sunnetrolls · 16 days
i haven’t! what does he do
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"Oh! I'm almost surprised, considering he, uhh, used to work on the Ripmaw too? I don't actually know if he's just on extended leave or not... But! He's an emergency surgeon. We met the first time I was sent up for an off-planet research project, actually, and I ended up taking him home on the way back so he could help me with wounded hikers. But he's staying on planet for a little while to help me take care of Zani-- my dad decided he didn't want to handle another grub, hahah."
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"He's my special guy! I really couldn't be happier with him. But I don't blame you if you'd never have guessed from his looks. I don't think it's hard to tell when he's happy, but he gives a lot of people trouble on that front."
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cadaverkeys · 1 year
hi! i just went thru the entirety of dearly's tag. ive been admiring your art & her design & outfits for years now but i decided to sit and get what i could regarding her story :-) !!! im super curious though -- what information was it that she traded her wings for?
i suppose saying "for information" is a little misleading to what the trade was actually for
Part of this setting was about finding a solution to the lost/inaccessible memories of an NPC who was close friends with the main group. Supposedly he had made a deal with the mirror hag- to have his memories removed because they caused him too much grief. And now that he wanted them back Dearly offered to give something up in exchange for their safe return. That's why she clipped her wings!
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Protecting people and helping communities is what she was raised to do- and perhaps this was the only time she really got the hang of it.
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roetrolls · 4 months
@spectrology replied to your post “Mallum Explains Genetics”:
how does mallum draw zerkev
​I actually drew that once but it was like. How Mallum would have drawn him as a 4 year old
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i need to see if i still have the file, i only got this much by digging up this post
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popomerrygamz · 2 years
for the fankids whats the metric for the number you make? is it every hue?
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I have a color chart for the fankids. I decided upon 132 fankids (excluding the 12 fankids from the intermission) so that every god tier possibility would be covered.
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chitrolls · 6 months
omg we can say hi!!! i want to say hi to samira :) what r u up to girl
It takes all the power in the world not to heave a long sigh. Samira opens her eyes to find she's looking down at, well, something doing a little jig on its legs. Are those shorts? She's mesmerized by the size of it.
(This is what's happening in my mind. Wait until I learn how to animate.)
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asks-n-trolls · 1 year
mimi do u ever use your abilities? are they as strong as your ancestors?
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"eeh.... I try... noooot to?
Like-not really good for my sponsors if I did even half the shit she did. Does. Iunno teabeehech
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Would they be stronger if I did? Well yeah maybe, this kind of stuff works like exercise in a way, but they aren't super weak either so hey don't cut me in line."
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indig0trolls · 1 year
no sir i just think motorcycles are sexy. that sounds like an old hog tho, cant imagine shes too fast. im surprised aelium gets as spooked as he says he does. hes kind of a weenie huh?
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Sh/'s only - f/w sw//ps out of d-t/, if I'm hon/st. put mor/ tow-rds k//pin h/r ro-dworthy th-n i h-v/ to my m/t-/ bits.
.....don't t/ll lium I s-id th-t, h/'s b//n on m/ -bout my /y/ l-t/ly.
-nyw-y, - good bik/'ll l-st you sw//ps -nd sw//ps if you t-k/ prop/r c-r/ of it.
sh/'s p/nty f-st, k//ps p-c/ with b-x's pi/c/ just fin/ -nd his is still n/w.
-s for lium, i try not to push him too h-rd wh/n it com/s to my mor/ r/ckl/ss hobbi/s. h/'s /v/ry r/-son to b/ n/rvous, most bik/ wr/cks -r/ c-us/d by oth/r driv/rs not b/ing mindful of th/ sh-r/d ro-dw-y.
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raitrolling · 9 months
callan ⭐💢⛰️
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⭐ whats your favorite thing about your abilities?
No one can catch me because l'm just so sexy and mysterlous that the leglslacerators keep falllng over themselves trylng to ask me out whenever l'm at the scene of a crlme, obvlously.
💢 do your abilities have downsides? how do you deal with them?
Do you know how many tlmes l have to keep relntroduclng myself to people because l wore a dlfferent outflt or declded to change my halr? Or that my own molrall stlll struggles to recognlse me sometlmes?
But we deal wlth lt. l'm a blg boy, l can handle lt.
=> You do not. It makes you want to curl up on the couch with a big tub of ice-cream and cry every time people who you think are cool can't remember you.
⛰️ what are some limits of your abilities?
Uhhhhhhhh l mean, the whole 'can't turn lt off thlng' ls klnd of an lssue. Just a blt. A tad. A teeny-weeny problem-eeny.
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8bit-mau5 · 1 year
Xizaya whats the smallest thing you've ever make combust? could you do like... isolated parts of the body / an object? or does it have to be the entirety of a thing? could you light a cigarette?
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"The smallest I've gotten was a man's eyes once. But uhh... these days I take my practice elsewhere, because I do need practice still. Try as I might, my psionics are still too fucking volatile to light a candle- much less spark a cigarette. I'm getting there though.
Short answer's a no. But I can get there.. eventually. Trying out this cool new thing called an 'optimistic outlook'."
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shenktrolls · 11 months
u might enjoy Ghostwriter by RJD2 or Insomniac Olympics by Blockhead?? theyre both more dissonant than what uve shown me u like before but hmmm >:)c also general question do you like Lorn?
send me song recs and i’ll respond with:
Ghostwriter by RJD2
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library | you showed me this many years ago
Insomniac Olympics by Blockhead
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i like this one :0 very chill beats (did not like the high-pitch vocals at around the 2 minute mark so points off)
also i've never heard of Lorn
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rodisa if u got offered a lead role in a movie but it required you to cover up your gils and fins (or have them edited out with cgi) would you do it?
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TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ I Won't Lie That's... Kind Of A Hard Question.
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Generally Speaking, I Want To Say No. TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ I'd Rather Get Hired For My Skill And Dedication And I Think Hiding Any Of My Natural Features To Make Me Fit In More With Everybody Else Would Be... Weird, To Say The Least.
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ On The Other Hand, How Different Would That Be To Changing My Weight Or Body Build For A Movie? Change My Hair? Get Make Up Put On Me? TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ There's Definitely A Degree Of Concessions The Industry Asks Of You, And Drawing The Line Can Be Hard Sometimes?
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ I Think... To Be Nuanced On The Topic, It Would Entirely Depend On The Reason They Wanted Me To Do It. TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ If There's A Good Story Related Reason, I Might Consider It?
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Like Maybe My Character Would Need To Hide Identifying Characteristics At One Point Or Another, Because They Are A Spy In Disguise? TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Or Maybe I Was Cursed To Transform Into A Different Person Or Creature? And It's Tied To The Plot? TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Something Like That, I Think...
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sunnetrolls · 14 days
whatever dude. im gonna go smell all the flowers in here really hard. might take some too bye
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"If you can reach. Maybe I'll just tell August to put you in a cup and let you back outside if he sees you."
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voidrots · 1 year
🐰 !!!
• Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
SO TRUE im just chillin man!!
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skegulium · 1 year
those ARE cute! sorry, yknow, since u cant grow them anymore. were they always brittle, and once they started breaking it didnt stop, or did something onset the brittleness?
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"Haha, aw, thank you! You're so sweet, aren'tcha? But don't be sorry, it's something I choose to do! They're cute, but the headaches from snapping a horn mid-fight - ohhhhh, it sucks. It really throws you off your groove, you know? Especially when it snaps in a way that's TOO close to the skull, and you're just dizzy and out of it. It's not ideal in a fight!"
"They've always been brittle though! Maybe it's because I didn't get good nutrition as a kid? My lusus, brother and I all had to get acclimated to living on land really, really fast after we got separated from our ship we were living on, soooooo things were a bit touch and go for awhile. I was so used to just diving for breakfast, but you can't do that on land! Ooooor if you just walk into someone's fields and pick their potatoes, they're reaaaally not kind to what they saw as thieving. But, anyway - I guess they never really cracked until I started getting into FLARPing and they'd break during fights."
"So I dunno! It's not that hard to just saw them off and grind down the stumps though, and it's a lot easier to find hats, or do my hair, and fight without them in the way! I guess it's just how I am now!"
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sasster · 2 years
you... forgot thread?
No never. I love her so much. I would kill all of my other trolls just to see her smile.
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chitrolls · 5 months
alright! well. good luck w all that then. all 7’6” of that.
"I don't need luck when I have experience."
You see the curious creature out of your abode and make sure to secure all three of your locks. Rom finally emerges from the depths to make sure you heard him. You're far too ashamed to follow him back to your room, but you have a variety of other options.
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