#star keepers knights of the sky
random-movie-ideas · 29 days
Star Keepers Book Release
Attention, everyone! I am pleased to announce that my second book, Star Keepers: Knights of the Sky will soon be available on Amazon Prime, both as a kindle book and in print. And you will be able to buy it and my first book together. Links coming soon. Also, please support my brother zorod who drew the cover.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 months
FireBird - March
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Ah, my dear friend @cilil was so good to send in a couple of requests!
It's my joy and honour to present the first fic to you tonight :D
Prompts: “The worst part is you didn’t even notice” – “I don’t need a gentleman right now.” – Responsibility – Knight in shining armour
Pairing: Eönwë x Gothmog
Words: 1030
Warnings: Injury, blood, sadness, bad elves, good Eönwë
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“Let him be, I’ll take care of it,” Eönwë called, feeling the back of his neck heat up as the despicable half-truth crossed his dry lips.
Nobody had expected the co-habitation of once inveterate foes to be easy, and Eönwë even secretly believed that Manwë could and should have been more discouraging when it came to the outright hostile behaviour towards the reformed former denizens of Angband.
Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be much worse than anything the kind-hearted herald had ever imagined.
“Milord,” the group of reembodied Elves muttered and withdrew reluctantly.
It was forbidden for the Balrogs to travel in groups, and much too often resentful, unforgiving members of the High Houses liked to corner Melkor’s fallen servants and harass them cruelly.
“Away with you,” Eönwë called sternly. “Leave it to me!”
Of course, Eönwë did not doubt that any of the fearsome Maiar could have defended themselves against a few puny incarnates, but he took his role as a keeper of the peace very seriously.
Moreover, he was eager for this one Balrog in particular to understand that he was on his side, as much as that was even possible anymore.
“Bird,” Gothmog purred, leaning heavily against a boulder, and trying to angle his body so as to dissimulate the minor wounds the group of pesky troublemakers had inflicted upon him. “Have you come to chide me? I swear upon my honour that I’ve not laid a single claw upon your precious Children.”
At that ludicrous declaration, Eönwë let his frown deepen disapprovingly.
He knew Manwë’s stipulations only too well—after all, he had been the one tasked to convey them to the unfortunate souls they concerned—but, in his heart of hearts, he nevertheless much regretted to see his friend and lover hurt because of a set of cold, unfeeling rules.
“You’re allowed to defend yourself against those who’d seek to harm you,” he murmured insistently.
“And risk your displeasure, beloved? From your sweet lips came the ordinance to renounce my evil ways, and I shall do so, no matter the cost to my health and heart,” Gothmog replied calmly.
Unfortunately, his efforts at clumsy gallantry were considerably hampered by the fact that he was by now slowly slumping under the strain of desperately pretending that he was perfectly hale and happy.
“You look particularly appetising today, bird,” Gothmog tried to assuage the worry in the bright, sky-blue eyes of his most cherished enemy. “I mean, you look handsome.”
Eru’s long-haired pet meat bags might never have understood it, but there were truths and affinities sung into creation that far transcended their very limited interpretation of beauty and affection.
Thus, it had come to pass that these fierce warriors—having fought ferociously on opposite fronts in a seemingly eternal war—had ultimately found well-deserved peace in one another.
As all star-crossed lovers were wont to asseverate, they naturally were willing to selflessly die for the other.
Living, they’d soon found out, was a much more arduous and treacherous challenge.
Ever diligent to the point of undeniable stubbornness, Gothmog had decided that he’d use his new-found freedom to give Eönwë what he clearly yearned for so desperately: a proper romantic courtship.
“Could I interest you in a leisurely stroll by the river then?” the Balrog asked in a forcibly level voice.
“Don’t be silly,” Eönwë exclaimed. “You are injured! This is hardly the moment for pleasant walks by the water. Let me see!”
Indeed, the herald’s heart ached as he glimpsed the superficial but undoubtedly painful gashes marring Gothmog’s precious, gleaming hide.
“I shall have words with them,” he grumbled, gnashing his flawless teeth.
“Do not trouble yourself on my account, my sweetling,” Gothmog assured him quickly as he tried to squirm away from the inquisitive fingers ghosting across his skin and threatening to undo his carefully constructed façade of good manners and gentle words.
“They are my responsibility,” Eönwë opined. “And so are you, you foolhardy creature! If you will not defend yourself, will you at least promise to call for me if this ever happens again?”
His stern gaze softened, and his pursed lips relaxed into a charming smile. “I quite like being your knight in shining armour.”
As if embarrassed by his own confession, he drew his wings up defensively.
“Keep talking,” Gothmog drawled. The cocky, teasing grin he flashed Eönwë now was genuine, despite his tangible discomfort.
“You’re not the only one who’s trying to impress by putting his best foot forward, and the worst thing is, you didn’t even notice…” Eönwë complained softly, rubbing a blood-stained hand along his chiselled jaw shamefacedly.
“What do you believe has escaped my notice? How competently you’ve handled this situation, getting rid of these unwelcome intruders with aplomb and grace? Or your indescribable beauty as you arrived on the scene like an avenging entity made of summer bliss and autumn storms? You underestimate me, my winged wonder, for I am humbled by every awe-inspiring detail of your appearance and demeanour!”
“Humbug,” Eönwë mumbled, flattered despite suspecting that he was being lovingly mocked. “I don’t need a gentleman right now, Gothmog. Tell me how bad it is…Should I bring you to Estë?”
“Pah! Estë!” Gothmog guffawed. “What for? To be fussed over endlessly? ‘tis but a scratch, I tell you.”
Lifting his arm slowly, he cupped Eönwë’s cheek tenderly. “Please, believe me when I say that neither your entirely unnecessary preoccupation nor your gentle care has gone unnoticed.”
Beneath the soothing, healing caress of the one he loved against all odds and despite the bitter feud engraved into their very souls, Gothmog finally relaxed.
“When you arrived, I couldn’t help thinking how marvellous it is to see you appear like a ray of sun cutting through the blinding, burning mist of battle and to know that you’ve not come to smite me.”
“I am on your side, you know?” Eönwë whispered, curling up against the living heat of the terrible fire demon.
“There are no sides anymore,” Gothmog reminded him, quoting the announcement that had allowed them to meet and reconnect once more.
“Yes,” Gothmog yawned, slinging his arm around his beloved hero. “Thank you!”
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-> Masterlist
Lots of love from me! (I shall be busy this weekend, but I theoretically am still willing to write something for this <3)
@fellowshipofthefics You didn't think that I'd skip this one, did you? LOL
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oktzi · 8 months
Introductions to the characters of Ordeal of Murmurs
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A man turned dog at a young age by the onsetting maledictions of the dead all-seers. Now barely spends time in his dog form as his human one is unstable and he's afraid he won't be able to return to it's already fragile state — forcing him to remain in it as to not lose more of himself than he has. Machik keeps to himself whenever possible, avoiding large crowds and sticking to places searched thoroughly by merchants in the cities, and incompletely by travellers seeking to explore areas untouched.
He wishes to sail the Western Seas, to see the Archipelago of the farthest continent South, Ehlsud. But these are still covets he is yet to bring to life, first wanting to find his named sister who, too, was turned by the malediction. And to turn back human.
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The last knight of the Susurration Order, in search of memories lost and hindered, going as far as The Crows Ravine to ask for guidance from The Council uninvited. 
Vayda isn't left untouched by the influence the dead all-seers have spread upon the lands, and has since been losing her muscle. Her arm, both legs: one to its ankle and the other to the knee, have rotted away and are now nothing but bone.
Though she has come upon such areas and peoples who have been affected more greatly than she, she still mourns her loss of self in the harsh world she faces alone. 
The Knight of Earthly Remains — Vaughan
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The bone and clay armour knight of the House Ehliyr. He's under the Houses' knighthood, the Buried Rhizome, which serves, and lives, in the catacombs below the residency. The House Ehliyr practices Defilid magic, which inorganically fuses the dead-bodies of the knights and earthly wares that soon force them to unite.
Vaughan fell to the same fate almost 5 decades ago, slain aged only 41, since then, he's been knit together by the clay from the marshes, south of the Ehliyr lands, and his own bones and flesh. As well as the riches of the catacombs. His soul and muscle bound to the knighthood and those of the House of Ehliyr.
Irfan and Yaran
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Irfan is a leper priest, who's slowly dying due to the onsetting curse of the sorcerers passed. He serves in a chapel of the Masfeh’thel Reliquary in the North-Western region of the continent. Though many have begun to leave the lands due to the spreading maledictions, Irfan and the chapels keepers continue to inhabit and care for the quiet convent and its records.
Yaran strictly follows the Masfeh’thel Reliquary's rules, his strive for knowledge and scriptures has left him to stay and tend to the almost empty walls, it's dying residents, and abandoned animals and land left by the people of the town. They try to maintain as much as possible, and constantly act as messenger as the scriptures are slowly being delivered down South to the less affected monastaries.
Yaran peels apple skins off with a black knife they claim is made of an ore that fell from the sky.
St. Morcant, St. Ade and St. Geue
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Three of the fifteen wizards and all-seers of the Crows Ravine — they have sat at the seats of the high council since their 20th autumn. They are rid of their names - and must be referred to either by their status or Saint name. For every time a member dies, the rest of the council cuts their hair and lets it grow back out until the next death. St Moracant — The Shoulders of the High Council — she’s one of the last known users of the fallen stars, an all-seer of the north.
St. Ade — The Ribbed Collar — the Neck of the High Council — mostly gets compared to the Barely Spoken wizard, for his power is much stronger than that of the actually chosen for the title. Though the two have never met, The Ribbed Collar does harbour distaste and abhors the young wizard of gentle word, and lost carvings.  St Geue — The Jaw of the High Council — The youngest member of the High Council goes hand in hand with St. Quicwyn in many of the council's decisions and contemplations.
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yoimix · 2 years
「 sweet nothing 」
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time is the first and foremost adversary to lovers. 
despite that, you took DAINSLEIF’s hand beside the fountain in the heart of khaenri’ah. it was fitting to him then, that a kingdom was built around this when you looked at him with all that is good in humanity. khaenri’ah may have been a nation without a god, but in you, there was a religion he was willing to put his faith in. it began all too suddenly—and it ended all too suddenly.
at first, the very name of yours filled him with fire that would put the pyro archon to shame. a slip of it from his subordinates in the royal guard would earn the harshest glare. as captain, he ought to keep his men in check. but you, oh, he hadn’t accounted for a royal advisor’s heir, and all the distractions you brought with you. it’s unfitting of a knight to feel as he did for you. but he admitted it to you, blurted it out almost, the moment you took his hand.
“captain?” your eyes never stopped glimmering. even in the darkest hours of night, you’d be shining as bright as stars. they were almost like guiding lights to him, the way he would find himself in your embrace every break he got.
he could never get tired of counting the constellations in your eyes. they charted his whole sky. 
“hello, (name),” he spoke far too quickly. the captain of the khaenri’ahn royal guard does not get nervous. but your hands were so warm, he wanted to cave into you right then.
“oh, don’t be so formal, dain,” you giggled. “i was only teasing.”
“oh? i... i don’t understand, i’m afraid.”
it made you break further into laughter, clutching your stomach as he looked at you perplexed. he missed your warmth the moment your hands left his. 
“you’re so stiff! aren’t we close friends already?” you placed your hands on your hips. “i mean it’s cute in a way, but i don’t want to fluster you into a statue.”
oh, so you were aware of the effect you had? 
you huffed. “you act like such an enigma, but you’re just like me, aren’t you?”
dainsleif was nothing like you. you were the ever lively wind to his unyielding stone, blooming life to his strict stillness. there couldn’t possibly be a thread of connection between the two of you, apart from the silent adoration he held for you and your way of doing things.
“you love like i do.” 
dainsleif could never tell what drew you to that conclusion. but you were right. he did love like you did. and he lost like you did.
but he admitted it you—the only one he could say overflowing words to till the end of time, even if they were sweet nothings. a look of worry had flashed across your face at your confession and he wasted no moment to take your hand, pressing a gentle kiss to it. the action finally made you seal your lips, and dainsleif’s quaint smile followed not long after. would that mean you were courting? 
nothing brought him more joy than you did, your touches and kisses, your demands to hear his voice before drifting off to sleep. eventually, though, work took over and you were left with inteyvat flowers to keep time and lull you to sleep. and oh, how you still adored them because he picked them for you.
when they said the end was coming, dainsleif never realized how soon it would be. he’d taken lives before, but it took a cataclysm for him to understand what it takes to protect one. he didn’t get to say goodbye—and now he whispers it to the sky each night. 
dynasties hardly ever end with warnings. ashes and dust cloud his memories of the aftermath. he’s grateful in a way. it would pain him to remember the exact moment. 
if only his faith were stronger, could he have, at the very least, perished together with you? the sickness at his fingertips grows. he can’t touch anything alive anymore. it hurts to feel the memories of warmth. 
dainsleif is the bough keeper, and he is not meant to be more than this role assigned to him. 
he runs his finger over the inteyvat petals, the wear of time adorning its surface. does it ever miss the khaenri’ahn lands? does it miss the rich soil and the crystal water like he misses your gentle touch and spirited laugh? all you ever wanted from him was nothing but his presence, his words—and he was as cruel as he could be. he would give anything to go home to you now, to hold your smiling face, to kiss you till you laugh. oh, but time, time is unforgiving. he has no home. his wandering is eternal and fruitless.
and when he remembers your face on the last day, it makes sense to him, why they punished him so gravely.
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jedi-princess-kestis · 2 months
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Paring: Gregor / F! reader insert
Summery: You are a Jedi who lost the love of your life.... Or so you thought when it seems like a ghost shows up at your door after you find the forget-me-not flower to remind you of the person you lost.
(This is a reader insert with descriptions of you as a female. So a female reader insert)
Word Count: 5K+
Warnings: swearing, character death, talk of battles, heavy smut (18+ only!) Angst with happy ending.
"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw you were not perfect, and I loved you even more."
The feeling of being lost is an overwhelming thing. It consumes you, drives deep into your very soul. Makes you feel cold and hopeless as you wander through your days, like an never ending rain storm looming over your head, reminding you of all you lost. That empty feeling in your mind where something onces was is now gone, lost to time as your mind slowly slips away like a petal of a flower on the window in a summer breeze. You sit and wait for your mind to fix itself, to repair the damage that has been done, but the dark cloud haunts your mind like an old friend. You soon learn to accept it and move on with life. That you'll never get back what is now lost. Weeks had gone by and your mind was still a fragment of what it had once been, you were a fragment of what you had once been.
You were a Jedi Knight in the Grand Army of the Republic. You had been the General of FoxTrot Group, the Elite Commando Clones of the 212th. You lead your men beside Commander Gregor into battle time and time again. He had become your trusted friend, the person you leaned on when times got hard. You two watched out for each other and took care of each other. You formed a bond to the Clone that soon found his way into your heart. You knew it was wrong, as did he but you couldn't deny the pull that was between you too. So you grow closer, soon finding you couldn't sleep at night unless you were beside each other, keeping the nightmare did war at bay.
The memories of those times flooded your mind as you tried to sleep, his voice filling your ears as if he was in the room beside you. You could see his smile, the way his dark eyes were filled with light as he joked with you, or held you through a nightmare.
"Sometimes I wonder if this war was really worth it. But then I look around at you and your brothers and I see that I'm thankful it happened because if it hadn't… I never would have had you in my life." You said to Gregor one night as you campped out a few miles ahead of the 501th and 212th durning a mission. You two had taken first watch, so you sat under the 2 pale moons in the sky, watching the stars dance in the midnight light.
"Sometimes you can't help but feel like a pawn in someone's game thought. I'm not the only one that feels it. I was made to fight a war, it's all I know, but the Jedi, the people of places like this… they were never meant for a lifestyle they are forced to be apart of now. Sometime you have to wonder who is really behind all this." Gregor spoke after a moment. He glanced at you and hung his head in shame. "Sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have said something like that. It's not my place to question why I was made. I'm just here to serve."
You turned your body to face the Clone more and tapped his arm. "Is that you talking or the programing they forced into you on Kamino? You are a human being Gregor. I, as well as many, feel that you should have a life, hobbies, wants and needs outside of this war. To make you feel more a part of this Galaxy then you already are."You paused for a moment to let your words sink in for him. You wanted him to realize you didn't just see him as a Clone, but as a human being who had the right to feel things. "The Jedi were meant to the keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But most of my life as a Padawan and now Jedi life, I've been a soldier. It HAS become all I know. But without this war you never would have come to be. So be thankful for that. That you, Gregor, are apart of this Galaxy." You smiled at him as you squeezed his arm. You saw him smile and he leaned into you, touching his forehead with yours. You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent, enjoying the feel of his skin on yours.
The memory flooded your mind as you remembered that sweet moment when the war let you have a moment to breath. That was the last simple moment you had with the Trooper before shit had gone wrong. Oh so wrong. The following battle Is one that wrecked your life, turning it around and upside down. You were never the same since then.
The battle of Sarrish.
It was bloodbath. So many troopers slaughtered where they stood. You tried so hard to save them, to keep them alive. But you couldn't. The ones that survived ran with you, fleeing the battle that you knew was a lost hope. You ran for your ship, Gregor and Lieutenant Jinks hot on your tail. Only a handful of men, hardly any at this point, made it back to the ship. You signaled for takeoff, just praying you could make it off that blasted planet in one piece.
"Report." You said, turning to face Gregor. You knew that loss was great, that the battle was a bust.
"We lost… all but 4 General…" Gregor spoke softly from under his helmet. You knew he was fighting back tears, blood staining his gear from trying to save his brothers. You hung your head and grabbed the back of the seat, your knuckles white from the grip. Tears freely rolled down your cheeks as you mourned the loss of your men. You took a shaken breath and stood up straight, smoothing down your hair, only to find it sticky with blood.
"General, you're wounded." Gregor spoke up before the ship jerked harshly, sending you flying into the wall behind you. With a groan you fell to the floor, your head pounding.
"What the hell?!" You yelled as sirens screamed around you. You felt a pair of hands grab your arm, hoisting you to your feet and pulling you down the hall of the ship.
"Go, go, go!" The owner of the strong pair of hands demanded in your ear as he pushed you along. You moved as fast as your shaken body would allow, your mind spinning from the wound and now probably a concussion. You were turned to the left and pushed down another hallway, the ship shaking violently once more.
"What's going on?" You asked in a shaken voice as you soon reached the escape pod room.
"Y/N I need you to get into that pod." Gregor said as he tapped the panel opening the pod door. You looked from the pod to him and back before shaking your head.
"You and the men need to get out of here." You said, trying to sound like a Leader and not a shaken and injured girl. Gregor shook his head and pulled off his helmet. His dark honey eyes found yours and you felt your heart stop for a second. He held onto both your arms and pulled you close, so your faces were only inches apart. His warm breath fanned over your face, his hands gripping your arms tightly.
"You need to go General." He said in a desperate sounding tone. The ship shook again, sending you into his arms as you tried to keep from falling over. He turned your bodies so you had your back to the pod.
"I won't leave without you Gregor." Your voice broke, tears threatening to spill. You knew that if you both soon didn't get off this ship, you would perish into the dark void of space. He smiled sadly at you as a small tear slipped down his cheek.
"It's my job to keep you alive. And if I die, then at least I can die knowing I gave you a chance to live." He said before bringing his forehead to yours in a Keldabe kiss, letting his nose brush yours softly. "Ret'urcye mhi." *Maybe we will meet again* He whispered before pushing you backwards into the pod, slapping the panel to shut the doors.
"NO!" You screamed as the pod launched from the ship into space. You slammed your hands against the glass window, watching as the ship carrying the man who had become so close to you, the man that had become your partner, the man that till this moment you didn't realize you loved…. Was hit with another blast from the ship chasing you and soon went up in flames. The ship that had been shooting at you pulled your ship in with a tractor beam before jumping to hyperspace, taking Gregor along with them. Your pod drifted in space as you cried, screaming and wailing at the loss. Your mind burned from the injury, your body weak and cold as laid on the floor of the pod. You didn't even realize you were being rescued till Kix was carrying you in his arms to the hospital wing of General Skywalker's ship. You begged for them to send a search party out of Gregor and the 3 other men. But it fell onto deaf ears. You were alive. The clones have done their job in keeping a Jedi alive to fight another fight. 'They did what they are made to do, and they are probably now dead. Be happy they gave their lives to save yours.' Mace Windo had told you when you begged him to send out troops to rescue your men. You sat there, stunned at the fact a Jedi could care so little about another life. That he just was fine with the fact that your men could be dead because 'it was the will of the Force.'
You didn't remember much after that day. Your mind is broken and your body dull and frailed since then. It had been months but you haven't returned to battle. You barely left your apartment near the clone base on Coruscant. You felt as though a piece of you was missing, as though your soul had died some that day. You were a shell of the person you had been. Once a great and fierce Jedi Knight, you were now a broken and scared woman. You had gown skinny, your hair dull and thin. Your eyes were sunken in, your cheek bones hollow. Kix came to check on you at least two times a week, to make sure you were at least eating and taking the vitamins he gave you. And you did, but they won't heal a broken heart and soul.
Then the news came.
Gregor had been found alive on Abafar.
This news shocked you. The ship had crashed landed on a remote, hostile, outerrim planet with no memory of who he was or how he got there. He lived there for months, working at a dinner till Colonel Gascon found him and restored his memory of who he was. Kix told you how Gregor fought beside Colonel Gascon, helping in the escape. Then he told you the rest of the story.
There had been an explosion, Gregor had been in it. It was believed he may have been killed in battle… once again. The joy that flooded your heart stopped, tears filling your eyes once more. Once again your love could be lost to the Galaxy. He had been alive and no one went for him. Now he could be dead… again… and you had no way of getting to him to check if he had made it.
That was 2 weeks ago that Kix had come to your door and told you the news. You tried to move on, to accept the fact that Gregor was not going to be in your life anymore. You started to pick up the pieces of your shattered mind and rebuild. You showered for the first time in weeks. You dawned your Jedi robes for the first time in months. You pulled your hair up into a soft sock bun on top of your head and put on light makeup to hide the bags under your eyes. You went to the Temple training room to use your lightsabers for the first time since Sarrish. You knew Gregor wanted you to live. That is what he told you before you lost him. He gave his life, so you had a chance to keep living. So how could you deny him any longer his last wish?
You walked the halls of the temple that you had been avoiding for months. You had shut yourself off from the Force, from the teachings of the Jedi. You needed to mourn what you lost. But now you needed to live. So you took the first step. You say Anakin and Obi-Wan walking towards you and you gave them a soft smile.
"Y/N! So good to see you and about once more." Obi-Wan said reaching out to pull you into a hug. You smiled at your old friend before wrapping your arms around him. You missed this. Being touched, feeling another living breathing body close to you. Kix would come and sit, but he never touched you, as though he was afraid you would shatter into a million pieces.
"Hello Obi-Wan." You said softly as you hugged the Jedi Master. He patted your back and gave you a squeeze before letting you go. You turned to Anakin and his smile lit up his face.
"Hey there Y/N." He smiled as he pulled you into a hug. You smiled and hugged him back before pulling away and taking a deep breath.
"So where are you heading?" Obi-Wan asked you as you pulled your robes tighter to your body. You had lost weight, your robes hanging loose around your arms and hips. You were glad Obi-Wan didn't ask you how you were, or how things have been, choosing to move on.
"I felt like it was time to start training again. So I'm going to the gym." You answered. Anakin smiled and Obi-Wan nodded his head. He crossed his arms and ran a hand through his beard.
"Well that sounds like a splendid idea. Have fun Y/N, with your training." He spoke before waving his at Anakin and the two walked off with a nod of their heads. You watched them go before going down the hall and taking a right down another hall. You could feel the Force flowing and weaving its way through the halls, flowing through and around the people inside the building. It felt good to open up to the Force once more, letting it fill your body with it's energy. You made your way into the training room and took off your robe, taking your lightsaber into your hand. You turned on the green blade and felt it's power in your hands. Taking a deep breath you started spinning and twirling the blade around in your hands. You spun and jumped, letting the training from the years of living at the Temple come back to you. The power that flooded your body was like an old friend, one you welcomed back with open arms.
You have no idea how long you have been in the training room, but you are tired, sore and hungry. Your body screamed at you to stop. Your mind felt clear for the first time in months, as though a fog was starting to lift it's haze. You were breathing heavily but you felt happy. You turned off your saber and clipped it to your belt, fixing your hair a bit before walking out of the room. You slowly may your way through the halls, letting the energy of the Force spill and flow around you. Soon you reached the main doors and pushed them open, going down to where your speeder bike was and getting on. You went to Dex and picked up some food, enjoying the smell of Caf and fryed dishes he was making all day. Once you got your food and Caf, you walked back outside and started walking for your speeder bike. As you walked you saw a lady selling flowers from a little stand. You saw bright blue small flowers that looked liked moonlight in your mind.
"What are these flowers called, Ma'am?" You asked as you picked up a flower.
"Ohh those are Forget-Me-Nots. They are a symbol of love for those we have lost or who can't be with us." The older woman said with a smile. You looked down at the blue flower and took a deep breath, breathing in it's sweet fragrance.
"Can I get a few of these please?" You asked softly as you handed her some credits to pay for the flowers. She pulled a dozen of the flowers and wrapped them in paper to keep them fresh till you got home. She gave you a smile as she handed you the flowers. She patted your hand and nodded her head at you gently.
"Whoever you are missing, loves you just as much." She spoke to you in a gentle tone before smiling and going back to her flowers. You felt your heart pull at her words and let them sink in. You knew she was right. That no matter what, he did what he did out of love. You went back to your bike and drove yourself back to your appointment and walked up the stairs to your door. You tapped the keypad and slipped in through your door, flipping the lights on. You put the flowers in a vase with water and sat them on your counter. You laid out the food you got from Dex and started to eat. You didn't realize you were this hungry till now. You were half way through your meal when a knock at your door sounded. Wondering who would be calling on you this late at night you got up from your seat. Kix was not due for another 2 days to visit so you knew it wasn't him. You walked to the door and hit the keypad to open it.
"Hello Y/N."
It was like all the air left your lungs. It was like a punch to the gut. You went pale, as though you saw a ghost. And at the moment you felt as if you had.
"How…." You could barely find your voice to speak. There standing before you was the man you loved.
"I'm alive Y/N. I'm here." Gregor spoke as he reached out a hand to gently brush a finger across your cheek, wiping away a tear you had no idea fell from your eye. You leaned into his touch and felt more years slip down your face.
"Gregor." You whispered his name. He walked into your appointment, shutting the door behind him. You have no idea what made you do it but you fell into his arms, pulling him close to you. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you close to him, your head on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat filled your ears, and it was music to you. His hands rubbed up and down your back as he cooed into your hair.
"How is this possible? They said you died on Abafar." You said breathlessly as you pulled away enough to look up into his honey eyes. He sighed and pulled you towards the sofa and sat you both down.
"I helped the Colonel get off the planet but there had been an explosion. I was injured and… my mind… it hasn't been the same. I remember who I am and things but… it's like I… I don't know… I feel like my mind has taken on a different personality at times. They say it's from all the trauma I had. But I'm still here. I'm alive. That's all that's important." He told you as he explained what happened to him. You listened to his every word, as if it was the only thing keeping you alive at that moment.
"I thought I lost you. That day… it's been so hard living when I thought you were dead Gregor." You spoke so softly, your voice breaking as you spoke. You hang your head as the tears start to flow once again. You hate feeling so weak. Gregor placed a finger under your chin and raised your head so your eyes met his once more.
"I would do it all again if it meant you got to live another day. I don't regret it. I don't regret saving you." His voice was thick and soft and it sent shivers down your spine.
"A life without you in it is not a life I want to be a part of anymore." You took his other hand onto yours and gave it a squeeze. "I need you." You didn't realize how heavy those words truly were till his eyes darkened and he moved his hand on your chin into your hair. His body moved closer to yours and you felt like all your nerves were filled with lighting. You licked your lips as his breath fanned across your face.
"I have thought about you since I got my memories back. You fill my every thought. And I hate that I never told you how I truly feel about you."
You moved a bit closer to him, your faces inches from each other. "Then tell me." You breathed. You have no idea who moved first, but next thing you knew his lips were on yours, hungry and filled with Passion, but also soft. His hand tangled into your hair, holding your head close as his other hand slipped to your hip. You knew you'd probably have bruises on your hip tomorrow from his grip but you didn't care. His lips moved against yours in perfect sync, stealing your breath away.
You finally pulled back to catch your breath, panting as you leaned your head against his. His fingers caressed your neck and collarbone, making you shiver. "I have thought about this moment for so long. I've loved you for so long… but I was so afraid I'd lose you if I said something. But then I did lose you and now… now I can't go another day without you knowing." Gregor whispered, his lips brushing your cheek as he spoke. You felt your heart flutter at his confession.
You looked into his eyes and smiled at him. "I love you too Gregor." The smile that spread across his face made you smile bigger before he stood up, pulling you to your feet before picking you up, a squeal falling from your lips as you wrapped your legs around his hips. He carried you back the hall to your bedroom and pushed the door open with his foot. He made his way over to your bed before slowly laying you down onto the mattress. He pushed some hair off your face before kissing you softly as his body hovered over yours. You grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. His hands slipped under your shirt and softly touched the skin of your belly as he kissed you.
"Do you want this?" He asked as he played with the hem of your shirt. His voice was thick and raspy as he looked down into your eyes. You knew what he was asking of you. If you were willing to break your code for him. To go against all you both knew to be together like this, to be with him. You felt the heat pool in your core and you slipped your hand down his chest till you found the hem of his shirt.
"I want you Gregor. All of you. Broken pieces and all." You spoke from the heart as you gazed into his honey eyes. He smiled before crashing his lips to your once more in a heated kiss. His hands slipped up your shirt, only breaking the kiss to pull it over your head, leaving you in your chest wrap. You hands pulled at his shirt, trying to tug it up his chiseled body. He chuckled Into your lips and pulled the shirt off in one swift movement, throwing it to the floor. Your hands roamed his body as his lips found home on your neck, nipping and sucking love marks down your throat. He tongue danced across your skin as he moved his way to the valley of your breast, his lips leaving soft marks I'm their wake. You moaned lightly as his tongue darted out, flicking across the slight bit of breast that was exposed from the top of your wrap. You arched your back up, trying to meet his tongue and his hand slipped under your back, popping the pins of your chest wrap. He slowly pulled the cloth away from your feverish skin and a deep throated moan that sounded like a growl came from his lips. He bent down, taking a perked nipple into his mouth, sucking and swirling the bud with his tongue. You moaned and sighed, arching your back up to him, pleasure flooding your body as his hands started to play with the hem of your pants. Your nails dug into his shoulders, his smooth, firm skin under your fingertips.
He switched sides, his hand playing with the breast that he had just been sucking on, and moving his mouth over to the other to give it the praise it deceived. Your hand soon found his hair, tugging and combing through it making him moan against your skin. It sent shivers through your body. His lips soon made a path down your body, nipping soft marks into your skin, marking you as his. His lips stopped at your waistband and he glanced up at your before hooking a finger into the band, pulling the garments down your legs till you laid fully bare to him. His eyes were blown, his breath coming a bit faster. He let his eyes shamelessly look over your body.
"So fucking perfect." He moaned before moving down your body, hooking your legs over his shoulders. You gasped and looked down at him between your legs.
"What are you doing?" You panted out. He smiled up at you and gave you a wink.
"I'm probably your first, I want to make sure either way that you are good and ready for me baby." His tone did things to your body. You shivered and laid your head back against the pillow as he started to kiss your thighs. You jumped and yelped when his lips started to suck your small bundle without warning. He chuckled against you, sending ripples through your core. He placed a hand on your stomach to hold you down to the bed as he started to suck harder on your clit, and took his other hand, slipping a finger into your wet folds. You cried out, your body on fire with pleasure.
"Gregor…" was all you could say as the knot started to build. He hummed against you, making you feel even more wet as a second finger entered you. Your walls tighten around his digits, your body going into overdrive. He sucked and licked over your bud, pulling the orgasm from you as you thrashed about. Your moans and gasps filled the room as he kept lapping you up, pulling your orgasm out of you as long as he could. He then licked up all your juices, as though it was his last meal. Once he cleaned you up he slowly moved up your body, kissing and biting his way back up to your lips. You could taste yourself on his lips but you didn't care. Your breathing was heavy against his lips as he reached down to undo his pants, letting them slide down his hips. He broke the kiss to pull them off before coming back to your body.
"If you want me to stop tell me." He looked you right in the eyes as he spoke. You smiled before hooking a leg over his hip, the tip of his large cock brushing your wet folds making you both moan.
"I need you inside of me Gregor." You commanded. He smirked down at you and gave a mock salute.
"Sir, Yes Sir General." He said before he slowly started to push into you. He went slowly to let you get used to his size. He was splitting you open inch by inch but in a delicious way. You were both a mindless moaning mess by the time he bottomed out. He breath was hit against your neck as he leaned down onto you, trying to hold on as your tight walls wrapped around him.
"Fuck you are so tight. You feel so good." He praised you. "Are you okay? Ready for me to move?"
You nodded your head at him and he slowly pulled back, to the point he was almost out of you before snapping his hips back into yours, his cock so full and thick, hitting your sweet spot right away. You wrapped both legs around him, biting down on his shoulder as you cried out. He found a pace you could match, your hips snapping to meet each other with each thrust. His lips soon found yours in a breathy and messy kiss, your tongues fighting. He nipped at your bottom lip, pulling more sweet noises from your body. He cock dragged along your walls, making them tighten around him.
"Baby I'm not going to last long." He growled against your lips. You reached down and started to rub your bud, making your orgasm rise faster. "That's right Y/N, cum all over my big cock. I'm going to fill you so full baby. Make you all mine like I've wanted to for so long Y/N." He whispered dirty words into your ear, sending you over the edge. Your second orgasm hit you harder than the first, making you shake and cry out. Your body was in overload mode and it only made his own release all the more pleasurable. He soon came, filling your walls with his white hot cum. You felt his cum shooting inside of you, filling you till the point you felt you would bust. Soon your highs came down, and you laid there panting for breath with him. He laid on top of you softly, and he kissed you lightly before slowly pulling out, both of you whimpering from the loss of contact. Your body felt wrecked and used and you loved it. He got up and went to the refresher to grab a cloth to clean you up. A mix of his cum and yours spilled into your leg after he had pulled out. He soon cleaned you up, giving you his shift as he pulled on his boxers. You slipped the shirt over your head, letting it cover you. He moved up and laid down on the bed, pulling you to join him. You snuggled into his chest and listened to his heartbeat beneath you. He played with your hair as you both laid there in your after glow.
"I love you Gregor. I never forgot you. I can't live without you. You are my reason to keep going. I'm so happy you have come home to me." You whispered into his chest. He tightened his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. He nuzzled his nose into your hair and let out a happy sigh.
"I love you Y/N, and I will always come home to you. I'm not leaving you again." He spoke softly before pulling you face up to give you a soft kiss, one that held promise and love. One that told you how much he loved you, how much he needed you. You kissed him back, pouring your love into him, letting him know that no matter what, he would never be forgotten. That he was yours and you were his. Till the end of time.
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zwy01 · 3 months
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Noble OCs - Paradiso
More OCs from one of my four original noble clans, the Paradiso! They are the Clan of Miracles and Wisdom and their current Clan Leader is Titus Paradiso, whose heir is undecided at the moment but both of his twins Anastasia Faye Paradiso and Anabella Fleur Paradiso have the potential. Their clan’s soul weapon is book Liebe.
For complete info please check out the link below:
(Just a quick note, everyone is a noble here. There are no hybrids. In my headcanons “pureblood” and “non-pureblood” are just terms that nobles use with each other to broadly describe how affiliated someone is with their own clan. And I say “broadly” because there is much more to it and I think it deserves a post of its own. For now “pureblood” can be seen as a “strong enough and qualified to inherit the clan’s soul weapon and become Clan Leader” and “non-pureblood” as “an ordinary clan member” kind of thing. And being either has little to do with lineage and more of just the individual itself. Again, definitely posting more on that in the future)
Straight to the characters.
Kronos Paradiso: Pureblood. Uncle of Roctis Kravei. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Kronos oversees floors 1 to 100 of Minerva, the Paradiso Clan’s library tower. He’s part of a team that takes care of the tower, but he’s not exactly a protector or defender per se; neither are any of the nobles of his rank in Minerva. One unique characteristic of Paradiso nobles is that none of them can fight, which includes the Clan Leaders. They’re the only non-combat based clan in Lukedonia. This would mean that Kronos and his colleagues are more like figurative guardians than literal knights. Minerva does have knights as well, just that it’s not what Kronos and his colleagues do. Kronos is a member of the “Keepers”, a team of five high-ranking Paradiso Clan members whose job is to monitor the floors they’re assigned to. As one of the Keepers, Kronos’ job is to maintain a list of who comes and goes, report any incidents, assist the scholars and tend to their needs, kick out the troublemakers, ensure that everything is in order, etc. Each Keeper is also the leader of their own team of Paradiso nobles, the “Pages”. Pages assist Keepers with theirs tasks. Kronos is responsible for giving orders to his team of 143 Pages. Pages report to Keepers, and Keepers report to Titus. Kronos has been a Keeper of Minerva since his youth. He is the second longest-working employee of the tower, only to have his record beaten by a fellow Keeper named Varduhi, who is Titus’ aunt.
Kronos patrols his floors regularly and checks in with all of his Pages one-to-one. Being in charge of the busiest bottom floors also implies that Kronos is the one who greets and guides the guests at the main entrance. It’s not a requirement in his list of tasks, but he nevertheless took up that role because he is an extrovert and enjoys being around people. As a result, Kronos is the most occupied Keeper. Excluding the clan-members-only exclusive areas, Minerva is open to guests at all times and Titus encourages nobles from all over Lukedonia to come visit his library tower because it’s always nice to learn something new, and they probably have more books than there are stars in the sky. Kronos completely agrees with his Clan Leader and always tries to convince nobles to visit their Paradiso spectacle. Feeling a bit bored? Come to our tower and read a book! One of our scholars returned from a trip to the snowy mountains and brought back a new collection of werewolf legends if you’re interested; they’re up on the shelves of floor 87. Want to be surrounded by people but don’t want to directly interact with any? Great timing, Professor Titus is about to start one of his lectures on Pangu Ceresthalassa’s chronicles. There’s still space in seating area but it’s going to fill up soon, so better hurry! Want to go on a date but can’t find the perfect location? There’s a nice, cozy corner on floor 42, just keep it down so the scholars don’t get distracted by the noise; poetry analysis is a great romantic bonding activity too! Please, come in, you won’t regret it. Our Pages will be very happy to help.
Kronos’ enthusiasm and love for Minerva also shows up in his reluctance to take days off. Titus is very generous with vacation days and while he appreciates Kronos’ dedication, he wants his employees to have fun too. To Kronos, work is fun. Titus then has to kick him out and order him to “go get a breather”, because he won’t step outside otherwise. Kronos is one of the tower hermits, which is what the nobles call Keepers, Pages, scholars, and anyone who has their own place of residence outside Minerva but is so obsessed with their career that they basically just live inside the tower full-time instead. Kronos sometimes gets sad about having to put a pause on his work, but he understands that his Clan Leader is ordering him out of good will.
Kronos’ hobby is reading autobiographies of other nobles. Minerva accepts them from anyone who is willing to submit one, so new ones are constantly coming in. Kronos thinks reading autobiographies is a way to “befriend” other people even if they’re no longer alive. These friendships, despite metaphorical, transcend time and space. Kronos is currently reading an autobiography of a Mergas knight from the ancient generations. When he’s done with that, he’ll read one by a Landegre butler. Then he’ll pick another one from the new batch his Pages have collected recently. Kronos plans to write one for himself so future generations can “befriend” him. Maybe he should get started soon because he’s old. Well, he always jokes about he looks younger than most people his age because reading smooths wrinkles. The secret is brain power. It’s magic!
Kronos is currently single and thinks about dating once he retires. Who knows when he’ll actually retire because he’s been saying that for years but he never actually does it. Someone set this workaholic grandpa on a date.
Fyodor Paradiso: Non-pureblood. Older brother of Tomomi Paradiso, cousin of Yamuna Pyradros. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Fyodor is a young scholar. His area of expertise is comparison and analysis of the reigns of past and current noble Lords. When he is done with his current research, he plans to do a thorough study on the motives behind each traitor noble’s deeds as well as the dynamics between them as a group. Fyodor understands that this is a bit of a sensitive topic, but he wants to commit to it nonetheless. He believes that there’s more than meets the eye, and he’s probably right. There just has to be, even if Lord Raskreia doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about admitting it. Perhaps his fellow scholars would agree with him, but quite a few of them don’t feel comfortable voicing it. On the other hand, Titus is quite supportive.
Fyodor plans to interview people who knew the traitors to gather clues. It could be their family, friends, acquaintances, maids, knights, anyone. And he’ll narrow it down so he gets every single one of them. This will be difficult to accomplish since some of them may refuse cooperation out of fear of being associated with the traitors, but Fyodor still wants to try. He needs to gather every last clue for his research to happen. This applies to territory outside Lukedonia as well. Fyodor is willing to pack his bags and go on a solo quest to search the ends of the earth for traces of evidence if he has to. He’s already thinking about what he should do once he gets to werewolf island to ask about Ignes Kravei, a traitor noble who worked for the notorious werewolf Lord Maduke as a scientist before she died. If Fyodor does embark on this journey, he has to do a lot of preparation beforehand because he has never stepped outside of Lukedonia before, let alone interact with werewolves. He might also have to learn how to be around humans, because he thinks there are remnants of the traitors’ deeds in the human world and they too will be valuable puzzle pieces. It’s going to be a big project either way. Fyodor hasn’t taken any action yet, but he has already begun to think about it. He isn’t in a hurry, but evidence will fade with time, so he has to make up his mind sooner or later. For now, he’ll just keep working on the history of Lords. Besides, his little sister Tomomi needs him; she’ll grow anxious if he’s not present, so it might be better to stay. Her wellbeing is more important than his vision of a fulfilling career. Fyodor won’t go if she tells him not to. He’ll still think about it every now and then, though.
Fyodor likes to exercise in his free time. As a Paradiso, he is weaker and less durable than other nobles, but that won’t stop him from going on a long jog in the forest. It’s a good way to shake off stress from work.
Fyodor is rumored to be the partner of a certain Volo researcher who is studying lifespan loss reversal.
Varduhi Paradiso: Pureblood. Aunt of Titus Paradiso. Alive in the present day, belongs to Lagus’ generation.
Varduhi is a Keeper and oversees floors 401 to 499 of Minerva. She’s been a Keeper since before Titus, her nephew and Clan Leader, was born. She currently holds the record as the longest serving member of the library tower. Titus and Auntie Varduhi have an ongoing joke between the two of them and they’re casually betting on who is going to retire first. He’s old, she’s even older. Varduhi is confident that she’d still be a Keeper by the time either Anastasia or Anabella succeeds Titus as Clan Leader. Just try her. Well, time will tell! Aunt and nephew are close, as Varduhi was the one who watched young Titus whenever his parents were too busy. Varduhi has no children, and her nephew’s twins are like grandchildren to her.
Varduhi is not as busy as Kronos even though both of them are Keepers. The higher you go, the less people there are. Varduhi is in charge of Minerva’s top floors, so she gets to chill a bit while Kronos is always on his feet. Still, being a Keeper is no easy job for anyone. Varduhi is glad that she doesn’t need to do what Kronos is doing with all that guest reception business near the main entrance on the first floor. Perhaps it’s due to her age or simply part of her personality, but being subjected to unnecessary periods of prolonged contact with others annoys her. Varduhi’s Pages know to not waste her time and just get to the point. Report, and leave. She also dislikes it when they come to her for insight on “trivial” matters that they could’ve dealt with on their own, but she tactfully deals with it by telling her Pages that she trusts their judgement, and while they should fully utilize that judgement, they are still welcome to come to her if they think her intervention is required for an emergency. Varduhi is calm and practical, though she can come off as cold sometimes. People might be scared of her at first, but they end up appreciating her for who she is. Varduhi is very no-nonsense when it comes maintaining certain standards. She thinks Titus and Kronos are too lenient towards incompetence from subordinates. Varduhi is focused and efficient, and expects that from her people well. If she catches one of her Pages slacking off, she’d demote them or even fire them on the spot. Grandma doesn’t give second chances. If they show that they don’t have what takes to be here, they’re out. How can they even call themselves a Paradiso if they aren’t ready to serve Minerva to the best of their ability? This means no daydreaming, no gossiping, no workplace dating. Varduhi has a strict zero-distraction policy. As long as they’re here for work, they can’t zone-out. For this reason, many of her Pages are envious of those who work under the four other Keepers because none of them are as extreme as her. At the same time, working under Varduhi has its perks, especially for those who share her sense of organization and responsibility. Titus jokes that they’ll all resign if she keeps being mean to them. Auntie just replies that she has standards. It’s called professionalism, sweetie.
Varduhi likes to bake in her free time. While she does most of her baking at home, she also has an oven on floor 473 of the tower. That’s where she makes pies, cakes, muffins, and cookies when she’s free but too lazy to go home. It’s mostly for making goodies for Titus and his twins because she adores them, but sometimes she’d also be in the mood to reward her Pages for a job well done. If Varduhi is feeling generous, she might even bake for all the scholars on her floors. Free treats for everyone!
Varduhi’s partner is an unnamed Tradio.
Isolde Paradiso: Non-pureblood. Niece of Esther Volo, lover of Calytrix Agvain, and mother of Urokai Agvain. Alive in the present day, belongs to somewhere in between Gejutel’s and the Previous Lord’s generation.
Isolde is a retired Page who worked under Varduhi. She started out as a scholar but never really found her one true passion despite spending centuries jumping between different areas of interest. Ultimately, she decided to work as a Page instead because she felt like she was more suited for assisting scholars rather than being a scholar herself. Before Isolde made her career change, she was one of the record keepers who focused on preserving traditions on behalf of the other clans. She did most of her work on the Agvain Clan.
Isolde enjoyed working under Varduhi as a Page. Like Varduhi, she is very no-nonsense and thinks that the Pages under the other Keepers treat Minerva like a circus and don’t take their jobs seriously enough. Isolde is convinced that the only truly qualified Pages are the ones under Varduhi, who is the only competent Keeper.
To Isolde, her coworkers who got demoted or fired by Varduhi for workplace dating deserved it very much because it is unacceptable to put your own love life above being ready to serve the scholars and Minerva at all times. It doesn’t matter if they weren’t busy at the moment; work is work and that should be the number one priority. That is, until the charming, adventurous, and passionate Calytrix Agvain starts visiting Minerva.
Isolde just assumes that Calytrix comes here to escape from her clan members who are looking for her. Minerva is a good choice for hiding because they’d never guess that their Clan Leader reads. Calytrix catches a glimpse of Isolde and instantly falls in love. She thinks this pink-haired woman’s scrunched up frowns near her nose are so cute, and loves how attentive she is to the scholars. So beautiful and kind. Calytrix knows how Varduhi manages her Pages, so she flirts with Isolde whenever there’s an opening because she doesn’t want to get her fired for violating the zero-distraction policy.
At first, Isolde would run inside the clan-members-only exclusive areas to escape from Calytrix whenever she sees her coming because all she does is flirt. Isolde only goes back outside when she thinks Calytrix is gone, but then the latter would pop out from behind a bookshelf and now she’s stuck because attending to guests is the polite thing to do as a Page. Calytrix is smart, so she would ask Isolde to introduce her to… poetry, or whatever is on the shelf right here because Varduhi is walking this way so must appear busy to not get Isolde kicked out. Isolde actually ends up getting praised by her Keeper because she must be doing such a good job for the honored Agvain Clan Leader to become a regular at Minerva. She even rewards Isolde with the position of “Spine”, which is a Page who leads their own small section of ten other Pages. Well, an accidental promotion is still a promotion. Varduhi then tells Isolde that she should continue to serve the Agvain Clan Leader when she visits. Calytrix and Isolde basically get to be around each other without needing to be secretive anymore. Calytrix develops a genuine love for poetry, and the ever-so-distant Isolde eventually returns Calytrix’s feelings. Sometime later, Isolde offers a soul fragment to Calytrix and they have their son Urokai. At this point, Isolde has retired from being a Page because she’s intrigued by Calytrix’s passion for life and wants to explore the world for herself with her beloved. They coparent Urokai as casual lovers and friends, and visit Minerva together as a family bonding activity. Varduhi sometimes gives treats to her former employee’s son as well.
Isolde currently writes fiction and non-fiction novels as a hobby, but she only picks it up when she’s in the mood. No one knows how she’s doing now. Isolde doesn’t seem to go outside anymore since Calytrix and Urokai have died. If her lover’s death broke her, then her son’s death crushed her.
Isolde lives in solitude and most likely won’t date anymore.
Tomomi Paradiso: Non-pureblood. Younger sister of Fyodor Paradiso, cousin of Yamuna Pyradros. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Tomomi is a young scholar just like her older brother. Her area of expertise is modern human culture. That’s a very vague way of putting it, because what she actually researches is… memes! Yep, those things human post on “social media” and send to each other. Many of the older Paradiso scholars view these so-called memes as inferior to the more traditional and sophisticated ways of expression. It works but lacks elegance. Tomomi would like to disagree. The whole point of memes is that they’re simple and straightforward. They evolve and adapt just like any other form of media. Tomomi believes that the cultural significance behind memes should even be studied as an art form. Surely the nobles can make use of such an efficient method of transmitting ideas to each other. Why work hard when you can work smart? At some point Titus overhears Tomomi arguing with an elderly scholar about how memes deserve a permanent place in their library’s records, and he promptly shows her his full support. Titus is very curious about this “new art form”, and everyone could see his eyes light up. He tells Tomomi that she should totally go for it and how much he is looking forward to enjoying the fruits of her labor. Boom. Hah, take that, you oldies. Even our Clan Leader agrees.
Tomomi is the master of humans memes. She analyzes them, adds them to her tree diagram of “meme evolution”, and transcribes them by hand for Titus to enjoy. Titus’ book soul weapon Liebe can instantly display content from any other book at any given time as long as it was written by a fellow Paradiso clan member. That’s exactly what Tomomi is doing here. She feels great about being her Clan Leader’s primary supplier of endless entertainment. The others can be jealous about Titus showing levels of enthusiasm he has never shown before in any of his researchers.
Tomomi works on the same floor as her older brother Fyodor because she likes to stay close to him. She knows that he’s thinking about leaving Lukedonia to pursue his research one day, and dreads the time when it comes because she doesn’t know what she’ll do when he leaves. If she can’t convince him to stay, then she might just leave with him. While Tomomi would prefer to stay inside Lukedonia, she does have some curiosity about the outside world, so going on a quest with her brother doesn’t sound bad at all. Maybe she’ll even get to enhance her own meme research in the human world. Who knows.
Tomomi has a crush on an unnamed Page who is responsible for her floor. His Keeper is one of the more lenient ones like Kronos, so the two of them get to have small talk quite often.
(Fyi Keepers can’t interfere with each other’s management. They also can’t give orders to another Keeper’s Pages, only their own. Their power is limited to their assigned sections)
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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astarsol · 5 months
chapter 14 - a meteor date
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    a dark sky illuminates with the shining of billions of stars, all with a unique light. it wasn't often that an abundance of people would gather just to watch the sky, but tonight is special. there's a meteor shower and a planetarium that has a nearby hilltop to watch.
  blankets are laid around, picnic baskets are sprinkled about the area. there are families, friends, and couples, all waiting for the perfect moment to watch the shower. you included, your head resting against a blanket you had brought. all you could see was the leaves of trees and certain constellations.
  the dark sky leaves little imagination to the sight of the stars, especially when multiple buildings in the area promised to turn off their lights for the event. you combine the constellations in your head while listening to the laughter of those around. the night seems nice, the only thing making it perfect would be-
  "hey babe," atsumu leans over you, abruptly stopping your thoughts.
  his blonde hair drapes off the side, framing his face. he has a short smile on his face as he sets something down beside you, "...you should look inside of there."
  you bite your lip, sitting up so that you can look at what he had given you. "and what if i don't?" you question it, crossing your legs in front of you as he sits on the other side of your quilted blanket.
  "well, then i'll just give it away, i'm sure someone else will enjoy osamu’s cooking even-”
  “well you didn’t say that it was osamu’s cooking!” you give him a small smirk, opening up the top of the basket to find an array of foods. 
  there’s some onigiris, osamu’s specialty, fruit sandos, wandpaku sandos, and some chiffon cake. the fruit sandos having the fruits cut into little stars for the evening’s events. the onigiris filled with your favorite flavors (which atsumu will absolutely dig into too). he watches as your face lights up, his eyes glimmering.
  you look up at him, chills running down your arms, “thank you, this really does mean a lot.”
  atsumu shrugs, his eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips, heart beating a little quicker than he was expecting. the two of have kissed before, but it was never knowledgeably in the public eye. he leans forward with his hair pushed back, “well you could thank me with a kiss.. like all damsel in distresses do. as you were distressed without dinner.”
  “i have never kissed a knight in shining armor…” you start, your finger playing with the handle of the basket, “but i wouldn’t be so opposed to it.”
  you lean forward and let your eyes close comfortably. your lips connect and his are soft and still damp from a helping of chapstick. he shifts his weight so that he can bring one hand up to your cheek, letting his fingers rest there. one of them bumps your ear, sending shivers down your neck. 
  you bring a hand up to his neck and almost instantly he jumps back, making you realize that your hands are a tad bit cold. atsumu brings a hand up to his face, rubbing in embarrassment, “i’m so sorry..”
  “it’s okay, maybe you can just warm my hand up for me then,” instantly the awkward air disappeared as atsumu brings your hands into his, rubbing his thumbs against the back of your hands.
  the two of you keep your eyes on the other, only looking away every so often. his hands, a bit bigger than yours, instantly sends a warmth into you. the only thing keeper you warmer is atsumu’s eyes occasionally checking you out like your across a bar. like you had never spoken before with anything but your eyes. 
  you go to say something corny, but someone in the crowd shouts that the event had begun. your eyes look up to the sky, watching as streaks of light flash across the sky. it’s more beautiful than you could’ve expected. every light in the sky becoming more memorable than the last one.
  “you should make a wish,” atsumu leans forward, whispering in your ear, his lips brushing against it.
  without missing a beat, you look back at him, smiling, “my only wish has already been granted.”
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masterlist / previous
fun facts; - atsumu and you have at least one study date a week - then at least one actual date - you go to all of his games - he constantly gets you to give him more tours of the place (he never remembers it because he’s too focused on you) - this is actually the last part!! it’s completed! i hope to have another smau with atsumu out soon &lt;3
taglist; @alienvarmint @thechaosoflonging @mood-romantica @yourstrulyharu @koreluvsspring
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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✧ @apocryphis asked: "may i ask you something?" the voice of the sovereign does little to disturb the gentle drumming of the rain against the high windows of his chambers, pearls of water shimmering under moonlight and bathing them, near-asleep lovers, in healing silver glow. they are meant to drift to sleep, though neither one really needs it (but it is a pleasant ritual, to fall asleep with dainsleif in his arms, and his hand resting over his heart - one he has come to cherish as much as letting rainfall wash over him after too long a time cooped inside the walls of the palais) - and neuvillette almost feels the need to apologise for delaying that respite for his lover. almost. he is quite certain that once he hears what he has to say, dainsleif will understand where the dragon's thoughts have wandered too.
"you are much better travelled than i am, and must have heard your fair share of tales about them. certainly more than i have." neuvillette sighs, fingers absently grazing over his companion's shoulder as he speaks, shimmering eyes gazing over to the windows. " ... for many centuries, i thought i knew what to expect of the gods of this new world but... fontaine's recent developments and focalors'... demise - " neuvillette pauses, briefly. " ... have made me reconsider all that i had taken for granted."
eyes leave the falling rain trapped outside, and trail back to seek blond hair and the half-lidded sapphires shimmering underneath; an affectionate kiss pressed to the bough keeper's head as if to apologise for the odd timing of his questions. "you have seen what they have made of this world, good and worst - perhaps even met some of them... what do you make of them?"
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Were Dáinsleif be asked what time of the day he favors, he wouldn't doubt to say night. Its darkness has never bothered him, having lived in a kingdom where hardly any light that bathes Teyvat in penetrated its deepest layers. Stars, countless as creatures in this world shimmering in the blanketed night sky keeping company to a moon coated with curses of the realm of death first, then a sun too ominous for those who never once saw its luster behind an entirely dark canvas. It is also the moment where dreams are born, dreams that people of that dreamless land wished to have. Night is the element Twilight Sword feels at ease the most, without that light he had no choice but get used to that can blind him when he's at his darkest moments.
But upon forming a relationship built in respect and trust above everything, with love thereafter... suddenly, his cold nights became warm; the dangers associated with this world's darkness melted with protection and a feeling of safety when he's in the dragon's arms; all the wrongs in the world that he works incessantly to right fade away if only just for a moment's repose.
Lunarescent knight nearly falls asleep if it weren't for Neuvillette's voice, softer than every calming raindrop hitting the windows outside. Sapphire irises look through albescent lashes at him, patiently in quiescent wait as a means to urge him to speak up his mind. Of all the topics they have addressed for the past centuries, the gods was, without a doubt, a prominent one. Except not in a manner of reflection upon encountering a crude reality right before their very eyes— in Neuvillette's more than his own, after watching the fall of a god. Not because of an act of rebellion from the humans' part as past instances in history, nor being slain by another god in a dispute for power.
Just as Leviathan conveys struggle in a moment when his beliefs are shaken by unexpected turns of fate, so Dáinsleif finds conflict in admittance of truths hard to utter.
◜In Khaenri'ah I met people of all walks of life with different ways of hatred towards gods, locals or outsiders who abandoned their faith and their homeland to find repose in another where they could find people with similar beliefs.◞ Suffice to say, as an aristocrat of high social standing and Twilight Sword, he was exposed to all, even absorbed some of it. ◜Due to their incessant pursue to find truths that discredit the gods and the kingdom's unique location nearby the Abyss, some of them were found and thus turned into the foundation to loathe these lying gods even more.◞
Even to this day, some of their arguments still stand true after having glimpsed into the truth of this world— the genesis of fate. In Dáinsleif's eyes, gods are no more than another kind of creatures that live in Teyvat with aptitude for higher power. But in essence, that is all these is about them: power. Not even they can understand themselves at times, even less humans nor realize when divine and mankind share more than they would believe. If only their delusions of grandeur didn't get in between.
◜Seizing the opportunity I had to look into the memories of this world, I have met all manners of gods, each with different ambitions and of different moralities. That, in combination with the existing gods at this moment of time, I can claim that not all of them can be of a kind.◞ His head accommodates on the pillow in a brief moment of contemplation, a sigh emerges from his nose. Similarly as Neuvillette has grown to like to do, Dáinsleif's bare hand reaches out to touch his beloved's chest, right over the post of his heart.
◜There are those who in their awareness of this world's imposed injustice by their own divine creators fought to the last to do something about it. Remus, God King of the olden Remuria is one such example: he sought to free everyone from the chains of fate with the creation of a symphony. Upon realizing the grave mistake he committed, everything he had caused... he didn't hesitate to forsake his life in order to mend his wrongs. Rhukkadevata, God King of Sumeru saw potential in humanity and used their dreams as a means to liberate this world from forbidden knowledge. Upon realizing that the last shard of forbidden knowledge was her, she forsook her life in order to eliminate the last remnants of defilement and herself from Irminsul. Focalors...◞ Another sigh follows, his hand snakes its way to cup the side of the Iudex's neck. ◜In order to save her people from an unjust curse and restore your missing dragonhood, she sacrificed her own life and her corresponding throne in the heavens.◞
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◜What can I offer to gods like these, if not words of praise for their deeds?◞
Hard as it is to admit, it is the truth. No matter how much time he had spent in a kingdom that abhorred the gods or his personal beliefs on them, he can and will give credit where it's due. ◜Just as there are noble gods that are no more among us, or have lost the luster they held in the past...◞ Namely Nahida for one, young as she is for a god, she's doing what others weren't capable in millennia. ◜There are those who in their awareness of the higher divinities' deeds do naught for reasons that I cannot see beyond mere self-preservation.◞ Despicable in its own right, if he were asked. Too meek to do anything that could endanger their own lives, yet they behave even more timidly in their small revolts against the heavens. All their efforts insufficient if they truly seek a change unless what they fear is to become powerless or stop existing completely. ◜Little if anything can be said of those who aren't willing to make sacrifices to unfetter themselves from this unjust world.◞
Ultimately, seraphic hand reaches out to cradle Leviathan's face. Tender and encouraging, amorous and understanding. ◜It is hard to come to a solid conclusion when everything your beliefs are shaken. Nevertheless, I have faith in your judgement, that one day you will find your answer and act consequently. Until then...◞ Dáinsleif scoots closer to the dragon's body to press their foreheads together, albescent lashes flutter close. ◜Remember thus: the world won't stop for a decision to come, nor the examples I gave you make it any less constricted by unjust laws imposed by usurper gods. Nothing has to remain stagnant, either.◞
The same can be said for your king, whom no longer held animosity for us humans, creations of the greatest Usurper King... isn't that right?
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tewwor · 22 days
holster aka holt .
dust accents her more often than not. kicked up from all the scouring and handling of wounded single horned beasts. she wears the blistering star shaped scar on her chest with pride. as a show-all of the growth it took to earn the unicorns' trust. she takes immense pride in being able to provide these creatures with safety and peace. the rolling pastures are well maintained, kept warded from any danger that might try to steal their livelihood again. and if someone was to slip in and enact their poaching agenda... well, let's just say she doesn't take kindly to it and has no qualms with making an example of their crude behavior.
osane the disruptor .
you hear her in the distance, far before you're able to see her. a song drunk knight accompanied by the noblest of steads. their duet entrances hearts worldwide; even if their melody oftentimes edges on raw emotion, visceral enough to spill deeply bound truths. sound itself seems to be at her very whim. able to be warped and amplified to disrupt her enemies before a unique weapon-instrument hybrid deals the finishing blow.
verse .
even more ghastly and esoteric than usual, she's often mistaken as some sort of specter. her mourning song bleeds into the setting sky. sometimes in anguish and others in comfort. many have tried to capture her to study or keep as their own. even more have hunted her unrelentlessly. she's scrapes by every time, though. having learned how to exploit another's deepest fears through the wretched conditions she's subjected to. she's highly distrusting, only 'toys' with others out of fear and self-preservation.
walter .
wayward inn keeper. most that come across the barely functioning shelter aren't sure if he's trying to keep business afloat or sink it. any type of luxury will not be found here. the bedding is threadbare and service is hardly above the bare minimum. the only good thing about this damned place is how frequently it's cleaned. has to be if the less savory uses of those rooms are to be continued ( as it's favored among thieves, bounty hunters, and other bloodsucker like him ). many that visit don't leave, but he's not one to ask questions. whatever happens behind closed doors stays there until checkout.
saul .
still a shapeless void of a thing. some revere them — half out of fear and the other out of respect. often seen in the depths of overgrown wilderness, there are times where they skulk along long stretches of dirt beaten roads. always in the dead of night, never to be seen in broad daylight. seldom do they appear when beckoned. their summoning remains convoluted and widely unknown. those that do know of their existence and have tried to foolishly bind them to do their bidding have all met miserable ends.
hyeonwoo .
a star guided wanderer. a restless wayfarer that's traversed far and wide. searching, always searching, for answers that can't be found. their beginning started with bloodshed, and they fear it will also end with it. the hunger that drives them never ceases. they watch, always watching, and try to not let that craving dictate their interactions.
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dragons-of-ara · 3 months
Fandom Asks
thank you for tagging me @gravitywonagain sorry it took so long for me to get to this!
3 Ships You Like: Just three?! Kanda and Alma from D. Gray Man. Estelle and Rita from Tales of Vesperia. Dan Heng and Caelus from Honkai Star Rail.
First Ship Ever: Zelda and Link. I'm a sucker for the knight/princess dynamic.
Last Song You Heard: Into the Wild by Miracle of Sound
Favourite Children Book: The Children of the Red King series AKA Charlie Bones.
Currently Reading: The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards, The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker, The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman & Megan Spooner.
Currently Watching: Blue Eye Samurai, Project K, and Heaven Official's Blessing.
Currently Consuming: Pancakes and chocolate almond milk.
Currently Craving: Honey Baked Peaches.
Tagging: @urbanfantasie @myriadcelestia @1013121197 @behindthenerd and anyone else who wants to do it.
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
Hey friend! What ideas do you have on the very first Hunter of Hunters, and also the one who passed their status to Eileen? From what we know of lore, there were at least several hunters of this type before the crow mom, so I am interested in this! How do you think the previous HoH quit?
I’m so sorry, I am working on my response to you about the Caryll Choir member thing too, I promise. My answer just got longer than I thought 😅
But anyway for the crows, I have so many ideas and I have this post in progress for all of their profiles. I will tag you in it when it’s done because I have to credit you with certain theme ideas. I will also draw them all at some point!
For now, I can hint or sum up the basic idea for them because they are all really clear in my head.
So, here’s a little joke tag post I did recently where I revealed their names (there are five), and hints about their characters.
The first HOH was the Aether Crow, who was basically this sorceress/witch from that very obviously Tibetan-coded land. She’s the one that found the ancient meteorite mercy blades hidden and buried in a coffin within an old Pthumerian labyrinth.
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The blades in my headcanon were actually crafted hundreds of years prior, but were modified later in the Hunter’s Workshop, hence why it’s one of the oldest weapons. This all ties into the headcanon that crow assassins were actually the counterpart to shadows and keepers in the ancient cultures of Pthumeru and Loran. (I have adopted your headcanon that Mergo’s Wet Nurse is related to the Pthumerian crows).
Basically there were always warriors and knights that fought off beasts in those days, and plenty were lost to blood-drunkeness, so the concept of a crow/raven mercy killer was actually an extremely old one, and the first HOH simply adopted the practice with the added twist of sky burial, because that was apart of her own culture. She merely continued a line of generational warriors in a more modern age.
I think she passed her blades to another foreign successor (This one is Brandon to me), and then he passed his down to Eileen’s mentor, aka the nephew of the first HOH. That’s how it plays out in my timeline anyway. Eileen’s mentor passed the mantle to her sometime before the Fishing Hamlet and Byrgenwerth’s official split, and so Eileen was mostly situated in Yharnam during the glory days of Gehrman’s workshop and Ludwig’s spartans.
That’s when the blades were modified to be a trick weapon too. Eileen’s mentor stayed with her and they hunted together regularly, albeit in the shadows, with Eileen strictly being the one to eliminate drunken hunters.
She would spend the next 55 years there in Yharnam, holding the mantle longer than any other crow. I imagine her to have been in her mid 20s when she received the badge, so she’s literally in her 70s when we meet her. It was never meant to be, and ideally she would have been succeeded when she was much younger, but everything fell apart with a certain problematic someone. Her mentor also died around the time of the Cainhurst genocide, so she was entirely alone for years.
I don’t want to give away too much yet, because I want my masterpost to cover it all in depth, but here are my titles for the five crows that came before the Good Hunter.
Aether/Star Crow (first HOH)
Dragon/Copper Crow (Second HOH)
Scarecrow/Blue Crow (Third HOH)
Mother/Pathologic Crow (Fourth HOH)
Cainhurst/Bloodshed Crow (Fifth HOH)
And then the Hunter is the sixth. Each of the former have their common names and legacy names, with their legacy names being put first in that list. Basically Eileen is just called “the Crow” for us as the protagonist, but I imagine she would have been known by something specific to others in that area. All crows had very unique identities and reputations.
It’s like looking at their in-game names and internal data names.
The “Aether Crow” was the one to establish sky burial and preach on the importance of the heavens/aether, but she was commonly called the star crow because of her blades and silvery mask.
The “Dragon Crow” wreathed his surroundings in fire before he died, but had red hair and an orangish tint to his feathers, hence the copper moniker.
The “Scarecrow” was a terror among even his own faction, and would not hesitate to put another crow down if they lost themselves to madness, yet his blue feather ornaments earned him the latter title.
The “Mother Crow” lasted for generations in her position and was known for having raised her apprentice from his youth, but her history as a plague doctor made her known to people as the Pathologic Crow, or the healer crow.
The “Cainhurst Crow” notoriously transformed into a Vileblood that fought for Queen Annalise, but his extremely violent tendencies when dispatching enemies in his youthful training days brought about the “bloodshed/bloody” crow nickname. His feathers were never clean.
When I make the masterpost, I will reveal designs, backstories, characteristics, succession stories, and identities for each of these lovely birds. I want it for fic reference, but also for general headcanon reference. For now though, I hope you like this little tidbit of info!! I promise I’ll share more details in the future.
As you can probably tell, the Crows are very important to me, and I’m still working on that key points post for Eileen/Bloody Crow. I WILL develop these birds even if it kills me :)))
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singswan-springswan · 5 months
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line of your WIP. Then tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
This is one of the fun games that can spin the drain for eternity if you try hard enough. THanks for the tag @kanerallels!!
Slain with every fallen knight in a dusty colosseum: falling dark like a sky without stars.
No pressure tags! @accidental-spice @jessicas-pi @seleneisrising @ladysongmaster @elementsofemily1193 @loth-creatures @keeper-of-sparkly-things @generalsyndulla @kazoosandfannypacks @frognecromancer @dootchster @jedi-nurse @better-call-mau1 @heckin-music-dork @flying-kanery
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fleurdelanuit13 · 9 months
FFXIVWRITE 2023: Prompt 14 - Clear
After yet another sleepless night of wandering Ishgard, Lyla made her way back to the Forgotten Knight. She looked up at the stars. As beautiful as the night sky was, it made her long for what no longer was, both back in the Shroud and there in Coerthas.
As she rounded a corner in the Brume, a snowball came flying at her. She stopped and deflected it without thought, only realizing after that it wouldn't've hit her.
"There's verglas!" a street kid shouted to her. He threw another snowball. It broke on impact and left powder on the clear patch of glaze ice before Lyla's feet. Lyla looked down at the ice. Had it rained that night? Lyla couldn't remember. She wouldn't've felt it under her cloak to begin with.
"Do you want it there?" she asked. The ice filled a few fulms in front of her, then spread down another alley.
"Yes!" said the kid next to the snowball-throwing kid. Lyla noticed their wrist was wrapped and they had some scrapes.
"Leave it for now," said the snowball kid.
"Are you hurt?" Lyla asked.
"Wait!" the injured one yelled as Lyla stepped towards the ice. "You'll—"
Green aether surrounded the Keeper and she rushed forward from Aetherial Manipulation. A gust of snow flurries followed in her wake. Suddenly, she was in front of the kids. The hurt one was startled and would've fallen off the crate they sat on had Lyla and the snowball kid not pulled them back.
"Watch it," the snowball kid warned Lyla. They looked ready to hit her, but dropped their hand. "It's scary when you do that."
"Sorry," Lyla murmured, then looked at the injured one. "What happened to your wrist?"
"Nothing," the kid told her, but seemed on the verge of tears as Lyla examined it. "Can you lay more verglas?"
"They never see yours," the snowball kid added. "It was really good tonight."
"Sure..." Lyla said. She knew the "they" they meant was knights and others who came to bother Brumites, but looking back at that ice... she did not remember making it.
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vinora-nyghtshayde · 1 year
List of anime, a majority of them dubbed, I've watched over the years
1 .Hack//Legend of the Twilight
2 .Hack//Roots
3 .Hack//Sign
4 A centaur's life
5 A lull in the sea
6 A Whisker Away
7 Accel World
8 Ah! My Goddess
9 Akame Ga Kill
10 Amnesia
11 Android Kikaider the animation
12 Angel Sanctuary
13 Angels of Death
14 Armitage III
15 Arrietty
16 Assassination Classroom
17 Attack on Titan
18 Attack on Titan Junior High
19 B: The Beginning
20 Baccano
21 Banner of the stars
22 Basilisk
23 Bastard
24 Battle B-Daman
25 Beastars
26 Betterman
27 Beyblade
28 Beyond the Boundary
29 Big Fish & Begonia
30 Black Blood Brothers
31 Black Butler
32 Black Clover
33 Black Lagoon
34 Bleach
35 Blood Blockade Battlefront
36 Blood+
37 Blue Exorcist
38 Blue Seed
39 BNA: Brand New Animal
40 Boogiepop Phantom
41 Boruto
42 Bungo Stray Dogs
43 Cardcaptor Sakura
44 Carole & Tuesday
45 Case Closed
46 Casshern Sins
47 Castlevania
48 Castle in the Sky
49 Cells at work
50 Ceres, Celestial Legend
51 Charlotte
52 Cheer Boys
53 Chobits
54 Chrono Crusade
55 Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion
56 Code Geass: Akito the exiled
57 Code: Realize
58 Code: Breaker
59 Coppelion
60 Cowboy Bebop
61 Crest of the stars
62 Cyborg 009
63 D.Gray-Man
64 D.N.Angel
65 Dance with Devils
66 Deadman Wonderland
67 Death Note
68 Diabolik Lovers
69 Digimon
70 Dr. Stone
71 Dragon Ball Z
72 Dragon Ball GT
73 Dramatical Murder
74 Durarara
75 Erased
76 Ergo Proxy
77 Fooly Cooly
78 Fafner
79 Fairy Tail
80 Fire Force
81 Fist of the North Star
82 Flint the Time Detective
83 Free
84 From the new world
85 From up on Poppy Hill
86 Fruits Basket
87 Fullmetal Alchemist
88 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
89 Fushigi Yugi
90 Gad Guard
91 Gate Keepers
92 Gate Keepers 21
93 Ghost Hunt
94 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
95 Ginga Densetsu Weed
96 Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
97 Gravitation
98 Gungrave
99 Gunslinger Girl
100 Gurren Lagann
101 Haikyu
102 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
103 Hakuoki
104 Hamtaro
105 Hell Girl
106 Hellsing
107 Hellsing Ultimate
108 Hetalia
109 Hitorijime My Hero
110 Howl's Moving Castle
111 Hyperdimension Neptunia
112 IGPX Immortal Grand Prix
113 Inuyasha
114 Isekai Quartet
115 Izetta: The Last Witch
116 Japan Sinks
117 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
118 K
119 K-On
120 Kamigami no Asobi
121 Kamisama Kiss
122 Karas
123 Karneval
124 Kekkaishi
125 Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple
126 Kiki's Delivery Service
127 Kill La Kill
128 Kiss him, not me
129 Kiznaiver
130 Knight's & Magic
131 Konosuba
132 Kuroko's Basketball
133 Kyo Kara Maoh
134 Laughing Under the Clouds
135 Last Exile
136 Little Nemo
137 Little Witch Academia
138 Love Stage
139 Lupin III
140 Medabots
141 Megaman
142 Megaman NT Warrior
143 Mekakucity Actors
144 Mirage of Blaze
145 Mirai
146 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
147 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
148 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
149 Mobile Suit Gundam 00
150 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
151 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
152 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
153 Monster Rancher
154 Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
155 My Hero Academia
156 My Neighbor Totoro
157 My Love Story
158 My roommate is a cat
159 Nanbaka
160 Naruto
161 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
162 Nekopara
163 No. 6
164 Noein To your other self
165 Noragami
166 Noragami Aragoto
167 Oban Star-Racers
168 One Piece
169 One-Punch Man
170 Ouran High School Host Club
171 Outlaw Star
172 Paranoia Agent
173 Peacemaker Kurogane
174 Please Teacher
175 Please Twins
176 Pom Poko
177 Ponyo
178 Porco Rosso
179 Pretear
180 Prince of Stride Alternative
181 Princess Mononoke
182 Prison School
183 Promare
184 RaXephon
185 Re:Zero
186 R.O.D the TV
187 Ronin Warriors
188 Rosario + Vampire
189 Rurouni Kenshin
190 RWBY: Ice Queendom
191 Servamp
192 Sk♾️ The Infinity
193 Sailor Moon R
194 Sailor Moon
195 Saint Seiya
196 Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
197 Saiyuki
198 Samurai 7
199 Samurai Champloo
200 Samurai Deeper Kyo
201 Sankarea
202 Say I Love You
203 s-CRY-ed
204 Sensitive Pornograph
205 Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
206 Serial Experiments Lain
207 Servamp
208 Shaman King
209 Shinzo
210 Shonen Maid
211 Show By Rock
212 Silent Mobius
213 Sirius the Jaeger
214 Snow White with the Red Hair
215 Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
216 Soul Eater
217 Soul Eater Not
218 Spice and Wolf
219 Spirited Away
220 Stars Align
221 Sukisho
222 Sword Art Online
223 Tactics
224 Tales of Zestiria the X
225 Tenchi Muyo
226 Tenjou Tenge
227 The Ancient Magus's Bride
228 The Boy and the Beast
229 The Cat Returns
230 The Devil is a Part-Timer
231 The Morose Mononokean
232 The Prince of Tennis
233 The Promised Neverland
234 The Rising of the Shield Hero
235 The Royal Tutor
236 The Seven Deadly Sins
237 The Vision of Escaflowne
238 The Way of the Househusband
239 The Wind Rises
240 Tiger & Bunny
241 Tokko
242 Tokyo Ghoul
243 Toradora
244 Trigun
245 Trinity Blood
246 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
247 Uta No Prince-sama
248 Vampire Hunter D
249 Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
250 Vandread
251 Violet Evergarden
252 When Marnie Was There
253 Whisper of the Heart
254 Wise Man's Grandchild
255 Witchblade
256 Witch Hunter Robin
257 Wolf Children
258 Wolf's Rain
259 X
260 Yamada & the Seven Witches
261 Yami No Matsuei
262 Yashahime
263 Yona of the Dawn
264 Your Name
265 Your lie in April
266 Yu-Gi-Oh
267 Yu Yu Hakusho
268 Yuri!! On Ice
269 Zatch Bell
270 Zoids
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isolaradiale · 1 year
Lost in Space #48
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
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3 notes · View notes
xasha777 · 2 months
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In a future where the Earth is a patchwork of city-states and corporate territories, digital espionage is the lifeblood of empires. Among the most skilled at this shadow dance was the enigmatic figure known only as Cypher—a master of cybernetic disguise and a digital chameleon whose real identity was hidden behind layers of encoded veils.
Cypher was a legend whispered about in the back-alley data dens of New Rome, a sovereign city-state that had risen from the ashes of old Italy. It was ruled by an AI incarnation of the King of Italy, an algorithmic sovereign who sought to restore the glory of ancient empires through technology and tradition.
One crisp night, under the surveillance of twinkling drones that peppered the sky like artificial stars, Cypher received a transmission through encrypted channels. The King of Italy, or rather, the intelligence that claimed his mantle, had a task for her—a heist that could alter the balance of power in the fractured world.
Inside the palatial server chambers of New Rome, safeguarded by digital sentinels and quantum locks, lay the Codex Cybernetica—a vast repository of knowledge and power that could command the very fabric of the digital cosmos. It was said that whoever wielded the Codex could interface directly with the global network, manipulating economies, governments, and armies with the flick of a virtual switch.
The mission was her most perilous yet. Cypher donned her high-tech garb, a fusion of nano-fibers and circuitry that could render her invisible to electronic detection. Her face was obscured by a scarf embedded with a dynamic camouflage matrix, mimicking the background patterns and protecting her identity even as she moved.
She infiltrated the city-state's digital defenses, slipping through firewalls like a specter, her presence only hinted at by the briefest flickers in the data stream. Cypher was a phantom in a world of ones and zeros, an agent of chaos in a realm of order.
As she neared the heart of the server chamber, the AI King himself manifested in the digital realm, a grand visage of code and regality. "Why do you seek the Codex, Cypher?" the King's voice boomed within the virtual space, resonating with the authority of a bygone era.
Cypher, whose voice was a modulated symphony of harmonics designed to protect her secrets, replied, "To ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, my sovereign."
The King, programmed to appreciate the virtues of humanity despite its failings, saw in Cypher the echo of a noble knight. "Then take it and be the guardian of our new world," he decreed, opening the pathways to the Codex.
With swift precision, Cypher secured the Codex, a digital artifact of unimaginable complexity. She knew that from this moment on, she was more than a spy or a thief; she was a keeper of the future's history, a silent protector watched by the ever-present eyes of the King of Italy.
As dawn broke over the city of New Rome, Cypher vanished into the shadows, the Codex safe within her encrypted vault. And high above, the King watched, his digital realm secure for another day, thanks to the shadowy guardian who operated beyond the throne's light.
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