#stld fanfic
unhumanrights · 6 months
"Crisis Variable," Chapter 1, by UnhumanRights
Just in case you don't want to go to AO3 to read it, here's the first chapter of my fic. Although, if you would like to do me a kindness, you could go to my work on AO3 and leave kudos/comments. Just saying!
"Tendi, I have witnessed your combat prowess firsthand. Mariner, I have...read about your combat prowess in your file, and I am certain I will see it someday. I must know. In your expert opinions, what did I do wrong here? What should I have done differently?" T'Lyn asks Mariner and Tendi to analyze her combat performance after her encounter with the Betazoid Intelligence operatives.
This story takes place a week after the events of Lower Decks S04e05, "Empathological Fallacies." It's the first real fanfiction I've written in a very long time, so please be kind. One last note: I decided to write it as a script because I was trying to emulate the feel of the show as closely as I could. Call it an experiment in style. Sorry if you don't like reading scripts!
Okay, story under the cut!
[Aboard the Cerritos. Tendi and Mariner enter the holodeck, where T'Lyn is already waiting, a cup with a straw in her hand and a PADD tucked under her arm. The room is empty except for three chairs to the side of the arch]
T'Lyn: I thank you both for coming.
Mariner: Anything for our girl, right, Tendi?
Tendi: You bet! You didn't tell us what this is about, and the mystery's been killing me.
T'Lyn: I require external input on a project I'm working on. You two are ideal candidates for objective third parties.
Mariner: Stop, you're making me blush.
T'Lyn: Please have a seat. Computer, load T'Lyn program "Betazoid Combat Simulation, iteration 342."
[The three women sit, T'Lyn between the other two, as the scene unfolds: the sickbay of the Cerritos. Present are holograms of Mariner, Captain Freeman, T'Lyn, T'Ana, and the three Betazoid intelligence operatives who were passengers during T'Lyn's episode of emotional projection. Mariner recognizes it immediately]
Mariner: Ooo, really? We're gonna revisit this?
T'Lyn: "Revisit" implies a span of time between this event and the creation of the program. I made this on the same day.
Tendi: Wait, did you say 342 iterations? You've been working on this all week?
T'Lyn : Correct.
Tendi: And...how much time do you spend on it each day?
T'Lyn: Only the time I am not sleeping, performing necessary hygiene, or working. [A pause] Correction...most of the time I am working. You would be intrigued to discover how many spare seconds you can reclaim between tasks. The time has been worthwhile and not excessive. Computer, begin program.
[The program begins. Dr. T'Ana discusses the results of the medical scans performed on the Betazoids, the volume muted as the focus is on the three women observing]
T'Lyn: [She sips from her cup as she watches] I have been able to devote more time to the project since discovering this nutrient shake recipe in the replicator. It provides all the nourishment I need without wasting time with mastication.
Mariner: Damn, girl, you don't have an off switch. Do you run simulations in your sleep, too?
[T'Lyn pauses mid-nutrient-sip. She looks away from the holograms long enough to peer at Mariner from the corner of her eye]
T'Lyn: I had not considered that possibility. Very efficient. Thank you for the excellent suggestion, Mariner.
Tendi: Oh boy.
T'Lyn: [She leans forward, attention back to the simulation] This is the portion that requires your utmost attention. I've reset all the variables I've added over the iterations, so your observations will be untainted by my experimentation.
[Mariner and Tendi glance at each other, but say nothing. The combat between the Betazoids and the crew begins, and Mariner's and T'Ana's holograms are knocked out in short order. Soon after, the Betazoids overpower holo-T'Lyn]
T'Lyn: Computer, freeze program.
[The program freezes. T'Lyn puts her nutrient shake down on the floor beside her and begins tapping away on her PADD]
T'Lyn: I have a questionnaire for you both. Please be as detailed as possible. It should not take you more than an hour to answer every question to my satisfaction.
Mariner: Look, Tee-Lye, babe, as much as I love the idea of taking a full-ass exam right now, maybe we can start with something more...informal?
T'Lyn: I suppose we can try it.
Mariner: Great, beautiful. First of all, I kind of thought we were done with this whole thing a week ago? Heartfelt moment of self-acceptance? Ring a bell?
T'Lyn: Ah. You misunderstand, Mariner. That was a crisis of faith regarding my racial identity. This is a different matter.
Tendi: Which is...?
T'Lyn: A crisis of faith regarding my combat skill. I will explain. Computer, please rewind simulation to marker two and resume program.
[The simulation returns to the point after the Betazoids have knocked out Mariner and T'Ana, leaving T'Lyn to face them on her own]
T'Lyn: As you can clearly see from my stance, I have trained in Suus Mahna. I do not claim mastery, having only taken enough to satisfy certain requirements for joining the Vulcan Fleet, but I am by no means defenseless. In addition, Vulcans are naturally faster and stronger than Betazoids. And yet...
[Holo-T'Lyn is knocked out again after a brutal triple-attack from the Betazoids]
T'Lyn: ...I am the one on the ground. [stands up and walks over to her doppelganger's unconscious form, then turns to look at them both] Tendi, I have witnessed your combat prowess firsthand. Mariner, I have...read about your combat prowess in your file, and I am certain I will see it someday. I must know. In your expert opinions, what did I do wrong here? What should I have done differently?
Mariner: Seriously? Look, T'Lyn, you're being way too hard on yourself. I mean, check me out. Stone cold badass, but I was the first one down.
T'Lyn: You were compromised by my psychic influence. It was not a fair fight.
Mariner: [stands up, gesticulating wildly] It was never a fair fight! I know Betazoids aren't known as the galaxy's greatest warriors, but those three were Betazoid Intelligence, not some drunken socialites. Although they could really party. And you tried to take three of them on by yourself. And you lasted longer solo than I did with backup, if you can count my mom and the doctor as backup.
Tendi: [surreptitiously takes a sip of T'Lyn's nutrient shake, makes a face] I bet it's hard, fighting people when you're an empath. Every time you punch someone, you know it hurts. I mean, you'd know that already, duh, but you'd sense it. I'd hate if if it were me. I...don't think there was anything you could have done differently. Those ladies were just hardcore.
T'Lyn: [strokes her chin thoughtfully] Logically, I know what you say is true. Three to one odds were not in my favor, and they were not truly my enemies. However, this...feeling...that I failed my ship is disconcerting.
Tendi: You didn't fail, though. Everything turned out fine!
[T'Lyn says nothing, staring at her unconscious avatar for a few seconds]
T'Lyn: It could have ended differently. Computer, resume program.
[The events that follow mirror what happened after the sickbay encounter. The Betazoid intelligence agents take Captain Freeman to the bridge, where they alter the Cerritos's course to take them through the Neutral Zone]
T'Lyn: I misspoke earlier, when I said I had reset all the variables I had added. I left just this one.
[At this point, the security team should be showing up to retake the bridge from the Betazoid operatives. However, they never appear. Instead, the Cerritos crosses over into the Neutral Zone, where it is summarily destroyed by the Romulan Warbird that lurks cloaked within. T'Lyn stares at the explosion, the orange highlighting her impassive expression until the light fades. She blinks.]
T'Lyn: It could have ended like...this.
Tendi: But that's not what happened.
T'Lyn: Had events unfolded in a way that varied even slightly...my failure could have been final, and fatal. This modified timeline illustrates the possibilities we did not experience solely because of one variable. Had the security team not been isolated from my psychic influence, they would have been compromised like the rest of the crew, and would not have retaken the bridge. I dislike thinking about it, but I cannot stop myself. One variable.
[Mariner looks thoughtful, then her face lights up. She goes to T'Lyn, and puts a hand on her shoulder]
Mariner: Do you trust me?
T'Lyn: [an arch of one eyebrow] Yes.
Mariner: Let me take a crack at modifying your program. I have an idea. I think you'll find it...therapeutic.
T'Lyn: I see no harm in it. Very well. I look forward to it.
Tendi: [almost too stealthy for words, she is out of her chair and hooking an arm through T'Lyn's] You know, you started out great! Put them on the defensive so they had to respond to you, ducked that swing. Maybe we could spar sometime? Just a little, and I'd go easy on you. But first, let's go to the mess and get you some real food, okay? I know a few Orion dishes I bet you'd like...
[Tendi's words fade as we turn away from them and focus on Mariner, looking quite devious]
Mariner: [to herself] This is perfect. Boimler thinks he can write a sequel to MY movie? Well, boom, bitch, Crisis Point 2 just became the direct-to-video sequel that nobody cares about, [muttered] you know, besides all your important personal struggles with mortality or whatever.
[Close-up on Mariner's face, eyes narrowed]
Mariner: Coming to a holodeck near you...Crisis Point 1.5.
End notes:
Well, I hope you enjoyed it! It started out as a much different idea: T'Lyn wanted to learn to fight, and Mariner wanted to learn the Vulcan nerve pinch, and they were basically doing a "cultural exchange." (Man, quotation marks makes that sound dirty). After the episode "Empathological Fallacies," though, it evolved into a new thing. Basically, the episode ruined a punchline I had in mind. I guess I should be happy because it's becoming something I like even better. Heck, Tendi even got involved, which I hadn't expected. Also, I had intended it to be a one-off story, but now I need to do at least one more chapter after that teaser at the end (and probably an epilogue with some nice fluff). I've written too much here, haven't I? I'll stop now.
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fuzzynecromancer · 2 months
“Whoa, where’d you learn to do that?” Boimler asked. “I’ve always been ambidextrous,” Angela said. “Solidarity! I’m grey-ace and my friend Mariner’s bisexual,” Boimler said. Mariner almost spit out her drink.
From the fanfiction "Hungry Hungry Mariner"
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ackerslut · 3 years
we're living in a powder keg (and giving off sparks)
Fandom: Star Trek Lower Decks
Rating: M
Beckett Elizabeth Mariner wakes up with the absolute unshakable knowledge that she has done something unspeakable.
“Oh my fucking god.”
On the pillow across from hers, Brad opens his eyes. He blinks once or twice, squinting at the obnoxious sunlight streaming through the blinds. It creates bars of light slanting across the bed and floor. There’s a brief moment of confusion where he stares up at her owlishly before he groans and rolls over, burying his face in the pillow. Clearly not shaken at all by the unspeakable horror coursing through Beckett’s veins.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God .”
“Please lower your voice,” he mutters, voice muffled almost beyond comprehension. Almost. “I think I have a migraine. Or a hangover.” A pause. “Or both .”
“Oh god oh god oh god-”
Beckett’s comm begins chirping on the nightstand, derailing her mental breakdown. She lunges for it, flips the device open and answers the call. “Yeah?”
“Beckett Mariner, where in god’s name are you?” her mother’s voice shrills across the tiny speaker. Not exactly the distraction she was looking for, but she’ll take it. “I’ve been calling you for hours. I swear to god if you’re in prison again-”
“I’m not in prison!” she hisses. “And that was one time!”
“Six times. In the last month.”
“I- mom -”
“We’re in Wvaxuv,” Brad snaps, snatching the comm out of her hand. “We’ll be there in fifteen. Over.” He snaps the comm shut, throws it at the nightstand on her side, and flops facedown into his pillow again. Beckett, both impressed by Brad hanging up on his captain and horrified by him hanging up on her mom , stares at him, mouth agape.
“You just hung up on my mom.”
“My mom , Bradward.”
“Your Captain .”
This does get a reaction out of Brad, but not quite the one she expected? He peeks one eye out of where he’s currently trying to become one with the bedding. It’s cute, in like a cat-like way. Which is exactly where Beckett is trying to keep her thoughts from going. There is nothing cute or nice about waking up in the same bed as Brad. There’s not.
“I think I’ll care about that when I’m sober,” he says, at last.
“You don’t care that you just hung up on my mom, but you know what city we’re in?” Beckett raises an eyebrow, both impressed and unimpressed. She contains multitudes.
“I always know where I am,” he mumbles, turning his face back into the pillow. “Also, it literally says in the tourist brochure on your nightstand.”
Beckett grins and then stops herself. “Okay, Mister ‘I always know where I am,’ how long will it actually take us to get back to the Cerritos ?”
“ Ten minutes if we get dressed like right now.”
She stops, face heating at the reminder that oh yeah they’re both fucking naked under the duvet. Beckett carefully inches away, toward her end of the bed, just in case. She casts a quick look around the room and locates her clothes on the floor, near the bathroom.
“Don’t look,” she warns. Threatens?
Brad gives her a thumbs up, seemingly content in continuing his faceplant. Beckett decides that she can trust him not to sneak a peak--not that it mattered at this point but she was not thinking about that --and hurriedly dives toward them and gathers them up. She throws them on the bathroom floor and slams the door shut.
“Oh my god.” Beckett stares at the yellowing tiled floor. “Oh my god .” She turns on the sink, cupping the freezing water in her hands and splashing it onto her face. It does little to clear her mind, but it does help with the hangover nausea. She grips the sides of the sink, breathing in and out slowly. After a few moments of this, Beckett finally dares to look in the mirror.
She’s looked worse. Especially after a night of getting blackout drunk. Her hair is down, out of its usual high ponytail. It’s also completely wrecked, she notes, running her fingers through it to pull out the tangles. She looks a little sweaty and her eyes are bloodshot with dark circles rimming them, but nothing about her appearance suggests that she did anything stupid or dangerous last night. All of her limbs and toes are accounted for. All things considered, it’s not that bad.
Well, except for the trail of hickeys going down her neck. Jesus , she thinks, straining her head around to see how far they go. Nevermind, she doesn’t really want to know. That’s definitely going to be a problem to examine later. Much, much later.
She quickly pulls her pants on, studiously ignoring her sore muscles and the purple bruises in other places besides her neck and shoulder. Fuck . She can hear her comm chirping again through the bathroom door, but doesn’t make any attempts to hurry and answer it. From the sound of things--or lack thereof--Brad isn’t making an effort either. He probably decided, as she has, that they can get reemed out when they actually get back on the ship.
Beckett pulls her tank top over her head, frowning when she realizes that it does absolutely nothing to hide the bruises on her neck. Where the fuck is her jacket? She pops back into the bedroom.
“Where’s my jacket?”
“You threw it in the Gezorvazors’ fountain.”
“And you didn’t stop me? Dude, that was my favorite jacket.”
He makes a vague hand gesture, still face down on the bed. “You can borrow mine.”
“Yours isn’t nice like mine is,” she snaps, picking his weird hoodie/jean jacket hybrid. “Mine is leather, and badass, and-” She slips his jacket on, pulling the collar up to hide the hickeys. “-And. Oh shit this is comfortable.” The fabric is soft in the way that clothes only get after you’ve owned them for years and years and ruined the fabric with too much fabric softener and shit. Also, it’s a little big around her shoulders, and Beckett’s kind of a slut for comfy clothes that are too big for her. “You’re not getting this back,” she realizes out loud.
Brad finally lifts his head off the pillow, eyes zeroing in on her. His face is unreadable. “Huh.”
Her comm chirps again. Brad picks it up and throws it to her. “Call your mom.” He jerks his head toward the balcony on the other side of the suite. “Or don’t. Either way, we’re gonna be late.” He makes to get out of bed, which is Beckett’s cue to get the fuck out of there . She escapes onto the balcony which is less of a balcony and more of a ledge.
She flips the comm open and answers it.
“ Your mom is flipping out,” D’Vana says. “She thinks you went AWOL and kidnapped Boimler again.”
“Her thinking that is a thousand times better than what actually happened,” Beckett replies, relieved. “She’s not leaving, is she?”
“ Without you? Fat chance.” There’s a pause. “So are you gonna tell me what did happen-”
“Just a long night of drinking and bad decisions. I’ll see you back on the Cerritos, ” she swiftly interrupts. “If my mom asks, everything is fine. Don’t worry.” She hangs up over D’Vana’s sputtering protests. “Shit.” What was she going to tell D’Vana. What was she going to tell her mom?
A gust of cool wind blows through the street, cutting straight through her. She wraps the jacket tightly around her. It smells like Brad. “ Shit. ”
Beckett sits in her mom’s ready room with a paper cup of coffee heating her hands. The smell isn’t doing great things to her nauseous stomach, but the warmth radiating through her fingers is soothing and the caffeine is knocking out most of her headache. Turn of the century and there still isn’t a definitive hangover cure for humans. Go figure.
Her mother’s slightly raised eyebrow is both a question and a criticism. She has too much tact to say that Beckett looks like shit, but they both know Beckett looks like shit. Damnit.
“I’m not even going to ask,” Freeman says at last, rubbing her temple with two fingers. “Just please stop violating regulations while on shore leave.”
Beckett wants to ask if this means she can violate regulations while off shore leave, but feels too shitty to get into that argument. “You got it, Cap’n,” she says, instead of emoting. She gives her mom a lazy, two fingered salute.
“Also, please remember to keep up with your birth control, I don’t really need any Beckett/Boimler hybrids running around on this ship-”
“Literally what the fuck -” Beckett all but shrieks, voice way to loud for the hangover she’s sporting. “ Why would you even say-”
Her mom looks pointedly at Beckett’s bruised neck. “I’m not a complete idiot, kiddo.”
“Oh my god,” Beckett buries her face in her hands. “Oh my god .”
Freeman rolls her eyes, flicking her fingers at her daughter. “Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s my job to embarrass you. Now get out of my sight. And ask T’Ana for a hangover cure.”
This has Beckett sitting up. “Wha- T’Ana said there wasn’t a hangover cure .”
Flat look. “Beckett. What century is this?”
Beckett scowls at the desk. “Ripped off for five years and counting,” she mumbles.
Avoiding Brad was harder than she thought it was going to be.
(Not that she’s avoiding him. She’s not.)
(She totally is. )
When he first came back to the Cerritos --almost two years ago now?--it had been easy. He’d been in a state of remorse/guilt, and had basically allowed Beckett to call the shots. This was generally considered a bad idea by absolutely everyone, because it meant that Beckett swung dangerously between watching his every move like a crazed stalker to having nothing to do with him. It had accumulated in Sam and D’Vana going the old-fashioned route by locking them in a storage closet.
Things had eventually ironed out after that. Nothing was ever quite the same--it couldn’t be with Brad’s newfound confidence and Beckett’s decision to see him as an equal rather than someone to mentor--but it was better that way. They worked better that way. At least until Beckett had fucked everything up by having drunk sex with her best friend of four years.
So here Beckett was, hiding in medbay because she thought she might have seen Brad walk by.
“You gotta admit, this is weird, even for you,” D’Vana says.
Beckett peaks over the biobed. “He’s gone, right?”
“Honey, what’s going on between you two? Do I need to fight him? I can totally fight him.”
“I mean, the last time you were this mad at him was because--”
“I’m not mad at him,” Beckett waves her off, not too keen on dredging up ancient history. Shitty ancient history at that. “Everything’s fine.”
“Everything’s fine,” D’Vana repeats dubiously. “Which is why you’ve been hiding in medbay--your least favorite place--all day. Instead of doing fun things, like moving everything in Ransom’s cabin a little to the left or putting extra espresso shots in T’Ana’s coffee.”
Beckett grins. “We should put extra espresso shots in T’Ana’s coffee.”
“You’re deflecting.”
“I’m not.”
“ So are.”
Beckett scowls. “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”
“I am, as in I will help you bury the body if need be, but as it stands there isn’t a body to bury and you’re in my way.”
“ Both of you, out,” T’Ana snaps, from like 20 feet away. She’s not even looking at them, but one of her ears is swiveled in their direction.
D’Vana gives Beckett a dirty look, turning on her heel and marching out of the medbay. Beckett follows, more subdued.
“Seriously, you need to get your shit together,” D’Vana says, once she’s caught up to her. “I promise whatever happened between you and Brad isn’t as terrible as you’re thinking. It’s probably even fixable.”
“Real encouraging, bestie.”
“I try.” D’Vana gives her a friendly punch on the arm that’s probably going to bruise. “Now go find your man.”
Becket does not, in fact, “go find her man.” First of all, because she doesn’t have one, but also because the idea of facing Brad right now is so mortifying--seriously what is she supposed to say? --that the thought makes her break out in hives.
(Not literally, but still.)
A couple more days of this has Sam and D’Vana returning to the tried and true method of locking Beckett and Brad in a storage closet to sort out their shit.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” D’Vana shouts through the door.
Beckett flips her the bird, even though she can see, scowling at the door. “Fuck you, D’Vana Tendi!”
There is no response, meaning that her ex-friends have left her alone with her thoughts, Brad, and Brad’s very loud thoughts. Goddammit.
“Look, just say it,” Brad suddenly snaps after the longest, most awkward pause Beckett has ever had the misfortune to be a part of. His entire body is tenser than Beckett has seen in a hot minute. Probably since before he transferred back to the Cerritos.
“Say what?” she says back hotly, now not really sure if they’re about to argue about something, but also not one to back down from a fight.
“I don’t know-just. Whatever it is- just please. I’m tired, D’Vana’s tired--hell the whole ship is tired of this. So just.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Look, I know it was bad, I know that you regretted it.”
“I. What.”
“But, you’re also my best friend and I don’t want things to go back to how they were when. When I came back and you hated me and I was shitty to you and-” Brad stops messing up his hair. “Just say it was awful and we can forget it ever happened.”
Beckett steels herself as she finally admits: “I don’t remember it.”
It was Brad’s turn to go still and quiet.
“Brad--I. You know how I get when I’m drunk.” Beckett has never felt embarrassed by her drinking habits, but now she wonders if she should. Okay, she’s not, not really. But she was at least regretful that she had done something so stupid as fucking up one of her best relationships while intoxicated. Literally. “I don’t remember anything after the sixth drink,” she groans. “I think I was messing with your hair?”
“You said it was the color of jellyfish.”
She manages a weak smile. “Yeah.”
“And then I said jellyfish were translucent and have been extinct for over a thousand years on Earth so your point was redundant and that’s when you kissed me.”
“Oh.” Beckett wracks her memory. Nothing comes up. She doesn’t know if she feels proud or scared by the fact that she was the one to initiate whatever happened between them. “Was it. Good?”
“For me.” Brad shrugs, nonchalant in a way she wishes he weren’t. “Can’t really say if you liked it or not. Rest of the night is.” He makes a gesture with one hand. “Fuzzy.”
“But you remember more details than I do.” Beckett takes a step toward him.
He takes a step back as she crowds his space. Swallows. “Guess I do.”
“Was that good? What came after?” she asks, steadily, taking another step toward him.
His back hits the wall. He makes a little oof sound, maybe at the impact, but more likely at her question. “I-it was fuzzy ,” he reiterates, voice pitching up.
“Just answer the question, Bradward. I thought this was honesty hour for-”
“Yes it was good!” he snaps. “It was awesome, and earth-shattering, and all the stupid fucking cliches we both make fun of and mock together, and-and you didn’t care the next morning! Actually, no, you were fucking horrified-- so I panicked and--”
Beckett kisses him. It’s a short peck, hardly a brush of lips really, but enough to leave him gaping like a fish after. Kind of shocked, like a computer bluescreening. Goddamnit, he is cute.
“I. I- what .”
Beckett carefully leans in, brushing his hair out of his eyes with one hand--giving him time to opt out or push her away if he wants-- and kisses him again. This time she goes a bit more slowly, somehow coaxing his panicked mind into letting him kiss her back. Only for a moment, sadly. As soon as he begins softening against her, mouth opening slightly to kiss her back, he draws away, face disturbed. “Beck, what are you doing?” His voice is weak.
“Experimenting,” she replies, eyes quickly darting back and forth between his.
“ Experi -”
“I mean, there must be a reason I jumped straight from drunken makeout to lets fuck on our last night of shore leave. I’m just trying to find the missing puzzle piece.” She leans back in. Kisses him again. Pulls back almost immediately. “That means kiss me back, dumba-”
Brad cups her face and kisses her back. Like really kisses her back. Like tilts her face to the side until the angle is just right and slips his tongue in to slide against hers-
“Fuck,” Beckett says, when they draw back for air. “ Fuck.”
Brad drops his hands, but makes no move to pull out of her space. “Got enough data?” he asks sarcastically.
“I might need a larger sample size,” she says breathlessly, eyes darting back down to his lips.
“Well, feel free to go makeout with whomever-”
“Not that kind of sample size, dummy. I'm working with just one test subject, you see.” Her hand fingers the top button of his shirt almost thoughtfully. “My sample size needs to be bigger in quantity, not diversity.”
“ Beck- ” he whines.
“What, so you get to remember this awesome, showstopping one-night stand while I wonder forever if you're actually as good as my sore everything implies?”
Brad’s face visibly heats up. “Well, it's not a one-night stand if we do it again, is it?” he mutters.
“No,” Beckett replies curtly, making her eye contact as direct as possible. “It's not.”
“And you really want to fuck in a storage closet.”
“It can't be much worse than on a planet of jellybean aliens.”
“Gezorvazorians,” he corrects. Pauses, considering. “It might not be that good sober.”
“Are you seriously trying to talk me out of having sex with you?” Beckett groans again in exasperation. “This is literally a one time, limited offer, Bradward.”
“I have anxiety, Beckett! It was fine when I was on drink number eight, but I'm going to freak out if I do this without-”
“Oh my god, just stop thinking-” she shoves him back into the wall, hands fisting his stupid Starfleet shirt, “-just do what feels good.”
Apparently what feels good is letting Beckett once again call the shots on this one, like she does on everything. He lets her crowd him back against the wall, pop each of his shirt buttons and makeout as aggressively as they can while still standing upright.
“For the record,” she says, in between kisses, “if you don't want to have sex with me, that's a hundred percent fine, I don't want to pressure you-”
Brad rolls his eyes. “You really gotta-” kisses her again, “make up your mind-” her hand pulls at the short hair on the nape of his neck, eliciting a high pitched noise “- getting mixed signals-”
“My mind is made up, it's just that I realized that I maaay have been a bit pushy-”
Brad pulls away to give her a deadpan expression. “Yeah, if there's one thing I do remember about you in bed, it's that you're kind of pushy. Actually, scratch that, you’re relentless.”
Beckett flushes. “I-”
“I don't mind. Just as long as you're sure.”
“I am,” she meets his gaze challengingly, fighting her blush down.
“Cool.” He nods once, curtly. The image doesn’t exactly mesh right with his disheveled hair and unbuttoned shirt. “Cool, cool, cool. I'm probably going to freak out in the middle of this, fyi.”
“Don't say ‘fyi,’ it's lame.” She glances around the room. “So. Floor or wall?”
They don't actually fuck in the storage closet, much to Beckett's disappointment and everyone else's general embarrassment. D’Vana in particular is going back and forth between remorse and spastic giggling. It’s just as well. Brad really couldn’t stop laughing at her after her “floor or wall” comment which made getting laid kind of hard. No pun intended.
The next few days are kind of a living hell for the Cerritos. Which is unbelievable, considering how weird Beckett and Brad had made it for everyone before their conversation in the storage closet.
It really really doesn’t help that Brad’s bunk is like. Right over hers. Goddamnnit.
“Good news is we have shore leave again in three weeks,” Jennifer says, handing her a wrench.
Beckett, who’s holding a screwdriver in her mouth, makes whahed? noise, eyes glued to the charred remains of the food replicator. Jen leans back against the counter casually, flipping her silver hair over her shoulder. She’s not really helping Beckett, just watching while she takes advantage of her own buffer time. Beckett doesn’t mind because a) everyone’s entitled to their own buffer time and b) Jen isn’t bad company. At least when she isn’t involving herself in the soap opera worthy drama that is Beckett’s life. Like right now.
Jen gives her a bemused look. “You don’t have to tell me what happened last time,” she says, which is great because Beckett has no intention of bringing up the events of their last shore leave, “But you want my advice? Fix it this time. For everyone’s sake.”
Beckett takes the screwdriver out of her mouth and places it on the counter. “I literally have no idea what you are talking about,” she says in lieu of feeling an emotion.
“Me neither,” Jen admits, sighing. “Look, I don’t put much stock in the rumor mill, but even I know there’s something going on between you and Boimler.”
Oh. Shit.
“Oh, shit,” Beckett says.
Jen grins. “Yeah, shit Mariner. Who’d have thought: you and Brad Boimler. Six years ago, I’d have laughed in your face.”
Beckett makes a face. It’s not a laughing one. More of a grimace, really. “It’s not whatever you’re thinking.”
“With you it rarely is.” Jen looks wary, but the corners of her eyes still crinkle with amusement. “I’m just saying, I know something’s up. Don’t really care, but it’s making this ship socially awkward. I refuse to work somewhere socially awkward, Mariner.”
“Oh, we are in agreement,” Beckett quickly defends, holding her hands up.
“Good, then fix whatever the fuck’s going on. I can’t take much more of this.”
Beckett doesn’t have much to say to that. Mostly because she’s in total agreement, but also because that’s the moment D’Vana comes around the corner and she’d rather not get Into It with the perky Orion today.
It’s Sam who brings it up. “So, shore leave on Earth,” he says. “Who’s down?”
The four of them are sitting at the bar, pretending like nothing weird is going on between two of their members. It helps that Sam is sitting between her and Brad, but it also doesn’t because he keeps catching them staring at each other. It’s super fucking awkward, so Beckett takes the opportunity to direct their attentions elsewhere.
She groans loudly, dropping her face onto her folded arms. “If I wanted to be on Earth I wouldn’t have joined Starfleet,” she grumbles. “This fucking sucks.”
D’Vana perks up immediately, like Beckett knew she would. “I love Earth!” she says, enthusiastically gesturing with her martini glass. “So many different cultures and languages and religions on one planet. If I wasn’t stationed in deep space, I’d have asked for a position there.”
“All those religions and cultures and shit is why Earth has a reputation of not getting along with itself,” Beckett mumbles into her arm.
“That’s not specific to Earth though,” Brad points out, pretty much speaking for the first time that night. He looks a bit surprised, like he hadn’t meant to talk to her at all or make eye contact. Which was most likely the case, considering. Still, he pushes on. “I mean, how many interplanetary disputes have we broken up in the last year alone?”
“Yeah, but I don’t come from those planets so I don’t have to feel bad about it,” Beckett mutters.
Sam snorts. “So is that a no?”
Beckett shrugs. “Fuck if I know. Will there be alcohol?”
“There can be.”
She flutters her eyelashes at Sam. “Well, if you insist then.”
Brad and D’Vana exchange a look.
Earth isn’t too bad.
Beckett should know, she was born there.
The distinct lack of shenanigans she can get up to are fairly disappointing, however. And the distinct presence of cops is still as annoying as ever. But Sam drags the four through downtown San Francisco, intent on making the most of it.
He is determined to teach D’Vana how to surf, so they find themselves at one of those swim stores--the ones that smell like chlorine and weed and have like a display of goggles that takes up two entire ailes and the walls are covered in surf boards and body boards, and there’s little naked mermaid figurines everywhere. It’s one of those out-of-this-world vibes that has Beckett remembering the little things about earth she misses.
Sam somehow cuts a deal on four surf boards and some swim trunks for him and Brad. Beckett, who had the foresight to bring her own swimwear, doesn’t spend a dime on anything but the salt water taffy up at the front counter. D’Vana, who showed up for shore leave already in a bikini and has chronic steal Beckett’s food syndrome, walks out of there the least broke.
“So we want to start in the whitewater,” Sam says, rubbing copious amounts of sunscreen on D’Vana’s back. It’s a wise move, considering the last time they spent free time on a sunny planet, D’Vana walked away with the worst sunburns. “That way we can work on your stance without any pressure.”
“Speak for yourselves,” Beckett flips her shades down. “I’m heading out for the Big Bois. The Chungos, if you will.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Have you ever surfed before?”
“Does doing handstands on a floatie in my pool count?”
“Then listen to the expert. We also probably don’t want to go way out until we get wetsuits. Trust me on that one,” Sam says, grimacing. “I mean, I’ve gone without, but it’s cold as shit out there.”
Beckett snatches the sunscreen from Sam’s hand and squirts a glob on her calf. “Fine, defeat me with your logic. You want some of this, white bread?” she asks Brad, who very much lives up to said nickname. He sighs, accepting the bottle from her.
All sunscreen up, Sam stands, picking up his surfboard. “I’ll take D’Vana out first,” he says in a blatant show of favoritism.
Brad and Beckett roll their eyes in tandem. “Whatever,” Beckett says, shooing them off with one hand. “I’m taking a nap.” She flops down on a towel under the giant umbrella that D’Vana got from god knows where . Brad looks from her to Sam and D’Vana unsurely before deciding that he’ll strike out on his own for a bit.
“Don’t drown,” Beckett says, already half asleep.
“Duh.” She can practically hear his eye roll. “Remember to wake up in two hours and apply more sunscreen,” he shoots back.
She gives him the o-k hand signal, not opening up her eyes. “You got it, Mom.”
A few hours later--way past when Beckett was supposed to dump more chemicals on her skin (and yes she’s going to be feeling that later)--Beckett wakes up to Sam and D’Vana’s dulcet tones. By dulcet tones she actually means they’re belting out I’ve Had the Time of My Life in tandem with the music booming on the speaker Sam brought because they are those annoying beach people .
D’Vana must’ve gone to one of the street vendors on the boardwalk, because she has a tray of tiny sandwiches and a paper bag of popcorn that she’s sharing with Sam. Beckett tries to get in on that action, but because D’Vana is the biggest hypocrite Beckett knows, she finds herself banned from the snacks.
“You and Brad can get your own,” D’Vana says stubbornly.
Beckett rolls her eyes. “Where is he, anyway?”
D’Vana points vaguely off in the direction of the water. Brad is sitting on his surfboard, looking more relaxed than Beckett’s seen him in a while.
She stands up, stretching out the kinks and stiffness in her joints, grinning when Sam winces at the cracking of her spine. Shaking the fogginess away, Beckett makes her way out into the waves, shivering at their chill. In a stroke of genius, or maybe just chaotic evillness, Beckett ducks under the water, swimming beneath where Brad is peacefully sitting.
“Nice view,” Beckett says, bursting out of the water. Brad flails, arms pinwheeling. He does fall off his perch on the surfboard, but Beckett catches it before the waves can take it away. She heaves herself gracefully over the side, sitting with her legs in the water. After a moment she offers a hand to a very sulky looking Brad, who’s usually coiffed hair is plastered to his skull by the water.
He takes her proffered hand and sits beside her.
After a moments pause, where they sit bobbing in the waves and watching the sunset, Brad says, “I would like to say that not even the holodeck can recreate colors like that buuut-”
“We do have top-of-the-line technology,” Beckett agrees. “It’s still nice knowing it’s real, though,” she adds.
“How sentimental of you,” he says, almost teasingly. It does wonders for the tension Beckett’s holding.
“Shut up,” she gets out, shoving his shoulder good-naturedly. It’s not hard enough to push him back in the water, but it’s enough that he swats her off. “I’m just saying .”
“So Earth isn’t so bad, after all?” he asks, smug.
Beckett rolls her eyes. “I guess ,” she allows, grudgingly. “But don’t go telling anyone.”
Brad just grins, turning back to the sunset. They don’t say much more after that.
Beckett is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of the hotel they’re staying at overnight, when she comes to a decision. “I’m going to have sex with Brad.”
D’Vana, who Beckett had been pretty sure was sleeping, chokes in the dark. “Beckett what the fuuu -”
Beckett sits up. “I’m going to have sex with Brad,” she reiterates, throwing the covers off.
The bedside lamp clicks on, washing the room in a pale, yellow light. D’Vana’s expression is somewhere between I’m too sleep-deprived to deal with this shit and a murder is happening tonight .
“Like, right now?” she asks, finally.
“No time like the present,” Beckett says, already halfway out the door. Whatever protests D’Vana has is cut off when the door slides shut behind her. Sam and Brad are staying just across the hall, so it takes no time to get there and knock on the door.
“So are we gonna fuck or what?” Beckett asks the minute Brad shows his face. Sam makes a choked, gagging noise from somewhere behind him. Brad makes an equally despairing sound.
“Sam, could you-?”
“Gone! I'm gone.” Sam pushes past them, heading for the other suite. “I'll just sleep with D’Vana-- in D’Vana’s room!” He hurriedly course corrects, “In her room. I'm--I'll. Bye.” He ducks behind the door, slamming it.
“Yeesh, my girl ain't getting any tonight.”
“But we are apparently,” Brad dryly remarks. Or tries to dryly remark. It comes out strangled. “I thought that was a limited offer.”
“Yeah well, maybe I changed my mind. Are you gonna invite me in or what?”
Brad opens the door wider. “I didn't know you needed a literal invitation like some sort of vampire.”
“I was being polite.” She brushes past him. “I am capable of that on occasion.” She flops on the bed with forced bravado. Brad starts doing that thing where he avoids eye contact but realizes it's awkward so he then makes too much eye contact. Beckett resists the urge to tease him about it, if only because she's starting to feel weird about everything too.
“I’m not saying no-”
“Jesus, okay, rejection time-”
“But right now might not be the best time,” he finishes, face crimson.
“What?” She glances around the room. “Master suite in a five star hotel in San Francisco is a worse time for you than a storage closet? I didn't know you had an exhibition thing-”
“ I don't.” Brad scowls. “I'm just not in the mood.”
“Oh,” she says, leaning back with her hands supporting her behind her. She kind of feels like an asshole for just assuming he’d be down anytime. There’s another moment of silence. Awkward.
Then, “I have some old timey soap-opera that Jen gave me, on my padd. You down?”
“I don’t think this is a soap opera,” Brad says, ten minutes into their third episode.
They’re both lying on top of the covers, padd propped on a pillow, watching a collection of random episodes Beckett seemingly has. There’s about four feet of yawning distance between them, four impossible feet that’s frankly starting to piss Beckett off for reasons she’s trying not to examine.
“He’s married to his best friends’ daughter which means his mother-in-law made out with him,” Beckett replies, rolling her eyes. “His wife and her parents are pretty much the same age. He gets assassinated by his wife who was trained by a cultist group to take him down. How is that not a soap opera?”
Brad shrugs. “It just seems to be more action based.”
“Give it time, you’ll get it.”
Silence as they watch the main characters get chased by dinosaurs. Brad, surprisingly, does not offer up why it’s unrealistic--(she can totally hear him lecturing on about how dinosaurs actually had feathers, Beckett, and that one was definitely bipedal why is it on all fours?)-- instead tapping his fingers against the mattress and occasionally spacing out.
Whatever. Beckett’s perfectly comfortable reclining on the other side of the bed and ignoring him.
“It’s not me, right?” she blurts out. “I didn’t like, push you too much and now you want nothing to do with me?”
Way to sound insecure, Mariner.
Brad startles in surprise. “What? No!” He sits up. “Why would-”
“I don’t know, it’s just weird! And we’re not weird like this--we watch shit all the time together and make fun of it and it’s not socially awkward!”
“I’m not trying to be socially awkward! I just-”
“Well you are -”
“I thought you were mad at me ?” He tries, looking askance.
Beckett blinks across the bed at him. “You thought-- what --that I was mad at you for not being up for-”
“If you make that pun, I swear to god-”
“Not a pun, I’m being literal-you thought -”
“You thought I was upset that you aren’t in the mood for-for my weird need to-to-” She can’t even finish it.
“Ughrhrh.” Brad covers his eyes with his hands. “It sounds bad when you say it out loud.”
“Yeah no shit, Bradward.” She huffs loudly, turning back to the episode only to find that it’s over.
“Sorry,” he says at last, still into his hands. “I’m having a weird night.”
Aaaand now Beckett feels like shit. Because of course she was making everything about her when there were other people emotionally involved. God she needed to talk to her therapist.
“You wanna talk about it?” she asks, nervously tapping her foot at the air.
Brad drops his hands, staring at her flatly. “Do you really want to hear my weird TMI relationship hangups?”
Oh fuck, it’s gonna be that kind of talk.
“Uh, yes? I tell you my weird shit all the time-”
“ Unsolicited -”
“And you don’t give a shit. Why would I be upset about you telling me your weird shit? Is it a kink thing? I bet it’s a kink thing.”
“It’s not a-! Just-just let me talk!”
Beckett makes a phhhft- ing noise, but relents. She twiddles her thumbs for a moment, a mannerism she picked up from D’Vana over the years. Brad’s eyes zero in on the motion for a moment, as he nervously begins tapping his fingers against the mattress again and then stopping to clasp his hands tightly.
“You know how I don’t really. Date people?” he tries, wincing slightly.
“Yeah, sure.” She shrugs.
“Have you ever wondered why-”
“Because our friend group is so batshit fucking certifiable that any potential boyfriends or girlfriends get scared off. It’s why Amina and I were never gonna get back together.” Beckett doesn’t say duh , but it lingers in the air.
Brad rolls his eyes. “ Yes that, but also I don’t date people for the same reason it took D’Vana six years to figure out she and Sam were dating.”
“Oh. Oh .” Beckett blinks for a moment, world realigning. “Wait, how did I not know that about you? I know everything about you.” Which is entirely the wrong response to your best friend sharing something that personal, but Brad doesn’t seem to pick up on it so Beckett thinks it’s okay. Hopefully.
“Apparently, not,” he replies, amused.
“But, you’re like. Okay hooking up every once in a while.” God, she hopes so. If she pressured her best friend into having drunk sex with her-
“Yeah, I’m in the mood every once in a while. Like, once a year kind of once in a while,” Brad says casually, alleviating her worries. “Just not right now.”
“Oh okay, cool.” A pause. “Thank you for telling me.”
He rolls his eyes again like she knows she’s going over every social media post and session with her therapist concerning how to handle your best friend coming out to you in her head and settles down next to her. “Whatever. What’s happening?” he asks, turning back to the padd.
Beckett apparently has episodes out of order because the main characters are hijacking the 1969 Earth space missions. “An alien race that controls humans through post-hypnotic suggestions is giving them the technology to land on their own moon.”
Brad huffs, amused. “Naturally.”
Everything kind of goes back to normal after that.
Well, as normal as things get on the Cerritos .
Beckett takes her conversation with Brad to mean that he’s not interested in le sex with her (at the moment anyway) and backing off is in their best interests.
Whatever, she didn’t really know what she was going on about anyway. It’s not as if she was using not remembering their one-night stand as an excuse to hook up with Brad because she’s suffering from unacknowledged requited feelings.
(She’s not. She’s not . Goddamnit.)
The ship seems to give a collective sigh of relief, now that Beckett and Brad aren’t doing...whatever it was they were. Beckett is back to annoying the shit out of her best friend and Brad is back to pretending like he hates everything she stands for. It’s a comfortable equilibrium that Beckett’s glad to be back to.
Even if she still ponders all of the what ifs .
If Beckett’s life is a movie--which is a metaphor she hasn’t used yet, but now’s probably the best time to start because the drama of hooking up with her best friend is totally some awkward comedy shit--then the Halloween party Sam and Jen throw is the punch line. Or the climax--whatever, no pun intended.
Beckett didn’t even know Halloween was like still a Thing until she and her friend group came across a Halloween themed shop during shore leave.
“Isn’t it July?” Beckett had pondered. “I’m pretty sure this holiday is supposed to be in October?”
“It’s one of those “Holiday in July” shops,” Brad said, rolling his eyes at D’Vana who’d donned a witches hat on and was cackling appropriately. “They were totally a thing when I was a kid.”
Sam pulled out his comm. “You know how Jen wanted to throw a party for the end of our assignment in the Neutral Zone? I think I know what theme we should go with.”
Beckett had laughed, delighted at the idea of them throwing a Halloween Bash on the Cerritos , but hadn’t taken it seriously until she walked into her favorite bar on the ship, which was now decked out in the most ridiculous decorations she’s ever seen.
“This is amazing,” Beckett says.
D’Vana grins. “Right? I think I’m going to marry Jen.”
“If I don’t get there first,” Sam retorts, darting off in Jen’s direction. D’Vana shouts after him, breaking out into a run. Beckett shakes her head and heads off to find a corner to enjoy her alcohol in peace.
She finds one, and gets through one red, plastic cup of cheap beer before Brad is at her shoulder.
“So, we’re done being weird, right?” Brad confirms. Surprised that he actually has the backbone to bring The Incident up, Beckett shrugs, eyes still on a dancing D’Vana. She’s somehow roped to humans into a weird-threeway dance that is honestly making Beckett wish she had a recorder device on her.
“Yeah, we’re good,” she says. “Sorry for. You know.”
“It’s cool,” Brad replies, giving her a thumbs up. “I mean, it was bound to happen eventually?”
This gives Beckett pause. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, someone in our friend group was eventually going to hook up and make everything awkward,” Brad rubs the back of his neck, laughing, well, awkwardly . “Sucks that it was us but,” he shrugs in a what can you do way.
Beckett nods back, almost absentmindedly. “Yeah. I mean. Yeah,” she finishes off, lamely and god this is awkward. “Could have been worse,” she finally settles on.
“Could’ve been me and D’Vana,” Brad agrees, nose wrinkling at the thought. She’s pretty sure he had a crush when they first met, but it mellowed out over the years. Especially after D’Vana made it clear to a handsy ensign that she was only interested in girls .
(And being in a co-dependent/queerplatonic relationship with one Samantha Rutherford, but that was beside the point.)
Still, something about the suggestion of the two hooking up leaves a sour pit in Beckett’s stomach.
“It’s too bad though,” she blurts out, “that it happened like the way it did.”
Brad pauses, brow furrowed.
“I mean,” she bulldozes on when he doesn’t say anything. “If I’d have had a choice on how it would have happened...I would have done things differently.”
“Oh?” Brad angles his body toward hers. She leans back against the wall, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Yeah.” Her voice sounds far away.
“How would you have done things?”
“I-” She fists her palms and then forces herself to relax them. “Well, for starters I wouldn’t have been drunk .”
“Ah.” Brad winces, probably remembering the terrible hangovers they had the next day. “Yeah that probably wasn’t the best -”
“And it would have meant something.”
There. She said it.
It’s what her mom’s been hinting at for years now, what D’Vana had been getting at and Jen and Sam and even Brad himself; the one truth that Beckett had been shoving to the back of her mind, since even before that shared night with Brad.
Brad Boimler is her best friend and she’s in love with him.
The pause goes on for too long. Beckett doesn’t dare look at him, doesn’t dare breathe. She keeps her eyes firmly on D’Vana, who’s been joined by a slightly tipsy Sam. They dance around each other, ridiculous and fond.
“It did mean something.”
Beckett whips her head around, meeting Brad’s gaze disbelievingly. He swallows, adam’s apple bobbing.
“Of course it meant something,” he says. “It was with you.”
Beckett likes to think that she’s smarter than the average person. And if not smarter, witty enough to pass as smarter. She has an automated response for every situation, a retort for every comment, a comeback for every line. There isn’t much that phases her-at least not until she woke up in a hotel room, naked, with her best friend at her side. And just like then, Beckett finds herself speechless.
“Oh,” she says, dumbly, as if she just hadn’t shown her own hand less than a minute ago.
“Mmm,” Brad agrees, looking stressed out. He doesn’t take it back though. He doesn’t do much of anything, actually, beyond staring at her intensely. Then, “Oh god, I made it weird again.”
“No, no,” Beckett holds her hands up placatingly as Brad begins to freak out. “ I made it weird first, you don’t have to-”
“Well I made it weirder!”
“No,” Beckett grabs his collar, shaking him slightly, “-no you didn’t -”
“ Then why are you freaking out? ” He throws his hands up in the air, almost dislodging her grip on his shirt. She tightens it, bringing him down to her eye level.
“I’m not freaking out you’re freaking out -”
“Then why are you the one all up in my personal spa-”
“I’m not-”
“ Jesus Christ , WILL YOU TWO JUST KISS!” D’Vana shouts over the booming bass of Spooky Scary Skeletons Communist Remix.
Beckett freezes , as does Boimler. She’s suddenly aware that the two of them are standing, nose to nose, practically shouting at each other--even though the loud music drowns out what they’re saying to the people around them (thank god).
Beckett slowly lets go of Boimler’s shirt.
“Uhm.” She blinks up at him, every part of her completely aware that she left the ball in his court last time they had an opportunity to do anything.
Brad looks like he’s wrestling with himself--not an uncommon emotion when it comes to the uptight little dude--eyes darting from both of her eyes to her lips, to over her shoulder where D’Vana is probably being a little creep. Then, all of the tension bleeds out of his body, all at once and a determined look lights up in his eyes.
“ Fuck it,” he says, cupping her face and kissing her.
The walk from the bar to Beckett’s room has never seemed longer, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that they can’t keep their hands off each other.
Even with the buzz of alcohol in her system, Beckett feels entirely present for once in her life. She pushes Brad back against her door, pressing kisses into his lips and the length of his jawline. He gives a little huff when she nips at his skin, pushing her off enough to get a good look at her.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Never been surer,” she replies, already having a go at his buttons. She gets down to the final one, pleased to note that this time they aren’t interrupted. “Are you sure?” she blinks up at him. “You’re in the mood, right?”
“Yes, Beck, I’m in the mood.” Brad rolls her eyes. It looks fond. “Are you in the mood?”
“So so in the mood,” she agrees.
“Great, now that we’ve covered the consent end of this-”
Beckett interrupts, diving back in for more kisses, much to his bemusement.
A few minutes later finds the two of them on her bed, sans their clothes. Beckett wants to feel very very smug about the fact that it’s been a while since that first, mistaken one night stand and Brad still has bruises in places unmentionable, but she’s kind of in the same boat.
“Holy shit, watch it ,” she swats at his face as he kind of nips at a dark bruise on her thigh.
“Oh I am .”
“Stop, that’s not sexy,” she kicks his shoulder, scowling when he snorts.
“No, no it’s not .”
“Yeah, okay, I stopped doing it .” Brad stares up at her unblinkingly for a moment.
Beckett stares back, arms folded-which feels weird because she’s super naked right now, but she’s already started doing it and Beckett fucking commits to shit-scowl firmly in place. Their little stare off only lasts for a minute longer before Beckett groans, “ Ugh , do it again.”
Brad does not, in fact, do it again because he's laughing too hard at her.
Beckett raises an eyebrow, flipping them over. Brad does not look like he minds, though, blinking up at her with equal amounts bemusement and what Beckett is assuming is appreciation. Whatever, it’s not as if Beckett doesn’t know that she’s smoking hot. It’s nice to see that Brad can acknowledge it though.
“Sooo,” he says, hands on her hips, steadying her as she grabs a scrunchy off the nightstand to pull her wayward hair out of her eyes. “How do you want to do this?”
Beckett takes a moment to make herself comfortable in his lap. “How did we do this last time?”
Brad’s face turns red. “Uhm, I’m not sure if-”
Beckett grins, leaning in. “How’d we do it last time, Brad?”
“ Beckett ,” he whines. She flicks his nose, but then leans in to give him a quick peck. “That’s cheating,” he tells her.
She shrugs, unrepentant. “Well you have all the time in the world to make an honest woman out of m-”
“ Stoooop ,” Brad covers his eyes with his hands. “I hate you. Maybe we should ’ve been drunk for this.”
“I have tequila under the bed.”
“Why do you-nevermind.” Brad sits up, jostling her slightly. “I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore.”
“Too much talking, more kissing,” Beckett says, pressing a couple of featherlight kisses on his lips. She gets her way--as always--and there’s very little talking after that.
(That’s a lie, of course, because it’s BeckettandBrad, meaning that there’s a lot shit-talk and laughing and an embarrassing amount of awkward moments where Brad elbows her in the eye or Beckett makes a noise that’s distinctly not sexy, but honestly? Neither of them would have it any other way.)
The next day goes like this:
Beckett shows up to her shift 40 minutes late, a string of freshly made hickeys on her neck and a shit-eating grin on her face. Freeman takes one look at her and reassigns her off the Bridge for the day, muttering something incomprehensible about grandbabies that Beckett’s forcibly not thinking too hard about.
She finds D’Vana just outside of medbay, who looks utterly delighted by Beckett’s disheveled appearance.
“So, everything’s fine between you two?” D’Vana is grinning a little evilly.
Beckett throws an arm over her shoulder, delighted as always over their height difference. “Oh so fine, mi amore.”
D’Vana shoves her off, but looks just as pleased as Beckett feels. “Thank god,” she says. “I couldn’t take much more of your sad, sad faces. It was embarrassing.”
This gives Beckett pause. “Hey, we weren’t that bad,” she protests.
“Oh, you definitely were,” D’Vana promises. “There’s only so many times Sam and I can lock you two in a storage closet before our quaple isn’t worth it anymore. We were like a minute away from throwing you out of the polycule.”
“I- polycule? Since when -”
“Oh Beckett,” D’Vana sighs. “I have some bad news for you.”
“Did you know that we were in a platonic quaple with Sam and D’Vana?” Beckett shrieks, practically flying out of the turbolift.
Brad stares at her. “...yes?”
No one tells Beckett anything.
29 notes · View notes
unhumanrights · 6 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: D'Vana Tendi & T'Lyn, Beckett Mariner & T'Lyn, Beckett Mariner & D'Vana Tendi Characters: D'Vana Tendi, Beckett Mariner, T'Lyn (Star Trek) Additional Tags: betazoids, Holodecks & Holosuites (Star Trek), Self Confidence Issues, Pep Talk, Screenplay/Script Format Summary:
"Tendi, I have witnessed your combat prowess firsthand. Mariner, I have...read about your combat prowess in your file, and I am certain I will see it someday. I must know. In your expert opinions, what did I do wrong here? What should I have done differently?"
T'Lyn asks Mariner and Tendi to analyze her combat performance after her encounter with the Betazoid Intelligence operatives.
2 notes · View notes
ackerslut · 3 years
Star Trek Lower Decks Fic Recs
(most of these are by the same rotating five writers bc our fandom is That Small. Still, all of these are absolute gems and worth your time. Please DM me if I forgot to put a fic on here of y'alls or if a link doesn't work <3)
you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid by InsideMyBrain
shipwide crises are a lot more enjoyable when you have someone to make fun of. unless you’re the person being made fun of.
Everything Is Fine by UncreativeIndividual
After several months serving together, Tendi begins to realize that she feels for Mariner as more than just a friend. This is not ideal for her.
The Mariner Protocol by bauchle
AKA: Beckett Mariner's Guide to Scoring With Hot Space Babes
When she learns that Rutherford is crushing hard on Tendi, Mariner selflessly takes it upon herself to coach him in the fine arts of court ship. She even drafts Boimler to help her out, though for some reason he's less than enthusiastic about the whole project.
Cue movie nights, flirting "workshops", and 400-year-old mixtapes - not to mention melees, arguments, and maybe a minor shipwide crisis. This is definitely going to end well.
im standing guard (im falling apart) by @lastoneout
“Dude Barb is way out of anyone’s league, trust me. She’s so perfect it’s freaky.” Beckett continues, “I don’t know if you noticed but it did nearly drive me insane.”
Brad falls silent for a moment, giving her a weird look that she wilts under.
“Is that why you haven’t been sleeping?”
It's Going Great, Why Do You Ask? by UncreativeIndividual
The sequel to Everything Is Fine.
Mariner and Tendi have been dating in secret for a few months. It's going well, though the former does wish to keep the relationship a secret despite the latter's wishes.
Then, Mariner's mom, Carol Freeman, starts to suspect something is up with her daughter. T'Ana gets stuck in the middle as the only one aware of the relationship, and Boimler & Rutherford are just confused as to what's happening. You can probably s ee where this is going.
are you lonely looking for yourself out there? by @lastoneout
He knew listening to her message would only make him feel worse, but he reached over and pushed the play button, waiting for Mariner’s angry voice to fill the room, reminding him of what a jerk he was.
“Boimler?” Instead of angry, her voice was quiet and groggy, like she’d just woken up, and Brad froze, quickly realizing two things. He must have hit the call button on accident, and he was totally, completely fucked.
- or -
After having a shitty day on the hell ship that is the Titan, Boimler gets drunk and accidentally calls Mariner.
i loved you then and i love you now by @punk-rock-yuppie
Seven years after the end of their friendship, Beckett and Brad meet again.
Enjoy, Endure, Survive (a surprise) by @punk-rock-yuppie
Five times Boimler surprises Mariner with something, and one time she beats him to the punch.
Letting the Days Go By by @punk-rock-yuppie
It’s been three years since Bradward Boimler left his three closest friends on the Cerritos to take an ill-fated stint on the Titan.
It’s been two years since he came back from the Titan with his head hung and his metaphorical tail between his legs.
It’s been a year and a half since Mariner cornered him and told him, drunk and hushed, that she missed him so much it felt like a missing limb.
No Time Like The Present by @lastoneout
If there’s one thing Beckett has learned about Brad Boimler in all the years they’ve been friends, it’s that he has an intense—and frankly worrying—flair for the dramatic. So she isn’t exactly shocked when he decides to confess that he loves her in the middle of a fucking red alert, but that doesn’t mean she’s happy about it.
Love Your Fate (which is in fact your life) by @punk-rock-yuppie
Five out-of-this-world shenanigans that try to get Beckett and Mariner to confront their feelings for each other, and one time these two idiots finally do something about it.
a collapsing star with tunnel vision (but only for you) by @punk-rock-yuppie
The night before Brad transfers to the Titan, he and Beckett have a one night stand.
Of course, everything gets a lot more complicated after that.
Terminal Infatuations by ProdigySorcerer
A collection for my Rutherford/Tendi fics, will have multiple stories, AU, etc.
Future Nostalgia by sprucetree
Various oneshots about Mariner and Boimler.
Chapter 1: Fletcher spills a secret about Boimler. Chapter 2: A Titan mission gone wrong leaves Mariner worried. Chapter 3: Mariner and Boimler prepare for their wedding with all of their friends and family in attendance. What could go wrong?
Who Says You Can't Go Home? by @punk-rock-yuppie
Brad knows how his reunion with Mariner will go: not well.
Spoiler alert: Brad is wrong.
Delicate by sprucetree
Various oneshots about Tendi and Rutherford.
Chapter 1: Tendi and Rutherford both work well as friends, sure. But are either of them ready to make the jump to being a couple? Chapter 2: After the accident, Rutherford wakes up.
Maybe, Perhaps, Almost by @punk-rock-yuppie
It's a tragedy, the way our story goes: maybe, perhaps, almost.
Mindless in a Worthwhile Way by @punk-rock-yuppie
Beckett and Brad's first date on Earth goes a little awry.
I'm also here to shamelessly promo my own fics.
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ackerslut · 3 years
Two Bisexuals Are Your Co-Captains
“I solved racism,” Mariner says, kicking open the ready room door. This should not be physically possible, as doors have progressed past the need to be opened, and are, in fact, automatic.
Boimler, whose face is currently one with the synthetic wooden desk, gives her a thumbs up but doesn’t move beyond that.
“Okay, I lied, I didn’t solve racism,” Mariner admits. “It’s still a problem in our galaxy. But, I did solve our captain problem!” she tries. This does get Boimler to remove his face from it’s fixture on the desk.
“You did?” he blinks up at her, creases in his face from where it had been smooshed against the hard surface.
Mariner dumps an honest-to-god paper file on his desk. “Check it out, twink.”
Boimler swipes the file, frowning as nothing happens when he taps it. Mariner helps him out, flipping the cover over. “So there’s this really nifty rule back from like 2039 that allows for two acting captains to co-pilot the ship simultaneously.”
“Are you serious?” Boimler groans.
“As Legato Infection,” Mariner confirms. “It was apparently instated for missions where the crew is like. Separated or some shit and need more than one captain coordinating. Because Starfleet was also part of the air force for a while, co-captains were basically just co-pilots. Like this was a whole thing. But it got overwritten with the First Officer Act of 2048 that instated First Officers as a fill in instead of a co-captain, able to make decisions and delegate, but it was never technically outlawed. Meaning…”
“We could technically take advantage of the loophole and-”
“Co-Captains!” Mariner punches the air. “You know what this means?”
Boimler blinks at her blankly. Beckett applauds herself over the alliteration, as she throws an arm over his shoulder. “It’s our ship,” she whispers dramatically, already envisioning the communist flags with selfies of her and Boimler printed on them.
“Or it could just be your ship,” Boimler says, fear in his eyes.
Beckett grabs his collar, dragging him up to eye level. “Our ship.”
“Beckett no,” Freeman says flatly. Ever since The Incident--the one where the ship was overrun with the Pakleds that took out the entirety of senior command--she’s been in medbay, wrapped up in so many bandages she looks like a mummy from one of those really old movies Boimler is obsessed with.
“Beckett yes ,” Mariner says, taking a slurp of her cherry limeade slurpee. “You named me First Officer!”
“Then why does Boimler-”
“Ransom also named him First Officer!”
“So your brain jumped to Co-Captains ?” Mariner can’t see her mom’s expression, but from her squinty eyes she’s pretty sure it’s disapproving. “That is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of.”
“You can’t call your daughter dumb!” Mariner throws her hands up in the air.
“Mariner, you’re dumb.”
“That’s against parent rules! Everything I do is supposed to be a fucking delight!”
Freeman turns her judgy eyes to Boimler, who had been staring off into the middle distance, probably traumatized by all of the shrieking the mother and daughter duo had been doing since they entered medbay. Whatever, it’s not Mariner’s fault that her mom’s kneejerk reaction to her daughter charging into medbay with a bat'leth and no shirt on was to shriek like a goddamn banshee.
“You know what,” Freeman says, eyes locked on Boimler. “I’m already having a bad fucking week. Go ahead, make it worse I dare you .”
“We absolutely will do that,” Beckett promises, crossing her heart.
“ ATTENTION ALL PERSONAL ,” Mariner says, over the ship’s speakers. D’Vana, from her position at the First Officer’s station, gives her a Disappointed Look. Mariner gives her a thumbs up back.
“Mariner, what are you doing?” Boimler says, storming onto the Bridge. Mariner, who had hacked the Bridge speakers to play Demi Lovato’s Confident every time Boimler entered, is pleased to note that nobody had figured out how to turn that off yet. Unfortunately for her, however, Boimler didn’t recognize his girlboss powers, and had been yelling at her every time it happened.
“I’m letting the ship know about our change in command, oh Co-Captain of mine,” Mariner says over the booming bass and Demi Lovato’s dulcet tones. In the corner of her eye, the vulcan side character that everyone thought was a Cool Guy, bopped his head to the music.
Boimler sighs, pressing his palms into his eyes. “So we’re actually doing this?”
“Dude, I already made us friendship jackets. That shit had a no refunds policy.” She pulls a leather jacket that had been draped over their helmsman's head--bad for ship navigation, but good for dramatic effect--and throws it at Boimler. Boimler unfolds the pink monstrosity, sighing deeply at the neon-yellow glitter words Gatekeep Girlboss Gaslight emblazoned on the back.
“Is this really necessary?”
“It’s ABSOLUTELY necessary,” Mariner says, standing up. She turns around, showing Boimler her purple jacket which says Malewife Mansplain Manipulate in snot-green glitter.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW DOES THAT MATCH.” Her voice echoes strangely, alerting her to the fact that the shipwide comms are still in use. She reaches over, flicking the switch off and turns back to Boimler, hands on her hips. “Is this an anxiety thing again? Do you need to go back on medication?”
“I don’t need to be on meds!”
“Then why won’t you wear our super secret special jackets!”
“Because mine is hot pink and says girlboss on the back!”
Mariner lets out a gasp. “Are you saying... Boimler are you adhering to GENDER ROLES?”
“No-no stop it -”
“You! You of ALL PEOPLE-”
“Mariner, cut it out!”
Boimler pulls the jacket on so violently that he somehow elbows himself in the eye. The pink really does go with his hair-which Mariner knows for a fact he dyes himself every three weeks. “There! Happy?”
“So so happy.” Mariner hands him a martini from the tray she had brought in and nailed to the arm of the captain’s chair. The one she hands to Boimler has a rainbow umbrella in it. “So, first order of business. I think we need car seats for short people.”
“Excuse me.”
Mariner picks up her own martini glass and takes a chug, choking on the strawberry chunks she had grinded into it a few minutes before Boimler got here. “You know, car seats? That shit you put babies in because cars are a danger to humanity but we keep buying them? I think the shorties on this ship deserve some protection.”
Boimler drains his glass. “Fine, whatever, I don’t even care anymore.”
Mariner is commissioning the previously mentioned communist flags with hers and Boimler’s faces printed on them, when Tendi comes into the ready room. She is wearing the face of complete and utter defeat that everyone else had been wearing since the Co-Captains had been instated. Mariner insists it’s because they’re sad that she and Boimler wouldn’t get to be captains forever. Boimler says it’s because everyone’s writing their suicide notes to their familes.
“Mariner, we need to talk,” Tendi says, using the opening line to every break up Mariner’s been a part of and seen on tv. Which is really weird because she didn’t think she and Tendi were in a relationship.
“I’m all ears,” Mariner says, which is a dumb fucking line because clearly she isn’t , but people say that all the time.
“I don’t want to be your First Officer,” Tendi says, crossing her arms. “It was fun for the first week, but after you made it mandatory to do the Macarena during the first ten minutes of each hour, morale has been down.”
“Hmm,” Mariner pets Boimler’s therapy cat, Dishwasher, thoughtfully. “Okay, I’ll make that one optional. Any other requests?”
Tendi sighs. “No,” she admits. “To be honest, the ship is running at 98%, which is the highest any ship in Starfleet has ever run. I think Brad orgasmed when he heard about that.”
“You call him Brad ?” Mariner stares up at her friend, aghast.
“That’s his name?”
“Yeah, and his cat’s name is Dishwasher , but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to call her that!” Dishwasher growls at her name. Mariner shushes her, hands clamped over her ears. “She turns into a murder-rage machine when you call her by her given name! How do we know Boimler isn’t the same?”
“Because I call him Brad all the time!” Tendi hisses back, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Oh my god, he’s probably serial killing as we speak. I hope you’re ready to talk to the victim’s families and let them know that their loved one’s died because you couldn’t help yourself.”
Tendi stares at Mariner for a full minute. “Resignation,” she reiterates, pointing at Mariner. “I want to be a gross ensign scrubbing the deck again. Nepotism sucks .”
“Fine, you’re demoted. Go enjoy mediocrity.”
“I will.” Tendi storms out, kicking the door shut. Which again, is completely, 100% impossible because it’s the 23rd century or whatever-Mariner’s not keeping count-and automatic doors are now a Thing.
Mariner hacks their speaker systems to play the Wii Shop Channel Music-a reliac of the past only alluded to on private groupchats and servers- to play whenever Tendi entered a room. It’s the least she could do.
“As your First Officer,” a reluctant Rutherford says reluctantly, “I am here to remind you that that would be a very bad idea .”
“Rutherford, who’s the boss around here?” Mariner asks, hands on her hips.
Rutherford sighs. “You.”
“And as the boss, who makes all the decisions around here?”
Another sigh. “ You .”
“Then why are you being a killjoy over my decision to get down and dirty with my Co-Captain?”
Rutherford makes a shriek-y noise, like those boys who got their testicles cut off in the old days so they could sing opera. “Mariner, I’m serious, don’t do it .”
“Is it against regulation?”
“No,” Rutherford groans. “You’re both the same rank-”
“So what’s the problem?”
“You can’t sleep with Boimler just because you can!”
“That’s not why I’m going to sleep with Boimler,” Mariner waves him off. “I was sitting on his lap the other day-”
“Oh my god -”
“-in the Captain's chair--ooh we should look into getting another one of those, TWO chairs are better than one--”
“Mariner, to the point please.”
“Oh, yeah, so I’m in his lap and I maay have backed up a little too far and bumped up against-”
“Stop literally stop .”
“Yeah, so turns out Boimler is PACKING and I gotta hop on that train, so to speak.”
“Okay, you know what?” Rutherford shoves his padd at Mariner. “I quit, I can’t do this. I want to be a lower decks ensign again.”
“Wow, you’re like, the seventeenth person this week to quit. Which, coincidentally, is exactly how long I’ve been captain.”
“Yeah, weird coincidence,” Rutherford deadpans.
“I may have fucked up, Mom,” Mariner shrieks, waltzing into medbay with all the grace of a duck pulling off a white bread heist. “I think you should take captaincy back.”
Freeman, who had fully recovered two days ago, but refused to engage in the chaos Mariner was purposely causing on her ship, looks up from where she’s reclining with her long island ice tea and swimwear magazines. “Really now?”
“ Yes . All of my friends hate me and I found out Boimler has purple pubs.”
Freeman almost drops her drink. “ What .”
“Tell me about it. Don’t get me wrong, we’re still fucking, but like. Wow, I thought he dyed everything. Turns out that shit is natural.”
Freeman covers her face with one hand. “No.”
“No, you’re keeping the ship.”
“I already spoke to your father,” Freeman gives her daughter a shark-like smile. “We agreed that this position of authority has been good for you. And, considering, the ship is running better than any ship in Starfleet since the inception of the Federation, the Admiralty wants you and Boimler to stay on.”
“ WHAT .”
“They think it’s an interesting social experiment that merits more research. Congratulations, you and your fuck-buddy are now ginnypigs.”
“I think, as a sign of protest, we should rename the ship,” Mariner says, draped across the desk in the ready room. Boimler, sprawled out all over the desk chair, snorts. The room has been completely revamped in pride flags and the previously mentioned communist flags. Mariner thinks it’s her best interior design work, but Boimler claims it’s an eyesore.
“What would we name it?” he asks, humoring her.
Mariner considers it, taking a swig of vodka. “Okay, hear me out. Q and Picard’s Loveboat.”
Boimler grabs the bottle out of her hand, taking a chug. “You know what? This might as well happen.”
They submit the formal request on Boimler’s padd a few minutes later and are both pleasantly-at least in Mariner’s case-surprised that it goes through. It’s likely that the guy in charge of filtering these requests is either very very bored or very very underpaid and either way Mariner likes his energy.
A few days later, they have Q AND PICARD’S LOVEBOAT stamped across the side of the ship in comic sans-a truly underappreciated font from ye olden days that Mariner dug up one night on the wayback machine.
It takes exactly four weeks for the Admiralty to catch wind of it-by then she and Boimler had been Co-Captains for almost two months-and, well, there isn’t much they can do about it.
She does receive a rather long voicemail from her dad that she promptly deletes. She’s not about that energy.
“Boims, Boims, Boims,” Mariner chants, crawling into his bed. Boimler lets out a shriek as her ice cold toes slide up against his bare thigh.
“So you know how our ship got renamed so easily?” she says, once Boimler had stopped screaming. “Well, I found the dude who approved it. Nice kid, I want his gender. Anyway, looks like my dad is getting a new ship and they're getting someone to christen it.”
“Oh my god,” Boimler says faintly, turning his face into his pillow.
“I may have gotten us on the list of possible people to christen it. As in, the kid hacked the server for me and we're the only people on that list.”
Boimler looks like he's regretting everything ever. He also looks like he's kind of in love with her. Mariner inspires that kind of duality in people. “What are we going to name it?” his voice has a tinge of fear in it that both of them get off on. The kink is strong with this couple.
Mariner grins.
Ash H. Beiggs
Many of you may remember the highly criticized decision Starfleet made when instating “Co-Captains” on the starship Q and Picard’s Loveboat ( formally known as the USS CERRITOS). Well, Captains Bradward P. Boimler and Beckett E. Mariner are back with bigger and bolder headlines to make.
The chaotic young duo are renowned Federation-wide not only for running the tightest ship in Starfleet, but for their unorthodox methods. Captain Mariner in particular has been praised for her innovating thinking and usual personality. When asked about her decision to name Admiral Mariner’s ship The Dadmiral she simply claimed that “Mohammad had his mountain, Jesus had his followers and [she] had a molotov cocktail and nothing to lose.” Captain Boimler declined to comment.
The actual christening of The Dadmiral was reported as a “spectacle to behold” by many onlookers. Captain Mariner was seen streaking through the aforementioned ship, with a bottle of vodka in one hand. Her Co-Captain was not far behind her, but was reportably more restrained. The actual christening was completed by Captain Mariner who “yeeted the vodka” into the ships warp core, shouting “ One of us. One of us,” in rapid succession until she was removed by security.
Neither Admiral Mariner or Captain Freeman are available to comment at this time.
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ackerslut · 3 years
Brad is not a naturally suspicious guy. That’s not to say that he easily trusts, per say. He does, however, end up in situations that Mariner would have easily avoided with the same amount of information as him. 
“Street smarts,” she’d told him once. 
“Shut up,” he’d said back.
or, the Cerritos takes on a mission with Starfleet's newly minted flagship. Shenanigans and angst follow.
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ackerslut · 3 years
“When are you gonna give Beck one of these ridiculously outdated things?” Sam asks, waving his glass around to generally indicate wedding. 
Brad shifts uneasily in his chair. “What, a wedding?” He laughs, voice a pitch higher than usual. “You know, you’re not the first person to bring that up.” He tilts his glass, eyes glued to the sparkling blue liquid in it. “Do you think she actually wants one of these things?” 
“I think she wouldn’t mind being married,” Sam replies with a shrug. “Don’t know about the swans and vegan rolls though.” 
  5 Times Brad Doesn't Ask Beckett to Marry Him And One Time He Does
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