#substances are *fun* when you're mentally ill
annabelle--cane · 8 months
I guess the thing that makes me not so fond of Jon's addiction allegory is that it's only coherent to a certain extent? Like I think people sometimes forget that he's actively violating these people
anon, through no fault of your own you have accidentally hit upon my sleeper agent trigger phrase. I have layers of answers to this.
so first off, yeah, it's not a 1:1 direct metaphor, it's a soupy dream logic fantasy plot device with flavors of a lot of different things. there's quite a lot of addiction in there, there's some abuse of power, there's some cyclical nature of trauma, there's a dash of disability, there's a few notes of gendered violence, there's a good bit of just. violence violence and being kind of a motherfucker because goddammit it feels good to be an active agent about something in your life, even if it's just choosing to be a worse version of yourself than you strictly need to be. a lot of tma's worldbuilding is very allegorical, but apart from aspects of individual statements nothing really matches up quite 1:1 with a real world counterpart, and if more things did then it probably wouldn't be a fantasy show anymore.
secondly. okay to contextualize this answer a little bit I have a kind of hypothetical video essay project about vampirism and addiction that I like to spend a few hours thinking about every so often but am almost certainly never going to make because the full research burden required is a lot higher than I actually have the time to properly do. but because of that I've spent a lot of time sorting through why framing vampires as addicts really works for me in a way that it doesn't seem to for everyone, and I think a lot of my thoughts on that also apply to jon. there's going to be a bit of a detour here before we get back to talking about tma, but we'll get there, I prommy.
I've seen a lot of people take issue with various paranormal addiction allegories because, a lot of the time, the act that is meant to metaphorically represent the act of use itself is something that is directly and inherently harmful to others, e.g. drinking human blood, handing over power to your hedonistic Evil alter ego, holding the cursed amulet and going crazy going stupid, slurping trauma out of the head of some guy you ran into on a boat to norway, etc., and yeah, I do get that. substance use is not inherently harmful like that to anyone except sometimes the user themself, and addicts are not inherently fucked up and destructive people; those are dangerous stereotypes that often lead to the demonizing of a whole group of sick people.
here's the thing for me, though: those are definitely truths I want explored and represented when it comes to portrayals of non-allegorical actual addicts, but fantasy fiction isn't for showing the world as it is, it's for showing a subjective fun house mirror version of reality where certain aspects are minimized and magnified depending on how it feels to live through it. and yes, absolutely in real life drug use is not an inherently evil act and it does not make you an inherently evil person, but... doesn't it kind of feel like that? sort of? absolutely no one is living their best life nor on their best behavior while experiencing any kind of major mental illness episode, and when it comes to addiction you've got a very clear tangible symbol of when The Episode is happening that it feels like you have much more control over than when it comes to other illnesses. it's also a thing where people are a lot more likely to be openly angry and distrustful of you if they find out it's happening. so you mix together the ideas of "I know I get worse as a result of doing this one specific thing" + "I act less like myself when I'm using, it rearranges my priorities and I care less about hurting people because that's what happens when you're experiencing The Horrors" + "society at large/people directly around me are pretty quick to say that doing this is evil," and you get the subjective emotional result of "I hurt people by using and it makes me monstrous." I tend to respond to those kinds of paranormal allegories like they're just cutting out the middle man of those subjective fears. "using makes me monstrous" -> "using is monstrous."
anyway. jon archivist.
don't get me wrong, I totally understand if this aspect of metaphor doesn't gel for some people and they only like taking it exactly as far as the text explicitly makes them, but I really get a lot out of reading jon's connection to the fears as addiction precisely because he does genuinely awful things to people as a result of it. he's a person in a very bad physical and mental place with little to no support who is constantly being told by both allies and enemies that he's already a monster just by being alive, and he copes with that by secretly falling further and further into an compulsive act of consumption that skews his priorities and makes him care less about hurting people because at least sometimes getting to be the cause of pain makes him feel a little bit less powerless when he has to be the subject of pain the rest of the time. then he's found out and is made to stop, and he has to grapple not just with the physical toll of withdrawal but with knowing there is a not insignificant part of him that will excuse any act of malice if he knows he'll feel better afterwards.
the end of tma is very explicit in the fact that the rules of its world are shaped by the subjective worst fears of those who live in it, it's "an exercise in unreliably reality" as jonny sims put it once, and I think that principle extends backwards in some ways to apply to the rest of the show. I don't think the fact that there are only entities of fear and not hope or love is meant to be a full commentary on the total nature of the real world, it's a reflection of what fear and suffering can make the world feel like. eric and melanie both go to really harsh extremes to extricate themselves from the fears and live peaceful lives, and in both cases something happens that foils their plans (getting murdered + the apocalypse, respectively), but I don't think the intended message is to say that is definitively how real life works, they are metaphors for the limits of individual agency in larger systems and represent two types of worst-case-scenarios. similarly, I don't think reading jon as an addict implies that addiction inherently involves violence or that the reactions of those around him were completely unjustified, it's just a subjective exploration of the kinds of fears that can come with addiction dialed up to 100.
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blackcandlesinwinter · 8 months
There's a shit ton of really bad takes on that post I reblogged from @nothorses about signs of addiction which I generally expect when it comes to this topic. But I really want to draw attention to the knee-jerk defensive reactions from folks trying to draw a sharp distinction between "medical use" and "recreational use" because I think this is both extremely reductive and also harmful.
"Medical use" is, if anything, a legal distinction, not a medical one or a moral one. Medical use means that a doctor wrote the prescription for the drug you are using and you are presumably using it according to the instructions you were given. Medical use doesn't mean you're not addicted to a drug. Lots of folks are addicted to substances that they are legally prescribed. That doesn't mean that it's bad for them to use the drug, or that they need to stop using it, or that doctors shouldn't prescribe it! There's a cost-benefit analysis that goes into the decision to take any medication. Every person has the right to decide for themselves if the benefits to their quality of life outweigh any downsides, including the possible downside of addiction.
"Recreational use" doesn't mean that people aren't using drugs as medication. It just means that the drugs a person is using are not prescribed to them by a doctor or are not being used as indicated. People often have both medical and recreational motivations to use non-prescribed drugs. Like, a lot of folks smoke weed to deal with pain, but also they might enjoy the feeling of being high. Lots of folks with anxiety or depression take drugs for fun, and sometimes part of the fun is that it eases the symptoms of their mental illness. Folks with ADHD may seek out recreational stimulants. Folks with bipolar may use substances that make their mania more fun and less stressful. Folks with addictions may use additional drugs to ease withdrawal symptoms or to extend their high. Folks with terminal illnesses may use substances to allow them to forget about death for a little while. Lots of people whose drug use is "recreational" also have underlying illnesses that factor into their use, whether they are aware and diagnosed or not.
And this is not to insist that all drug use must have a secret, tragic, underlying medical reason that makes their drug use totally out of their control. I've already written my rambling essay on how I find that sort of agency-denying woobification of drug users to also be rather unhelpful. I'm saying that we can't neatly sort people into "pure, innocent drug user who has a medical excuse to take drugs so it's ok" vs. "bad, irresponsible drug user who has no excuse and thus deserves judgment for their bad decisions." And we shouldn't be trying to.
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huntinglove · 8 months
I think it's really interesting how there's always something that relates to mental illness or addiction in each of the episodes for Fionna & Cake, portrayed through Simon, of course
Fionna Campbell: The feeling of bleakness that comes with routine.
This usually happens when someone begins their journey with therapy and medication, when your brain is slowly producing more energy but you don't feel happy with your current state
Simon Petrikov: The desperate urge to distance yourself from the decisions you've made during your lowest points
It can remind them of an incredibly hard time but for others it might have been the most fun they've had around a mentally ill person before, especially if their self destructive habits are "entertaining", such as substance abuse, hypersexuality or expressing one's self through art
Having others comment on how they "miss the old you" while going through therapy or rehab can be very disheartening and make it easier for someone to isolate from their loved ones
Cake The Cat: Getting exposed to a new situation while trying to settle into an accommodating routine.
It can be confusing, scary and worrisome but sometimes getting out of your comfort zone might be exactly what you need to fall in love with some aspects of your life that you've distanced yourself from
Prismo The Wishmaster: Processing trauma, specifically when it's brought up unexpectedly
Revisiting negative memories can make you feel like things are pointless and a never ending cycle of bad experiences, which in turn diminishes your will to get better and cope
It helps to have someone beside you to give you a dose of reality and to remind you that if you don't move forward you'll end up hurting the people that care about you AND yourself
Destiny: Feeling out of place when sharing experiences, even if the person you're in touch with has struggled with similar things
This happens a lot when someone relapses, because the safe space they had before, with people who've also dealt with mental illness or addiction, see it as a failure and forget that they also struggled at the start of their recovery
The Winter King: Internal reflection, looking into yourself and wondering "what if?"
The question usually comes from a place of guilt or feeling of insecurity. It usually comes to the thought of what things could have been, what you could have been, if those traumatic experiences had never happened
It's easy to shift the blame onto yourself for things that were never actually your fault, as a way to avoid the reality that abusers don't usually "get what's coming to them", which can also amplify self hatred and impulsive decisions
The Star: Coming to terms with the fact that your existence and actions have an influence on others around you, that your absence will impact their lives negatively
Mental illness makes it very easy to slip into the mindset that nothing matters and that things wouldn't be different if you weren't around, but noticing how your absence affects the people you care about can show you that your actions impact people's lives, usually for the better
Jerry: Opening up to someone who's willing to listen, sharing vulnerable parts of your life that makes someone understand you better
Talking about the happy parts of your past, before mental illness or addiction, can make you fall in love with life all over again
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blubushie · 3 months
Are there some things you dislike about fans' interpretation of the other mercs?
Yeah uh. This is long so it's under the cut. Whole TF2 fandom boutta be like 2Fort on my arse.
I hate how people make Medic "evil". He's fun and goofy and likes doing experiments and he'll betray the people paying him for the sake of his long-time coworkers who he's mates with. He's not evil, he's not manipulative, outsmarting the LITERAL DEVIL doesn't make you a bad person. There is literally nothing in canon to point to Medic being evil except MAYBE stealing a bloke's spine (coulda been dark humour for all we know) and turning a criminal into a sentient pumpkin, which is something that Engie HELPED HIM DO but no one goes around calling him evil. Medic is chaotic good or chaotic neutral, he is not evil.
The amount of people who are downright racist about Demo, or the amount of people who reduce his addiction to the butt of a joke. There's a lot of shit that I notice. They act like Demo isn't fiercely loyal—look at his relationship to his mum). They act like he's lazy because he's an alcoholic—HE HAS 3 JOBS AND WANTS MORE, HE WASN'T LAZY IN THE COMICS HE WAS DEPRESSED BECAUSE HE LOST ALL HIS MATES. On the other end of the coin, you have people insisting that Demo's alcoholism isn't as bad as it actually is, as if substance abuse is a fucking moral failing and they can't have their blorbo be a bad person by just letting him be the alcoholic he's shown to be in canon.
As an intersex man: do not get me fucking started on the amount of intersex+NB headcanons I've seen of Pyro. People need to realise that like the rest of the human population, most intersex people are cis, that gender is not equivalent to sex, and that EVERY intersex character being non-binary promotes a harmful stereotype. Actually I'll be honest—I side-eye EVERY intersex Pyro headcanon what's made by a perisex person. Most the time they give off massive virtue signal vibes and I really don't like how the second you can't clearly determine someone's gender people immediately go "ah, intersex" like we're all visually androgynous. I also don't like how the person MOST OTHERED ON THE TEAM is always given the intersex headcanon. It doesn't make me feel represented, it makes me feel like everyone already seems me as an other and that's all I'll ever be.
People who act like the pronoun police and insist Pyro's pronouns are they/them. Canonically Pyro is always and consistently referred to as he/him except when he's being dehumanised by his own team and called it. It's cool if you headcanon Pyro as using they/them, just remember it ISN'T CANON and you shouldn't be getting on people's arse about non-canon pronouns. What are you a cop?
On a similar vein, the amount of people who infantilise Pyro. Pyro was literally the CEO OF A COMPANY who was responsible for RECORD PROFITS OF THAT COMPANY. Pyro is an adult. People assume that because Pyro hallucinates or enjoys "childish" things that it means Pyro's a child. Please be fucking normal about mental illness, my god.
People who make Scout transfem for the sole purpose of shipping Scout with Pauling, worse even if they outright make it so that Scout transitioned SPECIFICALLY to hook up with Pauling. You realise that you're enforcing TERF "all transfems are predatory and transition just to get chicks/transfem lesbians are just straight men" rhetoric right? Please tell me you're aware. People who make Scout transfem for reasons beside this (ie you just like transfem Scout) and still hook her up with Pauling for fun, I love you and this post is not about you. <3
People who ignore Medic's likely bisexuality in favour of writing him as a strictly gay male. Bi erasure is fucking real lads. If you have the view that Demo was talking out his arse and didn't actually shag Medic's wife cuz he's not even married, cool ok. I'm talking about the people who insist Medic's wife was his beard.
People who act like the ship police with Pauling's sexuality when her being a lesbian was something mentioned in one tweet on Twitter by Jay, not approved by Valve, and never referenced in the source material (outside of MAYBE how she stared at Zhanna while she was fighting robots, but that facial expression could also be interpreted as impressed or "so horrified she can't look away". Especially when she outright agreed to go on a second date with Scout in Expiration Date. If you headcanon her as a lesbian, cool! Just don't enforce it on other people and give them flak for shipping her with non-women characters. This applies to people aggressively enforcing Medic's sexuality as well. What are you a cop?
How the character people trans the most is the white skinny twink, white skinny otter, or white wolf. Why not Demo? Trans people of colour exist too. I can count the trans Demo headcanons I've seen on one hand. Why not Heavy? Why not Heavy? You know fat trans people exist too right?
My family is southern and half the time people don't know what the fuck goes on down south. Tell me you've never been to a cookout without telling me you've never been to a cookout. They either write him as too northern/coasty and only enforce the "stereotype" southern aspects of him, or they write him as racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc because he's southern. Luckily the latter gets a LOT of pushback on Tumblr so I haven't seen it much, but it's more prevalent on Twitter and fanfic sites.
People conveniently ignoring how Heavy's father was killed and his family was imprisoned by the USSR so they can call him a communist. Lol what. I get that you hate capitalism but you realise there's more options than just capitalism vs communism vs socialism right? That you can hate/dislike communism without also being a capitalist? Heavy would not support communism after what the USSR did to his family in the name of communism because his father was a counter-revolutionary. Also people ignoring WHY Heavy's father was killed, and how his father having different politics got his whole family, including innocent children chucked to a GULAG IN SIBERIA where they were starved and constantly abused by the guards, and how even after their escape the government continued to hunt them with the intent of killing them. He would not be a communist. He probably sees a hammer and sickle in his fucken nightmares.
Spy being evil and an arsehole. You know his schtick is the suave gentleman right? He's cool but he also has to be cringefail. And arsehole is a far cry from a gentleman.
People making Soldier a bigot. Har har I know it's funny to joke about the bloke obsessed with America being a bigot, but do you honestly think he cares enough? He's xenophobic at worst. Everyone is assumed to be American and his best mate is a black Scottish cyclops. Half the time I'm convinced you people want Soldier to be a bigot so you can write bigoted shit and not cop shit cuz it's coming out of his mouth.
Carrying on from prev, the amount of people I've seen use the time setting as an excuse to be bigoted towards the characters. This is ESPECIALLY prevalent where it seems like every story-focussed fic of Demo has a scene where someone is being racist to him and he Heroically Sticks Up For Himself or someone else sticks up for him to show How Much They Don't Care About Being Seen With A Black Man (usually it's Soldier, sometimes it's Sniper). You realise everyone knows racism is bad, right? That that's really not necessary? It wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't in EVERY FIC but it's like the author always needs to proudly claim themselves Not Racist while writing REALLY RACIST SHIT directed at the ONE CONFIRMABLE MAN OF COLOUR on the team just so they can yell "RACISM BAD but here's me jumping at the opportunity to call a man of colour a racial slur".
Well, reckon that about covers her...
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allamericansbitch · 22 days
If I may weigh in again because I've been thinking about this nearly all day you're right that it really does not matter whether or not Taylor is mentally ill, and she is not in anyway obligated to discuss her mental health publicly. If she were mentally if, if she was so mentally ill and physiologically resistant to medication that her best option was ECT, it would not change the fact that what she is doing now is sensationalising both mental illness and ECT. There is no ethical way to sensationalise something - exoticisation is inherently racist, fetishising queerness is inherently queer-phobic, and aestheticising mental illness is inherently abelistic. No one is saying that she isn't allowed to engage with the concept of mental illness in her music and performances. What we are saying is that the way she is doing so is incredibly insensitive. She consistently denigrates someone else for being depressed, and having substance abuse issues in TTPD, then turns around and co-opts both those things in a highly performative, trivialising way.
The contrast between the accusatory way she says "You needed me but you needed drugs more" and the flippant delivery of "I was high functioning alcoholic/until nobody noticed my new aesthetic" makes it very clear that she is not approaching substance abuse with any gravity at all - in the first instance she only cares that it's getting in the way of someone loving her in the way she ways, and in the second instance she explicitly states that she views alcoholism as a personality to role-play for attention.
"Here we go again/the voices in his head/called again to end our days of wild" very succinctly embodies a recurring issue in the album - He implicitly has persistent, capital-letter mental health issues, and she is fed up of them interfering with her ability to have fun. She is very clearly trivialising someone's mental health issues, and expecting sympathy for having been victimised and "broken" by it. He's not mean to her, doesn't do anything to her, she's just tired of his problems -- and that's the feeling we're expected to be sympathetic towards, that's what's being valued over mental illness.
And all this is directly harmful. The wide-spread trivialisation of mental illness means that people have a harder time being taken seriously by professionals, it means that their friends, peers, co-workers, bosses, parents, teachers etc, don't understand the extent to which mental illness affects a person's life. Perhaps most dangerously of all, it means that the mentally ill individual may not understand that what they're experiencing isn't normal because the language of their experience has been misappropriated into a causal context. I understand that she's just following a trend, but in following it, she's also perpetuating it in a very big way because unfortunately, we live in a world where she has much more influence than anybody actually qualified to talk about mental health.
(I wanted to rant a little about how disgusting the TTPD choreo is from both a mental health and feminist perspective, but this is probably already way too long.)
yes YES YES! all this is exactly it. no one's saying she isnt allowed to talk about mental health issues or specifically her struggles with it, of course she can. it's the way she's choosing to express it that's just very problematic and she's ignoring the problematic history of and trivializing them for performance/aesthetic purposes. she's just treating every issue she discusses with no empathy or gravity. she repeatedly treats others with mental health issues as a liability but then we should feel sad for her when she didn't feel bad for anyone else.
and the last part is just perfect and wanna reiterate it:
"I understand that she's just following a trend, but in following it, she's also perpetuating it in a very big way because unfortunately, we live in a world where she has much more influence than anybody actually qualified to talk about mental health."
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foressfaction · 5 months
Tumblr media
:Ticci Toby:{A Rewrite}
WARNING:: This story contains EXTREMELY triggering topics such as Domestic/Child/Substance abuse, Death, harsh language, GORE and dissociation triggers. This story mentions mental illnesses and disorders such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, and Tourette's Syndrome. !!TICS MAY BE TRIGGERING!!
Chapter four
Later that night, Toby sat alone in his room, surrounded by notebook pages full of small doodles. Stick men and symbols, one that stood out the most, a bunch of circles and X's. He found it fun to draw, therefore obviously showed it. There was a knock on his door, glancing up, Toby hummed out a response. "Come in."
The door opened and Lyra stood in the hallway, stepping in to catch first glance at all of the little pages who Toby started to clean up, shoving it all back into the original journal he tore them from.
"Dumb, right? These d-d-drawings, am I crazy? Lyra, am I a freak."
Lyra's eyes widened softly as she got down to sit in front of him. "no no no you're not, who told you that?"
Toby turned and pulled something from his bag, the note that was slammed onto his back when leaving school. He unwrinkled the paper and held it out of her. Lyra's shoulders dropped, it seemed she too had the same reaction to the note as he did when he first laid eyes on it. Her eyes darted back up to him with an angry expression. "You're seriously going to let these kids bully you like this?" Toby just looked down with a huff.
"I've never been put with these kinds of k-kids, i c-can't blame them if they hate me, hah..i'm not exactly that likable."
Lyra was quick to correct him, grabbing his right hand. "Don't say that, Toby, you're the strongest, most lovable person I know, you mean so much to me..i…I can't bear seeing this happen to you." tears were forming in her eyes, her hand squeezing his.
"Here…" She held his hand up and mimicked something with her other hand. "I'm going to show you how to make a fist, okay." She moved his hand into a fist shape, making sure his thumb was rested over his fingers. "Make sure your thumb is always on top, if not, you'll break it." Her words were gentle, and so were her movements. She was careful about his jerky arms, keeping them down if he was going to accidentally hit her or himself. Lyra continued on with explaining the idea of fighting. She did take 6 years of karate before the family broke apart. "Your hands are weapons, don't ever use them unless you have a good reason..if someone hits you first, go crazy, kick, hit, bite even."
Toby laughed a little, it was a weak one, but he did laugh. The idea of biting someone was somewhat funny. "No but I am serious." She admitted, earning his eyes to glance back up, locking onto her worried expression. "Promise me you will stick up for yourself..if this progresses. The last thing I want to see is you hurt."
Her hand still laid over his now fist of a hand. Toby then made a fist with his other hand, showing her. Lyra nodded. "Yep, just like that." She lowered it. "I want you to be…violent when it's the time, but i also don't want to be blamed if you accidentally knock someone unconscious." She slightly joked, but it was also serious.
Toby looked down with a small hum. "Please, Toby?"
He looked up. "Don't hurt anyone unless they hurt you." She warned.
Toby just stayed quiet, but eventually spoke. "Okay, I promise, but wh-what about dad? When he hurts mom—" He was cut off quickly by her tugging his arm. "That's a different story…We're talking kids the same age as you,"
"But when he hurts you—is that an e-e-excuse to hit him?" Lyra quickly just pulled him into a hug once more, squeezing tighter than she usually would. Was this an attempt to shut him up? "Let's not talk about that yet…If it was an excuse don't you think i would've done something about this by now?"
She shivered a little, not letting go. "School will be over in just a few months..it'll go fast, i really hope you won't need to use these." She gestured to his hands, by which she just saw a few new blemishes that covered them.
"Are you chewing on them again?" Lyra asked with a sad sigh.
"mhh yes but- not as much as last year." The last thing Toby wanted were those tight straps of gauze wrapped around his hands to the point he couldn't even use them.
"Okay, get some sleep bud..like actually, get some sleep..it's starting to look like you got into my eyeliner again." she gestured to his dark circles that were beginning to get more and more noticable.
Toby nodded and sat everything that was once strolled out to the side by his night stand. Lyra left the room and closed the door.
Toby looked down to his hands, seeing the gnawing marks and small concrete scrapes from falling so much. His knees and elbows were covered in healing and recent bruises, who knows how many little cuts and scratches he had in total. He never could remember getting most of them.
At night his room would get pretty creepy. The whole night was the definition of paranoia. Toby would make out black shadows, deep whispers and even started to feel pressure on his bed like something was crawling onto it, or sitting on the edge. Toby would make himself as small as possible when he slept, in an attempt to not be woken up by his mind playing tricks on him.
Weeks would go by painfully slowly. Toby started to feel like he lived at school and only visited home. On this day though…He wished he never did come home.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 6 months
Gonna get a little personal for a minute but you know what grinds my fucking gears
Introverts on the Internet.
*note, if you identify with the term introvert but aren't a fucking asshole such as I am about to describe, this isn't about you but rather a larger issue I've observed
Cw: self-harm, substance abuse, mental illness (I'll get there)
I don't know who the fuck decided that a distinction nearly as scientifically baseless as your zodiac sign was such a metric to judge people by but Jesus fucking CHRIST
And you don't see "extroverts" doing this shit. I never once saw a post that was like "Hehe I'm such an extrovert I want to force ALLL my introvert friends out of the house!!! They're so boring and lame and weird" but all the time, ALL THE TIME it's "huehuehue I am an introvert I am morally AND intellectually superior. I hate all my friends and am annoyed when they expect me to show them any care or compassion BUT if they stop including me they are bad friends even though I tell them to fuck off when they invite me places. When strangers say hi to me in public I spit on them. Here's a tiktok I made joking about domestically abusing my roommate for inviting her friends over to our house" like fuck the fuck off???
Ignoring the fact that introvert and extrovert DO NOT MEAN "don't like people" "likes people" (they mean "gets energized from being around/not around people") and ignoring the fact that there's significant debate over whether or not this distinction even actually exists in psychology in the first place and ignoring the fact that many of these "introverts" aren't actually introverts and have undiagnosed mental illness or external circumstances that make social environments stressful (coming from someone mentally ill himself who thought she was an introvert because they had shitty friends and were depressed) can we just like. Leave people the fuck alone and not get mad at other humans for having the audacity to BE FRIENDLY!?!?
And it seeps into EVERYTHING. A depressed person who sits morosely in their room staring at a wall forgetting to eat, reading fucking. Catcher in the Rye over and over and over and cutting themselves is "deep, intellectual, etc." meanwhile a depressed person who goes to clubs because alcohol is the only way they can feel anything and they want so badly to be happy with their friends, blacking out making themselves sick, THAT person is "boring, dumb, not respectable"
If you wouldn't be an asshole to someone for cutting themselves, don't be an asshole to someone for alcohol/drug use. Provide support? Yes! Express concerns, of course! But maybe just think about what you fucking say about strangers when you don't know what's going on in their life.
Context: I saw a post that said "If you need alcohol to have fun you're boring"
If you NEED alcohol to have fun, you are struggling with mental illness and you don't deserve to be called boring for it. Fuck. Rant over.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
I have a question: So like uh... how can you be sure if you are traumatized? My mind keeps swapping between thinking I'm traumatized and thinking I just had a slightly weird childhood and I'm simply over-reacting like I always do. Also second question that is more optional and you might not know: If your parents are unable to save you from an unfortunate circumstance like say... a sister that is violent loud and angry to both you and the parents.... and you often were in distress from say... a sister that would scream hit and punch and took all the parent attention to them and left you alone and hiding in your room... then could that lead to you growing up with the same effect of neglect? I'm guessing you would want a more clear picture of what happened to answer either one of these question so here it is: My sister was and is (but way more stable) mentally ill. I spent most of my years in elementary from 2nd and up living in a house with somebody who can harass, mock, and sometimes hurt me at any moment. She did mostly calm stuff like only say "retard" to me for a stretch of time that feels infinite because I was autistic, and almost punch me but stop and make fun of me getting scared. Very rarely she would go above and beyond by trying to drown me over a dipute and locking me in her room and refusing to let me out because I couldn't fix her computer. I adapted though, I pretty much avoided my sister as much as I can until recently when she calmed down. One thing I could never escape though was the yelling, the screaming, the crying. Every time my sister would have a mental breakdown, which was a whole, whole, whole lot, she was loud and sometimes violent about it. I was hardly ever in the middle of it, I usually just hid in my room while being forced to hear my sister's screams and my parents trying to get her to stop with as little force as possible. It's hard to describe the emotions, and I can try all I want to make you understand what this was like but I won't ever succeed so I'll stop. My sister also tried to kill herself a lot and been in and out of the mental hospital a whole lot so there is that too. Also my parents were amazing, don't worry. The worst thing about my parents is that my dad is a bit emotional but he usually didn't engage with my sister when he could get angry so it hardly came up in a bad way but he did escalate a lot of situations. My Mom was understanding and calm and didn't really fight back against my sister but like... in a good way, it's hard to describe without you knowing my sister. Sorry for the slop of words, I was thinking about like 2 other things at once while typing this and I don't have the energy to correct anything.
You can be sure you're traumatized if you have trauma symptoms. Trauma symptoms can range from feeling low self worth, fear and anxiety around people or specific circumstances and events, struggling with feeling normal around people, struggling with thoughts of self doubt, self hate, severe guilt and shame for everything that was done to you, or what happened, to the more recognizable ones: flashbacks, nightmares, emotional flashbacks, panic and anxiety attacks, losing control over emotions, not being able to regulate emotions at all, feeling unstable, desperate and terrified of the past and feeling low feelings or even complete despair about the future. It's also visible in struggling to have close relationships, feeling like you have to keep secrets, like nobody would love you if they truly knew you, feeling uncomfortable with people being near you or touching you (non-threateningly), running into isolation to keep yourself safe, or finding safety in substances, obsessions, addictions. Trauma can also manifest in development of disorders like eating disorders, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, ocd, depression. There's a lot of more subtle symptoms, you can check this list to see if any of this applies to you: Link.
It's often that traumatized people feel like they might be over-reacting, which is caused by the low self worth mentioned above; people who have normal self worth and are not self-conscious about how their emotions might inconvenience others, thus they don't stop to think if they're over-reacting, and take their feelings at face value. If a feeling is there, it's there for a reason, and the reason is unlikely to be something you made up. Sometimes what people will see as over-reacting is simply reacting to a trigger; even if you feel like your reaction was exaggerated, it's because something in your brain reacted to prior trauma and felt the need to evoke strong reaction so you would protect yourself against this event repeating, as it traumatized you in the past.
For example, if someone reacts with terror to a dog, we'd call it an over-reaction, but if you then find out they were bitten as a child and almost died, then terror is completely appropriate. It's like that with emotional trauma too, if something damaged you so badly as a kid you felt like you would never recover, your brain will react with terror or very strong emotions, to make sure you stay away and keep yourself protected. So it's really just a logical reaction, if you consider the past event and what it did to your life.
The circumstances you lived in as a child definitely warrant a lot of trauma. You describe your sister's presence as an 'unfortunate circumstance', but I don't see even one hint that your parents put actual effort in protecting you. Two adults are absolutely able to pay attention to more than one child at the time, and it sounds like you got completely neglected, and left to make your own conclusions to why that is. And you decided that parents cannot be at fault, because they couldn't do any better. I believe they could, because no child has deserved to be ignored and left to endure insults, slurs, screaming, yelling, punching, mocking, harassment and hurt at any moment, without any protection or care. Your parents were responsible for protecting you, and caring for you at any moment that you might have gotten hurt. It doesn't matter if they had 'a lot on their plate', because you are a human being they were responsible for protecting, and they failed you.
I can think of many things that could have been done differently to protect you, your sister could have been put in a place where she couldn't reach you, you could have been in a presence of a parent or a caretaker at all times to make sure nobody can hurt you, you could have been put in someone else's care as soon as it was obvious that your sister was hurting you, you could have been asked about it and comforted and a different solution could have been reached in order to make sure you live your childhood protected from all this.
Having one child that is a lot to manage does not mean you can now ignore all your other children and leave them to be hurt consistently because 'you cannot be bothered to pay attention to all of your kids' Also it sounds like instead of handling the child that was causing violence, they were escalating the situation and making it worse for you. Leaving one child to lash out at another is unacceptable, and it is both neglect and abuse. Protection from abuse is a part of what your parents are responsible for, and they failed you. And I can see you care so much for their good image, you're protecting them even as you're trying to talk about how they left you to fend for yourself in a world where you were harmed. Imagine if they felt that kind of compassion for you, and ran to protect you whenever you were alone with someone who was hurting you. You're showing more care for them in here, than they did for you in your childhood.
This had to be really hard for you to read, and I'm sorry for being so blunt. I'm not trying to tell you how you should see them, I'm just angry that you were put thru so much, and it didn't have to be like that. You know your situation better than I do, and if I'm completely wrong about everything, that's completely possible and you do not have to accept my opinion, your own is more important. I hope you're never left to fend for yourself in a world where others are likely to hurt you, that's not okay for a child to go thru, and it's painful and traumatic to an adult as well.
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helluvalittlesblog · 1 month
Give me something to hold onto: Chapter 1
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Age regression AU: Stolas and Blitzø are friends. And when they find out the other regresses, they now want to take care of each other.
But can the Imp and the Owl overcome what had broken them?
SFW Age regression is a coping mechanism and it's fun, nothing else. DNI if you don't want to read it.
💜🦉Little!Stolas and Little!Blitzø🐴❤️
This is for everyone who wanted more Little!Stolas content! 💜💜
⚠️May get angsty in later chapters, but for the most part, nothing too triggering, just in case there will be TW above every chapter.⚠️
⚠️ READ ME! ⚠️
This work is an Age regression fic. So there will be things such as: Diapers, pacifiers, cribs, bottles, exc.
(Tbh, I'm not 100% sure what this'll have.)
It'll be mostly fluff/comfort.
But it will also have:
Cursing, mentioning abuse, trauma, substance use, and talking about mental illness.
Mind the Trigger warnings at the beginning.
🧸Age regression itself is not sexual, it's a SFW coping mechanism and it's valid Af. 💖❤️🩹
"Have you heard from the news? Clouds are falling from the sky, and everything that's pink is now blue?" -Little space, Sxye.
~~~Stolas and Blitzø:~~~
At the alter Blitzø and Stolas stood.
They gazed into each other's eyes, smiling.
Stolas held a beautiful bouquet he had borrowed, and Blitzø was wearing a beautiful blue boutonniere.
They smiled at the realization that their old lives would transform into their new life together.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness this man and this man in holy macaroni."
"Holy what?" Stolas whispers.
No one acknowledged the question "Do you take this man to be your lovely wedding husband?"
"Um, yes. Yes, I do." Stolas says.
"And do you take this man to be YOUR lovely wedding husband?"
"I don't think you're saying that right." Stolas says.
Blitzø shushed him. "I do too."
"I now pronouns you, husband and husband! You may kiss the-"
"Wait- stop!" Someone yells in the crowd.
Audible gasps fill the room as a green frog runs into the room.
"What the..?" Blitzø asks.
"You can't marry him! I love him!" The frog says.
"Stolas!" Blitzø scolds. "He can't say that!"
"Why not?" Stolas asks, holding a toy frog in his hand.
"Because he's already in love." Blitzø explains. "Remember? He married the rooster last week!"
"Ohh right." Stolas says. "Sorry, I forgot."
"Yeah, so...the snake can interrupt instead." Blitzø compromised, handing Stolas a snake stuffed animal.
"Okay." Stolas says happily. "Stop! I love him!" Stolas shouts, playing with the snake plushie now.
Another gasp fill the room as the snake declares his love Blitzø's toy dinosaur.
"Snakey?!" Blitzø gasps.
"I love you, Dino. Please don't marry the Imp!" The snake says.
"Snakey, I can't love you anymore." Blitzø says.
"But...why not? I always loved you!" Mr snake says.
"Cuz, I'm marrying the Imp now." The dinosaur says.
"Marry me instead please?" Snakey asks politely.
"Nah." Blitzø said.
"...please?" Snakey asks again.
"No thank you. I'm good." Blitzø says.
"Oh...okay...well...I guess you'll die then." Snakey said casually.
"Wait, what!?" The Imp and dinosaur ask.
"Pew!" The snake pulls out a water gun.
"Nooo!!!" Stolas's imp plush shouts.
"I'll save you, honey!" Blitzø says, throwing the dinosaur in front of the defenseless imp.
Both Stolas and Blitzø laughed.
Okay, it wasn't a real wedding. They were marrying Blitzø's stuffed dinosaur and Stolas's stuffed imp.
Stolas and Blitzø love marrying their stuffed animals to each other when they were regressed; it makes them happy.
So, for some context: let's go back a little to see what exactly is going on here...
~~~Past, A year ago:~~~
"Prince Stolas?"
Stolas started choking on his drink, coughing and heaving, but then assured everyone who might've cared: "I'm fine!"
"We caught this nasty imp trying to sneak into your chambers, what should we do with him?" One of the hellhounds asked, not worrying at all about Stolas.
"Into my chambers, really? Oh, well. That is, concerning." Stolas clears his throat. "Just leave him to me, I will handle him accordingly." He smiles.
The two Hellhounds shrug and drop Blitzø on the hard ground.
"Follow me, Imp." Stolas orders, leading Blitzø through the castle.
With limited options, Blitzø listened and followed the bird as told.
They pass by a hallway and Blitzø looks at the pictures on the wall.
There was a picture of young Stolas, and his weirdo father who still gave Blitzø a strange feeling just by the picture alone.
Blitzø cringes, not one of his fond childhood memories.
Then, a picture of Stolas and what appears to be his wife...? But, he looks miserable. How can he be so rich, married, and be so miserable?
Not his business, he supposed, it's not like he knew Stolas.
Then, a picture of Stolas with a kid...
Huh. Good for him. He has a kid.
He looked happy there at least. He looks miserable in the other pictures,
Blitzø thinks about his own daughter at home... he has to talk himself out of this! "Look, I didn't mean to interrupt your- whatever- party? I was just trying to-"
"Don't bother with excuses, I know why you were here." Stolas says.
"You do?" Blitzø cringes, regretting his decision for a moment as Stolas closed the door, trapping them both in Stolas's bedroom.
"Yes, you are here to ravish me, weren't you?" Stolas asks dramatically, posing himself against the door.
"Uhhhhhh, you?" Blitzø asks.
"Why else would you be breaking into my room?" He jokes. "You could've asked to visit you know, it's been a long time, but I have a very good memory." He smiles cutely and claps his hands so the room's candles lit up.
"Oh, yeah." Blitzø laughs, not really expecting Stolas to remember him. Suddenly, catching his eye was the book he was after, behind Stolas at the top of his bookshelf.
He needs that fucking book!
He leaned in closer, playing along with Stolas's little game. "Well, you know, I figured since you're a prince and all it might just be easier to scale the walls and slip on in." Blitzø says. "Certainly is easier than going through your fucking staff..."He mumbles.
"One would think you might be here for nefarious reasons, if you are sneaking in during the cover of night." Stolas says.
Blitzø was a little confused...since it's still the daytime. But he figured playing along would be better. "Well, I wanted to crash the party, and it's always more fun you know to make an entrance!" Blitzø lies.
Stolas chuckles. "I recall how you enjoy making an entrance!" They walk to the couch in Stolas's room and sit down together. "So, over two decades since I last saw you. Are you still a circus clown?"
"Oh no, not anymore. I kill people now." Blitzø says.
"Oh dear, how afraid should I be?" Stolas asks.
"Well...I mean..." Blitzø looks at something behind Stolas that made him look anxious.
Stolas looks at him confused.
"Uh- how afraid do you wanna be?" ~ Blitzø asks seductively, getting closer to Stolas and taking his hand.
Stolas stepped back. "Uhm, well..." he looks behind him reluctantly, not sure where exactly Blitzø was going with this when...
He looks back at Blitzø confused. "Were you trying to steal from me?" Stolas asks.
"Uhh...what?" Blitzø wasn't sure how to answer that.
Stolas raises an eyebrow and hums. "Wouldn't be the first time," he crosses his arms, "now would it?"
Blitzø was now the nervous one. "No no, I was definitely here because you're...uh, cute?" He suggested.
"Mhm." Stolas tilts his head. "So, you aren't after...this?" Stolas asks, using magic to grab his grimoire.
Blitzø lies. "Nope, just...you. You fucking hot bird, you."
"Look- I'm sorry...what's your name again?" Stolas asks. "It's like glitzo? Or something, right?"
"It's Blitzø..." he says, crossing his arms.
"Blitzø? Didn't it have an O in it before?" Stolas asked. "Like, a clown name? I distinctly remember you having a-"
Blitzø rolls his eyes, his tail swinging back and forth in irritation. "Well, not anymore. It's silent now."
Stolas nods. "Alright...Blitzø. As much as I think you're...very...alluring. I doubt very much you feel the same way about me. I have very fond memories of us as kids, and I wouldn't enjoy seeing you get arrested. So, if I promise not to kill, arrest, or hurt you in any way, will you please just be honest with me?" He asks. "I'm sick of the lies and manipulation."
Blitzø hesitates. "Well..."
Stolas raises his eyebrows. "Well?"
"Okay, fine! I honestly can't believe I'm actually telling you this shit...but, I need to access the human world." Blitzø says. "And I remembered when we were kids you told me about the book, I thought I could maybe use it..." he admits.
"You listened?" Stolas asks, his pupils dialating.
Blitzø shrugs. "Yeah, course I did. It was interesting."
Stolas couldn't help but smile for a moment, someone actually found something he said interesting? "And you even remembered?" He asks. "How could I forget being sold as a playmate and taken to a castle with the strangest kid in history?" Blitzø asks. Stolas's smile dropped. "Oh...right. But, why do you need access to the human world anyway?" He asks.
"I don't expect you to understand." Blitzø says, rolling his eyes. "My company hasn't been doing so hot lately, we can't get enough kills in to pay for rent, and I can't even afford to pay my employees what I owe them...so, I had an idea. No one is more desperate for vengeance than sinners." He says.
"So, your plan is to kill the living as revenge for the sinners?" Stolas asks.
Blitzø nods. "Yeah. There's a lot of bitter people out there." Blitzø says. "We could make millions with this idea."
"Hm. Interesting." Stolas says. "Well, I'd love to help you, Blitzø. But, this book is very...very...important. I can't just let you have it." He explains.
"I get it. Look- I'll just show myself out." Blitzø says. "Thanks, Stolas." He says.
"For what?" Stolas asks.
"For not killing me." Blitzø says. "I have a daughter at home, though I doubt she'd really notice, eventually she'd run out of food." He jokes.
Stolas's eyes widen. "Blitzø, wait-!"
Blitzø sighs, then turns around. "What?"
Stolas thinks about it. "Okay...you can BORROW my book for your business, but there has to be some ground rules." He says.
Blitzø raises an eyebrow in intrigue. "Okay...?"
"I need you to be careful with it." Stolas says. "It's very important. It's not a toy!" He says. "Don't use any spells you don't recognize."
"Okay." Blitzø says.
"And I need you to return the book every full moon so I can continue my duties." Stolas says.
"Fair enough." Blitzø nods.
"And, I need your phone number." Stolas says.
Blitzø's eyes widen, then he smirks. "Really? Wow, Stolas. Smooth. Didn't know you had it in you-"
Stolas panics. "Wait! No! No no no no...that's not what I- I-I just-"
Blitzø smirks, loving seeing a royal so flustered.
Stolas takes a breather. "I'm married... I just want to be able to contact you in case I need my book back, or something happens!" Stolas says flustered. He rubs his arm anxiously.
"And what exactly do you get out of this deal?" Blitzø asks.
Stolas shakes his head. "I'm a father too. I know it's not always easy." Stolas says. "I dont wabt anything from you except... well," he suggests. "If...you'd like, I mean. We could hang out sometime? We seemed to get along fine as kids... you were the only real friend I had. The only honest one, even if you were a bit...critical and rude and stole from me. I thought about you a lot, and I... I know it sounds absolutely pathetic! But, I could really use a friend right now, my life's a mess!" Stolas says, exasperated.
Blitzø sighs. "I hear ya... my life ain't exactly perfect."
Stolas smiles. "Maybe we can help each other...what do say?" Stolas asks, holding out the book to Blitzø.
Blitzø looks at the book, then up at Stolas...
Stolas smiles.
Blitzø takes it....then pulls Stolas's arm closer with his other hand.
Stolas hoots in surprise as Blitzø grabs a red marker from his jacket and writes his number in Stolas's hand.
"I'll see you on the full moon, Stolas." Blitzø says.
Stolas smiled as Blitzø left as discreetly as possible.
He had a friend!
Things only could get better from here!
Possum: Lmk if you'd like to be tagged in this story
Idk when I'll update next, but the first 2 chapters are being posted now.
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kaddyssammlung · 2 months
ED-related Sleep Token lyrics Part 4 (last part)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
“You've got me in a chokehold”
Like I said for some reason I have choking and throwing up connected together. You can read so much into this line. And also the word chokehold makes you really think about that vast grip that an ED has on you. Sometimes it feels like something is pressing my stomach together and I can't eat much then.
“Even if it hurts me even if I can't sleep”
Yeah it hurts. Your stomach from not eating enough or your whole body because it lags strength to carry you or your whole body from working out but not eating enough. It just hurts.
Not eating enough affects your sleep. When I don't eat enough I can't sleep well. I don't really know why that is but it's something that I've struggled with a lot at times.
The Summoning
“You've got my body, flesh, and bone”
It is consuming. Bones make think about “body checking”. You take your fingers and gently touch the parts of your body where bones stick out. You do it all the time to see if you can feel them better then the day before which means you must have lost weight.
I still do this a lot. I love my collar bones. Every time I catch myself doing it I stop it though. I don't want to this.
“Sulfur on your breath”
It makes me think about substances. For me it was alcohol abuse. Drinking on an empty stomach hits in a different way. And also I don't recommend this. Your stomach does not forgive so easily. Especially when you are crazy like me and drink stuff that contains at least 40% of alcohol.
“Granite in my chest”
Makes me think about depression and a general feeling of sadness that started to set in after a certain time of starving myself. Nothing was fun any more. I was just sad all the time.
“Reason dislocates”
Why still stave yourself when it makes you only miserable and physically ill? You kind of forget why you started in the first place. “I just wanted to be thin...” Really? Is that so? Are you sure that there isn't a bigger problem that you are running away from?
“You have become the voice in my head”
The ED voice....”You should eat something” Then you eat and then it's like “that was too much, now you should feel guilty”....”that's not thin enough” “so fat” “just don't eat it will make it easier” “one day you will be thin enough and then you will be happy”
Lies! All of them!
“My life is torn, my bones, they bleed”
When you struggled with any mental illness long enough you don't know anymore you are besides that.
“So let's get swallowed whole”
Get lost in the ED and stop fighting it. If that's your end then that's your end. I had thoughts like that.
“Walls of flesh, so warm again”
At least you are not freezing yourself to death Vessel....Reminds me of being constantly cold and therefore also growing extra hair on your body. An extra fluffy layer on you because your body can't keep you warm anymore or you can't keep your body warm.
Walls of flesh...this sounds just so damn gross to me.
“Your reflection, your bitter deception”
Makes me think how you know you are think but are unable to see it.
“Who made you like this? Who encrypted your dark gospel in body language?”
You why do I hate myself and feel like I deserve to be in physical pain? Internalized trauma my dear Vessel. I mean who made you like this? Why do you write about what you write Vessel?
“Past what might be eating me from the inside, darling”
It's in here because of “eating”. The past is eating me from the inside, too.
“Make it real 'cause anything is better then the way I feel right now”
That's kind of the point of addiction. Anything to run away from your feelings, your past your trauma.
Are You Really Okay?
“I was trying to hold back the darkness”
….”you don't have to lose weight...you are thin enough....” blablab....you can't believe what they are saying. All I used to hear was “you're fat”.
“I don't believe you when you tell me you are fine”
I hated being called out. I liked hiding everything. Maybe that's why I never go severely underweight. It's easy to hide your ED when you seem kind of average or just a little underweight.
Do You Wish That You Loved Me?
“And my reflection just won't smile back at me like I know it should”
That damn feeling of hating yourself. That does not even make sense but yet you feel it.
“and there is something eating me alive, I don't what it is”
I actually hope that you know what is Vessel because knowing helps so you can let go of it. I did not know what it was. I had a feeling but I was too afraid to look into that direction until it came looked for me.
Take me Back to Eden
“And now the weightlessness recedes”
Sometimes you can feel like you are flying or floating in some way. It's a nice feeling but that does not last long. You run out of energy fast and then you try to get that feeling of being weightless back but you can't.
“come now, bit through these wires”
Why not use a damn wire-cutter? Why bite through them?!
“Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire”
...no more teeth to bite with. Idk what to do with this it's just in here because it kind of fits.
“Sink porcelain stained, choking up brain matter and make-up”
fun fact...I live in a region in Bavaria where a lot of porcelain (for hotels etc.) and chino also is produced.
Choking up brain matter....makes me think of having to gag and nothing is coming out and you feel pressure in your brain because of that.
Horrible feeling.
“Room feels like a meat freezer I dangle in like cold cuts”
What is it with the gross images of flesh and blood and meat?! Idk...just gross.
“but I'll take a pound of your flesh before you take a piece of my paystub”
What I just said.
“and I don't know what's got its teeth in me but I'm about to bite back in anger”
Yes, please start defending yourself. Or in my case: let go of your ED.
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runawaymun · 2 years
So I have written a lot about food and food insecurity in the aftermath of trauma and I focused mainly on Maedhros, Húrin (who there is actually some canon examples with), and Morwen (a different kind of trauma) and I know you posted some about Maedhros too so I was wondering if you had thoughts on how this affected Celebrían. I really love all your ideas and writing on her and I had some of my own thoughts but I wanted to ask!
-@outofangband (sorry if this is disorganized, I wrote it right after waking up)
Thank you for the opportunity to ramble about this!
Buckle up. This ain't a fun one, guys. And it's so so so long.
CW: discussions of suicidal ideation, force-feeding, eating disorders, & unhealthy relationships with food due to trauma under the cut.
Celebrían post-torment kind of lives rent-free in my brain. It actually really bugs me how little I see of her in the fandom from this period in her life, and usually when I do see content about this it's about how her torment affected Elrond which is very unfair to her. It's her trauma, after all.
I tend to describe Celebrían's relationship with food post-torment with three words: repulsion, obsession, and disinterest. (Unlike, say, Maedhros where I would describe his relationship with food post-Angband as being characterized mostly by insecurity, anxiety, and compulsion).
In regards to Cel, let's talk about repulsion first.
Food Repulsion
The issue of Cel's repulsion to food post-torment is really complex. The first and simplest part is that it's strictly biological. I really don't think she was given much to eat during her torment that would have actually agreed with her. When the body goes for extended periods of time without food, the stomach shrinks and becomes very sensitive, and it takes a while for it to acclimate to digesting things again. This also feeds into disinterest-- it was genuinely hard for her to want anything to eat when she was ill post-torment-- in the "nothing sounds agreeable and everything I eat makes me nauseous" sort of way.
And then there's the less fun aspect of why I suspect she has repulsion to food post-torment, and that comes down to force-feeding.
Tolkien mentions (I think) more than once instances of orcs force-feeding disagreeable substances to their captives. Chiefly I'm thinking of Merry & Pippin and the weird "orc draught" the Uruk-hai gave them. I can't think of any other specific instances currently off the top of my head, but I remember reading that part as a kid and being viscerally disgusted and freaked out, and that part still haunts me every time I read it. Force-feeding is such an intense form of psychological control. I'm thinking of the times during the women's suffrage movement when women went on hunger strikes and then were force-fed with tubes/funnels. It's a violation of bodily autonomy. It's even worse when you're being forced to consume a substance which may have an altering effect.
And it's clear from the scene with Merry & Pippin that the orc draught had an altering effect and tbh I always read it as being something the orcs enjoyed doing.
And just in general, orcs seem to enjoy torture and infliction of distress. So firstly, I believe Cel was force-fed this orc-draught, seeing as it has an "invigorating" effect and possibly would have essentially made her last longer to be toyed with and tortured. Secondly, I think they probably force-fed her some gross stuff (i.e. stuff orcs like eating. Raw flesh/blood etc.) because they found her reaction funny.
So naturally, this is traumatic, and naturally, Cel isn't really going to have an appetite for anything but, perhaps, water when the twins get her home.
It was very difficult for Elrond to get her to take any medicines. She logically knows this is her husband and that he's very safe and that he's trying to help her, but Cel isn't going to want anything that may alter her mental or physical state. On top of that, being fed anything is going to be triggering. This is made especially worse in the very likely event that during her early recovery she has to be fed, which is re-traumatizing.
This is distressing for everyone around her, obviously, especially Elrond who is only trying to help. This is especially distressing for Cel because she knows, she knows that everyone is trying to help her and that she has to eat to stay alive, but the act of swallowing has become so utterly traumatic that it probably sets off a gag reflex and causes her to vomit most (if not all) of what she's being given.
This takes a long time to work through.
Obsession (and Compulsion)
Okay let's talk about obsession. For Cel, the repulsion actually feeds into the later obsessive and compulsive behaviors which she develops to cope with her repulsion and anxiety. This is going to be a shorter section because I just don't want to linger on this for very long.
Once she is able to keep food and medicine down, she develops an obsession around making sure she knows exactly what she is eating and exactly how much she is eating. She doesn't develop a hoarding issue like Maedhros did. She begins to pick apart and count everything she's eating. It takes hours to finish even the smallest meals. As this progresses she refuses to eat anything that she hasn't seen prepared in front of her or she hasn't prepared herself. She isn't being intentionally difficult, it's that the anxiety around not knowing what's in her food makes her physically ill & makes her reflexively vomit.
This carries over into Valinor.
She doesn't eat at group functions anymore. She doesn't eat meals with others anymore. She is aware that her behavior doesn't make sense, that it's "strange", that it's unhealthy. She has a great deal of shame around this that she can't manage to get rid of. Very few people in Valinor understand this trauma and she has no desire to talk about it. So she just doesn't socially eat anymore. It's very isolating.
This eases with time and intentional help and work. Again, I'm not sure if she ever really heals herself of this anxiety. That shit lingers with you.
Now let's talk about disinterest.
This may seem to be in conflict with obsession, but it's not.
This goes hand-in-hand with her repulsion, but mostly it's caused by intense depression, and is a problem that gets worse and worse in the months leading up to her departure.
As it becomes more and more clear that Cel just....isn't getting better, she really begins to feel guilty, I think, of the toll that she's taking on her family. She feels like a burden. She doesn't want to cause them any more distress. She is tired and ill and sick at heart.
So as things progress, she just...eats less and less. Part of this is because she just hates food and hates what it makes her feel and hates the distress all of her trauma around food causes everyone around her, and a good chunk comes down to the nausea and visceral repulsion.
The other part is that she just...
doesn't want to be here anymore.
And Elrond just will not let her go. He's trying so hard to help her heal. And Cel feels guilty because that's really unfair of her, she feels, to not work so hard herself when he is putting his entire being into saving her.
This is when their marriage bond starts to fracture (I don't think it ever broke entirely, but I think there was a moment where they were on the verge). Intentionally, on Cel's part. She doesn't want to cause him pain. She starts distancing her from him as much as she can.
And this is when she really, truly stops eating.
Because she can't bear to tell him that she wants to die. How could she do that to him? When he's doing everything he can to save her? Literally giving her pieces of himself? I headcannon he was using Vilya as a last resort, here, at risk to himself. It's literally breaking him and Cel can't bear that. Not when she just feels numb. She doesn't feel like she's worth saving and she doesn't know how to ask him to stop trying.
So she just...stops eating.
And she withers and withers and withers.
And she begins to fade.
And that's when Elrond truly starts to panic.
I think there's a moment where he asks her, very bluntly, if she wants to die.
And Celebrían very quietly says yes.
And I think that destroys him.
I think it's Celeborn, actually, over everyone that suggests that she sails. Because there's really nothing else to be done. Either she sails, or she fades. Maybe she fades anyway. Either way, no one can save her except Celebrían herself.
And there is one tiny feeble spark somewhere deep inside Celebrían that wants to live. So she tells her husband, and her mother, and her father, and her children goodbye, and she leaves everything she has ever known to sail to a place she's only heard about in her bedtime stories.
Does she ever fully recover from any of this?
No, I don't think she does. I don't think her appetite every fully comes back to her. I think she's always just a little too-thin. I think she still has a difficult time eating with others. I think she just can't eat certain foods anymore. But she manages, and she heals, and she lives. That's the important part. That's what matters.
Despite it all, Celebrían lives.
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Hey. I know you 100% mean well and you treat all your anons with respect and the assumption that they mean well too, That makes you a good person. But the whole Louis is an addict thing comes entirely from Harries, not least the appalling zot3 who makes up a major part of the destroy-Louis nutters project all on her own. The idea that he’s permanently drunk is demonstrably stupid and untrue along with every other insane accusation against Louis they’ve hurled against the wall in the hope it’d stick, but it’s become about the only thing they have left to attack Louis on, after the success of his last tourThat’s not to say some genuine Louies haven’t taken it up too now but maybe that shows how young or naive they are. Louis comes from a UK working class culture and a generation that views alcohol as generally fun, not as a fast track to addiction. A lot of people can drink a lot on nights out and thats it. No hurtling toward the gutter. A bottle of vodka on the table in rehearsals. So what? What time of day or night was that taken? Why the assumption it’s there just for Louis? The OTT puritanism and extreme safety-ism of subsequent generations hasn’t bitten Louis or the people he works with. And btw drinking to party or just to relax and smoking a bit of weed is quite a bit safer than the kind of substances Harry promotes and those same faux pearl clutchers defend. Louis smokes far too much, yes, but that’s a stress thing I suspect. He’ll make an effort to stop if he wants to. And a lot of singers smoke. It’s not new sadly. Bowing to bad actors making huge deliberately destructive claims about addiction, worrying well meaning younger fans, is a huge gift to the inadequates who need to hate him and genuinely suffer when they see how brilliant his tours are and how happy he makes his fans.
bestie I know all this, that's why I said these conversations would go differently if everyone had good intentions!
I've just decided to not answer an anon I just got bc I could tell from their tone they're one of those assholes who'd rejoice in louis actually suffering from serious conditions and those are just not people I'm willing to speak with
but at other times I think there's fans (and people) who are genuinely just not informed on the matter and who are genuinely worried for him bc they Care and I think it could be useful to have these conversations for them !
also in general i think people forget that fans are people too and we all live in the world so what people learn within the context of fandom is still something that they will take with them in the world and that shapes how they will act and that's why I think the narratives people create here are extremely important and not just silly things about some celebrities! that's why I always expand the conversations from just talking about louis or harry or liam etc to also point out the deeper issues that are driving these choices and these conversations whether that is capitalism, hyper individualism, selfishness, rainbow washing, victim blaming, addiction stigma, mental illness, misogyny etc those are all really huge issues and real ways of living and thinking that inform people's behavior and actions in this fandom just as much as they do in the real world and I try to make an effort to speak about them hoping that if I even manage a little to make someone question their beliefs then I am making a small difference
anyways all this to say that I get where you're coming from and I do try to pick the right anons to answer and to make it harder to derail the conversations into just hater territory even if I don't always succeed rip but I also think it's important to call things what they are and to not minimize the risks of ALL substance abuse just as its important to defend those people's rights as human beings!
also remembering that like I mentioned, we can't diagnose anyone without actually knowing them and a few pictures or videos of someone are definitely not enough to declare anyone anything!
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Discovering the Sunshine Spirit: Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Nestled along the southeastern coast of Florida, Fort Lauderdale beckons visitors with its sun-drenched beaches, vibrant cultural scene, and bustling waterfront. Affectionately known as the "Venice of America" for its intricate network of canals, this charming town offers a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement.
Start your journey by soaking up the sun at Fort Lauderdale Beach, where powdery sands meet crystal-clear waters. Whether you're into swimming, sunbathing, or simply strolling along the promenade, there's something for everyone to enjoy. For a taste of local culture, head to Las Olas Boulevard, a bustling thoroughfare lined with trendy boutiques, art galleries, and sidewalk cafes. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the picturesque canals aboard a water taxi, offering a unique perspective of the city's stunning waterfront homes and lush landscapes.
Adventure seekers will find plenty to love in Fort Lauderdale's outdoor playground. Explore the Everglades on an exhilarating airboat tour, where you can spot alligators, exotic birds, and other native wildlife in their natural habitat. For a dose of adrenaline, embark on a deep-sea fishing excursion or try your hand at water sports like paddleboarding and jet skiing.
When it comes to dining, Fort Lauderdale delivers a culinary experience to remember. From fresh seafood shacks to upscale waterfront bistros, the town boasts a diverse array of eateries serving up mouthwatering dishes inspired by global flavors. After dark, the city comes alive with live music venues, chic cocktail lounges, and energetic nightclubs, ensuring that the fun never stops.
With its laid-back atmosphere, stunning scenery, and endless array of activities, Fort Lauderdale invites visitors to unwind, explore, and create unforgettable memories along Florida's sun-kissed coast.
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As someone who has personally witnessed the devastating effects of substance abuse and mental health challenges, I understand the importance of seeking professional help on the path to recovery. That's why I want to share with you the transformative services offered at Florida Addiction and Recovery Center.
Specializing in substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, medically assisted treatment, and couples treatment, our center provides comprehensive care tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. With a team of experienced professionals and evidence-based approaches, we are committed to helping clients overcome addiction, manage mental health disorders, and rebuild healthy, fulfilling lives.
At Florida Addiction and Recovery Center, we believe in treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. From detoxification and therapy to medication management and holistic therapies, we offer a range of services designed to address every aspect of recovery. Our couples treatment program provides couples with the support and resources they need to heal together, strengthening their relationship while navigating the challenges of addiction and mental illness.
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues, know that you are not alone. Take the first step towards healing and contact Florida Addiction and Recovery Center today. Our compassionate team is here to guide you on your journey to recovery, offering hope, support, and the tools you need to reclaim your life.
Hoping that this article is helpful for you and that you may consider Florida Addiction and Recovery Center.
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(954) 677-8787
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2old4fun · 5 months
Burnout and Other Bummers
Hello, friends!
Today, we're going to chat about burnout, what it is and how to overcome it.
First off, what is "burnout"? It is complete - or near complete - mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. You've lost interest in the things that used to bring you joy or that meant something to you.
Physically, you could be experiencing headaches, fatigue, frequent illness, stomach/intestinal issues, drastic changes in sleep and appetite.
Mentally and emotionally, you could be dealing with helplessness, cynicism, sense of failure or self doubt, decreased satisfaction, loss of motivation, and feeling detached or alone in the world.
Behaviorally, you're looking at reduced performance in everyday tasks, outbursts, withdrawal and isolation, procrastination, and using substances - anything from food to drugs to sex, and so on - in order to cope.
There are all kinds of things that can cause burnout - from work situations where you have little to no control over how things run; too many responsibilities without any help; endless monotony and not being challenged; the tendency toward perfectionism; pessimism; the need to be in control of everything; tending toward extremely high achieving; NOT ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!!; not enough close and supportive social relationships.
In the area of hobbies and pastimes, if you're involved in group hobbies like roleplay or gaming or writing groups, feeling as though you've given a whole lot without getting much in return, or feeling ignored or pushed aside or just one in a sea of faces when you were hoping to be more like one of a special few.
How can you get past it?
First off, GET GOOD SLEEP!!!!! Giving your mind and body that time every day to rest and reset will go a long way toward staving off the burnout. Get out into nature and move around. Try journaling to get all of those thoughts out of your head. Find the time - even if it's just once a month - to treat yourself. A hot bubble bath and a good book. A day at the park or the gym. A couple of hours all by yourself at a coffee shop. If you can't do a coffee shop, use what you have at home to make an absolutely decadent treat for yourself at home. Visit a museum with a friend you haven't talked to in a while.
Remember that it doesn't have to be big and expensive. It just needs to be something that feels right for you.
If it's something to do with work, find ways to challenge yourself, to recognize your efforts and skills. *If* you can find something new, go for it. There are a lot of places in the world where you can't just up and quit a crappy job, so you may have to just get creative and find ways to get through it until you *can* leave. Make sure you leave work *at* work.
If you're in school, can you change or drop classes? Change your major? I've noticed that this tends to hit hardest those who are getting a degree because it's expected of them, not because that's necessarily the path they wanted for their lives.
Are you living for yourself? Or are you bending to other people's plans and expectations for you?
If it's something in your leisure time that's causing problems, remember that you don't own anyone your energy.
You are allowed to spend your precious free time on doing those things that actually make you happy. You are allowed to focus where you're having fun!
I know if you're deeply involved in a thing that's become progressively less fun as time has gone on, but you have others who are depending on you, it can be hard to step away.
But maybe it's time to start working toward that. Maybe try not to just drop everything and walk away - unless it's a truly toxic situation for you, then fuck those guys!
Put more of your energy toward the fun parts, and put less of it toward those things that aren't as much fun, or that are starting to feel like a chore. Remember, this is supposed to be your playtime. Your time to relax. If it's starting to feel like a job that you're dreading, it's definitely time to take a step back and reevaluate.
Will it be hard to let down anyone who might be depending on you? Sure, but it's worse to let yourself down.
YOU are the only one who can look out for yourself, so do it.
Sometimes, even those we love just don't have it in them to give us what we need - that is the state of this capitalistic hell state in which we live - so you need to be brave enough to give yourself the love, the attention, the care that you need and deserve.
Keep in mind that said care could very well include speaking with a mental health professional, wherever it's possible. Never feel ashamed to take that step.
Remember to be gentle with yourself.
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luxuryrehabfinder0 · 8 months
Exploring the Evolution of Luxury Rehab Centers in India
Rehabilitation is the process of getting someone healthy again through training and therapy after being locked up, getting addicted, getting hurt, or getting sick. Rehabilitation aims to help people gain control over their feelings, skills, and abilities needed to live a healthy life. Every person in a rehabilitation centre follows a set plan to help them get healthy again.
Rehabs help a wide range of people, so they should be easy for everyone to get to and give each person the right rehab program for their needs, such as drug abuse, trauma, healing from an accident, etc. To design a rehab centre, you need to know about the places, the needs, and, most importantly, the behaviour and psychology of the patients.
Luxury Rehab Finder provides the best rehabilitation centre in India and strives to be the best in the mental health field by giving our patients the best psychological interventions, therapies, and other mental health services.
Those dependent on alcohol frequently struggle to cease and find it extremely difficult to abstain from imbibing. There are numerous factors why alcoholism can develop. Alcoholism is a disease, which means brain abnormalities cause it. There are inherent factors that contribute to alcoholism, but the primary cause of alcoholism is alcohol addiction.
People who abuse alcohol initially have low tolerance levels, meaning they require increasing amounts of alcohol to experience the same effects. Once a person has developed tolerance, they must drink more to achieve the same effect and may require assistance from the alcohol de addiction centre in India.
Abuse of alcohol also results in physical dependence, meaning your body no longer functions normally when you're not imbibing.
Doctors, nurses, and caretakers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so each patient gets the care and treatment they need.
Get better Monitoring, help with daily tasks, and give family members regular reports on the progress.
The well-known psychiatrist has run our listed Rehabilitation Centre, helping people with mental illness, dementia, and drug abuse for over 16 years. He gets help from an experienced team of professionals from different fields, such as psychiatrists, MBBS doctors, psychologists, trained addiction counsellors, nurses, and other medical experts.
We make it so that people feel like they are at home. This makes their stay more comfortable and helps them get better quickly.
The counselling unit
Our listed the best Rehabilitation Centre in india has a separate psychotherapy unit with skilled psychologists who do testing and psychological, cognitive, and behavioural therapy. They also offer a 12-step programme for getting people off drugs.
Extra hobbies are essential. We have yoga, meditation, plays, dance, music, and other fun daily activities to help people get better faster.
Twelve-step treatment:
Instead of going through the steps in a group setting, this therapy is based on the AA programme and is done one-on-one with a therapist.
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a talking therapy that uses problem-solving to treat addiction dependency. The treatment process involves becoming aware of unhelpful and unrealistic attitudes and beliefs that may contribute to the individual's reliance on the addictive substance.
Counselling for Families:
During family therapy, family members learn about the dynamics of addiction dependency and strategies for providing emotional and practical assistance to a family member trying to recover from Addiction.
Group Psychotherapy and Other Forms of Self-Help:
Participating in group activities with others going through issues comparable to yours could make you feel more at ease.
After a person has been accepted into an addiction treatment centre, the withdrawal signs will be treated. The goal is to quit Addiction quickly and quickly and deal with withdrawal signs.
A Confirmed Success Rate
Each year, our offered centres have assisted hundreds of individuals in overcoming Addiction. These centres are optimistic about their ability to assist you; the success rate is over 90%.
Rehabilitation at the finest alcohol rehab centres is intended to provide alcoholics with the assistance and resources needed to overcome their Addiction. Offered Rehabilitation can make the transition to recovery simpler than doing it alone by offering a compassionate, healthy environment and 24-hour medical assistance, as well as frequent therapy and medications designed to help clients better understand and address the causes of their Addiction.
At India's most reputable and exclusive treatment facility, recovering from drug or alcohol use disorder and transitioning into a healthy and sober life is not a stroll in the park. The process begins with an intake evaluation and continues through detoxification, Rehabilitation, and an aftercare plan.
Offered centres by Luxury Rehab Finder do extensive evaluations and assessments to develop tailored treatment plans for each patient. The integrated therapy strategy they use is the treatment modality's distinguishing characteristic. This method is based on the most recent scientific findings and research-based treatments that have existed for a long time. They are widely regarded as India's most effective treatment facility because of their committed approach and track record of positive outcomes.
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goodlives-mitansh · 10 months
What are mood swings? Instatntly understand 5 causes
Mood swings :
Have you ever been satisfied one minute and cranky the next?
That moment when you're having fun, chirping and dancing around the house, and the next moment you're lying in bed contemplating your whole life.
Daredevil; These feelings are just a result of your hormones and have no real meaning. They are simply mood swings. A sudden or significant change in emotional state is called mood swings. When mood swings, a person can suddenly go from a state of cheerful enthusiasm to a state of depression, agitation, or anger. These are all signs of mood swings that can be used to your advantage as you experience them.
What do mood swings in men and women mean? 5 common reasons
Although mood swings are often thought to affect women, they affect people of all genders. In general, nutrition, sleep, and substance abuse are the main causes of mood swings. Anyone and everyone can experience mood swings for the following reasons:
Bipolar disease:
Mood swings with highs and lows (manic or hypomanic) and depression are caused by mental illness or a mood-related disorder (depression). Bipolar MDD, commonly known as clinical depression, is a serious medical condition that can affect a person's life in different ways.
Being sleep deprived:
When you sleep, your body and brain are at rest with the outside world. The best time for your body to recover is right before you go to bed. Therefore, when you do not get enough sleep, you often become irritable and depressed. That is, lack of sleep can make you irritable and short-tempered.
Lack of sleep can lead to severe mood swings, which can lead to mood swings. According to studies, people who are sleep deprived have increased negative moods (such as anger, irritability, impatience and melancholy) and decreased positive moods.
Lowering blood sugar:
If you've ever experienced the feeling of "hanging," which is when you're both hungry and angry, low blood sugar could be to blame. Some people experience this when they pass a long time between meals. You may feel angry, sad, lonely, or confused if your blood sugar is low. You may even feel the urge to scream or cry.
You should eat something to feel better. Glucose is necessary for the functioning of the brain, where your emotions and thoughts are stored. Your brain can go haywire if you don't supply your brain with energy, i.e. if your blood sugar is low. Even if you feel like everything is overwhelming you, it could be a physical sign of hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia.
Every moment of life, whether at the office after work, at home after chores or for any other reason, can cause stress. Prolonged stress can cause mood swings, unpleasant thoughts, and feelings of sadness, anger, or bitterness. By turning your attention away from the main source of your stress, you'll start to feel better. Daily exercise is known to be a stress reliever.
Knowing that even caffeine can cause mood swings in some people may come as a surprise to some. Coffee, soft drinks, and other beverages you consume can be the cause of your mood swings. Caffeine can make you more alert than usual because it stimulates your nervous system. Your body will get used to its effects if you eat it regularly. At this stage, trying to reduce your intake will make you feel tired, irritable, anxious or restless, for example, which will lead to mood swings and melancholy. 
How to manage/control mood swings?
Mood swings can be difficult to control, but you can take steps to ease them:
Set schedule: Try to make a schedule for yourself, especially when it comes to eating and sleeping.
Focus on your current feelings:
Daily exercise Regular exercise has many benefits for almost every aspect of your health, including mood. Your muscles are released and relaxed, allowing you to be firmer and more serene.
Get enough sleep: Getting a good night's sleep is important, and a lack of sleep can affect how you feel. Eat a balanced diet: A healthy, balanced diet can maintain your health and improve your mood.
Relaxation exercises: When you feel restless or irritable, practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.
Don't stress too much: Easier said than done, so try to avoid stress. If you can't avoid feeling stressed, try distracting yourself with music, friends, or other activities.
Chat with it: Talk to a friend, family member, counselor, or other person you trust. How to naturally regulate mood swings has been mentioned above along with some natural treatments for irritability and mood swings.
Struggling with mental health? Don't hesitate and book a session with us today at GoodLives. 
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