#sound not necessary
bunnysmooch · 4 months
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tilthedayidice · 16 days
Wanted to share this excellent video I got of my new liquid core dice!
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Oh MAN that glitter???? Its more of a purpley red??// Its so good!!! Congratulations on the super stunning die my dude, I hope it rolls you plenty of crits (whether they be 20s or 1s enjoy the chaos and swirls)
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statueofthe7 · 2 years
warning, this has lore pertaining to Genshin Impact that might spoil you if you are just starting or have yet to play. proceed with caution
this event has some scattered lore throughout the world, but one of them relies on you not teleporting at a certain point, which most of us did. I was able to use my second account to record it, though!
other places you might want to check out *wink wink*
explore the ground floor of the mansion, there are 3 other locations besides the one the quest sends you to
the rooftop of the Favonius HQ, by the door
inside Jean's office
at Albedo's campsite in Dragonspine
someone is at the outdoor table of Angel's Share (hints- try at night... it's an NPC, but not Stanley!)
the objects will all sparkle! the people, obviously, will not.
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minophus · 2 months
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maureen-corpse · 1 month
Reading tweets from the menswear guy on Twitter is fun when he’s pointing out everything wrong with some jerk’s wardrobe, but it’s also a bit disheartening when he does an aside about how well-made suits are constructed with layers to create a particular silhouette that is not dependent upon the wearer’s body, and then also tailoring is getting rarer these days. He continually exhorts people to think about shape and silhouette and fabric, which is good advice for anyone putting on clothes, not just men and not just suit-wearers.
Once upon a time people created a fashionable silhouette with their clothing, and their corporeal forms remained mysterious to most. No doubt everyone harbored the same insecurities we do today (except for any related to social media) but by golly, their blood wasn’t full of microplastics and their clothing wasn’t just straight-up plastic. They actually had fabric to work with, instead of going to a department store and finding out that corners are being cut again and they have to layer seven shirts to keep warm.
Anyway, fashion isn’t real. The clothing people sell these days is poor quality polyester junk. I should make more internet pirate shirts and add them to my wardrobe. My silhouette will be Poofy. My vibe will be Romance Novel Heroine (In A Man’s Shirt For Some Reason, Also Where Is The Other Heroine). I will eventually be able to reliably sew straight lines and one day move on to different lines. Perhaps one day I’ll knit my own socks. Maybe I’ll get sheep and farm-to-table the wool (I am not going to do this)
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blueskittlesart · 1 month
deeply refreshing to see someone critical of Swift who also like, genuinely likes her. Like i'm neutral to positive on her, but the online discourse has been absolutely rancid. flipping between "Taylor Swift has never done anything wrong ever and she's a fucking genius" and "Taylor Swift is the worst lyricist of all time and also a bad person" is exhausting, so thank you for like. nuance or something lmao
not to make it serious for a sec but i genuinely think that being able to like things that are bad is really important. like I think that it's an important skill to be able to look at something and see what you personally enjoy about it and then take a step back and acknowledge that objectively it's flawed. and to also be able to acknowledge that liking something isn't necessarily an identity or a moral stance. and i think that fandom space in general could really benefit from more people taking the time to learn how to do that. it's okay to like things that are bad
#people ask me sometimes why ill occasionally talk about something i like and then go 'but it's bad' and the answer is usually because it is#i love teen wolf. i love genshin impact. i love detective conan. and i fucking LOVE taylor swift. that doesnt mean theyre good#it just means i like them. and recognizing their flaws actually helps me better identify what i like about them!#it's like. in my mind bad > good is the x axis and i like it > i dont like it is the y axis yk. they're not mutually exclusive#tldr it's not that serious. we can all relax a little#irt taylor swift i do also think she has done some real harm to her fans in enabling them to deflect all criticism of her as misogyny#and i don't think it's fully the fault of these people who are parroting that response bc so much of her marketing has deliberately#reinforced this idea that to be a swiftie is to be a part of a sisterhood and that any attack on taylor is an attack on all of those women#who are in that in-group. when that's obviously not the case. but she's marketed herself as. for lack of a better term. 'girl music'#to the point where it makes her fans feel as though any criticism of the music or the woman responsible for it is an attack on their#personal experience of womanhood/girlhood/sisterhood/etc. and that's how you get all of thess bad-faith accusations of misogyny#i don't necessarily think this was her deliberate goal with her marketing tho because like. on first glance such a strong sense of communit#among fans sounds like a great thing. the friendship bracelets i got at the eras tour movie are really genuinely special to me.#but it does present a problem when your fans are unable to separate how they feel about the community and experience your music has fostere#from how they feel about you as a person. especially when you are a billionaire who absolutely CANNOT be above criticism in this economy#anyway. tldr i love taylor's music and i don't think swiftie hivemind is as deliberately malicious as it may seem#but it's obviously necessary to be able to take a step back and look objectively at what you're participating in.#anyway stream ttpd or don't idc <3#taylor swift
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galacticlamps · 27 days
ok I have A Lot of thoughts about the staircase confession (well really about Edwin's whole character arc, but all roads lead to rome) but for now I just wanna say that, yes, I was bracing myself for something to go terribly wrong when I first watched it, and yes, part of me was initially worried its placement might be an uncharacteristically foolish choice made in the name of Drama or Pacing or Making a Compelling Episode of Television but at the expense of narrative sense--
But I wanna say that having taken all that into account, and watched it play out, and sat with it - and honestly become rather transfixed by it - I really think it's a beautifully crafted moment and truly the only way that arc could've arrived at such a satisfying conclusion.
And if I had to pinpoint why I not only buy it but also have come to really treasure it, I'd have to put it down to the fact that it genuinely is a confession, and nothing else.
That moment is an announcement of what Edwin has come to understand about himself, but because it takes the form of a character admitting romantic feelings for such a close friend, I think it can be very easy, when writing that kind of thing, to imbue it with other elements like a plea or a request or even the start of a new relationship that, intentionally or not, would change the shape of the moment and can quickly overshadow what a huge deal the telling is all on its own. But that's not the case here. Since it is only a confession, unaccompanied by anything else, and since we see afterward how it was enough, evidently, to fix the strangeness that had grown between him & Charles, we're forced to understand that it was never Edwin's feelings that were actually making things difficult for him - it was not being able to tell Charles about them. 'Terrified' as he's been of this, Edwin learns that his feelings don't need to either disappear completely or be totally reciprocated in order for him to be able to return to the peace, stability, and security of the relationship with which he defines his existence - and the scale of that relief a) tells us a hell of a lot about Edwin as a character and b) totally justifies the way his declaration just bursts out of him at what would otherwise be such a poorly chosen moment, in my opinion.
Whether or not they are or ever could be reciprocated, Edwin's feelings are definitively proven not to be the problem here - only his potential choice to bottle it up - his repression - is. And where that repression had once been mainly involuntary, a product of what he'd been through, now that he's got this new awareness of himself, if he still fails to admit what he's found either to himself or to the one person he's so unambiguously close with, then that repression will be by his own choice and actions.
And he won't do that. Among other things, he's coming into this scene having just (unknowingly) absolved the soul of his own school bully and accidental killer by pointing out a fact that is every bit as central to his self-discovery as anything about his sexuality or his attraction to Charles is: the idea that "If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell"
So narratively speaking, of course it makes sense that Edwin literally cannot get out of Hell until he stops punishing himself - and right now, the thing that's torturing him is something he has control over. It's not who he is or what he feels, but what he chooses to do with those feelings that's hurting him, and he's even already made the conscious choice to tell Charles about them, he was just interrupted. But now that they're back together and he's literally in the middle of an attempt to escape Hell, there is absolutely no way he can so much as stop for breath without telling Charles the truth. Even the stopping for breath is so loaded - because they're ghosts, they don't need to breathe, but also they're in Hell, so the one thing they can feel is pain, however nonsensical. And Edwin certainly is in pain. But whether he knows what he's about to do or not when he says he 'just needs a tick,' a breather is absolutely not what's gonna give him enough relief to keep climbing - it's fixing that other hurt, though, that will.
Like everything else in that scene, there's a lot of layers to him promising Charles "You don't have to feel the same way, I just needed you to know" - but I don't think that means it isn't also true on a surface level. It's the act of telling Charles that matters so much more than whatever follows it, and while that might have gone unnoticed if anything else major had happened in the same conversation, now we're forced to acknowledge its staggering and singular importance for what it is. The moment is well-earned and properly built up to, but until we see it happen in all its wonderful simplicity, and we see the aftermath (or lack thereof, even), we couldn't properly anticipate how much of a weight off Edwin's shoulders merely getting to share the truth with Charles was going to be, why he couldn't wait for a better, safer opportunity before giving in to that desire, or how badly he needed to say it and nothing else - and I really, really love the weight that act of just being honest, seen, and known is given in their story/relationship.
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starbuck · 3 days
the thing is, it’s always a triangle. it’s never not a triangle. i cannot just write about two characters. where’s the third character? i need them..
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bistaxx · 3 months
Cat hybrids twins headcanon is my favorite not only because cats are super cute and awesome but also because I adore the mental image of them purring in satisfaction or joy while threatening or killing people
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mmelolabelle · 8 months
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incorrect star wars: anakin whenever he has to account for his latest war crimes “I shouldn’t have to ask you to lie for me. I shouldn’t have to ask your permission to put you in my lie. You know why? Cause you’re my best fuckin’ friend, bitch. That’s your job.”
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i-simp-stobotnik · 10 months
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His affection might a bit rough and definitely loud (e. g. "I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!!!"), but it's genuine&heartfelt none the less. Introducing on a Happy fingers in his mouth Friday: The Nose-grab.
The only reason I make silly comics as digital art is honestly cntrl+c/+v. So damn nifty for a slowpoke like me. :P
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bunnysmooch · 8 months
‘redecorating’ with Smooch! but is he making any progress? 🤔
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sharkface · 3 months
I don't have a problem with a lot of fan content focusing on shipping honestly even stuff that's generic and out of character or clearly so far removed from the original the op has fundamentally just made ocs inspired by certain characters. People harp on these things a lot but I feel like overall shipping is just not necessarily solely responsible for other problems fanbases tend to have and probably doesn't deserve to be seen as THE thing wrong with fanworks, because you really can just avoid it if you don't like seeing it. The thing I have a problem with is that so often people who are only really interested in shipping have to go out of their way to create an alternative version of the source material to make this make sense and then will get mad at YOU for not agreeing that a bunch of hypothetical shit they just sort of made up is an interpretation of the actual text. And because they only care about shipping they kind of have to discard everything that gets in the way of that, creating entire nonexistent character traits and arcs or "fix it" fanworks that fundamentally alter the entire story so that they can creates scenarios where characters can kiss.
When we're at a point where the story itself comes second to having two characters to pair up, and you literally cannot attempt to interpret any part of a story other than deciding what character's you'd like to see paired up, you are not doing "character analysis," you're barely even Watching Shows. It is fine that you like romance centric plotlines, and I think it's great if you like it enough to make fan content of it, but you NEED to be able to separate the thing you do for fun (shipping) from the actual narrative you are engaging with and stop getting so defensive when people just don't see what you see. You are a member of an incredibly niche hobby subculture, most people who are interested in analysis of narratives and characters do not do it the way you do and will find your disregard for the text in favor of irrelevant romances and smut shallow, because it IS shallow. And it's fine to be shallow and have fun in a way others find bland or distasteful, but even so, this behavior is degrading your ability to engage with and understand media. It's making you WORSE at the thing you supposedly like doing.
You don't need to engage with things you don't enjoy, but I think you'll find that if you just stretch out of your comfort zone a little bit and just put the ship goggles down for a second you'll see a lot of value in what you find.
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minophus · 3 months
my cool video
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glittertimes1997 · 29 days
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I hate hoyo
I hate the ipc
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darksigns-exe · 6 months
Band stays the same = they suck they always do the same thing
Band evolves and does something new = new sound sucks, why doesn’t this sound like their old music
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