#sorry for being so late iza but here you go
vetto17-teo11-andme · 7 years
Ivan Zaytsev, saved by a blonde
The interview to the Tsar of volley, on the field “all strength, grit and ignorance. Outside a laziness champion.”
On his knees, open hands, a scream. One [scream] of the one he gave us during the five days at Rio, when the Azure volley conquered all the boot [Italy]. That’s the grit of Ivan Zaytsev, lent this time for a shooting at adidas, of which from last November he’s a testimonial. The shoot, then his voice. «Lemme know if I have to be madder!» Because then in the end, he says, that behavior in the field is partially fake. Or better, it stays in the nine meters under the net where the Tsar created his reign, but going out of the perimeter [of the field] he turns to be just Ivan, almost a quiet guy. «Summing up» - he says - on the field I’m talent, strength, fisique and ignorance, while outside I consider myself a solitary person, sometimes even really lazy.» Class 1988, two meters and four centimeters of height and an arm that is a cannon. After two years playing in Russia, he came back to Italy, at Perugia where he trains plays and be a dad for the little Sasha (and let’s also put some VIP’s jobs). Son of the Russian volley player Vjačeslav Zajctev [TN: don’t know why they translated the surname like this] and of the swimmer Irina Pozdnjakova, he made himself known for his grit and his so eccentric crests… «MY hair represents my mood. I do it for myself, the show confidence even if in reality my relationship with them is particular, strange. Maybe because every cut is temporary, I need that in that moment and then I cut everything.»
Let me understand, if you cut everything it means you’re calm, high crest we need to be scared?
«No, come on, it’s not so immediate. Let’s say that a particularly eccentric crest gives me a different strength.»
And do your teammates understand your mood from your hair? Did you ever fought with one of them?
«Let’s say that once it happened that I had to hold my tongue, but I would have gladly broke his face… stop. I’m not saying anything else. But never in Italy. A few words to the wise.»
So, what you can say us about Russia?
«So… It’s really where I didn’t want to go (laughs)! Let’s change topic?
Now in Italy everyone know you. Do you feel the responsibility of being a public character?
«No not at all, I would dedicate more time to the people that come see us, but it’s really difficult.»
Talking about responsibility, when you got in Russia you had a name when can define important…
«Uncomfortable maybe. My dad was voted as the “player of the century” in Russia, it’s normal that everyone was curious. The fact of being “son of”, I took it away when I was 19, when I changed role. The Soviet sport mentality imposes that the son has to follow his father’s footprints, not only in choosing the sport, but also in the role: he was a setter, so I would have also been one. With him I always just talked about volley, before and after the trainings and he kept telling me “Set, set”. Image the trauma he had when I decided to follow my instinct, the passion and become an hitter. A choice that created quite tensions between me and him, but at the same time it freed me from the weight of his inheritance. I created my path and my career. Now I don’t feel it anymore.»
How was the life with him?
«It all moved around volley. For some time, in the Perugia juniores, he was also my coach and I remember it as a terrible period. He “destroyed” me, I was always mocked, far from being the daddy’s favorite. I played in the first team because I was quite good, but everything I did I earned it, no-one ever gave me anything.»
What do you remember about him in that period?
«He was not a character you could laugh about, always really frank and direct, maybe too much and that isn’t liked in Russia where you have to know how to move really well. He was a great player, but as a coach he didn’t had the same fame because he didn’t made compromises. This side of his character, I got it a lot but I also inherited it: let’s say that the “politic-ish” doesn’t belong to me.»
And how does he handle being a grandfather?
«He’s super good. He softened a lot, with Sasha he’s really awesome.»
And your mother?
«Mom is also an ex sportswoman, but differently to my father she’s a weaker character, meeker. That’s the only thing I accuse her of, even if I consider her the great woman that managed to raise all alone an healty and beautiful family, since her husband often traveled around the world. She’s super connected to me, maybe too much. Even if now my parents are not together anymore, she stayed anchored to the volley world, the one she followed when she was with my father, and now with me. She lives in Russia and when I played here she followed me everywhere. “Do you get that I always had my mom in tribune”? I’m not even remotely a mommy’s boy and sometimes I’m sad I can’t give her everything she wants.»
Are you a single child?
«No, I have a elder sister, 13 years more than me, called Anna born in Moscow. She was a tennis player, but she didn’t lived the same pressure I had.»
What did you get after your father and what after your mother?
«From my father I took the honesty in the words, in being true. From my mother the well manners, the respect for people.»
And you today with your little Sasha, what kind of father are you?
«My life changed a lot, I understood more my parents, all the sacrifices they made for me. Becoming father made me responsible and gave me the chance to being more concrete and responsible. With Sasha I’m like every father: I spoil him! Every time I’m home he forgets about mom and plays only with me. He already learned how to move, to spike. For the summer I’ll buy him a basket case! I’m joking, he’ll be free to do what he wants, volley player, chef…»
And your wife Ashling?
«She’s extraordinary in and for all, a really wasted brain to being only a mother. Decisive, tough… She doesn’t get a shit wrong! This thing let me think less and relying a lot on her. When I have a doubt, I don’t even connect my brain, I follow what she says.»
How did she came in your life?
«I was living my rebellious, crazy phase. I was twenty, I came to Rome, away from the family. I lost myself in nights, drinking, friends and disco so much that my pay check wasn’t enough, I didn’t give up on nothing. Then there was the meeting with “the blonde”, in the beginning just a relationship without any kind of effort. The change came when, the summer we were knowing each other, I had to go and went to see a girl in the south and Ashling called me saying, “If you go you’ll never see me again”. I didn’t went and if I had the possibility to go back, I would do it again an hundred times.»
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Shizaya Week - Day Two (angst with happy ending)
Notes: Angst with a fluffy ending, you say? My two favorite genres of fic, you say? Why yes I will, thank you very much.
Izaya’s fingers tapped absently against his desk, a telltale sign of the impatience rising slowly within him. One hour. He was supposed to be here one hour ago. And yet, his place at the dinner table remained empty. The food that had been laid out, before steaming and delicious, was now a cold and unappetizing sight. Izaya had eaten already, after the first twenty minutes had rendered no sign of the other—no point in wasting both plates.
He sighed, checking his watch again. There were lots of reasons why Shizuo could have been held up, he told himself. It could have been traffic (doubtful considering Shizuo rarely drove). Maybe work had gone late. Maybe one of his clients had been a little too aggressive and Shizuo had stayed behind to deal with the aftermath. 
Unless something had gone wrong. Unless he was alone and injured somewhere and Izaya had no idea. His fingers momentarily stopped their tapping to curl into an anxious fist. He of all people knew how dangerous Ikebukuro could be, especially late at night.
Which it was. By now, anyway. He stood up, the idea of remaining sitting any longer suddenly repulsive to the man. He paced the floor, chewing on his lip idly. He knew he was being ridiculous, but he couldn’t help the way anxiety clawed at his chest, whispering falsehoods into his ear.
By the time two hours had passed and still no sight of him, Izaya began to get truly worried. Surely he would have texted, if something had gone wrong? He wouldn’t just leave the other in the dark like that. But then again… maybe he would?
Izaya stopped, a cold seeping into his limbs. Maybe Shizuo had simply come to his senses and realized that there was no point dating someone like him. After all, they weren’t technically official yet. Meetings in alleys and stolen kisses in the middle of the night didn’t count as a relationship. This was their first official date, suggested hesitantly by Izaya as the two lay curled in his bed one night. Shizuo had agreed, his words mumbled with sleep as he pressed his nose against Izaya’s shoulder, kissing him softly; he was always so gentle when they were together like that, entirely unlike his usual persona. Izaya hadn’t thought to check back up with him after that, but maybe he should have? Maybe Shizuo had forgotten about the conversation entirely—they had both been half-asleep at the time, after all.
In the corner of his eye, Shizuo’s plate sat, abandoned and yearning for company. Trying not to feel too disheartened, Izaya grabbed the plate, scraping the untouched meal into the trash. He pushed in the chairs, going about the process of cleaning off the table and starting water for dishes in the sink. Each solitary action made the already sinking feeling in Izaya’s gut heavier. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t foreseen this outcome, but assuming the worst and having it brought to reality were two different things entirely.
By the time 10 o’clock rolled around, Izaya was convinced Shizuo had ghosted him. It made sense. If Izaya was being honest, he was surprised the other had taken this long to show his true feelings on the matter. He collapsed on the couch, an arm thrown over his face dismissively. He tried not to let the crushing disappointment weigh him down, but it was difficult. He felt his eyelids drifting down slowly as the exhaustion from worrying caught up with him. Sleep took him soon after that, a welcome relief after the disaster of a night.
 “Iza? Are you awake?”
The info broker startled at the soft, but tense voice, and jerked forward, nearly headbutting Shizuo in the process. Shizuo caught his shoulders before he could, however, smiling apologetically.
Instantly, Izaya was bombarded by a rush of relief at the other’s presence, though it was quickly followed by annoyance. “So. Dinner wasn’t important then?”
Shizuo’s shoulders slumped, as though he had been hoping the other wouldn’t bring it up. “Yeah…. I’m really, truly sorry about that. I got caught up with work and then my phone died and I couldn’t call you—” he broke off, guilt creeping into his voice. “I shouldn’t excuse it, though. I should’ve been there. Or found a payphone. Or something.”
As Izaya listened to the other’s ramblings, he felt his irritation disintegrating and a shy happiness rising in its place. Of course Shizuo wouldn’t miss out on their dinner. It seemed simple now, with the knowledge assured. He squeezed the fabric of the couch, resisting the urge to grin like a fool.
“It’s fine,” he said, attempting a casual tone as he knocked his foot against the other’s leg in reassurance. “I’m sure I’ll find it in me to forgive you one day. It’s a shame though—you skipped out on a wonderful gourmet meal cooked by yours truly. Not everyone gets the honor.”
“I’m sorry to have missed it.” Shizuo replied, coming to sit beside him on the couch and quirking an eyebrow playfully. He was temptingly close now, and goosebumps scattered over Izaya’s flesh as he thought of all the ways to make up for lost time.
“If only,” Izaya started slowly, his gaze coming to rest on Shizuo’s lips. “There was some way for you to repay me for forgetting our date tonight.”
“Oh, so it was a date then?” Shizuo pressed him down on the couch, grabbing his hands and pulling them over his head with an ease that sent shivers running down Izaya’s spine. “You know, I think I have just the thing.”
“Is that so?” Izaya replied breathlessly, trying not to sound too excited.
Shizuo smirked, and Izaya squeaked in surprise when instead of a kiss he was met with a shock to his nerves as Shizuo squeezed his hips suddenly with his free hand. He jerked on his arms, attempting to block the other’s touch, but found himself powerless against the other man. He bit his lip, trying to block the trembling laughter rising quickly in his throat.
“A-Ah, wait, p-pfft, heh, Shihizuo!” Izaya giggled, squirming weakly underneath him. Shizuo worked skillfully to tweak and pinch his sides in such a way that the other was soon in stitches. Izaya couldn’t tell if he loved or hated that his boyfriend (if that is what they were) knew his body so well that he could play him like an instrument. “T-Thihis ihihisn’t whahat Ihihi hahahad ihihin mihihind!”
“It’s not?” Shizuo rose an eyebrow in mock surprise. “Really? Is this not cheering you up?”
Izaya kicked his legs out, whining pitifully as Shizuo’s fingers traveled under his shirt, getting at bare skin. “Plehehehehease!”
“You’re not saying no.”
Izaya blushed, averting his gaze. “Yohohou’re insuhuhufferable!”
“I’m well aware. I’m also aware that you love it.”
Izaya squeaked as nails scribbled under his arms, arching back against the couch. The two stayed like that for quite a while, the apartment filled with the sounds of laughter and gentle teasing.
In the end, it wasn’t the worst way that the night could have ended. 
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simoviacourt · 3 years
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Channel 6 studios, outskirts of Zonneminster, late August
*NOTE: this is another long post*
Arturo: Welcome back to The Talk! If you’re just tuning in, we were about to jump right into the engagement rumours that are surrounding Her Royal Majesty the Queen and His Grace the Landgraaf van Hoensbroek...
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Arturo: As you can see, the pair was spotted last week on Blauwe Eilanden and can I get the close-up?
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Arturo: (continued) So when we zoom in on the image that’s definitely a ring on that finger! It’s not really a proper close-up but it’s there. What do we think?
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Nandu: Well, personally I am super excited for another royal wedding! 
Iza: I’m not much of a royal watcher but I do think that the Queen has been doing a much better job for the past months. Now as a woman I’d hate it if it was just because of the Landgraaf, but if they’re happy, good for them. 
Anne: I’m sorry but why are we excited about this? It’s hardly news that they’re going to marry. Hasn’t she been wearing the ring like all the time for months now? 
Arturo: She does have it on her necklace in this picture from her first official weekly meeting with the prime minister. Do we have the picture?
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Arturo: (continued) Yes, that one. Hard to see but I’d say the chances are high that it’s the same ring. 
Anne: Exactly! So it’s hardly breaking news. And before you get all annoyed at me, yay for them, happiness and love and all that… but I really don’t see what is so great about yet another privileged Landgraaf or Jonkheer or whatever his title is, marrying into the royal family. Besides, he’s way older than she is! 
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Nandu: Uh, weren’t you dating a guy 25 years older than you Anne?
Anne: Yes but I wasn’t going to marry him! 
Nandu: Right…
Anne: And even if I was, my relationship or its certain failure doesn’t impact the entire nation. 
Nandu: Certain failure? What on Earth are you on about?
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Iza: I agree that the Queen’s marriage does have far too much impact on the country but that’s why there are approval processes in place.
Elmer: I feel for her. Imagine if the government suddenly said no and she couldn’t marry the man she wanted. She’s the only person in the country who has to ask permission. 
Anne: Oh, Elmer, if you feel so bad for her, you can just ask your grandpa to vote ‘yes’ when they bring the question to the House of Lords. 
Elmer: Okay wow, that’s very... uh... personal. 
Nandu: Don’t worry Elmer, Anne here just has a problem with anyone with ties to royalty or nobility. Or people she thinks are part of the elite.
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Elmer: Yeah I get that... And sure, in my case she’s not wrong. I’ve had a very privileged life because of my father’s family and my mother’s success but what would you have me do? Throw it away? I think I can do more good when I can use my position to help others like I do through my foundation.
(applause from the audience)
Anne: Good for you. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a very specific type of person who gets the chance to become a Prince Consort. 
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Iza: Again, I hate it but I have to agree with Anne on this. The royal family doesn’t seem to welcome any of us commoners in their midst. It’s one of the many issues with the current system. How can they rule a country when they don’t know its people? 
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Elmer: I think that has more to do with opportunity than any prejudice. Meeting people is not exactly easy for them. Now, maybe they should have more freedom to mingle with normal people, I’m not arguing against that. But the way things are at the moment... for example only Prince Andrew was allowed to attend school while the Queen was educated by private tutors. And yeah she later went to university but even that was a very sheltered experience. I should know, I was in her year and even I couldn’t approach her without being thoroughly vetted through her security team. 
Arturo: Oh you knew the Queen back in the day?
Elmer: Ah... I’m not going to comment on that any further, but I will say that behind the glittering façade is a very lonely existence. It’s easy to judge her and her choices, but we can’t forget that she has very little freedom. She seems to be very happy with the Landgraaf and I think that he is the right type of man for the role of Prince Consort.
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Anne: You would, wouldn’t you… too bad it isn’t you out there! Isn’t that what you younger sons get prepped for? 
Elmer: First of all, I’m not a younger son, that’s my father -- 
Nandu: No but there’s an idea! Prince Consort Elmer!
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Elmer: (laughs) Oh no, I wouldn’t want to marry royalty… as lovely as our Queen is, I wouldn’t want to have to share her with the whole world or follow all those strict rules. It’s why I’m quite happy that I never got a title either. No, the Landgraaf is a braver man than I am. 
Arturo: He does seem to have taken to the role very well. The little princesses seem to be fond of him as well. Can we pull up the picture?
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(audience awws) 
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Anne: Yes yes, very cute. They’re selling him hard to us, aren’t they? 
Iza: He is popular in the polls so I’d say it’s working. 
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Nandu: They make such a cute family already. As I said earlier, I’m all for this royal wedding and if they need music, I volunteer! 
(audience laughs)
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Anne: Well, it will be on tax payer’s money, Nandu, so you’d better give them a proper show. How much was the last wedding again? 
Nandu: It’s not like the Queen chose for her first marriage to end so soon... or is that another one of those mainstream cover-ups that you love to talk about?
Anne: Who knows, but what we do know is that she is about to make us pay for this second wedding too.
Elmer: Actually we don’t know that. She has her own money and the Landgraaf can certainly afford it too. For all we know, they will not even have a state wedding. 
Iza: A lot of people will expect it. He will be the Prince Consort, she’s the Queen. 
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Arturo: I suppose we will see soon. Now, we have more news this week. It would seem that war is brewing on the continent again and we have more information on the condition of the supermodel Elisha Rinde-Huntington who was rushed to the hospital last week. But first, a commercial break! 
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Sanctuary (Hidden Corner series)
Hidden Corner: A series of fluffy, full-length one-shots detailing the lives of the employees who work at Hidden Corner featuring the various Haikyuu boys.
*Note: All one-shots take place in the same universe with the same characters.
Izanami is the Reader from Recommendations and Kioko is the Reader from Universal 
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tw: mentions of being kicked out, mentions of a toxic family (no details) 
Word count: 4530
Pairing: Barista!Terushima x female Customer!reader
Summary: Kicked out multiple times by bad roommates, Izanami takes pity on her classmate and hires him to work for her café overnight. But little does Terushima know, he’s getting more than just a job out of this.
Masterlist | Menu 
“Back again, Teru?” 
Terushima sent Izanami a small smile, nodding. “Yeah. Hey Iza.” It was late in the evening, around 8 P.M. by now. 
She hummed from her position behind the counter, stifling a yawn. “How are your other classes goin’?”
“Miserable,” Terushima announced, collapsing onto one of the bar-stools. 
“What’s going on?” Izanami asked, pouring two mugs full of hot chocolate. She added a bit of chipotle pepper and cinnamon to create a Mexican hot chocolate before placing one of the mugs in front of Terushima. 
He accepted it gratefully, sipping it and letting the warmth wash over him. Terushima let out a sigh of relief. Izanami never failed to make the cafe home for him. “My roommates keep kicking me out,” he admits finally. “And I really need a job if I wanna keep staying here.” Terushima chews on his bottom lip. 
“They keep kicking you out?” Izanami frowned, sipping her own mug thoughtfully. “And you need a job huh?” She glanced around at the emptying cafe. There were still a few students dotting around the tables. “How about working here?”
Terushima straightened up, looking into her eyes as his eyebrows furrowed. “Are you serious? I didn’t know you were hiring.”
Izanami shrugged, “I was thinking about opening the cafe 24 hours actually. Let more students have somewhere to crash in case they need to study late, especially during exam season.” She stirred in some more cinnamon into her mug. “If you want, you can work here during the night shift. It shouldn’t be too busy, so you’ll have time to study and do your homework too.” Terushima nodded slowly, listening to her proposition. “If you work hard, you can help yourself to coffee and crash at my apartment upstairs whenever you need to.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, frowning. “I don’t want to take advantage or anything.” 
Izanami snorted. “Where was that sentiment when you kept stealing my notes for class?” She flicked him on the forehead causing him to yelp. “The way I see it, it’s a win-win. I can open the cafe late, you have a job and a place to safely crash whenever you get kicked out.”
“So when can I start?” 
She grinned, “might as well start now.” Izanami bent down, throwing a maroon apron at the male. “Ready to start your training?” 
Terushima nodded eagerly. He’d been frequenting the cafe for the past year or so, ever since he’d shared an Intro to Psych class with Izanami. They’d held their study sessions at the cafe, and he’d been there to help her celebrate when her parents officially transferred the store to her. “You’re a life-saver, Iza,” Terushima grinned, throwing his arms around the girl. 
She shrugged him off, “First order of business, don’t throw yourself at my customers.”
“You mean our customers.”
Izanami flicked him on the forehead again. “Behave or I’ll kick you out too,” she threatened.
Terushima grinned, knowing that she was all bark and no bite. “What else?” 
Izanami chuckled before walking him through all the steps he would need to take. After twenty minutes of showing him various recipes and giving him a recipe book, Izanami went upstairs to her apartment to get Terushima his paperwork. Within five minutes of her leaving, the cafe door chimed open. “Uhm, excuse me?”
Terushima popped up from behind the counter where he’d been leaning down to read the recipe book. “Hey, welcome to Hidden Corner! How can I help you?”
You flush, heat crawling up your cheeks at the sight of the male. Clearing your throat as you anxiously scuff your feet along the floor, you mumble, “the lights were on. Are you guys open?”
Terushima grinned, nodding. “Yep! Today’s the first day of our new hours. We’ll be open for 24 hours from now on.” 
You let out a relieved sigh, stepping further into the cafe. “Is it alright if I study here?”
“Of course,” Terushima replied. “Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to order or if there’s anything I can help you with.”
“T-thanks,” you stutter, making your way towards the corner table and plopping down into it. Terushima observed you for a moment longer before shaking his head. His first day, he was not about to creep out a random girl. That was him in high-school. After maturing a bit, he realized how immature and disrespectful that was and vowed never to do so again. That, and Izanami had specifically warned him against it. Speaking of his newfound boss, the door swung open to reveal her. You jolted in your seat, whirling around to see her. Relief filled your expression. “Hi, Iza.”
“Oh! Hey (Name), how are you doing?” Izanami smiled kindly as she made her way over to you. “Can I join you?” Izanami asked politely, indicating the open seat.
You nod shyly, gesturing to the seat. “Of course, Iza.” You cast your gaze around the cafe, drifting over Terushima who was awkwardly trying to look like he was studying the recipe book when he was really eavesdropping. “I didn’t know you were open overnight?”
Izanami chuckled, nodding. “Yeah, it’s actually a new development. If it wasn’t for Teru, it wouldn’t have been possible for a while.”
You nod, glancing at Terushima who gave a small wave. “He seems nice,” you whisper to Izanami, who gave you an amused smile.
“Hey Teru, make another mug of that Mexican Hot Chocolate, will ya?” 
“Yes ma’am!” 
“Don’t call me that,” Izanami chided, shooting him a look. Terushima just gave her a cheeky smile, doing a two-finger salute before busying himself with the drink. He let out a soft sigh of relief. At least it was an easy one.
“What’s that for?” you ask curiously, tilting your head.
“Here ya go, boss-lady.” Terushima came towards the table, gently placing it down onto it. 
Izanami smacked his hand, “you’re a cheeky one, aren’t you?” You giggled, the exchange making you feel much more comfortable than you had been feeling since entering the cafe ten minutes ago. Terushima flashed you a grin. “(Name), sweetheart, this is Terushima. If he ever bothers you, let me know okay? I’ll kick his ass for you.”
“Iza!” Terushima whined, jutting his lip out in a small pout. “I promise I’ll behave.” 
“You’d better,” she threatened. 
Terushima turned back to you, extending a hand. “Like she said, I’m Terushima.” He opened his mouth, about to drop a pick-up line until Izanami sent him a fierce glare and he thought better of it. 
“I’m (Name),” you said, gazing up with him with soft doe-eyes. 
“Nice to meet you (Name).” 
“Alright, back to work for us. Good luck studying, (Name),” Izanami smiled, ruffling your hair. “That drink is on the house, but please feel free to let Terushima or I know if you need anything, okay?” 
You nod, sipping the hot chocolate and waving a goodbye to Izanami and Terushima as they made their way back to the counter. As they sat at the counter filling out paperwork, Terushima’s brown eyes couldn’t stop wandering to your figure. How closely did you know Izanami? Why did she speak to you with such familiarity? Why were you out and about so late at night anyways?  
It became a common occurrence for you to appear in the cafe. Terushima started working every day, save for Sunday night when he would crash in Izanami’s apartment for the night to prepare for his classes that following week. Each and every day that he worked, you would already be there. Working diligently in that same corner each and every time. You would have already set-up shop by the time Terushima had entered, a mug of hot chocolate on the table with your books spread out. 
It was on one such night that Terushima found himself buried in his books, pen twirling between his fingers as he reread the same line for the fifteenth time. Pinching his nose, he leaned back in his seat. He had taken to setting up a study corner at the bar right beside the counter where Izanami would typically sit. Stifling a yawn, he can’t help but glance over at your corner. You were slumped over on the table, head resting on your arms. Warmth filled him as he watched the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Terushima reached into his bag, pulling out a blanket that he’d use to nap whenever Izanami came in and gave him his breaks and lunch. Carefully making his way over to you, he draped it over your shoulders, delicately tucking it under your arms to keep you warm before he made his way back to his corner. 
It was only twenty minutes later when you slowly woke up with a soft moan, nuzzling into something soft. Your eyes blinked blearily at the warmth that covered your shoulders. Turning to look at the side, heat crept up your cheeks. Someone...had put a blanket over you? You shot up, fully awake now. Terushima jumped, startled awake by the sudden screeching of your seat. You make eye-contact with him before you quickly avert your eyes once more. Embarrassment swept over you. 
Steeling your nerves, you stand up with the blanket over your arm. “Is this yours?” you ask shyly, approaching Terushima who had his nose buried in his book. 
He straightened up quickly, looking at you before giving you a soft smile. “Yeah, sorry if that was invasive.” 
You shake your head, playing with a strand of loose hair. “I didn’t mind. Thank you.” 
His eyes sparkled as he nodded eagerly. “Anytime! Anything for my favorite customer.”
A soft giggle left you. “I’m like the only customer you see.”
“And yet you’re still my favorite,” he teased. Heat crept over you as you stood there awkwardly. 
“Oh, here you go.” You hand him the blanket. 
He takes it back gingerly. “Thanks.” Another moment of awkwardness swept over you two. “If you want,” he scratches his neck awkwardly, praying that you couldn’t see him blushing, “you can borrow my blanket whenever. I don’t mind.”
Your eyes widened as your entire body heats up now. “O-oh! I couldn’t-”
“I don’t mind!” Terushima interrupts, his cheeks darkening. “I’d rather you be comfortable if anything.” 
You both stare at each other for a moment longer. “Thanks Terushima,” you say softly before immediately spinning on your heel and heading back to your corner. Terushima couldn’t stop the grin on his face as he muttered a soft “you’re welcome” under his breath. 
The next time Terushima comes into his shift, he’s startled to find you situated at the end of the counter that he usually works at. He was even more shocked when you looked up at him, offering him a small smile. “Hi Terushima.” 
“H-hey (Name)!” He stammers, placing his bag down at his usual seat. “How’s it goin’?”
You shrug before turning back to your work. 
“So what are you studying?” You flinch, jumping. Terushima was standing in front of you behind the counter, stirring a spoon into his mug as he gazed quizzically between you and your books. 
“M-medicine,” you say, heat creeping through you.
“That’s so cool!” Terushima grinned. You weren’t sure why, but his smile was comforting. “What type of medicine do you want to get into?”
You shrug, glancing back down at the book. “I’m not really sure.” 
He cocked his head, placing the cup in front of you. You murmur a thanks, taking the mug in between your hands. “What do you mean you don’t know?”
“To be honest, I don’t really want to study med.” You swallow, cursing yourself internally as anxiety filled you. Why did you just tell him that? This was the first time you guys were having an actual conversation.
“I see.” He leaned on his elbow, tapping his chin. “What would you do instead?” Another shrug. “Oh c’mon, I’m sure there’s something that you’d rather do.” 
You hum, taking a sip. “Maybe something art-related? I was always into fashion.” 
“So why’d you go into med if you don’t really like it?”
“My parents.” 
He waited for more, but you offered nothing else. “Alrighty then.” Terushima picks up his own mug, walking back around the counter back to his seat as he hummed along to whatever classical song played in the background. You eye him in the corner of your eye as he settles back into his seat before you glance back down at your work. A bubble of courage builds in you as you pick up your stuff. “Where ya goin’?” Terushima asked, alarmed when he notices what you’re doing. Worry fills him as he watches, scared that he’d driven you off by asking too many questions.
You don’t respond until you’re making your way towards him. “Can I sit here?” His brown eyes widen with shock as all he could do is wordlessly nod. “Thank you.” You flash him a small smile as you take the seat beside him, setting your stuff down and getting ready to start studying once more. Warmth filled his heart as he internally fist-pumped. Progress!
“Hey Teru, come try this for me.”
Terushima looked up from his books as Kioko entered the main lobby of the cafe with a tray of her recent creation. “What is it?” 
Kioko shook her head impatiently, “will you try it or not?” 
“I mean sure, but what if you’re trying to poison me or something?” 
Kioko fixed him with a hard stare. “Why would I poison my taste-tester?” 
Terushima shrugged, “maybe to get back at me for scaring you the other day?”
She rolled her eyes, “just taste this.” Kioko placed a plate down on the counter, glancing over at you. “Hey there (Name). Wanna try it too?”
You jump, startled as heat crept through you, embarrassed that you had been caught staring. “If you don’t mind,” you say shyly. 
Kioko giggled, plating another pastry and placing it in front of you. “Nah, I like you, and you’re better at feedback than Teru is.” 
“Hey!” Terushima protested, though he couldn’t stop his smile. “You know you like me.” 
“I just like that you have a bottomless stomach, Teru. Don’t mistake that for affection.” 
“Oh hey Teru, I didn’t know you worked here now.” Kioko had just arrived into the cafe, shrugging off her coat as she spotted Terushima behind the counter.
“Yep! Started a few weeks ago. Iza didn’t tell you?”
Kioko shrugged, “I’ve had the past few weeks off to visit my family. She just told me that we’re open 24 hours now.” Kioko made her way behind the counter, “guess that means you’re my new taste-tester,” she teased, ruffling Terushima’s hair. He protested, ducking under her arm to fix his hair. She noticed you sitting by Terushima’s stuff. “Hey there! I’m Kioko, the resident baker.”
You shyly waved, “hi, I’m (Name).”
Kioko tapped her chin thoughtfully, “Iza mentioned you. Lemme know if there’s anything I can do to help you.” With one final wave to you and Terushima, Kioko disappeared into the back.
An hour or so later, he found himself sitting in his usual spot. Terushima had just finished making you both a fresh cup of gingerbread hot chocolate. “Teru!” 
Terushima jumped, almost spilling his drink. “What is it, Kio?”
“Try this,” she demanded, placing a plate in front of him before disappearing into the kitchen yet again. In the corner of his eye, he sees you eyeing the pastry and subtly passes it to you.
Startled, you look up at him. “What?”
Terushima cleared his throat, turning his face to stop the smile that crept up. “I had a really big dinner. You’d be doing me a favour by eating this.” 
“Are you sure?” You hesitated, chewing on your lip and fiddling with your pen.
He nodded, pushing it closer to you. “Please?” 
With a final glance between Terushima, the pastry, and the kitchen, you accept the pastry, taking a bite out of it. “So?” You yelp, dropping it back onto the plate. “How is it?” Kioko is standing back in front of you, eagerly eyeing your expression.
Swallowing, you nod. “It’s really good! I like how the raspberry compliments the white chocolate drizzle and how the cinnamon adds another layer to it all.” 
Kioko nods, satisfied. “Thank you (Name). At least someone,” she eyes Terushima, “is descriptive!” 
“What is it anyways?” Terushima glanced over at the pastry interestedly. You subtly pass it back to him, granting him permission to take a bite. He flashes you a grin before doing so. You flush, realising that you had just given him an indirect kiss. 
“It’s a raspberry cinnamon roll with some white chocolate chips inside it and a white chocolate and cream cheese drizzle,” Kioko spouts immediately with a sparkle in her eyes. 
Terushima nods as he takes his bite. “What (Name) said.” 
Kioko scowled, “you’re so useless I swear, Teru.”
“So what is this?” You ask, examining the pastry. 
Kioko’s eyes lit up. “That, my dear, sweet, (Name), is a chaussons aux pommes. Apple slippers! These are traditional French turnovers filled with an apple compote filling.”
“What’s the difference between this and the apple squares?” Terushima asked, now staring down at the pastry too.
Kioko clicked her tongue, shaking her head with a small scowl. “The squares had sliced apples. This is apple compote, Terushima!” She looked over to you as you took your first bite. “So? How is it?”
Your eyes widened as you took another bite. “It’s so good!” You beam. “The vanilla and cinnamon really compliment the apples that you used! And the flakiness of the pastry isn’t too overwhelming. It balances out the flavour.” 
Terushima nods besides you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “This could go great with a nice mocha,” he mused. “Or a latte.”
Kioko hummed, picking one up and trying it for herself. “I think a latte would be better.”
You finish off your pastry, wiping your hand on a napkin. “Thank you for the treat, Kioko. It was really good.”
Kioko’s eyes met yours. “You’re such a sweetheart, (Name),” she said fondly, patting your head. “You’re always welcome to try out the things here.”
At her words, Terushima’s brown eyes twinkled. “Speaking of which,” he turned to you, “would you be down to try some coffee drinks?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “are you sure?” You look between Kioko and Terushima. “I mean, I don’t know if I have enough experience to do that.”
“Sure you do!” Terushima beamed. “You’re always so helpful whenever you’re taste-testing for Kioko!” 
“I mean-”
“(Name), it wouldn’t be that difficult,” Kioko interjected, offering you a soft smile. “You just tell Teru whether or not his drinks taste like shit and whether or not you’d buy it.”
“My drinks don’t taste like shit!” Terushima protested, whirling around to glare at Kioko. As you watch them banter, warmth settles in your heart. Is this what it feels like to hang out with friends? 
“Hey, Terushima?” you pipe up, interrupting as Kioko threatened to egg Terushima’s face. They both turn to you, Terushima’s eyebrows raising in surprise. 
“What’s up, (Nickname)?”
You fiddle with your pen anxiously under the heat of their gazes. “I’ll try your drinks.”
“Awesome!” He grinned. Terushima threw his apron on, moving to stand behind the counter. “You’re the best (Name).” 
Shaking your head, you buried your nose back into the books. “I’m just grateful to you both.”
“What was that?”
Terushima raises an eyebrow at you but remains quiet as he bustles around behind the counter. You watch as he carefully pours some condensed milk into the glass over the ice-cubes, adding a bit of some type of herb and some vanilla. “Tada!” He announces, placing the glass in front of you.
“What is it?”
“Try it!” You take the glass, sniffing it. There was a spiced flavour that stung at your nose slightly but you took a deep breath and just tried it. “So? How do you like it?”
You smack your lips. “It’s..interesting. What is this?”
“This is a Thai-based iced coffee, but I added both cardamom and cinnamon for a warm-spice flavour and then some vanilla extract to sweeten the condensed milk a bit.” He wipes down the counter, eyeing your expression. “So?”
Taking another sip, you let out a soft hum. “It’s really good. It’s a little bit too sweet for me, but maybe it can pair well with a dark chocolate croissant? Or just some type of a plain pastry.” 
He takes the glass back, sipping it. Your cheeks grow hot at the idea of the indirect kiss, but you kept your mouth shut. “I think you’re right.” He grins at you. “You’re an awesome taste-tester, you know that?”
You shrug, averting your eyes. “Whatever you say, Terushima.”
“Try this.”
“What is this?” You wrinkle your nose, looking up from the ceramic mug that Terushima placed in front of you.
“What, don’t trust me?” He grinned. “It’ll be good for you. Promise.” 
“When you say it like that, it gives me less reason to trust you.” 
He raised his eyebrow, jutting his lip out in a small pout. “Aw, c’mon (Name)! I promise I would never hurt you. Will you just try it?”
You giggle, taking the mug in both hands. The heat seeped into your palms, warming your stiff fingers. “It smells really good.”
“Yes it does, now try it.”
You stick your tongue out at him before taking a sip. Your eyelids flutter shut as the taste of honey and milk sweep over your tongue. “This isn’t just honey milk, is it?”
“Well, sorta.” Terushima scratched the back of his neck. “It’s a warmed milk honey latte. I normally make it iced.”
“Why’d you make it warm then?”
He shrugged, making his way to slip into his seat. “You seemed really tired and stressed, so I figured it’d be a good pick me up. Was I right?”
Humming softly, you gave him a little nod. “Thanks Terushima. It’s good.” 
Terushima offered you a cheeky grin. “Anything for you, (Name).” He bumped his shoulder against yours. “Dunno what I would do if you weren’t here keeping me company.”
“You’re too sweet, Terushima.” 
“So?” You tilt your head as you look up at Terushima. The male had his elbows propped up as he observed you. 
He clears his throat. “We’ve been hanging out for months now.” Had it really been that long? Your eyebrows furrowed. “And I feel like I barely know you. So!” He leans back in his seat, turning his body to face yours completely now. “What’s your story?” 
Your mouth went dry. “My story?” 
He nods, eyes carefully scanning yours. “Y’know, you’re here every day. And I know you’re studying med, but I’m sure there’s other reasons why you’re here, right?” At his words, you flinch. His eyes widened, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to touch a sensitive subject. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” He moves to go back to his work, cursing himself internally for pushing you. He should’ve waited until you brought it up to pry. A warm hand reaches out to grab his, startling him. “Wha-?”
“It’s okay, Terushima.” A ghost of a smile graces your expression. “I know I don’t really talk a lot, and I’m sure you’re curious.”
His gaze softened as his heart started beating louder. “I mean, I don’t mind. I just enjoy your company.”
You nod slowly, chewing on your bottom lip slightly as your other hand fiddled with your pen. “Did Iza tell you anything? About me, I mean.”
Terushima shook his head. “She just told me that you’d tell me yourself whenever you’re ready.” Both hands started fidgeting now, causing Terushima to grab it this time. “Hey, I’m serious. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready. I don’t mind waiting.” 
He grins earnestly at you causing you to sigh loudly. “It’s ok. I want to tell you.” You take a deep breath, sipping the gingerbread hot chocolate that Terushima had made you. “Well, like you, I was one of Iza’s classmates. We had English together.” (E/c) eyes stared into your mug. “I’m...the reason she decided to open the cafe 24 hours.”
“You?” Terushima frowned.
You let out a sheepish laugh, “yeah.” Lifting your head, you gaze off into the distance. “I live in a really toxic household,” you admit softly. “Toxic enough that I need to leave it most of the time. And Iza found out one time when she was over tutoring me.” Terushima squeezed one of your hands with an unreadable expression. You look down at your hands, squeezing his back. “Anyways, she told me that I could always come to the cafe, no matter what time and she’d let me in. This slowly became my home...things ended up getting worse and worse with my family to the point where I would be leaving at two or three in the morning sometimes.”
“It’s okay, Teru. You don’t have to feel sorry for me.” You stand up, moving to pack your stuff.
“Wait,” Terushima protested, grabbing your hands. “You don’t have to leave.”
Terushima shook his head, “you’re okay. I know that I’m just the barista here or whatever, but I do genuinely care for you, (Name).” He scratched his neck awkwardly. “I wanna get to know you better.” 
You blinked at him, swallowing your misgivings and pain. “You’re...you’re not scared?”
“Why would I be?” He cocked his head at you. “I mean, it’s not what I was expecting from you, but why would I see you differently for how your home life is?” Terushima squeezed your hands. “To be honest, that’s kinda the reason why Iza hired me.”
With Terushima’s guidance, you take your seat once more. “Well, my roommates kept kicking me out every day,” he explains solemnly. “To the point where I would end up at the cafe, and that’s why Iza decided to hire me. So that I would have somewhere to go.” He lets out a soft chuckle. “Guess it was fate!”
“Fate, huh?” You muse, staring at your intertwined fingers.
“You know what?” He snapped, his expression lightening. “Why don’t we go somewhere together?”
“What?” Your head snapped up to stare incredulously at the barista.
“Let’s go somewhere that’s not the cafe,” Terushima grinned. “We’re always here anyways. Why not try and go somewhere else together?” 
You pause, your mind reeling. Every time you’ve told your story to someone, you would end up abandoned. Izanami was the only one who didn’t do the same, and now Terushima. “...Sure.” 
If it was possible, his smile got brighter, causing you to give him one of your own. “Great!” Terushima squeezed your hand once more. “I think,” he says slowly, “that this will be the start of a beautiful relationship.”
“I didn’t know you were asking me out,” you tease softly.
He shrugs, “who knows where this’ll go!” His expression softens as he chews on his bottom lip. “But I wouldn’t mind if you don’t.”
Chewing on your lip, you shake your head. “I don’t mind either.”
AN: Both Izanami and Kioko are the “Readers” from the other one-shots. 
Izanami is the Reader from Recommendations and Kioko is the Reader from Universal 
All one-shots in the Hidden Corner series exist in the same universe where characters may interact with the ‘Reader’ from the other one-shots. I will be giving each ‘Reader’ a place-holder name when they are referenced in the other one-shots to ease confusion!
This will be a side-project, so new updates will generally not be scheduled!
general taglist: @scrappydaisies​​  @newfriendjen​​
Please contact me if you would like to be a part of the Hidden Corner taglist! 💞 Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
Yandere!Purge!Izaya Orihara
(Kinda thrown together? I pieced this mess together based on the ending of the blurb. I hope you’re okay with that! I decided if I was gonna sit around doing nothing because of my wrists I might as well try to write! After all, ‘tis but a scratch! I also apologize if the tags are sparse. They’re kinda limited and I don’t know if I can make some of my own and I don’t really know how tumblr works so I’m sorry! I know that I already placed an ask too but I accidentally clicked on this instead of archive and wanted to try it out! Oh, and I think this is gender neutral. I guess I was going for a female reader but I don’t think I used any gendered pronouns towards the reader! Just in case I did though I’m not gonna label it as gender neutral. I’m sorry from rambling I just don’t wanna offend anyone and this is how it always turns out! - Existential Bean)
         "Happy hunting, Y/N. I’ll be waiting for you, my love.“
   A chill ran down your spine. That couldn’t be him… right? If it was, you needed to run, fast. He was already too close as is. You couldn’t afford to be caught.
   Running down the street at a brisk pace, unable to mask your anxiety as you nearly ran to your apartment. You wouldn’t completely run so as to not attract any attention, though it was risky, especially with the fact he could be anywhere, though likely near you. There had to be a few things there you could pick up, and maybe a few would help. It would be the first place any yandere would look, though, so you had to hurry.
   You had your phone, a few knives, a set of clothes, and a gun from your standard purge kit given to all the unfortunate souls with a yandere. You didn’t want to actually kill anyone though, yandere or not.
   Reaching your small but relatively decent apartment, you climbed several stairs before reaching the evergreen door you needed. Maybe this was a bad idea. It wasn’t exactly the safest place, so you couldn’t exactly hide out here.
   Opening the door, you entered the entry hall, passing multiple doors, the kitchen entry being the last, closest to the dining room at the end of the hall. There was a homely coppery wooden dining table and matching chairs, with black legs and backing in the small but cozy dining room, being the first and only thing you would see, as you had everything laid out in advance. The pepper spray, flashlight, and small stun gun in the guise of a small cell phone, had all been left on the table, as you were only allowed to bring your phone and keys to the purge announcement.
   There was occasionally a different punishment for not following purge rules every year, but usually with was being locked in a room with the yandere, with purge immunity included. Generally, it was never a good idea to ignore the rules, as it always backfired, even for the yanderes.
   The people who set this up considered this a game. The time it took for the darlings to go back to their home for anything else, if they chose to, would be used to help the yandere track their love. That’s why the ones chosen by the yanderes were only allowed to bring their phone and keys.
   Deciding that this had been more than enough time spent and you should most certainly leave, you turned around, only to find someone leaning in the doorway. They were turned away, so you couldn’t see anything more than the back of their fur-lined jacket, but it didn’t take much to hedge a guess.
   "I’m glad to have found you here, as predictable as it is! Of course you would come back, you even laid everything out for your return! I would expect nothing less from my Y/N, though,” a hint of pride seeping into his tone.
   You recognized that slightly smug voice. It was the announcer, and your yandere.
   Your apartment was small. All you had was a small balcony to the fire escape in your kitchen, but you’d need to get closer to him. 
   "Playing the quiet game now, are we? I expected more. You’re not so much different from the rest of the humans after all.
   “You’ve disappointed me.”
   Suddenly, he turned around, and started walking calmly in your direction, a mildly annoyed expression on his face. You could see his admittedly handsome features- dark hair, brown eyes and a sharp jaw, set in determination.
   You wouldn’t stay long enough to admire them.
   Darting in the direction of the kitchen, you slammed the door open and shut behind you, before darting over to the small balcony connected to the fire escape, making sure you shut that door behind you as well. Leaping over the rail, you heard the entrance behind you slam open and footsteps angrily march to the fire escape.
   "Oh, Y/N, you making this hard on both of us. You’ll have to be punished twice for that. It was a smart move, I’ll admit, but I’ve already considered this.“
   By now, you were already a few levels below him, but you weren’t necessarily athletic, and you were running out of stamina fast. You could hear him catching up.
   Fortunately, you had by now made it to the ground, and was making a run for it out of the alleyway.
   You were yanked back. You had been caught.
   "It was pointless, you see now? I suppose it’s good for you I’m rather bored, and Shizu-chan hasn’t been any fun lately. I blame you for that.”
   And, as suddenly as you were grabbed, he let you go.
   "Oh, and don’t take this as me letting you go! I’ll have you by the end of the day, I’ll just give you one more chance to make yourself different from the rest of the humans. Just make sure to be more talkative next time!“
  Booking it out of the alleyway just in case, you looked back and didn’t see him again. By now, it was 12:00 P.M. and you knew you were most likely going to be taken. It started at 8:00 A.M. and if he already found you, then there was virtually no hope.
   But you had to try.
   You could run to another city, but even then there was a chance he could follow. Maybe the best option was just to roam for a while, sticking to the crowds and staying alert.
   For now though, you needed to find somewhere to eat. Something fast.
   Deciding that Russia Sushi would be the best place for now, you walked hastily, constantly looking over your shoulder. Several times you could’ve sworn you saw that jacket again, but it had to just be you. It had to be.
   Finally arriving in front of the restaurant, greeting Simon on your way in. Everyone who had lived here for a while knew him.
  "Ah, Y/N! Good to see you! Purge bad, sushi good! Come have sushi!”
   Nodding to him, a slight smile on your lips, you responded, “I think I will. I hope you have a good day yourself, Simon.”
   Opening the door and immediately walking to a table, you quickly figured out what you wanted and ordered it as quickly as possible. There was no fire escape this time, he could easily corner you and nobody could do anything, not even Simon.
   Practically inhaling your food, you looked up halfway through your meal and actually saw the jacket this time. He sauntered into a booth just behind you, but not before sending you a smirk, taunting you.
   Eating even faster now, it wasn’t too long before you finished everything, paid, and literally ran out this time.
   You didn’t know what else to do. By now, it was only 12:23 P.M. and it seemed the likelihood of surviving was next to none. 
   Maybe the best option was stick to crowds, get no attention, and run if necessary.
   For the next few hours, you had simply wandered. It was fortunately 3:56 P.M now. You hadn’t seen him again, not even his jacket, and you were starting to think you had lost him. You had even seen other unfortunate people being dragged off by their respective yanderes.
   Finally deciding it was safe enough to take a break for a few minutes, you found a bench, sat down and rested your feet.
   "I don’t think you realize just how much trouble you’ve been,“ a voice breathed in your ear, before snatching your wrist and hauling you off to the nearest alleyway.
   You sent a pleading gaze to the people around you, but they simply averted their eyes and kept going. If anything, they helped by getting out of his way, knowing exactly what was happening.
   "Let go of me! Don’t touch me!”
   Finally deep enough in the alleyway nobody would hear or see you, he turned around and said in a smug voice, “Oh? so you finally decide to say something? It was about time. You had started to bore me.”
   You had tried to yank his hand from his grip, but despite his lean frame, he was rather strong.
   "What is wrong with you? I don’t even know you! Why can’t you leave me alone?“
   He shook his head, almost as if disappointed. 
   "Oh, but you do know me. Don’t you remember? You had stood up for me against a group of thugs. Not that I needed your help, but silly little you didn’t know that, now did you?”
   That was… him?
   "Oh, you’re so forgetful! I’ll just have to make sure you’ll never forget me again.“
   He tugged on your wrist and pulled you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist and staring sultrily into your eyes.
   "I’ve been watching you this entire time, you know. You’re a bit of a hypocrite! You stare pitifully at the others being taken, but you make no attempt to help them, yet you almost expect yourself to be helped. I suppose it’s just one of the many things I love about you…”
   He started to lean down, trying to force a kiss.. You squirmed and squirmed but to no avail.
   "Fuck you,“ you said, headbutting him on the forehead.
   He groaned and turned away, holding his head. Unfortunately, he didn’t let go of your wrist. If anything, he tightened his grip on it.
   "I’m done playing with you, Y/N. We’ll just have to sort this out when we get home. You’ll regret being so disobedient. It’s almost as if you’re asking for some fun.”
  “IZAYA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NOW?” a loud and obviously very angry voice interrupted.
   The man now dubbed as Izaya looked back, still holding his forehead, and glared at you.
   "Look what you’ve done.“
   Just then, a blond haired man in a bartender’s suit turned the corner behind him and charged full force, wielding a street sign.
   Just before the man reached the two of you, Izaya scooped you up and darted down the allyway and into the street, still being pursued by the blond.
   "Come on, Shizu-chan! Can’t you leave me alone? All I want for now is to take my Y/N home!” he taunted, obviously wanting him to follow.
   "You psychopath!“
Izaya only hummed in response. He weaved through the alleys, over rooftops and through streets, and you didn’t dare let go, not wanted to be potentially killed by the blond behind, though halfway through you decided potential injury was better than being stuck with him all your life. 
   Unfortunately, blondie seemed to be lagging behind, if his distant roars of anger and frustration were anything to go by. Izaya wouldn’t be distracted at all soon.
   Soon enough, you couldn’t hear him at all anymore, and your struggles increased tenfold.
   "Ah, don’t worry, Y/N. We’re here already!”
   He abruptly set you down and grabbed your wrist, dragging you along behind him.
   "No, please! Let me go! I don’t want to-“
   "No. You’re mine now. You’ve been disobedient enough. I need to put you in your place, and you will let me!” he rudely interrupted, far past his breaking point.
   There wasn’t any point now. You were his.
   He dragged you into the elevator, yanking you around and slamming you into the wall, pressing his body against yours.
   You could’ve sworn you felt… something… pressing against you down there.
   "What will I do with you?“
   There was no sign-wielding man to save you now. He firmly pressed his lips against yours in a needy, desperate kiss, keeping your body pinned between him and the edge of the elevator.
   All you could do was squirm and whimper in the kiss, while he greedily stole your breath and forced his tongue in your mouth.
   The elevator saved you this time.
   He reluctantly pulled away, taking your wrist again and dragging you to his penthouse.
   He didn’t waste a second in bringing you to a bedroom, slamming the door and releasing your wrist.
   You immediately backed up, facing him.
   He slowly turned around, excitement and… lust gleaming in those brown eyes of his.
  He slowly, purposefully walked towards you, keeping you pinned with that look of his.
   Suddenly darting forward, he snatched your wrist and pulled the two of you on the bed, twisting so he was on top, pinning you down and ensuring you can’t get away from him.
   That something you felt earlier? You definitely weren’t imagining it.
   Hooking his fingers in your pants, he announced, "It’s time for your punishment.”
(He might be a little ooc though because it’s been a while since I watched DRRR!! but I think I still have him down decently. The only thing I don’t really like about this is Shizu-chan, I feel like it’s kinda cheap and I don’t like it but I don’t remember his nickname from the dubbed version if he even had one. Oh, and this may not be important, but Namie wasn’t there because she was chasing her beloved Seiji. A tad gross tho cuz she’s his sister :\)
*looks at the fortunately-still-brother/sister relationship between Namie and Seiji*
*banjo music plays in background*
(oh and I want you guys to know this is 6.9 pages lmao)
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nyanzaya · 5 years
Requested: @if-that-so words: 2637
     Iza was at the hospital. Zuo’s mother had been in a hit and run and the black feline was the one who was called. Why Zuo hadn’t been called, Iza would never know but he went. He told the group he was part of that he was going to the hospital and the responses he got were from them being worried and how a young girl named Melody was going to come to the hospital.
     The feline didn’t need her there with him. He didn’t know her even if she called him uncle. When her message about family and how they shouldn’t hide secrets Iza thought it was stupid. He didn’t know anything about her or if she even had a family, but Iza would never consider her family; of course, friends should be considered family, right? 
     Iza was a stubborn man. He been alone for far too long to even consider anyone family. It was always something he would envy about people. At least they knew their parents and siblings. Who did Iza have? Aiko. Zuo’s mother. 
     She was the closest thing Iza had to a parent. 
     Right now Iza was sitting outside the operating room waiting for any type of news from the doctors. Anxiously he was waiting, his leg bouncing his elbows on his knees and hands folded in front of him. He heard from the nurses that someone had hit her with their car and took off before leaving him to his own devices. 
     How could anyone hit a neko and leave like that? 
     This was why Iza hated humans. They had always treated his kin as lower than human, and more like animals. The nurses were sweet, kind and apologetic about what had happened to Aiko. Iza returned a sad smile and thanked them before getting lost in thoughts. 
     “Excuse me.” Spoke a soft voice.
     “Hello, excuse me.” They spoke again this time waving a hand in front of the black feline’s face and seeing them become startled, she quickly apologized. “Sorry for scaring you, but if you want to see your mother she is in room 213.” 
     An ear flicked at her words and Iza stood up to bow. “Thank you.” Quickly he left to find the room number.
     Iza was afraid to see Aiko truthfully. He was afraid to see her hooked up to machines and in a cast and bandages. He was afraid of hospitals and being in one to see someone dear to him felt heavy on his shoulders, his chest and his heart. Iza wished Zuo was here with him but the cream-colored feline in question was out on a job. 
     Going down long hallways, looking for the room number was difficult. Iza wanted to turn around and go home. Do what he always did and fixed things without confronting the issue. He knew the issue. He knew that he shouldn’t run away from things when things felt so terrifying and made his chest clutch and the pit of his stomach feel heavy with hurt. He knew that he had to see Aiko in place of Zuo. If he was the one called they must have been a reason for it. 
     Standing in front of the door, looking at the numbers. 213. It was the room, he could smell her scent. Iza brought his hand to the numbers, feeling them to remind himself that he was really there. Then he knocked on the door and opened it. He could feel the anxiety in his chest intensify and he was starting to shake. 
     Then he saw her. As he suspected. She was hooked to a machine and a cast on her leg and arm, her tail was covered in bandages. Her face had a patch on her cheek. Aiko was a beautiful cat if she wasn’t injured. She stirred, opening hazel eyes to meet garnet. Aiko gave a weak smile, “Izzy...you came.” 
     Iza swallowed a lump in his throat that he hadn’t realized formed seeing Aiko. “Of course. I wouldn’t leave you here all alone, yeah?” The black feline, struggled to speak, his voice wavered. 
     “Come here..sit down.” She gestured towards a chair with her good hand. 
     The black feline didn’t hesitate reaching for a chair and pulling it to her bedside. He took her hand to hold in his. Her hand was soft, despite what had happened to her. “Why didn’t you call Zuo here?” Iza couldn’t help but ask her. 
     The white feline took her hand back, bringing it to Iza’s face, “Why do you ask that Izzy? I haven’t seen you in so long, of course, this isn’t the way I wanted us to see each other again.”
     Iza leaned into her touch feeling her thumb caress his cheek. He averted his gaze, not wanting to look at the person he considered to be his mother. “I don’t know… I thought maybe because Zuo didn’t pick up or something.” The feline spoke, bringing his hand to his eyes to rub them starting to feel the sting of tears prick. “I know that too. Sorry I haven’t visited you lately.” 
     “Don’t apologize, it’s okay. I know you are busy with work, right? You and Zuo work together is what he told me. I just thought he was busy since the doctors told me he didn’t pick up his phone.” 
     The black feline’s ears turned to the side. He was the one that gave Zuo a job but how was he supposed to know that Aiko would have gotten injured?
      Aiko moved her hand upward to catch a tear. “Why are you crying, Izzy?”
     Iza didn’t say anything yet, taking a deep breath and exhaled a shaky sigh. “I- I just can’t stand to see you hurt like this, Mom.” 
     “That’s why you’re sitting right?” 
     “It was just an accident, don’t you think?” Aiko asked seeing how taken aback he was at her light joke. It was clear that Iza wasn’t expected such a light-hearted comment considering the situation. 
     “It wasn’t. It wasn’t an accident. They hit you and drove off, Mom.” Iza spoke, the tears escaping and running down. Taking her hand to hold it in both hands, his grip tightened at the thought of those people hurting Aiko. He wanted to make them pay for what they did. He didn’t care if it wasn’t what Aiko would want. He didn’t care if the people that hit her were some stupid teenagers that weren’t paying attention. All he cared about was keeping his mother safe.
     Aiko frowned. She knew it wasn’t an accident. She knew that they must have been drunk or blind if they were driving so recklessly. Feeling Iza’s grip on her hand, she carefully leaned forward to bump her forehead onto his. “I know, dear, but please don’t hurt them.”
     Iza flinched at her words. It was as if she knew what he was thinking. He pulled away and held her hand with one hand, while the other was brought to his face to fight the tears from falling. “But why. Why would you want them to get away with what they had done to you?” 
     The white feline, gave a soft smile and returned to pressing her back against the bedding. “Because there is so much hate in this world, Izzy. I can see it in your eyes that you hold a lot of hurt and hatred, but sometimes things happen and you can’t change it like me being in this hospital right now.”
     He listened, but he didn’t like what he heard. 
     “Sometimes some things don’t need a reaction. Sometimes it’s better to let it go. Would you hold onto a rope that is burning your hand?”
     Iza shook his head no. “But what about Zuo? He would go after those people.” 
     Aiko gave a soft laugh, “Ah.. that’s why he has you doesn’t he?” 
     The black feline’s ears laid back again. “No.. we aren’t together anymore.”
     The white feline tilted her head. “What? How come?”
     “We decided it would just be better if we were apart. Something about differences.” Iza was vague about it, not wanting to worry Aiko. “But we still work together. You know?” He gave a soft laugh, one that hurt. 
     Aiko frowned, “I thought you two were so cute together. The little fights but then how you two held each other close. It was a good match.” 
     Iza felt his heart drop again at her words. He would be lying if he didn’t miss being with Zuo but he couldn’t bring himself to stay with him. The feline didn’t want to change him into something he wasn’t. He already had before and he realized his mistake. He created something that wasn’t the man he loved. “Ah-ahh yeah, you know, sometimes love doesn’t work out.” 
     “What about your friends? Did you get some, Sweetie?” She asked and took her hand to bring it to Iza’s ears lighting petting and tugging at his ear. Aiko hoped Iza made some friends. Last time she had seen the black feline was almost a year ago and knew that he and Zuo lived together, though she had never heard of any friends he might of had.
     The younger feline gave a light laugh before taking his ear back, flicking it. Friends? A few came to mind. Saya, Ryan, Luke, Orpheus, Nobu, Rook… By extension did that include Grimm? He thought about it for a moment. Honestly, Iza wasn’t sure if any of them were his friends. They were people he spent time with and enjoyed being around. 
     Of course they were his friends. What was he thinking? 
     “Ah… yeah I got some.” 
     “Oh that’s great to hear. I was afraid that you were all alone.” 
     Iza looked down again. “It’s just…”
     His trailed off words made Aiko’s ears perk up. 
     “I had a fight with one of them and I don’t...really know how to apologize. They were really angry with me.”
     Aiko gave a hum, “Well, that’s no good is it?”
     Iza shook his head, starting to tear up again. 
     “Hmm… I think you should just go see them and really say sorry to their face. Most people like it face to face, right?”
     The black feline gave a shaky sigh, “Y-yeah.. But I don’t think he wants to see my face ever again. I said horrible things to him.”
     Aiko frowned, “If you really care about them you would say sorry, right? You should keep your friends close. It’s lonely in this world, Izzy. Sometimes all you can really have in the end is the people that care about you.”
     “But I think I pushed him to the point where he doesn’t care anymore. He only cared because his girlfriend is a close friend of mine.”
     The white feline nodded giving a hum. “I was in a situation like this before.” She said taking her hand back, putting it to her mouth. 
     Iza simply watched her, wondering what she had done in that kind of situation. When she was quiet for too long Iza spoke up, “What did you do?”
     Aiko places her hand on her leg, “The obviously thing, Hun. I went to them and apologized. I put my heart into it.” 
     The younger feline made a face, one that Aiko has to laugh at, “Ooh, Dear. You really don’t apologize to people, do you?” 
     “Why should I apologize when it was their fault? He was the one egging the other guy on and kept picking a fight with them.” Iza huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. 
     Aiko sighed, she forgot how childish Iza was. She remembered the fights he and Zuo would have and often she would tell him to simply apologize and Zuo would get over it. Of course, Iza was the reluctant type but also the type that would cry over a bruised feeling that he would hold onto. “Does it really matter? Please, Izzy, if you won’t do it for him, can you do it for me? I don’t want you to be all alone because you didn’t want to let people help you or because you didn’t want to let them love you. I know you’re hurt deeply but we need people. I’m sure you know that, Dear, but it’s not a curse or something to hate. It’s good to be with people even if they can be horrible things. I just want you to be happy.” 
     Iza listened to her. She was right. It didn’t matter in the end; though, he was going to do it for his mother. Not for Grimm or because Saya wanted them to get along even if she explained that it shouldn’t be up to her to correct it. Iza knew that Saya could never be whole if he kept up this one sided feud. Perhaps he was bored, had no more excitement in his life if he picked wanted to keep this one sided hate. He knew Grimm didn’t care anymore, so why should he? 
     Did it even matter if Grimm accepted the apology? Iza mused that it didn’t as long as he apologized and meant it. As much as he hated to admit, his mother was right. They needed people because without them they, they wouldn’t be who they are but perhaps that was an innocent mentality. Iza knew the whole truth. His kin were less than humans in the eyes of some people.
     Iza looked at Aiko with soft eyes, a sadness behind them, a soft smile, hiding how he felt. “I know, it’s just… hard sometimes after all that I have been through. I just fear that they would just want to use me and then take over my body because I’m free. It’s hard for me to trust people, Mom.”
     “We aren’t free Izzy. You know we will never be. At least, in my life time we won’t ever be a free people, but don’t let that fear hold you back, Sweetheart. Use it and turn it into something for the greater good.” Aiko explain further, to which Iza nodded and looked at the time.
     He stood up, “I’m sorry I had to cut this short, but I’ll come see you again soon, okay?” Iza said reaching for her hand to press a kiss on her knuckles.
     “I’ll be waiting then, don’t leave me waiting too long you hear?” She spoke watching Iza leave. He simply waved her off, but Aiko felt better. At least she had gotten to see one of her kittens, even if Iza wasn’t her child.
     It was almost as if a light had be shown. Iza knew what he had to do and with the advice from his adoptive mother in mind he was going to do it, though he disobeyed. 
     He returned home with revenge in mind. Iza wasn’t as kind as Aiko. Iza wasn’t soft or gentle towards people. Iza wasn’t one to let himself get pushed around anymore. No, Iza didn’t always listen, finding that he belonged in the dark, underground and hidden, especially his emotions that would bottle up too much before exploding, and today his emotions had reached a breaking point. He was on his laptop searching for when his mother had gotten hit and once he had, he traced the license plate and would make sure the same happened to them. 
     It was an easy stunt and within the week karma had been returned. 
     Ah, Iza knew karma would come for him next, teach him another lesson but he didn’t care. Everything that had happened to him wouldn’t be any worse than what karma would do to him. Karma was a joke after all. Iza gave himself bad luck, yet always found himself to be lucky. 
     His only problem now was to apologize. 
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airis-paris14 · 6 years
Miss Me Not 2
Summary: you graduate with your masters soon, and our boyfriend is plotting how to get you to Wakanda.
Warning: fluff!, T’Challa fluff!, T’Challa x black! OC.
A/N: This it for this story. Hope you enjoy! The next chapter of Take a Break should be up soon!
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“Alisha Renee Davidson, step away from my dress!” you yelled over your shoulder as your friend inched her way to the Nordstrom suit bag. “Queenie, you’ve got to let me see at some point,” she sighed. “It’s been a week! Neither of us has ever purchased anything from Nordstrom that wasn’t on clearance. I wanna see.” She whined.
“You’ll see the dress when I put it on,” you explained cleaning the eyeshadow fallout from under your eyes. “It’s not that spectacular anyway,” you shrugged. Alisha turned and raised a perfectly threaded eyebrow, “Sis, have you ever owned a $400 dress before?” You bit your lip to contain your smile. You shook your head in response to her question. “Have you ever so much as touched a $400 dress?” she added moving to sit on the desk beside you. You shook your head no. “Then it is a big fucking deal!” the woman exclaimed. You burst into laughter and stood up from the desk. “I’m going to get changed,” you laughed grabbing the bag and walking into the bathroom. You unzipped the suit bag and ran your hands over the dress once more. You quickly shimmied into the white ensemble. Poking your head out of the bathroom, you called out to Alisha, “Hey, can you zip this for me?” you gingerly stepped out from behind the door as she broke into a grin. “I mean- damn- I gotta give loverboy credit. He sho’ know how to pick ‘em.” she smiled while pulling the zipper up.
“Me or the dress,” you smiled, turning to fiddle with the dress in the mirror. ”You. The dress is a reflection of the girl in the mirror. Have some confidence Queenie. You snagged a whole prince .” Your eyes filled with tears and you hugged your best friend. ”I'm gonna miss you Li.” she hugged you back, tears welling in her eyes too. ”No crying yet, ” she smiled dabbing at tears, ”We didn't spend your dress money on makeup for nothing.”
”You still gonna pay half of that, ” you laughed. ”Of course. Catch me when them graduation checks roll in, ” she pointed. You grabbed the mortarboard off your bed and handed them to Alisha to pin on over your twist out. Once she was done you switched places and you pinned hers onto her new wig. You both applied your final touches before standing side by side in the mirror. ” I still can't believe you convinced me to do this, ” you laughed staring at the top of your mortarboards.
”It’s cute and all the girls are doing it together.” Alisha smiled ”we better go. The girls want to meet up beforehand.” You double checked your outfit once more, then walked across the quiet campus to the athlete's entrance to the stadium. A scream erupted as you both turned the corner. ”OKAY LADIES NOW LET'S GET IN FORMATION!” your whole friend group began to sing as you walked towards each other. ”PROVE TO ME YOU GOT SOME COORDINATION!”
Everyone broke into your freshman dorm steps. When the time came everyone ran to the center, but you and Alisha were ready. ”Monroe girls best in the world! He parted the sea when he made me!” you high fived once the laughter subsided. ”Y'all know y'all ain't right, ” Zaria laughed pulling you into a hug. ”How?” You smiled, ” don't be mad cause Monroe girls do it best.”
”Y'all stupid, ” D’Aja laughed pulling you in for a hug. Texra and Cha’relle were next to hug you. ”Where’s Zulema,Charlie, and Nora?” you asked quickly scanning the group. Zulema and Nora had to go escort the speaker, and Charlie has never been early a day in her life.” Texra smiled, as teachers began escorting students into line. “I guess I’ll see y’all when the deed is done.” Cha’relle smiled as they begin calling for her school. “You make it sound like we are gonna kill someone,” Texra joked. “Who’s to say I haven’t already? I hope y’all negroes keep secrets,” she called over her shoulder before disappearing in line. “She’s joking right.” You asked as the rest of the group begin slipping on their gowns. You pulled your gown over your shoulders as the others shrugged. “Who knows? Jason could be laying in a ditch somewhere for all we know,” Texra joked as her school was called. “I’ll see y'all afterward.” she hugged you both once more. D’Aja followed suit and soon, you parted with Alisha as well. You fell into place with the rest of your classmates as you began the procession into the stadium. The roar of the crowd was the first thing to hit your ears as you processed behind the undergrads.
Your phone dinged in your hand as you recorded the scene all around you. “Isn’t that loverboy’s family. 9:00 o’clock. You glanced in the direction indicated by Alisha and spotted Ramonda Shuri and Okoye seated in the crowd. You broke out into a smile as you noticed your parents sitting with them. You opened the friend group chat in your phone and sent out a quick message. “Y’all. I’m gonna cry.” the replies were instantaneous as you all took your various seats located in close proximity to each other. “What happened?” “Why” “No. sis, this mascara is too expensive.” “Why didn’t you buy waterproof?” “Does it really matter?” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.” “T’Challa’s family is here.” “Aww.baby girl.” “Bitchhh, they love you.” “Oop, a wedding on the way.”
You put your phone away as the graduation got underway. Soon enough, the moment you had all been waiting for had arrived. The graduate students were called to the stage one by one to receive their diplomas. Twenty minutes later, Elise Carter began her walk across the stage. Your heartbeat rapidly in your chest as you wiped your palms once more on the front of your gown. You adjusted your cords and stole once more. ”Iza Chattman, ” the announcer called out, “Your breath caught in your throat as you began your procession across the stage. Master of Arts in African and African American Studies,” You saw your friends on their feet cheering along with your family. You stood in the center of the stage awaiting your hood. Your heard more people erupt in screams. Your friends screamed from the crowd, along with undergrad students. Confusion settled onto your face as people began to point behind you. You turned slowly to find T’Challa dressed in his royal regalia, kneeling before you on the floor.
Tears welled in your eyes as realization sunk in. you began to nod yes vigorously. T’Challa laughed before being handed a microphone. “Iza. Ever since my eyes landed on you six years ago. On this very campus. I have never been able to get you out of my head. You are in everything I do, and everything I encounter. Every time I see something or try something new. My first thought is always of you. Whether you would like it? How you would feel? And lately, I find myself making life decisions with you in mind. That’s when I realized. I never saw any part of the rest of forever without you. When I’m with you I feel normal. I feel loved and cared for. I feel like I can be myself with you. You have been my sunshine and my confidant for years now, and I want to make it official. I know the future for us is uncertain, and scary. And your life is going to change in so many different ways. But even as I stand here now, I am in awe of you and all you’ve done. And I’m more than confident that you can and will rule by my side. With intelligence, poise, wisdom, and grace. That is why I kneel here before you to ask,” The prince briefly dropped your hand to pull a black box out of his pocket. “If you Iza Marie Chattman. Will marry me, T’Challa Udaku Prince of Wakanda.” he flipped open the black box and a large diamond ring unveiled itself. Tears poured openly out of your eyes, “Yes, a million times yes!” you smiled through your tears. He stood and slipped the ring on your finger. The crowd erupted in cheers as you pulled him into a kiss. Phones everywhere flashed as you both stood gazing at each other on the stage.
Once the president calmed everyone down, she offered her congratulations in return and after one final kiss, you headed off the stage. You ventured back to your seat with frequent congratulations and hugs. Once all the master's degrees were conferred, the graduate students were led out before the undergraduate students began their walks. As soon as you exited the stadium, your friends bum rushed you from all sides. “Bitchhhh, who was right?” Texra yelled once she caught up with you in the crowd. You pulled her in for a hug as your other friends began to scream once they spotted you in the crowd. “Izaaa!!!!! Girl, you snagged him. You snagged a mutherfucking prince sis! When’s the wedding?” Zulema sang as she hugged you.
“Girl, she just got engaged a like 45 minutes ago,” Charlie smiled hugging you too. “But,” Alisha interrupted, “The real question is. Who is the maid of honor?” Alisha pointed. “Now. Y'all all know it’s me,” Zulema pointed. “Now I know you a bold-faced lie,” Texra interjected as the other began to argue.
“Damn, can't I just enjoy being engaged first?” you shook your head as Alisha moved to stand beside you. ”It's me right, ”Alisha asked. ”You already know, ” you smirked. ”Now I remember sending my baby off to college to become a historian. Not a queen, ” a deep voice rumbled. ”Daddy, ” you smiled at your father. He wrapped you in a warm hug. ”Princess, ”you corrected. ”the queen is standing behind you.”
Ramonda smiled as you walked over to give her a hug. ” I am so proud of you. I am sorry T’Chaka could not be here as well, ” she smiled. ”you all being here is more than I could have hoped for.” you replied as you set your eyes on Shuri. ”and my little sister made time to come see me as well, ” you teased as Shuri opened her arms for a hug. ”well someone had to make sure the boy actually proposed.” she laughed. ”I would not have missed it for the world” she added quietly.
”General, ” you smiled at the woman. ”we are all so proud of you Sister Iza, ” she smiled. ”Thank you.” you're turned to face your mom. ”Mama.” you cried as you rushed into her arms. ”since when does your mama come last on the list of people you greet?” you squeezed her tighter and laughed into her shoulder. ”I'm so proud of you busy bee, you've grown into an amazing young woman.” you wiped a tear from under her eye.
”Iza!” Alisha yelled, ”come one so we can take this picture!” she waved you over. ”Shuri, can you take this photo?” she took your phone, ” gotcha, ” she smiled. You walked over to your friends, unzipping your gown along the way. ”wait who's the last person?” you asked. Your eyes scanning over the eight people present. ”oh I invited Issa to be in the picture.” Zulema explained. ”Issa?” Alisha questioned. ”as in our speaker Issa Rae?” Charlie exclaimed.
”Zulema, ” a new voice called, you all looked up to find Issa standing next to T’Challa. ”hey Issa, ” Zulema smiled. ”This is Iza, Charlie, D’Aja, Nora, Cha’relle, Zaria, Texra, and Alisha.” the black woman introduced. ”it's so nice to meet you all, ” Issa smiled. ”I hope you don't mind me intruding on your picture.” you smiled, ”No, it's no problem. Thank you for agreeing.”
Everyone lined up in a row and Shuri took a couple of pictures.
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”ok ok, just one question, ” Nora interrupted ”how many if y'all new that lover boy was a prince?” You, Alisha, and Issa, all raised your hands. ”when were y'all gonna enlighten the rest of us?” Nora huffed. ”to be fair, he is all over the news all the time, ” Alisha shrugged. You smuggled into T'challa's side. ” I mean, I had my first legal drinks at a bar, with a Prince, ” like is no one else a little in awe?” Nora exclaimed.
”Sis, Iza is about to marry him! That is awe!” Nora interjected. ” I just wanna know if I can still call you loverboy, ” Charlie asked. ” Of course, ” T'Challa smiled. ”please, I am the same T’Challa you all went to college with.” the prince explained. ”Except that you're about to marry Queenie and if you hurt her we’ll kill you.” All of your friends nodded with Charlie. “The Dora will be glad to assist you,” Okoye winked.
“Can I marry him before we discuss plans to kill him?” You teased. The large group began walking towards their cars. T’Challa squeezed yours in his. “So. Mrs. T’Challa Udaku is moving to Wakanda?” The prince teased. You stopped in your tracks. The prince was roughly jerked back. “T’Challa, look me in my eyes and tell me you didn’t do this just to get me to move to Wakanda.” Your voice eased out slowly. The prince’s eyes widened in horror. The implications of his words sinking in. Ramonda quickly dragged Shuri off and everyone else scattered to their respective cars. Charlie eying T’Challa the whole way.
“No, oh entle no! I’ve been planning this since you first asked me to attend your graduation. I have known I’ve wanted to marry you. I’ve been ready for a while now, but I wanted it to be special,” he quickly explained. You visibly relaxed,” oh,” you replied. You both began walking back to the car. “So what changed eh?” The prince question as he walked to open your car door. “What do you mean?”
“Well you know marrying me means you are moving to Wakanda right?” He paused. “Yes.” You laughed. The prince turned to face you. “A few weeks ago, you were very unsure about moving to Wakanda. Now you want to marry me.”
“T’Challa, do you not want me to marry you?” You turned to face the prince in the interior of his car. “Yes, Yes I do! But I just want to know your train of thought.” You sighed turning to T’Challa, “T’Challa. What made you know, despite all my uncertainty, that I would say yes?” The prince stopped to think. “One, I prayed to Bast that I got lucky,” he cracked a grin. He reached for your hand, “and security. You like security. Knowing what’s going to happen.”
“There’s your answer your highness. I always knew we were in this thing forever. But with you as a public figure, an engagement makes that forever known to everyone around us. To the world. That gives me the societal security I needed to make this move. With you. As long as you are a constant in my life, I can’t anything else the world throws at us. Cause, it will always be me and you vs. the world. And that’s enough for me.” The prince smiled before pulling you in for a soft kiss. He pulled the seatbelt over his chest before pulling smoothly out of the parking lot. As you drove past your dorm he smiled. “How about tomorrow, once we get everything out of your dorm. We take a piggyback ride around campus. I’ve never had a piggyback ride before.”
“Who says that you’ll be getting one, shouldn’t the husband carry his wife around?” You teased. “I think the homeowner should be carried around.” T’Challa rebutted. “So I should be carrying your father around?” You teased. “You know what, never mind.” The prince frowned.
T’Challa made a turn as comfortable silence enveloped the Lexus. “So what is our first order of business in Wakanda?” You questioned. “Choosing a Royal House to live in. So I can wake up your beautiful face each morning. Sunlight reflecting off that beautiful brown skin. Watching your face as I take you over and over and over….”
T’Challa!” You exclaimed as he pulled into the restaurant. “I love you,” You followed him out of the car. “I love you too entle,” he grinned. Kissing the large diamond on your finger.
Taglist: @writingmarvellousimagines @leahnicole1219 @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites
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n3rdybird · 6 years
Let’s be lonely together.
James “Bucky” Barnes x Reader
Takes place post Winter Soldier when Bucky is laying low in Europe/Romania. Written for @izawrites 6k follower challenge, using the prompt “Let’s be lonely together.”  Hope you enjoy and congrats to Iza for her follower milestone.  Follow her for some excellent writing.
"Let's be lonely together." Bucky Barnes x Reader Written for Izawrites 6k follower challenge
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The first time your eyes met, it was just a brief second.  You were two cocktails into your evening.  You sat at the bar alone, sipping your drink and letting your eyes wash over the other patrons.  It was a fairly quiet place, a few boisterous groups, but for the most part, everyone seemed to be talking quietly.  When you saw him, sitting alone, you felt a bit better that you weren't the only one drinking solo.
Your friends had bailed on you, leaving you to travel by yourself.  It had been a "long time planning, never seemed it was gonna happen" trip.  After college, when you all started your different post graduate lives, your friends and you had made a pact.  To keep in touch, and that in five years, you all would go on a trip abroad.  The trip you all dreamed about, but being broke college kids, could never afford.
And you all stuck to the pact.  For the most part.  Weekly conversations had turned to monthly check-ins.  Lunch dates and girl's nights seemed few and far between, and even the one's that had everyone's RSVP sometimes got cancelled due to family or work priorities.  You had tried your best to keep everyone together, to be the one to initiate plans, being the one to call rather than wait for them to call you.
This trip was supposed to change all that.  Planning was going well, everyone seemed onboard, sharing ideas for excursions or pinning restaurants that had to be tried.  It was going to be a reunion trip to remember.  But as time went by, your friends began to waffle.  Saying they weren't sure if it was a good time, or that their bosses may not allow for time off.
So when you were the only one boarding the flight, you knew in your heart, that it would never be the same again.
Although bummed, you decided that the trip was going to be all about you.  One of those cheesy life changing Lifetime-movie types of trips.  You were gonna discover yourself and hidden passions, maybe have a whirlwind romance.  You took in museums and architecture and ruins.  You sipped ridiculously complicated coffee orders and people watched.  You wandered down streets and backroads and took in gardens and parks.  It was great.  You did things on your schedule and didn't have to wait on anyone else or compromise about what you ate or what you did.
But now, two weeks later, travelers fatigue was setting in.  You were tired of seeing all these amazing things and not having anyone to share it with.  Discovering a shop you know one of your friends would love, and have them not be with you.  And if one more waiter gave you pitying look when you said table for one, you might have to hit someone.
So you found yourself scanning the bar for anyone to talk to.  You scanned the room again, when you noticed someone.  It might have been his blue eyes peaking out from under shaggy brown locks.  Or his impressive physique, even if it was slightly hidden due to his hunched shoulders.  It was the familiar loneliness you saw hanging over him like a cloud.  The same cloud that currently muddled your thoughts.
With a deep breath, you swiped your drink off the counter, the condensation making it a little difficult to hold onto the glass.  You slid between tables, maneuvering around the other patrons before coming to a stop in front of his table.
"Can I sit here?" you blurted out.
The man froze, as if he was surprised you even spoke to him.  He looked away, gripping his drink tightly.  You chewed your lip.  Obviously your plan wasn't a good one, and you nodded your head in apology.  For all you knew, he didn't understand English, and he had no idea what you were saying.
"I'm sorry to bother you, I'll just-" and you motioned back to the bar as you turned away.  His arm shot out, and he touched your elbow gently.  When you looked at him, he seemed to be staring at his own hand in shock.  As if his hand reached for you without his knowledge.
"Why?" he questioned softly, though he may have been asking himself and not you.  You had barely heard him over the din of the bar.  You cleared your throat, setting your drink down.
"Why what?"
"Why do you want to sit here?" he asked, keeping his eyes on you warily. You let out sigh and sat across from him, pulling your drink to your lips.  You swallowed a mouthful and tried not to stare directly at him.
"I'm gonna just say it.  I'm lonely and probably about this close," you started, putting your thumb and index finger about an inch apart. "This close, to drinking myself into oblivion. And you... you seemed lonely too. And I figured," you said, swirling the ice in your drink.
"Why not come sit with you.  Let's be lonely together," you explained, finishing your drink, and waving down a waitress to bring you another drink.
"If you don't want the company, you can just walk away.  Or I can just sit here and be quiet.  But let me just share one drink with you.  Let me pretend for a few minutes."
His gaze was still wary, and he stared at you for a few moments, not saying anything.  Finally, he threw his head back and let out a short laugh.
"So I look lonely huh? Is it that obvious?"
You shrugged, giving him a wry smile.
"It's not a bad thing, per say, but I guess it takes one to know one." The waitress reappeared with a new drink for you and a fresh beer for your new friend.
"And why would young gal like be lonely? You're obviously on vacation."
"You're right.  I should be having the time of my life.  It's my dream vacation.  But the why is a long and very boring story.  Much too long of a story for one drink," you said, waving off his question.
He seemed to take your answer as is, and nodded.
"So what shall two lonely people talk about then?"
You pursed your lips as you wracked your brain for anything to talk about.
"If you were stuck on a deserted island with a beautiful woman," you paused taking in his expression. "Or man, no judgement.  Would you rather their top half be fish? Or their bottom half?"
His laughter rang out at your weird question, and you felt a real smile come to your face.
Over the next few hours, it was like a dam had spilled and all you could do was talk.  You relished in even the silliest conversations, and your drinking partner was a saint for putting up with you.  Eventually your reason for loneliness had come out, how you felt left behind and stagnant in your life.
"I don't blame them.  They all have lives," you explained. "Families, great jobs, 10 year goals, mortgages.  The plan was for all of us to have fun, to recharge, get away from everyday life.  But the only one who needed this trip, was me."
You blinked rapidly, not wanting your eyes to betray you and start sending tears down your cheek.  You looked at him, and he gazed back, your feelings reflecting in his eyes.  You shrugged, throwing up an "I'm fine, whatever" smile.
"No wonder they ditched me. I've been awful, just laying all this shit on you.  And you've said barely a word of your own life.  I'm a self-centered asshole, and I apologize.  So tell me stranger, do you regularly allow trainwrecks to park themselves at your table, or is this a first time thing? Cause you're doing great." 
Your propped your chin on your hand and nearly headbutted the table when your elbow slipped off the table. He snorted into his beer as you resituated your arm and again took on the appearance of an enraptured listener.
"Maybe another time doll, you look about ready to pass out," he said, the endearment slipping off his tongue easily.  He slid out of his side of the booth and helped you to your feet.  You tucked some money under an empty glass, covering both yours and your stranger's drinks.  When he tried to argue, you silenced him, telling him to consider it as his therapist's fee for listening to you ramble all night.
As you made your way into the crisp late night or extremely early morning air, you paused while sliding into your sweater.
"Did you mean what you said?" you asked.  When he looked at you quizzically, you clarified.
"I asked you about your reason, and you said another time.  Did you mean it?  I don't even know your name, but-" you stopped and plucked up the courage to continue.
"But I'd like to see you again.  If that's possible."
If you thought he was handsome before, the soft smile he gave made him beyond drop dead gorgeous.  He pushed his hair away from his face, fidgeting a little.  He held out his hand to you, hesitantly.  When you took it, his warm hand clasped yours gently.
"James.  My name is James."
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tzaya · 7 years
May 4 - PART 19
Author: tzaya Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya, Shinra&Izaya Rating: G Parts: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Words: 1,481 Summary: “It’s for his birthday, so I hope you’ll take part.” Shinra had his gaze fixated on the retreating figure of his friend, making sure no crimson eyes were watching and it never crossed his mind that this step he was taking, improvising a mere party into this scheme he brought up from nowhere would lash Izaya right about his brittle heart. He pushed his black-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose, lips curling into a smile as he finally turned to face the crowd encircling him. “Don’t you want to let him have a taste of his own medicine?” (RaijinDays) Chapter Summary: Shizuo was complex in the way he was too simple.
“Now I have an excuse.”
Izaya was the first to break the silence, the pad of his finger brushing across his injured lips; they felt chapped, with a bit of dried blood stuck to them. His body felt fatigued, and every part ached but he had to put on an act of nonchalant in front of Shizuo. He couldn’t risk Shizuo (who was now walking alongside him) curling up into a ball and shut him out again. They’d end up being in that alleyway until tomorrow if Izaya hadn’t succeeded in coaxing Shizuo to leave, especially before Haruhi wakes up.
“To meet Shinra,” he continued when Shizuo looked puzzled.
“Can you go like that?”
Shizuo noticed the pain he was in despite his attempt to hide it. Well— that was probably because of the grimace on his face and the fact that he was dragging his leg across the ground as he walked. The rocky road sent pain shooting up his body every time he crunched the rocks under the sole of his shoes. It made him wonder if he should ask Shizuo to set the bone back in place, although that could attract attention to them since he was sure he’d end up letting out a scream. It’d be amusing to see Shizuo being accused of assault. That he couldn’t deny.
“Do you want to carry me?”
He could see that Shizuo was definitely considering it, to Izaya’s surprise.
“I was just kidding!” Izaya chortled, but his steps came to a halt anyway, “Is Shizu-chan feeling that bad? He’d never felt such remorse before.”
“I’ll carry you.”
“Here, just get on.”
He could never understand Shizuo. What goes through his mind—what he feels when he’s faced by complicated issues. Shizuo was complex in the way that he was too simple. Once Izaya thought he had Shizuo all figured out, Shizuo would just surprise him with an unexpected move. He could predict what others might do, but not Shizuo, despite the said others also being simple-minded.
Heh, the only difference is that he’s a beast, he thought as he climbed onto Shizuo’s back; arms circled around Shizuo’s necks.
“I can’t believe I’m on a monster’s back! Scary!”
“Stop calling me that.”
It was odd to be this close to Shizuo, to the point where their bodies were pressed up against each other, putting aside the rooftop moment evening earlier, which by the way, he’d like to forget.
“Don’t make me drop you,” Shizuo warned him further.
“Then what is the point of Shizu-chan carrying me? I’m like a sheep being sent to the wolf’s home, anyway.”
“Shinra’s not that bad.”
“Ah, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re right,” Izaya let out a huff, running a hand through his hair, which felt stickier than he thought. Was his head bleeding? He didn’t even notice, “What about me, Shizu-chan? I’m not that bad either, right?”
Hazel eyes stared back at him, and Izaya never noticed how the light made them appear gold, only then he had the time to actually scrutinize Shizuo’s facial features— like the 5 o’clock shadow he had and the small scratch at the temple of his head, probably from Izaya’s own nails when he attempted to freed himself from Shizuo’s chokehold earlier.
“Yeah, today.”
The answer brought him out of his stupor, causing him to be aware of how his fingertips almost grazed the defined jawline of the other that his gaze fell on before it trailed back up to Shizuo’s eyes once he realized what he was doing.
“Only today?” he asked Shizuo, fingers retreating to rest against his own cheek in a casual manner.
“But only about 50%.”
His nose scrunched up, Izaya leaned back as another huff slipped past his lips, hands now holding on to Shizuo’s shoulders for support.
“How awful, Shizu-chan, to be biased towards Shinra but not me. After all, I’ve been keeping you company for the whole day.”
“Heh,” Shizuo decided against saying anything, only allowing himself to let out something akin to a half suppressed laugh; uncaring of how it ended up with Izaya pestering him, asking if Shizuo really did find his joke funny for once.
“Iza-nii… Shizuo-san…” (Iza-nii is on Shizuo-san’s back?)
“There you are!”
The sight before him rendered him speechless. He hadn’t even realized that they already reached their destination, the place he dreaded the most— or to be more exact, Shinra’s apartment. Mairu and Kururi were there, with Kadota who exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing them still in one piece (despite Izaya being on Shizuo’s back, he was more glad to see all the limbs were still in-tact and Izaya was still breathing). It seemed like Shizuo had notified them. Why else would they be down here instead of partying back in Shinra’s place, like he’d imagined them do even if the birthday boy wasn’t there.
“Where have you been? You’re always late!” Mairu stomped her foot on the ground, much like she did this morning. It almost made him smile, if he didn’t know they were in on the plan as well.
“Miss…” (We missed you.)
Kururi was the first to take a step ahead and touch him, nimble fingers reaching out to tug at the pant leg of his black jeans, as she was too short to hold his hand.
“Happy birthday to me, eh?” Izaya tipped his head to the side, eyes forming crescents when he breathed out a gleeful laugh.
“I’m sorry, Izaya. It wasn’t supposed to be like this and—”
“I know, Dotachin. I’ll accept another coffee as an apology.”
Kadota gave him a nod before flashing a smile. Truthfully, Kadota had always been good to him, which was why Izaya wasn’t sure at first if he was also the perpetrator of this chaos alongside Shinra, but he’d figured that Shinra couldn’t have done it all by himself. If it wasn’t Shizuo… who else was close to Shinra?
You should always expect the worse even from the kindest people.
“You got it. Tomorrow I’ll get you the latte one!”
“Why…?” (Iza-nii, why are you being carried?)
“Yeah! Kuru-nee’s right. You have legs, Iza-nii.”
“Mm? Shizu-chan was too rough with me.”
“Eeeeh? What was Iza-nii and Shizuo-san doing?”
“Yaoi…” (Yaoi things like in the magazines back at home?)
“Yao— Ouch!”
The hiss naturally came out with the punch to his nose. It felt like his nose was going to bleed, but Izaya was unfazed by it, his index finger and thumb rubbing the bridge of his nose while he chuckled, shaking his head, “Haha! Can you see this? The proof is laid out for everyone to see!”
“Stupid shit got into trouble ten hundred times.”
“Ten hundred times? Shizu-chan, I know you didn’t know how to count but— Ouch!”
“Confirmed…” (Confirmed, it was yaoi.)
“Iza-nii didn’t deny it! But ten hundred times? Kuru-nee, we need to consult those people who did the Guinness World Records! Shizuo-san should get an award!”
“What the hell is yaoi?” Shizuo’s brow arched in confusion.
“It’s what Shizuo-san always do with Iza-nii!”
“Right…” (That’s right.)
“Huh? Fighting, then?”
It only took a glance at Izaya’s smug face to know that that wasn’t the case, that it was something deeper than that. Shizuo racked his brain to see if he could remember seeing the word somewhere else before, since the Orihara siblings weren’t much of a help at giving him a definition of the word. What he could vaguely recall was Kasuka showing him something on the internet, claiming it was the craze among the girls at school, and on the images he pulled up was of two guys k—
“It’s not good to curse in front of children, Shizu-chan.”
“Do you want to go home?”
Kadota, who’d been watching the little banter from the side, asked. It did worry him a little to see all the injuries on Izaya’s fair skin. Those would take a while to heal, and judging from the last time he saw Izaya (Izaya was still free from scars then), he probably got them all after school ended. Had Izaya even rested before coming here?
“Home…” (Home would be nice.)
“But we haven’t eaten any cake!” Mairu frowned at her sister’s reply before turning to look at Izaya again, “Do you really want to go home, Iza-nii?”
There was still blood on the blade when he brandished his knife out in the public, flipping it open with a flick of his wrist; crimson gaze trailing from the presences before him to the windows which were opened (he recognized it as Shinra’s), curtains slightly flying to and fro due to the breeze. He was sure some red got to his chin as he casually rested it on the blade, lips jutting out as though he was contemplating.
“Go home? The fun has just started.”
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nyanzaya · 6 years
It’s true after all.
@uncuredwrath Izabel drabble because feelings hurt me a lot.
(🐈) Iza loved Ringabel.
More than he thought he would when he met the man who had followed him to his hotel room, didn’t expect to end up with someone like him. 
How could he love someone as free-spirited as him? How could he had fallen in love at first sight? Was it the look in his beautiful blue eyes, the kind that said he wanted him? That smile only a person in love would give? 
It was true: Iza loves Ringabel.
Underneath it all, there was a spike of jealously, almost one of possessiveness. 
It was true: Iza had a hard time letting Ringabel leave to explore the world to find himself.  
Underneath it all, there was a spike of worry, almost afraid he would never return. 
How much did they have in common again? How much did Iza actually know about Ringabel? Was it even love that he felt? He shouldn’t question something like that. It was unfaithful! It was... was it betrayal to Ringabel? 
Ringabel was on the other end of the phone, “Ja! Ich habe eine gute Zeit hier. Dank, dass du mir mehr Deusch begebracht hast.” (Yeah, I have a good time here. Thank you for teaching me more German.)
He sounded ecstatic, happy even, thrilled to be in Germany and was enjoying the culture. 
Iza was quiet for a moment, “Das ist gute, leibe.” (That’s good, love.) Truthfully, Iza was happy that Ringabel was happy. 
Ringabel easily picked up on Iza’s tone, should he question it? He spoke in Japanese this time, “What’s wrong? You don’t sound so good today.”
The sudden change in language almost caught Iza off guard; though, that was a ruse, what truly caught him off guard was Ringabel’s question. “Huh?”
“You just... I don’t know. Should I come back? Are you okay?”
Oh, he was worried.
Why was he worried again? 
“N-no, you shouldn’t back to come back so soon! You are having fun in Europe right now. You shouldn’t let me get you worried or upset.” Iza spoke, sounding confident, but if Ringabel could see him he would know Iza was upset.
The Casanova was quiet, as if taking in the information before making a decision. “I’m always worried about you, Kitten. You know that right? Especially when I’m far away from you I just can’t help but think about you all the time.” 
Iza knew it. Knew he would say that. Ringabel always seemed to know if something was wrong with him, then again, Iza did call him in the early hours of Europe waking up, while it was late at night for him. The feline took a deep breath, and exhaled a shaky sigh.
“Are you crying, Dear?” 
On the other end, Ringabel could tell, could hear the soft purring and the sniffles. He didn’t like when his kitten got upset. It wasn’t hard for him to tell that Iza was crying, and he wished he could hold him close right now. He offered a smile Iza couldn’t see. 
“I’m sorry... I just- you were having such a good time and I ruined it because I’m crying and.. I...” Iza spoke through his sobbing, trailing off, thinking that maybe Ringabel didn’t want to know, didn’t want to deal with him right now.
It was quiet, the sounds of his love crying had brought tears to his own eyes. “Hey, don’t cry, just because we are far apart doesn’t mean I love you any less. You know you mean the moon and back to me. Anything you could ever want I would give to you.” Ringabel spoke, soft, assuring. He didn’t regret going to Europe, though he wished with all his heart that Iza had came with him. 
If Iza was here with him, he would hold him close, kiss his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, his tears away. Kiss him where ever it hurt, make him feel better, at least for that day. Ringabel couldn’t explain how, or why he had fallen for Iza. 
Was it the look in his beautiful garnet eyes that screamed for his attention? The way his tail flicked and swayed in the air, as if waving him to come closer? That mischievous smile? Ringabel didn’t know. 
It was true: Ringabel loved Iza.
The spoken words had struck at Iza’s heart. How could Ringabel still be so in love with him if he could pick and choose whoever he wanted in the world? How could Rngabel still love a murderous, animistic animal? Iza believed he wasn’t human, yet the way Ringabel would looked at him would make him think otherwise. Made him think, that maybe something about him was beautiful underneath the tattered clothing, the lies and his facade. 
Ringabel loves Iza.
“Whenever you leave I just get so afraid. So afraid that you will never come back even though you tell me you love me and there are so many other people that you could have but you picked me! Me! Of all the people in the world and-”
“It wasn’t a mistake. I love you, Iza.” 
There was a silence now. Ringabel had cut Iza off from speaking, unable to bear the words Iza was saying knowing that this was Iza’s irrationality getting the better of him. His paranoia overtaking his senses.
“There’s only you and me in this world. I wouldn’t give you up, even if you tell me to leave to never come back. My heart is yours, even if my eyes may wander I always come back do you don’t I, Kitten?” 
Iza listened to Ringabel’s words, and they were true. He always did come back. 
“Will you love me tomorrow? And the day after? And after that day too?” Iza asked.
Ringabel could tell that Iza had gotten happier, the way he sounded was playful. “Of course, today and forever on, I would love you til the day we part. As you say, love til we part, no?”
Hearing Iza laugh, despite it being a small laugh had lifted Ringabel’s spirits. He made Iza happy again.
“Me too. I think I’d love you even after we part. I wouldn’t- no couldn’t forget you.” 
Ringabel returned his own soft laugh, “From the day that I met you I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die.” 
“I'm yours, I miss you so much.. I love you so much.” 
“I miss you too, I love you more.”
It was true in the end: Iza loves Ringabel, and Ringabel loves Iza.
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