#spec ops: the line
taumaturg-iv · 4 months
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Mae and her problems with mirrors.
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tumblingxelian · 6 months
Both Agent Walker and General Ironwood are really similar characters I think.
Both are well respected and relatively well liked military men who take great pride in their military and are subtly to overtly dismissive of civilian elements.
Both are men who want to establish communication with the rest of the world, but they made communication harder on themselves. Ironwood by closing Atlas off & Walker by refusing to go backwards.
Both are men who very much want to be heroes, to be saviors but whose skills and personalities lead them to choosing violence and force as their first response to problems.
Both are men who hold another ally in incredibly high regard, (Konrad & Ozpin) but whom they turn on when they need a scapegoat.
Both are men who cannot, will not , admit when they are wrong; they are instead, excellent at justifying whatever immoral decision they make. Be it shooting refugees or shooting their own citizens.
Both are men who directly and indirectly, intentionally and unintentionally cause mass death amongst civilians. Walker by his general penchant to shoot first, as well as using the White Phosphorus and destroying the water; Ironwood by cancelling the evacuation, shooting down evacuation ship and trying to bomb Mantle.
Both have narratives heavily defined by their desire to be a hero and their unchecked, unrestrained bullheadedness leading them down a path of murder and death. One they refused to admit they've been on until seemingly or at least potentially realizing it before they die.
("Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped. But on you marched. And for what?"
"No, you have sacrificed everyone else! You closed the borders, you squeezed Mantle until it broke!")
They're also both meta commentaries on the military industrial complex, military adventurism and military as saviors narratives.
So uh yeah, wow, there were even more than I realized.
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carcinisedcrabthing · 2 months
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Quixote has a gamer moment
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zevranunderstander · 4 months
ok like I know I am over the top obsessed with video game history but just so you understand how absolutely heartbreaking it is that Spec Ops: The Line got taken down for licensing problems (apparently the music license of the game ran out and it was pretty much a commercial flop, so no one bothered to renew anything and 2K (the publisher, not the developer) took the game down on all platforms)
and in general it's insane that we can lose a complete video game just like that, but I need you to understand what kind of video game we lost with this takedown, because this game is so historic in terms of video game development I am so deeply heartbroken about it getting taken down
like. this game came out in 2012 and was marketed as if it was like any other generic post-9/11 shooter. like. it was intentionally marketed as a Call Of Duty-esque game, where you play an American Hero™ who's shooting the Brown Terrorists™ and this game hooked in the people who usually buy these games, right?
but then, instead of being what it promised to be, it slowly started to deconstruct the whole genre it was pretending to be, by turning from this idealized "fun" version of war into the actual reality of war and suddenly the players had to deal with war crimes and the reality of american imperialism and questioning why there even *is* a genre of games that is just pushing a narrative about american exceptionalism and of course this made the game kind of flop because it wasn't what it made itself out to be but it became such an iconic game in the time afterwards that I want people to be more angry about 2K taking the game down
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sexualsportswear · 2 months
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You're no savior. Your talents lay elsewhere
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fanfic--bascosann · 1 year
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theparavoidgrey · 2 months
old art: games edition (2020-2021)
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Bill Overbeck (4/19/2020)
Original Description: Based on his look in The Sacrifice comic made by Valve and Michael Avon Oeming.
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Our Mutual Fiend (7/22/2020)
Original Description: Prepare for unforeseen consequences.
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Lost to Dubai + alt. version (3/17/2021)
Original Description: This is Captain Martin Walker, requesting immediate evacuation of Dubai... Survivors... one too many. Captain Walker from the aftermath of Spec Ops: The Line.
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jimquisition · 11 months
Is a game worth playing if it doesn't get good until you've played thirty hours of it? Inspired by Final Fantasy discourse, I tackle this thorny issue with the grace and balance you've come to expect!
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gwarden123 · 5 months
Like, you could say that the game does give you a choice. You can stop playing. But games are generally considered to be over when the final credits roll, not at a random point with no other markers to say that you can/should stop.
I do think it's a valid choice to say that Captain Walker and his team die if they don't commit a war crime. Like, there's no other, easy way out. But I think I just wish that the screen you get when you die multiple times, "do you want to change the difficulty setting", had maybe been changed to match the context? "Do you want to stop?", or something like that, that engages with the interactive nature of a video game and maybe puts it on the table that choosing when to end the game is an acceptable part of the player's agency.
Games typically don't let you commit suicide whenever you want and declare the game over when you feel like it is. No, death is something to reload and avoid, not to treat as a stopping off point. If you want it to be otherwise, then you have to bring it up.
I feel like there is a politeness games forget exists that allows games as a concept, including sports games and boardgames, etc, to function that means everyone involved silently agrees to operate within a set of rules and ignore what reality would normally be. People aren't stupid or complicit for not turning off a game to avoid committing a fictional war crime, because the silent rules are when you press New Game on a video game, you play the game until you get to the ending. If you want them to do something different, you need to give them some hints that the silent rules might be different this time. A soccer player isn't stupid for not petrol bombing the stadium at the start of the game.
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toastedpopsicle · 2 years
Spec Ops: The Line is actually one of the best crafted ludonarrative satires to exist. It uses the medium of a modern military cover based shooter game to criticize imperialist militaries, military propaganda, *the game genre that it's a part of, the players who choose to enjoy that genre and the producers of them*. Narratively it's an adaption of Heart of Darkness, substituting the 19th century colonialism Jozef Konrad was condemning with present-day War on Terror imperialism. It was briefly a critical darling right before Gamergate ruined critical analysis of games for another hundred years, especially in the context of the ever-memed-on Ludonarrative Dissonance discussion. Primarily because it used ludonarrative dissonance as a satirical tool to examine the glorifying milprop aspects of its contemporaries.
So naturally is was a commercial failure and the studio that made it was shuttered.
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g4zdtechtv · 2 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - PAX East '12, Night 2 | 4/7/12
Find out if your video game crap is valuable crap!
(4GTV - LIVE. 24/7. WATCH NOW.)
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not-sport-martial-art · 2 months
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jeff-the-innkeeper · 4 months
I am unreasonably enraged by spec ops: the line being permanently delisted over a fucking license expiry
like. we really live in a world where a beautiful piece of art can just get disappeared overnight because nothing is allowed to exist without a million layers of bureaucracy to make sure it will generate profit for the people in suits who 1. are already rich and 2. DIDNT EVEN MAKE THE FUCKING GAME
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wrongweaponsdrawn · 3 months
Purple detective: This is your fault, goddammit!
Red detective: Stop right there!
Purple: She wouldn't listen!
Red: We didn't have a choice!
(Source: The aftermath of the White Phosphorus incident, Spec Ops: The Line)
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zachfett · 4 months
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Spec Ops: The Line (2012, YAGER Development)
These are from the co-op DLC which was really fun, but there's only four missions, they each take a measly 5-10 minutes to complete, and there's zero replayability. I would've loved more co-op content in this game.
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mysteamgrids · 1 year
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Spec Ops: The Line
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