#squid (ice scream)
bluewxrld07 · 4 months
Stuck (Luke Hughes)
Warning(s): none
Luke Hughes x female!reader
Summary: In which you do the famous Tik Tok trend, telling your boyfriend your tampon is stuck
It was a nicer evening in Jersey, the weather finally being decent after being knocked over by the crazy below zero insanity. Y/n was finishing up her skincare waiting for Luke and Jack to get back to the apartment from an evening practice, a plan in motion to prank Luke.
It had become a thing between the couple to prank one another after a night post a game, when Luke decided to bring home squid thrown on the ice by a fan.
Leaving it in the fridge for y/n to only yell out a scream at the rotting sea creature the next morning, trying to get her coffee before her workout.
She had been doing her digging for this next prank, knowing it was time for her to hit him with one. This one was more so a test too. A loyalty test if you will. Thanks to Tik Tok of course.
One afternoon, y/n was scrolling through her for you page, only to stumble upon a prank a girlfriend did to her boyfriend. A tampon prank. She immediately grinned ear to ear, knowing that this little test would get Luke to cave.
It had to at least. Especially sine she was actually on her time of the month. It would be more believable.
So after finishing her skincare, hearing the front door open, she set her phone up in a way where it wouldn't look suspicious or seen easily by the curly-headed boy.
"May the pranks be ever in your favor, Hughesy," she chuckles quietly to the phone, hearing her name being called out.
"Babe?" he calls out, his footsteps being heard down the hallway.
She could hear the brothers saying goodnight to one another, his bedroom door opening. "Baby, you good?" she hears on the other side of the door, the girl trying to hide her amused smile before answering.
"I uh," she says slowly. "Luke?" she says, biting her lip to hide her laugh.
"What's going on?" he asks, the girl opening the door. He scans her figure, a confused frown on his face. Y/n crosses her arms, looking up at him.
"I need you to take me seriously when I tell you this, okay?" she said, watching an eyebrow of his raise.
"Why?" he trails off slowly, then his eyes widen. "Are you pregnant, y/n?"
She rolls her eyes and palms her forehead. "No, babe, I'm on my period remember?"
"Oh shit right. Then why are you acting funny?"
"You swear you won't laugh at me?"
"Promise you I won't."
Y/n sighs, hiding her face in her hands for a second as they stood there. "I was trying to change my, you know, out," she starts off, her eyes looking up at to his.
"And I can't find the string." she says, watching his face turn contort into a frown. "What string?"
"Luke my tampon is stuck."
His eyes widen, eyebrows raise, mouth dropping slightly. "What do you mean it's stuck? Where's the little string attached to it?" he whispers in shock, running his hand over his mouth.
Y/n looks at him with a look. "Luke I just said I can't find it. It's really stuck, like I can't get it out." she says, watching his face contort to different emotions.
"So what're you going do? How're you gonna get it out?" he asks, gesturing to her lower abdomen, one hand on his hip.
She gives him a sheepish smile, watching the confusion turn to horror. "Luke," she trails off. "I need you to try and help get it out."
Luke freezes, his eyes looking back into hers, then darting down to her abdomen, then back to her eyes slowly. "Get the thing out? The thing inside you?" he asks, and she nods with a hum.
"Lu, it's really stuck. I really cannot get it out." she says in a horrified voice. He hums, staying frozen in his position.
"Do you think you can get it out?" she asks.
"Uh huh," he says softly with a nod, his horrified eyes looking into hers.
"Really? You'd help me even if it's all bloody?" she says, watching him put a hand over his mouth and nod once again. "Yeah, yup, sure would." he stutters out.
Luke runs a hand over his face, walking away from the doorway for a second, only to come back without his sweatshirt on, only clad in his t-shirt that was underneath.
"Alright baby, let's get this going," he says while shaking his arms out as if he was about to go lift something heavy. He turns on his flashlight from his phone, making his way towards her.
She immediately puts a hand on his chest, bursting into a fit of giggles. He looks at her with a frown, raising his hands up in the air. "What? I'm gonna help you get this thing out, aren't I?"
"Babe, it was a prank." she laughs, pointing to her phone. He immediately looks over at the camera, rolls his eyes, mumbles an oh thank fuck, walking out of the bathroom.
Y/n rolls her eyes at his dramatic response. "Oh stop, you loved me enough to be willing to help get it out."
He turns around to look at her and point. "Not loved. Love. watch your grammar." he retorts, walking up to her once again.
"Okay mister tough guy. But glad to know you love me enough to help me. Even if it's all messy." she chuckles, pressing a couple chaste kisses to his lips.
"Now hurry to bed, I need a good sleep tonight. I almost would've had nightmares for days." Luke jokes.
Y/n scoffs playfully. "I need to go to the bathroom actually, and then I'll be out so calm down." she says, shutting the door softly.
Luke settles into him and y/n's bed, sighing at the comfort. Smiling at his girlfriend's antics, then shaking his head. His eyes found the nightstand next to his bed, a certain velvet box hiding in the corner of the drawer.
"Lu, we actually have a real problem on our hands," Y/n calls out a few moments later. The boy closing his eyes. "And what is that?" he asks.
"It's stuck. Like for real this time."
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dinomite2 · 7 months
Male Neo Agent 3 x Male Human reader (Platonic)
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(I Made this gif !)
( idk why I'm doing this I'd just kinda liked this Idea I had)
■ Humanity civilization was starting to grow along with its technology and at a surprising rate and everything looked like it was starting to flourish
■ and at start of your life everything was simple and everything was nice and peaceful you lived a nice young teenager life and had great buddies and friends and had great parents and everything felt like it was a all good
Until Everything was Gone....
■ a war sprung out a massive one, bombs were being dropped, bullets were flying it was brutal for all of you
■ and during this Gigantic worldwide war a random big missle hit the arctic causing The ice there to melt and The whole world to be covered In a gigantic flood
■ some part of humanity including you rushed to their cryogenic pods to pass the time and hope that this worldwide disaster will end
■ but a sudden disaster hit the location of the cryopods and all seemed to perish except for yourself, you survived the entirety that moment and slept and drifted away for what the future could hold for you....
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■ You woke up tired, groggy, feeling a subtle cold sensation all over your body you raised your body up and looked at your surroundings It was all just sand, sun and dust and large foundations made of slightly rusted metal and empty cryopods with survival packs on them.
■ You were worried about of what happened to the entirety of your home planet and to see all to turn into dead wasteland of its former peaceful life
■ But you Decided to not to worry about the now ,your new goal was to find human life and or survivors In this barren sandy wasteland and live to the fullest if you could so that is ,so you took a survival pack and headed off
■ You walked and walked and walked and walked until your legs felt like cooked spaghetti and your feet were like under-frozen jello And just over the far horizon you were about to give up and sit for awhile ....
■ But just right over the sandy horizon you saw ... A Human Head ! It was pure bliss to see another Face in this empty desert you Scream out in pure excitement and curiosity while waving your hands erratically
"Men Uniii!!"
You squinted your eyes but still couldn't see who this lone stranger in the desert thanks to the blowing sand in the horizon, Then you walked up a few steps closer still curious to who's saying these randomized gargled like words
And it was ... wait what is that no seriously WHAT IS THIS PERSON it had two black outlines between their eyes and had yellow tentacles as hair and was wearing ragged white shirt.
"What are you?" You said slightly I fear of what this person is and probably what his intentions are
"Um Ok how do i do this? Ummm" you quickly questioning yourself of what to do in this current situation while the octopus person tilted their head in curiosity
" I " you said loudly phrasing and pointing to yourself
"HAPPY" you made an exaggerated smile by using your two fingers
"MEEEEET" waving out your two arms upwards
"YOUUUU" clasping your hands together Slightly causing the cephalopodic like stranger to be taken aback
"Uh its nice to meet you too?"
"Oh god you speak English too"
■ ok so that was an experience you were so panicked about what was happening around in this dry and sandy place , did you die? , are you in a dream?, is ANY of this real ?!.
■ You talked it out with this ..... Squid? Kid? Whatever this person is About where we're you and what this place and what his name is which was Neo
■But enough about you time to talk about Neo he was marveled about who you were and you pretty much said that you were a Human and he went insane upon you were revealed
■ Turns out that your kind was quite a popular thing around this world in museums and he asked if he could say a few and I mean few as in so much that your brain could explode
■ he asked about what you do , eat sleep or like or watch and anything that would be fun for him to know
"How do you eat? "
"Through my mouth "
"What does your hair feel like"
"fuzzy and .... hairy"
"Can I put my hand in your mouth?"
"No thats gross dude"
■ he also kind of have to hide you cause if anyone else knew about this who knows how this new world to you could react to this so he gave you a disguise and by placing a paper bag over your head and weirdly it worked!
■you also got few weird looks by some inklings and octolings by of course the paper bag and you walking normally but upon that you made it to his apartment
■ Now spending time as new permanent roommates would feel like a weird fever dream and you trying to get your bearings that half squid half human people were now the dominant species in your world
■ if you somehow have your phone intact and still powered on and still somehow have downloaded videos Neo will watch the HELL out of them Family guy ,Tmnt , Shaun the sheep he'll watch it all right
■ Please PLEASE NEVER introduce any squid or octopus related foods to this octoling will think that you'll eat him in his sleep someday and have some nightmares weekly if you even mention a certain ingredient in takoyaki balls
■ Neo will also take any simple thing that you do and take a extreme curiosity to what you do even if it was a simple human function of yours
■But overall you and Neo will be a great friends even with weird questions and high body differences he'll be like the Bro you never even had or knew! .
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And that's it I hope you enjoy this new fan fic and of course stay cool stay safe and most importantly stay on the cool side.
And also two things sorry for the wait I was kinda occupied mostly by school again and should I make requests? soon ill make a poll about it but lemme know what you guys think about it.
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seriouslysam8 · 7 months
So, I was reminded by @kenziekarls86 that I started posting Brumous exactly one year ago today, which seems fucking crazy that I've been writing this for so long.
45 chapters
543,000 words
And just a whole lot of fun
To celebrate, I decided to share a snippet of the Marlene POV one-shot since you guys have been all about Blackinnon lately. This snippet is unedited.
Right Where You Left Me
It was like life had been breathed back into Marlene McKinnon for the first time in fifteen years. She felt alive again as a force deep within her awakened. 
Nails dug into her cheeks, sharp enough to let her know she hadn’t slipped into a nightmare. Fear bubbled in the pit of her stomach, familiar and unwanted. Her chest heaved, every single muscle in her body tensing. 
"Marly and I need to have a little chat about how naughty she's been lately,” Bellatrix cruel voice rang in her ears. 
He was the only one who called her Marly.
A wave of longing coursed through her veins. His low rumble. The smell of leather. Calloused hands cupping her face. His hot breath tickling her neck.
Every single bad thought she had ever had about Sirius Black slipped from her mind. She mentally screamed for him, just like she had all those years ago. She wanted him to save her like some tragic damsel in one of those Muggle movies she had watched with Lily, Dorcas, and Mary. She wanted - no needed him in a primal fashion. She needed his touch, his security, and for him to lose his ever-loving mind because someone dared to touch her. 
He had always been possessive over the ones he loved. Sirius would torture, maim, and kill for those he loved without blinking an eyelid. 
A wand shoved under her chin, forcing her head back. Wetness seeped down her face, her gaze focused on the sky. Bright and cloudless. A serene blue. But Marlene didn’t see the sun. She only saw stars. 
“I talk to stars sometimes,” Sirius’ voice echoed in her head, a conversation had long ago when they were still young and dumb. “I know that’s mental.”
“I think we do what we need to in order to survive,” Marlene heard her own voice, her voice sounding as through it were coming through a water-logged wireless. 
A sob rang in the air. Or maybe just in her head. She couldn’t tell if it was her sobbing in the present or if it was a memory rising to the forefront of her mind. 
Bellatrix hissed in her ear, a string of nonsensical syllables. But all Marlene saw was Sirius. All she could concentrate on was his face that flashed across her eyelids every time she blinked. She could picture his mischievous grin, the way sarcasm rolled off his tongue. 
“I’m not boyfriend material, McKinnon. You’d be better off dating the Giant Squid,” Sirius had warned her, taking a long drag of his cigarette. 
“I think dating the Giant Squid may be a tad bit illegal,” Marlene had replied.
Sirius’ bark-like laugh was like music to her ears. 
“I think I’d rather take my chances with you,” her voice echoed in her head. 
Marlene tried not to drown, to be pulled under so deep that she couldn’t breathe. Her eyes fluttered and she saw James. A whimper sounded in her throat. If James was here, then Sirius wasn’t far behind. 
“I’m going to enjoy killing your godson,” Bellatrix hissed, a maniacal cackle on the tip of her tongue. 
Ice washed over Marlene’s body. It wasn’t James just across the lane. It was Harry. 
Before she could do anything with that realization, everything went black. 
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lorei-writes · 9 months
for my second pick, kindly: 5, clavis and thrill for venu, tysm <3
Ahh, another lovely request! @venulus , a little something with a special dedication for you <3
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»All the things we choose to share«
Clavis x Reader Thrill Content Warnings: food(?)
Wake up
You refuse to wake up.
Knock. Knock.
The pillow lands over your head, pushed there by your very own hands.
You do not want to hear the sound.
The door springs open despite your most sincere grief over the fact; you wish not to be interrupted. You’ve enjoyed your dreams so far – thank you, whoever it may be that is impudent enough to trouble you, but no. You’d rather remain cradled in the arms of your love, somewhere in the land of Morpheus, for as long as heavens allow… provided that heavens do allow.
Something latches at your ankles, velvet it is clad in contrasting with the firmness of its grip. A snare that has found you by itself, it yanks at your legs, pulls you towards the edge of the bed, completely disregarding the duvet and the state of your undress. Your eyes snap open, greeted only by soft silk darkness.
You do not protest, however.
You can’t.
Lips fall over yours just as you’re about to scream. Your arms push at whoever it is, but your resistance ceases, the familiar scent of mint, chamomile and some closely unidentified mixture of herbs embracing you as he does.
“Usually I’d be delighted to hear your squeals, but it is a little too early for that,” he murmurs, each word a caress to your skin, a feather-light touch followed by the slight gust that is his breath. Carried forth like dandelion seeds, goosebumps scatter over your bare chest.
His finger presses against your lips. “Ah-ah-ah. It is not very gentlemanly of me, but I need your trust now. Be quiet for me.”
Saliva is thick in your throat as you swallow it down forcefully. You try to consider his words, but it is hard to think when your love holds you after, for some godforsaken reason, having your legs bound. Nevertheless, you do as he asks, his oh-so dexterous hands draping a robe over your body before lifting you up.
Clavis’ footfall is silent.
You cannot tell where you are.
It is only his touch, his fingers just barely pressing into your flesh as he carries you, his warmth keeping the cool of the corridor air at bay. You pray nobody is there to see you, not in this state. Not while minutes are hours, not while the hairs at the back of your neck raise at the slightest of his sighs. Not while you absolutely cannot tell what it is that Clavis plans, but meekly agree to it regardless.
You are set down. You feel a chair. Wooden frame, cushioned rest.
You are pushed forward, slowly.
Your blindfold gets removed.
Before you there is a table, set so improperly it has become proper in its own way. Pastries(?) pile on top of pastries(?), soup(?) so radiant it could be a dye, cutlets(?), roasts(?), seafood (fish-octopus hybrid, squid(?), mules in painted shells, rainbow prawns, and a variety of other dishes you cannot fathom to name), all surround a mountain of icing and lustre that is the four-stories-rabbit(?)-themed cake. Probably. Probably cake.
“Hahaha, I see that I’ve taken your breath, my love!” Clavis exclaims, the world refocusing, to include him this time. “Joyous anniversary, to us!”
You blink at him. At last, the pieces fall into their respective places. Except for one.
“Clavis?” you hum, your expression blank.
“Anything my lovely lover wishes to try out?”
“I see the feast, and I do appreciate it. But. Why did you yank at my legs so hard?”
The question has the air grow stagnant, the expression over his face shifting to that of embarrassment. Clavis frowns, then frowns harder, his face and ears alike putting on a blush.
“A mechanism malfunction,” he admits after a pause.
You shake your heads with a laugh. Legs still bound, you reach for the ladle and fill up your bowl.
Tag list: @lancelotscloak @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86 @rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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Of Fear and Statues
Based on some of my fears manifested by watching a certain analog horror series :')
(Enjoying a lot of fun for the upcoming Halloween season 😅)
Hey, at least Gordon will suffer with me XD
@teapotteringabout @skymaiden32 @knyee @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @amistrio @thundergeek59 @riallasheng @katblu42 @yarol2075 @mariashades @room-on-broom
Virgil had always wondered why Gordon - a once military man within WASP and a fearless rescuer of International Rescue - was too darn nervous when around statues. More specifically, ones from their mainland.
It was something that he noticed since the Little Squid was a teenager.
He remembered the first time that happened: when Alan wanted to look at the Statue of Liberty, the 16 year old Gordon turned pale as a ice.
"Don't go! T-There's a giant ass horned snake in there! He'll zap you out of dimensions!"
What the heck?! Was everyone's first thought.
What was that "snake" was he talking about?
And why freaking out over a monument that just stand there? And existed for a very long time and representing the liberty of their people... for a certain time.
Usually, strange rumors and scary stories that his school friends would tell him just give Gordon something to make the old age "Unsolved Mysteries" joke.
But, since then, he was terrified for even seeing a face of one of those legendary pieces of sculped art.
Thankfully, his fear had eased for the poor Little Squid. And it seemed - at least what Virgil thought - that his phobia was long forgotten...
Until recently.
Coincidentally, Virgil was sculping a beautiful gargoyle based on a Kirin, when he heard a scream booming through the Tracy Villa!
It was Gordon's...
With wet clay on his face, hands and art apron, the pilot of Thunderbird 2 rushed out of his art studio towards his wing-man's room.
When he eventually arrived, another scream nearly made the poor Virgil deaf for a moment.
Then there was a loud crash.
And then there was silence. The Fish and the Tank simply stared at each other.
Beside a trampled Gordon, lay a film box that used the house a file cylinder, a discarded bowl of caramel-flavored popcorn, and some spilled spinach juice on the floor.
On the screen of the television, was a rather terrifying looking menu screen. The visuals replicated that of analog film nearly half a century ago, the colors were black and white. A certain statue of a warrior lady with a sword in her hand, flickered in and out in the background of the static. Along with some other strange anomalies in the semi-dark sky and a muffled vintage music was playing.
The older brother reached for the remote, convientely thrown at the edge of the doorway and turned the TV off.
"Gee Wiz, Virgil!" the aquanaut broke the silence, finding his breath, "that face paint of yours made me think you were 'Freedom' coming to chop my head off, bro!"
After another moment of awkward silence, the artist slowly put his hands on his hips, with the most deadpanned expression that rivals that of Scott's.
"Gordon? What on Earth were you doing?" he stood before the curled up joker for a brother.
"Trying to face my fears... The last ep of season one still killed me!" Gordon smiled with embarrassment as he gave the Tracy Puppy Eyes.
Virgil took the box and glanced at the cover. And then suddenly, all of the puzzle pieces just clicked into place!
He had found culprit of Gordon's odd fear, written in two words:
Monument Mythos
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2a8n · 10 months
Shirogane's dream
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I wanted to speculate a bit about Shirogane's dream shown to us in the Ice Scream Original (Round 2), since some of the moments shown will either be redone in the Ice Scream Remake or confirmed in it. And according to the old tradition, I write in advance: "Sorry for the quality", because some screenshots might not turn out in the best quality, but I tried to make them at least better than my previous such screenshots. Well, let's get started!
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It all starts with showing the ceiling in one of the rooms of the Ice Cavern and our depressive wolf lying on the bench there. Personally, I would be very scared to be there simply because I would be constantly afraid of one of the icicles falling from the ceiling on me. At the same time, Shirogane can easily be in this pleace, and even more so lie and sleep on the bench there. The other one who was there was a bunny, and that's to arrange a GAME OVER player on the screen.
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Next, we are shown the dream itself. It starts all this confusion Suno-san jumping into the middle of the white space like a bunny. At the same time, in Round 3 we will be shown that he can teleport, and also when showing his moving game sprite, we can see a movement that looks more like crawling, but not like a jump. I don't know if this snowman is really capable of moving in as many as 3 distinct ways, or if Suno-san's jumping in this dream is just Shiro's own fantasy.
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Note that in Shirogane's dream, squid tentacles appear, a flower dancing at night in the Peraco house, bunnies, and Nekoyama. This tells us that Shiro saw/met all of these things/characters, which is confirmed by the following: 1) In the Remake, Shirogane lies on the snow and sees a Squid, whose tentacles stick out of the water surface; 2) A similar flower stands next to the television in Peraco's house, but it differs from the flower shown in the dream in the absence of a leaf and a thinner stem; 3) There is no need to talk much about bunnies - they can often be seen on Iceberg Isle (as well as Rock running from anger, probably…); 4) And finally, Nekoyama - our cameo from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. He can be found in Round 2 delivering cigarettes to Orca. As a result, it can be assumed that the rest of what is shown is also familiar to Shirogane. And this makes me wary:
if our wolf could see a simple fish in the same fishing buckets of Rock, then to consider the moon-fish or those white squids, he would have to dive straight into the water, most likely;
Tori-san can be either a simple easter egg (remember Tori-san's toy in Rocma's house), or a frozen Tori-san that Shirogane once saw;
has Shiro met the Mogekoels? I hope they didn't try to hit him with their arrows while doing so…
the head of a huge white "something" with an outstretched tongue raises many questions in me. Is there a possibility that this is the head of a huge turtle, on which a huge glacier has frozen and, thus, having formed Iceberg Isle, it swims in the northern latitudes, preventing the isle from melting and the inhabitants on its back from dying?
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It doesn't surprise me that the phrase "Bad doggy" and Suno-san appear here. I'm more surprise why he uses the parachute of Mogekov Hashasky and… bees on a background.
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If there are good Japanese translators with good eyesight, please translate the symbols on the background. I will be very grateful for this. ( v _ v )
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Here you can see Peraco's name-calling towards Shiro. I don't know what else to add here.
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What did I ever even do? It is this question that our wolf asks when once again the hot-tempered penguin, familiar to all of us, takes out his frustration or anger on him.
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Fall - it is unclear only, emotional and/or physical.
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Shirogane managed to be a wolf, and a dog, and a bunny, and even a caterpillar in his and others' fantasies. It remains only him managed to be happy in real and then his life was a success! =D
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It is noteworthy that the snowman appears here only on the red background. Neither he nor Shiro can be seen on the black background. Because of this, I get the impression (or maybe it's an attempt to convey the impression of the wolf himself) that the talking pissed snow is stalking him and/or watching him quite often…
That's it for now. Yeah, there are some monologues to Shirogane that were later moved to Watch 1 of the Remake, but I want to give them time in a separate post. I will also pin here a video with this very dream from the official DSP channel and a walkthrough of one of the youtubers with this very fragment of the dream game (9:36 - 10:33) in case you yourself want to disassemble it. Until then, see you soon! ;)
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Joseph Joestar x Reader
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Joseph Joestar
If you take away all the flaws then this man is the best jojo. You like dumb himbos who will wear a crop top even in the coldest of weather. You tend to quote "your next line is" until you get punched in the face (by friends or bystanders is up for debate). You may also have a thing for caesar salad. Unfortunately this man is also a raging racist and a Nazi sympathizer so he loses some points.
First Date:
You meet at the Speedwagon foundation (while Caesar is still alive). The Italian man had begun to flirt with you, causing jojo to have a jealous meltdown. If this manchild is not the center of attention then he will make himself known. He takes his clackers and tosses them at the blondes head, causing him to fall unconscious.
He then stands in front of you  "Oi, I didn't know that there was an angel so far away from Heaven." You begin to blush only for him to raise a brassier ad and ask you if "those are real." You pimp slap him causing Joseph to lose a tooth. "I guess I really am bad with women. Let me try something else." He then got an idea and pulled out a coca cola bottle from his pocket. "Want to see a magic trick?"
Caesar has just woken up with a throbbing headache. "Momma mia, what's going on...?" Joseph uses his hamon to cause the lid to fly off the bottle. It zooms past your head and then somehow reaches the formally unconious man, hitting him square in the face. K.O. He's not waking up anytime soon. You agree to one date as long as jojo promises to leave you alone afterwards.
You are both sitting at a fancy restaurant. Joseph had ordered squid ink pasta while you had some Risotto. The man had insisted on something called McDonald's until he remembered that he was banned from that establishment after waving around a Tommy gun. He took this chance to get your attention and flung some noodles into another patrons glass.
You weren't impressed. Joseph then decided to break the ice. "The French are very cultured you know. They have this thing called menage e trois."  You choked on your food. You could not believe that he was doing this. You told him you were a firm believer in monogany but he began to protest. "C'mon it's not like anyone will find out, I'm going out with multiple other girls right now!"
You threw your drink at him in disgust. "Pig!" You then ran out of the restaurant. "Who needs her? I'll just go find myself a Japanese wom-" Suddenly the room feels very cold. It was none other than the patron who's drink he had ruined earlier. He slowly turned around. "Lisa Lisa?" He had no idea that he mentor would be here. "I think you mean mother." His brain stopped functioning. "Wait, what?"
"I see how I have failed you as a parent and now I must punish you." She then bent Joseph over her knee and began to spank him. Screaming was heard through out the whole town well into the next morning. Eventually the sound found Caesar but instead of waking him up it only gave him the most pleasant dream of his life.
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turnstileskyline · 2 years
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so i finally actually made my simself hehe :-)
i’m gonna have the cc links and creator tags under the cut because there is a LOT but i had so much fun making me 
resource post here! / simplyanjuta’s citylight cas lighting / “beethoven” cas background / bellassims crutches and poses / willeekmer’s modeling post pack #7 (tsr download) / okruee’s sybil hair / seaslugsims acne redux / thesimsofnoalyn’s minimal animal tattoos part 2 / base game leg hair / ohwiepowie’s only a little bruised knee bruises (blog deactivated, linked through love4sims4) / teabaker’s joint tape
everyday one:
base game eyeshadow / spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / unitedwesim’s thrifty vampire squid earrings / marsosims’ chon-le top / emmibouquet’s gift jeans / elliekobrakid’s revenge gloves (tsr download) / serenity-cc’s joona boots
everyday two:
base game eyeshadow / spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / turquoiseesim’s rubber ducky earrings (blog deactivated, linked through losts4cc) / base game necklace / dreambot’s cute thing top / softerhaze’s harmony boyfriend jeans / dallasgirl’s doc martens
formal one:
base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / base game blush / simstrouble’s sealove earrings / oydis’s fishionably late marina sleeveless dress / fernpots ruby shoes
formal two:
base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / base game blush / cottage living top / cottage living trousers / ridgeport’s mynx tights / base game boots
moxhollow’s snail hat / cottage living overalls / corporeal-ish’s scene scribble sneaks (blog deactivated, linked through love4sims4)
druidsims’ no titty tank (simlish ‘i eat oil paintings when the guards arent looking’ swatch) / discover university sweats / corporeal-ish’s scene scribble sneaks (blog deactivated, linked through love4sims4)
sleep one:
saurussims’ walnut jumper / pigeonhome’s boxers (post deleted, linked through sueladyfinds) / dreambot’s stupid socks
sleep two:
deathpoke1qa’s spooky pj’s for adults / adrasteamoon’s domino socks
party one:
base game eyeshadow / spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / zombietrait’s destroya blush / sammysplace’s magic plant earrings / cloudcat’s no halo choker / sandrinifeierabend’s almost normal dress / realm of magic tights / corporeal-ish’s scene scribble sneaks (blog deactivated, linked through love4sims4)
party two:
bellassims axolotl headband / base game eyeshadow / renlishsims’ hard days night eyeliner / base game blush / bellassims axolotl earrings / viiavi’s screams shredded turtleneck / your-average-simmer’s what a statement pants / elliekobrakid’s revenge gloves (tsr download) / dallasgirl’s doc martens
swim one:
base game sunglasses / whirliko’s wet and wild swimsuit
swim two:
base game sunglasses / coolshades’ marine conservation top (blog deactivated, linked through mmfinds) / kumikya’s heatwave bikini bottoms
hot weather one:
spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / turquoiseesim’s pigeon earrings (blog deactivated, linked through losts4cc) / jellymoo’s zinc tee / mossylane’s hi-waisted tied belt shorts / corporeal-ish’s scene scribble sneaks (blog deactivated, linked through love4sims4)
hot weather two:
spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / ice-creamforbreakfast’s cowberry earrings / nueajaa’s marine outfit (tsr download) / base game shoes
cold weather one:
spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / bellassims mushroom earrings / liliili-sims’ scarf no. 3 (blog deactivated, linked through maxismatchccworld) / jellymoo’s grimm hoodie + undershirt overlay / jellymoo’s ghoul skirt / moon-craters’ punk tights / dallasgirl’s doc martens
cold weather two:
spcc’s miss murder eyeliner / base game blush / tukete’s icon earrings / barbieaiden’s starry night top (post deleted, linked through maxismatchccworld) / mothz corduroys (blog deactivated, linked through mmfinds) (warning, the ‘mothz’ url is active but is a thinspo account) / cottage living boots
and i think thats all !!! thanks to (oh god here come a lot of tags) @simplyanjuta @confettiberry @bellassims @willeekmer @okruee @seaslugsims @thesimsofnoalyn @teabaker @sunflower-petals @unitedwesim @marsosims @emmibouquet @serenity-cc @dreambot @softerhaze @dallasgirl79 @simstrouble @oydis @fernpots @ridgeport @moxhollow @druidsim @saurusness @pigeonplays @deathpoke1qa @adrasteamoon @zombietrait @cloudcat @sandrinifeierabend @sammysplace @renlishsims @viiavi @your-average-simmer @whirliko @kumikya @jellymoo @mossylane (who tumblr wont let me tag) @ice-creamforbreakfast @moon-craters @tukete @barbieaiden and of course @maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @love4sims4 and @losts4cc 
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thelaughtercafe · 6 months
Fandom List!
Asterisks* next to anime mean I'm completed with the anime not manga so please no manga spoilers! Thank you once again! 
Characters are fine but if I don't know someone I won't include them!
Italics mean I’m on the cusp of hyperfixating and bold means I currently am. Please request for these fandoms as I’m more likely to get them out faster!
Please remember the 5 character limit for headcanons, 3 for scenarios(any mix of fandoms is fine!) and I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Assassination Classroom* 
Fruits Basket*
Brothers Conflict*
Dance With Devils*
Diabolik Lovers*
Angel Beats*
Claanad/Claanad: After Story*
Ouran Highschool Host Club*
My Hero Academia*
Death Note*
The Promised Neverland
Tales of the Abyss*
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Sword Art Online
Fairy Tail
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Danganronpa 3: Future Arc
Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc
Danganronpa 2.5: OVA
Uta no Prince Sama!
Bungou Stray Dogs (Caught up to end of Season 4, including Dead Apple)
Death Parade
Fullmetal Alchemist*
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Angels of Death*
Ghost Hunt*
The Devil is a Part-timer!*
Mekakucity Actors*
Maid Sama!
Seven Deadly Sins*
Violet Evergarden*
Soul Eater*
Yuri!! On Ice*
Akame Ga Kill!
Black Butler
The Dragon Prince (Up to end of season 3 so no spoilers past that please!)
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjutsu
Miraculous Ladybug*
Banana Fish
Cardfight Vanguard Overdress!!*
Cardfight Vanguard Divinez*
My Happy Marriage(Up to episode 8)
Spy x Family (Up to end of Season 1)
Legend of Vox Machina (Finished season 1 and know the characters, just no plot past that please!)
Video Games
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4*
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 7/Remake*/Dirge of Cerberus*/Crisis Core*
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10*
Final Fantasy 12*
Final Fantasy 13*
Final Fantasy 14*(Caught up to the end of Endwalker, but not post patches yet)
Final Fantasy 15*
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates*
Final Fantasy: Type 0*
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition*
Xenoblade Chronicles 2*
Xenoblade Chronicles 3*
The World Ends With You*
Neo: The World Ends With You*
Kingdom Hearts*
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories*
Kingdom Hearts 2*
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep*
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*
Kingdom Hearts 3*
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days*
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded*
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory*
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc*
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair*
Danganronpa v3*
Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls*
Tales of the Abyss*
Tales of Vesperia
Suikoden: Tierkreis
Persona 5 Royal*
Dragon Quest 11 S*
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Obey Me!
Collar x Malice ( Finished Mineo and Takeru's routes so no spoilers for the others but please feel free to request any character!)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail*
Ikemen: Sengoku
Ikemen: Vampire
Ikemen: Revolution
Ikemen: Villians
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Birthright
Fire Emblem: Conquest
Fire Emblem: Revelation
Resident Evil*/Remake*
Resident Evil 2*/Remake*
Resident Evil 3*/Remake*
Resident Evil 7*
Resident Evil 8*
Baldur's Gate 3
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Stardew Valley (I'm on Year 1 Summer, but can already tell Sebastian and Sam have my whole heart so they're the only two I'm able to write for atm, will update as I finish more)
TV Shows
Criminal Minds
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf*
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
The Umbrella Academy*
Asian Shows
Sweet Home(currently up to Season 2 episode 2)
Bride of Habaek(currently up to episode 7)
My Holo Love*
Boys Over Flowers*
Cheese in the Trap*
Murphy's Law of Love*
Squid Game*(I'll be picky with these requests probably since it's been a while <3)
Rise of the Guardians*
Scream 2*
Scream 3*
Scream 4*
The Little Prince*
Meet Joe Black*
The Princess Bride*
A Little Princess*
Phantom of the Opera*
Les Miserables*
The Breakfast Club*
The Santa Clause*
The Santa Clause 2*
The Santa Clause 3*
Spirited Away*
Howl’s Moving Castle*
Princess Mononoke
Iron Man*
Iron Man 2*
Captain America: The Winter Soldier*
Avengers: Infinity War*
Avengers: Endgame*
Spiderman: Homecoming*
Spiderman: Far From Home*
Heathers: The Musical*
Epic: The Musical*
Not sure where to put this one so it gets its own category!
Critical Role (Up to Campaign 1, episode 40 atm)
Baldur's Gate 3 Oneshot*
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hehefanfuction · 8 months
Spending Time With a Squid and a Sponge
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Squidward Tentacles, the grumpy and cynical octopus, found himself in an unusual situation one sunny day in Bikini Bottom. It was an annual town fair, and Squidward had reluctantly agreed to go with his energetic and whimsical neighbor, SpongeBob SquarePants. As they entered the fairgrounds, Squidward's face contorted with irritation as he saw the colorful chaos around him. The sound of laughter, music, and excited voices filled the air. SpongeBob, on the other hand, was brimming with excitement, his eyes twinkling with childlike wonder. Squidward's plan was simple — find a quiet spot away from the commotion and get through the day without encountering any amusement park rides or games. However, SpongeBob had other ideas. He grabbed Squidward's arm and pulled him towards the roller coaster, a wild spiraling spectacle that loomed above them. "No way, SpongeBob! I am not getting on that death trap," Squidward protested, his tentacles flailing in the air. But SpongeBob, an eternal optimist, turned to his friend with a beaming smile. "Come on, Squidward! Feel the rush! It'll be so much fun!" Reluctantly, Squidward found himself strapped into a tiny seat beside SpongeBob. As the roller coaster roared to life, Squidward closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst. But instead of screams of terror, he heard SpongeBob's infectious laughter filling the air. Slowly, Squidward's grumpy countenance softened, and he found himself joining in the laughter. After the roller coaster, SpongeBob led Squidward to the Ferris wheel. As the gondola rose to the top, Squidward couldn't help but sneak a glance at the magnificent view of Bikini Bottom below. The sight took his breath away, and for a moment, all his worries melted away. The day continued with SpongeBob and Squidward trying their luck at various carnival games. Squidward's attempts were lackluster, aiming without enthusiasm and missing the targets. SpongeBob, on the other hand, danced around with a childlike glee, somehow managing to win every prize he laid his sponge hands on. As they indulged in cotton candy and ice cream, Squidward watched the sea creatures around him, young and old, laughing and enjoying the festivities. He couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart, a sense of camaraderie he'd never experienced before. The final event of the day was the grand fireworks display. As the colorful explosions lit up the night sky, Squidward couldn't resist a smile. He found himself marveling at the beauty of the spectacle, feeling a sense of wonder he hadn't felt in years. As they walked back home under the starry sky, Squidward realized that his day with SpongeBob had been more than just fun; it had been an awakening. He had rediscovered the joy of living in the moment, of embracing laughter, and of finding happiness in unexpected places. In SpongeBob's exuberant company, Squidward had found a new perspective on life, one that reminded him of the importance of embracing the simple pleasures that surrounded him.
Squidward Tentacles, the resident grumpy squid in Bikini Bottom, let out a deep sigh as SpongeBob SquarePants, his overly enthusiastic neighbor, skipped by his window, singing at the top of his lungs. Squidward rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "Why can't he just leave me alone?" Little did Squidward know that SpongeBob had an idea brewing in his spongey brain. SpongeBob knew that Squidward had been feeling down lately, so he decided to plan a surprise to cheer him up. He recruited all their friends in Bikini Bottom to turn Squidward's mood around. The next day, while Squidward was on his way to the music store, SpongeBob popped out from behind a coral reef, holding a guitar. "Hello, Squidward! Would you fancy a jam session?" SpongeBob asked, an innocent grin plastered across his face. Squidward rolled his eyes. "Why would I want to jam with you, SpongeBob? I have better things to do with my time!" Undeterred by Squidward's sullenness, SpongeBob started strumming the guitar, creating an infectious melody that captivated Squidward. SpongeBob's enthusiasm and passion for music were contagious. Before Squidward knew it, he found himself tapping his tentacles along with the rhythm. As Squidward began tapping, their friends emerged from behind the coral reef one by one, each carrying a different musical instrument. Patrick Star brought his drums, Sandy Cheeks had her saxophone, and even Mr. Krabs arrived with his trusty accordion. They formed an impromptu band, and soon the sounds of upbeat music filled the air. Squidward could feel his heart lift, and a smile began to spread across his face. For the first time in a long while, he was genuinely having fun. SpongeBob, still playing his guitar, danced around like a jellyfish in a trance. He was determined to bring joy to Squidward's life, even if it meant annoying him in the process. And it seemed to be working. As the band played, Squidward's tentacles moved in rhythm with the music, and his voice joined in with the others. The music transformed into a symphony of laughter and joy. They continued playing and dancing until the sun began to set. Exhausted but exhilarated, the band sat down on a patch of coral, where Squidward finally spoke up. "You know what, SpongeBob? I hate to admit it, but today has been... enjoyable," Squidward said, his voice filled with surprise. SpongeBob beamed with pride. "I told you, Squiddy! Weren't we just having the most fun ever?" Squidward chuckled, a genuine sound that hadn't been heard in a while. "Yes, SpongeBob, we were."
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tracybirds · 1 year
Lil whump list 30 - unfortunate choice of clothing. This screams Gordon to me 😈 personally, but feel free to play with it if it inspires you.
*hugs* thank you Gavii! This was a ton of fun because oooh the possibilities, but there's just one I could envision immediately <3 To anyone from Scotland: You have a beautiful country but apologies for any blatant errors you spot - this was written rather quickly! Once again taken from @gumnut-logic's "Little Whump List"
Will also tag in @katblu42 who asked for the same prompt (although a different pairing.... and I might have plans for that one provided I have time tomorrow!!)
Thank you again!!
30. Unfortunate choice of clothing
The air was damp, leaving a chill that bit sharply at Gordon's exposed skin.
He was beginning to regret wearing his regular attire, his bold boasts of a childhood acclimatised to Kansas winters falling short in northern Scotland where they were visiting Lady Penelope in her "Christmas" home.
He missed the golden, island sun. He missed the warmth.
A shudder ran up his spine as he walked through the dewy grass, the small droplets like ice. The fog pressed in close around him, the weak sun shining pale and feeble in the sky, unable to rescue him.
"I'm cold," he said, only meaning to state facts but unable to help the high whine that coloured his words.
Virgil sighed.
"Gordon, I told you to wear warmer clothes."
"I thought it would be okay!"
"It's forty degrees out!"
"I know, I'm in it!"
Gordon didn't bother to match Virgil's exasperated glance, unable to see past the shivers that wracked his body.
They reached the crest of the hill and Gordon couldn't look out across the view, unable to think of anything except longingly for the warm bed he'd been given and the fire he could have been tending at this very moment if he hadn't agreed to an early morning walk with Virgil.
Suddenly, he felt warm flannel draped across his shoulders and he looked up in surprise, instinctively drawing the shirt tight around him.
Virgil stood beside him in his white undershirt, brows knitted together as his deep brown eyes looked over him carefully.
"Put it on properly," he said. "You're an idiot, but that's no reason to freeze to death."
"How are you not cold?" asked Gordon, trying to downplay his gratitude. He did not want to admit to having been so foolish, not yet anyway.
He pulled the collar up high, nearly boneless at the sensation of all-encompassing warmth.
Virgil raised an eyebrow.
"I put on a thermal. I gave you layer number four."
Gordon said nothing, revelling in the steady glow that seemed to emanate from his own heart, but that he surely knew originated with Virgil.
Virgil nudged him.
"Ready to go back then, squid? Get you warmed up for real? I hear Parker does an amazing cappuccino."
Gordon pounced on his brother, grinning happily as Virgil's warn arms wrapped around him as they always did.
"Let's go back," he agreed. "And Virgil?"
Gordon caught his eye sheepishly.
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ragnar0c · 11 months
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I’m getting Deja vu….
WE 100%ed EO3HD!!
(Technically I had last month, but you know… Overlord squid…. I’m still salty abt it.) As planned I’m going to scream about my guild and builds. So very long post.
You’d think since I used the same exact party as I did on my ds that maybe this post would be shorter. WRONG. I have OPTIMIZED THEM AND ADDED NEW MEMBERS. Switch Ragnarok>>> DS Ragnarok. On switch they do a lot more damage, and definitely have more tricks up their sleeves.
Mainly, I noticed wolf howl did crazy numbers and that each member, save Hana could cast an ailment. Then… caved in and tried a wildling for the first time and added a few other members. Which I’ll explain as we go on.
Anyway guild rambles GO!!
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This run Alope gets the shield!! Sorry Hana, Alope needs the stats more than you!!
My thoughts on her are kinda the same. Early game she wasn’t as good as I remembered on ds… She would suck, but when everyone else was struggling she’d land a confusion or take a hit… OR SOMETHING!! She came in clutch. Always!! Even if it was the craziest shit!!
She’s got a few more play styles besides b.vow+ charge +hit. Dropped wild swings, and some points in otori.
Instead, I’ve maxed crushing blow, she’s almost guaranteed to land confusion on something in battle if she doesn’t kill it before then. Paired with Hana’s WOLF HOWL makes her do numbers!! Also maxed freezing blow, I think she does 2k more against certain bosses compared to her ds counter part.
She’s subbed ninja, and I used it to make her a sort of phys dodge tank + double damage. Which I think I did on ds, but I really went into it the dodge tank this time. She’ll spawn DuAlope (her clone) and use otori on her, while DuAlope uses flight… Kinda makes the enemies with multihits not a problem… Also decided to also get her the reflexes skill. So TP regen WOOOOO.
Thinking of retiring her for the luck boost, but part of my strat with her is that she’s real slow. If her AGI is over 80 she’ll be crazy fast. So Idk.
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I got the parry skills early for him. AMAZING DECISION. Second stratum I had a rough patch with everyone except him… and he covered for them while they made up for their mistakes. AND HE PARRIED A WHOLE LOT…
I skipped a few skills i got him on DS (Vigilance, Shrug off) to max his defense ones and get farmer skills. (Persistence at a higher lvl, safe stroll, to market, lullaby)
He still makes exploration so easy for me, and can still take that nap that lets me get a free turn against abyssal god. He’s really good, but… I’ve notice he does nothing a lot more on my switch. Alope can soak most physical damage, Hana can predict a lot of the elementals, and I have a whole other hoplite I’ll get into later.
I don’t use him as much as I should 😭
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Mr. I’m the lowest level early game to Mr. first to hit level 99 🤪
His skill tree was/ always IS SOO MESSED UP the first half the game. Had to rest him, thought I ruined him. NOPE. He’s good!! The best even.
He’s what you expect, he’s an arbalist gladiator. He kinda mows everything down. The discovery of wolf howl + ailement changed his numbers a LOT. He can almost two shot superbosses.
I invested points in smoke bomb so he can land blind… Fun to do on turns where it’s too risky to attack or b.vow.
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All the big numbers? They are thanks to HER AND THE WILDLING I USE.
Early game, Hana was. Well, Hana. She actually fumbled a bit more than her ds counterpart. (Missed a lot more). As she leveled up, she evened out .
Hana has… Quite a lot of points to spare. Basically after level 70 she just has like 30 skill points to kill. Initially, I was against getting the prophecies (I mean I have two hoplites). So I invested it in wolf howl bc I saw it increased attack by a lot when an enemy was ailed.
So now Hana has like. 4+ play styles. Old reliable elementals with limit scrolls, Meteor, Wolf howler, and… I caved in and got the prophecies (Volt and ice for now, but plan to retire her so she can get fire too). I realized with her and Alope I could block all physicals and elementals… and I would be able hit harder without a hoplite.
She gets to mix and match so much now, and she caters to all the team offense, defense, support… she’s kinda the glue…!! More so than on ds!
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Okay, Enid is one that hasn’t changed much. I had tried to mix attack monk skills in their tree. Bc attack monks are good and I wanted to spice up the guild. But uhm it was not Alope and Tank level good. (To cut them slack, Alope is only good bc there are two of her and her defense is higher. Tank? Sorry Arbalists are s tier… Comparing them isn’t fair.) Enid would get in Alope’s way a lot, which is kinda funny to imagine.
So at the half way point, we swapped Enid back to his natural state. The over powered speedy monk sovereign. Realistically, it makes sense given their character arc I had planned…
Only difference I can think of is… I finally see the use in full heal. Regular healing when Alope regularly sheds 846 hp? NO. Full heal her, it costs less!! (EO1 taught me that) Also, Enid has… quite a lot of skill points to spare. Which I’d put into idk Monarch March, or Guard order. But I… don’t know. I feel bad for leaving their fist skills behind. I might invest in Kikoken for the ailment… and fist mastery if i retire them.
Okay lighting round:
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These 4 members I used when I didn’t feel like dealing with certain bosses with my main party. Their skills were junk at the time. (Anemone first try, Alraune first try, Kraken first try too.)
Caspian: The legendary hoplite ninja. Not to clone herself, but to dodge tank the hell out of everything and infinite regen tp. I think I used her for all first the super boss fights on switch, save for Abyssal God. She kinda makes Ignis look bad, Ignis can take more hits than her, but like. It doesn’t matter. She’s not getting hit!! She does what Alope does, but deals less damage. Decided to just make Alope do the work, or have these two work together. (They are unstoppable)
Ryouta: I really wanted to try attack monk. So I made him. HE’S VERY GOOD. Mainly used him when Alope and Tank were working on 9 smashes and Front Mortar. He did wonders against the 3 bosses listed above. But once Alope and Tank got their skills, I kinda benched him. Will feed him strength books and will see how long that lasts tho!! He’s not the 3 play style type guy like the rest, but hey! Being simple is in character for him!!
Ezra: Double action zodiac. Used him mainly bc Anemone… Also I wanted to use him to see if he could compare to Hana. But Uh. I don’t know what I was expecting BAHAHA. He’s still really good, just not against Elder, Kraken, or Abyssal God.
Izem: MY PRIDE AND JOY… DO YOU SEE HIS ATTACK??? THAT IS FROM COUNTLESS SLAUGHTERS OF THE ABYSSAL GOD WITH THE MAIN GUILD…! He hits very hard now, and I hardly use him compared to the ds version of his build. I used him against Kraken (5 ringed sword) Anemone (warriors might). But he’s so frail you need a hoplite staring him dead in the eye. I’ll work on it. I need one more AG kill to max his weapon and I’m thinking of taking him to do it with the guild.
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TBH… I didn’t like wildlings before her. The class’s designs rubbed me the wrong way. (No black people until the class is offense, or rooted in the wild 😟 and they are almost always naked I just make black EO ocs now *sigh*) They’re clunky early game… I can’t imagine using one a whole run tbh. I only started actually using her post game. I saw a friend chose another class portrait for their wildling and put a spin on it… So. Now we got a clown wildling!
I didn’t think I’d like her, but after giving her some personality and seeing her ailments land so often… I decided to add her in Ignis’s place more often. Her debuffs (Primal drums, ailments, eagle eye) ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER… She and Hana like quadruple the guild’s attack.
I’m adjusting the Abyssal god team to fit her on it… If she does her magic with Hana… Alope and Tank’s attacks reach 5 digits. Every other fight is so short I can’t even meet the circumstances to land the 5 digits…
Sometimes she misses or whatever, but I forgive her. She’s great.
So uh…
Playing HD made me pay more attention to the surroundings and enemy designs… Also gave me access to a lot more scenarios and characters for my guild… 🥹 Sometimes were as cool as my first times!! I’m really happy I got to 100% eo3 twice the same year. With the same party (yet different). AKDJDKAK Okay end blog post— if you got this far…. UHHHH love you. K bye.
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arthoure · 10 months
Some Things I Noticed in Naples
It makes sense that my family is from here
It smells like stale smoke, church incense, sometimes piss, sometimes a breeze from the sea, sweet and clear
Little shrines to Maria in the walls, on the corners, sometimes shadowed, sometimes lit with blue neon
The streets are full of cigarette butts, trash bins, confetti
Whole city still draped in plastic streamers, blue and white, from winning the scudetto weeks ago. They outnumber the laundry lines. They cover the churches
Old men in fold-out chairs chat on the street corners
Limoncello in an iced glass, frosty against wet July heat
SANTO DIEGO here, there, haloed in gold foil on a virgin-blue field. Veneration at the Iglesia Maradoniana, all parishioners with nothing, from nowhere
"Why would you go back," Granddad said over the phone as I packed, dark laughter in what's left of his voice. "We worked so hard to leave."
Playing chicken with cars to cross the street -- any street. Learn fast or get nowhere. Learn fast or die. But everyone learns. The trick is to be aware, but not to look. Don't hesitate, but don't hurry
Why be afraid of the bricks my ancestors laid before starving? I remember the scrape of Granddad's trowel when I came over after school, the neat slap of the mortar, a tiered garden for tomatoes along the side of the house, letting me draw my initials with my finger, concrete dust and no mask, throat cancer. My hands are big too after all these years, wide palms, long fingers, but so soft. We all end someday. There are bones on display in Pompeii. The Herculaneum stonemasons came from Pozzuoli. Guess who else came from Pozzuoli. Guess who didn't
Seafood shops open in the mornings. Plastic bins of water filled with little clams, sardines. A line of customers outside, stretching just as far out the door as the fresh-sea smell
"You want to know what to do in Napoli?" Granddad said, mouth heavy with his shrug. "I don't know what to say. Go to Capri." It escaped in Italian, he corrected immediately: "CapREE. And when you're in Naples, watch out for thieves."
The server at the restaurant shows the customer a big silver fish on a plate. The customer inspects it, mouth tight and tough, nods approval
Preteen girls in dark pink lipstick roar past on black motorcycles. Do they even have a license. Wherever their parents are, I hope they never catch up
Fancy café selling fresh-squeezed lemon juice by Castel Sant'elmo. The young man working there blasts dance music, singing along at the top of his lungs. Out the window you can see Vesuvius. His boss comes in and he sings louder
From the top of the castle, Naples sprawls, red-roofed and baking, breathless with heat by the sea. A hermitage hovers on a green hill to the northwest. Wish that were me
I write Granddad an email: So many people worked so hard for so many years, and now I can do something like this. I'm very grateful. He writes back in the language he refused to teach me: VEDI NAPOLI E POI MUORI
Ditalini with peas. Pasta e piselli -- is that what it's called? Is that what it's always been called?
"You look like you belong here," my husband says over fried squid, surprising me. "I mean, a lot of the women here look like you, and vice-versa. The big eyes."
Granitarias turning, colors so bright you can almost taste them. Blueberry, cantaloupe, lemon, mint
Train doors screaming before they close, no AC, windows open, wind blasting, wheels rattling
A little girl shouts "CIAO!" to the train car and waves goodbye before she takes her mother's hand. We all wave back
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Do you have any additional thoughts on sex pollen as a prompt? I love it as a trope but I never see it in hrpf, and I'm not sure how to go about setting up that.
I love this question so much, thank you for asking. Here is how I have generally seen sex pollen executed sports rpf:
A fan of the rival team blows "magic dust" at Player A, causing them to become insatiably horny, and Player B must fuck it out of them
A witch with a grudge curses Player A, causing them to become insatiably horny, and Player B must fuck it out of them
Player A is roofied by a fan in a bar while the team is out at a bar, causing them to become insatiably horny, and Player B must fuck it out of them
Additional Kraken-flavored prompts:
Player A falls into the water at Seafair and gets sex inked by a squid and becomes insatiably horny. Player B must fuck it out of him. Bonus if they must drop anchor and descend below deck to have frantic sex while trying to hush each other so the other Seafair participants don't hear Player A scream.
The rain is sex pollen. Player A forgets an umbrella and becomes insatiably horny, and MULTIPLE players must fuck it out of him. In the locker room.
Player A is hiking alone in the Cascades (don't do this) and gets hit with sex pollen from a mysterious flora and is horny agony for hours alone until Player B finds him and fucks it out of him. Outside. In the woods.
Buoy requires sex magic because ??? I don't know. Anyway Player A and Player B agree to get magically roofied for the purposes of sex magic and must fuck it out of EACH OTHER. This takes place at Climate Pledge and if you're really up for the challenge, center ice on a off night. What does sex sound like in a cavernous arena devoid of fans. Can Player A and Player B ever take an opening face off again without dying of embarrassment. etc
I hope this helps! If not, please feel free to send another ask, I'd be happy to think of more. I love to think of specific prompts. (Or if this is not what you were looking for, I apologize and please follow up if you need something else!)
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
This is a project I’ve been crafting for a while through my re-run of everything english dubbed Octonauts. A brand new A-Z list of EVERY SINGLE CREATURE THE OCTONAUTS HAVE EVER MET:
What’s that Tunip, you and the Vegimals want to learn about even more creatures?
Well, let’s go again!
The Octocomputer will show you all the creatures the Octonauts, and Octo Agents, have met, on both land and sea!
Cheepa Cheepa!
Anaconda 1
Albatross 2
Anemones 3
Angler Fish 4
Arapaima 5
Adele Penguins 6
Alligator 7
Amano Shrimp 8
Anteater 9
Arabian Camels 10
Armadillo 11
Bowhead Whale 12
Barracudas 13
Beluga Whales 14
Black Caiman 15
Blobfish 16
Blue Whale 17
Blue-head Wrasse… 18
Bottle Nose Dolphins 19
Bat 20
Baboons 21
Barnacle Goose 22
Bear 23
Black Giant Squirrel 24
Black Winged Stilt Bird 25
Blind Shrimp 26
Burmese Python 27
Brittle Stars 27
Bombardier Beetle 28 and
Bomber Worms 29
Capybara 30
Carrier Crab 31
Catfish 32
Conocono Crab 33
Conocono Crab?
Coconut Octopus! 34
Colossal Squid 35
Comb Tooth Blenny 36
Cone Snail 37
Cookie Cutter Shark 38
Cuttlefish 39
Convict Fish 40
Caiman 41
Caterpillar 42
Cave Fish 43
Cave Shrimp 44
Chameleon 45
Clam 45
Chinstrap Penguins 46
Chinese Mitten Crab 47
Christmas Tree Worms 48
Coelacanth 49
Coral Polyp 50
Coral Snake 51
Crawfish 52
Crocodile 53
Crow 54
Crown of Thorns Starfish 55
Dormice 56
Deer 57
Damselfish 58
Dogfish 59
Decorator Crab 60
Duck-Bill Platypus 61
Dwarf Lantern Shark 62
Eel 63
Electric Eel 64
Elephant 65 and Elephant Seal66
Elk 67
Egyptian Vulture 68
Emperor Penguin 69
Fiddler Crab 70
Frogfish 71
Fire Ants 72
Flamingoes 73
Flying Fish 74
Flying Fox 75
Fruit Bats 76
Giant Clam 77
Giant Comb Jelly 78
Giant Isopod 79
Giant Spider Crab 80
Giant Squid 81
Giant Grass Carp 82
Giant Pacific Octopus 83
Giant Panda 84
Giant Weta 85
Golden Coral 86
Golden Mole 87
Giraffe 88
Garden Eel 88
Gray Whale 89
Grey Reef Shark 90
Grouper 91
Guard Crab 92
Gull 93
Great White Shark 94
Gulper Eel 95
Hammerhead Shark 96
And Harbor Seal 97
(Inhale hoo inhale hoo)
Harlequin Duck 98
Harpy Eagle 99
Hippos 100
Hoatzin 101
Honey Badger 102
Hornbill 103
Hourglass Dolphins 104
Howler Monkeys 105
Hyenas 106
Hermit Crab 107
Humpback Whale 108
Humphead Parrotfish 109
(Slower) Humu-humu-nuku-nuku-a-pua-a! Haha! 110
Ice worms 111
Iguanas 112
Indochinese Tiger 113
Immortal Jellyfish, 114
Jellyfish 115
Jaguar 116
Jawfish, 117
Kangaroos 118
Kea Parrots 119
Kelp, Fish 120
Leatherback Sea-Turtle 121
Loggerhead Sea-Turtle 122
Lemon Shark 123
Longfin Eels 124
Leopard 125
Lions 126
Lion Fish 127
Lions Mane Jellyfish 128
Long Arm Squid… 129
Leafy Sea Dragon 130
Mangrove crabs 131
Mantis Shrimp 132
Martens 133
Microbe 134
Monarch Butterfly 135
Mound coral 136
Mountain Goats 137
Mud Skipper 138
Moray Eel 139
Mimic Octo-Pus! 140
Marine Iguanas 141
Manta Ray 142
Mana (Mana?) Mana (Mana?) pause. Manatee…! (Clears throat)3
Narwhal 144
Needlefish 145
Nile crocodile 146
Nile monitor lizards 147
Nine banded armadillo 148
Nutria 149
Okapis 150
Omuras whale 151
Orca 152
Oarfish 153
Octopus 154
Prowfish 155
Pelicans 156
Polar Bear 157
Pilot Fish 158
Parrotfish 159
Piranhas 160
Porcupine Puffer 161
Porcupine 162
Puffin 163
Pangolin 164
Pikas 165
Pin-tailed whydahs 166
Poison dart frog 167
Pygmy 3 toed sloths 168
Quino checkerspot butterflies 169
Queens-land-Lung-fish 170
RedRock Crabs 171
Reef Lobsters 172
Remipedes 173
Remora Fish 174
Rainbow blanket octopus 175
Rats 176
Raven 177
Red deer 178
Red eye tree frogs 179
Red fox 180
River Dolphin 181
Rock climbing gobies 182
Ruffed grouse 183
Sand grouse 184
Sand viper 185
Screaming piha 186
Seals 187
Sehuencas water frogs 188
Squid 188
Skinks 189
Skua bird 190
Skull Spiders 191
Snail 192
Spinner dolphins 193
Suckermouth catfish 194
Sun bear 195
Sunflower Star 195
Sunfish 196
Surfing Snail 197
Sailfish 198
Sardines 199
Salt-water croc-o-dile 200
Sea gulls 201
Sea squirts 202
Sea tulips 203
Sea Otter 204
Sea Pig 205
Sea Skater 206
Sea Snail 207
Sea Snake 208
Sea Sponge 209
Sea Urchin 210
Sea Horses 211
Siphonophore 212
Slime Eel 213
Snapping Shrimp 214
Sperm Whale 215
Spook Fish 216
Sea Star 217
Surgeon Fish 218
Swordfish 219
Shovel Nosed-Guitar Fish 220
Swell (sigh) Shark (sigh) 221
Snot Sea (panicked) Cucumber! 222
Tiger shark 223
Tokay Geko 224
Toucan 225
Tree frogs 226
Tree lobsters 227
Tree snails 228
Trout 229
Turtles 230
Tulum cave remipede 231
Tube Worms 232
Triggerfish 233
Tor-pedo Ray…! 234
U: You? Me? Me? You? V!
Vampire Squid 235
Vent Shrimp 236
Vole 237
Watchman goby 238
Water dikkops 239
Weasel 240
Wisent 241
Wolves 242
Wood louse 243
Wolf Eel 244
Whale Shark 245
Walrus 246
Water Bears 247
Weddell Seal 248
Whale Louse 249
White-Tip-Shark 250
X: Xylophone solo!
Yellow bellied sea snakes 251
Yeti Crab 252
Zebra 253
Zebra fish! 259
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2a8n · 1 year
Sorry for the quality 2
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We know about the biography of 8 characters in Ice Scream. At the same time, 4 more are shown under the sign (?). Therefore, the full composition of Ice Scream should consist of 12 characters. These cannot be episodes, as their total number is also 12, which does not correspond to the number (?). There is a Squid character, as well as DSP mentioned that Yukisada's brother will appear in the game. Plus, Nagi, Idate's niece, could be seen in Round 2 of Ice Watching and some official work. We can also expect the appearance of Peraco's father, which was mentioned in 1 Watch of the Ice Scream. And thus, the columns with (?) can be filled, but this is provided that the DSP does not change anything in the full version of the game.
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This partly explains why Rock and Peraco get along so well. And it seems that without her or the other kids, Shirogane and anyone else would not be able to get a bucket of fish from him (maybe the exception to this is Yukisada, but I'm not sure…).
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We won't see anything new here. You can skip. I will only note that the reason for bullying someone at Orca is not the level of strength of the intended victim: someone can be a complete weakling or a complete strong, but this absolutely does not guarantee that you will become a victim of attacks by Idate in any of these cases. These physical parameters are not the main and decisive ones for him. Rather, it could be a "nice bonus" for him if you're strong, or an "extra opportunity for bullying" if you're weak.
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Confirmation of what has been said here regarding barbeque and Suno-san can be seen in Round 2 of Ice Watching.
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I'm glad that she rarely speaks not the result of some kind of trauma. Thanks for this.
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"A calm? and a collected polar bear". Provided that there are no mans about to her and/or those who could be taller than her. Yeah-yeah, sure…
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So Peraco is our local ice skater, huh? =)
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We won't see anything new here. You can skip.
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"He lets out some lovely cries, apparently". How should Shirogane's crying sound to be written about like that…? 0 _ 0
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