#story time with sair
aholefilledwithtwigs · 2 months
I once had a landlord offhandedly mention that his mother had set this house on fire before. He and his wife lived on the first floor, and i rented the third.
Apparently his mom didn’t like his wife. So she set their house on fire. The house i was living in.
He assured me that everything was fine now and that this was years ago, just kinda laughed, smiled, and said ‘You know how moms are’
Yes. I know how moms are. I know how fucked up moms are as well. I have known many fucked up moms and fellow children of fucked up moms.
Attempted murder through arson is not typical mom behavior, even for a fucked up abusive mom
Oh, and his mother lived next door 🙃
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idollete · 6 days
– 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮.   ⋆ ˚。 𖹭
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𝑤arnings: conteúdo exclusivo para +18.
ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ richard ríos!ficante; br!core; rivalidade masculina; rivalidade no futebol (palmeiras x flamengo); participação especial do arrascaeta (vide o tópico anterior rsrsrsrsrsrs); alguns termos do futebol (a maioria é só posições); hate sex; manhandling; possessividade; degradação (uso de ‘piranha’, ‘burrinha’, ‘putinha’); oral (masc.); spit kink; rough sex; chocking; face fucking; um tapinha no rosto; public sex; sexo desprotegido (e em hipotese alguma façam o que acontece nessa fic!!!!!!!!); dirty talk; penetração anal.
idollete’s typing… ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. flamenguistas eu amo vcs tá mas vou dar uma esculachada aqui para propósitos bucetisticos não mi matem pls, adoro vcs 🩷 e vou fingir SIM que o palmeiras ganhou de goleada hj porque a vida de uma garota não é nada sem delírios inocentes. also eu não revisei ainda, então ignorem possíveis errinhos tá mwah e boa semana pra vcs
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Quando o árbitro deu o apito final, Richard já estava partindo como um tornado em direção ao vestiário. Ele estava puto.
E não era porque o time perdeu. Não. O Palmeiras havia dado uma goleada no Flamengo, com direito a gol do próprio Ríos. A raiva dele, porém, não era aleatória. Ela tinha nome, sobrenome e usava uma camisa com um 14 atrás. Você estava ficando com o fodido do Arrascaeta, é sério isso?! Ele nem era um meio campista tão bom assim.
Richard havia te flagrado antes mesmo do jogo começar. Te viu entrar pela porta dos fundos do Allianz juntamente com diversas outras namoradas, mulheres e familiares de jogadores. A mesma entrada que ele já tinha te cedido, onde te viu trajar a camisa dele cheia de orgulho, o manto esverdeado. E agora você estava usando uma porra rubro-negra? Nem fodendo. Isso não iria ficar barato.
Só precisou mexer uns pauzinhos para descobrir quem exatamente deu o seu nome e liberou a tua entrada, não quis acreditar a princípio, mas, ao ver o nome nas suas costas, foi impossível negar.
Dia de clássico era sempre agitado, todos entravam ao campo eufóricos, famintos pela vitória, pois sabiam que o significado era especial. O ganhador entra para a história. Mas Richard tinha uma motivação extra naquela partida. Marcou o uruguaio o jogo inteiro, trocaram farpas, receberam cartões amarelos, carrinhos, canetas. Tudo que tinham direito e que fazia parte do bom e velho futebol.
Em um dado momento, a situação se escalou. Depois de levar uma trombada, Arrascaeta se aproveitou para murmurar no ouvido de Ríos “vacilou, mano, perdeu uma gostosa daquelas…Ela ficava toda safada contigo também? Ou você não aguentava o pique?”. O colombiano perdeu o controle de si mesmo, partiu para cima, os peitorais musculosos se batiam, os narizes se encostando, murmurando ofensas um ao outro.
Richard te faria pagar por isso.
Não foi difícil te encontrar no estacionamento, encostada no carro, só a pose o enfureceu ainda mais por aquele não ser o veículo dele. Enquanto se aproximava, não perdia a pose. Muito pelo contrário, parecia ficar mais arrogante cada vez que chegava perto. Marrento, nariz empinado, cabelos ainda úmidos pós-ducha, brinquinho prateado reluzente e a jaqueta esportiva eram o combo que sempre te derreteu.
Seria uma grande mentira dizer que você foi pega de surpresa pela aparição dele. Não, era o que você queria, afinal, certo? Pegando o rival, dormindo na cama do inimigo, aparecendo no estádio dele, mas usando a camisa de outro. Você sabia exatamente o sequência de eventos que seria desencadeada com uma simples ação.
Richard não sabia, mas você queria fazê-lo pagar também.
Quando o viu no fundo dos stories de uma garota aleatória, cercado de outras mulheres, festejando segundos depois de te mandar um “tô indo dormir, gatinha, mó cansaço. Boa noite e dorme bem”, com coração vermelho e tudo, você decidiu que havia cansado dos joguinhos de Richard Ríos e que agora era a sua vez de sair por cima.
Não foi nada difícil atrair um certo uruguaio para os seus encantos, com algumas curtidas no Instagram e dm’s inusitadas, Arrascaeta já estava comendo na sua mão, te chamando para todos os jogos e jurando que iria te apresentar para a mãe. A companhia não era ruim, pelo contrário. Mas ele era só uma pecinha no teu jogo de vingança.
Por isso, não fez nem questão de esconder o sorrisinho petulante para o Ríos, irônica ao parabenizá-lo pela partida, “caneta bonita, uma pena que ele te deu um carrinho depois”, não precisou dizer nomes, ambos sabiam quem era o ele em questão, “mas acho que é o justo, né? Os dois queriam a bola e só um podia ter…”, brincava com as palavras sem nunca perder o brilhinho perverso nos olhos, quase desafiando o homem diante de si a reagir diante do que ouvia, “ele devia estar com mais vontade”.
Richard te media da cabeça aos pés, o desgosto palpável ao encarar a blusa de time vermelha e preta, o shortinho que mal cobria as coxas, a maquiagem suave, destacando os lábios brilhantes com o gloss. Com uma risada de escárnio, ele cruzou os braços na frente do peito, percorrendo o interior da boca com a pontinha da língua, costume de quando estava muito puto.
– ‘Tá querendo virar maria-chuteira ou o que, hm? – Direto, foi a primeira coisa que ele te disse. – Vou te encontrar em todos os meus jogos agora com um cara diferente?
– Hmph…Não sei, ‘tô testando minhas opções. – Numa pose indiferente, você deu de ombros, sorrindo mais maldosa ao continuar. – Que nem você.
– Então, é por isso? Ficou putinha porque me viu na festa dos caras e resolveu se vingar de mim. – Richard nem se esforçava para inventar uma desculpa, era canalha ao ponto de não dar a mínima por ter mentido para ti, a expressão relaxada entregava tudo. – Isso é feio, ‘cê sabe, usar uma pessoa assim…
– Nossa, Richard, nem tudo é sobre você… – Revirando os olhos, você reclamou, na sua melhor faceta de atriz. – Ai, olha, não ‘tô com tempo ‘pra papo. Mas aproveitando que ‘cê tá por aqui, sabe me dizer se o Gio já saiu? Fiquei preocupada com ele. – Com o seu teatrinho, observou o sorriso do homem se transformar em uma carranca ao ouvir o apelido, que ele considerou a coisa mais ridícula que ouviu na vida. – Ele não gosta de perder, é muito competitivo. O bom é que eu sei direitinho como melhorar o ânimo dele.
Agora era você quem sorria vitoriosa, o cantinho dos lábios se curvando com maldade, sem vergonha alguma de insinuar que o remédio para um jogador frustrado era um bom chá. Quando pensou em prosseguir, foi surpreendida com o toque bruto de Richard te puxando pelo cotovelo, te trazendo para perto, grosseiro ao apertar os dedos contra a sua pele sensível, fazendo com que você soltasse um gemidinho dengoso de dor.
– Escuta aqui, piranha. – A voz era ríspida, sussurrada com raiva. – Você vai terminar o que quer que seja essa merda com ele hoje. – Richard não pedia, nunca. Ele sempre mandava, prepotente, acostumado a ter tudo que quer. – Não quero te ver aqui e nem usando essa porra de camisa de novo. – Ele era intimidante daquele jeito, pairando sobre ti no estacionamento deserto, prensando o seu corpinho contra o carro, te fazendo sentir todos os músculos tensos e rígidos.
– Ou o que?! – Você desafiou, porque se Richard queria jogar dessa forma, você também sabia como vencer. – ‘Cê não me manda, garoto, não é meu dono, não. – Atrevida, empinou o nariz. – Me solta, cara, vai caçar alguma puta ‘pra comer.
A risadinha que ele te deu foi sombria, como se os pensamentos mais sujos estivessem passando pela cabeça dele naquele instante e, só para te contrariar, o aperto dele ficou mais forte, as duas mãos agora te mantendo paradinha onde ele queria. Richard se aproximou do teu rostinho, roçando um nariz no outro, as respirações se chocavam e bastava só um pouquinho de esforço para que os lábios se tocassem também. Não preciso caçar puta, quando tenho a minha favorita bem aqui na minha frente, foi o que ele disse em um sussurro arrastado, pressionando o quadril contra o teu, te fazendo sentir o caralho duro através da bermudinha fina.
Richard sabia como te amolecer, conhecia cada cantinho do teu corpo, como você gostava de ser tratada feito uma bonequinha, te receber ordens, de ficar toda magoadinha. Ele sabia de todos os seus segredinhos mais sujos e realizava as suas fantasias mais profanas.
Virando o rosto, temendo ceder rápido demais nas mãos dele, você murmurou, incomodada, pedindo que ele te soltasse de novo, dessa vez mais assertiva, poderia facilmente ter pedido para ele te apertar mais daquele jeito. Te roubando a atenção, a destra espremeu tuas bochechas, fazendo com que você encarasse o semblante cínico, que caçoava do quão indefesa você parecia naquele instante. Seus olhinhos se derretiam pouco a pouco, tornando-se suplicantes, carentes por ele.
– Vem aqui, na minha casa, no meu estádio, se exibindo com a porra de outro cara, usa a camisa dele, me pergunta se eu sei onde ele ‘tá, que vai resolver o estresse dele por ser um jogador de merda. Vai fazer o que, hein? Vai dar ‘pra ele? Deixar ele te comer que nem eu fazia, hm? – As palavras eram praticamente cuspidas, saíam exasperadas, duras. – Deixa eu te lembrar de uma coisa que a sua cabeça burrinha parece ter esquecido… – A palma desceu pelo seu tronco, parando no meio das suas pernas, cobrindo todo o seu sexo e pressionando-o por cima do jeans. – Isso aqui é só meu ‘pra destruir.
– Vai se foder. – Seus argumentos estavam perdidos e isso era tudo que você poderia dizer com segurança.
– Pode me odiar, mas eu aposto que se eu colocar a mão aqui dentro vou encontrar a sua bucetinha prontinha ‘pra mim. – Ele fazia menção de invadir o seu short, aumentando a pressão do toque, quase te arrancando um chorinho manhoso. – Já deve ‘tá se melando toda. Feito a cadelinha que você é, sempre pronta ‘pra levar pica.
– Eu te odeio. – Você realmente o odiava, odiava como ele conseguia te desarmar com tanta facilidade, como o seu corpo reagia tão imediatamente ao mínimo contato.
– Ótimo. Porque eu te odeio também. – E ele de fato odiava, odiava como você mexia com a cabeça dele, como o deixava puto de ciúmes a troco de nada. – Ajoelha. – Mas Richard também amava o quão obediente você era. – Cansei de ouvir a sua voz irritante.
Te teve de joelhos em questão de segundos, visivelmente afetada com o jeitinho mandão, beirando o arrogante, e a maneira com que ele te degradava até mesmo com o olhar. E como uma boa garota, você entreabriu os lábios ao observá-lo desfazer o nó da bermuda, abaixando-a até os calcanhares e fazendo o pau teso saltar no seu rostinho. Juntando um bocado de saliva, Richard cuspiu na sua boquinha, rindo ao notar o seu desespero para engolir tudo, como se ele tivesse te dado um presentinho. Colocando a língua para fora, em um pedido mudo, você apenas o encarou de olhinhos brilhantes.
O colombiano bateu a cabecinha contra o músculo quente algumas vezes, não ficando só ali e maltratando as suas bochechas também, manchando todo o rosto bonitinho com o líquido viscoso que vazava aos pouquinhos, causando estalos molhados. Faminta, você tentava engolir, guardar um tiquinho na boca, com saudades do estrago que ele fazia. Ganhou um tapa por isso, seguido de um “fica quieta”, a bochecha ardia pela força e você se sentia suja porque o seu buraquinho pulsava, melando toda a calcinha, com o tratamento que ele te dava.
Richard te domou pelos fios, puxando com brutalidade e te pegando desprevenida ao deslizar toda a extensão pelos seus lábios, não te dando tempo para se acostumar, começando a foder a sua boca como se estivesse metendo em ti por outro lugar. A exposição te excitava ainda mais, a ideia de que a qualquer segundo o seu encontro poderia te flagrar daquele jeito, com outro homem. O homem sentia o mesmo, igualmente afetado pelo barulhinho dos seus engasgos ao redor do pau dele, pelos olhinhos cheios d’água a cada vez que ele tocava a sua garganta.
Era tão selvagem que fazia o seu corpo ir para trás com o impacto, mas ele nunca te deixava escapar, te prendia no lugar e se curvava sobre ti, fazendo com que você o levasse ainda mais fundo, te impedia de respirar e só parava quando suas mãozinhas desesperadas apertavam as coxas definidas. A essa altura, a sua maquiagem estava uma completa bagunça, o rímel escorria e o gloss havia se espalhado por todos os cantos. O colombiano sorriu cheio de luxúria e sarcasmo quando te viu fungar baixinho, toda afetadinha e desorientada pelos movimentos repentinos, porém isso não o impediu de se colocar para dentro de novo, no mesmo ritmo.
– Precisa aprender qual é o seu lugar. – De cima, ele te encarava com superioridade, o maxilar cerrado e o olhar carregado em uma mistura de tesão e ódio. – E é só assim que você lembra, né? Quando tem um pau te fodendo em algum buraquinho. – Os sons das estocadas se misturavam com os gemidos arrastados dele, com os carros cortando pela estrada e com os seus choramingos. – Acho que eu preciso te comer mais vezes, até te fazer lembrar que você é a minha putinha.
Quando o orgasmo se aproximou, os movimentos do homem se tornaram ainda mais sedentos, certeiros ao alcançar a sua garganta, desesperados pelo alívio. Ele te usava da maneira mais suja possível, feito uma bonequinha de foda, maltratava a sua boquinha no puro egoísmo, gozando em um gemido rouco e se afastando bruscamente, fazendo toda a porra branquinha respingar na tua camisa, manchando o manto rubro-negro com o gozo dele. A mensagem era clara; aquele era o território dele.
Enquanto você se recuperava, Richard tirava a mochila das costas, puxando de lá uma camisa nova e mais importante ainda, uma camisa dele. Quando você se levantou, limpando o cantinho da boca com as costas da mão, tudo que ele fez foi apontar para o seu tronco, o semblante impassível ao te mandar tirar a blusa, repetindo a ordem com mais ênfase diante da sua inércia, ainda em choque com o que tinha acabado de acontecer.
– Richard…O que você vai fazer? – Temerosa, você questionou ao entregar a peça, vendo-o estendê-la no capô do carro do uruguaio. – Puta que…Você é louco.
– Um presentinho ‘pra ele. ‘Pra ele nunca esquecer com quem ele ‘tá mexendo. – Te encarando novamente, ele te deu uma nova roupa, sem nem disfarçar o ego. – Ou você realmente achava que eu iria te comer com aquilo no seu corpo?
Aproximando-se de ti novamente, ele te cercou, sorrindo vaidoso ao observar o alviverde brilhar na tua pele, poderia jurar que você até mesmo ficava mais bonita daquela cor, no entanto, a fúria falava mais alto. Te pegando pela nuca, apertando os fios contra os dedos, ele fez menção de que iria te beijar, sem nunca o fazer de fato. Não, você não merecia, era o que ele pensava, mas isso não o impedia de te torturar com isso.
A provocação de mais cedo ainda ecoava na cabeça de Richard, fazia o sangue dele borbulhar com a imagem de você com outra pessoa, com a insinuação feita pelo uruguaio. Com somente um dos braços, ele te virou de costas, vergando a sua coluna para frente até que o seu rosto estivesse pressionado no metal gelado, de frente para a camisa, sem te deixar esquecer da sujeira que fizeram.
Em um puxão, seu short estava embolado no seus calcanhares juntamente com a calcinha, fazendo as suas perninhas espremerem uma na outra, sentindo o centro pulsar violentamente em expectativa. O polegar pressionou o botãozinho sensível, esfregando com lentidão, espalhando todo o seu melzinho pela região, ameaçando deslizar para dentro e saciar a vontade que tomava conta de todo o teu âmago.
– ‘Tá tão molhadinha, olha isso… – O tom zombeteiro te fazia encolher, choramingar. – É tudo de vontade de dar ‘pra mim, né? De ficar com pau socado até o talo nessa buceta apertada.
Segurando o cacete com uma das mãos, Richard deslizou a cabecinha desde o seu clitóris até a entradinha, que piscou imediatamente, quase como se pretendesse sugá-lo para dentro. Ele pressionava, fazia que iria te encher, te arrancava gemidos e suspiros em deleite, retesando ao sentir o molhadinho da saliva pingar no seu buraquinho mais apertado. O dígito subiu até alcançar o local, trazendo a sua lubrificação junto, deixando bem babadinho para que você o recebesse.
– Mas não é isso que você merece. – A pressão te fez derreter, completamente tontinha quando a pontinha do pau começou a te alargar de pouquinho em pouquinho. – Não, eu vou socar tudo nesse seu rabinho. Até você não aguentar mais. – As palavras pareciam acompanhar a velocidade com que ele deslizava no teu interior. – E eu vou te devolver ‘pro seu namoradinho novo trocando as pernas do tanto que levou pau.
Bruto, Richard te pegou o cabelo, puxando-os até que o seu tronco estivesse suspenso no ar, sem levantar o suficiente para que pudesse enxergar o 27 nas suas costas. Seus murmúrios saíam misturados com frases desconexas, quase em um chorinho quando ficou cheinha dele por trás. Um gritinho escapou dos seus lábios quando o colombiano saiu do seu interior e te preencheu de uma só vez, empurrando o quadril contra a sua bunda empinada em movimentos rápidos e firmes, forte e fundo.
– Cala a boca, porra. – Vociferou no pé do teu ouvido, tampando a sua boca com a mão livre. – Engole esse gemido de cadela no cio, porque se alguém vier aqui eu vou te comer ‘pra quem quiser ver. – A palma espremia o seu rostinho, cobria a sua boca e um pouquinho do nariz, te roubava o ar de um jeito que fazia o seu corpo estremecer com o prazer. – Mas ‘cê é tão suja que aposto que gostaria disso. – Os sonidos das peles se chocando denunciavam todo o ato, por mais que os gemidos fossem contidos, a velocidade só aumentava o barulho. – Tenho certeza de que gozaria na hora se ele aparecesse aqui e descobrisse que você ‘tá dando o cuzinho ‘pra mim.
Afetada, você tentou chamar o nome do colombiano, perdida no próprio prazer, impossibilitada de completar sentenças lógicas. O seu corpo se entregava para ele, recebia todo o prazer, o ciúmes e o calor, tão ensopada que fazia escorrer pelas coxas, uma completa bagunça. Em um ritmo alucinante, o colombiano te fodia como se te odiasse, repetindo a frase no pé do teu ouvido, segredando, te desafiando a dizer que o odiava também. Selvagens, primitivos, viciados.
E nesse jogo de ódio, entre fazer um ou o outro pagar, os dois acabavam ganhando.
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the-fae-folk · 1 year
What do you know about kelpies? And other creaturea like them?
The sheer amount of information there is about Kelpies has filled entire books, and to include in the discussion all the other variants of water dwelling beings who drown their victims would be a scholarly pursuit that would last lifetimes.
However, I shall attempt to give you a place to begin with.
Kelpies are a kind of water spirit that in Scottish Folklore was thought to inhabit lochs. Loch was a word which meant lake or sea-inlet in Scottish Gaelic, though some lochs could also be referred to as firths, fjords, estuaries, straits, or bays depending on the exact nature of the body of water. These lochs, when they were connected to the sea, could be saltwater or freshwater.
These water creatures are traditionally described as being a kind of horse, which is often black. There was one particular story involving the equine spirit from the River Spey in Scottland who had a white coat and would lure victims on its back with its song. Another version, this time from Aberdeeneshire, a council area in Scottland, depicted the Kelpie as having a mane of serpents.
However in many stories Kelpies are thought to have the power of transformation. They can often take the form of humans in order to complete tasks or lure in victims. One such story depicts a kelpie in the guise of an old, wrinkled, grey haired man who is sitting on the edge of a dyke and mending his trousers. A knock on the head from a knowledgeable passerby caused it to return to its horse shape and flee into the water. Other stories depict the kelpie as taking the form of a rough and shaggy man. A folktale from Barra, an island in the Outer Hebrides in Scottland, actually depicts the Kelpie transforming into a young and handsome man in order to woo a human girl into being his wife. Amusingly, this doesn't work quite as intended when the girl recognizes it as a kelpie and removes its silver necklace which turns out to actually be its bridle. Trapped in its equine form the kelpie is taken to the home of the girl and put to work for a year for her father. At the end of the year, she returns the silver bridle and asks if it would prefer human form or horse form, to which the kelpie asks whether she would consent to be its bride if it took the form of a man permanently, she agrees and they are married.
Very few stories of the Kelpies actually depict them as women, though one rather notable one set in Ross and Cromarty in Scottland mentions a tall woman in green, with a rather disagreeable expression and a somewhat "withered" body, who jumped out of a stream to drown a man and a boy.
A common way to detect a transformed Kelpie was to look for something that gave away its true nature, such as having water weeds in its hair.
As mentioned before, there are some items that are associated with Kelpies in Folklore, the most notable of which is its tack (saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, and harnesses). Stories involve Kelpies who are captured with a halter stamped with the sign of the cross and put to work pulling heavy millstones or other hard manual labor, something which the Kelpies were notoriously unhappy about. One example is a tale in which the Laird of Morphie forced a captured Kelpie to help build his castle, and upon its release it cursed the family with a rhyme.
"Sair back and sair banes Drivin' the Laird o' Morphies's stanes, The Laird o' Morphie'll never thrive As lang's the kelpy is alive"
(Sore back and sore bones Driving the Lord of Morphie's stones, The Lord of Morphie will never thrive As long as the kelpie is alive)
Other Kelpies were said to already appear with bridle and saddles while in horse form, appearing ready to ride, but upon having a person seated in the saddle they would then dive to the bottom of the nearest body of water and proceed to drown and eat their victim. Some stories depict Kelpies who already possess a bridle who can be exorcised or trapped by removing it. My favorite bit of folklore from these types of stories involves a bridle removed from a Kelpie that has the power to transform anyone else into a pony or horse if it is brandished at them.
On pages LXXXV-LXXXVI of the introduction of "The Popular Tales of The West Highlands", as orally collected and translated from Gaelic by J. F. Campbell , I found that Campbell had gone into an overview of exactly how prominent horses seemed to be in these Gaelic tales. Not only are they plentiful in the tales as ordinary but loyal steeds, there are accounts of people being transformed into horses, horses that have magical abilities or attributes to them, horses which appear as the object of riddles, horses that are given as rewards or prizes, heroes who can take the form of a horse, people who can appear as horses and then turn into men, a horse which in one tale is (oddly) to be hanged as a thief, and horses who can grant wishes. Campbell noted that tales of the Water Horses especially seemed to depict them as being some degraded god, the tales of Kelpies describing them as some kind of river or water god reduced to a bogle (A Northumbrian and Scots term for a category of ghosts or creatures that are known to lure humans to death, unsettle them, or haunt areas) or fuath (a class of malevolent spirits in Scottish Highland Folklore).
Now it is time to look at some of the other beings who are closely related to or similar to the Kelpies. First of these is the Water Horse. Originally this term was used to describe Kelpies themselves, and later expanded to be a general nickname for all kinds of lake monsters and the occasional sea monster. Additionally the term Water Bull has also been used for either Kelpies or Water Horses. Interestingly there are those who attempt to specify the terms Kelpies and Water Horses as referring to beings who dwell in either still water as in lochs, or moving and turbulent water as in rivers and waterfalls. At other times the terms are counted as being synonymous, which causes no end of confusion. Water Bulls, on the other hand, not only is used to refer to the other two groups, but also has a history of referring to an actual bull like creature who can mate with ordinary cattle yet still possesses the amphibious and shapeshifting abilities of the kelpie, as well as being generally considered less dangerous.
A similar horse-like creature is the Nuckelavee, a demon from Orcadian Folklore that cannot abide freshwater but instead lives in the sea and takes on a rather hellish form when coming on land. It is sometimes described as being similar to a centaur, except that it has two heads (one on the man's body and one on the horse's), no skin, a single giant eye that burns like flame, and a mouth that exudes toxic vapors. It was generally considered to be responsible for drought and epidemics as its breath was thought to wilt crops and sicken livestock among other things.
More common to the large varieties of myths and folklore of the Germanic Peoples, are the Nixie, Nixy, Nix, Näcken, Nicor, Nøkk, Nøkken, Nixe, Nikker, Nekker, Nøkke, Nykk, Näck, Nykur, Näkki, Näkk, Nicor, Neck, or Nicker. Under this variety of names they are all depicted as some kind of water spirit, usually with shapeshifting abilities. Sometimes depicted as dragons or worms, other times as female river mermaids, a horse-like creature called the Bäckahästen and another called the Ceffyl Dŵr.
The Nordic näcken, näkki, nøkk were male water spirits who played magical music from violins which could lure in children, men, or women who they could then drown in lakes and streams. There are some stories that depict these spirits falling in love with humans and living with them, but usually they end with the water creature returning to its own home. The German Nix and Nixe are types of river merman and mermaid that lure men to drown, often conflated with the more bird-like Greek Siren.
Of course, not all depictions of water horse spirits and creatures are dangerous beings. The Nuggle, of Shetland Folklore, is a male creature who is nocturnal and more prone to mischief and pranks than actual harm.
There are also countless water spirits of various kinds who don't have horse-like forms or any specific tie to the Kelpie other than the fact that they drown people for a variety of reasons. A good example is the Slavic Vodyanoy, depicted as a naked old man with frog-like features, green beard and hair, webbed hands, burning eyes,  and with algae and muck covering his body along with black fish scales.
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missmewachu · 17 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Oh, Wisy, you're a treasure, thank you SO MUCH for this!! ^.^ I have an absolute WEALTH of music on my Ryou playlist, which I'm now delighted to showcase!! 1. In the Garden by Red Vox This song is the Ryou song to end all Ryou songs- between the lyrics, melody, tone, atmosphere.. Everything about this track tells a tragic story of Ryou's gradual descent into the jungle, Millennium Ring right there tangled in ivy with him. It so perfectly captures all his thoughts, feelings- fears, adjustment, and eventual content being buried so deep in the ground, with the ring, that's all that's left after a long, arduous journey together... If you're a Ryou enjoyer of any kind PLEASE give this track a listen!! 2. The Temple by Red Vox Another Red Vox classic, this one I IMMEDIATELY picture the Dark RPG, Ryou in such a state of desperation to reach out, connect somehow with Bakura, he puts his entire heart into crafting the most intricate stage for the Spirit's final battle- even if he can never have the connection he yearned for, he can at least be sure Bakura will go out in a fireworks display. Again- the lyrics, melody, tone, atmosphere.. All of it captures everything so incredibly perfectly, I'm in awe whenever I listen to this and hear the parallels between Ryou and Bakura. 3. Burnt Out Star by Pond Now for a smoother track.. This one is so delicate and serene, I feel like it reflects so much of Ryou's heart, tender and self-sacrificing, whilst also being so very worn down, of his own volition, and quietly existing in any space he comes to awake in. It's a longer track but goes through so, so many moods and sensations, that which I've just shared is only the first half of the song- the rest is an absolute feast for the ears in its own right. And between that melody, lyrics, mood.. I feel it captures Ryou's essence so very well. 4. Little Dark Age by MGMT Oh, THIS song.. This song was the track that started it all- the very first thing I heard that truly resonated with my Ryou muse.. It's spectral, with a softness amidst the sharp lyrics, and once more, everything contributing to its atmosphere paints the perfect picture of Ryou. Every time I hear it I have such vivid images of Ryou, standing upon a stage, presenting the endless shadows of himself before a stunned Bakura.. And it's CAPTIVATING.....! I really could sing so much more praise for this track, and all the others on this list, but for the sake of keeping it brief I'm holding back, gahaha! 5. Too Sweet by Hozier A recent addition to the playlist- there's so much here again, with the lyrics, mood, atmosphere.. I can't separate this from Ryou if I tried. Ryou of course has an inherent sweetness about him, he cares so deeply for his friends.. Though- if you're daring to peel back enough layers, the sweetness you get is one so potent, pungent, and raw that it's sickening- a syrup that tastes so incredible you fall a victim to its delicious taste, and never leave the forest.. This song I feel captures that realm of Ryou so perfectly~ And that's it!! Of course, I can't share all of this without linking my Ryou playlist- if you've read this far here's your reward, please enjoy for plenty more hand-picked music with such delicious, satiating atmosphere and lyrics!! I've put plenty of love into my Ryou playlist over the months and I'm always adding to it~ ^.^
..Now then, I won't pass this on directly to anyone else- if you're reading this and by chance have music you want to showcase please go ahead! But I can't think of Ryou and music without drawing upon @crush3dmary's incredible Philosophy playlist..! Sair, if you have some recent tracks from it you want to showcase, myself and I'm sure others would be so very eager to hear it~ I personally LOVE what your playlist has done for my own music tastes, casting a net out so far I'm now enjoying such a wealth of songs~ Thank you so much for your incredible playlist!! ^.^
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mindstreason · 2 months
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @devonscroob to find these words:
For a long time Zariel was silent. “I had always known what a sword was for. But I think when we are children, when we learn all those forms and practice all those drills, we think about the stories and the glory. There are all those songs about great heroes. We want to be in one of those. We don’t think about how we will stab the enemy out of fear, just because we want to live. And then later, we will take off our bloody clothes, and wash the blood from our hands and out of our hair. It is not very glorious. I grew up there, I suppose.”
This was the strangest thing that Finch had ever done. He felt every one of the vertebrae in Zariel’s spine. He lay where Zariel had arranged him, utterly incapable of falling asleep, even long after Zariel’s breathing had evened out. After a while, Zariel rolled over onto his stomach, and there was no contact between them at all. Finch could still not sleep. He watched the dark. He watched it begin to turn grey. He listened to the little noises of the house. He listened to Zariel’s breathing, tensing every time his master moved. The strip of light between the curtains turned brighter. He was still wide awake when a sharp rap came on the door.
“My lord,” Danai said softly. “He is cold.” “This is nothing,” Saire said. “You don’t know what true cold is. Look at that little dick. Do you think that could satisfy Zariel?” “I… don’t know, my lord,” Danai answered. She looked at Finch’s face. “And what do you think, boy?” Saire said. Finch took in a breath. He felt awfully sober and increasingly cold. “I think,” he said quietly, “those things are not for me to decide.” In private he could worry about what it was that Zariel desired. It was not done to speak of such thoughts.
It was impossible to be bored and afraid for hours on end. He wondered when he would see his master. He worried if it would go well. It would be different here. But eventually, he was simply tired and hungry, and in another little while he managed to doze off right where he was sitting.
All are from How To Endure The Earth, one of my wips on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26895898
tagging whoever feels like it to find words: sun, morning, winter, dirt
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ennawaky · 2 months
"Então, Brenda para de escrever em seu diário, ela sempre escrevia quanto tinha tempo.
Brenda então se levanta de sua mesa onde estava escrevendo e vai para p banheiro para fazer sua higiene pessoal e se arrumar para sair.
Assim que sai do banheiro já arrumada, Brenda pega seu celular e manda uma mensagem para sua mãe avisando que iria sair com sua amiga, ou melhor, sua paixão de infância. Brenda e Ana são melhores amigas Des das gestações de suas mães, são totalmente inseparáveis, uma sempre ta grudada na outra, mas Brenda sempre sentiu algo a mais pro Ana, mas nunca teve coragem de contar pra sua amiga, ela tinha medo de Ana se afastar dela ou ter algum tipo de preconceito ou algo parecido.
Então, Brenda sai de casa e tranca a porta. O caminho da sorveteria onde elas iriam tomar sorvete não era muito longo, então Brenda decidiu ir andando.
No meio do caminho, havia algumas árvores e um pequeno bosque que era perto de uma floresta, Brenda sempre gostava de parar ali e tirar uma foto dos pássaros na árvore, então, Brenda pega seu celular de sua bolsa, abre a câmera, mira nos pássaros e tira a foto. Brenda então guarda seu celular e segue o caminho."
Spoiler do comecinho da história da Brenda para vocês!! Quero ver as teorias do que vai acontecer depois dessa foto hein hein, mas lembrando que até a versão final da história, eu posso mudar o começo dela, então levem esse posto como uma Demo 😊✨
"So, Brenda stops writing in her diary, she always wrote whenever she had time.
Brenda then gets up from her desk where she was writing and goes to the bathroom to do her personal hygiene and get ready to go out.
As soon as she leaves the bathroom already dressed, Brenda takes out her cell phone and sends a message to her mother telling her that she was going out with her friend, or rather, her childhood crush. Brenda and Ana are best friends Since their mothers' pregnancies, they are totally inseparable, one is always attached to the other, but Brenda always felt something extra for Ana, but never had the courage to tell her friend, she was afraid of Ana if move away from her or have some kind of prejudice or something similar.
So, Brenda leaves the house and locks the door. The path to the ice cream shop where they were going to get ice cream wasn't very long, so Brenda decided to walk. In the middle of the way, there were some trees and a small forest that was close to a forest, Brenda always liked to stop there and take a photo of the birds in the tree, so Brenda takes her cell phone from her bag, opens the camera, aims at the birds and take the photo. Brenda then puts away her cell phone and follows the path."
Spoilers for the beginning of Brenda's story for you!! I want to see the theories of what will happen after this photo huh huh, but remember that until the final version of the story, I can change the beginning of it, so take this post as a Demo 😊✨
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ayahachitwister · 3 months
This question has been on my mind for a while but I wasn’t sure it was something that I should ask you. Since this question could differ between person to person But I figured it could help & it be cool to learn how you do your writing as a fellow writer. So, I like to ask you, how do you handle your writing? What I mean by this is do you write down ideas, do a rough draft or you go straight to writing with the ideas you’re going on with. I kinda do this stuff but I kinda see that people have different ways of writing & I got curious how you plan things out. Hope I didn’t sound insecure. As a writer, I have my own way of writing & telling a clear story but I’m also interested who share a smiliar passion to writing a story. Since you’ve been a big motivator in what I love to do, I kinda wanted to know how you plan things out & though how the writing process goes for you. Hope this isn’t too much to ask you.
You’re all good~ :D Don’t worry, it isn’t too much at all.
In the writing community (‘cause I write original books, too), there’s what’s called a ‘planner’, a ‘pantser’, and a ‘planster’.
A planner typically writes a full outline of what they’re gonna do and sticks to it. A pantser gets the name because they write by the seat of their pants—and thus figures it out as they go. That isn’t to say they don’t have an idea for it, but they rarely write outlines. A planster is a mix of the two.
I’d say I’m mostly a planster? Though sometimes I can be more of a pantser, too. There are times I outline and times I don’t, but even when I outline, I don’t ever expect to follow it completely. The characters change the story as I go, and I change with them. But, let me actually give you examples with my works—
For the witch AU, it’s an odd mix of planning what we want to show (and… forgetting to write down important notes. Kazea gets onto me about that), writing, and revisiting old plot points to plan some more. We started that idea with a clear idea of how the first half of the whole thing would work out—so up until the Hex Cait battle… but even then, none of the details were filled in. I didn’t know how the siblings would figure things out between them, how big of a reoccurring role Coco would play… Heck, I didn’t even have the reports of Samhain planned back then. I had no outline, just a rough idea of where it’d go and what I wanted to do with the Noise missions and the curses.
So, I just wrote. And then after however many chapters, when I needed help figuring out where to go, Kazea and I talked about it again. We figured out where they were at, and what we could do next, then continued. Rinse and repeat a bunch of times. We have plotting sessions where we’ll just talk about ideas (or make jokes that become ideas) for it~ …and yeah, half the time, I forget to write things down.
So short of it for the witch AU is that it’s lots of unwritten planning and ideas… or well, I have things written? But they’re more like notes about the world, the way the curses work, the reports… No outline, and my rough draft is handled one chapter at a time. I finish it, then let Kazea and Sair know, and then they meticulously edit it for me (and get onto me about all my repetition DX’).
For my original stories, a bit more goes into the planning period. I have to decide on the characters’ personalities, backstories, how they mesh in with the group, plus all the world building with magic, the society, any important locations…
With both of my current original works, I did write up a very detailed outline to start. I’ve found that I’m no good at simple outlines… I want to know the character motivation behind the decisions, so I have to include that to figure out where they’re going. But with the sci-fi fantasy one, the first book veered from the outline pretty quick. XD’ It still had all the big points, but as I actually wrote the characters actually interacting, it took the story in directions and ways of solving the conflict I hadn’t thought about before. And I never wrote an outline after that—‘cause once I had my flow with book 1, the 2nd and 3rd books fell into place pretty easily. I just had to figure out the order of the planets they were going to, really.
And yes, I’m technically four books into that one, but it’s not posted anywhere… I couldn’t find an agent for book 1. So, I started working on another book—a more dystopian fantasy this time. I haven’t actually written more than a chapter of that one yet, but I’m guessing it’ll also veer from the outline I have right now. Still, even knowing that, I like having a general basis~ And that basis can be from outlines I won’t actually follow, or it can be from various out of order notes scattered around my OneNote document (like with the witch AU).
So yeah… Sorry if that was a bit much 😅 It’s a fun topic, really~
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kohakhearts · 5 months
Okay my favourite story of yours?? Your Shionne character study, absolutely. I swear I've read it like 5 times now, all 20k of it, and loved every moment of it! Soooo good, and it really resonates with me as a fellow bpd haver <3
sair i am SO sorry i missed this. but thank you so much 🥺 that fic is also very near and dear to my heart so i'm very glad it resounded with you <3
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auroraescritora · 8 months
Oii, como vai? Finalmente consegui escrever alguma coisa. Por enquanto apenas vão sair as versões em inglês até que ambas as versões estejam no mesmo capítulo. Fiquei esse mês afastada porque surgiu uma surpresa. Consegui comprar meu primeiro apartamento! Então, está difícil para mim apenas me concentrar em escrever quando tenho que pensar em mil coisas ao mesmo tempo. A boa notícia é que vamos continuar com nossa história. Eu não prometo trazer atualizações toda a semana, mas prometo passar aqui de vez em quando. Você sempre pode me mandar uma ask ou uma mensagem. Sei que eu sumo de vez em quando, mas sempre dou uma olhada nas notificações. Assim, se você ficar com saudade, é só falar comigo. Estou pensando em oferecer uma mentoria criativa. Alguém tem interesse?
Enfim, a versão em inglês vai continuar a vir semanalmente e a em português vai ficar em pausa por algumas semanas. Logo voltaremos a nosso cronograma normal. Até logo e obrigada pela compreensão.
Hi, how are you? I finally got around to writing something. For now, only the English versions will be published until both versions are in the same chapter. I've been away for a month because I gotta a surprise. I managed to buy my first apartment! So it's hard for me to concentrate on only writing when I have to think about a thousand things at once. The good news is that we will continue with our story. I don't promise to bring you updates every week, but I do promise to stop by from time to time. You can always send me an ask or a message. I know I disappear from time to time, but I always check the notifications. So if you miss me, just let me know and send me an ask. I'm thinking of offering creative mentoring. Anyone interested?
Anyway, the English version will continue to come and the Portuguese version will be on hiatus for a few weeks. We'll get back to our normal schedule soon. See you later and thanks for understanding.
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I avoid telling too many work stories on here, because they have a little more chance of actually circling back around to those involved
So i can’t give too much contextually to set this up, but one of the more surreal office experiences i’ve had was the head head of the place i worked showing me a cellphone video he took of Vladimir Putin at a hockey game a few weeks before
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sairee · 18 days
Figured it's time to make a pinned post, so
Hello! My name is Sairee (pronounced s-air) or Sarah.
26 year old (she/her) disaster currently in the cod fandom with GhostSoap (and the occasional AleRudy) in particular holding me hostage. I like writing, making the occasional meme, and reblogging art. Searching for people with the same brainrot as me (18+).
I wrote the big fic Don't Let Me Go on ao3 if anyone has read it. Super proud of it and enjoy writing longer fics with oneshots sprinkled in. 🤭🤭
Taking tumblr's tagging system with a grain of salt:
All my writing (x)
Oneshots (x)
GhostSoap (x)
AleRudy (x)
GhostSoap (x)
Call of duty (x)
Cod memes (x)
Soap's sketchbook (x)
My art (x) - look at your own disappointed risk
Saire says - short drabbles and blabbing (x)
Saire stories - longer stories (x)
Op - all original posts excluding reblogs (x)
Fic masterpost
Feel free to ask me anything or nerd out with me :)
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picnokinesis · 7 months
What are your favorite Campervan lore facts?
Ooooh I've been thinking about this one for a few days, and I've been trying to think of tidbits about the wider lore of campervan - namely, spoiler free and also stuff that's not going to come up in the main story because it's not really relevant - which means it's mostly stuff about past companions:
The Doctor's leather jacket, with it's star/planet/moon patches, was given to her by Clara when they worked together a lot. I'm pretty sure Clara and the Doctor met during a few random cases, but a particularly prominent one was when Danny Pink, Clara's boyfriend at the time, went missing. Interestingly, his disappearance happens in all the verses, regardless of whether the Doctor meets Clara or not - and the reason that I know this is because in redacted au, Clara quits being a school teacher and ends up working in an investigative organisation that looks into missing persons - and, thus, is Koschei's boss at one point.
The song 'Blackest Sky' by Mansions is on the Doctor's mixtape - it's on that I won't mention in the fic so much because I'm not going to use a line of lyrics for one of the titles haha, but it did directly inspire a lot of part 4 and the backstory with Bill and Rose. However! Within the story, that song is actually recommended to the Doctor by Donna! She sends it to her saying ‘this other person who works at the place where I'm a temp KEEPS PLAYING THIS SONG ON REPEAT and the end of it sounds like that stupid van of yours when it's going wrong and also it sounds like the other stuff you keep playing so here'. This happens because the Doctor had mentioned that all the songs were recs for ages and if Donna didn't like the songs then she'd have to rec something she DID like. The Doctor secretly thinks that Donna actually does like a lot of the songs and just doesn't want to admit it.
Coryn Saire, Romana, Rani and Leela, who were all at Gallifrey Road at the same time as the Doctor and Koschei, have a group chat. In anterograde au, Coryn sees the Doctor and Koschei in a supermarket together and takes a photo of them from a distance before sending it into the groupchat with a bunch of screaming emojis
There are probably more but those are the main ones I could think of. I expect that there are more though!
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floralcavern · 7 months
I have a couple questions for you about your OCs ✨️✨️
-Do you have any morally Grey OCs? If so, whose your favorite?
-Who is your favorite evil/villainous OC, if you have any? And what's the worst thing they've ever done?
-Which story or world of yours are you currently fixated on? And how is its progress coming along?
-Who was one of your oldest OCs?
-Who is one of your newest OCs?
-Least favorite OC and why
-Favorite OC and why
-You know I do! Noah, Dusty, and Katherine. Who’s my favorite..? I CAN’T CHOOSE A FAVORITE CHILD! 😭
-Honestly, the most interesting one is probably Sair. She started a cult, burned her orphanage down, and forced kids to fight to the death.
-Lol, rn I’m super fixated on imaging this apocalyptic world where in this huge city, the only 3 people left alive are criminals. I have yet to actually write a story for them tho- 😭
-My oldest OC that I’ve ever used on the internet was Lunar Eclipse. I used her ALLLLL the time on Wolves Life 3 growing up. I wanna redesign her as a human and rewrite her backstory
-I’m always coming up with new ocs lol. My newest one is probably Joshua
-Least favorite OC is probably Oceanic. Seriously need to give my girl a rewrite and a makeover TwT
-I can’t choose a FAVORITEEEEEE. I love all my children 😭😭
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simscatarina · 2 years
Aurora: a Mestiça #3
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Aurora pegou suas chaves do bolso e abriu a porta.
Aurora took her keys from her pocket and opened the door.
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Entrou sem chamar por alguém ou acender as luzes. Estava acostumada a ficar sozinha no escuro.
He walked in without calling out to anyone or turning on the lights. She was used to being alone in the dark.
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Naquela casa morava apenas sua mãe e ela. Nunca conheceu seu pai, sua mãe disse que ele morreu antes de ela nascer.
In that house lived only her mother and her. Never met her father, her mother said he died before she was born.
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Sua mãe nunca gostou de tocar no assunto, por isso Aurora parou de perturbá-la com perguntas sobre seu pai.
Her mother never liked to bring it up, so Aurora stopped pestering her with questions about her father.
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Naquela noite ela só pensava em curtir as férias de fim de ano, aproveitar o namorado e amigos, e aguardar o segundo ano do ensino médio.
That night all she could think about was enjoying the holidays, enjoying her boyfriend and friends, and waiting for her sophomore year of high school.
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Aurora pediu a sua mãe permissão para sair com os amigos, eles iriam dar uma volta na praia. Elas sempre foram muito amigas e sua mãe quase nunca lhe negava nada.
Aurora asked her mother for permission to go out with her friends, they were going for a walk on the beach. They were always very good friends and her mother almost never denied her anything.
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Mas naquela noite sua mãe não queria que sua filha saisse.
— Por quê? — Questionou a menina.
— Eu só quero passar um tempo com minha filha hoje à noite.
But that night her mother didn't want her daughter to leave.
"Why?" Asked the girl.
“I just want to spend time with my daughter tonight.
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Aurora olhou para o relógio no celular e viu que eram quase 18h, seus amigos chegariam a qualquer momento e ela não queria desmarcar.
Aurora looked at the clock on her cell phone and saw that it was almost 6 pm, her friends would be arriving any moment now and she didn't want to cancel.
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— Mãe, eu vou ficar com a turma até as oito e volto para passar o resto da noite com a senhora, pode ser?
A mãe mordeu a parte interior da bochecha não convencida.
"Mom, I'll stay with the gang until eight and come back to spend the rest of the night with you, okay?"
The mother bit the inside of her cheek unconvinced.
Página 4 ゜✧*̣̩☽⋆゜Página 2
A história é inspirada no meu livro, que está disponível no wattpad. Link aqui. The story is inspired by my book (in portuguese), which is available on wattpad. Link here.
Reshade preset: Ss Sea Salt by @solstice-sims
Skin Detail by @pyxiidis, @tamo-sim, @nolan-sims, @miikoccfinds, @ratboysims
Skin by @nesurii
Eyes by @cloudcat
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist
Hair by @simcelebrity00, @sunivaa
Acessories by @atashi77, @natalia-auditore
Clothes by @deathpoke1qa (original)
Poses by @starrysimsie, @sunniesimmer, @mombeesims, @subiesims, @kreiistn
Lot by
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dektortv · 1 year
KurayamiTale Creator Blog
[🇺🇲]I'll answer questions and other similarities here.
[🇧🇷] Aqui eu vou responder perguntas e outras coisas similar.
[🇧🇷]Sua AU tem um Wiki?
A minha AU tem um Wiki oficial no site do Undertale AU Fandom e o Sans também tem lá no Undertale OC Wiki, vocês podem achar as duas coisas no google digitando "Kurayamitale" ou "Kurayami Sans". Pode ser que o papyrus também apareca lá um dia.
[🇺🇲]Does your AU have a Wiki?
My AU does indeed have a official Wiki on the Undertale AU Fandom site and sans does so too on the Undertale OC Wiki, you can check both out by either typing "Kurayamitale" or "Kurayami Sans" into google. Papyrus may be added too in the future.
[🇧🇷]O Sans consegue se teleportar/entrar e sair de outras AUs também?
O Kurayami Sans tem como interagir com o resto do multiverso do Undertale sim, a ultima coisa que ele consguiu se aprender foi a se teleportar entra outras AUs. Usando seu poder de meditação ele pode se concentrar focando a um ponto unico/um destino pra onde ele quiser ir e aparecer nesse lugar no proximo momento, também se chama: Focus Hop (escrito no wiki do sans também) então se vc quiser criar uma fã comic ou desenhos do meu sans com outros sanses, isso é logicamente possível.
[🇺🇲]Can Sans jump between AUs?
Yes Kurayami Sans can indeed jump between AUs using his Meditation skills to focus on his destination, he also calls this Focus Hop (can also read about it on sans' wiki) anyways, if you want to create fan comics or drawings of my sans with other sanses that do is a logical possibility.
[🇧🇷]Porque Sans e Papyrus não viraram Deuses após absolverem as almas dos humanos matados?
A Guerra entre os Humanos e os Monstros aconteceu num tempo muito antigo, anos antes do frisk ter aparecido. Nesse tempo quando eles viviam com os Monstros as almas dos humanos não eram tão poderosos pela força mas eram mais poderosos do que almas de monstros porque almas humanas tinha o potencial de ganhar mais força com tempo. Daí ganharam mais poder com a guerra se desenvolvendo com o tempo. Nem toda alma humana foi absorvido, a maioria das almas eram destruidas pelos monstros durante a batalha. No caso do sans ter matado a maior quantidade de humanos, a maioria dos guerreiros que ele matava não pertenciam uma alma humana muito forte e ele conseguiu ainda atingir um poder e força alta para destruir a barreira. Combinado com sua mentalida/espiritualidade alta de paz, ele consegue superar o poder que as almas dão a ele e recusar a mudar de forma/virar deus, fortalecendo seu auto-controle. Papyrus não absorvou alma.
[🇺🇲]Why do sans and Papyrus not turn into gods after absorbing the dead humans souls?
The War between Humans and Monsters happened a very long time ago, years before Frisk appeared. At that time, when they lived with the Monsters, souls of humans were not that powerful in terms of strength, but were still more powerful than Monster souls because human souls had the potential to gain more strength over time. Thus, they gained more power as the war developed over time. Not all human souls were absorbed, most of them were destroyed by the monsters during the battle. In the case of Sans, who killed the most humans, most of the warriors he killed did not possess a very strong human soul, but he still managed to achieve a high enough power and strength to destroy the barrier combined with his high mentality/spirituality in peace, letting him compress and surpass the power the souls are granting him to refuse changing form/turning god, strengthening his self-control. Papyrus didn't absorb any souls, hes just a chad.
[🇧🇷]Onde ficam os outros Monstros que sobreviveram?
Eles como dito na historia construiram novas casas e lugares em snowdin ondem ficam.
[🇺🇲]Where do the other surviving Monsters stay?
As said in the story they rebuild houses and other buildings in snowdin where they live.
[🇧🇷]O que acontece no futuro dos Monstros da rota verdadeira agora que os humanos deixaram eles em paz?
A maioria dos monstros vão continuar sua nova jornada contruindo novos lugares no subsolo e vivendo junto, papyrus vai treinar-los e cozinhar comida junto com muffet. Toriel coninua vivendo feliz com Asriel e cuidando dos monstros mais novos. Alphys termina a contruir o Mettaton e enquanto isso tudo o sans continua sendo o sans, como o wiki fala também conheçendo outros sanses que possivelmente precisariam sua ajuda no Multiverso, mas isso afinal depende se ele realmente achar que isso séria a coisa certa.
[🇺🇲]What will happen to the Monsters after the true route in the future now that humanity is leaving them alone?
Most monsters will continue their journey by building new places underground and living together, papyrus will train them and cook food together with muffet. Toriel continues to live happily with Asriel and take care of the younger monsters. Alphys will finish building Mettaton as the entertainer robot and meanwhile, sans remains sans, as the wiki says, also getting to know other sanses who would possibly need his help in the Multiverse, but that ultimately depends on whether he really thinks its the right thing or not.
[🇧🇷] Qual é sua AU favorita e tem algumas inspirações aos personagens da sua AU?
Minha primeira AU que eu vi e que também é minha favorita até hoje é Dusttale, eu achei que a historia do Dust Sans é legal junto com o papyrus sendo um fantasma. Minha AU não tem uma inspiração ao dusttale sendo que eles são bem diferentes mas os personagens tem inspiração a outras coisas. O Sans é um design que eu tinha feito por preguiça quando usava de ir a escola e eu quis fazer ele um sans que não tem nada ver com os sans insanos que já existem demais desses, ele ainda é um sans que possa ser assustador pelo fato dele ter só muito poucas emoções mas ele desistiu das emoções deles para virar um sans muito sabio e preciso em troca não sendo capaz de perder seu controle também se ele for sozinho, ele é baseado na Toph do avatar pelos poderes do sentido sismico. O líder humano é uma referência ao Escanor porque eu gosto muito do escanor kkkk mas só pelo design e machado/poder mesmo. O frisk é basesdo pelo personagen do Little nightmares 2 (fiquei muito surpreso que as pessoas conseguiram adivinhar isso tão rápido no video do Lfe android) e isso devem ser todas referências.
[🇺🇸] Whats your favorite AU and are the characters in your AU inspired from anywhere?
My first and favorite AU is Dusttale, Dust sans was the first good fan content i found long time ago and i just like the story and ghost papyrus. My AU doesn't have any inspiration from Dusttale though since the stories are pretty different. My sans is inspired from toph from avatar based on his seismic sense abilities. I came up with him in school out of boredom and didn't want to make him like the thousands of other insane/bloodlust sanses out there, i wanted him to be a very wise sans and he may still be scary for not having almost any emotion but therefore he cant lose his mind making him very strong mentally/precisely for battles. The human leader sun is an inspiration on Escanor because i like escanor lol mostly his design and power such as the axe is inspired on escanor. Frisk is inspired from the Little nightmares 2 character and that should be all.
[🇧🇷] Porque Frisk é um menino nesta AU?
Bem eu conto frisk nessa história como um menino por preferência só mas em geral frisk como no undertale normal deveria ser nem masculino nem feminino.
[🇺🇸] Why is Frisk a boy in this AU?
i talk about frisk in this AU as a boy per preference but in general like in the original undertale he should usually be neither male nor female.
[🇧🇷] O que o Blind pensaria sobre Murder!Sans? ou outros sanses assassinos em geral?
Kurayami sans ou "Blind" é alguém True Neutral (Verdadeiro Neutro) isso quer dizer que ele só faz aquilo que ele acha ser certo. Blind se teleporta por todas AUs para observar e aumentar sua sabedoria do Multiverso então ele não daria muita atenção a outros sanses em geral sendo assasino ou não. Ele não vai se meter enquanto não tenha algo a ver com ele ou séria inútil. Se um outro sans de um outro universo pedir sua ajuda em batalha ou similar ele só aceitaria a ajudar se ele acha que séria o certo a ajudar. Raramente ele pode até ser um Anti-héroi e ajudar sanses do mal se eles conseguirem convencer-lo que seria o certo.
[🇺🇸] What would blind think about murder!sans? Or other assassinating sanses in general?
Kurayami sans or "blind" is someone True Neutral. Which means he will on act the way he thinks is right. He travels trough AUs observing and expanding his knowledge of the Multiverse but doesn't give any attention to other sanses in general if assassin or not. He wont interfere as long as it doesn't have anything to do with him or if its just pointless to. If another sans were to ask for his help to battle or similar he would only accept if he sees it as the right thing to do. Rarely he can also be a anti-hero and even help evil sanses if they manage to convince him that its the right thing to do.
[🇧🇷] Quero criar uma au boa, você tem algumas dicas?
pense muito sobre sua história e se ela for uma continuação do undertale original não pegue inspirações de outras aus e escreva tudo sozinho, a sua história precisa fazer sentido em todo aspecto e não deixar nenhuma confusão. Se você sentir que tem algo errado, rescreva para o melhor, espero ter ajudado!
[🇺🇸] I want to create a good AU, any tips?
Think a lot about your story and if its a continuity change of the original undertale then dont take inspiration from any other AU and write everything urself. Your story needs to make complete sense in every aspect and not leave a single confusion. If you feel like something is wrong, rewrite it for the better.
[🇧🇷] Gaster existi? E onde ele está?
Sim existe, ele disapareceu tipo no undertale normal.
[🇺🇸] Does Gaster exist? Where is he?
Yes, he exists. He dissappeard like in the original undertale.
[🇧🇷] Vai ter mais KurayamiTale?
Sim, eu planejo ainda publicar algumas histórias da AU sobre certos personagens, o passado ou o futuro de KurayamiTale no futuro mas por enquanto espero ter gostado de tudo.
[🇺🇸] Will there be more KurayamiTale?
Yes, i do plan on releasing more side stories in the future; that being of characters, a prequel or a sequel of KurayamiTale but for now i hope you enjoy whats already here.
[🇧🇷] O liquido da saringa do líder humano tem algo a ver com os poderes de frisk?
Sim e vai ser explorado mais.
[🇺🇸] Does the liquid in the syringe of the human leader have something to do with frisks powers?
Yes and it will be explored more.
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ask-a-familiar · 2 years
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I've seen a lot of talk about the Night Markets lately!
That's certainly an interesting topic. Be careful asking about it, and especially be careful attending one if you're a human familiar. It's a dangerous place for us!
One of my vampires, Claudius, sometimes rents out a stall at our local Night Market. (By "rents" I mean he killed the last guy who owned it). He sells various things, that's a story for another day.
Instead, I thought I'd talk about my first time at the Night Market.
I was, obviously, not thrown into the familiar pit fighting ring, a super common thing at most night markets. Sonja said I was of more use to her carrying her shopping bags than I would be if I were dead, one of the best compliments I've ever gotten from her.
Instead, Irving and I trailed behind our masters, he was in charge of the shopping list and I was in charge of carrying everything. It's a bartering market, so Irving and I almost got traded off several times, to no ones surprise.
I was, however, particularly surprised when an infernal creature took intense interest in my necklace. My friend had given it to me in high school as a gift, it was this lovely pendant with a red diamond. This man would NOT stop pestering my masters and I about it, and kept offering various things to trade for it.
Turns out, my necklace was an enchanted heirloom from his family. It had some sort of memories stored in it, and apparently my friend had been distantly related to this guy.
I obviously had no use for the memories stored in it, nor did I know how to access them, so I decided to trade with him. In return I got an opal necklace with a protective ward on it, which has since saved me from quite a few nasty encounters.
Irving proceeded to walk down the wrong alley and got hit by a water balloon full of a mixture of blood and g*d knows what else, so I had to drag him home.
- Sair
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