#tangled Arianna
justaaveragecryptid · 2 years
Honestly I’m just gonna headcanon all my favorite characters as autistic, because I’m autistic and if I like them then they are too. I will never provide “evidence” for why I think they are but they are.
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bee-snail · 2 years
I just realized that Corona really is rich as hell. Possibly richer than all seven kingdoms combined.
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Guess which kingdom's flag is mostly purple? And guess which queen and princess are almost always wearing purple?
Folks these guys are RICH.
The kingdom at large is apparently so rich that they can mass produce kingdom flags and any peasant can buy them in the capitol, as seen in the movie 🦀
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sunlightdrop · 4 months
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at last, rapunzel was home, and she finally had a real family. she was a princess worth waiting for.
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ravinray · 25 days
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Happy Tangled Mother's Day!
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 months
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A kingdom weeps for their lost princess 😢
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tangledbea · 5 months
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The Lorcana cards (so far) from the "Rise of the Floodborn" and "Into the Inklands" sets.
They're actually using series style in "Heal What Has Been Hurt" ;u;
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theartoftangled · 4 months
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Concept art by Douglas Rogers
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pansy-picnics · 5 months
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i’ve decided i’m gonna start posting my sketches of my most agonizing au ever without giving any context and just let you guys guess whatever the fuck is going on
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princess-ibri · 7 months
Disney Parents Backstory Tangled Version!
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So here's what I've come up with for Rapunzel's parents. We know that Arianna used to adventure with Willow and that they competed in the Contest of Crowns, and yet they don't appear to be princesses of one of the Seven Kingdoms. So I had the idea that this is how the Princess and the Pea story goes in the DisneyVerse!
Young Arianna travels through Corona who's once again hosting the contest, and decides to join in as it seems fun and hey, she and Willow are princesses as well!
Prince Frederic's mother is less then enthused at this young nobody claiming to be a princess winning all these events for royalty, as she had decided to use the contest as a way to find a suitable wife for her son. Frederic, however, is head over heels for this beautiful talented adventurer and makes sure to help her win the last-minute "challenge" his mother sets up to test Arianna--the infamous pile of mattresses and the pea underneath.
Meanwhile, with Eugene's Parents I think they'd fit well with the "Man meets Odd Traveling Companions and they help him win a Princess' hand" storyline
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When you've got a place with a name and the vibe of "The Dark Kingdom" well you're just gonna attract wicked sorcerers. Its prime evil tower real estate!
So young Prince Edmund is sent to run him off, and in the process of scoping out the tower he meets the sorcerer's young daughter, a beautiful young maiden named Hortensia.
(I wanted a name to link Eugene's birthname too, and Hortensia works well as a feminine version of Horace xD)
They start talking and meeting secretly, and she helps Edmund avoid her father's raven spies. But she herself is trapped and unable to escape due to her father's power.
Eventually they're discovered, and the sorcerer, mostly to amuse himself, gives Edmund three impossible tasks to fulfill in order to marry Hortensia when Edmund states his feelings towards her.
So Edmund, determined to free her, goes off on his journey to do the tasks and along the way he meets young Quirin, Hector and Adira, helps them with whatever trouble he finds them in and so they form The Brotherhood, and they later use their special skills (and some secret help from Hortensia, through the ravens she's managed to turn to her aide) to fulfill the tasks, and eventually defeat the evil sorcerer once and for all.
The three companions find a new home and family in Edmund's court, Edmund and Hortensia are happily married and she has control of her father's ravens now, which she starts training to listen to Edmund as well, and the little chick seen in her hand in the portrait in the show turns out to be baby Hamuel.
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tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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RTA: “plus est en vous” favorite screenshots part XLI
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twotangledsisters · 24 days
Current art experiment is trying to answer the question: How many chibis can I draw before I get sick of this style?
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Currently sitting at 7 characters, 4 art pieces... I definitely think I can take this experiment further.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 month
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Also the bit about Cass keeping secrets kinda reminds me of the original draft where she remembered Gothel
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lokoteibex · 8 months
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Arianna's travel attire from Tangled: Between the Kisses
We wanted to give her a departure from her usual color scheme, one that was more harmonious with the group's overall look. Unlike Lance and Varian, I went through several looks until we found one we liked.
Her hairstyle was inspired by early concept art of the Queen from the movie. The spear and sword are both inspired by objects in the portrait she showed Rapunzel in "Fitzherbert P.I." (Seen under the read more).
Costume Design Development
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sunlightdrop · 2 years
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Happy 12th Anniversary, Tangled! ( 11. 24. 2010 ) ♡
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cassandra-tangled · 17 days
y'all want to know what always makes me emotional? thinking about how arianna and frederic took cassandra in at the worst point in their entire life. i think about arianna particularly, i believe she had to convince frederic to let her stay. where he, at least at first, likely saw a bitter and painful reminder of his missing daughter, arianna saw a sweet and innocent child.
i mean really think about it for a sec--it wasn't long at all after rapunzel's disappearance, that cap must have gotten the official 'yes' to take cass as his ward. of course i feel bad for frederic in that time period, but i feel even moreso for arianna. carrying a baby for 9 months, almost dying to birth her, and then having her kidnapped is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. the pain she felt must have been utterly unbearable. think of how much grace and compassion she must have had to, immediately after losing her child, allow the captain of her guard to take on and raise an adopted daughter. even setting aside cass' lineage.
to be honest i think it largely speaks to the way they govern corona. sure cough frederic cough has his...moments, but generally they both act with benevolent intentions. cass is their subject but it'd have been easier in every sense of the word to cart her off to some orphanage. let's be real, king trevor would have done it in a heartbeat. but they allowed her to stay, they gave her a home. and that in and of itself, the fact that cass is a character in tangled the series and not just gothel's forgotten daughter, makes me oh so emotional. :')
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 months
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Yearning, longing, hungering, thirsting, desperate, craving, screaming, wishing, burning, crying, pining, ravenous, aching...
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...for reunion.
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