#swap quackity AU
solsdraws · 1 year
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kora-kat · 2 years
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More on my Dream smp species swap!
Some things are same, some are made different.
Piglin!Quackity gets to be big, but duck!Techno still kicks his ass.
Ramboo and Fundy are just there.
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What If El Quackity was the OG?
this isn't a theory by any means so by GOD, do not treat it as such. This is just an au that I thought was fun so I'm yelling it into the void that is tumblr because I like speaking.
What if El Quackity was the original and not Quackity? Like he was there from the very start of the island.
In this swap au, he's still an asshole, a manipulative asshole but in a lovable way. In the same way you'd smile at your cat when it tries (and succeeds) to bite the shit out you. He was overall a very weird guy who declared that Badboyhalo was his arch-nemesis on the third day of the server. This was completely unprompted and very much confused Bad. He may have ALSO lined multiple places with TNT and was not so secretly plotting the downfall of literally everyone else
He was still the guy who panicked when being given Tilin and was only barely stopped from punching another egg (or 10) in her 'honor' (He misunderstood a conversation she was having as the other egg insulting her). He was still the guy who plotted with Etoiles over the best ways to overthrow the federation until long after the sunset, and their plans became jokes intended to make each other laugh. He was still the man who straight-up claimed he had no eyes when asked why he always wore sunglasses by the eggs despite multiple people having seen his eyes before.
El Quackity was an asshole but he was loved. He was loved because he was himself.
Then on the day of Cellbit and Roier's wedding, he wandered off and sometime later, something else took his place.
Something that smiled more, wore sunglasses less, and laughed more. They supposed that the federation thought the islanders would like this version of him better. An El Quackity that was 'happier'. That showed his emotions much easier, that didn't snap at people or claim odd things as if they were facts of the world.
They were wrong.
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catdemons13 · 9 months
a qsmp swap au comic (+ an alternate version)
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idk i got this idea when richas went to tillins gave and said L + ratio or something
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goopy-guy · 3 months
Got bored, got fixated on las nevadas again, drew a swap version of slimecicle cuz i thought he would be silly with ✨wings✨
A bit messy cuz im ✨lazy✨
Based him off of a goose like how quacks duck like
So silly,so goofy
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♡Womp Womp♡
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shrimpchip123 · 1 year
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inf train swap au! cwil lugs around a big ass guitar and cq is done with his shit. Cqs car is a court+to get thru u have to be proven innocent in a trial where cq is ur defense attorney. Cwils trial is murder bc when he slammed open the door he accidentally smashed one of the jurors LOL
since inf train plots can be silly so can this one. The jurors judge defense n prosecutor r all the same denizens. They all have been playing their roles since like. Forever. Ppl who pass thru their car either get trialed for some rlly dumb shit like stepping on an ant or smth bc to get thru the exit doors of the car u need to be trialed for something u can't just go thru. Cwil gets trialed 4 murder but the denizen he slammed w the door is like. Some ditto type creature so mid-trial it springs back 2 life but is still kinda pissed LOL n there's a silly GASP!!!!!! scene when it comes back 2 life while laying in a puddle circled w a body silhouette and it says stuff as a witness and the trial is turned around and whtvr. Cq is like ugh I am so tired of this lawyer BULLSHIT there's nothing INTERESTING that actually happens!!!!!
n it's obvious at the beginning of cwils trial that cqs excited 2 actually argue for a murder case bc nothing interesting ever happens but when the juror revives he's like .......SERIOUSLY? And when cwils trial is about to end he starts strumming his guitar bc idk he's bored or something. He's a freak don't ask me and the jurors and judge and everyone r like entranced by his song or smth and cq is like oh???? Keep playing mf maybe I can finally leave this car and he keeps singing n playing n the other denizens r kept under his music bard spell or some shit like that and cq leaves the train with him nd tags along lol
this swap au is definitely a lot sillier than the original..... the original is alot fruitier. And angstier. I mean I COULD make the swap au angsty if i brainstormed more but nahhhh I like the silliness
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inspired by this art by @skretri
PAPERWORK // A tntduo swap fic
WORDS: 1530 / No Warnings
TNTduo but less heavy on the, "I wanna kill you"
A small pounding on the door grabbed Wilbur's attention. He registered the kind of knocking, the pattern, and all kinds of dread began to fill him. 'Please no. I ask of one thing, not let it be him, please please please'
Just like God to not answer his prayers, an undead duck burst into Wilbur's office to make his life hell. "Wilbur, you slimy fuck, why didn't you show up yesterday? I had such a fun get together for us planned!"
Wilbur scowled, removing his eyes from his desk work. "Well, Mr. Quackity, you seem to misunderstand the concept of responsibility, something I can't just write off." He gestured to the mountain of paperwork on his desk. "Also, I never agreed."
Quackity leveled him as he was in fact, talking bullshit, and he would not deny that. Not about the paperwork, which was very much real, but the idea that he did not flake on him last night. Because he did. Tommy even pointed it out when he found him sitting in his office. But he wouldn't just admit that. God no. So to prove himself, or at least, the very real work, Wilbur began rifling through the papers and reading aloud.
"Alright, let's see.. The fountain in the east wing of L'Manberg is due for unveiling with my name required in pen-"
Before he could finish, Quackity snatched the felt-tip from Wilbur's desk, along with the document and scribbled down Wilbur Soot in perfect cursive. Wilbur's eyes widened.
“That it?”
He snatched it back, straightening his glasses to read, and he flushed a confounded red.
"When'd you learn to copy my signature?!"
"Doesn't matter." Quackity pointed down at the line. "You should really invest in a stamp or something if this is all you do all day."
Wilbur frowned, still concerned of all the crimes in his name and other what have you, but that was an actual fantastic idea. (It was times like this he couldn't stand Quackity.) He grumbled and leaned towards the intercom to his secretary. "Willow, could you please put down 'stamps' in my-"
The duck's eyes lit up, and he exploded into laughter, and if they had it, Wilbur would be one step away from calling security. "See? See? I have good ideas!"
"Fuck off, Quackity."
He leaned against the desk, Wilbur instinctively pushing away, and smiled. "Ah, can't get rid of me that easily, Soot."
Wilbur rolled his eyes. "God," he spat, "I wish I could sometimes."
He laughed, duck teeth on full display. "Oh yeah?"
Wilbur bit back any more foul words, instead electing to grab a paper off the pile and ignore the duck shooting him a self-righteous gaze hidden behind perfectly-framed magenta glasses.
He picked up his pen, trying to read the small print (that was definitely small and nothing else in the room that was making it difficult to read.) Both of these were snatched out of his hands as Quackity started scribbling down answers and all Wilbur could do was watch.
"Quackity, that's not just my signature-"
"Oh, I know."
Within record time, the paper was handed back to Wilbur, and he quickly scanned over it. He realized in both dawning horror and fascination that Quackity had not only his name but his entire form of handwriting down. He looked up, the man's smug smile on full display.
"That was for the new apartment complex right?" Quackity asked.
"Uh- Yes," Wilbur swallowed, reading over the paper just one more time. Everything was perfectly in order, exactly how he would've done it.
"Yes actually..."
His mouth went dry. Quackity was in fact, very good at this. All the shafting he had done of Las Nevadas while it still stood seemed to be extremely unjustified. Before he could reach a conclusion that would've given Quackity the second ego trip of a lifetime, Tommy, his second in command, rolled in a cart's worth of assorted binders and folders. And for once in his life, Wilbur was both grateful and anguished at the idea of more paperwork. For all the wrong reasons.
"Alright," he said, huffing and puffing as though they didn't have an elevator that cut down half the travel, "The blue folders are specifically supposed to be filed and accounted for by end of the month while the red-"
He stopped, seemingly registering Quackity in the room, and a Wilbur in despair.
" 'Ello, Big Q."
Quackity smiled. "Afternoon, Tommy."
Tommy looked between them, as if trying to get a grasp on the situation. What were little brothers for?
In an instant, his face went from mild curiousity to horror as he ran out the room, and Wilbur remembered, 'Oh right, literally everything but help.'
"Tommy, get back here!!"
Quackity made eye contact with Wilbur, a clear question in his head, and Wilbur mouthed for him to ignore it.
A very suspicious Tommy poked back in, looking between the two, and Wilbur answered for him, bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. "Quackity was just helping me with paperwork."
And god, he wished he wasn't.
"Oh." He scanned the two of them. "Really? That's all?"
Wilbur and Quackity both nodded.
"Oh, oh good!" Tommy motioned to the cart again. "Because these are a two person job."
Wilbur frowned. "I thought you were my second person?"
"Yeah, but with Q here, I don't have to be!"
With no reason to stay, a very happy Tommy dropped off the last of the files, remarking, “The red folders are due by next week but you should really get them done tonight and if you need anything call Juno- the binders should all be proofread,” before wheeling out the cart and waving goodbye to the both of them.
Wilbur's counterpart grabbed a pen, his again, only pen, and smiled. “Let’s get to work!”
Wilbur groaned and picked up the first copy.
And so, because there was no reasonable way to say, “Actually, I want to do all this paperwork by myself tonight, mhm, you can leave now,” the two were sat next to each other, Quackity rambling on and on about the work he used to do in Las Nevadas and Wilbur very subtly trying to scoot to the edge of the desk.
“You can stop avoiding me like I have the goddamn plague,” the duck said without looking up, and Wilbur finally noticed just the amount of unconscious space he put between them. “Seriously, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm diseased.”
He colored. “My apologies.”
Quackity shrugged, and Wilbur attempted to very carefully find a spot that wasn’t too close nor too far from him. Quackity took one look at him, said, “Fuck that,” and dragged him into spot himself. He shot Wilbur a look.
"Right, right, haha, could you hand me—"
He glanced at his now work partner and laughed, nervous giddy all but bubbling in his stomach. “I’ll just get it myself..”
He reached across the table and tried to grab a red folder labelled, “Manchester Square,” but crashed out of his seat.
“Jesus, Soot, even baby ducks aren’t this helpless.”
Wilbur glared.
Quackity held out his hand and as he took it, he realized how coarse revival could make a person.
Now realizing that, he blinked. “This isn’t going to pop off if I pull too hard right?”
“If it does, it’ll be news to the both of us.”
Quackity lugged Wilbur up, the momentum nearly knocking both of them over.
“Christ,” he said, “You are so fucking tall.”
“Fuck you,” Wilbur spat. Quackity shoved him back into his chair before placing the red folder in his hands. Falling back into silence and the monotony of work, Wilbur’s mind began to wander.
“So..” He began flipping through the papers and clicking his pen. “How’s being ‘revived’ going for you?”
Wilbur blinked, suddenly aware of what he asked and how it looked. “I’m— I apologize if that was too blunt—“
“No, no, you’re fine..”
Quackity leaned back in his chair while fiddling with the pen in his hand. “It’s..”
He let out a long, drawn sigh and brushed hair between his fingers.
"It's better than being dead."
“That doesn’t sound very positive, Big Q.”
Quackity chortled.
“No, I guess it doesn’t.”
Despite his relaxed posture and expression, there hid a flurry of emotions hiding behind his eyes Wilbur couldn't place; a storm brewing made of maelstrom winds and thunder as loud as lions on top of what used been a calm ocean. What was being dead like?
They made eye contact, and Wilbur quickly dove himself back into his work. Quackity laughed. "That paper on employee tax more interesting than me?"
Caught off guard, Wilbur cleared his throat and fidgeted with the papers nervously in his hand.
"No, it's- Wait, fuck- Y- No-"
As Wilbur dug his way into a hole, he smiled.
"Shut up."
"You're really something you know that, Wil?"
He stopped, nearly dropping the pen. "I'm what?"
Quackity however, didn't leave time to linger as he got back to work. When Wilbur found Tommy, he thought that boy was gonna be the death of him. But this? This was a whole new ordeal.
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pxper-cranes · 2 years
DSMP AU where Ranboo swaps with Quackity and instead of building Las Nevada's and a big casino he instead starts a creepy and spooky game show with himself as the host, where he possibly uses his enderman teleporting to kidnap people and force them to go through his gameshow puzzles and risk their life with him acting as some sort of unhinged commentator.
I just think it would be neat.
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indicolite-artist · 2 years
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hello world, i'm your wild girl !
i'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb !!
design is by @lazulirony !!!! its for their tntduo swap au! go check it out and leave them some love, their art is so wonderful!!!
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pppuri · 1 year
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and here’s quackity in my swap au, resurrected and angry (with slime!!)
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comfymoth · 7 months
Camp Quesadilla AU
Imagine the camp counselors trying not to show favortism to certain campers. Because it wouldn't be fair to the other campers (aka the NPCs)
When they're on break, the camp counselors gather around to talk about their favorite camper. Sharing stories, showing the little gifts they recieved.
Meanwhile, Quackity is in the corner by himself thinking about the campers who roasted him 28 minutes earlier
the counselors call it their gossip break, but mostly it’s just catching up on what happened that day. they’ll all swap stories about their campers, and jaiden will tell the group what a sweetheart bobby was, and quackity’s eyes will glaze over like he’s having war flashbacks while she talks. it’s fun!
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solsdraws · 1 year
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c0rv1dco · 6 months
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Day 80 of drawing ponk until my friends actually read homestuck or he gets added to the qsmp… we all know which is happening first
this swap au has my brain in a chokehold… more au info under the cut
okok the swaps are
sam - ponk
george - sapnap
Ranboo - dream (yes I changed it.)
Quackity - purpled
wilbur - schlatt
fundy - tubbo
bad - skeppy
techno - phil
who else?
The lore brainstorming I have so far is:
schlatt dies after reclaiming manberg from wilbur, asking techno to kill him, tubbo is left to resent the innocent ghost of his dad
wilbur takes over manberg and asks Phil to make an example of Fundy for snitching, phil complies out of fear for what his son would do, fundy grows up resenting his father and the memory of his old life and marries Dream and they raise Yogurt together
ponk loses his eye to ranboo after being locked in his own penitentiary, mimicking his friend Purpled who lost the same eye to Philza
ponk cuts off and eats sam’s arm, the circumstances are slightly different, but still essentially a keycard fight where Sam dies and then gets spawn trapped
sam builds himself a prosthetic arm and inhales/consumes way too much redstone, especially after the wound on his arm reopens and he gets more redstone in the wound removing the prosthetic. The redstone in his blood drives him crazy
lotus penitentiary gets infested with egg and ponk lets it drive him crazy and hurts the people around him to keep ranboo in prison
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your swap au is really cool!!!! I am rotating them in my mind like a microwave :] I have some questions about it, if thats okay :D (you don't have to answer ofc), will elq lose his memories while with the federation like canon qq did? how does the watcher react to qq rather than elq? what is the islanders relationship with qq - do they wind up liking him more than elq as they do in canon or do they just want their friend back?
I'm curious to see how the quackities' relationships with the federation play out; they don't seem to have the same role within the Fed, swap!qq feels more like an attempt at a permanent replacement than elq does..
(sorry for any errors or if i sound odd, it is quite late where I am ^-^)
No problem! I'm honestly just surprised that someone likes my au.
El does lose his memory but him with Amnesia is very different from Canon! Quackity with amnesia. While canon!Quackity was like a lost child, El was more like a feral cat. His amnesia was kept more of a secret because his friends knew how much he kept to himself. Those who didn't immediately find him once he was back only found out because they directly stumbled upon him and figured it out before someone could whisk the man away.
It's odd. To see someone who once was so full of energy and anger who once argued with you over nothing, look at you with nothing but fear and distrust.
The watcher and Quackity have a weird relationship. Quackity treats him oddly, like an old friend sometimes and a begrudging ally at others. Sometimes the Watchers requests are responded to casually but with excitement, and sometimes they're responded to with the same formalness that you'd reserve for your boss...
Oh my god, I love this last question. They fucking hate Quackity. Some are more tolerant of him than others like Etoiles who can't bring himself to hate someone who shares the face of one of his closest friends. But the others? Especially Cellbit and Roier? They want his head on a pike.
Quackity smiles more than El Quackity did. He grins and giggles and jokes in ways that aren't morbid and don't somehow threaten multiple children. They still hate him. His friendliness is a slap in the face more than anything else. They did not resent ElQ for his personality or behavior, far from it, they loved him because of it.
There is a happier copy of their friend. Their amazing paranoid friend who once stole Phil's door because he was angry at him. They don't want a copy, a cheap imitation of their friend, they want their friend back.
Guapoduo and Bad hate him the most. El was extremely close with Cellbit and Roier, and neither man could stand being around Quackity for long without a buffer. Bad and El had a...weird relationship that was mutually antagonistic and positive (Think Landduo but with a bit more murder attempts). Bad nearly took Quackity's head off his shoulders with his claws alone the first time he saw him.
They don't want Quackity's smiles which split his face with how hard he's smiling, they want ElQuackity's smiles which are small and wobbly from how hard he always tries to hide them. They hate Quackity's laughter which is loud with his head tipped back because they love ElQ's quiet laughter with his head tipped forward.
It gets worse when they figure out that Quackity is definitely in league with the Federation, but there was no possibility of love from the start. How could they love such a poor imitation when they knew the real thing?
For the last bit, I'm so happy that you caught that. You're absolutely right that they don't hold the same role, Quackity is a bit more... versatile than Canon!ElQ so he has a fairly different (but somewhat) similar role.
Thank you soooooo much for asking! I love questions so much.
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catdemons13 · 11 months
i have an idea for a Qsmp au: Tillín smp
its basicly a role swap au where the eggs are the human players and the players are the dragon eggs. im still thinking how things would work timeline wise and im pretty new to the Qsmp and don't know alot about them personality wise (i've been catchting up with the lore with qsmp recap vids) but to put an idea heres some lazy and rushed desgins of Chayanne with Phill and Missa and Tillín with Quackity in the swap au
Ask some questions about the au if you want :)
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acetheabnormal · 7 months
Some thoughts about my QSMP Swap AU thing before I really do have to skedaddle for the night:
The whole basis for this AU was centered primarily around the Slimeriana dynamic being turned on its head but it's evolved into something more with the help of some friends! Here's how it works, and then I'll dump some more info on the main duo themselves:
- Firstly, the Federation and the code monsters essentially become "good" (or at the very least rendered harmless), with the Federation workers swapping places with the code! Cucurucho becomes a code monster himself, but really he's just a big timid softy.
- Secondly, the duck is replaced with a cute little dragon, and all the eggs turn into duck eggs in the process. All species become swapped here, not just the players!
- Thirdly, for the players that weren't on the train upon arrival and don't have an egg partner by definition become swapped either with their most popular duo partner (ex: Fit and Pac or Wilbur and Quackity) or become swapped with whoever would be most interesting to swap with. No limits or rules there to be honest
- And last but not least, life on the island becomes a lot smoother, nicer, and generally less traumatic for everyone. I envision a rough start with a good ending! The Federation seems suspicious at first, but eventually everyone warms up to the eggs and taking care of them. None of the eggs die, and if they inevitably do, they are granted infinite lives. Any conflict that happens is resolved eventually.
For Slimeriana specifically (because I've been thinking about them. A lot.) I see a very different path for them.
Charles (aka normal human man Charlie Slimecicle) arrives at the island with much less energy. I mean would anyone be happy with having a whole stick in their brain. Probably not. So that's essentially what he deals with and learns to cope with.
For Slimeana (Ana? Slimeiana?) He's a lot more goofy silly due to being a slime person. Overall a real prankster. He helps Charles deal with his issues, and eventually they get married around the same time Canon q!Slime becomes infected with code. They're smitten instantly but take a while to admit feelings. I'm a big ol' sap for romance and I can't help it.
I'll keep thinking about them. I promise this.
P.S. I'm debating making a playlist for them. I can't stop the madness
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