yaboirezzy · 3 months
"Gee Stanbot! How come trigger lets you have three big sisters?" -The Alcor Plush
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neverendingparable · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time a dramatic gloomy Adam associated with Hell and Demons adopted an inhuman being that always smiled and taught them the power of friendship and free will while also saving them from their shitty overlord bosses, I would have two nickels
Which isn't a lot but its weird it happened twice
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thecosmosproject · 11 months
Akko: Guys guys!! I found something!
{Rgb team looks over at Akko who's holding a very deadly creature}
Amanda: Akko.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?
Akko: His name's Jersey and I found him in the trash!
Lotte: A-Akko that isn't something that you should be picking up!!
Akko: He's friendly! Look at his adorable little face!!
Diana: Akko I advice you to place that down and back away slowly...
Akko: But- he's cute!! Jealous that I have a new pet?
Barbara: Akko do as Diana says!!
Akko: Ugh, you people are so dramatic!
Constanze holding stanbot: That's a poisonous and chaotic creature Akko, drop it.
Akko, sticking her tongue out and hugging the creature: You guys are just jealous!
{In the next week Akko is in the nurse's office recovering from the poison}
Rgb team: ....
Akko: ....
Akko: It was so worth it
Diana: Oh my Beatrix..
Amanda: You mother f-
Lotte took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose: Akko...
Sucy: Dumbass.
Hannah + Barbara: This is why we hate you.
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art-by-sorachi · 11 months
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Rotom Constanze
Seems that while working with unusual motors in her gadgets, Constanze had gotten herself turned into a small Rotom by a magic mishap. Being a ghost of pure plasma's going to make building and repairing things a lot more difficult, but maybe she could possess one of her Stanbots...
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chaosofsoul · 7 months
As a dream, an absolutely wild and random idea came. Members of the green team (and Stanbot) as penguins from Madagascar. Who do you think it would be? My vision: Skipper - Braunschbank. Kowalsky - Antonenko. Rico - Amanda. and Private - Stanbot.
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Ok another poll but this is for Minecraft Luna nova. When I finish this (this summer, this year, this decade, who knows when not me)
It will be a free planet Minecraft upload no matter what. The goal is for this to optionally work with vivecraft (vr mod)
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Random LWA Headcanons
Diana is an absurdist
Akko and Amanda like to listen to Born this way by Lady Gaga.
This is Diana recovery arc song
Akko rely on her op metabolism too much for eating thousands of calories. Akko is actually very picky with her foods. She will try bunch of food tho
Constanze is autistic and one of her main special interest is retro games(stanbot is literally gamecube/n64). She also like to listen to bitpop/chiptune because of the special interest.
The reason Akko oversleep a lot is because she actually do wake up at like 3-5am but due to hyperactivity, she has difficult going back to sleep and finally able to sleep after 1 to few hours.
Diana is actually a heavy sleeper, once she hit the bed, she is fucking dead. This is actually the reason why she can easily sleep with Akko despite her inability to sleep still.
Akko and Amanda(sometime Croix) would play Halo 2 for few hours every Friday night when they can. They also hate 343i for the treatment toward the game.
Sucy and Constanze is close because of common interest in retro games.
Amanda realized he is transmasc when he wear the suit for the first time. Croix help Amanda with it cus she is transfem.
Croix favorite piece of clothing is actually poncho.
Akko main special interests are; a few animes, a few games, English, Shiny Chariot, magic, Diana, and Minecraft.
Diana actually used Tumblr in secret.
Diana started playing Minecraft after a dread realization that she might be forcing Akko to her interests and that she don't partake in Akko's interests like at all. She actually love the game.
Diana only knew how to use phone a bit. She almost install a million virus on her laptop when she just bought it.
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Shroombot HCs cuz there is no content for this ship anymore and that makes me sad
Sucy and Constanze are the kind of couple that you can't tell are together because they mostly hang around each other in private. None of their friends knew they were dating until a few months before they all graduated.
The two usually just stay in Constanze's workshop to watch horror movies or work on their own separate projects. They just really enjoy each other's company as just being next to each other is enough for the both of them.
If Cons has some leftover scrap parts from a project, she'll make little trinkets for Sucy. Eventually, Cons makes a necklace for Sucy that has little metal skulls and mushrooms. Sucy refuses to take it off and anyone who tries to tell her to will face her wrath.
Even outside of their relationship, the couple have great respect for each other. Sucy admires Constanze's dedication and willingness to push beyond limits (especially the legal ones). Constanze admires Sucy's independent and adamant nature. They both see a lot of themselves in the other. Because of this respect, even before they started dating, they both seemed to make a silent pact to never use the other as a test subject. Not that it mattered too much since Akko was always there to be a guinea pig. (Voluntarily for Cons, no so much for Sucy)
To Sucy, Cons being a wanted criminal for being a black market magic tech dealer makes her a bit more attractive. She'll never admit it, though.
Cons is one of the few people who can make Sucy blush. Usually it's from whispering something to her or just giving her a nice gift.
Neither is sure when exactly they started dating. Sucy thinks their first date was when Cons invited her into the workshop. Constanze thinks it was the time Sucy invited her to go mushroom picking in one of the forbidden areas.
Akko was the first person to find out about them dating as she quite literally fell in on one of their dates. Akko needed Constanze's help with a project (again) and fell into the lab while the pair were sitting on the couch watching a movie together. Akko screamed when she saw the two holding hands, either out of fear for Cons' life because Sucy or because they were doing something considered romantic because... Sucy. Needless to say, Akko got a particularly potent potion testing that night.
They don't do much in terms of physical affection, but they will share a hug or a kiss from time to time.
Their first kiss was during one of their regular movie nights. Constanze was heavily fixated on the screen, analyzing the intricacies of the mechanical abomination chasing humans around. Sucy turned to look at her and decided to try something. Sucy kissed Cons on the cheek, leading to the shorter witch to freeze up. At first, Sucy couldn't help but giggle maniacally at the reaction. After a while, Cons was still stuck frozen and Sucy actually began to worry. Eventually, Stanbot came over and helped snap Constanze back to reality. Cons took a bit of revenge and quickly pecked Sucy on the lips, which allowed her to see Sucy blush for the first time and madly at that.
Sucy and Constanze are very much height difference gfs. Once, Cons rode on Sucy's shoulders and she has since struggled to find something that made her feel as powerful as she felt at that moment.
After the gang found out about Cons and Sucy dating, they do hound them with questions for a bit before quickly backing off because 1. Sucy and 2. Constanze when someone makes her (and now by extension Sucy) mad. Even Akko pulls back because of her experience in angering the two. Amanda, on the other hand, does not have as much experience dealing with Sucy. So, when Amanda tries to joke around about the couple like she does with Akko and Diana, Cons ends up needing to decide between holding Sucy back or getting Amanda out as soon as possible.
Constanze gives Sucy full access to Stanbot and its abilities, excluding the weaponry because Sucy's tendency to lean towards chaos and even wanton destruction rather than safety and order is well known to all at Luna Nova.
I might update this later with more stuff or just make another post.
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eyes-of-mercy · 8 months
This blog turned six years old! Six years of uhhh the Best Spencer Ever, and the Worst Stanley Ever
Highlights of this blog include:
Fluffikins the Cat
Anastasia being Anastasia
Stanbot becoming human
Mysterious Leader Name Reveal
Spider Psychiatrist
Smol eyes appearing everywhere, on walls and people, to Watch™
Spying on Demeter (and the creation of Twinnyson/Frederick)
Ariel and Mili joining the group
Anastasia kissing Dr Money, apparently??
The discovery of Vir.EXE
Wild!Franky staying around for a bit
Stanley Jackson is an annoying jerk
More of Anastasia being Anastasia
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tuliptheoshawott · 11 months
Little Witch Academia fangame idea???
So it'd be like a Mega Man style game (because hyperfixation go brrr)
There would be two playable characters
Conztanze: She can use her gun as a buster-style weapon, also has a charge shot, can slide, use her Stanbots like Rush Coil/Rush Jet.
Diana: She can use more complex magic spells, has a dash, I don't have any weapons planned out for her yet. Made to be a Bass-like character.
There are 6 bosses.
Her stage would be simply going through the halls of Luna Nova. The layout would be heavily similar to that of Chamber Of Time.
Her weapon would be a smaller version of the Shiny Arc. It would allow you to fire magic arrows that can pierce enemies.
Her weakness is Lotte's weapon.
Her stage would probably be the basement of the Last Wednesday Society. I don't know how their basement got so big, but it is. An alternate idea would be a Nightfall convention.
Her weapon would probably be a flamethrower-type weapon controlled by a spirit.
Her weakness is Chariot's weapon
Her stage would be based off of the episode where Akko went inside Sucy's mind. The movie theater, the execution line, the giant staircase (Like in Split Mushroom's stage from X4), all of it. It would even have that big dragon as a miniboss.
Her weapon would probably involve mushrooms. My idea is a weapon where you raise a mushroom out of the ground
Her weakness is Jasminka's weapon
Her stage would be a broom riding course. It would be played entirely on a broom.
Her weapon would be an air dash attack.
Her weakness is Sucy's weapon
Her stage would be the school cafeteria.
Her weapon would be an explosive weapon. Possibly you being able to throw an explosive chip out of that chip bag she's always eating.
Her weakness is Akko's weapon.
Her stage would be a stage she used during her show days.
Her weapon would be a close range magic blast.
Her weakness is Amanda's weapon
Then, you would go to a series of stages where you would try to find Croix.
The boss for the first stage is weak to Akko's weapon
The boss for the second stage is weak to Jasminka's weapon
The third stage is a rematch against the 6 main bosses
The final stage you face Croix. She has 2 phases.
The first phase is weak to Lotte's weapon
And the final phase is weak to Chariot's weapon, because of course it is.
I hope I get a knowledge of coding so I can make this. Or get a visual coding program. But this is just an idea I want to throw out there.
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widdlediddle2 · 2 years
Submitted by: @muddy-puppypaws Hihi! I am new to the LWA Fandom and I really adore Constanze. I don't know how requests work but maybe something of her playing with Stanbot? ^-^
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sorry for the wait hehe😅 here you go and welcome to the lwa fandom!
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yaboirezzy · 4 months
Some Witch Family HC/Stuff I forgot to post a year ago
- Her family always protects her, especially Chariot (shocker I know), you a rando? try anything and you'll soon wake up with less teeth than you remember
- Amanda is the instigator to her instigatee, one time she told her that the biggest broom in the house is magical and Akko went hog wild around the house
- Akko: "Yay! Water! *rolls around the water sprinkler*"
- Spirits around the house calls her 'lovable little hug bug'
- Got her love for and first nightfall book at her 5th birthday, Charoix searched far and wide to get that book since most bookstores around town didn't have any stock
- Chariot: "Lotte, Barbara, why aren't you two asleep yet?"
Lotte: "... Nightfall"
Chariot: "Alright, finish the chapter and then go to sleep"
Barbara: "But we were just getting to the fun stuff!"
- Loves mushrooms way too much, wants to put them in any dish her parents made
- Is the one who pokes fun at the others quite often but still genuinely loves them
- Sucy: "You know I wish you all would take a greater interest in my witchcraft. I mean we're sisters but sometimes it feels like we're just roommates"
Amanda: "Suce, if you don't cut it out with your middle child nonsense, I'M GONNA SHOVE YOUR HEAD RIGHT UP THE-!"
- One of the girls who always protect the others from bullies, usually resulting in fights if the situation calls for them
- Pretty strong and agile even when she was still like 5
- Croix: *holds Amanda by her hoodie like a cat while all the orange haired girl could do was do a >:| face*
Chariot: "She broke something again didn't she?"
Croix: "Yes"
- The older child who knows how to make everyone feel better
- 'Snack Queen' knows all the good snacks (and sweets) to the point of making a ranking system
- Jasminka: *casually eats a whole metal plate ala Stitch style* That tasted awful
Croix: "... That was a salvage part young lady..."
Jasminka: "Sucy told me it's edible"
- The genius youngest child who always watches Croix's work with interest
- She made her first invention (Proto-Stanbot) at the age of 6, but out of all of her inventions the only one her siblings seemed shocked about is when she upgraded all of their smartphones
- Chariot: "Croix?"
Croix: "Yes dear?"
Chariot: "Why is constanze spinning around on top of your roomba?"
Croix: "That's her toy now, also she's my assistant"
Chariot: "But she's like 6-"
- None other than the responsible older/eldest child who takes leadership when their parents aren't home
- Can't stand her siblings antics sometimes but understands them and sometimes join in on the fun
- Diana & Amanda: *fiercely fighting over something*
The others: *tries to calm them down*
Lotte: "Sucy don't just stand there, do something!"
Sucy: "No no, I wanna see who wins this one"
- Gets anxious around other people who aren't her family
- Reading nightfall with Lotte is her comfort activity
- Barbara: "Meeting new people is scary, I don't know how to give a good first impression"
Amanda: "Well if it was me, I'd hit them first and say 'hey what's up? the name's Amanda!'"
Hannah: 'Okay never ask Amanda for support of any kind'
- Has trouble finding out what she wants or likes at times
- She has a middle sister and little sister rivalry going on with Akko, all started when Akko bites her leg when they were sleeping (Akko was dreaming about food)
- Hannah: "Mom! Akko is trying to eat me again!"
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neverendingparable · 10 months
Sometimes I think of all the missed opportunities there are with having Stan no longer be Stanbot. But oh well, that's what being an author is about - making a creative decision.
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thecosmosproject · 1 year
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Stanbot: What are we going to do? We're all powerless and we don't have Hydras blood to create a new portal.
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Mermay day 5 - symbiotic:
They got her soul she got their back
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dailydianakko · 4 years
Stanbot is just a skinned furby with modifications.
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