#sweet home s1
1liv · 7 months
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SONG KANG as CHA HYUN-SU in the first season of 'Sweet Home'
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"I'm sorry for being such an awful grown up" is such a powerful line for me idk. We spent 8 episodes watching nearly everyone treat Hyun Su with varying levels of fear and distrust, of watching him be put and putting himself constant danger, of watching him be used as an essential resource for everyone else's survival.... And yet he's only 18, he's one of the youngest in the group, he is still, in so many ways, a child.
Everyone in Green Tower is just trying their best to survive and it's easy to get lost in that so the acknowledgement that what they've done to Hyun Su, what they'll continue doing to him, is as monstrous as the creatures they fear so much is just... Well it hits and it hits hard.
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seawherethesunsets · 5 months
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It’s not a crime to be a monster.
SWEET HOME 2 (2023)
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blmpff · 7 months
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musicalchaos07 · 9 months
Do you ever remember that Jonathan was the only person in s4 to ask Nancy if she was OK and just get so sad for her. Like. She is putting so much on herself to be this fearless teen girl soldier but she just had to relive her worst trauma, she's seen her family dead, she's crying and no one is checking on her or worrying about her feelings, so she shuts them down and goes back to battle mode. But then Jonathan is there and he asks her if she's OK and he tells her that he just wants her to be safe and suddenly she can be a human being again and is loved and valued with no selfishness and no expectation.
Anon stop I'm going to CRY
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severeweatheralert · 6 months
I blazed through Sweet Home S1 but S2 was. Not my thing? I'll probably still watch S3 when it comes out but it felt so choppy? They introduced so many new characters at once and so many of them either went nowhere or were reduced to exactly one character trait. Came in heavy with the childhood-theme from the start but even then didn't quite follow through. The first three episodes felt completely seperate from the last five, and those very much felt like they were half a season, probably because (I assume) they wrote S2 and S3 in one go and just. Left off in the middle and called it a cliffhanger?
Also I like horror but please make me care about (especially some the new) characters BEFORE calling a writer's meeting and going "so, what's the most fucked up thing you can think of today?"
Mostly just miss the setting from the first season, I think. "We're all stuck in this apartment complex with each other, and some of the horrors may not be what lurks outside" is, IMO, far more intriguing than what we got for S2. Though some of the monster designs were pretty cool (especially the ones where you can still tell they used to be human at some point).
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awkward-sultana · 11 months
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Magnificent Century Season 1 + Sultanas Being Elitist
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1liv · 6 months
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SONG KANG as CHA HYUN-SU in the first season of ‘Sweet Home’
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dylanconrique · 2 years
we're really going to get tim encouraging lucy to take her promotion and move to sacramento, but internally he's going to beg her not to go. and we're going to get a parallel of lucy turning down the job, not only for tim, but because mid-wilshire is her home, and the people there feel more like a family than anything she's ever had before, and i am going to be sobbing.
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yharnamesque · 5 months
Uhhhhhhhhh talking about Sweet Home season 2 brb
I managed to convince the family to watch Sweet Home with me since season 2 came out last December and honestly? It's kind of been a dud so far
Like season 1 FUCKED HARD and there's a reason I binged the whole lot in one night the first time round. But this??? Who the fuck are any of these new people and why should I care about them. Why should I care about Chief Ji or her daughter and weird friend, or the new priest that is so clearly just a shady grifter, or ANY of the soldiers except the one that brought the OG group to the shelter in the first place. Where is Ui-myeong and the rest of the monsters he set loose? You're telling me they wouldn't have followed the soldiers out to the hideaway and tried to make an effort to break in? The crazy scientist is the only guy holding my attention at the moment
The timeskip of almost an entire year without doing even a smidge of establishing setting up in the underground has really fucked it up I think. If there'd been even like a series of quick flashbacks to show some stuff like why Chief Ji and the military leader are at odds, what proper went down between Ji's husband and Eun-yu etc it would have helped massively. But as it stands it's just kind of a nothing burger. The bloody soldiers get more screentime than the actual OG survivors who managed to make it, why is that allowed???
Where's my boy Hyun-su and his sick as fuck wing-arm, bring back my boy already
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trinrose3 · 6 months
Sweet Home season two...happened...it was definitely a thing....
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blmpff · 6 months
❤️‍🔥🔥 SWEET HOME s2 LESSGOO🔥❤️‍🔥
PSA: I'm not sure if/how much I'll post about it, but in case you don't want to see the inevitable bloody and gory pictures, or maybe spoilers if you do intend to watch it, block: #sh2lb
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seroh · 4 months
oh the difficult debate between spending time writing a mediocre fanfiction i don't have time to devote to bc i need content asap; or downloading wattpad and reading mediocre fanfiction written by somebody else because i need content asap
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dreamingsofnina · 26 days
(fic) pas seul (Lee Eun Yu)
Title: pas seul Summary: It was an accident, they had said, the car had swerved - and then - Then - She tries her hardest not to remember, to think about that day. Eun Yu on ballet, her parents and her brother. Pre-series character introspection. Notes: A pre-series character study. Or Eun Yu deals with tragedy by smoking/swearing/pushing her brother away.
(Read it on AO3 or Fanfiction.net)
It was supposed to be the best day of her life. 
Her parents had got hold of tickets to the ballet show she had been desperately wanting to see for months, that she had begged and begged with the promise of not wanting anything else - so it was a rare expensive treat for her, and she had never been so excited. A bit disappointed that her brother wouldn't been able to go too, being too busy and caught up in his studies - but that hadn't deterred the wide grin spreading across her face at the thought of the beautiful dances she would soon be seeing. 
Afterwards, she would regale her friends at school with a gushing detailed account, and then she would be the envy of her ballet classmates with first little teases of what she saw and later a demure fangirlish retelling to a captive audience, like a queen holding court.  
It was supposed to be the best day of her life. 
It was an accident, they had said, the car had swerved - and then -
Then -
She tries her hardest not to remember, to think about that day. 
Sometimes, she thinks about how her brother must have felt. 
To have said goodbye at the door only a scant few hours ago, smiling and oblivious that it would be their last moment together. To have their parents go and not come back, for her to be the only one who returned. For her to be the only person left. Just her. 
He must hate her , she thinks. And if he doesn't, he should. If he doesn't - 
She would make him hate her. 
It's what she deserves, after all. She was the reason they died, she was the reason they - he - had lost their - his - parents. She had made them orphans. It was all her fault, just because she wanted to see a stupid show and made them go with her and now- 
And now -
How could they live after that? How did the world still keep moving - time keep passing - when it felt like everything had ended for them?  
Eun Yu had always been a person with a cool personality and a sharp tongue. In the after , her tongue seemed to get even sharper. The cares of her former friends now seemed so trivial, at the end of the day they had someone to return to after all, and she despised her gossipy classmates who seemed to have nothing better to do with their lives. She didn't want their pity, their condolences, their condescension when she refused to react. They didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. 
But their whispers, the blaming, those ones -
Those ones burned.
"That's what happens when you don't have parents, I suppose."
"If only Eun Hyuk didn't have her as a sister. I feel worst for him, poor guy. "
He had quit medical school for her. He had to stop his studies so he could support hers, had to get a job that didn't even pay very well, so that they could eat and have a roof over their heads. So that he could pay for her ballet classes. 
He was so, so foolish. He had to know he was wasting his time, they weren't even real siblings, not without their parents holding them together, and it was because of her that they had no one left, because of her that their parents -
In the end, it wasn't even injuries from the accident. 
She had been able to walk then still, to stretch her legs, to lift them over her head, to twirl and spin and pirouette like their mother and father had so loved to watch and like she still loved to do but - 
But - 
Then she had slipped - 
It was the stupidest way to hurt herself. A minor injury that would take months to heal. 
She hung up her leotard and her tutu then. She thought about putting it in the back of her wardrobe, of folding it away into a cardboard box - but she couldn't bear that. So it hung on a hanger on a nail on her wall, unused but in her sight at all times. A reminder. A lost love. 
More months pass, and still she does not dance. Only - 
Sometimes - 
Her thoughts get too loud and she can't bear it any more, and then she does.
And on a rooftop, when she dances and doesn't think about the accident, only about how her body still stretches and flows into familiar beloved movements -
That's when she meets a boy. 
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Does anyone wants to send me requests? 👉👈
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wingsofhcpe · 2 years
Ok but I love how Morgana and Arthur had an underlying romantic tension and then s3 came and they learned they're related and suddenly they're pretending it did Not exist fjsjfjsj
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