#thank u bex <3
keonies · 4 months
tagged by bex @baekhyunnybyun to post my top five comfort films & tv shows!
the lord of the rings trilogy
the crow (1994)
fantastic mr fox
the princess bride
honourable mention: redwall
tv shows:
band of brothers
this country
my tooth, your love
history: trapped
semantic error
honourable mention: the royle family
tagging (feel free to ignore this!) @vertiny, @leeseokmln, @minzbins, @userwoosan, @shownuism, and @kingleedo :D
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monstrsball · 1 year
single dad iwaizumi au
this au has lived in my brain for nine months, and i've been talking about it a lot in discord lately so... have my thoughts and headcanons. enjoy!!
note: you may have already guessed this but this is also an iwasuga au. i'm not going to go into it here but suga is mentioned once or twice!
his son's name is mikio, he was born (in 2014) while iwaizumi was still in california!
appearance wise, i think he looks a lot like iwa! except without the resting grumpy face. his hair is a little curlier too. and he ends up needing glasses around the time he starts second grade.
mikio's birth mother is not in the picture, it's been just iwaizumi and mikio since he was little. do not ask more questions about this because i do not have answers at the moment lol.
when he found out that he was going to be a dad, iwa freaked out a little. like "oh my god i don't know if i can do this" but also he really wanted to? he really wanted to be a dad but he was also scared. he called his moms (who answered even though it was the middle of the night for them) and they talked for hours. it really helped him calm down and warm up to the idea.
and then he called them again (at a more reasonable time) to ask them about baby names because he was completely lost. they helped him pick out mikio!
they lived in california for a few years since iwaizumi was still in college + doing his internship with utsui. utsui ended up being a massive help to iwaizumi too!
this is how ushijima became one of his mikio's uncles!!
(mikio called him uncle toshi at first but eventually started calling him uncle ushiwaka because of oikawa. yes, iwaizumi tried to dissuade this but was unsuccessful. ushijima says it's fine.)
oikawa is competing against ushijima for the best uncle title. ushijima is not aware of this.
oikawa is a really good uncle though! he has years of experience after all he loves mikio with his whole heart, he's always sending him little things in the mail. he does sometimes get really sad that he's missing so much.
mattsun and makki do not know how to talk to children but they think mikio is cool. they call him little dude/little man. he is their buddy!! their pal!!
kyoutani also does not know how to talk to children and was probbaly nervous when he heard iwaizumi had a kid lmao. like, what if he says the wrong thing and hurts the kid's feelings and iwaizumi never talks to him again. but i think mikio actually really likes kyoutani! he thinks his hair is cool and he likes hearing about the animals kyoutani works with (part-time animal shelter worker kyoutani is real and canon. to me.)
i think iwaizumi introduced mikio to a variety of sports as he was growing up because he didn't want to force volleyball onto him. mikio does still end up latching onto volleyball. he does like playing other sports sometimes but he LOVES volleyball! he watches a lot of games with his dad (mostly oikawa and ushijima's).
mikio's other interests include: rocks, legos, lizards, & reading (he likes reading books about rocks and legos and lizards). he has a rock collection that he will show off to anyone who lets him.
he is not a fan of bugs (they scare him) which breaks iwaizumi's heart a little but they are slowly working on getting him more comfortable with them.
he is a pretty sweet kid but he can be a little blunt like his dad is sometimes. has called oikawa weird on multiple occasions but he isn't even trying to be mean. (it is typically said when oikawa is being over dramatic about something)
iwa has a lot of moments where he's like "i cannot laugh at that. i need to tell him not to say that." but it's hard because mikio really will unintentionally say the funniest things.
he can be pretty shy and quiet when you first meet him but he opens up a little over time, you can expedite the process by asking him about the things he likes. he gets really excited to talk about them.
when mikio is around 6/7 years old, iwaizumi makes the decision to move back to japan permanently after he gets a job offer there. (tentatively saying this was his role on the national team...? don't quote me on that. either way, he does still work for the national team. i'm just not 100% sure if that's the one he moves for)
which is where this au diverges from canon (again lol). he moves back to japan permanently instead of working at a university in the US. he does this to be closer to his moms. he feels more comfortable knowing that they're closer and he can go to them if he needs help.
mikio loves his grandmas. i need to say this. every other weekend, sachiko or mayumi will come get him on the train so he can spend the weekend with them. he has a blast!!
mikio is really, really nervous for his first day at his new school! he doesn't really talk to anyone.
can you guess who his teacher is.
yeah, okay, so i think he does end up talking to suga on his very first day because he sees a volleyball in the classroom and is like O: so they talk a bit about volleyball. suga tells him that he played against his dad and uncle in high school. (he either knows iwaizumi is his dad bc well. the last name or he saw him before class started...? something like that.)
mikio thinks suga-sen is the coolest person in the whole wide world.
sometimes when mikio doesn't have school but iwa still has work, he'll take him to JNT practices. the team loves him. mikio loves the team.
after ushijima, mikio's favorite person on the team is probably bokuto. i think he's who he warmed up to the fastest.
he also thinks kageyama and hinata are super cool but not because they're both world famous volleyball player, it's because they were on the same team as suga-sen in high school.
kageyama and hinata are not even offended by this. they also think it's cool that they were on the same team as suga in high school.
he's friends with osamu's daughter, kanako (shout-out to @osamusbigtits and his single dad osamu au) since atsumu also brings her to practice sometimes.
i think... these are all of my hcs?? questions are always welcome :3
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ohwynne · 1 year
Vampires suck // Emilio & Wynne
PARTIES: Emilio @mortemoppetere & Wynne @ohwynne LOCATION: Wormwoods. TIMING: Early April CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A SUMMARY: Wynne's existential late night walk is interrupted by Emilio hunting some ustras that caught their smell. An unexpected team up follows which leaves the vampires defeated.
It’d been two years since the massacre in Etla, and Emilio was still getting used to hunting alone. It hadn’t been unheard of, back home, to go out on a hunt by yourself — some things didn’t really require a group to take out, after all, and wasting resources by sending multiple hunters on an easy job didn’t make much sense — but backup had always been an option before. He’d had his siblings, his uncle, Juliana, Rhett, Gabriel. His mother, on the days when he thought she might answer if he called. 
That wasn’t the case anymore. In Wicked’s Rest, when Emilio got wind of something that needed killing, there was no one he could trust to help him kill it. But an ustra wandering the woods turning bones to mush wasn’t the kind of thing you could leave alone, and Emilio didn’t particularly feel like trying to meet any other hunters. So… he was alone. Running through the woods like a madman with a knife in one hand and a vial of holy water in the other, cursing under his breath in a string of wild Spanish. He’d come out here for one ustra, which would have been easy enough; three was a little more difficult. 
Christ, this would be a stupid way to die.
It was hard to pay attention to where he was going even with his enhanced night vision, considering he was running for his fucking life on unfamiliar terrain. That was his excuse for barreling into the kid. The force of the impact coupled with his bad leg was almost enough to topple the hunter over, but he managed to stay on his feet through sheer luck. Wild eyes darted to the kid he’d run down, and he squinted at them carefully. “You should get out of here,” he suggested. “Now.” 
A silent wood was more haunting than a noisy one, that much Wynne knew, and so there was some comfort in the sounds surrounding them. It was late, too late to be out on one's own perhaps — but they found themselves in need of the constant movement of walking. One foot after the other, that therapeutic and natural beat combined with the crunch of leaves, a hint of moonshine, an owl hooting, some bug crittering. It was as close to peace as they tended to get those days, at least until one of the sounds seemed less natural. Rather beyond it. 
While curious, they had very little interest in fucking around and finding out in this instance. No, Wynne preferred to apply a philosophy of fucking off and living in ignorance from time to time, and so they picked up the pace. In the back of their mind circled the thought of home, of their entity, the impending retribution that had not yet come. There was more rustling, a screech — Wynne picked up their pace, sticking to the path. Another thought popped up: what if they were imagining things again? A mind was so feeble, so easily misguided and when misguided, so easily warped. They had been straying off the beaten path these past months. 
They blamed their frazzled mind on their inability to look ahead, body colliding with another. One heading towards the (possibly-imagined) sounds. As wide eyes met wide eyes, Wynne had a sinking realisation that perhaps there really was something in the woods. “I am working on it,” they nearly exclaimed, tossing a look over their shoulder before looking back at the stranger, “Though maybe you ought to do the same?” 
Working on it. Good. There was some relief in that, because while Emilio had known that they were young when he’d first stumbled upon them, further inspection of the figure in front of him now affirmed the fact that they really were just a kid. Probably not much older than twenty. Definitely too young to get their bones turned to mush in the middle of the woods late at night. There was something funny about that line of thinking, coming from him. Emilio had been ready to martyr himself for his cause at twelve, was still eager for it now, but when it came to other people? He looked at them, and all he could think of was Flora. Like all the protective rage he’d felt for her hadn’t died along with her but been transported instead, passed along to anyone who was close enough to take it. This kid shouldn’t be alone in the woods in the middle of the night, but they certainly wouldn’t die here. Emilio wouldn’t let them.
It also made their concern a little… weird. Emilio let out a quiet huff of air that was half a laugh, glancing behind him where he knew the ustras were gaining. He could take them if he had a moment to think of a plan. It was just the thinking that was hard. It had never been the kind of thing he was particularly good at.
“Not really in the cards for me, kid. I don’t take these things out, somebody’s going to die.” Maybe them. “You run. I’ll make sure they don’t follow you. Okay? Go on.”
When they’d run from the estate, they’d felt like this. As if there was something breathing down their back, licking at their heels, slithering over the ground in their direction — Wynne had never really known what the entity they and the rest of their people owed their life to, and so it appeared to them in many shapes and sizes. That was what they imagined now, behind them and in front of the other: something that demanded, that devoured if not pleased. And while their instincts always led to obedience and no questions asked, they now looked at the other with wide, quizzical eyes.
“What are you on about?” If this was not imagined, not just their mind playing tricks on them, then there must be an explanation. “What things?” All they knew of placating hungry things was sacrifice, and that too was something they preferred outrunning. Perhaps this was their comeuppance, something demanding that they finally lay down their life as had been intended.
Wynne was tired of inaction, of blind obedience, of fear. “No, what! I’m just supposed to believe you at your word, that this is some murderous thing and let you run right at it?” Martyrdom was another thing they had tired of some time ago.
He didn’t have time for this. He’d been working under the assumption that, if the kid was out in the woods in the middle of the night, they knew what was out there. Evidently, it had been the wrong assumption to make. They were lucky, Emilio figured, that he was the one who’d stumbled upon them; someone else might have used that ignorance against them, weaponized it and made it into an advantage. 
But… they weren’t too lucky. A little luckier, and they might have been met with someone who knew how to explain why he was running, someone who could give them a real answer without freaking them out. Emilio didn’t know how to do that. His experience with kids had always been hunter kids. Tiny, deadly things who learned about creatures of the night before they learned to walk. Kids in their twenties who didn’t know what they were running from in the woods at night were far, far out of Emilio’s wheelhouse. 
“Just… Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing. Just go.” He waved a hand at them, as if trying to usher them forward. It was just his luck that they didn’t move. Instead, they looked at him. Or… maybe that wasn’t quite right. It felt more like they looked through him, with how accurately they managed to call him out. And god, he didn’t have time for that, either. “Even if I were, it wouldn’t be for you to worry about. Would it? I’m a stranger. What does it matter if I run at some murderous thing? You worry about yourself, kid.”
Wynne had been a little under a decade when their predecessor had stepped onto the Protherian’s altar and met their honorable fate. Blood had dripped onto the earth and mixed with the dried flowers and fruits that lay at its feet. Sacrifice was the highest honor for a living person amongst their people: to offer one's life for the betterment of that of others. A mantra they’d learn to live by in subsequent years, never quite able to forget the look in that boy’s eyes before he’d risen to his fateful task. There was honor in martyring oneself  — there was a point to it, a higher purpose, or so the lessons went. Or so they told them, braiding flowers in their hair. 
Whether it was bullshit or not, Wynne wasn’t sure: but they had turned from that purpose all the same. While still unsure what to do with this, this time they had never thought they’d have — they did know this: sacrifice seemed meaningless. It didn’t rule most people’s lives the way it had theirs and their family. And they all seemed fine. Wynne themself seemed fine, with their heart still beating and nothing having come to collect what they were owed. Yet. Unless this was it.
So to let a stranger run into uncertain death went against newfound instinct and philosophy. And though Wynne wasn’t sure who they were any more, they did know they didn’t want to be a coward again. That there were certain principles solidifying in their mind they wished to cling to. “It’s clearly not nothing, and what is it with your people’s insistence on not caring about those around you?” They all needed a lesson on living more community-minded, but now was hardly the time for such a rant. “Of course it matters! So what is it, out there, and why are we not both running?”
They were stubborn. The kind of stubborn that dug its heels into the sand and refused to move until it got whatever it was it wanted, the kind of stubborn that never accepted an answer that wasn’t what it wanted to hear, the kind of stubborn that got people killed and left the world around them a little bit emptier because of it. Stubborn was only ever useful until it wasn’t, was a virtue up until the exact moment it became a vice. And that moment was fast approaching now, hot on the slayer’s heels. He’d led it right to them without meaning to, carved a perfect path through the woods and straight to those heels dug firmly into the sand. 
He couldn’t be responsible for what happened next, couldn’t be the reason this thing found them when it might not have otherwise. Emilio had gotten enough kids killed already; he didn’t need to add another one to the damn list. But how could he get them to go when they were so insistent on staying? His personal brand of stubborn had been waning since the massacre in Mexico. It was so much easier to give in, these days.
But he wanted this kid safe, and that lit something up in his chest. There were parts of him that had been dark for years now, but they still glowed sometimes. Maybe he wasn’t a father in any kind of way that counted anymore, but the instincts still remained. “I am trying,” he ground out, “to take care of the people around me. That’s what I’m trying to do. That’s why I told you to — I don’t have time for this. You’re running because you’re a kid. I’m not running because I’m an adult. How is that, hm? Is that good?”
The human instinct to live was strong in Wynne — strong enough to defy what they had been taught all their life, to turn their back on a family, a community, a demon. And yet here they stood, feet rooted into the ground, staring at someone larger, older and presumably much wiser than them (though the bar was low, in that regard), refusing. Instincts went head to head, mixed with a rising panic in their chest and Wynne told themself that they had been selfish before and could do it again. Why care about this stranger, when they had abandoned their family to certain death only months ago?
There was so much they didn’t know and understand about the scene unfolding around them and maybe it would be good to trust that the other knew what he was doing. But Wynne’s chest was already so tight with guilt, these days, and as they heard another screech their stomach only sank. What was left, then, besides truth? If that was even what it could be called, though Wynne felt that it was reality. There were little other explanations, now were there?
“No, not good — see, I think it wants me, whatever it is,” they said, as the sounds grew closer. It was either that or the world was filled with more cruel creatures than the one they had once answered to. They weren’t sure which was preferable. Wynne’s head whipped back once more, then looked at the other. “How do I know it’ll be alright? I don’t —” There was a sharp intake of breath. “Won’t let you just run to your death, no matter how old you are.”
I think it wants me. The statement was perplexing, and Emilio furrowed his brow. As far as he knew, ustras were opportunists. They didn’t target anyone specifically, didn’t track people down without reason. They were only chasing him because he’d tried to kill them; it was more self preservation than pursuit, on their part. The idea that they were looking for this kid, specifically, didn’t make much sense to him. It was probably just a bit of confusion on their part, and he knew it, but… They said it with such conviction. With certainty. Like they had some reason to believe it.
Like something, somewhere was after them, even if it wasn’t this. 
Emilio studied them for a moment despite not really having the time, eyes darting over their face as he tried to puzzle out what it was that might be after them. Fae had a tendency to hyperfocus on a single victim sometimes, didn’t they? Was it something like that? Those were always the monsters he felt least capable of dispatching. He’d been fighting the undead all his life, and he’d taken it upon himself to learn more about shapeshifters and beasts when he and Juliana got together, but he’d always left the fae to the wardens. If there was something like that after this kid, he wasn’t sure how much he’d be able to help them.
(And there was never any question, in Emilio’s mind, as to whether or not he would help them. There was a kid, and they needed someone. He didn’t need any more reason than that.)
His train of thought was abruptly cut off by the screech of one of the approaching ustras, and he cursed quietly. “Listen to me,” he said, gripping the kid’s shoulders and lowering himself to meet their eyes with a determined gaze. “These things are not after you. Okay? They’re after me. I still think you should leave. But if you’re not going to, you can help, yes?” He fumbled in his pocket for a moment, pulling out a particularly sharp knife and holding it out with the handle towards them. “They will try to attack you from far away. Don’t let them get you with their tongue, or their spit. Get in close, and use this. Their skin is easy to cut. I just need you to distract them, then get away when I say. Make sure you get away. Fire is the best way to kill them, so… I am going to do that.” The lighter in his pocket wasn’t the best weapon in his arsenal, but if he fashioned a torch out of a few items on the forest floor, the ustras would go up easily enough.
Their chest was moving up and down on its own accord, breaths moving faster than was typical. Back at home, when this would happen, they’d press their hands on their collarbones and hum a hymn, breathe in tandem with those present — but home was no more and this was hardly the place. They just looked at the other, and he looked back and it felt for a moment like they stood there like that forever. Not exactly sizing each other up the way predators would, but more like two kinds of prey who responded differently to being cornered. Wynne had fawned and freezed and fled before, and it seemed the other only had one answer. Fight, alone.
Wynne swayed from the impact of his hands on their shoulders, head drooping slightly now that he was meeting them at the same height. There was something steady about it, the way he looked at them and spoke, and yet they still felt unsteady. A gust of air escaped their mouth, the one they’d been holding. Even if he was right, and it wasn’t after them, Wynne was starting to be aware of one thing: they’d rather risk their chances with this stranger, than leg it. Out of both selfishness and selflessness, if such a thing was possible. And while for a moment, they did stare at the knife, they eventually closed their fingers around it. They tried very hard not to think about the moon’s reflection on its blade, how similar it looked to blades wielded before. That had always been to earthly, normal creatures though.
“Okay.” The echo of his question was too late, but it was there. “Okay.” They press the palm of their hand against their chest for a moment, breathing in and out. Whatever was out there was gaining on them, the absence of owls hooting and other night-critters moving more and more absent. Wynne backed away a little, turning around to face the direction the unnatural sounds came from. The knife was held in front of them, clumsily. “What is it, out there?” It was the only question they knew to ask, besides all the other ones dizzying their head — like why he was out there, or how he knew, and if he, by any chance, knew anything about demons, and why they couldn’t just run and get to a place where the door could be barred and Wynne could level their breathing. Maybe they had wasted their opportunity to run, though, through loitering and arguing. 
That much turned out to be true when Wynne saw it, in the distance. Something white and slimy, gaining ground on them. 
It wasn’t anything like staring at a mirror, looking at them. Their eyes were wide in a way he didn’t think his had ever been, their chest moving rapidly in a way his did, sometimes, but not in situations like this. Panic, for Emilio, didn’t come when the danger was near. The idea of dying was never the thing that set him off. He knew how to handle things that wanted to kill him, had made peace with the inevitability of it so long ago that he no longer knew what it felt like to not accept the possibility. No, Emilio found unsteady ground in the mundane moments. Buying groceries, walking the dog, having a conversation. Life or death situations made sense to him. It was the situations that were life alone that always managed to throw him terribly off balance. 
They weren’t much like Flora, either, if he was being honest. She’d been so young when she’d died, but already she’d carried some of that weight that all hunters bore. Already she’d known what lived in the shadows. Emilio didn’t know if she’d been afraid of it. That kept him up sometimes, the not knowing. The idea that, when she’d died, she’d died afraid. He couldn’t change it either way now, couldn’t comfort someone who was already gone. But… maybe he could do something for this kid instead. Make their breaths come a little easier, make that look in their eyes a little less haunted even if it was only for this moment, even if he never saw them again. You couldn’t save everyone, but sometimes you could hand them a knife. Sometimes you had to pretend that it was the same thing.
“Okay,” he said again, nodding his head. They took the knife, and he turned back towards the approaching noise. At their question, he grimaced. “Easier to tell you after, I think. Don’t worry about it now. When we’re finished, I can explain.” Knowing what they were fighting wouldn’t do anything for them except for perhaps make them a little more afraid. Knowing you were fighting a monster didn’t really make the fighting any easier. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know, okay? We just have to finish it first.” They just had to survive it first.
The approaching ustras cut off anything else he might have said, and Emilio had to hope that the kid could sufficiently distract them while he fashioned a torch. They were far enough from the water now that they’d already be beginning to dry out, so setting them aflame shouldn’t be too difficult. If he got close enough to them, they’d go up easy. He picked up a stick from the forest floor, ripping the sleeve off his shirt with his teeth and soaking the fabric in some of the alcohol from his flask to make it more flammable, glancing up to see how the kid was faring. 
Wynne had known they would die young at the age of ten. That much had been predetermined for them, even before they were born, and for a decade they had accepted that reality. A certain future ahead. It was to be a short but meaningful life, more meaningful than anyone could ever hope to live — and yet here they were, breathing in and out, so awfully alive and so horribly aware of it. Their chest ached with it. Their heart hammered with it. Maybe this, whatever this creature was, was fate catching up with them, but did it matter? The most primal of instincts surged through them: the instinct to live. The refusal to die by some grander design. Half a year ago, it had pushed them towards theft and escape, and today it pushed them to hold a knife a little tighter.
None of that to say that they weren’t afraid and feeling incredibly out of their depth, but adrenaline was making itself known. They gave a nod of their head. “Okay.” There was no time for preparation, no time to wield their knife and consider the best way to use it. Wynne had used a hunter’s knife before, albeit only on smaller creatures, prey animals that needed skinning or draining. There was no time to reconsider. 
The creatures came closer and Wynne recalled the other’s words, attempting to duck out of sight. Get in close, he’d said, and while instincts begged them to run or hide, to throw themself flat against the ground, they pushed themself forward through the cover overgrowth. A yelp of shock slipped past their lips as they got a better look at the creatures – three of them, looking significantly different than the demon they answered to – and it was enough to draw them in. It hadn’t been their intention to do as much, but it did seem to align with what the stranger had asked of them.
A slashing movement with the knife did little except cut some leaves of a bush, and Wynne yelped once more as a big wad of saliva was spit their way. Instinctively, they ducked to the side, rolling over the ground. Crawling on all fours, they moved forward, bringing down the knife in one of their feet — or perhaps paws was the better word. 
Was it better, Emilio wondered, to be handed a knife you didn’t know how to use, or to be raised with one in your hand? With Flora, he’d been petrified at the idea of raising her the way he’d been raised, terrified of his daughter ending up anything like him, of her feeling the things he felt. But was this better? To be handed a knife when the fight was too close to train for, to be given the barest instruction without time for anything more? Flora died defenseless after all, unable to do even the bare minimum to protect herself, unable to stall for time until Emilio arrived. If you refused to give a child a knife until they needed it, were you protecting them or dooming them? He didn’t know. He still didn’t know. And he hated himself, just a little, for that.
He kept an eye on them as he prepared his torch, heart pounding in his chest with something that might have been adrenaline and might have been that old fear that he’d never quite gotten rid of. It was clear they weren’t trained, but they weren’t dead yet, either. He just needed them to hold up until…
There. With the torch properly prepped, Emilio flicked his lighter, flames licking the soaked fabric as he rushed forward. “All right, kid, move,” he yelled, motioning for them to get back. He needed them away from the ustras when he set them aflame, otherwise he ran the risk of burning them up along with the monsters. And that was just about the last thing he wanted to do here.
There was a crunch beneath their movement, the creature’s foot-or-paw giving way for the knife. They had no time to register it to its full extent, and were only wise enough to pull the weapon back and hold onto it. It wasn’t in Wynne’s nature to attack, but it seemed to be in everyone’s nature to fight to stay alive. They tightened their grip on the weapon once more, but it seemed like another strike was not needed.
What they had, albeit unconsciously, been waiting for was thrown their way: the demand to get out of the way, to let the real adult get to work. Wynne didn’t know how to do most of the things expected of them, let alone fight a creature they had never seen before. They clambered up to their feet and ran, creating distance between themselves and the monsters as the licking flames the other had produced lit the scene. 
In the newly gained light, the creatures were more horrifying and Wynne let out a sound without meaning to. It sounded nearly as animalistic as the things in front of them, but they soon realised one thing: this wasn’t gythraul, unless It had taken a different form and changed itself into three separate entities. This was something else entirely and that made the earth beneath their feet feel shaky. They backed away more, heartbeat rising again, their eyes pulled toward the flames and the person they hoped knew what he was doing. 
The kid was quick on their feet, and Emilio took a moment to be grateful for it as he moved in. Almost as soon as the command to move was out of his mouth, it was being followed. Like they’d been waiting on it, like they’d never wanted to fight at all, like he’d put a knife in the hand of a kid who’d never had to hold one like this because that was the only thing he’d ever known how to do. The kid was quick on their feet, but they shouldn’t have had to be. A better hunter wouldn’t have led the fight right to them. Emilio knew that.
But there was no changing that now. All he could do was move forward, was lower that torch to one ustra and let it light the rest up. He was lucky they’d gotten so dried out, lucky they stood close together as they prepared to attack. It made the getting rid of them that much easier, ensured they all went up like a goddamn pile of dry leaves in a summer drought. Flames rose up from the creatures as they screamed, inhuman sounds mingling with the kid’s distressed noise. Emilio swallowed, feeling guilty, somehow, feeling like he’d made a mistake, like he’d broken something in a new way when it was already in pieces. 
After a few moments, the screaming died down. The figures collapsed, one by one, and Emilio moved towards them, stomping out the smaller flames and tossing his jacket over the larger ones until the fire was out. Sweat pricked the back of his neck, but he didn’t know if it was from the heat or the nausea tugging at his gut as he avoided looking at the terrified kid, the one that was backing farther and farther away from him. He’d saved them. Kept them alive in the face of danger that probably wouldn’t have found them to begin with if he hadn’t led it right to them. Did he celebrate that, or mourn it? Was this a win, or another loss to add to the pile? He ached with the fact that he couldn’t tell the difference anymore. 
“It’s all right,” he told the kid, even if he wasn’t really sure it was true. “They’re done now, see? Can’t hurt anybody anymore. You, uh… You did good. With the distraction. You did a good job.”
As the flames licked up and up and up, devouring the creatures with no name, Wynne backed away. Trembling fingers held onto the knife as their footsteps moved further into the woods until their shoulders hit a tree. There, they moved to sink down, resting hands on their knees as their mind attempted to play catch-up on what had just occurred. On what it implied. They had known there was more to this world than the rest of the world might prefer to believe, but this hadn’t been in any of their teachings. This opened up a world of terrifying possibilities.
They watched the other get to work methodically, as if he had done this before. How exhausting it was becoming, to constantly feel out of their depth, to always feel like they were on the outside looking into something they didn’t get. But where in most situations Wynne wanted to know, had to know — they weren’t so sure if they wanted to now. Maybe it would have been best if they had just run, had chosen to look away and drown in ignorance once more. And they told themself that they were okay with not knowing. That they could live on without finding out what their actions had led to, back on the estate. But it woke them up in the middle of the night and sometimes they had to hide in the back from the store as doom-scenarios appeared to them. What good had ignorance ever done for them? 
When the stranger addressed them, they became aware of how they were sitting there. Wynne tried to relax, to not seem like they were on the verge of tears. They had been good at this once: keeping composure. It had been expected of them. But they weren’t sure what was expected of them any more, these days. “They’re gone,” they confirmed, staring at the smoke for a moment. They pushed themself up, moving towards the other and extending the knife handle first. There was still something dripping off it. Wynne wasn’t sure if it could be called blood. “What were they?” If ignorance had never done them any favors, why not ask? Even if the answer might unsettle them more. 
They looked over their shoulder, back to the path. At least their sense of navigation still remained. “Can we go?” 
The kid looked terrified. Emilio couldn’t imagine how it felt, seeing something like that for the first time. He couldn’t remember the first undead thing he’d seen, couldn’t even clearly remember the first undead thing he’d been expected to fight. His mother had insisted on starting her children off in training so early that there were days where it felt as if Emilio had been born with a stake in his hand, fending off vampires in his crib. To have your eyes opened at this age, and in this way… He didn’t envy them. All those years of ignorance didn’t seem much like bliss when this was how that ignorance ended. 
Unfortunately, he didn’t know how to comfort them, either. Flora had been easy — she’d been so young, and already seen so much. She wasn’t afraid of the monsters under her bed because she’d been taught their names from an early age, even if Emilio had refused to train her the way his mother had trained him. She’d known, from the beginning, that there were people in her life who’d protect her from the things that went bump in the night. She’d known it was what those people were there for. (And Emilio hadn’t. When it counted, he hadn’t protected her at all. He tried not to think about that, even when it was hard to think of anything but.)
Reaching forward, he took the knife from the kid and wiped the blade on his pants before offering it back to them. “You should keep it,” he told them. “You might need it down the line, right?” At the question, he sighed. He had promised to explain things to them, hadn’t he? “They’re called ustras. Most of the time, you find them near water, but these ones were after me. I got into their nest, riled them up. They’d been causing problems in the area. They’re dangerous. Kill people. So… I try to take them out, when I can. That’s what I do.” How much could he tell them without terrifying them further? Where was the line between providing them with the knowledge they might need to protect themself and frightening them so completely that they’d never want to move again? He wished he knew.
A little surprised at the question’s wording — we? He would have thought they’d be looking to get as far away from him as possible. — Emilio hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I’m done. It’s safe.”
The world had been so limited, back home. It had felt wide and vast back when they’d been in it, but since their running off they had quickly realized that the world was wider and vaster than they could have ever imagined. It had started with libraries and language, media and internet, the fashion and the attitudes and the individualistic ways of living. But then it continued, the snowball of learning new things continuing to roll and roll and roll. Perhaps Wynne should be used to shock, by now, but their body still shook. They still weren’t sure how to digest this world.
Their curiosity helped, offering answers when people wanted to give them and otherwise pushing them towards research. The other offered an answer, twisting his mouth to speak a word they had never heard before: ustras. Creatures who killed people. Creatures this person killed. Wynne's mind did what it had done so much before: it played catch up. Took the information it was given and tried to make it into something digestible. All this while the other offered them the sharp knife back.
They stared at it for a moment before taking it back. Wynne didn't ask what they might need it for down the line. They just imagined handmade leather wrapped around it, to keep it safe. They missed Osian, who could shape leather into anything useful. "Right," they said, a beat too late. "Thanks." If this is what he did, then maybe — but their mind didn't want to go there. To that area where they began to wonder what the gythraul might have done to their family and loved ones since their escape. Even calling it that – escape – was almost too big an ask. "Just them?" The question did fall out of their mouth in the end, curiosity insatiable. Once, they had been taught that greed of any kind (which included that for information) always came at a price. They tried to form a more fitting response. "Ustras. Us-tras. Okay."
There was some hesitation in the other and Wynne tried not to see themself in it. "Okay." The knife was still in their hand. They didn't want to just stick it in their pocket. "Okay, let's go." They started to walk, back to where they should have never left. "I'm Wynne." That seemed only fair. To offer a name, after all this.
The kid took the knife back, wrapped their hand around the handle with only a moment’s hesitation, and Emilio wasn’t sure if that feeling in his stomach was relief or dread. It was better, he thought, that they had something to protect themself in this town. It was better that they had something sharp and deadly, but god, he wished they didn’t have to. He wished they lived in a world where kids like this never had to learn about things like that, wished they lived in a world where his own daughter could have grown to be this age without scars, without training, without dying long before she ever got the chance to be anything at all. 
But that world didn’t exist. This kid had gotten a good twenty years of living without knowing what undead things went bump in the night, and they were lucky it hadn’t killed them. If Emilio hadn’t been here, maybe it would have this time. Because even if he hadn’t unintentionally led the ustras to them, something would have found them in these woods eventually. Something always did. The dozens of missing persons cases that came across his desk destined to end in tragedy were proof enough of that.
“No,” he admitted quietly, glancing back at the ash that was left where the ustras had been, “not just them. I can tell you about all of it, kid, but not tonight. Not here.” There were more things in these woods than what they’d just teamed up to kill, and Emilio was tired. Maybe not physically — it took more than a fight of this magnitude to wear him out, even when he was running on very little sleep — but mentally. Emotionally. Kids always did that to him, always ripped out whatever was left of the thing in his chest and stomped it into the dirt. It wasn’t their fault, of course; it was no one’s fault but Emilio’s. He’d always been a little too soft. His mother had always been quick to point that out.
He hesitated only a moment before falling in step beside them, shoulders a little stiff as if he was carrying something on them, as if he had been for years now. When they offered him their name, he put it away in that back corner of his mind, pausing a moment before replying. “Emilio.” Might as well share it. “I’d say it’s good to meet you, but I think it might have been better if we’d met some other way.”
The woods were dark around them and the regular sounds had returned and Wynne was overtaken by a feeling of familiar fatigue. Adrenaline made place for weariness, for the feeling they kept coming back to. How much more of this? This feeling out of their depth, this wondering if this was a better way of living in the first place. And yet their heart hammered with it, their state of aliveness. Death could have come for them today, the way it should have come for them half a year ago and once more they had escaped.
It didn’t make them smile or celebrate, but it made them clutch that knife a little tighter. A blade would have been their undoing and now they had wielded one. They look at the other, at his offer to answer questions even if not tonight. Wynne gave a small nod of their head, swallowing questions of whether he knew of demons. They weren’t sure they wanted answers, anyway, to expose themself in such a way. 
“That’s okay. It’s late.” It had to be, by now. It had been late when Wynne had left home, their legs too restless to rest and their mind running rounds around itself. This had not helped the situation, even if there was a part of them that was sure that if they were to sink down now, they would never get up. They longed for their bedroom, the four walls of it. The privacy to whimper and breathe faster than good for their lungs. They longed for a shower. They longed for — no, they refused to do that. To long for home. Their brother, maybe they’d afford themself that: to long for his friendship and comfort.
Perhaps it was naivety, they did consider that reality, but Wynne decided to trust the other. At least for this walk out of the woods and at least enough to try and find him again, if their curiosity stuck with them. “Likewise. On both fronts.” They checked their phone, pulling up their map. “I’m not too far from here.”
There would be no questions tonight and, oddly, Emilio found that he didn’t entirely dread the future in which they would appear. He wasn’t much of a talker — anyone who knew him well could attest to that. He wasn’t entirely comfortable in English, wasn’t even entirely at home in Spanish. He’d been taught action over words, and it was a lesson that stuck. Often times, the latter failed him. How did you explain something you’d understood from the time you knew your own name? How did you teach someone things that had always been inherently true for you? He wasn’t sure he knew. 
And yet, somehow, he thought he might try to figure it out. For this kid, for the next one. He couldn’t save his kid, but he could save someone’s. Maybe if he did enough of that, that ache in his chest might feel a little less unbearable someday. 
(He didn’t believe it, even as the thought occurred to him. Nothing could make this bearable. Nothing.) 
Offering Wynne a small nod, he gestured for them to go ahead. “I’m not, either. I’ll walk you. Make sure nothing else comes up.” He couldn’t promise them tomorrow in a town like this, but… He could promise that he’d do everything he could do to make sure they made it home safe tonight. That he could do.
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
congrats on 100 nova oml u deserve it sm <33
if u dm, can u do [ clover symbol, am on laptop rn so i cant find it ] for thea calligaris?? once again, CONGRATSSS 🗣️❗🔥
and here are some hcs for queen thea 💗😍
- can do perfect eyeliner, like with her eyes closed
- when they were younger, xander used to go to her for relationship advice when he would have a crush on somebody at school 😭💗
- he never told the girl he liked that he liked her though 😶
- is extremely loyal to her friends and those she cares about, and will stick up for them no matter what
- made sour by olivia rodrigo her ENTIRE personality when it first came out 💀
- religiously listens to reputation
- texts rebecca good morning and good night, always checks up on her and is just the best gf <33
- gives bex knuckles and forehead kisses 😭😭💗
- her and max kept in touch after max left for college
- was one of those people who could put her hair up in a messy bun in like 3 seconds in 2019 (IF U KNOW THAT TREND YK) 💀💀💀
- prefers cats over dogs
- NEVER brings it up, but she had a small horse phase when she was younger 💀
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sentfromwolves · 1 month
💌 get to know the writer ; tag game—
THANK U to both @willtheweaver & @mrbexwrites for this tag!! (bex, I know you tagged my main, @calamityeden and just want to not startle you by replying here haha!) (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ these kind of tags really make my day, and I appreciate it so much !
❖ 》 LAST SONG : Who Do I ; Set It Off & Hatsune Miku
❖ 》 FAVORITE COLOR : bright crimson or soft green-blue there is no in between
❖ 》 CURRENTLY WATCHING : catching up on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End & A Sign of Affection.
❖ 》 SWEET, SPICY, OR SAVORY? Sweet & Spicy is superior, but if I rank it it's 1) savory 2) Spicy 3) Sweet
❖ 》 CURRENT OBSESSION : I'm back in my art phase again because I want to slap Tora all over my dash along with my other ocs, here's a quick sneak peek of a wip >:3
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❖ 》 LAST THING I GOOGLED : Uhhhhh CSP how does symmetry ruler work :')
❖ 》 FAVORITE SEASON : it's a tie! I love Spring but hate how fast it goes by, and I love Fall, but I hate that it means winter is on the way.
❖ 》 A SKILL I'D LIKE TO LEARN : I really want to get into cosplay and leather working! I attended my first renfaire this year and I am so so so obsessed !! I also am eyeballing creating 2d art models, I think that would be really cool!
❖ 》 BEST ADVICE : this time will pass anyways. (also: do it bored LOL)
tagging gently (literally no pressure): @forthesanityofstorytellers @addomfarm @surroundedbypearls @eccaiia @ayzrules @littleladymab @ahungeringknife @awritingcaitlin (hehe) @cowboybrunch
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okaysign · 5 months
every month of 2023! tagged by bex @baekhyunnybyun i had so much fun looking back thank u for tagging me <3
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
JANUARY january was sf9 puzzle month so most popular post was DAWON 230109 & for favorite post.. there are too many from that month that i like FEBRUARY most popular Lexie Liu dance dance, 2023 & favorite SEHYOON ‘도깨비’ Favorite Boys (2020) Directors cut MARCH most popular A.C.E ‘도깨비’ Favorite Boys (2020) Directors cut & favorite Salt Rain, 2022 sogumm *special mention huru’s fanmeeting 🐈 <333* APRIL only two this month most popular TAEYANG ⎻ MONTHLY INSEONG & favorite was the other set MAY most popular this sehyoon set 😮‍💨 & favorite Now or Never (2018) SF9 JUNE most popular donghun <3 & i want to say its also my favorite but there was also this sehyoon JULY most popular Shygirl Firefly, 2022 & i think this might be my favorite of the year and out of all the sets ive ever made ALIEN (2020) LEE SUHYUN AUGUST most popular Love Lee AKMU & favorite Haze (2023) LUCY SEPTEMBER most popular rowoon <3 & favorite 200630 ‘Stand by you’ ⎻ SEHYOON OCTOBER most popular Savage (2019) A.C.E & i have too many favorites from this month NOVEMBER most popular BYEONGKWAN ‘Effortless’ (2023) & favorite 🫶🏽 DECEMBER most popular HWIYOUNG ‘HBD’ & favorite Boogie Man LUCY
sry if you already did this or u dont like being tagged @byunbaekhyunie @bu99erfly @iamacolor @juhotonin @nfly5 @videoclubs
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cheolhub · 1 year
It's award season (unconfirmed)! Give some of your mutuals silly little awards.
award for being the most beautiful and talented person ive ever had the pleasure of knowing goes to🥇 @ncteez !!! HON, my lover, my wife, you are my favorite writer and artist and overall person, i love you so so so much. you’re also always taking care of me and it makes me want to get on a plane and give u a big smooch 🙈 miss u dearly, please come home to me soon </3
BEST YANDERE GOES TO @jeonghantis BRHSH im kidding dbbs. keir, there’s never a dull moment w you, so you get bestest friend award because there is no one who puts up with my annoying ass the way you do. you read over my shit, you laugh at my corny jokes, you let me be h word with u and best of all, u let me read ur heaven-sent work before anyone else — U ARE SO AMAZING I LOVE U SO MUCH
fastest writer goes to @toruro… im so envious of you actually 😭 you write so much and it’s all good content like you’re crazy (in a good way ofc) but i love u and ur work and ur so wonderful to me.
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast gets the award for being the biggest supporter!! RJ I SERIOUSLY ALWAYS LOOM FORWARD TO UR REBLOGS. i love you, thank u for always reblogging my fics with 30 funny ass reaction photos and for making me feel like im a good writer 🥹
kai (@lovelyhan) gets the sweetest person award but also the “im really jealous of u bc all ur works are toe-curling and you make me really nervous” award. i dont think i need to explain, the award says it all 🙊
@baeksbyunny BIGGEST BAEKHYUN/TAEIL/HAECHAN LOVER AWARD AND ALSO THE AWARD FOR BEING THE FRIENDLIEST AND LOVELIEST PERSON TO EVER EXIST. bex, seriously, i feel so taken care of every time we talk and i love u
@agustdiv1ne TWIN AWARD!!! we are literally clone copies of each other, i feel. we are both 5’5, both like choi san & p1h, and we are both obsessed with bf!yeonjun. I WANT TO TALK TO U MOREEEEE, if u have discord, add me 🤬 ill finally be able to send u my txt vids
@majestyjun BEST TXT BLOG THAT THIS APP HAS EVER SEEN GOES TO MILLS. my txt bias is actually millie, i have no idea who soobin is. no but seriously everything u write is so vsgwvevwhw i love it, i love ur blog 🫡
@rubyreduji gets the i wanna be ur friend award bc i always see ur posts on my dash and i wanna interact but i have crippling anxiety and literally dont know how to talk to people first 🤣
@hyuk4ngel gets the best ideas award… u know why… ur brain is massive and all my gyu fics are bc of u. ILY THANK U
@honeyhypen SWEETEST ANGEL BABY AWARD. MY LOVE, HONEY, u are everything to me. i am actually so happy i found you bc u are literally are like a breath of fresh air to me, idk what it is.
@heesbaby BEST SMAU’s AWARD BC OMG?! i usually dont read them but urs?! URS….. omg anyway also love of my life award. like seriously i love u. i wanna talk to u more so bad burgwgwgev i get nervous >< im getting back into enha tho and have no one to talk to abt it ….. so 🙊
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werebutch · 9 months
tagged by @quickiecrucifixion to post my top ten tracks of the month <3 thankuuuu
Chick habit - April march (thank u bex for reminding me of dis song a while ago ♥️♥️)
Tusk - fleetwood mac
Blood milk and sky - white zombie
King of nails - sparklehorse (this is MY song. Miiine.)
Delta dawn - Tanya tucker
I don’t want to know - fleetwood mac
Chloroform girl - polkadot cadaver
Dead fingers talking - working for a nuclear free city
But it’s better if you do - patd
Pretty when you cry - vast
I tagggggg @lycanidor @nokose @august-blooms @pearlcartridge I can’t think of anyone else rn if u wanna do it say I tagged u ^__^
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fairyysoup · 9 days
perhaps it's bc i've known u for so long but in my mind when i think of u i see a little frog on a mossy branch using a mushroom as an umbrella against the soft warm afternoon rain <3 ur vibes are comfort and warmth
bex this made me tear up 😭 this is the vibe i aspire to give every day thank you so much omg
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tangledbea · 10 months
Hi Bex! So, idk if you’re a fan of color theory (also don’t know if u already mentioned that, since I’ve joined this fandom 2 months ago lol) but do you think that Eugene’s S3 purple outfit was intentionally chosen to be purple for showing that he’s now a royalty member? It’s my fav of Eugene’s looks and I wanted to know (or imagine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) the meaning behind it. Thanks a lot for your time!! <3
No, him being in purple (with gold trim) in S3 (as well as wearing the sun symbol on his shoulders) is to show his loyalty to Corona and Rapunzel, since their national colors are purple and gold. Rapunzel and Arianna are in purple, and even Frederic's blue is more of a periwinkle/purple shade.
In fact, I believe their ultimate decision to put Rapunzel in purple in the movie (instead of green, pink, blue, or any of the other colors she wears in concept art) was to make her match the kingdom's colors and show that she belongs there (purple dress, gold hair).
Also, love the URL. :fingerguns:
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Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
EEEE THANK U BEX <3 <3 <3 I'm so excited to share my faves cause gahhh I do not get the opportunity to talk about them nearly enough
Heaven's Night (Pyramid Head)
So this is one of my more recent faves just from how much love I put into it. After all the trailers for the new Silent Hill games came out, I was NEEDING to write something for Pyramid Head, and so I included some settings and monsters from Silent Hill 2 into my smut fic as well as some descriptions that emphasized how a lot of these monsters symbolize James' desires (I know those monsters are his but it was for horny purposes so I'm allowed lol) and it's just so dear to my heart. Every time I see someone like it or even reblog it I get a smile on my face.
2. Kinktober Fic: Quickie with Freddy Krueger
Okay now I KNOW this one is your fave of my Freddy fics, and honestly, it's mine too. I loved being able to have Freddy terrorize the reader both in the waking and dream worlds in a unique way (dozing off in class but continuously waking up during it), plus I added a lot of humorous moments that are just SO Freddy that it makes it one of my faves.
3. Kinktober Fic: Predator/Prey with Doom Head
This one isn't even my smuttiest of fics, especially for Kinktober, I was debating between this one and my Dr. Frankenstein Kinktober fic, and this one won me over. I just had way too much fun getting into the mind of Doom Head, he's such a strange and fun character in 31 and I don't see too many people write for him. But I had too much fun with the cat-and-mouse game I wrote in this fic.
4. Unfair Game (Poly! Lost Boys)
Holy Shit, I almost forgot I wrote this fic. It took me sooooo long, especially as it was my first time writing more than a three-way, as this fic is essentially a five-way. I was tearing my hair out over it on more than one occasion, worrying it wasn't good enough, and I think you and some other people were the cheerleading I needed to finally push this fic through. And man, am I proud of it. It was SO MUCH but it was such a fun fic to write.
5. Mine (Blissfield Butcher)
OKAY so I never thought I would want to thirst over Vince Vaughn but I do for this fucking movie, and holy shit I wrote this so fast afterward. I rewrote some of the ending too because fuckkkk he's just so horny and slutty during that final scene and for what??? Insane. INSANE. I love that stupid asshole so much but I am so proud of this fic because of how I went ABSOLUTELY off on this.
Bonus Fic but if y'all want another fic of mine that's not slasher-related I compiled all 3 of my originally posted as one-shots but are actually related fics, Dangerous Games, a Darth Vader/Wilhuff Tarkin/Reader fic. And I'm still proud of it to this day because of how many people continue to tell me I wrote porn of Vader super in character (no one talks about Tarkin but WHATEVERRRRR) so I'm just very pleased with this story and how I developed it.
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yunogf · 7 months
LIZZZZZ 💗💝💖💕💘💞💖💗💖 hiiiiiiii I hope you're doing well beloved and having a lovely October 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love seeing you on my dash and also I love 🫵🏻 YOU so MWAH 😘 ok I will go now 🤭
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bex darling how r uuuuu 🥰🫶❤️ october has been a strange time for me but overall not unkind <3 seasonal depression kicking my ass a bit but only when the weather gets cold chdkckx when it starts warming up i get normal again 🤪🤪 anyways!!! thank u sm love i adore seeing u on my dash as well ur always so positive &enthusiastic 🤩🥹❤️ love u!!!
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monstrsball · 1 year
iwaizumi mikio + the JNT
my first post about the single dad!iwa au.
i said i wanted to write a post about mikio with the national team so... here it is!! i had some help brainstorming a lot of these because... coming up with headcanons for 14 different guys is hard. thank you to the mutuals who talked about this with me.
ushijima (uncle ushiwaka):
i talked about it a little in the original post but they're pretty close!! mikio's known him since he was a kid.
he calls him 'ushiwaka' instead of wakatoshi bc of oikawa lmao.
mikio likes to share rock and lizard facts with him. ushijima dutifully listens.
tendou sends ushijima chocolates and he always shares them with mikio! and ushijima will write down mikio's opinions on each of them to share with tendou later.
(side note: i don't think mikio has ever met tendou so he's like a celebrity in his mind... his uncle's cool friend who sends chocolates and has been on TV)
sometimes i think they just sit in silence while they do their own thing. ushijima's doing his stretches while mikio reads a book next to him or something. it's kind of cute.
bokuto (bokuto-san):
mikio, like most children, enjoys being thrown. bokuto is happy to throw children. he has a blast. in the gym, it's usually just swinging him around.
iwa isn't really the over-protective dad type but it does give him a heart attack sometimes.
bokuto calls him little/mini iwa a lot, i think... or baby iwa but that one usually makes mikio frown and go "i'm seven" all matter-of-fact.
mikio gets kind of nervous around hyakuzawa and hakuba because they are both So Tall so sometimes bokuto will carry him on his shoulders so he can be tall too.
kageyama (kageyama-senshu):
first of all. he calls him kageyama-senshu bc of hinata. mikio overheard hinata teasing him and was like O: and started calling him that too after hinata explained what it means.
kageyama is the only one he uses this for and it's because kageyama calls him "mikio-san"
they talk to each other like they're colleagues and it's both the funniest and cutest thing in the world.
"good morning, mikio-san" "good morning, kageyama-senshu"
mikio likes kageyama for these reasons! kageyama makes him feel like he's being taken seriously which is nice.
and kageyama is also happy to listen to mikio go on and on about his interests.
hinata (hinata-san / shouyou-san):
i think after he witnesses oikawa calling hinata shouyou a few times, he starts doing it too. but this is probably after the olympics tbh.
hinata is pretty good with kids! i think he's good at striking that balance between being goofy while also not talking down to kids so he's fun to talk to.
he tells mikio a lot of stories about karasuno with a slight focus on suga after he hears that he's his teacher! mikio is like "woah... suga-sen lore..." (<- he does not actually say this because he is seven but you get the idea) (actually it would be kind of funny if he said it exactly like that)
he also tells him stories about oikawa!! he tells him a little about when they hung out in brazil. and mikio's little mind is BLOWN because he didn't even know they knew each other.
atsumu (miya-san):
mikio uintentionally bullies atsumu sometimes.
he's kind of blunt and he doesn't realize that what he's saying sounds rude lmao.
"miya-san, why does your hair look like that?" when his roots are starting to grow back in. (mikio is the first one to notice)
or atsumu will be overreacting about something in typical miya atsumu fashion and mikio goes "miya-san, you're being weird"
mikio calls osamu "myaa-sam" because of bokuto and atsumu thinks it's so unfair that osamu has a special nickname when atsumu definitely sees mikio more often than he does.
he wouldn't say this to mikio though. he just whines about it to osamu.
atsumu thinks mikio hates him but mikio does actually think he's kind of cool. he says this once and atsumu is like "he thinks i'm cool" and sakusa goes "he said 'kind of cool'"
sakusa (sakusa-san):
i really thought about having mikio call him 'omi-san' because the idea of him calling him that while atsumu is just "miya-san" was. really funny but i don't actually think he would.
like, he picks up a lot of nicknames from oikawa and bokuto but this is one where i think he would stick to what his dad says.
partially because he is... a little scared of sakusa. it's not necessarily anything sakusa did, he's just tall and has a deep voice and he was wearing a mask the first time they met and it just freaked him out.
sakusa did unintentionally make him cry once because he saw mikio pick up something off the ground outside and told him it was disgusting. iwa then had a talk with sakusa about how you talk to children.
iwa was firm about it but not mean or anything. everyone else describes it as "the time our athletic trainer almost killed sakusa" though.
komori (komori-san):
komori is a fun guy! fun silly little guy! i think he likes roping mikio into shenanigans.
nothing super bad, he's not trying to get mikio in trouble with his dad or anything. just silly harmless stuff.
sometimes at sakusa's expense but not always since mikio is a little freaked out by him.
i do not have specific examples for the shenigans though. sorry. if anyone has ideas, my inbox is open always.
komori also gives me the vibe as the kind of guy who would like puns so he makes mikio laugh a lot. (even if mikio doesn't always understand the pun, lol. he laughs and then he's like "i don't get it" and then komori explains it to him)
suna (suna-san):
suna wants to be in his "the dad who stepped up" era but mikio already has a dad. (<- this is what iwa says every time suna says he can be the father figure mikio needs)
ok. jokes aside.
mikio thinks suna is okay. he shows him funny videos on his phone sometimes which is about the only time mikio finds him entertaining.
yaku (yaku-san):
it depends a little but yaku's pretty good with kids, i think. he's another one who i think kids would like because he doesn't talk down to them or anything.
(he still talks to them like they're kids though, he talks to them about their interests)
he does encourage some of the unintentionally rude things mikio says lmao.
"he's kind of weird" "you're right, mikio-kun. he is kind of weird" "HEY"
yaku and komori are secretly teaming up to try to persuade mikio to be a libero behind iwa's back. (i don't think iwa actually has any strong opinions on what position mikio would hypothetically play if he decided to play volleyball in school but still)
hoshiumi (hoshiumi-san):
kind of a menace.
he told mikio that the reason hakuba is so tall is because he watched subliminal messaging videos about making you taller when he was a kid (hakuba backed this up).
so for a few days mikio was using his screen time to watch subliminal 'how to get taller' videos on youtube and iwaizumi was like wtf?? (missed hoshiumi telling him this)
mikio didn't even know what subliminal meant. hoshiumi had to explain it to him.
another time hoshiumi told mikio that if he swallows a watermelon seed it will grow into a watermelon in his stomach and then joined the "players who have made mikio cry" club. (iwa yelled at him after)
he just... lies. a lot. about somewhat harmless stuff but still. he is spreading misinformation. and iwa is like "stop lying to my son"
aran (ojiro-san):
nervous but pretty good with mikio!
he's actually pretty good at cheering him up when he's upset because he just says it's okay to be sad! and then he feels a little better.
sometimes mikio asks him to swing him around like bokuto does and aran is like "absolutely not" (but in a nice way lol, he doesn't want to hurt his feelings but he doesn't want to risk accidentally throwing mikio across the gym)
brings extra snacks when he knows mikio is coming in (iwa usually tries to give them a heads up). he gets mikio obsessed with ritz crackers for a while because he always shares his with him.
he corrected the "hakuba got so tall because he watched subliminal videos" misinformation. i think he's actually often stepping in to correct misinformation. every time he sees hoshiumi talking to mikio, he makes sure to listen in.
hyakuzawa (hyakuzawa-san):
he's not necessarily... scared but mikio gets really nervous around hyakuzawa because of how tall he is. he is the tallest person he has ever seen.
hyakuzawa is... also nervous around kids lmao. because of how tall he is. so it's a little funny to watch them be wary around each other.
yaku tells him not to be so nervous because kids can smell fear.
"what" "they literally can't" "oh haha yeah"
he gets a little better as time goes on but he's always the most awkward around him.
hakuba (hakuba-san):
mikio is also nervous around him bc of his height but hakuba is a little better with kids than hyakuzawa. or at least, he doesn't get as nervous.
hakuba is often on like High Alert when he knows mikio is around because he doesn't want to accidentally bump into him or knock him down. (hyakuzawa too but i think it's a more conscious effort with hakuba bc he is not always that aware of his surroundings lol)
he will sometimes assist hoshiumi in spreading misinformation.
kiryuu (kiryuu-san):
i think mikio likes him! i don't think kiryuu always knows how to interact with kids but he does his best (which is pretty good tbh).
mikio asks him for bird facts, kiryuu shows him pictures of birds he's seen while birdwatching. it's nice.
mikio gains a greater appreciation for birds through these conversations and will sometimes point out random birds while he's out with his dad.
and that's it, i think? i hope you enjoyed. i'm not as happy with what i came up with for the last three (well actually i like kiryuu's i just wish i had more lol) but i didn't really want to leave them out either! if anyone wants to talk more about this, my inbox is always open!!!
asked to be tagged: @theirtheretheyre @thegaycodedvolleyballhimbos @midnightemy35
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qiankunnies · 4 months
hi bex <3 i can't help myself i must give u some recs as a deobitual:
this mafia dance video (chaos, but that's their default)
come on! the boyz god-saeng (my comfort reality show of theirs that helped me get to know them more - sadly eric wasnt in
all their idol human theatre episodes (this one is missing from the playlist) (again, chaos, but they seem to love the show + the pd team loves them so its just fun to watch)
oh also they have a set of interviews from when they did their generation z video, which is old, but i think is still great to just a glimpse into what they prioritise as artists and people <3
I will happily take all the recs I can get!! adding them to my list 🫡 thank uuuuuu 🫂🥰
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
Hey, I am a new follower! How are you doing?
So, about "this is us", it hurt, I felt so sorry for oc, really... the poor thing.... it could be worst, like shit show worst but I understand why it hurts so bad and why she needs time to think if she can keep being in a relationship with someone who broke her trust, if she can trust him again or if she want them both to go separate ways... I can't wait to read what happens next 🥰
About "fool for you", even though Jk and oc aren't in an exclusive kind of relationship it doesn't look good when the guy is making out with everybody in front of oc, especially making out with his ex who cheated on him with his best friend, he is low keys humiliating oc in front of everybody... for everyone he is in a relationship with oc but at the same time he is making out with a lot of people in front of everybody and to make things worst he makes out with his ex who happens to be a bitch to oc... I can't wait to read the last part of it!!!
Anyways, thank you for sharing your stories with us 💜
Hi Bex! I'm doing well. How are you? 💜
This Is Us - Oh gosh, yes. This story hurts a lot. OC definitely needs time to heal and find herself. I don't think she really had time to do that since her ex, U-jin. She jumped into a relationship with Jungkook fairly quickly. I apologize because these next few chapters will hurt even more :( but there will be a happy ending <3.
Fool For You - T_T JK is a dummy - I'll definitely admit that! I hope the next update will redeem him somehow 💜
Also, thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate you!!
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fruityfourgalore · 1 year
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
i will be pulling mine from my ‘on repeat’ Spotify playlist like @thefreakandthehair did! thank you for the tag 😌💕
1. tell me i’m alive - all time low
2. lavender haze 💜 taylor swift
3. hum hallelujah - fall out boy 🖤
4. no hands - waka flocka flame (shut up bex 😘)
5. roddy - djo 💚
🏷️ (no pressure tho!!!): @re-bec-ca-ann @mrsmunsons @wynnyfryd @original-cypher @fruityfour and anyone else! My brain isn’t working now
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