#thanks Juli for the big dick Harry prompt
smrwine · 5 years
For the fourth time within the hour, Louis found himself dodging the sight of his flatmate's prick that always seemed to invade his personal space. For as long as Louis had known him, Harry has lounged around their flat bare chest and pantless with only a loose pair of trackies to keep himself decent. He walked into every room cock first and adjusted himself in his jeans frequently. He wasn’t shy about regularly mentioning his size or mentioning that he knew what to do with it either. Whether it be a joke or a humble brag, Harry was seemingly always determined to always remind Louis of his thick, daunting, length, and Louis didn’t mind one bit
“Come on, Lou, just try it.”
Harry had his whipped cream coated fingertip held out towards Louis’ lips, and his sweatpant covered cock not too far away. Louis leaned further back into the sofa, as far as he could without being swallowed.
“Get away. It’s on your finger, it’s going to taste like you.”
“I washed my hands before this, babe. Come on, it won’t be so bad - there’s cinnamon in it! I haven’t made this kind for you to try yet.”
Louis’ stomach tingled. The thought of Harry frequently baking for him, and him alone, always did his head in. It was an endlessly thoughtful gesture. Louis couldn’t pinpoint exactly the first time Harry filled him up with sweets, but he hasn’t stopped since, and every weekend began with a new sugary treat.
Harry lifted his finger towards Louis’ lips once more, encouraging him to have a taste of the cinnamon whipped cream. Louis figured it was the least he could do. Tasting his sweets was all Harry ever asked of him and he never expected anything more. It would be quick and simple, really, but his unearthly crush and desire to suck his cock made him reconsider.
If he took Harry’s finger into his mouth he just might choke on it. The only thing comparable to the size of Harry’s cock was the size of his hands, and Louis has wanted to suck on both of them, more than a dozen times. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to quit. Just one taste surely wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the thirst he so desperately contained within, but he wanted it.
Without actually thinking, Louis dropped his mouth wide open, letting his eager tongue catch the very tip of Harry’s finger.
“How is it?”
The cinnamon whipped cream was rich, airy, and sweet, but the way Harry pushed his finger in further, deeper, was sweeter. Louis’ lips wrapped around the warm digit for a moment too long before his tongue licked him clean. There was no mistaking he had gone too far, and he realized that as he pulled off with a slurp. But seeing Harry’s cock twitch in the fabric of his trackies almost made his overindulgence worthwhile.
“It’s sweet,”
Louis caught sight of Harry’s dick jumping again only this time Harry adjusted himself rudely, right before Louis’ eyes with the entire palm of his hand. No apology followed.
“It’s—it’s alright. Good enough for me.”
“Only, good enough?” he smirked. “I can do better than that for you. Stay right there.”
Louis watched as Harry walked back towards their kitchenette, cock bobbing beneath his trackies. His chest swelled with heat and desire as he soon felt his own pleasurable throb between his legs.
Harry would feel so nice inside of him, he thought. His cock would be just thick enough to burn as he split Louis open, and his length was surely ample enough to deeply penetrate and satisfy. Louis knew he’d be a meticulous lover too. Always gentle when necessary and otherwise rough where Louis needed it.
A crushing weight draped across his shoulders as rational thinking reminded him of their status. Harry was his flatmate who paid bills on time and cleaned up after himself. He was too perfect. Louis couldn’t risk losing that over a hard on and a thirst for his cock.
It was about time he got laid and got Harry out of his system.
Swiping through profiles turned out to be awful.
Louis was seeking something a bit more straightforward than what men on a dating app had to offer. Dinner and a film would be nice any other night, but he was gagging to be fucked senseless with no strings attached, and minimal courting. Bars and clubs were out of the question as well. Louis was far too shy to put himself out there physically and sneak someone back with him while Harry was still home, and still awake.
There was only one option he had left that he’d been avoiding relentlessly. The infamous hookup app. Straightforward. Discreet. Everything Louis needed.
He was hesitant about its nature, however. Meeting a stranger in such a way surely had its drawbacks and he knew he wouldn’t be able to trust someone with mere screen to screen communication. There would have to be firm rules set in place if he was to go through with this. One being to meet the other person in a public space beforehand, and two for them to be absolutely hung.
Louis bit the bullet, uploading a profile picture that highlighted his best assets, and kept his real name and location hidden. Straightforward enough.
Nerves bubbled to the surface as the home page loaded and dozens upon dozens of profiles popped up. If he was ever going to shake the crush on his flatmate, now was the time, and as he scrolled through the endless sea of dick prints and faces, he tried not to think about him.
“So you’re meeting him here then?”
Louis couldn’t focus. The message sent to him via the notorious app played on a loop in his mind, and kept him planted in reality. Be there in a bit x, read the text. Louis hadn’t even asked for the lads name, or even seen his face, yet he was ready and willing to meet up with him at his best mates pub. All for a shag.
He had never done anything risky like this. It was absolutely mad. As soon as Louis scrolled past the lads profile - dick print clear in his grey trackies as his picture - Louis knew he found the one.
Please ruin my life
I’ll ruin more than just that. x
The back and forth carried on filthily. Louis admitted to his desire of a thorough dicking that was also short term and discreet, and the lad on the other side was into the idea as well. Louis figured the overtly slutty language he used helped convince him.
“Louis!” Liam, his mate, hollered from the opposite side of the counter.
“You didn’t answer me, are you meeting him here, or did you just come here for a humble brag?”
“I’m meeting him here, Liam. Believe it or not I trust your judgement and if you think I’m about to get into bed with a massive slag, I’d like for you to stop me.”
Liam gave him a puzzled look and paused before seriously answering him.
“Do you hear yourself right now? Like, genuinely, do you hear what you’re asking of me?”
Louis chose to ignore him in favor of watching the digital clock tick away on his phone. His palms calmed up as he scrolled through day old notifications and noticed a new one that simply read, here. It was sent a minute ago, and Louis suddenly felt intense, awful, palpitations in his chest. Overwhelming regret.
His mouth went dry, his stomach sloshed around with a heavy feeling of dread, and he couldn’t escape the guilty ringing in his ears. All of this effort just to rid a crush wouldn’t work, and he knew that. Harry wasn’t just someone he could forget about with an anonymous shag.
Louis considered bolting.
Behind him came a familiar honey voice. The same one that sent shivers down his spine on the daily.
“Harry?” he turned, feeling even more mortified than before. “What are you doing here, love?”
Harry crowded into his space, taking Louis into his arms and pressing him firmly into his chest. It was quick and fleeting, and didn’t last nearly as long as Louis needed.
“I’m...uh, I’m here to meet someone. I’m trying something new, sort of.”
Louis’ heart sank all together again.
“Harry?” Liam cut in from behind the bar. “The chivalrous flatmate Louis can’t stop chatting about?”
“Yeah, I believe that’s me. I hope it is.”
“I’m Liam. Nice to finally meet you, mate. I’ve heard loads of great things from this one over here.”
Louis was in pain. His face burned with pin pricks and tingles, and his stomach rumbled with embarrassment. Liam certainly knew how to make matters far worse without being asked.
“S’good to meet you too.” Harry responded politely. “What are you doing here then, Lou? Are you alone?”
Louis swallowed hard as Harry moved in closer and cornered him against the bar. His clean, musky, scent encompassed the small space between them, and Louis had to bury down a whine.
“Yeah, I’m actually meeting someone here too. I figured Liam’s pub was a safe enough space but I think I’m getting cold feet or summat, I don’t know.”
Louis overshared and let his guilt get the best of him. Even though Harry made it clear he was here for the same reason, Louis felt like he was betraying him in a way.
“I don’t think I can do this.”
Louis pulled out his phone and opened the app as Harry distanced himself by a foot. Part of Louis just wanted to leave without warning, but the other part knew he owed it to whoever it was to tell him he was leaving.
It hurt to type out his cancellation. His ego and embarrassment nearly swallowed him whole, but he followed through and sent it off anyway. It was a foolish idea to begin with.
Just as Louis pocketed his mobile, Harry’s own pinged with a notification, and Liam giggled from the other side of the counter.
“What?” Louis asked sharply.
“You’re idiots.” he shook his head. “Both of you.”
Louis watched him walk off into the back area until he disappeared around a corner, then slowly looked back at Harry. His face was painted pale and shaken like he’d seen a ghost or received a hard truth. His shoulders were rigid and his mouth was dropped in disbelief.
Louis gawked, weak in the knees.
“You?” he asked a bit breathy. “Is it you?”
Harry nodded, turning his mobile to show Louis’ words repeated back to him.
“What—you hid your name! You didn’t even have a picture up of your face—“
“Neither did you! You even had your location hidden and didn’t answer me when I asked for your name—”
“I was trying to keep all of that private, Harry! Christ. Were you planning on bringing the person in those messages back to ours?”
“Were you?”
Louis clasped his hands to his chest. The sound of blood rushing in his ears.
“Well...no,” he answered. “I-I really didn’t expect to even go through with this. I just sort of went through the motions until I felt guilty enough to stop it. I didn’t want you to know.”
“I didn’t want you to know about this either.”
“Why did you do it then?”
“Why did you?”
Louis groaned. Everything he was questioning, Harry could ask the same, and the entire mess of a situation couldn’t be pinned to either one of them.
“I wanted to get you out of my system.” Louis answered, letting the uncomfortable truth consume him. “You quite literally walk around the flat with your cock out, and you bake for me, and you’re sweet, and I knew I’d never be able to just have you once, so I figured I’d get a shag in and be done with it. I didn’t want to be that flatmate, but. M’sorry.”
“Louis,” Harry laughed, slightly defeated. “D’you know why I do all of that? Why I purposely drive you mad daily?”
“The first time we ever met, before moving in, you told me you had a massive sweet tooth. A rotten one, really. You said you loved your cakes and fruit tarts, but simple chocolate biscuits were your favourite. Do you remember that?”
“I—vaguely, yeah.”
“I went home that night and taught myself how to bake chocolate biscuits. I never baked before that, but after your initial reaction, I didn’t want to stop.”
Louis couldn’t help his growing smile even as he attempted to smother it. His own embarrassment still sat heavy in his chest, but Harry soothed it with his kind words and adorably honest truth. Louis could barely look up through the flattery.
“And then when we moved in together, you described your ideal partner as nice, fit, and hung, and I always did my best to remind you, that I am in fact, all three.”
Louis snickered as he stepped forward.
“You’re always so sure of yourself, aren’t you?”
“You said you like them a bit cocky too.”
“Goodness, Harry. Do you pay that close attention to everything I say?”
“I do,” he pulled Louis in closer to mumble in his ear, hand on his hip. “especially all the naughty things you sent to me last night. Had I known it was you, I would’ve had you right there on the sofa.”
Louis bit his lip as Harry circled his hips with his hands, slowly caressing up and under his shirt. It felt nice. Every last tingle.
“I don’t want anyone else,” he rushed out. “This was a stupid idea. So stupid, I—”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry. I don’t want anyone else either. I don’t want to ruin this again.”
“Let’s go home and get it right then.”
Clothes ridden and desire turned frantic, Louis sank to his knees at the foot of his bed, kissing his way down Harry’s naked torso. He nibbled just above his waistline. Nuzzled his face against his thighs. His senses were overwhelmed in musk and lust as he nosed over Harry’s hard cock and kissed his underside selfishly.
Harry groaned out a tortured sigh as he continued kiss after kiss. Louis was already lost in it. For months, he dreamed of feeling the warmth and smoothness of his cock on his lips, and feeling Harry grow hard beneath them. He had to touch himself to keep him tethered.
Louis felt a hand comb through his hair, then a gentle tug. He moaned around the pain. Harry was watching him with amorous eyes and a hand wrapped around his prick.
“You love this,” he teased. “You’ve wanted my big cock for so long.”
Louis whimpered as Harry traced his tip over his lips and shoved it in ever so slightly. As Louis greedily went to suck, Harry pulled out, and drew another helpless whine from from the boy before him. Louis dropped his mouth open, hoping Harry would give him what he wanted, but instead, he traced around his lips again, then to his chin, then to his cheeks. Louis desperately chased with his tongue, hoping to get a taste as Harry rubbed along his face. At most, he earned a lick here and a kiss there yet the arousal between his legs only grew.
Harry slid the hand in Louis’ hair down to his jaw and hinged open his mouth with careful fingers. Louis stuck his tongue out, red lips eager, eyes open and waiting. He shivered as Harry tapped his tip repeatedly against his tongue and slid his wet slit against it.
Bitter and warm. Salty and desirable. Louis was steadily engulfed in his flavor and driven mad by his own thirst for it.
“God, just use me,” he moaned sinfully as he swirled his tongue around for more. “Fucking—Christ. Just fuck my throat, please.”
Harry hushed him and instead bent down for a kiss. The motion of their lips was languid and Harry carefully caressed the flushed skin of Louis’ chest. The kiss was grounding and sweet, and sensual without being invasive. Harry’s careful touches steadied Louis’ breathing and brought him back down to a sense of calm. He didn’t realize he was shaking until Harry soothed him.
“Just suck me for a bit. Yeah?”
With kiss wet lips, Louis listened. His hands wrapped where his throat couldn’t reach and he bobbed and twisted slowly with ease. The length of Harry’s cock slid against his tongue and filled his mouth with hulky warmth that throbbed with precome. Louis swallowed hard around him and hollowed out his cheeks expertly. He moved his hands to fondle Harry’s balls, hoping that he would fall forward and give his mouth a proper fucking.
Harry indulged a few times. The stutter of his hips teased the back of Louis’ throat, but never went far enough to choke. Louis wished he would. He supposed he would have to work harder.
“Fuck, Lou. So good.”
Harry swore under his breath repeatedly as he grabbed a fistful of Louis hair and tugged ever so slightly.
Louis purposely moaned around him, wanting to get Harry off as he kept bobbing his head and curled his lips tighter. He watched as Harry’s knees buckled and was anticipating a mouthful of pleasure, or a hip thrust to his throat, but was suddenly swept up as Harry pulled out and lifted Louis off his knees.
Harry pulled him by the wrist over towards the sheets and laid Louis flat out on his back. Before he could even react, a pillow was shoved beneath his hips and a hand was carefully wrapped around his neck. Harry’s thumb caressed Louis’ jaw and his gaze was nothing short of adoring. Louis breathed as deeply and evenly as he could with Harry splayed over him .
“You were so good, sucking me off. But I’d rather come inside you, babe.” he said in a whisper. “I want to watch those pretty blue eyes roll back as I split you open. Yeah? Would you like that? D’you want to come apart on my cock alone?”
“Please, Harry.”
“No, no. Answer me, angel—“
“Yes! God, yes, I’ve waited too long for your prick. Give it to me.”
Harry laughed under his breath at Louis’ impatience and kissed him firm on the lips. Louis spread his legs open as Harry coated his fingers - hooking one of his legs over his shoulder. He kissed against Louis’ shin, then his calve, all the way down to the side of his knee.
The way his lips dotted his skin tickled just enough to distract Louis from the slick pressure that thrust its way past his entrance. Harry kissed down further, sinking his teeth into his supple thigh. Their eye contact remained unbroken.
Louis moaned around a bitten lip as Harry pushed inward and out. His second finger teased around the first.
“Get your cock in me,” Louis begged. “I want it now, please. Need to feel you.”
Harry ignored him and kept his stare hard. A second finger thrust into Louis’ hole and his big eager eyes finally rolled to a close. Harry snickered, pleased with himself, and kept up the unrelenting pace that made Louis squirm.
“You sure about that? Looks like you can barely handle two.”
Louis wiggled frantically beneath him and thrust himself down onto Harry’s fingers. The burn of the stretch was mildly present but it wasn’t enough to overshadow the waves of pleasure it brought on. Harry stroked his walls carefully and pressed the sensitive angle inside of him all whilst smirking against Louis’ leg. Louis silently clenched around Harry’s fingers, mouth hung open in pure arousal.
Harry didn’t budge on taking his time. Louis begged, whimpered, and withered into the rustled sheets until his belly was soaked with precome and his legs shook with need. Harry made sure his fingers slid in with ease and just for a brief, teasing, second, let his eager tongue fit alongside them.
The head of his protected cock pressed slowly into Louis - unsurprisingly more of a stretch than his fingers. Louis took it in deep breaths. He moaned around already full feeling and tensed his whole body as Harry sank further.
“You’re doing great—“ Harry panted. “You feel so good like this, fuck. So tight. M’not likely to last.”
“Shut up, shut up, just fuck me. Please.”
“So eager,” Harry spoke breathlessly. Winded. “I’ve wanted this just as long as you have, baby. Let me get it right for you.”
Louis thought to respond but was muffled by Harry’s slick lips as he slowly but steadily slipped all the way in. Hips to bum and a deafening groan from the two of them. Louis mostly laid there stiff, attempting to catch his breath. Harry soothed him in form of forehead kisses and soft encouragements. He reminded Louis to inhale deeply and exhale through his mouth.
Harry was just so big and thick, it was hard for him to do anything but whine and strain. Louis had never been as full and stretched as he was right then.
“S-so bi—move a bit, please.”
With careful motions and a watchful eye, Harry pulled back and gently thrust back forward. The movement alone was enough for Louis to see stars and become one with his pleasure. As he encouraged Harry to continue, the thrusts grew harder and the pounding eased into faster. Louis nearly missed out on Harry tossing his other leg over his shoulder until he was genuinely folded in half. His thighs squeezed tight around Harry until both were coming and both were panting uncontrollably into each other’s mouths.
They came down eventually, breath steady, and thoughts less clouded in a sex haze. Harry pulled out with all the tender ease and gathered Louis in his arms.
“I want you and only you. I want this for us.”
“Mmm, I want that too.” Harry moaned as he wrapped Louis tighter. “No more hookup apps for you and me.”
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for the tag @stronglyobsessed!
I was really not sure if I actually wanted to go in and name ALL the files in my WIP folder, but then I realized I could use this as an opportunity to make sure that my WIP sheet is up to date, so... here we are. my entire WIP folder. organized by fandom!
Teen Wolf
chris/derek dom/sub
Deter -
deter marriage proposal
proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear
stiles/sam prompt sam saving stiles
Dressing porn
season 2 stackson
stiles in make up
July 19 - Smut
June 20: Relationship Reveal
June 23: Free Day
Stalion magic alpha pack
Together, We Belong
Beach stanny
camboy stiles - stanny
gift for merwin
Gone and Past
Sr stalion And stennis
Stennis sex
You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love)
Soft steter->stetopher
Feral Derek
Kate takes video of essentially rape
familiar steterek
Set up on date
Steterek kisses
steterek sad derek
young steterek
young steterek
breathing you in seuquel
hornet au
continuation to fox!stiles
fox stiles installment
hale family
Sr. Steter
steter courting??
steter for harry--alpha rut
steter kidfic
alpha stiles omega john
De-aged Sheriff
Drunk dick pic stilinskicest
impregnation kink
john jacking stiles off when he can't use his hands
Possessive fox sheriff claims his son
stilinskicest absuive claduia
Stilinskicest tattoo
Twincest only fans
Alpha Twins/Stiles
Falling Together - Hale Orgy for Green
merwin bday fic - stiles/alpha pack?
Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Good Lovin'
Alemando age play
kitney making out
Lonk pt 2 "I have never felt so content with unexpected discoveries"
vAzazel/Janos snowball fight for irene
bobbyjohn discovering cherik
cherigan fic
bab smut
charles mom sucks
Erik goes back in time cause Charles is dead but overshoots
post dofp smut
they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered
Cherik Dating App
bamf emma kidnapped angel
for even if she flees, soon she shall pursue
you cast diamonds across the waters of my innocence
magnet smut
Mags Family
Peter/Weny POV
Hank and Alex bond during lab time
lonk patching up
Lonk awkwardly flirting for jasp
Lonk for lib
peter putting himself down
first meeting
5 times Kurt makes Peter bust a nut in his pants and 1 time Peter busts a nut in his pants on his own
Angry Erik
quickneto identity reveal
original timeline grief fuck
scogan first meeting
scogan peach
Summerscest ANGST
incest continuation to jasper fic
war photo masturbation
xavierine fic
Cain Marko/Charles Xavier AU
Charles angst childhood telepathy
dadneto saves the day
Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
phoenix peter
Charles waking up in Jakob’s arms
Ned/Peter 2
keenker kinktober 12
spideypool asexual gift for frosted goddess
Spideypool Big Bang
Spideypool prompt
Starker Big Bang
starker field trip fic
Starker Mob AU
I Built My Home, Inside Of You
Bucky/Peter sex worker fic
Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby)
winterspider date fluff
winterspider smut
5 times Happy patched up Peter and 1 time Peter patches up Happy
Twitter Fic
Bruce Banner/Peter Parker Dom/Sub
(hold me) steady
to love and be loved by you
take us, together, like the stroke of a bow
with puck pt 2
sam not backing down
kurt picking up dave's call
Kurtofsky - long fic coming out
Kurtosky - after prom season 2
Ep 5:
Puckurt - visiting during juvie
Fives Time Denny Payson Comes in His Pants and One Time Kurt Hummel Gets Him Out of Them First
Touched starved Merlin
tattoo au
protective eggsy
emerging from the night and heart of me
eggsy/trans roxy
Dad Eggsy
Young Justice
YJ - 1
YJ - 8
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
5 times superboy watches tv alone and one time dock watches tv with him
YJ - 10
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
Misc Fandom & Cross Overs
X-Men / MCU
TW x Glee
Primal Laurits
Loki Laurits
Laurits finds Magne after the show
Fate: The Winx Saga
5 times Riven gives Dane a first +1 time Dane gave Riven a first
Criminal Minds
Reid/Morgan - S3 E2
Morgan/Reid - S2 E
Weird City
smexy massage
Because I have more WIPS then people I know, I am tagging EVERYONE. Seriously, if you read this and want to list your WIPS, do it! even tag me in it!! i’d absolutely love to see if and pop into your ask box!
And if you’ve read this, please feel free to send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it!
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