#swearing is so normalised in australia
cy-cyborg · 2 months
Earlier today I saw a video from Council of geeks on Youtube talking about how frequently and potentially overused swearing is in adult animation. It’s a great video, but I wanted to add my 2c to the conversation real quick.
I grew up in rural Australia in an area that is primarily inhabited by bogans, and if there’s one thing rural bogans know, it’s casual swearing. Australia as a whole uses the word “cunt” in almost the same way we say “mate” - in some circles “cunt” is seen as the friendlier option, and bogans take that even further. constant, frequent swearing was such a normalised part of speech when I was a kid that it was normal for our teachers in high school (which starts in years 6 or 7 depending on the state, and goes all the way to year 12) to swear at us. Not aggressively mind you, they just used the words casually, and the kids would swear at them back. It wasn’t usually an issue, even when they were trying to be an asshole.
Despite this, even I find a lot of adult animation’s use of swear words a bit jarring at times, and I think Council of Geeks put the feeling i’d had about it into words very well: it’s the way a lot of these shows draw attention to it, even when it’s supposedly normalised.
The people back home can hardly get through a sentence without swearing at least once. at least. I use the word “fuck’n…” the same way other people use “umm…” and I know someone who named their dogs “sick cunt” (or “cunty” for short) and my own dad named one of my childhood dogs “fugly” (short for fucking ugly - that was his legal name my dad put on his adoption paperwork from the shelter). when these words are used so often, they do loose their impact, and you can tell they have by the way we all use them around there. If you’re going to use that same kind of frequent “bad” language in your work, you need to acknowledge it too. that’s where a lot of shows who try to emulate this way of speaking fall over.
As funny as it is to say, Spongbob was right when it called the obvious stand-ins for swear words “sentence enhancers” - that is usually the goal of words like “fuck” and “shit” when not used in the context of their literal definitions: to put emphasis on what’s being said. You could say “This traffic is SO slow!” or you could say “Fuck! This traffic is SO fucking slow!”. You could say “are you kidding me?” or you could say “Are you shitting me?” - in both these cases, the addition of the swear words emphasises the rest of the sentence and the emotion behind it.
But when you are swearing every other word, they stop working that way. “this traffic is so fucking slow” is a lot less impactful when that’s the 5th time you’ve said some variation of “fucking” that conversation. So when people back home swear, it’s just a filler word. there is no emphasis, there’s not heightened emotion, nothing. It’s a normal, standard part of speech that is so common and normalised, it sounds weird to people back home when you don’t use it. I’d go so far as to say it get’s the same kind of reaction from people back home as if you were speaking with flat affect (I’m saying this as an autistic person who took a while to warm up to swearing like that, with autistic friends who spoke with very little tone or expression).
phrases like “ah get fucked cunt” are an honestly very casual and friendly phrase (no, I’m not exaggerating) said the same tone you might use to say “nah I don’t feel like [whatever the topic of conversation was]”. honestly I tried to give some more examples, but it’s extremely difficult to demonstrate over text. Australia has a pretty big film and TV industry though, so if you want some examples of what I mean, watch some Aussie TV (look for anything with an MA or R rating, anything under that and they will likely limit the use of “foul language”) especially anything set in small towns or the bush or find rural aussie creators online.
My point is, If you want to have swearing and cursing as a part of your regular vocabulary in your setting, you need to treat it like it’s actually normalised like any other word. If you wouldn’t put emphasis on words like “house” or “dog” or “car” then don’t put that emphasis on words like “fuck” and “shit” lol.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
(So uh, I don’t know what country you’re in, so please forgive me when I say that this swear is very normalised and not related to gender at all where I’m from - Australia - though it’s probably the end of the scale of vulgarity where I live still)
I’m seeing everyone try to woo Ludwig and I just want to walk up and yank one of his horns with a “Oi, cunt.”
[I'm Portuguese, I live in Portugal. I'm aware of some Australian terminology including that one, and even if it was a gendered insult I would find it hilarious.]
A splendid approach. Not very safe however.
Lud faces you with immediate irritation on his features, a swivel of the head ripping his horn out of your grasp, bruising your hand in the process.
His own red hand rises to grab a fistful of your hair. " Hello there. " He yanks, greeting you in kind.
It's unclear if Ludwig is genuinely furious or interested in you.
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galactichelium · 3 months
I love sharing things that I think are interesting but unfortunately depending on what it is sometimes it just comes off like I'm dismissing a problem/talking about how much better I have it or whatever. It sucks so hard. On the post I just reblogged I originally had some tags on it but I ended up getting rid of them bc I didn't wanna take away from the point of the post 😭 but I'll say it here
Here in Australia swearing is so normalised that you'll be able to see it on free TV even during the day. The biggest radio station here, of which IS government-funded, will play songs uncensored, though will give a language warning before the song starts. (Though other radio stations do censor it, but still.) The concept of "radio edits" confused me for a very long time because basically the only time I heard "radio" edits was when they wanted to play songs with swears in it at a school event. So I never associated them with radio HSDJKGHKJD. But yeah! These were things I didn't think were weird at all until I talked more to Americans and realised that it wasn't like this over there....
This wasn't part of the tags I put on that previous post but it's related and I feel also interesting. Something that's also very funny though is that, despite all of this, Australian CN was actually very heavy with censorship for the cartoons that aired on there. Seemingly only because CN Australia is owned by the same people that own CN Asia, so, we often ended up getting similar censorships CN Asia got. When CN cartoons would air on a free channel, or would be released for dvd, they would be uncensored. (Nick3lodeon also wasn't as trigger-happy with censorship afaik.) Let me say, it was An Experience for the first uncensored Adv3nture T1me episode I saw to be Love Games. This might've been one of the worst episodes to see uncensored before I knew CN censored stuff. This episode wasn't just censored here, it was Unaired. Banned. It threw me through a huge loop, as I was used to an overly sanitised version of the show, only to suddenly see a weirdly explicit (in comparison) episode that I had never seen on TV before, but was somehow on my dvd. It felt like I had somehow stumbled across a secret episode I wasn't supposed to see.
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windholm · 1 year
Hi everyone, and welcome, to another Woodend!
For whoever's back, so glad and thankful you returned. For whoever's new to it, thank you for joining this """""little""""" fanfiction project, and please be sure to check out the introducting post for everything you have to know about it and to read its prologue, or Foreword, just as the previous post.
DISCLAIMER: swearing language/coarseness and hints at themes as alcoholism, gore, and kidnapping
Post referred to Chapter 2 (Three Siblings), Paragraph 1
Here we finally are, in the timeline mostly based upon Doctor Sleep and especially The Black Phone. But as you can read, historically speaking, this is none of their settings: we are in 1983, and of course Australia, as the rest of the world, changed a fair share since 1903; two World Wars happened, the Cold one has been splitting the planet for decades, the Vietnam one recently ended in the most unexpected way, cities grew all over the world, technology made great strides, social movements are growing normalised in everyday life (feminism, movements for gay rights...)...
Back to the paragraph itself, though... yep. That's so. In this story, Danny from Mike Flanagan's Doctor Sleep is Finney and Gwen from Scott Derrickson's The Black Phone's elder brother! I actually hadn't thought it like this from the beginning, I had imagined Danny more as a friend/paternal figure to them, but when I realised how much... in common they had, I just thought it was perfect. Hence why, on the other hand, you'll have to imagine him a liiiiiiiitle younger than in Doctor Sleep...
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Just for the record, don't expect any Shining movie/book references in here... I tried, okay?!?!? I tried so hard to fit it in, but it just didn't, and was too much stuff! So yeah, it will just be Danny's character like he appeared to have grown up in the Doctor Sleep movie (I never read the book), more or less, with a different and somehow even more fantastical background... please, Stephen King fans, don't be mad at me!!!
Moving further, there really isn't very much to say (yet) about his "acquired siblings". Of course, if you saw The Black Phone movie, you'll notice I kept as much as I could of Gwen's original outfit (besides the flares turned to baggies) even though it was really "70s", not to talk about this being australian February, where it's like Boreal Emisphere's July or August (not exactly the right time for ponchos and long jeans... 🥵). I tried my best to fit it in, and of course, I hope I did. The thing is... I mean, just look at this little fashion icon!!! 😍
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Jokes aside the thing is that, despite Finney being a pup and me shipping him with Robin, Gwen was absolutely my favourite character from The Black Phone movie in every possible sense (interpretation, character, look, INTERPRETATION...), and so I meant to keep her as close to her original self as I can. And a hint about what's coming: pay attention, as the story progresses, to the way she combs her hair...
Quite the opposite, instead, about Robin... don't worry, besides some details, his character himself will be just as in The Black Phone movie (just a little deepened, for the original character is pretty two-dimensional). If you read this paragraph, though, you'll probably feel a little weirded out about his family name being changed from "Arellano" to "Allison", but here's the reason: in this story, he's not hispanic/latin american, but aboriginal.
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⚠️ Before you kill me, though, let me explain: to this day, as far as I read, there's very few hispanics/latin americans of origin or descendance in Australia, mostly living, of course, in big cities as Melbourne or Brisbane; so, I just thought it would be a little too improbable for Robin to be hispanic/latin american given that Woodend remains a small town, even in this alternate timeline where it flourished and developed a little differently because of the "Cursed Picnic". But just the idea of whitewashing him pissed me off, so I thought it was a good idea to "translate" his heritage to Aboriginal, for him to be more "geographically accurate", also because I had the luck to meet an australian girl on a trip to Iceland (and if she's reading, by any chance... BLESS YOU FOR EVERY BIT OF THE HELP), and she confirmed to me that it's possible for aboriginal kids to look just like him. Even though it's obvious that hispanics/latin americans are a whole different thing as people, culture, heritage... don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that, personally, I'll just keep imagining him as Miguel Cazarez Mora in The Black Phone movie. ⚠️
It's one of those things I told you in the introduction would be adjusted to Australia, and especially Victoria as a setting. All of the other kids beside one will stay the same, I promise (you already had a chance to glance at Billy).
Well, that's all, guys! See you (hopefully) soon, and hope you enjoyed this first bit from another Woodend! 👋
WARNING: I do not own Picnic at Hanging Rock, nor any of the other movies/series/books/songs this fanfiction was inspired from. Again, this is just a fanfiction, and a homage to many of them.
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Home News US Home Sport UK Showbiz US Showbiz Australia Home Femail Health Sci & Tech Video Money Travel Discount Codes Login | Join now Desktop site Femail Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS WhatsApp How can I cure rhinitis? By Dr Rosemary Leonard 00:00 BST 09 Oct 1993, updated 09:09 BST 24 Apr 2002 Facebook Twitter e-mail SMS WhatsApp 0 comments In allergic rhinitis, the lining of the nose becomes inflamed in response to breathing in certain substances, known as allergens. Often, as in your case, the throat is affected too. The most common allergens to cause rhinitis are pollens, which lead to the classic symptoms of hayfever in spring and early summer. Some unlucky people, though, like you, get rhinitis all the year round - a condition known as perennial rhinitis. The most common allergens that provoke perennial rhinitis are house dust mites, animal fur, feathers and mould spores (which, incidentally, are the also the most common causes of asthma). Skin prick testing can help to identify the worst culprits, so ask your doctor if this could be arranged for you. Meanwhile, replace pillows and duvets that contain feathers with ones filled with polyester, cover your mattress with a special anti-allergic cover, and don't let furry animals in your bedroom, or any rooms where there are soft furnishings. The best treatments for allergic rhinitis are steroid nasal sprays, such as Beconase or Flixonase, which help prevent the allergic response responsible for the inflammation. They must be used regularly, every day, for best effect, and you may have to continue with treatment for years. Anti-histamine tablets can help too - it's worth trying different brands to find which ones suits you best, then get a large supply on prescription from your GP. The most specific treatment for allergic rhinitis is immunotherapy. This involves repeated injections of a tiny amount of allergen, with the aim of desensitising your immune system. 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Look forward to hearing from you. PHOTO CREDITS CR FASHION BOOK 11 Link to hi-res cover + images: Lily-Rose Depp and Lara Stone (Photographer: Steven Klein) https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/FkrT0snLT6 Link to hi-res covers: Alek Wek and Cara Taylor (Photographer: Mario Sorrenti) https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/f3da9ynuY3 PHOTO CREDITS CR MENíS BOOK ISSUE 5 Photog 'I turned 18, so I was ready to up the ante': Johnny Depp's daughter Lily-Rose reveals she was thrilled to be 'a little more sexy' for CR magazine 4 Sisters Took The Same Photo For 40 Years And It’s So Sad Thirsty Scoop by Taboola Sponsored Link She's her rock! 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