aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 10: Deities | Fairytale
Rapunzel AU except Sasori doesn't have long hair, doesn't know he's the crown prince and people just gave up trying to kidnap him because he's insufferable. Guess who had to hire loan sharks to get random people to still do it, after feeling guilty for locking him in a magic tower due to the death of his parents. Sakura's here because her dad got debt trapped and can't pay it back. She'd throw Sasori off the balcony if she had to. Together they have tons of fun (pain) on this journey of self discovery.
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sasosakumonth · 2 years
sos month 2022 voting poll
hello everyone! please follow this link to participate in this year's prompt poll.
you can pick up to 20 out of 67 prompts to vote for!
poll will be running from september 2nd to september 9th, the final list for sasosaku month in november will be up on september 10th (hopefully)
see you next week!
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ditaattemptsart · 2 years
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SasoSaku Month Day 2: Witches & Familiars
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First chapter of SOS month 2022. Enjoy!
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku Month Day 2: Witches & Familiars | Into the Fae Realm
Sasori's alchemical set-up was something to be envied. An entire table full of glass and crystal all created under the careful eyes of master crafters. Even the simple scrying bowl was made up of paper-thin quartz! Such tools were fitting for the queen's court and Sakura desperately wished she knew where he had gotten them.
"What are you making this time?" He asked moving closer to the table. Even now he held himself with the airs of a prince; legs crossed and hand propping up his chin. There was still exhaustion painted under his doe eyes as they followed her hands gather ingredients.
collab with @baking-fics! check out their entry here
in which little fairy sakura wants to become a master fairy but is greatly hindered by the fact that she was born without wings and has to climb everywhere. it's ironic really that sasori, whose people are not known to possess wings, flaunts a pair right in front of her. totally not shady whatsoever. in the meantime she regularly breaks into his house to use his fancy alchemy sets.
+ bonus
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 16: “This isn’t listed in the job description!” “No, but it is STRONGLY IMPLIED!” | Role Reversal
Old 2014 AU where Naruto and Sasuke died at VoTE so Sakura kind of goes feral, starts injecting freaky shit into herself and convinces little Sunan children to help her do the same to unsuspecting shinobi. smh
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 14: Time Travel AU | Fate
"Thank you for saving her, I don’t know how to function without…her…”
Sasori trailed off as he stared into the faces he had last seen waving goodbye as they left for their last mission. He had memorized their portraits but they always seemed hazy in his memories.
His parents, Subaru and Michiru, stood before him as if they had never died.
our faves accidentally get yeeted to the time period where sasori's parents were about to kick the bucket. fun for everyone involved
collab with with loml @simplelations! please check out their entry here.
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it's a little much for him
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 20: Feral Nature | Poisonous
what's more feral than being stuck in pure survival mode. exactly.
alice in borderland AU where the three portrayed are cooperating to get all the cards but will be bound to betray each other at some point. geez i wonder who's going to get outsnaked first.
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 12: Masquerade | Forbidden
Each night they danced into a haze until morning came—each slow and beautiful spin sent her mind into a daze. Each night when she pulled away the man seemed surprised, perhaps just as her that morning had come to chase them away.
But tonight would be different.
collab with @fantasy-author-xanna-renae, please check out their wonderful entry here!
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 6: Wedding Crash(er/ed) | Silent Crush
half of the people attending want to stop this the other half cant wait for these demons to be married so they cant be unleashed on anyone else. thank god this is the fake christian larping part of japanese weddings and therefore doesnt matter <3
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aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 4: Desert Ruins | Ancient
that moment when you & your crush rip through the floor of an ancient desert ruin and end up discovering your grandma's thief's pile of bones and cool puppet scrolls alongside them. a double W if you ask me
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always make sure your friends dont get HORRIBLY MURDERED by keeping them close <3
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aprito · 2 years
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@forestoffavourites I'm glad you asked!!!!!!
well this is pretty much a 2.0 the reup of the garbage edit i did for sos month 2017. i own 2/3 of the live action dvds because i missed seeing them live and thought wow how nice would it be if they hadnt SKIPPED OVER THE KKR ARC and DIDNT DEPRIVE ME OF SASORI AND A CHIYO so i got creative (desperate).
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since sakura did exist already all i had to do is pretend i know anything about tone and color and shop them into one graph
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et voila
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ditaattemptsart · 2 years
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Sasosaku Month Day 8: Free Day - Happy Birthday Sasori
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