#too tired to properly color this pls accept
aprito · 2 years
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sasosaku month Day 10: Deities | Fairytale
Rapunzel AU except Sasori doesn't have long hair, doesn't know he's the crown prince and people just gave up trying to kidnap him because he's insufferable. Guess who had to hire loan sharks to get random people to still do it, after feeling guilty for locking him in a magic tower due to the death of his parents. Sakura's here because her dad got debt trapped and can't pay it back. She'd throw Sasori off the balcony if she had to. Together they have tons of fun (pain) on this journey of self discovery.
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nunuxhoho · 2 years
Hey! Can I ask what you love about each of the members?
Hey! 😊💙 I'm guessing you mean both personally & visually? (I'm gonna include both if you don't mind XD)
sorry in advance that not all member will have the same amount of words.
let's go!
Shownu - personally: I think he cares for the others more than we are able to see. he always have his eyes on them and keeps them in mind. he really is a good person, that doesn't like getting into conflicts. he's a very simple person which I really like about him. what I mean in "simple" is that he is very… boyish. Like I don’t know if I'm understood. It just seem like his life perspective is very light headed. Not that he doesn't have deep thoughts, he just see things as they are and accepts that. That's how I see shownu, that he really can let things go easily when something is not that serious or needed to be overthinked. Also he dosen't mind to give up his place for the sake of someone else. Like when he lets minhyuk or others speak instead of himself cause he knows they'll like it so he wants to grant them. He really cares for them (therefor he deserve the world 🥺💙) love the way he appreciate food and the "eat how much you want (that's also a wonho thing) he have his cute unique homer. He was creaking me up in the nunu and hoho eating show, still remembers the jokes XD. Shownu + kids is the cutest thing 🥺
visually: it's no lies he have a beautiful features. His torso…pls🤧. his skin color with the manly yet beautiful face. 10/10 perfect. 👌👌👌
Wonho ( be proper it's long...)
Personally: he really care for his surroundings. (For everyone) he observing and notice things and remembers them (kinda like shownu). Doesn't scare to be called girly with the things he wears or products he uses. very open minded. he dosen't follow agendas he creates them! like when he is very sticks with his music. others opinion matters but in the end, it's his decision and him only. very sensitive and gentle. best part he's not afraid to show it. he dosen't afraid to look manly man and at the same time very opening up his feeling or being called feminine. he even admit he gets scared easily. just doesn't have that "manly ego". he LOVES dogs. Was volunteered at a lost dog place. Hack, last month he paid 1 million yen to a dog he doesn't even know for a surgery.( I mean 😭) he just likes to give, always has been. even in times when didn't have a penny he gave his friends and the staff presents, if you remember. He wants his fans to feel comfortable with him on vlives cause again he just cares and show it in so many ways.
he dont want his dancers to wear masks so they'll feel comfortable. treats them so properly with respect.
truly a leader. SUPER talented. funny using his own homer lol. he doesn't use cynical homer (barely) which I find it so cute cause like, he dosen't try too much he have his own natural goofy homer.
both POLITE and SAVAGE man I've ever seen.
he knows the best way to put insulting fans in place. and the way he gently tells them he doesn't care for their hate or that he can do whatever he wants. he really tries not to get mad and to get what he wants without conflicts. he tries to avoid that bad energy.
when he doesn't understand something his puppy lost eyes. smily boy 😁💙 (tho it's never enough!!!)
Crying easily out of no where - that's wonho XD. Or when he gives his romantic peaches. God I never forget that time he and kihyun just started to cry and hug comfort each other out of no where XD. Then changkyun came and wonho was like "changkyun…our makne T-T"
The way wonho loves and treasure all the members was beautiful to watch.💙💙💙
what can I say I LOVE him. PERFECT. perfect angel💙💙💙🥺🥺🥺
Visually: I'll skip the body part cause its pretty obvious (and I got tired of writing XD) he is just beautiful - let's start with that. his eyes are like big sparking pearls (that always revealing his feelings) , his lips shape is beautiful and sexy. I love his falling nose when he's smiling. his front teeth smile... that smile is definitely my fav. and every kind of laugh he has. I'm just gonna fall in love again...
Minhyuk -
personally: his humor... I can't XD. the gay vibe. the hyper vibe. the crazyyy. like I wanna be his bff and gossip together lol. he dosen't go easy with rude mbbs (as he should). sassy. he likes to tease kihyun and I just love him being playful and making drama. totally a star. Always so center of attention. him being flirty and playful with all of them. love you minmin.
visual: the sunshine smile. his big beautiful thinking eyes. overall so attractive, so cute.
Kihyun - personally - this man is perfect... should I really add words?
animal lover. him getting excited and start to hit someone - too cute. him getting angry. the way he treat fans. him being a feminist. him being a PRINCE. him being responsible and caring for his mx family. when he laughs that SMILE. so sensitive. so respectful yet speak on his mind out? The way he tries to get closer with kids omg… his such a sweet heart.
visual: the million-dollar smile. his beautiful skin. his lips (they are so underrated!!!) my pretty boy.
Hyungwon - *takes a breath* ok
seriously. I didn't knew it until long ago but he is the most funniest. I love the cynical jokes comes out of him so natural. him looking at nothing looking like hes losing it, lolll. him being very sensitive yet doesn't like to show it. remember what a cutie he was once when he was young and shy?! Babe. when he laughs and can't control it smiling with himself. when he looks quiet in vlives then suddenly start to talk a lot being all charismatic. him fangirling after wonho was the cutest thing. (god I miss them) sometimes I think I'm draw to him more then I should. boyfriend material. him just being himself 24/7. wonnie 💙
visual - his :^} so cuteee XD. all his meme faces. haves that little laugh I can't imitate it but it sound funny and short. very good looking as we know. his height, his square smile. His Barbie perfect nose. That I don't care look. yeah That…
Jooheon – CUTIE PIE. adorable. funny. LOVE HIS CONFIDENT. he knows what he got. the way he wants everyone affections and just ask for it without a shame XD best actor!!! he acts so good and serious. I love when he gets those acting parts at shows XD. so cool.
visual - I admit jooheon is not my type but he is good looking. (my lost) I wouldn't mine dating him tho hehe. Love his cute cheeks when he smiles.
Changkyun -
personality: ok SAVAGE. I dont love it I'm crazyyy for it. I can't understand where does he comes up with his saying GOD I LOVE IT. the flirts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Tho he acts crazy he really is a serious person. I think sometimes he takes things heavy, like he overthink.(a little bit like wonho maybe?) he cares so much for the members. I actually think he's the only person in the group that loves all the members equally. like they all really love each other, but some have more or less a favs then the other (which is normal). But I think maybe he loves them all on the same level. (I could be wrong) he is so crazy but can also looks so damn indifferent. I laugh so hard when he says jokes with that face on. his attitude is very attractive. his dancing. I love his crazy laugh. babee.
visual: ok um everything? his sexy voice. his Tongue his teeth. his tongue on his teeth. His body. his hairstyle. Everything about him is attractive. I do miss his cheeks but without them he still looks really sexy too. god damn.
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charincharge · 4 years
jealous rowan pls that's all I have to say
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I Don’t Want To Wait, Part 2
rowaelin high school bff AU masterlist
There was one day of the year that Aelin was a complete control freak about – and that was her birthday party. She spent most of the year scheming and planning for her next big bash; Aelin’s birthdays were like prom and a wedding combined into one. This year’s theme was a masquerade ball, and Aelin was not skimping at all.
So it was no surprise that she was running late, trying to micromanage everyone.
“No, that streamer needs to be lowered one inch more,” Aelin groaned at Rowan, who stood with his arms awkwardly above his head, trying to accommodate his best friend’s wishes.
“Ace, it’s perfect where it is,” Rowan insisted, his arms tired from holding up decorations and taping them to the wall. “And don’t you need to finish getting dressed?” Rowan nodded at Aelin, whose hair was still in large curlers and wearing a sweatshirt and leggings.
Rowan’s Aunt Maeve came bustling out of the kitchen, her hair tied back in an elegant chignon and examined her restaurant, which had been transformed by her nephew and his best friend. The restaurant patio was glittering with curtains of twinkle lights, looking like stars. They’d cleared out the tables to make room for a dance floor, and red and purple streamers hung in long strands, connecting the heat lamps dotting the corners of the room.
“Oh, Aelin, it looks magical out here,” she said, sweeping Aelin into a giant hug. Aelin smiled, proud of her hard work on display. “But Rowan’s right. You need to finish getting ready.”
Maeve ushered Aelin to the large powder room where Aelin’s perfect dress was waiting. She’d saved up all her babysitting money to afford the gorgeous deep violet ballgown. She let Maeve help her put it on, stepping into the strapless contraption and arranging the large skirt so it flared all around her. Maeve tied up the corset laces in the back of the dress tightly. That was Aelin’s favorite part. Mostly because when it was all properly done up, it made her look like she had some boob to spare, rather than her usual barely there curves.
She pulled the rollers from her hair as Maeve helped her apply a light dusting of makeup. She examined herself in the mirror. Aelin didn’t usually think of herself as beautiful, but tonight…
“Wow,” Rowan called from the doorway.
Aelin blushed as his dark green eyes perused her dress, pausing just slightly on her unusually ample chest.
He raised an eyebrow and motioned to his own chest, back and forth. “Those are new.”
Maeve had the decency to smack her nephew’s arm as she made her way out of the bathroom, departing with a loaded glare. He rubbed his arm and pouted.
“What are you doing in here, Buzzard?” Aelin was planning a grand entrance to the party, and no one was supposed to see her until she decided she was good and ready.
Rowan grinned roguishly. “I need your phone. To connect to the speakers. Unless you want me to play my music…”
“Don’t you dare,” she warned him, going through her bag and handing him her phone.
“See you on the dance floor,” he said with a wink, and disappeared again. Aelin sat and combed her fingers through her golden waves, pinning the top half up, and finally put on the piece de resistance, the gorgeous black lace mask she’d ordered.
The night moved along just as Aelin had planned – she got her dramatic entrance with lots of ooohs and ahhhs, people milled around the patio, looking stunning in their formal wear and masks, and the playlist was the perfect mix of up-tempo and slow songs to dance to. Aelin had greeted as many people as she could, but every time she took a few steps, she was stopped by yet another person, thanking her for the invite. This is what she got for inviting the whole sophomore class, she supposed.
She kept looking over her shoulder at the small table of her friends, who’d congregated together. Mostly, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Rowan, who despite being thoroughly annoyed with her birthday extravaganza, had still dressed up in a suit and silver mask.
With a slow song playing overhead, Aelin finally thought it was time to take a break and join him, when a hand tapped her on the shoulder.
Despite the elaborate green mask covering his face, Aelin would know Chaol Westfall’s shining copper-brown eyes anywhere. She sat next to them in almost every class this year.
“Chaol!” Aelin greeted him with a warm hug. “Thank you for coming.”
He smiled in return and held out his hand. “I was hoping you would dance with your favorite lab partner.”
Aelin looked around. “Oh, is Dorian here already?”
“Ha ha,” Chaol deadpanned, and Aelin couldn’t help but laugh softly.
Aelin nervously accepted his hand, and let him walk her out onto the dance floor. Chaol awkwardly placed one hand onto her side and kept the other lifted between them. A proper dance carriage. Aelin was impressed as he led them in a waltz, in time with the music.
Aelin’s lips formed a small ‘o’ as he blushed. “My mom put me in dance lessons when I was little,” he admitted. “I rarely have a reason to use them.”
“Color me impressed,” Aelin said, and Chaol lowered her into a low dip, smiling widely. As he lifted her back up, Aelin giggled in a way so unlike her she couldn’t believe the noise came out of her mouth. She sounded so girly.
Chaol moved them effortlessly across the floor, gliding from spot to spot, and Aelin couldn’t believe her own feet. She had no knowledge of the waltz herself, but she just followed his lead. As the song came to a finish, Chaol bowed slightly and pressed his lips to her hand.
“M’lady,” he said, thanking her for the dance. Aelin turned, finally ready to join her friends, when she crashed into a solid body with an oomph.  
She looked up too see a frowning Rowan, his eyes dark with displeasure. But he wasn’t looking at Aelin, he was glaring across the floor at Chaol. Aelin poked his side, trying to get his attention, but Rowan didn’t even crack a smile.
“What’s up, buttercup?” Aelin asked, and Rowan shrugged, clearly annoyed by something.
“Just wanted to see if you needed help.”
“With what?” Aelin asked, confused. She looked over her shoulder at where Rowan was still glaring and put it together. “Oh, with Chaol? No, he’s nice. And who knew that he could dance so well?”
“I can dance,” Rowan muttered, and Aelin quirked her head at her best friend. In the twelve years she’d known Rowan she didn’t think she’d seen him dance once. Not even at his cousin’s wedding after sneaking two glasses of champagne.
“Do you want to…” Aelin asked, nodding her head towards the dance floor, expecting him to turn her down immediately. But he surprised her and nodded stiffly. “Okay…”
Aelin wanted to tell him he was being super weird, but she held it in. Instead, her nervous heart beat faster as she led Rowan onto the dance floor. Her palm was sweaty in his, and she realized that everyone would be looking at them. Rowan seemed to sense her nerves and finally took the lead. He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her close, and she lifted her arms to rest on his wide shoulders. It was a far cry from the formal hold Chaol danced with her in. As Aelin exhaled a shaky breath, Rowan’s grasp on her tightened, as if he were pulling her into a hug. Except they’d never hugged for this long before.
They swayed, side to side, as the music continued, until Rowan finally broke the silence.
“Did Chaol get you a present?”
Aelin had no idea. She hadn’t gone through the tall stack of presents on the side table yet.
“I’m sure whatever he got me isn’t nearly as good as my breakfast cake,” Aelin said with a smile, and that finally got a small smirk out of Rowan.
“That’s because I know you best,” Rowan said resolutely, and Aelin tipped her head back and craned her neck to look at her best friend’s face. She lifted her hand and poked his cheek, turning his frown back into a smile.
“You do, weirdo.”
“Happy birthday, Ace,” Rowan whispered, and Aelin shivered as his breath ghosted across her ear. Rowan disappeared off the dance floor and held court as his table for the rest of the night with the rest of his cadre, but Aelin rode the high of that dance until she was crawling into bed that night.
She touched her ear where Rowan’s lips had almost touched and smiled into the dark.
tags: @hizqueen4life @df3ndyr @keshavomit @aknymph
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sonicgetsrawed · 4 years
Sharp Cheddar
A modern Varian x Hugo one shot!!! The cheese is relevant in this one!! I’m putting it under the cut cause it got pretty long! Enjoy!!!
Hugo draped his arm across his face, trying to block out the sun that streamed in from the window. He was normally a morning person but he had submitted his last project for the semester and thought he deserved to sleep in a little bit. He rolled over, fully intending to pull his boyfriend into his arms only to be met with an empty bed. He groaned sitting up and shoving his glasses onto his face. A deep frown settled into his features noticing that Varian’s side was still made up. He shook his head, the idiot probably fell asleep in their lab again. He kicked the blankets off with the sole goal of dragging Varian to bed and ordering in. The semester had been stressful for both of them. Quite frankly he was surprised their relationship survived. Their relationship had been fairly new at the start of the semester, having been in the same dorm room the previous. They had been at each other’s throats then, until one particularly explosive argument ended in an equally explosive make out session. From there they started an actual relationship deciding to move in together off campus. Varian had insisted on getting a two bedroom apartment, claiming that he would be sleeping in his own room. That lasted two weeks and now the second bedroom was used as a lab space now, so it wasn’t a total loss. And they worked on opposite schedules so they both had time in the lab. They had learned very quickly that working together would lead to arguments, and that almost led to breaking up. Although once the fight was resolved it led to making up, which he quite enjoyed. But they had been doing too much of that lately, he was looking forward to having a relaxing few weeks of peace as they prepared for the next semester.
He padded across the room, not bothering to check his phone, the only person he wanted to talk to was in the same place as him anyways. He opened the door, surprised to see Varian in the kitchen. He had his back turned to him, various sand which ingredients spread about on their island.
“Love you too, Dad. Okay, I will. Bye.” Varian said, hanging up his phone and slamming it onto the counter next to him. His shoulders were hunched up to his ears and Hugo kissed any ideas of having a relaxing day goodbye. Varian’s dad was another major source of their arguments. He did not approve of their relationship in the slightest, always saying that Varian deserved better, could do better. Was he right? Absolutely, but he had a habit of taking things he didn’t deserve and he had no intentions of letting Varian go without a fight.
He made his way over to the smaller male. He still might be able to salvage this. He wrapped his arms around his middle, placing a kiss to Varian’s cheek and trailing down to his shoulder. “Good morning.” He was testing the waters, trying to gauge where Varian’s mindset was at. He was always on edge whenever he spoke to his dad.
“It’s afternoon. You slept in.” Varian said simply, only relaxing slightly in his touch.
“I know.” He replied, although he really hadn’t expected to sleep in that long. “Did you sleep at all?” Despite keeping his tone light, Varian shot him a warning glare over his shoulder. Hugo sighed as Varian escaped his grip, pulling a butter knife from the drawer. He pushed himself onto the island, watching with concern as Varian put the sand which together a little too roughly. “What did he say this time?”
Varian slammed the knife down on the table, bangs covering his eyes as he hunched over the counter. “Same thing as last time. Same thing as every time. I just can’t do this anymore, Hugh.”
He wanted to pull Varian into his arms, rub soothing circles on his back, and let him cry his eyes out. Instead he got defensive, he wasn’t even sure why. Maybe it was the fear that he might actually lose Varian this time. “Do what, exactly?”
“This! The fighting with you and my dad! It needs to stop.” Varian yelled, looking up at him with desperate, pleading eyes.
“Okay. Then tell him! This isn’t my fault. I’ve tried talking to him but he doesn’t want to hear it. You can’t blame me for this!” Hugo argued, letting his anger cloud his judgement.
“I-I’m not-“ Varian started, frustrated tears welling in his eyes.
“Yes, you are! You always get like this when you talk to him! You-you let him brainwash you!”
“He doesn’t brainwash me! Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?!”
Hugo had a retort ready on his tongue. It died when Varian deflated, tears falling in steady drops. He hated when Varian cried and it absolutely broke his heart when he was the one that caused it. “Var-“ He tried reaching out.
Varian backed away, out of his reach. “Maybe he was right. Maybe we moved to fast. I don’t even know what kind of cheese you like!”
“Cheese? What does that matter? I lo-“ He couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence, they hadn’t said those words yet and he didn’t want to say it like this. Not as a cop out in an argument, Varian deserved better than that, he was better than that.
“It matters because I feel like I don’t know you. I feel like you don’t know me. I don’t want him to be right, but I’m tired. I’m so tired, Hugo.” Hugo reached out again, desperate to keep Varian here, to keep him in his arms, but he slipped through his fingers like everything else that was good in his life. He didn’t know how long he sat there with the forgotten sandwich ingredients, eventually he had pulled himself together enough to move from his location. He wiped away a few of his stray tears. He wouldn’t accept defeat this easily. He would show Varian that they did know each other, and while his pride was his downfall he swallowed it and shot a quick text message to a number he didn’t even bother to save into his phone. It didn’t take long for him to get a reply. He quickly changed and jotted a quick note to Varian in case he came looking for him. Thankfully the meeting place wasn’t too far from his apartment.
He had to remind himself constantly that he was doing this for Varian to prevent himself from bolting from the pastel colored cat cafe. The blonde girl in front of him smiled kindly at the employee that handed her her drink and pastry. The foam cat on top of her coffee glaring into his soul, mocking him, with those beady foam eyes. His staring contest with the foam animal didn’t last long as Rapunzel dipped a piece of her pastry into the coffee, wiping the animal from existence.
“I’m so glad you wanted to meet up.” She said, a bit too cheerily for his liking.
“It’s not like I had a choice. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this.” Hugo responded, finally meeting her eyes. Normally he wouldn’t admit such a thing but he was feeling unusually vulnerable after the fight.
“Right, sorry.” She popped another piece of pastry into her mouth, taking a sip of her drink before continuing. “What happened this time?”
“We had another fight. He wants me to talk to Quirin.” He spat the name out. He had never gotten along with Varian’s dad no matter how hard he tried.
“So talk to him. If Varian sees you’re trying to fix things he’ll be satisfied. All he wants is for you to try.” Rapunzel explained as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
“It’s not that simple.” She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “Var thinks we don’t know each other.”
“Then show him you do.” She replied, eyes narrowed with a fire he had only seen a handful of times. It’s what made Rapunzel more bearable than the rest of Varian’s friends, her unwillingness to back down or give up on anything or anyone.
“How?” He asked, slumping forward in his chair, suddenly glad for their setting. No one he knew would dare set foot in this establishment and see the mess he was.
“You know, Eugene would probably suggest doing some big romantic gesture, but it’s all about the little things. The cupcakes he brings me when I’m sad, the extra paints he surprises me with on his way home from work, waking up early to get me coffee before I go into work. You know, things like that. They show you really care and know a person. Those mean more to me than any big gesture ever could.” Rapunzel explained, smiling as she lost herself in her memories.
“So bring him a cupcake?” Hugo asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose.
“No. You have to tailor it to you two. If you copy us it’ll just be an empty gesture. It has to come from the heart.” Rapunzel still had that stupid smile on her face, but he got the message. He stood an idea striking him.
“Uh, thanks, I guess.” He said as an afterthought as he headed out the door, not sticking around to hear her excited squeal.
It was dark by the time he returned to the apartment, various bags in his arms. He struggled to get the key into the lock and get the door open but he eventually got it. It was dark inside, which meant that Varian was likely still in the lab. He placed the bags on the counter and switched on the lights, eyes going wide at the sight that met him. The room had a giant blanket and pillow fort in front of their TV, lights strung from the ceiling, but Varian was nowhere to be found. He smiled softly to himself, setting up his horde of food in the middle of the fort. He couldn’t believe that someone would go through so much effort for him. He didn’t get much done before the door opened again. He pulled Varian inside before he could even properly process that he was there, pressing him against the closed door and kissing him like his life depended on it.
He reluctantly pulled away. “You did all this for me?”
Varian nodded, still trying to catch his breath. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken out my anger on you. I-I know that this doesn’t make up for the things I said, but I hope it’s a start.”
“I’m sorry too. You had a point about not knowing each other.” Hugo admitted, leading Varian to the fort. “So, I wanted to prove you wrong. It’s different food from all your favorite places.”
Varian made his way around the feast. “You got gyros?” Hugo nodded. “But you hate them!”
“But you don’t.” He said as way of explanation. “And.....” He shoved another tray into Varian’s hands.
“A cheese platter?” Varian raised an eyebrow, biting his lip in a way that sent his heart fluttering.
“Yup. I realized I don’t know what kind of cheese you like either. So, we’re going to try them all.”
Varian beamed before lighting up as if he just realized something. He dug around in the bag he hadn’t noticed before and pulled something out, placing it in his hands. “Do you have any idea how hard this was to track down?”
“Is this?” He asked staring in awe at the small blue toy car in his hand.
“Yeah. You said you always wanted one. It’s a little banged up, but we can repai-“ Hugo claimed Varian’s lips once again, relishing on how the other melted against him.
“It’s perfect. I love it.” He hesitated before deciding to speak his feelings. “I love you. I love you, Varian.”
“I love you too. I-I love you so much. I’ll talk to my dad tomorrow. We’ll work this out.” Varian responded.
“There’s no need. I already asked him to meet me tomorrow.” Hugo said.
Varian’s eyes lit up. “What did I ever do to deserve you? I love you.” Varian laughed, the sound like music to his ears. “I could say that forever. I love you.”
Hugo laughed this time, the sound quickly swallowed by Varian tackling him to the ground lips pressed against his the entire way down.
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Mini rant on how I’m doing today down under the read more. You absolutely don’t have to read it or respond. I just wanna word vomit somewhere. Pls be safe today.
I’ve been having a dilemma. For a little back story. All my life I have been the “Black sheep” of my family. Literally as I am a goth in a conservative family. Since I was a young pre-teen I was told to change. Family members would question why I look the way I do and why I like the things I like. Even going as far as telling my parents they should get me to change. I was told to be like my c ousins. Dress nice,not dramatic. Speak Greek like a good girl. Eventually date a Greek boy,etc. This family has a lot of expectations.
With the coming Elections I know things will be a nightmare. My family is pro-T all the way and has openly been this way since the last presidential election. My mother,my siblings and I are not this way. We all have always been the ‘outsiders’ in a way. Not fitting into my family’s mold. For that,I’m thankful. But as the only remaining member of this group stuck with the rest of the conservative family (yes,including my father) I am in a tough spot. I’ve been told more than once I should stop getting tattoos and it has been hinted that they are ugly. I’ve been told to stop dying my hair crazy colors and to grow up. They don’t even know I’m Bi. They accept my sister (who is a lesbian and in a loving relationship with a sweet girl) but make lesbian jokes as if they’re funny to anyone other than them. 
Every time politics came up,I stayed out of the situation. I know my ideals don’t line up with theirs. And with my family it isn’t any presidential debate. No. I’m just wrong. And they tell me why I’m wrong and try to change my mind. That isn’t a debate or discussion. That is control. They can not see the toxic and vile things the cheeto has done to this country. They turn a blind eye. The biggest T supporters in my family,of course,are the wealthiest of us all and have always been this way. Not saying wealth is the leading factor to supporting a dictator but damn if it doesn’t help.
When the last presidential election happened I didn’t proudly say I voted Blue. I didn’t flaunt it. For the fact that I didn’t want to have to deal with my family’s backlash. They follow me on social media not to keep up with my but to pretty much see what I’m up to and report back to my father if I do something they didn’t enjoy. I’m tired of keeping quiet. I’m tired of being unliked in my family. I’m tired of being told to change. I’m tired of being around these people that suck so much out of me. It’s a leading cause of why I want to move. I want family (my chosen family) who loves me for who I am and doesn’t ask me to change. My friends on here (Mama Viv,DoeDoe,Von,AJ,J,Emi and Dirt to name a few) love me for who I am and have vocally supported their Goth Wife/Goth Daughter as they call me. Somehow my own blood can’t even have the curtesy to not voice their opinions of me. And recently someone I deemed a best friend (irl) has made it known she openly votes Red twice now and supports the T in office. It blows my mind as she isn’t that different from me. Tattoos,piercings,dyed hair and kinky af. Any Republican would turn their nose at her. And she does nothing to educate herself. She only goes off of what she hears from Facebook and most of the time her sentences begin with “Facebook/someone at the bar told me.” this isn’t right. She refuses to properly educate herself and the first time a red flag went off for me was when the BLM movement first began (and is still ongoing). She never posted about it once and at one point said it was too “messy” and she didn’t want to be a part of it. Yet claims to be friends with one of my best friends,a black trans man. It has bothered me for some time now. I love her. She’s supported me. But I can’t take the ignorance. I refuse to. So I’m distancing myself from her because i can’t stomach to be friends with someone who would ignore so much hate along with the plans that her beloved president want to do that directly affect her. 
This Election day I am proudly showing that I’m voting Blue. I’m voting Biden. It will cause waves in my family. Especially if things don’t go how we want. I’m stuck here until I have the funds to move (whenever that will fucking be). I’ve even considered making a donation thing on my page and doing commissions of some sort or opening a shop. I need to get out of here. So please,go vote today. Be kind to one another. Those that are POC or LGBTQ pls be careful. Vote and stay inside. We don’t know what might happen today.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Let Me Pt. 2 // Jeon Jungkook
the prompt: can you make prince!jungkook into a series (or mini series?) pleaseee? Your writing is so good and prince jungkook is so adoring I love it!! the au this is based off of: i’m supposed to inherent the throne but really I’d rather own this tiny bakery with you.
words: 1684
category: fluff
author note: i had a really good time writing this and delving back into prince jungkook. pls enjoy this lil continuation!
- destinee
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Jungkook clapped as you cut the long pink ribbon tied to the door handles of your new bakery.
You and Jungkook had been working on the bakery for a year before it was finally finished and ready for customers.
The tall two story shop was an old building, one made for people to live on the top floor and work on the bottom floor. Which is exactly how you intended to use it. You would leave the castle as a cook and stay here in kingdom, working full-time as a baker.
The bakery was one of the tallest buildings in the square, painted a soft peach color with teal awnings over the windows. Little gardens hung outside the windowsills, filled with pansy buds not quite ready for bloom.
You ran inside the door, not looking back to see if your fiancé was following you.
The inside interior was beautiful, picked out by Jungkook and yourself. The dark laminated floors matched well with the clean white counters. Display cases covered the counter, and you could already picture the baked goods you were going to put inside.
The walls were soft and creamy, covered in pretty pictures of scenery from around the kingdom. Comfy booths and chairs covered the floor, creating a home-like atmosphere. You clasped your hands together in happiness, looking at the hard work you had accomplished.
The door opened and you felt two hands grab your waist as Jungkook turned you around, pulling you into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”
You snuggled into his warm chest, “Except I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your financial help.”
Jungkook rubbed your arms comfortingly. “Nah, we were going to turn this building into something anyway. A bakery is better than a bank.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you said happily, before pushing Jungkook away. “Now let’s go see my kitchen!”
You skipped behind the counter and pulled the kitchen doors open, nearly smiling at the vast space of it all. The amount of ovens and prepping tables made you smile. Not to mention the metal baking trays that would soon by filled with treats ready to be displayed for the customers.
“I can’t wait till tomorrow,” you said, looking back at your boyfriend. It would be the day your bakery was officially opened and you hoped to get a lot of customers.
“I know,” Jungkook’s smile also grew seeing the happiness on your face. “And imagine their surprise at our wedding when they realize that their future queen was the pretty bakery owner this whole time?”
He smiled cheekily at you, leaning onto a counter as you began to take out ingredients and make food. “Hush, Jungkook,” you said, ignoring his compliment. “Help me figure out the menu for tomorrow.”
Jungkook obeyed, walking behind you to leaf through your recipe book. “Well you have to make chocolate chunk cookies,” he said. “You can even name them Prince Jungkook’s Favorite.”
“I’ll make the cookies but I’m not going to name them that,” you said.
“You’re no fun,” Jungkook said, reaching to tap your nose.
You scrunched your face up. Getting all the batches you needed to get done tonight was going to be hard with Jungkook as a constant distraction. Even if he helped you, his face was enough of a distraction.
“What can I help you with?” He asked after you picked out your five favorite desserts and pastries.
“Pick one recipe and make ten batches of it,” you said, putting on your apron.
Jungkook followed in suit, tying a white apron around his waist and grabbing a recipe. “I’ll make the cookies since I already know how to do that.”
“Okay. I’ll get started on the blueberry muffins,” you said.
The two of you began to work.
Six hours later at midnight, Jungkook pulled the last of your apple pies out of the oven.
Your baking trays were filled with apple pies, chocolate chunk cookies, blueberry muffins, raspberry tarts, and vanilla cake, ready to be eaten tomorrow.
After everything was wrapped up and ready, you stole two cookies out of your stock and walked over to Jungkook.
He accepted the cookie, leaning into you. He stifled a yawn before taking a bite of the sweet dessert. “I’m so tired. Who knew baking could make someone so sore?”
You looked up at Jungkook while he rubbed his stirring arm. “You can stay here tonight, if you want.”
His action stopped and his eyes widened into saucers at your suggestion.
The two of you were very busy the past year, what with you working on the bakery and him preparing to be king. You never had time to be intimate with each other, even for something simple like taking a nap together. And it wasn’t like you could make out in the middle of the castle for everyone to see.
Most people didn’t know about you and Jungkook’s engagement, since it was the queen’s wish to keep it a secret. She was worried for the both of you, for your safety in the face of the public.
Surprisingly, the queen had been accepting of you and Jungkook’s relationship. Even though she would’ve preferred her son marry a woman of nobility, upon meeting you she fell in love with the idea of you as her daughter-in-law and future replacement.
You got the okay, and Jungkook properly proposed a week later. You didn’t even have time to prepare for the wedding with all your bakery preparations.
You looked at your surprised fiancé. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”
“No!” Jungkook’s head snapped towards you, “I mean, of course I want to. I’m just nervous, I guess?”
He looked adorable in the dim light of the kitchen, eyes darting about to avoid your gaze.
“Jungkook, it’s just sleeping. You don’t have to think so much about it.” Your voice must’ve reassure him, because his shoulders were visibly loosened of their tension.
“What will I wear?” his next question was rather logical, since it would be uncomfortable to sleep in his prince robes.
“I sleep in extra large sweatpants so I’m sure you can fit into a pair.” You answered, pulling him up the stairs towards your little apartment.
It only had three rooms: a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. You found it cozy, however, and there was nothing you would change about it.
“I’m going to take a shower,” you informed Jungkook, grabbing an outfit out of your drawers and heading towards the bathroom.
Jungkook took one directly after you, and when he came back he looked very handsome, with his hair slightly damp and his face bare of the makeup he wore daily.
You were already lying on your bed, and you turned onto your side when Jungkook slipped under the covers. Water droplets dropped into your spare pillow as he faced you.
You reached out and traced his nose and cheeks silently before sighing, “I like your bare face.”
He smiled shyly, nearly burying his head into his pillow to avoid your loving gaze. “I like your bare face, too,” he muttered.
The two of you giggled as if you hadn’t been together for a whole year. To be honest, there were still elements of a relationship that you and Jungkook hadn’t explored yet. You were taking it slow and steady, and that was okay with the both of you. Especially Jungkook, who got overwhelmed easily.
He grabbed your hand before you could put it down and played with your fingers, particularly admiring the piece of jewelry on your third. “Oh, that’s nice,” he said over-dramatically. “Whoever gave you that must really love you.”
He sent you a knowing smirk, to which you tugged your hand away, “Shut up, Jeon.”
“You’re going to be Mrs. Jeon soon so where is the insult?” He replied.
You simply ignored his charming words and turned away from him, ready to fall asleep.
Jungkook grabbed your hips and pulled you back so that he was spooning you. You shivered slightly as his buried his face into your shoulder, planting a chaste kiss onto your skin. “I love you, Y/n. To be completely honest with you, I know I’m going to inherent the throne soon, but I would much rather own this tiny bakery with you forever.”
You knew what he meant. As soon as he became king and you were crowned queen, you would have to hand over your bakery to someone else, since your queenly (or princess, since the true queen would still be alive) duties would take over. It was giving up one dream for another, and you had already come to terms with it.
Still, the temptation of a stress-free life with just you, Jungkook, and the bakery was pretty enticing.
You fell asleep content in the arms of the one you loved most in the world.
You woke up to someone peppering kisses all over your cheeks and forehead.
As soon as your eyes peaked open, Jungkook asked excitedly, “Ready for your big day?”
You sat up and looked at the clock on your nightstand. “Jungkook, there are two hours before my bakery opens. Aren’t you supposed to be gone by now?”
“Well, yeah, but when I got up to leave, something told me I should stay and help you make more desserts.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook pulled you off of the bed and dragged you over to your window, where you could see a whole crowd of people waiting outside the door. “I think we’re going to need more cookies.”
You smiled widely and turned around, “Jungkook! This is a dream come true!”
“I know!” He replied, laughing at your frantic state and kissing you on the lips briefly. “Now let’s go get ready to open your shop. I promise I’ll stay in the kitchen the whole time so you get all the glory.”
You nodded, still staring out the window with a small tinge of pride in your heart.
And they hadn’t even tasted the cookies yet.
~the end~
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › leighton meester. cis woman. she/her. . ╯ have you met juliette “jules” forbes yet ? this thirty five year old aquarius has been living in the seattle area for four months. she makes a living as a vascular fellow, which is best suited for their humanitarian, analytical, dogmatic, and unyielding personality. the man by taylor swift is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: juliette elizabeth forbes.
nickname(s): jules.
age: thirty five (35).
date of birth: 02 february 1986, aquarius.
hometown: chicago, illinois.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: caucasian.
nationality: american.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she/her.
orientation: why do you even ASK!?
religion: agnostic.
political affiliation: she takes an online quiz to tell her who to vote for.
occupation: vascular surgical fellow.
living arrangements: two bedroom apartment but it’s not that big.
language(s) spoken: english, german.
accent: american.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: leighton meester.
hair color: brunette.
eye color: brown.
height: 5 ft 5.
weight: 128 lbs.
build: slim.
tattoos: a small sun, moon, and star, located on her ribcage. the sun is filled in in memory of her twin brother. the star and moon represent her and jamie.
piercings: ears, several.
clothing style: she’s either in scrubs, dressed to the nines, or looks homeless.
usual expression: resting bitch face pls.
distinguishing characteristics: none.
physical ailments: none.
neurological conditions: regular migraines.
allergies: none.
sleeping habits: sleeps in short bursts - is more of a napper than a sleep all night person.
eating habits: goes too long without food then devours an entire box of cereal.
exercise habits: takes zumba when she can.
emotional stability: like six i guess idk?
sociability: fairly sociable.
body temperature: always has cold hands.
addictions: none.
drug use: never.
alcohol use: absolutely.
positive traits: humanitarian, analytical.
negative traits: dogmatic, unyielding.
fears: losing more family.
weather: weather doesn’t phase her too much. doesn’t mind the rain.
colour: violet.
music: upbeat always.
movies: how to be single.
sport: do you really think?
beverage: is an iced coffee queen.
food: lucky charms.
animal: horses.
born in chicago illinois, juliette was the second of twins, following her brother by only 23 minutes. what had begun as a one-night-stand pregnancy, juliette’s mother and father did what they could to make sure that the twins spent time with both of their parents. at that moment at least, they had everything set out and planned.
the dynamic changed between the parents though when juliette’s younger (half) brother jamie forbes was born. she was excited to be a big sister, no longer the youngest, but her mother hadn’t quite felt the same. it was a resentment under the surface, one that jules didn’t pick up on until she was much older.
she’d thought that things were fine - spending time with her brothers, attending family barbecues at the firehouse thanks to their father and getting to know diego rivera and tommy donovan as if they too were an extension of her own family. she wasn’t “one of the boys”, but she damned sure made an effort to try.
at thirteen, a fight between the twin’s mother and father caused a rift - juliette’s mother had been offered the chance to move to nevada with her latest fling, and was intending to do so with the twins. their father stepped in, told her that she couldn’t take two of his kids with her to the other end of the country. sitting on the stairs and listening to it all, jules kept her mouth shut, but her brother did not.
her brother quickly interrupted, stating that he was refusing to go to nevada as well, that he wanted to stay with their dad. juliette can’t tell you how the rest of that discussion went as she took herself up to her room, feeling too conflicted to even speak to anyone about it. everything moved quickly after that - her twin brother was moved out, and she was headed for nevada.
her mother cut off all contact with chicago, and juliette spent the next few years completely in the dark about her brother, her half brother, her father. she longed to know, but knew better than to ask. things in nevada weren’t easy for jules, but she learned that if she kept her mouth shut and didn’t interfere with her mother or her mother’s new boyfriend, she could get by just fine.
to nobody’s surprise, the relationship didn’t last long, and her mother’s destructive cycle would begin again. a new boyfriend, a new dream for the family, only for it to vanish when he ultimately decided to leave. it was because of this, that jules stayed in nevada for both her undergrad and medical school training, feeling as though she too couldn’t leave her mother behind.
a confrontation with her mother regarding her residency was how it all kicked off. her mother refused to let jules go anywhere, adamant that she had to stay in nevada. tired of feeling restricted in her own life, jules stood up for herself, and an hours long fight broke out between them. the fight ultimately ended with jules being kicked out, all because she had wanted to live her own life and not do as her mother had always wanted, as she had for so much of her life.
jules didn’t hesitate to accept a residency in chicago. she looked up her father, headed straight for the windy city, with a view to find the family she felt as though she had missed out on for so long. in meeting with her father once more, part of jules’ world crumbled yet again.
her twin brother she learned, had joined the navy at eighteen. a noble thing to do, she’d thought. however, a few years into his service, he’d been killed while on tour. she learned that her mother had known of this, her father had told her over the phone, and her mother had kept it from her all those years. distraught, jules cut all ties with her mother.
in learning that jamie too was in the navy, jules got nervous. she’d gone to reconnect with her family, only to find out that one brother was potentially following in the footsteps of the one she had unknowingly lost. jules began writing to jamie, an effort to reconnect, the worry of losing another brother only enhanced her need to get to know him again as an adult. she also picked up with diego and tommy while there, though it wasn’t the same without jamie around.
they exchanged a number of letters over the years during jules’ residency, and it was his commitment to the navy that had ultimately encouraged her to follow suit and join doctors without borders, which she did for a number of years.
it seemed the forbes siblings were never in the same place - but that didn’t stop their communication. jules would even argue that jamie’s letters were one of few of encouragement while she was in the programme, and ones that she still looks back at from time to time even now.
the need for some more stability after what felt like a lifetime without it is what made jules finally settle on a fellowship. putting some roots down felt like the right thing to do, and seattle seemed like just the place. she’d probably would have preferred chicago, but they hadn’t offered her the same program.
jules was quick to offer up her apartment as a place to stay when she learned jamie was looking to find a permanent place to settle too - she was, after all, still his big sister. and to be honest, she’s just looking forward to getting to know the brother behind all the letters properly this time around.
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
friends from college/med school in nevada would be cool, just something of a bit of stability for her. maybe they supported her when she first started her residency and found out about her brothers before they lost touch?
a best friend because jules deserves good things
a messy ex from her residency/before she did doctors without borders because i really just want to write all the angst for it because i like pain.
could do with a bad influence, someone to get her out of her shell a bit, have her actually having fun for once rather than worrying about everyone else
a mentor/close colleague to turn to when mom and dad (brooke and declan) are fighting x
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