#teenage mutant ninja turtles next mutation
jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Venus - We Need to Talk (Again)
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Back here again, aren't we? I'm so sorry, but I just can't help myself.
Because I have just discovered that there were plans to reveal not just one, but TWO lost turtles in ROTTMNT, I will discuss the story potential both Venus and Slash could have, should this show ever come back. (Please Nickelodeon, do something right for once and give us this show back-) But I must finish Venus first, before moving on to Slash.
And for those of you who might ask about Jennika, I thought about making her own page to hold out hope that she could make it into the Rise universe, only to come to the tragic realization that it was highly unlikely that she could ever appear in the show, given that Venus and Slash are pretty infamous as characters, and that the creators said that there were 2 missing turtles and not 3. My apologies to all Jennika stans.
Anyway, I did talk about Venus already, yes, but after revisting her backstory from The Next Mutation, I've come to the conclusion that her debut story isn't all bad? Yeah, I can't believe I just said that either.
I'll give the Next Mutation writer's 15-year-old brains credit, the idea that Venus was adopted by someone else and learned ninjutsu/magic is a cool concept, if explored correctly.
Since it's been pretty well-established that Big Mama's assistant was likely going to be revealed as Venus, I have an idea as to how she got there.
Now I could be wrong, but I believe that Big Mama's assistant debuted in Season 2. Whether or not she was just hired or was hiding out until the time was right, who can say.
For those of you who don't know or simply wiped that show from your memory, Venus was raised by Master Chung I, a human martial artist who taught Venus everything he knew.
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Chung I died after confronting the Dragon Lord and demanding that he release Splinter. And his last words to Venus were for her to travel to New York City.
Now if I were in charge, I would keep some similarities to this, but obviously take some creative liberties.
In my Rise version of event, Draxum's lab explodes, the boys and Splinter take off, and Venus and Slash are presumed by Draxum to have died.
Instead of Venus' father being a human, I would make him a yokai, who finds her somehow and takes her to the farthest end of the Mystic City.
This father-figure would parallel Splinter in a few ways:
He would simultaneously be responsible, yet neglectful at the same time. The guy would be very much a loner with a tragic past, so while he would take care of Venus physically, her emotionally needs are something he simply can't and would not handle.
He would never leave his home. Granted, it would be hard to do so, as he lives very, very far away from other yokai, but he just refuses to interact with anyone he doesn't have to. But not because he's lazy, it would likely be due to paranoia and his strict moral code to keep his whatever he's keeping secret, safe from everyone.
Less of a father, and more of a master. A total flip from Rise Splinter, who focused more on fatherhood than teaching his sons dangerous martial arts, this guy is "teacher first, father second."
I see him as a cat. Not sure why I went with that, but it was a cool idea I thought of while brainstorming. While Splinter is an overweight, yet agile rat, I imagine Chung I would be a skeletal, agile, and exhausted cat.
I even have a sketch I drew.
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Honestly, just think of 2012 Master Splinter for a frame of reference on his personality. He's still wise and knowledgeable, but instead of kind and compassionate, he's grumpy, unwelcoming, and snappy.
Not the greatest upbringing for Venus: living in isolation and rarely going outside, only knowing and living with one person her entire life, training constantly every single day, and being told that her emotions should never interfere with her duty, but she knows that it's the best for her! Poor thing...
So how does this play into how Venus became Big Mama's assistant? Allow me to explain:
The whole reason why Venus' father isolated himself and Venus was because of an ancient prophecy. I haven't worked out all the logistics of the prophecy, but basically he needs to protect that sacred amulet he has around his neck, or the Dragon Lord will rise once more.
Unfortunately, shenanigans happen and the Dragon Lord is awakened, but not at full power. Though he has just enough to kill Chung I.
Heartbroken and determined to stop the Dragon Lord, Venus travels through the Mystic City for any information on another ancient weapon that could destroy the beast once and for all.
This leads to her meeting Big Mama and learning about the Battle Nexus tournaments.
Whether Venus likes Big Mama or not, I haven't decided, but she's honestly just using her to gain battle experience and knowledge on everything going on within the Mystic City and/or the surface.
Depending on when all of this happened, she might have become Big Mama's assistant at least several months to a year prior to the boys being introduced to her in Season 2.
I picture that the big reveal of Venus being their sister would play out a bit similarly to how I discussed previously. I loved looking through everyone's ideas about Venus, and I can say without a doubt, that the amount of fanfare behind ROTTMNT and Venus overall is worth Nickelodeon bringing back this show.
Note: Well! I hope you all enjoyed this! If you read till the end, thank you very much! Please tell me what you think of my ideas, that would be very much appreciated! Until next time with my comments, concerns, and ideas about Slash, have a great day everyone! Byeee! 💗
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joining the fandom 30 years late
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amascomet · 4 days
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Massive sketch dump! The mm Donnie is me practicing the show style by redrawing one of the movie screencaps hehe
Last one is just another concept for another iteration idea haha
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fabuloustrash05 · 10 months
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I have been advancing my research on the TMNT Multiverse!!
Check out the previous chart
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tmntkiseki · 13 days
For me, I wanna say the most difficult part isn't necessarily what I'm drawing, but how I'm drawing it? Because the 2003 turtles have got some pretty bulky builds, even when referencing the Fast Forward/BttS proportions where they were noticeably slimmed down, and so it's tricky to strike a balance between giving them enough muscle so that they don't look scrawny/underfed while also not giving them so much muscle that they look ridiculous. (I... I just like a little realism when it comes to my proportions, okay?)
That said, drawing their shells, specifically the back portion, is a pain in the arse.
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tmntpineapple · 7 months
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I’m draw the turtle RAHHHHHHHHH
I love ninja turttyrutjiej
I made each in different days so that’s why some styles look a bit silly or different ugfhuduhduu
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... i mean, it’s usually Raph. but sometimes not.
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introverted-ghost · 2 months
This has 100% been done before but I’m curious
Please reblog for larger sample size
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bulbabutt · 8 months
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i wish we got to meet an april in the next mutation so she could take venus under her wing or something
aka i tried to make a late 90s looking april
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purplebell6 · 1 year
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I love making these
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emma-the-artkid · 4 months
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Welcome back Ruine- This took me FOREVER OMG- but it’s finally done and I love it so much 😭💙 I hope you all like it as well! I tried my best 👍✨
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mcmadcanvas · 1 year
i know a lot of current fans came into tmnt through rise, but i wanna know, which was your tmnt baby?
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duckdodger · 9 months
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HI TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS !! Yea ofc i know her !! here u go !! I hope i see Venus in more future media <33 !! Have a lovely day to u too !!
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our-happygirl500-fan · 9 months
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Something that I kind of saw in a fic I had been reading were 2012 versions Kendra, Jeremy & Jason which I thought was kind of cool since I sometimes kind of see people within the fandom make Rise verse of other TMNT characters from other TMNT iterations, such as Venus from Next Mutation or Tigerclaw from the 2012 cartoon or Jennika & Kitsune from the IDW comics so it is also kind of cool to see the reverse as well with the fandom taking Rise characters & putting them in other iterations as well.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 7 months
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Working on a Rise!Venus design rn but oh wait I can’t believe I forgot to post the sketches of my daughters all together-
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novacomics · 1 year
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i present u all my venus and jennika rise designs
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