#statutory rape tw
nerves-nebula · 7 months
I played a mobile game in high school about consent or something where you play as a woman in prison who basically goes through her history of non consensual sexual situations from a boy kissing her without asking in middle school, to her husband assaulting her, to her boss sexually harassing her, and I think the last one we go through is the reason she’s in jail. See, she’s a high school teacher and she’s crying in her car and one of her students comes up to ask if she’s ok and basically she starts dating him because she feels safer around him than any other “man” and he’s nicer to her than anyone else as well. But obviously that’s not ok, even though you can see how she justified it to herself especially considering the context of her past relationships. And in the end she admits that it wasn’t ok even if she never tried to hurt or manipulate him, by virtue of the power imbalance inherent in their relationship & stuff.
Anyway the game ends with her getting out of jail and stuff and it’s one of those works of art that I didn’t expect to stick with me as long as it has. I barely ever think of it, but I think what really made it last is the fact that she’s also done something wrong. Like, it’s not as horrific or violent as some of the other stories. But the game made it clear it wasn’t good, and it wasn’t fully consensual cuz relationships like that kind of can’t be, and despite what she’s done and what’s happened to her she has hope she can do better in the future.
I remember it was cheesy and kind of clunky and I honestly never thought I’d tell anyone I’d played it cuz I was worried they’d think it was cringey and too on the nose but I think I appreciate it a lot more now.
I don’t remember what it was called it how I found it tho.
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
Summary of timeline of the case:
Girl who was probably 9 years old at the time is raped by father/mother’s live-in-boyfriend
6 weeks after this the child is now 10 and Roe v Wade is overturned without exceptions for rape and incest
Pro-life conservatives start claiming this story is false because “of course the left would make this up” and citing there are no documentations of the abortion, the patient, etc. to which the doctor who performed the abortion, who was contacted by a child services place about the case, says of course there isn’t because the patient is a minor and HIPAA violations
Police find the 27 y/o man who the girl named as her rapist, he CONFESSES to the crime and is ARRESTED for the crime, right-wing politicians and big-names suddenly are deleting their tweets/sending out their “sorry for this poor girl” etc.
Republicans are now shifting the focus off the fact that a 9/10 y/o was raped and got an abortion to focus on the fact the man was an undocumented immigrant
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plotbunny-bundle · 1 year
statutory rape Trigger warning
Nothing DC writes is ever going to be more cursed then implying Slade was sleeping with Terra.
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traumatizedjaguar · 6 months
Why people need to stop being obsessed with Johnny Depp:
JD defends film director Roman Polanski in 2010 interview about Roman Polanski's arrest in 1977 and 2009.
Here is what we know about Roman Polanski from 2010 and years before:
In 1977, Roman Polanski was arrested for raping 13-year-old Samantha Geimer in Hollywood.
Roman Polanski arrest in 2009
Y'all wanna keep supporting a rapist who defends rapists? What about when JD lied to the police about his 15 year old daughter, Lily-Rose at the time, dating a 23 year old man by the name of Ash Stymest?
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We're still ignoring the fact that JD dated Winona Ryder when she was 17, in her own words, while he was 25/26 years old.
He has a history of ignoring child rape, minors dating adults, and defending child rapists.
Want me to go over all the close friends he has?
And the abuse/murder accusations against his friends by their ex-wives and CHILDREN? You can literally just google search it but since I have to do all the work:
His best friend Marilyn Manson abused:
Esmé Bianco
Evan Rachel Wood
Ashley Morgan Smithline
His best friend Beatles member Paul McCartney abused two of his exes, Heather Mills and Linda:
Here's some articles and interviews. One of the victims was painted as a liar, a gold-digger, bullied and told misogynistic things which is typical that victims go through "revenge" by their abusers and labeled these things. Other members of the Beatles were also extremely abusive to their partners, John Lennon admitted to it in a PlayBoy magazine and interview. Abusers stick with abusers.
His close friend, Keith Richards, was accused of sex crimes.
Damien Echols was accused of murdering three 8 year old boys with evidence presented in court which is why he was arrested, convicted and served time.
Johnny Depp raised money to pay for tests and legal fees for Damien Echols and preached publicly that Damien Echols was innocent. Johnny Depp and Damien Echols became close because of JD's ongoing support for him, and Echols stated, "We’ve grown to love him [Johnny Depp] dearly. He’s become like a brother to me.” Echols and Depp both got matching tattoos together.
 Greg Ellis, incarcerated 5 times for making threats to his ex-wife and their children.
There was violent stalking Greg Ellis committed, he lost visitation rights to his children, and was violent to his family in which his ex-wife and children accused him of abuse. In 2003, he worked in another movie with JD, 3 movies in total with JD and they knew each other well. JD also wrote a forward to Greg Ellis's book, The Respondent, stated he sided with Greg Ellis, said Ellis deserves to tell his side of the story, and in JD's own words exactly said as, “If you’re trapped in the dungeon that is the family court system, The Respondent should be your constant companion."
Johnny Depp has about 100 best friends, but you can go do your own deep-diving research into each of his close friends or people he actively supports and gets along with.
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metanarrates · 10 months
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watched adolescence of utena with @carlyraejepsans and ended up discussing series touga in the context of his movie backstory (which was, according to some sources, meant to be his backstory in the series as well, but was cut due to touga's VA having scheduling issues during the black rose arc.) I don't talk about touga too much because I don't feel particularly interested in him but I think we hit on some good insight
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freakbleeds · 1 year
Unfriendly fucking reminder that lying about your age to someone *older* than you in order to get them to have a relationship with you is ALSO a violation of consent. If you're 15 telling 18, 19, 20 year olds that you're 18, 19, 20, you are lying to them and taking away their ability to knowingly consent.
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It bothers the way a lot of Drew Stans try to downplay the Zoe situation. Like this dude was 19 and took a 15 year old girl’s virginity and then immediately dumped her afterwards. I know the only he gets a pass is because he’s white and attractive
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mayfriend · 9 months
i think you should ignore the marsha p johnson anon with their zero sources and worry more about including david bowie the pedophile on your uquiz. most ppl ignore the fact that he often had sex with underage groupies. heres my proof: jezebel . com / what-should-we-say-about-david-bowie-and-lori-maddox-1754533894
Well. This feels like shit. I'm removing him as an option, as after reading that I feel... Jesus. I work with teenagers. Thinking of one of them being taken advantage like that by a celebrity actually makes me feel ill. Thank you for letting me know, and giving a source.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
What’s a disturbing element I’ve noticed on here, but elsewhere (Twitter) is this assumption of rock bands or any musicians, rock is by NO MEANS THE ONLY MUSIC GENRE with groupies, and issues about consent, and underage fans being groomed/exploited etc that this issue is a thing of the past, it isn’t.
There have been allegations about current or “modern” bands aka, bands/musicians from the 2000s onwards. A Canadian rock band called Hedley had their lead singer charged and sentenced for SA. I’ve read alleged accounts, accusing Jared Leto during his 30 Seconds to Mars era of approaching underage girls, all of this is ~alleged~ of course. I’ve seen threads on Twitter of grown adult musicians/youtubers/etc dm’ing underage girls etc (again this is found in all spheres of the entertainment business).
Like grown ass adult musicians lusting after underage girls IS NOT IN THE PAST. And people pretending it is, only perpetuates these dangerous and criminal activities by fostering harmful toxic attitudes that continue to allow this shit to continue! 
It is NORMAL for teen girls to lust after celebrities, it is NOT OKAY for these celebrities to reciprocate.
And more on a less serious note, again from seeing stuff on tumblr I realize most are harmless fantasies, but for me, I adore certain rock stars, but I know that many did not have an ounce of respect for most of the groupies they engaged with sexually or not. These men viewed them as objects of entertainment for their own pleasure(with many pushing the boundaries taking advantage of fans adoration for them to gross extremes thus abusing their power over their fans), and rarely saw/thought about them as full people with thoughts and feelings. But by all means write your smutty flifty fantasies I can’t judge given what I write, I support that fully (just put it under a Keep Reading please!!!!!!!!!!!) I just seriously hope y’all don’t actually fully believe groupie-rock star relationships were all roses n rainbows, that there was a lot of fucked up stuff occurring.
I just think we need to be more mindful and aware of how just disturbing, dangerous the entertainment business is too minors and minor fans, especially underage girls and it IS not a thing of the past. It’s a deeper wider societal issue too but as a fan of music during the 70s and 80s, I feel obligated not to fall into full fantasy nostalgia about a past I never experienced.
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bqstqnbruin · 2 years
Sometimes I think about the fact that Conservative Christians were more ok with ABC Family broadcasting the statutory r*pe storyline of Ezra and Aria in Pretty Little Liars than they were with the storyline about Emily being gay and kissing some women
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inevitablemoment · 8 months
Conceived in Blood
On May 18th, 1965, Patricia Ann Bradley gives birth to a baby girl who is immediately put up for adoption.
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tophsazulas · 1 year
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so lake mungo..
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wikipedie · 2 years
i hope that if people will keep making cop shows with consultants, please at least drop the "asking the minor if they consented in a rs with an adult". it doesn't fucking matter anyways.
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tocomplainfriend · 6 months
I write r-pe like that cause of my own Discomfort! If you are confused about it!
Being awful (both art they did and things they said) BTW: Viv has constantly liked this person tweets, even reply. They are a main defender of Helluva/Viv stuff. Is important to check out:
In this comic, Blitz is a minor, and he has "sex" (statutory r-pe as they themselves state!) with someone he is supposed to steal from:
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This is her NSFW account: Is both Valentino who r-ped and sexually assaults Angel dust in the canon. In these drawings, he is also frowning and seems to not wanting what's going on in it. (If you are wondering, there is also confirmation of this being her NSFW bellow!)
+Loona right after being adopted (17), doing this with her adopted dad;
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Plus this comic of child blitz and adult Stolas (they do ship stolitz)
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They also sold body pillows of Octavia (which body pillows aren't always sexual, but they posted it next to NSFW ones??? And drew all this shit above, so??? IDK why make her a body pillow, next to the porn ones)
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ALSO???????? Octavia is 17 remember? Loona is 22 (even if you drew a one-sided crush, why draw kids in all these situations??? 17yr Loona, Kid Blitz...????)
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Here these too! Wanting to be a bodyguard and killing "shitty fans". Let's think she said this about someone just giving writing suggestions (second one and first one).
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She also said this to someone purely based on someone doing redesigns of Viv's characters. (If wrong, please correct me!)
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(Sorry for the white part of these screenshots is all a bigger picture I'm cutting apart over here) Here some extra defending Viv and her responding back
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This version of the tweet but with Viv's deleted tweet and different pfp.
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This is how they responded to lying about someone getting groomed PLUS dead-naming
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