#spit speaks
spitzyyyy · 1 month
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how to get all negative relationships right before the mountain
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leafie-draws · 7 months
I think the biggest downside to having animal ears and a tail would be trying to mask your discomfort in public like imagine trying to play it cool in customer service but your tail keeps bristling
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liittlecrow · 1 month
I say spread those cheeks for us
oh hmmm. you mean something like this maybe???
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
4 year old Ahmad Shabat - an israeli airstrike hit him, his parents & 4 siblings; he survived, they didn't - then they hit him & his father's relatives; he survived, they didn't - then they hit him & his uncle; he survived, his uncle didn't - both of Ahmed's legs have been amputated because of injuries. He survives.
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i hope Ahmad gets to live. i hope he has a beautiful and fulfilling life. i hope he finds love and safety and comfort and success. i hope he finds happiness. i hope he heals. i hope he continues to survive. in spite of the violence, in spite of the trauma, in spite of the horror. in spite of the world.
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thordy · 1 year
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
Obsessed with authors like Naomi Novik whose books always seem to say “no, fuck that, there is another way than cruelty, and we do have a choice to be decent, and not choosing it isn’t a burden but a cop out.”
Authors like Neil Gaiman whose books seem to say “we are all simply human, and that is so valuable. This world is worth more because we are in it, when we choose to notice and care”
Authors like Brandon Sanderson whose books say “We are all a little broken, and there is strength in not turning away from us, and there is pain in healing but there is also strength and hope.”
Seriously, these folks do more for my faith and hope in this life than any religion ever has. I don’t have the words to describe it yet but just. Warm cup of apple cider held close to the chest on cold autumn night?? That’s the best I got
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
World Tour Assistant Noah AU (where he is always an assistant):
In London (instead of Duncan and Gwen kissing), Noah gives Alejandro the grossest and messiest kiss ever, to try grossing out Alejandro into stop flirting with him... But ironically, Alejandro enjoys the kiss out of spite!
Noah: Alejandro, that kiss was a mistake.
Alejandro: A sexy mistake.
Noah: No, just a regular mistake.
Alejandro: You'll eventually come crawling back to 'the eel'.
Noah: The only kind of crawling I'm doing to you is away... from!
Alejandro: Mi Amor, you're obviously confused and charmed. 💙
Anon, the mental image of Noah dragging Alejandro into the messiest, grossest kiss imaginable to try and curb Alejandro's interest in him is sending me.
Because Alejandro literally Frenches a pineapple on international television in canon. You can't convince me that he wouldn't unironically enjoy the grossest tongue wrestling sessions imaginable. Noah's plan to make himself as undesirable as humanly possible backfires because the person he's trying to gross out is A Bit Of A Freak and actually enjoys it.
Which leads me to imagining Alejandro trailing after assistant Noah like a lovesick puppy, since Noah's shown at least an inkling of reciprocated attraction- at least in Alejandro's eyes. After all, why else would Noah practically drag him into the confessional and make out sloppy style with him? There's sparks there.
Here's me pushing my affection-starved Alejandro agenda. The moment someone he cares about gives him even a scrap of positive attention he'd be hooked. Noah practically dug his own grave with that kiss.
And Noah's just staunchly denying it all the while, trying to justify his actions as his misguided attempt to repel Alejandro, and no one would believe him. What kind of idiot thinks kissing the guy who's been flirting non-stop with him is going to do anything but egg him on?
Noah, apparently. He's stubborn in his defence despite literally no one believing him. The only person who's convinced Noah's not into Alejandro is Noah himself. (He's delusional.) I would like to know what sort of mental gymnastics Noah went through to think the kiss was a good idea, though.
And then Alejandro using any excuse to bring up the kiss, and consequently flirt with him? Golden, love it. Everything about this scenario is just really funny.
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uninformedartist · 7 months
King shit 🗣🗣🗣
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🤭 absolutely facts right here.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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hahaha wheee haha
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twilight-deviant · 2 months
Watcher fans sure are entitled and a little insane, ngl. "No one is going to sign up for your service! We're all poor! You've made the worst decision, and you'll be back in no time!" Saying this directly to the creators really reminds you of how low the respect for people you don't personally know has gone. I miss the forth wall between creator and audience.
I get and fully understand not having the money to support them, but... Watcher does have fans with money. A lot of them actually. They have merch sales. Their live tour sells out most venues. They have thousands of supporters on Patreon, where the cheapest tier is $5. They're able to gauge the rough finances of their staunchest supporters; that's how they landed on the subscription price. Yes, this move will reduce their viewership in sheer numbers, but to say all of their fans are broke and none will follow/support is factually incorrect.
It may not be a decision everyone agrees with, but severing the limitations of advertisers and youtube in favor of artistic freedom is a good thing. Yes, even if it comes with a loss of revenue. They understand that risk.
Also, I'm begging people to stop treating this like "another Netflix" or something and instead look at it as, "I am supporting a creator I like, similar to Patreon." They literally said in the video that they don't care if you share accounts. Get five friends, and you'll pay $1/mo.
I hate feeling compelled to rant in favor of their decision because I have my own reservations about whether it's the best move. However, I know it's not a choice they made lightly, and I like to think they understand that they'll need to branch out like crazy to entice subscribers.
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moonsidesong · 2 months
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som random object ocs
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spitzyyyy · 1 year
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yes I copypasted the hatchling from prev drawing does that matter no it doesn’t. thought it was funny
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candyfloss-esophagus · 10 months
Guys guys I was just struck by a brutal noirpunk au concept.
So the reason Noir doesn't take his mask off? It has a protective function on it, which stops him from turning everything he touches greyscale (side effect of the spider god thing). It's why he doesn’t take it off outside his dimension. Hobie is the same in the other direction, he turns everything into neon newspaper clippings (side effect of that toxic waste spider what bit him). Except Hobie is better at tamping it down, which is why he only makes the objects he interacts with directly do that and doesn't need anything to help him do it. So Hobie and Noir are dating, they're kicking ass, they're sickeningly in love except... Except Hobie has never seen Noir's whole face. The few times he's asked he's been deflected which yk he respects. Until one day, Noir's mask comes off entirely, either by accident or through brute force and it starts happening, everything is being turned black and white and oh man he's a monster just look at what he's doing curse this fucking eldritch spider being and— and then Hobie’s there brighter and more colourful than ever and they're kissing and the bright lights that Hobie is made up of are sparking up against the black and white ink spillage and Hobie is... not being affected by it? Noir relaxes although he is very confused and he gradually comes to the conclusion that he and Hobie neutralise their respective powers. Boom. Happy endings all round.
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theerurishipper · 7 months
My scalding hot take about the finale is that there is no way to ever make Bug Noire a valid writing choice because it goes against Marinette's arc of learning to stop taking all the burdens onto herself and learning to rely on others and their support, and also against Adrien's arc of learning to assert himself and his worth and independence after a lifetime of having others make decisions for him and dictating his actions. There, I said it.
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sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
How would Jason react to the reader calling him, her soulmate? And slightly different, how would he react to her while DRUNK(the reader), saying like "Dude, you're like my soulmate".
I have to say, reader of WWW would absolutely never say that sober, for so many reasons. But if you did do it, probably drunk off your ass, Jason would fall even more for you. Fall harder than he thought was possible. Dizzy with happiness, about to fall over from the shock of it. If you're saying it, then it has to be true, right? You would however be giving him basically a go-ahead for all his less savoury tendencies. He's kissing you and drawing you closer and he's probably also planning to kill your exes. I mean, he's your dog though. Tell him to stop and he will, but he'll probably be grumpy about it.
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spoopdeedoop · 2 months
hi um. can I add my two cents about 11ponds. to me they are geocentric. 11 is the sun, Amy is earth and Rory is moon but they are inverted. the earth is the centre of the universe that the moon and sun both orbit. it's not ment to be like that, its supposed to be the earth and moon are just a pair orbiting the sun that has many other celestial bodies orbiting it. but. for them it's the other way round. Amy is the centre of Rory's universe, he is married to her, the closest anyone can get. but just past him, orbiting them both is a hunge firey ball of power so incomprehensible he looks small, the same size as them, from the earth's perspective. he orbits around the earth and therefore also the moon, but cannot truly get closer to them because he will burn them up. he can only shine his light and warmth on them, for better or worse. and the whole time, the sun and moon follow the earth across the universe all bound together, untill the sun gets so big and old it swallow them both up, and he has nothing but his memories of them. um.anyway sorry for being so insane I hope this makes sense<3
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