#t: enemies to fwb to lovers
kaesficrecarchive · 8 months
(1040/? | E)
Markhyuck au wherein
jaemin’s boyfriend dumps him before winter break ends and mark lee, like the good best friend that he is, accepts to share a room with the douchebag so jaemin won’t have to or: mark learns not to judge a book by its cover
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messylustt · 11 months
Hey gorgeous!! Would you write a lil sum sum for Miguel with a black cat reader variant in his universe? Some kind of enemies to lovers shiz with lots of banter where they’ve been banging for some time. So like one night he portals/sneaks in to her house whilst she’s cleaning or having a self-care night. She’s only wearing some sexy undergarments and a silky robe that’s slipping off. She gets scared and tries to cover up her body quickly but he’s like “nothing I’ve never seen before” all smug. They’re getting real hot & steamy when she tells him they should stop with the sex & everything—bc feelings are blooming—which only riles him up. His response is only “I’ll say when this is over” as he proceeds with some real good rough sex. He’s obsessed (in a soft dark typa way) and falling for her, he’s never letting go 😤
Idk how but the inspo for this ask came from seeing this artwork:
HE’S TOO DANG HOT 🥵🤤 I want him to pound me on the kitchen counter 🤩
honey honey honeyyyy— AHHH
BLACK CAT WITH BENEFITS ( nsfw ) — miguel o’hara + reader: you try to end your fwb relationship with miguel, you having caught feelings. but you didn’t expect miguel to react so…possessively.
marks smut. forced proximity. enemies to lovers. possessive!miguel. soft dark!miguel. i don’t know like anything about black cat so i apologise if i get stuff wrong. wc 2.1k.
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it had been say...a few months, you think, since you and miguel's relationship switched. it started out as unwilling work partners...
"her?" miguel questions jess, who's standing arms crossed.
"yes, her. she's an incredible fighter. just what we need to catch this anomaly."
"she's not even our variant." miguel gruffly stated. he had always had a bias against 'black cat's'. he thought they were doing the jobs of spider-people. so, upon hearing the news that jess's new recruit was a black cat he wasn't particularly thrilled.
when you first met, miguel's expression was set in a scowl. he didn't take your offered hand in a handshake, leaving you to retract it and set your own assumptions for this moody man. your assumptions proved right with every conversation.
"you missed." miguel stated almost pettily, as you both tracked down an anomaly. your jaw clicks in annoyance as you bite back. "and you definitely didn't aim at the wrong mirage."
miguel's lips curve up in a snarl as you fluidly pass him, keeping a close eye out for the anomaly, as your claws scrape down the wall.
when miguel reached your side again he was grabbing your hand, and inspecting your claws. you snatch them back. "aren't you supposed to be the one who's always on task?"
miguel scoffs. "just wanted to make sure your claws were pathetically small...they are."
"i'm afraid that word only works for you, miguel." you hiss back, creeping by the wall.
"what? small?" miguel inquires, the same bite still in his tone. "i didn't think you were that blind."
"no." you bluntly state. "pathetic."
then slowly the term 'work partners' turned into heros who...talk? banter? throw insults? whatever it was the conversations had increased, as you both found yourselves on a lot more missions together. you'd both hate to say it but you worked well, similar minds, similar ways of attack.
"down that alley." you whisper, legs stretching in your black suit. miguel slowly stalked towards the anomaly, staying silent as his claws grew out. you jumped to the higher building, moving to block the monsters path at the end. you swing down, body flexing as you land effortlessly in the anomalies way, making it jump.
and as it turns to run in the opposite direction, miguel is stood, knocking him out with an easy hand. "i thought it'd put up more of a fight." you say walking closer to the passed out anomaly and miguel. "with these spikes you'd think so." he replies.
you chuckle, and miguel all but freezes. because a strange heat rose up his neck at hearing the effortless almost seductive sound. you didn't mean for it to be seductive, which makes miguel even more confused as to why he's interpreting it that way.
little things like this drew miguel closer to you. because you as well started to notice just how good he was with capturing dangerous anomalies. how fast and easy he could tear someone's throat out.
and all that gradual tension finally came to play when you both ended up stuck in a room...alone.
miguel bangs at the metal door. "calm down." you sigh, laying back on the rickety bed. you'd been stuck in here for a good half hour. "the door isn't gonna magically open if you keep banging your fist on it."
"and what are you doing?" miguel turns, as you slightly sit up.
"we've called in backup. i'm sure jess and that will find us eventually." you try some form of consolation, because his loud banging was making your ears hurt.
"uh huh...and what about the anomaly?" miguel has stepped closer, as you fluidly stand, also moving forward.
"again. we've called back up. they'll catch him." you say, flexing your wrist back and forth. it was tick you have when you’re slightly antsy. and being stuck in a room with barely anything to do helped produce that.
"you sound confident." miguel states, his gaze shifting to your moving wrist.
"why don't you? they're your people aren't they?" you ask, but then miguel's hand is reaching out to grab your wrist. at the close proximity it's an easy action. you shift your gaze to miguel.
"and now you can be included in that, can't you?" miguel asks, keeping his hand wrapped tight around your wrist.
you tilt your head a fraction eyeing him as he continues. "you can be included under 'my people'."
you don't know why your heart sped up at that as your skin prickles with the feel of him close. "i'm honoured..." you lean closer to him, making his eyes dart across your face. "...but I think I'll pass." your breath slightly teases his lips, as Miguel's grip tightens around your wrist.
"is that so?" miguel's tone has dropped, coming out a little breathier.
"mhm." you hum, the tension now incredibly thick. and you begin to feel yourself move back. because Miguel is edging closer. and you continue to move until your back hits against the end bed frame, makin it arch right into him.
now you two were close, breathing the same air. "then how about getting rid of the 'people' part of that?" miguel slowly asks.
his lips are close, as his hold on your wrist slips to a hold on your hips. "and be what? yours?" you tease this out, lips barely brushing his.
and that's when miguel loses all and any composure, smashing his lips against your own, making your head knock back. his hands are swift and eager now as he pulls away your suit, at a surprisingly quick effort. his mouth barely leaving yours.
and that's when your 'heroes who talk' relationship turned into so much more, that had you both sneaking away, obscene noises only shared with each other. it became an arrangement. a relief.
so, when miguel climbed through your window, it matched a normal routine the two of you had. it had always (for the most part) been at your universe. it seperated fun from work a little easier.
but you still jump in shock upon seeing miguel in your hallway. you quickly wrap your sheer dressing gown around yourself, not really covering the lingerie set you had underneath. you had planned a self care night for yourself. to pamper yourself with sexy clothes after just having had a long bath. you weren't expecting Miguel to come tonight.
he's now moved closer, noticing the way you're trying to hide yourself. "it's just me." he moves to kiss you, eagerly searching your mouth with his tongue. you slightly lean away. "i wasn't expecting you..." your words a spoken lightly, but there's a weight to them. because over the course of this arrangement, you had begun to develop feelings. and that's one thing that should never happen when you make an arrangement like this. just a bit of a fun. no strings.
miguel notices the slight distance you've created, emotionally. his brows furrow. "catch you at a bad time?" he leans back in, managing to slip his hand to the back of your neck, as his other slides to pull your gown off, his lips capturing yours a little more heatedly. it was a relief. it always had been. but now it made your heart ache.
but miguel had always been swift in getting you how he wanted. you, now, in only your lingerie, his shirt gone, as his kisses pushed you back into your room. you were kissing back, loving the feel of his mouth against yours. but then his hands began to wander lower down your body, and you knew you had to stop this. "wait, miguel." you break the kiss.
he slightly leans away, his hands still on you though, keeping you close. "you alright?" you could see the hooded look in his red eyes as he spoke, his thumb now moving in soothing circles on your bare hip bone.
"i..." you drift off, because in all honesty you didn't really want to do this. but you knew that it was better for the both of you if you made the decision. "i don't think we should do this anymore..."
it's silent for a moment, and you don't meet his gaze. "what do you mean?" miguel is still so close, and you need the air to actually push through with this. so, you manage to step away, finding your sheer gown on the floor for some modesty.
as you wrap it around yourself miguel is grabbing your arm, spinning you back to him. you finally meet his gaze, and see so many different emotions swirling together. "what do you mean?" his tone has dropped now and you gulp.
"i mean we shouldn't do this anymore. the kissing, the touching...all of it." tou say and you can hear your heart pounding in your ears.
miguel is staring at you, entirely focused to the point that you feel as though you're sweating. "no...no you don't mean that."
you hold your hand out because he had begun to move closer again. "i do, miguel. i'm sorry, it's better this way. it was fun while it lasted. It was."
but miguel bypasses your hand, pulling you back against his body, as he shakes his head. "no, you can't decide that. you aren't deciding that."
"miguel i've already decided."
"is it something i did?" miguel doesn't care if he sounds desperate now. you weren't just gonna leave him. not you. it wasn't going to happen.
"i'll fix it..." his lips have moved to your cheek now, placing them everywhere he can. "...tell me what it is and I'll fix it."
your body is buzzing again with his kisses. "no, miguel...it's nothing you can fix. it's my problem."
"what?" his lips are hovering over your own now, giving them pecks between words. "what's your problem? i told you I can—“
"you can't fix it, miguel." you step away from him, your chest heaving hard. you were so close to just giving in, but you knew your heart would hate you after.
then miguel's expression darkens. "have you found someone? Is that it?" his distaste for the idea is obvious in his tone.
you shake your head, but miguel's mind is whirring with different possibilities. his own jealous attitude forcing the thought of a 'different guy' to the front of his mind. "do you like someone?"
"i..." you take a breath. you wouldn't be lying if you said yes, and it might get Miguel to leave. "yes. I do like someone."
but his reaction wasn't the one you expected. it was a casual arrangement between the two of you. you thought that if one of you ended up liking someone else, wanting to be with them, you'd stop. but miguel never had this mindset. no. the moment he had touched you, he knew he didn't want to let go. so, yes maybe he did use the word casual and went along with this arrangement, because he didn't think you'd leave him.
but here you are, saying to 'stop this'. miguel now with an iron grip grabs and moves you towards the bed, forcing you to fall atop of it. you weren't leaving. "you don't decide when this is over. i do." he's pulling away your sheer gown with force as he swiftly leans down to kiss you, this kiss oozing with possessiveness. "and I'm saying it's never ending." he darkly whispers, easily pulling your bra and panties away in two swift motions.
you gasp a moan as the air hits your throbbing pussy. miguel is pulling your legs apart, as he moves atop of you, his fingers slipping to rub your clit. "see...you don't want to leave me...you're dripping for me."
he then thrust two fingers inside you, his claws finding your g-spot, making your back arch. "yeah...look at you..." his mouth as moved to your neck, kissing and nipping at your neck. "only I can make you like this...make you feel like this." he thrusts higher up into you, making a high pitch noise spill from your lips.
"and those pretty little sounds are meant for me. only me. you have to know that by now." miguel mutters out, his cock aching as his tongue licks against your rapidly beating pulse.
then he's pulling away, far too eager to have you clenching around his cock, and knowing that he's the one inside you. he forces your legs to widen more, and with your flexibility it works, as he pushes the head of his cock inside of you.
"miguel..." your breathing hitches. no matter how many times he fucks you, his cock doesn't get any easier to slip in. so, you nearly scream when he completely bottoms out inside you, making you instantly clench around him at the stretch.
"mierda—" miguel mutters, beginning to move his hips into you, the movement rough and permanent. he moves back to caging you in as his lips find yours, your whimpers and groans getting lost in his mouth.
"you're not gonna leave." he whispers to you, having moved his head to the crook of your neck. "you aren't ever gonna leave me...no, te vas a quedar conmigo, debajo de mí...in whatever way i want."
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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marvelous-llama · 3 months
Seventeen recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
the cake in the back by @toruro
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 3.8k) baker!reader, single parent!Sungcheol, acquaintances to lovers - fluff, smut cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
Dream Ride by @bambikisss
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 4.3k) strangers to lovers - fluff?, smut You haven't been able to sleep much lately, so you've been driving around at night to help ease your mind. However, you keep passing by the same jet black colored motorcycle every night, which then keeps showing up in your dreams. So when you stop one night to get gas and see the same motorcycle stopped nearby, you decide to meet the man under the helmet.
Crossing Boundaries by @wonusite
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 8.6k) nanny!reader, boss x employee to lovers, mutual pining - fluff, smut Seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional.
Let Me Love You by @gyuwoncheol
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 5.3k) established relationship - fluff, smut You just want to shower Cheol with all the love and softness in the world and he’s determined to do the same.
Sentinel´s Serenade by @starlightxsvt
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 29.5k) bodyguard!Sungcheol, heiress!reader - angst, drama, romance, hurt/comfort, smut As you start digging up an accident that has been brushed under the rug, you make an enemy who is out to get you no matter what. Amidst all the chaos you develop feelings for your bodyguard who has built walls of steel around him.
Black Suit by @gyuranhae
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 5.3k) mafia AU, established relationship - smut You just couldn't help if you husband looked so good on an all black suit.
From Accords to Kisses by @hoshifighting
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 7.1k) fake dating, university AU - angst, fluff, smut Seungcheol, feeling overshowed by his accomplished cousin Jisoo, concocted a plan to surprise his family. Desperate to match up, he enlists Y/N, a talented athlete swimmer from his university, to play his girlfriend. Amidst the charade, unexpected sparks fly, leading to a surprising turn in their relationship.
Seungcheol´s Letters by @wonustars
Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 23.5k) best friends > fwb > lovers, university AU, slowburn - angst, fluff, smut all it took was one kiss and suddenly you and Seungcheol’s friendship has turned upside down. In other words: exploring how far the boundaries of your lifelong friendship can take the two of you, you and Seungcheol try to navigate what it's like to be friends with benefits. just because you're secrelty in love with each other won't fuck everything up...right?
Elevator by @wongyuuu
Jihoon x fem!reader, Seungcheol x fem!reader (wc - 10k + 17k) soulmate AU - angst, fluff, hurt/comfort in a world where soulmates exists, jihoon is faced with difficult decisions part 1, part 2
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outrogi · 1 year
laura’s yoongi recs
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I’ve been reading fics in here nonstop way before I started this blog. It felt like a sin not compiling a list of some of the stories that I loved and hadn’t gotten around to sharing yet, a few of them safe in my drafts until I was ready to make this.
I will keep on adding onto this list as I keep finding stories I've read before and would love to share with you. Leave some love and appreciation to the authors if you can!
disclaimer: all stories that include mature themes will be labeled accordingly. DNI if you aren’t 18+.
♡ - favorite
please be naked by @floralseokjin ♡ ◦ fuckbuddies au, rebound au, angst, smut, fluff
trip no further by @matchy6812​ ♡ ◦ soulmate au, idol au, humor, angst, fluff, smut
countermelody by @bonvoyagenoona​ ◦ producer and artist au, e2f2l, humor, angst, fluff, smut
grey area by @blushoseoks ♡​ ◦ soulmates au, angst, eventual smut
matilda by @babystrcandy​  ◦ brother’s best friend au, f2e2f2l, angst, smut, fluff
mixtape by @sailoryooons​  ◦ brother’s best friend au, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
carousel by @yoonia​​ ◦ arranged marriage au, ceo!yoongi, angst, fluff, smut
the deal by @untaemedqueen​​​ ◦ drug lord au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
the songbird series by maia ♡​​​ ◦ mxm, yoonmin au, pirate au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
ukiyo by sharleena ♡​​​ ◦ mxm, yoonmin au, drug lord au, succubus, angst, fluff, smut
greedy by @xjoonchildx ♡ ◦ mafia au, angst, fluff, smut
so it goes by @prodagustd​​ ◦ fwb, angst, fluff, smut
O N E - S H O T S
lining’s silver by @sketchguk​ ◦ fashion designer!yoongi, artist!reader, fluff, smut ​​
mixtape by @jungblue​ ♡ ◦ podcast personality au, college au, humor, fluff, smut
want a taste? by @suga-kookiemonster​​ ◦ friends to lovers, shopping mall au, humor, smut ​​
cream & suga by @snackhobi​ ◦ holidays au, coffeeshop au, fluff, smut 
first, last and always by @floralseokjin​​​ ◦ exes to lovers, angst, fluff, brief smut ​​
punch drunk by @joonbird​​​ ◦ boxer au, angst, smut
dark side of your room by @sketchguk​​​ ◦ ghost yoongi, familiar au, smut, angst
sweetener by @taegularities​​​​ ◦ former fuckboy au, fwb, enemies to lovers, smut, fluff
sticks & stones by @xpeachesncream​​​​​ ◦ massage au, ex-fwb au, mutual pining, light angst, fluff, smut
last updated: 10/06/23
note #1: if any fic recommended is in hiatus, the author has yet to update or left altogether, please do not pester them with updates.
note #2: These are not all of my MYG recs! There’s more with extensive commentary from me here and you can find more of my favorites here
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wonusite · 2 years
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All works are nsfw unless stated otherwise. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʙᴇsᴛɪᴇs ᴅᴏ
— f2l au | s, f (kinda) | 1.9k
you always tease your best friend, but maybe this time you’ve pushed him too far.
ᴄʀᴏssɪɴɢ ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs
— single dad au, nanny au | s, f | 8.6k
seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional.
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ɪ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴜ, ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴜ
— e2l au, model au, college au, fake dating au | a, s, f | 20.8k
after finally managing to escape the lifelong rivalry you once had with yoon jeonghan, you’re unexpectedly thrown back into the undesirable feud after receiving a scholarship to the most prestigious private school in the city. despite your attempts to leave the past in the past, you discover too late that you’re the only one interested in letting the vendetta go. years later, there’s a switch in dynamic when you’re the one unwilling to let it go.
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ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ
ғᴏᴏʟ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ (P2)
— college au, virgin au, | s, f (kinda) | 7.2k
you can’t stand the clear line the cute nerd in your calculus class always draws between you two. however, you’re determined to show him that there’s a fine line between love and hate. and if you happen to get him to cross that line, even better.
ғᴏᴏʟ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ
ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ (P1)
— college au, fwb au | s, f | 5.1k
we’re all fools when it comes to love, and the cute nerd in your calculus class has to learn this the hard way. luckily, you’re there to help him through it.
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sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs
— reincarnation au, vampire au | a, s | 10.1k
you dream about a beautiful man nearly every time you fall asleep. after getting to know him and everything about him, you see him outside of your dreams—in a museum painting.
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[11:11 ᴘᴍ]
— soulmate au | f, s | 0.6k
in which your soulmate loves you more than anything on this earth.
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— teacher au, cam girl au, college au | s | 9.3k
when professor jeon realizes his most earnest student is no longer paying him the attention he craves, he goes to great lengths to make sure he’s the only one holding her attention.
— babysitter au, cheating au | s | 7.1k
wonwoo has always been a scrupulous man, but he’s quick to abandon all his morals after his wife hires a cute babysitter to look after their daughter.
ᴄᴀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏᴜsᴇ
— bad boy au | s | 5.6k
wonwoo doesn’t understand why you’re so adamant in avoiding him after the amazing night you two spent together, but he’s not going to let you get away from him so easily.
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[9:47 ᴘᴍ]
— bad boy au | s | 0.5k
in which bad boy!wonwoo is absolutely smitten with you.
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(ɴᴏᴛ) ᴀ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇᴍᴀɴ
— established relationship au | s | 4.2k
your boyfriend is the sweetest man alive—a perfect gentleman. however, you’re determined to show him that he doesn’t always have to be a gentleman
ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ (ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ)
— enemies to lovers au, coworkers au, | s, f | 3k
the only thing worse than spending valentine’s day alone is spending it with someone you hate.
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ᴡᴏʀsʜɪᴘ (P2) ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛᴇᴅ (P3) ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ (P4)
— cheating au | s, f (kinda) | 2.6k
you have never been spoiled, but that changes after you meet the man your mother is going to marry.
sᴘᴏɪʟᴇᴅ (P1) ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛᴇᴅ (P3) ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ (P4)
— cheating au | s, f (kinda) | 6.6k
there’s only one woman mingyu worships, and it’s not his fiancé.
sᴘᴏɪʟᴇᴅ (P1) ᴡᴏʀsʜɪᴘ (P2) ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ (P4)
— cheating au | s, f, a (just a tiny bit) | 8.9k
mingyu is too addicted to the love he has for you to let you go.
sᴘᴏɪʟᴇᴅ (P1) ᴡᴏʀsʜɪᴘ (P2) ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛᴇᴅ (P3)
— cheating au | s | 6.6k
mingyu knows it’s wrong to lust after his fiancé’s daughter, but when he finds out you feel the same way, he no longer feels the need to hold himself back.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴇxᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
— college au, jock au | f, s | 6.4k
your university’s star football player doesn’t understand why you don’t want anything to do with him. several humiliating rejections later, mingyu is more determined than ever to change your mind about him. chaos and confusing feelings ensue.
ᴇɴᴅʟᴇss ᴀᴅᴏʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
— best friend’s brother au, fwb au | f, s | 7.2k
mingyu has been irrevocably in love with you since he was in high school. he decides to keep this a secret until he can move on since you’ve only ever seen him as your best friend’s brother. however, his plan goes awry when you ask him to take your virginity and teach you about sex—as a friend, of course.
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[7:51 ᴘᴍ]
— fwb au (ft. jungkook) | s | 0.6k
best friends jungkook and mingyu show you that they’re the only men for you.
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ɢʟᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘᴀᴄᴇ
— fake dating au, f2l au | f, s | 5.3k
you’ve been in love with xu minghao from the moment he put a bandage on your cut at the age of six. when he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his prying family off his back, you quickly realize that keeping your feelings hidden from him will be next to impossible. especially since your meddling friends are determined to have you admit your feelings before the holiday season is over.
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yueisyum · 1 year
Don’t Think About It (pt2)
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genre🍾. friends trip au, enemies-ish (not really) to fwb to lovers? (Im going to try my hardest to piss you guys off 🫡 wish me luck)
pairings ⛸ conflicted donghyuck x oblivious reader
warnings 📢 mentions of / alcohol consumption, groping, sexual tension x100 AND smut/⚠️ Oral sex (giving, and receiving) Penetration, Building Arousal, big dick Hyuck 💪🏽😎. Use of nicknames, degrading, and praising.
Note: I spelled checked this like 3 times so if there any mistakes- take it up with my lawyer. Also there should be a part three, but I have absolutely no clue when that will be out. Haven’t even started it yet.m. I don’t know the word count because I wrote this in my notes and I don’t know how to check…
Anyways have fun!
One more thing! If you see any mistakes or spelling errors please comment so I can go in and fix it. Or if you have any suggestions don’t buy shy; lmk!! 😘
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Haechan loves attention, he loves when he can see everyone’s smiling/laughing face when he makes a stupid joke or does something ridiculous.
He loves when people ask about his day, or his past. It made him feel wanted or needed.
But specifically, he loves your attention. When you two first met, you were closed off to him. Borderline avoiding him. He couldn’t exactly pin point why. You always snicker at his jokes. And if the friend group asks him a question you always looked at him, with your eyes full of curiosity. So why avoid him? Or his efforts to approach you? Why not interact with him?
That’s when he found out what else he loves… bickering. He loves when you and him got into arguments. It’s seemed to be the only way you two would really talk to each other. Your browse furrow together, and your eyes set on his. He can’t help but grin at your annoyance. But when he bickers with you he gets your attention. And that’s all he’s ever wanted.
Your attention
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sweaty, frustrated, tired, what else could explain this feeling?
You wake up sexually frustrated- from a wet dream actually, you couldn’t exactly get the friction you needed after your… moment with hyuck last night, instead trying to find comfort in sleep. You kept thinking of the words he said that started it all, that stupid suggestion he made was making your head run.
Was he serious?
Did he mean it for real?
Or was he just drunk enough to just say whatever he could to get into your pants…???
Would you even care if it was fake?
You would’ve been happy just to have some action after months of pathetic nights with you trying to get yourself off alone. College has been so stressful- like you expected of course, but you needed relief and Haechan against your body was oddly reliving.
However your intimate fantasy was cut short from a knock at the door of the room your staying in. Sitting up in the bed with a loud huff. You feel and uncomfortable amount of slick in your pants. And you wiggle is discomfort. You let out a yawn and stretch, your body shaking lightly in exaggeration. The person in the other side of the door taking the sound of life as a good enough response.
“Y/n, sorry to bother you, I know it’s early.. I really don’t want to bother you, but the rest of the group arrived late last night. And we are going to get food… or breakfast technically, I mean you don’t have to come but-” you hear a familiar mumbled voice at your door. Even if you didn’t recognize it. You would’ve known it was mark, as he always overly explains himself.
You slightly giggle through your tiredness. “You can come in” you explain, after checking to make sure you where fully clothed. The door opens to reveal mark still in plaid pyjama pants and a thin white T-shirt, his bag lunched over his shoulders. You look down to see slippers placed on his sockless feet. You fight the urge to cringe at his toes. You look up to see a figure push through him. It’s sihyun. She leaps onto the bed landing next to you, after successfully manoeuvring around mark. “I missed you” she says but you can’t tell if she’s talking to you or the bed. Her head currently stuffed into the mattress. “The drive up here was the worst!” She adds turning her head to look at you lazily. You smile and her expressions. Patting her head as your way of saying ‘missed you too’
Shihyun is one year younger then you but when you met her through Johnny, you two instantly got along and you can proudly say she is now your best friend.
Johnny could never 👎🏽.
You turn back to mark who is sheepishly snickering at shihyun’s state “How much time do I have to change?” You ask finally dragging yourself off the bed. Shihyun immediately rolls over and spreads out her limbs taking up the whole bed as soon as your on your feet. “10 minutes? Everyone is ready. They’re in the living room listening to haechan babble on about how we all need to drop out of college and just live together, and our only income being only fans”
You playfully roll your eyes. Laughing along with the other too. Your laughter increases when you see your best friend laughing into the mattress. ”he’s probably just trying to make Johnny laugh so he can ask him to pay for his food later” He suggest.
You giggle again turning to Shihyun again. Her eyes are closed now, too tired to hold them open anymore then back to the boy now leaning up against the door frame “Ok, I’ll be ready in five minutes tops” you joke, mark smiles and nods with a sarcastic expression. Them turns on his heels to retreat to the living room of the airbnb you all rented for the trip. Shihyun remains on your bed as you run to the bathroom and quickly clean yourself up then come back to throw on comfortable clothes. You can’t help but think about haechan, how you should go about you day around him after last night… he seemed to be even minded enough when the guys came home last night so he couldn’t have been that drunk.
But a part of you can’t help but want to avoid having to talk to him again. How would you even bring up the topic without it being awkward…? Or should you just pretend it didn’t happen?
“What’s up with you?” Shihyun is now sitting up to get a better look at your expression. You turn to her pulling your crew neck down your waist. “What do you mean?” She makes a face at your responds. “I can practically hear the gears turning in your head” she jokes, finally removing herself from your bed. “I’m not the only one, you look drained and agitated” you argue, lifting your finger to circle around her eye bags. She grabs your hand and drags it down. “I got here so late last night, so tired I fell asleep on the living room floor, of course I look dead” she giggles. “Don’t change the subject, what’s going on with you?” She levels her eyes to yours.
You think for a moment. Shihyun is your best friend, you shouldn’t lie to her. But at the same time, she would absolutely flip out hearing that you and Haechan almost had sex last night. Especially since she always jokes about the sexual tension between the two of you. She also would talk about it until her tongue fell of. And considering you are about to be around Haechan all morning… you weigh your options carefully.
“Is it a boy?” She asks scanning your face for a reaction. You look at her with a sheepish smile that you tried your hardest to hide. “IT IS!” She slaps you shoulder in excitement. You wince and rubbed at the sore spot. “It’s… about hyuck-“ “HAECHA-?” She tries to confirm, slapping her hand over her mouth in disbelief, hoping she heard you right. “Would you shut up” you look over at the door that remains closed. But hear faint conversations coming from the living room. “What happened?” She whisper yells, grabbing your jaw to turn it back toward her. You swat it away like there’s a fly near you. You smile at her shocked expression still present on her face. “It’s a long story”
“We have time” she claims, getting comfortable. “No actually we definitely extended past 10 minutes” you pick up your phone and get up from the bed, ignoring shihyuns groans of annoyance. “We have negative 3 minutes” you add. Sliding on your shoes and heading for the door, hearing Shihyun follow behind you, giggling to herself. Probably imagining the worst right now.
He got quiet. Really quiet. As soon as you walked into the room with Shihyun, his mind went blank, just for a moment. Of course he thought about what to say to you all night, or how to go about the rest of the trip. He definitely didn’t want to ignore it that’s for sure.
He wanted you and he wasn’t afraid to admit that to himself. Allowing him to feel every emotion you make him feel. But for some reason he’s nervous. Maybe embarrassed.
Did he move to fast?
Are you uncomfortable with him now?
Your eyes meet his almost as soon as you entered the living room, before quickly looking away to greet the rest of the group. He could see the red hue that appeared on your face. And he smiled to himself for a moment.
This did not go unnoticed, Johnny was the first to notice the change in haechans demeanour, knowing the reason behind it all. He grins to himself.
Yuta notices second. Only because he was in the mists of a conversation with him about investing in a new motor. His eye follow haechans to your frame. Renjun is the third. He notices your attitude first, the way you got nervous and looked away from the couch. Then he looks at haechan. He could practically taste the thickness in the air. Yejun, mark, and jisung are arguing about butts for some reason. To busy in the debate to notice the atmosphere. Yuta speaks First of course.
“What’s going on? Did you two finally fuck?”
You glare at him, his comment making you go red. Your quick to respond and haechan follows. “No” “sorta” “yes”
Shihyun butted in last, with a ‘as a matter of fact’ tone. Haechan looks at her then then to you and you mouth a sorry his way. His smile grew wider. “You two? Really?” Renjun laughs in disbelief. You feel like crawling into a dumpster, behind a hooters, and crying until your completely dehydrated. “We did not have sex. Y/n just feel In love with me last night.” That earned a laugh from everyone including you.
“What can I say it’s my charming personality” he adds quickly lifting the awkwardness of the situation like a pro.
Haechan was always good at that, he always knows what to say go get people to react the way he wants, in almost every situation, it’s dangerous.
“The only thing charming about you are your friends” renjun adds helping diminish the fire. haechan deadpans to Renjun who decides this conversation should happen another time with less people. Though he will take a note to talk to you about this later. Everyone laughs at haechans reaction to Renjun’s joke.
“Daaaang, me personally dude, I wouldn’t take that” yuta sucks air through is teeth as if something was stinging him. “your such and instigator. Shihyun sticks her tongue towards Yuta, who returns the act with ease. “Let’s go we’re gonna be late.” You add nudging Shihyun to stop being childish. She whines and grabs at her arm in ‘pain’
“YOU HAVE TWO LEGS!! SO YOU HAVE TWO BUTTS” everyone looks over at jisung who suddenly got up to yell at yejun, who is only arguing to get a reaction out if him. Everyone looks over as he realizes how quiet it was then sits back down quickly in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands. Everyone burst out into laughter clearing the air. Some even landed on the floor, out of breath.
When you arrived at the ‘dream cafe’. You all order in pairs of two, before sitting down, connecting a booth and a table to make enough room for all of you. “Okay, here’s the plan for the trip.” Johnny begins pacing his pastry down along with his lemonade. “At 1:45 we are going to winter wonderland. Me and mark got the ice skating rink for like an hour. Then we can do the other rides and what not..” he pauses to ensure understanding and the group nods in unison. “Then we will get back to the lodge by around 5:10, we could go out to eat or barbecue-“ “BARBECUE” most of the group interrupts.
“Ok, then we can stay up all night and drink, jaemin, jeno, chaewon, Taeyong and Kai are probably coming over as well. Maybe a party?” He finishes his plan slash question with a bite to his strawberry crape, almost spitting it out because it’s to hot. “Sounds good to me” Renjun voices and we all verbally agree.
Should’ve mentioned this earlier but that whole time, haechan was staring into your soul, reading your expressions and watching you struggle to act like you don’t notice him. Your eyes shift to his every so often. Wtf is wrong with this idiot, he is so obvious. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You look at haechan who’s making a face. Your eyes remain on him as you pull out your phone. Everyone continues to go over plans for the rest of the week, while you look down to read his text.
|| Michael Donghyuck -
Are we not going to talk about last night or…?
Your roll your eyes in disbelief. You look back up at him. He’s now looking between him and his phone urging you to hurry up and respond.
yeah hyuck, let’s talk about us making out in front of the whole group?!
|| Michael Donghyuck-
We need to pick up groceries for the bbq right? Talk then?
|| you-
yeah that works…
|| Michael Donghyuck-
don’t leave me this time yeah?
You don’t look at him again. But out the corner of your eye, you can see he’s still watching, looking for any sign of disgust or discomfort about the topic of you two sleeping together. However your eyes land on Renjun’s who’s eyeing you like a hawk. You give him a questioning look.
“Y/n, come grab the rest of the food and drinks with me” he doesn’t even give you time to answer, he stands up urging you to follow, so you do.
“You wanna update me on what’s going on?” Renjun asks almost immediately.
Renjun is also your friend.. obviously, why else would he be here.
He always gives good advice and is always there when you just want to vent. Same goes for the other way around. You are a good listener, and he doesn’t exactly trust the other idiots with his problems. So without much thought you decide it would be best to tell him the truth.
The whole truth
Half the truth
Some of the truth
“Me and haechan made out…. He was drunk, and I was getting there. We almost went further but mark and Johnny got back”
He nods with a slight ’holy shit’ look to his face. You two wait at the pick up area for all the orders. Renjun leans up against the counter and rests his head on his palm. “Did they catch you?” “No, but Johnny suspects” you answer looking over at Johnny from the other side of the cafe. Then seeing donghyuck talkin- teasing* Jisung for spilling a sugar pack all over himself. “And when you said ‘almost’ to mean you would still sleep with him now?” You shrug, avoiding his piercing eyes.
“Did it mean anything?”
Wow renjun! Get straight to the point. Could’ve at least tried to beat around the bush for more then a second. The worker that took your orders placed down a couple orders, including your iced drink. You pick it up and drank some, while waiting for the others.
“What do you mean?” “I mean do you like him y/n, you and hyuck are friends right? Don’t you think this will ruin things between you two?” You think again. Trying to use your beverage as a means to not answers these direct questions.
You open them close your mouth a couple times. “Y/n, do you like him?” You almost spit out the liquid in your mouth. Some spilling from your lips as you rush to find napkins and clean it up.
“What’s with all the questions renjun, I didn’t even answer one of the others yet-“ “yes you did.. with your eyes” he points at his own for exaggeration. You look over at the barista who’s now walking away with an judgmental look on his face.
“I don’t want him to hurt you, and I don’t want you to hurt him, not saying either if you are bad people, just don’t wanna ruin a friendship. You know?” he explains. “Look, if your just looking for sex, maybe you should wait till tonight and find some guy” renjun puts all the drinks, including yours into a holder and you grab the food. Beginning to walk back towards the table. “I’m sure it won’t be hard to find a man willing to fuck you-“ “who says I was just looking for sex?” you ask in a not so joking tone. He stops halfway. “ wait so- huh? Y/n-“ “I don’t know what I’m looking for, I’m kinda trying to figure that out” you defend. “So then maybe.. don’t do anything with heachan until you do figure it out” you think for a second and nod in agreement and he smiles.
“Jisung could you pass me some surgar please?” Yejun asks, obviously teasing. He glares at her. “On second thought, i think id be better you don’t touch them again” she adds. Earning a giggle from you and the others. Haechan’s eyes look for your laugh almost immediately bring him back from his thoughts.
“Do you wanna die?” Jisung asks- threatens* and you laugh again. This time he joins you. “What are you ganna do? Spill the poison pack too?” “Hyung knocked into me! It just happened to be open-“ “but why were you holding it above you head?” She asks. Only to remind him that he was trying to eat straight sugar. “How could you guys let her tease me like this?! The food was taking for ever and I’m a growing boy!”
“Jisung you had to crouch to get into the cafe… and you are completely cramped in your seat… you literally can not grow anymore” “yeah well how would you now? Huh?” He pouts, Crossing his arms and leaning back into the booth. You lean back with him mimicking his posture and pat his shoulder. “Yejun, should we remind you of the flour incident?”
She gasps and placed her hand to her chest in disbelief. “Y/n! Your supposed to be on my side!” “Well she’s not, she likes me more-“
“You two are literal children” rolling your eyes with a smile. “You aren’t much different y/n” you turn to Yuta, Reacting almost the same as yejun. “You and him bicker the exact same way” he says gesturing towards Haechan.
“That is not true, I don’t bicker! especially not with idiots” it was haechans turn take the offended pose. “Your so cruel y/n! How could you say that to me!?”
“Guys the nearest market is like 10 minutes away. Walking” you all turn to Shihyun, who you didn’t realizes was looking for shopping places with mark. She looks up from her phone to make sure someone heard her. Seeing as everyone is paying attention she continues. “There’s a liquor store like 15 to 20 minutes away, walking. If we are having a party we need plenty of food, and drinks” you nod in agreement, Looking over to heachan. He’s already looking at you.
Of fucking course.
“We should all send $30 to the barbecue team and $30 to the alcohol runners, that way we are all spending $60, that should add up to more then enough. Then the rest of us can prepare the Airbnb for more people.” “Sounds good. Me and y/n will go to the market.” Haechan declares almost immediately. Earning some side eyes and a couple smiles. “Bet. Then me and yuta will get the drinks! I’ll text some friends about the party but no posting on social media. Close friends only” yejun adds. “Why only close friends?” Jisung asks. Kind of annoyed she didn’t want him to run and get drinks with her.
Yejun rolls her eyes jokingly. “You want a bunch of random people at the Airbnb we all have to pay for?” “Oh right” “yeah” she giggles at his reaction.
“Ok so we should go shopping now, meet up at the lodge the we will all ride to ‘winter wonderland’ together?” Everyone agrees.
“Alright send a list and cash apps in the group chat.”
That’s how you ended up here. Walking back from the market, in the cold, arm to arm with Haechan.
In silence.
Awkward silence.
He holds three full bags of groceries and you hold one Because he snatched one from you, refusing to allow you to hold both. You were confused because that’s the only interaction to had the whole shopping trip. The rest was silent. Now walking back, your head is a ticking time bomb right now, because if he doesn’t say anything in the next couple minutes your going to throw yourself off the small bridge You two are currently walking across.
Maybe he is trying the nicest way to explain that he was just drunk and that you should forget about it. Or to say he’s changed his mind. Or to ask you out. A part of you, that you will never allow to make an appearance, wants it to be the last option. Because the was he was looking at you in the cafe-
Was that a question? You turn to haechan who’s looking down at you in confusion. You slow your steps and he follows. “Yeah?” A confused, curious look covering your face. He smiles. Taking in your features.
“Did you hear me?” He asks, matching your expression. “No?” You stop walking completely. He takes a couple more steps before realizing your actions and follows once more. Turning to you completely. He watches Watching you look up at him. Your lips pouting in confusion while your eyebrows furrowed. He watched you for a moment. He wanted to kiss you. He knows he definitely wants to kiss you.
did he say something about last night? And you weren’t listening? Too busy thinking about… HIM!? You fucking idiot.
“Are you cold?“ he repeats
“No, yes- well it is cold outside.. So I mean I guess” he chuckles watching you find yourself again. “You want my jacket?”
“What? No”
Yes the fuck you did, but not because it was cold, because it was his.
He looks offended “what!? Why not? What’s wrong with my jacket!?”
“It’s cold hyuck, your wearing a t-shirt under that…. Why would you want to give me your jacket?”
He pouts. “Have you ever been in a relationship? Or watched a k-drama?” You stare at him blankly, not bothering to answer he stupid question. “Thats what they do”
“They?” You ask
“They” he repeats
you continue staring. “That’s what people in a relationship do y/n” “relationship?” You smile as he instantly regrets his choice of words. Readying yourself to tease him. “Situationship” he corrects himself. “Oh, is that what this is?” You ask, pointing between the two of you. With a grin on your face. Usually it’s you that flustered.
“Is that what you want?” He grabs your the hand you had between the two of you. He’s grinning now, stepping closer, and making you flushed.
That came out of no where.
You look at him, Distressed. You open your mouth to answer. But closed it again when the words clog up in your throat. You see his expression change instantly. “Did you- did you want to forget about last night?“ he asks, wondering if he’s been reading your signs wrong. He lets go if your hand a slightly backs away.
“Why would I want that?”
“Why do you always answer my questions with a question?” His voice came out slightly irritating.
You roll you eyes. “I don’t want to forget- you know-” he waits, definitely wanting to hear you say it. “I mean, I’ve been stressed, and I need relief… so I guess I still want to.. you know-“
“-Hm?” He needs to hear it.
“Have sex”
A smile reappears on his face like magic. Haechan never reads the signs wrong. He’ll never doubt himself a again. Stepping forward once again And lowers his head a bit. “Just friends helping each other out?”
that’s not all you want.
You make me mad…. You dumb bitch.
You can’t read the expression that takes over his face when that left your lips, but then it disappears and a smile replaces it. “So you do want to continue what we started last night?” He wraps his other arm around your waist. “Now!?” He rolls his eyes. “Cute” Placing a quick kiss to your lips. Your eyes Widen. Not even giving you the chance to reciprocate, He turns on his heal to continue walking.
That only leaving you more confused.
“Wait, are you flirting with me?”
“have been for the last year, but thanks for noticing” he answers with his back to you.
The rest of the walk was filled with random conversations and comments, Heachan obviously wanted to make earlier but was too scared. He really was trying to make things less awkward. And you were trying to find the best way to tell him that you don’t want this to be ‘just two friends helping each other out’ but on the other hand, he is the one who said it. maybe that’s what he wants.
When you both made it back to the Airbnb it was 12:00. The lodge was cleaned (for the most part) drinks and snacks, that the group had already had laying around were spread out around the ‘party’ areas. You set the snacks you two bought along with them, then put the juices that will be used to mix with the alcohol and the bbq meat in the fridge. Almost everyone was out by the pool, making sure the heater was working. Johnny ended having to call the owner of the place to figure out how to turn it on. And the rest was getting ready for ‘winter wonderland’. While you were in the kitchen, adding the seasoning to the meat so it could marinate while you were gone.
“Are you not going to get dressed? We need to be ready by 1:30“ you turn around to see heachan. He was wearing wide leg jeans and a black and brown stripped hoodie. His hair is naturally swayed to the sides and he’s leaning up against the door frame, studying your face. “I just finished washing my hands” you answer before turning back around to avoid the face he makes confused as to why your staring at him, for so long. He smirks in realization.
You turn the faucet off and dry your hands. When you finally turn around to give him your full attention, you lightly jump to see how much closer he’s gotten. “I know we just talked about this, but I have some more questions about our agreement” he bends down a bit. You peek over his shoulder to see if anyone has stumble into the kitchen. “Here? Now?”
“Mhm” he gnaws on his bottom lip, moving his head in front of yours so you’ll look at him. His eyes flicker between your eyes and your mouth. A picture you feel as if you’ve seen too many time before. “Ok… What is it?” You look away, trying your best to sound nonchalant. “If we fuck, we have to promise to remain honest with each other” you turn to him with an expression that he can’t help but laugh at. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, if you happen to catch feelings for me, you have to tell me, deal?”
What if you already did?
“And if I catch feelings for you, I’ll tell you. That way we can end it”
End it?
“We both need this right? I mean I trust you, and I’m assuming you trust me.. right?” You nod in agreement. “So deal?” You think for a moment. He leans forward, placing his hands in the counter behind you, caging you in.
“So like friends with benefits?”
“Let’s not call it that” he slightly shakes his head.
“Why not?”
“You really never watch tv shows do you?”
You roll your eyes again
“This isn’t a tv show” you argue. “feels like one”
“Ok… whatever. No feelings” you agree grabbing his hand from the counter behind you to shake it. He laughs at your seriousness. Though he wanted to correct you. He never said no feelings. But something in him wouldn’t let the words leave his mouth.
“but that might be pretty hard considering your already madly in love with me” you joke, hopefully hiding the thoughts that are playing In Your head. You get fidgety, feeling as if he could read your mind.
He laughs- scoffs* with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “Real funny” you laugh at his response.
You two stare at each other for a moment. Sharing a minute of silence.
“So… why do you want to have a friends with benefits relationship…. With…. Me?” You ask. Curious eyes now following his when he tries to look away.
“I thought we weren’t calling it that.”
“What are we calling it then?”
“Two friends helping each other out”
“Hm…ok fair… Are you not going to answer my question?”
“I’m a 22 year old guy in college y/n, I’m horny 24/7, and your a women. It just works out” he shrugs off your question and ignores your piercing eyes.
Your smile drops to deadpan at him. Unhappy with his answer “There will be other ‘women’ at the party tonight, so why me?” You push.
“Does it matter?” He argues, looking between your eyes.
“It does now” you argue back, crossing your arms dramatically.
So stubborn, you both thought at the same time.
“Y/n” you turn to the entry way of the kitchen to see Yuta and Yejun at the door, holding bags of liquor and beer and what not. “Pop open the fridge for me please” She continues, ignoring your position with Haechan, and the fact that he was so close to you just now. Not Yuta though, he watching the two of you like a hawk. He looks at you then to haechan then giggles to himself.
Haechan watches You run to open the fridge, helping her make room for the beer bottles. Yuta places the others on the counter. “You guys are so obvious. Your telling me you two haven’t fuck yet?” Yuta asks his irritated friend, who hasn’t moved from his spot against the counter. He looks over at you, laughing at yejun’s jokes while talking about plans for later tonight. He then turns back to yuta.
“Im trying to”
Yuta nods in understanding. He grabs one of the whiteclaws from a pack of 12. “What’s stopping you? You can’t turn her on like I can huh?” He smiles, pleased with he joke. Haechan elbows him in the rib earning a high pitch yelp. “Your really funny yuta, I’m sure everytime you enter the room she’s as dry as a bone. I wouldn’t blame her either, especially when your drinking a fucking whiteclaw.” Yuta looks between the man and his drink, offended.
It’s haechan’s turn to be pleased with his comment. He leaves yuta standing in pain, physically and emotionally, to walk towards your figure. Yuta mutters an ‘asshole’ as he watches him drag you out of the kitchen, leaving yuta to help yejun with the drinks
You flinch at the sudden contact and the fact that your being man handled down the hallway and into the room the girls and you will be sleeping in. “Your not planing on doing this now are you?” You ask turning around to see haechan closing your bedroom door behind him. “I have to get ready-“ “I can’t wait anymore” he interrupts.
He slowly begins walking towards you. “We are going to be at that stupid amusement park until five and I don’t think I have it in me to wait that long” he continues. Haechan wraps his arms around your waist pulling you as close to him as possible. “I wanna taste you” blush instantly crawling up you face at his blunt comment. you quickly place your hands over his chest and push slightly. He groans in annoyance. “You don’t have to say it like that, it embarrassing” you look out the window to avoid the smile that creeps onto his lips.
“Am I making you nervous?” He asks, stepping closer again. “No your making it weird” “how so?” “I don’t know…” you think for a moment, trying to find the right words. His hands find your waist once again. And he dips his head down to connect your lips to his. Not caring for your explanation. “You have no idea what you do to me y/n” he mumbles between kisses. You lean into his touch. Wrapping your arms around him. “-no idea what I had to do last night to get myself off” his lips travel down your lips to your jaw. You hum in Acknowledgement, letting him know your listening. “Wanted you under me” he adds. You whimper. Mostly because he found the spot in the crook of your neck that makes you go crazy, but also because his words are truly effecting you. “You left me- ‘s unfair” he trails off. You don’t think he’s really thinking about his words much anymore, Being driven solely by the desire to feel you against him.
You move your hands from around his shoulders to lift up his chin. Pulling him away from your neck. “I’m sorry” you respond playfully, with a smile. Holding back a laugh. He sounds so desperate.
“Let me make it up to you?” You suggest and he eyes you carefully, his curiosity urging you to continue. You keep eye contact with him, when he feels your hands undoing his belt. You push him towards the end of the bed, sitting him down. He curses under his breath seeing you slowing fall to your knees. He hands move from your waist to your face. Gently holding your cheeks. “You’re making me crazy” he informs
“I’m making you hard” correcting him, you slightly pull down his jeans down just enough to to see a clear outline of his bulge through his boxers. “Same thing” he mumbles.
he’s watching you- looking at you like your an angel, coming to answer all of his prayers. You stare at his bulge for a second. He’s big, bigger then you thought when you felt him the day before. He’s not even fully hard yet. He gets impatient (as usual) and pulls his boxers down to the same length of his pants. And he watched you eye his cock, as it lifts up after being freed from confinement. Looked like You were Worshiping it.
He moves his arms behind his head, to pull his hoodie over his head, tossing it on the bed behind him. Not wanting the fabric to get in the way. Revealing his slightly toned stomach.
He could see thoughts racing through your mind. Staring at him, Basically drooling. “You could just compliment me you know?” He say confidently. “And raise your ego higher then it already is? No way” your words barely at a whisper. “That’s ok princess, I can see it in your face” you give him a look, the nickname stirring something in you lower stomach. You then bring your hand around the base of his cock. He lets out a small groan, Basking in the sensation of finally feeling you.
Watching him throw his head back at such a simple touch is making your underwear wet, you squeeze your thighs together, doing your best to ignore the aching between them. Slowly your fist begins to slide up and down his length. Your other hand holding onto his thigh. “Tell me what to do to make you cum” you’re talking to him but your eyes remain fixed on his member. You haven’t done this kind of thing much before so you wanna make sure you do a good job. “Just keep touching me please” he’s slightly embarrassed at how whiny he sounds. he lifts your head to look at him. “And look at me” you nod, keeping your eyes trained on him.
Your hands feel so good jerking him off. He’s not gonna lie, it’s been some time since he’s been with a girl. Not like he couldn’t if he wanted to, it’s just that Finals are really hectic and he can’t ever find time for himself. So, he’s pretty sensitive right now. At least- that’s his excuse. It’s definitely not because it’s YOU that’s touching him.
He’s pulled out of his thought when he feels your wet lips against his tip. His hips jerk forward at the feeling and he accidentally slides further into your mouth. He almost came right there. “Shit, I’m sorry” you try to mumble an ‘it’s ok’ but fail miserably. Only sending vibrations up his dick. “Fuck y/n”
You slowly take him in your mouth. Trying to relax your jaw. Hearing his breath hitch is motivating you to make him feel ten times better. You take him as far as you can, until you feel him at the back if your throat. The feeling making your eyes slightly roll back. The sudden act causing haechan to grip your hair. He’s not tugging, just holding for balance. You begin moving up and down his cock. Wrapping your tongue around him.
God he wanted to fuck your face and cum down your throat. Your hand pumping the base you couldn’t get in your mouth and try your best to keep your eyes open and on him. But he’s not looking at you- he can’t. He’ll cum. His head instead falls back in pleasure. You continue to bob your head. slightly speeding up over time. “That’s good baby, keep doing that”
closing your eyes, trying to focusing on not gagging around him as you take even more of him. “Shit shit shit!” He pushing you further onto him, causing you to gag once around him and he twitches in your mouth. You feel hot streams glide down your throat, as he comes down from his orgasm.
His hips are jerking into you, and you take it, take all of him. Swallowing everything he gives you. You continue milking him dry making him hum but halfway through it turns into a moan. Some of his cum dripping down the corners of your lips, and you slowly slip him out of your mouth, keeping eye contact. you eyes look so innocent even though he’s watching your Saliva and his juices mix around your lips. The scene so unholy, He could cum again. “God- Your so messy baby… so pretty” hands brushing hair out if your face.
you hum at his compliments. He then moves his hands to use his thumbs to wipe your pretty mouth clean. Bringing you back to your feet and into his lips. “So fucking pretty” he repeats. you climb into the bed and straddle him, being carful not to touch his sensitive cock. You smile against his lips. “What?” He asks confused at your sudden giggles “you came really hard” you playfully inform.
“It’s been a while” he rolls his eyes, connecting your lips once again. He picks you up by your thighs and turns both of you over. His fingers digging into your soft skin. You yelp softly and his strength. He promises himself he’ll kiss any marks he leaves on you later. Your back now pressed against the pillows on the bed. “It’s my turn to make you cum hard, yeah?” His hand slides under your hoodie and grab at yous tits from over your bra. You whimper at his sudden behaviour. “Gonna make you cum s’hard” his hand garbing at the back of your thigh to open your legs. then sliding it under the waistband of your bottoms. His palm feeling up against your core through your panties. “Wow” his voice came out as a gasp. He looks down for a moment then back up at you. You look away quickly and your fell your face get hot.
“You must really like me huh? Your soaked” His lips find your neck. Two fingers circle the fabric above your clit, slowly, making you whine. He’s teasing and your on the verge of breaking. You move one hand from his shoulders to grab his wrist “Hyuck-“
“behave.” His voice suddenly more husky and low. You look at him surprised, but move your hand to place it back on his shoulder. “Stay still” you huff and his command. “Could you not be a menace for once?” You complain. Then close your thighs around his hand. “Can’t help it, your fun to mess with.” He slides his hand out if your pants then leans in for a quick kiss. “Wanna hear you begging for me… can you do that for me angel?” you exhale at his words. You nod, “good…. Open” you are ready to open you legs for him so he can pull your sweats off, but stop almost immediately.
“Ya! Are you guys ready to go? We gatta leave in ten minutes!” You hear mark yell from what you assume is the kitchen.
“Fuck” you whine
“Fuck” he groans
He leans he’s forehead against yours for a moment then giving you another quick peck on the lips before turning his head towards the door.
“One sec!” He yells back. You flinch at his voices, forgetting your right under him. He turns back to you and laughs “sorry” you giggle at his Sudden mood change “it’s ok”
“I can be quick?” He offers “it’s ok we don’t have time” you sit up but he pushes your middle back into the bed. “You haven’t cum yet- Can’t leave you hanging” he argues.
you let out another laugh “I left you hanging yesterday- now where even. We have ten minutes and m’not even dresses yet” you add sitting up once more and he rolls over next to you in defeat. Haechan watches you get up form the bed and towards the bathroom after grabing a bad from your suitcase. He smiles at it, laughing at the fact you still haven’t unpack your things.
He adjust himself and his clothes back to normal and sits on The bed waiting for you to return from the bathroom. Ready to smother you in apologies and promises to make it up to you later.
Then he hears a knock at the door. It opens before he could answer. He was about to complain to the person about coming in without a response- but then he sees Shihyun at the entrance.
This Is her room after all.
She enters the room looking up from her phone, surprised to see haechan on the bed she will probably be sleeping on tonight. she makes and face. “If you two fucked on this bed you better tell me now so I can change the shee-“ “-we did not” he rolls his eyes and she nods in approval and continues to the bed and takes a seat. “What the hell are you doing?” He asks, confused as to why she’s in here when they are going to be leaving soon.
She puts her phone down and turns to him in the most dramatic way. “ME? First of all! This is MY room! So I should be asking YOU that question, second, only you responded when mark called for you three, so I came to check up on y/n, Johnny told me you two were probably getting it on in here, and to leave you be, but I needed my charger anyway, and that’s the third point.” She finally takes a breathe before bending down under the nightstand to unplug her phone charger. “Three?” He asked “who else isn’t ready?”
She turns to him. “Renjun is in the room across the hall trying to figure out how to get the projector to work, just in case we decide if a movie night. Ya know?”
He nods. “I can’t watch movies with you, you always fall asleep and snore-“ he teases, she scoffs “I wouldn’t be sleeping if you didn’t always pick boring movies” she retaliated. “You always play stupid cheesy k-dramas when I’m in the mood for horror”
“You just don’t have taste” he argues “in movies and in men” he adds.
you come out if the bathroom, dressed and ready to go, only to walk in on Shihyun and haechan on opposite side of the room with pillows flying across your face. “You asshole!” “Skank!” Some kind of pillow fight.
You roll your eyes and walk out of the room with your phone. They follow after you. But only after hearing a smack, then haechan yelp, then Shihyun giggle. You snort as you continue to the living room to join the others.
“Okay, we have two cars, so how about the girls take one car, and the boys take the other? Renjun and Shihyun drove up here so maybe they shouldn’t have to drive for the rest of the trip” mark suggest. Renjun nodding his head to him as a thank you. “Why are we splitting up gender!? I wanna hang out with the girls! I trust Noona’s driving more then Johnny’s” Jisung complained holding onto your arm dramatically. “That’s ok Jisung you count as one of the girls anyway.” You joke. The whole group all snickered at his expression. He rips away from you. “I change my mind”
“No poor baby gurl! Don’t leave us hanging!” You continue, earning more laughs “Noona how could you treat me like this?” “I wanna be a ‘baby gurl’ too!” Yuta demands latching into your arm replacing Jisung. Renjun rolls his eyes and gets into the bigger car, joining Johnny who’s looking up the directions in the drivers seat. “Too bad! I’m already her baby gurl!” Jisung drags yuta off if you and take his place one more. “Wow” you roll your eyes. “I kinda wanna go with you guys too” mark announces. Looking to yejun who smiles and nods in agreement “What!? Then so do I” haechan adds. He grabs ahold of your hand, Looking right at you. His eyes look innocent, completely different then a couple moments ago. “How about we just see who fits?” You suggest.
“If Jisung is coming, there’s only one more place in the smaller car.” Yejun informs. “But just to help you guys out, Shihyun is driving which means, she gets the aux.” she adds. “Oh-“ yuta mutters. “You know what, I think I’ll just go with Johnny” he slides into the big car to join the two boys already in there. “Yeah you know what, I didn’t bring headphones and I don’t want have to listen to promiscuous by Nelly furtado featuring timbaland one more time.” Mark agrees and follows yuta.
“Shihyuns not driving? You are, and thought we were sharing the aux” you correct, sending a confused look her way. She winks. “I know” then giggles to herself. “But mark will just play ‘hold tight’ by Justin bieber. And yuta would distract me by criticizing my driving.” You laugh and Jisung and haechan join you. Jisung hops in the front next to yejun. Shihyun is already fast asleep in the backseat.
“Wonder what she would’ve said about me if I decided not to go” heachan thinks aloud. You ponder for a moment and snort. “‘Hyuck would just listen to Michael Jackson the whole time’” you mimic yejuns voice. “See that’s true but she wouldn’t call me hyuck, she would say donghyuck” he retaliates but your already climbing into the back seat of the car. He follows you. Only to find that you waking Shihyun move to the middle.
Did that upset him?
Yes No
While driving you look out the window looking at all the things Shihyun points out, making sure she knows your paying attention so she doesn’t throw a tantrum, but haechan on the other side of her seems quiet. Too quiet. When she finally falls back asleep you look over to see her leaning up against haechans shoulder. He doesn’t seem to mind though, he’s looking out the window lost in thought. you smile to yourself before looking about out your own.
Haechan is so sweet in his own little way. You wonder if he enjoyed what had happened earlier. He seemed to. So did you, even if you didn’t actually get that far, your sure he know what he’s doing. I mean come on… he was able to Find your clit- through your underwear. You body tingles in the places he’s touched you. Chills run down your spine at the thought of him going further with you.
God you wanted to feel him inside you.
You wanted him to hold you. This feeling is so foreign, you and Haechan where friends who would bicker about every single thing. Also arguing or play fighting. You never really thought about how close you two are. Or the fact that you two know so much about each other. It never crossed your mind that your relationship with him wasn’t hate.
You blink twice when your phone buzzes in your pocket. You lift yourself of your seat, to quickly grab it from under you. You open your notifications.
|| JenO -
Heard you and hyuck got together?
You look up to look and see if anyones eyes where on you. Yenjun and Jisung were taking quietly up front, too quiet. But that’s not what your worrying about right now. You look over at Shihyun who is still fast alseep on haechans shoulders. But haechan is no longer looking out the window. No now he’s looking at you. The concern on your face rubbing into his. He mouths ‘you ok?’ And you nod with a tight smile before turning back to your phone. He couldn’t see your screen anyway.
|| you-
Where did you hear something like that?
|| JenO -
Oh come on y/n, I can tell youre hiding something even through text.
|| JenO -
fine, Shihyun mentioned something about you two
|| you -
Ofc she did
|| JenO -
Relax y/nie
|| JenO -
Not planing on telling anyone, just want to know if my close friend finally got laid.
|| you -
What’s finally supposed to mean huh? 😡
|| JenO -
Was it good?
You sigh and rest your head on the head rest on the back of your seat. Thinking. Not if it was good. But if you should tell him. You trust Jeno like you trust renjun. Maybe a third opinion might do you well.
|| you -
It was good
|| JenO -
Sick, so what is it? Like fwb? Or just a hook up?
|| you -
It’s not friends with benefits…
|| JenO -
So a hookup?
|| you -
I don’t really know
|| JenO -
You fucking idiot, 😂 come on y/n what do you mean you don’t now?
|| JenO - typing
|| you -
Shut up Asshole. I’m figuring it out! You have no right to talk especially since I know about what’s happening between you an Shihyun!
|| JenO -
Shut up asshole. That’s fair I guess. 💀 We’ll be there in like an hour. And you guys get back around 5? I’ll see you then.
^ you laughed JenO’s message
You turn your phone off and try your best to fall asleep. You feel Shihyun’s weight shift and now she’s leaning her head on your shoulder. You smile at her and lay your head on hers.
“Noona” you open your eyes to Jisung, standing out the car door in front of you. He’s reaching over your frame, which is really small compared to his. “Hm?” You question through you sleepiness.
The ride back was quiet. Iceskating and the rides definitely tired you out. Especially the ones that went too high off the ground, making you light headed- So did the bickering between Jisung and yejun, Which seemed so different from the tone they had with eachother on the ride there, they were talking calm and nice to each other but as soon as they were out of the car, they began arguing over who could get on the most rides. Later on, Mark decided to bring up the 2 butts debate again over lunch and landed you here. In the back seat, drained.
“Can you lift your arm?” Jisung asks, his voice at almost a whisper. You lift both arms waiting for his explanation. You then hear you seatbelt click. You look out the car windows to see you made it back to lodge already. You look next to your car to the right and see two others. Probably Johnny’s and the rest of the group. When the seatbelt is off of you, you turn to see shihyuns head back on Haechans shoulder, both of them also fast asleep. “Noona, are you too tired to walk? Do you want me to carry you inside?” You look over at the boy who’s putting your shoes back on your feet for you.
“Huh? No, I’m ok. But maybe carry hyunie in? She’s pretty tired.” He nods “she’s also snoring” he adds. you bite back a laugh and so does he. Jisung backs up to give you space to slip out to the car. You walk around and open haechans side of the door. His body was leaning up against the door when you opened it. He would’ve fell out if the car if it wasn’t for the seatbelt that’s around him. He jolted out of his slumber at the sudden feeling of falling. Then his eyes find your playful ones. You try holding back your laugh but fail.
Jisung walks around the car and into the house with Shihyun in his arms. When you turn back to the boy in front of you is out of the car ready to pounce. “You’ll regret that” “hm really?” You ask sarcastically. And he pokes the side of his check. “Yeah really” a smile creeps onto his lips. It’s not dark out yet but it is dimmer then Usual. The sky clear of clouds and still. No wind, or rain, just cold air. You don’t realize but he was watching you intently, as if trying to read your mind.
Is she upset?
She probably unsatisfied
You fucking asshole
You share a moment of silence. It was Awkward but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, you felt comfortable. You wonder if he’s comfortable too. You look at him through the corner of your eye. He’s leaning up against the car, looking in your direction.
Well that made you nervous.
Your mind drifts back to his words
‘So fucking pretty’
‘Wanna hear you begging for me, can you do that for me angel?’
You shift on your feet at the thought of him talking to you like that. You pinch yourself in the arm when your mind starts to wonder how it would be like to date him. Now that you two aren’t alway bickering- you finally see the way looks at you. You pinch yourself again to remind yourself that this is purely pleasure- sexual pleasure. The act doesn’t go unnoticed by the boy in front of you.
“You ok?” You turn back to him quickly, when you hear his voice, a lot closer then you thought he would be. “Yeah? Why?” You look him up and down. His hands are stuffed into his pocket. His hair still swayed to the sides, some thin strands falling into his face.
“You seemed upset in the car…” you’re about to tell him it’s nothing but he continues “if it’s about me leaving you hanging earlier, I told you I wou-“
“Nonononono no! That’s not what happened” you cut him off. “Jeno just texted me, and I was surprised, that’s all” “hm” he nodded his head, but he wasn’t convinced, and for some reason the topic of you and Jeno, stirred something in him, especially since you didn’t clarify what he texted you.
“Well, they got here 2 hours ago. They texted the group chat about grabbing more stuff for the party” he informs pulling out his phone to see the texts from jeno and jaemin. He watches you read the text. He can’t help but hope you would show you text with jeno ti him.
“More stuff? What else do we need?” You ask, mostly to yourself. He watches your eyebrows pinched together, and is mind found it’s way back to when he had you in the bed. He can’t focus now, his mind full of… you.
He begins to mindlessly trail off.
“Well taeyong wants to have a movie night, so their probably getting more snacks and we also need ice.” As he’s Explaining his hand comes up to softly rub your shoulder. You look at him and you can see that his mind is elsewhere. His eyes aren’t focused on anything in particular and his sentences are trailing off. “Hyuck, Are you tired?” You ask him in the softest voice he’s ever heard from you.
“Hm?… no” his mind begins to slow down when he hears you call his name. “You seem tired” you push. He slides his hands down your shoulders then hold your hands.
He’s lost again, looking at your hands connecting between your bodies “Hyuck?” He interlocks your fingers with his.
“Yes?” He looks at you in the eyes now. “Are You ok?”
“Mhm, Just thinking”
That was the most irritating answer he could have given you. “Don’t, don’t think, okay? Do you wanna lay down?” He stares at you for a moment. “Nah I’m good, parties gonna start soon-“
“Fuck the party, you look like you’re about to pounce on me but for real” you laugh but it doesn’t reach your eyes. They are filled with worry. “You need to lay down”
“I’ll lay down if you lay with me?”
It was supposed to be a demand but it came out as a question. “Ok I can do that” you nod slowly with a smile. His heart aches at the sight of you holding his hand, pulling him inside. Where you see Chaewon and Kai are leaned up against the kitchen counter. When Chaewon sees you too she squeals in excitement. “Haechan! Hiii” she goes it to hug him, he barley hugs back. His eyes only fixated on your hands. She waves it off, assuming he’s tired. Which is true. “Y/n! Hey baby!!” She say in a flirty way. You snort and hug her with your free arm. She definitely notices that yours and heachans hands are connected but chooses to ignore it. You wonder why. “Long day huh?” You nod then turn to Kai who’s drinking a bottle of beer. “You guys started drinking?”
“Yeah?! Pregaming! Barbecues are the best when your drunk, especially the movie!!” You laugh when she grabs he whiteclaw from the counter.
Drunk my ass. How much alcohol is in there .0001%?
You laugh. You were ready to greet Kai, when you feel haechan begin to pull you away from the kitchen. Without an argument you wave them a goodbye and follow haechan down the hallway opposite from your room. “Hyuck? Are we going to your room?” “Mhm”
He practically kicks he door open. You finally let go of his hand to take in the structure of the room he’s staying in. “Lay down” you turn around to see him undressing himself. “Okay” You sit in the bed. Your back leaned up against the headboard. Everything smells like him. It’s a bit overwhelming, but in the best way possible. You watch him take his hoodie off throwing it to the side, undoing he belt to throw it along with it. “Are we going to have, you know-?” You ask and watch him turn to you. “Do you not want to?” He paused his movements. “I do” you correct him, your voice almost muted. Your eyes leave his to find something- anything else to look at, then bringing your knees up to your chin and wrapping your arms around them. He nods at your reassurance.
He returns to his previous activity, tugging his pants down on the floor.
“Do you want me to take my clothes off too?” You question, trying your best to calm your nerves.
Why is he so quiet all of a sudden. It was like a switch.
“No” he said bluntly “wanna undress you myself princess” he dips into the bed with a smirk. You let out a exhale at the nickname. He seems back to normal again.
“If you don’t wanna do this now, I’ll stop, no problem”
“I do”
“You do what?”
“I wanna do this”
He face lightens with your words. He licks his bottom lip. His memories taking him back to see you on the floor with him inside your mouth. His cock twitches at the image. He begins to climb over you.
You lay down fully until your head is propped up from the pillows. “Wanna make you cum so much baby” he crawls up your Frame until he’s hovering right above you. His knees dug into the mattress on either side of you. “Feel bad about leaving you like that” he leans down just enough for your noses to brush against each other, before finding your neck.
He’s found that this is his favorite place to be. “I told you to forget it” you warned. Your eyes remain on him, and you hold his face with you palms. “Can’t” he stays, in between sucks against your neck. You impatiently lift his head slightly to connect your lips. Placing your hands on his shoulders, He smiles against you, But depends the kiss, allowing your head to fall back into the pillows. His hands move to your waist, lifting your hips off the bed slightly, before hooking his fingers onto your pants to dragged them the down your legs.
You gasp into the kiss. He takes your pants off completely, Licking your mouth for entrance, which you grant him immediately. You hear your pants hit the ground somewhere near the closet door. Assuming he threw them. He begins to pull anyway but you follow him, Chasing his lips. He lets out a breathy chuckle “Wanna hear you say my name, you can be loud for me right?” His hands caressing you thighs gently. His words, his hands, his gaze- god It’s turning you on.
“Yeah” you breath out. He smiles, reconnecting your lips. “Good girl” his hands finding your waist again. Lifting up your top to grope your tits. His disconnects your lips again. You groan in annoyance, but it turns into a moan when he lifts up your top completely, along with your bra to latch lips onto your nipple. Your hands move from his chest to his hair. Gripping onto him and pulling lightly. The act having him groan into your chest. He pulls away to quickly discard your top and your bra. Then His hand travels down you abdomen and into your panties.
His fingers play with your folds for a moment before using you fingers to spread them. You close your eyes at the thought of him actually touching you where you need him most. He allows his middle finger to circle around you clit. The act making you hips push into his hand for more. “So small under me, god I could spilt you in half” you shiver under him.
You body pushing further into his touch, the fact that your body is telling him all of your secrets, what makes you tick and what makes you moan, is making him unbelievably hard. Your moans are like music to his ears. “Hyuck” you whimper.
“Yes baby?”
“Please hurry” he moves his head from you chest to look up at you. Your eyes closed. Eyebrows furrowed in frustration- he loves it.
“I’ll do anything you want, just gotta hear you say it love” all this nicknames are making your head spin. And you curse yourself for being so effected. “I want you inside me” you mutter the words so low, he almost didn’t hear them. But he did, he just wants to hear it again.
His elbow is propped up against the bed. His other hand working circles around your clit, using His finger to collect the wetness around your hole as lube.
“Hm?” He smirks watching you, every twitch if your face. “Look at me” he demands. You open your eyes to meet his. You wonder for a moment if you asked him to kiss you again, would it be weird?
“Want you inside me please Hyuck”
He smiles, trying hard to remember that this is just sex, no feelings. But he can’t help the words the leave his mouth next.
“Anything for you” as if he read your mind, he places a peck to your lips, lingering there a second too long. The finger that’s as abusing your bud, now making its way around your entrance, At a painfully slow pace. You open your legs wider for him. And he bits his lower lip, trying not to laugh. “Yeah? s’that good?”
“No? Whats wrong angel?”
“Hyuck don’t tease…. please just…”
“Please what?” He asks.
You wanna punch him, and you would if your body didn’t feel so weak and fragile. You whimper. Sliding one of your hands to please your aching instead. His hand quickly slides out of you and wraps his hand around your wrist, stopping your attempt. “Nuh uh, use your words love”
“Hyuck, please just finger me” you finally let out. To embarrassed to keep your eyes open. “God your so sexy” he frees your hand to find his way back to your pantries. Haechan sits up to pull your panties down your legs and tosses them to the side. You close your thighs together. “Y/n” you open your eyes to find his. They seem darker and more serious, the you’ve ever seen them. “Can’t make you feel good down here if your legs are closed” you nod. ”right”
“Wanna see your pretty little pussy” Your legs open for him before his sentence even finishes sounding. He smiles at your obedience. He looks at you for an uncomfortable amount if Time, you begin to freak out.
Then he inserts his middle finger into you. Your sucking him in, and you feel so hot down there.
“Holy shit”
that’s all he could let out. Like I said it’s been a while since you’ve been active in your sexually life. Your watching him stare down at where his finger is being squeezed in. He adds another. Earning a small whine for him. His fingers start to slowly pump in and out of you. Earning moans from your pretty mouth. He leans back towards you. Pls sing his face over yours once again. “Gonna make you cum on my fingers… then My tongue, the my cock, okay princess?” You exhale and try to nod but your mind is full of the thought of haechans dick inside you. “Gotta make sure I won’t hurt you pretty baby. Gotta stretch you out a bit, okay?”
You nod, though your not really listen to his words. His free hand sliding up your body to your face. Caressing your check. Looking at you like your The only girl in the world.
To him… you were.
“words baby”.
“Yes” you agree even though you can’t really remember what he said. “Good” he wants to kiss you again, would that be weird? This is just pleasure right? Does kissing count?
He shakes it off and moves himself until he’s on his knees leaning back slightly to get a good look at you. He watched his fingers work inside of you, curling every now and then. Which is making you moan, loudly. So he keeps doing it. Wanting nothing more then to hear you tell him he’s doing a good job. “Is this good baby?” He asks picking up the pace, “mhm s’good” his thumb runs circles around your clit, your hips shoot up, chasing the feeling and he can tell your close. He lowered his head to place kisses around your thighs. Then his body slowly adjusts until he’s lying on his stomach. His kisses trail down your thighs until he reaches you core.
Haechan places a kiss to your clit, making you shiver and stutter your hips into his face. He doesn’t complain, instead he takes his fingers out to completely devour you. You moan and yell his name. He subconsciously begins to grind into the mattress.
He continues to abuse your pussy. When you grab and up at his hair he almost cums in his pants. His finger find their way back onto your cunt and working their magic.
He’s paying attention to every part of you. Watching your reactions and accommodating to them. You feel yourself getting closer and closer. His begins speeding up his fingers and his tongue. Every now and then curling them continuously. Your hips start bucking and the back of your neck feels hot. “Your doing so well” he coos against you.
You can feel it coming. You cover your mouth and face with your hands to stop any embarrassing sound form leaving your lips. He’s definitely not happy about that, but he sees the way your body is twitching. It makes him smile, knowing got you to cum just from his fingers an mouth. He continues slowing, laping at your sex. He’s savouring everything that pour out of you. working on your clit to help ride out your orgasm. “Don’t hide from me y/n, I hate that shit”
You shake your head and slowly close your thighs around his hand. “Y/n” he chuckles, removing his hand from your cunt. His other hand garbing you wrist and pulling em away from your face.
“Look at me.” He tried to say it in a soft voice, but it came out as a demand. When you open your eyes to look at him, he brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking in your release. “Oh god” you mutter. You are so out of breath and your eyes can’t focus properly but the sight could make him cum. He smiles onto his fingers. You know your face is red right now and it’s killing you. “Your so fucking cute” he closes in slowly kissing you, but this felt different, it felt real. He pulls away. And you look up at him, with a innocent look.
He stays like this for a moment, watching your eyes and listening to your breathe. waiting for it to even out. “Hyuck” “yes princess”
“Please fuck me now”
He surprised at how openly you said that. You Kept your eyes on him and your voice didn’t break once.
So fucking hot. But as much and he wanted to he couldn’t.
“Can’t. Not yet” He shakes his head sitting back into his knees. “Gotta make sure your ready.” He’s about to crawl back down, to no doubt eat you out one more time. And as much as you want that, you can’t wait anymore.
You sit up onto your knees as well, wrapping your arms around his neck, his face turns back to yours. “Please, I’ll take it” he just looks at you. He’s never expected this kind of behaviour from you and it’s driving him crazy. His eyes fall onto your lips. “Yeah?”
“Hyuck, I wanna ride you.” His hands find your waist immediately. Pulling you onto him and placing his back against the headboard. You straddle his waist, a little taken aback at how he can carry you so easily. When your situated on top of his boxers, your can feel him under you, He’s so hard and you wanna feel him stretch you out.
“You can’t just say things like that y/n shit” he places his hands on your hips and moves you so that their rolling over his cock. The friction on your already sensitive core- Him using you like this is weirdly turning you on even more. Your lips find a place on his neck, sucking at his sensitive skin. The groans he lets out are beautiful, and you want nothing more then to hear them again.
His hands remain on your hips but his thumb finds you bud to run circles over it. Your hips buckle down into him. He lets out a whimper and you almost came right there.
“Mmmh Hyuck, please let me feel you!” You allow your hands to run up and down his abdomen. Haechans pulls you away from him, his palms placed on your cheeks. “Fuck Im gonna ruin you” you Lean into his touch, continuing to rock against his dick.
“If you want to stop at any point in time, you tell me. Do you understand?”
You ignore him. Pulling his boxers down to free his cock. It flys up and smacks his stomach.
You want him in your mouth again.
But you also want him inside your walls.
“Y/n I’m serious” he lifts your face look at his.
“Haechan, I’m not made of glass” you argue grabbing at his base, making his hips fly up into your hand. “You might as well be” he moans. Placing his hands on your hips to ground himself. His lifts you slightly and you place his tip at your entrance.
“Wait!” You freeze at the sudden interruption. Looking up at his in fear that he’s changed his mind. “I don’t have a condom on” he informs and you roll your eyes.
“Haechan, I’m on the pill” he sighs in relief.
“Call me haechan, one more time. I dare you” he is voice stern and serious. “Hyuck” you correct your self. It made you giddy that he notices when you don’t call him by his nickname.
When you finally allow his tip to push into, you immediately feel a stretch you’ve been dying for since the new semester started. “Shit”
As soon as he top touched your entrance he could feel how wet you were. The slick dripping down his length, he thought he might cry. It’s taking everything in him not to destroy you right now.
You slowly lower yourself onto him. Taking him an inch at a time. It did hurt a bit, but the feeling of someone- HIM inside of you was intoxicating. And the only reason it hurt is because you haven’t had something like this in such a long time. The Ecstasy could make you cry. “So fucking tight” his head falls back onto the headboard with his eyes closed. He’s taking deep breaths through his nose, trying to stay calm. Your so small, so warm. He can feel your walls clenching and fluttering around him.
when he’s fully inside of you, you pause. You can feel you legs shaking already. You can feel blood rushing to your clit when it makes contact with his skin.
Your hands placed at his shoulders and you stare down at where he disappears inside you. You want to move so bad, but you can’t seem to focus on any-
“Take your time” your hear him say. You look back up to see him smiling at you. A reassuring smile that makes him so kissable… is that weird? “You okay” he asks. His eyes furrow together at the way your looking at him. He sees you fighting a battle against yourself in your mind “Just…. Thinking” you say between a moan when you begin to move your hips around. He bites his lip at the feeling. “Don’t think about it, do whatever you want princess, I’m all yours”
You pause for a moment longer, then move your hands slightly to hold his neck. Your thumbs on his jaw affectionately caressing his face. “Wanna kiss you… can I kiss you?” You feel him twitch inside you, and you moan again at the feeling. He smiles “don��t ask baby, told you I’m all yours” you continue to stare, as if you didn’t hear him. He leans forward to place a peck on your lips to help you get started. Then leans back so you’ll follow him. This kiss feels so different, so real and full of emotions, you just couldn’t pin point what emotions where being expressed.
You begin working your hips on his cock, he groans into the kiss, one hand gripping your thigh and the other on your hip, gently massaging the area. Helping you grind into him. He’s so big, so thick. Every time you move you can feel every inch of him. He can feel your wall throbbing around him, causing him to rut up into you. “Hyuck” you mubbled between his lips. You aren’t kissing anymore, your mouths are just on top of each others.
Everything seems so sensual. His hands massaging your body. You felt so loved, even if that isn’t what he’s giving you, that’s all you felt. He’s so relaxed, watching your every move. Waiting for you, making sure your ready and comfortable. You wanna make him feel good. You don’t want him to hold back.
“Want you to fuck me”
You pleaded. Holding your breathe while waiting for his responds. “Oh yeah?” He teased, he didn’t even fight the smile that spears in his face. All you could do is whine and nod your head. He smirks and places another kiss to you lips. “How do you want me to do it?”
“Just, just make yourself feel good- want you to use me” his hips unintentionally jolt into you. You Hiss at the feeling of his tip hitting your soft spot. “Shit, sorry.. You can’t just say shit like that y/n”
You lower your head to hide your face. “Please Do that again” you plant your face in his shoulder. And he does, he grabs your hips and slowing begins to fuck into you. He’s so fucking turned on. He was ready to take it slow, if that’s what you wanted but when you just came out and said that, something in him turned.
“Your so fucking filthy” he spoke between breathy moans. you sobbed into his neck in responds as He begins to bounce you on top of his cock. Making sure your pace meets his thrust. “Wanting me to use you? Shit- your so dirty” it feels so good, he’s hitting places you’d never even new where there.
So deep
“My pretty little slut hmm?” He coos in a condescending tone. “Does it feel good?” You nod into his shoulder and he slows down his movements.
He grabs you ass, shifting both your weight. When You open your eyes to see him on top of you, and your back against the bed. “Need your eyes in me princess, you can do that, I know you can” you shake your head. But he doesn’t give you the Chance to complain. He pulls his hips back just enough until only his tip is inside you then fucks back into you. His pace was brutal. “Is this ok baby?” He said, hoping he doesn’t sound to whiny. Your walls continue to flutter around him and he can’t focus anymore. He’s on his knees. His hands find themselves on the back of your thighs. Using them to help him pound into you. Your skin is so soft and your thighs are so plump. His eyes watch your closed one’s then they shift to your breasts; Bouncing so beautifully.
“Want me to slow down?” He asks leaning forward, folding you in half as he did. You open your eyes to see him looking back at you. Your walls clench and haechans hips stutter. “No, no feels good don’t stop. Please don’t stop”
He smiles. Leaning in for another kiss. “Wasn’t planning on it” he leans back again to get a full view of your body. Then he looks down to see where he’s disappearing inside you, your all over his sheets now, the sounds of his balls slapping against your ass fill his ears. He places your legs over his shoulders and places his hand on your lower stomach. “Can feel myself here, can you feel me here baby?”
The feeling of him touching himself through your stomach pushed you over the edge. Your eyes roll back and you swear you saw stars. You feel your back arch into him and Your muscles tense. Your legs and waist twitches aggressively.
He feels your walls spasm around his cock. He watches you come undone, below him. He last one more powerful thrust before emptying himself inside you. He falls forward, catching himself with his hand to make sure not to fall on top of you. The feeling of his warm release inside of you is making your mind go blank. He slowly pulls out of you, you cringe at the felling of his cum leaking out you. But he loves it. He watches it drip down towards your ass. He’s proud of himself. Looking back to you, he see that you’re eyes are still closed gnawing at your lip.
“You ok baby? he caresses you face and places a peck you to lips. He laughs when he sees your lips pucker, he places another peck on the corner of your mouth. You try to sit up but his pushes you back down. “Want me to run you a bath?” You roll your eyes.
“Aftercare?! From you? Unbelievable” you joke through your tiredness and it’s his turn to roll his eyes. “I heard women don’t like to be touched after sex? Do you want to be alone?” You sit up again to look at him. “No, don’t leave me” he nods with a smile. He’s glad, because he really want to stay near you. He wants to hear your voice and feel your touch against his for the rest of his life. But we won’t ever say that aloud.
“I’ll start a bath, and I’ll clean you up so you can sleep, sound good?” He gets up pulling his boxers back on and grabbing the rest of the clothes in the floor and throws them in a bag. “You mean… you’ll take a bath with me?” You question.
He turns to look at your frame on the bed. And you feel a bit of déjà vu. “Do you not want me too?”
You giggle “if it means I don’t have to clean myself then I guess you can bathe with me”
He rolls his eyes. Those words felt like a reminder, that this is just ‘two friends helping each other out’.
But you don’t want to think about that. Not when he’s holding you in the bath like this. Not when he’s telling you how well you did, and gently cleaning your body.
Not when he helps get you dressed, putting you in one of his t-shirts, and apologizing for accidentally hitting your breasts.
Not when he lets you lay down on his bed while he plays a stupid k-drama on his laptop.
And Not when you swear you heard the words “I love you” when you fell asleep in his bed- in his arms.
The only thing you could think of was what started all of this the the first place. The words he said to you yesterday- that stupid suggestion replaying in your mind.
••• yesterday night •••
“Pretend you’re in love with me” the words surprisingly leave his lips easily, not stuttering or hesitation. Probably due to the alcohol.
“What!?” You ask, almost positive you didn’t hear him properly. You turn from the tv and place the beer in your hands down on the coffee table, he follows.
“Just for one night. I mean come on y/n, we always act as if we hate each other but we both be know how much we care about one another right?”
You stay silent. He wasn’t making any sense. He decides to explain his thoughts to you. Even if he knows they wouldn’t make sense to you. You would never understand how he feels.
“You know everything about me y/n, my favourite shows, foods, what makes me laugh, what I want for my future- what makes he serious- everything. And I know everything about you. We’re not strangers, and this trip is supposed to help us relax and feel better about our lives right? So just for one night? Act like you love me as much as I love you” he turns to face you completely now. You watch his eyes, looking for a hint of playfulness, or the sound of his laughter when he tells you he’s kidding. But it never comes, he just stares at you.
You laugh, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. Your not sure if it’s him or the alcohol talking.
“Are you out of your mind!?” You ask pressing your palm against his forehead to check for an unusual temperature, in responds to his ridiculous suggestion.
“Only for you”
(Part three)
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merakiui · 4 months
wait mera wdym by a floyd fic based on that one meme u shared just now i want to hear it can u elaborate that pwease 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (sorry if i sound demanding i just adore ur thoughts and ideas!!!)
Aaa the idea isn't very developed, but I do like Reader and Floyd having a very unconventional meeting like the one in the meme. Somehow it leads to fwb... orz or maybe it's something like: Floyd (who takes a lot of risks and lives in the moment) x Reader (who avoids risk like the plague and is constantly fearing for the future).
Or a fwb that has nothing to do with sex initially and is just Floyd trying to help a self-conscious Reader learn to love themself and feel comfortable and confident in their body/with food/with academics/with any other problem they may be facing. Floyd slowly and unintentionally making his way past all of the barriers you keep around your heart!!!! T^T fluffy Floyb is too precious. <3
But I digress! Maybe Reader finding Floyd splayed out on the ground could lead to something like enemies to lovers, where you find out this is Floyd Leech, son of the man who's the reason your family is in such severe debt. And now he's so weak and bleeding out... this could work as leverage! Maybe if Mr. Leech wants his son sent back alive he'll waive the debt you owe. But Floyd doesn't realize you have ulterior motives and clings to you because Shrimpy is so nice for saving his life. He owes you big time!!!
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satuguro · 1 year
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xavier thorpe x valkyrie! reader
#SYNOPSIS— you really shouldn't work at a coffee shop, enid forces you on a shopping spree, and xavier finally snaps.
#CONTAINS— enemies to fwb (kind of) to lovers, slowburn, academic rivals, intimidating and flawed reader, familial issues (will be mentioned in this part), gore, blood, death, aged up characters (everyone is 18 except for eugene), sexual content (in some other parts)
#AUTHORSNOTE— it's official— this series is gonna be a slowburn. thank you for the continuous support !
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you learned quite quickly that maybe you weren't as good as talking to people as you thought.
you weren't particularly social; your sisters taught you to keep to yourself. as a kid, you often played alone. any friends you made in your multiple foster homes were oftentimes temporary. you always ended up running away in the end, and you were always found at the same location.
1297 brook street.
you were always out on the porch of the old house, slamming your fists into the door as you screamed for the owner of the house to open it. you screamed at them to look at you, to face what she feared most, and you were always, always pulled away from that damned house and put in another foster home. the cycle continued for years.
so no, you weren't the best with speaking to others. not without the occasional snarky comment. but as you worked at the weathervane, reluctantly walking up to a group of normie boys, you found yourself trying to be civil. not only to xavier (who you had been ignoring since you both started), but to the customers.
emphasis on trying.
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"what can i get you?" you asked the group with a forced smile, clicking your pen against your notepad.
"i'll get a latte," one of the boys chirped, and you nodded as you wrote it down, listening to the rest of their orders.
"that kid's from nevermore, right?" one of the boys asked, nodding over to xavier. you followed his nod to where xavier stood, giving a few girls their orders. he was talking to them casually, a small smile gracing his face after one of the girls complimented him.
"what's it to you?" you asked, turning your attention back to the needy highschooler. you were only a little bit surprised that they could easily tell who was an outcast and who wasn't, but you assumed it was because xavier had gone to nevermore much longer than you had. this was your first year, after all.
"nevermore kids have always been fuckin' weird," the boy stated factually.
you almost wanted to laugh. you put on an apron and some casual clothes, and suddenly you weren't an outcast. they must've deemed you as 'normal' enough to fit in with them— how pathetic.
"oh, really?" you chose to entertain him for a little longer, pretending to be really into his 'cool' take. but there was that familiar glint in your eye that showed just how irked you were. "how else would you describe them?"
"kooky, dangerous, fuckin' crazy," the guy and his friends snickered, nudging each other as though they were suddenly stand up comedians, "trust me. it's a good thing that after today they'll go back to their creepy-ass castle and stay there."
you hummed in faux agreement, opening your mouth to finally tell them of your fib, before the guy continued.
"you should stay away from them. especially him," he nodded at xavier. "hang out with us instead," he looked you up and down as though you were a piece of meat.
your fake smile immediately fell at that comment, the hand holding your pen gripping it tighter as you stood back up. you took a step closer to the normie, fully ready to beat him to a pulp, before a hand grabbed your shoulder and turned you around immediately.
"what the hell, thorpe?" you hissed, feeling his hands on your shoulders as he quite literally steered you away from them. he let you to where tyler— wednesday's friend that xavier obviously disliked —stood behind the cafe bar.
"what happened now?" tyler asked, obviously concerned as he looked at the group of boys sitting in the booth. they were all talking amongst themselves, their eyes set on you and xavier.
wordlessly, you shoved the notepad with their orders towards tyler, refusing to look at xavier as he scolded you.
"you were about to beat him up, and while he did have it coming, this isn't the right place for that." xavier leaned on the cafe bar, eyes still warily set on you. "are you even listening?"
"i don't have to look at you to be listening," you snapped, taking one of the boys' orders from tyler.
"you two just never stop arguing do you," tyler commented as he pulled another espresso shot and poured it into a mug. he turned around to finish the drink. as per usual, xavier ignored him.
you observed the latte for a second before you leaned over it, letting a huge glob of spit plop into the mug.
"you've got to be kidding," xavier groaned, and you sent him an innocent smile as you took the next order from tyler. luckily for you, tyler was too preoccupied with making drinks to notice that you spat in the next mug. and the next. and the next— you spat in every single one of their mugs.
you reached for a tray and began placing the mugs on it, avoiding xavier's eyes as you said, "they were saying shit about nevermore—"
xavier's eyebrows furrowed, "people say shit all the time—"
"and about you," you finished. you picked up the mugs and looked at him, your expression unreadable. you turned to walk to the boys, your fakest smile gracing your face yet again as you passed out the mugs. "here you go, boys."
"bet you actually are one of those nevermore freaks," the same guy who had been flirting with you said as he took his mug. he took a sip from it, one that you watched sadistically. you reached over to place a mug in front of his other friend, only for his hand to come up and grab your arm— the one with your tattoo on it. "i bet this is some cult shit, isn't it?"
and with that, you set the mugs down on the table and punched him in the nose. the strength of your punch knocked his head back against the seat of the booth, making everyone turn their heads your way. there was a sickening crack that echoed in the air the second your knuckles collided with his face.
"you broke my nose!" the boy yelled, holding his profusely bleeding nose with a handful of napkins.
"never touch me again." you huffed angrily, brushing off your bloodied knuckleson your apron as you turned to his friends, who were frantically checking to see if he was okay. "enjoy your coffee," you said through gritted teeth, talking back to where xavier and tyler stood.
"okay, maybe i should teach you how to make drinks," tyler motioned for you to come to the other side of the bar, concern evident on his face.
"they had it coming that time," xavier muttered to you as you passed him.
a small, proud smile graced your face at that.
most of the day continued in relative peace, the only problems being the constant bickering between you and xavier. you could tell that you both were wearing tyler out by the hour. he only ever really conversed with you, for his attempts to talk to xavier were quickly ignored. you observed how they acted around each other; it was as though tyler kept trying to get along with him while xavier just couldn't care less.
it was like they had history.
the sight of a familiar pigtailed girl made you look to the side of the cafe bar, a small chuckle of amusement escaping your lips. xavier and wednesday walked up to the cafe bar; xavier's mood seemed to lighten up significantly.
"lovesick fool," you muttered under your breath as they approached, before looking at wednesday confusedly. you placed your arms on the counter and leaned forward. "that happened to pilgrim world?"
"i deserted my post with what little sanity i have left." wednesday peered at your bruised hand for a second, eyes snapping back up to meets yours. "did you beat someone up?"
"she broke some normie's nose," xavier explained, copying your actions as he leaned on the counter. he managed a shadow of a smile as he looked at wednesday, asking, "do you want coffee? i think y/n finally learned how to make something edible."
"i'm sure you know all about edible things, wouldn't you," you grumbled under your breath, making xavier send you a warning glare.
"i'm actually here for tyler."
xavier's lighthearted smile fell at that, the psychic not even trying to hide his obvious discontent. "i told you he was bad news."
you raised a brow at xavier, your previous observation of xavier's immediate dislike of tyler only confirmed by his words. "why is that?" you asked curiously, ignoring wednesday's look.
she didn't seem to agree with xavier's words.
"you told me twice. but who i speak to is my business." wednesday stated, turning to ring the cafe's bell.
xavier's jaw clenched as his eyes trailed down, jealousy overcoming him as he allowed wednesday to talk to who she actually came to the cafe for.
tyler came out from the back, an immediate smile making its way onto his face at the sight of the dreary girl. "you rang?" he asked, making xavier scoff and walk the other way to join you behind the counter.
"you're both horrible," you said matter-of-factly as you cleaned the espresso machine absentmindedly. for someone who was so keen and in touch with her senses, wednesday was completely blind to the fact that the two boys were fawning over her. that, or she just didn't care— you were guessing that it was the latter.
"shut up," xavier grumbled as he walked past you. "don't even start on the thing you always say—"
"what, about just telling her how you feel?" you rolled your eyes, hearing the familiar ding of the door as wednesday made her leave. "i'm giving you sold advice," you took your rag and walked to the sink where xavier was washing some mugs, "and you just keep ignoring it,"
"i don't need advice for this. especially not from a past hookup."
"what, does that matter?" you narrowed your eyes at him as you placed your rag next to the sink.
"and that shit you pulled at the poe cup?" xavier glared at you, his cheeks burning red, "you can't not act like the shit we did that one night was a one time thing when you pulled that on me."
"why are we even talking about this?" you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. "it worked. my team won. i was just fucking with you, thorpe."
"right." xavier continued washing the mugs, refusing to look at you as he did. he didn't like you romantically — he didn't think he did, at least.
he was sure it was just enamor. you were attractive and had a certain beauty to you had left him finding himself drawing you time and time again. but your obvious dislike of him was something that couldn't be ignored— especially your avoidance of anything that showed attachment. it wasn't like he was blind. he could see that you constantly kept yourself guarded even when you didn't believe you were. you could be surrounded by enid and wednesday, the two people he was sure that you were friends with, but you wouldn't tell them anything about yourself that wasn't about your long record of trouble or something about school.
wednesday talked about her brother and mother sometimes. enid mentioned her brothers almost daily, especially to xavier; she missed them, but they were a constant reminder that she hadn't wolfed out yet. the most anyone knew about you that wasn't remotely violent was that you was that you liked pottery.
he only eavesdropped a couple times, but it only confirmed his conclusion; in reality, wednesday and enid knew nothing about you. no one did.
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"are you going to the dance, y/n?"
you shook your head as you sat stiffly next to xavier in botany. it was an unfortunate accident, honestly; you were late to class one time and you had to sit next to him out of all the people. botany wasn;t you strong suit; you had the opposite of a green thumb. "it's not really my thing. besides— i didn't get asked."
“never took you as someone who wouldn’t ask first,” xavier commented as he leaned down to get his sketchbook. he let out a groan as he grabbed it before placing it on your shared table.
you only shrugged in response, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. absentmindedly, you watched him, asking "what'd you do?"
"i tweaked my back while fencing."
"pay more attention to stretching, then." you narrowed your eyes at some claw marks on his neck. his collar didn't completely cover up the entirety of the wound, making the three claw marks visible under it.
"the orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect.." ms. thornhill explained in the background, but you were too focused on his marks to pay full attention.
"where'd that come from?" you asked, nodding at his neck.
xavier huffed in annoyance, focusing on thornhill ahead of him as he responded. "those images i drew of the monster. my abilities made it come to life and it attacked me."
you didn't seem entirely convinced, but you nodded anyway.
"luring the males in," thornhill continued to move her hands passionately as she spoke, "now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?"
"nada. just like all the guys at the rave'n," bianca said with an amused smile, all the students laughing at her joke.
"okay, okay," thornhill calmed all of you down with her hands and a smile, "i know you're all excited about saturday, which is why i haven't assigned any homework." she paused as sounds of agreement echoed through her conservatory, "but i do still need volunteers for the decorating committee."
hands shot up from around the crowd, your head still boredly on your palm as you observed them.
"anyone interested, come and see me up here."
"you're not gonna volunteer?" xavier asked you teasingly, a smirk gracing his face. "with you being able to fly, i'm sure you can help put some of the disco balls up." he only seemed half serious about his words, but guessing by his teasing tone, he was probably just messing with you. "there's even a dj— mc blood suckaz."
"they have ladders," you replied blankly. "and i'd rather not listen to whatever soundcloud rapper they hired to dj."
xavier chuckled softly to himself at that, watching you begin to pack up your things. he hesitated for a moment as he turned the words he was about to say in his head. but nonetheless, he said them anyway. "it'd be more tolerable if you invited someone. loosen up a little— god knows you need it."
"what's that supposed to mean? aren't you a prude?"
"you're a lot more prudish than me," xavier said in faux seriousness, putting his sketchpad in his bag and standing up. he swung his bag over his shoulder. "but i'm serious— haven't you thought about just asking someone?"
"no. i'd rather fight a war than go," you stated dryly, throwing your own bag over your own shoulder.
dances weren't your thing. a part of you always wanted to be asked to go to a dance— it was nice to be wanted sometimes —but you knew that it would be an overall bad idea. going to the dance was one of the many things that could risk you getting attached to another. and with a humanoid monster running around in the neighboring woods, you didn't want to get attached only to bring their soul up to heaven.
xavier walked away from you, leaving you standing near your desk. you sighed as you readied yourself to leave, only for a hand to come and tap your shoulder.
you turned around, being met with wednesday with thing on her shoulder. "did you see those scratches?" she asked you dryly, and you only nodded, motioning for her to follow you as you walked.
"he said he got it from those drawings he has of the monster— y'know, the one i told you about." you shrugged as you grabbed the straps of your backpack. "i'm not entirely convinced."
"neither am i. is that why we're following him?" wednesday looked further down ahead of the both of you, xavier's tied hair visible over many of the students.
"he always disappears after botany," you sent her a lopsided smile, "aren't you even a least bit curious?"
"i suppose."
the two of you followed xavier into the woods to where an abandoned building was. fortunately, both you and wednesday were knowledgeable in sneaking enough to remain undetected by the artist. your feet were light against the fallen leaves, barely making any loud noises as you came to a stop near the building. xavier slipped into it, disappearing for a few minutes before he came out again with a sketchbook in his hand.
your eyes followed him as he left. you waited for a minute before you and wednesday walked to the building. you opened the door, murmuring, "idiot doesn't even keep it locked," before you walked inside with wednesday close in tow.
xavier had seemingly turned the old building into a studio. the room was littered with art supplies ranging from charcoal, to pencils, to paint. easels were set up further down the room, all of them works in progreess. wednesday pulled down the switch to the light, and finally, you were able to see the images clearly.
almost every single piece of art had the monster on them. its eyes were huge as it stared at you from beyond the paper. its teeth were as sharp as you remember, and you found yourself reminiscing the way it felt when you kicked it away from rowan's dying body.
"every artist needs their muse," you murmured, peering up at the images.
wednesday picked up a few torn pages from xavier's book. "is this what you meant?" she asked you, and you looked over her shoulder and nodded. they were the pages you saw in xavier's book. one of the pages showed the monster in what seemed to be a spiral cave. wednesday immediately folded the pages and shoved them into her backpack. "let's go."
you walked out after wednesday, shutting the door gently behind you. wednesday had already walked back into the woods, and you turned, ready to follow her, only to hear footsteps right behind you.
"y/n?" xavier's voice called out, making you freeze as you turned around.
"thorpe." you responded in greeting, fists clenching and unclenching. oh, how you wished to be in wednesday's position, walking halfway down the woods without having to deal with being caught. "hi."
"hi— what're you doing?" xavier asked you, shoving his hands into his pockets. he looked at you suspiciously, but you forced yourself to play a cool front as you nodded at the studio.
"nothing. i just saw you walk over here; what is this place?" who were you kidding? you had snooped through the entire thing already; you knew exactly what it was. but you had to change the subject.
"it's kind of my private art studio," xavier said, turning to look at the studio before focusing on you again. "after i fixed it and clear it out, weems let me use it."
"that's nice of her. can i look inside?" you asked with a tilt of your head, eyes almost hopeful.
"it's a mess in there. maybe some other time." xavier shook his head. "but why were you looking for me?"
nervousness thrummed through your body as you searched your brain for an excuse. you cleared your throat, leaning back on the balls of your feet. "i wanted to ask about thornhill's homework."
"she didn't give us homework," xavier frowned. "remember?"
oh, you were so fucked. you swallowed thickly, racking your brain for another excuse.
but there was a smile tugging at the corners of xavier's lips. you watched him as he took a step towards you, humming as he pretended to think. "is this about a specific dance on saturday? what did you say again?"
"'i'd rather fight a war than go,'" xavier mocked your tone of voice, making you groan. even in a situation like this, he was still so infuriating. but xavier looked like he was having a blast, his cheshire smile only growing. "well, go on. i'm listening."
you sent him a deadpan look. "are you really going to make me say it?"
"oh, absolutely," he was practically ecstatic at this point, seeing you so reluctant to ask the question. xavier grinned at you as you looked away from him.
a weary sigh escaped your lips as you muttered the question quietly.
"say it again?" xavier said, his smile so wide that his dimples were starting to show. he loved seeing you like this; it was so uncharacteristic of you to be so nervous when asking such a simple question. usually, you lacked any kind of filter and said what you wanted. but to see you roll the words in your mouth in preparation of saying it again; the sadistic part in him loved it.
"would you—" you let out a sharp exhale as you stuttered, forcing yourself to look directly into xavier's eyes. "would you think about going to the rave'n dance.."
xavier's eyes drifted up as he pretended to ponder your upcoming question. but the smug smirk on his face remained, which only made you all the more angry that you were in this position in the first place.
"would you go to the rave'n with me?" you forced out through gritted teeth, a sigh of relief escaping you.
xavier chuckled in amusement before nodding. "how kind of you for asking. i'd love to go to the dance with you, y/n. i thought you'd never ask."
"you only want to go because i asked you first."
"yeah, but it was completely worth it," xavier laughed, making you roll your eyes and turn away from him. with that, you walked away, fully ready to tell wednesday of your predicament.
you returned to your room, face burning red as you shut the door behind you and announced to your roommates blankly, "i'm going to the rave'n with xavier."
wdenesday almost wanted to laugh.
"oh my god— y/n odinsdottir is going to the rave'n?" enid squealed, jumping out of her bed to grab you by the shoulders. you only let her, standing stiffly as she shook you.
"how did you get yourself into that predicament?" wednesday asked flatly, looking up from her desk to look at you.
"he arrived after you left the studio," you grumbled, ignoring enid's squeal. "i had to come up with something to not seem suspicious."
"stick close to him. it'll give us a chance to have more intel," wednesday stated, making you shrug.
you weren't one to use people for information, but with the abundance in murders in the woods and the fact that you didn't want to go to the dance inthe first place, you couldn't help but agree. besides; the quicker you got the monster, the less lives would be lost. "sure, why not."
"you know that you need?" enid asked, clapping her hands together in realization.
"a dress!"
you shifted uncomfortably at the idea. but enid was right; you had no dresses. you liked them, sure, but you haven't worn one in ages. the idea of it was kind of nerve-racking. you sighed, officially giving up as you nodded. "you're right, i do."
"wednesday— you and thing have to come along with us! we need opinions!" enid practically skipped over to her bag, throwing it over her shoulder.
"you already know that the answer is no. why are you even asking?" wednesday said drearily, watching the overly ecstatic girl practically jump around the room.
"because y/n will be miserable trying out all those dresses!" enid said casually, sending you a quick apologetic smile. "sorry, y/n."
you could only sigh in exasperation. "it's the thought that counts. i guess."
"i suppose i wouldn't mind seeing y/n in some misery." wednesday stood up abruptly, thing climbing onto her shoulder. "i'll come along."
"oh my god, this is like a girl's day!" enid hooked her arms under wednesday's, practically dragging her over to you. "i can't believe that excuse actually made you want to go."
you didn't know what to expect when enid dragged you to a store called 'hawte kewture.' the obvious lack of care for spelling and punctuation already made you cringe inwardly; you weren't even inside yet.
"isn't this exciting?" enid asked, grinning wildly, "our first roomie shopping spree! the dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us."
"i'd literally rather do anything but worry about a dress for a dance i don't want to go to," you grumbled, your grumpiness doing nothing to deter enid's positivity.
"i have more pressing matters to attend to." with that, wednesday left, not even listening to enid's complain of, 'but we were bonding!'
"she has a lot to deal with, i guess," you mumbled, slightly envious as enid pulled you into the shop after yoko, divina, and their friend. the shop was as bright as it was on the outside, and while you could certainly see its appeal for someone like enid, it just wasn't your taste. the entire area was full of pastel colors, and while their dress collection was wide, you were sure that you really had to look for a dress you'd like.
"y/n. i heard you asked xavier to the dance," yoko said as you and enid walked up to her. her arm was around divina, and she sent you a fanged smile.
"i did," you said though gritted teeth. curse nevermore students and their huge tendency to gossip. "i really hate how gossip spreads that quickly."
"i mean, it was kind of weird news to hear," enid said as you all walked to a rack. her hands began to look through the dresses that hung on the clothesrack as she continued, "you and xavier have been at each other's throats since the moment you two met. and the fact that you asked him!" enid laughed to herself, "i've never been more proud!"
"thanks. i think." you absentmindedly looked through the dresses. all of them weren't your style, and you only looked on boredly as you swiped through each one.
for an hour, you watched the others find their dresses. each of them would try their options on and do a faux catwalk for you out of the changing room, only to be fired down by your opinions. you tried to be as honest as possible— they did ask you to, after all —and you guessed that this was a fitting scenario to be brutally honest.
enid did have to tell you to lower the ante on the brutally part.
but as you sat there on the sofa chair the employees had kindly provided for you, you found yourself close to giving up. that is, until your eyes landed on a dress on a mannequin.
it was a golden, nearly off the shoulder dress that flowed down beautifully. its shoulders were cut out, but the arm sleeves were cut open to reveal a silky cloth that fell all the way down. there was a loosely tied silk belt around the waist, and a deeper gold thread acted as an intricate design in the middle of the dress. you walked up and observed it closer, looking at the back of the dress. it dipped enough to show off your back tattoo.
"this dress would be perfect, y/n!" enid said excitedly as she came up behind you. "it's the perfect shade of gold and won't stand in too much, and screams 'look at me!' you should try it on."
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"so where are we putting the murder board?" you asked wednesday as you hung your dress up in your closet. the pitter patter of thing's fingers came your way, and you looked down and managed a small smile. "it's nice, right? i got it yesterday."
"it's very fitting," thing signed in response. "are you excited?"
"gods, no." you laughed, brushing off some dust from the dress. "i'd rather be anywhere but there."
you were just looking at it as an excuse to dress up and look pretty. it was also an excuse to gain more information out of xavier; there was something up with him, you had to admit that.
there was nothing else going on besides that.
"we're keeping at eugene's beekeeping quarters." wednesday held the board in her hands, glancing into your closet. "i see you actually found something to wear. was the process as miserable as enid said it would be?"
"it was the only dress i tried on. the others were revolting." you picked up the photos from wednesday's bed, along with a small box of tacks.
truthfully, you hadn't gone out to eugene's beekeeping quarters ever since you arrived at nevermore. you talked to eugene occasionally— you found it interesting that he could casually control bees as though they were nothing, and his personality was a little quirky, but you didn't mind. he was just a kid.
"y/n! you finally came out here," eugene said with a bright smile, fixing the scarf wrapped around his neck.
"just here to help wednesday with the murder board," you said with a shrug, managing a small smile. "how's the honey?"
"here!" eugene handed you a small mason jar full of honey. "i know you ran out the last time i gave you some, so i got you a bigger batch!"
"thank you," you said sincerely, a rare, genuine smile making its way onto your face at his kindness. you had told him previously that you liked to mix honey in with your tea on gloomy days, and now you had an endless supply of honey.
"i assume this is the creature that's been rampaging the woods?" eugene asked, pointing towards one of xavier's art pieces.
"you've heard about it before?" wednesday asked.
"just rumors. i'm banned from bug hunting until further notice," eugene turned to you, his toothy grin wide as he continued, "i heard you kicked it!"
"i did," you squinted at the photos of all the victims. you could almost feel the pain they were in; your abilities only allowed you to bring souls that were under a war, or someone who died in a fight. the victims of the monsters were unsuspecting. there was no war when they were killed; they were killed for fun.
but because you were technically an an angel, you could easily feel the anguish they experienced prior to their deaths. almost none of them had any idea that they would be killed so quickly and so brutally. they died in confusion and shock.
"mr. fitts claimed that a bear was on the loose, but i knew it was a lie— it didn't match their hibernation schedules." eugene's eyes raised when he remembered something, and he turned around to bring out another mason jar of honey. "speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?" he handed it to wednesday, who only looked at it blankly. "i hear she's still sans date for the rave'n."
"eugene," wednesday said in a warning tone. you hid your chuckles behind a quick cough.
"i know the chances of her asking me are next to zero, but i don't care!" the poor boy was so optimistic that you had to fully turn your attention to the murder board to stop yourself from letting him down easily.
maybe you were getting a hang of not being too brutally honest.
"i'll continue to put myself out there until enid finally.. sees me," eugene sighed a lovesick sigh.
"and if she never does?" wednesday asked judgementally, a hint of jealousy in her tone. how unusual was it that the usual stone cold wednesday seemed only mildly perturbed that a kid wanted to ask enid out?"
"i'm playing the long game," eugene responded confidently, making another chuckle leave your lips. "my moms say people will appreciate me when i'm older. they're probably just trying to make me feel better."
poor kid.
"i know you're going to the rave'n, y/n. how did you end up asking xavier?" eugene asked innocently, but you only groaned in response.
"gods, this again. i had to ask him because wednesday and i got caught investigating," your mood soured at the reminder of having to go to the dance with xavier. if he thought that you were dressing up for him, he was as stupid as you thought. "i have ulterior motives, though."
"that sucks, but at least you have a date!" eugene said with that usual nonstop optimism of his. "but wednesday, are you not going to the rave'n?"
"no. everything on this murder board is far more pressing than a school dance." wednesday crossed her arms over her chest as she gazed at xavier's art. "sketches are the closest thing i have to a lead to try and stop this thing."
"that spiral thing the monster's standing on," eugene said, squinting through his glasses. "i think i know where that is."
eugene led you both to a huge spiral cave, the dark void inside doing nothing to calm the goosebumps you received upon your arrival. the entire thing felt like it had horrible negative energy and the feeling of eyes watching you never ceased. hesitantly, you let your sword appear, the metal glinting in the soft sunlight. you gripped the familiar handle as you began to walk closer to the cave with the both of them behind you.
"don't worry, y/n! i'm sure we'll be able to help you if the monster is in here!" eugene chuckled nervously, following close behind your form.
"do you see anything?" wednesday asked you, but as you peered into the deep hole, you found nothing but darkness.
"no." you shook your head, "we'd have to go in if we wanted to find something."
"i can't go in there." eugene shook his head rapidly, stepping back from the cave. "i'm claustrophobic."
you were already going into the cave, your steps careful at the steep entrance and your head bowed low. wednesday looked at eugene. "if you hear us screaming bloody murder, i'm probably enjoying it. y/n, not so much." with that, the turned back to the cave and went after you.
eugene sighed before following closely behind wednesday.
the den of the cave was a lot wider and taller than its entrance. you looked down at the bones that were near your feet. you were thankful that they were deer bones.
eugene's flashlight landed on a pair of chains that hung on the wall of the cave. you reached forward with your sword and moved it. your sword went up to trace the scratched that were on the wall of the cave, your lips tugging into a frown. "these chains are strong, but not strong enough," you thought out loud.
"yahtzee." wednesday crouched down to pull a claw out of a crack in the cave. "this will be our concrete proof to the sheriff," she said to you.
that was how you found yourself at xavier's studio yet again, looking around xavier's trash bin. it was wednesday's plan, but you offered to go inside instead of her; you probably had more leeway. so while you were inside, wednesday was out in the bushes, and thing was keeping watch near the door.
one of your hands held a ziplock bag as you used a paintbrush to poke around his trash. a victorious smile tugged at your lips when you found a bloodied rag at the very bottom. "gotcha."
the sound of the door creaking made you quickly put the napkin in the ziplock bag and pocket it, your body turning away form the trash. you were face to face with xavier, who only seemed shocked that you were inside.
"the hell are you doing in here?" xaiver asked, obviously annoyed by your sudden entrance.
"are you sure that the monster's just been in your visions?" you asked him, looking at the huge canvases dedicated to one monster. "or are these self portraits?"
"you cannot be serious right now," xavier laughed bitterly, but you continued on, taking a step towards him.
"you saved wednesday's life once. the monster was attacking rowan when he was attacking wednesday— it practically saved her." your tone was becoming more accusatory by the second, your brows knotting together as the pieces began to fall into place.
"this is literally the painting that came to life and swiped at me," xavier nodded to a nearby canvas of an unfinished painting of the monster. "cmon, y/n. i've explained myself to you so many times—"
"and the lair in the woods?" you asked, cocking your head to the side. "from one of your sketchbooks. you drew the monster in its lair, thorpe."
xavier's face contorted into a pained expression. he wasn't sure what he expected from you; a part of him did think that your ask was genuine. it was all too complicated for him to explain— it was like he liked that you asked him but didn't at the same time. it was all too much of a mess to make any sense of it, but as he stood in front of you while you interrogated him, it suddenly all made sense.
"you were in here. god, of course," xavier laughed in disbelief, "when i caught you outside. you were just snooping around in here." he shook his head to himself, the overall disbelief being too much to comprehend. "you were just gonna use me, weren't you?"
"gods, no—"
"no, you were," xavier hissed, "what were you gonna go to the dance with me and ask me for more info? is that it, so that you and wednesday can prove i'm the monster? i've explained myself enough for you both to believe me."
"it's nothing personal, thorpe, jesus christ."
he chuckled darkly to himself, his voice raising as he said, "nothing is ever personal with you, y/n," he spat, the comment making your facade fall for a second. "no one knows anything genuine about you. your roommates barely know a thing about you because you're so fucking guarded all the time! do you even care about anyone or anything that isn't even remotely violent?"
you swallowed thickly, your mouth opening to defend yourself before xavier continued to speak.
"all you know is war."
he didn't understand.
"fuck you," you seethed, shoving past him as you made your way out of the studio. you walked towards where wednesday was hidden in the bushed, her expression blank as usual as you gave her the bloodied rag. without another word, you walked back to your dorm.
xavier's words echoed in your head as you walked, your throat feeling constricted as you swallowed thickly.
all you know is war.
"fucking stupid," you muttered under your breath, angry tears slipping out of your eyes that you harshly wiped.
in a way, you knew that xavier was right.
it wasn't like you could help it— you were quite literally an angel of war —but you also knew that that wasn't an excuse for it all. your second eldest sister, eir, was millennia years old, and yet she was the most peaceful out of your siblings. whenever a disagreement would break out, she was there to help. whenever brunhilde and your father, odin, fought, eir was the one who stepped in.
she was a peacemaker as much as she was wonderful at her job. you always heard stories about her from your sisters; she never fought a war that she had tried to previously avoid.
you wished you were like her.
you turned a different corridor from where your dorm was located, finding yourself standing in front of weem's office door. taking a deep breath, you knocked. weems' muffled, 'come in!' made you open the door.
"y/n." weems seemed as shocked as you to find you standing at her doorway. her eyesbrows were raised high above her forehead as you shut the door behind you and walked towards her briskly.
"i need you," you swallowed thickly again. gods, you hated crying. "i need you to burn those old documents. the ones about my foster homes."
"you and i both know that i can't do that, y/n." weems' voice was calm as she placed her hands on her desk, clasping them together. "are you alright, dear?"
"i'm fine," you forced out, sniffing harshly, "i just— please, just burn them. get rid of them. anything."
weems sighed, bringing out your folder. she brought out the forms from your orphanage, all paperclipped together neatly. in the front was a photo of you when you were younger; barely 7, with two missing teeth missing as you smiled at the polaroid camera.
"i cannot burn these forms, y/n."
"they have everything about me that i've moved on from," your words were so quick that they seemed to mold together. you were frantic at this point, yet you took a deep breath to calm yourself. "my sisters had those forms terminated because i wanted to forget that part of my life."
"you cannot easily forget 13 years of your life, y/n," weems said concernedly, "it will be a part of you for the rest of your life."
"i don't want it to be," you spat bitterly, eyes burning with tears again as you practically pleaded with her. "i've worked so hard to forget that part of my life, so please. burn them."
"i cannot do that, y/n." weems was firm with her decision, which only made you sniff again, harshly wiping your nose.
you left weems' office abruptly, your obviously turmoiled mind making you go to the archery range. it was dark outside now, but you still found yourself stretching your wings out and flying over jericho. the cold air whipped your face as you tried to ignore xavier's words that still repeated like a mantra in your head.
all you know is war.
you were flying for hours it seemed, too deep in your thoughts to force yourself to return to your dorm. but you had to admit that it was a beautiful night; the full moon was out tonight, and you heard the distant howling of wolves in the forest. the stars were shining as bright as ever over your head as you flew.
flying gave you peace.
the next morning, you begrudgingly approached wednesday and eugene, both in deep conversation about the monster in the quad.
"y/n— we're going to stake out the cave and identify the monster." eugene said, obviously much too excited to be doing something dangerous. "oh wait; i forgot you were going to the dance."
"not anymore," you stated dryly, hands holding onto the straps of your backpack. you glanced at eugene and wednesday and shook your head. "i'm not gonna explain." you looked over at xavier, who was working on his raven mural. he glanced at you only briefly before focusing on his mural again.
that night, you shoved on a black backless longsleeve as you got ready to stake out with eugene. you had to be ready in case anything happened; you brought your sharpest knives and packed snacks to keep yourself full of energy. you put on an black leather jacket over your clothes, turning to wednesday, who was also getting ready.
the jacket was your father's. it was one of the few things he had given you the last time he saw you.
a knock on the door made you turn your head, wednesday yelling, "coming eugene!" as she walked over.
"hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash—tyler." her voice died in her throat when she saw the barista standing at the doorway.
"tyler?" you peeked over the side of the door, eyebrows raising when you saw the boy's all-white getup and the corsage in his hands. "wednesday, i thought you weren't going to the dance," you said cautiously, sending the pigtailed girl a look.
"i got your invite," tyler stammered, holding up an envelope. "i'm guessing you had thing drop it in the tip jar?"
you snorted as you returned to packing your things, thing climbing up your bed as they made a sign that looked a lot like laughing. "it was you, wasn't it?" you asked amusedly, and thing nodded proudly.
"good guess." wednesday forced out, and you chuckled to yourself as their conversation died into the background.
"are you sure you're not going to the dance?" thing asked you, making you sigh as you shoved your flashlight into your backpack.
"i'm staying away from socializing for a while," you said in response, eyes cold as you finally zipped up your backpack. "it's prbably for the best."
"that sounds like the opposite of what you should do," thing signed.
"it's whatever. my sisters were right, anyway." the door shut on tyler as wednesday quickly walked to her closet, obviously bothered by thing's interference.
"genuine and sweet? how could you do this to me?" wednesday asked, fully betrayed by thing as she rummaged through her closet. "can you believe it, y/n? he actually believed i would write a sweet letter— how oblivious."
"truly." you glanced at thing as they pointed at a dress on wednesday's bed. it was a beautifully gothic dress, one that you were sure was made for wednesday, but you found yourself frowning. "are you not gonna stake out with eugene and i?"
"no, i can't. not after what thing pulled—"
"c'mon wednesday, just admit that you wanna go with tyler to the dance," you groaned, throwing your backpack over your back. "i'm gonna head out. don't do anything i wouldn't do."
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the entire main entryway of nevermore was decked out for the rave'n. white cloth hung from the different entrances, and light up trees created a frame over doorways. people passed by you left and right, all dressed in complete white for the occasion.
you walked by bianca and xavier, xavier's eyes avoiding yours just as easily as you avoided his.
"where's wednesday?" eugene asked you as you walked down the steps. he was just as ready as you were, dressed in multiple layers and with his backpack practically bulging with what you knew were snacks.
"she decided to go to the dance. it'll just be us tonight," you said eugene, fixing the straps of your backpack. you watched his face fall, and you nudged him to try and lighten the mood. "it'll be okay. wednesday rarely willingly goes to events like the rave'n; she can sit this stake out out."
"it was her idea, though." eugene said sadly, following you as you walked out of the building.
you walked out into the woods with eugene, the night air cold against your face as you twirled a knife in your hand absentmindedly. thankfully, it seemed to be a pretty quiet night, as the only sounds were coming from the crickets and the wind.
"do you two really think that xavier is the mosnter?" eugene asked you as he pulled his second granola bar out of his backpack, opening it and taking a bite.
"he's a suspect. that's all." the cave came into view, and you crouched down near a nearby tree. "we can stay here." you made yourself comfortable as you leaned up against the tree, eugene sitting next to you.
he pulled out a recorder and began to talk into it. "eugene ottinger and—" he motioned for you to speak into it, and you sighed as you moved your head closer.
"y/n odinsdottir."
"2100 hours," eugene continued, "no movement at the cave. no sign of the target." the sound of a rather large grasshopper rang in his ears, and he smiled fondly. "although, i just heard a rare club-horned grasshopper."
you smiled softly to yourself as you listened to him. he reminded you a lot of the friends you made at your foster homes; all of them were bright and intelligent kids, all with their own specific interests that they never stopped talking about. when you were younger, you liked to listen to them. but depending on the house, they often lacked the freedom to speak so freely of their interests.
people weren't kind.
you both sat comfortably for nearly 2 hours, talking occasionally to each other. eugene was too busy snacking to talk most of the time, and when he did talk, he talked about bees and bugs. you swore you never met someone who could tell you the scientific name for practically every bug imaginable. sometimes, he even left your post to catch rare bugs.
"do you like, understand nordic?"
eugene's question made you snap out of your little bubble, your head turning away from the cave to glance at him.
"old norse, yeah," you replied, managing a tight lipped smile. "it's kind of automatic; comes with the whole valkyrie thing."
"that's so cool! i mean, i wish i could talk a whole other language. one some people might be able to understand, not just bees," eugene said casually. he had caught a bug moment before, and he was staring at it as he spoke.
your eyes drifted back to the cave, squinting as a car pulled up nearby it. you shushed eugene, your hand reaching for one of your knives.
"eugene ottinger and y/n odinsdottir. 22:42 hours." eugene whispered behind you as you grabbed some binoculars to look closer. usually you'd rely on your heightened eyesight, but you needed to gather as much evidence of the suspect as you could. "potential subject has arrived at location."
your brows knotted together as you watched the figure light something on fire and throw it into the cave. but suddenly, the figure's flashlight flashed towards you and eugene, the sudden brightness blinding you from seeing their face. but you felt like something was wrong, because right as the figure turned away and ran, you immediately turned around, your wings appearing to surround you and eugene.
the sound of an explosion made your ears ring, your arms wrapping around eugene tightly to keep him within the bubble of your wings. the fire was hot against your feathers as you waited for a second before letting eugene go. "we need to go. now."
eugene nodded frantically before the both of you ran back to nevermore. you let eugene run ahead of you, fearful that whoever was behind you would get to him first. you grabbed eugene, pulling him aside behind a tree. you raised your finger to your lips before whispering to him.
"i'm gonna carry you and fly out of here, got it?" you asked, and eugene could only nod quickly. your arms wrapped around eugene, ready to fly, until a pained groan left your lips.
long claws dug into your wings, staining the white of your wings red. the air was torn out of you as the monster lifted you up, your kicking doing nothing as you were lifted by the end of your wings.
you were horrified when you looked at eugene, who had a very faint golden glow around him.
when a glow was faint, that meant it was only up to the gods to decide whether or not he would survive.
"run!" you yelled at eugene, who quickly snapped out of his trance to run further towards nevermore.
you were held up in front of the monster, too far away from its body to make genuine damage. it was intelligent enough to know that it had to keep you from looking at it; being face to face with it would mean you could bring genuine damage. drops of your blood dropped onto the forest floor as the claws dug deeper into your back and your wings. you could feel the warm liquid seep down your back. you grabbed your made your sword appear, forcefully reaching behind you as you sliced the monster's arm.
but it did nothing to deter it. if anything, it only angered it more, its roar ringing wildly in your ears. it swatted your sword away with its free hand, making it land far away from you.
the monster used its free hand to grab your desperately flapping wings, taking one of them and bending them in half with a sickening crack.
and with that, you let out a bloodcurdling scream. it was as though someone had broken your spine and your leg all at once; the pain shot through your body like poison, and you found yourself sobbing as the pain seared you.
the monster reached for your other wing, which flapped twice as hard as you tried to escape its hold. but its claws were hooked into your skin and the roots of your wings, stopping you from fully escaping.
another scream left your lips as your other wing broke in half, the pain stabbing you yet again.
the wings, the only thing that ever gave you peace, were lifeless as the monster slammed you into the ground. the monster was smart enough to slam you back first into the cold ground, making you let out another scream as your clawed back and your broken wings harshly met the dirt.
your anguished screams echoed through the woods, reaching the ears of a running wednesday as she made her way down the forest. she had seen everything happen in her vision and was too panicked to tell others as she ran towards you and eugene.
but xavier was following behind her. he had lost sight of her ages ago, but your screams made his heart thump faster as he ran further into the woods.
eugene's cry for help made you try and sit up, a gut wrenching cry leaving your lips at the pain that shot harshly through your body. you couldn't get up— you were far too weak and losing far too much blood to fully raise your body.
"y/n?" xavier's yell made you try and sit up again, to no avail. your wings were limp on your back and too damaged to the point that you couldn't even fold them back into your back.
"xavier? xavier!" you yelled loudly, frantically looking around you. but all you saw were the tall trees and the darkness that surrounded you.
but xavier saw you before you saw him. you were on the ground, your wings bent horrifically around you as you tried to sit up again, a pained cry leaving your lips. you were able to get up, but the blood still seeped out of you like a leaking faucet.
"y/n, stop," xavier rushed towards you, trying to make you lay down, only for you to try and push him off with a bloodied hand. you didn't even ask why he was covered in what you saw was fake blood, the adrenaline making you too frantic as you shoved his hands away. "what happened?!"
"eugene. where's eugene?" you asked as xavier tried to make you stay seated. your eyes burned with tears as you looked around you for the kid, desperation in your tone as you shoved xavier again. "xavier, where's eugene?" your voice cracked as you put your hands on the forest floor and tried to put yourself up, only for xavier to stop you.
"y/n, you cannot get up. we need to get you help—"
"where's eugene?!" you snapped, tears shining as your eyes met xaviers. he swore that he never wanted to see you like that again; your voice breaking as you spoke, blood staining your face and nothing but desperation in your face.
"wednesday probably found him." xavier's eyes widened as you tried to stand up again. he put his hands on your shoulders. "can you just care about your health for one second?!"
"i can't," you cried out, shoving his hands off of your shoulders. yet again you tried to get up, but xavier put his hands on your shoulders and stopped you again. "i couldn't protect him," you cried, still trying to push xavier off of you. "stop stopping me xavier!"
"you did everything you could, y/n, please," xavier begged. he grabbed your head and held you to his chest as you sobbed. you tried to punch him away, your hits against his back and stomach still relatively strong. but you were too weak to fight anymore, your hands falling at your sides as you cried into his chest. tears dripped down xavier's eyes as he listened to your pain. he felt your arms slowly wrap around him, gripping his shirt in your hands.
"i couldn't protect him. he had the glow and i couldn't protect him," you sobbed, feeling xavier hold you tighter as you continued to cry. you felt his hand brush your hair down as you sobbed.
you sobbed for eugene, the kid you told yourself you would protect, now equally as mauled as you were. you sobbed for how weak you were against a monster; you should've done more. you sobbed for your wings, how they laid lifeless next to you as you cried like a child.
"i tried. i really tried," you whimpered.
in your mind, you should've tried harder. if you weren't so focused on making sure eugene was safe then you would've been able to save him.
"i know, y/n. i know." xavier swallowed thickly as his eyes drifted to your limp wings, lifeless on the forest ground. one of the bones was protruding out of your skin, blood dripping down the wound. your once pure white wings were stained crimson under the moonlight.
you turned your head to try and look at them, only for xavier to keep your head to his heaving chest. "don't." he said softly.
you tried to move them, but you couldn't feel anything but pain. "no, no, no," you tried to move them again, groaning in pain as you did, but they wouldn't move. "why can't they move? xavier, why can't they move—" you were frantic, and all xavier could do was hold you.
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#AUTHORSNOTE— xavier and the reader are so the neighborhood and arctic monkeys coded it's crazy. thank you for reading, and the next part will be out asap bc i'm excited to write it
#TAGLIST— @gamorxa @rayliz793 @cali-888 @targaryensswp @hopefulfuturenovelauthor @just-amess @maystecc @cmac-writes @ahnneyong @importantpuppyshark @mannstarkey @alienm0vie @carinacassiopeiae @simonsbluee @g3org1al33 @killmewithafanfic @nattheartless13 @astrynyx @idontknowwhattodo35 @addisonnie @wxnderingthoughts @r1dd1kulus @smol-book-nerd @555stargirl555 @wonderlandco @siriuslysmoking @skye231 @boomitsallie1 @southernraven @buckleylips @yunoguns @theprettytragic @levylovegood @slut4fictionalcharacters28
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tapedsleeves · 4 days
get rec'd - just so so so late
hi. it's me again, hargaret. It's been a while.
Follow me out of this abyss - by @kllovk
nathan mackinnon / jonathan drouin, E, 30,427
An interesting take on A/B/O dynamics that had me captivated until the end.
fragile like a bomb by @zepuckinghockey
Adam Larsson / Vince Dunn, E, 3878
Adam is just looking for a good time in the heat room. Surely Vince is good at sex. Right? this is suuuch a fun premise. I love it when sex doesn't go perfectly i love it when dynamics are a little malleable, i loved this fic thru & thru.
running from ghosts by remyjane
nicklas backstrom / alex ovechkin, M, 19301
Nicke is secretly a prince. this fic doesn't feature heavy on romance but it is REALLY big on hurt / comfort and I LOVED it.
dare not speak its name by @droumack
nathan mackinnon / jonathan drouin, E, 42,622
Nate and Jo weren’t actually always friends. I gotta say - this short and sweet title didn't give me much to go on, but it did entice me. I waited for this fic to be completed with baited breath. I was soooo excited to read it. And when i did, i was blown away. This was SUCH a unique take on Dom/Sub dynamic fics and i was REALLY into Jo's POV even while he was being the most oblivious person on earth. Just. all around a perfect 5 out of 7 stars.
care and feeding by @spangledleatherponcho
tim stuzle / brady tkachuk, E, 10260
Brady learns something about Timmy. Aka the bunnicula fic. sometimes you learn your bunny best friend is a vampire and maybe you're into it.
i don't want to live love this way by @lurlur
vince dunn / adam larsson, e, 7057
a breakup in slow motion. this is SUCH a heartbreaking fic, because they break up and do NOT get back together which isn't normally my jam, but this is just. so well written and heartbreaking. Adam and Vince both have such unique and well reasoned POV's and I really, really love it.
to climb two mountains by @gaybroons
tyler myers / quinn hughes / nikita zadorov, E, 2191
read the title. you know what this is about. it's really really hot & well written DP.
i'm ready to journey again by thunderingskies
quinn hughes / elias petterson, E, 12192
Quinn and Petey were hooking up and it takes a long time for Quinn to realize that his feelings go way beyond that. This fic is just. oh man i love a good fwb to lovers fic and this one is *chef's kiss*
from this day forward series by @wymgreenteam
Nico Hischier / Jack Hughes ( / Jonas Siegenthaler), E, 91664
This series is based on a Swiss Royal Nico, arranged marriage to Jack & secretly in love with them both Jonas (in the sequel). Listen. This fic has everything. Enemies to lovers. Best friends to lovers. Polycules. Angst. I love it so so so much and reread it regularly. It's one of my favorite comfort fics.
take my hand, take my whole life too by @thatsnotbuddies
Jack Eichel / Noah Hanifin, T, 1817
jack and noah get vegas married. this fic is SO soft and SO lovely.
soft as it began by @droumack
nathan mackinnon / jonathan drouin, E, 41499
Nate & Jo get drafted together as mates - but Nate insists at first that it's platonic. I really liked this one as well, this author really has a way with angst that i really really dig.
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kaesficrecarchive · 7 months
[minho x jisung]
whip it! by mrehk (10/10 | 48,380 | E)
He stands and watches Jisung while coach rambles on about their week. Shit-eating grin, deceptively round cheeks, lightning in his eyes. Minho knows the type, he’s been in the game long enough. Cocksure asshole, boiling over with his own ego, toxic masculinity to boot. Minho hates him, he doesn’t need to be proven right by talking to Jisung, he knows he hates him by the way Jisung smacks fists with Jeongin, thumps him on the back when they break to start practice. “I hear he’s gunning for your limelight,” Changbin hooks Minho over the neck with a strong arm, heading down the field. “Better watch out.” Minho scoffs. “Fat fucking chance. I’d like to see him try.” (OR: Hotshot quarterback Minho hates cocky transfer player Jisung, but he hates losing more.)
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myheartalivewrites · 9 months
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Hello, hello, felt like about time I made one of these. Here are all the fics I have up on ao3, sorted by fandom then length, because... I don't know, I felt like it? These are mostly E rated, so remember to check the tags and read only what you're comfortable with! 💚
(title links will lead you to ao3)
Long (over 50k words)
Deep Blue (~76k, E rated) - AU, FWB to lovers, beach setting, pining while fucking, Henry POV (tumblr tag)
Down by the Water, I Saw You (~63k, E rated) - AU, exes to lovers, set over multiple vacations/holidays, mutual pining, split POV
Foxden Park (~50k, E rated) CURRENTLY POSTING - Victorian AU, house party, country games, featuring amazing moodboards created for the RWRB Big Bang, Alex POV (tumblr tag)
Medium (10-25k words)
Have One (On Me) (~10k, E rated) - AU, NY bar setting, mutual pining, miscommunication, bartender!Henry, Alex POV
Happy NY (~11k, E rated) - AU, New Year's Eve in NY, aged-up, missed connection, a little bit of angst, split POV
In His Wildest Dreams (~11k, E rated) - post canon, set at the brownstone, very horny, very smutty, Henry POV
Just like that. (~10k, E rated) - AU, roommates, getting together, feelings realisation, sex talk turning into actual sex, silly + soft + sappy, Alex POV
Love and Hate at the Farmers’ Market (~11k, T rated) - AU, farmers' market, rival stall holders, Christmas/holiday vibes, Alex POV
Love and War (~11k, E rated) - AU, WWII training camp setting (no actual fighting though), getting together, a bit of pining, captain!Henry, Alex POV
Paper Chains (~25k, E rated) - AU, co-workers, friends to lovers, NYE, non-linear narrative, split POV
Pumped (~22k, E rated) - AU, climbing buddies to friends to lovers, pining, set in London, Alex POV
Twice the speed (of you and me) (~17k, E rated) - post canon/slight canon divergence, Alex + Henry + Pez threesome, very smutty, split POV
you and me, babe, how about it? (~13k, E rated) - post canon, A + H + OMC threesome, smutty smut, Alex POV
Short (anything under 10k words)
Awakened (~2k, E rated) - post canon, a coda to In His Wildest Dreams (see above), a crucial scene but told from the flipped POV, almost purely smut, Alex POV
Don’t Wanna Be A Fool For You (~6k, E rated) - AU, roommates, angsty Henry pining super hard, getting together, Henry POV
Have One (On Me) REMIX (~6k, E rated) - AU, NY bar setting, bartender!Alex, shy/pining Henry, Henry POV
Oxford Days (~6k, E rated) - AU, roommates, an ode to Henry’s Oxford slut phase (as CMQ put it), slutty Henry, clueless Alex being into it, Alex POV (tumblr tag)
"Please, I need you to." (drabble-ish, E rated) - missing moment, the rimming we all wish we'd gotten to see in the book, Alex POV
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured (~3k, M rated) - AU, enemies to lovers, co-workers trapped in a cab together, Henry POV
Total Eclipse (~1k, T rated) - AU, karaoke-based meet cute, Henry's a disaster, Alex is obsessed with it, Alex POV
Tumbled Down and Tangled Up (~4k, E rated) - canon divergence, alternate events in that hospital cupboard, getting together, Alex POV
You Spin Me (Right Round) (~5k, E rated) - AU, gym/spin class setting, spin instructor!Henry, Alex POV
* * *
in your room, like a temple (~4k, E rated) - post book 1 canon, set at Sutton, magic smut, a result of me being obsessed with the blue light spell
(you are) the river of light (~6k, E rated) - second in my post book 1 canon series, set at Sutton, more blue light smut, magic lube, and an ending that’s so romantic even I can’t believe it
* * *
And if you're after MORE recs: here are my favourite reads from 2022 and 2023; I reblog fics I love on this blog with the tag rwrb fic rec; and my ao3 bookmarks are public. Or you can always hit me up. I'm happy to share my enthusiasm for RWRB fics
Happy reading!
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
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One Direction fics that have an emotionally repressed character in them as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
✦ This Multiplicity of Powers by @helloamhere
(E, 149k, superheroes) Maybe there’s a universe where he doesn’t have to keep all his secrets on the inside. But this isn’t that universe. //an X-Men AU.
✦ Love Is A Rebellious Bird by @gloriaandrews, @100percentsassy
(E, 134k, enemies to lovers au) Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to Esquire Magazine
✦ Hold You Now by solvetheminourdreams / @cursethedaylight
(M, 131k, ex-fwb) When he accompanies his best friend to a family wedding across the Atlantic, he'll be forced to reopen old wounds and face his past—one that no one wants to hash out, but may just have to.
✦  I’ll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt​
(E, 122k, friends to lovers) Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road.
✦ The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by @kingsofeverything
(E, 109k, infidelity) Louis’ life is steady and calm, moored by his marriage, and tied to his hometown, but after a chance encounter with another man, it’ll never be the same.
✦ ghost of you by beckywritesthings / @beckydoesthings
(E, 109k, Star Wars) a Star Wars AU where Harry is Obi-Wan, Louis is Satine, and somehow there’s a love story between the cracks where there shouldn’t be.
✦ Promise in the Sky by Throwthemflowers
(E, 99k, religion) AU in which Harry Styles, a naïve, repressed, socially awkward Midwestern highschooler tries to navigate his fundamentalist evangelical parents and radically progressive older sister. 
✦ These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, a/b/o) He was the ideal son - until he presented as an Omega. Now, barely a year after his old man dropped dead and running the family company, if he makes a mistake with the Tomlinson and Sons merger and acquisition, it's game over.
✦ i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) by  thedeathchamber / @louehvolution
(E, 55k, secrets) Harry thinks he has good reasons for avoiding relationships. Meeting Louis puts those reasons to the test.
✦ That's What I'm Here For by @taggiecb
(E, 46k, farm au) Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
✦ we should open up (before it's all too much) by @disgruntledkittenface
(M, 43k, vampire) Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It’s too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
✦ I Like You, Say It Back by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry
(E, 43k, a/b/o) the one where it takes a lot of time for Harry and Louis to figure it out. But they do, they always do, don't they?
✦ Follow Your Arrow by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 36k, a/b/o) They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything. It was the best thing for the band, so he doesn’t really regret it except deep in the dead of night, when he bites down on his knuckles to swap the echoing ache of depri for a sting of pain.
✦ Compass to my Soul by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 31k, a/b/o) Louis Tomlinson, omega, is 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time hoping his bandmates don’t notice him.
✦ When the Sun Won't Let You Sleep by @allwaswell16
(E, 30k, Antarctica) Four years ago, Louis Tomlinson left the UK to live on an Antarctic research station for reasons best left in the past.
✦ You Might Want To Marry My Husband by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(NR, 24k, grief) When Harry’s husband dies, he asks one thing of him; to find love and happiness again without him. It’s a request that Harry is happy to disregard, until he meets the one person who is impossible to ignore.
✦  the sanctity of patience by @scrunchyharry
(T, 22k, royal au) When young Lord Harry was chosen by King Louis of Bavaria to become his husband and prince consort, Harry thought all of his dreams had come through.
✦ I hope our love burns brightly by fanshae
(T, 8k, magic) Louis Tomlinson can’t really remember ever not noticing Harry Styles. 
—Rare Pairs—
✦ I Had Rather (series) by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 261k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Nick and Louis don't like each other, not even a little bit, not even at all.
✦ You're the Feeling I'm Missing by sheesusnat 
(T, 2k, Niall/Shawn Mendes) Something is off, though. Something is missing. Someone is missing.
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marvelous-llama · 3 months
Seventeen recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
calico by @cheollipop
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 3.1k) exes - angst, smut the heartache from a past game of cat and dog—leaving you with nothing but a stained bed and a broken heart—came back tenfold when freshly-chopped hair and a sly smirk greeted you through the cracked-open, tinted window.
deeper in denial by @amateurasterism
Jeonghan x gn!reader (wc - 2.8k) university AU, friends to lovers - fluff, suggestive if there’s one thing you know about jeonghan, it’s that he’s a tease. what happens when the teasing makes it to soonyoung’s game of spin the bottle?
Gotcha! by @wongyuseokie
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 3.2k) established relationship - angst, hurt/comfort, fluff Jeonghan loves pranks, creating chaos and mischief, and you love it too, but one day he goes too far, and he’s unsure how to fix it because how do you fix a broken heart? 
Enemies to Lovers by @hoshifighting
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 6.6k) enemies to lovers - angst, fluff, smut Once inseparable childhood friends, their bond takes an unexpected turn when you start dating in middle school. Jeonghan's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, transforming him from a supportive friend to a constant source of annoyance. Now, in college, the tables turn, but Jeonghan remains a delightful pain in the ass as old flames are rekindled in the midst of playful banter and undeniable attraction.
I Hate U, I Love U by @wonusite
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 20.8k) enemies to lovers, university AU, fake dating, rich kids AU - angst, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort After finally managing to escape the lifelong rivalry you once had with Yoon Jeonghan, you’re unexpectedly thrown back into the undesirable feud after receiving a scholarship to the most prestigious private school in the city. Despite your attempts to leave the past in the past, you discover too late that you’re the only one interested in letting the vendetta go. Years later, there’s a switch in dynamic when you’re the one unwilling to let it go.
lucky girl by @horangare
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 14.9k) fake dating, friends > strangers > lovers, model!Jeonghan - fluff, smut, angst jeonghan has no interest in a relationship, however it seems that everyone else is sticking their nose into his nonexistent love life. you’ve been in love with him for as long as you can remember, but that was ages ago. he shouldn’t remember someone like you, but he does. and he wants you to be his girlfriend (just for a little while though, right?)
Do You Remember The Time? by @wonustars
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 26.3k) enemies to lovers, roommates to lovers, university AU - angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort your first day at your new university you spill coffee on an unsympathetic asshole. unfortunately for you that unsympathetic asshole becomes your roommate.
How many times does it take to get smarter?, How many chances are too many? by @veethefreeelf
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 6.3k + 14k) best friends > fwb > strangers > lovers - fluff, smut, angst Jeonghan and you start a fwb relationship after years of being best friends. He only has two rules: no feelings and no kissing. Who’s going to break the rules first?
my heart is beating for two by @seuonji
Jeonghan x fem!reader (wc - 1k + 1.4k + 2.4k) strangers to lovers, mutual pining - fluff you’re a worker at the daycare and of course, your main priority is the safety of the kids. how’d you deal with an unfamiliar face trying to pick up one of the kids one day? part 1, part 2, part 3
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outrogi · 1 year
laura's jungkook recs
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I’ve been reading fics in here nonstop way before I started this blog. It felt like a sin not compiling a list of some of the stories that I loved and hadn’t gotten around to sharing yet, a few of them safe in my drafts until I was ready to make this.
I will keep on adding onto this list as I keep finding stories I've read before and would love to share with you. Leave some love and appreciation to the authors if you can!
disclaimer: all stories that include mature themes will be labeled accordingly. DNI if you aren’t 18+
♡ - favorite
angel's trumpet by @hansolmates ♡ ◦ supernatural au, idol verse & non-idol verse, angst, fluff, light smut
love to hate by @kpopfanfictrash ♡ ◦ enemies to lovers, fwb, angst, fluff, smut
blackjack by @kpopfanfictrash ♡ ◦ mafia au, angst, fluff, smut
comfort inn ending by @joonbird ◦ cheating au, angst (this will break your heart) , smut
bitchin' by @kinktae ♡ ◦ 1980s au, fratboy!jk, enemies to lovers, fluff, smut
airplane pt.2 by @xjoonchildx ◦ criminal jk, smut
i'd love to stay but that's simply insane by @taexual ◦ college au, angst, fluff, smut
ego by @suga-kookiemonster ◦ college au, fratboy au, humor, light angst, fluff, smut
inevitable by @ahundredtimesover ♡ ◦ exes au, parents au, baseball player jk, angst, fluff, smut
what's a soul really worth, anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth ♡ ◦ magic au, mxm jikook, demon au, angst, fluff, smut
code of conduct by @go1denjeon ◦ yandere au, mafia au, angst, mcd, smut
wanted by @jincherie ♡ ◦ space au, alien au, angst, smut
O N E - S H O T S
the monogamy monologues by @kpopfanfictrash ◦ humor, smut
rebound by @ropeseok ◦ enemies to lovers, light angst, smut
blizzard by @curly-bangtan ◦ roommate au, fluff, smut
scattered stars by @taegularities ◦ soulmate au, fantasy au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
sugarplum elegy by @bymoonchild ◦ college au, fwb, idiots to lovers, fluff, smut
something in the water by @vankoya ♡ ◦ friends to lovers, fluff, smut
attachment: 1 image by @1kook ◦ established relationship, smut
lover her (love yourself) by @xotoosweet ◦ college au, fluff
heart of the storm by @ladyartemesia ◦ strangers to lovers, slight angst, fluff, smut
cobalt blue by @hobivore ◦ ft. taehyung, smut
note #1: if any fic recommended is in hiatus, the author has yet to update or left altogether, please do not pester them with updates.
note #2: These are not all of my JJK recs! There’s more with extensive commentary from me here and you can find more of my favorites here
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jaylaxies · 2 years
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M — mature | F — fluff | A — angst
O — one-shot | S — series | T — timestamp
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[ mafia au | m, s, f | 1.8k words ]
being born as the daughter of a mafia man was a life you had gotten accustomed to by now. being the only heiress to his seat, everyone expected you to be perfect. you grew numb to the point you were almost emotionless to anything and everything — everything with the exception of two people, namely, your father and his right hand man, park sunghoon.
[ mafia au | m, s, f | 2.3k words ]
[ brother's best friend au | m, f, o | 1.9k words ]
you've hated sunghoon ever since he came into your life, yet he was always around, making your life a mess. being your brother's best friend gave him a lot of access to you, but seeing you cozying up to jake at a party wasn't something that he could handle; so he decided to take the matter into his own hands.
THAT’S RIGHT, HE CAN’T [ft. lee heeseung]
[ fwb au | m, a, f, o | 3.6k words ]
you were always curious about your best friend's roommate, park sunghoon, wanting to mess around with the innocent looking guy, however, lee heeseung doesn't appreciate your advances and shows sunghoon how you belong to him. the whole ordeal doesn't sit well with sunghoon, and so, he decides to take revenge for the same.
10:21 PM
[ 7 minutes in heaven au | m, t | 0.7k words ]
[ fake dating au | m, f, a, o | 6.4k words ]
you despised dinner parties with the park family, solely because you had to face sunghoon there, your resident fuckboy and childhood 'friend'. things took a turn when his mom caught you both in a compromising position, mistaking it as a relationship, when in reality, all you were trying to do was to snatch your phone back from sunghoon. highly pleased, his father allows him to go to the trip he's been waiting for since long. desperate, he begs you to keep up with the facade in return to set you up with heeseung, your crush. before it all, they invite you for a dinner and night-stay, forgetting to inform you that you'll be staying in sunghoon's room, sharing the bed with him.
[ft. skz hyunjin]
[ fwb au | m, o | 2k words ]
in which, sunghoon finds out that he's not the only guy you've been fucking around with.
[ ice play | m, o | 816 words ]
sunghoon enjoys a lot of things, teasing and making you beg would be on the top of that list.
[ best friend's brother au | m, f, a, s | 19.6k words ]
[ part 2/4 of to all the boys series]
prom—the last event of senior high school was right around the corner, but the only person who you wanted to go with had rejected you for his own reasons, leaving you upset and unwilling to attend the event. however, your best friend, mina, was hellbent on making you attend it and being a sweetheart, she ends up persuading her brother, sunghoon, to be your date for the night.
[ model au | m, o | 1.8k words ]
you were more than estatic to have gotten an opportunity to be the brand model for your favourite brand, not knowing that your enemy since the school days, park sunghoon, will be your partner for the same. now, you wondered how you'll survive with him being so close to you during the entirety of the shoot, his hand lingering on your body a lot more than you'd expected.
[ friends to lovers au | m, o, f, a | 11.3k words ]
you last met park sunghoon when you were in high school, more precisely, when he had gained enough courage to ask you out, not knowing that the most popular girl of the school was already taken by the senior who was equally as popular. four years later, your batch decided to hold a reunion back in your town, where you meet sunghoon again. only, the problem is that he’s hotter than ever and you can’t, for the life of you, keep your eyes off him.
[ camboy au | m, o | 2.8k words ]
sunghoon is the prettiest boy you had ever laid your eyes on and you’d do anything to have him all to (in) yourself.
[ spider-man au | m, o | 1.4k words ]
Going around the city with your massive poster which said, ‘Choke me, Spider-Man!’ was something you did for fun, not knowing that your dream might actually come true.
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© jaylaxies | tumblr
do NOT copy, translate, rewrite or repost any of my works on any other social media platforms.
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mur-art · 6 months
A Calivada Essay in Song Lyrics
Lowkey inspired by @sleepdeprivedsimp234's song lyrics posts I decided to let my instincts win and put together a post full of song lyrics that are Calivada-coded to me. (Since the latest episode got me fully back on my Calivada bullshit. You could say they took a high-speed rail straight into my heart. )
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The songs are roughly in order with how I picture the progression of their relationship. It starts with the early days of the Gold and Silver rushes and the Wild West, marked with periods of stormy and reckless whirlwind romance. Then it progresses into the early 20th century, with them growing apart, and yet together: Nevada finding his identity in casinos and sin, and California giving into the hedonism of Hollywood. Somewhere along the line, they became on-and-off again FWB, coming together when they're drunk, or lonely, or hopeless... or all of the above, locked in a frankly toxic and tumultuous co-dependent relationship. Not quite enemies, not quite lovers, definitely not friends... (or so they'll say).
Just... them. Anyway...
A bunch of these have been compiled from suggestions from various people over the past year-ish and some are just my shitty millennial taste in mid-2000s pop rock.
Link to actual playlist here
PART 1: "We're meant to be together like silver and gold"
California and Nevada meet for the first time. There's an immediate attraction to each other-- is it really love or is it simply a lust for the sparkle of silver and gold? Either way, it's a force of nature when they come together.
Silver and Gold- Parade of Lights (Cali's perspective)
Can you let me in if I take you home? / I'm never giving up 'cause I can't let go / I feel it in the air, feel it in my bones / We're meant to be together like silver and gold
Silver Stallion- The Highwaymen (Cali's perspective)
I'm gonna find me a reckless woman / Razor blades and dice in her eyes / Just a touch of sadness in her fingers / Thunder and lightning in her thighs
And we're gonna ride / We're gonna ride / Ride like the one eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind / We're gonna ride
Reckless Love- Bleachers (Nevada's perspective)
So give me a chance to remember / What I've given up to defend ya / I would burn my dreams away / Just to stand in the thankless shadows of your reckless love
gold rush- Taylor Swift (Nevada's perspective)
What must it be like / To grow up that beautiful? / With your hair falling into place like dominos / I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors / With my [49ers] t-shirt hanging from the door / At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit / And the coastal town We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it / And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea / 'Cause you know it could never be
Stardust- MIKA (Nevada's perspective)
I could put a little stardust in your eyes / Put a little sunshine in your life / Give me a little hope that you'll feel the same And I wanna know if I'll see you again / See you again Funny how the time is rushing by / And all the little things we leave behind / But even then, in everything I do / Is a little bit of me, a little bit of you / When will I see you again?
Addict- Silva Hound (I think this is from Hazbin Hotel lmao) (Nevada's perspective)
So what if I misbehave? It's what everybody craves / You already know / So come if you're feeling brave / And fancy yourself a mate
You want it, I got it, see what you like? / We could have it all by the end of the night / Your money and power, my sinful delight / A hit of that heaven and hell, a hell of a high
PART 2: "We are brief summer lightning (we are sparks that spiral upwards in the darkness in the night)"
As they spend more time together, their affection for each other grows. They'll deny that they were ever in love, but the history between them doesn't lie.
Wild as You- Cody Johnson (Cali's perspective)
You're like wakin' in the morning by a mountain stream / You're like watchin' an eagle floating on the breeze / And as I listen to you dreaming by my side / I wish I could call you mine
But you belong where the four winds blow / Out where the untamed mustang roam / Like a sweet summer rain passin' through / Never seen anything wild as you
Hymn for the Weekend- Coldplay (Cali's perspective)
Oh, angel sent from up above / You know you make my world light up / When I was down, when I was hurt / You came to lift me up / Life is a drink and love's a drug / Oh, now I think I must be miles up / When I was a river, dried up / You came to rain a flood
Summer Lightning- Garnet Rogers (Nevada's perspective)
We are brief as summer lightning / We are swift as swallow's flight // We are sparks that spiral upward in the darkness in the night / We are frost upon a window / We won't pass this way again / In the end only love remains
Peaceful Easy Feeling- The Eagles (Cali's perspective)
I like the way your sparkling earrings lay against your skin so brown / I wanna sleep with you in the desert tonight / With a billion stars all around
Death Valley Queen- Flogging Molly (Nevada's perspective)
Death valley queen where have you been? / Since they crowned you in glory / Filled your head with dreams / But it still goes to show in every desert / There's a rose that's bloomin' for all to be seen
House of Memories- Panic! At the Disco (Nevada's perspective)
Those thoughts of past lovers, they'll always haunt me / I wish I could believe you'd never wrong me / Then will you remember me in the same way as I remember you?
Baby, we built this house on memories / Take my picture now, shake it 'til you see it / And when your fantasies become your legacy Promise me a place / In your house of memories
Joy Ride- The Killers
(I showed enough restraint to wait until ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE to include a Killers song. Y'all should be proud /s )
It's gettin' close to sundown over the Sierra / Stranded on the heatwave, burnin' with desire / She was on the sidewalk, looking for a nightlife / We talked about the real things and drove into the fire
Headlights on the highway, the desert wind is howlin' / Rattlesnakes and romance are spillin' with the rain / Candy apple red dress, bleedin' when she kissed me / Heaven a ragtop, take away my pain
PART 3: "Just call me angel of the morning, angel..."
The relationship has lost its initial shine and turned tumultuous. Difference in personality emerge and disagreements become common. And yet, they still can't keep their hands off each other... maybe they both like the drama. They are both performers, after all...
The Way it Was- The Killers (Nevada's perspective)
I drove through the desert last night / I carried the weight of our last fight / Elvis singing "don't be cruel" / And I wonder if you feel it too / It's like we're going under
Somewhere outside the lonely Esmeralda county line / The question of my heart came to my mind
If I go on with you by my side / Can it be the way it was when we met? / Did you forget all about those golden nights?
Bend and Break- FM-84 feat. Ollie Wride (Cali's perspective)
Leave your reason at the door / 'Cause the writing's on the wall / The sunshine's gone / Maybe it's too soon to call / But we've both been here before , so I'm waiting on
No our music it ain't done, 'cause I found our revelry / In the highways and the dancehalls that filled our history
Angel of the Morning- Juice Newton (Nevada's perspective)
There'll be no strings to bind your hands / Not if my love can't bind your heart / There's no need to take a stand / For it was I who chose to start / I see no need to take me home / I'm old enough to face the dawn
Just call me angel of the morning, angel / Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby / Just call me angel of the morning, angel / Then slowly turn away from me
Body- Jordan Suaste (1st part- Cali's perspective; 2nd part- Nevada's perspective)
Body, let me see your body / Take off all your makeup and your clothes / Trust me, why don't you just trust me? / You're the only beauty, show me more
You're not a dime a dozen / Oh, your skin is golden / Let me show the whole damn world / You're one in a billion / The only thing you're missin' / Is some tape over that mouth
BABY SAID- Maneskin (Cali's perspective; Nevada is "baby")
Baby said "When you're talking, I go dead" "Shut your mouth, give me your head" (uh-uh-uh-uh) I know you really want to Baby said "Let me taste your silhouette" "You can talk between my legs" (uh-uh-uh-uh) I know you really want to
Faithless- The Airborne Toxic Event (Cali's perspective)
I wake up early my head ain't right / It's the fever dream of what we did last night / I flex my fingers and feel my age / Fifteen minutes till we take the stage / And I call you when I wake up drunk / My arms are cold and my head is sunk / They say the lights go up at ten PM / Just make sure you're okay by then
Neon Medusa- The Midnight (Either one tbh)
It's a highway, highway to the dark / And a neon medusa's got your heart / Sweet canyon lullabies, don't look straight into its eyes
Alone Together- Fall Out Boy (Both)
Cut me off, I lost my track / It's not my fault, I'm a maniac / It's not funny anymore, no it's not / My heart is like a stallion / They love it more when it's broken / Do you wanna feel beautiful, do you wanna? / I'm outside the door, invite me in / So we can go back and play pretend
and also
This is the road to ruin, and we're starting at the end
PART 4: "I only love you when I'm drunk"
Fast-forward to today (well, the past few decades, really), and they're THOSE TWO drama-Filled Frenemies With Benefits (although the benefits are debatable at this point).
Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts- The Killers (Nevada's perspective)
Why did you roll your dice, show your cards? / Jilted lovers and broken hearts / You're out on the wind and I'm still waiting to be found
Yeah, will I ever win? / Only time will tell / You've gotta suffer to remember how well / That our ideals never really marched in time / That's the bottom line / Jilted lovers and broken hearts
Getting Even- White Lies (Cali's perspective)
If you're getting even, you're getting even / Trying to get even, better start believing / I can forgive and we can forget / Even after all this wrestling of conscience / I can forgive and we can forget / Even after all this love and other nonsense
Love You When I'm Drunk- MIKA (Both)
Don't get me wrong, last night I didn't change my mind / It was the drink, it was leaving me blind / And when I kissed you, it was such a big mistake / A couple drinks, that's the chance that I take
We All Get Lonely- The Wrecks feat. TOMI (Nevada's perspective)
You're so in love with self-destruction / You're bringing me down
Why'd you come over? / Are you sober? / Are you playing around?
You touch me gently / But it's empty / You should figure it out
Don't say, say you love me, need me / Until you've had your fun / Use me when you get lonely / We all get lonely / You're not the only one
FUCK ABOUT IT- Waterparks (Nevada's perspective)
I like you but I need some space / I like you kinda far away / It's not hard to kill a day lookin' at your face / I like you but I need some room / Been givin' me your attitude / It doesn't always stay that way / I hate the aftertaste
Ancient History- Set it Off (Both)
Damn, pick up the phone, I know I'm drunk again / And you, know my intentions 'cause it's two a.m. / It's fun and games until we both get hurt / We play with fire 'cause we like the way it burns / No use in patching up a sinking ship / This is the last time we do this, baby / This is the last time you taste my lips
I know, I know how to drive you wild / You know, you know how to make me smile / But I need you to be / My ancient history
I know, I know who you really are / You know, you know how to break my heart / But I need you to be / My ancient history
Walk Me Home- P!nk (California's perspective-- despite everything that's happened between them, he still goes to Nevada when he's hurt and lonely)
Walk me home in the dead of night / I can't be alone with all that's on my mind / So say you'll stay with me tonight / 'Cause there's so much wrong going on outside
Till It Shines- Bob Seger (Nevada's perspective; reflecting on California's loneliness)
Storm the walls around this prison / Leave the inmates, free the guards / Deal me up another future / From some brand new deck of cards
Take the chip off of my shoulder / Smooth out all the lines / Take me out among the rustling pines / 'Til it shines / Oh 'til it shines
Like an echo down a canyon / Never coming back as clear / Lately I just judge the distance / Not the words I hear
and this part:
See the rich man lost and lonely / Watch him as he dines / Sitting there just testing all the wines / 'Til it shines
Waking Up in Vegas- Katy Perry
I think this one speaks for itself, BUT...
Spare me your freakin' dirty looks / Now don't blame me / You want to cash out / And get the hell outta town / Don't be a baby / Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is / That's what you get for waking up in Vegas / Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now / That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
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