#tell me you have daddy issues without telling me you have daddy issues
mrsrdlw · 2 days
don’t worry, sweetheart
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summary: you were supposed to be spending the night with your boyfriend, Billy. But suddenly, in the middle of the night, you showed up in front of your best friend’s house.
warnings: physical aggression (reader gets injured); toxic relationship; mentions of injuries; angst;daddy issues? (that’s from billy). please tell if i’m missing anything
Eddie was sleeping when he heard knocking at the door. Who could it be? At this time of the night? Maybe Wayne forgot his keys again…
But when he opened the door, it wasn’t Wayne, it was you. At first he doesn’t realize what it’s happening, but when he gets a closer look, his eyes double in size. He rushes to help you. “Jesus H. Christ! What happened?!” He helps you get inside where is warmer. He kneels beside you. “Y/N.. What happened?…” You’re all cut up and there was bloodstains all over your clothes.
“i can’t eddie i just… i just need your help now” you said tearing up.
“Yeah… I’m here.. I’m here…” Eddie replies. He’s more concerned on how bad you look than being confused. “Hold still, I’m gonna clean your wounds a bit…” He grabs a warm cloth from the bathroom. Then he starts to gently clean your wounds. “Tell me what happened..”
Your eyes were already red and puffy of the many tears you had cried. You looked deeply into his eyes and almost immediately looked down at where his hand were cleaning the injured wrist. “I… Eds i can’t, what if…”. I couldn’t even finish my sentence without sobbing.
Eddie was being so gentle with you, cleaning you up, his hand placed on your knee, his thumb gently rubbing against the skin there. He can’t help but feel his heart ache when he sees you sobbing. “Hey.. It’s okay, Y/N.. Your safe here.. It’s alright.” He tries to soothe you. “I’m not going anywhere, just try and relax…”
You stayed quiet for a while but you felt like you needed to explain the whole situation to him.
“We were just watching a movie in the living room when we heard a knock at the door. Before, we thought it was only Max coming back home, but then his father opened the door, completely drunk carrying a bottle of whiskey on his hand…”
Eddie could see in your eyes that you were living everything all over again.
“He started to mumble things, cursing and aggressively waving his hands, giving Billy no space to move. Until then, he didn’t realize i was there. But, he started beating the shit out of Billy and he just laid there, on the floor. He was not even reacting! I had to do something Eddie, so i tried to pull him out of Billy and he pushed me hard with his elbow, making me fall over the center table.”
Eddie’s expression was very difficult to read. He was listening every word you were saying.
“So, when he heard the table fall, he turned around and dropped the bottle right next to me. I could swear that he was going to hit me, but then Billy got to take his arms and pushed him in the bathroom, locking him in there. When Billy got back to the living room, i asked him if he was ok and he yelled at me. I got scared and that made me fall right on the broken glass. He didn’t helped me, he just turned around and asked me to go away, leave him alone so he could take care of his dad, who was almost braking the door.”
You took a deep breath and Eddie’s hand kept caressing carefully the skin where wasn’t injured.
“i didn’t know where to go Eddie, i couldn’t go home, you were the first person that i could think of.”
Eddie’s eyes glowed with intense anger and frustration directed towards Billy's dad. The way he treated Billy, and the part about almost hitting you with the broken bottle enraged Eddie. Not to mention Billie himself, why didn’t he do anything? He should have helped you! He felt the strong urge to go and confront Billy and his dad himself, but he knew you needed him more in that moment. He kept his voice steady, trying to maintain control of his emotions. “You’re safe here, Y/N. I’m glad you came here… Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“I don’t know… besides from the cuts we can see, my back is hurting a little.” you said worried.
Eddie nods and gently runs his hand across your back, feeling for any obvious injuries. “Take your shirt off, let me see.” He says softly.
You hesitated for a second and then, turning around, you took your shirt off. His silence was concerning so you ask him. “Is it too bad?” Your voice was soft and quiet.
Eddie checks your back, his touch remaining gentle. He notices some red marks, probably bruises forming already, and some superficial scratches, but overall the injuries don’t seem severe. “You’ll be okay, just some bruising. You just need a nice hot shower to relax and you’ll feel better." You give him a fake smile.
He looks at you with sympathy and worry in his eyes. “Y/N, you don’t have to go back to Billy’s anytime soon… You know you can stay as long as you need, right?"
“That’d be great. If my mom sees me like this i don’t even know what she would say… I could really use the shower you were talking about.” you said with a weak voice, taking his hands in yours. “Would you help me? I really need it but i don’t think i can do it by myself.”
In the reality, you didn’t want to be alone. You’ve already walked the whole way here. It was enough.
Eddie nods. “Of course i’ll help you.” He says softly, his voice full of compassion. He stands up and holds out his hand to you, offering assistance as you get up from the couch. He leads you to the bathroom, turning on the hot water. The room starts to fill with steam.
“I might have to help you wash your hair and the rest of your body.” He was hesitant, not even looking at your face. “Is that okay or does it make you uncomfortable?”
“No, of course it doesn’t!” he just nods his head turning around to get a towel. “I just… i don’t want to be alone.”
Eddie nods understandingly again. He turns around to give you at least a little bit of privacy so you can take you clothes off and carefully help you get into the bathtub, managing not to look directly to your naked body until you get under the water. He's gentle with every touch, making sure not to hurt you further.
The warm water was still cascading over your head. When the bathtub was filled with hot water, he turned off the water and started to apply shampoo into your hair, massaging your scalp carefully. The feeling of his touch is both soothing and intimate, his care and affection apparent with each movement.
“Hey… can i share something with you.” You say under your breath
Eddie smiles softly, pausing his task of washing your hair. "Of course you can." He says softly. "You can share anything with me Y/N, you know it." His eyes are full of understanding and support.
“Before everything, Billy took me out for dinner right, and he mentioned of wanting to be with me like for real, for life and everything.” you sighted.
Eddie's heart skips a beat. He didn't expect you to bring this up, but he listens intently, his eyes meeting yours, you look at him over your shoulder. A mix of emotions played on his face, but he kept a neutral expression. Eddie had a crush on you since he became friends with you. Way before you meeting Billy. But he thought you didn’t felt the same way about him. So he never said anything, realizing he was happy to have you as his best friend.
He continued to lather your hair gently, his fingers massaging your scalp. He chose his next words carefully. "And how do you feel about that, Y/N?"
“I didn’t know if i should believe him or not. He’s always so extreme about everything. Just like tonight. We were talking nonsense and, when his father showed up, he snapped. I mean, i know about his relationship with his dad but that doesn’t mean he has to be such an asshole with me when he’s around.” you instantly feel bad for talking badly about you boyfriend like that. “But that’s just how he is, right? He probably didn’t meant any of that and…”
Eddie continued to wash your hair listening your words towards your boyfriend. Maybe, after today, he didn’t possessed this position anymore.
“Sorry, i always do this. I keep trying to find a fucking excuse for everything. That’s how toxic this is! But, especially after this night, i don’t want to spend my life with him, Eddie. To be honest, i don’t even know how we got to extend this relationship for longer then two weeks, it was supposed to be just a kiss….” Eddie was looking at you with pitiful eyes. You just hugged your knees and came back looking at your hand under water. “I guess the walk to here was helpful, wasn’t it….”
Eddie listens quietly. His expression softens as he sees the turmoil in you, the uncertainty and fear. "You don't have to apologize for anything,” He replies softly. "I understand that relationships are messy and complicated.. And they don't always turn out the way we hope." He pauses for a moment, gently rinsing the shampoo out of your hair. "It's okay to feel conflicted. And sometimes, a walk can offer more clarity than we realize."
“You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?”
Eddie smiles softly, shaking his head a little. "Nah, I just kinda speak my mind sometimes..” He chuckles a little, his tone light. You get to finish the rest of your bath in silence.
He reaches over you and grabs your towel, holding it open. “C’mere, lemme dry you up,” he gestures for you to come out of the shower, still fully naked. He’s still being careful of your injuries as he begins drying your body off. Of course Eddie always treated you differently than others, with more affection. But this felt different. A good different for sure.
When he wrap you around the towel you can’t help but lean into his chest, needing to feel his gentle touch and warm skin. “Thank you… for everything. I’d be lost without you” i say greatfully
Eddie holds you close, embracing you securely. He rests his chin on your head. "You’ve been through a lot, Y/N.. I’m glad I can be here for you," he whispers softly. He runs a hand through your wet hair, offering comfort. "I promise you’re safe here. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I’ve got you."
“I hope you don’t really mean it, i’ll get super spoiled like that.” You tease him looking up but not stepping back.
Eddie laughs softly, his arms still wrapped around you. “Spoiled?” he replies, a teasing tone in his voice. “Oh, I mean it, alright. You deserve all the spoiling.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb grazing your cheek gently.
You get a little nervous when you realized how close you were and, in a snap of a finger, the bathroom felt too small. You clear up your throat and pretend that non of the tension was there. “So, can i borrow something to wear? I’m pretty sure you have a drawer full of cute pj’s” You tease again so things don’t get wired.
Eddie’s eyes sparkle with excitement at the idea of getting to dress you in his clothes. He nods enthusiastically. “Oh yeah, I have plenty of options. You’re gonna look so damn cute,” he grins confidently, his voice full of eagerness. You can’t help but giggle.
He carefully helps you step out of the bathroom, keeping a gentle hold on you to make sure you’re steady on your feet. You get inside of his room and you’ve been there thousands of times but today, his room felt so comforting. You wait patiently sat on his bed as he searches for something you could wear. Eddie rummages through his drawers, pushing aside piles of t-shirts and jeans until he finds a few items that catch his eye. He holds up a thin, oversized black band t-shirt and a pair of comfy gray sweatpants.
“How about these?” He says, showing them to you with a grin. “Cozy and comfy, guaranteed to make you feel nice, snuggled up and very metal.”
You’re smiling at him and that makes him feel better, knowing that you’re safe and comfortable around him. “That’s just what i need, thanks.”
Eddie smiles proudly and hands you the clothes he picked, the t-shirt and sweatpants laying neatly in your hands. "There you go. They might be a little bit big on you, but comfy is the ultimate goal right now." He waits by the door, giving you privacy. "Take your time and get dressed. Don't rush," he adds softly.
You try to put the clothes by yourself but when you lifted your arms, it hurt badly. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable but your attempts of putting his shirt weren’t working. “Eds, can you…..help me?”
Eddie looks back, noticing your struggle and clearly sensing your discomfort. A look of concern crosses his face and he walks over to you, gently taking the shirt from your hands.
"Yeah, it’s okay," he says softly, understanding your struggle. He carefully helps you slide the shirt over your head, being mindful of your injuries. When your head finally pops out through the neck of the shirt, he can’t help but smile a little at how adorable you look in his clothes. You managed to put the rest of the clothes on your own and sat on the bed again. “Oh they really are very comfy” you say feeling the fabric on your skin
Eddie sits down beside you on the bed, a warm smile on his face. "Told you," he says, putting a lock of damp hair behind your ear. "Nothing beats the comfort of a good pair of sweatpants." His eyes shine with contentment and he takes a moment to study your face. “How are you feeling now?" He places a gentle hand on your back, his thumb softly rubbing circles against your skin.
“Much better. Thank to you.” You look into his big brown doe eyes and feel very exposed under his sight. “i’m sorry again. i feel bad for ruining your night.”
Eddie shakes his head, his expression softening. "You’ve got nothing to apologize for, don’t say that," he reassures you. "You’re not ruining anything." He gently pulls you into a comforting cuddle against his chest, wrapping his arms around you, careful not to apply too much pressure on your injured back. "Besides, this is much better than any plan I had anyway." he adds softly, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth.
Your head was once again laying on his chest. You think for a while listening to his heartbeat and you couldn’t help but say “I love you eddie” and you meant it.
Hearing your words, Eddie's heart skips a beat. He freezes for a moment, his breath catching in his throat. It’s as if time stands still for a second.
His heart flutters as a warmth spreads through him, not just from your words but also from the feeling of your body against his own. His grip around you tightens a little as he fully absorbs the magnitude of what you’ve just said.
He’s taken aback by the emotional force of your confession, but his heart responds immediately with an overwhelming sense of love and affection for you.
You could hear his heartbeats getting faster and smiled at that. A couple weeks ago, Robin accidentally told you that Eddie liked you way more than just friends. At first you thought she was joking but now you see it.
Your eyes were closed enjoying the moment but when you opened them, you looked at the clock and saw how late it was “Oh my god, it’s 3 in the morning!”
Eddie glances over at his alarm clock, taking notice of the late hour. He blinks in surprise before turning his attention back to you, a warm smile on his face. "You’re right, it is super late," he says softly, his voice filled with exhaustion but also contentment. "We should probably get some rest, huh?" he suggests, though he's reluctant to break this cozy, intimate moment.
“Yeah, we should…”
Eddie nods. "Yeah, you need to rest and heal. How about you take the bed? I’ll bunk on the couch." He knows you must be tired and in need of a comfortable and restful night’s sleep. Besides, after everything you've been through, he wants to ensure you're taken care of in every way.
“No way. You’ve done enough for me tonight. I’m not taking your bed! “ You couldn’t just take his bed like that and let him sleep on the couch.
Eddie shakes his head, a small smile on his lips. “I insist. I want you to be comfortable,” he says, his tone firm but gentle. “I can handle the couch just fine. You need a good night’s sleep and a comfy bed.” He stands up from the bed, extending his hand towards you. “C’mon, get under the blankets. I’ll get you something to drink, okay?” He said giving you no choice
“Are you sure?”
Eddie smiles softly, nodding. "I'm sure. You need rest more than I do." He squeezes your hand affectionately before letting go. "Trust me, I've slept in worse places than the couch. Now, get comfy and I'll bring you something nice to drink. Hot cocoa? Water?"
He wasn’t joking when he said you deserve all the spoiling you could have “Hmm…. how good is your hot cocoa? cause if it sucks, i’ll just take the water.”
Eddie acts offended, faking a gasp and clutching his chest in mock horror. "How good is my hot cocoa?" he repeats, feigning shock. "My cocoa's legendary, okay? It's gonna melt in your mouth and heal all your woes. But hey, have the water if you wanna miss out on that," You laughed at his reaction and he joined you.
“Alright then, bring me this legendary hot cocoa of yours.” Still giggling, you say in a mocking tone
Eddie smirks confidently and shoots you a wink. “Coming right up,” he says with a playful salute.”I’ll bring a hairbrush too. It looks like you headbanged in the shower… believe me, that’s exactly how it looks like.” He said having a memory before he leaves the room again. Heading to the kitchen, he start preparing the hot cocoa. You can hear the sound of cabinets opening and closing, as well as the clinking of mugs and spoons.
A few minutes later, he returns with two steaming mugs of hot cocoa, each topped with a generous swirl of whipped cream and a hairbrush.
"There you go miss! Your legendary cocoa, as promised," he grins, handing you one of the mugs. “Now you appreciate my drink while i brush your hair. Turn around.”
“That’s seems really good! i wasn’t expecting it to look nice” You tease him again and take a sip. Your eyes widened. “Damn, it is fucking good” you say shocked.
Eddie grins widely, a proud glint in his eyes as he watches you take a sip. "Told you it's legendary," he chuckles. "Nothing beats a well-made hot cocoa. It's all about the balance of sweetness, creaminess, and just the right amount of cocoa flavor," he says with a satisfied nod. He takes a sip from his own mug and closes his eyes for a moment to savor the taste. "Damn, I'm good." he mumbles, smirking playfully.
Once again you giggled at his words and he does so with you. Letting him finish with your hair, you finish your cocoa in silence.
Eddie carefully tucks you under the blankets after you finish your drink, making sure you're cozy and comfortable. He sits down on the edge of the bed, his gaze filled with affection and concern. "Comfy?" he asks quietly, gently stroking your hair with his fingers.
“I think i’ve never been comfier”
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle, his heart warming at your words. "Good," he replies, his voice filled with contentment. He continues to stroke your hair, the gesture gentle and soothing. "Now try to get some rest. I'm right next door if you need anything."
“Good night Eds. Thank you again”
Eddie gives you a soft smile, his eyes shining with warmth. "Good night, Y/N," he whispers, gently rubbing your arm affectionately. "You don't need to thank me. Just rest and recover. Sweet dreams." With that, he leans down and presses a light, tender kiss on your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment longer.
After he left his room, you could still feel his lips on your forehead. Maybe, tonight would change more things than you expected.
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buddiebeginz · 2 days
Omg, so I was readin someone elses reaction to the finale and they said this and a light-bulb went off possibly in my head.
What if the "but you think I do?" (Have daddy issues") and "god I hope so" (T kinda muttered into his wine glass) is that Tommy thinks the only reason Buck is into him or could be into him is because of said daddy issues and he's actually insecure about it.
Like that would kinda connect to his snide remark about closet space on their first date. Just saying.
Like their communications are just a little bit off. But instead of saying something real, again Tommy is hoping that Buck will understand his subtle jab about something without him having to come out and just say it.
Like Tommy thinks possibly the only reason Buck is with him is because of his Daddy issues (because Tommy is older etc) but they've never talked about it.
Also the jab about the closet space on their first date? Buck thought they were still going to see a movie until a car showed up & it was only for Tommy and Tommy left him stranded in front of the restaurant. What if they're still there, relationship-wise?
Tommy said Buck was adorable and all that, but still left him there. Like he might legit want this 'ship to work, but they just don't seem to be like in the same place in their lives. Ya know?
Does any of this even make sense? Did I connect shit? XD (*insert that gif in here*)
I guess tl;dr : Tommy really does want it to work with Buck but thinks Buck might only be with him because of his "daddy issues" and he'll take it because he likes Buck. But they just suck at communicating and want different things/aren't in the like same place in their lives.
Also they communicate differently. Tommy does snarky jabs & dry "humor" hoping people (or Buck) will understand what he means without him having to come out and say what he actually means. And Buck idk, likes honesty and talking upfront? Idk. And so a lot of the snark might go over his head? And a massive people-pleaser.
I hope this makes sense!
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Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to this.
I do think you're onto something about the communication issues but my feeling about B/T is this:
I personally think T*mmy was originally pursuing Eddie. When you watch 704 T*mmy is all about Eddie. By the end of the ep T*mmy has figured out Eddie isn't available/still in the closet and Buck tells T*mmy he was trying to get his attention. But even T*mmy knows that's not true. I'm positive T*mmy knows there's something between Buck and Eddie. Still I think he likes Buck and thinks he's hot and decides to go for it with him.
But you can see in pretty much every interaction that T*mmy has with Buck that T*mmy does not see him as an equal. In 704 When Buck came to the hanger for a tour T*mmy didn't tell him ahead of time that he was going to be leaving to go with Eddie. Eddie just showed up and T*mmy took off. T*mmy called Buck kid (you know like Bobby does). T*mmy calls Buck Evan even though there's no sign that Buck ever asked him to do that and we've been told quite explicitly from Buck himself (to his parents) that people who really know him call him Buck.
T*mmy is the one who jumps in and kisses Buck first. Which I know was written to be this passionate moment but at the same time it also shows how T*mmy is controlling most things in that relationship. T*mmy plans their first date and where it's going to be. T*mmy seems annoyed when Buck is nervous on the date. T*mmy chooses to end the date without much explanation and leaves Buck at the restaurant.
The coffee date is one of the better interactions between B/T and may come across on the surface like they're on equal ground but again it's mostly T*mmy here that is in control. Buck is the one waiting at the restaurant not knowing if T*mmy is even going to show up. Then Buck asks T*mmy to be his date for Maddie's wedding and has to wait on T*mmy for an answer. Also T*mmy laughs at Buck when he asks him to be his date. Which I know wasn't supposed to be this harsh judgmental reaction but still this is the first time Buck is asking a guy to be his date to something important and this is T*mmy's (initial) response.
At the bachelor party T*mmy chooses to not wear anything remotely on theme and is then dismissive when Buck seems hurt that he didn't care. He's also on call and can't stay. I'm not sure how far in advance Buck asked him to go to Maddie's wedding but I assume it was far enough that T*mmy could have asked for that time off so he could be there but he didn't.
In 709 Buck is excited about the award ceremony and T*mmy responds to him by saying "enjoy it while it lasts". This is Buck's first big award as a firefighter he should be on cloud nine and the guy he's seeing should be thrilled for him but again T*mmy just comes off like he doesn't care. Some would argue that's just his general demeanor but that just highlights how different T*mmy and Buck are.
In 710 there's the dinner scene. Where Buck is trying to open up about his fears of losing the only real father figure he's known in Bobby and T*mmy's reaction is to again be dismissive, make it about himself, and change the subject to something sexual.
Again you're right Buck and T*mmy do communicate differently too differently in my opinion but I think they're very intentionally being written that way. Particularly in scenes when we've had Buck, T*mmy, and Eddie together like in 706. We're meant to see how much T*mmy just doesn't get Buck and how much Eddie does.
I don't think T*mmy is worried that Buck is with him because of his "daddy issues" rather I think T*mmy likes the idea of being in control both in an outside of the bedroom and that's the main part of the attraction for him with Buck. But much like Taylor when things aren't physical there is very little substance to their relationship and Buck will come to realize that.
I think because T*mmy is connected to Buck figuring out his sexuality and how new and exciting all of that feels to Buck he's lumped a lot of his feelings for T*mmy in there. So everything with T*mmy right now feels new and exciting and fun but eventually Buck will have to take a long hard look at this relationship (just like he had to with Taylor) and realize that this person doesn't really make him happy and doesn't really get who he is as a person.
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Bill Sykes x Fem!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Plot: You convince Daddy Mafia Boss to take a uhhh... 'swim' with you 🩱
Warnings: Smut. Pool sex (private inside pool). Use of 'daddy'. Sykes has some body issues and doesn't believe you when you say he's hot as fuck. Little bit of degradation. Unedited.
"I didn't know you had a pool!"
Goddamnit. As soon as Y/N's form comes back into the hallway where Sykes was waiting for her groaning about her discovery he feels the dread begin to build. He was hoping she'd never notice, quite honestly.
Nevertheless he gives a chuckle, shaking his head and taking his new lovers hand when she scoops his up in hers again; returning to his side. "Yeah. Well, let's keep going. Get your ice cream from the kitchen- "
When Sykes tries to keep on going and show you to the kitchen, the reason he was away from his desk in the first place (you couldn't find your way around his mansion on your own, yet. And he couldn't deny you.), you stop in your tracks and halt you both. When he looks back, you give a pout. "Come on- let's take a swim!"
"Baby... I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" You ask, totally oblivious to any possible reason- which makes sense, he supposes. You dont got nothin' to worry about... not with a body like that. While you continue to make your proposition, you begin to unbutton your top. "We're alone, daddy, and I got you away from your work already... why don't we take advantage of that?"
"We can do that in the bedroom, sweetheart."
"Yeah... but this is a pool!" You insist, a smile slipping across your face that just kills hkm- you're too damn pretty. How's he supposed to tell you you cant have something you want?? Jesus fucking christ- "It'll be so fun. Trust me- come on! Please? I promise, I'll make it worth your while~ "
... fuck.
Your little hands undress yourself one article at a time inside the pool room, light from the water flickering across your perfect body, then turn on him: your eyes laving over him with a little satisfied smirk on your lips. "... your turn, big daddy."
"Heh heh," Bill raises his h u g e hands up in surrender. "No, I don't think so princess. I'll just sit back here and watch you have fun."
"I can't have fun without you, daddy!" You insist, stepping up to him and gently smoothing your hands up his broad chest towards his tie before he can back up towards a chair. "I need you... "
When you turn those soft, begging eyes up on him he breaks; sighing heavily with a frustrated look in his face. "Fine... "
Before he can change his mind, you get to work removing his clothes. You start with his tie, then unbutton his shirt revealing a thin white undershirt. With greedy hands and a cheeky grin, you feel up his chest and his tummy, spreading your hands in under his blazer and button-up around his sides... feeling he's so warm and so soft... you give a sigh. "Damn, daddy, you're something... "
He grunts back, not even watching you; not seeing the lusty greedy horny look on your face. He's looking away, seemingly aloof except for his tight and pent-up muscles givong him away, wishing he had a cigarette more then anything.
You continue on after a good few moments feeling your meaty, perfect daddy mafia boss. After slipping the blazer and the button-up up off his boulder-shoulders, you pull up his under shirt until you can't reach anymore, and have him lift it off himself the rest of the way. Immediately you give a big grin, finally having him shirtless for the first time since you started your relationship 2 months ago. "Ah! You're so hot!"
This time he just rolls his eyes. You're real cute, even your lies.
Now his pants. Your delighted grin turns into a pervy smirk, flicking his button undone and pushing the waistband down over his hips until he can simple step out of them. Then, well, you can't help yourself, you trace your knuckles over the clear and heavy outline of his thick monster cock. You can't wait to have it inside you!...
"Okay, almost done, gorgeous... " Your eyes glide up over his body to Bill's face looking partly annoyed, partly aroused. Mostly Impatient at your teasing. "Is that thing heated?" You ask with a thumb pointed behind you towards the pool.
"'Course it is."
10 minutes later you're in the pool with your back against the edge, kissing slowly, your legs wrapped around Bill's thick hips and his cock throbbing against your core and your stomach. Every time you move your hips, giving the occasional gentle grind against him as your tongue works in his mouth, it sends a delicious spark of pleasure through you both. Your perfect little pussy felt beautiful against his cock- even if you were a pushy little liar, you sure made it worth his while. There was a reason he kept you around here. While you were here, he'd never need any other cunt.
The heated water, up to both your stomachs fills up every dent and crevice in your bodies, but nothing like Bill's cock when he finally thrusts it into you- making you gasp and forcing you to open up your mouth wider so he can take control of the kiss. A moan slips out of you then, and after that it's all you can do; take his cock and moan like a little sugar baby slut.
For a while that's how it goes on, Bill fucks you against the edge of the pool and its all you can do to follow the motions and keep your legs tight around him; keep him in close, keep him in deep.
"Thaats it,.. " He mutters huskily, encouraging you. "Good girl, baby, good girl."
As you get closer to your orgasm you get dirtier, more obsessed, more in love with him. You move forward against him and your lips glide over his chest while your hands touch all over his body; love handles and rolls are your favourite. When you squeeze his sides, Bill gives a groan, snaps, and starts pounding into you much harder so you cant touch him anymore; just lean back against the wall and take it. "Ah- "
"Fucken hell, Princess." Bill swears, his towering form bent over your body so he can speak directly into your ear. "Do you know what you're doin' to me???"
"I- I- I- " You can't respond, he's pounding you against the side of the pool too good, stretching you open so wide; water splashing over the edge and into the grates.
"No," He answers for you as your ties curl behind his back the fucking is so good. "No, ya don't. You're just a dumb little whore, right?"
"... yesss... " You whisper amid your moaning, rolling your hips against Bill's in responce to his fucking.
With that you come undone, squeezing his hips like a vice between your legs and his cock in your cunt, and leaning up to kiss him deeply again. As you ride out your orgasm, bouncing on his stiff cock, Bill comes as well- making you smirk into his mouth.
"Heheh," Bill chuckles that sinister chuckle of his with a shake of his head, about 10 minutes later when you've both gotten out and are towelling off/getting dressed. "Princess, that was something. You're a pretty good little actress- I almost fell for that crap."
"Wh- what crap??" You asked, tucking the end of your towel into the top so it stayed around you while you towel dried your hair with another. With the second towel on your head, you look baffled at your lover.
"You liking my body." Sykes tells you, simply. Overturning your entire world with his careless grin. "Thanks for pretending by the way sweetheart, I appreciated it."
"I- I wasn't pretending!"
"... uhuh."
"Bill, I- you're- you're hot."
He wants to sound stern?? You can sound stern, too. Levelling him with your eyes, you lower the towel backwards from your head like a hood, and raise a brow. "Do I have to fuck you again til you believe me??"
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gyraethere · 1 day
bucktommyweek day 1: date night
give me something fun (so i can tell that you're the one) (758 words) by gyraether Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Tommy Kinard Additional Tags: Date Night, Daddy Kink, Mostly Dialogue, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard, 7x10 coda I GUESS, No Sex Summary: A conversation, diverted.
@bucktommyweek read on ao3, or under the cut
"Could crack open a bottle of red, use up some leftovers?" asks Buck. "Or takeout. I know it's not much but, I just want to see you tonight."
"Of course," says Tommy, like it's a given—and with Tommy, it kind of is. "You want me to pick you up from the hospital, let Eddie drive your jeep back?"
"Yeah," says Buck, and already the pressure weighing down his chest is easing. He likes a solid plan, and when that solid plan means he doesn’t have to drive to Eddie’s then his after ten hours at the hospital, that’s a bonus. “Can you bring dessert, please?”
“How ‘bout I set off now, hm, and we can pick up ingredients on the way back?”
Buck hums. It’s been a long day, and all Buck really wants to do right now is collapse onto his couch and watch mindless TV, but Tommy baking’s almost as good a show as Tommy cooking, and there aren’t ad breaks every 5 minutes. For the price of a grocery story detour and weighing out some ingredients, Buck’ll take it. If—“Brownies, and you got a deal.”
“You got it,” says Tommy, and hangs up.
And when the brownies are in the oven, dinner starts—you know how dinner starts, already. Buck brings up daddy issues, Tommy responds, and—
"God, I hope so," says Tommy, a growl to it so deep it rumbles in Buck's chest.
Tommy's smirking, holding eye contact, and Buck is helpless against the grin that spread on his face. "Didn't know you were into that," he says, "Daddy."
And Tommy grins too, then, throwing his head back in a laugh. "That's not what I meant and you know it," he says, but when his eyes meet Bucks' again, they're just as dilated as his own.
"But we could give it a shot," says Buck, and now Tommy's the one squirming in his seat. Buck feels the rush of power run through him, but it's undercut by a little anxiety, too. So, with a bracing breath, takes Tommy's hand in his own. "You gonna take me to bed tonight, Daddy?"
And the way Tommy groans at that, pulls them both up and crowds Buck against the island—yeah, Tommy liked that, more than he wanted to let on.
"Brat," says Tommy, pecking his lips hard, then drawing back before Buck’s mind catches up to respond. "Baby boy, you're gonna be the death of me."
"No way," says Buck. "You’re not even fifty yet, old man. And you’re way too hot to die.”
“You know what they say about flattery,” Tommy responds, and Buck tilts his head back with a pleased hum, enjoying the graze of teeth against his trachea.
“I have no idea what you mean. Can I fuck your tits? After dessert, I mean. The thought of your brownies has been sustaining me half the day.”
Tommy draws back, and even though he’d been expecting it Buck can’t help but grumble. His dick’s straining against the zipper of his slacks, and it’s already feeling a little damp and sticky. Without Tommy pressed against him, the breeze of his AC feels cold.
“You’re a tease,” Tommy grumbles, and as he turns around, Buck’s eyes are drawn to his crotch like a moth to light—catches a glimpse of a bulge far more prominent than earlier (not to say it wasn’t prominent then) before Tommy’s hip is in the way—and then Buck’s eyes are following the flex of his ass. Not to be objectifying, but those jeans really do show off Tommy’s best assets. He does catch himself before he licks his lips, though. Even if Tommy didn’t see, he’d know he did it, and that’s just kind of embarrassing.
By some stroke of luck, the timer for the brownies pings right then, and if Buck has to swallow the saliva suddenly flooding his mouth, no he didn’t. Tommy bends at the waist rather than crouching to take them out, and oh boy is that a visual Buck could sear into his brain. Maybe in the morning Tommy could—shut up, brain.
“I’m not waiting for those to cool,” he says. “If you don’t cut it, I’ll eat it straight out the pan, just try me.”
Tommy, smart man that he is, cuts two decent squares and deposits them on plates with a scoop of ice cream. “Satisfied?” he asks, teasingly, but Buck’s already grabbed one, and is too busy chewing a gooey hot and cold mouthful to answer. (Yeah, he is.)
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jessibbb · 7 months
Ok ok
Since no one’s gonna get us started with some questions I’ll let y’all know this
As a child she had a crush on Jesus
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imagine being a so called “s/t fan” and ignoring the female muses / actively hating them when the literal LEAD is a female muse.
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elgatodeltren · 2 years
Looking over your recent interests, I can say that your thing:TM: is Dads who spend time with their sons
BAHAHA that’s SO true bestie
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
little protector
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words: 800
warnings: dad!rafe, soft!rafe, pregnancy cw
“daddy, cut that out right now!” your sons voice rings out, making rafe pull away from your mouth.
“what did you say little man?” rafe raises his eyebrows at your son, who is standing at the foot of your bed, hands on his hips and an exaggerated angry expression on his face.
“do not kiss my mommy!” felix argues, crawling onto the bed to push at rafes chest while you giggle, his little hands not doing a single thing.
“but she’s my wife.” rafe says, frowning when you pull felix onto your lap and press a kiss to his cheek.
“and she’s my mommy!” he argues right back. it’s a recent development, felix showing possessiveness over you. it started at the grocery store when a tall man helped reach something off the top shelf, only for felix to kick him in the shin. its only progressed since then.
“you’re gonna have to learn to share, fe.” rafe says with a pointed look, able to move closer now that felix is happy in your arms.
“oh shush, let him enjoy being an only child for a little bit longer.” you whisper, knowing felix only has about six more months until he’s going to have to be sharing you with a new baby brother or sister as well as rafe.
“but i want to kiss you.” rafe pouts as felix ducks his head to snuggle into your chest, little hands gripping at your shirt as rafe loops an arm around your shoulder.
“as soon as he’s asleep.” you stroke your sons back, leaning your head against rafes shoulder, who sneaks a kiss to the top of your head without felix seeing.
“can’t come soon enough.” rafe says, making sure to keep his voice low for the next part. “you are so sexy when you’re pregnant.”
you roll your eyes. you’re barely showing, which is why you decided to wait to tell felix, wanting to make sure everything went well before explaining that he’s about to have a little sibling and that they’re growing in his mamas tummy.
“mommy.” felix whines when he realizes you attention isn’t solely on him.
“what is it my love?” you ask, petting over his hair.
“can i sleep with you tonight?” he asks, blinking up at you with puppy eyes that are so hard for you to say no to.
“but you’ve got your big boy bed!” you remind him. “i can read you a story before you go to sleep though.” “no.” felix complaints, thrashing his body to show his disapproval, but you know its just because he’s tired, having already gotten him ready for bed until rafe distracted you with his kisses. “wanna sleep with you mommy!” “honey, this is mama and daddys bed.” rafe says gently. he never thought his son would give him a run for his money when it comes to parenting, but he severely underestimated the toddler years.
“are you going to kiss again?” felix crinkles up his nose in an expression that is far beyond his years.
rafe sighs, nuzzling into your hair. “i think when you gave birth you transferred all of your sassiness to him.” you let out a laugh, which only upsets felix more.
“fefe, i kiss your daddy all the time. but-” you continue before he can react, “i also give you lots of kisses. i love you both very very much.” “i love you too mama.” felix leans in, puckering his lips out. you accept and press a kiss before smattering more around his face, making him giggle.
“i love you too daddy.” felix says shyly, before holding his hands out for rafe to pull him onto his lap, making you smile. felix has never had an issue with showing rafe affection, it’s just recently come up with not liking to see it between you and rafe, even getting in between the two of you when you cuddle, or pulling your hands apart.
“i love you too felix.” rafe gives your son a kiss before pulling him into a hug, and you have to turn your head to wipe away tears, your hormones already being a little crazy from the baby growing in your tummy.
“can you both read me my bedtime story?” felix asks.
“of course baby.” rafe says as you slide out of the bed, accepting felix as he jumps into your arms for you to carry him. rafe pauses as he watches you, son in your arms, baby growing in your tummy, a glowing smile gracing your face. 
if you would have told rafe that this would be his life when he was a teenager, he would have spat in your face, but then you appeared, changed his life around and gave him a home and a family he never knew he needed.
“you coming?” you ask, felix’s head buried in your shoulder as you pause in the doorway.
“yeah.” rafe nods, having to blink back tears himself. “yeah, i’m coming.”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk
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hotchscvm · 11 months
bad ideas (and good results)
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pairings: aaron hotchner x reader, sort of spencer reid x reader
summary: after aaron’s rejection, you enlist spencer’s help to make him jealous.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: reader putting on a naked show, airplane turbulence, reid calling reader out for daddy issues
a/n: accidentally put too much spencer in this whoops
You couldn’t take it anymore.
The tension between the two of you was so palpable you were practically choking on it. You couldn’t be alone in a room with him without resisting the urge to throw yourself at him. Even with others around, you still had to peel off your drenched panties when you got home and take a cold shower.
And you knew he felt the same, though he wasn’t as obvious about how it affected him. The team had commented how you were his soft spot, always assigning you to him on cases (when you were newer, you had brushed the thought aside, thinking he wanted to watch over you and evaluate your work), getting your favorite coffee every morning and even putting his jacket around you when you’d been soaked in lake water after catching the unsub.
So when you decided to take the leap and ask him if he wanted to have dinner, you weren’t expecting him to reject you so blatantly. Just a flat-out no. Didn’t even try cushioning the blow.
You still couldn’t erase his expression from your memories as he told you he didn’t like you in that way. Confused at the time, you had stood there dumbfounded by what he was saying. Walking out of his office and heading home was a blur and you wondered if you had imagined his previous actions.
Sitting on your couch with a bottle of wine in hand, you thought about your interactions. Surely you didn’t imagine the way he looked at you on those nights you stayed late to help him with paperwork? Or the way he had comforted you after an unsub had harassed you mercilessly during an interrogation. Or when you had to share that hotel room in Alaska and sleep in the same bed for “warmth.”
After an hour of watching The Wedding Date, you had got an idea that was so delusional it might work. Calling Spencer in the wee hours of the night had him pick up the phone after the second ring, concerned it was an emergency. In a way it was, and he had gotten to your apartment in record time.
He had barely knocked on the door when you swung it open, grabbing by the arm and practically dragging him and his Jesus haircut inside. Spencer raised an eyebrow at your excitement, glancing at the state of your apartment as you drag him to the couch.
“What’s going on? Why’d you need me to come at,” he checks his watch. “Eleven thirty-seven at night?”
You sighed, pushing him to sit on the couch and grabbing the remote. “I kind of asked Hotch out. And before you congratulate me for making the first move, he doesn’t feel the same and basically told me he found me ugly and disgusting.”
Spencer gave you a skeptical look. “He did not say that.”
“Whatever, it was implied,” you reply and Boy Genius gives out a snort at your dramatics. “Anyways, I was watching The Wedding Date when I got this idea … In the movie, this girl hires an escort to be her date to her sister’s wedding because her ex is going to be there. And I was thinking …”
“Go on.” he encourages.
Spencer was the only one to know about your crush on Aaron. The others, especially the girls, had a suspicion you did but Spencer was the one you spilled all your information to. Mostly because he was the first to catch you making eyes at your boss and the closest in age to you. He had listened to the details of your days with Aaron, sometimes debriefing you on how Aaron had interacted with you, the words he had said about you, or the way his body language gave him away. You had eaten up everything he had said in the hopes it had been true.
He was also the only one you could go to with this plan. Derek would’ve had you relayed all the details of your crush to him before agreeing and you didn’t want to tell him he had been right about your crush. You’d have rather died than have Derek Morgan know he was right. Spencer was sweet and attractive, and despite your taste for older men than the doctor, it would be believable considering how much time you spend with each other outside of work.
“I was thinking that we fake date to make Hotch jealous.” you finish, slightly grimacing at how stupid the plan was now that you said it out loud. Before Spencer could reply, you jumped in. “I know it probably won’t make him jealous considering he doesn’t like me that way but on the off chance that it does–I kind of want him to hurt a fraction of what I had tonight. And you probably think the plan is idiotic and pathetic–”
“Alright,” he said, cutting off your rambling. When you raise an eyebrow, he lifts a shoulder. “I don’t think it's idiotic or pathetic. I think we should do it.”
It took you a few seconds to process his words. “Really?”
Spencer nods, giving you a small smile. “Yes, I would do anything for you. Besides, it would be a good experiment and I love experiments.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “Of course you do.”
“So how is this fake dating thing going to work?”
You spend a good half hour talking about the parameters of the plan. Both of you had decided it was best to keep it subtle instead of announcing to the team you were “seeing” each other. Neither of you would confirm it and if asked, you’d redirect the topic somewhat noticeably so whoever had asked would be able to pick up on it.
Spencer surprised you when he came up with the idea for small touches and light flirting. When you had given him a look, he was quick to explain his idea. Obviously, you had to be affectionate towards each other in front of the team and especially Aaron, but not so much that it qualified as PDA.
The smart doctor had proposed small touches like lingering fingers, a hand on a shoulder (you pointed out you did this with him quite often and he argued it would only make more sense to keep doing it), hair ruffling (again you told him you’ve done this to him and he admitted he liked getting his hair played a certain way), and hand squeezes.
You waited for the shock on Spencer’s face when you wondered out loud if it was effective for you to “sneak” into his hotel room during a case and have a member of the team see you going into his room so they could relay what they saw to the others; instead, you were met with an intuitive hum of agreement.
By the time you’d gotten done with planning, it was ten minutes past midnight and Spencer was yawning every few minutes. And while his apartment was only about ten blocks from yours, you offered for him to stay the night with the promise to stop at his place before work for him to get a change of clothes. He accepted and both of you had fallen asleep in the living room while the credits of the movie played in the background.
In the morning, you came to the realization that the wine you had drank had caused you to oversleep, and keeping Spencer up past midnight had also caused him to wake up about half an hour later than usual. You slapped him awake with a pillow before rushing to get ready.
Spencer had been half asleep as he got in your car but after a near-death experience with a semi, he had woken up and clutched his seatbelt all the way to work. As you entered the building, you were rolling your eyes as he mumbled how you were more of a reckless driver than Derek–impossible–and how he feared for his life whenever you were in the driver’s seat.
As soon as you pushed through the glass doors, Emily noticed something different. You placed your stuff on your desk, plopping down on your chair when she sits on your desk, glancing between you and Spencer, eyebrows raised.
“Reid, are you wearing the same sweater from yesterday?” she questioned, and your ears perked up at her words.
Your eyes flicker to Spencer’s outfit. With your lateness, you weren’t able to stop at Spencer’s place and he had assured you he could change into something from his go bag. He was in the midst of picking up the duffel when Emily commented on his fashion sense. You gave him a look to play along but he was looking down at his outfit to notice.
He tilted his head, nodding. “Yeah, we woke up late this morning.”
You’ve never seen Emily’s head turn so fast–you were worried she had accidentally snapped her own neck. The brunette smirked at you before turning back to Spencer. “We?”
Spencer looked up, eyes finally meeting yours. His eyes flickered with recognition and took the opportunity to start your idea. His slight blush was the cherry on top. “What?”
Emily’s smirk grew, and she looked like a cat that swallowed a canary. She turned to you, giving you the look she’d make when a guy would flirt with you during a girl’s night out. “So … what’d you do last night?”
You couldn’t help but grin at her nosiness. “Work. Long, hard work.”
“Yeah, I bet.” she chuckled, side-eyeing Spencer. “The work definitely looks hard when you’re doing it.”
The water you sipped trickled out of your mouth at the innuendo, and you furiously wiped your chin. Emily cackled at her own joke, drawing JJ’s attention from nearby. You try to ignore her, gently pushing her off your desk, mumbling about having to do work, but it only makes her gasp for breath.
JJ sauntered over to your desk, curious at whatever made Emily cackle like the green witch from the Kansas movie. “What’s going on here?”
Emily leans over to whisper in her ear before pointing at Spencer who had taken his go-bag along with him to the bathroom. JJ adopts Emily’s smirk, sharing a look with the brunette before glancing between you and the men’s bathroom.
The blonde pulls up a chair next to yours, the girls surrounding your desks. JJ leans in close, grinning mad wildly at you. “I thought you liked Hotch, not Spence.”
You rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed by the whole thing while you smiled internally. “I don’t like either of them, beyond friends. … Stop looking at me like that!”
“Clearly you like Reid more than that if you guys spent the night together.” Emily wiggled her brows, earning another chuckle from JJ. She yelped at the small smack you gave her on the arm.
“We didn’t spend the night together.” you hissed, keeping your voice low. How you would’ve loved to show Rossi your performance right now after he commented you were a terrible liar. “We were doing paperwork together and we fell asleep because it was late and so we woke up late.”
The girls gave each other a look, nodding at you, clearly not believing the semi-lie you told. (Did it count as a lie if you told them the half-truth but in a way that was unconvincing?)
“Of course. It makes perfect sense.”
“Yeah, especially if you guys were up late. It’s only reasonable that he stayed the night.”
“Mm-hm. You guys were probably so tired you didn’t do anything before sleeping.”
The sarcasm was leaking from their voices, practically dripping on the floor. You didn’t know how to answer their cryptic responses, covering your smile with a hand. You couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped your lips. Despite Aaron’s harsh rejection not even twelve hours ago, you were feeling better.
Thankfully, you were saved from coming up with a reply when Penelope came in the room with a case file in her hands, gesturing towards the briefing room. Unfortunately, JJ and Emily’s amusement was so obvious, Penelope was able to pick up on the brewing gossip from just the look on their smug faces.
You passed her on the way up the stairs, giving her a small smile as she stayed back to get the information from JJ and Emily. You rolled your eyes when you heard the technical analysis gasp, walking to the briefing room faster.
While you temporarily escaped Penelope’s wave of questions upon entering the briefing room, you were met with the presence of the man your bones–and pussy–ached for. You avoided looking in his general direction as you sat next to Derek.
He turned to you as the girls entered the room, smiling. “Damn Mama, you look tired. What’d you do last night?”
And as if on cue, Spencer sat down in the empty chair on the other side of you, causing Emily to burst out laughing. The guys turned to look at her, confused by her reaction to Spencer’s timed action. She waved away their confusion, hiding behind her iPad, pretending to study the case all the while her shoulders shook from silent laughter.
Penelope had her eyes set on you and Spencer, giving you a look that read she wanted all the details directly from you. Saving you from having to explain Emily’s reaction, Penelope started the briefing, pulling everyone’s attention from you and Spencer to the serial killer running around Los Angeles.
It was easy to ignore Aaron’s stares through the briefing, too focused on the case details to give him attention but that couldn’t be said on the plane, especially when he walked up behind you on the steps. Your eyes met his and it felt like your nerves told your brain it was a fight or flight situation, causing you to internally panic.
You more or so sprinted up steps and into the plane, inadvertently sitting down next to the man half your coworkers suspected you were hooking up with. While it wasn’t unusual for you to sit next to anyone on the team, your normal spot had been right beside Aaron, the window seat while he took up the aisle seat. So accidentally sitting next to Spencer had caused Emily and JJ to share a glance with each other.
After Aaron had given the team details on what they were supposed to do–thankfully he had partnered you up with Rossi instead of himself–your phone buzzed relentlessly as Penelope texted you asking for details about your new paramour. Said paramour was peeking over your shoulder to read the numerous Penelope had sent.
After a second of them being left unanswered, she called you, her name popping up on your phone. You playfully glared at Emily and JJ before getting up and answering the call.
“Yes, baby girl?” you cooed, pushing the curtains aside to get a cup of coffee. “What can I help you with?”
“You and Reid?!” her voice was so loud you flinched as it hit your eardrum. “I thought you liked Hotch!”
“I don’t like either of them.” you sighed, heart pounding at the lie. Even just hearing his name had caused your body to tense, and you were sure there was a patch of wetness on your underwear. “And Spence and I are just friends.”
“JJ told me you guys spent the night together,” she replied, and you could practically hear her brain cogs working overtime. “As in doing intimate, not-suitable-for-work stuff.”
“No funny business, I swear,” you mutter, hissing when you spill coffee on yourself.
“Please don’t lie to me,” begged Penelope. “You can tell me anything, you know that. And you don’t have to be ashamed that you like Spencer, he’s cute in a nerdy way! You guys would make a great couple–”
Spencer pushed through the curtains, and it was as if Penelope sensed him through the phone because she went silent. Boy genius reached over you to grab a plastic cup from the counter, pouring his own coffee.
“Is that Garcia?” he asked, motioning to the phone. You nodded, smiling at the nearly inaudible hitch of Penelope’s breath. He chuckled, moving a tad closer to the speaker. “Hi, Garcia.”
Before she could reply, you intervened. “Bye Pen.”
You hung up, sighing. Taking a sip of coffee, you leaned against the small counter. “Not gonna lie, I didn’t think our plan would progress so fast. Do you think it makes it look less believable?”
“I don’t think so. If anything, it just made it more so,” said Spencer, mirroring your actions. “It’s very realistic friends would hook up when the situation pushes them to like working late nights, watching movies, or going to chess tournaments together.”
Giving him a blank look, you slurped your coffee rather loudly.
He cleared his throat, feeling awkward. “Anyways, the only thing people may not believe is that I was able to … get you.”
“That’s insane. Why don’t you think you could pull me?”
Spencer blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just that I’m me and you’re … you. It’s kind of obvious you’re out of my league. I mean you’re very pretty and you could get any guy and honestly, I find it hard to believe Hotch would turn you down–”
You grinned, interrupting his rambling. “Aww, Spence, you’re so sweet. But you underestimate yourself. You’re very cute and if I wasn’t attracted to men twenty years older than me, then I would’ve gone for you.”
“Have you ever wondered if your attraction to much older men is caused by your daddy issues?” he blurted.
The plane lurched to the side, bringing Spencer to pin you against the counter, a hand placed on the counter to keep himself from falling right into you as the plane stabilized. Fortunately, Spencer’s coffee had spilled on the floor instead of either of you. Unfortunately (or fortunately), Aaron had chosen that moment to walk into your little space.
You and Spencer freeze in place as your boss–and the object of your desires–catches you in a position that would’ve had Penelope screaming from excitement. Spencer's free hand was on the counter, trapping you in between. His torso touched yours, your breast pressing up against his chest and your right hand was on his shoulder to stop him from crushing you during the turbulence.
Aaron’s eyes narrowed at the contact and the lack of space between you and Spencer. Both of you immediately sprung into action, Spencer taking a step back while you slid to your left, trying to put more space between you both.
While you were internally celebrating Aaron’s almost-jealous expression, you were more embarrassed at what he must be thinking. You didn’t plan to be so outward with Spencer, after all, you both agreed on only subtle touches, not pressed up against each other in a public space.
“Are you two alright?” Aaron questioned, eyes darting between you and Spencer.
You didn’t want to be delusional and lie to yourself but the vein on Aaron’s neck was bulging, a thing that only happened when he felt stressed or angry. You must’ve smiled subconsciously because he stared at you, brows furrowed.
“Yeah, the turbulence just caught us by surprise,” you reply, motioning to the coffee-stained floor. You stepped around him, shoulder brushing up against his arm. The curtains parted and you backed out. “I’m gonna head back.”
You don’t miss the way his eyes linger as you walk back.
By the time you head back to the hotel, you’re grumpy and sticky from sweat. Throughout the day, everyone has heard you moan and groan about the heat. By now, the team has figured out you’d rather freeze to death than heat.
The AC at the police station could only do so much when the temperature outside was over one hundred degrees. Rossi fanning you while you checked out the crime scene hadn’t helped and when you got back to the station, you begged Aaron to let you stay inside, breaking that awkward tension between the both of you through your hatred of heat.
Not that the tension hadn’t grown whenever Spencer and you were in the same room. Aaron would send him out to look at the body or interview close friends but as soon as he came back to the station, Aaron would find some excuse to send him back out, not giving you two the opportunity to work the plan. Not that you cared that much, you were too busy melting.
When everyone got to the hotel, Aaron held out four keys, and the team groaned. You’d have to share.
JJ snatched a key from Aaron’s hand. “Me and Em will share.”
“I’m not sharing a room with Reid, again,” Derek announced, crossing his arms. A confused Spencer tilted his head at him, a little hurt at the comment.
JJ smiled, handing Spencer a key. “Spencer can share with his friend.”
You glared at JJ, and she threw you another smug smile. Emily snorted, faking a cough when Rossi turned to look at her. Turning to Spencer, you nodded. “Yeah, we can share.”
“Actually,” objected Aaron, eyes never leaving you. “It’s Reid’s turn to have a room to himself.”
Derek looked at him, confused. “No, it isn’t. He had a room to himself in Alaska, it’s my turn actually–”
“Morgan, you can share with Rossi,” Aaron said with finality, giving him a key. He looked at you once again. “I’ll share a room with you.”
You knew the plan had worked but you were too exhausted and sticky to be happy about it. Not that you hadn’t wanted to share a room with him again, but all you could think about was taking a cold shower and hopefully freezing your entire body to the point where you stay cold all throughout the case.
The team dispersed. Aaron and your room was on the third floor while the rest stayed on the first. He carried your duffel bag, and you didn’t bother fighting him like you usually had. The elevator ride up was awkward and you wished he could make up his mind on whether he wanted you or not.
As soon as he unlocked the door, you rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower, setting the temperature to cold. You snatched your bag from his shoulder and ran back to the bathroom, peeling off your work clothes. A moan slips out as the cold water hits your skin, and for the entirety of the shower, you forget about the man behind the door.
Exiting the shower, you notice you haven't shut the bathroom door completely. The tiny crack allowed you to see Aaron sitting at the table, staring at the file in front of him. If you could see him, he could probably see you.
This is fucking crazy.
Maybe it was a breeze from the vent or maybe you mastered some form of telekinesis but the door cracked open further, about four inches wide now. You don’t make a move to close it.
Heart pounding, you dry yourself, turning away from the door as you bend over to dry your legs. The vent was the only noise you hear as you do so. You’re about to cave and shut the door but you feel eyes on you as you stand up straight.
You don’t turn around. Confidence grows as you take your time drying your hair with the towel, sometimes running a hand through it to separate the wet and semi-dry strands. The reality of the situation finally dawns on you when you squeeze the remaining water out of your hair.
Growing wet at the thought of Aaron watching you, nakedly drying yourself, you can’t help but give him a small peek at what he was missing. You turn around, enough so he could see a glimpse of your pussy. No, you don’t look in his direction, but you can see him staring from your peripherals.
The door had cracked open further since you last saw it. There was no doubt he saw every inch of your backside as you hadn’t wrapped the towel around you once.
You let your hands squeeze your breasts once before bending down to grab a t-shirt from your go bag. It’s oversize, the hem falling just below your ass. Putting a pair of red panties on, you remember how much Aaron likes the color.
Once you’re done, you zipped up your bag and looked in the mirror. It’s obvious how free your breasts are under the shirt, your nipples peeking from the thin material. Reading the words on the shirt, you realize it was one of Spencer’s. You remember stealing it from his duffel after swimming into the lake to save an unsub.
Your lips twitched into a smirk. Opening the door, you were met with Aaron’s unrelenting stare, eyes drifting up and down your body. Not giving him the satisfaction, you ignore him, dropping your bag on your bed.
Looking around the room, you notice just one bed.
In your distracted haze about the one-bed problem, you failed to notice Aaron moving. A hand gripped your waist tightly, pulling you back towards a hard chest. You freeze, glancing behind you to see a heated Aaron. His lips graze your ear.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, sweetheart?”
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princessbrunette · 1 month
princess!! how do you think rafe would react if reader n him are arguing and she tells him that he has some serious daddy issues.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
he gets all mean. rafe doesn’t like being vulnerable, and if he’s not in the right mood to admit to victimhood — he doesn’t exactly like having his vulnerabilities pointed out either.
you’re huffing and puffing, storming around your bedroom as you pack for the ‘weekend business trip’ that rafe had organised on both of your behalf, forcing you to cancel your plans just so he could appease to his father and the business.
“but we had plans, rafe. why can’t you learn how to say no? you have some serious daddy issues if—” you rant angrily and he cuts you off with a sudden explosion.
“hey!” he yells and you shut up, turning around with wide eyes before he storms towards you, gripping your wrist to stop you from pushing him back in instinct. “this is for the business, a’ight? know you don’t quite understand what it’s like to have a real fuckin’ job, but uh — sometimes, you gotta put aside your little social plans to do some real shit and make some money. the money i spend on your god damn nails and shopping trips so i— i don’t wanna hear you psychoanalyse me, okay?” he scolds loudly, and in all honesty— despite him being mean you know he’s a little right.
you nod, silently and he lets go, allowing you to continue on packing as he paces in irritation behind you. “its like — like you have no idea how much i’m fuckin’ hustling right now. no appreciation. whatsoever.”
“i do.” you mope and he shakes his head, going back to picking up the clothes you’d thrown on the floor due to your miniature tantrum.
“daddy issues…” he scoffs to himself. “you’re one to fuckin’ talk. can’t cum without callin’ me dad, sounds like the calls coming from inside the god damn house, kid. shit.”
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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babygorewhore · 19 days
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Good boy
Rafe Cameron x fem reader
After Rafe comes over after a fight with Ward, you decide to take control and handle his mommy issues too.
Part of Dolly and Morgan’s writing game! Dividers by her!! Warnings! Mommy kink! Daddy kink! Degrading! Slapping! Choking! Unprotected sex! Proof read once! W.C 1k something. Sub!Rafe
If there was one thing about you and Rafe Cameron, it was that you both had serious parental issues. You hadn’t been dating long, it took forever to have that title given his weird commitment issues and here you were. Sitting on the couch while he ranted and raved about his father. You nodded and tried to listen without interrupting him.
“Fucking bastard. He treats me like I’m stupid and worships the ground Sarah walks on! When she’s running around with those pogues!” He puts his hands on his head while he paces your living room and you give him a look.
“Don’t shit talk Pogues too much, Rafe.” He paused and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, not you, obviously. But this is ridiculous. He doesn’t trust me at all. I made a few mistakes but I’m going to get my shit together and soon it’s gonna be me running the family business. And he’ll be sorry he ever disrespected me.” He swore to himself and nodded.
You sighed and padded the spot next to you. “Come here and sit down before you wake up the neighborhood. There’s nothing you can do about it right now. Might as well relax.” He shockingly listens to you without hesitation and sits beside you. His leg touching yours.
He usually argues about everything and anything. He would have the last word with God if it were possible. But you take the opportunity to rest your hand on his thigh, turning to face him. “Did he smack you around at all? You can tell me.” This was the question you didn’t want to ask, your hatred towards Ward as intense as his own. Rafe shook his head.
“No but he got in my face. I wanted to-“ He jerks his jaw, trying to remove the thought from his mind. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay…you don’t have to worry about him right now…” Rafe’s breath suddenly shuddered as he felt your lips brush his skin and you glanced up to his blue eyes dart around.
“I’m sick of being treated like I’m nothin.” He sniffs before harshly wiping his face with the back of his hand. “Only person who is decent to me is you. And Wheeze.”
“Baby, it’s okay. It’s gonna be alright. You can stay here with me. I’ll take care of you.” You press kisses along his throat before you maneuver yourself to straddle his thigh. Rafe looks at you with a hazed expression as you gently rock your hips, his hands settling on your ass and he squeezes.
Your fingers slide under his shirt, tickling his abs before you securely hold his shoulders as you stare into his gaze. “Is this what you needed, Rafe?” Your cunt flutters against his muscular leg and he sucks in a breath as he feels your wetness through your panties. You were wearing one of his oversized shirts without pants.
“Mhm-yeah.” He rasps as your fingers find the top of his waist band, slipping inside his boxers to tease his dick, smearing precum. “Fuck.” He sucks in a breath as you play with it.
“Awww, you like that? Need me to empty that head of yours?” He looks down as you pull his boxers all the way off, your hand still wrapped around his cock as you pump him.
He moves his hips and grinds into your palm. “Fuck, you always know what you’re doin, huh? Baby, I don’t wanna be teased,” He hissed as you move to massage his balls and you give him a smirk.
“Ask me nicely, daddy. Tell me what you want.” You hump his leg harder and he groans. Apparently having enough of your teasing as he moves you, moving your panties to the side and sinking you down on his dick. You both whine as you take him all the way, taken off guard by his actions but you’re determined to take back control.
You dig your nails into his chest and start to bounce. He grunts as you lean forward, kissing him deeply and bite his lower lip. Rafe slaps your ass hard as you grind, adjusting your thighs to cage him.
This time, you lightly slap him across the face. Rafe gasps and looks at you, making you hold your breath. Before his eyes darken and you distract him with toying with his balls with your free hand.
“You little-“ He begins and you slap him again, shoving your fingers in his mouth. Stopping him from speaking again.
“You can fucking take it. You wanna cum? Then be a good boy.” He moans and sucks your digits but you pull them out. Lifting your shirt above your head, your tits in his face and his lips wrapping around your nipple.
“Mmmm, mommy-“ He immediately turns red and you rock your hips harder. Your pussy clenching around him and squeezing him.
“What was that?” You mimic and gently tap his cheek again.
You shake your head and grip his hair, moving him off your chest. “No. Say it.” He refuses and you start to get off his lap, cunt dripping but Rafe holds you there.
“Mommy please-let me cum.” Your warm mouth latches on his throat and you suck his skin. Nipping and soothing the skin with your tongue.
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me. You’re being such a good pretty boy,” You praise and he grabs your lower back. His moans loud as he cums into you, creaming inside your pussy and you follow suit. Shaking and your eyes squeeze shut.
But you’re not finished with him, you reach forward and grab his throat, continuing to bounce. Rafe’s eyes are red rimmed and tears start to stream down his cheeks. “Fuck-mommy-don’t stop.” He whimpers and you squeeze harder.
“Don’t worry, daddy. I won’t. You’re so fuckin pathetic. Getting off by being choked by your girlfriend? Crying cuz it feels so good? Damn, Rafe. I knew you were a slut but now I know how much.” You smirk and he moans. His eyes rolling back.
“Ye-yeah.” You slap him again. With more force.
“No. You say it in a clear voice, Rafe. Tears and all.”
He cries harder, “Mama, it feels so good. I don’t want you to stop. Fuck, I needed it. I needed you. I’m gonna cum again, inside you.” You nod with a satisfied smirk.
“Good boy. You’re such a good boy for me, baby. You look so good giving me those tears.” You coo at him and he coats your insides with ropes of cum again, making you fuck him through it.
“I’m gonna make you fuckin pay for this, princess.” He promises and you give him a few more thrusts before slowing down.
“Yeah? You gonna punish me?” You taunt him and he nods weakly, his eyes widening as you sink down onto your knees.
“Looks like I better lick it all up first.”
@marchsfreakshow @drewstarkeyslut @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @slvt4jamesmarch @oceandriveab @rafesthroatbaby @gri959 @redhead1180 @starkeysprincess
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robintherobiner · 6 days
What would the Wayne Family and the Bat Family post tiktok
Bruce: videos of him buying new outfits with the material girl sound over it because, according to one post, 'his kids said it was funny and he liked seeing them smile'. on his official account though (the wayne enterprises one) his 'social media manager' posts clips from interviews and soundbites.
Batman: does not have a tiktok.
Dick: posts videos of him either doing gymnastics or of him hanging out with his siblings. Most of the time he is throwing up a peace sign and then Tim and Damian are wrestling in the background and he captions it something along the lines of 'brothers drawing blood in Blud!'
Nightwing: posts videos of short self defense tips/poses, regularly collabs with Red Hood. (not that Jason knows this, Dick just sets up a camera and then goes and bothers his brother until he tries to punch him so he can teach people to block)
Barbara: Posts videos talking about accessibility (both whats available and what should be put in place). if one of the wayne's annoy her, she also will post a compilation of them doing something silly like tripping over thin air or being caught using a hairbrush as a microphone)
Oracle: posts clips of people doing non violent crimes (faces blurred out ofc) with the caption "the eye in the sky sees you, dumbass." because why would you try ack a car on a street with three non-hidden cameras
Jason: doesn't post. anymore. does have an account from when he was a teenager where it's just him doing sped up acting videos to sounds. he has tried to log in to take it down but Bruce changed the password. Brucie regularly comments on different videos like "my baby was such a star... rip sweetie 🕊️🕊️🕊️" and its Jason lip-syncing to fucking Justin Bieber or something
Red Hood: posts videos shitting on Batman. the comments were full of people saying "daddy issues" or "i wanna be a dealer just so you can shoot me babygirl" so he turned them off. sometimes someone (tim) turns them back on and Jason gets bombarded with "BRO IS SERVING CUNT"
Cassandra: posts videos of her doing ballet, or of her showing off her strength. Not on purpose though, she thinks its fun to post videos of her teasing her brothers and the comments are like "WHY DID SHE JUST PICK UP DICK GRAYSON WITHOUT EVEN BREAKING A SWEAT WHAT"
Orphan: has a shared account with Batgirl, but she doesn't post on it, just sort of stands in the background as Steph makes funny videos.
Stephanie: enjoys posting videos pretending to be dating both Tim and Cass because she thinks its funny when the internet call her a gold digger and cheater. Bernard (after going public with Tim) occasionally fuels the fire by commenting "lmao get ur bag girl" under a video of her dragging Tim to a resturant
Batgirl: posts videos of her making fun of rogues, and on her shared account with Cass, just joins in on trends but obviously mixing it to fit her (aka: "when Batman lectures you for breaking a criminals leg but your literally just a teenage girl")
Timothy: like Bruce, he has two accounts. One is professional, with him promoting Wayne Enterprises products or whatever. Second one is full of him doing wild shit like skateboarding down the manor stairs or him trying to confuse Bruce with cringey slang. his most popular video though, is of him using the Nepo Baby sound by Fox SZN
Red Robin: posts slideshows of pictures of Gotham. All very aesthetic ones, of good architecture and people laughing together and shit. His bio is "showing you guy why I do what I do." His account is very artsy fartsy but he also was the first batfamily member to get verified
Duke: doesn't post, just likes videos.
Signal: posts videos of him trying to scare the other vigilantes, cuz, yknow, he can go invisible. tell me you wouldn't do that either if you could be invisible. exactly, you can't. He also makes videos about how hard it is to be a teen vigilante.
Damian: videos of his pets doing tricks. also regularly stitches Tim's videos and just deadass insults him. Tim always comments on his stitches with just a singular emoji because he found out it pisses Damian off more when he doesn't have a big reaction
Robin: posts about resources for gothamites. also has a shared account with Superboy (Jon) where they try and sneak up on both Superman and Batman. They have yet to succeed on either one.
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tsimvkas · 2 months
come back home — mason mount.
A/N: really sad to hear about the new injury so maybe this can distract u guys a bit. im ngl, this one is pretty personal to me so please take care of it. tbh this is a special fic for mi amore elisa, and i hope it matches her expectations. this story wouldn’t exist without you bestie 🫶🏻
word count: 8.5k | masterlist
content: reader has mommy issues, dad!mason, angsty and fluffy end
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When your mum called, you didn’t think twice.
She asked you to spend a week with her, and you accepted straight away, incapable of believing that your brother left her alone without warning you.
To be fair, you know you’re not on speaking terms with him, but it's your mother. How could he let her alone?
When you told Mason, you could see the insecurity on his face. Since you gave birth to your baby boy, you had never ever left the house without him, and leaving Manchester to go back to your mum’s in London was a big thing, but eventually he sighed and nodded.
“Just make sure you call me everyday” he kissed your forehead before kissing Leo. Just a week, you told him. In a week you would be back to your husband.
You met Mason at the Champions League final im the 20/21 season, and you like to say it was love at first sigh, the way your relationship instantly clicked is still surprising. You dated for a year before he asked you to be his wife, and you thinks you would’ve said yes another million times.
You’ve been together through the good enough season of 21/22, and all the shit of 22/23. You got pregnant in the middle of his last season for Chelsea, and Luke was born already in Manchester, in October.
Since Mason’s injury in November he’s been able to participate more, spending lots of time with his son as he doesn’t need to go to away games, and you know that this week away will make both of them sad.
You tried to tell yourself that since Mason is back at the regular training and ready to be back on the pitch, they would spend less time together anyway. It didn’t make the decision any easier.
When you packed for a week and got into the car, your husband helped to put Luke in the baby seat before kissing you lovely.
“Call me every night. Don’t let her be alone with Luke, please? And come back soon” he whispered against your lips, stroking your chin. “I love you”
“I love you” you kissed him, before reluctantly driving away from your husband.
Sundays are usually already sad and gray, but Mason is sure his just hit another level of depression.
It was already night when you got to your mum’s house, not talking much to her before settling on Matt’s old room and texting Mason.
You instantly found out that it would be a difficult week: it was the first time you were away from Mason since you gave birth, and the first time Luke had to sleep away from daddy.
The thing is that he couldn’t. You couldn’t put your baby to sleep, not even if your life depended on it. Luke kept loudly crying, tossing and squirming in your arms.
You tried your best to calm him, thinking it could have something bothering him like his current clothes or the weather difference, but not even breastfeeding calmed him down.
Mason tried to help you every time he FaceTimed you, and it was when Luke seemed to feel better but never lasted long.
You were feeling exhausted the whole week, but that didn’t stop your mother from asking you everything she could, like you were still fifteen years old with the responsibility of helping her to clean a house isn’t yours anymore.
Plus, she seemed incredibly bothered about Luke and the fact he wasn’t feeling well, dropping comments about him. You tried your best to ignore, because you know your mother isn’t the easiest person to live with, and since you were leaving soon you didn’t want to fight.
Wednesday night you were missing Mason like crazy, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped with him under the covers, and your heart twisted when his face showed up on your screen.
“Hi baby” Mason murmured, already tucked in bed and making your heart ache with the need of being there and snuggling with him.
“Hi Mase. How are you?”
“Training was fine, and I’m getting closer to come back” he smiled, and you instantly matched his expression.
“I can’t wait to watch you again, love”
You think that is adorable how Mason’s cheeks still got red when you show him affection.
“And how’s your week going?”
“It could’ve been better if I was with you. I miss you” you sighed. “But the week is almost over and I’ll be home soon”
“Good” he yawned, getting more comfortable. . “Show me my little man”
Luke was still wide awake and paying attention to what you were saying, and you showed Mason to him.
“Hi buddy, you’re being a good boy, yeah? Be good to mumma, please. I miss you”
When Luke babbled to him, Mason giggled before wishing you a good night and telling you he loved you.
When Saturday came your mother talked to you, saying Matt had some problem and he wouldn’t be back for another week, begging you to stay a little while. The hardest part was telling Mason about it.
“She needs me to stay for one more week, Masey” you murmured, feeling guilty. When Mason didn’t answer you tried again. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll be home next Sunday”
“It’s okay. I was just hoping you’d be here for Liverpool’s game tomorrow, I think I’ll be subbed on. But it’s okay, you can travel to Brentford's game with Luke” he assured you. “I wish I could go see you during the international break, but they want me to stay in rehab”
“I’m really sorry baby, I tried to contact my brother but he’s being petty” you sighed.
“I understand, princess. I just miss you” he told you gently. “How’s my buddy going?”
“He’s good, he’s just so irritated lately, I think it’s his tooth” you sighed again, feeling tired. “He misses you”
“Poor bubba” Mason pouted, making you smile. “Give him a kiss yeah?”
“Sure” you smiled. “We’ll be back at the end of the week. I love you”
When the week unfolded, you weren’t sure about your decision anymore.
You choose to stay with your mother for one more week over living your husband’s comeback, and in gratitude she spent this time talking bad things about you.
It started with innocent comments. How she would never buy the clothes you were wearing. How you were raising a clingy kid by never letting him sleep alone. How you should breastfeed him less or your boobs would get flaccid.
You tried to shrug it off, like you did when you were younger. You used to believe that your mother was always right and that she was always the mature one, but you’re not so sure anymore.
During the second week you kept calling Mason every night, sharing about your day and showing him to Luke, who would try to grab the phone and put dads on his month. When, without a question if you could or wanted, the second week turned into a third, you could feel Mason losing his patience.
“It’s okay, you can still go to Brentford’s game this Saturday” he repeated, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself instead. “You can bring Luke, Brentford is friendly. How is he doing?”
“He had a fever but he’s fine now” you showed Luke sleeping next to you, his face a little red.
“Let me know if something changes” Mason asked you, and his concerned look just proved you chose the right dad for your son.
You nodded to his image on the small screen, his adorable face almost hidden by the sheets, the bed looking incredibly big.
“Can we sleep on call?” you asked, missing him so much it was physically hurting you. Mason’s face softened and he nodded.
Some people might think that you could just go back home. If you really miss him you would do it, right?
But you know Mason understands your relationship with your mother, how you feel you owe her everything. She raised you, gave you everything you needed.
She was rough sometimes, yes. And there were days you didn’t feel loved at all, but she was still your mum, even when she couldn’t tell you she was proud, even when she couldn’t hug you during storms.
Even when she couldn’t believe you would be someone successful one day.
So you kept there, living your days boringly, washing the dishes and the clothes, playing with Luke, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner. For her, so she would be happy and proud.
And you were losing your mind.
When Brentford's game came, you weren’t able to go. You apologised to him the day before, spending hours on the phone, and even though you could see the sad look in his eyes Mason was still comprehensive.
“She needs me to accompany her to the exam” you told him, and Mason himself could see you weren’t funny about your current situation; you just weren’t brave enough to hurt your mother the way she hurts you and leave.
You were able to watch the game when you came back from your mother’s exam and it wasn’t a surprise to you when Mason changed the whole game by being subbed on.
Luke was already sleeping, so you tried your best not to scream when your husband scored, tearing up to see he dedicated the goal to you by pointing to his ring finger.
You were able to talk with him only for a few minutes before he desperately needed to sleep, whispering that you was proud of him and the way his voice cracked when he told you he loved you made your heart hurt.
Following the week, you weren’t able to talk much with him. Only quick calls at night before he dozed off still holding his phone, feeling much more tired now that he’s back at attending games even though he doesn’t play the full match.
Your Wednesday started with Luke’s little sobs waking you up, and you were sure he wasn’t feeling well again. After breastfeeding and showering with him, you managed to get you both changed and ready to start the day.
When you got downstairs your mother was already in the kitchen, and you could hear her complaining that you were late.
“For what?” you surprised her, and despite being early in the morning she seemed grumpy already.
“For breakfast, what more could it be? I had to cook it myself” she snorted, and you took a deep breath before
“If you’re capable of it, I don’t see what’s wrong” you shrugged.
The truth is that you’re starting to wonder what he hell you’re doing there and why Matt hasn’t come back. What should be a week turned into a month and you was living her life instead of yours.
When you sat at the table for breakfast, after managing to cook your own meal with Luke in one of your arms, you had to take a deep breath as soon as she started to talk.
You’ve heard in silence when she talked about you and Luke, but never makes you more furious like when your mother decides to talk about Mason.
“He could spend more time in the gym” she told you, suddenly. “Your husband”
You were only capable of frowning at her, not understanding why she would brought this out of nowhere.
“What do you mean?”
“He could train more. Maybe some more muscles would make him prettier and better at football” she shrugged, making you laugh in disbelief.
“He’s already pretty and good at football”
“I don’t know, Y/N. I feel like he’s not the right man to you, and I want the best to my little girl”
Mason is the most caring and gentle man you’ve ever known, and you knew you couldn’t sit there and hear her talking shit about him day after day.
“Mum, you can’t be serious. He’s my husband. Not only this, but he’s Luke’s father. Don’t talk about him like that”
“Are you sure he doesn’t cheat on you?” she innocently asked, making you choke on your coffee.
“Mum!” you gasped, not believing what she was saying.
Luke’s eyes widened and you tried to recompose yourself so he wouldn’t cry out of fear
“I mean, he could have anyone… everyone. A skinny and tanned woman, with pretty features…”
There it was. The reason why you grew up so insecure, something that would annoy lots of men — but not Mason. Not your boy, who would reassure you every time and make you really believe that you’re pretty and loved.
Her words still stung though, but you shrugged them off.
“Mason loves me” was everything you told her before leaving the table with Luke.
You went out for a walk with your baby, trying to make the day pass faster and see if he’d feel better after some fresh air. When it started to get dark, you came back home and gave Luke a shower, laying in bed with him.
Later that night Mason called you like he always does, and you were happy to see his name shining on your screen.
“Hi baby” you whispered, but to your surprise he didn’t greet you back.
“How’s Luke?” Mason murmured, and you could sense the tiredness and loneliness in his voice. “Don’t you think you should bring him back home so we can get him to our doctor?”
“Yeah, that’s what I want to do. But I can’t leave my mum alone and Matt won’t answer the phone-”
But Mason had enough, and suddenly he lost his patience.
“And why, exactly, can’t you leave her alone, Y/N? Enlighten me, please. From what I can remember, she can do everything perfectly. She’s not sick, she’s not weak. She’s just using you”
Mason never liked your mother, much due to how she treats you, and you understand. It just hurts that you have so many good things to talk about his mother whilst yours is always giving him reasons to hate her.
“Mason… she’s my mother. Can we not talk about her like that?” you murmured, but you know he’s right.
On the other side, Mason did his best to not scream at you, something he swore he would never, even if it’s out of frustration.
“She’s your mother, yeah. And I’m your fucking husband. I know you never chose to have a narcissist as your mother, but you chose to marry me and I thought I would have an important spot in your life. I know family comes first but I thought that someday you’d start to prioritize the family you made”
You could feel how tired he was. How he needed you to understand his point.
“I’m trying, Mase” was the only thing you were capable of whispering.
“You say you are but you keep choosing her. You keep going when she calls even though you know she’s only going to hurt you. You keep choosing your mother over your husband and I don’t know if I can do this anymore”
“Mason…” your heart dropped. “Don’t say that”
“Do you have any idea of how much I miss my son? How much I’ve been missing my wife? It’s been a month, Y/N. And I feel like you’re not thinking about my feelings, at all”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, it was supposed to be just a week” you tried to defend yourself. “I don’t know what’s going on or why Matt isn’t back yet. It has been hard for me too, yeah? I miss you so much and I’m sorry”
“Well I think you should set your priorities” he murmured before turning the call off on your face.
You instantly felt the tears forming. He hasn’t said it was over, but it was obviously a warning that it wasn’t over just yet.
With a sick Luke in one of your arms, you started to clean the room you had been staying in. Cleaning always helps you, and you let your cry reach out to you during the process, feeling overwhelmed and tired.
You wanted your home and your husband, but as a daughter you feel like you need to take care of your mother. Like you’re supposed to give her everything she’s been giving you your whole life.
After tidying the room you went downstairs to prepare the dinner, and whilst you mixed the sauce something snapped. What were you doing there?
You should be cooking for Mason, so he would have a proper meal after his nap. Luke should be sitting in his baby chair whilst you were humming happy songs. Not there, where your mother can cook her own dinner and clean her own house.
It wasn’t your fault that she couldn’t understand that you have your own family now.
When you set the table for dinner your mother wasn't home yet, and you ate with Luke’s little screams, trying to smile at him. She finally arrived an hour later, and whilst she entered the house you decided that you had enough.
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning” you told her whilst she closed the door. “Mason will face Chelsea and I need to be there. And Luke is sick, so I’m heading back home after the game to take him to his doctor in Manchester”
“What are you talking about? He looks fine”
“I’m his mother. I know when he’s not doing well” you snapped at her. “And don’t come to me saying you don’t wanna be alone. You’re not alone, are you? Because I spent the day here to be with you whilst you’re walking around the city or going to your friend’s house” you tried not to snap. “And getting drunk every Saturday even tho I tell you how much I hate it. We’re leaving tomorrow, whether you like it or not”
Not leaving her time to answer, you went upstairs to sleep a bit. When Luke finally slept you debated whether or not you should send a message to Mason letting him know you would go back home after the game.
Deciding not to disturb him any more and imagining that he was still upset with you, you laid with your son and tried to sleep, but the shooting thoughts wouldn’t let you.
What if Mason had enough? What if he doesn’t want you anymore, what if you are too late?
When you woke up, you took Luke in your arms and started to pack. Since you were supposed to stay only for a week you didn’t have much to organise, and soon you were ready to go.
Your plans were to drive to Stamford Bridge and see Mason after the game before heading to Manchester whilst he came back home with the team.
But as soon as you checked beneath the pillow and under the bed, you realised your phone wasn’t anywhere.
Taking Luke downstairs and looking everywhere you could, you tried to ask your mother.
“Have you seen my phone? It’s not where it should be”
“You should take care of your stuff, Y/N. I thought I taught you that your things are your responsibility” she told you with a flat look and you stared at her for a few seconds, in disbelief.
After hours of searching for it, you gave up. There was only an hour left before the game and since you only started to drive recently the idea of driving around without following the GPS terrified you, so you had to make a choice.
Plus, you were tired from searching for it and all you wanted was to eat something and watch the game with Luke.
Deciding to bath with your baby and cook dinner, you sat on the couch to see the game, your stomach churning with the need to be there.
A few minutes into the first half, your mother looked at you from up the stairs.
“I thought you were going back home today?” she teased you, making you frown.
You chose not to answer, paying attention to the game instead. When Mason was finally subbed on you pointed at him, bouncing Luke in your thigh.
“Look at dada, Luke. We’ll see dada soon”
“Dada” he babbled, making you gasp.
“Yeah, dada. It’s your dada” you poked his waist, the teas already forming. Luke couldn’t stop calling for dada once he said it for the first time, and he kept repeating it until the game was over.
You were incredibly sad by the result, knowing you should be at home when Mason gets there so you could hold him and scratch his scalp after his warm bath.
Deciding to sleep early, you waited for your mother to go to her bedroom and carefully brought your bags downstairs before laying with Luke and forcing yourself to sleep, determined to leave the next morning — even if you had to drive like the old ones, asking for instructions and following the signs.
On the other hand, Mason was desperate. He knew from the moment he turned the call off that he needed to apologise for how he talked to you.
But he was angry, stressed and frustrated. He wanted you there, supporting him. Cuddling him after his tiring games, listening to him when he needs to. He wants you there talking about your day, warming the bed, bringing Luke to him after a shower so you can change into your pyjamas.
He wants his family and he can’t cope with the fact they’re not with him.
Mason can’t believe you and Luke weren’t there watching his first goal, and scoring felt bittersweet. He wanted nothing more than to share this moment with you.
Since he met you, Mason knows how hard your mother is. Narcissist, dramatic, always trying to make you feel sorry for hurting her — when you were only setting boundaries.
And he also knows how hard had been for you, not finding the courage to break the circle and move on from her. But in all this time he never had to deal with this, you and his son so far away from him because of a woman who doesn’t even respect her own children.
When he went to bed a few hours after the call, Mason started to worry and he knows you were mad when you didn’t text him before bed, but at the same time he wanted to apologise for the way he talked he still meant everything he said, so he took a deep breath and choose to wait until the next day so he could talk to you properly.
His heart hurt knowing he was going to bed without telling you he loves you, something none of you ever did, but Mason was sure you’d figure it out after the game since you promised you would go, so he did his best to sleep and rest.
He looked everywhere. He asked everyone.
You just weren’t there.
When the game ended, Mason just wanted to bring you and his son and tell you he needed you home when he got there. He needed someone he could cry to, someone he could tell how overwhelming being back felt.
All he wanted was to survive the bus drive with all his teammates feeling sorry — for the loss and for him. And then lay in your arms so you could reassure him he’s doing well and that he makes you proud, whilst Luke’s little fingers tried to make him bald.
But they told him you weren’t in the United box and soon he found out you never entered the stadium Mason’s heart twisted.
First he felt a shameful feeling of anger. Why the fuck couldn’t you do this little thing for him? Relationships are supposed to be about making sacrifices and he watched you put yourself first for an entire month, always being understanding. The only thing he expected in return was for you to be there.
And you couldn’t? You say love him so much, but still couldn’t be there?
Then, when he finally showered and changed into some trainers before heading to the bus, Mason was able to check his phone just to see you hadn’t answered his pre-game messages, and quickly his anger turned into worry.
He called you five times, but every call went to voicemail. Mason pondered if you were ignoring him — or if something bad had happened.
Knowing you for four years, he doesn’t think you would give up on your relationship like that. But the way he hung up on you the night before, and how he accused you of not caring about him… he just can’t help but overthink.
With his heart pounding, Mason opened his Instagram app and searched for the only person who could help him, whilst he was forced to come back to Manchester when all he wanted to do was come to you.
The sound of the doorbell ringing woke you up, and you checked the hours just to see it was just past 2am. Luke instantly started to cry, and you took him in your arms before rushing downstairs and opening the door to the person you never thought you would see there.
“What are you doing here?” you frowned to your brother.
“Mason called me. Where’s that freak you call your mother?” he said harshly. “Why don’t you answer your phone? Your husband is losing his mind. He thinks something bad happened”
“I’ve been looking for my phone since yesterday morning, I don’t know, it’s vanished” you explained, following him. “Matt! What’s happening?”
“She’s been lying to you, Y/N. She’s probably hiding your phone right now. These are yours?” he pointed to the things you’ve packed, and you nodded. “I was never meant to come back. I told her I was leaving, cause I was tired of the manipulation. I was tired of her telling me my girlfriend doesn’t deserve me or telling me I owe everything I am to her. I owe her nothing”
You could feel the lump already forming in your throat, and you wanted nothing more than to call Mason. Matt silently put your bags in the front door, and soon his girlfriend got out of the car to take them.
“I realised something was wrong” you told him. “And Luke has been feeling sick so I packed, but then the morning I told her I’d go to the game and then head back home I couldn’t find my phone anymore. What Mason told you?”
“Not gonna lie to you, he’s feeling awful. I think he’s been crying, too. He told me you were supposed to go to the game tonight?” he asked, and you nodded, your heart dropping. “He said he tried to call you before and when you ignored him he thought you were still angry, but now that you didn’t show up at Stamford he thinks you either were kidnapped or decided to leave him. There’s only these bags?”
“Yeah” you quickly nodded. “She asked me to spend just a week”
“Compulsive liar” Matt snorted. “Let’s go, get in the car. I’ll take you to my home and we can go to yours in the morning”
You nodded again, but before you could obey him you mother showed up in the stairs.
“What’s going on here?” your mother’s voice made you jump as you were still two kids doing something she wouldn’t approve of.
“Please, don’t. Just go back to your room, I’m taking Y/N’s home”
“You can’t do that!” she raised her voice, trying to show a mother authority she doesn’t have over him anymore.
“What do you mean I can’t do that, you psycho? Leave us alone. You used me for years, I’m not letting you do the same with her”
“Don’t be stupid, Matthew. All I ever asked you was for you to take care of me like I took care of you your whole life. All I ever expected was you both to love me like I loved my childs” she gestured, and you could feel your heart hurting. She’s your mother and you should be so tough with her…
“Why can’t you understand that we have our own family now?” Matt snorted, his big body trying to hide you from your hysterical mother. “Y/N is a mother. She has a child to take care of, she can’t look after you when you’re capable of looking after yourself”
When you realised Luke was about to cry from all the noise, you started to rock him back and forth, trying to protect his ears.
“I am your family. All those years I left my life in standby to raise you. I gave you two food, a home, a warm bed to sleep” your mother shouted, gesturing.
“And as a mother this was exactly what the world expected from you. You did nothing but your obligations. No one asked you to be a mother, so you can’t point your fingers and act like we should be grateful for the simple things you gave us. The minimal” Matt kept his tone low. “But you lacked the essential. The respect for your kids. The love, acceptance. You only love yourself. Now you say we’re not returning everything you did for us but guess what: this is what you did for us. You reap what you sow. You can not raise a child thinking about what they can bring you in the future”
“Everything I’ve done, everything I say is because I care! But go on, make me the villain, take her thy stupid footballer” she turned to face you. “Go back to him and raise this stupid child. Just don’t come back running to mummy when he changes you for a prettier and hotter girl, leaving you with only his clone to remind you of what you’ve lost!”
It was unconscious, the way you left the safe space Matt had created for you and advanced in her direction. You never believed you were capable until it was done, the echo of your hand meeting her cheek spreading in the silent room.
“Talk about me as much as you want. But do never, ever again talk about my husband or my son. Is not our fucking fault dad couldn’t handle your behaviour anymore, and is not our fucking fault he left you for a prettier and hotter woman” you pointed a finger to her face. “I’m done with you. I’m done with you forever, and if cutting you from my life is what I need to do so I won’t be the wife and mother you were, then I’m doing it right now”
“C’mon, Y/N” Matt put a hand on your shoulder, slowly bringing you closer to him. “Let’s go home”
You checked Luke on your arms afraid your impulsive action had hurt him, whilst Matt took you outside.
“She still has my phone-” you realised before you could enter your car.
“Leave it behind, yeah? Mason can buy you a new one. Look at it as a new beginning” he squeezed your shoulders, and it felt like having a brother again.
In that moment you understood that this was what had happened to him, too. That this was the reason he never replied to you anymore.
When Matt left his mother’s house in an attempt to be free, he had to leave everything behind, including you.
You think you won’t ever really understand what it cost him to come back there, but he did it.
He could never leave his little sister behind.
You took Luke out from the baby seat before following Alice inside. She came back driving Matt’s car whilst he drove yours, so you hadn’t had the chance to talk to her.
Once inside, Matt put you in the biggest guest room of his house, trying his best to make you comfortable. You used the sheets and the pillows to make a fort around Luke, and went downstairs to talk to your brother after so long.
After making you all tea, Alice sat besides him and you genuinely smiled seeing how they clearly completed each other.
You started by explaining to them what she told you in the first place, and how she was trying to keep you there for more and more days every time another week ended. When you told about your fight with Mason, Matt was quick to reassure you that he knows Mase will understand you, but you were still feeling reckless and seeing your husband was the only thing you wanted.
“I tried to contact you” Matt told you shyly. “It’s been months since I left her house, maybe six?”
“Around Luke’s birth” you whispered.
“But I left my phone too. It was a choice I had to make. Since you don’t have an Instagram, I tried Mason’s but-”
“He’s too famous to see your message” you giggled.
“I think he unfollowed me when he thought we weren’t on speaking terms- when you thought we weren’t. He’s a good one, you know?”
“He is” you smiled, thinking about your boy.
“I’ll get the car ready for the trip” he murmured, suddenly looking awkward.
As soon as he left, Alice saw you were still processing your feelings and came to sit near you. After a few seconds in silence, she started to talk.
“You don’t have to love her just because she’s your mother” she told you, holding your hand. “Mothers aren’t saints, Y/N. It’s okay to dislike our mothers when they act bad, when they hurt you. It’s okay to even hate a mother that does no good to her kids”
“But she’s my blood” you told her the same you’ve always told your brother, but as a woman your age Alice understands your feelings and is delicate to answer you.
“That doesn’t mean anything. Do you see Debbie? Matt told me about her, and how much she cares about you. She’s your blood? No. But she’s been treating you better than your blood has” she ran hiii her fingers through your hair. “I know it’s hard to make this decision, but a mother that hurts and lies, a mother that tries to get in the middle of your marriage isn’t a good mother. Just think if you’d ever do to Luke any of the stuff she did to you”
When you looked up your brother was by the door, and you know he’s the only one who actually shares this controversial feeling with you.
“I wanna go home” you sniffed. “To Mason”
“We’ll take you there” Matt assured you, stretching his arms out to you. “But give me a hug first”
“I’m so sorry she got between us” you murmured after hugging him, resting your face on his shoulder.
“Me too. But see? We’re free now, princess. Your big brother is here”
When he opened the door for you early in the morning, Mason’s heart dropped. With Matt and his girlfriend waiting in the car, he was sure you were there to pick your stuff and leave.
“Mase?” you called him nervously, since he wouldn’t move or make any indication of hugging you.
“Are you leaving? I- I didn’t mean it you know, I didn’t mean to be rude with you I was just so tired and angry and I came home after training and you weren’t here and I got so pissed off” his voice was shaky and he didn’t stop talking to breath. “And then I thought we could solve things after the game but you weren’t at the game and I tried to call you so many times and I swear I wanted to go there and talk to you but the gaffer told me I was supposed to come back with the team”
You quickly entered the house so your brother wouldn’t be worried. The last thing you needed was him and Alice wanting to stay — you needed to talk with Mason alone, your family needed this time together.
You circled his waist with one arm, the other holding Luke between you two, and waited for him to hug your shoulders. When Mason calmed down you pulled away just so you could look at him.
“What’s going on?” you asked him, a hand going straight to his cheek. “Are you having panic attacks again?”
Mason shook his head, calmer now that you were inside the house and Matt’s car was gone. Luke stretched out his tiny arms to Mason and you instantly passed him to your husband.
“I thought- I saw Matt’s car parked and I thought you were here to take your stuff” he shyly admitted, his cheeks blushing.
“Oh baby, I would never leave you” you ran your fingers through his hair and your heart tightened when he hugged Luke like his life depended on this.
A lonely tear went down his cheek and you brushed it.
“We’re not going anywhere big boy, you can relax. I think you’re close to suffocating him” you giggled, your heart hurting at how tight he was holding Luke.
“Am I?” Mason’s eyes widened as he pulled his son away, to be sure he wasn’t hurting him.
“Sorry, I was just kidding” you laid your head on your husband’s shoulder. “We missed you so much. I’m so sorry, Mase”
When Luke laid his head on daddy’s other shoulder, your eyes watered.
Since you gave him birth, since he grew inside you even, you could never understand how someone could hurt their own child. You would die and kill for him, and you know Mason feels the same way.
Being a mother like yours turned out to be your biggest fear since you saw the first positive test. Now, each day he grows more you’re sure you could never.
You could never treat him like his opinions and wishes aren’t valid. You could never tell him he can’t simply answer you his point of view no matter what, even when you’re wrong. You could never put yourself first when your son depends on you.
“Believe me, I missed you more. The bed was always cold, every night, and the house is so quiet without Luke, the food doesn’t taste the same, there’s not a single drawing in the bathroom wall and everything looks so lifeless” his voice cracked, and you looked at him to see uncountable tears spilling down his face. “Ever again. You’re not leaving my side ever again”
You nodded, trying to reassure him and ease the panic you could see in his eyes. Hugging his waist, you peppered kisses to his jaw, feeling the salty water on your lips.
“We’re not going anywhere, baby. I swear”
Mason’s sobs caught Luke’s attention, and he looked at his dad with the prettiest face you’ve ever seen, full of confusion.
Your words weren’t enough to stop Mason’s breakdown once he was feeling safe to show you how much the last month affected him and his body started to shake, so you guided him to the couch and sat with your back against the arm so he could lay between your legs.
With Luke sitting on one of your legs and Mason’s head resting on the other, you let your husband cry.
“It’s ok, Mase” you scratched his scalp, trying to soothe him. Your heart physically hurt when he clinged to you, hugging your waist tighter. “I’m here now”
“Sorry” he whispered when you started to brush his tears.
“Don’t feel sorry for being hurt, Masey. You can cry to me whenever you need to, I’m here to protect you too”
“You, protecting me?” he giggled, and you smiled at the sound of it. He got up from your lap and gave you a shy smile, stretching his hands out for Luke who immediately tried to go to him.
“Yeah, it’s your turn to be taken care of” you shrugged, giving your baby boy to him.
“Oh so you’ll take care of me?” Mason gave you a smirk and you rolled your eyes playfully before remembering what you wanted to show him the most.
“Daddy is being a naughty boy, Luke. Tell him to be better, uh? Tell dad to behave”
“Da” Luke babbled, and Mason pinched his chubby cheeks.
“One month alone with mum and you already forgot that I’m your partner in crime?”
“Da-dada” he kept going, and you wish you could get Mason’s reaction tattooed, the way he confused eyes looked at you.
“What the fu-“
“Don’t curse” you giggled, covering his mouth, but Mason could hear the sad tone on your voice. “He said if for the first time last night, we were watching the game and I told him we would see dada soon. He can’t stop anymore I guess”
Mason kissed Luke’s cheek, laughing between sobs when he squirmed, giving little screams.
“You have training today?” you whispered, afraid of ruining the moment but Mason shook his head.
“I’ll call the gaffer to explain” he brushed his fingers through Luke’s face.
“I’ll run his bath then” you told your husband before kissing his head and quickly going upstairs, trying to give them some time alone.
In reality, you feel so bad for separating father and son for an entire month. Seeing Mason’s cry made it hit you how bad your actions hurt him, even intentionally.
Imagining how you would feel if it was the opposite, your heart physically hurt with guilt, how hard this month apart was for Mason and you could feel a few hot tears spilling down your face. Now, you can only hope he won’t hold any grudge against you, despite what you did.
Less than ten minutes later, Mason was entering your shared room and walking straight to the en-suite so he could find you.
“Babe? You can’t leave your boys alone, we don’t know how to take care of ourse- ei, what’s wrong?” he cupped your cheek, and just the warmth of his hand was enough to make you feel better.
“Nothing” you shook your head, drying your face with the back of your hand. “Can you take off his clothes?”
“We’ll talk about it once he’s sleeping” Mason kissed your forehead, squeezing your waist. You nodded, letting him go and undress Luke whilst you chose some toys for your son.
You put the toys in the bath, checking again to be sure the water wasn’t too hot and turning around to Mason.
“Can you bathe him?” you asked him and he instantly nodded, holding your waist before you could leave.
“Go bath in the guest bathroom if you need some time alone, yeah?” he caressed your chin, and your heart pounded even more with how gentle he could be with you even though you hurt him.
Since he seems to know you more than you know yourself, you obeyed. Taking what you’d need, you headed to the guest bathroom and took a warm shower.
You wanted to cry. You wanted to let it all go when Mason and Luke weren't around, but you couldn’t. There was just a whole in your chest, but no tears.
After washing your hair in an attempt to feel freshened and lightened, you wrapped yourself in your robe and came back to your room. Mason wasn’t there, so you imagine he was at Luke’s room putting him to sleep, and not wanting to get in the middle of their father and son time you changed in your pyjamas and tucked in bed.
Half an hour ater you still weren’t able to close your eyes, staring the wall. You’ve heard when your husband entered the room and changed from his trainers, wanting to lay down with you.
“You can go to training if you’re not too late, Mase” you told him softly, not wanting him to get in trouble.
“No way” was his only groaned response, and you sighed when Mason cuddled you seconds later, his arm circling your waist.
Your eyes instantly teared up.
“Go on” Mason kissed your shoulder. “You don’t need to hold it, it’s just us”
“I can’t believe she did this” you tried to tell him without crying, but with every little kiss on your shoulder you could feel the breakdown coming. “Lying would’ve been bad enough but hiding my phone? Not caring that Luke was feeling sick- oh we need to take him to Dr. Linn”
“I’ll take care of it. Keep going” he encouraged you, and you couldn’t understand how he was the one left behind for a month but still so worried about you.
“I don’t know why she wanted me there. The entire month, every day she had something bad to say about me or you, or even Luke. Always leaving to see her friends or get drunk, so in the end I was alone most of the time. She hates me and my family, but she still wanted to keep me around for some reason” your eyes were burning at this point, and Mason’s soft skin against yours made you feel safe enough to finally let the tears spill. “I’m so sorry you had to live an entire month without him”
His hug tightened a bit when you sobbed.
“It’s not your fault. And I lived an entire month without you too, you know? You were missed just as badly”
“It is my fault, Mason. You said it yourself, I chose her over my family and I’m really sorry about it. I want you to spend more time with him, make up for lost time”
Mason pulled away just enough so he could helo turn your body to face his, his hand going straight to cup your chin.
“Y/N, what’s that? I don’t wanna spend hours alone with Luke, even though I love him more than anything. I wanna make up for lost time with my family, not only with half of it. I was angry that night, yeah? I was tired and missing you and I was so pissed you weren’t here when I got back home, I just snapped”
“You had every right to” you murmured, his thumbs never stopping with caressing your face.
“And then the next morning you weren’t answering my calls and when the time came you weren’t at the game like you said you would and I was so scared you had given up on us. So during the night I couldn’t sleep and I realised… I know you, I know you wouldn’t deprive me of my son even though you didn’t want to talk to me yourself, so I panicked. I’m sorry I called Matt, he was my only option”
“Matt and I were good” you smiled at him, and the way his eyebrows raised made you giggle. “I could never give up on us, silly. You’re my everything. Not going to bed with you every night, not making your breakfast every morning… it was the worst month of my life”
“That’s why I gotta give you my attention too, babe. You’re my girl, and Luke knows how to share, you know? He’s not selfish”
“Well, I don’t think I deserve your attention. Look what you had to go through for an entire month” you groaned, but Mason just sighed before placing his forehead against yours.
“You were manipulated, by someone you love a lot. You were worried and wanted nothing more than to help her, and I understand that staying away from me was a consequence of what you needed to do in your head, even tho in reality you didn’t have to do anything. I don’t really like your mum but I love mine, and I know the feeling of being able to do anything for her” he held you tighter. “You don’t need to feel guilty about it”
“Mason, you can’t pretend it’s alright. I lost the most important game of the season. I lost your fucking goal. I should’ve been there to support you and then I should’ve been here to comfort you” you chocked, the guilty feeling eating you alive.
“It’s not ok! And I’d feel better if you just admit it, let me apologise and forgive me” you tried to breath and calm down. “You lost the first time he called for you and it’s my fault”
“We’ll, I’m listening now. And he can’t stop, isn't it adorable? The tiny human we made. With so much love” he kissed your forehead. “I missed you so much I think I feel like making another one any time”
“Mason!” you gasped, feeling your cheeks getting warm.
“What? The day we made Luke was so hot. A mess, but incredibly hot” he closed his eyes, licking his lips and you had to look away with flaming cheeks. You know exactly the day you got pregnant since it happened in a month you and Mason only got to sleep together once. Mason laid on his back and helped you lay half of your body on top of his. “Fine, baby. Let me hear your apologies”
“I’m really sorry for missing your first goal. You have no idea how awful I feel, because I should be there to celebrate it with you, to scream loud with the fans, to show how proud I was. And I’m sorry I lost the most important game for you. I hope you know I would never do that on purpose, and we wanted to be there for you. But I watched on TV and I’m so proud of you. You did so well with the time you had, and I’m sorry about the general result. You were so pretty though”
“Was I?”
“I’m starting to understand the hair now” you giggled. “It filled my tummy with butterflies”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna make another baby? Because you’re sounding like you do” he teased. “You’re forgiven, princess. And I don’t wanna you beating yourself about it, yeah? I already told you, I understand what happened and how stuck you were. It’s your family, after all”
“No” you shook your head, clinging even more against him. “You are my family. You and Luke”
“And the babygirl we’re gonna make soon?”
“Stop” you groaned, burying your face in his bare chest. “I want another one too”
“Really?” he pouted, and you could never say no to him.
“We could try your girl or start the Mason Mount FC” you hummed, content when he kissed you.
“Perfect” he murmured, lips brushing yours softly. You stared into his eyes, smiling when he raised his eyebrows. “Wanna start trying now? Cause I honestly missed you so much-”
“Shut up” you giggled, relaxing in his embrace. Brushing your nose against his neck, you inhaled the after shave smell and focused on how soft his neck is.
After a few minutes appreciating his warmth, you allowed yourself to sleep deeply, finally in your home. Where you are loved for who you are, not for what you can offer. Where you are wanted and your presence is valid. Where you feel safe.
Not your perfect three store white house, no. Your home. Mason Mount.
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chrolloluvr · 3 months
How about cuddling headcanons for Adam, Mammon, and Alastor? I'm in need of snuggles.
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♡ Mammon, Adam & Alastor Cuddling Hcs ♡
Note: YESSS I LOVE SNUGGLES!!!! And ty for requesting, so here are my thoughts! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Female!Reader, AFAB
Warnings: Sexual themes, thats all!
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Mammon ♡:
Always the big spoon. He is super clingy, but only a few times will he ever little spoon.
When he is a big spoon, he likes smelling you. I know it sounds a bit strange, but he likes your natural scent. So he will sniff your hair, neck, etc.
When he is rarely a little spoon, he will just lay there while you wrap your arms around his neck. It looks silly since he is so large, but you two manage to make it work. (or atleast he forces you to)
He comes home really late at night. So he thinks your so cute when he comes home and find you asleep without him. So he will place you on his chest and stomach, and fall asleep with you.
A little secret between the two of you, he likes when you baby and coddle him. Like telling him stories, etc, But if you ever mention it to anybody else, he will go full on ballistic on you.
He likes to use your boobs as pillows. If they are big or small, he just likes laying on your chest. It helps him fall asleep easier, even though he is an extremely heavy sleeper.
His favorite cuddling position is you laying ontop of him. He likes how easily he can see you, and how he can touch you, and run his hands over your warm body easily.
If he is upset, all he wants is your hands massaging or wrapping around his (nonexistent) neck :(
If you try to get up, he wont let you. He'll trap you in his four arms. Even when he is asleep he knows whenever you are about to get up. He wont let you get up to even go to the bathroom, so you might as well just pee your pants at this point. He has a certain reflex.
"Nooo stay.... five more minutes, cmon sweets...."
However, if he needs to move, he wont hesitate to get up and just let you fall.
He prefers if you are wearing less clothing while cuddling. Not like fully naked, but in a bra and underwear. He likes how your in a relaxed state. Him on the other hand, he will sleep fully clothed. He likes to feel your natural warmth, since he is naturally cold.
He also likes trapping his head in your thighs. They are nice and warm for him, and sooo comfy. Like if you two are watching TV, or if he is rambling on about basically anything that annoys him- (which is everything at this point)
Wont make anything sexual unless you initiate. Its not like he isnt horny (trust me, he is quite a bit), But he just gets lazy sometimes...
Cuddles in his webs. He will make a cute little fort for you out of pillows and webs to make you comfortable and eased for him if you are alone.
He hates when people try to get in his way of you and your daily cuddles. Will drop anything and everything to cuddle with you.
His favorite places to cuddle are on his big webs at the stadium, or alone in bed. He wont flat out cuddle you in the webs, but will get very comfortable.
He will have you snuggle up to hip, one of his left arms on top of your head, the other around your waist.
Overall, he is stubborn when it comes to getting his way during cuddling, but he makes it somewhat enjoyable.
Some things he will say:
"Babe, c'mere for a second. I need your company right now, hm?"
"Awh, your such a good girl, you're so cute layin' on me like this"
"Just gonna take one photo, hope you dont mind sweets...."
"Your gonna let daddy lay on your thighs, yeah?"
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Adam ♡:
Switch between big and little spoon. Also super clingy, even more so that Mammon. So he always has to be touching you in some way.
When he is big spoon, he likes resting his head in the crook of your neck. It relaxes him to an extent, since he has ALOT of anger issues...
When he is little spoon, he likes to feel you hold him. It makes him feel safe with you, and like all of his problems are lifted.
If you try to get up, he will start complaining and whining like a child.
"ughhh noo babe... come back...god damnit..."
His favorite cuddling position is you laying face up on his chest, with one leg up like this. Because he likes to see all of his favorite assets.
Speaking of assets, he likes your ass. Grabbing it, especially in this position. He will run his hand over it with one hand, and give it the occasional slap.
Or he will put his hands down your shirt/bra and just cup your breasts, and leave his hands there. Not even moving them.
Another one of his favorite ways to cuddle with you is by laying his head on your ass. He will literally just lay there, and act liek nothing is wrong with it. Like before bed, watching TV, he will even make you do it if he is in his office.
His favorite thing to see you wear when cuddling is an oversized t shirt w/ no bra, and panties. He thinks you look cozy, and a plus if you wear one of his shirts. Or one of his robes/any of his clothing.
He is a super heavy sleeper. He snores really really loud. You literally have to use an airhorn to wake him up. He also sleeps with his mouth hanging open.
As I have said before, he will somehow turn everything sexual, including simple cuddling. You could by nuzzling into him all cute, and he would start to run his hands in your panties. -_-
Hes a chatterbox. Even when he sleeps, he sleeptalks. He will blab on about his day, how annoying some people are, how sera is a real bitch-
SO you physically have to cover his mouth with your hand.
Does not like taking his mask off, but you are a rare exeption. He just feels so comfortable around you, and he loooves the feeling of your hands raking through his hair. It gets him to shut up really fast.
But overall, he is actually really enjoyable to be around, especially when cuddling. Just don't get too attached, because then he wont leave you alone.
Some things he will say:
"Please? Lets just lay down for a bit babe, im tired."
"Ughhh just stay do you have to go to the bathroom every 5 seconds?"
"If you leave im gonna be very upset y/n." :(
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Alastor ♡:
Always the big spoon. He just likes the feeling of you laying with him, and being able to hold you innocently.
His favorite part about cuddling is feeling your skin flush again his. He in general does not enjoy being touched, but by you? You are lucky to be considered the only exeption.
He likes when you play with his ears sometimes. Most of the time he wont let you, but when he is feeling docile he likes feeling your fingers rub and scratch the base of his ears. Never his antlers though.
Or when you rest your head against his chest. He cant help but bring a hand up to your back and affectionately sooth it.
If you try to get up, he also will not let you. Unless you have to go to the bathroom, he will accompany you since he is a gentleman. (in his mind, that is a gentlemanly thing to do.)
"Sweetheart, do you need to get up? Here, let me join you."
His favorite position is the classic hold from behind. He sleeps with his eyes open, so it helps if you are not scared by him and facing away...
He enjoys holding you affectionately, and being so vulnerable around you. You can also hear gentle radio static that sounds like white noise.
Places he likes to cuddle are his bed, chair up in his radio tower, and on the couch occasionally. And only if he is sure nobody is around.
Alastor is a very private person, especially with you. He prefers to keep his love life and cuddling activities secluded.
His favorite thing to see you wear is a silk robe, either red or white. He thinks you look elegant and very attractive to him. He likes the feeling of the silk against him, which soothes him for some reason.
He never takes cuddling and makes it sexual. Even if you were to initiate, he would play dumb and act like he doesn't know what you are trying to do. He just hates ruining he moment with his darling.
Meaning he takes snuggling with you very seriously. He will drop everything to nuzzle up to you. He acts like it doesn't faze him, but really it does in only a way you can do.
Here are some things he will say to you:
"Darling, how about you and I relax for a little bit? It may ease your nerves."
"Sweetheart, are you asleep? Oh dont you just look adorable."
"Hm, how about you get up now? Its been a little while, my dear."
So overall, snuggling with him gets you really relaxed, but he has a make staring problem if you don't mind...
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balletfilmss · 1 month
✸ pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader
✸ synopsis: no, you’re not coming to your senses. even if it’s your father who’s telling you to
✸ warnings: none!
✸ notes: writing’s so weird…like it took me weeks to do my last work & i cranked this out in TWENTY minutes
idea from this post by @percabething!!
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“you heard me, yn,” said your father firmly, ready for you to take your leave and quit bothering.
as if you were the issue here. you’d been minding your own damn business when he just appeared at the lakefront, disturbing your date planning.
your boyfriend would be here any minute, and here poseidon was suddenly deciding to parent. and not only to parent, but to have the audacity to try and tell you who you could and couldn’t date, trying to slam the door on your whole world.
“this doesn’t make any sense!” you protested. “jason and i have been together for months, why is it now a problem?”
“i was hoping that your little summer fling would die out, but it seems that you’re persistent with this one,” your father said.
this one? as if you’d dated more than one other boy before him.
“now, like i said, it’s time for you to stop entertaining this relationship with zeus’s boy. i know you don’t think so, but i’m looking out for you. think about what this could do to your name! end it already, yn.”
at that, he began to walk back towards the water, trampling over your beautiful picnic spread and narrowly missing crushing your basket.
you ran after him, the sides of your unbuttoned cardigan blowing in the summer breeze as you followed him into the water, willing your dress to stay dry as you cried out, “my name? i don’t care about what it could do! jason’s the one i want, dad, you can’t do this!”
poseidon stopped in his tracks, turning to you. “i am the god of the seas and your father, yn, i can do whatever it is that i please. so do enlighten me, why, may i ask, do you think i can’t do this?”
before you could even think to stop yourself, you shouted the words at him,
“because, dad, i love him!”
at the confession, something in your father’s stormy blue eyes seemed to clear up. his face softened as he looked at you for a moment, wondering how the little girl he remembered had gotten so old in such little time.
you began to grow antsy at the silence that followed your words, suddenly aware of the swishing of the lake against your calves as time seemed to still.
finally, poseidon sighed, “very well then.”
you perked up immediately, eyes bright as you squealed, “really?!”
the god nodded his head, though hesitantly and said, “yes. make sure he doesn’t make me regret it. and make sure he knows that.”
your father pointed over your shoulder, his tone suddenly shifted from how it’d been just about three minutes ago. you turned to find jason standing on the bank of the lake with colored cheeks and his hands behind his back, waiting for you to return and not wanting to interrupt your discussion with your father.
from the look on his face, he had definitely heard you.
blood rushed to your face as you realized that your first “i love you” for your boyfriend had been screamed at your father, of all people. when you turned back to your dad, he was gone with the waves.
tilting your head back as you dramatically rolled your eyes at the theatrics, you tentatively spun back round to look at jason, a sheepish smile on your face.
without missing a beat, he joined you in the water, splashing up to his ankles and sending water flying everywhere as he giddily made his way to you.
immediately upon arrival, he placed both hands on your face and pulled you in, catching your lips in a hasty kiss he’d been waiting to give you ever since he accidentally overheard your conversation.
you pressed your lips against his as your head swam as much as the creatures in the water below, winding your arms around his neck and pressing your body flush against his.
when you only separated because of lack of oxygen, neither of you strayed far.
“you heard me?” you asked with a breathe, forehead pressed against jason’s.
he was wearing what might’ve been the widest grin you’d ever seen.
“i did,” he said, pushing a tendril of hair behind your ear. “and i love you too.”
smiling hard, you pushed your lips against his once more.
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p1utofairy · 3 months
pick a card.
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★ what makes you different from your person’s ex?
NOTE: hiii <3 i know it’s been a while since i’ve done pacs, but i just needed some time for myself and to balance my energy. i’ve missed you all so much and i understand that some of you really want personal readings for me (and soon i want to provide that for you) but in the meantime doing these pick-a-card readings is serving as practice for me – they help me get more comfortable with my intuition and enhance my tarot reading abilities/knowledge. i want to give y'all the most accurate and insightful guidance/advice 1 on 1 when i feel more prepared and have the time to do it. i hope you all can understand 🤗 your patience and support seriously means a lot to me. for now, i’ll catch up on some of the pac requests that have been sent to me. thanks for requesting this anon. 💌 enjoy!
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what makes you different from your partner’s ex is the fact that you are extremely dedicated to your craft and your own personal goals. right now you might be really yearning for a relationship or just craving some type of romantic spark in your life, but nonetheless you’ve been pushing through and staying focused on building yourself up and putting yourself on the right path. you have set standards, expectations and boundaries that you will not fold on - and your person will LOVE this about you. you’re no pushover. if something isn’t sitting right with you or someone isn’t willing to do/give you what you deserve, you know how to respectfully move on and find someone else that will; no matter how long it takes. you’d rather be single than to have someone by your side that you know isn’t truly fulfilling you and your needs. genie in a bottle by christina aguilera is coming to mind – “if you wanna be with me, baby there’s a price to pay! i’m a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub me the right way.” yeah trust me when i say that your person will go extra lengths to impress you and show you how serious they are about this relationship. i think that their previous relationship lacked the spark that you two share.
it also lacked the security, discipline and stability that you bring to the table; they’re willing to put the effort into this relationship. if i’m being quite honest their previous relationship seems like a non-factor, because in their eyes it could never hold a candlelight to what you two share. that one part in after hours by the weeknd just came to me, “cause this house is not a home…without my baby, where are you now when i need you most?” LOL they’re so devoted to you pile 1. the energy is kind of reminding me of allie and noah from ‘the notebook,’ one of the most iconic romance films of all time. don’t get me wrong, allie and noah’s love was far from perfect; it was messy, painful, and at times very selfish. however, it was THEIR love. it was full of passion and intensity and that’s the type of energy i pick up between you two. they would build a house for you with their own bare hands, like noah if you truly wanted them to. you bring out a side of them that their previous partner could never unlock.
you make them work for it and whew does it get them going lol they love the chase. if you teasingly tell them “no.” just to get a reaction out of them, they’ll be like “what can i do to change your mind?” and do the most seductive shit possible to get you all riled up and ready to pounce on them. you balance each other out very well and they’re different from the other types of people that have tried to pursue you before - it's gonna be refreshing. you might be a little hesitant to jump into this relationship because of your own doubts and anxiety around relationships (i’m hearing trust issues? daddy issues?) and this might cause you to keep this person at arms length even though you know you want to get closer to them. they’ll be respectful of you and your space, but just know that they won’t take advantage of your situation; if anything they want to help you work through it and be a supportive partner.
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the energy feels like something out of a whimsical fairytale, pile 2. you might’ve been split between choosing this pile and pile 1 (check that pile as well if you felt drawn to it) but wow your person feels like you came into their life at the perfect time. i’m not sure if either of you expected to come across each other in such a way that left you both feeling lovestruck! what makes you different from their previous partner is how much of a REAL lover you are. there’s a huge amount of optimism and a lust for life that you bring to this connection, which doesn’t quite compare to what they were used to. your love is purposeful and genuine – i’m picking up that some of you might have virgo/6H placements. just like magic by ariana grande just started playing, “just like magic, i’m attractive. i get everything i want cause i attract it.” you definitely manifested this relationship, pile 2. UGH YOUR MIND. it may have taken longer than you expected to come to fruition, but wow was it worth the wait.
they have this playfulness to them that you’ll really adore, it’s like they’re always trying to make you laugh and smile. their last relationship seemed like a bit of a burden on them. it caused them to turn inward and focus on themselves, however, their inner-child really thrives whenever they’re in your presence lol it’s so cute. it’s the little things like tickling your sides, kissing your neck/cheek and telling you silly jokes just to make you feel better and help ease any doubts and anxiety you’re feeling. you ground them in a lot of ways. you might be more mature than them, or they could be younger than you, but regardless, your energy feels more grounded and responsible. they might have felt powerless and restricted in their last relationship, feeling like they couldn’t really express themselves or be vulnerable for fear of judgment.
their ex might’ve involved their friends in a lot of their relationship drama which caused too much outside opinions to interfere with their relationship. that's one of the things that they appreciate about you: you don’t need outside opinions or validation to know what you want or how to manage this relationship. if there’s ever an issue, you will take the initiative to have a conversation with them and work it out; communication will be key in this relationship. their previous relationship lacked a safe space for them to express their emotions, but you are willing to communicate and ensure both of your feelings are taken into account within this connection. also, this person might have some sort of fame/social-standing/platform. it sort of feels like people keep tabs on who they’re currently dating/talking to. i will say that your person definitely values privacy and will try to keep as many people out of the mix as possible. this may not resonate for all, but don’t tell your friends everything about this relationship because some of them might be secretly thirsting over your person. they’ll be smiling in your face but behind the scenes wondering what it would be like to be with them, oof. some things are best kept private. remember that, okay!
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i feel a bit of a push and pull in this connection, pile 3. there’s friction here but it’s fiery and hot. your stubbornness is what makes you different from their previous partner lol they’re used to people falling for their charm and submitting to them – but not you. there seems to be a little bit of a romeo and juliet vibe here, like you two come from different backgrounds and technically y’all shouldn’t work but y’all just do. something clicks in you both whenever you’re around each other, and you spark a deep curiosity within each other. their last relationship was a “pain in the ass” i’m hearing lol wow. no matter what they did it was never good enough for their ex, they always found something to nitpick. i’m picking up that they argued a lot about finances in their previous relationship, your person may not have been in the financial position that they had hoped to be in but nonetheless they were working very hard towards their goals. this relationship with you is like a total reset.
ok so why did climax by usher just come on, “we’re together, now we’re undone. won’t commit, so we choose to run away. do we separate?” hm. for some of you, this might actually be an ex, but if that doesn’t resonate, i think there’s some sort of hesitation to commit here. emotionally and spiritually, you two just get each other, but when it comes to physically getting together and being an actual couple, you or this person finds a reason to cop out. there’s some sort of blockage from the past that’s keeping you from just saying, 'fuck it! let’s do it.' you've got to work through this, pile 3 (at your own pace, of course), because this person truly loves you. at times, you might feel a bit confused and unsure about their true intentions, but deep down, you know that this could work and they’re not as bad as you thought they were. some of this feels like it all could be cleared up with some good ol’ ✨communication✨ because you both have a lot in common, but you avoid talking to them about certain things.
someone in this pile could’ve recently just watched or is thinking of watching ‘anyone but you’ with sydney sweeney and glen powell lol cause the energy kinda feels reminiscent to their dynamic in that movie. you two could connect through friends and/or at a party. i can see either you or them overthinking this connection and creating unnecessary drama when all you both needed was a heart-to-heart conversation. drunk texting by chris brown ft. jhené aiko just came to mind, “got me feelin some type of way - told you i hate you, i don’t mean it. and the only thing that i got, is the pain that you been feeding.” ugh this person really wants to make you theirs pile 3 but the ball is in your court; they genuinely are trying to win you over.
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your person’s previous relationship did not end on the greatest of terms, oof. they’re still in the process of working through it, but they’ll never forget whatever it is that their ex did to make them call it quits. their ex might’ve cheated on them? idk they feel very betrayed and this energy of “ugh i can’t believe they did that” is heavy on them. their relationship with their ex was veryyy toxic and at the time of the breakup they might not have seen it this way, but it was definitely a blessing in disguise. love by keyshia cole just came to mind…damn. “i used to think that i wasn’t fine enough, and i used to think that i wasn’t wild enough.” their ex really had them second-guessing themselves. out of all the other piles, this one doesn’t feel quite healed from their past relationship. it’s not that they’re so much hung up on the person, it’s the situation that left a bad taste in their mouth. i keep hearing “how could you?” ugh poor baby. anyways, what makes you different from their previous partner is how genuine and attentive you are.
you may have just gotten out of a toxic situation yourself, and i see this relationship coming in at a time where you feel free from any negativity, burdens or worries someone (either romantically or platonically) was trying to place on you. this relationship is a fresh start for you and your partner. your person is very emotionally mature and super chill - it’s very hard to get them angry or riled up to the point that they’re screaming & yelling. that’s just not them, i’m hearing. some people might complain that they’re too nonchalant or dismissive, but that’s far from the case. your person is just aware that not everything deserves a reaction. you two will probably start off as friends first and then it’ll turn into a romantic relationship.
it’s interesting because your partner literally submerges themselves deep into their emotions, and you’re more of a ‘mind over matter’ type of person. you deal with things more logically and i think that’s one of the many things that they’ll admire about you; how you let things roll off your back and keep it moving. you give yourself time to process, understand and deal with your feelings, but then once you do, you’re right back to the grind. the dynamic between you and this person is reminding me of the movie ‘friends with benefits’ with mila kunis and justin timberlake. you both will click really fast! also, i’m picking up that you two might share a mutual friend and that might be how you two meet.
you give them hope and reassurance that love, GENUINE love, still exists. they might be a bit hard on themselves in the beginning of the relationship, but you will reassure them that they are more than enough and deserving of the love that you two share. loveeeeeeee song by rihanna ft. future just started playing, “and i hope i’m not sounding too desperate, i need love and affection.” whew! they’re gonna love them some you, pile 4. in their heart and in their eyes, nothing or no one will ever compare to you and the way that you love.
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