#some people will try to tell you daemon fits into this category. they are wrong
francy-sketches · 3 months
Joffrey fucked up by not being nicer to his siblings he could have had two cute little henchmen to do crimes with ❤️
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (Part 1b)
Last time: We (and by we I mean Ryunosuke and Susato) arrived in England, and were almost immediately sent to play lawyer by Daemon Gant’s ancestor, who is definitely going to either die or kill someone later. Despite our client being only the richest of able bodied white men, we quickly found ourselves on the ropes thanks to the worlds least impartial jury. Fortunately we now get to put the buggers on the spot and demand they give us their reasons for convicting my client (and boy had they better be good).
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Ryunosuke, the more we learn about that man the more of a cad he becomes. I say we should be very thankful we aren’t doing that.
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Let me get this straight, instead of smashing their half baked ideas to smithereens and laughing as I go, I have to use the worlds weakest bricks to build my argument.
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Susato, one of them knows one of the witnesses.
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Oh, so that’s what we’re doing.
Ok, Ryunosuke, lets get shit stirring!
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Well firstly, either the drunk juror’s wrong or Beppo’s overcharging people, so jot that down.
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Ooh, we’re pacing!
(Also, I’d like to thank Juror No.4 for backing me up, ma’am you are the only member of this group bothering to make even the slightest bit of effort. For this I thank you.)
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Of course! Thank you for putting two and two together like that for me!
(Wait a second, I’ve just realized that we’ve got the KBS slung on our hip! That’s amazing!)
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And this lady’s and gentleman, is why we don’t let people who know those involved stand on the Jury.
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(You are my favourite juror, you can tell the others if you’d like.)
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Excellent work Ryunosuke!
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Have you not even been listening?
(Susato is explaining the last ten minutes to him because she has more patience than I ever will.)
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And Juror No.2’s crossed over to our side as well!
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And she’s doing it for much better reasons than Juror No.5!
Juror No.2 you’re winning me back!
Just two more jurors to convince now, so let’s go on to the discrepancy about how the victim was stabbed, and maybe point out that the body was left in the seat it was stabbed it.
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Old Lady vs Jack the Ripper, here we go!
(Ten guineas on the granny!)
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Haha! His knife got stuck in the table!
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(I put it again that this man should have that knife taken away from him.)
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Yes judge, and if we’d been allowed to go through the whole trial before the jurors jumped the gun, you’d have known that already.
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Yay! We’ve won Granny Thickle back!
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And he’s being really racist now.
Fortunately he’s also rubbing the rest of the jury up the wrong way!
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Well I consider this to have been a success Ryunosuke.
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Well given that the body was found on the seat and there was no blood on the floor... I’m going to say no.
He wants evidence.
Ok then.
As a wise man with a cool sword once said: I will shove it down your throat and make you choke on it.
(Yeah, we should really have seen Kazuma’s moral dubiousness coming...)
Anyways, let’s show him the crime scene photo then.
Of course! The autopsy report shows he was only stabbed once!!!
Meaning that there was only one incident where the witness was stabbed!
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Yes, kill each other!
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My Lord, Juror No.3 has started licking his knife and threatening the witnesses now...
I’m a little bummed we didn’t get to convince Juror No.4 seeing as she’s the one putting in the hours up there, but never mind. We’re back on track baby!
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Oh my god Ryunosuke, we’ve got a prosecution shut up button!
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Oh please, we all know perjury doesn’t exist in this here!
Oho, so apparently Beppo’s been overcharging his customers. Given the conditions he’s been working in I can’t exactly blame him though.
Unfortunately that does kind of rule out the possibility of an extra passenger though, so I’m not sure it helped us much.
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Damn right I do!
‘Absolutely’ Ryunosuke and I share one mind.
Now let’s see if we can clear up that whole ‘I saw the victim stabbed on the floor’ bs.
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You know, I’m rapidly warming to Mr Furst. Unlike the other witnesses and the god damn jury, he’s not telling lies, or overinflated by his own self importance. He’s actually taking it seriously and doing his best to be as clear and close to factual as he can.
I mean he could well be the killer for all I know, but right now I’m just enjoying him as a nice gentle guy who’s trying his best. It’s refreshing.
Barok’s trying to point out that we still have one witness who saw the stabbing, to which I say: Yeah, a witness with a reason to lie!
Still, Beppo’s the one I should probably be focusing on here, as he’s saying he saw the victim stabbed in places he couldn’t have been.
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Well that was easy.
Mr Fairplay on the other hand is going absolutely ham on his cane.
What’s the matter Mr Fairplay?
Got something to say?
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Again Mr Fairplay, being a banker in an Ace Attorney Game is not the commending statement you think it is.
Anyways new statement time!
And what’s this I see? Both his hands were covered in blood? That looks like a new contradiction to me!
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You know he’s weirdly insistent about this, and I can’t work out why?
Like, regardless of whether or not he committed the murder, he’s clearly hoping that Mr McGilded’s going to be taken out of the picture as a result.
But if he wants that to happen then this is such a weird thing to lie about. It doesn’t add in any way to Mr McGilded’s ‘guilt’, in fact thanks to his gloves it kind of does the opposite.
But if he’s not lying then he has to be mistaken and I don’t understand what that would mean either.
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Wow, Juror No.6 is ready to throw down!
(Juror No.3’s going off as well, but I don’t think that’s anything to write home about.)
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I’m no longer so sure. After all, if he was it would be far more in his interest to keep quiet about it or say he was mistaken as soon as we bought the gloves out.
What I’m beginning to wonder though, is if there was a mysterious fifth passenger after all, and their hands were the ones Mr Fairplay saw covered in blood.
Come to think of it, he did say that he didn’t see the victim or killers faces, so that’s a good chance, and one that actually gives some hint as to what our suspect looks like: i.e. small.
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Debt time.
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Good to get proper conformation on that theory then.
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(If you don’t know about the House of Commons cry of Order you should look it up on YouTube. It’s basically the one good thing to have come out of that place.)
So he did lie about seeing the moment the victim was stabbed then. I guess that leave more room for the idea that the fifth passenger did it.
Actually, come to think of it did Mr McGilded ever tell us where he went to sit in the carriage? Could he have been on the open side, the one Mr Fairplay and Mr Furst couldn’t see from where they were?
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Huh, he’s still doubling down.
Again I really don’t think he’s lying here, but I do think he’s mistaken about who’s hands he could see.
Also given how much this statement relies on him being a witness I should probably rule him out of my enquires.
I’m rapidly going back over my notes to see if I ever accused him, but let’s be honest here I did. The False Accusations counter is up to a nice healthy 5/5.
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Of course Mr Furst, you’re an angle and we’re all thrilled you’re here.
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Ok, well now any doubts I had that Mr Fairplay was telling the truth have been put to rest, thank you Mr Furst. You, me and Susato should form our own breakaway courtroom, Juror No.4 can come if she likes.
Anyway time for more testimony.
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Certainly looks that way doesn’t it My Lord?
Now Barok want’s to examine the Omnibus again.
You know what, sure Barok, knock yourself out.
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Barok, keep up. It literally a huge contradiction sitting right there.
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Well thanks to Mr Furst, the one good witness, we know that the real killer wasn’t wearing any gloves. Again Mr Furst I thank you.
Wait a second, there was a space under the seat opposite the victim wasn’t there. I know it was full of stuff but was there any room for someone to fit themselves?
Barok’s telling me that there was no trace of blood on Mr McGilded’s actual hands. I’m glad you’ve finally caught up Barok but stop talking now so I can examine the omnibus again.
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Yes! A space!
And whoever it was who could fit inside there definitely fits the category of small!
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And right on cue it’s time to bring their blind spot to light.
Now, I need to work out if they want to know about the space under the seats or if they just want the seats themselves, because from where Mr Furst and Mr Fairplay were sitting they couldn’t see either.
Fuck it, I’ll just put my cursor half way between the two and hopefully it’ll except whichever one it wants.
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Haha, yes... exactly what I was going to say...
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Anyways, given that the killer was by all accounts sitting next to the victim with no gloves and bloodied hands, the only person who could have been in the concealed seat was Mr McGilded. Again, did anyone actually bother to check which seat he sat in?
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Well done Judge. Still as sharp as ever I see.
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Wow, that one hit the light!
Barok, that’s alcohol. If you start a fire in here I’m not going to put you out.
Oh he’s being racist again.
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Racist stuff Ryunosuke.
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Ok, well let me brake this down into words that a stuck up prick like you would understand. The witnesses never saw the attackers face, but they did see his hands and all agree that they were covered in blood. My clients hands were not covered in blood, and therefor he doesn’t fit the one thing we know about the killer. However we know he was on the omnibus, and the only place he could have been is in the seat that can’t be seen.
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... you guys, I think this man might be the OG “protégé” prosecutor. Hugh O’Connor and Sebastian Debeste were simply trending in this mans footsteps.
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I’m not really sure how much clearer you want me to be My Lord!
Van Zieks is still crawling blindly towards the light, and I suggest we just move on without him.
I know (or at least I hope) he’s just deliberately putting up barriers as the prosecution, but the way he’s doing it really looks like he’s packing his intelligence onto a bus and sending it out to destinations unknown.
(Credit to Ryunosuke for spelling it out for him though.)
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Thank you Mr Furst, I knew you’d have my back.
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Yeah on what grounds?
I mean this is literally the solution to all our problems.
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Yeah, well he probably lied (though I can’t work out why).
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Excellent point Ryunosuke!
Now Van Zieks is pointing out that if Mr McGilded lied in his statement there would have been a deliberate reason for doing so. To be honest, as the prosecution, this seems like all the more reason to bring him in.
Anyway we’re demanding his testimony.
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Well luckily for us the jury seems to finally be getting its arse in gear and has agreed (fairly unanimously) to let the god damn defendant make a statement in his own murder trial.
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Nothing to say here. This just feels like a meme.
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Wait an urchin?
Ace Attorney, I’ve already had a ‘don’t feel good’ case regarding who I’m accusing, don’t make me do that again.
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Yeah, they probably would have done, and unlike you I don’t think she’d have been able to pull the ‘I donated a park to this city you know’ trick to win hearts and minds.
I wonder if she was there as a passenger or as a stowaway? Because I’d say that gap under the seat could fit a child pretty easily.
Now Barok’s saying we have no reason to believe Mr McGilded. And he’s right except for, you know, all the evidence...
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Wait what.
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A smoke bomb just went off!
I really don’t like the face Mr McGilded pulled just then, and he definitely gave a signal for it to be dropped.
...Ah fuck, he’s guilty isn’t he.
And he’s using some kid to cover it up.
Well shit...
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septembercfawkes · 5 years
Reeling Readers in via Curiosity
Most of the advice on hooks is seriously lacking (in my opinion).
So today, I wanted to break down how to actually do a specific type of hook.
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A few weeks ago, I did a post on stakes, which also related to hooks. And this year, I've been talking on and off again about pulling the reader into the story by getting them to look forward to what could happen, which is often done by getting the reader to fear or to hope something may happen (and then they have to turn pages to find out if it does). But there is a third way to do this. You make the reader curious.
You make the reader feel like they need more information. You make them want more information.
But this can easily go wrong if you handle it wrong. For example, a lot of beginning writers try to shock their audience, subconsciously thinking that it will be so shocking, the readers have to keep reading. It's like when there is a car accident on the side of the road, and you don't want to see it, but you can't take your eyes off it--that mentality. So you can find a lot of unpublished stories with openings that are unnecessarily graphic, overly sexual, or over-the-top vulgar. These beginning writers are trying to reel the audience in by making them feel like they need more information or they need to see if this continues to be shocking.
It almost never works. And it can even make readers want to stop reading.
That's not to say there are never reasons to open a story with such content, but more often than not, the writer is opening that way without legitimate reasons.
Hooks are so tricky to master largely because most people don't actually understand them, therefore they don't know how to do them consciously and intentionally. And most of the advice on them is seriously lacking (in my opinion). Often when I search for advice on hooks, all I get is something like, "Come up with a line that makes the reader want to read more." Well, I know that already, that's why I know to google hooks in the first place. I want some specific ideas of how to do that, exactly. Hopefully dissecting how hope and fear over what could happen has been as helpful to you as it has been to me.
So today, I want to talk about how to actually do the third one: spark curiosity.
Because sometimes we are reeled in because we are intrigued, and we are looking forward to reading more to get more information.
So how do we create that effect exactly?
Well, here are some specifics.
Pair Contradictions
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I talk a lot about utilizing contrasts and contradictions on my blog, so hopefully you guys aren't sick of it, but it's so dang effective and almost no one ever talks about it! But this is exactly one of the ways to get the audience to want to know more. It might even be the most effective.
In my story structure series, I talked about how Into the Spider-verse largely uses contrasts and contradictions as hooks in the opening of the story.
When two opposing things are smashed together, we naturally thirst for more information, an explanation.
Here is an example I made up for another post:
Mom handed me my birthday present, and my stomach dropped.
Birthdays and birthday presents are usually something to be happy and excited about. So, when the protagonist feels negatively about one, we want to know why. It seems like a contradiction.
For years, I've loved this line Dashiell Hammet wrote in The Maltese Falcon.
[Samuel Spade] looked rather pleasantly like a blond satan.
"Pleasant" and "Satan" seem to contradict each other. And the "blond" is just specific enough to make me more curious. So now I want to read to learn how someone can look "pleasantly" like "a blond satan." And I want to learn more about this Samuel Spade.
Contradictions and contrasts are important because they help create specificity (sometimes even in a more literal, philosophical sense than I want to get into for this blog post), and as I've talked about before, the audience needs enough specificity to become invested in the story--to want to read more. Therefore, enough specificity is important for hooks and for reeling the audience in. Contradictions and contrasts create specificity by creating a boundary. For example, Samuel Spade fits somewhere between pleasant and Satan.
The line wouldn't be half as interesting if it was less specific.
Samuel Spade looked like a satan.
Sure, that can still be interesting. And it can still work effectively if the context of how we understand him seems to already contrast that line. But the line and concept in and of itself isn't as interesting anymore.
A lot of times we think we reel the audience in by being vague, but that can actually do the opposite. We need to be specific enough. Writers sometimes try to spark a reader's curiosity by not really saying anything, hoping it will make them want to learn more so they understand. Yes, if done right, this can work well in certain places, like teasers, but being more specific with contrasts is often more effective.
Look at this approach:
Samuel Spade looked pleasant yet unusual, in a strange way.
Even though it technically still has some contrast (pleasant vs. unusual), it's quite vague. Honestly, it doesn't really hook me. I don't feel the need to learn more.
How about this?
Samuel Spade was blond and looked pleasant.
This has no contrast and is therefore not as interesting. I mean, you will of course write sentences like this, but when you want to hook a reader and get them invested this doesn't work.
When you pair contrasts and contradictions, the audience will want to know how and why those things go together. Just make sure to deliver on that to some extent so the reader doesn't feel like this is a cheap trick.
Stretch Just Beyond What is Known
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A year ago I did a post on how to create a sense of wonder in the modern audience, which I argue is quite different than it was even one hundred years ago. Audiences today often feel wonder most powerfully when they are exposed to something just beyond their understanding, that builds off something they already understand somewhat, as opposed to something that doesn't connect to anything. So you can have whole movies that spend a ton of money on making the film and setting feel magical when the audience is yawning. Or you can have hits like The Martian or Interstellar that stretches us just beyond what we know.
A sense of wonder makes us curious. I mean, that's why it's wonder.
But this can work on a smaller scale to draw audiences in too. You just want to touch beyond what is already known. Naturally, the audience will be curious to want to know more. This can work with speculative fiction, or really, just about any kind of fiction.
In His Dark Materials, everyone has a daemon of the opposite sex. So the protagonist, a girl named Lyra, has a male daemon named Pantalaimon. Daemons are part of a person's soul that lives on the outside of their body and assumes the shape of an animal. So everyone has their daemon from birth. But at one point, we get this line:
Bernie was a kindly, solitary man, one of those rare people whose daemon was the same sex as himself.
Okay, well, that's something just beyond our established understanding of daemons. So now I'm curious to learn more about Bernie. Why is his daemon the same sex as himself? And what does that mean?
But this can happen with a more realistic story as well. You just need to brush beyond what is already known or established as normal. It can happen with setting, character, or even plot.
Peach Days happened every year faithfully, except in 1998.
Okay, well, guess what I'm wondering now? Why not in 1998? I need to read on.
Here is another.
The Big Bang theory has long been accepted by scientists, but today a star was discovered to be older than the Big Bang itself.
This was a real discovery in the news recently. So what did you think I did? I read the article.
In some ways, you could argue this is just another form of contrasting, since we are contrasting something normal or known with something unknown, but I feel that the approach here is a little different, so I think it helps to have the different categories.
Share Something Surprising
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When something surprising happens, we want more information. Even if it's a surprise birthday party, after the "Surprise!" everyone wants to talk about how they got to that point. There is the person that talks about almost accidentally giving the surprise away. Or the person that talks about trying to get the birthday person out of the house. Or the birthday person recounting their suspicions. After a surprise, we want a second to take it in and understand it.
In writing, sometimes the surprise is an unexpected response, something unusual that happens, or it may even be an interesting fact or statistic.
It might be Hagrid revealing to Harry that he's a wizard and that his parents didn't die in a car crash (how can you not want more information?). It might be the old guy, the Duke of Weselton, who wants to dance with Elsa in Frozen. It might be a nice meet cute in a romance.
Sometimes it's an interesting statement.
Squirrels are behind most power outages in the U.S.
Well . . . tell me more. I'm curious.
I've never read Gone Girl, but I love its opening line:
When I think of my wife, I always think of her head.
Um . . . what? Not only is that surprising, but it implies something pretty sinister.
Like all hooks, just make sure you don't use the surprise approach as a cheap trick. If anyone is interested, I have a post on surprises in general, here.
Use "Negative Description"
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"Negative description" in my terms means when you describe what something is not. When someone tells us what something is not, we almost always want to know soon after what that something is. In other words, it makes us curious. It makes us want to keeping reading or listening for more information.
Tolkien does this in The Hobbit:
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat.
Okay, well, now I'm wondering what kind of hole it is.
Sometimes this is something simple:
Jessica wasn't like other girls her age.
Why not? And how not?
Just make sure you almost always follow up with what that something is, and it almost always needs to be interesting.
Jessica wasn't like other girls her age. The only craft she liked doing was taxidermy.
Tell me more.
Make a Bold Statement
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Bold statements sort of relate to surprises. When someone says something bold, we need more information.
Every man in Toonesbrook was a liar.
Or what about from The Raven Boys:
If Blue was to kiss her true love, he would die.  
That one also plays off the idea of fear.
I've never liked chocolate.  
Now that is bold. ;)
To be bold, often the statement is unusual or broad-sweeping. "I never liked chocolate," that's unusual. "Every man in Toonesbrook was a liar," that's far reaching. Something that goes against a generally accepted belief or experience is bold.
Employ Non-linear Timelines
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Some people may consider this a no-no. After all, we are taught so much to stay in the present. But sometimes jumping around in time briefly, makes us want to know more. We want to know more about how one point in time connected to another. Or we want to know what happened in between.
When I met Sam Bywater, I was unimpressed, but that encounter would go on to haunt me for ten years.
Peach Days happened faithfully every year, except last, but this year they had better security.
I wasn't excited about another boring dentist appointment, but looking back, I'd rather I'd gone and gotten my teeth cleaned--at least then I would have been safe.
Subtext can also be key to writing great hooks and/or reeling audiences in. The second example in this sections suggests something bad happened last year that led to needing more security. "When I think of my wife, I always think of her head" suggests the possibility of murder. So lines like that can make us want to learn more.
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In some ways, you can argue that sparking curiosity is just another way we are getting the audience to hope for something. We are getting them to hope for more information. But still, I think it's a little different. When I talked about hope and fear before, I mainly talked about it in relation to the actual story. In these kinds of lines, that may not be the case. Your book may have almost nothing to do with Peach Days, for example. But the line still reels readers in.
Keep in mind that with all hooks, you don't want to throw them everywhere as a cheap trick. You still need to deliver on them most of the time (some would say you need to do it all the time, but I'd argue that point. That's another subject though.). And curiosity hooks alone will only keep an audience for so long, sort of like how a teaser can only sustain an audience for a few pages tops. There needs to be more. Nonetheless, they are an excellent way to draw your readers in.
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holidaysat221b · 7 years
List of Sherlolly Prompts as of 3/1/2017
Here is a link to the very informal Sherlolly Prompt Fest FAQ
Below is the list of prompts submitted to @holidaysat221b.  Where possible, we have tagged the submitter so that credit can be given if a prompt inspires someone to write a fic or create a piece of art.
Some submissions were specifically labeled as Art prompts, and they have been separated into their own category.  However, if you are a fic writer and one of the art prompts calls to you, go for it.  Likewise, if one of the other prompts makes you want to draw, have fun with it!
We only ask three things:
1) If you use one of the prompts on this list, please remember to credit the prompt and prompter somewhere in your fic summary/art description or in your notes.  It’s the polite thing to do.
2)  Please submit an ask or message @holidaysat221b with a link to your work, the prompt you used, the prompter, and how you want to be identified (in cases where your Tumblr and fic/artist name are different).  This will allow us to share your work with our followers and tag the prompter (if possible).
3)  We have set up a Sherlolly Prompt Fest Collection on Ao3.  If you are planning to post your fic or art on Ao3 and would like to add it to the collection, please do.  As of this moment, the collection is open and unmoderated.  Please remember to credit the prompt and prompter in your fic/art notes.
On to the Prompts as of March 1, 2017
Art prompt:  (I’ve wanted this like burning for five years, I’ll never give up asking)  Sherlock and Molly, the cake scene from “Sixteen Candles”.  Only in the morgue and Molly’s wearing the lab coat.  -  @sunken-standard
Art prompt:  Potter!lock.  Don’t care if it’s student Sherlock and Molly in their house robes, teachers, wizarding professionals, a recreation of the Order of the Phoenix group photo with Sherlock characters instead.  Whatever.  Just as long as it’s Potter!lock.  -  @darnedchild
Art prompt:  Molly and Sherlock’s first real date gets interrupted by a case.  Are they dressed up for a fancy evening, or wearing something more suited to fish and chips and a walk around the park?  -  Anonymous
Crossovers/Works set in or inspired by another specific fictional universe (ie Potter!lock)
I’d really like to see a Daemon (from the His Dark Materials books by Philip Pullman) version of Series 3/TAB/Series 4 (any or all of those), especially when it comes to the ILY scene.  -  Kay
iZombie!Sherlock – Think of this, if Sherlock gets infected we have: 1) Sherlock with white hair 2) Sherlock getting brains from Molly “for experiments” 3) Sherlock getting different attitudes (hippie brain = hippie!Sherlock) 4) Paler than normal pale Sherlock 5) Sherlock with red bloodshot eyes.  Also:  If Molly Hooper gets infected, it’s like she’s the Liv Moore of Barts.  Lestrade as Clive (and relieved to be not only depending on Sherlock to solve crimes).  Sherlock deduces Molly’s hair color and tan (because Molly can’t show up to work with white hair, even whiter skin color, and very slow pulse rate).  Major asshole Boss being the one shipping tainted Utopium to Britain.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Superwholock!Sherlolly  -  The Silent Fangirl
Doctor Who!Sherlock - Molly Hooper as a companion  -  The Silent Fangirl
Me Before You!Sherlock  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly Hooper as “Mary Reilly”.  -  @darnedchild
Dracula!lock, but maybe mix it up just a little.  Sherlock as the object of Dracula’s affections (Mina) and/or Molly as the vampire expert (Van Helsing)?  -  @darnedchild
Song fic/Inspired by lyrics
Song Fic:  Adele’s “Water Under the Bridge”  -  @darnedchild  
Song Fic:  … I would love something based on “Samson” by Regina Spektor please.  -  @chelle812
Song Fic:  Katy Perry’s “Unconditionally”  -  @darnedchild
Song Fic:  Texas’ “I’ll See It Through”  -  @darnedchild
OT3/Sherlock, Molly, and ?
A case involving wine and stolen spatulas leads to Mycroft Holmes being attracted to Molly Hooper.  Too bad Molly’s had enough of the Holmeses, and Sherlock mooning over her really isn’t helping.  (Molly Hooper/Mycroft Holmes/Sherlock Holmes)  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly wants to meet The Woman.  Irene and Sherlock are still friends, and Molly is curious.  Much to everyone’s surprise, Molly and Irene hit it off fairly quickly.  (Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper/Irene Adler)  -  Anonymous
When Sherlock is injured and stuck in a cast up to his thigh, Mary and Molly find out JUST how grumpy he can get.  They end up putting him by a window with binoculars, his pain medication, snacks, juice and his mobile.  What happens next?  (Molly Hooper/Sherlock Holmes/Mary (Morstan)Watson)  -  @penaltywaltz
Everything Else
Sherlock is undercover.  He’s renting a small place and he’s trying to fit in with the extremely old fashioned community that is probably hiding a deadly smuggling ring or something equally bad.  He ends up calling on Molly to come help.  Since he’s already established as an unmarried man, his ‘sister’ (or other family member) arrives for a visit.  Cue living in the same house while hot for each other type shenanigans while pretending to be siblings under the watchful eye of some suspicious townspeople.  -  Anonymous
Molly’s school reunion – Sherlock assumes he’ll be needed to help Molly show everyone up.  The catch:  Molly’s been a beloved peer, so it’s him who gets the obligatory “you hurt her, we’ll end you”.  :)  - @mychakk
Sherlock sees a woman on the street.  Instantly intrigued (you can choose as to why) he follows her.  -  @mel-loves-all
Molly loves wearing Sherlock’s house robes.  -  @mel-loves-all
Molly has a piece of body piercing jewelry or a tattoo located somewhere that surprises and titillates Sherlock.  -  @mel-loves-all
Whenever Molly is close, Sherlock unconsciously always seems to need to touch her in some way after they start dating.  He doesn’t notice it, but Molly does.  -  @mel-loves-all
A midnight dance.  -  @mel-loves-all
John tries to set up Sherlock with a girl.  Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of contenders.  And what does Molly have to say about that?  -  The Silent Fangirl
Through unexpected circumstances, Sherlock and Molly get engaged.  It doesn’t end well.  Crack!fic  -  The Silent Fangirl
Eurus Holmes ships the Sherlolly.  So does John and Mycroft.  Soon, everyone gets dragged into the Sherlolly craze.  Crack!fic  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly lives in the flat across from 221B.  You know, the one that exploded?  Yeah.  But before that, there was a) looking at the hot naked guy in the window b) said hot naked guy crashing into her flat because he just wants to c) her traitorous cat crossing the street to hot naked guy’s flat.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Sherlock:  A TV series featuring a hot guy with awesome deductive skills, his best friend the doctor, the exasperated detective inspector, the sweet landlady, and the pathologist.  And no, the pathologist isn’t in love with the hot guy.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly stops being Sherlock’s pathologist, and starts being THE Pathologist.  BAMF!Molly  -  The Silent Fangirl
This, Sherlock thinks through the haze of cocaine, truly is the worst form of torture.  Mycroft and Molly’s wedding through Sherlock’s drug-addled POV.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly commits suicide, but only Sherlock thinks she didn’t.  He may not be wrong.  -  The Silent Fangirl
When John Watson dies, Rosie is given into the care of her godparents.  Problem is, they aren’t exactly on speaking terms.  Bonus for Harry Watson appearance!  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly nearly gets hit by a speeding car … until Sherlock pushes her out of the way and gets hit himself.  H/C  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly in labor.  After watching Mary in labor in TST, I kinda wanna see a funny take on Molly giving birth to her and Sherlock’s child.  Maybe something like Molly being in pain, she wishes out loud she’d never had sex with Sherlock, while Sherlock logically points out how well they emotionally and biologically fit together.  -  Anonymous
Fluff.  Molly has been hospitalized for whatever reason.  She decides that she is feeling better and just wants to go home.  However, the hospital does not want to release her yet.  So Molly decides to leave AMA (against medical advice).  She feels she can recover at home just as well and also she is eager to get back to work.  Besides, who is going to know?  This is something someone might expect from Sherlock, but not Molly.  How long before he finds out?  What is his reaction?  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Angst.  Molly discovers she is pregnant and is not happy about it.  Although she would love to have a baby at some point, right now is not the time.  She and Sherlock do not have a commitment and her career is going well.  She plans to terminate the pregnancy.  Sherlock finds out and tries to stop her.  He please with her to change her mind, marry him and be a family.  Is this just a control tactic or does he really love her?  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Molly discovers there is Sherlock Holmes RPF (Real Person Fiction) on the internet.  She’s shocked to find that someone called Sherlolly4vr74 has been writing fic about her and Sherlock, and they seem to have a dedicated fan base.  Some of the stories are very sweet and romantic, some of them are hot enough to give her NSFW ideas.  Who is Sherlolly4vr74 (Is it Anderson?  Mrs Hudson?  Mary?  John?  I bet it’s John.) and is Sherlock aware of the stories?  -  @darnedchild
Eurus has been known to put on a persona and disguise to get close to people for information – she was Faith for Sherlock, E and the psychiatrist for John.  What if she had also spent some time around Molly prior to the events at Sherrinford?  What information would she have gleaned about her brother and his pathologist?  -  @darnedchild
Can they be R rated. Because I feel Sherlock would not muck about, with telling Molly what he would like to do to her, he would not use cute little names, for all her female parts and would go into great detail, like all his cases. She would be his very serious case. Yes he would most defiantly do a lot of research on pleasing her. Write it however you are most comfortable with.  -  @oliverfel4
Sherlock and Molly are getting married!  It’s time to work on the guest list for the wedding, and suddenly they are faced with the question—Do they let Euros come, or not?  -  @celticmoonbeam
Shipwrecked Sherlolly—Sherlock saves Molly from drowning.  -  Anonymous
Euros leads Sherlock to believe that he failed, and Molly was killed after the ILY scene.  Much angst ensues as he blames himself for her loss … but then we get to see the happy reunion scene when he learns she’s alive.  -  Anonymous
Moriarty trying to up Sherlock by sleeping with Molly, but the joke is on him, as Sherlock and Molly knew each other from secondary school/uni and were each other’s firsts.  They can be regular (exclusive) lovers too.  -  @mychakk
Mary as matchmaker.  At John and Mary’s wedding, Mary feels a little sad when they leave him alone to go dance (“What about you?”).  She decides to make it her mission to help Sherlock find a girl so he’s not alone anymore.  And this former agent has no trouble figuring out the potential between Sherlock and a certain Molly Hooper … (Up to you whether or not you want to throw in a Janine segue before she decides to set him up with Molly.  And feel free to cover Sherlock being shot!)  -  @celticmoonbeam
Molly discovers she’s pregnant with Sherlock’s child at the worst possible time:  while she’s with his parents, being hidden away, and the two are pretending to be just friends.  Bonus if they figure it out before they’re told!  -  @penaltywaltz
After the events of TFP, Molly and Sherlock get closer.  Suddenly, though, he pulls away and starts flirting with a coworker of hers, sometimes blatantly in front of her.  It isn’t until an event at Barts that the truth comes out that it was all for a case.  -  @penaltywaltz
Molly finds out that as a child Sherlock liked the book “The Westing Game” and for one of his birthdays she arranges a vacation mimicking the plot of the book, even if none of them really fit the particular characters.  - @penaltywaltz 
Sherlock wants to make a gourmet meal for Molly for a special occasion, but he doesn’t seem to get it quite right.  Fortunately, a friend/relative is willing to help.  -  @penaltywaltz
Sherlock moves in with Molly and begins perusing her book collection, picking up random books that have interesting looking covers, and the next thing Molly knows he’s turned into a fantasy buff.  -  @penaltywaltz
Non-established Sherlolly.  Sherlock gets a hold of Molly’s phone one afternoon and can’t resist snooping.  He’s surprised to see a folder in her photo gallery marked “Special” and it’s all photos of him.  -  @penaltywaltz
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