#take it all with a grain of salt
angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Can’t Pauline just call off the search party and take in Mario and Luigi? I know that’s not hat would’ve happened but Pauline’s the mayor damn it!
Theoretically she could have, but then you have the legal issues. Since Mario was a legal adult when he took Luigi, the authorities would likely want to press charges against him. Kidnapping, evading the law, child endangerment, ect. Charges like that would probably have landed him in prison, and since Pauline has no genetic ties to the boys, she'd have no rights to Luigi. He'd probably have ended up going right back into foster care. Then again, she probably could have gotten the best lawyers in Brooklyn. Idk, I've never been in this situation, so I can't say for sure what they should have done, but they just did the best they knew how to do.
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sunfish999 · 3 months
The nitty gritty is watering down katara's character so she's just a meek girl ? Your lying If you really think that's the same character. The producers said they would take an axe to the main characters and that's where the show really suffers...also nothing is perfect people like you is why we get stuck with mediocrity
?? I finished episode 5 but what😭 how is katara just a meek girl, i feel like yes she has a little less rage but other than that she shows that shes smart and powerful and her own person? Explain what is watered down i feel like animation usually over-exaggerates facial expressions and voices for the most part, so i’m not surprised that katara has more subtle strength so far, and also the actress has a very kind face, but i think shes still able to show some of that anger. (I havent watched the water master fight yet so maybe thats where you’re talking about, so i cant speak on that)
Idk what taking an axe to the main characters means (like really cutting them apart? Cuz i doubt they would promote a show by saying its gonna be bad but who knows). But i feel like the characters are all pretty accurate with how they carry themselves, of course they’re younger so acting wont be perfect but i think the imperfections are what brings them to life. I know a lot of people hate the writing, i feel like it’s quite similar to the show? (Though its been maybe 3-4 years since i last rewatched it) and some lines especially from something previously animated are gonna sound awkward in real life, which is why generally i believe live actions arent necessary for any animation, though in this case i’m really enjoying just rewatching atla and my childhood be brought to life.
Nothing is perfect: ok i was using perfect mostly because i was very excited about it, of course i know theres things that could be changed to improve it but a lot of those things are impossible (like you cant get an actress thats EXACTLY katara and will make everyone happy, because shes a drawing) but overall, i think the landscapes come close to perfect (i’m just really into fantasy scenes and i think it’s so beautiful and impressive to see things like the omashu supply rail and the air temple come to life. And zuko’s boat looks so awesome and so accurate too.) And i thought the cgi looked slightly silly at first (especially air) but then i realized that we were always seeing drawings of aangs air in the animation which would look even stupider irl so i made my peace pretty quickly.
People like me is why we get stuck with mediocrity… hm. I feel like my opinion probably has nothing to do with what comes out on tv, especially because in this society haters have the real power, and you guys tearing it down are more likely to get it cancelled. I don’t think any production team takes an animated film or show and thinks ‘yea im gonna make this absolutely awful,’ (though i’m really not sure what they were thinking when making the pjo movie, its good as a standalone but they went so off course from the plot…) of course they’re all just trying to fit what they think into the show and express their own opinions, which are ultimately going to be a lot different than some people watching it.
Overall, ok i haven’t watched the og in years, so my memory on comparing each episode of the show to the live action is not going to be at the level of others (which i think boosts the enjoyability 100x over). But as i watch it, i remember tons of parts of the animation, and it makes me super happy that it has the same air as the show, albeit slightly more serious because they can’t fit all the funny filler episodes (if they ever created a live action lost appa episode i would lose it that cannot happen).
Maybe i sounded rude in my original post (i changed it quickly bc it was very angry at first lol) so sorry i know you’re all entitled to your opinion, it’s just i was SO EXCITED and then checked the tag on tumblr only to see that everyone hated it… i always feel inferior to people who really like films etc because i tend to enjoy things that other people hate, (like i really enjoyed the avatar way of water movie even if it was super long, and i know people DESPISED it). So maybe i seem like someone who is satisfied with mediocrity, and maybe i am, i focus mostly on the backgrounds and beauty of movies because im really into art and much less on acting and script (though i can appreciate beautiful characters, i was Blown Away by live action suki and hair down sokka my jaw dropped fr) i agree i am fairly simple to please in terms of this type of thing.
SORRY THIS IS GETTING QUITE LONG IM SURE U WONT READ IT ALL but i hope ur finding joy in life since live action atla is obviously not doing it for u
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i agree with pathetic fyodor anon about fyodor being a virgin, not only he overworks himself to the point of being careless about his own needs he also has one goal that keeps him detached from what he wants for himself too. therefore it must be hard for him to open himself up and create intimate relationships with others when he's only focused on an idealization, chasing his promised land.
"he probably doesnt even know how he likes to be loved since its unnecessary for his perfect sinless world, that's why he seems self-sacrificial to me rather than someone who is grounded and knows what the best for himself, he is setting himself aside and putting the world as his priority while his own self remain untouched and hungry, and all this sacrifice for a sinful vile world too it's sad to think about it actually”
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I agree with you fully here anon, I’ve always thought the same of him.
His goal is definitely one that causes detachment, because it not only places no focus on himself, but none on the individual either. It groups people together, creates an “us vs them” mentality with one of the problems here being that Fyodor’s on the side that he wants to destroy, thus devaluing himself in the process as well. Which makes sense, we can assume that Fyodor hates his own ability, and that his goal is one of self destruction.
Of course him overworking comes into this as well, going until he can’t because his goal is one that is almost impossible, one that requires constant attention and sacrifice. Whether that sacrifice is of people, such as the countless henchmen he has at his disposal, or of his own health. Lack of sleep, not eating, and so on.
There is also the problem that due to the nature of how he goes about his goal and the goal itself, that he can’t actually afford to be vulnerable either. He has to be weary of everyone, because anyone could be out to get him. So he cannot connect, because the slightest bit of vulnerability could result in his entire life’s work crumbling down, taking him along with it. He can only rely on himself and his ability.
His ability is also one that inherently devalues human life. He is able to kill anyone, no matter how powerful, in one touch. Now we don’t know how Fyodor actually discovered his ability, but we could reasonably assume that it wasn’t pleasant. Abilities seem to manifest without warning at first and have been shown to be difficult to control. Given the nature of his ability we can assume it resulted in him killing someone at a young age, and who do kids have the most contact with? Their family.
Now I won’t go too far into his point, as once again we don’t know for certain what his youth was like, but we can assume that it was one of isolation. Which means that he never got the chance to reflect with another, whether that be about his goal, the world, or even his own ability. He has never had support, and all the support he does have currently is a result of his manipulation.
There is also the factor of his intelligence. He knows what people are thinking, what they’re going to do, maybe even before they do. He knows far too much, and due to this no one else is on his level. Even if he could understand them, they cannot return that understanding. 
There is also the obvious matter of his superiority complex, however I have always thought that to be more forced on him by circumstance as opposed to being something natural to him.
But even then the result is the same: the rest of humanity comes to mean nothing to him. They have been devalued fully, nothing more than ants that he can kill in a moment's notice. This all prevents any form of connection.
I would also agree with him being self-sacrificial. He gives his all to the goal of a peaceful world, and in a way that is incredibly selfless. The problem is that his goal - while noble - is one that is selfish. It removes the individual from the situation, only taking in his point of view and forcing what he thinks is best for the world on everyone else. 
Ultimately he believes himself to be doing the right thing, and I think that despite everything he does care for humanity, as sinful as it is. But it’s just a twisted deluded form of care, the product of a life of isolation and misfortune.
So yeah, there’s very little chance that that man has any form of experience, whether that be romantic or sexual, and I highly doubt there’s even been any platonic experience in there, at least none that has been genuine. He does not know how he likes to be loved because he has never been loved, and he has long since abandoned such things in favour of a new world.
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
I wanted to whine about Chiron. Just cause I can. Don't take this too seriously.
So first, what is Chiron? Your Chiron, in modern astrology, often represents, your spiritual wounds, and what you'll be best at healing. It's common that one is best at helping others with what most hurts them and Chiron is connected to that.
My Chiron is in Leo and the Second House.
So what does this mean for me?
Leo Chiron's - Leo is tied to the sun, and in turn expressiveness and ego. To have Leo in Chiron is to have wounds in ones ego and freedom of expression. With this placement one is likely to see external validation while providing the same for others. It is common to believe oneself inadequate. There is a lack of confidence, and a desire for recognition. Chiron in Leo often means a strong sense of individuality and fear of inauthenticity. There can be a tendency to hide one's efforts for fear of rejection.
Second House Chiron's - The Second House is connected to material possession, the concept of value, and self worth. To have Chiron here one is likely to either be materialistic and possessive, or shun the concept of being tied by things. They tend to feel insubstantial and lacking in substance and solidity. There tends to be fear and a sense of lacking in finances. Confidence and emotional comfort tends to be directly tied to material comfort and security. Second House Chiron often feels they have no worth if they are unable to provide.
I do feel connected to both of these things, but I'm sure plenty of people both with and without these placements do to. I reiterate. I just think it's neat. Hurt my own feelings again though lmfao
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
here’s three interesting tidbits from the Berman interview on the Trinneer/Keating Shuttle pod: 1) Roddenberry died in a elevator in a medical building on his way to his doctor’s 2) Water Polo came from Berman, bc his son played it  3) Marlon Brando wanted to play Soren, but his uh, fee, was way too high (this came abt while talking abt Shatner’s idea for an Enterprise two parter with him in it but also somewhere along the line a figure was quoted that was 8x higher than they were prepared to offer.
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alphinias · 2 years
Wait what Kiara and Rafe thing is true? Like obviously we know they will have scenes together in season 3 and they aren’t flashbacks because Rafe has a buzzcut in them
Sorry, someone else got an anon a bit like the one I got earlier but a little different/more in depth (she hasn’t posted it yet) not directly stating but more so implying confirmation of a history between Kie and Rafe and I kind of made a leap with my answer to the last one assuming the same person sent some of them.
I think small kook year flashbacks are a possibility due to the flirty looks between Sarah and Topper that scream “beginning of a relationship” in the kook academy bts we did get, so I do think some kook year Kie is a possibility. I’ll believe it when I see it but if they are going to flashback to that time why not include Kie? I don’t think it will be anything super in depth either way though, this isn’t really that type of show.
The kie/Rafe bts we have seen is definitely not a flashback because she’s wearing that confusing silk gray thing.
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ineffablecollision · 7 months
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apparently this happened
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bedpissercastiel · 2 years
certainly not my best work but u cant argue with a 99 grammarly score
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silverysnake · 1 year
Some random and totally useless facts about the ides of march in preparation for the stabbing main event
Caesar knew that people were conspiring against him and that they wanted to kill him but he ignored the warnings bc he basically went: i don’t care if they plan to kill me, they don’t have the audacity to actually go through with it
There was a prophecy that Caesar would be killed but he ignored that too
Caesar wanted to ditch the senate meeting bc his wife had a nightmare that something bad would happen and begged him to stay home. Decimus (the third of the main conspirators) convinced Caesar to come to the senate meeting
There were about 60 conspirators who agreed to help kill Caesar, the rest of the senators just stood by during the murder, no one really tried to help him
Riots broke out after the murder because the population generally liked Caesar
Caesar’s body was later burned at the stake
Nothing changed politically speaking because the conspirators failed to actually take over the government -> Brutus and Cassius (and many of the other conspirators) had to flee
Some sources say that Brutus was haunted by Caesar’s ghost and later impaled himself on his own sword to escape the guilt said ghost confronted him with
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starscelly · 2 months
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it's that time of year again... new fans! old fans! general inquiring minds!!! i present to you this year's dallas stars primer!! as always, based more on Vibes and Personality than the cold hard facts (but there are cold hard facts). slides last updated as of April 3rd, 2024 (:
huge huge huge thank you to @oetter @saltandpepperbox and @stickypucky for constantly reading over my work and helping add to this <3 <3
as always if there's any further questions do not hesitate to send me an ask or message!! enjoy!!!! slides below + small blurb about starsblr community for those curious/interested
(click to make the images larger/easier to read)
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If after reading all of this, you're interested in becoming more involved with the stars and stars community, please know on starsblr we are sooo insanely welcoming!!!! the lb tag is extremely active and has some of the funniest, nicest people you'll ever meet. we also have such a blessedly large gifmaking community, some great artists, and of course phenomenal fic writers, so there's no shortage of silliness and vibes. I really encourage you to scroll the tags and consume all of this work because it is truly SUCH a fun, lively place here!!
and again, as always, my dms and inbox are always open <3
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My entry for the SatoSho Discord Weekly Prompt: Just Friends
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notacluedo · 2 months
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Need to personally thank all the people I follow who post wrestling content that made me finding this reference possible <3
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scificrows · 10 months
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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canisalbus · 6 months
For some reason, I was always under the impression that Machete (through various misfortunes and happenstance) just sort of... BECAME a priest - I wasn't aware that be actually WANTED to be one :0 what was his reasoning for that line of work? I mean, I guess growing up in and around the church might foster an interest, but...?
Well, priests were held in extremely high regard at the time. Apart from nobility who had the benefit of proper education, they were usually the only people who were literate, and being able to read was a massive advantage. Social classes were extremely rigid, if you were born a peasant you died a peasant and so on. But if you managed to join the clergy, had luck on your side and didn't do abysmal job, you might be able to ascend to a higher status, accumulate more wealth and live reasonably comfortably regardless of your origins (to my understanding the main reason people didn't choose this path to escape poverty and hardship was because of the literacy requirement. I've read that some village priests could only write their name and memorized everything else, but for the most part you had to be able to write, read and speak at least passable Latin). Committing crimes against men of God was a severe offence, more so than regular laypeople, and (at leasts in some eras and places) priests themselves couldn't be tried in regular courts and had their own ecclesiastical courts instead, all of this made clergy kind of a protected class.
Machete spent his early childhood in a monastery, after his parents left him there (he was sickly and his family was stretched thin and couldn't care for him anymore. Before orphanages monasteries sometimes housed orphans and foundlings until they were old enough to be apprenticed). He grew up in a strongly religious environment so a certain sense of spirituality and fear of God was ingrained in him from early age. He was a quiet, meek, punctual and polite kid, and because he didn't like to play outside and was so well behaved, he was allowed inside the scriptorium and the library. He was inquisitive and very fascinated by books so the monks taught him to read, and when they commented he'd make a good priest he was instantly entranced with the idea. He wasn't interested in preaching, but if there was a chance he could be safe and respected, even regarded as holy, he felt he had to do everything in his power to attain that. Sure he was sort of guided and trained towards that goal all along, but he also genuinely thought it was something that would give his existence meaning and significance, after being discarded by his birth family and feeling vague worthlessness and lack of belonging ever since.
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marragurl · 2 months
Look. This ain’t true. Like at all. This is so not the dynamic of this ship-
It’s fucking hilarious
So I made this on a google doc on my phone and I’m heading back to my sleep because of course, this came to me in a dream
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owl-bones · 1 month
What is the dust who is a assassin for Heilos like?
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cynical but much mellower than you’d expect, since Helios keeps him levelled out with positivity. when his LV does become too much to handle anyway, he’s sent out on missions to get rid of dissidents. he doesn’t like being ordered around and finds Helios incredibly grating and hates all the admiration he gets… but also Dust sticks around with his head down for the free food, shelter, and the secret hope that making AUs positive by Helios’ orders will repent for all the bad he’s done. he’s only good for killing, right? so he may as well use that for the “greater good”. but if you ask he’d definitely imply it’s just for the LV.
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