#ted lasso international break
schreibfederlaerm · 1 year
i've seen a few posts now about how uncle's day might be a replacement for father's day for Phoebe (since her dad is 'a living piece of shit') and I absolutely love that idea
but also if it's actually happening on the same day as father's day. can you think of anyone else whose dad can also be described as a living piece of shit and who clearly didn't hesitate for a second to join uncle's day? almost as if he too was thrilled to have an excuse not to think about fathers that day? (someone whose not-best-friend talks about him a lot, maybe enough for his niece to have overheard that they both lack fathers worth celebrating? who might have gotten a glittery uncle's day invitation the next day?) yeah <3
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gnnosis · 1 year
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[ ted lasso 3x10 / east of eden, john steinbeck ]
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So many triangles this episode I'm going to try and list them but I'll probably forget some
Ted, Rebecca, and Trent doing girl talk
Rebecca pulling out both Ola's matchbook and Ted's army man making her the point of the triangle
Keeley building a card tower that was a triangle
Simi, Sam, and Edwin Akufo's assistant
I'm honestly shocked we didn't have a Roy, Keeley, Jamie triangle but I will admit it wouldn't have made much sense for the ep.
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tobythewholetime · 1 year
someone explain to me this one thing from ted lasso 3x10
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“i knew this little boy. working class, from richmond. he loved football so much. he used to sneak into the matches because his family just couldn’t afford the tickets.” (the security guard throws him out, he never came back………..until he walked in 25 years later and bought the club.)
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“i was a young punk who snuck in every week…i sat there because she was there…(“my mother and my boyfriend were furious”)…she insisted that i should stay…and we fell in love.”
what are we to make of this?? like, are there conceivably multiple men of a similar age (both of whom inappropriately pursue taken women) who regularly snuck into richmond games as teens? definitely. i’m not saying rupert IS the romcom man; in fact i DON’T think he is. (for a variety of reasons — including rebecca would’ve been, uh, a child when rupert was sneaking into games. 🤮)
but it’s odd to have this parallel…particularly since the romcom couple has long been thought to mirror/symbolize/echo ted and rebecca……
my working theory is the parallel shows the difference between “romcom” fantasy and reality — the end of the romcom is “it all worked out, we fell in love” — the real life parallel is “i got kicked out, i became the worst possible version of myself and have hurt so many people in the process.”
……..but that feels like it’s not the whole thing. it’s so odd to have this subtlest of callbacks to a couple who withstood the test of time, the ultimate example of romcommunism, be echoed in rebecca’s story about younger rupert — the ultimate villain of the show.
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
Ted Lasso (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10: “International Break” (2023) Director: Matt Lipsey Cinematographer: David Rom
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trentcrimmisgay · 1 year
we don’t think that rebecca scolding the “little boys” wasn’t her mothering them, right?
i want to see her achieve being a mother but i didn’t know if that was supposed to be it.
(i’m guessing not. it was just misleading in the same way the “lightning” was for keeley last week and not rebecca)
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lionskye · 1 year
The manifesting shit doesn’t work for me so, considering that today’s ep have the same runtime as Sunflowers, im calling for pivotal moments in 9:30, 28:30 and 59:00 💜
Remember, everything can happen in a literal minute: in E6 the Total Football talk w/Beard AND the callback to the messages and the un-hahaed gifs are all in minute 59.
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kcsplace · 2 months
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itshype · 3 months
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We all saw the same show, this is exactly what happened.
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mexicangela · 1 year
theodore lasso really said “spit on me” and you know what i’m okay with that
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lunar-years · 2 months
you know how Roy and Keeley slept together in International Break and then everyone seemed to think that meant they were automatically back together until the next episode confirmed they actually weren't? well. what if they did officially get back together then? What if Jamie, who canonically came home from playing for England (at Wembley for the first time since his dad came into the locker room) and experienced a prolonged depressive episode nobody noticed until right before the Man City match (the first time he'd be playing at the Etihad since he left and the first time he'd possibly be seeing his father since...), also had to hear the news that the two people he's been in love with forever got back together again in his absence. and everyone else is thrilled about it. what if....
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I haven't seen it mentioned yet that the Canadian commentators for the match were Ryan Styles and Colin Mochrie.
I have no further thoughts on it, I just wanted to make sure it was put out there.
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ughhhdavid · 1 year
Nate had so much pressure put on him and he went out in the world looking for what he never got from his dad and he was bullied at worst and infantilized at best by the people that were supposed to be his team.. He was trying so hard and had so many talents but didn't believe in himself enough to let them show... He would spit on his reflection for confidence because deep down he couldn't let go of the idea that he wasn't good enough... The superiority/inferiority complex of it all... He snapped and tried to take Ted down and betrayed the team and went to West Ham... Just to look for his father's love in Rupert... And tried so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt because if the one person who would take him seriously turned out to be terrible, what did that say about him??? And because he needed that validation so bad!!! Even if he saw the error of his ways. But when he had to choose between it and someone he loved he couldn't do it. He quit his job and the field he's been into for several years at least, the one who brought him success, and felt as if he lost part of himself. He didn't get that validation at home and getting it professionally would mean compromising himself even more and sinking deeper and deeper. Feeling like there was no place in the world for him.... The depression naps, not shaving,just sleeping in his bed. He didn't know if there was anything else for him out there to cling to. But he re-discovered a version of him that was just for himself by playing the violin... Because he didn't care about being good, he just wanted to play. Finally getting that love and support from his father, who made mistakes but only wanted the best for him... and being able to let go of his resentment, his hatred of himself and the boxes he put himself in... Realizing that he's always been everything he ever needed
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sprqpointintern · 1 year
rebecca hanging up on rupert like
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m-a-salter · 1 year
People are (again) not enjoying the most recent episode of Ted Lasso. Which is, of course, their right. And I have all kinds of ideas I will not share with you about why some people are unable to withhold judgment on ongoing stories, or separate personal preference from objective merit, or simply enjoy a thing they used to enjoy. But right now I just want to make one point, that transcends this particular fandom:
"Cringe" is not an intrinsic quality of any media. You can say "X is cringe," but all you mean is "X made me cringe." If you cringe at something, that is a function of your psychology, your historical and social context, your history of media consumption, etc., etc. One person's cringe is another person's comfort watch.
The earnest-moralizing-speech show has made you cringe with its earnest, moralizing speeches? Processing internalized shame is a hard road, and I wish you well.
In other words:
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meemalee · 1 year
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Ted and Rebecca literally swapping saliva already - this is definitely some sort of mating ritual and I’ll take it, I don’t care.
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