#sorry Al🫶🏼
hazbingirliexoxo · 1 month
Charlie: Aww come on! It’s just a crush!🥰 Who’s to say that they don’t like you back?😊
Reader: Stop, you’re feeding my delusions and it’s working🙃
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fruitydiaz · 2 months
buck and eddie | if now was then
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wonwoosthetic · 1 month
when will we get a new chapter for minnie 🫶🏼
a/n: now! ˙ᵕ˙ this was a request sent to me through my Google form, so thank you to whoever wrote it🤗 I hope you guys like the quick little chapter!
series masterlist
warnings – pregnancy scare, short mention and implications of infertility, jokes and mentions about sex
word count – 4.6k
summary – minnie gets a little scare and there’s only one member she can think of to call
pairing – minnie & vernon (mentions of wonwoo x minnie x mingyu)
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Better Safe Than Sorry 🌷 Minnie
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Minne was in a panic. For the past two hours, the girl hadn't found a second of rest, pacing around the apartment, trying to keep herself busy before the thoughts running through her brain could catch up with her. Vernon was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, only adding to her anxious state. Wonwoo and Mingyu were at the gym, thank God, she thought to herself.
The past few days, or more so even two weeks, had been... interesting. It started with a headache spanning over multiple days, only for it to turn into a migraine. Or so she thought. Throwing up, going to bed as early as possible, and sleeping in for as long as she could. Something was not right. Add the random heat flashes she had experienced the week before and Minnie started speculating. The moment she realised that her period had been a few days late made her shut down.
It was so secret that women in the industry encountered irregularities with their cycles as stress and diets dominated their lives. But Minnie and the entirety of Seventeen were in a good place. None of them was totally overworked at that point, thanks to their new contract. Diets were, thanks to the need to fit into the impossible beauty standards, still a topic of discussion but they were doing fine. Right?
It was one night out that made her mind spiral. Rapidly.
Minnie was enjoying a dinner with her closest friends from school, having made a reservation in one of their favourite restaurants a week ahead to make sure they'd get a private room. Food and drinks were passed around the table, discussions and conversations were flowing and laughter filled the room. Everyone was having a good time. When it hit that point of the night where people were slowly starting to leave, say their goodbyes and make promises to meet up again soon, the female singer was left with her two closest friends from that group. 
Léon, once a boy too afraid to show his true colours, is now a proud man with a husband waiting for him back in their new hometown in Spain. And Hana, the legend of a best friend who had gifted Minnie her first vibrator, and now the owner of one of the most-visited clubs in the nightlife of Hongdae.
The two were well tipsy while Minnie had held herself back a bit. They were still giggling at one of their friends who had stumbled through the door as he exited, the multiple shots of liquor clearly taking over his body.
"You look a little paler than usual," Léon suddenly commented, glancing at the idol with a slight frown, "Are you okay?"
"She probably just got a new IV infusion for extra light skin," the other girl joked, getting a chuckle out of the singer. Hana had never been a fan of the idol life.
Minnie shrugged, her finger circling the rim of her glass, "I've been feeling kinda off."
Her friend downed the last shot on the table before turning to her in confusion, "How off?"
Minnie sighed, "I've had a headache for like... a week now. And two days ago I was throwing up all day. Even yesterday and today when I woke up I felt like I had to puke..." The two friends were eyeing her carefully, letting her speak freely. "And then I had some random, like... heat flashes?" She glanced up to meet their eyes, "I don't know what the hell that was, but... yeah... something's going on, I don't know. But I don't want to provoke it with alcohol."
"That," the guy of the group leaned back, eyes now wide, "does not sound good."
"Yeah, but it must be something with my immune system. My period's also God knows where."
"You missed your period?!" Hana gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Girl-" Léon eyed her with a surprised expression, but Minnie was quick to stop them.
"No, no, no," she waved her hands, "It's not like that. I've missed it before, but it... it's a weird coincidence."
"What do you mean 'not like that'? That sounds a lot like being pregnant to me!" The tattooed girl hissed at her.
That was the first time she had heard the word out loud. Of course, it had crossed her mind. Just like every other woman. The moment her period was late, the first thought to come to her was 'shit, what if I'm pregnant', only to dismiss it a second later at how ridiculous it sounded.
"No, I-... we have the tour and we're preparing for a new album, and it's just... stress or something."
"But you've been stressed before. Way more stressed," the guy in front of her commented. "I don't want to scare you, but... you know..."
"If there's anyone that could be pregnant, it's you, Min," Hana casually told her, leaning back against the cushioned seats.
Minnie frowned as she glanced at her. "What the fuck do you mean?"
"No one's getting laid like you," she laughed, making the other two at the table chuckle and Léon threw his head back in glee.
"Oh, shut up!" The idol exclaimed, "You've got a line of men waiting for you to call them back after leaving their apartment in the middle of the night. And that's just from last week."
"That's not true!" Hana pointed her finger at the girl. "You get two dicks on a regular! Every day, I bet!"
"It's not every day!"
"Every other day then," the only guy quickly commented before their discussion could get any louder.
Minnie shrugged, "Yeah... so what?"
"My God," he chuckled with a shake of his head, "I'm jealous. Honestly." Making the girl laugh out loud.
"No, but seriously," Hana stopped the two, letting silence wash over the table once again. "Have you thought of it?"
"No! Because..." Minnie went quiet.
"They're not using condoms. Don't lie to us," Léon glared at her, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Hana faked a gasp, "You slut."
"You're not even using them on strangers!" Minnie pointed out, only for her friend to slap her hand away.
"This isn't about me!"
"Whatever..." the singer mumbled, her eyes back on the glass. It was still half filled with the mix of Soju and beer she decided not to finish.
"Okay, but seriously," Léon started again, "Could there... be a possibility?"
"For one, I'm on the pill," she explained, noticing her friends opening their mouths to argue, so she continued, "I know! I know that's not 100% safe, but it's... very safe-"
"I don't know about very safe, to be honest," Hana went back to nursing a glass of water. "My mom was on the pill and look at me now," pointed at herself with a proud grin.
"Don't make me scared," Minnie mumbled as she fell back onto her chair with a sigh.
"We don't want to scare you," her guyfriend explained, letting the other girl continue,
"But take a test, just in case," Hana shrugged. "You know how many pregnancy scares I've had? Still, better safe than sorry." She ended her speech by finishing her water.
Minnie's gaze had landed on her lap, where her thumbs had already started fidgeting with each other. "I...," she started with a sigh but stopped herself again right away.
"What?" Léon wondered, keeping a close eye on the singer, but she just shook her head and brought the glass of alcohol up to her lips.
"Nothing." And downed the last bit.
Four days later Minnie was still fighting her stomach each day, going out of her way to try and get as little food and water into her system as possible, knowing it would only trigger her and make her run to the toilet. On the other hand, the lack of nutrition was most definitely also adding to the nausea. There seemed to be no way out for the female singer.
On the verge of tears, overwhelmed with emotions, she had texted Hana in the morning, begging her to go to the store to buy her a pregnancy test. She was still very much in denial of the possibility of her being knocked up, but there were too many signs... But then again, she remembered the conversation she had with her gynaecologist two years ago. The doctor had only let a few words fall from her mouth before Minnie realised what she was trying to tell her.
At the sound of the front door's bell, the idol's head perked up, a second before she was rushing to the door. Once she pressed the camera button, she came to face with the young rapper she had called and pressed to open the door downstairs.
"Thanks!" Came through the speakers as Vernon disappeared into the building.
For the next minutes it would take him to come up, Minnie tried to pretend to have to do something, just praying the time would pass by quicker. The tests, yes multiple, were already placed on the counter of the main bathroom's sink. Hana had arrived with two in her bag, along with chocolate and prosecco to celebrate in case they'd be negative. The alcohol was chilling in the fridge while the sweet treat was waiting for her in the cabinet, with her definitely enjoying it either way of how the tests would come out.
Another doorbell sound rang through the apartment, notifying the female member of his arrival. With a few big steps, she stopped in front of the door, pulling it open in a swift motion. A wide-eyed Vernon standing right in front of her.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know," she mumbled, catching him off-guard as she pulled him in.
With a frown, the younger member stood right in front of her, shuffling his feet out of his shoes before he followed her down the hall.
"What's going on?"
She continued to walk in silence, only coming to a halt in the middle of the living room. Vernon stopped at the corner into the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"Alright," Minnie sighed, bringing her hands up in front of her, "Look..."
"Oh," the '98 Liner nodded, understanding this was going to be even more serious than he had expected. As if her call, asking him 'Can you come over? Like now? Just for a bit?' with zero explanation didn't alert him enough already, her stance certainly brought his heartbeat up.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question, taking a seat on the edge of the couch, not daring to lean back in comfort.
The girl pressed her lips together, nodding as she avoided his gaze. "I-... I think so, yeah."
"That's not a yes, so that's alarming."
"No, wait-" she stopped him, "Just-... listen, okay?" Making him nod, so she could continue. "I called you because I know- or, at least I hope, you... won't judge me," his frown made her rush her words out even quicker. "And you won't overreact, because I- I don't even know if I really should be concerned, and honestly, I don't think I should be and if you ask me, I think it's impossible, and I'm overreacting, but some other people have made me think otherwise."
"Oh...kay?" Pure confusion was still written across his face. A beat of silence washed over the two as Minnie thought about what to say next. She was looking around the room, knowing there was no way out and she had brought herself into this situation.
She took one deep breath before blurting out, "I need to take a pregnancy test," pressing her lips tightly together again as she waited for a reaction.
Vernon's eyebrows shot up the moment the words tumbled from her lips. He closed his eyes for a split second, trying to take in what she had just said to him.
"Ehm... for... what?"
Minnie looked at him perplexed, "What do you think people take pregnancy tests for?" She knew sex ED in South Korea wasn't good, but she had hoped it wasn't that horrible.
"Well, I hope you're not gonna take it for the reason I think you might be taking it," he glanced up at her. 
He called himself lucky to get to have her as an older sister despite only being born two months apart. Vernon and Minnie had been close ever since he became a trainee under Pledis, the older girl taking him in as a little brother in an instant. Over the years, she had realised that the lack of an age gap was starting to show as she found herself looking up at him more and more, mentally and literally physically as he had shot up in height. She had found herself looking for comfort in him, asking him for advice or even just listening to him. While some members were more physical when it came to showing their appreciation and love, Vernon kept himself in the background, choosing quiet acts of kindness as his love language, which she sometimes appreciated even more than anything else. But even with all the love the two had for each other, their sibling-like relationship was no secret and not kept behind closed doors.
"And what is the reason you're not hoping for?" She had crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes still unsure of whether or not to lock with his.
Vernon sighed and shook his head before glancing back up at her, now finding her gaze. "Do you seriously think you're pregnant?"
"No," she was quick to answer.
The '98 Liner rose from his seat. "Then why take the test?"
"Because!" Minnie started pacing around the room again, fixing her hair along the way.
"Because?" He nagged her.
The girl to a stop. "Better safe than sorry."
Vernon couldn't help but sigh again, "Minnie..."
"There's a 0.01 per cent chance-"
"Don't say 0.01 because if it really was 0.01 you wouldn't even think of taking one!" He pointed a finger at her, quickly realising the rude gesture and putting his hand down again. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"Okay, then maybe a slightly bigger chance... I don't know..." the female member bit down on her lip as her voice quieted down. Her gaze was back on the floor. "I'm scared."
Her confession made the rapper look back at her. He understood the seriousness of the situation, yet he had never seen the girl that way before. On a night out with the group, they had found out about the first pregnancy scare she had had years before, but she acted differently about it then. Took it with a lot more humour. But now, the woman in front of him just confessed to being scared. And he was the one she had trusted to confront about it.
Vernon glanced around the room. He couldn't freak out. He was supposed to help her here.
"Don't be scared," he tried to assure her, getting up from the sofa to take a step closer to her. "Are you serious though?"
Fallen silent, the girl just nodded. After not getting a verbal response back, she spoke up to explain, "I just... I've been feeling kinda... off. It's weird," she brushed it off, "and I really- I don't think I am, but... what if I am?"
Vernon accepted her answer, taking a second to himself. "Okay," he took a deep breath in and out. "It's okay. You have a test?" He asked her.
Minnie nodded.
"You went out and bought one?" Not even trying to conceal the concern in his voice.
"No," she told him, passing him as she made her way to the bathroom. "Hana got two for me."
"Where's she?" The younger member was hot on her feet.
"At work," Minnie explained. "She bought them on her lunch break." She stopped in front of the door, turning around to come to face with the rapper.
Vernon lowered his voice. "Why did you call me?"
The female idol shrugged.
He was desperate at this point. It felt like the wrong situation to be in for him. "Why not... Minghao... or... Shua, or Coups-"
"Coups would have me on a leash and drag me to get me castrated the moment he heard the words 'pregnancy test'!" She defended herself, getting a slight chuckle from him in return.
"Don't know how that would work but you're probably right. He'd do it at the word 'pregnancy' already," he mumbled.
"And... Shua would be way too emotional and... I don't know... Hao too. They'd be so... careful around me and try to comfort me-"
"You don't want to be comforted?"
"Not right now," she shook her head and gulped as he met his eyes. "I called you because you're the only person I know who can just sit there and be there for someone. Without overreacting... or... freaking out. And I'm kinda freaking out, so I need someone with a cool head right now."
"Not gonna lie," Vernon confessed, "I'm freaking out a little though."
"But you're hiding it well."
"Ditto," he nodded at the female member.
Another moment of silence washed over the apartment. Minnie took a quick look into the bathroom, her eyes immediately on the two pink packages by the sink.
"It's basically impossible that I'm pregnant," she admitted. The wheels in Vernon's head started turning, thinking that it was never truly impossible, unless... but he decided not to question her further.
"But I had weird... signs, I guess. And Hana and Léon made me scared. I just wanna make sure."
The '98 Liner nodded along to her words, shaking his head even harder the moment she looked back at him. "Do that. Take the test. Or tests," he dramatically pronounced the plural form.
Minnie nudged her head after a second to take a breath. "Can you come with me?"
Vernon immediately frowned. "Wh- Into the bathroom?"
The girl nodded.
"Ew, no! I'm not gonna watch you piss, bro."
She rolled her eyes, "Don't watch me pee. Just sit next to me," pointing to a stool they had in the bathroom for whatever reason. "Hold my hand?" She batted her eyes at him, mostly to lighten up the situation, while holding a bit of seriousness behind her ask.
"Absolutely fucking not," he shook his head. "Go. I'll be right here."
She eyed him up and down, scrunching up her face. "You're not a real one."
Vernon's eyebrows shot up. "If that's the requirement, I'm good," brushing her off and pushing her to finally get into the bathroom. "Weirdo," he mumbled, getting a last glare. At least she hasn't completely lost her spark, he thought to himself.
The moment she disappeared into the room, Vernon was met with the silence of being by himself. It was only then he realised that he hadn't even asked her about Wonwoo and/or Mingyu. Thinking, if anyone should be there, it would be the two men in question. He passed the thought after a moment of debating, coming to the conclusion that she'd have her reasons. Even after her explanation, he was still slightly confused as to why she'd rather have him than them here with her. He decided he'd rather stay in the unknown rather than pester her with more questions. Right now, she needed a friend, not an interrogator, by her side.
Vernon cleared his throat awkwardly.
The duo had found their way onto the couch with the two tests placed neatly on the coffee table ahead of them, facing down so neither one of them could even dare to get a glimpse of the results before the timer went off.
"And... ehm...," he tried to pass the time, hoping to somehow soothe the nerves rushing between both of them. "So... if you were though, like... pregnant," he carefully wondered, seeing her almost flinch at his words. He turned to look fully at her, finding her already staring at him. "Would you... w-would you... you know...," Vernon let out a chunk of air, "know whose it is?"
The time he had to himself let his mind wander to places he didn't even want it to go, but he couldn't help it.
Minnie stayed quiet for a few seconds, the words hitting her clearly hard as her eyes drifted off him.
"Ehm...," she took a deep breath. "I... I- eh... I... no?" Lowering her head, her gaze was back on her hands intertwined in her lap. She gulped, "I don't- I don't think so, n-no..." The confession appeared in the form of a big lump in her throat. 
While she was able to have her fun with the two men in her life, it was only now that she came across an obstacle like this. Of course, they had had conversations about protection, being careful instead of mindless, and consent. Yet, the topic of a possible pregnancy while still taking precautions seemed to have passed them.
Vernon nodded, his lips tightly pressed together. "Alright... damn...," he raised his eyebrows. "That- that's... wow, impressive... I mean- g-good for you. That's... good for you. And I- I mean not good good for you if you're pregnant, but, you know... good as in good for-"
"Yeah, I'm shutting up."
Not the time or place for a conversation like that, nor did she want to go into more detail about the couple's constellation in the bedroom with one of her closest friends, whom she considered her little brother. Neither did Vernon. But the silence had become dreadful.
Any other day, the duo would have no issue sitting next to each other in complete silence, yet, at that very moment, both wanted anything but to stay quiet. And finding a topic of conversation seemed more challenging than ever before.
The '98 Liner could see her shaking leg in the corner of his eye, unsure of how to comfort her well enough since it was the first time in a situation like that for him too. In an attempt to help her, he reached out and placed his hand on her knee, hoping it would calm her.
"It's okay," he quietly told her, turning his head to meet her clearly frightened gaze.
"Is it though?" She kept the conversation going.
He retrieved his hand again to turn the rest of his body to face her more clearly.
"You said it's... very unlikely." He continued to choose his words carefully, not trying to overstep and drag her into a hole she might not get out of.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah...," she whispered, hugging herself as if she was freezing. "Very unlikely, but... never impossible, right?"
Vernon shrugged his shoulder, "I think only you'd know that. If it's possible or not."
Whether they were talking about the act of conception or possibly rather the chances of her fertility would stay between the two.
The girl gulped. "It's unlikely. Very, very unlikely." 
A quiet pat on her back gave her the validation and comfort she craved and asked for.
"That's why I called you," Minnie confessed after a short few seconds of quietness.
"Hm?" Vernon glanced back at her after his eyes had been fixed on his phone.
"You can just sit here. Accept it, without a big reaction. And I still feel comforted. You... your presence is very comforting."
The question as to why him and not the men that lived with her was still burning his tongue, yet he didn't even dare to let it fall from his lips. Maybe another time.
"I still don't think I'm the right person for something like this-"
"You are," she quickly reassured him. "I didn't even think of anyone else."
The truth was, were the first people to pop into her head her lovers? Yes, of course. But in a moment of panic, in a situation that could affect either one of their lives immensely, she didn't want to confront them. Not with 100% certainty of a result. She wanted to avoid the unnecessary anxiety and hysteria spreading to other people involved in this. Not if there's nothing to be worried about in the first place, she kept on convincing herself.
In addition, as they had talked about before, knowing the rest of her members, there was a group of them that would try to be as emotionally available as they possibly could, their arms around her during the entire process, trying to console her while she just needed someone next to her. The other part of them would turn it into the headline of their tabloid, running around frantically, trying to make sense of the situation, while freaking out, scaring her even more.
And then there was Cheol, the oldest of them all, she shook her head as she didn't even want to think of a possible reaction of his. Yes, he'd support her no matter what, but the image of disappointment on his face was something she couldn't stomach.
Silently, Vernon leaned back, a tight smile on his lips. He appreciated her honesty.
Their sweet moment of companionship was interrupted by the sound of the teeth-shattering, chill-sending sound of his alarm. Vernon didn't even think of changing the ringtone, just opting to go with the standard iPhone one, making the girl shudder as he turned it off.
"Alright," he sighed. "You ready?"
Minnie nodded, pushing herself up to sit further on the edge, her knees close to hitting the coffee table.
"I do one, you do one?"
"Dude, you peed on that, I'm not touching it!" His exclaim made her look at him dumbfounded.
"I peed on that part," she pointed at the end covered by a plastic cap. "You won't even touch it."
But Vernon just shook his head. "You do it."
"Real supportive," she mumbled at him with an amused glare and nudge of her head.
Rushing down the number from three to one in her head, with a deep breath, she turned one test around, wanting to rip the bandaid off quickly and get it over with. Carefully, she looked at the small electronic display, ready for the worst to hit her.
"Not pregnant," she read out loud with a big breath of air. With a quick move, she turned around the second one, a content smile on her lips as she found the same result.
"Not pregnant," Vernon nodded, looking at the coffee table ahead of him before turning towards the female member. "You okay?"
Minnie pressed her lips together tightly, looking at him with a somewhat smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah..."
Her gaze fell back on the white and blue plastic, her hands still cramped up in her lap as the younger rapper let himself fall further back into the blue couch. He let a moment pass, giving her the silence to herself.
"You know," he patted her back, gaining her attention, "If you were though...," she met his eye. "I'd drive you. Check-up... or...," with a motion of his hand, he pretended to cut his neck, getting a chuckle from her in return.
"I know," she whispered, not trusting her voice to become any louder. Too many emotions were rushing through the short moment, too many for at that time after coming close to what she'd describe as a heart attack.
In the blink of an eye, she had her arms wrapped around his torso, making the younger member smile softly as he returned the embrace. A comforting hand ran up and down her arm. It wasn't often he reciprocated the show of affection from her, but he'd let her for now, knowing she most definitely needed it.
With her cheek against his shoulder, he felt her tightening her arms in a pulse as she spoke up again.
"That's why I called you."
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere
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twstreverie · 1 year
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sun and moon — 🌙 ☀️
sun/moon like s/o (kalim, jamil, rook, malleus) 🫶🏼
this idea kinda just happened, also because “o sol e a lua” is stuck in my head… I might do others with this <3
requests are open!
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kalim al-asim
he adores you, to simply put it. he doesn’t mind one bit that you have more of an introverted nature — he balances that out. even if you don’t have the energy to go to one of his dorms feasts and parties he wouldn’t care. kalim is content with just you and him if that’s what you really wanted. he’ll take you on a carpet ride any night!
it’s a little funny to watch, but he’s sometimes you’re voice — since you’re quieter or don’t speak up and talk loud as much. you’ll hear him at least once or twice a day being like “oh they said—!”
the victories and celebrations that go off in his mind during the earlier parts of your relationship like when you started to laugh loudly around him or even when he hears you excitedly sharing something you like to him. he loves it all!
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jamil viper
he hates to admit it but you sometimes make him feel so flustered and overwhelmed (in the best way) when it comes to your loud boasting of how much you love him or that instant “hey!!!” he hears the moment you see him. he has to pull down his hood a little sometimes jamil cant fight the warmth spreading on his cheeks. he’ll sigh and try telling you there’s no need for the energy (right in the middle of the school hallways ahaha) but does he actually want you to stop?
jamil tends to just let you ramble a lot, he’s a silent listener, giving once in a while a thought or two. not that he’s ignoring you he just doesn’t have the energy to talk sometimes — he’s content just doing work or even cooking and just listening to you go on.
has caught multiple times both overhearing and being told by others of your praise and talking highly of him — jamil was caught totally off guard when he had heard the first time. however by this point he isn’t surprised at all. I would be lying though if I said there wasn’t a smug grin after hearing.
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rook hunt
rook is obsessed with you. sorry but he will be telling you an earful of his swooning and how much he is simply enamored by you. though you have no magic he claims that you’ve bewitched him.
I can just imagine you could just be sitting there reading and eating something during lunch silently. you could be doing basically nothing and look over and see rook with his head on his hand looking at you with heart eyes.
though he does most of the talking at times, he doesn’t mind. but I have to say at first it might’ve been a bit overwhelming with his nature for someone like you. at the same time, he can be very quiet when he wants to be, so you get both haha. he’ll even do stuff like write you letters and poetry (they’ve gotten pretty long), flowers, and from what I believe he is artistic you better believe he paints and draws you. you’re his muse.
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malleus draconia
he utterly loves your affection, though he was initially surprised by your boldness but he could only lightly chuckle at you and your behavior. he indulges it anyway, he wants you to do this stuff. sebek definitely had a hard time having to deal with seeing you happily hug and kiss him whenever — even touching his horns! (he could’ve passed OUT)
not gonna lie malleus wants your attention and stuff anyway so like this is perfect for him — that both before your relationship and now that you’re so eager to be with him and such. because trust me, you’re his first and only, he just wants to spend his time with you. he is simply content basking in it, obviously.
he kinda just lets you drag him wherever and do what you want, he’ll follow you. but he would love something more quiet at times to, like during your nightly strolls when he sees you trying to follow and see some pretty creature or even small fairies you see time to time.
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fairlyang · 5 months
Starstruck 🕷️
in which miguel is a famous singer that bumped into you, you only knowing who he is because your sister is in love with him
w/c: 11.4K
pairing:famous!miguel x latina!reader
tags: you despise his ass so bad, your sister is a borderline stalker, she makes you tag along to find him, he accidentally knocks you out, 18+ smut. journey starts after that, you forcibly follow him around, change of heart, making out, fingering
notes: this is one of my personal favs bc I loved starstruck the movie by disney sm, just made it mexican/latine 🫶🏼
"I just love Miguel O'Hara." I heard my sister say when I walked into the living room, staring dreamily at the tv.
I widened my eyes and felt one of them twitch, is this girl serious? Again?
I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the tv standing there on purpose, earning myself an immediate yell and groan, "Y/n!!!"
"Oh perdón Saraí, am I blocking your view of what's his name?" I say and give her a fake pout as her face distorts in pure annoyance. Score. (Sorry)
"Mhmm," she mumbles with a nod and continues, "Entonces muévete o yo te muevo hermanita." she warns and I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. (So move or I'll move you little sister)
Just then our parents walk in, my dad with our suitcases and my mom with some laundry she'd just done. "Ya agarren sus maletas." My dad said making me sigh. (Come grab your suitcases)
"Vengan agarrar su ropa para empacar." My mom calls out placing the laundry basket next to Saraí. (Come grab your clothes to pack)
"Nos vamos al aeropuerto mañana después de que salgan de sus clases." She adds making Saraí squeal, hurting my poor ears. (We're leaving to the airport tomorrow after you guys get out of your classes)
I open the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, placing it on the counter then walking over and open the cabinet, grabbing a glass. I freeze watching Saraí take out my clothes and make faces at them. This girl-
"In less than twenty-four hours I'll be in California where Miguel lives!!!" She says excitedly making me raise an eyebrow.
I walk back to the counter and pour myself a glass. I take a sip while Saraí just keeps going, "what if he picks me up at the airport-"
I burst out laughing, the juice immediately spilling all over the place while I quickly shut my mouth and wipe the remnants off the side of my face. "Bitch why the fuck would he do that?!?" I say after calming down still giggling to myself.
She quickly turns to me and glares, "I'm like his number one fan, I follow all his accounts, listen to every single song and keep track of everything he's doing on his blog." I blink at how absolutely insane my sister sounds when she adds, "Te aseguró, el me quiere conocer." (I assure you, he wants to meet me)
Just then my mom walks in behind me and I turn to her desperately, "ya es muy tarde para ser la única hija?" (Is it too late to be the only daughter?)
"Si." She says not even turning to look at me. (Yes)
"Entonces por favor me puedo quedar?" I plead and she finally looks up from her phone. (So can I please stay home)
"Porque?" (Why?)
"Porque tu abuela no te ha visto en dos años y estás son tus vacaciones." She says and brings a hand up to my cheek.
My dad walks in and chuckles at my sad state, "y que jovencita va reclamar de ir a California?" He says and laughs. (And what young woman is going to complain about going to California?)
I sigh and shake my head, "pero tiene que ser con ella." (but it has to be with her)
Suddenly Saraí shushes all of us and leans in, her eyes wide as she turns the volume up on the Mexican news channel talking about this man.
I walk behind her and cross my arms against the chest watching the fucking news segment this dude got after getting awards at the Latin American Music Awards. There he was carrying four awards in his arms as he was giving a speech on the red carpet.
"Les quiero decir muchas gracias a los fans que me han apoyado durante toda mi carrera, los amo mucho." He says and shines a bright smile directly into the camera. (I just wanna say thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout my whole career, I love you so much)
"Es tan increíble." Sara sighs and smiles up at the tv. (He's so incredible)
"Definitivamente no es increíble." I say and shake my head. (He definitely is not incredible)
"Um claro que si lo es, y si tu lo conocías como yo lo conozco, no dirías eso." She says turning her head to look at me. (Um of course he is, and if you knew him like I knew him, you wouldn't say that)
"Estas loca? Vivimos en Michigan, tu no lo conoces." I spit out and roll my eyes. This bitch is crazy. (Are you crazy? We live in Michigan, you do not know him)
"Pero lo se, yo sé todo sobre el." She says facing back to the tv. (But I do know, I know everything about him)
"I know where he works, eats, shops, surfs, and parties." She says and sinks into the couch.
I groan and walk out of the living room heading to my room, she's going to be so insufferable.
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It was the next day and I was stood by Saraí and her friend, Lina as I was telling her about going to the campus-wide dance one of the fraternities was holding soon. She laughed in my face and shook her head, "No estas invitada hermana." (You're not invited sister)
"Como que no- it's a campus-wide dance." I say and roll my eyes. (What do you mean-)
"Y tu no bailas- qué vergüenza." She says and elbows Lina. (And you don't dance- how embarrassing)
"You won't have to worry about that, I'll just be there to write for the school newspaper..." I tell her and roll my eyes.
"Oh..." She says and I chuckle. Bet she feels somewhat bad now.
"Oh vas a llevar tu cámara contigo a California?" Lina asks and Saraí turns her attention to her. (Oh are you gonna take your camera with you to California?)
"Lina, por supuesto que me lo voy a llevar." She says and grins. (Of course I'm going to take it)
"Porque todavía necesitamos más fotos de Miguel...." Lina says taking out a fucking scrapbook with a picture of said man and I feel my eye twitching again. (Because we still need more pictures of Miguel...)
Are all the girls insane???
"Hablando, caminando, cantando, bailando, moviéndose, respirando... todo posible." She adds and I was just dumbfounded. (Talking, walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing. Anything possible)
They are insane.
"Porque están tan obsesionadas con este tipo?" I ask and they both immediately turned to look at me in disgust. (Why are you both so obsessed with this guy?)
"Este tipo?!?!" Lina exclaims, her eyebrows knitted in a deep cut glare at me. (This guy?!?!)
"Mhm. Ahora ves con que vivo." Saraí retorts and rolls her eyes at me. (Now you see with what I have I live with)
"Pobre de ti." Lina mutters making me laugh. (Poor you)
Saraí turns to me and gives me a smile, "Hermanita cuando estemos en California, tu puedes jugar lotería con abuela, pero yo voy a conocer a Miguel O'Hara." (Little sister when we're in California, you can play bingo with grandma, but I'm going to meet Miguel O'Hara.)
"Y cómo estás planeando hacer eso?" I ask and chuckle. (And how are you planning on doing that?)
Suddenly Lina opens the scrapbook and in the first pages is filled with notes, scribbles, hearts. "Pues hemos trazado cada uno de sus movimientos durante los últimos dieciocho meses." She says, acting as if this isn't the most psychotic thing ever imaginable. (Well we've traced every one of his movements for the past eighteen months)
"Yo sé cuándo y dónde es probable que esté cada segundo de cada día." Saraí says too casually. (I know when and where he's likely to be every second of every day)
"About the time we'll be leaving for LA, he'll be having his daily meeting with his managers." She says and they both sigh looking off into the distance. Freaks.
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"Do not fucking tell me you brought homework to California-" Saraí says looking at me dumb-smacked.
"No- I am reading, you should try it some time." I tell her and snort.
"I read-"
"These-" I start and turn behind me to grab one of her hundreds of magazines, "are fucking pictures, this doesn't count."
She gasps and quickly smacks my hand away, grabbing her magazine back. She gives me a glare and then looks out to the parking lot, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "Why are they dragging ass-"
"Ugh just get me a car so I can go meet Miguel O'Hara!!" She squeals and I look behind her and shrug.
"You can't drive." I say and she scoffs.
"Yes I can, I have my license dumbass." She snorts and I shake my head.
"No you can't, sign!" I say and point behind her.
She turns around and reads the sign that says you have to be at least 25 to rent a car from the specific rental we were by. And so sad she barely turned 23 a few months ago.... "What?"
"How am I meant to go out and about-"
"Y hacer que?" My dad asks, as he and my mom walk towards us. (And do what?)
"Llevar a mi hermanita de turismo!!" She says and quickly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. (Take my little sister sightseeing!!)
"Creo que tu abuela tiene un carro que te puede prestar." He says and she lets go of me and sighs. (I think your grandma has a car you can borrow)
"Gracias a Dios." She mutters making me snicker. (Thank god)
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We arrived at my grandma's house and right as my dad parked my mom took off her seat left and got out of the car because grandma was on step stools cutting off leaves off a hedge which of course put mom on edge.
We all followed with her besides Saraí staying in the car, and grandma came down with the help of a man we haven't seen before. "Mija cálmate estoy bien-" (calm down I'm okay)
My mom stood behind her watching her as the man helped her down, "Héctor me estaba ayudando!" She says with a wide smile as she gives my mom a hug. (Héctor was helping me!)
When grandma pulled away my mom just gave her a look and she just innocently smiled then went on to give my dad a hug. I walk over to her and immediately go in for a hug, "Abuela te extrañe!!" I say and squeeze her gently. (Grandma I missed you!)
She hugs me back then pulls away bringing a hand up to my cheek, lightly pinching. "Yo también te extrañe mi angelita." She says and grins. (I missed you too my little angel)
She then turns to Saraí admiring grandma's 2012 baby pink Volkswagen Beetle. "Saraí la puedes usar cuando gustes." Grandma tells her making Saraí just nervously laugh. (You can use her whenever you'd like)
"No me van a encontrar muerta en esta cosa-" she says and groans, almost throwing a hissy fit. (You wont catch me dead in this thing)
"Entonces nos vas acompañar a jugar lotería?" I joke and she glared at me but it had grandma giggling. (So does that mean you'll be joining us to play bingo?)
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I walked into the room Saraí was sleeping in because grandma was saying she was pacing too much. "Abue dice que te calmes, que vas hacer un agujero en el piso." I say and she stops to look at me with crazy eyes. (Grandma says to calm down, that you're gonna make a hole on the floor)
"I just got off the phone with Lina who saw a tweet about a blog account who got a text about Miguel O'Hara. He's singing at Lyla's birthday party. I have to go-" she rants and I blink. Who the fuck is Lyla- actually it's better I don't ask...
"Good luck convincing mom and dad." I say and walk away from her doorway.
"Come with me." She says and I turn back around.
I scoff and shake my head, leaning against the doorway staring at her not a slightest bit shocked. "No."
"Si tu vas conmigo me van a dejar ir!!" She says and and I roll my eyes. (If you go with me they'll let me go!!)
"Y yo para que quiero ir-" I say then stop, "ya me hartaste de tu mentado Miguel O'Hara-" (And why would I wanna go? You've made me tired of your mentioned Miguel O'Hara-)
"I'll shut up."
"If you come with me and I meet Miguel, I'll shut up about him.... For the rest of our trip." She pleads and I bite my lip.
"Mejor por el resto de tu vida." I mutter and she looks at me expectantly. (better yet for the rest of your life)
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She drove us down to apparently some popular club Miguel was at and I really couldn't believe my older sister had stalker tendencies like this. It was absurd.
But not as absurd as fucking parking where it clearly says no parking zone. "Dude can you really not read??!?" I ask and she waved me off as she slipped out of the drivers seat and into the back to change.
"It's fine. If one person is in the car it isn't even parking it's just waiting." She says and I roll my eyes.
"Just get behind the wheel!!" She demands and i scoff.
I do so anyway and carefully maneuver to the drivers seat while she's singing to a song on the radio. God her not talking about him for the rest of the trip is not going to be enough-
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We hear a loud car engine and she quickly popped up from the back seat and looked over to the entrance. She gasps and quickly straps her heel on. "It's him!"
She quickly opens the door and gets out slamming it shut before opening it up again and peeps her head through. "Just stay here! Don't move a muscle." She says blowing me a kiss then slams the door shut again.
I hear her squeal and watch as she walks across the street to the front of the club. She walks over to some guy kissing his cheeks then poses for some cameras. Oh god-
I slap my hand over my forehead cringing at the sight then see as she tugs him away inside, but she didn't even have to wait in line so maybe this won't take so long....
A brunette following close behind them with an annoyed look on her face. I sigh and turn my body towards the steering wheel and changing the radio stations to not have to hear that man's voice.
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I look down at my phone and realize it's midnight and I've been sitting here waiting like a fucking fool for half an hour. I groan and grab my bag, I turn the car off and take the keys out. I open the door and get out, gently closing the door then lock it. I'll just quickly find her and we can go back home.
I get to the sidewalk and swing my bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stoplight. I walk over to the street where the club was and mentally wish I hadn't agreed to this. The line was so long.
I get to the street where the back of the line was and roll my eyes. There has to be another entrance.
I make my way past the people and walk towards an alleyway right next to the club. Surely there's another entrance here.
I walk in the middle of the alley my eyes searching for a door when I finally spot one. I go to open it when the door hits me and I fall back onto my ass. "Fuck-" I groan and hold onto my head.
"Did I just hit you?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes.
"Nahhh the door hit me by itself." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"This is not good." The guy muttered and i scoff.
"For you or for me? Because right now this feels worse for me." I snap and rub my head slowly. Shit, that was gonna leave a mark.
"This is really not good." He mutters making me furrow my eyes in confusion.
Then the realization hit.
"You're Mig-" I start then a hand is covering my mouth before I can even finish.
"I will give you merch and tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name-"
I shove his hand away from me and scoff. "I don't want any of that shit-"
He lifts his hands up in defense and cocks an eyebrow up. "Okay.. I need to get you to a doctor...." He mumbled just then we hear a car engine and he carefully helps me up.
He then goes down and grabs my phone and keys before grabbing my hand. "What about Saraí-" I mumble and widen my eyes realizing I just left her.
"Whose Saraí?"
"My sister- she's in the club." I say and curse under my breath. She's gonna be so mad.
He holds my hand and leads me towards the car where a man gets out of the car and walks over to us, "Miguel what did you do-"
"Just help now and I'll tell you later Peter." Miguel tells Peter and lets me go.
Peter puts his hand behind my back leading me to the passenger seat and helps me inside the car. He leans down to look at Miguel and I just look back and forth between both men. "Who is this?" Peter asks confused wanting some kind of clarity.
"Seatbelt." Miguel looks to me and Peter hands it to me while Miguel places my things on my lap.
"Y/n." I say and take the seatbelt and buckle it.
"Pues mucho gusto conocerte." He says and I roll my eyes. (Well nice to meet you)
"Ningún gusto para mi." I mutter and Peter snickers to my right. This white man understands Spanish? (It's not nice for me) 
I look at Miguel and he just gives me a smile, his teeth were a bit crooked but very white. The crookedness was kinda cute-
Wait- what the fuck am I thinking?!
Then I feel my stomach gurgle and I widen my eyes, "I don't feel too good..."
"Don't puke on May I just got her fixed up!!" Peter says and I nod.
"Okay." I mumble then lean over to the side and puke my guts out.
After my stomach was emptied my throat felt so patchy and disgusting and I sat back up onto the seat and leaned against the head rest. "Not my favorite converse!!!" Peter groans and I feel bad but physically feel off.
"I'll get you new ones- close the door-" Miguel says and Peter complains some more but closes the door.
"Keys." He says and I hand them to him.
"Make sure her sister Saraí get home okay." Miguel tells Peter and hands him the keys to my grandma's car. Oh fuck-
"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells him and Peter waves him off look down at the mess on his shoes.
"What's she look like? What's she wearing?" He asks and I cough.
"Uhh like an older version of me... except with dark red hair and she's wearing a.... Mm oh dark purple dress." I say almost forgetting what she wore as if she wasn't making me look at every outfit she wanted to wear.
"What did she dress up as Starfire on purpose?" He joked and I chuckle.
"I should've made her wear green instead for Poison Ivy-" I say letting out a laugh then Miguel interrupts and turns the car on.
"Just find her and make sure she gets home, please." He tells Peter and then drives away.
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We got to a nearby hospital unseen which I guess was good for Miguel. I was sat in a bed looking at a light the doctor was making me follow. I looked at it left and right then she pulled away. "The scans came out fine and you look good to go." She says and gives me a smile.
"So she's okay?" Miguel peeps his head through the door and the doctor scolds at him.
He closes the door and the doctor proceeds to tell me I don't have a concussion which was a surprise to me considering I was hit on the head with a fucking door.
"Then why'd I throw up?" I ask and the doctor chuckles.
"Maybe something you ate earlier," she says then quickly adds, "or maybe just meeting this latoso." (Annoying fuck)
I laugh then close my mouth when Miguel pops in and glares at the doctor. I mean it shouldn't be normal that a doctor talks shit like this but I couldn't help but find it funny... plus was she really wrong.. "you have to know each other right? No way a doctor would just talk about someone like this." I say and laugh as Miguel walks in with his hands on his hips.
"My brother's wife." Miguel says and smiles.
"So I can go now...."
"Yes just make sure to ice it until you get home." She says and I nod.
She hands me an ice pack, smiles and excuses herself when Miguel's phone rings. And he just lets it ring. "No vas a contestar o que...." (So you're not gonna answer or what....)
Then he walks out leaving the door ajar and answers the call. I sigh and look down at the floor while I leave the ice pack on my head. How did this end up happening to me of all people?
Suddenly I see the doctor come back through the little window on the door and I see her telling Miguel something. That we can't leave because there's guys with cameras in the lobby...
How the fuck does a hospital just let those people come inside......
Then they start talking about a switcharoo and I sigh. This was going to be such a long night.
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They ended up doing the swap and we ended up with a rusty car that had us bumping up and down with every movement. And with every time he'd stop, our bodies would move forehead then harshly back. I groaned when my head hit the head rest and Miguel coughs. "It's not so bad..."
"Don't fucking lie." I say and laugh.
"Just listen to the engine it's fucked." I mutter, staying quiet to hear the rumbling.
"We'll be fine." He says and takes a hand off the wheel to wave me off.
Then there's a loud bang, almost sounding like a gunshot making me yell and hit my elbow. "Chingesumadre-" I groan and bite my lip. (Motherfucker)
"Cálmate!" (Calm down)
"No me digas que me calme- ya llévame a mi casa!" I whine and groan. (Don't tell me to calm down- just take me home!)
"Okay!!" I exclaim and smack his arm with my left hand.
"Que te pasa?!?" He yells and I roll my eyes. (What is wrong with you?!?)
"Nomas quiero ir a casa y ya!!" I whine and he groans. (I just wanna go home and that's it!!)
"I'll take you there!!" He says then quietly adds, "soon enough..."
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"What are we doing here?!?" I ask and he holds a finger to my lips for a second then grabs my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Oh so now you're hiding me-"
"Yes I am! Do you wanna be tomorrows main event for Univision?!?" He mutters and I groan following him up.
"Well no-"
"Pues para con tus berrinches y sube." He demands but I just comply. (Stop throwing a fit and go up)
We go up like three floors worth of stairs and we finally reach the top, "big ass house." I mutter making him chuckle.
He leads me to a bedroom and opens the door before letting me go inside. I sigh and go in, admiring the tall ceiling, color scheme, and decor for only a few seconds before I turn to look at him. "Be my guest- Ahorita vengo." He says and walks a step back then turns to look at me. (I'll be right back)
"Just stay put." He says and I roll my eyes.
I bring my hands up to my chest and fold my hands as if they're paws, "woof."
He groans and walks away closing the door behind him leaving me alone in this big guest bedroom. I shake my head in disbelief that this is my life and not my sister's. I didn't ask for this.
I sit down on the bed and put the ice pack on the bedside table. I then lay back on the bed, having my feet hang off the bed to not dirty these probably expensive comforter and blankets. I sink my head into the cloud like pillow and sigh.
Left alone with my thoughts I realize he didn't seem like an asshole or like he was acting a certain way for the tabloids, he seemed somewhat normal. Empathic, somewhat funny. And even I couldn't deny how gorgeous he was but with all the nonstop chatter Saraí has blabbed on about him for months on end I didn't wanna hear or see anything about him again.
At least after he takes me home...
He had the prettiest smile and thank god I had the urge to throw up before I let myself melt into his gaze earlier. God that would've been so embarrassing for me.
And his eyes.
Brown eyes but up close and in the light there were specs of light brown. Almost like a pool of honey. So warm and pretty.
Suddenly I hear some cheers and take notice there's a balcony door. I shrug and get up and walk over to it. Might as well.
I open it and walk out to the small patio and look down at what looks to be a party.... With Miguel sitting down in front of the pool playing the guitar. I was high up but because the crowd was so silent I was able to hear his voice clearly.
I mean deep down I knew I liked a few of his songs, hell maybe even had one or two saved in some playlist but actually hearing his voice, singing without a microphone or him wearing ear pieces to hear himself- it was mind blowing how he was able to sound almost identical.
Besides the occasional breeze rattling the trees making it harder for me to hear him. It sounded like he was singing the chorus and I lean against the railing and listen closely.
Love dovey lyrics, soft tone, nice strums of his guitar. Not too bad.
Suddenly he looks up at me and gives me that smile after finish the chorus, I try to ignore the way my stomach was doing flips and give him the smallest smile possible.
He looks away from me and back to the crowd making me let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I calm myself down as his strumming slows down and he hits the final note, instantly earning himself an applause.
I take that as my sign and I walk out of the patio and into the bedroom. I quickly fix the bed then walk out and head towards the stairs. I go down the stairs fast and careful, and after a good minute I made it to the main floor but there's already lots of people all around and mostly by the front door.
I freeze and look to my right to see a side door so I hope for the best and walk towards it. I open the door and slide in unnoticed only to be met with a garage and five different cars. Damn.
I sigh and walk in front of the cars not even sure how I'll get home. Lord this was such a long night-
Suddenly the door opens and I prepare for the worst which it was, being Miguel. God now he's gonna be thinking I was trying to be nosy on purpose...
"A donde vas?" He asks walking in and shutting the door shut behind him. (Where are you going?)
"A la casa? I think I've overcome my stay." I say and shrug. (Home?)
And I really don't want to explain all of this to my family...
"Alright pick a car." He says and motions to his variety of cars.
I scoff and roll my eyes then turn my head to the last car, a red supra. It looked gorgeous.
Well since he was offering...
I hear him laugh and I stride over to the car. I made my way to the passenger seat and I couldn't believe I was going to ride in a car like this... I mean me of all people?
He unlocks the car and I carefully open the door then hop in. The interior was so nice to look at and it even smelled nice, maybe it was new. I'm sure Saraí would know..
He hops in and turns the car on, revving the engine a little making my eyes go wide. Damn.
I didn't know too much about cars but I knew if they looked sexy on the outside and sounded like that then they were definitely good.
He opens the garage and asks me for the address which I happily tell him to get there as fast as possible but he said he wasn't planning on driving fast, which I thought defeated the purpose of practically having a race car but he said it was because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. So dumb.
As if we weren't riding in a fucking apple.
He drives and we're sat in silence which I didn't mind so I can quickly think of an excuse as to why I abandoned my sister and not the other way around...
And to try to ignore my growing attraction to this man... because why the fuck did he have to look good driving?
I shook my thoughts away and pressed my now melted ice pack on my head, I won't turn out like my sister. I can't.
He turns the radio on and coincidentally one of his songs started playing. And it had to be one that I actually liked...
He hums the lyrics and I just turn my head to look out the window and mouth the words but making sure to not let out any noise. It was a decent song, a duet he sings with another artist that had such a beautiful melody and perfect guitar playing in the background.
Well I couldn't deny how pretty the song actually was, and he had a decent voice too...
But my way of thinking is different from Saraí, she is obsessed with this man and everything about him. But I can appreciate a song or two. To myself. And never out loud because I wouldn't hear the end of it....
We spent the rest of the car ride like that, except whenever a song that wasn't his, I'd actually start to quietly sing to it. I just couldn't bring myself to sing to his knowing deep down it'd be hypocritical of me to.
I finally saw the familiar street of my abuela's house and he pulls up to the driveway. He parks and we sit in silence for a few seconds. "Listen I was just wanted to apologize-"
"No need, it was an accident. It happens I guess." I say and shrug, undoing my seatbelt.
"Now you can go back to your lavish amazing life and I'll go back to mine." I say turning to face him and give him a forced smile.
He sighs and shakes his head, "eres tan difícil." (You're so difficult)
"No te preocupes, no me vas a tener que ver después de esto." I snarl and roll my eyes. (Don't worry, you won't have to see me after this.)
"Thanks for the ride and see you never." I mutter and open the door.
I get out and close the door shut without turning back and walk along the side entrance of the house.
I sigh opening the door and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get myself a cold water bottle then open it before chugging half of it down when I hear a knock on the window by the front door.
I sigh and close the water bottle, leaving it by a coffee table before walking on over to the window. I move the curtain and groan, I quietly open the window and feel my eye twitch. "Leave-"
"I will give you five thousand dollars if you can do me a favor." Says the man who I didn't want to see ever again.
"It's not a favor if you're paying for it." I scoff making him grin.
"So you'll do it?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
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I open the garage door for him and as soon as his supra can go in he slides in almost making me scold him in case it fell down or something but I kept my mouth shut.
He parks then gets out of the car and walks on over to me, "you'll be gone before the morning, right?" I say and he just chuckles.
"No one will even know I was here." He says and I roll my eyes as I got on a step stool to reach for a blanket.
"I will unfortunately know." I say and hit it on his head making him groan.
"Thanks." He responds sarcastically giving me a face and catches the blanket.
"Is there anything I can wear para que los chismosos no me reconozcan?" He asks and I shrug, lazily pointing to the boxes behind him. (so the annoying paparazzi won't recognize me?)
"You can check inside those." I mutter slowly feeling the tiredness creep in. "But is this really necessary." I add and he just groans.
"You've got no idea." He says then opens the top one, going through whatever is inside until he picks up a black baseball cap that had a small Mexican flag on the side.
I recognize it and frown but then smile at the memories of my grandpa always wearing it when he's mow the lawn, or plant his vegetables. It was his favorite thing in the world and of course had to have his flag on it.
"Era de mi abuelo, siempre se lo ponía cuando arreglaba su jardín." I tell him and look at the hat in his hands. (It was my grandpa's, he'd always wear it when he worked on his garden)
"Oh- perdón-" he murmurs and quickly takes it off but I wave him off. (sorry)
"Esta bien- te queda un poco bien." I reassure and give him a small smile. (It's okay- it fits you kind of good)
My words versus my expression were somewhat contrasting one another but he just chuckles and puts it back on.
"So are you all good?" I ask and he nods.
"I think so." He answers and looks back at his car.
I'm sure he'll be sleeping like a baby in there...
"Alright well goodnight-" I start to say and was about to walk off when he grabs my arm.
"Y/n." I turn to look at him and he starts to smile, I swore his eyes were sparkling-
"Stop doing that." I say and shake my head. I need to stop too..
"Doing what?" He asks making me roll my eyes. He cannot be serious...
"Ya lo sabes- y más seguro se lo haces a todas." I start and then feel myself stuttering as well as feeling nervous. (You know it- and you probably do it to all the girls.)
"Les haces..." I say and motion to his face making him grin, leaning in, "esa cara y expertas que todas se enamoren de ti." (You do... that face and expect all the girls to fall in love with you)
I take a step back and cross my arms against my chest, "pero no va funcionar para mi, entonces vas a tener que soportar." With the final word I walk to the door and press the button to close the garage then walk out. (But it won't work on me so you'll just have to deal with it)
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It was the next morning and I had completely forgotten that Miguel slept in my grandmas garage until said grandma told Saraí that the news was doing a story on Miguel.
I rolled my eyes then quickly came to the realization of last nights events and ran to the living room beating her to it. I try to grab the controller until I feel her on top of me and her hands gripping the other half of the controller. "Que te pasa wey- you don't even like him!!!!" She exclaims and I let out fits of coughs to try to be louder than the tv. (What is with you- you don't even like him)
She screams in annoyance and shoves me making me land on the couch. She puts the volume up and excitedly looks at the tv, oh god...
"Lyla llegó a su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche sin su mentado novio. Aunque nadie lo vio llegar al club para la celebración, testigos confirman que Miguel O'Hara hizo una apariencia secreta para cantar para la casa llena de invitados." Says the reporter making me feel sick to my stomach. No one knows. (Lyla arrived to her birthday party without her supposed boyfriend. Although no one saw him arrive at the club for the celebration, witnesses confirm that Miguel O'Hara made a surprise appearance to sing for the full house of invitees)
"Testigos dijeron que el cantante se fue inmediatamente después de cantar una canción, nomás para reaparecer en su mansión de Beverly Hills, horas después, con una diferente chava." My heart drops to my stomach and I suddenly feel nervous and ill. (Witnesses said that the sunder left immediately after singing one song, only to reappear in his mansion on Beverly Hills, hours later, with a different girl)
How the fuck did they know????
My eyes were wide and mouth agape while Saraí next to me was just scoffing and shaking her head. "Mis informantes me dicen que está chava misteriosa tal ves le robó el corazón de nuestro favorito galán musical." I tried my hardest not to gag, especially since mom and abuela were still nearby but god did they really have to exaggerate that much? (My sources/informants fell me that this mystery girl might have stolen the heart of our favorite musical heartthrob)
I then look at Saraí and try to snatch the remote from her again but she yells and tries to get it back. "Que haces?!?" (What are you doing?!?)
"Lo quiero ver!!!" She complains and I just shake my head. (I wanna watch!!)
"Porque? Son puras mentiras y exageran todo posible!!" I say trying not to give myself anyway. (Why? They're all just lies and they exaggerate everything possible!!)
"Y que te importa?! Ni te gusta-" (and why do you care?! You don't even like him-)
"No pero para que quieres caer en mentiras de los reporteros!?!" I say and push the remote towards me but she wasn't budging. (but why do you wanna fall for the lord of those reporters!?!)
"Oigan!! Ya paren!" My dad yells but we still don't stop. (Listen!! Stop that now!)
Suddenly my grandma stands up and reaches behind her to grab her car keys, "ya se! Esta hermoso afuera, saquen el caro y vayan a la playa!" (Oh I know! It's gorgeous outside, take the car out and go to the beach!)
She threw the keys to Saraí who let go of the remote and caught the keys with ease, "gracias abue!!" (thanks grandma!!) 
She skips out of the kitchen until my mom yells at her, "Lleva a tu hermana!!!" (Take your sister!!!)
She groans and stomps her feet on the ground then walks off. My mom turns to me and gives me a look before nodding to where Saraí made her dramatic exit. "Ve." (Go)
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And just like that we had made our way to the beach, Saraí found a lucky spot really close to the beach. I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. "Why are we in Malibu? Weren't we gonna go to Venice?" I ask and she rolls her eyes as she gets out and walks to the trunk of the car.
"Because Miguel surfs in Malibu." She says matter-of-factly earning herself a glare.
Jesus she's obsessed.
She gets the beach chair she got for herself and closes the trunk then locks the car. I follow her lead as she squeals and looks left to right. On the lookout.
"Today is the day- I feel it in my bones, he's here." She says and I just chuckle.
"Sure he is." I say sarcastically but she just ignores me.
"I'm praying he's not with Lyla, she's not pretty enough for him." She says making me laugh. Damn.
"I wonder what his eyes look like.... Like really up close...." She rambles and lets out a sigh.
"Chocolate brown. A really pretty brown." I imply but she just completely ignores me and runs off to a random direction.
I stand there watching her leave me and scoff. Sisters.
I sigh and take a look around the beach to see where I can sit and just chill without her nagging me about that man anymore.
Suddenly I see something familiar out of the corner of my eye and I look around me and see that no one has noticed what I have.
I shrug and stroll on over to a man sitting by himself next to an empty chair, "hey is this seat taken?"
I walk behind the chair and place my bag on the floor, taking a seat ignoring that he didn't respond. "Don't mind if I do." I tell the man and sigh.
"Esta tan bonito afuera hoy, no crees?" I turn to look at the familiar man who I ended up spending a lot of time with yesterday. (It's so pretty outside today, don't you think?)
He then shifts in his seat and I can't tell if he's recognized me or not but I'll have some fun with this. "Ay perdón estaba dormido- lo desperté?" I ask and smile. (Oh I'm sorry you were asleep- did I wake you?)
He shakes his head and looks down crossing his arms against his chest, as if a small ass hat and little sunglasses are gonna hide his big stature.
"No? Ah que bueno! Me puede poner bloqueador en la espalda?" I ask teaching over to my bag and pulling up a bottle of sunscreen. (That's good! Can you put sunscreen on my back?)
He then turns to look at me and tips his glasses down so I could see his eyes, then laughs and shakes his head. "Como sabías que fui yo?" He asks and gives me that smile I've now seen plenty of times. Jesus. (How'd you know it was me?)
"La cachucha." I respond and look up at my grandpas hat. (The hat)
"It smells like grass." He says making me chuckle.
"Might just be you." I reply and he laughs.
He gives me another smile before taking off his glasses and turning to face me, "what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Go home." I joke and he sighs.
"I tried...."
He looks away and waves me off, "no lo entenderías." (You wouldn't understand)
I scoff and roll my eyes, "ahh entonces crees que eres tan especial que alguien normal como yo no podría entender que difícil es ser tu?" (so you think that you're so special that someone normal like me isn't able to understand how hard it is to be you?)
He laughs then shrug, turning his head to face me again, "hay diez carros de los chismosos afuera de mi casa." (there's ten cars filled with paparazzi outside my house)
"Damn.... That's fucked..." I mutter and refrain from saying something stupid.
He hums in agreement and we sit there in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, "necesito un carro que ellos no reconozcan para ir a las casa." (I need a car that they don't recognize so I can go home)
I hum and fight the urge to offer our car, I couldn't even imagine him driving abuela's baby pink beetle. He definitely wouldn't fit in it anyway.
Then he looks me up and down, plotting something and asks, "que estás manejando tu?" (what are you driving?)
I grin and lean towards him, "oh you'll love it, it's a classic. Really pretty."
I bite my lip to not laugh and he smiles, "perfect I could pay you-"
"Stop- stop doing that-"
"Stop doing what?”
"Throwing your money around like that. Todavia me debes cinco mil por quedarte en el garaje de la abue." I say and he chuckles. (You still owe me five thousand for staying at my grandma's garage)
He smiles at me and I smile back, "give me your keys." I say and bring my hand up to him and motion for him to give me them.
"Why....." he asks and raises an eyebrow. As if he couldn't trust me.
I could've easily asked for more money... I really should've..
"Well if you're gonna have our car you can't just leave us without one." I say and he hesitates.
His face crunches up and it really looks like he's about to change his mind. He cannot be serious....
He reaches down to his pocket and grabs his keys, I open then close my hand ready to snatch em as soon as he gives them to me. He brings them up and right as I was gonna close my hand he pulls them away. I give him a look and he gives me one right back. "Okay listen-" I try to grab them but he pulls them back.
"She's a-" I try to snatch them again but he brings his hand up. Oh my fucking god-
"She's a three hundred and twenty horsepower-" he brings his hand down slightly and I try to grab it but again he moves it. This piece of shit-
"1998 model-" Hand comes back down and I quickly try to grab it but again no use.
"Brand new wrap-" He moved his hand making me groan.
"Look I love Gabi okay?" He says with such a serious look and tone.
He nods and I prevent the urge to roll my eyes at him, "you name your cars?"
He nods again hesitantly and I now grab the keys from his hand. I give him a look then roll my eyes getting up and walking over to where Saraí was tanning.
I tip toed to her which didn't matter because she had headphones on and eyes were closed. Perfect.
I grab the keys to grandma's car then slide in Miguel's keys before making my way back to him.
I motion for him to follow me and he stands up, jogging over to me as I lead him to his hot new ride. I walk us towards where the beetle is with Miguel on my tail and still on the lookout.
I then stop in front of the car and grin up at him, "Miguel meet Petunia."
He stops and blings his sunglasses down, face disgusted. "Bring her back within the next hour." I tell him and grab his hand, putting the keys on his hand while letting out giggles.
Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down, hiding us behind the car while mumbling to himself. "How the hell did they find me-" he says grabbing my hand and making me follow him to be by the hood of the car.
"Oh please my sister found you easily and we're from Detroit." I mumble and he turns to look at me for a second with a puzzled look and I just shrug.
We then hear the sound of vans pulling up to the parking lots and doors opening with people talking. He lets go of my hand and takes his glasses off, "here put them on."
I take them and look at them for a few seconds before he gives me a look, "Now. And get in."
I lift my hands up in fake defense and put them on as  he goes to the drivers seat. I walk on over to the passenger seat and fix the glasses when the door opens and hits me in the face.
I fall back and I quickly get up to glare at him through the window, "you cannot be serious- quit fucking hitting me O'Hara." I hiss and he shoots me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- get in- get in-" he mumbled and I roll my eyes, opening the door and hop in.
He then opens the glove compartment and goes through it, "what the fuck are you doing now-"
He shushes me and pulls out a scarf and hands it to me, "put this on."
"Just do it."
"Okay Nike sponsorship." I mutter and wrap it around my head.
He then starts the car and start to reverse, he propped his shoulder up and his head down then leaned over as if he had back issues. I bring the glasses to my nose and hold my breath, sinking int the sink as I felt and heard the paparazzi outside the car thinking he was in here. Which they technically weren't wrong about.
But nonetheless they groaned and pulled the cameras away from the car and us. Thank god.
After leaving the beach I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him, "manejas como mi abuelo!" (you drive like my grandpa!)
He shifts and gets more comfortable, "Y tu te ves como mi abuela!" He jokes making us both laugh as I looked forward and to the highway while taking off the scarf. (And you look like my grandma)
"Necesito mis lentes." He says and I smile, shrugging feeling his gaze on me. (I need my glasses)
"No se... creo que me gustan..." I say and fix my hair, putting some strands behind my ear. (I don't know.... I think I like them...)
"Te los regalo... al rato." He says and I gasp. (I'll give them to you... later)
"De verdad?!?" I ask then quickly continue trying to mimic Saraí, "mis amigas nunca me lo van a creer que yo, tengo un par de Miguel O'Hara lentes que el mismísimo Miguel O'Hara se a puesto!!" (For real?!? My friends will never believe that I, have a pair of Miguel O'Hara sunglasses that have been worn by Miguel O'Hara himself!!!)
I then gasp and turn my body to face him, "me los firmas porfis?!?" I beg and he just rolls his eyes. (Sign them for me please?!?)
"Te crees bien graciosa eh?" He says making me grin and nod. (You think you're so funny)
"Que?" I tease and give him an innocent smile. "No pero de verdad si quiero estos lentes." I say and look at the dark maroon color of the frames. (What? No but seriously I want those glasses)
"Un huh... dámelos. Come on." He says and does grabby hands. (Give me them)
I sigh and take them off handing them over to him. "So how long am I stuck with you this time?" I ask earning myself a laugh.
"Until the paps leave the beach...." He says then turns to look at me, "let's go do something."
"Like what?" I ask and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Anything. What have you seen since you got here?"
"Nothing. I've been too busy following you around." I say and his eyes bright up.
"Really?" He says in a soft tone and I just playfully roll my eyes.
"With my sister... she idolizes you." I say and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
Why'd it seem like he was disappointed?
I shrug and continue, "I mean I couldn't care less about you or your city."
He gasps and shakes his head in disbelief, "I already knew you didn't like me but you don't have to take it out on Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, yknow what, I'll be your tour guide."
"I thought you were going home..."
"Meh I'll just take the long way." He says and gives me that smile as he puts his glasses back on.
He turns the radio on and just to my luck his song came on. He gives me a grin and I just sigh, relaxing into my seat as he drives us to who knows where.
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He ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, Venice beach, Rodeo Drive to buy me stuff (which I wasn't complaining about), the walk of fame to see the stars of my actual favorite celebrities, to the Hollywood sign which was huge in person.
He had bought me a Polaroid camera while we were at the pier and ended up using all the film, and he bought me a two pack. Now I just had forty little Polaroid pictures in my purse along with other cute souvenirs.
We were singing along to the songs on the radio when I noticed he drove us back to his house. "Gonna keep me for longer huh?" I tease and chuckle, looking up at the huge mansion he calls home.
He smiles and nods as he parks in front of his house and unlocks the doors. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door getting out of the car.
I had shocked myself today, actually enjoying myself and letting myself not be so judgmental of Miguel as well as getting to know the real him. He was nice, very sarcastic and somewhat funny. But I'm not gonna admit that to his face.
I was appalled when finding out he wasn't narcissistic or rude and was actually chill and fun to be around. Again not admitting that to his face.
And he was a total gentlemen, opening doors for me, paying for everything even though I kept fighting him on it. It felt like a first date even though our circumstances were just odd and weird. And it technically wasn't even a date.
I followed him inside and he beckoned me over to his living room while he went to get us something to drink. I plopped down on the longer couch and it felt like a cloud.
Didn't even look too luxurious which was a green flag in my books. I laid back and sighed, what have these two days been?
How did this happen to me? And why was I enjoying it more than I thought I would?
Miguel comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine, I laugh as he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. He pours both glasses and hands me one which I gladly took.
Free wine? Say less.
I take a sip then immediately take another, was pretty good...
He plops down next to me and I turn my body to face him, I couldn't even deny how attractive he was. Not that I did before but he just looked really good today...
Kept giving me that look with those eyes and that pretty smile flashing me his pearly whites that were the smallest bit crooked but still looked pretty.
I take another sip then place the glass on the table and put all my attention to him. "So couldn't get enough of me, you had to bring me back?" I tease and lean my side into the couch.
He laughs and shrugs, "Well I thought we had a fun day..." he says and scoots closer to me.
I nod and try not to react too much, if he moved just a tiny bit more his leg will be touching mine... and I wouldn't even mind.
"And I thought why not continue the fun..." he says and leans in, his face now much closer to mine.
I felt my skin grow warm and tried to calm my breathing. Why was he making me so nervous?
Did one day really just change my entire mindset on him?
"Surely this isn't the wine hitting you already right?" I tease in a softer tone, wanting some kind of reassurance I'm not imagining things. No way I'm delusional after the day we've had...
He laughs then gives me a smile, "it's definitely not the wine."
I hum and nod, my cheeks growing warmer by the second and I just prayed he couldn't see it. This felt so embarrassing.
"Is this okay?" He whispers and scoots until there was no more space between us.
His leg was touching mine and I couldn't trust myself to speak so I only nodded. He then reached over and placed his glass on the table before leaning back on the couch, turning to face me. Why did he have to look so good?
Even better up close-
My thoughts were cut short when I felt him place his hand on my thigh, touching my bare skin. I looked into his eyes noticing he was even closer now, my nerves never leaving my body. I look down to his lips and god I really wanted to kiss him.
As if thinking the same I was, he brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and close the gap, kissing him gently. He kisses back instantly and I feel his hand squeeze my thigh then running his fingers up and down making me gasp.
He slides his tongue in and I gladly let him, bring my hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. I twirl some curls between my fingers then lightly pull on them, earning myself a groan from him.
I felt myself growing more needy, craving more and feeling the familiar heat rising down to my core so I squeezed my thighs together then pulled away for a second and nibbled on his bottom lip. I felt his hand graze my inner thigh, fingers slipping under my shorts making me let out a sigh.
He turned my head and attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses all over while his fingers kept rubbing but not where I needed them most. I tilted my head back and spread my legs to which he slid his hand up and to the zipper of my shorts.
He sucked gently on my skin then kissed it a few times before I felt his hands slip down. I let out a whine and buck my hips up, to which i then felt his touch right above my centre. I squirmed and was about to lay my head back until he grabbed me, moving my body and placed me between his legs.
His hands trailed down my legs slowly then came back up and to my stomach. Thinking he'd stop there I was left shocked seeing and feeling his fingertips work their way between my tits then back down.
I laid my head back against his hard chest and let out a shaky breath. He turns his head to kiss my neck and continue his grazing. I was already breathless and he's barely touched me, I needed him.
"Estas tan hermosa." He whispers in my ear making me whimper and squirm against him, now directly on his crotch. (You're so beautiful)
"Miguel-" I breathe out but cuts me off by pecking my lips softly.
I moan into his mouth then feel his fingers coming back up but this time he groped my tits with both hands. I whined and grind against him as he continues kissing me, leaving me a mess already.
He groans and squeezes them, fondling them in his hands as I kiss him back. Suddenly he brings a hand down, slowly trailing it down my body until he reaches the waistband of my shorts.
He undos it then quickly pulls the zipper down before quickly sliding his hand in and starts rubbing my soaked cunt through my panties. I feel my eyes fluttering as he moves his hand steadily while I bring my left hand to grip his left arm that was now pinching my nipple.
I bite my lip, moving my hips up and down, needing more. "Miguel por favor-" I breathe out and he just hums. (please)
"Dime que quieres nena, te quiero escuchar." He purrs into my ear making me whimper. (Tell me what you want baby girl, I wanna hear you)
"I- fuck-" I mutter and close my mouth with my right hand.
He was now rubbing circles over my clit, so fucking slowly. This piece of shit thought it was nice to tease me like this?!? As if he couldn't feel how badly I wanted this...
"Dime que quieres amor." He murmurs continuing his teasing pace as I buck my hips up but still doesn't change anything. (Tell me what you want love)
"Te necesito Miguel- por favor-" I plead and whimper when he slows down again. (I need you- please-)
"Me necesitas?" He mocks in my ear and I just nod repeatedly as he speeds up the tiniest bit. (You need me?)
"Pero todavía no haz dicho que quieres nena..." he murmurs and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. (But you still haven't said what you want baby girl...)
I felt my eyes flutter and a blush rose to my cheeks, why did he have to sound so perfect?
Just his words alone were enough to make me more wet for him. He was driving me insane.
"N-necesito tus dedos..." I whimper and spread my legs as he moves my panties to the side, "por favor fóllame con tus dedos-" I whine and he slides two of his long fingers inside without another word. (need your fingers, please fuck me with your fingers-)
I gasp feeling them fill me up, surprised to feel how thick they were. I felt my legs shake slightly while I tried to keep my breathing steady considering he was just starting. He was already filling me up so nicely and it felt incredible. "So tight and wet for me baby." He whispers and pumps his fingers inside me, my walls enveloping them.
He worked on my cunt almost expertly, curling them up making me arch my back against him. With his available hand he wrapped it around my waist, as if to make me refrain from moving. "Miguel- M-Miguel-"
He hummed and started going faster, I could feel my creamy juices slip down to my asshole as he went faster and deeper. I let out whines and closed my eyes when I feel his lips on my cheek then on my ear. "Such a pretty mess for me huh baby?"
I whimpered and couldn't help but clench against his fingers making me let out more whimpers. "S-so good-" I moan out and kisses my neck softly.
"I know baby, I know." He murmurs and goes even faster leaving me a moaning mess on top of him.
"Estas tomando mis dedos tan bien princesa." He praised making me whimper and clench against him once again. (You're taking my fingers so well princess)
"Te gusta que te hable así hm?" He teases and I open my eyes only to roll them and bite my lip. (You like when I talk to you like that)
Starting to despise him again, I hated his teasing but couldn't help but like it.
"Contéstame nena." He purrs in a low tone, that making my orgasm quickly approach. (Answer me baby)
"Si- si me gusta mucho- me encanta como me hablas-" I moan out and he slows down but fucks me deeper. (Yes- yes I like it a lot- I love way you talk to me-)
"Good girl." He moans and starts pumping his fingers faster again.
I whimpered and tried to buck my hips up but his strong arm didn't let me and just gripped me to stay still. I held on to it and laid my head back against his chest, then look down at the sight. His fingers fucking me effortlessly with my arousal being the main thing that's being heard in the room. "Aren't you just taking it so well baby?" He purrs and I nod, looking up to look at him.
I crash our lips together and he suddenly starts fucking me even faster making me moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue inside my mouth as I continue moaning and try to kiss back.
I felt the familiar feeling of my orgasm approach in the pit of my stomach as he continued fucking me fast as well as deep. "I'm gonna-" i murmur against his lips and he just hums, continuing with our kiss.
I glide my tongue against his but then stop, letting out whines and whimpers as my orgasm hit me hard with Miguel not stopping. "Fuck- Miguel!" I whimper feeling my legs shaking violently.
He lets me ride my orgasm and slows his pace down as he gives me light pecks while I try to catch my breath. He then pulls away after one final peck and leans his forehead against mine. Not able to keep my eyes open, I lean into his touch, a weak smile forming on my lips. "That was incredible." I say and let out a small giggle.
He nods and grins, "you did so good love."
He kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way when I feel him slowly slip his fingers out of me. His fingers come out and I feel more of my juices slip down to my asshole, "oh my god baby-" he moans and brings his fingers up to our faces.
I grab his hand and lazily open my mouth, taking his fingers into my mouth and lick my arousal clean. I looked at him and innocently bat my eyes while he groans. I made sure to lick every drop before he finally slips his fingers out and crashes his lips onto mine.
I immediately kiss back and move my body to no longer be on his crotch but on the couch with my legs over his thighs. His tongue slid into my mouth making me melt as I felt one hand go to cup my jaw and the other to my thigh.
He rubbed my skin softly and I felt myself melt into his embrace, "you're incredible." He murmurs against my mouth making me pull away.
I lean my head against his chest as he now wraps both arms around my body, feeling shivers run down my spine. "No you are." I whisper and chuckle.
Then we just sat there in comfortable silence, I was listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and my breathing was now back to normal.
"So do you like me now?" He whispers and I burst out laughing.
I then stop and shrug, "maybe a little bit..."
136 notes · View notes
baldeslut · 9 months
hii !! hope you’re okay, can you write something about alejandro and y/n dating and one day both barcelona men’s and women’s team train together and alejandro can’t keep his eyes off her and he keeps encouraging her or anything else so the team tease them?
just to say your first story was really great ! finally someone who write about balde
Thank u for the compliment i very much appreciate it🫶🏼 and yes im am ok thank you for asking<33 so here you go!!
Alejandro Balde
Got some inspiration from the Glue song i think its rlly cute
warnings: none. just fluff. Enjoy<33
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Today was going to be different. Training with the men’s first club! I was excited to train with my boyfriend as he couldn’t take his eyes off me in the car
“Ale! Keeps your eyes on the road bebé”
I chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair. We both got out of the car as he kissed my forehead before leaving our separate ways to the locker room.
As i walked out i could feel the butterflies growing in my stomach as he locked eyes with me.
“Hey Y/n Alejandro is looking at you!” Alexia blurts out
I see Alejandro turn his head almost instantly as his friends start to tease him too. I burst out laughing as my friends laugh with me too. We all get our boots on as the technical talk starts, a circle forms and they just talk off. I flashed a smile at Alejandro as he wipes his face, flustered.
“Pssst, Balde look” Gavi says as he silently laughs with Pedri
They set us into 2 different groups as one starts with a running drill and the other with a free kick drill. But i wasnt with Alejandro this time. He pouted as he jogged off to the other side of the pitch to start his running drill. I started with my free kicks as i scored all of them in, i turned around to see Alejandro slowing down in his tracks as he had a proud smile on his face as he made a small heart with his hands.
“He loves you eh?” Fermín says as he points over to Alejandro, as he gives him a look.
“Mhm yeah, he loves me a lotttt” I say as dragging the ‘lot’
A good 45 minutes have past as we walk over for a water break. Alejandro starts to jump up an down like a little child as he heard the water break announcement.
He ran up to me to give me a long, tight hug as he kissed my sweaty cheek (ew sorry omg😭). I saw down on the bench as he took his water bottle, spraying some on his head so he can cool off.
“Amor, your doing so well do you know that” He says
I lean my head on his shoulder as he continues to pepper me with kisses on my forehead.
“Alejandro! Shh” i giggle
“¿Qué? Hm fineee i guess you don’t want them to know your only mine”
“No im joking obviously. I love you Ale!”
I leant my head on his shoulder as he continued to pepper my forehead with kisses. I was tangled in his love. Im so inlove with him. He hugged me tight as the teasing began. He hushed me as he pulled closed for a tight long hug.
“They’re so cuteee” Salma said as she pointed out.
“I bet Alejandro was the first one to say i love you!” Pedri laughed
Alejandro scrunched his nose at Pedri as they continued to tease. It was like Alejandro wasn’t hearing any of this. So i did the same. You adored every single thing about him. To the way he plays to his personality.
“I love you bebé i just want you to know that alright?” He whispers in my ear
“Ugh my gosh here they go again” Lamine scoffs
“You don’t know what love is haha” Frenkie chuckles
“Yes mi amor, i love you soo much too”
A/N writing fluff is just so 👌 to me (i dont write it very often like… i usually only write smut so dont shame me😭) I hope u enjoyed! Its kind of shorter this time because tumblr kept lm closing without saving it so i just got tired of writing sorry🥲
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raamitsu · 1 month
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart if you could wish positive energy…
It's hard to find words that describe exactly what I'm feeling right now. The state I live in, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, is suffering from floods, thousands of people losing everything, their families, homes, EVERYTHING, some people only have the clothes left with them. Many animals, houses, cars and people being swept away by the current, people are stranded, this is the biggest natural disaster that has ever happened in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The state capital: Porto Alegre, is practically under water, the Guaíba river has overflowed at a record level (about five meters) and there are cities where the water reaches the roofs of houses, in Canoas apparently there are reports of bodies floating, the Feliz city had 75% of its territory devastated by the rains, roads are blocked or collapsed.
The rains remained in my city throughout the week, except for yesterday on Sunday and according to the weather forecast today on Monday, however, the rest of the week has rain forecast, and if the rains return, everything starts again. I just hope that during Sunday the authorities were able to rescue as many people and animals as possible and that these people are now in a safe shelter.
In my city where my house is located, it is out of risk and I am so grateful for that, but places where friends, colleagues and relatives live are at great risk. There are colleagues and friends of my brothers with whom contact has been lost because they live in affected areas and no one knows what could have happened.
Brazil (my country) mobilized completely to help with the rescues and also to donate money and supplies such as food, clothes and blankets to the flood victims.
Therefore, I ask those who cannot help directly, to please send positive energies to us, for the recovery of these cities and these people and our planet. Please hope for the well-being of these people. May this tragedy end soon and may it not cause any more victims along the way. May we all be safe soon. My English is far from being decent so there are probably a lot of grammar errors. =)
There are news report in English for those who want to know more: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/world/americas/brazil-rain-floods.html
At least 75 killed, more than 100 others missing in Brazil floods | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera
!!! Share if you can, people, please.
I’m so sorry for the tragedy that you’ve been going through, my friend 🙏🏼 I may not be able to help as much as you needed, but I hope with me signal boosting your statement, you will regain strength and love from everyone who come across this post - and I do pray that you will receive more aids as soon as possible!
There are many things happening - from Palestine to Brazil - in fact, boosting and amplifying their voices are very crucial to them so please continue this act of support endlessly until they’re free and back to normal again.
To everyone who follows me, if you are able to donate anything, please let my friend here know. If you can spread this everywhere to your friends, it’ll be very appreciated 🫶🏼
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 34
click here to see the master list
I guess tonight is a double post night 😂 Sorry for earlier, friends! 🫣
Hi, babies! I really hope you all like this next part! I’ll leave it short so you can get right into it! ❤️ I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! 😘
A/n: You’re finally home from your long treacherous work convention 🫶🏼
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: cursing, mentions killing, but LOVE THAT WILL PROBABLY KILL YOU 😫😍
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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The long and busy week was finally over. You were finally on your way home from Florida. You were so excited to go home and be surrounded by family and friends again. Work was emotionally, physically, and mentally draining. The good thing was you had the next 4 days off. You could use the next 96 hours to make up all the time you spent away from them. The first thing you wanted to do was tackle Leia and kiss her over and over again. You missed your little girl, then after you were done with her you would do the same to Bradley. You missed his warm embrace, his mustache tickling you as he gave you kisses, the feel of his callused hands rubbing against your cheeks when he cupped your face, the way you could feel his heartbeat when he held you close, the way he smelt, and the sound of his voice. You ached for him to be with you, you missed him so much. 
Before you made your way to the airport, you stopped by the cemetery to visit your mom and dad. You brought them some flowers and their favorite drinks. You brought your dad a root beer and your mom a ginger ale. You cleaned up their graveside and sat with them. 
You rubbed your hand over the headstone. “I miss you guys so much. A lot has changed. Last time I came to see you guys was before Leia.” You half chuckled, “Oh by the way I have a daughter now. She is 6. You guys would have loved her so much. She is a lot like me, a handful. But, she is also a spitting image of her dad.” 
You sighed, “Oh by the way again, her dad is the young man I brought here with me when I came and saw you guys before we moved to San Diego. He loves her so much.” 
You started to tear up, “I wish you guys were still here. I needed you so much. Life has been so challenging, but you guys raised me to prepare for the hardships. Bri has been there for me still. I know you would always tell me to keep her close when we were kids.” You laid down on the grass, “I know you both know everything I’m telling you. I know you’re always with me. I’m just sorry it's taken this long for me to finally see you. But you guys were always the ones to understand. I love you guys so much. Until we meet again mom and dad.” You got up and placed a kiss on their headstone. You had tears rolling down your face as you went back to your rental. 
You got to the airport and boarded your plane. You texted Bradley to let him know you were on your way back.
Y: Hi handsome, I just boarded my plane! I’ll see you in 5 hours, I love you! <3
You sent it and turned your phone off. You slept like a baby until you felt the plane jolt. You opened your eyes and you were landing in LA. You exited the plane and went to the baggage claim. While you waited for your bag you turned your phone back on. A text popped up on your phone from Bradley.
B: Hey beautiful! I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much! Leia and I are going to head over to Mav’s for a late lunch if you want to meet us here. We plan on hanging out with him for a bit. I love you, sweetheart.  
You texted him back. 
Y: I just landed. I am waiting for my bag at baggage claim. That sounds great! If you are still there, I will meet you there! I’m excited to see all of you. I missed everyone so much! :(
B: We are still here, babe! I can’t wait to see you. I miss you and your hugs :( Drive safely, and park outside the hangar when you get here! I love youuuu :*
You put your phone away and grabbed your bag as it came around. You walked quickly to the parking lot where you left your jeep. You opened the trunk and threw your bag in. You jogged over to the driver’s side and jumped in your car. You were so excited to see everyone. You drove cautiously but quickly back to San Diego.
You drove up to Mav’s hangar and saw Bradley’s car, Mav’s motorcycle, and others cars parked out in front. You parked next to a white Camaro, the license plate read, “$$$back4.” You laughed, “Payback is here too? So, they all must be here.” You got even more excited. You took your phone out and texted Bradley. 
Y: Hey! I’m here. The doors are closed though…” 
You stood there looking around for a bit. You looked at your phone every so often. Then you heard the mechanisms turning for the door to open. It was super dark inside the hangar when the doors opened. But from that darkness, Bradley emerged. Your eyes lit up and your heart leaped out of your chest. 
He was walking towards you smiling and his arms wide open. You ran to him and jumped into his arms. He buried his face into the crook of your neck and inhaled. He held onto you so tight, you could barely breathe.
“God, I missed you so much, baby girl.” He murmured into your neck. He gave you a light kiss. And pulled back to look at you but you held on to him tighter and took in his embrace. You didn’t want to let go.
He put his hands to your face and pulled back to kiss you. He kissed you slowly and gently. His mustache tickling your face. You giggled, “Oh I missed that. I missed it so much.” You teared up at the sight of him. He was wearing a black quarter button-up shirt that was tight on his chest and biceps, some dark blue jeans that hugged him nicely, they weren’t too tight nor too loose, his mustache trimmed perfectly, face clean shaven, hair messy but still well kept, and his brown boots. He looked so damn good, you kind of wished you both hadn’t been at Mav’s hangar because you wanted to tear him apart right there. You stepped back and just admired him.
“Who is this? No Hawaiian shirt? Who are you and what have you done with my Bradley?” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
He laughed and came over to grab your hand, “I wanted to look irresistible for my girl.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “So… how did I do? Did I take your breath away, sweetheart?” He interlocked his fingers with yours and brought your hand to his shoulder as the other one grabbed onto your waist and pulled you closer. 
You placed both arms around his neck and licked your lips with your mouth slightly parted, “You definitely did a good job, Bradley. I’m also ready for you to take other things from me.” You raised your eyebrows. 
“Oh is that right, baby?” He ducked his head down and kissed you. “We will have to wait for that later. Come in.” He nudged his head to the slightly open doors. 
He threw his arm around your shoulders and started to walk towards the dark hangar. “So is everyone here? Why’s it so dark?” 
“Oh, they stepped out real quick. They’ll all be back soon. You got here before they could get back, sweetheart. Way to ruin the surprise.”He laughed. You both were surrounded by darkness and the doors started to close behind you two.
“Bradley, if you’re going to kill me…I don’t think doing it on the military property is smart…” 
He covered your eyes and walked you forward. He leaned down and put his lips to your ear, “Keep your eyes closed, sweetheart.” 
He removed his hands and you kept your eyes shut. You heard shuffling around you. “Oh my gosh, Bradley.”
“Open your eyes, beautiful.” You opened your eyes and it was still dark. 
“What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?” You looked around the pitch dark hangar. 
You heard a snap of some fingers and the hangar lit up with outside fairy lights. The lights were streamed zig-zagged across the hangar. Some were attached to Mav’s mustang. It illuminated the whole ground floor. You were in awe as you looked around. It was beautiful. Your favorite flower, the forget-me-not, was all around the hangar. Some were in bouquets with other flowers and some were scattered on the floor. Your heart skipped a beat, it was so beautiful. There were white and baby blue balloons woven to create an arch by some tables that had candles on them. You looked at Bradley as he looked up at the fairy lights. He was smiling and then he looked at you. 
He walked over to you and placed his hand on your cheek, “Welcome home, baby.” He kissed your lips and looked deeply into your eyes. “I made your favorite chocolate fudge brownies.” He kissed you again. 
“Those were my lines, Bradley. I was supposed to do that.” You smiled, “This is so beautiful. Thank you. You didn't have to do this.” 
He shoo-shed you, “I most definitely did. You deserve to be celebrated every day, sweetheart.” 
He held your hand and walked you over to a bouquet. He picked it up and gave it to you, “These are for you. Leia and I picked them. We went all around town pulling flowers from different places. We even got harassed by an old woman for taking some of her flowers from her bush.” He laughed. 
“You took our little girl on her first heist? Oh, man…..” You smiled and kissed his cheek. “I love them, Bradley.” You held eye contact with him. You got lost in his eyes and you didn’t care. You loved him so much. You could stay like this forever. 
He reached for your free hand, “Can I have this dance, beautiful?” He smirked and had those damn puppy dog eyes on full display.
You nodded, “In silence?” 
He shook his head, “No, I’m sure something will play.” He bit his cheek.
As if there were magic, a record lightly scratched and the song, Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley, played slowly in an echo throughout the hangar. 
“You and your slowed versions, Bradshaw.” He took your bouquet and placed it on a table.
“Just means we can dance longer, sweetheart.” He led you to the middle of the hangar near Mav’s mustang. 
He pulled you in slowly and held your hand to his chest. Your other one is on his shoulder and his other is on your lower back. He looked down at you with so much love in his eyes. You both just took in each other’s presence. He leaned his forehead against yours and you both closed your eyes….
“But I can't help falling in love with you.”
You opened your eyes and so did he. He kissed your forehead, “Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be.” He sang to you in a hushed tone. Shivers ran down your spine. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You felt so loved. You were so in love with him. 
He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles. You both continued to slow dance, “I missed you so much, y/n.”
“I missed you too, Bradley.”
His eyes were twinkling from the lights around the both of you. He rubbed his hand on your lower back up and down. “I never want to be away from you again, y/n. I mean it. You’re the love of my life and I’ve been so stupid to not see what was in front of me.”
You took a deep breath and caressed his cheek. He rested his forehead on yours again, “I’m never going to make that mistake again. For as long as I live, I want to be with you and only you. I don’t need anything in this world as long as I have you and Leia.” He started to caress your hand that rested on his chest. You could feel his heart pound harder and harder. “I love you, y/f/n y/l/n.” You smiled and started to tear up. He wiped the tears from your eyes and kissed you. But this wasn’t like any other kiss. It was filled with so much emotion and love. He kissed you slowly and held you close. He wanted you as close as physically possible. You felt his hand leave yours on his chest. 
He pulled back and reached into his pocket. Your heart started to pound. You looked at him with wide eyes as his hand fidgeted in his pocket. He pulled his hand from his pocket and he held a small black velvet box. You gasped and started to cry. He looked at the box and then at you. He started to tear up as he wiped the tears from your cheeks. He held your hand and got on his knee. He adjusted himself so his back was straight. He rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. He looked up at you and gulped. He was smiling so big. You were sobbing and wiping the tears that were flooding your eyes. 
“From the moment I saw you frantically flipping through your engineering book at university and how you so nicely shared your earbud with me, I knew you were something special, y/n. From the day we met, I could never live a day without you. You felt like home to me. You were the first one to learn everything about me and accept me for who I was. You supported me in everything I wanted to do. You understood me more than anyone in my life. I know I messed up, but there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about you. My heart beats for you and only you. There is no one in this world that can make me feel the way you make me feel. I never want to lose you and I’ll do everything and anything for you. I want to be your best friend, boyfriend, love, and husband.”
He kissed your hand. He brought the little box up to his chin and flicked it open by pushing his chin to it. He readjusted it in his hand and held it up to you. A little light was shining on the ring. It was so beautiful, it sparkled so brightly, and it was simple. You knew that ring so well. You knew it was his mom’s. You cried even harder. You started to shake. 
He took a shaky deep breath and looked at you. “Will you marry me, please sweetheart?” 
You stood there crying trying to catch your breath. You were finally able to mutter softly, “Yes, Bradley.” 
He jumped up and hugged you. He placed kisses all over your face. You started to hear cheering and then you both were being showered in flower petals. Everything was in slow motion.
You had your arms wrapped around Bradley’s neck. He looked around smiling. You looked up at him confused. He looked at you and started laughing. He looked up to the second-floor ledge where you two once stood to watch Leia and Mav with his plane. Everyone was up there waving to you. You squinted your eyes to try and see past the fairy lights. You saw Austin holding Leia as they waved down to you. Your heart lit up. 
You gasped, “LEIA!” 
Austin put her down and she ran down the stairs to you. You knelt down and she ran to you. She slammed into you knocking you down. She laid on top of you hugging and kissing you. Bradley knelt down beside the both of you laughing. He helped you two up. 
“YOU SAID YESS MOMMY!” She was jumping with joy. “Daddy owes me a puppy!” She started to dance. 
You looked at Bradley confused, “We made a bet and I said you would have said no.” He leaned to your ear, “I only bet that so I had an excuse to get her a dog.” He kissed your cheek.
Everyone started to make their way down to you and Bradley. Everyone gave you hugs and kisses as they congratulated you along with welcoming you home. 
Bradley introduced you to more of his aviator friends, Harvard, Yale, Fritz, Omaha, and Halo. 
Omaha introduced you to his girlfriend, “Hi , y/n. I would like you to meet my girlfriend Danielle ( @the-navistar-carol​ 😘). We’ve been dying to finally meet you. Bradley has told us so much about you since we’ve known him.”
Danielle gave you a big hug, “Congratulations on your engagement! It’s so good to finally meet you!”
You hugged her back , “It’s so lovely to meet you both! Thank you so much for finding time to come!” 
Phoenix ran to you and slammed into your arms. You nearly fell onto the floor. “Yes! Finally!”
You hugged her back and laughed, “Did you know about this?” Your eyes were wide.
Bri came up and hugged you tight. They both stood there and shook their heads. Phoenix chuckled, “I had no fucking clue. I don’t think any of us did.” She looked around at everyone and they all shook their heads and were shrugging.
Hangman threw his arms up, “I was standing up there waiting for Rooster’s signal to throw these flowers down and it never came. I was like ‘what the hell man, come on!’” He took a deep breath and smiled at you, “But then this happened and I had to hold back everything in me to stop me from gasping and crying.” He chuckled. 
Everyone stood around you and Bradley. 
Payback threw his hands up, “Well, Rooster? Put a ring on that girl!” Everyone started to clap and holler.
He helped you stand up and he pulled the ring from the box. He closed the box and handed it to Mav. He turned back to you smiling. 
“Okay, which hand is your left?” He laughed loudly. 
You stuck your left hand out and he grabbed it. He kissed your ring finger and slid the ring onto it. “Perfect, just like you, y/n.” He took you in his arms and leaned you back. Arching you slightly back. He held one hand on your hip and the other arm wrapped around your shoulders to support your weight. He leaned you further back and smiled. “Like a famous sailor once did, so should I.” He kissed your lips hard but softly at the same time. Everyone cheered for both of you. 
He stood you up and kissed you one more time, “Now let’s celebrate! My baby is home!” He picked you up and spun you around. 
I HAVE NO WORDS 😭 Did you see this coming because no one else did 😭 We are officially engaged to Bradley 😍 I’ll see you in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
My beautiful tags are in the comments! 😘
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leejeongz · 9 months
hi! so i noticed you write for evnne <3 so if you don’t mind, could you write yunseo staying up with reader as moral support for exam studies or like yunseo quizzing reader? i have a 3 hour exam on thursday 🫶🏼🥹 i need a yunseo in my life fr
it can be a headcanon or whatever you feel like writing too! thank you in advance and i hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
🫧 “can you test me?” 🫧
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: sharing a bed, cuddling, lighthearted teasing
a/n: GOOD LUCK!!! you’re gonna do amazing, i'm sure of it 🤍🫶🏼 i am always rooting for you (yunseo is too!)
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11:30, the grandfather clock in the apartment below yours chimed, startling you and making you mess up your writing. you screwed up the flashcard and threw it in the general direction of the bin. it hit the rim and bounced onto the rug. you outstretched your legs and looked up onto your bed from the floor, your eyes meeting with your boyfriend’s, who had been silently reading one of your study guides.
“is it interesting?” you asked, jokingly, taking in the cover of your psychology book.
“oh, very,” he joked along, “why do they all have the same surnames though?” you furrowed your eyebrows as he referred back to the book, “cooper et al, creese et al, marks et al,” he read.
you smiled, almost laughing but stopping yourself at the last minute, “that’s not their surnames, it means “and others,”” you explained, “it’s just used to show that there’s more people who worked on the study.”
“oh,” he looked back at the book, leaning back against your bed and donning a small but noticeable pout.
collecting all of the cards you’d just written from off of the floor, you asked yunseo “can you test me?” you wafted the flash cards above your head cutely, “pleaseee?”
sitting up again, he took them from your hands and patted the bed, beckoning you to sit opposite him to avoid any cheating. “after this, can we go to bed?”
“yes,” you hurried the boy along with the winding motion of your finger as you were pretty tired too, “you’re wasting time!”
“oh right, yeah, okay, um,” he looked at the flashcard in front of him, something completely different from what he’d just been reading. “oh i know this guy, einstein” he pointed to the card while looking at you with a huge, proud grin on his face. you did not reciprocate. “anyway, what is the photoelectric effect?” he read from the card you made a couple hours ago.
“light causing electrons to be emitted from metal?” you hesitantly answered, your voice shaking.
yunseo’s eyes scanned your lengthy written answer, “i think that’s right,” he put it into the empty space on the bed in front of you both and began reading the second one, “what is the emitted electron called as a result of this?”
“photoelectron.” the answer flew out of your mouth before you’d even had time to think. you held your hand up for a high five.
“good!” he jeered, the back of his hand holding the flash cards hit your palm. “y/n, can you tell me,” you looked him dead in the eyes, concentrating fully, raring to go, “what is a photon?”
“packet of light.”
“a what?”
“particle of light, sorry,” you tapped your closed mouth a few times, as if to punish yourself for picking up your professor's bad habits.
by the time the clock rang 12 bells, you’d managed to work through all of your “nature of light” flash cards, but you could tell yunseo was getting bored and tired of it.
“last one,” yunseo yawned, waving the card in the air sluggishly, “what’s the wave model?”
“the idea that light consists of waves,” you waited for yunseo’s sleepy nod before you cheered, “thank you so much for helping me, if i pass, i owe you.” you stood from your bed and picked up the piles of cards, placing them onto your desk instead. you’d only had your back to him for a couple of moments, but when you turned around, yunseo was already in your bed.
“come here,” as you got close enough, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him. they loosened, “you can pay me back now by turning off the light and getting into bed so we can cuddle.”
“i didn’t pass yet,” you pointed out, flicking the switch and climbing into bed with him anyway.
“i already know that you’re going to,” he placed a lazy kiss on your cheek, “i was your teacher, after all.”
you teasingly pushed yunseo away from you, laughing to yourself, but you soon regretted not being in his arms when you watched him fall fast asleep in a matter of seconds.
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stonesylove · 4 months
A night out in Berlin pt.5
"pick your battles"
Chapter 4 - chapter 6
Tom woke up still confused about how the hell did she knew and what is he going to tell her, of course he knew what he had back home wasn’t something serious and that he didn’t want to go back to her, living in the states thought him that he for sure loved all kind of women but he was so bored of every girl he had met in New York, every single one was kinda boring and were looking to gain some kind of benefit from him and Alessandra was all the opposite things he was used to, she had a heart of gold, a body to die for and was the funniest person he had ever met; Tom took his phone and decided to answered the text, he knew that sending that would be a bit risky and it would made him look like the biggest fuck boy but the situation was too confusing also, she couldn’t ask for something more, they’ve been going out for two weeks and was already asking about other women in his life.
Tom Blyth
Tbh is difficult, but I’m all yours if you want pretty girl
Tiny dancer (Ale)
 I know this isn’t something that’s gonna last but I don’t want to be the other woman.
Tom Blyth
I’m not in a relationship, you’re not the other woman Alessandra
Tiny dancer (Ale)
If you keep calling me Alessandra I’m going to block you and I will tell everyone that you aren’t a natural blond 
Tom Blyth
Okay tiny dancer, I won’t be calling you by your  FULL NAME anymore 
But please keep my secret 😂
Tiny dancer (Ale)
Tiny dancer????
What have we talked about that emoji?💀
Tom Blyth
Well you are a dancer and really fucking tiny
Pick your battles babe, it’s your full name or that emoji
Tiny dancer (Ale)
It’s a cute nickname🫶🏼
I have an audition today so I’ll talk to you later
Have a nice day tall actor🫡
It wasn’t a lie but also not the truth, when he left New York he was almost sure that Camille was everything he wanted, she had a stable job, haD a great relationship with his friends but when he met Alexandra he realized Camille was boring as hell, he could not be fully himself around her also she was too focused in her looks and never wanted to have fun with him, going out with Camille was like going out with your boring cousin who needs to do everything right meanwhile Alessandra was like fresh air, she’s all he ever wanted in a partner the only problem was that she lived in another continent and after the next months she was gonna be out of his life because of that. Tom got ready for the day thinking what the hell is he going to do, he needed to end thing with Camille because it wasn’t fair with her but he knew doing it over the phone would be kinda awkward but it was something he needed to do as soon as possible, he wasn’t a bad person or at least that was what he likeD to tell himself.
Tom got to set, everyone was in a great mood and he didn’t feel like working that day, he wanted to run to Alessandra and enjoy every second he could with her, he wanted to be there at her audition, bring her flowers as he has seen on tv, maybe it was cliche but he wanted to have a little taste of what it would be to have a real chance with her. Tom got caught of guard when Josh came to talk to him about something to what he wasn’t paying any attention “Don’t be an asshole and listen to me” Josh said in a playful way trying to catch his attention this time “Sorry man, what do you want” Tom said trying to be as nice as possible with his friends, the fact that he stayed up all night talking to her and being so confused with what happened in the morning made him a little bit irritated, “Are you thinking about that girl and by the way you haven’t show me any pics or is she a man, I swear I won’t be jealous” Josh said trying to enlighten the mood of his costar “She is a She Josh, her name is Alessandra and she’s Italian” Tom said laughing with his mate, showing him a couple of her instagram pics, “At least she’s not a boring white girl and talking about that, what about Camille” Josh asked, “please don’t call her a boring white girl and I don’t know what I’m going to do” Tom said putting his hands over his face, “If I were you I would break up with her because what if Alessandra is the love of your life” Josh said, “Shut up lover boy and I know that I have to I’m just thinking how to do it in the best way possible” Tom said while walking to set with his friend, “Just call her is not like she was your girlfriend and maybe you could invite Alessandra to the game night this week” when Tom was about to answer he was cut off by Rachel standing next to his boyfriend “invite who to the game night” she said while looking a bit confused because it was just for the cast and friends to bond.
“A girl Tom met here” Josh said like it was nothing, Tom couldn’t believe that the situation was escalating to the point he had to tell Rachel and then tell Hunter because of course this two won’t be shutting up about it, “Oh my god, you need to invite her also we can go out to eat, the four of us” Rachel said to what her boyfriend replied “yes, as a double date” Tom frowned his brows and looked at josh wanting to hit him because now Rachel would be obsessed with the topic “I’ll talk to her” Tom said cutting off the conversation trying to get into his role.
The day went by as planned, he had to shoot a couple mentally challenging scenes and it was worse because Alessandra was all he had in mind so when he got out of set and into his trailer the first thing he did was to call Camille, he needed to do something about it and he needed to rip the band aid as soon as possible, Tom hear the tone a couple time until he heard her voice on the other side, “Hi Tom, I’m glad you called me” she said in sad but also angry tone, “Hi, I need to talk to you and I hope you understand me” he said trying to be as condescending as possible, “this time that we were away from each other I noticed that maybe we’re not the right person for each other and I feel like we can’t be truly ourselves around each other, I’m sorry I had to do this over the phone but it was something I needed to get of my chest” Tom said waiting for her to scream or cry but she just answered “Yeah, I was feeling the same way but it was nice to meet you Tom” when he was about to answered she hanged up the call and all he could think to himself was that this was the easiest break up he has gone through; now he could finally do what he was dying to do all day.
Tom Blyth 
Hey pretty girl, how was your audition?
Tiny dancer (Ale)
My whole body hurts
I had to do a variation like 10 times but I think I might have the part
How about yours?
Tom Blyth 
It was a mentally challenging day and I’m glad its finally over
I’m leaving the set right now and I’m close to your apartment, do you want me to pass by? Maybe I could bring you some food
Tiny dancer (Ale)
If its not too much to ask I would love to hang out 
You’re being so nice, do you want to kill me cowboy???
Tom Blyth 
You’re such a funny kid
Tiny dancer (Ale)
I do anything to please you daddy 
Tom Blyth 
You do baby but let me please you to night
Let me give you another type of pain and you need some type of punishment because you’ve been a bit too funny lately
Tiny dancer (Ale)
Don’t bring food just let me eat you
Tom Blyth 
You just ruined everything with calling me by my full name
Stop googling me🙄
I’m buying pizza pretty girl 
Tom picked up everything and ran to get into a cab, he asked the driver for a nice pizza place around the neighborhood and the man was kind enough to wait for him to pick up everything, he knew it was a bit cliche bringing pizza to an Italian girl but everyone loves pizza and he was already overthinking everything and he felt like a stupid teenage boy trying to find a way to impress a cute girl; when he went back to the cab with the pizza he even bought a slice for the driver , the man being too nice to him; Tom decided to enter instagram to check some stuff while he was on his way when he saw that Alessandra had posted an story and damn that girl knew she was the hottest thing alive.
Alessandra Di Maggio posted a story
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Tom Blyth 
 Stop playing games
Alessandra Di Maggio
Make me stop blonde 😉
This chapter took longer than expected and i'm sorry for that, i'm going trough a break up and also i'm back at uni so🙃
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
GIVING YOU A BIG HUG BACK ALEC. Your lucky to have a day off, honestly I wanna go sleep so badly😭. Hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow. Btww Do you already know what you want to do tomorrow??Also I wanna say that I really really love your writing like alwaysss. Good luck with the old man price piece of yours🫶🏼.
My day is alright I think, kinda annoyed with some stuff. Not feeling all too well But NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT‼️🗣️⁉️⁉️ NEVER GIVE UP. I hope I finish up soon so stuff fast so I can go sleep early instead of pulling al nighters.
I’m tucking you in as we speak I will make sure you get some rest friend 🥹🫶🏻 also for tomorrow im doing some more writing and maybe hunting down some paint for this wall I have yet to finish😭 I��m going for abstract splotches of colors bc I’m trying to decorate in my room in a way that won’t give me a headache so minimum but cute and bearable for a long period of time also thank you sm sugar for both your compliment and support it means the world 🥹🥹🫶🏻
Also I’m so sorry your day wasn’t the best :(wishing you a better day for tomorrow you genuinely deserve it for being a sunshine 🫶🏻
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bravertzposts · 8 months
Das Video ist anscheinend nur auf Facebook (hab ich nicht😂) und einige Ausschnitte kann man auf Insta & TikTok sehen🫶🏻
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danke danke 🤝🏼❤️ (vor allem an nonny mit dem link und @iamthatperfectgirl, mit dem noch schnelleren link eben x) teamwork!!
und für nonny 1, hab die tumblr version grad reblogged, weil, nh. wer hat heute noch facebook. cmon dfb, das ist nicht deine zielgruppe für bravertz content, be serious.
okok also
• liebs wie jule obviously fan von wetten dass ist (war? gibt's das noch?) ich seh ihn da total nh, it just tracks
• ✨️juoooolian✨️ (persönliche delusion ist dass er das nur gemacht hat um kai zum lachen zu bringen btw)
• dieses trockene "war krass" nach kais top anmoderation 😭😭😭 10/10
• "ich hab blasen am fuß" he said like a LIAR
• ok sorry aber bin das nur ich oder ist jules ganzer vibe in diesem video bisschen. yk. 🔥🔥 idk die stimme manchmal?? like. hi. 🫣
• liebe das kleine "das fuckt mich auch immer so ab nh", das kam einfach so richtig genuine haha
• die setzen die komplette challenge echt in den sand. authentisch.
• "pech im spiel glück in der liebe" "das trifft bei jule so semi zu" asdfghjk HE WENT THERE. 😭😭 best friends shit fr
• "ok, jetzt geht's los." *trifft sofort* OKAY sir
• jule mit seinem main character moment, like, i can't control my power! der schulterblick noch. 😭
• freunde der sportpsychologie, man sieht hier wirklich schön den moment, in dem sich bei kai im kopf ein schalter umlegt, als er trifft und anfängt zu zählen. "zwei!!!" the sudden ambition -
der vibe ist einfach wie früher, das ist mein eindruck. 🥺 comfy, silly, aber auch sehr gechillt, mir hat hier letztens noch jemand geschrieben, dass die beiden beim dfb quiz taxi erst wieder warm werden mussten, aber hier? das video hättest du mir vor drei jahren zeigen können und ich hätte nicht gemerkt, dass die sich ewig nicht gesehen haben. das sind die besten freundschaften, hands down
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trashyslashers · 2 years
Hello C: may i ask for a matchup with dbd survivors? Imma put the info here,
I use she/her pronouns and i’m bisexual.
I have long black hair with bangs, i’m 5’2, I’m very feminine, I tend to wear a girly style(like long skirts, cardigans, loafers, hairbands, jewelry, etc).
🫶🏼I am an ISFJ 9w1, I have an Aqua moon/sun and virgo rising, I am a true neutral, My love language is touch and quality time, I like to tease close friends, I have been described as shy,friendly, understanding, accepting, kind hearted, open minded, self sacrificing, and supportive, People have also said that i give out a very chill and comforting aura. Ppl tend to vent to me easily (which i don’t mind!!). Some of my flaws are that i have pretty bad trust issues, socially awkward yet social(it’s literally the worst), slow, paranoid, a bit sensitive, VERY snappy when mad and forgetful. Idk if it helps but here are some of my kins, Aimee Gibbs, Sayori, perfuma, Tanjiro Kamado, Lain, Rory gilmore, Nana komatsu, Mindy meeks, elle woods, rarity, Kaworu Nagisa, and Tahani Al Jamil!! :)
🫶🏼My hobbies are making outfits, reading, ceramics, journaling, and shopping. My interests are HORROR, perfumes, fashion, and psychology! Some facts about me is that I babysit! I major in psychology and plan to work in child development, and i would love to have a job as a florist as well! I LOVE music, like i literally can’t live with out it lol.
that’s it! sorry if i put too much info, i tend to go a bit overboard on these. thank you and have a nice day(remember to take breaks!!)<3
Claudette would be a good match for you!
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Honestly? You remind me quite a bit of Claudette! Both of you are kind, sensitive, open-minded, and supportive, to name a few.
If you met in the Fog, she would really appreciate having someone with a calming, relaxing aura; while Claudette isn't as anxious as some of the other Survivors, she tends to be the one many go to for advice, remedies, etc. While I'm not saying she'd go to you like that, necessarily, having someone around who can help her relax is a very welcome change.
However, if you do lend an ear to her when she needs to vent, she'll appreciate it more than you may know. She is incredibly used to not really getting the chance to share what's on her mind, her troubles, or her anxieties as usually she doesn't have someone to do so with, or the time isn't appropriate. You providing her with a space (bonus points if you're very reassuring and supportive with words, too) means the world to her.
More than happy to indulge you in both of your love languages: while she's not huge on PDA, hand holding, head-on-shoulder relaxing, and the occasional head-in-lap nap are some of her favorite ways to touch and be close to you. Doesn't matter who's resting on who - she just loves being physical with you in such a tender manner, especially if you two have time to yourselves.
Claude is a very patient, understanding person. She understands that you have trust issues and tend to be anxious and a bit paranoid, and is more than willing to let you take your time to warm up to things. She has pretty thick skin, to a degree - while she can get a bit flustered if someone snaps at her or is particularly rude, it, more often than not, rolls right off her back, and this extends to you (especially if she knows you're struggling at the time).
Thinks your interest in regards to working in childcare is sweet, and loves that you like flowers enough to want to be a florist!
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pandorainmymind · 1 year
baby! i just wanna send you an enormous amount of love💗 i hope your lil vacay was/is fantastic🫶🏼
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SWEETHEART!:!!:!!!!!! HI!!!;!;!;! IM SO SORRY IM SO LATW TO THISSSSS😭😭😵😵THANK TOU FOR AL YOUR LOVE I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCU. IM SENDING LOVE RIHHT BACK TO YOU!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🙌🏻💓💓 currently still on vacation ehehhe it’s been really fun though, thank you my angel baby 🫶🏻💗💓
gimme kiss
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charmtion · 2 years
The crowd a sea that parts for him: his boots, the broad sweep of his walk. A prickle of something in the air that feels like fear. Like hate. (There is fire in his veins. Fire and ice. They do not forget that which he tries not to remember. They do not forget.)
It might be because I'm watching House of the Dragon at the moment whilst rereading some of my favorite fanfics that details like this one from your postcanon story stick out to me more, maybe? Whatever it is, I just had to let you know I got a shiver reading this bit again! Hope you are still well and writing, Charm. ♥
I think hotd has been a bit of a refresher-course for me in reinstilling what dragons mean to the world of Westeros; like you see the clips of them taking wing following the ships & Alicent et al. are barely even looking at them: their ability to destroy is known, it's threatened, it's touted, but they're also so common-place, they've become such a stagnant, for-sure part of the (at least noble/royal) world 🌏 whereas in asoiaf they aren't; they're remembered—hazily, distantly, barbedly remembered—as being something ancient, something other that, like the dead, has come alive again; & no-one knows how to feel about it, how to frame it, what to trust, who to fear.
all that to say, in hindsight, it's that duality that I found so fascinating to play around with in writing an older Jon; it's the separate spheres that combine inside him to make him what/who he is, & it's the distrust that dogs him all his life pre- & post-parentage reveal because he's a tiny, warped microcosm of memory in a way, he's a walking reminder of old magic, of all its depth & danger which, esp in the environment of the north, is deeply mistrusted, deeply maligned.
well now, sorry for the splurge, little love; but I am in a thoughtful mood today, & knowing you have been re-reading moments of death is the most beautiful thing! 🫶🏼✨ x
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
ryen you must be some sort of mastermind bc when i tell you that i was honestly an emotional wreck throughout this whole thing, i mean it with every fibre of my being. here i was thinking yoongi’s interlude was one of your best pieces only to be proven wrong with 3tan9😭 i’m so serious this was probably one of the most beautiful pieces that i have ever read in my life, and i swear i’m not just saying this just because, i genuinely mean it. ALSO THE SMUT WAS SUPER HAWT BTW BUT I JUST NEED TO RAMBLE ABOUT THE ANGST AND FLUFF😭
now i can’t imagine what yoongi was going through when he heard that jungkook and oc were a thing in the past and that jungkook is still into oc. seeing him kinda spiral and think that he isn’t good enough for oc and that he’ll end up alone in the end really broke me. it was also so painful seeing the tension between yoongi and oc, esp. since it was all happening in a space that yoongi considers to be safe and happy now bc of oc (im telling you, yoongi’s interlude has altered my life). i was on the verge of tears seeing them sit in the silence and knowing that both yoongi and oc’s thoughts were eating them up and making them doubt everything.
the one thing i loved so much about this chapter was that they are finally voicing everything to each other (i’m so sorry, but i have to ramble about this whole scene. i’m not kidding, this scene was so heart-clenching and beautiful). AS MUCH AS IT PAINED ME, I LOVED IT SO MUCH. seeing them voice their doubts, thoughts, and wants to each other just truly, made my heart clench. knowing that they’re putting some level of trust in each other to open up was everything. i also just loved the fact that oc caught on so quickly and became the one that guided yoongi through his thoughts and gave him the very same patience and assurance that he gave her time and time again in the past :,) so beautiful.
i know it took yoongi so much courage to tell oc that he doesn’t think he’s enough, how he’s scared that they’ll just settle, and how he thinks dalo is his fault, and i’m just so :( i loved that instead of making it about her, oc immediately empathized with yoongi and gave him what he needed in that moment. tears were in my eyes when oc told him that he’s more than enough, he is what she wants, and that nothing is his fault. i was crying when oc said if she can’t have him, she’d ask to be his friend because she still wants to have him her life and be there for him. BAWLING😭 oc handled this whole situation so perfectly and said the most comforting things ever and i want to give her a hug rn. off topic, but when they kissed and yoongi broke the kiss to take off his glasses😮‍💨 *cue that one kissing scene from business proposal* im a goner🫡
i loved that they worked through their thoughts and doubts together, and i loved seeing our wonderful oc being brave enough to take the first step. she’s grown so much and is probably one of my favorite oc’s ever 🫶🏼 i’m also proud of yoongi for being brave enough to voice his thoughts and self doubts to oc too. i also want to applaud you, ryen, for really demonstrating what a healthy relationship looks like by making these two work through it together and talk through it. this was just such an intimate and powerful scene and i loved seeing both yoongi’s and oc’s growth :)
speaking of intimacy, can we talk about yoongi showing oc one of his drafts and showing her pics and vids of holly :( this was such a soft and intimate scene and i truly am holding it super close to my heart. the fact that yoongi is such a private person already but felt okay with letting oc into his space and showing her something so raw just did it for me :( and him showing her pics and videos of holly?? im on the floor crying rn. just the fact that he trusts and loves oc enough to let her into his life and doesn’t feel the need to be so guarded with oc is making my eyes watery. absolutely beautiful. this is for sure one of my favorite fluff scenes. my poor heart was also all over the place when they were kissing and yoongi held oc’s hands :( how precious and soft :(
i’m sorry but them confessing to each other that they really like each other was so wholesome :( oc telling yoongi that he makes things make sense bc she’s always overthinking and overcomplicates things just :( yoongi telling oc that he makes her feel safe from himself bc he’s constantly at war with himself mentally :( BEAUTIFUL🥺 i was bawling so hard when oc said she wants all of him, wants to call him every morning and the last thing she hears when she sleeps, wants to cook with him and give him all the good luck kisses he wants, and talk through things just (and the fact that yoongi is really a man of action and called oc every morning and night after she told him what she wanted) :(( THE FIREWORKS PART MADE ME CRY SO HARD BTW :( also, yoongi telling oc that he wants all of her too and has been her’s for a long time made me so mushy :( also when oc finally understood that yoongi’s mind is an absolute monster and made it her mission to listen and help him get through it just :( they keep giving to each other and making it their mission to keep each other happy and free from their minds, and it’s absolutely beautiful.
ryen, this whole chapter was absolutely beautiful and im sorry to friends and yoongi’s interlude, but forfeit is now my favorite chapter. this was such a delicate, intimate, and raw piece of work and it was beautiful in every single way. i loved so many parts of this chapter and hold them all very close to my heart. from the character development, the connections and references from past chapters to now, and every little detail was immaculate. i’m truly just so in awe of you, your talent, and your story telling capabilities.
i’m sooo sorry for this super long ask. i had so many thoughts about 3tan9 and loved it so much. i hope you have an amazing little break and i hope you take care! thank you for everything that you do :,) you’re the bestest of the best and i just hope you know how much light you bring to my life and thank you for always giving me something to look forward to🫶🏼
HOLY HELL, MOONCAKE.. the amount of time i read this?? it's not even funny.. damn. okay be prepared for some serious responding while i try not to cry again under the cut!!
ryen you must be some sort of mastermind bc when i tell you that i was honestly an emotional wreck throughout this whole thing, i mean it with every fibre of my being. here i was thinking yoongi’s interlude was one of your best pieces only to be proven wrong with 3tan9😭 i’m so serious this was probably one of the most beautiful pieces that i have ever read in my life, and i swear i’m not just saying this just because, i genuinely mean it. ALSO THE SMUT WAS SUPER HAWT BTW BUT I JUST NEED TO RAMBLE ABOUT THE ANGST AND FLUFF😭
DSFHLSFH YOU STOP omfg. this is just super nice of you to say. first, i didn't know you really liked dal segno like that? that in itself is amazing! but to say that this is one of the best.. i'm touched. i'm glad you feel this way about it and i'm gonna think about this for a very long time. wow. also thank you for commenting on the spice bc i still think spice is absolutely my weakness point.
now i can’t imagine what yoongi was going through when he heard that jungkook and oc were a thing in the past and that jungkook is still into oc. seeing him kinda spiral and think that he isn’t good enough for oc and that he’ll end up alone in the end really broke me. it was also so painful seeing the tension between yoongi and oc, esp. since it was all happening in a space that yoongi considers to be safe and happy now bc of oc (im telling you, yoongi’s interlude has altered my life). i was on the verge of tears seeing them sit in the silence and knowing that both yoongi and oc’s thoughts were eating them up and making them doubt everything.
NOOO it really was painful, wasn't it? like what in the hell happened in yoongi's past for him to spiral this hard and this quickly? to immediately jump to conclusions and finding outs everywhere.. god, that was truly hard to watch. and the whole thing with reader in, what you say, is finally his safe space? tragic.
and i'll say this here: meals are significant to me in writing, and especially for this couple. the meal was unfinished, which usually means there's something unresolved. they were mostly letting their thoughts consume them instead of eating themselves.
the one thing i loved so much about this chapter was that they are finally voicing everything to each other (i’m so sorry, but i have to ramble about this whole scene. i’m not kidding, this scene was so heart-clenching and beautiful). AS MUCH AS IT PAINED ME, I LOVED IT SO MUCH. seeing them voice their doubts, thoughts, and wants to each other just truly, made my heart clench. knowing that they’re putting some level of trust in each other to open up was everything. i also just loved the fact that oc caught on so quickly and became the one that guided yoongi through his thoughts and gave him the very same patience and assurance that he gave her time and time again in the past :,) so beautiful.
YES. COMMUNICATION. it pained tf outta me to write, but i am satisfied - at least, i feel that way for now - with the end result and resolutions that they both came to. but dear god i was living it and things were rough as fck on my brain. it was a beautiful burden, though, and i'd go through it again if it meant they had this talk again.
the trust aspect is interesting here. because it's trust, protection all in one. yoongi had been so patient with reader this whole time because he had a feeling of what she went through with all the other relationships in uni. he didn't want reader going through that again. but what did he go through? :(( reader was so strong and patient with him this time around. i applaud them so damn hard.
i know it took yoongi so much courage to tell oc that he doesn’t think he’s enough, how he’s scared that they’ll just settle, and how he thinks dalo is his fault, and i’m just so :( i loved that instead of making it about her, oc immediately empathized with yoongi and gave him what he needed in that moment. tears were in my eyes when oc told him that he’s more than enough, he is what she wants, and that nothing is his fault. i was crying when oc said if she can’t have him, she’d ask to be his friend because she still wants to have him her life and be there for him. BAWLING😭 oc handled this whole situation so perfectly and said the most comforting things ever and i want to give her a hug rn. off topic, but when they kissed and yoongi broke the kiss to take off his glasses😮‍💨 *cue that one kissing scene from business proposal* im a goner🫡
GODDDD i know. all of the self-sabotage and self-doubt and self-blame was so much at once. like reader didn't know shittt about any of that?? we knew all of this from dal segno, but if you go from the end of sundress season straight into this apartment scene? can you imagine the blindside? of course reader was going to be like "oh fck ok we need to address what's happening with him bc where tf is this coming from?" they were shocked into protection mode immediately.
and her asking to be his friend?? because she wants to be in his life no matter what? i fcking bawled like.. imagine. yoongi's earlier sentiment of "everyone will eventually leave him. and he'll end up alone." compared to what was said here? no wonder he fcking snapped and it was all flowing from there. also the glasses being ripped off is SO much faster than that scene you're mentioning and i'm just dizzy again LOL
i loved that they worked through their thoughts and doubts together, and i loved seeing our wonderful oc being brave enough to take the first step. she’s grown so much and is probably one of my favorite oc’s ever 🫶🏼 i’m also proud of yoongi for being brave enough to voice his thoughts and self doubts to oc too. i also want to applaud you, ryen, for really demonstrating what a healthy relationship looks like by making these two work through it together and talk through it. this was just such an intimate and powerful scene and i loved seeing both yoongi’s and oc’s growth :)
YES. the growth of reader is outstanding. absolutely a champion in this chapter and i'm so honored you regard them like that!! but of course, yoongi was just as brave. they were mature, they were adults. thank you so much for speaking on the healthy aspect of it bc, while it certainly wasn't perfect, i'd like to think this is the best they could've done with their situation. laying everything out like that and saying/admitting big, scary things.
speaking of intimacy, can we talk about yoongi showing oc one of his drafts and showing her pics and vids of holly :( this was such a soft and intimate scene and i truly am holding it super close to my heart. the fact that yoongi is such a private person already but felt okay with letting oc into his space and showing her something so raw just did it for me :( and him showing her pics and videos of holly?? im on the floor crying rn. just the fact that he trusts and loves oc enough to let her into his life and doesn’t feel the need to be so guarded with oc is making my eyes watery. absolutely beautiful. this is for sure one of my favorite fluff scenes. my poor heart was also all over the place when they were kissing and yoongi held oc’s hands :( how precious and soft :(
and now we get to the fluff after all the angst!! YESSSS i was so happy they got to have those moments<33 the most intimate parts that yoongi wouldn't show? and he's doing both for reader like if that doesn't spell something out idk what does. it's one of my favorite set of scenes, as well. and all the kisses this chapter!! i still need to count them all but they were plentiful gahhhhhh
i’m sorry but them confessing to each other that they really like each other was so wholesome :( oc telling yoongi that he makes things make sense bc she’s always overthinking and overcomplicates things just :( yoongi telling oc that he makes her feel safe from himself bc he’s constantly at war with himself mentally :( BEAUTIFUL🥺 i was bawling so hard when oc said she wants all of him, wants to call him every morning and the last thing she hears when she sleeps, wants to cook with him and give him all the good luck kisses he wants, and talk through things just (and the fact that yoongi is really a man of action and called oc every morning and night after she told him what she wanted) :(( THE FIREWORKS PART MADE ME CRY SO HARD BTW :( also, yoongi telling oc that he wants all of her too and has been her’s for a long time made me so mushy :( also when oc finally understood that yoongi’s mind is an absolute monster and made it her mission to listen and help him get through it just :( they keep giving to each other and making it their mission to keep each other happy and free from their minds, and it’s absolutely beautiful.
AND THE CONFESSIONS WERE SAIDDDD. only took us 155k but, you know. could've been more if reader decided to walk out and not come back :')))) anyways, yoongi letting reader know all of those things was so wholesome, and then reader reassuring that she wants him. the "all of him" is honestly one of the most impactful phrases here, bc she's saying she wants even the darkest parts. like. what the heck.. *sniffle* why do i wanna cry all over again???
THE FIREWORKS LINE MADE ME SOB LIKE A BABY. LEGIT. then we have yoongi confessing even more? my god. there was so much happening here i'm surprised you're coherent in this message bc i for sure would not have been. i'm all for badass protective reader like fck that you aren't destroying yourself like i have. not when you've taught me to quit that shit. you're gonna follow your own advice gdi. ugh. i just.. i love them.
ryen, this whole chapter was absolutely beautiful and im sorry to friends and yoongi’s interlude, but forfeit is now my favorite chapter. this was such a delicate, intimate, and raw piece of work and it was beautiful in every single way. i loved so many parts of this chapter and hold them all very close to my heart. from the character development, the connections and references from past chapters to now, and every little detail was immaculate. i’m truly just so in awe of you, your talent, and your story telling capabilities.
honestly?? i think i'm with you on this being my fave chapter along with the OG. after thinking about it and ruminating for a week, pretty sure i agree. living through it is one thing with a whole set of feelings. but thinking it over and analyzing it days later? wow. idk how i did this but. dang. thank you so much for all the kind words and for making me realize just how much this was!
i’m sooo sorry for this super long ask. i had so many thoughts about 3tan9 and loved it so much. i hope you have an amazing little break and i hope you take care! thank you for everything that you do :,) you’re the bestest of the best and i just hope you know how much light you bring to my life and thank you for always giving me something to look forward to🫶🏼
IDC ABOUT LENGTH BABY. you know i'll eat all of it up. this made me so damn happy and i cannot thank you enough.. i shall be having fun on break!! if you're happy? i'm happy. if you're feeling good? i'm feeling good. here's to a good break and a badass comeback when it's all done!!
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