#swap bloodmoon
socksandbuttons · 2 months
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Some swap au doodles! -BM and KC stuff cause we're focusing rn. I feel like Sun can sleeves in this AU. as a treat. Lunar is uh... interesting in his ideas of keeping those barrels in place. it just gets worse each time. Sun actually keeps better care of the daycare cleanliness wise. Also poor swap Sun... like Solar they do find a Nice Moon. Also one of those images shows how sun looks now vs How he took over eclipse and Moon took over Lunar, then moon's actual look maybe. Then we have the 'save Eclipse's magic circle' scene yknow Earths very 'first' appearance and all. Ironically KC never did die so he really is there gonna cause problems on purpose. Bloodmoon enacting his superior height over the bros. KC trying to approach Crater and Moon telling him to bug off. (the image on the left is not related to the scene) Death scene maybe! I feel like had more but maybe thats a bajillion thoughts running at once who knows!
There is an info dump on the way um. it may be a while.
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sunny-inajar · 2 months
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what if,,,,, lunar and bloodmoon swap au :3 (this is only so i can indulge my inner "family member bloodmoon" lover)
basically tsams, similar plot and everything, but bloodmoon and lunar swap places!!!!! lunar was eclipse's first creation, completely set on chaos and destruction (not bloodlust), but lunar decides he had his own goals and ditched eclipse
bloodmoon was the second creation, eclipse created two ais so that he could blackmail if need be. they still need blood, but they're a little more obedient and can be somewhat quenched with animals and meat. basically lunar but bloodthirsty,,,, while lunar is basically bloodmoon but a lot smarter and not as physically violent
sooo the plot is pretty much the same? but in terms of swap!lunar's story, im changing a bunch :3
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
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I made a thing again. Oh and another for that one anon too.
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h-didanart · 21 days
*ahem* Hello fellow fans and au makers! I am here to showcase my silly little au. Allow me to introduce you to our main characters:
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These are Sunset and Moonlight, from The Sunset and Moonlight show! Close ups and info dump below
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Where to start where to start, okay, a general description of the AU should be good to start with yeah? Yeah
This is a swap au, but unlike what I usually see swap AUs do, this is less of a full personality swap and more of a ‘bend the characters to a point where they change roles’ thing.
Sunset Rays Celestial-
Sun is a tired and apathetic guy. He would like to be left all alone in his room for the rest of his days, but that’s not really a good thing so he’s fine just living a calm and drama-free life.
His hobbies include cleaning, painting, sewing, and gaming. The cleaning has gotten embedded into his code to a concerning degree, he will clean a spot over and over for hours if he’s having a bad day. He got into art while he was undergoing “repairs”, he found painting to be a fun activity despite its messiness, and sewing has proven to be fruitful for his wardrobe. He’s gotten so good at these that he actually gets commissions and is paid very well. He prefers to draw with pastels and markers when he can. The video games are a shared hobby with his twin brother, Moon, they both play together sometimes. His favorite game is Cult of the Lamb.
He has a malfunction of sorts where his voice box will give out randomly and he’ll be unable to talk. It’s annoying but he doesn’t really mind, he has gotten really good at sign language from it. Plus, he uses it as an excuse to avoid talking to Moon whenever he gets the chance to.
The Computer absolutely hates his guts and has sent him off to various different dimensions. He’s acquainted with quite a few people and even has friends.
He has very good aim, both in video games and physically. He usually uses it to throw something at Moon to get his attention. Or to get him to leave him alone. Or to annoy him. Or just because. This has proved to be a really bad habit.
Despite being generally apathetic, he’s actually pretty good with emotions, being able to read them well on others and act accordingly.
He also knows magic.
Crescent Moonlight Celestial-
Moon is an energetic and nervous guy. He wants nothing more than to live happily with his brother. And do science, he’s a nerd.
His hobbies include science and gaming. On the side of science he specializes on robotics, programming, and inter dimensional studies, with some advanced physics as well. He’s a genius, basically. Gaming is a shared hobby between him and his twin brother, they both play together sometimes. He seems to have taken a liking to the Kingdom Hearts series, but Pokémon will forever have his heart.
The killing code is very much still in him, it manifests as heat on the back of his head and irritability. During a full kill code episode he’ll be extremely aggressive, on top of having increased physical capabilities and virtually no filter. He dreads having those and constantly checks his temperature. Independent from the kill code he has a bad temper.
He isn’t exactly a ‘people’s person’ yet due to having been the active Daycare Attendant for a few months he has grown acquainted with a few of the Pizzaplex animatronics. Montgomery took a liking to him. Because money.
Because of reasons he has a lot of bunkers on a lot of different parts of the world. He remembers them all thanks to the collection of tree branches he has picked up when he visited. These are jokingly called The Whacking Sticks (and is a genuine joke, he just likes collecting sticks)
He wanted to learn emotions better so he decided to find the code that controls emotions in himself and turned it on all the way. He’s starting to realize this wasn’t a good idea.
A master acrobat, he loves flying with the wire.
In case it wasn’t clear yet, Sun and Moon switch places in this au. Things may change, and I may come up with funny details later, but I hope you had fun reading this little introduction to my au
More stuff about them to come at some point!
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I don’t know who of the swap shuffle group would do this but it would be so chaotic to take the shattered twins shopping at the clothing store. They absolutely hate mannequins
Chickpea & amaryllis would attempt to take them clothes, shopping, not realizing that they also have a fear of mannequins. Now chickpea has to deal with 3 people who are scared of manikins, with two of them, being more reluctant to go near them than the other.
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artificialpomogranite · 6 months
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Swap au redesigned!
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cheesemctoastnuggets · 4 months
Here is a list, comprised of all headcanons and oneshots I have written! Please request if there's something you want to see!
"Even if I hate you, You're all I have left.". [Lord Bloodmoon AU Oneshot]
|[ You're No Savior ]| (Lord BM! Oneshot)
Sans Classic
Cross! Sans
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shop-of-knicknacks · 2 months
Still gotta figure out the Bloodmoon and KC situation in the swap AU since in the show universe one was part of Moon and the other also happened to be Moon models
So in the Swap AU would they be Eclipse models? Probably, right? That's what I'm gonna run with for now, gotta figure out names for Bloodmoon in this AU cause it's not a Moon anymore (insert shrug)
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artoutoftheblue · 9 months
Finally got to Swap!Crimson
They got hit with the Lunarification beam
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lemoncavitie · 27 days
I didnt do mermay art yet, i know im already 3 days behind :uglycry: but have this instead
Inspired by the art i seen by @dumbinkshark where they drew the Bloodmoon from the swapped dimension, and pointed out that Bloodmoon would be a solar model instead because they came from Sun's code in this dimension!
so i designed a solar model design for that dimension of bloodmoon. But! because they're a solar model, a moon model name simply wouldnt do. so in light of Killcodes name and propose, i present to you "Extinction"!
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side note i find it funny i named them Extinction and then gave them raptor talons HAHAAAA
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heavenlyhoundoom · 2 months
I've been watching the sun and moon show and decided to make a swap au.
Solar/Eclipse🔄Lunar(Evil Lunar's called Nightshade in this au)
Glamrock Freddy🔄Monty
Roxanne🔄Glamrock Chica
Bloodmoon(old design)🔄Jack O' Moon
Sun and Moon's sister is called Venus instead of Earth.
Swap quotes
1.Moon: Open up, open up. I'm gonna hide in the closet, I'm getting in the closet! Don't make the joke, I'm getting in here!
Sun: I really wanna make the joke.
2.Moon: I'm not going through a mood, I'm just tossing Roxanne- I mean doing things with Roxanne- that sounds wrong!
3.Nightshade: Jack, turn on.
(Jack turns on.)
Jack: Rip the mortals and make them scream!
4.Freddy: Clean up the place.
Solar: There you go, clean up.
(Jack flips Solar off.)
Solar: That's rude.
5.Nightshade: Let me take this now-
Solar: The do not disturb- Oh.
Nightshade: Oh no no, What were you going to say? Say it now, go on.
Solar: It's my do not disturb barrel...
(Nightshade throws the barrel away.)
Solar: Bye barrel...
6.Nightshade: Sun...I got the star now, it's gonna be ready in an hour...
Sun: And you better be ready in about five minutes.
Nightshade: What is this, some kind of last threat?
Sun: Oh, not a threat, a promise, lean, mean, and halloween.
Nightshade: Lean, mean, and halloween? What could that possi-(sudden realization), what did you do?
Sun: Gave him some coridanice.
Nightshade: You know he's gonna kill us both, right?
Sun: He'll kill you first.
7.Lunar: It looks like it's in working order, let's turn you on and hope to God nothing bad happens.
(Luna presses the power button and turns Bloodmoon on.)
Lunar: Is it turning on or is it stuck again?
(Bloodmoon wakes up.)
Lunar: Oh, there he is.
Bloodmoon: What is my business?
Lunar: Maybe I should adjust your voice box a little. Alright, Bloodmoon, we're gonna call you Bloodmoon, got it?
Bloodmoon: Understood.
Lunar: Your prerogative is to protect Solar, do you know who Solar is?
Bloodmoon: Solar, created from Sun, by evil you.
Lunar: Exactly.
8.(Bloodmoon tries to open a door)
Bloodmoon: Why does door not open? Open, open, open, open!
(Bloodmoon continues to try and open the door to no avail.)
Solar: I-it's locked.
Bloodmoon: Why is the door locked, unlock door.
Solar: I can't.
Bloodmoon: Why?
Solar: They haven't given me the key. It's also for the toilet.
Bloodmoon: Investigating bathroom.
(Bloodmoon looks at the door a punches a hole in it to try and see inside.)
Solar: I need a new door now.(sighs) Hey, Bloodmoon, new protocol!
Bloodmoon: What?
Solar: Stop breaking things!
9.Bloodmoon: Presenting, the new IPad.
Solar: Uh huh, what's so special about the new IPad?
Bloodmoon: It is broken.
10.Sun(referring to Ruin): You think if we insult it, it'll chase us?
Moon: What?
Sun: I said You think if we insult it, it'll chase us?
Moon: I don't know, let's find out. (Takes deep breath.) You look like a (dolphin(actually sped up kookaburra) sounds for the next thirteen seconds.)
Sun: And you smell like one too.
(Sun and Moon start backing away.)
Moon: Is it chasing us? (Sees the Ruin is heading towards them) Okay, now it's walking towards us, I really don't like that!
(Sun and Moon start running.)
Sun: Nope, nope, nope, nope!
11.Swap Nightshade(to Swap Solar): Didn't you have a crush on Monty?
Swap Solar: Shut up, leave me alone, it was a mistake!
Swap Nightshade: Solar had a crush on Monty, that passed thankfully, but still.
Sun: Moon had a crush on Chica for me.
Swap Nightshade: Chica?
12.Solar: Just gonna wait for Lunar to scream.
(Bloodmoon stabs Lunar off screen.)
Lunar: Ow, what the Hell!?
Solar: There it is.
(Bloodmoon starts beating up Lunar.)
Lunar: Freddy, get this thing off me!
Freddy: I don't know where it came from!
Solar: Oh, so Freddy is here!
(Bloodmoon continues to beat up Lunar.)
Lunar: Ow, Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!
Solar: Bloodmoon, you can stop now!
(Bloodmoon stops beating up Lunar and leaves.)
Solar: Hey, Freddy, you wanna say hi?
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
Bestie you know me well enough- KISSES BLOODMOON RFHARHZGRGARH HEYYY
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Bean KC with a knife.
He's standing on a stool i promise.
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seven-thewanderer · 11 months
Okay I kinda got bored, and ended up making 2 SAMS-related Hunger Game simulator thingies
one of them has images, the other does not (cus it was being a little crap & I gave up)
This is the one with images (it's the Simublast one) Sim id: 649f4ea4344b9
and this is the one without images (the BrantSteele one) Sim id: 5T9NUDjN
from what I heard the BrantSteele one is better, but I've never used it until now (and it kinda has a slightly lower than casual opinion from me because of the stupid image thingy, but the nickname thing was neat)
So yeah if yall want you can use these!!!
The characters specifically in this btw are:
Solar Flare
Bloodmoon (1 & 2, as separate characters)
the Creator
Monty Gator
Nice Eclipse/Solar
Swap au Eclipse
Swap au Lunar
Ruin Sun & Moon/Jigsaw
Merged au Moon
British Monty
Lord Eclipse
Servant Sun
Lord Lunar
Servant Eclipse
Evil Lunar
Evil Monty
This isn't all the characters, since most of them I either can't remember, or find an image for
I remembered Lord Monty, but idk who to partner him up with, cus it can't be him & nobody
(I remember there's Space from the Swap dimension, who was Swap Eclipse & Lunar's version of Earth, but there's no image of them that I can find) (...other than the version I drew of them but I don't have access to my drawing anymore, unless my device that has it gets fixed)
But yeah I guess that's it!! Yall can enjoy!!
(I may reblog this once I test them out myself, cus I did not actually test them, and have no idea if they'll work...)
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Au where Lunar was the one who made blood moon twins and eclipse? Soft sweet blood moon twins and possibe small eclipse?
That would be such a cute AU. Lunar is just the best of big brothers, Eclipse is regularly loved on and just pure adorable. The Blood Twins are just little gremlins who live to cause chaos but adore their brothers.
The other form of the AU is switched places. (I'm going against my psyche of Lunar here, bear with me, I'm trying my best because angst, I live for angst.) Lunar is the evil one who wants the Newton Star to rewrite the world and make a perfect world, a stem from Moon's kill code that gained sentience from the splitting of Sun and Moon.
Lunar makes Blood Moon as a precaution to drive Sun out of his mind watching vicious murders and keep control of Sun while Lunar takes over Moon. When Blood Moon is inevitably not bloodthirsty or violent enough for Lunar, due to their code not being fully from the kill code but also from Moon's security codes.
Lunar discards them after the July 16th incident and makes Eclipse, who is made to be smart like Moon, but Lunar dumped Moon's insecurities into him as a surprise mouseketool that will hurt later (to make him insecure enough to manipulate to Lunar's whims).
Eclipse takes Lunar's place as the one who's being abused by Lunar for not being smart enough to find Monty for him. Lunar takes out the aggression of it by picking meticulously at Eclipse's insecurities, including his fear of the dark and abandonment, and will lock him in dark places for hours on end before letting him out praising him for 'learning his lesson and behaving'.
Eclipse turns to Sun for help after he finally breaks from the abuse, Sun has no choice but to take over control because Eclipse physically cannot stop crying after having been locked in the dark for two days while Lunar was out and forgot he was in the storage closet.
Blood Moon is slightly nicer due to the code Lunar used to make them being branched off himself. Eclipse is very shaky with them but the twins love their little brother and will defend him, no matter them not being as bloodthirsty. 'Their little brother is being abused! They cannot allow that to happen!'
At the end of October, Blood Moon goes into a full rage over Lunar's abuse of Eclipse and Moon is finally able to expel Lunar during the battle with Blood Moon. Blood Moon flees due to the near murder of Moon and the stress of the situation, Lunar's backup in them activating a bit later and manipulating them into tormenting Sun, Moon, and Eclipse in the daycare.
Solar Flare is named Lunar Swirl instead, since he's a moon model rather than a solar model. KC vastly prefers Lunar to Blood Moon, however, since they aren't entirely from the kill code.
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sigery · 7 months
Rnekd wrath and sloth are going to have a fun time trying to explain to canon bloodmoon that no really, they do have a lot of trauma. They just don’t know how traumatized they are because they’re used to it.
"Just because it's the norm, doesn't make it any less traumatizing"
"You are a person. No one has treated like a person before. That is definitely trauma."
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The shattered twins probably assume that the swap shuffle twins will be territorial of their dimension/family so they’re always very careful to not seem like they’re encroaching on their territory. In the stage they’re in they know they wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight
Ironically enough, they have the right idea but the wrong people. The swap shuffled twins aren’t the territorial ones, though Amaryllis would be the one to reassure them repeatedly that they aren’t territorial.
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