgusting unworldly place where the exploitation of maximum profit and unnecessary trivia like your extremely overpriced & useless premium "services" 🤦🏽‍♂️ are the priority & at the same time the almost everywhere applicable human rights are trampled on!
& Functionality & usability have been anything but updates since your version for ios, for example since version 19.9, but massive downgrades - all very, very, very unprofessionally "programmed"
Your ethnic cleansing was not only despicable & inhumane, but also worrying & criminal, especially for mentally ill users, because you also have a certain responsibility towards these fellow human beings = community 🫶🏽
And now explicitly valid art 🎭 is suddenly allowed❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (which I was very pleased to learn) 🫶🏽
Want to say: From the beginning of your terror regime you were only AGAINST YOUR OWN USERS: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
This is the definition of your mother trucking job
"to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed"
& your million dollar gulping, panicky and blundering attempts to eliminate 🧪 porn bots failed miserably! (And this at the expense of the once wonderful variety of diverse art blogs represented here) 🪦
I appeal to your common sense
Please make tumblr a better place again 🫶🏽
Ecco la definizione, come promemoria amichevole, del tuo lavoro:
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Dalla tua acquisizione ostile qui, da parte degli attuali proprietari, Dumblr è stato un disgustoso luogo ultraterreno in cui lo sfruttamento del massimo profitto e banalità inutili come i tuoi "servizi" premium estremamente costosi e inutili 🤦🏽‍♂️ sono la priorità e allo stesso tempo il quasi ovunque i diritti umani applicabili vengono calpestati!
& Funzionalità e usabilità sono state tutt'altro che aggiornamenti dalla tua versione per ios, ad esempio dalla versione 19.9, ma enormi downgrade - tutti "programmati" in modo molto, molto, molto poco professionale
La tua pulizia etnica non è stata solo spregevole e disumana, ma anche preoccupante e criminale, soprattutto per gli utenti malati di mente, perché hai anche una certa responsabilità nei confronti di questi altri esseri umani = comunità 🫶🏽
E ora l'arte 🎭 esplicitamente valida è improvvisamente consentita❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (cosa che mi ha fatto molto piacere apprendere) 🫶🏽
Voglio dire: dall'inizio del tuo regime di terrore eri solo CONTRO I TUOI UTENTI: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
Questa è la definizione del lavoro di autotrasporto di tua madre
"essere d'accordo e dare incoraggiamento a qualcuno o qualcosa perché vuoi che lui, lei o lui abbia successo"
e i tuoi tentativi da un milione di dollari di deglutizione, panico e errori per eliminare 🧪 i robot porno sono falliti miseramente! (E questo a scapito della varietà un tempo meravigliosa di diversi blog d'arte qui rappresentati) 🪦
Mi appello al vostro buon senso
Per favore, rendi di nuovo Tumblr un posto migliore 🫶🏽
Aquí está la definición, como un recordatorio amistoso, de su trabajo:
„Comunidad, grupo de personas que persiguen un fin común, cultivan intereses comunes, se sienten comprometidas con valores comunes; Comunidad (especialmente el usuario en Internet)“
Desde su adquisición hostil aquí, de los propietarios actuales, Dumblr ha sido un lugar repugnante fuera del mundo donde la explotación de la máxima ganancia y trivialidades innecesarias como sus "servicios" premium extremadamente caros e inútiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ son la prioridad y al mismo tiempo la ¡casi en todas partes se pisotean los derechos humanos aplicables!
& La funcionalidad y la usabilidad han sido cualquier cosa menos actualizaciones desde su versión para ios, por ejemplo, desde la versión 19.9, sino degradaciones masivas, todas muy, muy, muy poco profesionales "programadas".
Su limpieza étnica no solo fue despreciable e inhumana, sino también preocupante y criminal, especialmente para los usuarios con enfermedades mentales, porque también tiene cierta responsabilidad hacia estos seres humanos = comunidad 🫶🏽
Y ahora el arte explícitamente válido 🎭 de repente está permitido❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (que me complació mucho aprender) 🫶🏽
Quiero decir: desde el comienzo de su régimen de terror, solo estaba EN CONTRA DE SUS PROPIOS USUARIOS: COMMUNITY = antisocial deluxe
Esta es la definición de tu trabajo de camionero madre
"estar de acuerdo y dar aliento a alguien o algo porque quieres que él, ella o eso tenga éxito"
¡y sus intentos de millones de dólares de tragar, entrar en pánico y cometer errores para eliminar 🧪 bots porno fallaron miserablemente! (Y esto a expensas de la maravillosa variedad de diversos blogs de arte representados aquí) 🪦
Apelo a tu sentido común
Por favor, haz de Tumblr un lugar mejor otra vez 🫶🏽
Voici la définition, pour rappel amical, de votre métier :
„Communauté, groupe de personnes qui poursuivent un objectif commun, cultivent des intérêts communs, se sentent attachés à des valeurs communes ; Communauté (en particulier l'utilisateur sur Internet)“
Depuis votre prise de contrôle hostile ici, par les propriétaires actuels, Dumblr a été un endroit surnaturel dégoûtant où l'exploitation du profit maximum et des anecdotes inutiles comme vos "services" premium extrêmement chers et inutiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ sont la priorité et en même temps le presque partout, les droits de l'homme applicables sont bafoués !
& La fonctionnalité et la convivialité ont été tout sauf des mises à jour depuis votre version pour ios, par exemple depuis la version 19.9, mais des rétrogradations massives - toutes "programmées" de manière très, très, très peu professionnelle
Votre épuration ethnique était non seulement ignoble & inhumaine, mais aussi inquiétante & criminelle, surtout pour les usagers malades mentaux, car vous avez aussi une certaine responsabilité envers ces êtres humains = communauté 🫶🏽
Et maintenant, l'art explicitement valide 🎭 est soudainement autorisé ❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (ce que j'ai été très heureux d'apprendre) 🫶🏽
Envie de dire : depuis le début de votre régime de terreur, vous n'étiez que CONTRE VOS PROPRES UTILISATEURS : COMMUNAUTÉ = luxe antisocial
C'est la définition de votre travail de camionneur mère
"être d'accord et encourager quelqu'un ou quelque chose parce que vous voulez qu'il réussisse"
& vos tentatives avalées, paniquées et maladroites d'un million de dollars pour éliminer 🧪 les robots pornos ont échoué lamentablement ! (Et cela au détriment de la variété autrefois merveilleuse de blogs d'art divers représentés ici) 🪦
je fais appel à votre bon sens
S'il vous plaît, faites de tumblr un meilleur endroit à nouveau 🫶🏽
New World by Zap Mama
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creepymarshmallow3 · 6 months
so, about your oc amorro...
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like, words cannot even begin to describe how messed up this trollge is. (so i will put it short.) its agressive, can ambush at any second, and "doesnt need food"? WHAT ABOUT WATER, DUDE?! (does it go through him??)
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to specify, im not mad im just confused of your oc, amorro, and its description.
The thorn growing in his head has sent out roots that affect his behavior and so on, which is why he is so aggressive.
Spikes are something like a virus that [REDACTED] ( [REDACTED] )
About food. [REDACTED], Amorro does not suffer from hunger or thirst.
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janeelyakiri · 1 year
How do the boys show Polly that they trust them? :0
By now it's just instinctual but when they first met~
Nightmare- Trusted them basically right off the bat. He brought them in after all, he knows the most about them at first. And despite Polly feeling like they were dropped into the deep end without warning, they still trusted Nightmare first and felt safest around him for a long while.
Killer- Nightmare trusted them, so he kinda didn't care. He'd try to rib them and goad them into fighting but lil 2LV healer wasn't going to be much fun so he dropped it pretty fast. It wasn't till after he made a real bad joke and they genuinely *laughed* at it that he tried befriending them. Or at least, tried making them laugh more.
Horror- Wasn't super sure of them at first, but had no real opinion either. When they started helping around the castle and talking with him, he started trusting them more. The biggest show of trust went right over Polly's head, when Horror let them help with dinner. They were just happy for the praise lol!
Dust- Took a lot longer, he'd watch and stalk them and mutter to Phantom under his breath. At first he was annoyed by them, and one night when they were up and about in the dark he was ready for them to pull something- but all they did was make 3am pancakes because they couldn't sleep. Then offered some to him. Polly thought it was a dream, and after that Dust offered sleep aids.
Cross- He was the last to actually trust them, and the catalyst for everyone trusting them proper. He was polite but distant most the time. But when he was brought back with a nasty broken arm Polly healed him. His arm was healed to a hairline fracture and Polly had a fever for a few weeks from pushing that hard. He was touched, all the boys were, and Polly became theirs.
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five-pillows · 9 months
Some Facts
Tis I, a silly goose!!
You can call me Goose if you like
I am ADHD, autistic, and aphantasic (self diagnosed)
I’m a cis female and my pronouns are she/her
I like to art
I played the violin for two years (rip hyperfixation)
Most of my posts and reblogs are about neurodivergencies but also cats and cute rodents and artists on Tumblr because you must see
I’m not great at maintaining online friendships but if you’re interested in messaging me then go for it
Oh yeah one more thing
I put the tag “anyways bye” at the end of my tags if I’m writing my thoughts in there and also if you forget my account or something there you go I’m the “anyways bye” girl
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bandarrrrr · 1 year
I am scared of my own anger sometimes, I don't know how much it affects them!
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zombearzilla · 2 years
🌷💞✨ answer with 3 random facts about yourself, then send this to 10 other people if you're up for it 🌷💞
Thank you! I am suddenly void of all memories 😂
I am a musician. I play guitar, bass and sing, as well as a bit of other instruments.
I have a bigass dvd/bluray collection.
I have fallen in love on Tumblr.
Hope you're having a good week!
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titleofpersonage-p01 · 3 months
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Please stop seeing politics as an identity and start seeing it as a collective means for change
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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wjforever · 1 year
So, a little bit about the translations of the names and titles that we meet in the first episode, not including the legend at the beginning, haha.
These are the words that I think it was important to translate or not to translate. At least once, so that people like me get it better, lol.
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So, the title of the series itself. 苍兰诀 Cāng Lán Jué I hate how they translated it. "Love Between Fairy and Devil". No, no and no. This translates as "Parting of the Fairy and Devil". Or "parting" can be replaced by the word "farewell". But the most interesting thing is that the translation doesn't include the full names of the characters. This includes the word "cang" dark blue; deep green; ash-gray from the name of Dongfang Qingcang. And also the word "lán", which translates as orchid. And jué as "to bid farewell, to say goodbye". This adds an additional meaning to the title, right? Dark blue orchid to bid farewell.
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玉京 Yujing. If I had known right away that it translates as the Jade Capital, it would have been a little clearer to me why so much attention is paid to this stone in the series. Because its significance would be more obvious. I confess, I didn't know about the importance of jade in the Chinese mythology of this genre.
(also 玉京 Chinese words, meaning that the Taoists called Heaven where of Service; refers to the Fairy are; refers to Royal Park in)
水雲天 Shuiyuntian. Translates as "Water clouds". And again, if I had known about the presence of the word water in the name, it would be easier for me to understand why they have so many water pavilions and fountain palaces. So I think you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the genre to understand this better.
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司命殿 Arbiter Hall. Oh God. That's what I clutch my head about now. How could it be translated like this?! It killed the whole meaning for me. A very important moment! Siming translates as the god of fate, the keeper of fate. This is the God in charge of human life. Yes, it can be translated as a proper name. But Siming is not just the name of the master, it's her role, position. Therefore, then the guys are surprised that the master is a woman, because Siming is usually a man.
And although it can be translated by many different ways: Master of Fate, Controller of Fate, Deified Judge of Life, Arbiter of Fate, Director of Alloted Life Spans, and Director of Destinies, it's always important to emphasize the word "fate". And not just leave the word "Arbiter".
I think it's better to translate it as "Keeper of Fate Palace" or even "Arbiter of Fate Hall" or something like this. Otherwise This greatly interfered with the correct perception of the story and confused.
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仙 Immortals and 仙界 Fairy realm. This translation made a very big confusion for me, because it seemed that the Shuiyuntian's people are immortal, but at the same time we are told that the true immortal is only Dongfang, and the Moon Tribe seems doesn't belong to either mortals or immortals. And here again it's important to learn the history of the genre.
In this case, immortals can also be translated as celestial or divine. These are people who live on the ninth cloud or among the clouds. The Moon tribe are also immortal, but they have left the heavenly capital.
I believe that for a better understanding of the difference it's worth translating it as the heavenly world and the celestials. This would be less confusing and more understandable.
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仙女 Fairy. It's important to understand the difference between the European image of fairies and the Asian one.
A little lecture.
Originated from Chinese mythology, to describe persons of high moral character, intelligence and extraordinary, healthy, elegant to behold, and with extraordinary abilities, immortality of the woman and the high status of God. In the context used to describe looks pretty good, dignified and beautiful, delightful woman. In many minds, also refers to the appearance is not beautiful, but the temperament of someone charisma of women.
Western fairy is a fairy tale or myths and Legends of one of the female spirits or elves, is often described as a supernatural or preternatural spirit thereof. Fairies are generally described as having a human outer body with magical power, which originated from the inability to research folklore. Although in modern culture, even though they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, A diminutive humanoid creature, but they are with the initial human expression are completely different. The English word“Fairy”is sometimes also can be used as the elves, the dwarfs, the gnomes and goblins, and other various shape close to people or having supernatural creatures in General. In such a case, the "Fairy" will be translated into elves. (Sorry for the translation from Chinese without correction, huh).
More on my blog
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max1461 · 11 months
Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
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Bisan is calling for another global strike!
I saw some posts just outlining Jan 21st, and wanted to clarify that Bisan has called for a full seven days of action.
What a global strike would look like is:
calling in sick to work
purchasing bare essentials ahead of the week so you can observe the general boycott of goods / buying as little as you genuinely can
putting in a concerted effort to elevate Palestinian voices and make it clear that this strike is in support of a permanent ceasefire!
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For those who will have to purchase necessary goods during this time, please observe the brands that the BDS movement is asking us to boycott!
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Right now is also a good time to mention some better uses for your money during this week.
Available e-sims in Gaza are running low!!
Mirna El Helbawi and her team are working round the clock to continue to connect Palestinians as Israel does its best to cut them off from the rest of the world.
You can learn how to purchase and send e-sims here, and below you’ll find a list of what is currently needed (the areas in brackets indicate what region you should select to buy e-sims in).
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CareforGaza is an organisation that does verifiably good work, distributing supplies directly to Palestinian families.
They have a Gofundme set up at the moment, but because of Gofundme’s poor track record regarding refusing to transfer funds to Palestinians, I’d recommend continuing to donate directly to their PayPal here.
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Good luck to all of you. Don't turn away from Palestine!
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oars · 8 months
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aq2003 · 6 months
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christopher eccleston do you know that i would die for you (1 2)
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