#sorry rant over i love being able to play my downloaded songs
trenchcroats · 6 months
I actually just found what seems like a really good music player app just now
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Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Yes!!!! I remember I teared up so much from that song.
Honestly mystic messenger is such a beautiful game! It helped me (ironically???) when I was struggling so much. I remember when I wrote my first HC in here, honestly I’d never thought I’d end up meeting so many amazing people! It’s truly beautiful how a piece of media can unite everyone and have people create amazing works of art and writing and music and everything!
I’m so glad you found the game, even if it’s late! It’s a great story, with lovable characters that even though it’s been like…omg 8?! EIGHT YEARS?!?!? (Hold on time related crisis happening rn)
Since it’s release, people still have a spot for them in their hearts!
Mystic messenger and this blog, really helped me start writing! And while I got a huge writers block and am now on different fandoms, it’s still a wonderful game that I’m glad people are still enjoying and playing! I feel so lucky for those who get to experience that wild rollercoaster for the first time!
I remember the alarms, the laughter from Seven or Jumin’s messages, the tears from the heart wrenching parts of the story, the confusion as to why the MC didn’t have eyes and why they didn’t leave WHEN THERE WAS A BOMB IN THE APARTMENT!
The gasps at the reveals, the plot twists! The way you would hear the music and immediately be teleported to that game, how the strings and piano would make you feel so much happiness and as if you were flying, only to then have the super dramatic music come and and BAM you feel your heart race and you keep worrying if your favorite character is going to be ok, and WHAT IS HAPPENING I THOUGHT THIS WAS A DATING GAME?!?
Getting to feel what the characters feel, feeling part of the story. Ironically though the game already has pre made choices you do feel as if it’s you or your character talking to them.
It’s been a few years since I’ve actually had MM in my phone. I actually remember the first time I downloaded it- it had just come out, and my dumbass thought you could actually SPEAK to them?!? So I remember Zen calling and me going “hello..?” In a whisper since it was night and everyone else was sleeping lmao.
I remember how I’d take full advantage of spring break and all those vacations from school to just grind the fuck out of those hourglasses to get to that Saeran route because by god I was dating that man.
I was pretty lucky bc I remember I did the Zen route first, didn’t even finish it 💀 uninstalled the game, and like a year later got in when they were celebrating a TON of stuff, I don’t remember exactly what it was but I got a lot of hourglasses and immediately went to date Seven lol.
Doing his as your official first route is….💀💀💀💀
And it’s funny to see how over the years my faves have changed. (I used to have Seven as my #1 until I went the Julian route and OMG THAT MAN I’m sorry Seven I love you so much but…JUMIN HAN)
Anyway sorry for the long ass rant. Mystic messenger has such a special place in my heart, truly. It makes me remember how I got started writing- how through it i met so many lovely people- and while later due to personal reasons I wasn’t able to continue on the scene- I’m glad I got to experience some of it.
And there’s still people that make beautiful content of it! So don’t worry about joining now, feel free to read and see as many things of the fake as you want. Cry and laugh and enjoy everything about this wonderful and silly chat game and the incredible beautiful community it left behind!
Sorry for getting emotional haha, mystic messenger sure is something huh?
I’m a bit busy nowadays but every once in a while I get the urge to play it again haha. I have the ost saved in my study playlist and was in the middle of studying for a test when I hears Jumin’s night theme and the way I TEARED UP? Like I had to low key take a breather because omg I was transported back to those sleepless nights of giggling in my bed while flirting with a 2d man obsessed with his cat pfttt.
What’s funny is that every once in a while I want to install the game again and play it. Sadly I don’t have any time right now, but, I eventually want to have two weeks where I get to see my beautiful and wonderful husbands and wives again 🫶
Keep enjoying the content! I’m so happy you were able to find this precious gem, even in 2024! Play the heck out of it (tho please take a break after each route and keep hydrated or you’ll end up like Saeran 💀😭) !
You talking about thank you and goodnight reminded me of a series RosMo made about MM.
It’s interactive, after each video I believe you get a google doc and you have to figure some the YouTube links and get a goodbye message from the characters. If you want to cry and have a crack at it (if it’s too hard the comments help a lot I believe) you can see it here! Just be careful of spoilers for all the routes mkay!
Have fun on your Mysme journey! ❤️💜🩷🩵🧡🤍💚💛🤎🚀✨🐱☕️👾🎭📷🍵🧹
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apompkwrites · 3 years
reader impact || first meeting: archon edition
series masterlist characters: venti, zhongli genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i still don't know if this will be a series but last post would've been too long if i had all four in one
venti's playthrough -
hoo boy, venti's streams would be VERY chaotic.
this boy has nothing to tie him down except for his own mortality, but will that stop him? no.
lots of late night or early morning streams because his sleep schedule is practically nonexistent.
he does a lot of singing or storytelling streams, which is why the time is perfect.
he'll sing lullabies and read bedtime stories at night. in the morning, he'll sing soft songs to wake up his viewers and talk about the rare dreams he'd have once he passes out.
he'll also have drinking streams where he just drinks as much as he can. he's a drunkard, what can i say?
anyway, gaming is something he isn't opposed to, but mainly ones with music or just pure crackhead energy.
when his viewers suggest genshin impact, he'd be somewhat hesitant?
he needs games that are chaotic and filled with energy to keep his attention.
his mods and viewers, however, are able to convince him because of a certain drunken character.
as soon as he sees the non-spoiled description of your character, he's off to download.
he actually enjoys a lot of the adventure aspects of the game, even if he's known as a lazy streamer.
anyway, his viewers definitely should have warned him about your appearance.
they never told him you were such a cute character!
"don't be afraid. it's alright now, i'm back."
he shrieked when you started talking.
he gets sad when his character sets off dvalin...
you disappear and your dragon friend flies off... now venti's just sad he might've made you upset.
he's pouting the whole way through mondstadt, thinking of ways to make it up to you.
he doesn't care if you're a video game character, he loves you nonetheless.
and once dvalin shows up in mondstadt, he's genuinely excited. he knows your bound to appear again because your friend is here.
when you help venti fly behind dvalin, his chat is teasing him because of the grin on his face.
he's so soft for you, man...
he will spend hours just ranting about you when he's going through the domains with the standard characters.
when he finds the other statues in mondstadt, he likes to climb up it to admire your archon design.
even though he's known you for a few minutes, he will automatically recognize your face in the game.
he knows it's annoying but he can't help but ask his chat if he'll get to see you again soon. he really doesn't want to spend hours without hearing you and seeing you in game.
he likes to yell at paimon whenever she makes fun of you
he shrieks again when he sees you running past the fountain.
he almost cries when he sees you playing your lyre for the first time.
you're perfect in his eyes and all he wants is to spend every minute of this game with you.
although, he did have to take a break the first time he saw your archon form illustrated.
you just... look like an angel and his body can't handle that.
he loves listening to your tales. like the battle pass story that occurs every time it renews, he never skips it. soon, he'll memorize it and recite it with you once it appears.
"oh! i remember you two. you both scared dvalin away!"
please forgive him. he knows you won't because the game doesn't require it, but he decides to always call stormterror dvalin to make up for it.
"ah, right! i haven't introduced myself... i'm (name) the bard!"
please this boy is so smitten for a video game character.
when you're revealed to be the archon, he's not too surprised? i mean, he already recognized you from the statue.
he is so excited to steal the lyre for you.
it takes him a bit, though, just because he has a bad attention span and ends up revealing his location.
he's even more excited to learn you're a regular at diluc's tavern.
he would do anything to drink with you.
he'll reluctantly end the game there just because it's time for his bedtime songs/stories.
"i'll be back tomorrow, (name), my love! i promise!"
zhongli's playthrough -
zhongli's a really good streamer even when he doesn't try to be.
he is basically the king of just chatting streams.
daily tea times and storytime streams are a go!
his voice is what lures them in and his charm is what traps them there.
he's still poor, though...
he relies on the donations from his viewers but he always expresses his gratitude.
man's respectful, what can i say?
anyway, he does play games every now and then. he doesn't tend to enjoy fighting games though.
although, he's rather good at them... for some reason.
his gaming streams tend to be a lot longer because he picks games with an overarching story.
i'm talking long games like night in the woods, detroit: become human, really any long game with deep meanings and stories.
his viewers will pay for him to just sit there and read to them.
anyway, someone donates to him and recommends he play genshin impact because of the long story and hidden lore.
he definitely enjoyed the beginning of the story, but got even more attached once he reached liyue.
he seems very intrigued when he begins the quest by watching liyue's archon fall dead on the ground.
he would definitely go on a long rant about gods and goddesses that have fallen.
when he meets childe, he does take a liking to him.
now, this man is known for being stoic and serious, so it comes as a surprise when he almost loses his composure when you appear.
keyword being almost.
he manages to stay composed but his chat knows for a fact he's freaking out over you.
your fancy suit/dress reminds him of the anthropological tales of gods/goddesses and kings/queens.
let this man drink tea with you please--
"it is an honor to meet you. i have heard tell of you from mondstadt."
"... they have quite the pleasant voice."
his chat is going wild at this point.
they get to listen to two heavenly voices talk to each other at the same time?! it's a dream come true!
another man that will let your long lines of dialogue play, listening intently to the stories you tell his character.
he actually really likes the image of his character talking to you.
he's so short compared to you--
he also really likes your animation when you're standing still.
not your idle animations, even though those are really nice as well. i'm talking about the movement of your clothes when your character is standing there. it's just so... soothing to him.
the gradient of your hair color to your elemental gnosis is also a nice detail to him. he likes how there are subtle ways archons look compared to normal citizens in teyvat.
when he finds out you are also a person who struggles with money... oh boy, this man cannot relate more.
you both can be broke together.
he will look to his chat for help every time a bargaining option occurs.
similar to venti, he'd be able to tell you were an archon automatically, mainly because of the way you carry yourself and your design.
when you give away your gnosis, he was really interested in the fact that you were so dedicated to your title of the archon of contracts that you would just willingly give your gnosis away.
when he meets the adepti, his chat jokingly says that the yaksha is yours and his adopted child.
"... i would not be opposed to that idea."
all of the artists and writers in his chat are dying at this point.
he'd look up all of the lore, especially ones involving you, and use them for his storytime streams.
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noeliareads · 5 years
Penpals? Chapter 2
Chapter 2: 
November, 2017 
After about 2 weeks of preparation (waiting for a paycheck) Arizona had almost everything ready for her box. All she had to do was write the letter. 
*Dear Jinho, I don’t have words to express how grateful I am for everything you sent me. I actually feel bad because I don’t send as much. But here are a few of my favorite things from America. I really hope you like them. The SNSD mug? I use it everyday for my morning coffee. (she printed out a photo of the mug on her side table) The tea is incredible! Jinho, everything is incredible and I can’t thank you enough! 
By the way, how are you? How is South Korea? I hope you’re doing ok as well as your friends. I am ok, just a little bit stressed with school. Our final exams are in about a month and believe me I am not ready. Oh! I haven’t introduced myself. As you already know my name is Arizona, I am 20 years old and I am a music major in college. That’s something we have in common, music. I wanted to become a music major because I would love to be a music teacher in a university. I feel like my acquired skills would be exploited there. I really don’t know what to say about myself. My favorite colors are moss green and beige. I cannot write with normal ballpoint pens. I know. It’s weird. Fountain pens are a blessing and they are the best thing in the world.*
Bang Chan was in his room working on some mixtapes when he heard Jisung yell. 
“YA! We got a package for Bang Jinho. Who is Bang Jinho?”
Bang Chan threw his laptop on his bed and almost slipped on the wood floor, running to where Jisung was.   
“Nae goesida!” It’s mine! He said. He yanked the… box? A box? And ran to his room, locking the door behind him, leaning on it as if one of his band mates were to break it down. It has happened before... 
He clutched his chest regaining his breath. He took a seat on the floor and curiously examined the box, it had the typical shipping label. He didn’t spare a minute so he opened the box with his bare hands. Inside the box were a variety of American sweets. He found a mug with the american flag on it, post-its of the american flag… There were a lot of things with the american flag. Very.. touristy. Still, he thought it was cute. He saw a light blue envelope and grabbed it. It was time to read what she said. 
Dear Jinho…
*I have no siblings, sadly. I am an only child so I grew up alone sometimes. But that’s ok. I don’t mind being alone sometimes. I find comfort in being alone. Oh! I listened to the songs you sent me. Ok, let me gather my thoughts. 
Likey: It’s so catchy and I watched the video as well and now I can’t stop doing the hand movements from the beginning! My best friend Nick, laughs and teases me because I will do it without realizing it. I will have to check out more of Twice’s music, they seem very promising. 
You Are by Got7: I have heard of them but never got into their music yet. This was until you told me to listen to this song. I like this song. It’s has a beautiful melody. I like how it builds up and I didn’t expect the chorus to sound like that! I know kpop involves a lot of rapping but that “IT’S A BEAUTIFUL SKYYY” Dude. That buildup. Wow. 
Matryoshka: I don’t even know where to begin. Who are these people?? I mean, I downloaded Soundcloud because you mentioned it and I was blown away. They are amazing! The first rapper has such a chill flow. It’s like he’s not trying but it sounds good either way! The second one? He’s good, too good. And the third one? Oh Lord. I really hate you right now. Who the hell has that type of voice? I figured it was him who accentuated the MAAAAAAAATRYOSHKA. And wow, just wow. Thank you for showing me these amazing rappers. I have to look into them more! 
Lastly, Be Lazy. I have like 2 things to say. THE BASS. THE BASS. Thank you. I like them so much. THE BASS.*
The letter was two pages long and Chan enjoyed reading all of it. She seemed like a very animated person. She seemed to be happy about the simplest things and that weirdly made him smile. 
FAST FORWARD TO DEBUT ERA. Chan and Arizona have exchanged a few letters (shipping time and Chan’s schedule). But they became great friends in the short amount of time they’ve corresponded to each other. They kept trading on songs, Chan loved or dislikes the ones she sent and same went for her. In future v-lives, he would play some of the songs he told her to listen to. But, one thing was for sure. Chan converted Arizona into a newer generation K-pop lover. Chan told her that 3racha were actually part of a survival show that basically consisted of working hard to be able to debut together. He also never told her that he was Bang Chan. But, he did tell her that he was working hard in order to get a job as a backup dancer for idol groups.  
March:  Chan to Arizona (They just debuted)
*Zo, I am so happy! I GOT THE JOB! I wish I could tell you all about it but I can’t!*
Arizona to Chan
*No way! Jinho that is amazing! I am so happy for you! I know how much you worked for this! Whenever you get to dance on stage let me know so I can watch you.* Chan sighed as he read her response. She will see him, but she won’t know who he is.  
Months go by and Stray Kids have won multiple rookie awards. Thanks to Chan, Arizona has gone head over heels for them. She will rant about them in her letters and fangirl with him.
*Jinho… I know I sent you your letter and you probably received it yesterday or a few days ago but this is an emergency. SKZ DROPPED ANOTHER VIDEO!  BTW, You have to see the street version of  Insomnia. THEY WERE IN THE US I MEAN WHAT THE HELL! This is why I hate being a college student. No money. And, 10 days later they release the street version of Question? Do they want to kill me. Changbin and Hyunjin body rolling killed me! They all killed me. I really can’t thank you enough for introducing me to them. #PROUDSTAY*
For the release of their album I Am Who, Chan sent her an album. He wanted it to be autographed but he couldn’t explain how he made that possible. Either way she has his handwriting in paper so that counts? The boys knew about her, not much but they did know he was corresponding with a girl from America. Either way, she has his handwriting. Arizona in return, sent him an ASAP Rocky album! That made Chan very very happy. 
Life suddenly was brighter for Arizona. She always had a hard time seeing the bright side in life and being positive was extra effort. But corresponding with Chan helped her breathe with ease. He was her escape room. She could tell him everything and she knew that he wouldn’t judge her. He would always offer words of comfort and advice. There were times where she would vent about how hard her classes were or how her  mental health deteriorates day by day.  Chan wasn’t bothered by this. He wished for her to be happy and free in her own mind. He would occasionally send her various letters in the span of a few days or less. He knew she wasn’t expecting it and he hoped it made her smile, which it did. 
They were so used to corresponding to each other that friendship slowly and silently became something else. Arizona once debated about it but she brushed it off. It can’t be possible and it won’t be. Letters were romantic and that is the stigma that is around it and that’s all. There is nothing more to it. Chan thought of her constantly when he wasn’t busy with producing, practicing or anything related to the group. He knew he liked her, did he have the opportunity to ask for a picture? He did. But he didn’t ask. He would feel obliged to send her one of himself and he couldn’t do that. It was enough with lying about his job. 
FEBRUARY - 2019 
“I am soooooooo tired.” Arizona complained as she walked into the same coffee shop she frequented with Nick over the course of their college years. Both were seniors now, graduating in May! 
“All nighter?” Nick asked? She just nodded and smiled at the barista giving her their order. 
“You’re a master procrastinator. What were you doing?”
“Working on my senior project and portfolio.” She mumbles taking a seat and resting her head on the table. Nick didn’t miss how she avoided his eyes. 
“And probably writing J’s letter right?” Arizona looked up at her best friend and smiled. It was true, she was working on less than 2 hours of sleep, writing the letter and working on her project. “Zozo, you like him don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. It was an affirmation. 
“Nick, stop.” She wasn’t ready to face this topic yet. Like him? Pff. She’s never seen him before. “We’ve never met and probably never will. Ok? Drop it.”
“You don’t have to like or love his looks.” Arizona knew that and she knew what danger she was in of falling harder and faster for Jihno. She just wasn’t ready for it. 
Arizona arrived home after her evening lessons and collapsed on the couch. She was just dozing off when her mom threw some papers on her stomach. “You have mail” She said. The sleepy girl sat up and flipped through the envelopes. Phone bill, student loan information, a postcard?  
“Australia? I don’t know anyone in Australia.” She turned the postcard around and smiled when she recognized the handwriting. 
*Hey Zo, sorry this is going to be short. But, I am in aussie visiting family. I won’t be able to read any of your letters until I get home but I will write! Just make sure to send your responses  to my normal address. I am so happy to see my family again, I actually came with a few of my friends and we are just touring around. I also heard Stray Kids are going to be here! I’ll see if I can go to their concert or spot them at the touristy sites. If I do, I’ll send photos. Take care. 
Her heart fluttered. He knew how much she loved Stray Kids that he would even look for them for her! The days flew by and she received an envelope. It contained a post-it and multiple photos. The note said, ‘Found them.’ The photos were of Stray Kids near the Sydney Opera House. Wait, he found them? The photos seemed to be taken from afar and the boys were with cameras? Filming a video? Arizona died right there. He went all the way to find them, take their picture, develop them and send them to her. 
Chan’s Perspective
Chan asked his manager to take photographs of them as they filmed and as if they were fans who spotted them. Manager Kim (let’s say that’s his name) agreed without asking for a reason. Chan quickly developed them and sent them before going back to South Korea. He was dying to tell her who he was. After all, he was her bias. Not that it made any difference. Sadly he still couldn’t, Stray Kids were going to be extremely busy in the next month and he feared not to have time to write so he made sure he had conversations planned out so she wouldn’t feel lonely. He also had the feeling that this comeback was going to be important for their careers. 
His last letter ended with; ‘Zo, I won’t be able to write as much because I will be dancing for a group for their comeback so we will be very busy practicing. But, I will try to write as much as possible. Don’t miss me.” 
Hey guys this was more of a filler chapter. I hope you get an idea of how the story is going to go.  There will hopefully be two more chapters, I still don’t know how I will space them out. Next chapter is going to be about the Miroh and Yellow Wood era. Arizona also graduates college and there is a big surprise that will lead to the last chapter. 
Adios - Everglow
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Wanna Go Back - Day6 
Mirror - Stray Kids
These are the pictures Chan sends to Arizona.
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scarletlion94 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Kento Post #3 (Just Me Ranting)
I was supposed to start working on this post weeks ago…but I just haven’t been able to figure out what to write. I don’t know if words can even begin to express how much this character means to me. But I guess I’ll try since I do love to write!
This is going to get long so I’ll insert a keep reading bar. (This is my second time making this actually. It got erased after I finished it the first time and I was so mad! Must have been Tomo’s fault. He’s out to get me. You’ll know why if you read this story haha)
I didn’t initially watch Bpro until the latter half of 2018. (Wow I was missing out all these years!) Then I didn’t really get super obsessed with it until late January of 2019. My initial favorite was Tomohisa and Kento was my second favorite. What happened was I jumped the gun and picked Tomo just because he was pretty and because his representative animal is a lion. (I’m a Leo and a Gryffindor so I’m a lion at heart) But then I realized his character was a little boring and Kento and THRIVE were always soooo funny! I also liked THRIVE’s songs better too.
Then I downloaded the mobile game (known as Muteki Dangerous at the time) and my first 2 SSR cards were Flower Garden Ryuji and On the Stage Kento. That was the first spark that pushed him above Tomo on my list. He came to me; I wasn’t even trying to get him since any SSR’s would be useful just starting out. But I was like “Oh, it’s you! Cool I got one of my favorites!” (I’m aware that in Kaikan Everyday you now get to pick your first SSR. We didn’t have that luxury in Muteki Dangerous!! XD)
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The game was really a struggle for me to play at first because of the way the notes moved down the screen in the rhythm game. It made me dizzy! It also made me sad because I really wanted to play! Luckily I was able to slow down the note speed but then the game got really easy. Lucky again they had the amazing renewal which made the game much better and more challenging!
But once I got that On the Stage Kento, the fire was lit. Tomo ended up being my favorite for like a week and I was sucked into what I call “Kento Hell” (A place where I am smiling every day but it comes at a very heavy price haha) Since then I had started spamming the Kento rate-up gachas whenever they came up.
 I got this Photo Book card on Valentine’s Day and…wow it’s still one of my favorites to date:
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But despite spamming gachas it requires more than just having enough crystals. Luck still plays a big part. The fact that I continued to get SSR Kento’s that I didn’t have yet instead of just the same ones over and over was amazing. There’s another game I play where I would try countless times to get rare cards of my favorite character and they would never come home. That’s why I feel so spoiled by Kento in the Bpro game. This crazy luck and a bit of money resulted in me somehow now having every SSR Kento in the game (As of 8/28/19) even with not playing the first year the game was out…thank you Kento...for or always coming home!! <3
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(The free SSR from the recent Summer Horror Night event is not pictured because the game only shows 2 rows at once and that one would have been on a third row resulting in me having to take two screenshots so I decided to just exclude it. But I have it don’t worry!)
But that’s just the game. The next topic: his solo songs!
Knowing the translated lyrics just makes the songs have a much more powerful effect on me. Plus his singing is so seductive! Kazuki Kato is great! (I’m a big fan of his now too, I listen to his newest album all the time!) 
It’s just coincidence after coincidence with Love in Secret x Sexy Night. I listen to music on my iPod for hours a day at work, and then even more on my commute. But countless times, the second I think about him, or if I get sad, have a rough day, or even just for no reason at all to catch me completely off guard, it comes on. Or I’ll be like “I haven’t heard it today yet” then it comes on the very next song. (It doesn’t matter if the playlist is 20 songs or 150 songs) I’m serious this has happened multiple times! It’s honestly so much fun and I laugh about it all the time.
I’m no stranger to being drawn towards the flirty characters though but I don’t think I’ve ever liked a character in my entire life (all 25 years of it) this much. He’s also one of the most popular characters in B-Pro, which I also always seem to pick the really popular ones…so no surprises there! 
I do sometimes feel a little guilty with how much money I’ve thrown at him, hence my new motto “Kento owns my heart and wallet.” but it makes me happy! I’m usually always a really optimistic and happy person but even I will say I’ve never felt happier than I have been the last year. (That goes deeper than just one character though. I have the idol world to thank for that)
This, I guess I’ll call it an obsession, also led to me making my first ever ita bag. Dedicated of course to Kento. This is what it looks like now but I’m going to Japan in 2 days so it’s probably going to end up being completely rearranged after my adventures there. (Omg I’m so excited!!)
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I’ve never felt more attached to a character than I do with this one. But I get scared thinking about the future. How this may end eventually. It may be long term but I don’t ever want it to end. It’s too much fun. But for now I’m enjoying every minute of it! And thank you all of you for dealing with all my posts! Despite my blunt favoritism I do my best to make sure all the other amazing idols get some attention too! :) Apart from my sister and best friend, Tumblr is the best place that I found where I can talk to people who understand my feelings. The idol fandom here is really amazing! <3     
Sorry this got really long! But I think that covers most of my story of what I wanted to say about how Kento became a huge part of my life. What better day to share it than on his birthday??
So Happy Birthday Kento!! You’re more than “just a fictional character” to me. You’re worth every dollar spent.
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And a really random note for those familiar with Harry Potter: All the B-Pro boys have representative animals and Kento’s is a fox. I took a Patronus quiz on Pottermore almost 3 years ago and guess what. My Patronus…is a fox. It was fate!!  
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kamen-rider-zed · 7 years
The Twelves Dates of Christmas Chapter 2
I don’t care that Christmas was almost three weeks ago. I’m going to finish this, dammit.
Chapter 2: Day 1
Wanna learn how to believe again Find the innocence in me again Through your young heart Help me find a way, help me try
Chloé blindly swatted at her phone as it buzzed across her night stand. She lifted it to her face and blinked at it. 'Christmas Through Your Eyes' by Gloria Estefan. When had she set that as her alarm tone? It was a good song, just...not one she usually listened to around the holidays. In fact, she wasn't entirely sure she'd downloaded it to her phone, let alone set it as her alarm. She shrugged, thinking maybe there was a new update on her phone that set random Christmas songs as ringtones or alarms. No matter. She had more important things to attend to like...
Like putting her plan into action. As she brushed her hair and applied her make-up for the day, she ran over what she would say to Adrien. Marinette was only using him for his name and once Cheng Fashions (or whatever she was calling it) had flourished, she would dump him like a sack of flour. His only avenue for happiness was to abandon that pigtail-wearing, dough-kneading, soul-sucking trollop and join someone with actual means. Someone who knew Adrien resented his father and could take him away from the world of high fashion and modeling rather than drag him back in.
Chloé sneered in the middle of getting dressed. Marinette. Always so talented. Always so charismatic. So lucky. So loved. And she made it look so easy! It had to be something she'd mixed in with the cookies she brought to class at the beginning of every year. Brainwashed everyone into wanting to be friends with the useless daughter of a baker rather than the glamorous daughter of the mayor. Who wouldn't want to befriend someone of status like her? Who wouldn't want to do her homework and secure a place at her side? Who wouldn't want to garner the favor of the one woman who had the city in her pocket? No one in Mme. Bustier's class, that's for certain. She shrugged. At least she had Sabrina.
'You are easily the worst person I've ever met!'
...must have been one of those brainwashing cookies.
Chloé tied back her hair with a bit more force than she had intended. The restrained strands tugged at her scalp, but she didn't care. Such were the sacrifices made for beauty. She picked out her most expensive white winter coat and a purse to match, then made her way down the hallway to the elevators. In between the rhythmic beats of her boots tapping against the carpet, she could barely make out the music coming from the speaker overhead. She cocked her head to the side and listened. It was...an instrumental version of the song playing on her phone. She rolled her eyes. Hopefully this was just 'Red Car Syndrome' and that song wouldn't be stalking her throughout the next week.
If one were asked how well André Bourgeois had aged in the past seven years, one would be answered with an emphatic 'meh'. His receding hairline had ordered a full retreat and his already salt and pepper hair was now just as salty as his daughter. The lines on his face had succumbed to gravity's siren song and he looked every bit the fifty-year-old man he was, but he had just as much energy as he ever did. It seemed losing the last election about a year previous had done wonders for his health, and for the well-being of his hotel and the staff. A shame the same couldn't be said of his relationship with his daughter.
He had tried to give Chloé everything, and when she had asked for space to study in America, he had allowed it. He hadn't even fought or argued over why she wanted to continue her education over nine thousand kilometers away with no guarantees that she would visit on holidays (which she hadn't). They had, however, promised to call each other once a week, but once a week became every other week became once a month became holidays and birthdays and nothing more. When Chloé stepped out of the elevator and made her way to the hotel's dining room, she had hoped for a joyous reunion. A warm smile, a hug, maybe even tears. But the look André wore on his face was that of a man who had just seen his only child yesterday and not gone nearly four years without being in the same room as her. He didn't even stand when she approached their table, simply smiled his fake politician's smile and gestured to the vacant chair across from him.
“So good to see you doing well, Chloé,” he said. Chloé sniffed at his assumption that she was 'well', but offered up a smile just as counterfeit as his.
“Of course, Daddy. What did you expect?”
“I certainly didn't expect you to come home for Christmas this year. What made you change your mind?”
'Saving the love of my life from a succubus, nothing new.' “Adrien and Ma–” her tongue swelled in her mouth at the girl's name. She cleared her throat and snapped her fingers at a server to fetch a glass of water. “–Marinette are getting married.”
“Ah, yes!” André's eyes lit up in a way that made Chloé jealous. “I'm well aware of the impending nuptials. They came to me almost a year ago requesting my kitchen staff to cater the event. They even asked for Marlena by name.”
Chloé gritted her teeth at the realization that her father was facilitating this madness. “I received the invitation just last week. A little last minute I know, but classes had just let out for the winter, so I cleared my schedule and made my travel arrangements.” She shrugged and snatched the full glass of water from the server's hand. “It's for Adrien, after all.”
“You haven't finished with classes yet?” André inquired. “I thought with your schedule you would have finished just a few weeks ago.”
“One of my teachers got fired for propositioning a student,” Chloé said before she took a sip of her water. “I have to wait until they can find a suitable replacement before I can finish my degree.”
A half lie. Mr. Browning had indeed been fired for propositioning a student, and that student was currently sitting in a Paris hotel contemplating how best to sabotage a wedding. However, the school had found a replacement teacher immediately, but Chloé wasn't about to tell her father that the issue keeping her away from Le Grand Paris wasn't an unfinished business degree, but the plain and simple fact that she didn't want to run a hotel for the rest of her life.
“They're not expecting me to pay them more, are they?”
'I tell you I got stuck in a class with a sexual deviant and your first concern is your bank account. No, no Daddy, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I wasn't bothered by the middle-aged loser curious as to whether or not 'blondes have more fun', so you can go ahead and worry about your checkbook. I'm. Just. Peachy.'
Despite her internal rant, her external composure held. “You won't have to spend another cent on my education, Daddy.”
“Splendid!” He must have seen something over Chloé's shoulder because his eyes brightened up. “Ah, breakfast is served! I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering Eggs Benedict for you. I remember you mentioned craving the dish earlier this year.”
'It was early last year, Daddy. And not that I'd ever tell you, but after tongue kissing a bottle of Jose Cuervo and puking up breakfast last Christmas, even the smell of eggs makes me sick.'
“I'm actually not that hungry,” she lied. Something on her stomach would have done her wonders, but she found her skin itching just at her father's presence. “It's been nice catching up with you, Daddy, but if it's all the same to yo–”
As Chloé stood, her chair pushed backwards behind her. She heard the chair legs scuff on the hardwood floor, felt the chair pitch to her left with her legs, and felt something warm and wet spill down her back. Her shoulders hitched upwards, her face froze in a disgusted grimace, and she slowly turned to see a server on her knees staring up at the heiress in abject horror. Chloé noticed her seat was coated in a viscous, pale yellow sauce and knew, just knew, that the same sauce now stained the back of her coat.
“I-I-I'm s-so sorry, Mlle. Bourgeois!” the server stuttered. “I'll have this cleaned up in–”
“Hollandaise!” Chloe shrieked. “You spilled hollandaise on an Agreste original winter coat! You won't have this cleaned up anytime soon, because this jacket is ruined! Y-you! You!” Chloé whipped her head towards her father and jabbed a finger in the now whimpering girl's face. “Fire her!”
“Chloé, dearest,” André attempted to soothe as he rose from his own chair. “It was an accident, I'm sure. And I'll buy you a new coat, I promise.” He began to rest his arm across his daughter's shoulders, but pulled away at the sight of the sauce oozing across her collar. “Call, uh, call it a Christmas present!”
Chloé glared at her father, then snapped her head back to the server. “So long as it comes out of her paycheck.”
“I'll...see what I can arrange,” he said, though Chloé can tell from his voice that he doesn't intend to dock her pay. In just the short year since he lost mayorship or Paris, he's gone soft, lost all ability to command respect. For a second, Chloé contemplated accepting a position at the hotel just to straighten out the staff, but ultimately determined that once she started down that path, she would never be able to turn back.
Her destiny belonged to her.
It took André scarcely an hour to procure a replacement coat. It came from the same line as Chloé's old coat, but looked more like the coat she wore when she was still in collège, yellow with black lining and white fur around the collar. 'Like a bee,' she mused for a moment, then easily dismissed the thought.
After taking a shower and changing into fresh clothes; thick, white, thermal leggings and a matching high-collared sweater; Chloe's appetite had only deepened, despite what happened, but she was too eager to be out of the hotel and left to walk about the city before the growling of her stomach could become too evident. Was this what her relationship with her father had become? Was she willing to starve herself just to avoid him? No, no she wasn't, which was why she was on the prowl for real food, not that foul, greasy American fast food. Granted, foul greasy American fast food had its merits, and had become somewhat of a guilty pleasure to the girl who had once lived off of salads and sushi. But right now, she craved fresh croissants from the best bakery in Paris.
It truly pained Chloé to admit it, but M. Dupain made the most wondrous croissants in the city. Soft, flaky, buttery, you could taste the hours of preparation that went into them. Usually, Chloé would send one of her servants or a member of the hotel staff to pick up an order so she wouldn't have to deal with...certain people herself, but without such resources, Chloé was forced to tend to her own needs. She prayed she wouldn't encounter Marinette today. She prayed she could walk in, grab a bag of croissants, and walk out without having to deal with the one person she hated more than anyone else.
The bell above the door jingled as Chloé entered and a young woman with long black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail straightened up from behind the counter. “Good morning!” she smiled. “Welcome to the Dupain-Che...Chloé?”
Atheism was starting to sound pretty good, right about now.
“Good morning, M–Marinette,” Chloé forced through her fake smile. It occurred to Chloé that every smile she had worn since landing in Paris not even a twelve hours ago was fake. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she had genuinely smiled. Not that she'd had a reason to smile recently. “Three croissants, if you please.”
Marinette blinked, as though the order hadn't processed yet. Then she shook her head and smiled again. “Oh, yeah, sure!” She ducked behind the counter and came up with a small bag and a pair of tongs. “So, when did you get back in Paris?”
'Don't try to play things casual with me, you man-stealing wench!' Not that Chloé would say that aloud. This situation called for subtlety. “Last night. It was a little last minute since I only received my invitation last week.” She hoped the emphasis wasn't lost on the poor baker girl.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Marinette apologized. “We sent it out weeks ago with all the others, but you're the only person we invited living out of country, and we must have gotten your address wrong.” She reached into the display case but bypassed the closest pastries in favor of the fresher croissants towards the front. Chloé sneered at the pathetic attempt at bribery. “We got the invite back last week. Return to sender, envelope was chewed up and had all sort of stamps and seals all over it. We had to have Alya print a fresh one for you and send it out priority mail.” She folded the top of the bag over and passed it over the counter. “I'm just glad you got it on time.”
“Ah, lovely,” Chloé muttered. Marinette was taking this too gracefully. She was supposed to feel guilty. “Put these on my father's tab.”
Marinette waved a hand. “On the house as an apology for inconveniencing you.” The beeping of a timer behind her drew her attention away from the front, so she didn't catch Chloé's snort.
'What petty bribery,' she thought. But when she tore off a piece of croissant an popped it in her mouth... 'Sweet, flaky bribery.'
“Enjoying that, are you?”
Chloé snapped back to reality only to realize she had let her eyes roll back and a satisfied moan escape her. She straightened and said, “Americans can't make decent croissants to save their lives.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “That's depressing. Glad I could give you a proper welcome back.” Another pair of customers strolled in and Marinette quickly greeted them before turning back to Chloé “Hey, um, Chloé, you, uh...”
“Spit it out,” Chloé snapped. “I have places to be.” Another lie.
Marinette didn't seem phased by Chloe's shortness. “Adrien and I were gonna call you later and ask if you wanted to meet us for lunch? My shift ends in about an hour, so...La Belle Rouge at twelve-thirty?”
La Belle Rouge. Not exactly the fanciest restaurant in Paris, but not exactly something one could afford regularly on a baker's salary. No doubt their meal would be courtesy of Adrien.
“Twelve-thirty.” Chloé nodded and turned on her heel. Now that she had something to distract her from the rumbling in her stomach, the cold sting of the winter wind on her face was all the more evident. She looked around her and saw children throwing snowballs at one another, couples walking up and down the sidewalks arm in arm, but it was the statue in the park to her right that caught her eye.
Even while living in America with no reason to do so, she still followed the Ladyblog, so she knew that Ladybug and Chat Noir had added to their team, the additions reflected in the expanded statuary. The original statue had since been retired to make room for an updated work portraying Paris' five heroes as adults.
Ladybug stood in the center with her arms crossed and Chat Noir stood to her right with his fists on his hips. The original pair had really filled out. Muscle definition, longer hair, and slight modifications to their suits that couldn't quite be depicted in bronze. Next to Chat stood Jade Turtle, his hood down and a hand raised in a two finger salute. Volpina stood to the spotted heroine's left, one hand planted on her hip and her lips curved upwards in a wicked grin that exposed her sharpened canines. And on Volpina's left sat the statue of their newest member.
Paon, the peacock hero. Her statue depicted her standing straight with her feet together. Her signature fans sat unfurled in her hands, one held out to the side and the other just barely covering the smirk on her face. Everything about this statue was completely contrary to how she had acted when she first joined the team. Timid, unsure, down on herself. But over time, she became a fierce warrior, unafraid and confident, and it was that Paon that Theo had captured.
Chloé tilted her head as she gazed on Paon's statue. While Chloé had met the other four heroes on multiple occasions, she had never seen the peacock in person. She had joined what the Ladyblog referred to as 'Team Miraculous' shortly before Chloé left for America. Around the same time that...
'I hope I never see you again!'
“No problem there, Sabrina,” Chloé muttered to herself. “I'm just here to stop a wedding and get my–”
“'Scuse me, Mlle,” came a thin, raspy voice from behind her. She turned to see a scraggly man with an unkempt beard and an unwashed face. He wore a threadbare scarf, mismatched coat and trousers, and a ratty knit hat that looked (and smelled) like he'd pulled it out of a dumpster that morning. In fact, he smelled like he'd pulled himself out of a dumpster that morning. He held out a shaky palm and asked, “Can you spare a centimes for a hungry man?”
Chloé made no small show of bringing her hand up to cover her nose. “I have nothing for you. Now leave. You reek.”
“Please, Mlle,” he pleaded, taking a step closer. “Just a little. It's the holidays, after all.”
The heiress backpedaled. “I know what time of year it is.” When he took yet another step closer, she swung at him with her purse and caught him across the face. “Take a hint! Get away from me you...you garbage man!”
She whirled around and stalked off before the homeless man could react, fury in her steps and her eyes. The nerve of some people. Demanding handouts? And using the holiday season to guilt trip people? Christmas is a poor excuse to pick someone's pockets at the end of every year.
...why did that sound familiar?
Chloé flinched at the guttural roar and the subsequent screams of terror. Now that did sound familiar.
“Call me garbage, will you?”
She spun on her heels to face what could only be described as Frankenstein's Monster made of stitched together trash–empty soda cans, newspapers, half-torn plastic bags–with a massive battered trash can mounted on its back. It roared again and leaned forward to aim the overflowing mouth of the trash can right at Chloé, but she wasn't about to stick around to see what he did with it. Old instincts kicked in as she dropped her croissants and bolted out of the park, glad that she had chosen flat heeled snow boots rather than pumps. Another roar echoed from behind her followed by slow, thundering footfalls.
In the back of her mind, she lamented the loss of her free breakfast, but the forefront was preoccupied with a more important matter: 'I get to see Ladybug again!' All she had to do was avoid the Akuma just long enough for the heroes to show up and Chloé would reunite with her old friend! Thankfully, the Akuma (who called himself Éboueur) was more concerned with covering the streets in hot, rancid garbage than with capturing Chloé. That is until he used his trashcannon (Chloé cringed at the Chat-worthy pun) to launch a field of rotten banana peels into her path.
She slipped on the first peel she stepped on and wondered if this was it. This was her downfall. Done in by a cheap cartoon gag. She landed hard on her backside and more banana peels fell onto her, one slapping across her face.
“Now, you little priss,” Éboueur hissed. “You'll be garbage just...like...meooooff!”
Chloé peeled the peel ('I've got to stop it with the puns') from her face and saw the Akuma on his back and a man in an pitch black costume standing between them. He whirled his staff around and posed with it behind his back. Chat Noir. It was as though Chloe's puns had summoned him.
“Easy now, big guy. Let's not make any trash decisioooooooohh!” He raised a hand to cover his nose and let out a string of hard coughs. Shortly after, a woman in orange with a long flowing tail dropped from the rooftops and landed at his side.
“Hey, you alright there, Kitty Caeeeaauuugh!” Volpina clamped both hands over her nose and coughed. “Wha *coughcough* whad dah hell is dat sbell?”
“Ad Akuba,” Chat deadpanned, his nose still plugged. “Lid–*cough*–liderally bade of hod garbage.”
“Oh, gouuuuhp.” The fox clamped her lips shut and her cheeks puffed out. She swallowed, then said, “Guh, thing I'b gudda be sig.”
“Yeah, be too.” He leaned over and braced his hands against his knees.
A third figure, another woman, landed in front of them and waved her azure fans towards Éboueur. He was just struggling back to his feet, but the sudden gust blew him backwards and took the fetid stench with it. She turned and smiled at the pair, her dark teal eyes shining behind her cerulean mask.
“So glad peacocks don't have super smell. Better?”
Chat simply nodded, gave a thumbs up, and then sneezed. Volpina drew a deep breath in through her nose and let it out as a contented sigh. “Much better, Birdy. Thanks.”
Paon shook her head, her bright orange-red braid swaying behind her. “Would it kill you to use my actual name?”
The fox lightly punched the bird on the arm. “You know that's my thing, girl. Buggy, Kitty, Birdy, Shelly...” She raised her head and glanced around. “Speaking of, I haven't heard from Ni...uh, J-Jade all morning.”
“O-oh,” Paon stammered. “Oh, uh he's...”
“Hey!” came a familiar voice from the rooftops. Chloé glanced upwards and her face brightened at the sight of Ladybug standing with her fists on her hips and looking just as brave and confident as ever.. “You can socialize later. We've got a city to protect!” She tossed out her yoyo and swung hard and fast down the street towards the towering garbage man.
“You two go help LB.” Paon said. “I'll clean up the civilian.” Volpina and Chat nodded, then took off down the street, leaving Paon to stride over to Chloé and lean over to offer her hand.
Chloé accepted it and took in the new hero as she rose to her feet. The woman's suit was predominantly blue. Darker at her collar, then growing lighter as it moved down her body before it transitioned to black knee-high boots. Her fans hung loosely at her waist, suspended on a green belt that also bore a half-skirt of peacock feathers trailing over her left leg. Her gloves, dark blue at her hands fading into green, stopped at her upper biceps, leaving her freckle-flecked shoulders exposed. What Chloé could only assume was her Miraculous sat on the side of her green headband, just above her left ear: a bright blue pin that looked like a fanned peacock tail.
Paon helped brush banana peels from Chloe's clothes and let out a hoarse chuckle. “That guy got you good didn...” She paused when she removed a peel from the woman's face, her smile falling, then rising back up in an almost knowing smirk. “Chloé Bourgeois. How did I know?”
“You know who I am?”
“Please,” she shrugged, “everyone in this city knows you. And you haven't changed a bit in the past–how long has it been?” She tilted her head. “Four years?”
It was Chloé's turn to smirk. “It's because I take care of myself. Yoga, well-regulated diet, a rigorous beauty regi–”
“That's not what I meant.” Chloé raised an eyebrow and Paon's smirk disappeared. The hero crossed her arms and continued, “Not even a day back in Paris and you're already causing trouble.”
“Uh, that homeless guy wouldn't leave me alone,” Chloé defended. “He kept coming at me when I clearly told him to go away.”
A wavy green and blue aura manifested around Paon's eyes. She looked Chloé up and down, and when she had finished with her scrutiny, the aura vanished. “Yeah, something tells me that's not quite what happened.” Chloé opened her mouth to retaliate, but Paon held up her hand. “Save it. Just...do us a favor and try not to be a total Akuma-triggering brat tomorrow, alright? It's Christmas.”
Chloé could only gape after the peacock heroine who leapt off to aid her teammates. The nerve. The...nerve! Accusing her of being anything but the victim? That homeless guy wouldn't take no for an answer! He deserved her wrath! And it wasn't as though she was the only person in Paris capable of making people vulnerable to Hawkmoth. Why did they have to single her out? And that useless peacock hadn't even finished cleaning up the smelly, rotten banana peels staining her clothes. Ruining her second Agreste coat of the day.
She groaned and pulled her phone from her purse which she had–of course, of freaking course–fallen on when she slipped. Thin spider web cracks distorted the selfie she'd taken with Melissa and set as her background. The touch screen was unresponsive, so she was left without a map to guide her to La Belle Rouge. At least until Ladybug fixed everything, per usual. Chloé gingerly stepped around the scattered banana peels and glanced around in an attempt to gain her bearings. The Tour Montparnasse lay to her left...and she had ran away from her old collége...so she had run east...maybe?...and La Balle Rouge was in the 15th arrondissement...so that was...west...ish? A poorly judged step left her on her backside again, the screen on her phone now completely shattered.
This was going to be a long week.
Around twenty minutes later, Ladybug's magic washed through the streets and set everything right. Well, that abomination was still occurring in about a week, but Chloé wouldn't hold that against the heroine. The Akuma attack had delayed Chloé for too long, and though she was meeting Marinette, of all people, she still insisted on punctuality for Adrien's sake. A quick call to a cab company had her strolling into La Belle Rouge a mere five minutes late for her lunch date.
The small corner bistro, which had opened about six years ago and was dedicated to Ladybug in theme and décor, held few patrons this afternoon, despite being in the height of the lunch rush, but among the few occupants, Chloé couldn't find a certain model or baker. A server wearing a Ladybug mask seated her and took her drink order: a strong, hot cup of Café au lait.
Adrien and Marinette ended up speed-walking in almost five minutes later, both red in the face and panting. Marinette mumbled some excuse about the Akuma holding them up and Adrien corroborated the story. Chloé forced yet another smile and shook Marinette's hand, only maintaining contact as long as necessary before throwing her arms around Adrien's neck and embracing him perhaps a little longer than she really needed to. He awkwardly pushed her away with a grimace almost as forced as Chloé's (not that she'd notice) and took his seat beside his–yech!–fiance.
The same server came up and took their orders. Chloé ordered something light and noted that Marinette chose a heavy, hearty sandwich, a large bowl of soup, and the largest hot chocolate they had. Of course she would load up the bill. She was eating on Adrien's centimes, after all. She feigned regret at ordering such a meal, claimed she hadn't eaten since she started her shift at the bakery, but Adrien only smiled and rubbed his nose against hers, claiming 'his Lady' could order whatever she pleased.
Were they trying to make Chloé vomit?
“So good to see you, Chlo,” Adrien said. “I'm glad you could make it. Did Marinette already apologize for getting the invite to you so late?”
'Oh, she's got far more to apologize for than that, Adrikins.' “Yes. She successfully bought me off with free croissants.” Marinette giggled and Chloé scowled. “Which I dropped during the Akuma attack.”
“Don't worry, Chloé.” Marinette reached across the table and took Chloé's hand, giving it a light squeeze. It took every ounce of her willpower and self control not to jerk away and gag. Did she honestly think they were friends? After what she did? What she was going to do? “You can come to the bakery any time. Papa insists my friends eat for free. W-within reason, of course.”
“Friends? Us?” Chloé said before she could bite back her tongue.
Marinette fidgeted in her seat and blushed. “I...know we never really...hung out or talked or anything like that.” She paused and slumped her shoulders. “Okay, we friggin hated each other back in lycée, but Adrien insisted that I put whatever petty squabbles we had behind us and try to at least be civil.” She met Chloé's eyes and gave a sincere smile. “I want to make an honest effort. I want to be your friend, Chloé. Not just for Adrien's sake, but for our sake.”
'Petty? Petty? You call cozying up to someone else's man 'petty'?' However, despite Chloé's utter disgust at the idea of befriending Marinette, this did present a rather interesting opportunity. If Marinette did consider them friends, it would be no trouble to get closer to her, figure out her juiciest secrets, possibly even whatever she was holding over Adrien's head, then use those secrets to take Adrien back. The poor girl was doing Chloé's work for her.
“My only desire is to see Adrien happy,” Chloé smirked. “And if that's what he truly wants...” Her smirk wavered, but she maintained it. “We can bury the hatchet.”
'In your skull. But only as a Plan B. Can't be Adrien's blushing bride if I have a criminal record.'
Adrien opened his mouth to speak, but the server chose that moment to deliver their food. They ate in relative silence, filling the gaps between bites and sips with idle chit-chat about holiday plans, gifts the still needed to buy, friends they needed to visit. Adrien dropped some ridiculous chemistry pun Chloé wasn't entirely paying attention to, but she still found herself laughing along. This felt...nice. It felt warm, welcoming. It felt good to be around people who didn't want anything from her. No expectations, no outrageous demands, no probing questions. Just sit, eat, chat. Chloé felt a smile creep up on her face, but it immediately vanished when Adrien leaned in to sneak a kiss from Marinette. It didn't matter how 'nice' this felt. She was here for a purpose.
Chloé blinked herself out of her stupor and refocused on Marinette. “Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”
Marinette only smiled. “I asked if you had any plans tonight.” Chloé answered with a shake of her head. “Well...there's a friend of mine who said he'd only come to the wedding if he had a date...and I've known him for a really long time and I really want him to be there...so...”
'Oh you have got to be joking.' “Marinette, are you seriously trying to hook me up with a guy?”
“Not hook you up, per se, but just meet with him and see what happens. I think you'll like him.”
“Who is he?”
Marinette almost answered but Adrien pressed a finger to her lips. “I think it would be more fun if it remained a secret, buga-, uh, babe.”
A blind date. They were trying to set her up on a blind date. She almost said no. She almost turned them down, almost demanded to know who they were trying to set her up with, but an idea popped into her head. Marinette said she'd known whoever-he-is for a really long time. That must mean he knew Marinette well. Well enough to get a little dirt on her. Between Marinette offering her friendship and a window into her past, it would be all too easy to convince Adrien his fiance was nothing but bad news.
“I...suppose I could meet him.” That's right, Chloé. Can't seem too eager. “If I could find something to wear, that is.”
“You're not going to dinner at Astrance, Chloé. Just a small, friendly meal, maybe at Chartier.”
Ugh. Poor people food. But still, it stood to reason that anyone who would call Marinette Dupain-Cheng a friend could only afford such. And if it meant figuring out how to ruin Marinette and win back Adrien, it would be well worth it.
After all, it was only one night.
The cab let Chloé out in front of Chartier just a few minutes before eight, when she had agreed to meet this mystery man. She still wore the coat her father had given her earlier that day, but had traded in her white leggings for black and sweater for a black off the shoulder dress with long sleeves and gold stitched trim. It was the least fancy dress she'd brought with her, and she had brought quite the selection with her just so she could coordinate something particularly special Marinette's wedding and/or funeral.
She stepped into the dining room and waved off the Maître D. She informed him that she was meeting someone and would find him herself. She wandered, examining every man she passed who fit the description Marinette had given her.
'Black shirt, silver tie. Jeez, Cheng, couldn't give me any more than that? Let's see...black shirt, red tie. Nope. Black shirt...turn around...turn around you son of a...grey tie. Maybe. Ooh, that tie is silver...striped. Is that him? Ugh, god I hope not. I'm not going anywhere near that pedo-stache. Come on. He better be here or I will be worlds of pissed off. Oh, I think that's him. Black shirt...silver tie...red hair oh god is that who I think it is?'
The red head had been absently flicking his straw around the rim of his water glass and jumped a little at the sound of Chloé's voice. He looked her over, opened his mouth, clamped it shut, then opened it again, as though he were trying to either remember her name or figure out why Marinette had set him up on a date with someone as out of his league as Chloé Effing Bourgeois.
“Uh, Ch...Chloé?” Hmm, perhaps a little of both.
She pursed her lips. “Marinette?”
He huffed and flashed a wan smile. “Marinette.”
Chloé slid into the chair opposite Nathanaël's and noted just how cramped the table was. “Honestly, what was she thinking trying to set us up?”
Nathanaël shrugged. “Maybe she's like Rose. You know, a romantic.”
“Yeah, and maybe, also like Rose, she has no sense of compatibility. Remember how Rose swore Alix and Kim would get together, but Kim asked Max out in première?”
“And Alix ended up being ace?”
Before Chloé could realize what was happening, she found herself smiling. She found herself enjoying reminiscing about their school days. “I swear, did Rose get anyone right?”
Nathanaël crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Let's see...she called Nino and Alya getting together, despite that weird phase where they hated each other.”
Chloé propped her elbows on the table and leaned forward. “Yeah, I never really understood what was going on with them.”
“Nino hated Volpina and Alya hated Jade Turtle.” He shrugged. “They made up eventually, but for almost a year, it was like Team Edward versus Team Jacob.”
“Ugh, Twilight references?” Her lips curled upwards in disgust. “Couldn't you have said literally anything else? Like Zutara and Kataang?”
Nathanaël's eyebrows shot upward. “You watched Avatar?”
She tilted her head and hitched one shoulder. “Adrien got me hooked, the nerd.”
He snapped his fingers and pointed to Chloé. “Ah! Another couple Rose called right: Adrien and Marinette.”
Chloé banished her smile at the mention of their names. What was she doing? Waxing nostalgic? No, losing track of her objective was more like it. She was here to recapture Adrien's heart and have her happily ever after, not talk about 'the good ole days' with a red-headed loser of an artist. Just look at him. He hasn't changed a bit. News flash: that emo 'hair-over-one-eye' thing is so twenty years ago. Knowing him, he probably still had a huge crush on...
...wait a minute...
...fortune smiles.
“Everything alright, Chloé?”
A slow, broad smile bloomed across Chloé's face. Not a happy smile, either. Conniving, cunning, deceptive. “Oh, I'm fine, Nathanaël. Just...thinking about the wedding.”
“Oh, is that why you're back in Paris?”
“In a way,” Chloe cooed. She laced her fingers together and closed her eyes. “Marinette is getting married. Doesn't that bother you? Didn't you have a crush on her years ago?”
He blushed. “W-well, yeah, but then again, I think most of the class did. Nino, Kim, which makes me think he's bi, or something, I think Alya mentioned–”
“I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you. Don't you wish you could be the one marrying Marinette next week?”
“Marinette made her choice, Chloé.” His voice took on an edge she'd never heard before. 'Hmm, maybe his balls finally dropped.' “And though I don't think anyone truly gets over their first crush, I'm happy for her. I'm happy for Adrien.”
“Oh, I'm sure you are, but are you happy for yourself?” She opened her eyes and took in the look of bewilderment on his face. He still hadn't answered. “I have a bit of a proposition for you that could prove mutually beneficial for us.”
Nathanaël squinted at her, not sure if he should cut his losses and go home, or hear her out. Against his better judgment, he responded, “Proposition?”
Chloé grinned. “Help me put a stop to this wedding. Adrien deserves someone better than Marinette–”
“Someone like you?” The edge had returned, but Chloé paid it no mind.
“You catch on quick.” She leaned in even closer and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Help me win Adrien back and I'll help you improve your standing in Marinette's eyes. We both end up with who we want, we both go home happy. So, what do you say?”
He sat with his eyes on Chloé, his brow furrowed. Nearly a minute of silenced passed between them, only broken by the ambient clatter of dishes and chatter of patrons. He was overthinking this. All he had to do was use his connections to Marinette and supply Chloé with whatever information she needed to make Adrien see reason, then when Adrien left Marinette at the alter, Nathanaël could be there to comfort her, and she'd realize just the kind of guy she had overlooked amid her blind, star-struck celebrity worship.
'Come on, Nath. Just say the word and you get to have your princess, just like in those stupid little comics you used to draw.'
He hardened his gaze and stood, his chair shrieking against the floor. “I can't believe you. I thought maybe after all these years, you'd changed. Maybe you'd learned to let go and realize that Adrien never loved you, not the way he loves Marinette. And maybe you'd matured enough to be happy for your best friend...” He paused, eyes wide, and poured buckets of sarcasm into his next few words. “Oh, I'm sorry. You're only friend, despite whoever he chose to spend the rest of his life with.”
He gathered up the gray coat that had been hanging from the back of his chair and glared down at Chloé. “You know, I was kinda on the fence about going to the wedding, but I think I will now, if for no other reason than to keep you the hell away from it!” He dug a money clip from his pocket, tossed a couple of euros onto the table and stomped around Chloé towards the door.
Silence reigned in the restaurant, though no longer marred by clatter and chatter. Several eyes were locked on her after Nathanaël's outburst. Chloé simply sat in what may well have been shock. How dare he. How...dare he! She comes up to him with a golden opportunity to have what he admitted he still wanted, and he turns her down? Did...did Marinette really have the entire city brainwashed into accepting this? This was madness! Insanity! She was only using Adrien! She didn't know the first thing about him, not like Chloé did! Chloé would truly appreciate Adrien, give him the life he deserved. And she would do it without that obnoxious artists help.
...right after she gave him a piece of her mind.
She swept upwards out of her chair, paused, then snatched the euros off the table. No service, no tip. She stormed out of the restaurant and whipped her head left and right, blonde hair snapping behind her, until she caught sight of Nathanaël waving down a cab just down the street. He must have heard the rapid fire click of her heels on the sidewalk, or perhaps sensed the aura of fury and doom oozing from her every pore, because he turned his head towards her and widened his eyes. He shouted something that Chloé would have registered as 'look out' had her anger-addled brain been able to do so, but before she could get out the first word to tear him a new one, Nathanaël, and the whole city even, slipped downwards in her field of vision.
She never saw the ice. The ice Nathanaël had slipped on just a few seconds ago. The ice he had tried to warn her about. The ice that sent her legs flying forward from underneath her and her head crashing backward into the concrete.
She never saw the CT scans that showed internal hemorrhaging in the back of her skull. She never saw the surgeon desperately trying to save her. She never saw her heart monitor flatline, the aide who performed CPR for almost fifteen minutes, the nurse who placed his hand on the aide's shoulder, assuring her she had done all she could. She never saw the surgeon glance up to the clock and call her time of death right at midnight with a wry mutter of 'Merry Christmas.'
She also never saw the bright green wave of light that originated near Notre Dame and washed across the entire city.
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Song of my life
I hate Jay, but I still think about breaking the moral code just to get them/he back.
I don't like their idiotic, bratty, ass, controlling, wimpy, diary of a stolen boyfriend, terror tactics, microsoft nerdy ass, clymphomaniac (Cliff Huxtable Nymphomaniac), military guerrilla style, bronchitis bitchass who snorrrrrrrttttttttssssss so fucking loud in the morning like a kerosene chemical bomb is stuffed up her fucking nose and into her black, gothic, lights her fingers, witch candles and fake dick complacencies all bundled in for an asshole she can't stop from seeking other people, with their own financial insecurities. But yet you steady roasting me??
I hate that I can't just get up and go get a job today. My ass is literally struggling just to pay attention on an application, then when I get frustrated that I can't find anything I'm even fucking qualified for, I get horribly upset about me not being able to do anything about it an just start wanking off for about 2-3hrs of porn just to get a high because I can't smoke weed anymore, and whenever I can't do that, I go to the store to buy processed food and sweets and pop that I don't need but I need to fulfill this need of a high with a sugar craving, and then I kick back into circulation because then I start thinking about how much of an asshole Jay and Jay gf was and then it repeats all over again.
I think too much.
I sneak drinks from my parents special alcohol because I can't even afford buying me some alcohol enough to drown my poisonous thoughts in. But then it gets worse if I drink too much, because then I think about hurting myself and the ptsd kicks in from my momma, dad, jay, that bitch, and everybody else that ever said any mean, rude, sarcastic, and judging me for not being able to grow up like a proper adult. When the truth is, I don't even want to?
And I mean the type the adult my mother and father became...
The corporate job, that you don't even like going to, but you do it because you gotta pay bills, wash your ass, cook, clean, and pay at restaurants because you wife likes to be dined out and took on trips every so often to feel loved and appreciated. Then there's the kids and their automatic dysfunctions to wanting to chip in or help out. All the while, when you come home, you're so tired and worn the fuck out, you can't even build on the dreams or the projects your ass retired to think about doing outside of work because your wife made you cut your hair and be somebody you weren't before you met her.
That's why I don't like marriage. Because I hate being controlled. But I know I need to if I want to settle down and at least have one freaking kid (which I admit took me a long time to even adjust to the idea of having kids at all, until much recently) because kids need to grow up within the first 8-10yrs with 2 parents to grow up with a secure attachment style. And I'm starting to fear, I don't wanna end up a workaholic like my mom who barely even had enough time for me working all the time to cover the household, and then now my dad is the one taking over that role and I see the difference in my sisters now, the lack of their father being able to emotionally support them, like he used to do with me. Cause when mom wasn't there, he was, and I'm glad he was. But now, I keep thinking that maybe if I didn't feel so fearfully attached to my mother to where I became anxious-avoidant, maybe I would have had a healthier relationships with my more feminine relationships and I wouldn't have started to feel like a low life about her not loving me, kissing me, or hugging me enough as a child, like I needed her to be there. It wasn't just me looking for attention or just whining for no reason, I remember crying to myself at night sometimes because I was afraid to call her to my room to help me. Because she was always at work.
And now you think I'm overthinking, but this is just an example of what my brain starts thinking within a whole hour and I just woke up. And by the way I hate the idea of being a depressed mother, postpartum-depression, my mother had it, but I've seen other mothers with it and how it affected the children to see their mothers sad and they became overpleasing, overworked children who blamed their mother's conditions on the reasons why they can't stop people pleasing and stop being too nice all the time, because they grew up in a southern background with biscuits, rice, and eggs that taught their children to serve and serve the mother and father as part of the household.
Sounds like slavery right?
What bout teamwork, cooperation, fairnesss. Not tyranny.
And that's where the loop starts all over again. Because I just came out of situation/unofficial relationship/bdsm-sex-slaveship/non-giving-a-fuck-cgl/toxicship/friendship that was ran by a tyrannist and a colonist working and then not working me to death, putting me on hold, expecting me to wait without a collar of endearment or commitment, and then getting mad when I leave to go find real love, but then my heart keeps fucking beeping like the little reservation alarms from Outback that HEYYYY BITTCHHHH YOUUUU FEEELLLL SOMMMMEETHHHIMGGGGGG THEERREEEEE FORR AAA REEASSSONNNNNNNNN! FUCKING STUBBORN YOUTH BITCH, YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH THEMMMMM!
And this is when I get into a fight with myself, because it doesn't even fucking matter because clearly the Co-Captain, Jay, doesn't wanna be involved with us, nor do we know if they were actually playing a role to please HITLER or they really are an abusive, retarded, bastard who doesn't deserve shit, because you know why....
And I hate when I delegate with my personalities, yes, I said personalities, but they mostly feel like masks, because it was an imaginary coping mechanism that my young version of me did to adapt to school, my house, my friends in FL, My friends in MS, and then of course my friends here, I'm always changing and customizing myself like a GTA character in the shop, ready to just take a fucking shower and lay in bed alll day to exhaust my engine, because I downloaded too many computer programs and learned too many parts about someone else's vagina that I wasn't just about to get ready to eat and now Im switching as I talk......
See what I mean. I go from writer nostalgic rant, to aggressive, over freak that just wants to get down, get nasty, get drunk, get high, and go see other people so I can just get over this fat jerk, that (we dont know if they even love us, but nancy drew wants a straight up confession not controlled by their institutionalized gf that hawks their phone and their mind everyday. THEY REEEKKKK OF THEIR FUCKING GF INFLUENCESSS. THAT MANIPULATIVE ASSS FUCKIING WHHOOORREEEE), but most obviously (school Ky talking) this person absolutely does not love me or her enough to respect both women, but especially me, as they disrespect me the most, block me to abandon me, an treat me like a sexy can of green beans to eat later in their storage cabinet, so yes they just see you as a casual sex option to go, no longer respects you, your mind, your body or whatever your opinion is.....because their off marrying the wicked witch of the Midwest as we speak....it could be any day now.
(Mad ky) Why the fuck haven't they got married yet? 2yrs is wayyy too fucking long to be engaged to somebody if they're saying they're gonna get married at the courthouse. Like wtfff just do it already, I can't hold this fat ass bitch any longer from running back to this mf house. Like Ky, leave this nigga alone, damn! We can find a finer ass nigga, with a better job, and a better heart, emotionally available to love you and respect you the way that you need to be treated, fuck that mf.
I hate this bitch (Love Ky) but why don't we just go over there and see if they'll talk to us.
Forget that hoe, we out mf.
We can't even tell this mf that we even moved in between grand rapids and Flint because mom tried to push us down the stairs and had to live with our grandma who don't even want us there so now she keeps making up excuses because she has OCD and likes her house a certain way, her and her only.
Its been a month since I even got into it with her about a fucking hamster, now my ass is still in flint. Not even wanting to go see grandma till I have a fucking job, cause she always yelling at me about stupid little shit and I only got to stay there for a month. She even got on me about some canned collard greens, man do I highly dislike that mf mother too. Sorry, grandma but you a pain in the ass to live with too.
I hate my life rn....
And its so hard to stay positive. My life sounds like a cartoon that I didn't even write. My looney toon ass need a psychiatrist, but I can't even afford therapy until I find a job with actual healthcare insurance.
Cause my first ever therapy session was $188 that I haven't even been able to pay off yet, because a mf aint got no job, Tommy.
Like wtffff
I need a vacation. From my brain. And my body. My family.
Then there's that good ol' American Television called escapissmmmmmmmm
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(and tiny Pride. It’s fun how he was like, almost the least sympathetic homunculus (I mean, most people can relate to just wanting to go back to sleep ok dad/mom, so even Sloth…lol), and yet he’s the only one who finds a ‘new life’.)
(only HOHENHEIM’S DEAD, my FMA twin is gone ;-; at least that moment with Trisha was beautiful)
I thought I’d cry with FMA’s ending because I did almost cry during the Ishvalan Civil War flashbacks, but…once again, my eyes were dry XD maybe because TG and AoT made me appreciate FMA’s happy ending more?
TYSM for recommending such a great series, Queen Luna <33333 I’m getting kinda emotional XD
UGH. Idek what book that is but I already hate it because of that line.
Hisoka, Hisoka. He’s like the unholy offspring of Furuta and Sebastian. I love it.
(nah, it’s fine,I don’t mind cursing ^^ thanks for asking though, that was sweet)
Yeah, Junior High is pretty cute :) well, it hasn’t been that long since she started learning cello so she’s still playing simple songs like 'mary had a little lamb’ ^^ she really wants to play more complex songs, though.
GAH SORRY I still haven’t started playing OTL I’ve just been a bit busy and had a lot to think about (because COLLEGE) so I kept forgetting…I’ll let you know when I finally start, sorry ;-;
If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon…ok, ok, I can deal with Touken, I can deal with that. HOWEVER. If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon and Urie/Mutsuki does, I don’t even know what I’ll do. ESPECIALLY IF ISHIDA MAKES URIE ABANDON SAIKO TO 'SAVE’ MUTSUKI OR SOMETHING OMG
I would never! I’m a nice, sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know the meaning of the word 'savage’!
If Kimblee actually took a liking to me I’d try to get him to stop blowing things up. Maybe find him a different hobby. But the sad truth is that there’s probably nothing and no one he likes enough to give up his explosions for XD
But you know how I have a cinnamon roll side and then a troll side? Troll!Evans and Kimblee might actually get along really well. Imagine the suffering…
0//////0 Queen Luna is also an amazing friend! Tysm for everything <333 (I say 'tysm’ a lot but then again, there’s no such thing as too many 'thank you’s? lol. Also, I love how 'Queen Luna’ was just a joke at first but now it’s like an actual nickname I use for you. I hardly ever call you just 'Luna’ anymore XD if we ever met irl I’d probably have a hard time calling you anything other than 'queen’)
Oh wow. Sebastian will fight you for the honor of his kitties
X-men is a seperate universe from MCU, though. (I don’t watch X-men so I’m not sure but I think they and MCU agreed to share the Pietro/Wanda twins?) X-men Pietro is a different character from MCU Pietro so our Pietro is still dead ;-;
Moblit and Evans would go on friendly coffee dates and rant about their crazy queens.
Luna/Armin would be so cute, seriously why do I ship you with so many characters…and idk what puberty will do to Armin(will he even survive to go through all of it? sorry) but the fanart of adult!Armin does look good :)
And wait, 15 cm taller than Levi? I’m maybe 3~5 cm taller than him (and I’m only 13 omg) so that makes you at least 10cm taller than me.
It’s really messed up, which means I’ve gotta draw it now XD
Congratulations with Kimblee might go something like this (warning: this is crack and I’m sorta abusing Kimblee's canon abilities, realistically it probably couldn’t go like this):
Shuu: “Mr. Kimblee?!”
Kimblee: “Tsukiyama…
*blows up the clock on Shuu’s desk*
“You have invented a new kind of stupid-”
*blows up a framed picture of Shuu and Naomi*
“A 'Damage You Can Never Undo’ kind of stupid-”
*sets fire to the carpet*
“An 'Open All the Cages in the Zoo’ kind of stupid-”
*destroys the entire hecking desk*
“A 'Clearly, You Didn’t Think This Through’ kind of stupid.”
*breaks the window nearest to Shuu*
And then, at the end-
Kimblee: “Every sacrifice you make is for my sister, give her the best life-
Congratulations. :)”
*entire house collapses around them*
So you’d contract Sebastian for chocolate?
(tbh I have a sweet tooth too. I’m sorta sensitive to taste so too many sweets at once makes me get sick of them quickly, but I really like them a little at a time (and I still almost never get sick of chocolate))
ty again for the beautiful edit <3
*hugs* thank you, that really means a lot to me.
But did you see the small Kaneki painting I sent you along with the other pics? Because I actually made that as a way to vent..splattering red blood paint all over the paper did help XD (drawing doesn’t always help, though. When I’m really angry I get the urge to raise my voice and say exactly what I’m thinking, only that’d be horrible so I try to keep it down..but that just makes me angrier LOL)
the left side feels more Kanae and the right side feels more Shuu, but either way, it looks really beautiful :D <3 (also that 'I miss you’ omg I’m getting Shuu/Kaneki feels NO)
(Also I hope the Uta edit I sent you was ok? It was like almost the first aesthetic thing I’ve ever done lol
About it, though: I don’t have a pinterest so I searched stuff like 'black and white aesthetic tumblr’ on google and used the pics that popped up…is that ok? Since I’m just downloading pictures I like and playing around with them on PhotoScape with no intention to post it on the internet or show it to anyone other than you? Idek how this works, I’m way too ignorant about the internet ;-;)
Oh, that sounds cool! I don’t listen to much Ed Sheeran but liked his song for the Hobbit ('I see Fire’? I think that’s what it’s called?) and because Shape of You just keeps playing in the manhwa cafe I go to to read manga, that song kinda got stuck in my head and I can’t stop listening to it XD I don’t listen to remixes a lot for no particular reason but some of them are really cool :)
I’m currently obsessed with Hurricane, Castle, Ghost and 100 Letters by Halsey, along with a bunch of Lana Del Rey songs (going to listen to her new album as soon as I can!), Melodrama (Lorde’s new album), and Young and Menace and Champions by Fall Out Boy…also songs from Steven Universe and Adventure Time, like Love Like You and Everything Stays. And all of FMA’s openings because WOW.
(And yeah, movie/anime soundtracks are always so cool <3)
Is... Is your heart okay? I know it’s a big emotional thing!  Yeee, Greed’s death was a huge shock for me as well T^T WhY Did yOu HaVE tO saY GOodByE
The only thing that really shocked me was Ed giving up his alchemy. It honestly made for a bit of an unsatisfying end, like it’s trying to make way for a sequel (that never came)
Yep, I was expecting you to be not so happy with Hoenheim... Well, at least it’s a happy death? Not in battle, but with his beloved?
TG and AoT scar people for life. Kill of their emotions, so they’re unable to cry at sad things, bc nothing is sad in comparison to those two.  Except for a few rare exceptions. Oh, did I ever tell you that I always, without a fail, cry when watching a specific Love Live episode? It’s about a character that I relate to a bit too much, and since it’s a sorta bittersweet character arc, I always end up crying. The music also gets to me. I could write in detail exactly what and why XD
No problem! If you ever want more recommendations, just say so! Even though I’ll probably recommend series without you asking :P
It’s called ‘Court of Thorns and Roses’. I mean, the writing style is more or less ok, and the premise is interesting at first glance, but then everything gets ruined by the author for not being able to create a flawed MC, cause they have to be perfect!  I’ve read another one of the author’s books before, but dropped it halfway, again because on an annoying MC. The only reason why I finished this one is bc it was the only reading material available XD It’s also supposed to be a spin on Beauty and the Beast, but with fairies, but it was so badly done that I genuinely didn’t realize that until I read it somewhere on the internet. It’s also one of the rare series where I intentionally don’t read the sequels. The original book was that bad I’m getting way too emotional over the book XD
Hisoka is breaking my trash-o meter! It’s over 9000!
Ah, that’s a relief... I’ve definitely started cussing a lot lately, and I know it makes some people uncomfortable, so I wanted to ask ^^
Aw, that’s actually adorable! I hope she gets better at it soon ^^ I’ve always loved listening to string instruments...
Naaah, no worries! Take your time with it! It’s no rush, honestly! Do it at a time that’s convenient to you ^^ Seriously, please don’t feel pressured to play it >_<
Let’s be honest. The possibility of Urie sacrificing himself for Mutsuki is way bigger than Urie/Saiko becoming canon. I cry when I think about it, because we all know Urie would be so much happier with Saiko (*`д´*) Ishida, whyyyyy
Right, I totally believe that. Evans, a sweet, innocent cinnamon roll who doesn't get savage at moments. Sure. Because you totally didn’t set the Flame Alchemist on fire with a burn.
I’m afraid explosions are his one true love. Maybe you could get him to paint explosions instead of making them, though. Like, ‘Ok, Kimblee, here’s paper, some paint, go wild. Just don’t set the room on fire, please.’ He’d show his soft side around you only. If there was anyone else in the room, he’d be his usual self, but with you, in private, he’d probably be a tiny bit sweet. Sometimes.  Troll!Evans and Kimblee would be the actual definition of ‘Prepare for trouble, make it double’. I’d probably run away screaming when you’d announce your relationship XD I’d congratulate you later, but still a bit weary when the two of you are together.
Fun fact: I almost blush every time I read the word Queen XD If I was someone who blushed easily, I’d be an actual tomato while reading your messages ^\\\^ I’d probably actually blush if we were walking around and you called me queen... And then bury myself into a hole forever XD
I’d be the person who’d just shrug her shoulders and be like ‘we all have our opinions’. Now that I think about it, I’d probably get on just fine with Ciel XD
Ah, I see. I just remember that there was a quicksilver in one of those movies, but I didn’t remember the details. 
Hanji and I would simultaneously have the glimmering glasses moment XD  The parallels between the duos are really similar :P
He! Will! Survive! He has too... We already had an almost death for him, and I don’t want an actual death to happen. The cinnamon roll doesn’t deserve it. The first time I saw the fan art, my reaction was. *stares at the screen* ‘well then’ I’d liked Armin from the beginning but this was the moment in which he was cemented as favorite character XD
Aw, Evans is smol for now! When I was 13, I was shortest in class, but now I’m among the tallest. Everyone is taller than Levi... That’s just sad XD But, hey, everyone in Cinderella Phenomenon (I will not shut up) is taller than you! In fact, you’re approx. the height of the MC! Cuuute
Well, my stomach totally doesn’t hurt from laughing too much XD That’s a very destructive version of Congratulations, that would probably end up with someone getting sued XD Shuu for emotional damage, Kimblee for blowing up a fucking house.
Unfortunately, not even chocolate can make me sign a contract with that trash can. Sorry Bassy, but you’re not getting my soul.
Aw, that’s a shame... There’s never enough sweets! 
I’m glad you like it ^^
You could always yell into a pillow? Or punch the pillow if you’re feeling especially angry... 
So, basically, I unintentionally made a Shuu/Kanae edit. I’m not even mad XD 
Yeah, it was pretty good! If you want, I can pass you some advices my friend gave to me when I stared making the edits?  The quote is very Uta, tho. I mean, he does revel in other’s tragedy... 
Yes, of course it is! Find pics any way you want! I’m just using pinterest because it’s easier ^^;; A lot of really artsy pics are posted there, so I quickly find what I’m looking for ^^
Yep, I think it’s called that... Most of his songs on my playlist are from his new album, but some are older as well ^^ There’s this remix of Shape Of You. I listen to it waaay too much XD I found it in an AMV and was immediately like ‘I want this song’, so I downloaded it :P
FMA has some of the best openings and closings I’ve ever heard. My favorite is probably the first one, because it’s just so so amazing *^*
I live for the fantasy fight soundtracks.  A few examples are from the anime Fate/Zero or Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, like This Day and Never Again, Unlimited Blade Works and You Are My King. Those would make a snail race look epic.
AAAALSO THE RAGNAROK TRAILER IS OOUT!  I adored Loki’s moment XD ‘Surprise~ This is going to be so much fun’
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