#that This Is The Reason Why he's not there when SP checks the other rounds
bidokja · 5 months
every time i see a post saying that kim dokja exists only in the "third" round because he dies on the subway in all the other rounds i want to scream. he doesn't die on the subway. SP cannot find him there because in every other timeline kim dokja does not make it to the subway at all.
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outercrasis · 3 years
Pairing: College!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None (let me know if I missed something!)
Summary: Everyone is talking about the mysterious new guy on campus
A/N: I had a ton of fun writing this extremely self-indulgent AU and I have plans to keep writing more about these two. It won’t be an actual chaptered fic, but at some point I’ll throw together a masterlist with a chronological order to things.
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
The semester had only started four weeks ago and he was already a legend around campus. Almost everywhere someone could be found whispering about him. You'd even heard faculty speculating, wondering about the rumors they overheard their students sharing.
You first heard of him in your literature seminar, some of your fellow classmates discussing a recent rumor about the now fabled man. Something about a motorcycle and a child caught your ear, prompting you to interrupt and the girls in front of you who they were talking about. 
The looks you received from the pair were incredulous at best. “You mean you haven’t heard about him?”
“Heard about who?” you asked, genuinely confused. It had only been the first week of class at the time and you were too caught up with your own busy start to check in on the rumor mill.
“Mando, obviously. He’s all anyone is talking about.” From there the girls had happily filled you in on all the latest sightings and rumors. 
Mando, as they called him, was shrouded in mystery. He'd popped up on Corellia University's campus when the semester began and no one knew a thing about him. He hadn't gone to Corellia before, internet searches turned up nothing, and even the skull-like symbol on the back of his leather jacket wasn't familiar to anyone. Any information on him was conjecture at best and there was plenty to go around. Once the rest of the class caught onto what you three were discussing, theories began to fly.
People discussed how he’d been spotted downtown, beating on some guys in a back alley. He’d also been seen uptown the same night though, strolling through Basalt Park. One girl was nearly certain that she’d gone to elementary school with Mando, but he’d mysteriously disappeared one day without explanation. Someone else was confident he was just a cop trying some weird shtick to go undercover. Then one person insisted he had a kid with him sometimes while another was trying to explain that he was actually a murderer. The rumors only became more ludicrous from there.
By the end of the discussion you only ascertained two things for certain. He went by the name Mando and he wore some kind of special helmet. Information you could have gotten by watching him pick up a drink at the Java Hut. Not nearly enough to warrant this level of fervor in your opinion.
From there, hearing about Mando was inescapable. You got home that night only to have your roommate and best friend, Layla, launch into theories about him. Within the week someone set up a social media page to try and track his location around campus via DMs fellow students sent in. That had struck you as invasive and unsettling, but the messages about him kept flooding in.
By pure chance, you had yet to actually see him for yourself. There weren't even any creep shots for you to look at. People had been trying to take photos of him, but he was like a ghost. In the time it took them to pull up their cameras he'd disappear. 
There wasn't even more concrete information about him beyond what you'd learned that first day. Just more and more speculation, a good amount of it made up purely for the shock factor. Another week slipped by, the semester picking up, and Mando news became standard in your day. There was always something new going around about him and as much as you tried to avoid it and focus on your studies, you couldn’t help but wonder about him yourself.
Who was this guy? Was this all some stunt or ‘social experiment’ that would be revealed by a sociology student at the end of the semester? Or was he a legitimate peculiarity, doomed to stick out like a sore thumb? You weren’t sure if you should hate him for making a big deal out of himself or pity him for all the unwarranted attention. Either way, you were sure that whenever you met this enigmatic Mando, you’d know.
You grumble looking at the submission form. The name and student ID information is blank again. You told Todd last week those fields needed to be made mandatory. How else were you supposed to know who to email when you end up with a no-show for the hour?
Looking further down you're pleased to note that they're at least a grad student. Despite the unfinished form, graduates almost never skip sessions like these. You're thrilled to have the opportunity to discuss something other than freshman composition for once. It's fun helping the wide-eyed freshies, but you can only go over basic comma rules so many times before you start to lose it a little.
There's a knock at the study room door and you look up only to be rendered speechless. It's him. Mando. With a kid on his hip. So Alissandra hadn’t been lying when she told you about the toddler she saw with him. Interesting. Continuing to take him in, you can’t help but focus on the obvious - the only thing you knew about him other than his supposed name, the helmet. 
It’s unlike anything you've seen before. You're fairly certain it's a motorcycle helmet, but it's been modified. Rather than the typical rounded shape, his is all sharp angles and flat at the front. It’s colored a sleek, shining chrome that gleams under the washed out fluorescent lighting. Most arresting is the way he's changed the face of the helmet. The cheeks dip inward at a sharp angle, creating deep, curved contours. His visor is a T of black glass in the center, entirely impossible to see through. It's intimidating and… kinda hot?
The little boy he's holding starts to wiggle in his grasp, physically demanding to be set down in the study room. Once his feet touch the floor, he immediately runs over and climbs into the chair next to you. He's a welcome distraction from his father’s? brother's? guardian's? commanding presence in the room.
The boy can't be older than three, smiling up at you with a wide toothy grin. His hair is covered by a green beanie with large floppy ears sewn onto it and he's wearing a little brown jacket with a sherpa collar. Maybe a bit too heavy for the early autumnal weather, but if the rumor that the kid rides on a motorcycle with Mando is true, it’s perfect. His eyes are large and brown, shining up at you with a slightly mischievous glint.
"Hello, what's your name?" you ask, smiling back at the child.
"Grogu," comes the reply, not from the kid, but from Mando.
You arch an eyebrow at him. He can't be serious with that name. "Grogu?" you ask.
He shrugs, placing his bag on the table. "I came home one day and he told his babysitter that was his name now. He won't respond to anything else. So, Grogu."
You look back to the bouncing toddler. He's still grinning, nodding along with what's been said about his name. They must not be lying then. Either that, or it was some elaborate prank between them and you would never be in on the joke. 
"Well okay, Grogu it is." 
You extend your hand out to Mando, offering your name alongside it. He offers a leather clad hand in return, giving you a firm handshake. You're pleased when he only gives your hand a gentle squeeze, not crushing it like so many other students have done. His gloves are unique as well, black with orange fingers, the leather well worn in. It's warm to the touch, his body heat radiating through the thick fabric. 
"Mando," he says, officially introducing himself as he takes the seat on your other side, across from Grogu.
"Mando," you repeat, cementing it as a truth from the rumor mill. "Got any other names?" You hope that comes across as casual and not intrusive. He hasn't even gone to remove his helmet, telling you he isn't a man who cares much for people prying into his business.
"No. Why?" Mando cocks his head slightly as he asks, the helmet adding an exaggerated look to the movement. He reaches into his bag, pulls out some crayons and a pad of paper, pushing them over to Grogu.
You shrug, trying not to think about how you heard his name might be David from someone in your composition course. "Just thought I'd ask. One hears many things around campus and it's hard to tell what's true or not."
"What do you mean?"
That question makes you pause. Surely he knows. Part of you is still convinced he’s doing this act on purpose, trying to gain notoriety for some reason. The way he asked though, something about it tells you that the poor man is clueless about the buzz he's caused.
"Mando, you're like the talk of the town right now. We only just met but I've heard plenty about you," you explain. It's hard to tell with the helmet on, but you're fairly sure he's shocked underneath. Grogu ignores you both, excitedly scribbling away on his paper.
"I'm fairly sure most of it's just rumor and speculation, but still. You're like a thing around campus," you add.
He's quiet for a moment, his laptop only half out of his bag. "Oh," he finally says. "I didn't know."
Grogu gives a happy shriek not a second later, breaking the awkward tension that had begun to creep into the room. He's beaming, holding up his crayola masterpiece. On the paper there is what appears to be a hastily drawn frog using every color in the box.
Mando returns to himself, pulling his laptop the rest of the way and continues to get set up. "Great job, kid. It looks good."
Most people would have said that dismissively, a platitude to get their child to stop bothering them. When Mando says it though, the authenticity is palpable. He said six words and you can hear the pride lacing them all together. It’s sweet, the obvious affection this clearly private man has for the toddler. 
You can’t help but wonder what his connection to Grogu actually is. The way he spoke just then, if you had to put your money on it, you’d say father. The kicker then though is if he’s biological or not. And if not, then how else does a grad student get strapped with a three year old? Thinking about all the potential scenarios is enough to make your head hurt.
You’re also left wondering where all the more violent rumors about him are coming from. His tenderness is so readily on display that it’s hard to imagine the man before you choking someone because they cut him in line at the local froyo shop. He’s mysterious and gives off a vaguely dangerous vibe, sure, but less than five minutes around him and the kid and it’s obvious he’s no threat to you. He’s just a guy trying to get his assignments done for class, same as everyone else.
Your stomach still catches in your throat as Mando starts unexpectedly tugging off his gloves. From what you’d heard, he never takes anything off: not his jacket, not his gloves, and certainly not his helmet. All anyone knows of his true appearance on campus is that he’s obviously male with rumors flying around about everything else including simple attributes, like the color of his skin. Now, here he is, casually revealing this groundbreaking information to you.
His hands move fluidly, pulling off each glove in just a few easy tugs. His skin matches the heat you felt from them just minutes ago, a warm golden tan, with a few faded lines of scars worn in. Watching him type, pulling his paper up for you to discuss, you feel a deep and sudden ache to have his hands touch you again. A simple handshake is no longer enough. Every stroke of the keys is measured, deliberate, and leaves you wondering how he would use those fingers on you.
“This is what I have so far.”
His voice snaps you back to reality, a quick wave of shame washing over you. Where did all of that come from? It was just a man’s hands for heaven’s sake, certainly not something you should be horny about at two in the afternoon. Not to mention that he came in here looking for your help, not wanting you to start fantasizing about his hands expertly working you over.
You clear your throat and tear your eyes away from the offending appendages. “Great, let me just read the introduction here so I can get an idea for what you’re writing about.”
You settle into working with him easily. His paper is already well-written, just needing tweaks here and there to bring it to the next level. It’s nice working with him. He’s attentive, clearly listening to everything you have to say and taking it into account. He doesn’t even try to challenge you as some of the more macho male students are wont to do. By the end of the session, you can’t help but wish all of your time as a tutor was that easy.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely, tucking his laptop away. “You really helped.”
You smile at him, thrilled with his genuine complement. “Of course, that’s what I’m here for.”
He finishes packing up his and Grogu’s things, with you silently lamenting as his gloves slide back on. It still feels like a ridiculous thought, but he really does have beautiful hands. There’s a small tap on your arm and you look to your left to see Grogu patiently waiting. He’s offering something to you, paper outstretched in his little hands.
“Thank you,” you say, taking the sheet from him. You look at it to see a frog carefully drawn on the page. It’s not the same as the first one he showed you and Mando, this one more deliberate and thoughtful. The colors are still just as varied, but it’s obvious he took more time to think about where he was using each one. You can’t help but smile at his small masterpiece.
“It looks great, buddy. I’ll keep it forever,” you tell him. Grogu beams at your praise, excitedly looking over to Mando. 
Mando nods at the kid. “Yeah kid, I heard her too.” He turns his head towards you. “Thank you again. I’d take good care of that drawing. He’ll never forgive you if he finds out you got rid of it.”
“Does that mean I’ll be seeing you again?” Your own boldness takes you by surprise. You have no idea where that came from, how those words spilled without a second thought. Part of you is already cringing at Mando’s potential reaction.
He surprises you once again though, holding a hand out for Grogu to take. Shouldering his backpack, you hear an amused huff of air from under the helmet. “Yeah, mesh’la, I’ll see you around.”
There isn’t a chance to reply as Mando turns, escorting his tiny charge out of the room with him. You’re a little dumbstruck, now equally surprised with him as you had been with yourself. 
And what was that name he just called you? Mesh’la? You don’t even know what language that could have been, much less the meaning. Something about his tone when he said it tells you it’s a good thing though, that he’s not secretly calling you rude names in some unknown language. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever get to find out.
taglist: @honestly-shite
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Alistar the Minotaur build (League of Legends)
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Wow is Alistar’s champion title really just “the Minotaur?” Like damn I know he’s an old champion but other old champions have titles like “the Dark Child” or “the Frost Archer” or “the Barbarian King.” Calling Alistar “the Minotaur” is like calling Yasuo “the Wind Sword Guy”, or calling Blitzcrank “the Robot”, or calling Amumu “the Sad Mummy.” ...Wait...
Pulverize - Alistar’s an old champion with a very simple kit. Hit people, hit them some more, and hit them a third time for good measure.
Trample - The bull has a lot of CC at his disposal with tons of ways to keep enemies at bay.
Triumphant Roar - Ali’s main “supportive” mechanic is the ability to heal himself and his allies in the middle of a teamfight.
This may be surprising to hear but Alistar is a Minotaur, which is a race in Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica but I suppose it got reprinted in Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Your Strength increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1. You have Horns that you can use for an unarmed strike that do a d6 piercing damage instead of the bludgeoning damage of a regular punch, and if you dash 20 feet in a straight line you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action with Goring Rush.
Most notably as a Minotaur you get Hammering Horns: Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack on your turn you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that target with your horns. You can push the target up to 10 feet away from you unless they succeed on a Strength saving throw. The creature can’t be more than one size larger than you and has to be within 5 feet of you.
You can also speak, read, and write both Common and Minotaur, and get your choice of either Intimidation or Persuasion proficiency thanks to Imposing Presence. Of course we’ll be choosing Intimidation but feel free to opt for Persuasion instead if you think it will be more useful.
15; STRENGTH - You’re a big bad bull whose powers include punching people, headbutting people, and stepping on people... not like that.
14; CONSTITUTION - You’re a tank as well as a support, and Constitution is required for tanking.
13; CHARISMA - You’re a big scary purple monster, and while you could probably convince your DM to be intimidating with Strength Charisma is a requirement to multiclass.
12; DEXTERITY - Not the most in-character since Ali is a slow dude, but DEX is required for AC.
10; WISDOM - You smack people a bunch; you don’t ask them about their feelings. Wisdom could help you with Animal Handling though since you are an animal.
8; INTELLIGENCE - You smack people a bunch you don’t read books.
Alistar’s backstory has been through the wringer so many times which is to be expected of an older champion. But apparently now he’s an Outlander seeking vengeance for his tribe? Regardless you get Survival proficiency but I’d actually recommend swapping the Athletics proficiency for Animal Handling since we can’t get it elsewhere, and it makes sense for the cow to be good with animals. You also gain proficiency in an instrument and a language of your choice. Again whenever we make warrior types I always recommend Drums, because I doubt those big hooves can play a lute.
Your background feature Wanderer is kinda like Laberintian Recall from older versions of the Minotaur. You can recall the general layout of the terrain around you, and can find food and water within reason. Alistar’s just generally a cool dude; he seems angry but I don’t doubt he’d be willing to help you out if you got lost in the mountains.
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Starting off as a Paladin for a variety of reasons. But regardless of the reason you get proficiency in two skills from the Paladin list: take Athletics from your class instead of your background. Any other skill makes sense so pick whatever you think will be useful. (I opted for Insight personally.)
As a Paladin you get Divine Sense, letting you use an action to detect any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma, so twice. For some Relic Shield healing Lay on Hands gives you a healing pool equal to 5 times your Paladin level. You can heal a target you touch for any amount of health as an action, up to the remaining total of your Lay on Hands pool. Alternatively you can spend 5 health to neutralize a poison or disease, because a good support knows when to grab Mikael's!
Second level Paladins get a Fighting Style: to remain in-character it would make the most sense to take Unarmed Fighting from the Class Feature Variants UA, but there really isn’t much reason to use your fists over an actual weapon (especially since you have horns) so I’d suggest grabbing Great Weapon Fighting instead. Use a Maul since it’s a heavy weapon that does bludgeoning; so it’s practically like you’re punching them!
You also get Spellcasting as a Paladin: you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Charisma modifier plus half your Paladin level (rounded down) so... not a lot. Bless will let you boost your allies by setting enemies up for them... that’s how I’d flavor it at least. If you want to take things into your own hands Thunderous Smite will let you empowered your next attack to do bonus thunder damage and force the enemy to make a Strength save or be knocked prone. Is your spell save really bad because your Charisma is so low? Yes!
But naturally we’ll be ignoring most of those spells for Divine Smite! When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal extra radiant damage in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d8, plus an additional d8 for the level of the spell you use. So a level 1 spell does 2d8, level 2 does 3d8, and so-on. Additionally if you hit an undead you do an extra d8 of damage! Fight toe-to-toe with Mordekaiser for a battle of the tanks!
Third level Paladins get Divine Health, making them immune to disease, which is good because you’re bound to catch a cold by running around shirtless. (Except you should be wearing armor for now.) But more importantly you get to choose your Divine Oath, and I did say we’d be using content from Theros so... Oath of Glory! As a Glory Paladin you get the Guiding Bolt and Heroism spells innately.
You also get two Channel Divinity options: Peerless Athlete will give you Advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks for the next 10 minutes... and I’m obligated to tell you that advantage on Athletics will let you shove people better to try to knock them over. Inspiring Smite however will let you make a Triumphant Roar when you hit an enemy with your Divine Smite. Roll 2d8 and add your Paladin level: you can distribute this pool of temporary hitpoints among your allies however you wish.
4th level Paladins get another Ability Score Improvement: I’m going to suggest increasing your Charisma and your Constitution by 1, putting them both at even scores.
With the increase to level and Charisma you can also prepare more Paladin spells: Compelled Duel is a good way to keep foes close and CCed so your allies can fight them, and Cure Wounds is a good way to keep those allies in the fight!
Paladins get an Extra Attack at 5th level, letting them attack twice when taking the attack action.
You can also prepare and cast second level spells now: as a Glory Paladin you get Enhance Ability and Magic Weapon innately. Hit hard and resist any incoming damage!
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Okay I know I usually like to start the builds for shirtless characters with Barbarian first but half of Alistar’s skins give him armor, and Paladin levels simply gave us more to work with. Regardless: Barbarians can go shirtless with Unarmored Defense equal to 10 plus your Dexterity and then plus your Constitution.
Of course we’re not just here to go shirtless in Seattle: as a Barbarian you can Rage a number of times per day as shown on the Barbarian class chart. While raging you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (which yes our Channel Divinity could also do) and do bonus damage when attacking with a strength weapon. But the most important thing is that you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage while raging, meaning that your Unbreakable Will will keep you in the fight!
Note that you can’t cast spells while raging, nor can you concentrate on them. You can still benefit from any spell effects that aren’t concentration though, and more importantly you can still smite! What’s more important though is that your rage will end if you don’t take damage or attack someone for a full round. Beyond that your rage lasts for one minute, so keep in the fray while absorbing every incoming blow!
Second level Barbarians get Reckless Attack, allowing them to attack with Advantage at the cost of being attacked with Advantage. You know what Advantage means? A higher chance to crit. You know what more crits means? Harder smites, as the smite damage gets doubled! You’ve got the health to take hits, so why not hit them hard?
In addition you get Danger Sense, giving you advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you can see. Don’t be a dummy: dodge skillshots you can see coming.
Third level Barbarians can choose their Primal Path. You’re meant to be a tank so naturally Totem Warrior. As a Totem Warrior you get a Totem Spirit and the Spirit of the Bear gives you resistance to all damage but Psychic. (I suppose you can consider Psychic to be True Damage.) Yup it’s a tank build so of course we’re going Bear Totem Barbarian.
As a Totem Warrior you also get Spirit Seeker, allowing you to cast Beast Sense and Speak with Animals as ritual spells. See I told you the Animal Handling proficiency would help!
Regardless of your class you get an Ability Score Improvement at 4th level, so with 4 levels in Barbarian it’s time for a... Feat! No not Athlete: I’m actually going to suggest the Resilient feat in Strength this time. You’re a tough guy so naturally you can wrestle toe-to-toe.
NOTE: I opted for Resilient in Strength since it’s unlikely you’ll need to concentrate on spells much. (As you’ll be Raging most of the time.) But if you want better concentration checks feel free to take Resilient in Constitution instead. The last ASI was in both CON and CHA, so you can opt for CHA and STR instead.
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With our ultimate in-line it’s time to become the ultimate support! Level 6 Paladins get Aura of Protection, granting allies in a 10 foot radius a bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier. So again: not much. But it does benefit you as well!
Additionally you can prepare another spell: Lesser Restoration will let you cleanse minor CCs from your allies... or yourself.
As a Glory Paladin you get Aura of Alacrity at 7th level, making you and anyone within 10 feet of you move 10 feet faster! Alistar’s a pretty slow boy, but there’s no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth. Maybe you’re not fast; maybe everyone else is just slow?
8th level Paladins get another Ability Score Increase so it’s time to cap off that Strength modifier for the hardest hits possible.
So you could’ve prepared another spell at the last level but I didn’t mention it because there isn’t much at 2nd level we want. But regardless you can prepare third level spells now! As a Glory Paladin you know Protection from Energy innately for a Knight’s Vow, but much more importantly you get Haste! Buff your ADC, or buff yourself to attack at lightning speeds!
Speaking of ADC buffs: Crusader’s Mantle will give you and all your allies within 30 feet an additional d4 radiant damage on their attacks. You can’t cast it while raging but you can have it up normally to further support the team.
10th level Paladins get an Aura of Courage, making it so that you and allies within 10 feet are immune to being frightened. No scarecrow is going to scare you! And you can prepare another spell: Spirit Shroud is an Unearthed Arcana spell that works a lot like Randuin's Omen, slowing enemies within 10 feet of you by 10 feet. On top of your Aura of Alacrity you can easily keep foes at bay, especially since you do an extra d8 of damage (Necrotic or Radiant) to enemies you hit!
11th level Paladins get Improved Divine Smite, doing an extra d8 of Radiant damage with all their attacks. Despite the name of this class feature it doesn’t activate your Inspiring Smite feature; sorry.
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12th level Paladins get another Ability Score Improvement, so for more tanking increase your Constitution.
Speaking of tanking you can prepare another spell: Aura of Vitality will let you spend a Bonus Action to heal anyone within 30 feet (including yourself) for 2d6 health, for a whole lot of Triumphant Roars.
13th level Paladins can prepare 4th level spells. As a Glory Paladin you can cast Freedom of Movement to ignore CC, and Compulsion for some CC of your own.
14th level Paladins buy a Mikael's Crucible to use Cleansing Touch, allowing them to end a spell’s effect with a touch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier before taking a Long Rest.
And another spell to prepare? Sure! Aura of Purity gives your whole team CC reduction!
As a Glory Paladin you get Glorious Defense at 15th level. When you or another creature you can see within 10 feet is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to grant a bonus to the target’s AC against that attack, equal to your Charisma modifier. If the attack misses, you can make one weapon attack against the attacker as part of this reaction, provided the attacker is within your weapon’s range. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. Man this class has a lot of features based on Charisma... shame we didn’t increase it much.
16th level Paladins get our last Ability Score Improvement so I’d suggest capping your Constitution for a 20 health increase and maximum tanking!
And you can prepare one more spell at this level: Staggering Smite is perhaps the ultimate knockup, doing a ton of Psychic Damage on a hit and also giving the target disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for the duration, and it can’t take reactions until the end of its next turn.
Gargoyle Stoneplate - This is certainly a tanky build! Over 200 health and a positive modifier in every saving throw, all on top of Bearbarian Rage to halve all incoming damage!
Locket of the Iron Solari - You also have a lot of support and utility. Inspiring Smite alone grants 2d8 + 16 temp HP to your party, and you have a huge variety of healing spells at your disposal.
Lich Bane - Unlike Alistar in League you can hit very hard! A 2d6 weapon with Advantage and Smites will let you break some skulls. (Side note: if you want to be more supportive try investing in CHA instead of STR to boost your auras and spells.)
Lord Dominik's Regards - Even with the high Constitution mod your low Dexterity means that your AC is subpar. You may have the health to spare but you’re going to be hit a lot.
Blade of the Ruined King - Let’s talk brains: you’re not good at them. Raging stops you from concentrating on spells, and most of your spells are concentration. More importantly you had to dump both mental stats, and while your saving throws are still okay thanks to Paladin levels you’re not going to be succeeding on any History checks.
Guinsoo's Rageblade - Ultimately while Raging lets you absorb a lot of damage the investment in Barbarian makes this class insanely MAD (Multi-Ability Dependent) and raging can do as much harm as it can help. The requirement for Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma means that something ultimately ends up dropped. If you can make this build with Point Buy (dumping the hell out of your mental stats) then it’s great, but with such a low Charisma a lot of your Paladin features end up being subpar.
But you’re the support. If you were good at everything you’d just carry yourself. Keep the enemies at bay and your allies in the fight. If you go down it’s a job well done! Space created! But do your best not to feed, obviously.
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randaccidents · 4 years
Just like you / Just like me
Another one before I return to school! Most of the next few are just filling in little timeline bits before my next big event fic, so keep an eye out! This one happens during the shadow meetups, cause they might be cancelled but I am travelling back in time now. Also second person is hard when the pronouns do things to me but I tried :P
TW: violence, murder (you heard me), flashbacks, threats to a person
Shadow People AU by the fabulous @mine-sara-sp
Someone learns not to mess with family.
They barely managed not to slam the door shut behind them, angrily sighing in frustration. Leaning back against the door, they let their cape curl up around them, giving them some brief comfort. A choked, muffled sob reminded them who they were looking for, and they pushed off the door. Keeping their steps audible, they turned the corner and kneeled down next to the sobbing shadow just beyond. “Hey, are you alright?”
Cavalier swiped angrily at his eyes, eyes similar to their own looking up at them with tears in them. “Of course I’m not alright! I can’t be when they keep! Doing! That!”
They flinched back slightly at the outburst, knowing that they had said the wrong thing. Of course he wasn’t alright, Coda had just tried to take his feather again, and no one else had bothered to pay attention. Cavalier cringed at their reaction, curling further into himself. Yellow particles of light drifted up from the bright yellow slash beneath his hand, buzzing angrily and refusing to close.
Sighing again (they seem to be doing that a lot these days), they reached up. Unhooking their cape, they shrugged it off their shoulders. The cloth rippled, momentarily forming sharp draconic wings before flopping down into its passive state. Gently, they wrapped their cape around the shoulders of their brother. Cavalier looked up in surprise. “But this is yours! Isn’t it like my-”
They flopped down next to Cavalier, holding out a hand. Their twin looked down at it, contemplative, before shakily raising his injured arm to take hold of theirs. Permission granted, they took Cavalier’s hand off of the injury, carefully wrapping the end of their cape around it. Hopefully (they hope, for they do not understand Vex magic), the magic in the cape might be able to cancel out whatever lingering effects came from the scythe. Cavalier sighed, leaning into their touch. They gently patted his head, mind wondering what they could possibly do to help. Everything they had tried so far had failed, Coda was still aggressive and would attack Cavalier at will. As their eyes drifted down to the shadow against him, a detail stood out. One that caused an idea to begin crafting itself in their head.
The band. Where once it had been all purple, now yellow was largely dominant. The clasp was made of gold, easily replicable, and they knew how to get that yellow.
They had their plan.
“Cavalier,” they began, catching their brother’s attention. Cavalier tilted his head back questioningly. “Could I take a look at your band? Not take it off, just look,” they quickly added, seeing the flash of fear across Cavalier’s face.
Patiently, they waited while Cavalier considered. In the meanwhile, they quickly looked over him, noting all the differences in their armours. Notably, they wore extra layers over their… scars…
They shivered at the thought of removing some layers. The blue might be gone, but there were clear light slashes across their skin, and the extra layers made them feel safer. Sure, they traded it for the ability to melt into the ground, but being able to fly more than made up for it.
A tap on their chest piece snapped their attention back to the present, back to his brother. With a small nod, Cavalier lifted his arm, the blue cape billowing off it gracefully. Reverently, they inspected the band, fingers lightly brushing over the clasp, noting the metalwork, every dip and bend and inscription. It was simply made, but they could feel the indent of a symbol; a broken portal, symbolic of the Empire. Satisfied with their findings, they moved back, Cavalier allowing his arm to fall naturally to cuddle against them.
They smiled down at him, before redirecting their attention. Mentally, they reached out, sifting through the strings. There, deep below them, the brilliant ting of gold. Replicating the sound in their mind, they reached down and pulled. A second, then the brilliant ting responded, flowing out of the ground to puddle in their hand. With their other hand, they directed the metal into a rounded sound, pressing flat notes into the divots on the metal. Before their eyes, the metal formed into a replica of the clasp on Cavalier’s arm. Tiny drops of gold dripped down it, extra material that wasn’t needed in the clasp. They hummed, using the sound to direct the droplets down their arm, forming a thin golden ring around their wrist, barely visible. Who knew when they would need a fast source of metal?
The sound of clapping snapped them out of their trance, and they flushed in embarrassment as Cavalier softly applauded them. “You have a lot of control over that Paladin! How long did it take you to do that?”
They lightly fiddled with the metal at their wrist, fingers pulling at the invisible strings of sound and directing the metal to twist into tiny shapes along their arm. “About a week of non-stop learning under Abyss, and however much training with Wels,” they admitted, pulling the metal back into place into its band. Gently, they shifted Cavalier off of their chest, standing up swiftly. Ignoring the questioning look their twin shot them, they took a deep breath and faded into the ground for the first time since the last world.
Being two-dimensional again was a weird experience, like coming back to a familiar place that was no longer yours. They didn’t waste any time in reforming, checking over themselves and comparing to Cavalier. As expected, nearly every feature of their summoned armour was similar, with minute differences in the helmet. Luckily, no one without smithing experience would know that the clasps and hinges were made just slightly different. Inspecting their arm, their satisfaction took a quick dip.
They’d forgotten about them, the extra armour they wore had helped them forget easily enough. Shakily, they touched a hand to the silvered scars on their arm, glowing bright under the sun. The blue might be long gone, but the memory of the fight and the blood and the hall and-
“Paladin? What are you planning?”
Blinking out of the memories, they turned to face Cavalier, who had stood up. The blue cape blew behind him, starkly outlining his frame. They wondered if that was what everyone saw when they looked at them. Blowing out a long breath, they directed a dull bong of coal to settle in their hand. “I’m planning on teaching them a lesson,” they stated simply, beginning to rub the coal over their scars. Inspecting the smudge, they grunted when the colour wasn’t quite the same.
Hands similar to theirs grabbed their own, easing the coal from their grip. Cavalier moved to the nearby pond, picking at stray pieces of clay left in the water. Cupping some water in his hand, he mixed the clay and coal in, eyes focused on his task. “Tell me how you intend to do that. I want to know,” he said, eyes flicking up briefly to pin them in place.
They sighed. Guess he really did have that Wels stubbornness and need to get into people’s business. Sitting down, they began tugging feathers out of their helm, stringing together a fake band of yellow. Feeling Cavalier’s gaze upon them again, they shrugged. “I’m going to go in there dressed as you, let them be mean. I know that if you go back in right now, Coda will try and attack you. I’m going to stab him. Then they’ll all know what happens to those who mess with family.” The next feather snapped taut in their hands, and they took a deeper breath before they continued to weave the fake band, holding it up against their arm to check its length. Satisfied by its length, they brought it back down to begin tying it to the fake clasp. There was no need to make it permanent after all, it just needed to last the next thirty minutes.
Footsteps, then Cavalier was knelt before them, gently lifting their left arm. Dipping a finger into the mixture in his hands, he deftly smeared it on, spreading it evenly and damping the edges. They watched the silver disappear from their arms, replaced by a grey the same shade as them. When Cavalier moved on to their other arm, they inspected their now freed arm. The paint was expertly applied, the colour and texture scarily similar to their own arm and armour. Idly, they wondered how many times Cavalier had done this.
A light touch near their neck had them swatting Cavalier away in a sudden panic, eyes wide. The other shadow pouted up at them. “You have some silver on your neck and face and I will not let you go in without a proper disguise! How did you even get silver, that's not possible.” Cavalier grumbled, hands making grabbing motions towards their face. Rolling their eyes at their twin’s antics, they cautiously leaned forward, keeping a close eye on his hands. The idea of hands near their face was nerve wracking, for reasons they couldn’t identify. They followed their hands as he charted a path along their neck and up to their face, gently layering and smoothing on the paint. Once Cavalier was satisfied, he snatched up the fake favour, moving to their left arm. They simply watched, unwilling to break him out of his current mood. It was much better than the crying pile of shadows and light he had been earlier, and they were grateful for that at least.
Cavalier easily adjusted the band, stepping back to observe his handiwork. He frowned. “If you are going to do this, you need to hold yourself more like me.”
They raised an eyebrow at their twin. “Why are you so interested in helping me with this? I get that you agreed with my plan when you helped with hiding those, but why help me this much?”
“Maybe I’m feeling a little vicious right now, and I want someone hurt,” Cavalier snapped back, face hard and angry. They flinched back, shocked by the sudden outburst. Cavalier’s expression quickly softened, his next words holding some semblance of softness. “Sorry, I might be a little tired and angry of always being attacked here. Some small part of me wants them to suffer. And it's not like hurting someone else isn’t normal.”
They sighed, moving forward to hold Cavalier close again. “Hurting someone else isn’t supposed to be normal, but I guess that’s the world we live in.” Internally, they wished they could change it for him, but they supposed that this was the best they could do right now. Stepping back, they gave him a crooked grin. “Now, teach me how to act like you. I’ve got someone to stab.”
Standing before the door, they took a deep breath. Rolling their shoulders back, they loosened their whole stance further. Then, they retensed their shoulders, holding themselves like how Cavalier taught them. Look at attention, but afraid all at the same time. Cavalier had shrugged when they asked why they knew how he held himself. “Training. I’m supposed to know how someone holds themselves, even me.” They had brushed that aside quickly.
Hand on the doorknob, they took a deep breath. It would be the last breath they would take for a while, Cavalier doesn’t consciously breathe like they do.
They turned the doorknob, and he entered the room.
Everyone’s eyes turned to him, and they barely remembered to flinch, curling into himself defensively. Timidly, he waved with his right hand. “Am I welcome back?”
A quick flutter of wings alerted him to 3D’s presence, the shadow turning from where he faced Coda to smile at him. “Cavalier! Are you feeling better?”
He gave him a shy smile, mouth opening to answer.
“You’re back.”
Coda shoved past 3D, pushing the smaller shadow to the floor as he walked up to him. He took a quick step back, but it did nothing to prevent Coda from grabbing his arm over the yellow wound, pushing him against the wall as the scythe slid under his arm yet again. He/They froze, looking up fearfully. “Coda, let me go?”
The other shadow leaned forward, pressing the blade of the scythe closer. “And why should I? You are the last one I have to deal with on my mission. Don’t bother looking around, no one will help you.”
Someone barrelled into them, dragging Coda’s arm down slightly. He looked down, meeting 3D’s determined eyes. “Coda, please stop, no one needs to get hurt!”
Coda growled, briefly shifting the weapon away to throw 3D roughly to the ground. “And who will stop me? You? Them?” he said, gesturing to the crowd behind him. They peeked curiously over Coda’s shoulder while his attention was off them, looking for any form of help.
They could faintly see Trip, holding back Red from homicide, the feral shadow gripping two weapons tight. Joyful was hidden behind Biedronka and Chamomile, barely seen. Many of the other shadows just… stood around, watching. Being useless.
They could see why Cavalier felt angry. Other than the shadows just… watched. Not helping. It made them feel alone.
just like back then, alone and cornered without help and only the sound of breathing and clanging and bells-
“You’re not even paying attention. Pathetic. You’ve even forgotten your training.” The arm holding him up shook him violently, shaking them out of it. They looked back at Coda, fear-filled memories still echoing in their mind. The scythe came back up between them, pressing him further into the wall. “You’re alone, the last of a dead group. Look out the window.”
The scythe pushed under his jaw, forcing him to turn his head. “Do you see? Not even he is going to come and help you. Accept your fate, and let me finish my duty.”
He could see, just outside, a flap of blue. Cavalier. He was waiting for them. Eyes hardening, they twisted their arm to grab Coda’s, head turning sharply to face him. “You’re right, they’re not. Because I am already here.”
And they let their mouth fall open with a loud distorted scream, mixing phantom and enderman and the growling cry of ambush into one, directing the metal around their wrist and sat in a lump on their upper arm to follow in its piercing wave of destruction. They could feel the gold respond, shooting uncontrollably in all directions, piercing through the air. They watched in satisfaction as the metal struck through Coda, piercing deep and spreading through, doing constant damage. The reaper shadow’s faintly shocked face quickly disappeared into smoke under the onslaught, and they could see the metal reaching out greedily, following their distorted and uncontrolled direction.
They closed their mouth with finality, satisfied. They reached a hand out, directing the still-screaming metal into a singular note, bringing back into a band on their wrist. They winced slightly in pain as the metal pierced into their left arm was extracted, breathing in a much needed breath. Straightening, metal pieces still returning to them, they glared angrily at the cowering shadows in the room. “Let this be my final warning. The next time someone physically attacks Cavalier, I will kill them immediately without remorse. That is a promise.”
They tilted their head to the Empire shadows. “And thank you for trying your best. I understand why you are doing what you do. Thank you for preventing the situation from getting worse.” Turning, they stalked out of the room, nothing left to say.
Closing the door firmly behind them, they sighed loudly, a hand rubbing down their face. They felt drained, but Cavalier was waiting for them. Walking with purpose, they turned the corner, finding Cavalier waiting for him against the nearest pillar. Their twin pushed off the wall, moving forward to place a hand on their injured arm, yellow holes already beginning to close. “Thank you for standing up for me,” he whispered, gently leaning his forehead onto their arm.
They hesitated, before gently resting their other hand on Cavalier’s head. When Cavalier didn’t flinch away, they gently petted the top of his helmet. “Let’s go home Cav, I don’t think we can go back in right now.”
Cavalier raised his head, nodding. “This won’t happen again, will it?”
They slowly moved their hand to his back, rubbing gently. “I don’t know. Hopefully not. Come on, we’ll be back for the next one.”
With their hand on his back, they turned them around to head back home.
Wels was waiting for them when they returned, hands on his hips. Wordlessly, he holds up his communicator, big bolded words practically jumping out of the screen.
*Renthedog’s shadow was impaled by Welknight’s shadow.
“So which of you stabbed which of his?”
They shrugged their shoulders. “I stabbed Coda because he was threatening Cavalier. Again.”
Wels nodded, quickly typing something into the chat group before flipping it back over to show them, the chat flying by lightning fast as hermits responded.
[Wels] Ren I know what happened
[Wels] Paladin looked at Coda and went “I want that twink obliterated”
[Grian] bdfkjgbf jkgs 
[Beef] jsknbdfjfdngkfhndg
[Mumbo] kjsnesjkdngdjgr
[Doc] wait Coda’s a twink?
[Ren] HAHAHA ok gotcha
[Doc] wait does that mean Ren is a twink too?
[Ren] >:0
[False] yes
[Etho] yes
[Scar] yes
[Iskall] definitely
[Ren] >>:V
[Doc] noted
Cavalier snorted, giggling. They smiled back at Wels, glad that he wasn’t mad at them either. Their summoner slung an arm over their shoulders, winking. “Wanna tell me how you destroyed that shadow?”
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twilightknight17 · 4 years
Forgetting to buy more SP patches before taking on the final boss was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to sell the items I can’t take into NG+ for cash that I can take into NG+ was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to get Arsene out of Lockdown so that I can record his awesome new stats for NG+ was probably a mistake.
In my defense, I was really excited. I wonder if the game will let me make a side trip while I’m out...buying flowers. Because that is what it has come to.
Buying flowers.
Shinya is a terrible brat and wasn’t in Akihabara at ALL until the day before the deadline. Thanks, Shinya. There goes my max confidants. Blugh. At least I got some other things done. Got the award for the maid cafe, so I don’t have to go back except once to open the Twins field trip. I still suck at batting even with third eye. But I am a champ at fishing, it only took me like five trips to the fishing pond to catch the Guardian! I could have done it in less if I’d figured out how to manage my bait properly sooner.
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Smile, Akira, we’re awesome! ...still not even halfway to enough fish points for the award, though. :/
I am also awesome at the crane game in Akihabara, and by that I mean I am persistent and have enough yen that it doesn’t matter how many tries it takes.
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Ryuji truly knows the way to my heart. <3 I missed two episodes of Featherman; one I forgot to check the TV, and the other I was laughing so hard at the title that I forgot to write it down. But I know where they are, so it’s something else for NG+. ^_^
So I romanced Sumire, and I’m...slightly off-put. Only slightly. Not because of her, but once again, because of the writing. Sumire is cute, but the game is singling her out as “special” again.
She is the only one who confesses to you, and you explicitly have the option to turn her down, rather than the implications of a confession that you can shoot down indirectly (Haru’s, Makoto’s, Futaba’s), or the absolute fucking galaxy-brain leap of logic that is Ann’s dialogue choices. X’D
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If you ignore that, though, they’re stupidly cute. Akira’s a little shit, as usual. Sumire asks you to “look at her”, based on her whole confidant thing of realizing that having someone you care about watching you makes you want to do better.
And so Akira looks.
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And looks closer.
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Dorks. XDDD
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They’re sweet. Not my favorite romance route; that still goes to Haru. I think in the end I still prefer Akira adding another member to his army of younger siblings. He’s gotta be better than Yu. XDDD
So I got Kasumi’s rank 10 and literally the next day was February 2nd, and I spent the afternoon getting her third-tier persona. So I didn’t even get to see...Vanadis? in battle. Vanadis matches a little too well to Arsene for my tastes, and Ella is pretty, but I’m not sure how I feel about it looking kind of bride-ish when Maruki’s running around in a wedding tux.
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Anyway...what do we do the night before the meeting that will decide everything?
We make curry and we pretend everything isn’t about to go to hell.
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So, Maruki. Let’s chat.
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Does no one die in your world? Or move away? What if someone’s dream is to move abroad, and someone else’s dream is for that person to stay with them forever? If what we saw in your Palace is any indication, both of them would be tortured into accepting new dreams where they wouldn’t hurt each other. Dreams that you deemed acceptable. And that’s why you’re wrong.
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So you’re giving up your happiness to make sure everyone else is happy? Why can’t you just use your powers to make her remember you, without the trauma? Are you not all-powerful?
Or are you running away from the person that reminds you how helpless you used to be? You’re not moving on, you’re dwelling, and using it as an excuse to be terrible. For all of your kindness, you know Akira is a threat. And benevolent or not, you’re being manipulative. You’re using Goro against him. You’re hoping that he makes the decision you didn’t, and chooses the person he cares about over the reality he wants.
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Every time he says something like this, I feel exactly the way he says he didn’t want me to. Newsflash, asshole, that’s exactly what it seems like. If we break your reality, you’re heavily implying he won’t be here afterwards. And you’re gambling that it will be too much pain for Akira to bear, because you know how important they are to each other.
Goro, meanwhile, is both perfectly determined and perfectly stupid.
“Don’t tell me you think dangling my life before us is going to have any impact on our decision.”
Goro. Honey. Do you really think he cares so little that he wouldn’t hesitate for just a moment?
Akira practically throws the calling card at Maruki before he leaves, which I think sums up his feelings pretty well.
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I appreciate that Morgana understands that this is something between them.
Goro doesn’t want to be controlled or manipulated ever again. Which... I get it. He’s never had a chance to have full control of his own life. But that doesn’t mean Akira isn’t going to be upset by the idea of him dying. Again.
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Two out of three dialogue options are basically “hang on one fucking second,  your life matters to me.”
“Don’t oversimplify this.”
“Oh, but it IS simple. Do you think I’d be happy with this? Being shown mercy now of all times? I don’t want to be pitied-- this isn’t something I’m debating with you! Your indecisiveness is essentially a betrayal of my wishes.”
It’s not pity, you stubborn, idiot boy. ...and I hate that you see it as a betrayal.
Maruki is...very confident. And very kind. And part of the reason he upsets me is because he isn’t wrong, in many cases. But he uses that to justify imposing his will on everyone.
And being kind doesn’t mean that you are free from sin. You can be kind and still be manipulative. And selfish. In the end, that’s what separates him and Akira. Akira, despite all of his hesitation, refuses to be selfish. Even when he has every right to be. He will not hurt someone else to prevent himself from being hurt.
He will not hurt Goro by refusing to fight Maruki, even if it will rip his own heart to pieces.
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Oh, I like you. At first glance, the silhouette was very similar to one of Mordred’s original pieces of concept art, though, and I was ready to Yell before I looked closer. XD
And so, at 11:30pm, having completely forgotten the several things I needed to have done before the meeting with Maruki, we head in to steal the Treasure.
This man needs to stop. How dare he know how much I love Cool Stairs?
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I find it very concerning that the core of Eden is a writhing mess of tentacles. The metaphorical worm in the apple? X’D We were so close to getting Nyarlathotep, but Azathoth is suitably intimidating. And I appreciate that he’s using the same concepts as the Thieves: his will to rebel against what he sees as an unfair reality, and removing his mask to summon his distorted persona. Thanks for validating all of my headcanon meta about Adachi and Palaces all in one go.
I can’t do this. What the fuck are you wearing?
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At least Azathoth is cool.
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Somehow I managed to bring exactly the right team to get consistent four-person baton passes for the whole first round. That one was about half an hour.
...the second round was an hour and fifteen minutes because holy shit this thing was a tank and had entirely too many arms and really needed to stop healing.
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The torch is very pretty, at least.
And then before we can completely book it out of there, he steals the torch back and literally forces his second awakening so he can keep going. And at that point...what is he even hoping to accomplish? What is he going to do? Are you really willing to kill us to maintain this illusion?
The answer is apparently yes because it was a surprisingly poetic battle as each teammate in turn got a chance to fling themselves in the way and stop it from crushing Joker to death with it’s big giant hand.
And THEN he goes even further and validates some canon meta and me all at once by fusing with his own persona in a continuing last-ditch effort to... I really think he’s trying to kill us. I think he’s that far gone. Or at least his persona is. Because after the fusion, it’s specifically called “Adam Kadmon”, not Maruki. The persona is in control. It’s canon that if you try to summon something stronger than you, it can overtake and possess you. I know Maruki seemed to willingly give up control, but it’s also possible that forcing his second awakening like that left him with a persona that was entirely too strong for him.
(Nevermind that him being that strong in the first place is kind of ridiculous. That’s a discussion for after the final credits. I’m just hyped that someone fusing with their persona was a thing that actually happened!)
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He’s so big. Where’s Satanael so I can fuse with him and we can have a megazord fight in Collapsing Ideal Tokyo? XD
The kids up the Holy Shit Quotient by a mile by catching the giant fist all together so that Joker can deal the final blow.
And what a final blow it is.
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I really like this, because I don’t know if it was deliberate, but I read it as a callback to Daybreakers. Which came out before the game, iirc, so the first real piece of content. It’s just on a bigger, grander scale.
Everything comes full-circle in the end.
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I really like the Mona helicopter. XD I just wish it was a little bigger, because poor Goro squished into the bottom. And poor Akira not managing to make it into the helicopter.
And this asshole WILL NOT STAY DOWN.
What is the point of punching it out on top of the collapsing Palace? Are you trying to kill us both? Do you just want to keep going until neither of us can stand? Dude.
And of course Akira won’t let him die. I think the upsetting thing about this, though, is really that you don’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye to Goro. Or anyone, really, but mostly Goro. The Palace crumbles, Akira wakes up in jail, the Thieves wake up the next morning after fighting all night, and Goro is...gone.
At least the Thieves seem properly sad this time. Even if it’s only for one scene.
Lavenza calls it “ironic” that “your wish for other’s happiness prevailed over your own.” I just call it unfair. Once again, hasn’t he done enough? At least he was only technically in jail for nine days from his perspective, but that must have been a whiplash of an adjustment.
Out of jail, Sojiro acknowledges he was Terrible at the beginning of the year, it’s 2:30am, time to do Valentines and then go to bed before the final walkaround.
And then Valentines passes. I spent it with Sumire. They’re cute.
And then it was February 15th and all the rest of the girls gave me chocolate?? It was just a constant ambush of being given chocolate all day?
And then it was March 3rd, and the Thieves are all splitting up and moving away? Are we sure this isn’t Scramble’s timeline? I get it, narratively, they’re taking the opportunities to move forward that Maruki’s reality would have denied them, but it still hurts.
And then it was March 13th and I still can’t save and now it’s 3am and apparently we get to play out White Day and Sojiro is giving me advice for the perfect date because captain idiot here forgot to plan anything and what heckin’ restaurant is getting this flustered that just mentioning Sojiro’s name is enough to get a table when they’re fully booked and---
Now it’s the 14th and I have to go buy flowers for my dinner date and I have finally been given control and saved and I am free.
Now next time I play I have to see if I can go sell my leftover items, because I’ve got a couple-hundred-thousand yen worth, and also rescue Arsene from prison. X’D
More thoughts on Maruki and everything after I see the ending, most likely.
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tallglassofsweetpea · 5 years
Little Darlin’: Chapter Eight
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Sweet Pea x OC, 1950′s AU
Warnings (this chapter): language, sexual content/smut, angst
AN: OMG! Thank you all for being so so so patient for this chapter! I really can’t thank you enough for sticking it out with me. These past few months have been pretty hectic and I had virtually no time to just sit down and give this chapter the time it deserves. Shit starts to get real in this chapter, so hold on tight.
All previous chapters can be found in my masterlist on my blog. It’s also now available on AO3 under the username: sweepee
I hope you enjoy!!
(Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters. Also feel free to message me if you have any general comments/questions/feedback! 
My ask is open :) Also I am always taking requests!!!)
Chapter Eight: Please Love Me Forever
Lily knew her mother was suspicious, suddenly Mrs. Greene took to knitting in the living room until she returned home. Lily would scramble for a weak excuse for her late return and run to her bedroom before she could be further pressed. Of course Mrs. Greene knew when her daughter was lying, as she had never been any good at it. She noted the way her hair, gold as her own, was tousled and untamed when she walked through the front door. She also noted the way her skin flushed pink, and the dark marks of a lover that she tried hiding beneath her locks. Night after night, Mrs. Green was faced with the reflection of her younger, more naive self.
Lily sat atop one of the large metal toolboxes that lined the walls of the garage, her bare legs swung back and forth as she watched her boyfriend work on a car. He was dressed in his signature white tee and a greasy pair of jeans, a cigarette tucked behind his ear. She loved watching him work, specifically the way his brow furrowed and his lips parted as he focused on each task. He seemed as though he was lost in thought. Plus, there was something about his large hands stained with grease that was inexplicably sexy to her.
Sweet Pea caught her checking him out and flashed her a cheeky grin. “See something you like, darlin’?”
She coyly smiled back. “I was just admiring your hands. I like them.”
“Yeah?” He wiped his hands on the rag he pulled from his back pocket and came to stand before her, letting his hands slide up to her knee. “I think they like you, too.”
Lily giggled, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “I’m glad the feeling is mutual.” She said, pushing his hair back. She nodded to the car he was working on. “It looks really nice.”
“Yeah. Hopefully she’ll run as good as she looks. I was thinking about taking her out for a drive later on if you’re interested in joining me. Maybe I could put these hands to good use in other ways.” He offered with a wink.
Lily bit her lip at the implications.
“Tempting…but I can’t stay out late. I think my mom is catching on to me.”
Sweet Pea’s smile fell. “Wouldn’t want that, now would we?” He stood up straight and went to move away, but not before Lily pulled back on his arm. She looked him in the eyes and offered him a sympathetic look.
“I wish I could just…tell them. But I can’t.”
He held her gaze momentarily before averting his eyes elsewhere. “Right. I get it.” He nodded curtly and went back to working on the car. She did want to tell her parents about them, about their relationship and how happy he made her. But she knew it could never be that simple. She had noticed it was something that bothered Sweet Pea more and more as time went on, and she felt badly about it.
Lily sighed. “I’ll go out for a little bit. But I can’t be late again.”
“Sweet Pea…” Lily sighed into his mouth. His hands bunched into the thin fabric of her dress as he pulled her body closer. Lily pulled away, only to be pulled back down into his lap and entangled in his warm embrace. “Pea, I’ve got to go.” Sweet Pea shook his head and tangled his hand in her curls. “Not yet.” He pulled her soft lips back to his and she easily melted right back into him. Lily felt his other hand grip her hip. “Sweets.”
Sweet Pea groaned against her lips, not yet ready to let her go. “A few more minutes, baby.”
Lily sighed and gently pushed back his shoulders. “I told you, my mother knows something is going on. I’ve been late every night this week. She sits at the table and waits for me, I have to rush to my room before she can interrogate me.”
“Wouldn’t be a problem if you just told her about-“
Lily shook her head. “You know I can’t do that.”
Sweet Pea ran his fingers back through his hair, frustrated. He leaned back against his seat, one hand still resting on her hip. “Look, if you’re ashamed of me-“
“No! That’s not it. Really, it isn’t.”
“Well what is it then?”
Sweet Pea threw his hands up in surrender at her lack of response and put the keys in the ignition. “You know what? Just forget it. Don’t tell them. We’ll be just like Trish and Fangs. That seems to be going swimmingly for them.”
Lily placed her hand against his arm. “Sweet Pea…”
“It’s fine, I get it.”
Lily rolled her eyes and sighed. “You’re stubborn as a mule, SP.”
“Oh I’m the stubborn one? Don’t make me laugh.” He retorted with a humorless chuckle.
“What is your issue lately? Why do you need everyone to know so badly? I thought you didn’t care what other people thought.”
“I don’t care, but you clearly do.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re too embarrassed, too worried of what other people will think of you if you told them I was your guy.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is true! Look, I think we both know I’m not the type of guy that girls bring home to their parents. But I…care about you.”
Lily’s eyes lowered and she sat quietly for a moment before she responded. “I’m sorry I haven’t told my parents. I’m just afraid that they won’t let me see you again.”
Sweet Pea tucked a strand of curls behind her ear. “We won’t let that happen.”
Lily smiled softly, her eyes running over the handsome young man in front of her. “I promise I’ll tell them soon.”
“I just want everyone to know you’re mine.” Sweet Pea pulled her in for a long kiss that left her head spinning. Lily leaned her forehead against his.
“I hate to ruin the moment…but I do have to get home.”
Sweet Pea groaned when she pulled back into her own seat, straightening out her dress and fixing her hair in the drop down mirror. Lily caught him looking at her.
“What is it? Is my makeup messy?”
Sweet Pea simply shook his head. “Just wondering how I got so lucky.” Sweet Pea smiled to himself before turning the keys in the ignition, bringing the car to life.
As soon as Lily walked through the door, she leaned up against it and closed her eyes. She let out a sigh and walked further into the house.
“Who is he?”
Lily yelped in surprise.
“What are you still doing up?”
Mrs. Greene sat in her bathrobe and curlers knitting in the corner of the living room in her chair. “Well, I was worried about you. I called Trish’s parents to see if you were over at their house but they said that they haven’t laid eyes on you in weeks?”
Lily stood in silence, chewing on her lip.
“Sit down.”
Lily swallowed hard and took a seat on the couch facing her mother.
“Who is this boy?” Her eyes never left the small scarf she was working on as she spoke.
“What boy?”
“Lilian I’m no fool, so why don’t you just tell me about him.” She pressed.
This was it, this was an opportunity to come clean about everything, to tell the truth about her whereabouts. To tell the truth about Sweet Pea, and how happy he made her. How her heart would beat out of her chest and her stomach flipped at the sight of him. How she thought she might be in love…The words were on the tip of her tongue but for some reason she couldn’t force them out.
“What’s his name?”
“His name is…I-I can’t tell you that, but-“
“And why not?”
“What are you two doing up so late? Is everything alright?” A voice was heard coming from upstairs.
Lily let out a deep breath, her father saved the day.
“Nothing to worry about, we were just catching up sweetheart. Go on back to bed, I’ll be there shortly.”
“Alright. Goodnight, Lily-pad.”
“Goodnight, daddy.”
Mrs. Greene waited until she heard her husband close the bedroom door. “You’re lucky your father is blind to all of this.”
She rose to her feet and finally looked at her daughter. “We will continue this conversation soon.”
Lily’s shoulders sagged against the door to her bedroom once it was closed. This was going to be just as difficult as she had expected.
The final school bell rang, Lily and Trish eagerly made their way out of Riverdale High School. When the two rounded the corner outside, Lily felt a pair of hands on her waist and yelped. She turned around to see it was just Sweet Pea.
She swatted his chest playfully. “Pea! What are you doing here?”
“Came to pick you up, wanted to see if you wanted to eat before we go out later.”
Lily turned back to Trish. “Trish, Sweets and I are planning on going to the bowling alley tonight if you and Fangs are interested in joining.”
Trish’s smile faltered. “Actually, I think I’m gonna stay in tonight.”
Odd, Lily thought to herself. Trish was never one to pass up on a chance to get out of the house, especially if Fangs would be there. “Oh, okay. Then I’ll catch you at dance tomorrow?”
Trish gave her friend a curt nod before walking away from the couple over to her baby pink car.
Sweet Pea shook his head. “Fogarty’s been driving me up a wall, poor kid’s heartbroken.”
Lily quirked an eyebrow. “Heartbroken? What happened?” She was surprised Trish hadn’t mentioned anything.
“All I know is that they got into a big fight and she broke it off with him, from the sounds of it I think it’s for good.”
Lily’s brows knitted together. She wondered why Trish hadn’t told her anything about what happened between them. The last she knew, they were fine and Trish had planned on breaking it off with Archie. It was highly unlike Trish not to spill the beans, something was off.
Fangs was in the middle of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when heard a knock on his front door. Behind it stood the redheaded girl who had broken his heart. Her mascara had trailed down her cheeks, leaving gray streaks on her porcelain skin.
“Trish?” She had been the last person he’d expected to show up to his doorstep. Especially after their fight earlier that week. Long story made short, Fangs found out she was still seeing Archie and told her she had to choose between the two of them. Needless to say, it hadn’t gone the way Fangs had hoped.
Trish softly whimpered, her hands now covered her face. “I need to talk to you.”
“Come in.” He held the door open for her, she leaned against the card table he was eating on and faced him but wouldn’t make eye contact.
“So…what do you need to talk about?”
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier this week. I-”
Fangs took a deep breath and crossed his arms. “Can I ask you something? And you’ve gotta promise you’ll tell me the truth.”
Trish wiped away a few tears and nodded her head, still not looking at him. “Okay.”
“Why do you keep going back to him?”
“Because I love him.” She replied meekly.
Fangs shook his head, unconvinced. “What’s the real reason?”
“What do you want me to say, Fangs? You can judge me if you’d like, you wouldn’t be the first or last person to do so. But I’m doing what is right, whether I like it or not.”
“Walking away from someone who loves you just because you’re afraid of what people think…that’s what’s right?”
She shook her head and scoffed. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Well then help me understand, Trish because right now I’m completely lost!”
“I have to protect us!”
Fangs’ eyes shot up to her face, he cocked an eyebrow. “Us?”
She swallowed hard, steadying her breath before continuing.
“I’m pregnant, Fangs.”
His mouth hung open in shock.
“Y-you’re pregnant?”
Trish sniffled and nodded her head in confirmation. Fangs blew out a heavy breath and ran his fingers through his inky hair. “Oh my god.” They weren’t always careful, they were known to give into impulsive desires on more than one occasion. But he had never expected this to happen to them.
Trish’s eyes welled up with tears again. “Fangs I’m so sorry…”
He pulled her into an embrace as she wept into the leather of his jacket. “Everything will be okay.”
They stood in the middle of the kitchen in silence until Fangs spoke up.
“Do you know if…” He worked himself up to ask him the question. “Is it mine?”
“I’m not sure.”
His face fell upon hearing her response. Once again, it wasn’t the outcome he had hoped for.
“Look…I know I don’t have much, but I’m a hard worker. We could make it work. Whether the baby is mine or…his, I’ll raise them just the same. I mean it, I-“
Trish pulled back from the Serpent, her arms wrapped around herself defensively.
“Fangs…I’m staying with Archie.”
His eyes nearly fell out of his skull. “What?”
“It’s my only option.”
“Trish, he hits you.”
“He won’t do it again. He promised me he would stop.”
“That’s what you keep telling everyone…but I see the bruises.” Trish pulled on the sleeves of her cardigan to cover her arms.
“Archie comes from a good family, they-“
“They have money.”
She let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s the our only chance at having a good life.”
Fangs shook his head in denial. “Look, I know I can’t offer you the finer things. If I could, you know that I would in a heartbeat. But I can take care of you, Trish. Both of you. I can love you. I do love you. I love you more than anything in the world.”
Crossed the room to kiss him on the cheek, her tears were cold against his skin. “I love you too, Fangs.” Her fingers traced the planes of his face.
He gave her a loving smile, looking deeply into her eyes. He swore he saw a glimmer of hope, but just as quickly as it had arrived, it was gone. The soft look on her face disappeared, as though someone had flicked a switch. Trish slowly backed away from him, her eyes scanning his face once more.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I hope one day you can forgive me.”
She walked past him, when she reached the door she heard Fangs reply softly.
“I’ll always forgive you.”
Trish crossed the street away from Sunnyside Trailer Park, tears now flooding her cheeks as she tried to catch her breath. Her heart had been completely shattered, and the worst of it was that it was all her own doing. She had convinced herself over and over again on her way to his trailer that this was the only way. She knew it would be difficult, but it hadn’t fully set in until the moment he all but begged her to stay with him. The hopeful look in his eye was enough to tear her heart in two. She got into her car and leaned her head against the steering wheel as she sobbed.
In the next lot over, two letterman-clad Bulldogs watched the redheaded girl’s pink car pull out of the deserted parking lot. A fuming Archie Andrews seethed from the driver’s seat.
“I knew it, man. I knew it! I can’t believe she cheated on me with that fucking Southside rat!”
Reggie shook his head in disbelief. “I’m sorry, man.”
“Rumor has it, Lily Greene’s been hanging around with that snake that jumped me that night at Pop’s.” Reggie shook his head, wincing at the memory. “What the hell is up with these Northside girls?”
“I don’t know, Reggie. All I know is that someone has got to teach those Southside scumbags to stick to their own.”
“Yeah, but how are we supposed to do that? Everyone knows they don’t fight fair in a fight. We’d probably get knifed up by one of them.”
“We don’t need to fight them…I think I have an idea.”
The bowling alley was fairly quiet since it was a weekday. Sweet Pea and Lily played a couple of games, every once in awhile he would give her a few pointers. Partially just so he could wrap his arms around her, but also to improve her swing. The two lovebirds handed back their bowling shoes to the boy at the counter and headed out to the parking lot hand in hand. Lily had Sweet Pea’s jacket draped over her shoulders, shielding her from the slight chill in the air.
“You hadn’t warned me you were so good at bowling. I don’t think that was a fair match.” She teased.
Sweet Pea shrugged his shoulders. “I used to come here every year on my birthday with my grandma. Me and Fangs try to carry on the tradition since she passed away.”
Lily squeezed his hand. “Maybe this year I could tag along too.”
Sweet Pea chuckled. “Actually, you just did.”
Lily halted in the middle of the lot and turned to face him. “Today is your birthday?!”
Sweet Pea slipped his hands in his jeans pockets and shrugged.
Lily crossed her arms and shot him a glare. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“Cool it, it’s not a big deal baby.”
She gawked at him as though he had nine heads. “Not a big deal?! It’s your day.”
Sweet Pea shifted uncomfortably. “Seriously, it’s nothing.”
Lily rolled her eyes at him and grabbed his hand, dragging him along to the car. “Come on, the supermarket closes in a half an hour.”
“Supermarket? What the hell do we need to go there for?”
“Don’t ask questions, Pea. Just get in the car.”
“Alright, quit being so bossy. Although, I do kind of like it.” He sent a wink her way.
She laughed. “Get in.”
“I’m assuming you don’t have flour at home?”
Sweet Pea just looked at her with a blank expression. Lily nodded and placed the package of all purpose flour in the basket before taking off for the next item on her list.
“What is all of this shit for?”
“These ingredients are for your birthday cake.”
“Birthday cake?”
Lily nodded absentmindedly as she scanned the aisles, every once in awhile tossing another item into the basket.
“You don’t have to do all of this. Seriously.”
“I know that. But I want to.”
Sweet Pea pulled up outside of his trailer in Sunnyside. Truthfully, he was nervous about showing Lily where he grew up. He knew she would never judge him for it, or think badly about him. But there was something so personal and sort of scary about bringing someone new into his space. Especially Lily.
He grabbed the bags from the back of the car and unlocked the front door to his trailer, letting her enter before him. Once inside, he set the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and flicked on the lights.
“It’s nothing to brag about, but-“
“I like it. It’s very you.” Lily said with a warm smile as she walked around the living room, her eyes running over each item. Her eyes landed on a small black and white photo on the coffee table of a dark haired child with a toothy smile sitting in the lap of an older woman with a smile just as kind.
“Is this you?”
Sweet Pea nodded as he began unpacking the bags on the counter. “Me and my grandma.”
“You were a doll.”
“Were?” He playfully cocked an eyebrow.
Lily giggled. “Still are.” The noticed the frame next to it was a portrait of a handsome young man. He had the same striking dark eyes as Sweet Pea. He was dressed in an army uniform.
“My dad.”
“He was very handsome, I can see where you got that from.” Sweet Pea gave her a small smile.
“He was an army man?”
“Yeah, killed in action when I was a kid.”
“That must have been tough.”
SP shrugged his shoulders. “I was really young, didn’t get to know him that well. I just remember I was outside flying paper planes in the yard one day and this black car pulled up in the driveway and two men in uniform walked up to my mom and handed her a flag. Mom had a hard time dealing with it, probably why she went off the deep end.”
“But, enough of that boring stuff. I thought we were making a cake?”
“It’s almost done! Just a few more minutes and then we can put on the frosting. I doubt it will be the best birthday cake you’ve had but-“
“I’ve never had one before, so you’ve already won.”
Lily stopped to look at him.
“You’ve never had a birthday cake before?”
Sweet Pea shook his head. “No.”
She gave him a sad smile before quickly perking up. “Well...it’s a tradition for the birthday boy to lick the spoon clean.” She held up the spoon covered in leftover chocolate batter, taking a swipe with her finger and tasting it. She could feel Sweet Pea watching her with a discernible expression on his face.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Did I get cake batter on my face?” She reached up to wipe at her cheek, but Sweet Pea caught her hand in his own. His eyes were warm and gentle, his expression vulnerable. His eyes scanned her face, taking her in.
“I love you.”
She paused and held his gaze. “What?”
“I said,” he stood just inches away from her. “I love you.”
“I-I love you too.”
They stood looking at each other for a moment, before Lily reached up on her toes to plant a hard kiss to his lips. His arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer. Her tongue darted out, running along his bottom lip making him groan. He lifted her up by her waist and set her on the counter, standing between her legs as their kisses became more and more impassioned. Lily’s fingers twisted in the black t-shirt he wore. “Where is your room?” Sweet Pea pulled back and nodded his head over to the hallway. Lily slid off of the countertop, leaving Sweet Pea breathless. She held his hand in hers and pulled him down the hall.
“This is your room?”
“Uh, yeah.”
It was simply decorated, just a queen sized bed, an end table and a bureau against the opposite wall. A few pin-up girl posters hung around the room.
“I didn’t realize you held an interest in art.” Lily teased.
“Oh, uh…those are just...” he trailed off as he watched Lily sit on the edge of his bed facing him. She looked up at the y’all serpent through her long lashes. Her hands lifted to the top of her blouse.
“I’m sorry I didn’t have time to get you a proper birthday gift...but I think I can make due.”
She slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. Sweet Pea’s eyes were glued to her dainty hands as they deftly worked their way down, exposing her skin inch by inch until her body was on display. Lily set the shirt to the side before reaching behind her waist to unzip her skater skirt and letting it slide down her legs and onto the ground. She inhaled a shaky breath and locked eyes with Sweet Pea, who was leaning against the doorframe.
Sweet Pea cleared his throat and shrugged off his Serpent Jacket, tossing it to the side. He lifted his white cotton t-shirt over his head, his hair slightly ruffled from the movement. Lily’s green eyes raked over the toned muscles of his bare chest. She watched his hands lower to unfasten his belt, his jeans falling to the floor leaving him in just a pair of boxers and metal dog tags hanging from his neck.
She maintained eye contact with him as she reached behind herself again, this time to unclasp her bra. The lacy material was dropped to the floor. Sweet Pea absentmindedly wet his lips.
Blonde ringlets fell to her shoulders when she untied the pink ribbon from her ponytail.
Sweet Pea crossed the room, unsure of how much longer he could keep his hands to himself. He lowered to her, their lips joined in a slow, gentle kiss. Lily pulled back slightly in a whisper, “I love you.” her forehead rested against his. “And I love you.” Sweet Pea gently guided Lily back onto his bed. His strong body hovered over hers, their lips meeting again as he let his hands trail across the soft skin of her breasts. Lily sighed into him at the contact, the metal of his rings sending shivers up her spine. She felt his hand sweep down to caress the soft skin of her stomach and further down to her panties. He could feel her heart fluttering as he pulled back the fabric of her underwear, letting his hand slip inside. He slid over her heat, letting his fingers push into her and groaning at how wet she was. Lily softly moaned at the feeling of her walls stretching around his fingers. Her head fell back against the mattress with a gasp when he pulled out of her and began rubbing small, gentle circles over her most sensitive spot. Her fingernails pressed into Sweet Pea’s strong bicep as the pleasure took over her. He groaned watching her small body writhe underneath him as she released against his hand, his name falling off her lips.
He kissed her cheek as lay there catching her breath, eyes closed. He went to move next to her but not before she caught his jaw in her hand, pulling his face back to hers to look him in his warm brown eyes.
“I want you.”
Sweet Pea held her gaze, searching her eyes for any sign of uncertainty, but ultimately finding nothing but desire.
“Okay.” His eyes softened, she was his weakness. He kissed her softly but tenderly, slow at first but their breath soon grew heavy as their passion built up. Their hands ran over one another, caressing and groping. Lily’s hips gently ground against his, with nothing separating them but their underwear. Sweet Pea kissed and nipped at the length of her neck and moved further down her body. His hands moved down to her panties once again and pulled them down her toned legs, and dropping them to the floor of his bedroom. He stood at the end of the bed looking down at her laying back with her beautiful body on full display. She had a lustful look in her eyes but an incredibly angelic face. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever known.
He pushed his underwear down to join the rest of their clothes on the floor and went to grab something from the drawer of his nightstand and returned to the bed with protection on. He settled himself between her legs and hovered over her resting on his forearm. He cupped her cheek with his hand, his thumb running over her warm skin. She gave him a worried glance.
“Are you nervous?”
She answered honestly, her breath a little shaky. “A bit. I’ve never-” Sweet Pea kissed her on the forehead.
“I’ll be gentle. Don’t worry, baby.”
Lily nodded her head and took a deep breath. She did her best to relax, but the mix of excitement and nerves made her stomach do somersaults.
“I love you.” He said with a reassuring smile.
“I love you too.”
Sweet Pea took one of her hands in his and pinned it to the bed next to her head, lacing his fingers between hers. He lined himself at her entrance and looked into her wild green eyes, shining with anticipation. “Ready?”
Lily took a deep breath and nodded her head. Sweet Pea looked her in the eyes as he ran the tip against her wetness before gently pushing into her entrance. Lily’s eyes fell closed and she let out a gasp, squeezing his hand. The feeling of her walls wrapped tightly around him made Sweet Pea groan softly into her hair. He whispered in her ear. “Are you okay?” Lily nodded. He slowly pushed the rest of the way inside of her warmth until she fully enveloped him. She moaned at the feeling of his fullness inside of her. Sweet Pea placed gentle kisses along her neck, giving her a second to adjust to his size before he began to gently pull out and then back into her core. His movements built up a steady, tender rhythm. It was like nothing else Lily had ever felt, physically or emotionally. Their tongues tangled and fought for dominance as Sweet Pea’s hips rocked back and forth, Lily began meeting his thrusts with her hips. She needed to feel him, every inch of him all at once. Sweet Pea increased his pace as Lily’s moans and whimpers became louder and more frequent, her sounds alone were almost enough to send him over the edge. He buried his face to the space between her shoulder and her neck, her fingers dug into his strong shoulders. Their breathy moans filled the air as they both climbed higher and higher. She felt one of his hands reach between their sweat covered bodies, his fingers rolling her most sensitive spot between his fingers. She loudly moaned his name as the pleasure spread throughout her body from head to toe.
“Oh fuck, Lily.” He could feel her walls tighten around him as he continued to thrust in and out of her warmth, pushing him closer. A pink blush spread over her pale skin, her beautiful lips parted in pleasure. The base of his cock began to twitch. Lily dug her nails into his shoulder as she moaned out in pleasure. Her legs wrapped tightly around his hips “Oh, god. Sweet Pea, don’t stop.” Her eyes fell as she came close to reaching her peak.
“Look at me, Lily.”
She looked into her love’s eyes as the pleasure took her under, leaving them both a panting, moaning mess as they got lost in one another.
Sweet Pea rolled them over so she lay on top of him, her head rested against his chest as it rose and fell as his breath evened out. Trails of tingles were left behind as his calloused hands traced along the shape of her spine. They silently held their embrace for awhile, neither of them ready to pull themselves out of the dream-like state.
“We didn’t even eat the cake.”
Lily giggled against his chest and looked up at him lazily. “It’ll still be there in the morning.” She bit her lip playfully and lifted herself up to look him in the eye. The toothy grin she adored so much appeared with the simple cock of an eyebrow before she leant down to capture his lips once again.
Two Bulldogs shuffled around in the dark.
“Andrews, what if we get caught?”
“We won’t, the whole town goes to sleep by 8:00 at night. Besides, who would actually believe we did this?” Archie scoffed and went back to pouring the last bit of liquid just outside the building. He tossed the canister to the side once it was empty.
“I don’t know, man. This just seems a little extreme, my parents come here.”
“Look, do you want to get those Southside rats taken care of or not?”
“I do, but-“
“Then shut up and hand me the lighter.”
“Alright, Andrews. Jeez, don’t blow a gasket.” Reggie paused for a beat before reluctantly handing over the lighter to his friend…
Masterlist: @madaboutlili @chipster-21 @the-fifth-marauder-paws @ddeo-na-ji-ma  @periiscope  @mari-cross  @gswritings  @ajillathehun-blog  @charles11700  @jennyhetzel  @fandom-princess-forevermore  @salutetomeimurserpentqueen  @serpentsweetspea @ritis1996 @minddinosaur @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @wxntersoldxer16 @princesweetpea @hoeforshows @omgitstreeloo @we--are--infinite--2
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reddogf13 · 5 years
Deal with the Devil ch 3
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Pennywise x Beverly
summery: Beverly, for barely a year had been suffering a terminal illness. one night after accepting her fate of oncoming death she gets the sudden urge to return to Derry. returning back after being gone for 11 years she comes face to face with IT. offering a disturbing deal of a lifetime.
"carry my eggs, and I'll fix you back to perfect health."
Will she commit to a deal with the devil?
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language and gore
previous chap: Deal with the Devil ch 2
next chap: Deal with the Devil ch 4
~ch:3 Rope walker ~
“I wanted to see.” he spoke barely above a whisper.
“I told you I don't want you touching me!”
“you're injured, I wanted to be sure-” interrupted by Beverly shouting.
“you barging in here while I am sleeping is definitely not helping me heal! Get out of here and don't come into this room unless I say so!”
“but your hand. I can feel the infection!” stressing as he came back above the bed edge to stare toward her injured hand. Locking onto it as if it were the most important thing.
“there's no infection. There's not even a blister forming. Its a red splotch that will be gone either today or sometime tomorrow.”
“what ifitsnot?” speaking his words so quick they merged.
“then you can help me gnaw off my arm.” holding in a laugh at his alarmed expression.
taking her joke far too seriously. “we don't need to do that! I can fix it!” laying half way on the bed on his chest with hand held out for hers.
“it's fine!”keeping her hand hidden, but how long can she keep this going? He was hell bent on fixing the red mark on her hand. “look, let me rest tonight. If it hasn't improved tomorrow, I'll let you fix it then.”
“its infected, I have to fix it now!” stressing more about her hand.
“that's not even how infections work! They take weeks to form! That's if the wound is actually open, which mine is not!” taking time to get up so she can re-wrap her hand out of his reach. Heading downstairs to reapply the burn ointment as well.
“what are you doing?!” following behind her the entire way.
“chopping off my arm so I can sleep.” mumbling mostly to herself in a whisper she didn't expect him to hear, but he did and she regretted saying it.
“WHAT?! You don't-”
“it was a joke!” calming him down. “I need to apply more ointment before I re-wrap this. Since you messed up the bandage.” fetching the ointment out of the kitchen aid kit.
“stay down here.” her hand fixed back up she went back to bed. The clown obeying her order had stayed down stairs instead of following. That didn't mean he truly stopped watching her from his place. That sensation keeping her awake despite her attempts to be as comfortable as possible. Staying up the entire night until the new morning came. Shining a bright golden glow across the bedroom.
Sighing out her exhaustion she rose from the bed to fetch something that would wake her. Heading to the kitchen where she started up a batch of fresh coffee. The clown appearing to intently stare at her hand for its reveal.
“it's gotten better.” lying in the hopes he would drop it.
“you haven't even check yet.”
“I know it's fine.”
“what if you're wrong?”
“what if you're wrong?” ignoring his gaze by watching the coffee pot slowly fill. Deciding that bringing up last nights conversation would be better than silent staring. “ why did you choose to have children with me? Wouldn't you rather be with someone of your own kind?”
“no one else is available.”
“the dating scene is really that closed for you?”
“no, I am the only one. There are no others.”
“no one at all? Did something happen to them?”
“I am the only one.” he repeated. “I was made to be the only one.”
“made by who? For what?”
“the other, to devour the dying energy of the universe. Everything decays, but cannot destroy itself fast enough to be rebuilt into something else. I go across the universe to speed things along.”
Beverly thought on how that sounded similar to vultures. Devouring the dead to slow the spread of disease. Seems he was diverting from his job if that were true. “why do you haunt Derry then? Your job is across the whole universe, but you stay here?”
“I carry out my job when I leave. Here is a place of rest from that.”
“mhmm.” humming as she grabbed a coffee cup from the cabinet. “if you were the only one made and you can't make kids on your own. Don't you think that's a sign you're not suppose to have any?”
“but I have. Its working.” glancing down at her stomach.
“what if the other steps in to stop this?” pouring her coffee as he fidgeted uncomfortably at the thought.
“it would have happened by now.” settling on that as the answer.
“mm.” sipping her coffee while her thoughts turned to fixing up a breakfast. A bacon egg bowl coming to mind since not having it for ages. Leaving her coffee behind to fetch the cooking ingredients.
“what are you doing?” his ever looming presence turning into an annoyance.
“making breakfast.” grabbing a pack of bacon to help balance the next item, a carton of eggs.
“I can get it for you.”
“I am very aware of that, but I don't want you to.”
“why not?”
“let me put it this way, I don't want you near me at all.” glaring toward him from over her shoulder. Turning forward to grab more things on her way out.
Setting up the ingredients on the counter to shortly set up the base using bacon and eggs in a muffin pan. At taking hold of a knife she was amused by his body tensing up at the sight. Furthering his anxiety by swaying the knife above what she was going to cut. Pointing toward him rising a flinch out of him.
“afraid you'll be stabbed again?” teasing him about the time in the Neibolt house she stabbed him using an iron rod.
Gritting his sharp teeth he growled. “no.” staring at the sharp object in her hand.
“don't trust me to cut things?” by how his gaze looked around the room she assumed that was the truth. “I haven't lost any fingers so far.” chopping into a couple bell peppers driving the clown to turn tenser. The whole time she cautiously chopped under his irritating gaze. Needing to overcome the sensation eventually if she was to live here. Scattering the chopped peppers into her mini breakfast bowls. Topping it off with cheese before throwing into the oven.
Chugging down her remaining coffee in one long drink. Her restless night catching up to her so quickly in the early morning. Another cup being shortly followed by the third without even a dent to her fatigue. Hoping when the breakfast bowls were finished, that eating would wake her. No such luck after finishing them alongside another cup of coffee.
“I am heading back to bed. Don't come in!” ordering the clown on her way back to the room.
Laying in bed she suffered under his spying watch. He never gave it a break on seeing what she was doing. She wasn't even able to do anything about it either despite telling him multiple times to go away. Although his physical side left her presence the invisible guarding did not. Considering other ways to escape for a bit of peace to sleep a full night.
“I could move back where he cant follow.” thinking back on her old place out of the state. “then the tugging feeling would replace the spying. Could be better or worse to feel so far away. Should I give it a try?” amusing herself of how that plan would go. Would the clown try to stop her? Would the plane suddenly break down before it could drive away from the gate?
“would I even make it that far?” hilarious imagery of the clown blocking her way into a taxi coming to mind. “guess we'll see.” thinking over how to leave the clowns gaze.
Three days later had Beverley suffering from sleepless cabin fever. Hating that she was stuck in the house all day with him eternally watching her. The never ending feeling keeping her awake for so long. Driving her slowly insane like nails on a chalkboard sounding at every moment.
He never said she couldn't go outside, but she assumed he would want it that way. In this moment she no longer cared if it would start a brawl. Swinging on her coat to rush outside anywhere but here. Heading out toward the town center to aimlessly wander. A deep breath of fresh air sucked into her lungs feeling inadequate. Walking listlessly past the people wandering out on their daily chores.
Walking past the center park she saw the local children playing baseball. Striking an idea in her mind to check the boards in town. May as well give herself a goal while wandering. To look for any missing posters marking the devouring of children. Halfway through her checks the feeling of being watched burned at the back of her skull. Anger growing at Pennywise watching her walk around. Watching her being the whole reason she fled the house and now he was watching her outside. Unable to get away from his spying eyes driving her to reacquiring thoughts of running away.
Flee someplace far where his presence could not reach her. “Hiding in the woods is one option.” staring far out toward the horizon of trees. At this point she would even join the traveling fair to get away. “join the circus to escape a clown. How perfect.” chuckling along her route. “my house is still open for me to return any day.” deja vu of these thoughts cycling through. thinking back how these few days felt like months. Snapping some false ideas of her house being long gone. For a brief moment she thought her house was actually gone. These thoughts alarmed her. A few days and she assumed her house was already long gone, why? How could she let that happen?
“what else am I forgetting?” thinking of a particular somebody messing with her mind. Preventing her from attempting to flee Derry far away. Stepping down a brick alley to look over the long boards of announcements.
the billboards filled by multi colored fliers of all sorts. None being of missing children, she was happy to see. Most were job offerings or ads for the fair running in town for the summer. The further she got into her rounds of poster checking the spying increased. Building a physical migraine in her exhausted skull. Her mind was convinced she had to run from this pain. Speeding up to go anywhere she could reach to hideaway. Part of her saying it was useless while the other urged her on to run.
Running far from the town center up to the large crossing bridge over the canal. Stopping to lean against the railing out of breath. Rage rushing through her when he appeared to calm her down.
Snapping at him when he appeared before her. “what?!” speed walking to get away leaving him no chance to speak. Annoyed by his steps hurrying to catch up behind her.
“I haven't eaten any children.” anxiously blurting out behind her.
“mm.” humming to acknowledge that she heard him. Hoping it would make him go away faster.
“I swear I haven't.” continuing to defend himself. Being ignored by Beverly rushing further off. “will you come back to the nest?”
“go away!” aggressively facing him to shoo him off. Turning back down her random path of escape.
“Beverly please- ” taking a hold of one of her hands to stop her.
“DON'T TOUCH ME!” roaring at him. Fury doused by how he looked so hopeless. Ready to crumble apart from the anxiety he was drowning in. an image she had never before seen on him. “what is it?!” asking more calmly through grit teeth.
“please, I haven't eaten any children. Please, come back to the nest.” begging her desperately. “I'll do anything else you want. Is the nest not good? I can make another one. I'll stay in the house all day if you don't want me to leave.” a creature once so confident in what she thought standing before her in a panic.
Of how many times he mentioned it. “he must think I am off to kill myself.” she did say if she was a little suspicious she would do it. Running out of the house to check the many boards had thrown him into a panic.
“I am not out here to die. I came out for the fresh air.” draining the anger from her voice. “I can feel you watching me all the time. Did you know that? I can't sleep because of it and if this keeps happening I won't last long.” beginning to talk things out rather than running off from her problems.
“I know you don't like it. I try not to, but I don't want to miss your call for me. If you need anything … something goes wrong … I want to be there. I've never had them develop this far before.”
she had to give him credit for how doting he was. She never had to call him more then once for anything. The one time he was remotely aggressive was back when she pushed his buttons. Every other time he may as well have been a soft push over. How he changed never fully filled her mind on why. It would flash in her thoughts how submissive he was. Questions of why he appeared tense in certain moments brushed off. Assuming it to be an awkward presence to keep things civil between them.
“I don't need you looming over every time I sneeze. I can feel if something is wrong and I'll tell you about it.” calming herself down to avoid snapping.
“how do you know? What if it takes too long to feel it? What if you get sick with no way to treat it?” how he was acting reminded her of Eddie. Including them both developing a tightened wheeze in their fast pessimist talks of “what ifs” going wrong. “if the sickness kills them before birth? After the birth would they survive? Do I need to feed you more to make them stronger?” his fearful ranting continuing on. A twinge of guilt filling her chest at the thought of how scared he was when she checked the boards. Turning into a mess of nerves over how she judged the lack of missing children posters.
Come to think of it, there wasn't a single missing poster of any adults either. “he hasn't eaten at all? Is he really that broken down under nerves?”
Realizing he was as anxious, if not more, as her as a new parent who had no idea what to expect. Their special situation allowing no outside help as no one had experience in this. like he said, “I am the only one” without parents of his own to ask questions about the process. It was a grand mystery of what was around the corner for him aside from Beverly guessing off human pregnancy. Trying so long to create this new life, for the first time ever, finally working. Relying entirely on a thin life-line he always saw as so easy to break. Freaking out that she was handling sharp objects that could kill her in one slash.
Beverly herself was a desperate grasp of straws for something after so many failures. Her being the single human strong enough to handle a giant spider. Everyone else would die of a heart attack if a giant insect requested them to carry eggs. designating her, if this worked, to be his lone way in the entire universe to allow creation. It was no wonder why he was a wreck constantly guarding her situation. Why he wanted everything to go perfect for them to survive. If she were to die he'd be out of options.
Alone as the one and only him in the universe was a depressing existence. Wanting to connect with others, but who? No one was anything like him as this destructive devouring being. Neither did it seem something similar was going to be created. Banking on himself to grasp at an opposite nature to fill in this emptiness. Except it never worked and although his time wasn't running out his hopes of succeeding were.
She waved her hand in front of him. Breaking the clown from his panic attack ramblings to pay attention. “I don't want to return to the house yet, but you can walk with me.” holding out her hand for him to take. Taking it into his own so gently to walk alongside her. The unending invisible stare boring into her skull relieved its pressure in a single wave. Allowing her a true breath of fresh air to be taken in, however it wouldn't last long without another talk to keep it going.
“if I let you stay in the bedroom by me, will you stop watching so intently?” looking up to him through tired eyes, seeing him nod. the lack of sleep caught up to her off hearing that answer. Ready to head back to the house, but far too tired to move another step. 3 days on barely any rest having her almost collapse if it weren't for Pennywise holding her up.
“want to go back to the nest?” holding her gently around the arms. When she nodded he asked next. “want me to carry you?” another nod and she was carefully scooped up into his arms. Her tired brain barely recalling how they got back to the house. Appearing in the bedroom the next instant to be set down on the comfy bed.
Keeping her word she managed to mumble out. “you can sit on the couch.” gesturing toward the furniture piece sitting at the most 5 feet away. Allowing him to come closer if he wanted, but the bed was off limits. After this day their interactions together got easier. Beverly getting full nights rests beside the guarding clown who never slept. His regular glancing was still weird, but not nearly as bad as the invisible glare.
The rest of July flashed right by into august. The new month bringing new feelings for Beverly. The cold that usually never bothered her causing her to turn sick. Cured by warm food and drinks under the covers. However that wasn't her biggest concern in the starting month.
The undeniable cravings had started.
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zexxcandell · 5 years
Debt Collecting
(Reply to the quest provided by @eliceynbirch​ )
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The Black Eyed Walrus was your typical seedy under the docks bar.  All manner of men, women,and who knows what made their way down here for the kind of quiet drink that made sure the constables wouldn’t look twice at it.  It was old, it was gross, it was unkempt, but it was the shadowy aesthetic that would be pirates craved and discovered they were not ready to be in.  Owned by Maggie, a one eyed crone who’s stories about her past life made men pale and ill treated women their hero, she’d come into possession of the dockside establishment via a strong bite and the early retirement of the previous owner.  Maggie was just Maggie, she didn’t have a last name that she was willing to share and by the muscle she hired to keep things in order no one pushed to ask about her personals.  Maggie was as much the bar as the bar was her. 
Despite how it looked, it held a huge part of Maggie’s heart and she’d be damned if anyone was going to ruin it.  The biggest source of pride of the crone’s was the large plate glass window she had purchased to look out onto the old dock outside and shadowy waters of the harbor.  It had cost quite a bit of gold and took some brave craftsmen to come down and install it for her.  She loved that window that she had painstakingly painted the visage of the bar’s namesake, a large walrus with a large black ring about it’s eye.  The literal personification of the woman in paint and time.  Maggie loved that window and her art as much if not more than the bar she never left.  
Sadly, a large figure was currently being launched through the window in a shower of glass and roar of a brawl within the bar.
Twenty minutes ago…
“An you are?”
“Zexx, Zexx Candell.”  A calloused and sea salt worn hand reached between the bottles of rum and liquor to grasp the other man’s hand firmly.
“Hoarse, Hoarse Darby,  pleasure tha Candell,” the sailor nodded genially as he broke the grip and lifted up his fresh bottle to his lips again followed by a hard pull of the alcohol.  Darby was young, dumb, and likely full of a troublesome substance but his thick corded arms and bald head did the trick to know him a tough bastard. He liked it that way. He also liked it when free drinks followed winning a few rounds of dice with a stranger.
“Likewise, mate, you took me for quite a ride there,” Zexx replied with a wide toothy grin.  If not for the thick salt and peppered beard, the laugh lines of the man would have been very clear.  But for all the smiles and laughs, his one blue eye was slightly red and carried a sadness that only comes from true loss.  “I swear I can roll better.”
“In mah experience that more ya drink tha better the dice seem ta follah,” Hoarse replied with his own grin on his reddened face, his nose showing easily a future of alcoholism as he toasted his cycloptic benefactor.
Zexx let out a bark of a laugh as he lifted his own bottle and took a short pull, a hard grimace following as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.  “Shame yer friends, didn’t want to play any more.  Though probably better for me to lose to one of you than all of you.”
A few drunken nods joined an oily grin as Darby wiped his own mouth with his own palm.  “Aye, but thems lookin fer tail more’an drink an games.”
“And they plan to find it here?”
“Right?”  Darby laughed and leaned forward into the table, his head bowing forward as a soft jangle of metal could be heard as he guffawed.
“Oy there, what’s that then?”  Zexx asked as he tilted his head looking to his gaming partner.
“Eh?  Oh this thang, pretty lil bauble I picked up recent,” Darby nodded as he sat back up drunkenly and reached inside his shirt to produce the silver anchor talisman.
Peering across the table with a whistle, Zexx held out an expectant hand.  “Fine piece of jewelry there mate, mind if I take a closer look?”
A hard tug pulled the leather thong from around Darby’s thick neck as he swayed drunkenly across the table to lay it in Zexx’s hand who nodded softly as he lifted it to look at.  “Simple make, but damn fine.  Where ya happen upon it?”
Darby leaned back in his chair and kicked his bare feet up on the table, to wiggle his toes with a sigh as he rested the bottle on his belly.  “Tha thing?  Reason why ahm alrigh on tail myself.  Some ‘hore had it an I ask where she got it says somethin bout an uncle or something.”
Hoarse snorted as he shook his head while taking a swig.  “Yer uncle?  Ya righ ya filthy bitch.  So I confiscated it up righ.  Brough me hell o luck out on the blue.  An tonigh!”  
The sailor waved to the moderate pile of gold he’d picked up from his companions and the one eyed man across from him.  Zexx nodded softly as he held the pendant still in his palm, he’d never been much for arcane work but he knew enough to know this was more than a bauble.  This said sages all over.  
“Sounds like quite the girl,” Zexx murmured as he set the anchor between them.
Darby nodded with a laugh, “Oh yeah sweet as o bee hive, feisty as one too!”  The sailor leaned forward with a dark, drunken grin that held a lot more information about what happened between him and the girl than he was saying.  His free hand reached forward to pick up the bauble again.  “Ah tell ya, she had thighs tha dra-”
Darby’s words were cut short as a strong hand grabbed him by the wrist and pinned that hand to the table.  Shock sobered him up for a brief moment as he followed the hand up and into the face of a no longer smiling Zexx.  Shadows framed the one eyed man as he pinned Hoarse’s hand, as a dark anger radiated from the man.  Darby never even had a chance to shout as Zexx’s free hand grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed it swiftly into the old birch table with a crunch of a nose and snap of a jaw.  The same hand grabbed hold of the stunned sailor and lifted the head to smash again into the table for good measure, a spray of blood and teeth following this hard slam.  With a grunt Zexx pulled the head up and tossed the sailor back into his chair which amazingly kept standing as Darby flopped back loosely with a ruined face and blank stare.
Zexx peered behind his shoulder and around the immediate area for a moment, the chorus of the bar still a low din as this was not quite an uncommon occurrence around this place.  Spitting in the direction of the sailor, the swordsman would sweep up the bauble before swiftly moving to Darby’s side of the table.  Keeping a quick on the bar and for sight of Hoarse’s friends, a moan sounding behind him as the stun was starting to wear off on the man.  Turning about swiftly to plant his fist between the eyes of the sailor before ripping a bandana from around Darby’s neck and ‘knapsacking’ it for the coin on the table.
A final clink of coin and swift pull of the ends finished the ‘golden lunch’ Zexx had prepared with a snort and grim smile.  So far so good, Zexx though as he lifted the money and gave a final look to Darby.  A new soft moan given to signal just a bit of sadism on the hero-for-hire’s part, a swift jab delivered to the broken nose for good measure.  A wet smush and moan as Darby finally fell out of his chair with a clatter.
“Wha tha fuck?”  His blue eye widened as Zexx looked up from his unconscious quarry and turned to find Darby’s five mates who had been at the bar glaring at him.  Their hands were holding bottles, a couple of girls, and a lot of fists.
Zexx coughed hard and spit, struggling up to his hands and knees from his prompt exit of the bar.  Rolling over onto his rear he sat a moment to catch his breath, tasting quite a bit of blood in his mouth again as he spit to the side again and stared back the way he came from the Walrus.  
Inside was a madhouse of fighting, blood, and a thundering shot followed as someone had finally drawn a pistol into the air to either find some order or put down a brawler.  Zexx guessed it the latter.
Breathing heavily and painfully, the swordsman would struggle to get up and scramble away down the dock his old boots thumping on the wooden dock.  His left hand squeezing tighter again about the anchor in his palm, happy for keeping it and the luck it was sending his way.  The loss of coin wasn’t in the plan but sometimes you gotta buy an exit.
Zexx stopped for a moment and leaned on one the dock posts as he tried to ease the ache in his ribs from breathing and even moving.  The big sailor had packed quite a punch or six and definitely finding his way through a window was not the most comfortable way to vacate the premises.  As his pain slowly eased thunder resounded the docks and the post he’d leaned on exploded in a shower of wood and muck causing him to stumble away in a panic.  Flipping about he’d easily find the bloody and angry culprits to be three of the five mates of Darby’s, one with a smoking pistol in hand.  The second man lifted his own pistol now to pull the trigger for the loud Kul Tiran salt shooter to blow past Zexx’s ear.  A quick check found the ear still there as he turned to run again, the loud thumps of feet and curses following him as he booked it past the moored ships.
As much as Zexx wanted to just run it was very obvious from his previous beating and wounds there was no way he would outrun them.  Fight or die was taking precedence over flight now as he rounded to down a dock, seeing a head of him quite a few rows bobbing in the black water.  Could he row?  A thunderous shot ringing about with a swish of a bullet was a clear indicator that he could definitely row.  Reaching one of the boats, his booted foot kicking the knot hard to loosen it before pulling it off the tie off, which followed the rope as a bullet tore it from the dock and sent it spinning into the water.
“Crap in a hat,” Zexx muttered as he readied to leap into the boat.  Thankfully he had some help in getting in the row as thick muscled arms grabbed him behind and tackled him forward into the boat below.  The swordsman made a perfect landing pad for her his pursuer as the boat dipped into the drink and sped away from the dock further out into the harbor.
There was some muffled threat and yell Zexx heard as he painfully breathed and tried to steady his rocking brain with the rowboat drifting too and fro.  More pain flooded his body as a punch struck him in the back and another in the kidney before he struggled to right himself away from the sailor.  A quick twist on his back and an elbow caught a defensive arm of the attacker and let Zexx follow with a roll to his back to face the sailor.
Darby’s mate was already clamoring up to his feet with a well experienced ease of fighting on the sea, his feet loosely planted as he let his body roll with the pitch of the waves.  Fists raised to taunt and egg Zexx on to stand, who replied with breathing heavily as he felt around behind him in the boat for purchase to get up.  Bloody and ragged breath flowed from the one eyed hero as he finally gripped onto something. 
“Get up ya bastard!  Get up ya fuck!  Ah’m gonna smah ever bone in ya!”  A short kick was sent into Zexx’s leg as he winced and struggled back onto the seat of the row boat.  Leaning forward a moment to catch his breath and Zexx made what might have been perceived to stand and fight.  Instead it was to level the short harpoon gun at the sailor who suddenly went white in the face before going red as the short fisherman’s spear went through his left eye and skull.
A familiar thump of dead meat rocked the rowboat again as the current took it further from the docks and into the harbor from the Walrus.  Zexx dropped the gun with a clatter of metal and fishing line before slumping back with an exhausted sigh.  His hand ached just as much as the rest of him as he lifted it up in front of his face to let the anchor uncoil before him, a new appreciation of the elements coming.  Behind that swaying talisman came a glint of something on the still form of the other man, a curious brow raising at what luck had befallen him now.
Two days later…
“Sorry again on the delay of retrieval, had to wait for Darby to arrive back in port before I could track him down.” Zexx spoke calmly in the office of Madame Kestavin sipping at a cup of herbal tea she’d been gracious enough to have for him.  Though he was a mass of bruises, bandages, and strong scent of herbal salves miraculously he was healing quite quickly and easily.  According to the medical staff he’d been seeing he was lucky to not be in traction for the rest of his life, but instead somehow a few days rest and medicine he’d be right as rain.  Lucky him.
“As for your girl’s items,” the anchor pendant was set gently down on the desk followed by another necklace of gold marked with a well sized ruby.  “I was able to retrieve the pendant but as for the gold it wasn’t in the cards.  Fortunately though, I was able to grab this and had it appraised before coming down here.  I think you’ll get roughly what you were owed for it but I’ll understand if you’d rather take it out of my reward.”
Zexx sipped at his tea again with a wry smile at the woman as he tried to cross his legs and winced loudly before putting his leg back down to sit easier.  
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“Are you satisfied?”
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tacticsroom · 5 years
Gharnef: Dark Pontifex (Unit Review)
Available at 3-4★ (Grand Hero Battle Reward)
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Lvl 40 Stats (Flaw/Neutral/Asset)
Note: As a Grand Hero Battle reward, Gharnef does not have access to boons/assets and banes/flaws.
HP: 34/38/41 
Atk: 26/30/33
Spd: 31/34/37
Def: 23/27/30 
Res: 20/23/26 
Neutral BST: 152
Max Dragonflowers: 10
Weapon: Imhullu (400 SP)
Mt: 14. Rng: 2. Grants Res+3. At the start of turn 3, deals 5 damage to non-magical foes within 5 columns centered on unit and inflicts the following status effect on foes: “Foe cannot counterattack for duration of their next action”. 
Red Tome. Cannot be inherited. Cannot be refined.
Assist: None
Special: Ignis (300 SP)
Boosts damage dealt by 80% of unit’s Def.
Can be inherited. Cannot use: Staff.
A: Mirror Stance 2 (240 SP)
If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Res +4 during combat.
Can be inherited.
B: Chill Atk 3 (240 SP)
At the start of each turn, inflicts Atk-7 to foe with highest Atk on enemy team throughout their next actions.
Can be inherited.
C: None
The finale of this year’s GHB Party has come with the arrival of Gharnef. Released late last year, Gharnef is a mixed bag with his kit leaning one way but his stat spread another. Unlike past red tome GHB units Gharnef is deceptively fast. With a poor base kit and niche weapon however he struggles to cement himself as a proper investment in comparison to his competition.
Gharnef’s offenses, while middling, are still serviceable sitting at 30/34 Atk/Spd. He can be built to be deceptively fast unlike the majority of his competition. Outside of this fact though Gharnef has a lot going against him. His weapon, Imhullu, while it grants him +3 Res has an incredibly niche effect dealing 5 damage to all non-magic units and leaving them unable to counterattack on the start of turn 3. While the effect by itself is powerful, it takes far too long to activate, can be inconsistent and requires proper placement on Gharnef’s part. Very few modes will also have turns last for long meaning that before or after turn 3 the tome in question is next to worthless. His base kit oddly enough does not emphasize his player phase potential giving him enemy phase skills instead. His special is impractical as Gharnef lacks the Def to do much of anything with Ignis. Altogether Gharnef has options as a player phase tome but will require a complete overhaul of his base kit. With proper investment Gharnef will prove his worth in time.
On his first merge, Gharnef will gain +2 HP/Spd and +1 Atk.
Reasons to Invest in Gharnef
You like Gharnef and intend to use him in a core team, whether it be for Arena, Aether Raids, or an Infantry team
You’re interested in building Gharnef due to his particular niche and interesting stat spread
You have obtained all or most previous copies made available and do not mind the grail cost
Reasons NOT to Invest in Gharnef
You don’t intend on using him as a core on any team or in any PVE game modes such as Rival Domains or Grand Conquest
You don’t play Aether Raids and have no interest in obtaining grails
You consider Gharnef’s playstyle and base kit uninteresting and would rather fodder his skills off to other heroes you use
You already have an invested red tome unit that you already use on your core Arena & or Aether Raids team
Similar Units
Note: As a Grand Hero Battle reward Gharnef does not have access to boons/assets or banes/flaws and therefore is not directly comparable to any summonable units. 
(M) Morgan: Lad from Afar (37/33/34/20/26)
Gharnef: Dark Pontifex (+1/-3/+0/+7/-3)
Note: Gharnef and Morgan have access to uninheritable skills and are thus not directly comparable. 
Canas: Seeker of Wisdom (36/32/29/21/33)
Gharnef: Dark Pontifex (+2/-2/+5/+6/-10)
Note: Gharnef has access to uninheritable skills and is thus not directly comparable.
Budget/Low Investment:
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Gharnef, if being kept budget, will have to lean heavily towards enemy phase setups despite his stat spread suggesting otherwise.
The first set keeps the majority of his base kit only swapping his special and granting him a seal. Quick Riposte will synergize with Mirror Stance, giving Gharnef the ability to counterattack multiple times while also granting him +4 Atk/Res while in combat. Luna is taken for its 3 turn cooldown and due to the fact that Gharnef lacks the stat distribution to make use of other 3 turn specials such as Iceberg, Draconic Aura or Bonfire. 
The second set follows the same idea but instead swaps out Chill Atk for Quick Riposte to allow him multiple follow-up attacks. Distant Def will stack with his default Mirror Stance for +10 Res, +6 Def and +4 Atk when a ranged foe initiates against him. This provides Gharnef with a bit more bulk and allows him to run specials such as Iceberg with better consistency. 
Gharnef’s seal options include but aren’t limited to: Attack+3, Res+3, Spd+3, Spd/Res 2, Atk/Res 2, Bond skills, Darting Blow and Stance Skills.
Player Phase:
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Gharnef, unlike the majority of past GHB red tome units can easily cement himself as a player phase unit with some assistance from skills.
In both sets we’ll be using the latest red tome Rauðfox+. The reason for this is because the new fox tome will inflict Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 on a foe if the wielder initiates combat. The stat difference can prove to be crucial as it can easily determine whether or not Gharnef can double his foe safely. 
The left set will focus on lowering him into Desperation range with the help of Fury. Fury will, along with boosting his stats, inflict -6 HP after each round of combat slowly but surely lowering his HP down to the point where he can make multiple follow-ups when initiating. Despite this much needed Atk boost however Gharnef’s Atk is still on the lower side of things hence why we take the Atk+3 seal. 
The set on the right focuses on making him a green mage counter while also leaving him fast enough to double most opponents. Green mages remain prevalent in the current meta hence why we take G Tomebreaker as our B skill. Swift Sparrow is taken as our A skill and, in combination with his fox tome Gharnef can create an Atk/Spd difference of +8 allowing him to obtain kills that would have been impossible otherwise. Gharnef’s Atk will be on the lower side regardless so it’s encouraged to bring a buffer to help give him an extra push.
High Investment:
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Gharnef can prove to be a formidable opponent if one decides to invest in him. The following sets are best intended for players who plan on fully merging Gharnef. 
The first set opts to fix his middling Atk while providing him with high amounts of Spd making him a dangerous opponent to fight against. Fenrir+ carries similar might as his default tome would with an Atk refine hence why we use it. Swift Sparrow 3 will provide Atk+6, Spd +7 when Gharnef initiates combat. In combination with Chill Spd as the seal, Gharnef can effectively create a Spd difference of +14 against his fastest foe. Because we’ll reach 46 Spd when initiating we take Desperation to better allow him to sweep multiple opponents. 
The set on the right opts for an unconventional Close Counter setup. Gharnef has the Spd and, more importantly, the defenses when fully merged to utilize a Close Counter setup. Candelabra and Close Def will provide him with extra bulk whenever attacked, granting +2 Atk, +2 Spd, +8 Def and +8 Res in combat. Gharnef can then utilize a rally skill whether on himself or another ally to ploy all foes in his cardinal directions for -3 Atk/Spd while also inflicting the Guard status effect. This prevents opponents from building specials while also creating an offensive gap that will grant Gharnef an advantage. Odd Spd Wave will make Gharnef harder to double keeping him safe from faster opponents. Note that he will still have to remain cautious against Bold Fighter armors as their skills ignore speed checks.
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Skin Dungeons - Recommended Shikigami/Teams
long post, details below ↓
Examples of Common Teams:
Attacker + Attacker + Healer + Kaguya + Puller [usually only for stages 1-7]
Attacker + Attacker + Shouzu/Ren + Healer + free space (CC/healer)
Attacker + Shouzu/Ren + Momo/Hiyori/Kachou + Kaguya + free space (CC/healer)
Crit DMG Ibaraki/Tamamo/Kuro Douji + Ushi + Yama Usagi/Kamai/Youkinshi + free space x 2 (CC/lighter/another puller)
Onikiri or Chin x 3 + Shouzu + Healer (3rd Onikiri/Chin can be replaced by Kaguya)
Kagura w/ Orochi + Youkinshi x 2 + Lighter + Healer 
SP Ibaraki
Kuro Douji
Supports & CC
Ame Onna
(bolded text = most commonly used)
The following dungeons you can more or less use any one of the example teams up above for each;
Yama Usagi*
Ame Onna
The following dungeons you may need to use a specific shikigami or team;
Yama Usagi 10
This dungeon only has a tiny requirement if you want to move first each round, which is - have a minimum of 200 speed. If you don’t, then all you need is a nice thick hamaguri shield.
Kappa 10
If you find Koi’s shield to be a little bit too annoying to deal with, you might want to bring along Ame Onna.
Arakawa 9
When the tako/kraken is at 40% HP in round 3 it will go underwater for 2 turns. You MUST beat it before it resurfaces. So using both Kagura and Youkinshi/Maestro is almost necessary.
eg team; Kagura w/ attacker x 2 + healer x 2 + Youkinshi
Kamaitachi 10
Use hasei/shadow Higan.
It is possible to beat Kamai 10 without Higan, but it is much easier to just use Higan if you happen to have her. If you don’t, then you’ll need 2 off turn healers eg Hiyori, Ebisu, Sakura, Kachou with sou/scarlet.
Shishio 10
No autoing, no Miketsu, no Inugami, no Onikiri, no shikigami with sou/scarlet.
And be extremely cautious if using Kagura or Seimei. Why? Their passive might go off 13 times in a row completely resetting the 3rd round 13 times in a row like it did for me. 
After you KO the real Shishio, you must keep Momo consistently CCed until she is KO’d.
Aoandon, Higanbana, Kiyohime, Yuki Douji, Kingyo
For these dungeons, you need to use a counter comp. eg team; sou Onikiri / hari Shuten + hari Inugami + Shouzu + Healer + CC eg team; Double or Triple Chin + Shouzu + Healer
Kyuuketsuhime/Vampira 9 & 10
For this dungeon, you can more or less you the same example counter team listed above for Ao, Higan and Kiyo. However because Vamp can turn your shiki into her allies if they’re not at full HP, it is much better to use Ren here instead of Shouzu. 
eg team; sou Onikiri / hari Shuten + hari Inugami + Ren + Healer + CC
If using the double attacker counter comp for Vamp 10 doesn’t work out very well for whatever reason (only have Onikiri built, don’t have Inugami, don’t have a sou set, etc), I personally would recommend using crit/crit DMG Shoyou with hari Onikiri.
eg team; hari Onikiri + crit/crit DMG Shoyou + Ren + Healer + CC
Vamp’s dungeon is one of the few you can use ‘frozen time’ in. There’s a small downside to this however, a puller you need 1-4 copies of for this is the collab shiki Maki&Karashi. So if you missed out on the Hozuki collab or don’t have Hiyori, you might not be able to frozen time this.
eg team 1; Shuten + Maki&Karashi x 4 eg team 2; Shuten + Maki&Karashi x 2 + Yama Usagi x 2 eg team 3; Hiyori with hari + puller x 4 (frozen time has a lot of other variants beyond these ^ three examples)
Clearing Any and All Skin Dungeons (with Orochi)
Double Chin and double Onikiri teams are the usual go-to’s for cheesing hard content. With the release of Orochi however, he has become a new favourite for clearing everything.
Currently, Kingyo’s skin dungeon is the only one Orochi can’t be used in.
For more specific team setups I would recommend looking ingame to see what other people have used, look up videos on youtube or bilibili, or check what is recommended on kamigame.
When looking up videos on youtube or and especially on bilibili, please keep in mind what language you use to search in. Using the CN or JP names of shikigami plus the stage number, eg “小鹿男10″ or “シシオ10, will give you more results than searching in english.
Post for Difficulty & Mechanics
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analisegrey · 5 years
Februwhump Prompt
“Poison/Poisoning” (Read on AO3)
He hardly notices the injury when it initially happens.
They’re in the midst of battle, arrows and spells are flying across the field, daggers and swords flashing, and while he notes the tugging sensation in his side, it’s barely enough to catch his attention. He’s focused on holding Haste on Beauregard and it doesn’t feel serious, so he ignores it.
It’s not until the battle is finished, as they enjoy the thrill of a hard-won victory, that the adrenaline starts to fade and he realizes something isn’t right.
“Caleb?” Nott appears at his side, placing a steadying hand on his hip as he sways dangerously. “Are you alright?”
“I-” A violent shudder tears through him, muscles spasming, and he curls in on himself with a strangled noise.
He blinks, and it feels like a bare second, but when his eyes open he’s on the ground, facing sky, Nott screaming for Jester next to him. The world has gone wavy, colors bleeding from one to another, impossibly bright and vivid, and he knows...he knows...something? His thoughts aren’t cooperating, sliding over his mind like water on an oiled surface, refusing to stick, refusing to coalesce into something helpful.
The panic’s distant, his pain gone, and it takes longer than it should for him to realize it’s because he’s gone numb. He can’t feel his arms or legs, and his lips are tingling unpleasantly, like a limb fallen asleep. That’s not a good thing, but he’s so tired it’s difficult to focus enough to make sense of it. If he could rest for a few minutes, maybe that would help.
He relaxes, the ground a welcoming bed; letting go feels like the easiest thing in the world. His eyes are still open, but unfocused- there’s blurred movement, flashes of color. Things go suddenly still, and it’s quiet, calm and peaceful past the rushing in his ears, and sleep is so close-
Something slams into his chest, and it doesn’t quite hurt, but feels of immense pressure. It feels awful, overwhelming, like he’s being crushed, and when he tries to voice his dismay nothing happens; he’s choking, but there shouldn’t be anything to choke on, there’s nothing, they weren’t in the water, he hadn’t set fire to anything, there shouldn’t be smoke, why can’t he breathe, why isn’t he-
There’s another solid thump to his chest and he drags in a sudden gasp of air, and that he feels, burning it’s way down his throat into his lungs, until he’s coughing, hacking, but he can’t feel it, can’t feel his body. Does he still have one? He doesn’t think his mind would exist without it, but there’s no way to tell. Perhaps he’s dead and simply doesn’t know it yet.
Feeling starts to come back, fingertips and toes prickling; the sensation spreads, up his arms and legs, quickly overtaking him. There’s lightening crawling in his veins and he needs it out. He digs at his arms, clawing, to release the pent up sparks, but hands grab his, pulling them away, and he’s being held down, pressure on his wrists and ankles. There are voices, garbled, but he understands the words, has heard those words often enough, though he’d hoped not to hear them again-
‘-for your own good-’
-flashes as his eyes open and oh gods, it’s the nurse, the orderly, Campion, and he’s dead, he should be dead, he’d killed that man with his own hands, how is he here again? Or maybe...maybe he didn’t kill Campion? He thought he had, but perhaps he never left, is still there, never got out, never recovered, and this- all of this, Nott, the Mighty Nein, everything- is just a figment of his fractured imagination. Stranger things have occurred; people left in solitary hallucinate to create company, he knows this, he knows this , he did this to people himself, didn’t he, he knows what can happen.
Or maybe all of that did happen and they just sent him back; he’s gone mad again, he certainly feels mad, or they got tired of his bullshit as they rightly should and sent him back to keep him out of the way but safe. It would be a well-intentioned kindness, though he thinks he’d rather be dead then back here, tied down, left in the quiet with his own thoughts and memories, forgotten to the world outside. He can’t stay, he can’t stay, he has things to do, with or without them, and he’d hoped they’d help, that he wouldn’t have to do this alone, but by the gods he will if he must, but he can’t get out, can’t get free, and the voices, gods the voices are back, why won’t they leave him alone? They’re loud, so loud, and getting louder, a cacophony of voices, driving him insane, scraping the inside of his skull like curved knives, and he’s drowning, drowning in sound, in voices, in words, and why won’t it stop? Why won’t it stop, make it stop, make it STOP, makeitstopmakeitstop MakE iT s t O p-
-blessed quiet, only the sound of his blood rushing in his ears, like a river in a deep cavern, but without the distraction of the voices, without the noise, comes other things-
-the air tugs at his skin with tiny hands, pricking like needles, like knives, like tiny claws and sharp-toothed mouths, gnashing and gnawing, and gods, they’re eating him alive, but he can’t stop them, can’t move, can’t get away, and he writhes, screaming, begging to anyone he can think of, anyone who might have loved him once, who might love him still, though why they would he can’t begin to fathom.
Mutter, vater-
-Nott, the rest of the Nein-
-Astrid, Eodwulf- he’s failed them terribly, left them alone, left them behind, left them with-
-Trent, Master Ikithon, he’s never shown mercy before, and there’s no reason to think he’ll start now, but Caleb can’t help but try-
They must be down to his bones by now, tearing through meat and sinew, but they keep going; he’s screamed his throat raw, pained wheezes all he has left, but still it continues and why won’t he die, why won’t they let him die, let him go, to whatever comes next, just let it stop-
-and then-
    -everything fades-
                      -he opens his eyes-
-and blinks blearily into a dimly lit room.
He's exhausted, wrung out like a dish towel. He hurts, his whole body aching as if he's gone ten rounds with Beauregard in a bad mood; he swears his hair hurts.
He shifts, his heart starting to pound in his chest as he realizes he's restrained. Ripped strips of fabric are carefully wound around his wrists and ankles and secured to the bed frame, keeping his arms anchored near his sides and his legs from kicking.
The film of fever sweat on his skin itches uncomfortably; there’s something in his mouth and when he prods at it with his tongue it topples out easily- a twist of toughened leather he recognizes from his own component pouch, speckled with saliva and indented from his teeth.
There’s a flash of movement to his left, and he flinches hard, movement caught up short by his bindings. Then Nott is there, perched on the edge of the bed at his side.
“Sorry, sorry. Are you alright? Wait, no, that’s a dumb question, but are you yourself again?”
Caleb blinks, thoughts muzzy and slow. “Who else would I be?”
Nott’s ears perk up and she smiles. “Oh good. I think you’re doing better. I’ll let Jester know.”
She starts to move and Caleb grabs for her; again, he’s pulled up short, and he makes a noise of frustration. “Nott, please- untie me first?” His voice wavers, and something in his tone must catch her attention because her smile softens and she pats his arm.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m just getting my wire out to message her. Give me a second and I’ll have you loose.”
True to her word, she stays perched where she is; her warm weight pressed up against his side is soothing. After she sends the message to Jester she puts the wire away and gets to work freeing him.
“What happened?”
“How much of the fight do you remember?” she asks as she deftly starts undoing the knots at his wrist.
His brow furrows as he casts his memory back. “We won, I think. We won, but then things get a bit, ah, a bit…” The harder he tries to recall what happened between then and now, the more it makes his head hurt, until finally he gives up, letting his eyes slide shut to rest as Nott works. Once he’s free Nott settles against his side again, a light hand resting on his ribs.
“We did win, but you were hit during the fight. Here.” She pats his side, the warmth of her hand seeping in through the thin linen of his shirt, and he can vaguely recall a tugging sensation, barely more than a sting, lost amidst the rage and fury of the overall battle.
“Ja , I think I recall. I’m guessing it was not an ordinary wound.”
Nott shakes her head. “It was a poisoned blade. Jester didn’t have anything prepared to deal with it other than healing the wound itself. We had to let the poison run its course and hope for the best. It was rough going for a bit there.” Her voice goes quiet and she looks down at where his chest rises and falls under her hand as he breathes. “We almost lost you, you stopped breathing, but Fjord got you going again.” Her fingers twitch, claws catching in his shirt, and he raises a shaking hand to set it on top of hers, giving it a squeeze.
“I feel like I have been put through a wringer, ja, but otherwise, I think I am doing much better, Nott.”
He almost doesn’t want to ask, but, “Why the bindings?”
Her ears droop, shoulders hunching up to meet them. “You kept clawing at yourself. You were drawing blood. We didn’t want you to hurt yourself worse.”
“Ah.” He clears his throat. “Yes, well. Thank you, for that.”
She looks up at him, golden eyes gazing at him from under her hair. “You’re not angry?”
He dredges up a smile; his meager energy stores are waning quickly, but it’s important she know this. “No, Nott, I’m not angry. You all were helping me. Sometimes helping someone means doing something...unpleasant. So thank you.”
She smiles at him, still a little uncertain, but not as worried as she’d looked earlier. “Ok. Well, why don’t you rest a bit more, and Jester will come check on you soon. She’s got all her spells back now, and she prepared something to help you if you still need it.”
“That sounds good.” He closes his eyes, exhaustion cresting over him like a wave, and he’s out before she leaves the room.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
June 18 Dancitron Movie Night - Alien Resurrection
Both Tarantulas and Soundwave were there, so Prowl spent the whole movie night nervous that one of them was going to Say Something and startling every time he was touched. But he still managed to have an interesting discussion about what efforts ought to be taken to save endangered persons with a low probability of survival. (Prowl’s answer: barring extenuating circumstances, all efforts. Soundwave’s answer: maybe a lot of effort, but like, not if they’ve got a really low chance of survival, and/or their death would be particularly unpleasant.)
Thus far, even though they’ve now both got permission to talk about their relationships with Prowl, it seems like both Tarantulas and Soundwave are content to continue keeping it secret. That suits Prowl just fine.
Today Swoop ((I wasn't gonna come but then I saw what was up tonight and yes, we're gonna 90s this shit up)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yooooooo!)) Swoop ((how you been?)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((pretty good! unpacking, drawing, settling in, etc)) Swoop ((that middle one sounds nice!)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((i'll show you some later!)) Swoop ((please do!)) VProwl *appears* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave settles in for the night, more than ready to see this supposed fourth film.* Swoop *full on goofy ptero-scampers in* Prowl *arrives just after Swoop* Swoop Bird? :V VProwl *the room's filling up earlier than usual. disappointing.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Having spotted Prowl - and listened to his great big philosophical set of reasons for morals and saving people - Soundwave is just about ready to get up and scoop Prowl into one hell of an embrace. Maybe with some nibbles.*
*...Unfortunately, just as he stands up, two more mechs appear, which means it looks like he rose to greet them all. Soundwave just sort of awkwardly nods at everyone before sitting down on the couch, mildly revved up and with no outlet. And it'll probably get worse. Interesting night.* Swoop *scampers around, jumping on the occasional table in his pursuit of Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Bird is - er. Laserbeak is... sulking. She's had some displeasing news.]] Prowl *it's ok, Soundwave, Prowl didn't see him move* ItsyBitsySpyers ((LMAO)) Swoop :V ??? VProwl *sits in his usual spot. with a little more space than usual.* Swoop What news??? *literally could not care less about the news* *just wants to BIrd* Tarantulas (( we forgive you for not themeing the music, cro (( WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS Smokescreen /Smokescreen's coming in to eggs. Yep! This is the right place!/ ItsyBitsySpyers ((alien movie! eggs)) Smokescreen Hey Eggwave! ItsyBitsySpyers *Immeeeeediately notices.*
@P: [[...Has he done something wrong?]]
[[Ah. Nothing you need concern yourself with at the moment.]] Smokescreen Soundegg! ItsyBitsySpyers @SP: [[Tonight will be Alien: Resurrection.]] Swoop Me Swoop want to Bird : < Us not hang out in foreeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Prowl @SW: Thank you. Smokescreen /Wait, wait, Swoop's here? He's waving at Swoop, before sitting down in his usual spot near Round Prowl!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[He is certain she will want to be here next week. There will be an Earth rodent with an appreciation of food only she can parallel.]] Prowl *will check to see if there's any audio description available while everyone else gets settled in* ItsyBitsySpyers ((FIFTEEN MINUTES grab your drinks and food and all that)) Smokescreen Wait, are we watching Ratatoing next week? Prowl You're showing a movie about Earth food next week? ItsyBitsySpyers [[What? No. No. It is a movie about a spider. And a pig. But the movie is not named for the pig.]] Swoop *flops with EVERY BIT OF DRAMA he has in his thin body, splaying his wings and legs out like the distraught rug that he is* Smokescreen OHHH oohh I know that one! Based on a book, right? Swoop *look how upset he is* Smokescreen ... Hey Swoop, want a cake? Swoop *everyone needs to appreciate how much he wants to see Bird RIGHT NOW* Prowl Ah. Swoop ... Her Bird like cake Smokescreen ... Maybe if I give you cake, bird will come? /He's offering a cake to Swoop!/ Smokescreen /Fresh from his subspace./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh, no. He can guarantee you that she will not come down tonight. But she will eat the cake when everyone is gone.]] Swoop *transforms so he can hold the cake* *takes it and just holds it* Smokescreen ... It's okay for you to eat that cake if you want! Tarantulas *will tarantulas arriving help with swoop's mood a little too? let's see. in comes the spidermech, it's been a while* VProwl *he was so tense he missed the question* @S «What? No. Why?» *oh, and now Tarantulas is here, and Prowl's even more tense.* Swoop *digs his claws in a little bit and grins* Cake pretty weak thing. Look. *he holds it up and scratches the side* It in ..... tiers! Kehehhehehehh Smokescreen /Is about to wave excitedly at Messy, but stops himself- maybe Messy wants to stick with Prowl tonight?/ ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave taps the space between himself and Prowl and glances over at him. That's wh-- oh. Okay, he'll just make room for Tarantulas. Maybe that's why there's space.* *Soundwave huffs at the tiers joke.* [[Not bad, Swoop.]] VProwl ((cro why are you torturing us)) Tarantulas (( srsly ItsyBitsySpyers ((to prepare you for the real horror ahead)) Smokescreen //this is like dinner and 2 shows Swoop *perks up and then preens at the compliment* *still has cake hands* Smokescreen ... /He's going to offer Swoop another cake, this time a different flavor. Maybe he's picky!/ Swoop *takes whatever is offered to him but doesn't do anything with it* Smokescreen ... Are you feeling okay, Swoop? If you like a different flavor, just let me know! Tarantulas *yup, smokey's right, tara's a little focused on vprowl, gonna settle right in with him as soon as possible. how much semi-subtle touching can he get away with, hm?* Swoop Me Swoop am FEELING *squishes some cake between his fingers* good! *absolute shiteating grin* Tarantulas *...narrowed visor at soundwave. why this* Why hello to you too, Soundwave. Smokescreen ... I'm glad! You should eat cake with your mouth, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Greetings. It has been a while.]]
*Places a smiley on his screen. Just saying hello, dear spide.*
[[Please. Do not squash cake everywhere. We have enough to clean after weekends.]] Prowl ...is this meant to be a lesson in futility? Swoop *looks back and forth between Smokescreen and Soundwave* Smokescreen I think it's like, a reference to this ancient greek myth humans have about this guy who has to roll this ball up a hill every day, and start over again! Probably! ItsyBitsySpyers [[That depends. Have you lost all hope?]] Swoop *isn't totally clear on what the consensus is here* *just wants to give cake to Bird* ........ *wipes his hand off on his chest, problem solved* Prowl What purpose did rolling the ball up the hill serve? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Put the cake on the bar and go clean your hands in the si--...... Fine.]] Smokescreen I'm not really sure! Maybe doing it, like, kept the Earth moving or something? That's what a lot of those early myths are like. Like, I think this one guy got like, executed for giving everyone fire and opening this box of misfortune. Prowl ((OMG CRO ((BANNED ItsyBitsySpyers ((I AIN'T SORRY BOUT NOTHIN)) Tarantulas (( o m f g Swoop ((jesus christ XDD)) Prowl ((YOU SHOULD BE SORRY Smokescreen ((cro is a treasure Swoop *has no idea what's going on, focused instead on putting the two pieces of cake from Smokescreen on top of each other for maximum cake* ItsyBitsySpyers ((all right that's enough of that)) Prowl Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers ((we're just waiting for one person to get back and then we'll start)) Swoop Soundwave! *holds up the double cake* Where can cake for Her BIRD? ItsyBitsySpyers [[On the bar, where he told you. She will not come down today, which he also told you.]] Swoop :< Smokescreen /He's going to quietly ping Messy before he goes over to the bar to try to help himself./ ItsyBitsySpyers ((WARNINGS: OKAY. This is basically the completely incorrectly done Alien movie that should've had the tagline A Squick For Every Moviegoer. It has all the pointless edge that late 90s/early 00s movies loved. If you already can't stand a regular Alien movie, you'll probably want to sit this one out. More specific warnings more or less in order with some throughout: Weird organic tissue intro, visible surgery with internal contents, flashing lights (really bad after the flamethrower incident and in the water and one other time I forget), frankly unnecessary blood and gore/violence/death, incidents of ableism and/or dehumanizing talk, sexist or misogynist talk, incidents of mostly-nudity, foul language, body horror, hypodermic-like imagery, weird alien pregnancy, grotesque final alien scene, super shaky camera.)) Swoop *goes and puts the cake on the bar, wiping his hands off on himself one last time for good measure* VProwl *tarantulas can get away with semi-subtle touching only up to the point where it's firm enough that Prowl can feel it. at which point he startles almost out of his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[The SINK, Swoop.]] Swoop Sink? *cocks his head, why would you put cake in the sink....?* OH! For -- *he holds up his hands* Smokescreen ... /Trying to sneak a bite of the bar cake now while he's here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Before we begin. He promised that he would be careful not to show anything with... that, for two weeks. He does not know if you remember that the xenomorph organics tend to puncture skulls with their inner jaws as a fatal blow. Will this trouble you, or should he proceed as planned?]] VProwl @S «Oh—that's fine. Head trauma is fine.» *were they reading the brains they ate? no. ... probably. ... no. they definitely weren't.* ItsyBitsySpyers ((rabbit can you PLEASE not have five thousand pop-ups)) Swoop *actually uses the sink like a person who has been indoors before, everyone thank Ratchet for making this great day possible* ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods and commands the projector to start playing. Leaves the smiley on his visor.* Swoop *scampers over to the seats before immediately stopping, unsure of what to do with himself* Tarantulas *nope, touching is definitely heavy enough to be felt. when prowl startles, tarantulas startles right back* Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...This is the most disgusting introduction.]] VProwl *pings alternate, video feed* What? What. Nothing. Smokescreen ... Is it really that bad? It just looked slimy. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Same thing, most times.]] Swoop *stands still - legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent - and looks at the space in front of him, waiting for something to prompt him* Smokescreen You're not a fan of Slime, Slimewave? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop. Take a seat.]] Swoop *plops down exactly where he was standing* Tarantulas May I...? *clearly ready to cuddle prowl again* *also pings smokey back* Swoop *scoots on his butt closer to everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Precious.]] Smokescreen /This time sends two pings back!/ Smokescreen Is that how humans- you know- Swoop *scoot scoot* Tarantulas *three pings to smokey then* Smokescreen /this time, he does 5! 3 + 2!/ Smokescreen ((DANGIT i had a drink for this and this fly just comes swooping in to get in my drink 😧 )) ItsyBitsySpyers ((BAD FLY)) VProwl *tries to look at Tarantulas without looking away from the screen, so his alternate can keep watching.* ... What? Smokescreen ((drunk fly now)) ItsyBitsySpyers *Nudges Tarantulas.* [[Number eight.]] Swoop *finally is close enough to someone or something to rest his helm on it and watch the screen* ZAP Tarantulas Eight? Swoop Why Them zap face? ItsyBitsySpyers [[To make her let the doctor go.]] Swoop WHy Smokescreen That human sounded kinda like Ratchet vaguely for a klik! ItsyBitsySpyers [[So he would not die.]] Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[He does not know.]] *Perks. Majesty?* Tarantulas *ahh, eight, he sees* Blaster -what did he walk in on?- Swoop It wet Blaster Oh....wow ItsyBitsySpyers *Tiny vent. What fabulous design.* Tarantulas *to prowl* May I touch? ItsyBitsySpyers *He wonders how much battering damage the crest can take in battle.* Swoop *slooowly slides down to lay on the floor on his belly* *wings ouuuuuuutttt* *watch your feet* VProwl ... Sure. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact: in a deleted scene they say walmart bought weyland yutani out)) Smokescreen ... How much do you bet they're all gonna go offline again? VProwl ((omg)) Smokescreen ((canon Swoop ((oh man I forgot about that, too good)) Blaster -well, he's in the room now, and kinda curious about this- ItsyBitsySpyers [[...."Urban pacification".]] [[So they mean to loose the organics on citizens who do not--]] *HUFF* [[Tame them. How amusing.]] [[On citizens who do not comply, likely for good reason.]] Blaster ....this isn't going to end well, is it? Prowl Ugh. Smokescreen Man- I kinda hope they all get their just desserts with those kinda ideas Swoop *IMMEDIATELY FLAILS WITH EXCITEMENT and spins around to sit on his heels with a gigantic grin* THAT! THAT! Tarantulas *promptly slips his hand in prowl's and wraps half of his arms around him, settling in* Swoop YOU SEE, you see FALLEN KINGDOM trailer???? : > VProwl *TENSENESS INTENSIFIES* Swoop *bounces* You Soundwave see? It THAT! *points* What You said! ItsyBitsySpyers [[What?]] Swoop NEW Jurassic World movie!!!!!! Me Swoop want to see! Us DINOBOTS want to SEE! Blaster -he's gonna sit somewhere out of the way of the flailing- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Another one? If the twins have their way, you will. Eventually.]] [[Greetings, Blaster.]] Swoop *hops and chirps* Blaster Ah. Hello, Soundwave. Tarantulas *omg prowl relax, this isn't much more touching than usual is it* Swoop Jurassic World! Jurassic World! Jurassic World! VProwl *it's different now* Tarantulas *...fair* Swoop *keeps bouncing around and chirping about Jurassic World, it's going to take a lot to stop him* ItsyBitsySpyers *What about a feeler wrapped around his mouth.* Swoop *immediately starts to CHOMP but has enough of his birdy brain about him not to go through with it (completely)* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's wincing at the feeler coming out. Ew ew ew./ Blaster -WELL then, that's one way to silence a Dinobot- Wait.... ItsyBitsySpyers *C a r e f u l l y extricates his feeler from Swoop's mouth. Ugh.* Blaster Are those other humans? ItsyBitsySpyers [[They are.]] [[Welcome to government military projects.]] Blaster Wait Tarantulas *snorts at the "project"* Blaster No Swoop *bleehh* *one slobbery feeler for soundwave* Smokescreen I wanna play that game! Blaster They purposefully... ItsyBitsySpyers *Huffing at her mocking him. She continues to be a favorite human, even as a partially inhuman clone.* Swoop KAH! Her hit! ItsyBitsySpyers [[And yes, they did.]] [[The creatures require external hosts for part of the process.]] Blaster ....yikes Smokescreen I wanna DO that kinda move! Swoop *hasn't been paying much attention but he perks up when he hears that whistle, he knows that "get over here" whistle* Prowl It's not that difficult. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact 2: sigourney actually performed that shot herself)) Tarantulas Corrosive...? Hm. Smokescreen I guess! But it looks cool! ... what's with the feet thing don't like that Blaster Was her blood eating through the metal? ItsyBitsySpyers [[It was.]] VProwl ((how many tries did it take her)) Swoop *pays the tiniest bit more attention since he knows that condescending noise* Smokescreen ((can you imagine the bloopers Swoop *probably everyone with a beastmode does tbh* Blaster Either that's really weak metal, or her blood isn't human ItsyBitsySpyers ((i believe they gave her six total to try it in herself and she hit it on the last one)) ((the crew burst into immediate applause, which is why there was a cut right there)) Swoop ((Yeah I want to say I remember them saying they were going to fake it but she went for it one last time and BOOM)) *pats at the nearest person to him* What happen? In movie. ItsyBitsySpyers *Look at them. Look at them sleeping curled up.* Tarantulas (( wHAT ItsyBitsySpyers [[Hah.]] Swoop *pat pat pat* Prowl *congrats, it's Prowl, who pulls out of Swoop's reach quickly* They cloned the Ripley human from the other documentaries in order to extract the alien from her. She appears to be more than human. ItsyBitsySpyers *Has an idea or two why.* Prowl And the military started a breeding program. Foolishly. Swoop *has no idea what any of that means but scoots closer to Prowl, still sitting on the floor* Why them in room? With button. Prowl To torture the alien into listening to them. They think it can be trained. Smokescreen I think the lesson is that all militaries are fragged. Swoop Why listen? :s Tarantulas *internal screm at "baby"* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Trained to hate them, perhaps. As it should. Keeping perfection locked away - hmph.]] Swoop *leans on Prowl's leg* Blaster .............. Prowl *pulls leg away* Don't do that. Swoop Do what Prowl Don't touch me. You can sit where you are. Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah... so that transferred, too.]] Prowl Because I asked you not to. Swoop Why Blaster -what's wrong with lab-grown- Prowl *sighs* Because. That is the only answer I need to give you. Swoop ............. *reaches out and touches the very tip of Prowl's ped with the very very tip of his claw* Smokescreen Swoop, bad. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop, do not touch the other guests if they have told you not to touch them.]] Prowl *pulls away* Stop. Smokescreen If you keep touching, Bird won't come out for sure. ItsyBitsySpyers *Pings Prowl. Did you see that shot.* Swoop Him Soundwave say no Bird AT ALL tonight VProwl *STARTS* @S «What?» Smokescreen But Bird especially won't show up if you keep touching Prowl. Swoop Why Smokescreen because ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[The human performed an excellent ricochet shot to shoot the one behind him.]] Swoop Keheh! Because WHY Blaster .............. VProwl @S «Oh. Yes. I saw.» ItsyBitsySpyers [[A noble sacrifice.]] Blaster -slowly hides face- Smokescreen Because because! Keep your servos off of Prowl or else- uhh- you'll get grounded. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Because you have been ordered not to touch them, and if you disobey, he will bridge you home. Again.]] [[And you will not see any of the fighting.]] Swoop *fluffs up his armor and flairs his wings at Smokescreen's very poorly worded threat* Smokescreen Yeah, that too. You'll miss all the good bits! Prowl *scoffs* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So clever.]] Swoop You Smokescreen not STRONG enough to GROUND Me Swoop! Blaster Yikes Smokescreen I mean- Sounds is the one that'll ground you. I'm just saying that it'll happen! Just don't touch Prowl and there won't be any problems! I'll even give you a snack. Swoop NO ONE ground Me Swoop! *flaps his wings once at Smokescreen for emphasis* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He will.]] Smokescreen ... Not that kinda ground. Ground like- no fun stuff ever. Swoop *vents RATHER warm air* ItsyBitsySpyers *Trying to hide that he's shaking. Clever AND opportunistic.* *If unfortunate.* ((this is so goddamn unnecessary)) Swoop *leans in towards Smokescreen, wings still flared* Try! Prowl *Prowl's going to move to another seat away from Swoop before she considers putting Swoop in stasis cuffs* Blaster -STILL covering face- -he doesn't like this movie- Swoop ((While there is a lot to criticize in this movie, I gotta say that I love the set design. There is something about this ship that is charming to me. Just matches the douchey atmosphere lol)) *would absolutely flip shit if someone put cuffs on him* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's pushing Swoop's face away/ Come on, Swoop! You made Prowl move. Be good. Prowl ((it's a good design, creepy and efficient Swoop *locks his joints and digs his toes into the flooring so that Smokescreen's attempts are completely ineffective at moving him an inch* Me Swoop NOT good. Me DINOBOT. Smokescreen ... /In that case, he's pulling his servo away, and then turning on the phase shifter, reaching to just put a servo in Swoop's arm, if possible./ Be a Dinobot that acts good, then! Blaster -uncovers face- ....what just...actually no, I don't wanna know ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave leans forward to look around Tarantulas and bobs his helm at Prowl.*
[[Surely with all the organics that Cybertronians of your world encountered, you've run into situations similar to these? Or run calculations on potential scenarios.]] Swoop *goes from looming to owlishly blinking in cartoon curiosity in an instant* What THAT? 😮 VProwl Define "similar to these." Smokescreen What? This? /He's pulling his servo away again/ This is my arm! Swoop ((this movie is so gay)) You a ghost! 😮 ItsyBitsySpyers [[Beings capable of at least picking off Cybertronians, if not outright slaughtering them, breaking into or infesting a base.]] Smokescreen I am! You got me! Tarantulas *curious about sw's question* Swoop Cool! *plops back with his legs kicked out in front of him, full toddler style* VProwl Yes. We commonly called them "soldiers." ... Because they were soldiers. Smokescreen Isn't it? Watch this! /He's adjusting the phase shifter just a bit more, to start to go through the couch./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Not Decepticons. Aliens of some type.]] VProwl I'm talking about aliens. Swoop Whoooooaaa! ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh?]] Swoop *claps* VProwl If I was talking about Decepticons, I'd have said "Decepticons." Smokescreen /Grinning like a dork, slowly sliding down. His legs are probably wiggling about if there's a floor below them!/ Swoop *reaches out and tries to poke Smokescreen with his toe* VProwl We didn't cross paths with aliens that via their natural endowments were easily capable of infiltrating and annihilating Cybertronians, because when we saw ones with that potential, we did what these humans did not: left their planets alone. Smokescreen /Swoop's just going to go through Smokescreen! But Smokescreen does laugh at the feeling./ Swoop *squawks* Awesome! You Smokescreen do ghost stuff for fight?? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...Given the estimate you once told him, there must not have been many of those.]] *Briefly forgets his question, staring at the tubes* Blaster Yikes.... Smokescreen I do! I once escaped the Decepticons with my ghost powers! And ended up getting them to take each other out! Swoop You can rip out GUTS with ghost stuff? 😮 VProwl We went to the planets the Decepticons went to. And the Decepticons went to the planets with the organics that scared them: highly intelligent, highly civilized, highly organized, highly technologically advanced. Tarantulas Are they preserved or alive...? ItsyBitsySpyers [[THAT one is alive.]] Tarantulas Well, clearly. Blaster I don't....holy.... Smokescreen I've never tried that! But I caaaaan do this! /He's pulling himself up again, and is starting to pull a small cube of energon out of his chest!/ Swoop *hears a familiar noise and looks at the screen with excitement* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shakes his helm. At least the clone gave her predecessor that much.* Swoop *is distracted from Smokescreen by the fact fire exists* *sorry, buddy, fire wins* VProwl *squints at the fire* Blaster -face covered again- Smokescreen /That's fair! He's putting the cube back in for later/ Swoop Her BURN tank :V Tarantulas *snrk* I suppose if they were alive, the matter is moot now. Swoop Her burn HIM kehehhehh Blaster -too much fire- Swoop Aww.... *disappointed* Kehehe Smokescreen This movie's getting pretty hot! VProwl ((cmon. you managed to write a funny line and then you immediately fucked it up.)) Swoop Her have fire in a gun Dinobots have fire in FACE kehehh ItsyBitsySpyers ((a round of applause for early whedon everyone)) ((i say sarcastically)) Swoop (🚢) ItsyBitsySpyers [[What was he...]]
[[Ah. What he was going to ask: How would you handle all of this? Do you believe the chances of survival-- Primus, this is brighter than Ravage said.]] Smokescreen Hey, Swoop, wanna see a neat trick? Swoop Yes! Smokescreen /He's settled on the couch again, and this time is ready to just pull a cube of energon out of his own chest!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Why didn't they turn the light on to start with.]] *Irritable buzz.* [[Do you believe the chances of survival are high enough to warrant trying anything at all, or would it be better to spare everyone their more gruesome deaths and terminate them?]] Smokescreen ... Is that what everyone does? Just sniff each other? Swoop Kahahah! That good trick! Next time, you pull SWORD! Smokescreen Is that what you're supposed to do with a nose? Haha- I need a sword first! Whiiiich- Omicron ((*omie peers in*)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yo)) Smokescreen Swoop look there's fire on the screen! VProwl I don't know the layout of this facility, but I'd say their odds of survival are somewhere under twenty percent. If they kill themselves, their odds of survival are zero percent. Omicron ((Icy may not show up, but I'm derping around) Swoop Me can fire on SWOOP ekhehehh ItsyBitsySpyers *Is abruptly reminded of the metrotitan limerick. Flashes bright, hunches over to hide it, and trembles.* Smokescreen Just- look over there, Swoop! Swoop *looks* Smokescreen /He's quickly taking a practice sword out of his subspace and is sticking it in his chest, wincing- this is not pleasant for his spark at all!/ Swoop *looks back* *ERUPTS in laughter* ItsyBitsySpyers [[SMOKESCREEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING]] Smokescreen ... Nothing? Swoop You Smokescreen look DEAD Smokescreen /He's shifting and pretending he didn't just do that./ ItsyBitsySpyers *Getting to his feet* [[PUT THAT SWORD AWAY AT ONCE]] Smokescreen It is away! It's inside me- Swoop *CACKLES* Omicron ((you will make make icy show up in her feral state doing that smokey, nuu .0.)) Smokescreen ... Wait, yeah, frag, I forgot. Sorry, Sounds. Tarantulas They swim so well! ItsyBitsySpyers *Is distracted by them swimming. They swim? Of course they swim. There's nothing they can't do but fly, is there? And maybe even that, if they get the right host.* [[They do everything well.]] Smokescreen /He's pulling the sword out of him and is putting it back in his subspace. That is waaaay less painful, thank Primus./ Swoop *literally ROLLS on the floor laughing at Smokescreen's trick* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave turns back to watch Smokescreen for a second to make sure that sword isn't coming back out, then sits down.* Smokescreen /He's smiling now- hey, he got Swoop laughing!/ Tarantulas But I do wonder how exactly they adapted for swimming? Ah.... *snrks* Smokescreen /He is never doing that trick again./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Superior lung capacity, no doubt.]] Tarantulas No, I mean - how they managed to evolve the capacity. VProwl They're modified based on their hosts' bodies, aren't they? Humans can swim. Tarantulas Not that well, honestly. Swoop *eventually rolls to a stop and watches the screen just in time* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So many interruptions. Twenty percent, twenty percent. Would you continue to assist them down to the one percent? What if you knew the percentage had dropped to zero at last? How would you handle matters then?]] Swoop KAH! EXPLODE! VProwl It hasn't dropped to zero percent until they're dead. Blaster -so much no- Smokescreen /He's finally turning off the phase shifter, lying down on the couch. He's really exhausted from all that!/ VProwl There's no advantage to giving up on survival before you're dead. Unless you've got something more important to do than try to survive. These people don't. Swoop *pushes himself up into a sitting position using his wings* Swoop Keheh Him bad at aim OH Explode :V Tarantulas *SNORTS* Swoop *thrashes with laughter and looks at Tarantulas* Him shoot LITTLE spider ItsyBitsySpyers [[...You are much more - hmm. Optimistic? Determined?]] *Taps a finger, thinking.* [[...Selfless. Than him, he thinks.]] [[He has much to learn.]] Tarantulas He was awfully mean about it. That spider did nothing to him, other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. VProwl Am I? I just see no rational reason to give up on them. Swoop *grins* Maybe it RIDE bullet PCHOOOO! Smokescreen There needs to be more spider-loving movies Tarantulas There do. There certainly do. Swoop Spiderman movie like spiders Smokescreen ooh- Spidey's fun! I love Spidey VProwl *oh, a robot. finally, a character worth investing in.* Smokescreen Why is this Ripley so... not ripley ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Do cables into arm ports count?]] Smokescreen like I know she's a clone but VProwl @S «... She's in control.» *yes. it counts.* Swoop *doesn't have any reaction at all to Call being able to plug stuff into her arm, may be a little young to fully digest biological differences between species* ItsyBitsySpyers ((i was considering it like basic plug n play but it occurs to me that it looks like a needle)) ((god damn it)) VProwl ((the robot was in control, crisis very narrowly averted.)) Blaster -is it safe now?- ItsyBitsySpyers ((IF THERE IS A *SINGLE.* *NEEDLE.* IN CHARLOTTE'S WEB I AM THROWING HOLLYWOOD INTO A BIN)) Swoop *rolls back onto his belly* VProwl *... but it's enough to make the back of his neck very slightly prickle.* Tarantulas ...If she clears a path to the Betty, won't that mean the remaining aliens are more than capable of following the path as well? Swoop *kicks his feet slowly* Them in space Them just *throws his arms open and makes a whooshing noise* NO more people in ship Dead *rests his cheek on the floor* That boring. Them caaaaaaaan *grins* Mortal Kombat VProwl *ugh. a robot that thinks being a robot is disgusting and wants to be organic. never mind.* Smokescreen Hey! What's so great about being human anyway? Swoop Her Carly is human 😆 Tarantulas They're incredibly egotistical and apparently anything created by them shares that characteristic. Smokescreen Humans are good, but there's nothing worse about not being one Blaster -peers between digits- VProwl They programmed them that way. Swoop ego-tis-tickle tissssssssssssstickle kehehh Smokescreen ... why are humans so awful to mecha anyway Swoop eggo tis tickle ItsyBitsySpyers [[He was never one to assist most mechs to the very end. Deployers, perhaps. Those to whom he's sworn his loyalty or his spark. The rest... rarely below ten percent. Almost never under five.]]
[[Your earlier answer to that greyface makes him wonder what percent he is obligated to assist at now.]] Tarantulas *pings sw, the queen, eh?* Blaster -hides face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *And now he's leaning way off the couch to see.* *Pings Tarantulas back with an affirmative.* Swoop *holds his own feet* Soundwave When fighting movie? VProwl Well, I've got a /recommended/ number. But my answer isn't yours. I don't know what your philosophical outlook is. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Unclear, these days.]] *Pause.* [[He'd take notes and think on them if you had more lectures.]] Swoop :V VProwl Hm. I said more in that reply then I generally like to say in a week. Swoop *laughs his ass off at this guy getting his faces smashed* *laughs so hard he ends up squeaking* ItsyBitsySpyers *Points.* [[That was a valiant death.]] VProwl It was. Tarantulas *oh dear. oh. dear* ItsyBitsySpyers *....Slow head tilt.* Blaster -keeping face covered- ItsyBitsySpyers [[And that's. New.]] Swoop *is not even remotely getting what is happening here, just playing with his toes between fight scenes* Omicron ((aaaand this is why aliens of all kinds are scared of how humans give birth)) Smokescreen w what is this ItsyBitsySpyers [[........What is THAT?]] Prowl *this movie is going to make Prowl think human reproduction is even worse than it actually is* ItsyBitsySpyers *Fascinated. Not quite as much as he is by the xenomorphs. But it's an interesting... mutation? Is that what it is?* Tarantulas *sad noises* ItsyBitsySpyers *Manages not to say anything aloud. If Tarantulas is touching him, though, he'll get a wave of shock and sadness.* Swoop *has not even remotely been payign enough attention for this but he chirps back when the baby does* It bite! ItsyBitsySpyers *And then concern.*
@T: [[Tell him you are not at risk for any of - of that.]] VProwl ((well his son DID almost kill him)) Tarantulas *startles, then almost laughs aloud* @SW: ::Primus - Primus no.:: VProwl *startles when Tarantulas startles.* Tarantulas *soothes prowl with pets* Blaster -peers at screen again- VProwl *startles again* Swoop *starts slowly rolling around the floor again, he's a baby bird on a mission, not clear what the mission is but BY GOD is he going to roll for it* Smokescreen ... /Looking over and pinging Tarantulas again when he hears sad spider sounds./ Tarantulas *more pets, that totally works right* VProwl *now that he knows to expect them he just holds very still.* Blaster -COVERS face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *Well, at least he knows how to terrify this Blaster if it ever comes to that.* @T: [[Are you *certain?*]] Blaster -that's mean Soundwave- Swoop *bumps into a chair* Tarantulas *pings smokey reassurance, then back to sw* @SW: ::I'm quite certain, yes.:: ItsyBitsySpyers [[It really must be more careful with its toys.]] Blaster -isn't going to check this time- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Though he must say he does not care for the changes the excess human genetic material brings. It's less... clean looking. Even the hive material changed. Like flesh instead of shell.]] Smokescreen Man- that xenomorph looks WAY creepier VProwl "Clean looking"? Swoop *laughs cause he can guess what is coming* Tarantulas *oh poor thing, tarantulas feels awful for the look it gave her* VProwl The typical ones are made of drool. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Perhaps. But it is drool on a smooth and segmented surface.]] Swoop Ewwww!! *is DELIGHTED* ItsyBitsySpyers [[....How terrible.]] Swoop KAHAHA CHUNKS! Smokescreen ... Man, they really draw out the really upset noises Tarantulas At least it didn't last too terribly long. Swoop Dead! VProwl ((WOW that was a lot worse than i was expecting it to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((are you ok???)) VProwl ((yeah im ok)) Swoop ((that is one of the gnarliest on screen deaths ever imo)) Prowl *Prowl opted to not ask for visuals tonight and feels like she made the right choice* Blaster -peers at screen again- Swoop *is absolutely all grins and sunshine after that level of gore* VProwl ((oh, prowl offered her a feed at the start of the movie)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[....Poor creature.]] Omicron ((it was bad x.x)) VProwl ((i guess we'll say it wasn't accepted??)) Smokescreen Why do humans make this kinda thing so much? Swoop What thing? Prowl ((go for it, i must have missed it since I have 8 million tabs open atm ItsyBitsySpyers [[Even if it was a strange alternative to its predecessors.]] Smokescreen All this gory slag. Swoop Gore is AWESOME It BEST thing :V Smokescreen I mean, I'd be pretty good if I didn't have to see if for another million years! Tarantulas Yes, it didn't quite deserve that sort of death. And to be betrayed by one it thought its mother... Blaster ...not like I needed to recharge tonight.... ItsyBitsySpyers [[You'll get more work done, Blaster. Cheer up.]] [[...Well, it shouldn't have terminated the one who WAS its mother.]] Smokescreen Sounds- I'm still pretty exhausted, can I recharge on your couch? Blaster -huffs- Prowl There was a great deal of unnecessary termination in this film. ItsyBitsySpyers [[No recharging on his couch. If you require a space to rest, there are inns in New Praxus.]] Swoop *pulls out a datapad from subspace and pokes here, there, and everywhere until he finds some pictures of what happens when you don't respect the coffin corner and get your goddamn wings ripped off* *holds up the datapad in front of Smokescreen's face* Smokescreen . . . I don't think I can get up, Soounds, that's the problem. Prowl Are you all right? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...........Did you phase yourself into his couch.]]
((mark time: 10: 15)) Smokescreen I'm fine! I'm fine! Just kinda drained. ... Only a little. I can phase myself out after I rest for a bit. Swoop *hears screaming on screen just in time to catch the chicken going at the guy and LOSES IT* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Just. Just take the couch with you.]] Prowl I can cut him out of it. Smokescreen sounds I don't even I can get up with the couch prowl nooooo Swoop *gasps* Me Swoop can help! *flexes claws* Blaster .... Smokescreen /Smokescreen's turning the phase shifter on, and is starting to sink into the couch./ Smokescreen /Draining his energon a bit more, but he told Swoop he's a ghost, and he's sticking to it./ VProwl *mumbles* Don't give away your furniture. Swoop ((this baby is literally swoop)) ((people screaming no, him rockking back and forth to do the thing)) Tarantulas (( at least he KINDA did listen ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks at Prowl and just makes a frustrated hand motion at Smokescreen.* [[What is he supposed to do, let the mech stay here overnight?]] Swoop Me Swoop can get. Me Swoop can DROP outside! SMASH. Then Smokescreen fall out : > Smokescreen No, no no no, Swoop. It'll be fine. Look! VProwl He said he'd pull himself out. Omicron ((send him to dreaded wings and give smokey a shock?)) Smokescreen /With the phase shifter on, he's rolling himself out, just kinda lying on the floor. He's not stuck, though!/ Prowl Hm. Swoop *snickers and scampers around Smokescreen on all fours* Smokescreen swooooop please Swoop Hi : > Smokescreen Hiiii Swoop- you want candy again? ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks from Prowl to Smokescreen and back.*
[[How did any of the Autobots deal with yours. Please. Any hints at all.]] Swoop Her Bird like candy! Blaster ....was that a chicken? ItsyBitsySpyers [[No, that's a sheep.]] VProwl Ours isn't anything like that. Smokescreen ... pfpff Blaster ow ItsyBitsySpyers [[In that case, is there a way to officially take your Soundwave's place.]] VProwl Last I heard he was on Earth trying to lead the Decepticons with Galvatron. I wouldn't recommend it. Swoop *places both of his palms squarely on the floor and rolls himself up into a handstand* *straightens up and grins* *ta da* Swoop ((look its' swoop)) Blaster ...I'm....going to go now Smokescreen /He's honestly starting to fall into recharge on the floor. Using the phase shifter does drain him after a while!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[We can send that one away. He'll change his paint job and tell everyone the med bay ran out of replacement armor after a battle.]] *Polite applause for Swoop.* VProwl *huff* Have fun working with humans. Swoop *curls up enough to spring up and flip onto his feet* *DRAMATIC bow* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shudders.* [[He'll take Smokescreen.]] Prowl ((i assume she won Swoop *is less than impressed by the audience he has here* ...... *griiiiiiiiiiiins* Blaster G'night -up and leaving- Swoop *DASHES over to smack Tara's shoulder but doesn't stick around, SPRINTING for the door instead* Blaster ((thanks for the stream and nightmares ItsyBitsySpyers ((you're welcome. try to sleep well, for real)) *Manages to catch Swoop with a bridge anyway. How d'you like them apples.* Tarantulas *looks infinitely offended by this assault, almost enough to get up and run after swoop, but thinks better of it and just curses for a moment* Smokescreen /Smokescreen would clap, but he really did doze off. It might work to just throw Smokescreen into a bridge./ Swoop *A VALIANT EFFORT WAS MADE and he shrieks with laughter all the way out* Prowl I think I'll be leaving now. Good night... everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers *He's in a mood because of the queen's fate, so Smokescreen gets a bridge. And so does his own Prowl, because why not.* Prowl *...well, that saved her a drive* VProwl Good n— *... and then she's gone.* Smokescreen /He'll have to thank Soundwave for the bridge later!/ Prowl *her mood's been down since the Swoop incident earlier, so getting back to Praxus quicker is probably for the best* VProwl ... What did she do to deserve that? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Nothing. He thought she might not want to run into Swoop if he came back.]] *Tap tap.* [[That, and he prefers to keep her on her toes.]] Omicron ((*waves* I'm gonna duck out, the end of the movie was fun 😊 have to try and work on icy's first plot thing on the blog)) VProwl ((*waves* good luck with plot)) Tarantulas Rude, but helpful. Omicron ((thank you! anyone is welcome to pop over for it)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((thank you for being here! good luck!!)) Prowl ((good luck! Smokescreen ((hope plot goes well : o! Tarantulas *is clinging to prowl a little more now that there aren't so many people there, if it's permitted* VProwl *it's permitted.* *... relaxes marginally.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Congratulations on officially dating, by the way.]] VProwl *stiffly* Thanks. Tarantulas *huffs, strangely awkward* I - thank you, I suppose? It seems like an odd thing to give congratulations for. ItsyBitsySpyers *...Wow. Prowl really IS nervous about having to be the one to tell others, isn't he.*
[[He doesn't see why.]] VProwl It's not something you talk about in polite company. ... Wasn't, anyway. I suppose that's more... lax, now. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He hasn't been polite company for roughly twelve and a half million years.]] *Soft huffing.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[In any case, we all know of our mutual interests, and have acted on them in the past. He isn't going to be scandalized by it. Or tell others, if that is what either of you think. That is your business. And you two already know about yourselves.]] VProwl I know, I know. It just... sounds like a threat. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He assures you it isn't.]] [[We as a species have come close to death. It is a wonder there are enough of us to find anyone we consider compatible, and pleasing that the both of you have.]] VProwl I know it's not. But it sounds like one. Tarantulas *did u hear that. sw thinks they're compatible, tarantulas is so pleased* VProwl *soundwave thinks they think they're compatible.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Actually, he said 'consider compatible', which is another ball game. He's worried that they're going to burn each other up. But that's what waiting and watching and being ready to either accept or murder is for.* Tarantulas *please don't murder the spide* ItsyBitsySpyers [[How would you have preferred he say it? And do not say that you prefer he didn't. He has, and he would again, if only to the both of you.]] *Head tilt. Genuinely curious.* VProwl ... You can't ask a question and then rule out the answer. Tarantulas *soft snort* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He can if he is interested in a wording change and not one of intent.]] VProwl *annoyed huff.* I'm not answering on the grounds that it would come across as a recommendation rather than an admission that one particular bit of wording is a lesser evil. I don't want a smaller negative willfully misconstrued as a positive. Tarantulas *considering prowl, then sw* It's... also difficult to reword something that by its very nature is perceived as a threat to mention, one should think. ItsyBitsySpyers [[As you wish, then.]]
*Looks to Tarantulas.* [[He does not think so. Plenty of mechs think hearing that he will be waiting for them later that night is a threat. He's reworded it successfully several times in his personal life.]] *A poor attempt to lighten the mood some, but an attempt nonetheless.* VProwl *huff* Tarantulas *snrk* It does depend on the context. ItsyBitsySpyers *Well. At least he got a small laugh out of them.* Tarantulas *tarantulas doesn't mind the congrats, but if it discomfits prowl, he's not going to go against prowl's arguments, naturally* *...nuzzles at prowl* VProwl *permits it, but doesn't relax into it.* Tarantulas *slightly sad visor* VProwl *now he feels uncomfortable AND guilty* Tarantulas *nooooo* ...Is there something on your mind, Prowl? *just in case it's not the dating thing* VProwl Other than this? No. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Would it help if he turned his attention elsewhere for a short while?]] VProwl ... No? Tarantulas Nono, do stay here. *lightly grabs onto whatever he's nearest* VProwl *why would that help* ItsyBitsySpyers *Head to the other side. Doesn't quite understand. If being seen by someone else brings tension, and his words have brought more, then wouldn't a temporary shift of focus free them from the public eye, so to speak?* VProwl *no, the public eye is everywhere all around them, and soundwave looking away for a moment isn't going to change the fact that prowl's now naked and he's just waiting for all of cybertron to notice* ItsyBitsySpyers *Lets Tarantulas grab his arm. Mostly because he didn't even feel it. Arms need more pressure than that to register on more than one or two sensors.* [[Then perhaps a subject change?]] VProwl Very well. Why did you think I have a percentage for where I'd stop trying to save a life? *that's been bugging him* Tarantulas *hm, is curious about this too* ItsyBitsySpyers *He's /almost/ sorry they said not to move. This music is infectious and his every wire sings with wanting to move. But he's sat still through worse.*
[[In the scenario proposed? The result waiting at the end of that particular potential failure. A simple problem of a ship about to crash is one thing. Being burst apart from inside the... what do humans call their...]]
*Draws stripes over his chest with his fingers for a second, thinking.*
[[Rib kennel. It seems more merciful.]] [[Below a certain percentage, at least.]] VProwl Hm. VProwl If THEY asked for a quicker, more painless death—below a certain percentage, I would consider helping them arrange that. If they were still fighting—if they still WANTED to fight—I would have no right to take that from them. Tarantulas *snicker* Chest. Generally referred to as chest. VProwl Unless it was to kill one infected to save the others. But that's not the scenario you presented. ItsyBitsySpyers *Glance at Tarantulas.* [[The internal supports, not the meat.]] Tarantulas Ribcage, then. VProwl *tarantulas is so smart. just listen to him.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Takes a moment to think about that. Then shakes his head.* [[No, no. Cages are where you keep dangerous things that must not get loose. Kennels are where important things that must be protected are kept.]] VProwl I'd trust the expertise of the mech who reformatted his alt-mode into an earthling. Tarantulas Don't argue with me how it ought to be named - I wasn't the one who decided their terminology, hyeh. ItsyBitsySpyers [[His chosen earthling has no bones.]] Tarantulas I'm glad you do know THAT, though. Some humans don't even know that much. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He isn't surprised.]] ItsyBitsySpyers [[Where were we. Percentages, rights...]] *Rewind memory.* [[Killing the infected. Then you would have terminated the one with the spawn in him?]] Tarantulas They DID think of a plan to preserve his life without ending theirs, though. VProwl Not immediately. I would have gotten an estimate from the expert on how long it would take to emerge, and kill him either if we got too close to that deadline or found that there was a vanishingly low probability that we'd be able to get him to somebody who would actually extract the alien and keep him alive. Not as a mercy killing, but to protect everyone else—Earth included. ItsyBitsySpyers *Privately, Soundwave does not believe he'd take that risk. Not for anyone but eight of the mechs in the building.*
*...After Tarantulas' point and Prowl's decision, he's not sure he should mention that.* Tarantulas *tarantulas wouldn't mind tbh* VProwl ... He'd probably have to die, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He did do that.]] [[And far more bravely than any of those without.]] VProwl No, I meant—I'd probably have calculated that, yes, he should be terminated before the alien finished developing. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah.]]
*...You know what, he's going to say it. Prowl knows who he is. If after all this time he expects Soundwave to think exactly like him, he has another think coming. Tarantulas, he's still not sure what to believe. Probably that Tarantulas would keep the human alive just to get the xenomorph out and start the breeding experiments over again.*
[[...Were there an equivalent creature for our kind, he would have had that Cybertronian terminated on the spot.]] Tarantulas *mutters something about not having to have killed him if he were around because he could have operated on him there on the spot* VProwl Mm. Less optimistic, but... given these things' record, not imprudent.
*nudges tara. ur right, but that's not part of the game.* Tarantulas *nudges him back, shh* ItsyBitsySpyers [[They were already outnumbered. And frightened beings make poor decisions. They get separated. The instant that host disappears from sight, for however long, they are effectively another enemy waiting to be discovered. Slaughtering them would preserve the chances we already had and be sure to reduce the maximum number of opponents.]] [[But... he admits that his thoughts are colored by lessons he was forced to learn against his will.]] *Namely, the arena.* VProwl Hmm. As I said: not imprudent. Tarantulas Not unwise, yes. With so many unknown variables, I do think the choice is a debatable one, instead of a fixed yes or no. Awfully subjective. ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods. He wanted to be sure Prowl knew WHY, and not just... internally react to that concept like your average Autobot.* VProwl *oh, he knew why: the same reason he'd consider the same option.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Just because you understand something doesn't mean you don't revile it, after all. Right, Prowl?* VProwl *detests calling it "subjective," but it's not worth arguing semantics.* Tarantulas *fair fair* ItsyBitsySpyers *Settles back into the couch and folds his hands on his lap. Stares at the wall.*
[[...The Queen did not have to perish, though. That was nothing but ingratitude and fantasy. As if such a being would consider a human a superior organic.]] VProwl Sure she had to perish. She was as much a threat to the humans as any of the other aliens. More of a threat, even, because she has the means to produce more. Tarantulas It was a first test-run - of course it was faulty and unpredictable. Unfortunate that it did kill the queen, but... VProwl ... Oh. We've stopped talking about saving the humans. Got it. ItsyBitsySpyers [[The ship was going to crash regardless, and her spawn had no reason to slaughter her. They might have lived in the nest until such time as the ship hit the planet. Instead, it followed the humans, killed more of them, and suffered.]] ItsyBitsySpyers *Thinks that IS talking about saving the humans.* VProwl *it's drifted out of the realm of controllable actions the humans and/or allies could have affected* ItsyBitsySpyers *Okay, yes, it's done that. But what do you want from him. He admires what he admires.* [[...He wonders if the mechs who reproduce via gestation chamber instead of other methods suffer from the same problems.]] Tarantulas Which same problems? VProwl I haven't /heard/ of any of them being nearly killed by their offspring. And I'd think they'd be less pleased to reproduce if that were a known risk. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Well, you wouldn't, would you? They'd be too dead to tell you.]] VProwl I said "nearly." As in the ones that survived to tell the tale. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh. Oh, yes.]] *Looks at Tarantulas and nods his head at Prowl. Those problems.* [[Plenty of Earth animals perish after reproducing. Octopuses, for example. No reason other fleshlings or some mechs wouldn't.]] [[Though he thinks it's a waste of good octopuses. A design flaw of some sort. One of their only ones.]] Tarantulas Hm. I've heard of mecha being offlined by complications while carrying, but not by being intentionally murdered by their sparkling. And the complications certainly aren't common. VProwl What sort of complications? ItsyBitsySpyers *Listening attentively to the answer to that question* Tarantulas Undue strain on the carrier's spark, sometimes because they're carrying more than one sparkling, or other times when they've not consumed enough to support both their life and the sparkling's, or... well. Those sorts of things. OH. Oh. You said - gestation tanks. What am I thinking. Well, it's similar, anyhow. ItsyBitsySpyers *Alarm* [[What do you mean, consumed enough to support both?]] [[How much does it require?]] Tarantulas More than the usual amount of matter, certainly. It depends on the health of the carrier and the sparktypes of both carrier and offspring. Tarantulas ...Among other things, of course. ItsyBitsySpyers *Great. Now he's gotta intensify his concerns about energon shortages on planets where that's the main or only way left to revive Cybertron. Because that problem wasn't difficult enough.* Tarantulas Ah! *sad noises* I - I ought to go. As much as I'd adore continuing this conversation, I do have business to attend to, sooner rather than later, preferably. *snuggles prowl close* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Yes. Yes, of course. He did not intend to keep you from it.]] VProwl *... attempts very poorly to reciprocate the snuggle. does a bad job of it.* *awkward waist pat.* Tarantulas *at least he tried* *he gets a smooch before tarantulas gets up tho* I'll see the two of you soon, I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He looks forward to it.]] VProwl *that sounds like a threat.* Tarantulas *everything tara & sw say could probably be perceived as a threat if you look at it the right way, tbh* VProwl *more of a threat than usual* Tarantulas *it's not, tara promises* VProwl *he'll take it on faith* Tarantulas *good, thanks prowl. but now tara's off - gnight!* VProwl *watches him go.* *... doesn't scoot closer to soundwave once he's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks in the space between them, then up. The mental voice is on the gentler, quieter side. More of a murmur in the back of the mind than a voice chattering in the front of it.*
[[...If you do not want to touch him, you need not do so. But he will always do his best to ensure no mech harms you as long as he is with you, and he...]]
[[What he told Tarantulas two years ago is true.]] [[If you would prefer to be in your own home, he understands and does not mind. If you prefer to be here, but separated, he will enjoy simply sharing a space. If you wish to be here and touching somehow, he will enjoy that as well.]] VProwl *... puzzled look.* You told Tarantulas that two years ago? *Soundwave and Tarantulas weren't friendly two years ago.*
Tarantulas *will tarantulas arriving help with swoop's mood a little too? let's see. in comes the spidermech, it's been a while* VProwl *he was so tense he missed the question* @S «What? No. Why?» *oh, and now Tarantulas is here, and Prowl's even more tense.* Swoop *digs his claws in a little bit and grins* Cake pretty weak thing. Look. *he holds it up and scratches the side* It in ..... tiers! Kehehhehehehh Smokescreen /Is about to wave excitedly at Messy, but stops himself- maybe Messy wants to stick with Prowl tonight?/ ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave taps the space between himself and Prowl and glances over at him. That's wh-- oh. Okay, he'll just make room for Tarantulas. Maybe that's why there's space.* *Soundwave huffs at the tiers joke.* [[Not bad, Swoop.]] VProwl ((cro why are you torturing us)) Tarantulas (( srsly ItsyBitsySpyers ((to prepare you for the real horror ahead)) Smokescreen //this is like dinner and 2 shows Swoop *perks up and then preens at the compliment* *still has cake hands* Smokescreen ... /He's going to offer Swoop another cake, this time a different flavor. Maybe he's picky!/ Swoop *takes whatever is offered to him but doesn't do anything with it* Smokescreen ... Are you feeling okay, Swoop? If you like a different flavor, just let me know! Tarantulas *yup, smokey's right, tara's a little focused on vprowl, gonna settle right in with him as soon as possible. how much semi-subtle touching can he get away with, hm?* Swoop Me Swoop am FEELING *squishes some cake between his fingers* good! *absolute shiteating grin* Tarantulas *...narrowed visor at soundwave. why this* Why hello to you too, Soundwave. Smokescreen ... I'm glad! You should eat cake with your mouth, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Greetings. It has been a while.]]
*Places a smiley on his screen. Just saying hello, dear spide.*
[[Please. Do not squash cake everywhere. We have enough to clean after weekends.]] Prowl ...is this meant to be a lesson in futility? Swoop *looks back and forth between Smokescreen and Soundwave* Smokescreen I think it's like, a reference to this ancient greek myth humans have about this guy who has to roll this ball up a hill every day, and start over again! Probably! ItsyBitsySpyers [[That depends. Have you lost all hope?]] Swoop *isn't totally clear on what the consensus is here* *just wants to give cake to Bird* ........ *wipes his hand off on his chest, problem solved* Prowl What purpose did rolling the ball up the hill serve? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Put the cake on the bar and go clean your hands in the si--...... Fine.]] Smokescreen I'm not really sure! Maybe doing it, like, kept the Earth moving or something? That's what a lot of those early myths are like. Like, I think this one guy got like, executed for giving everyone fire and opening this box of misfortune. Prowl ((OMG CRO ((BANNED ItsyBitsySpyers ((I AIN'T SORRY BOUT NOTHIN)) Tarantulas (( o m f g Swoop ((jesus christ XDD)) Prowl ((YOU SHOULD BE SORRY Smokescreen ((cro is a treasure Swoop *has no idea what's going on, focused instead on putting the two pieces of cake from Smokescreen on top of each other for maximum cake* ItsyBitsySpyers ((all right that's enough of that)) Prowl Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers ((we're just waiting for one person to get back and then we'll start)) Swoop Soundwave! *holds up the double cake* Where can cake for Her BIRD? ItsyBitsySpyers [[On the bar, where he told you. She will not come down today, which he also told you.]] Swoop :< Smokescreen /He's going to quietly ping Messy before he goes over to the bar to try to help himself./ ItsyBitsySpyers ((WARNINGS: OKAY. This is basically the completely incorrectly done Alien movie that should've had the tagline A Squick For Every Moviegoer. It has all the pointless edge that late 90s/early 00s movies loved. If you already can't stand a regular Alien movie, you'll probably want to sit this one out. More specific warnings more or less in order with some throughout: Weird organic tissue intro, visible surgery with internal contents, flashing lights (really bad after the flamethrower incident and in the water and one other time I forget), frankly unnecessary blood and gore/violence/death, incidents of ableism and/or dehumanizing talk, sexist or misogynist talk, incidents of mostly-nudity, foul language, body horror, hypodermic-like imagery, weird alien pregnancy, grotesque final alien scene, super shaky camera.)) Swoop *goes and puts the cake on the bar, wiping his hands off on himself one last time for good measure* VProwl *tarantulas can get away with semi-subtle touching only up to the point where it's firm enough that Prowl can feel it. at which point he startles almost out of his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[The SINK, Swoop.]] Swoop Sink? *cocks his head, why would you put cake in the sink....?* OH! For -- *he holds up his hands* Smokescreen ... /Trying to sneak a bite of the bar cake now while he's here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Before we begin. He promised that he would be careful not to show anything with... that, for two weeks. He does not know if you remember that the xenomorph organics tend to puncture skulls with their inner jaws as a fatal blow. Will this trouble you, or should he proceed as planned?]] VProwl @S «Oh—that's fine. Head trauma is fine.» *were they reading the brains they ate? no. ... probably. ... no. they definitely weren't.* ItsyBitsySpyers ((rabbit can you PLEASE not have five thousand pop-ups)) Swoop *actually uses the sink like a person who has been indoors before, everyone thank Ratchet for making this great day possible* ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods and commands the projector to start playing. Leaves the smiley on his visor.* Swoop *scampers over to the seats before immediately stopping, unsure of what to do with himself* Tarantulas *nope, touching is definitely heavy enough to be felt. when prowl startles, tarantulas startles right back* Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...This is the most disgusting introduction.]] VProwl *pings alternate, video feed* What? What. Nothing. Smokescreen ... Is it really that bad? It just looked slimy. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Same thing, most times.]] Swoop *stands still - legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent - and looks at the space in front of him, waiting for something to prompt him* Smokescreen You're not a fan of Slime, Slimewave? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop. Take a seat.]] Swoop *plops down exactly where he was standing* Tarantulas May I...? *clearly ready to cuddle prowl again* *also pings smokey back* Swoop *scoots on his butt closer to everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Precious.]] Smokescreen /This time sends two pings back!/ Smokescreen Is that how humans- you know- Swoop *scoot scoot* Tarantulas *three pings to smokey then* Smokescreen /this time, he does 5! 3 + 2!/ Smokescreen ((DANGIT i had a drink for this and this fly just comes swooping in to get in my drink 😧 )) ItsyBitsySpyers ((BAD FLY)) VProwl *tries to look at Tarantulas without looking away from the screen, so his alternate can keep watching.* ... What? Smokescreen ((drunk fly now)) ItsyBitsySpyers *Nudges Tarantulas.* [[Number eight.]] Swoop *finally is close enough to someone or something to rest his helm on it and watch the screen* ZAP Tarantulas Eight? Swoop Why Them zap face? ItsyBitsySpyers [[To make her let the doctor go.]] Swoop WHy Smokescreen That human sounded kinda like Ratchet vaguely for a klik! ItsyBitsySpyers [[So he would not die.]] Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[He does not know.]] *Perks. Majesty?* Tarantulas *ahh, eight, he sees* Blaster -what did he walk in on?- Swoop It wet Blaster Oh....wow ItsyBitsySpyers *Tiny vent. What fabulous design.* Tarantulas *to prowl* May I touch? ItsyBitsySpyers *He wonders how much battering damage the crest can take in battle.* Swoop *slooowly slides down to lay on the floor on his belly* *wings ouuuuuuutttt* *watch your feet* VProwl ... Sure. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact: in a deleted scene they say walmart bought weyland yutani out)) Smokescreen ... How much do you bet they're all gonna go offline again? VProwl ((omg)) Smokescreen ((canon Swoop ((oh man I forgot about that, too good)) Blaster -well, he's in the room now, and kinda curious about this- ItsyBitsySpyers [[...."Urban pacification".]] [[So they mean to loose the organics on citizens who do not--]] *HUFF* [[Tame them. How amusing.]] [[On citizens who do not comply, likely for good reason.]] Blaster ....this isn't going to end well, is it? Prowl Ugh. Smokescreen Man- I kinda hope they all get their just desserts with those kinda ideas Swoop *IMMEDIATELY FLAILS WITH EXCITEMENT and spins around to sit on his heels with a gigantic grin* THAT! THAT! Tarantulas *promptly slips his hand in prowl's and wraps half of his arms around him, settling in* Swoop YOU SEE, you see FALLEN KINGDOM trailer???? : > VProwl *TENSENESS INTENSIFIES* Swoop *bounces* You Soundwave see? It THAT! *points* What You said! ItsyBitsySpyers [[What?]] Swoop NEW Jurassic World movie!!!!!! Me Swoop want to see! Us DINOBOTS want to SEE! Blaster -he's gonna sit somewhere out of the way of the flailing- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Another one? If the twins have their way, you will. Eventually.]] [[Greetings, Blaster.]] Swoop *hops and chirps* Blaster Ah. Hello, Soundwave. Tarantulas *omg prowl relax, this isn't much more touching than usual is it* Swoop Jurassic World! Jurassic World! Jurassic World! VProwl *it's different now* Tarantulas *...fair* Swoop *keeps bouncing around and chirping about Jurassic World, it's going to take a lot to stop him* ItsyBitsySpyers *What about a feeler wrapped around his mouth.* Swoop *immediately starts to CHOMP but has enough of his birdy brain about him not to go through with it (completely)* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's wincing at the feeler coming out. Ew ew ew./ Blaster -WELL then, that's one way to silence a Dinobot- Wait.... ItsyBitsySpyers *C a r e f u l l y extricates his feeler from Swoop's mouth. Ugh.* Blaster Are those other humans? ItsyBitsySpyers [[They are.]] [[Welcome to government military projects.]] Blaster Wait Tarantulas *snorts at the "project"* Blaster No Swoop *bleehh* *one slobbery feeler for soundwave* Smokescreen I wanna play that game! Blaster They purposefully... ItsyBitsySpyers *Huffing at her mocking him. She continues to be a favorite human, even as a partially inhuman clone.* Swoop KAH! Her hit! ItsyBitsySpyers [[And yes, they did.]] [[The creatures require external hosts for part of the process.]] Blaster ....yikes Smokescreen I wanna DO that kinda move! Swoop *hasn't been paying much attention but he perks up when he hears that whistle, he knows that "get over here" whistle* Prowl It's not that difficult. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact 2: sigourney actually performed that shot herself)) Tarantulas Corrosive...? Hm. Smokescreen I guess! But it looks cool! ... what's with the feet thing don't like that Blaster Was her blood eating through the metal? ItsyBitsySpyers [[It was.]] VProwl ((how many tries did it take her)) Swoop *pays the tiniest bit more attention since he knows that condescending noise* Smokescreen ((can you imagine the bloopers Swoop *probably everyone with a beastmode does tbh* Blaster Either that's really weak metal, or her blood isn't human ItsyBitsySpyers ((i believe they gave her six total to try it in herself and she hit it on the last one)) ((the crew burst into immediate applause, which is why there was a cut right there)) Swoop ((Yeah I want to say I remember them saying they were going to fake it but she went for it one last time and BOOM)) *pats at the nearest person to him* What happen? In movie. ItsyBitsySpyers *Look at them. Look at them sleeping curled up.* Tarantulas (( wHAT ItsyBitsySpyers [[Hah.]] Swoop *pat pat pat* Prowl *congrats, it's Prowl, who pulls out of Swoop's reach quickly* They cloned the Ripley human from the other documentaries in order to extract the alien from her. She appears to be more than human. ItsyBitsySpyers *Has an idea or two why.* Prowl And the military started a breeding program. Foolishly. Swoop *has no idea what any of that means but scoots closer to Prowl, still sitting on the floor* Why them in room? With button. Prowl To torture the alien into listening to them. They think it can be trained. Smokescreen I think the lesson is that all militaries are fragged. Swoop Why listen? :s Tarantulas *internal screm at "baby"* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Trained to hate them, perhaps. As it should. Keeping perfection locked away - hmph.]] Swoop *leans on Prowl's leg* Blaster .............. Prowl *pulls leg away* Don't do that. Swoop Do what Prowl Don't touch me. You can sit where you are. Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah... so that transferred, too.]] Prowl Because I asked you not to. Swoop Why Blaster -what's wrong with lab-grown- Prowl *sighs* Because. That is the only answer I need to give you. Swoop ............. *reaches out and touches the very tip of Prowl's ped with the very very tip of his claw* Smokescreen Swoop, bad. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop, do not touch the other guests if they have told you not to touch them.]] Prowl *pulls away* Stop. Smokescreen If you keep touching, Bird won't come out for sure. ItsyBitsySpyers *Pings Prowl. Did you see that shot.* Swoop Him Soundwave say no Bird AT ALL tonight VProwl *STARTS* @S «What?» Smokescreen But Bird especially won't show up if you keep touching Prowl. Swoop Why Smokescreen because ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[The human performed an excellent ricochet shot to shoot the one behind him.]] Swoop Keheh! Because WHY Blaster .............. VProwl @S «Oh. Yes. I saw.» ItsyBitsySpyers [[A noble sacrifice.]] Blaster -slowly hides face- Smokescreen Because because! Keep your servos off of Prowl or else- uhh- you'll get grounded. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Because you have been ordered not to touch them, and if you disobey, he will bridge you home. Again.]] [[And you will not see any of the fighting.]] Swoop *fluffs up his armor and flairs his wings at Smokescreen's very poorly worded threat* Smokescreen Yeah, that too. You'll miss all the good bits! Prowl *scoffs* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So clever.]] Swoop You Smokescreen not STRONG enough to GROUND Me Swoop! Blaster Yikes Smokescreen I mean- Sounds is the one that'll ground you. I'm just saying that it'll happen! Just don't touch Prowl and there won't be any problems! I'll even give you a snack. Swoop NO ONE ground Me Swoop! *flaps his wings once at Smokescreen for emphasis* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He will.]] Smokescreen ... Not that kinda ground. Ground like- no fun stuff ever. Swoop *vents RATHER warm air* ItsyBitsySpyers *Trying to hide that he's shaking. Clever AND opportunistic.* *If unfortunate.* ((this is so goddamn unnecessary)) Swoop *leans in towards Smokescreen, wings still flared* Try! Prowl *Prowl's going to move to another seat away from Swoop before she considers putting Swoop in stasis cuffs* Blaster -STILL covering face- -he doesn't like this movie- Swoop ((While there is a lot to criticize in this movie, I gotta say that I love the set design. There is something about this ship that is charming to me. Just matches the douchey atmosphere lol)) *would absolutely flip shit if someone put cuffs on him* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's pushing Swoop's face away/ Come on, Swoop! You made Prowl move. Be good. Prowl ((it's a good design, creepy and efficient Swoop *locks his joints and digs his toes into the flooring so that Smokescreen's attempts are completely ineffective at moving him an inch* Me Swoop NOT good. Me DINOBOT. Smokescreen ... /In that case, he's pulling his servo away, and then turning on the phase shifter, reaching to just put a servo in Swoop's arm, if possible./ Be a Dinobot that acts good, then! Blaster -uncovers face- ....what just...actually no, I don't wanna know ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave leans forward to look around Tarantulas and bobs his helm at Prowl.*
[[Surely with all the organics that Cybertronians of your world encountered, you've run into situations similar to these? Or run calculations on potential scenarios.]] Swoop *goes from looming to owlishly blinking in cartoon curiosity in an instant* What THAT? 😮 VProwl Define "similar to these." Smokescreen What? This? /He's pulling his servo away again/ This is my arm! Swoop ((this movie is so gay)) You a ghost! 😮 ItsyBitsySpyers [[Beings capable of at least picking off Cybertronians, if not outright slaughtering them, breaking into or infesting a base.]] Smokescreen I am! You got me! Tarantulas *curious about sw's question* Swoop Cool! *plops back with his legs kicked out in front of him, full toddler style* VProwl Yes. We commonly called them "soldiers." ... Because they were soldiers. Smokescreen Isn't it? Watch this! /He's adjusting the phase shifter just a bit more, to start to go through the couch./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Not Decepticons. Aliens of some type.]] VProwl I'm talking about aliens. Swoop Whoooooaaa! ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh?]] Swoop *claps* VProwl If I was talking about Decepticons, I'd have said "Decepticons." Smokescreen /Grinning like a dork, slowly sliding down. His legs are probably wiggling about if there's a floor below them!/ Swoop *reaches out and tries to poke Smokescreen with his toe* VProwl We didn't cross paths with aliens that via their natural endowments were easily capable of infiltrating and annihilating Cybertronians, because when we saw ones with that potential, we did what these humans did not: left their planets alone. Smokescreen /Swoop's just going to go through Smokescreen! But Smokescreen does laugh at the feeling./ Swoop *squawks* Awesome! You Smokescreen do ghost stuff for fight?? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...Given the estimate you once told him, there must not have been many of those.]] *Briefly forgets his question, staring at the tubes* Blaster Yikes.... Smokescreen I do! I once escaped the Decepticons with my ghost powers! And ended up getting them to take each other out! Swoop You can rip out GUTS with ghost stuff? 😮 VProwl We went to the planets the Decepticons went to. And the Decepticons went to the planets with the organics that scared them: highly intelligent, highly civilized, highly organized, highly technologically advanced. Tarantulas Are they preserved or alive...? ItsyBitsySpyers [[THAT one is alive.]] Tarantulas Well, clearly. Blaster I don't....holy.... Smokescreen I've never tried that! But I caaaaan do this! /He's pulling himself up again, and is starting to pull a small cube of energon out of his chest!/ Swoop *hears a familiar noise and looks at the screen with excitement* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shakes his helm. At least the clone gave her predecessor that much.* Swoop *is distracted from Smokescreen by the fact fire exists* *sorry, buddy, fire wins* VProwl *squints at the fire* Blaster -face covered again- Smokescreen /That's fair! He's putting the cube back in for later/ Swoop Her BURN tank :V Tarantulas *snrk* I suppose if they were alive, the matter is moot now. Swoop Her burn HIM kehehhehh Blaster -too much fire- Swoop Aww.... *disappointed* Kehehe Smokescreen This movie's getting pretty hot! VProwl ((cmon. you managed to write a funny line and then you immediately fucked it up.)) Swoop Her have fire in a gun Dinobots have fire in FACE kehehh ItsyBitsySpyers ((a round of applause for early whedon everyone)) ((i say sarcastically)) Swoop (🚢) ItsyBitsySpyers [[What was he...]]
[[Ah. What he was going to ask: How would you handle all of this? Do you believe the chances of survival-- Primus, this is brighter than Ravage said.]] Smokescreen Hey, Swoop, wanna see a neat trick? Swoop Yes! Smokescreen /He's settled on the couch again, and this time is ready to just pull a cube of energon out of his own chest!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Why didn't they turn the light on to start with.]] *Irritable buzz.* [[Do you believe the chances of survival are high enough to warrant trying anything at all, or would it be better to spare everyone their more gruesome deaths and terminate them?]] Smokescreen ... Is that what everyone does? Just sniff each other? Swoop Kahahah! That good trick! Next time, you pull SWORD! Smokescreen Is that what you're supposed to do with a nose? Haha- I need a sword first! Whiiiich- Omicron ((*omie peers in*)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yo)) Smokescreen Swoop look there's fire on the screen! VProwl I don't know the layout of this facility, but I'd say their odds of survival are somewhere under twenty percent. If they kill themselves, their odds of survival are zero percent. Omicron ((Icy may not show up, but I'm derping around) Swoop Me can fire on SWOOP ekhehehh ItsyBitsySpyers *Is abruptly reminded of the metrotitan limerick. Flashes bright, hunches over to hide it, and trembles.* Smokescreen Just- look over there, Swoop! Swoop *looks* Smokescreen /He's quickly taking a practice sword out of his subspace and is sticking it in his chest, wincing- this is not pleasant for his spark at all!/ Swoop *looks back* *ERUPTS in laughter* ItsyBitsySpyers [[SMOKESCREEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING]] Smokescreen ... Nothing? Swoop You Smokescreen look DEAD Smokescreen /He's shifting and pretending he didn't just do that./ ItsyBitsySpyers *Getting to his feet* [[PUT THAT SWORD AWAY AT ONCE]] Smokescreen It is away! It's inside me- Swoop *CACKLES* Omicron ((you will make make icy show up in her feral state doing that smokey, nuu .0.)) Smokescreen ... Wait, yeah, frag, I forgot. Sorry, Sounds. Tarantulas They swim so well! ItsyBitsySpyers *Is distracted by them swimming. They swim? Of course they swim. There's nothing they can't do but fly, is there? And maybe even that, if they get the right host.* [[They do everything well.]] Smokescreen /He's pulling the sword out of him and is putting it back in his subspace. That is waaaay less painful, thank Primus./ Swoop *literally ROLLS on the floor laughing at Smokescreen's trick* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave turns back to watch Smokescreen for a second to make sure that sword isn't coming back out, then sits down.* Smokescreen /He's smiling now- hey, he got Swoop laughing!/ Tarantulas But I do wonder how exactly they adapted for swimming? Ah.... *snrks* Smokescreen /He is never doing that trick again./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Superior lung capacity, no doubt.]] Tarantulas No, I mean - how they managed to evolve the capacity. VProwl They're modified based on their hosts' bodies, aren't they? Humans can swim. Tarantulas Not that well, honestly. Swoop *eventually rolls to a stop and watches the screen just in time* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So many interruptions. Twenty percent, twenty percent. Would you continue to assist them down to the one percent? What if you knew the percentage had dropped to zero at last? How would you handle matters then?]] Swoop KAH! EXPLODE! VProwl It hasn't dropped to zero percent until they're dead. Blaster -so much no- Smokescreen /He's finally turning off the phase shifter, lying down on the couch. He's really exhausted from all that!/ VProwl There's no advantage to giving up on survival before you're dead. Unless you've got something more important to do than try to survive. These people don't. Swoop *pushes himself up into a sitting position using his wings* Swoop Keheh Him bad at aim OH Explode :V Tarantulas *SNORTS* Swoop *thrashes with laughter and looks at Tarantulas* Him shoot LITTLE spider ItsyBitsySpyers [[...You are much more - hmm. Optimistic? Determined?]] *Taps a finger, thinking.* [[...Selfless. Than him, he thinks.]] [[He has much to learn.]] Tarantulas He was awfully mean about it. That spider did nothing to him, other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. VProwl Am I? I just see no rational reason to give up on them. Swoop *grins* Maybe it RIDE bullet PCHOOOO! Smokescreen There needs to be more spider-loving movies Tarantulas There do. There certainly do. Swoop Spiderman movie like spiders Smokescreen ooh- Spidey's fun! I love Spidey VProwl *oh, a robot. finally, a character worth investing in.* Smokescreen Why is this Ripley so... not ripley ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Do cables into arm ports count?]] Smokescreen like I know she's a clone but VProwl @S «... She's in control.» *yes. it counts.* Swoop *doesn't have any reaction at all to Call being able to plug stuff into her arm, may be a little young to fully digest biological differences between species* ItsyBitsySpyers ((i was considering it like basic plug n play but it occurs to me that it looks like a needle)) ((god damn it)) VProwl ((the robot was in control, crisis very narrowly averted.)) Blaster -is it safe now?- ItsyBitsySpyers ((IF THERE IS A *SINGLE.* *NEEDLE.* IN CHARLOTTE'S WEB I AM THROWING HOLLYWOOD INTO A BIN)) Swoop *rolls back onto his belly* VProwl *... but it's enough to make the back of his neck very slightly prickle.* Tarantulas ...If she clears a path to the Betty, won't that mean the remaining aliens are more than capable of following the path as well? Swoop *kicks his feet slowly* Them in space Them just *throws his arms open and makes a whooshing noise* NO more people in ship Dead *rests his cheek on the floor* That boring. Them caaaaaaaan *grins* Mortal Kombat VProwl *ugh. a robot that thinks being a robot is disgusting and wants to be organic. never mind.* Smokescreen Hey! What's so great about being human anyway? Swoop Her Carly is human 😆 Tarantulas They're incredibly egotistical and apparently anything created by them shares that characteristic. Smokescreen Humans are good, but there's nothing worse about not being one Blaster -peers between digits- VProwl They programmed them that way. Swoop ego-tis-tickle tissssssssssssstickle kehehh Smokescreen ... why are humans so awful to mecha anyway Swoop eggo tis tickle ItsyBitsySpyers [[He was never one to assist most mechs to the very end. Deployers, perhaps. Those to whom he's sworn his loyalty or his spark. The rest... rarely below ten percent. Almost never under five.]]
[[Your earlier answer to that greyface makes him wonder what percent he is obligated to assist at now.]] Tarantulas *pings sw, the queen, eh?* Blaster -hides face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *And now he's leaning way off the couch to see.* *Pings Tarantulas back with an affirmative.* Swoop *holds his own feet* Soundwave When fighting movie? VProwl Well, I've got a /recommended/ number. But my answer isn't yours. I don't know what your philosophical outlook is. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Unclear, these days.]] *Pause.* [[He'd take notes and think on them if you had more lectures.]] Swoop :V VProwl Hm. I said more in that reply then I generally like to say in a week. Swoop *laughs his ass off at this guy getting his faces smashed* *laughs so hard he ends up squeaking* ItsyBitsySpyers *Points.* [[That was a valiant death.]] VProwl It was. Tarantulas *oh dear. oh. dear* ItsyBitsySpyers *....Slow head tilt.* Blaster -keeping face covered- ItsyBitsySpyers [[And that's. New.]] Swoop *is not even remotely getting what is happening here, just playing with his toes between fight scenes* Omicron ((aaaand this is why aliens of all kinds are scared of how humans give birth)) Smokescreen w what is this ItsyBitsySpyers [[........What is THAT?]] Prowl *this movie is going to make Prowl think human reproduction is even worse than it actually is* ItsyBitsySpyers *Fascinated. Not quite as much as he is by the xenomorphs. But it's an interesting... mutation? Is that what it is?* Tarantulas *sad noises* ItsyBitsySpyers *Manages not to say anything aloud. If Tarantulas is touching him, though, he'll get a wave of shock and sadness.* Swoop *has not even remotely been payign enough attention for this but he chirps back when the baby does* It bite! ItsyBitsySpyers *And then concern.*
@T: [[Tell him you are not at risk for any of - of that.]] VProwl ((well his son DID almost kill him)) Tarantulas *startles, then almost laughs aloud* @SW: ::Primus - Primus no.:: VProwl *startles when Tarantulas startles.* Tarantulas *soothes prowl with pets* Blaster -peers at screen again- VProwl *startles again* Swoop *starts slowly rolling around the floor again, he's a baby bird on a mission, not clear what the mission is but BY GOD is he going to roll for it* Smokescreen ... /Looking over and pinging Tarantulas again when he hears sad spider sounds./ Tarantulas *more pets, that totally works right* VProwl *now that he knows to expect them he just holds very still.* Blaster -COVERS face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *Well, at least he knows how to terrify this Blaster if it ever comes to that.* @T: [[Are you *certain?*]] Blaster -that's mean Soundwave- Swoop *bumps into a chair* Tarantulas *pings smokey reassurance, then back to sw* @SW: ::I'm quite certain, yes.:: ItsyBitsySpyers [[It really must be more careful with its toys.]] Blaster -isn't going to check this time- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Though he must say he does not care for the changes the excess human genetic material brings. It's less... clean looking. Even the hive material changed. Like flesh instead of shell.]] Smokescreen Man- that xenomorph looks WAY creepier VProwl "Clean looking"? Swoop *laughs cause he can guess what is coming* Tarantulas *oh poor thing, tarantulas feels awful for the look it gave her* VProwl The typical ones are made of drool. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Perhaps. But it is drool on a smooth and segmented surface.]] Swoop Ewwww!! *is DELIGHTED* ItsyBitsySpyers [[....How terrible.]] Swoop KAHAHA CHUNKS! Smokescreen ... Man, they really draw out the really upset noises Tarantulas At least it didn't last too terribly long. Swoop Dead! VProwl ((WOW that was a lot worse than i was expecting it to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((are you ok???)) VProwl ((yeah im ok)) Swoop ((that is one of the gnarliest on screen deaths ever imo)) Prowl *Prowl opted to not ask for visuals tonight and feels like she made the right choice* Blaster -peers at screen again- Swoop *is absolutely all grins and sunshine after that level of gore* VProwl ((oh, prowl offered her a feed at the start of the movie)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[....Poor creature.]] Omicron ((it was bad x.x)) VProwl ((i guess we'll say it wasn't accepted??)) Smokescreen Why do humans make this kinda thing so much? Swoop What thing? Prowl ((go for it, i must have missed it since I have 8 million tabs open atm ItsyBitsySpyers [[Even if it was a strange alternative to its predecessors.]] Smokescreen All this gory slag. Swoop Gore is AWESOME It BEST thing :V Smokescreen I mean, I'd be pretty good if I didn't have to see if for another million years! Tarantulas Yes, it didn't quite deserve that sort of death. And to be betrayed by one it thought its mother... Blaster ...not like I needed to recharge tonight.... ItsyBitsySpyers [[You'll get more work done, Blaster. Cheer up.]] [[...Well, it shouldn't have terminated the one who WAS its mother.]] Smokescreen Sounds- I'm still pretty exhausted, can I recharge on your couch? Blaster -huffs- Prowl There was a great deal of unnecessary termination in this film. ItsyBitsySpyers [[No recharging on his couch. If you require a space to rest, there are inns in New Praxus.]] Swoop *pulls out a datapad from subspace and pokes here, there, and everywhere until he finds some pictures of what happens when you don't respect the coffin corner and get your goddamn wings ripped off* *holds up the datapad in front of Smokescreen's face* Smokescreen . . . I don't think I can get up, Soounds, that's the problem. Prowl Are you all right? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...........Did you phase yourself into his couch.]]
((mark time: 10: 15)) Smokescreen I'm fine! I'm fine! Just kinda drained. ... Only a little. I can phase myself out after I rest for a bit. Swoop *hears screaming on screen just in time to catch the chicken going at the guy and LOSES IT* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Just. Just take the couch with you.]] Prowl I can cut him out of it. Smokescreen sounds I don't even I can get up with the couch prowl nooooo Swoop *gasps* Me Swoop can help! *flexes claws* Blaster .... Smokescreen /Smokescreen's turning the phase shifter on, and is starting to sink into the couch./ Smokescreen /Draining his energon a bit more, but he told Swoop he's a ghost, and he's sticking to it./ VProwl *mumbles* Don't give away your furniture. Swoop ((this baby is literally swoop)) ((people screaming no, him rockking back and forth to do the thing)) Tarantulas (( at least he KINDA did listen ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks at Prowl and just makes a frustrated hand motion at Smokescreen.* [[What is he supposed to do, let the mech stay here overnight?]] Swoop Me Swoop can get. Me Swoop can DROP outside! SMASH. Then Smokescreen fall out : > Smokescreen No, no no no, Swoop. It'll be fine. Look! VProwl He said he'd pull himself out. Omicron ((send him to dreaded wings and give smokey a shock?)) Smokescreen /With the phase shifter on, he's rolling himself out, just kinda lying on the floor. He's not stuck, though!/ Prowl Hm. Swoop *snickers and scampers around Smokescreen on all fours* Smokescreen swooooop please Swoop Hi : > Smokescreen Hiiii Swoop- you want candy again? ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks from Prowl to Smokescreen and back.*
[[How did any of the Autobots deal with yours. Please. Any hints at all.]] Swoop Her Bird like candy! Blaster ....was that a chicken? ItsyBitsySpyers [[No, that's a sheep.]] VProwl Ours isn't anything like that. Smokescreen ... pfpff Blaster ow ItsyBitsySpyers [[In that case, is there a way to officially take your Soundwave's place.]] VProwl Last I heard he was on Earth trying to lead the Decepticons with Galvatron. I wouldn't recommend it. Swoop *places both of his palms squarely on the floor and rolls himself up into a handstand* *straightens up and grins* *ta da* Swoop ((look its' swoop)) Blaster ...I'm....going to go now Smokescreen /He's honestly starting to fall into recharge on the floor. Using the phase shifter does drain him after a while!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[We can send that one away. He'll change his paint job and tell everyone the med bay ran out of replacement armor after a battle.]] *Polite applause for Swoop.* VProwl *huff* Have fun working with humans. Swoop *curls up enough to spring up and flip onto his feet* *DRAMATIC bow* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shudders.* [[He'll take Smokescreen.]] Prowl ((i assume she won Swoop *is less than impressed by the audience he has here* ...... *griiiiiiiiiiiins* Blaster G'night -up and leaving- Swoop *DASHES over to smack Tara's shoulder but doesn't stick around, SPRINTING for the door instead* Blaster ((thanks for the stream and nightmares ItsyBitsySpyers ((you're welcome. try to sleep well, for real)) *Manages to catch Swoop with a bridge anyway. How d'you like them apples.* Tarantulas *looks infinitely offended by this assault, almost enough to get up and run after swoop, but thinks better of it and just curses for a moment* Smokescreen /Smokescreen would clap, but he really did doze off. It might work to just throw Smokescreen into a bridge./ Swoop *A VALIANT EFFORT WAS MADE and he shrieks with laughter all the way out* Prowl I think I'll be leaving now. Good night... everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers *He's in a mood because of the queen's fate, so Smokescreen gets a bridge. And so does his own Prowl, because why not.* Prowl *...well, that saved her a drive* VProwl Good n— *... and then she's gone.* Smokescreen /He'll have to thank Soundwave for the bridge later!/ Prowl *her mood's been down since the Swoop incident earlier, so getting back to Praxus quicker is probably for the best* VProwl ... What did she do to deserve that? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Nothing. He thought she might not want to run into Swoop if he came back.]] *Tap tap.* [[That, and he prefers to keep her on her toes.]] Omicron ((*waves* I'm gonna duck out, the end of the movie was fun 😊 have to try and work on icy's first plot thing on the blog)) VProwl ((*waves* good luck with plot)) Tarantulas Rude, but helpful. Omicron ((thank you! anyone is welcome to pop over for it)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((thank you for being here! good luck!!)) Prowl ((good luck! Smokescreen ((hope plot goes well : o! Tarantulas *is clinging to prowl a little more now that there aren't so many people there, if it's permitted* VProwl *it's permitted.* *... relaxes marginally.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Congratulations on officially dating, by the way.]] VProwl *stiffly* Thanks. Tarantulas *huffs, strangely awkward* I - thank you, I suppose? It seems like an odd thing to give congratulations for. ItsyBitsySpyers *...Wow. Prowl really IS nervous about having to be the one to tell others, isn't he.*
[[He doesn't see why.]] VProwl It's not something you talk about in polite company. ... Wasn't, anyway. I suppose that's more... lax, now. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He hasn't been polite company for roughly twelve and a half million years.]] *Soft huffing.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[In any case, we all know of our mutual interests, and have acted on them in the past. He isn't going to be scandalized by it. Or tell others, if that is what either of you think. That is your business. And you two already know about yourselves.]] VProwl I know, I know. It just... sounds like a threat. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He assures you it isn't.]] [[We as a species have come close to death. It is a wonder there are enough of us to find anyone we consider compatible, and pleasing that the both of you have.]] VProwl I know it's not. But it sounds like one. Tarantulas *did u hear that. sw thinks they're compatible, tarantulas is so pleased* VProwl *soundwave thinks they think they're compatible.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Actually, he said 'consider compatible', which is another ball game. He's worried that they're going to burn each other up. But that's what waiting and watching and being ready to either accept or murder is for.* Tarantulas *please don't murder the spide* ItsyBitsySpyers [[How would you have preferred he say it? And do not say that you prefer he didn't. He has, and he would again, if only to the both of you.]] *Head tilt. Genuinely curious.* VProwl ... You can't ask a question and then rule out the answer. Tarantulas *soft snort* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He can if he is interested in a wording change and not one of intent.]] VProwl *annoyed huff.* I'm not answering on the grounds that it would come across as a recommendation rather than an admission that one particular bit of wording is a lesser evil. I don't want a smaller negative willfully misconstrued as a positive. Tarantulas *considering prowl, then sw* It's... also difficult to reword something that by its very nature is perceived as a threat to mention, one should think. ItsyBitsySpyers [[As you wish, then.]]
*Looks to Tarantulas.* [[He does not think so. Plenty of mechs think hearing that he will be waiting for them later that night is a threat. He's reworded it successfully several times in his personal life.]] *A poor attempt to lighten the mood some, but an attempt nonetheless.* VProwl *huff* Tarantulas *snrk* It does depend on the context. ItsyBitsySpyers *Well. At least he got a small laugh out of them.* Tarantulas *tarantulas doesn't mind the congrats, but if it discomfits prowl, he's not going to go against prowl's arguments, naturally* *...nuzzles at prowl* VProwl *permits it, but doesn't relax into it.* Tarantulas *slightly sad visor* VProwl *now he feels uncomfortable AND guilty* Tarantulas *nooooo* ...Is there something on your mind, Prowl? *just in case it's not the dating thing* VProwl Other than this? No. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Would it help if he turned his attention elsewhere for a short while?]] VProwl ... No? Tarantulas Nono, do stay here. *lightly grabs onto whatever he's nearest* VProwl *why would that help* ItsyBitsySpyers *Head to the other side. Doesn't quite understand. If being seen by someone else brings tension, and his words have brought more, then wouldn't a temporary shift of focus free them from the public eye, so to speak?* VProwl *no, the public eye is everywhere all around them, and soundwave looking away for a moment isn't going to change the fact that prowl's now naked and he's just waiting for all of cybertron to notice* ItsyBitsySpyers *Lets Tarantulas grab his arm. Mostly because he didn't even feel it. Arms need more pressure than that to register on more than one or two sensors.* [[Then perhaps a subject change?]] VProwl Very well. Why did you think I have a percentage for where I'd stop trying to save a life? *that's been bugging him* Tarantulas *hm, is curious about this too* ItsyBitsySpyers *He's /almost/ sorry they said not to move. This music is infectious and his every wire sings with wanting to move. But he's sat still through worse.*
[[In the scenario proposed? The result waiting at the end of that particular potential failure. A simple problem of a ship about to crash is one thing. Being burst apart from inside the... what do humans call their...]]
*Draws stripes over his chest with his fingers for a second, thinking.*
[[Rib kennel. It seems more merciful.]] [[Below a certain percentage, at least.]] VProwl Hm. VProwl If THEY asked for a quicker, more painless death—below a certain percentage, I would consider helping them arrange that. If they were still fighting—if they still WANTED to fight—I would have no right to take that from them. Tarantulas *snicker* Chest. Generally referred to as chest. VProwl Unless it was to kill one infected to save the others. But that's not the scenario you presented. ItsyBitsySpyers *Glance at Tarantulas.* [[The internal supports, not the meat.]] Tarantulas Ribcage, then. VProwl *tarantulas is so smart. just listen to him.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Takes a moment to think about that. Then shakes his head.* [[No, no. Cages are where you keep dangerous things that must not get loose. Kennels are where important things that must be protected are kept.]] VProwl I'd trust the expertise of the mech who reformatted his alt-mode into an earthling. Tarantulas Don't argue with me how it ought to be named - I wasn't the one who decided their terminology, hyeh. ItsyBitsySpyers [[His chosen earthling has no bones.]] Tarantulas I'm glad you do know THAT, though. Some humans don't even know that much. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He isn't surprised.]] ItsyBitsySpyers [[Where were we. Percentages, rights...]] *Rewind memory.* [[Killing the infected. Then you would have terminated the one with the spawn in him?]] Tarantulas They DID think of a plan to preserve his life without ending theirs, though. VProwl Not immediately. I would have gotten an estimate from the expert on how long it would take to emerge, and kill him either if we got too close to that deadline or found that there was a vanishingly low probability that we'd be able to get him to somebody who would actually extract the alien and keep him alive. Not as a mercy killing, but to protect everyone else—Earth included. ItsyBitsySpyers *Privately, Soundwave does not believe he'd take that risk. Not for anyone but eight of the mechs in the building.*
*...After Tarantulas' point and Prowl's decision, he's not sure he should mention that.* Tarantulas *tarantulas wouldn't mind tbh* VProwl ... He'd probably have to die, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He did do that.]] [[And far more bravely than any of those without.]] VProwl No, I meant—I'd probably have calculated that, yes, he should be terminated before the alien finished developing. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah.]]
*...You know what, he's going to say it. Prowl knows who he is. If after all this time he expects Soundwave to think exactly like him, he has another think coming. Tarantulas, he's still not sure what to believe. Probably that Tarantulas would keep the human alive just to get the xenomorph out and start the breeding experiments over again.*
[[...Were there an equivalent creature for our kind, he would have had that Cybertronian terminated on the spot.]] Tarantulas *mutters something about not having to have killed him if he were around because he could have operated on him there on the spot* VProwl Mm. Less optimistic, but... given these things' record, not imprudent.
*nudges tara. ur right, but that's not part of the game.* Tarantulas *nudges him back, shh* ItsyBitsySpyers [[They were already outnumbered. And frightened beings make poor decisions. They get separated. The instant that host disappears from sight, for however long, they are effectively another enemy waiting to be discovered. Slaughtering them would preserve the chances we already had and be sure to reduce the maximum number of opponents.]] [[But... he admits that his thoughts are colored by lessons he was forced to learn against his will.]] *Namely, the arena.* VProwl Hmm. As I said: not imprudent. Tarantulas Not unwise, yes. With so many unknown variables, I do think the choice is a debatable one, instead of a fixed yes or no. Awfully subjective. ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods. He wanted to be sure Prowl knew WHY, and not just... internally react to that concept like your average Autobot.* VProwl *oh, he knew why: the same reason he'd consider the same option.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Just because you understand something doesn't mean you don't revile it, after all. Right, Prowl?* VProwl *detests calling it "subjective," but it's not worth arguing semantics.* Tarantulas *fair fair* ItsyBitsySpyers *Settles back into the couch and folds his hands on his lap. Stares at the wall.*
[[...The Queen did not have to perish, though. That was nothing but ingratitude and fantasy. As if such a being would consider a human a superior organic.]] VProwl Sure she had to perish. She was as much a threat to the humans as any of the other aliens. More of a threat, even, because she has the means to produce more. Tarantulas It was a first test-run - of course it was faulty and unpredictable. Unfortunate that it did kill the queen, but... VProwl ... Oh. We've stopped talking about saving the humans. Got it. ItsyBitsySpyers [[The ship was going to crash regardless, and her spawn had no reason to slaughter her. They might have lived in the nest until such time as the ship hit the planet. Instead, it followed the humans, killed more of them, and suffered.]] ItsyBitsySpyers *Thinks that IS talking about saving the humans.* VProwl *it's drifted out of the realm of controllable actions the humans and/or allies could have affected* ItsyBitsySpyers *Okay, yes, it's done that. But what do you want from him. He admires what he admires.* [[...He wonders if the mechs who reproduce via gestation chamber instead of other methods suffer from the same problems.]] Tarantulas Which same problems? VProwl I haven't /heard/ of any of them being nearly killed by their offspring. And I'd think they'd be less pleased to reproduce if that were a known risk. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Well, you wouldn't, would you? They'd be too dead to tell you.]] VProwl I said "nearly." As in the ones that survived to tell the tale. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh. Oh, yes.]] *Looks at Tarantulas and nods his head at Prowl. Those problems.* [[Plenty of Earth animals perish after reproducing. Octopuses, for example. No reason other fleshlings or some mechs wouldn't.]] [[Though he thinks it's a waste of good octopuses. A design flaw of some sort. One of their only ones.]] Tarantulas Hm. I've heard of mecha being offlined by complications while carrying, but not by being intentionally murdered by their sparkling. And the complications certainly aren't common. VProwl What sort of complications? ItsyBitsySpyers *Listening attentively to the answer to that question* Tarantulas Undue strain on the carrier's spark, sometimes because they're carrying more than one sparkling, or other times when they've not consumed enough to support both their life and the sparkling's, or... well. Those sorts of things. OH. Oh. You said - gestation tanks. What am I thinking. Well, it's similar, anyhow. ItsyBitsySpyers *Alarm* [[What do you mean, consumed enough to support both?]] [[How much does it require?]] Tarantulas More than the usual amount of matter, certainly. It depends on the health of the carrier and the sparktypes of both carrier and offspring. Tarantulas ...Among other things, of course. ItsyBitsySpyers *Great. Now he's gotta intensify his concerns about energon shortages on planets where that's the main or only way left to revive Cybertron. Because that problem wasn't difficult enough.* Tarantulas Ah! *sad noises* I - I ought to go. As much as I'd adore continuing this conversation, I do have business to attend to, sooner rather than later, preferably. *snuggles prowl close* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Yes. Yes, of course. He did not intend to keep you from it.]] VProwl *... attempts very poorly to reciprocate the snuggle. does a bad job of it.* *awkward waist pat.* Tarantulas *at least he tried* *he gets a smooch before tarantulas gets up tho* I'll see the two of you soon, I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He looks forward to it.]] VProwl *that sounds like a threat.* Tarantulas *everything tara & sw say could probably be perceived as a threat if you look at it the right way, tbh* VProwl *more of a threat than usual* Tarantulas *it's not, tara promises* VProwl *he'll take it on faith* Tarantulas *good, thanks prowl. but now tara's off - gnight!* VProwl *watches him go.* *... doesn't scoot closer to soundwave once he's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks in the space between them, then up. The mental voice is on the gentler, quieter side. More of a murmur in the back of the mind than a voice chattering in the front of it.*
[[...If you do not want to touch him, you need not do so. But he will always do his best to ensure no mech harms you as long as he is with you, and he...]]
[[What he told Tarantulas two years ago is true.]] [[If you would prefer to be in your own home, he understands and does not mind. If you prefer to be here, but separated, he will enjoy simply sharing a space. If you wish to be here and touching somehow, he will enjoy that as well.]] VProwl *... puzzled look.* You told Tarantulas that two years ago? *Soundwave and Tarantulas weren't friendly two years ago.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Told him what?]]
*Puzzled look. He didn't define anything.* VProwl The whole be-in-your-own-home thing. Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers *Stares even more blankly than is normal for him and his featureless mask, then leans back against the couch arm and bobs like a cork on a fishing line.*
[[No, no.]]
*Soundwave searches his files for the exact text. Where is...* ItsyBitsySpyers *Up pop a bunch of glyphs in what he considers a soothing blue.*
(txt): Soundwave trusts Prowl saves Soundwave’s life, if Soundwave’s life not least valuable option. ItsyBitsySpyers [[And he doubts this will come up anywhere that he wouldn't also agree that he was the least valuable option.]] VProwl *HUFF. that's an interesting "if."* ItsyBitsySpyers *It's an honest one. Prowl's going to do what's for the greatest good. If that means someone or something else gets to live, fine. And that will suit Soundwave's goal, too. If not, he doesn't believe Prowl will leave him hanging.* VProwl *... scoots a little closer. not touching-closer, but closer. still no relaxing.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Affection ping. Settles down into his seat and lets his frame hum with contentment. He's fine to stay that way if Prowl wants.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Though it means he has free mental space to devote to scheming.... but never mind that right now.*
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shalliedragon · 6 years
Fur Squared 2018: Convention Report
All right. I think it's official now. Fur Squared is now my favorite furry convention. Their attention to detail, the sheer generosity of the attendees, the utter insanity of the events, the fact that it's just the right size, the fact that 40% of the attendees either sponsored or super-sponsored... all of those things make Fur Squared unlike any other convention I've been to. It is rare that I attend a convention that is pretty much non-stop happiness and excitement from beginning to end.
I say this despite the fact that the weekend was more or less one big blur of awesomeness. There weren't a whole ton of standout moments, because it was all consistently fun and enjoyable. But I will try to recount what I remember (might be easier now that it's over).
Got everything packed into my car before work, and left work early to head on the road. It's a long drive from home to Brookfield, so I had to put the pedal down and just go. On the road I listened to the Dragget Show and Feral Attraction podcasts (sidenote: FA's "keeping yourself secure on the internet" episode was extremely disappointing, but that's a topic for another day).
I got to the con around 10:15 and checked into my room. I met my dear friend (and roommate) Jake (AKA Cobbs) in the lobby of the Sheraton. After exchanging pleasantries, he helped me carry my stuff in, and then we went over to MST3K (stylized to MiST3Ke on the schedule). Registration had closed, so I didn't have my con badge yet, but the person at the door thankfully let us in just by showing our state ID's.
The panelists were Alkali, Pandez, Xander, Draggor, Dixie Lioness, and Furry Bobs (I believe). The movie in question was... some kind of bad fantasy adventure thing, I don't remember the title, but it was bad. The panelists had to drink when a weapon was drawn, when there was a typo in the subtitles, when there was "(dramatic music)" playing, or the secret rule: anytime the panelists ended a sentence with a vowel. I didn't stick around to the end, as I was exhausted (so did Jake), but I think the panelists ended up winning.
We made our way back to the room, where we ran into our 3rd roommate, Gotherine Foxx (Gothy for short), who was putting the finishing touches (read: a pack of googly eyes) on a very large and ornately-drawn painting for the charity auction. She subsequently left with her friends, and then Jake and I went to bed.
I. Slept. Like. GARBAGE.
It took me a very long time to finally fall asleep the night before, and I don't quite know why. I think I got like 3-4 hours of sleep. It was BAD.
Thankfully, Fur Squared made it up to me with FREE BREAKFAST. This is one of my favorite features of Fur Squared. Every day of the con, they give all of the attendees vouchers for the breakfast buffet, so that everyone always gets at least one of the two meals needed for the 6-2-1 rule. I ate my fill, assuming that I wouldn't really be eating lunch that day. Jake and I sat with my friends Angel and Gabi, and we also ran into my friends Linn and Xeila.
After breakfast, I meandered around the con space with Jake, and went to get registered. Two things of note. First, they were giving out ribbons to the sponsors/super-sponsors that had character classes on them: archmage, drunken master, divine oracle, and ... one other one that I don't remember (I think it was Bard or something like that). I chose Archmage. Second, they had little stickers that you can put on your badge for your preferred pronouns. This made me REALLY happy; I always love it when cons try to be trans-inclusive.
Then we did some people-watching. There were a lot of familiar faces, and the excitement was palpable (both from the attendees, and from the many happy dogs that the charity had brought with them). I managed to snag a picture of Axikor as they walked past (it was actually the only picture I took the entire con, foolish me). Finally, it was time for opening ceremonies. It was filmed, so I won't go into detail, but long-story-short: the GOH's were Furry Bobs and Cypher (sp?), the artist of honor was Golden Druid, the con theme was "Lizards and Labyrinths 2nd Edition, Revenge of the Top Hat", the Kalerati and the Church of Adam started a charity donation war to see which one was the best, and people were silly. Good times.
Also, throughout this time, my 4th roommate, Dezzi, was nowhere to be found.
After the con was open, I made a beeline for my room and got right into my fursuit. I traveled around the con space some, posed for a few pictures, gave a few hugs, and got some professional photos taken at the photoshoot area in the headless lounge (I was due for some new photos). They had a whole collection of fantasy-themed props there, which made for some fun photos. I did a couple photos: one where I had a veil and some potions and looked like an alchemist, and one where I had a fistful of gemstones. The photos should be processed in the next few weeks.
I ran into my friend Alex while I was there; he was wearing his Azriel Dreemur fursuit (he's the one with the big Save button you see gallivanting around the cons). We chatted for a bit, and he went on his way.
I also had a goal for the weekend. Earlier in the year, I had bought a pack of "sprouts", these little clip-on plastic plants that you can affix to yourself as decoration. I was inspired by a former MFF roommate, Sven, who was giving them out to people. I wanted to continue the tradition, so that I could help #SproutTheLove on my own. I had a collection of 5 that I was going to give out by the time the weekend was over (I had already given my other 2 to my roommates).
After getting my photo taken, I sauntered downstairs to the video gaming room. They had rockband set up, so I immediately sat down at the drum kit and started getting a song set up. A couple other furries saw me banging on the drums and went "I have to get in on this." There were 3 of us playing "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. And it was a cluster. We could barely hear the music, the instruments were all out of sync, and I was extremely rusty (and in fursuit). But it was fun, and it seemed like it made people smile, so it was worth it.
I said my goodbyes (I think we ended up attracting a small crowd), and made my way back to my room to cool off and clean up. I got a quick bite to eat at the con suite (which was decorated with candles, goblets, crystals, and even a little keg), and then made my way over to the Otherworld Stories panel. Alkali and a bunch of his Nero (LARP) friends told stories of their various experiences in LARPing, and hilarity ensued. It was a surprisingly popular event, and the individuals involved sounded pretty amazing. They also had a slideshow of old photos from Alkali's LARP days. I really wish they had Nero out where I live, because it sounded like a hell of a lot of fun.
After that I stayed put for convention horror stories. It's pretty standard for that kind of panel: old con chairs and con staffers talk about ridiculous terrible things that happened during their tenures, and hilarity ensued. I had heard many of them before, but it was still fun. It was filmed.
I got a quick bite to eat (#BeerCheeseSoup) between panels, and then went back for the 3-Headed Monster. As per usual, Alkali, Pandez, and Xander each did 15-20 minute comedy sets back to back. Xander got somewhat political, but also much darker than usual. Good balance of new and old material. Alkali ... was Alkali, and Pandez sang a song or two. It was filmed, as usual, and it is consistently one of my favorite events, so if you haven't seen it yet... see it. Seriously.
After that was QUIPFUR. This is Draggor's homebrew version of the popular video game Quiplash. Serathin was the MC (he basically just read off the answers and stuff) and the main panelists were Xander, Furry Bobs, and Huscoon. Unlike standard Quiplash (in addition to having furry-related questions), Quipfur was played where Draggor chose which two people played in a given round. He usually pitted one of the panelists against a random audience member. It was pretty hilarious, and I highly recommend it if you like fun events that you can participate in.
It was at that time that I noticed that Draggor still wasn't wearing his trademark skin-tight bodysuits. He was in a costume (broad-brimmed fantasy hat with feather, and tights), but he wasn't wearing a mask or anything. Indeed, throughout the entire convention, he only donned a bodysuit once: the fursuit parade (where he wore his Robbie Sinclair suit). Other than that, he was just his normal human self. He never said why he wasn't wearing them (to my knowledge), so I don't know what the reason was for the change of pace. I can only speculate: either a) he just wanted to change things up and do something different, or b) he was getting tired of being known as "the bulge" and wanted to be recognized for more than just his suits and his package. Maybe I'll ask him sometime...
After Quipfur, I went over to "Fox's Songs To Get Murdered By". Fox Amoore (accompanied by Flop the bass bunny) basically just played a bunch of random songs, and had Pandez, Alkali, and Boozy Badger sing along. It was definitely fun, and very silly. I think it was filmed (I hope so, because my memory for it was kind of weak).
Of note: this was one of the first panels I recall that made mention of the phrase "cripple fight." This phrase was to become a recurrent meme throughout the con.
Jake and I quickly went over to the restaurant and got some more food (I had a salad, and Jake had a salad with a brat sandwich, and also had the cocktail I got earlier that night, a variant of a sidecar). We often spent our time talking about things in the fandom and various hobbies. Jake's a soft-spoken guy, who often just responds with a "nice" or "I like that" when I tell stories. I worry that I am boring or annoying to him, but since he chooses to keep hanging out with me, I'm assuming my worries are unfounded.
After dinner part 2, we went to Whose Lion Is It Anyway (audience participation version). I've become more fond of the audience Whose Lion in recent years; people have gotten better at it, and the quality of the jokes has really increased. Further, I am SO HAPPY that Alkali specifically told people "please avoid insult humor and racist jokes" and encouraged people to get creative. That had been a problem in previous years; people had often used Whose Lion as an excuse to say terrible things to each other, in an attempt to be funny. But since they specifically quashed that this time, people actually tried different things beyond the typical "hey baby wanna do sex?" chestnut. It was great. Indeed, some some of the jokes were FANTASTIC.
Also more cripple fight. And Culver's. Culver's is apparently a thing now.
After that, we went to the bizarrely-titled "Boozy's Drunken Naptime." I honestly went into it expecting to see Boozy doing dramatic readings of children's stories or something. Instead, it was him, Huscoon, Fox Amoore, Nbowa, and Dixie Lioness just BS'ing for an hour. Weird, but still funny and interesting.
This seems to be a common theme for a lot of panels: get X people, put them on a stage, and have them tell funny stories and BS with each other, with pretty much no structure beyond that. There were at least 4 panels at Fur Squared that followed this format. It's a format I haven't really seen outside of furry conventions, and I am curious about how it came to be, and why it works so well. More research to come.
After that was the last panel of the night: Iron Alcoholic. It is competitive mixology. During each round, the competitors had to create a cocktail that met certain criteria (i.e. "must contain vodka, must be a shot"). They had a time limit to do this (2-3 minutes), and then audience members were the taste-testers for the event. Each round had a winner, based on how the audience felt. Me and Jake only stayed for 2 rounds, because the event started after midnight, and we were both exhausted. But it was pretty awesome. It was definitely filmed (thank you Silvergatomon, seriously he is a saint).
I got up at around 8 in the morning, so that I could go to Xander's Saturday Morning Cartoons panel. I had been looking forward to this panel all year; it was a ton of fun last time. It's a great way to just relax and unwind on a Saturday morning. As usual, Xander created a "playlist" of various clips from cartoons and TV shows, and we just kind of sat and watched. It was funny, though some clips were better than others. Most of them were D&D or animal themed to an extent. Unlike last year, they didn't have cereal and milk, which was a bit disappointing. Still, a good time.
Immediately following was CHAIRity D&D. This was probably one of the best panels at the con. It was a one-shot D&D adventure, played by Alkali, Draggor, Dusty Montale, and John AKA Beardo The Magnificent, with Faelan as the DM. They were playing a variant of 5th edition, with some additional house rules to streamline things (each player had a deck of cards with spells on them). And it was BRILLIANT. The campaign was really smooth and fluid. Faelan was an EXPERT DM; he deftly made things up off the cuff, without batting an eye or checking a rulebook. All the players got really into their characters. And as usual, they were hilarious. To top it all off, the audience could donate money to the charity to both increase the difficulty of the adventure AND grant boons to the players if they so desired.
It was probably one of the best run, most entertaining D&D sessions I have ever witnessed. And it sounds like they'll be doing it again next year, so yeeeeeeee!
After the adventure, I booked it back to my room to quickly get into fursuit for the parade. While I was in the staging area, I ran into Xander (in suit) and gave him my usual hug. I also ran into my friend Angel, who was wearing her brand new wolf partial suit. It was super cute, especially because she had a big plush cookie in her mouth. After the group photo, the parade began. I was right behind Red Beagle (I think that's his name?) and I felt really bad, because I kept bumping into him as I walked. My vision isn't very good in-suit, so I had a hard time looking at the audience AND seeing where I was going. I'm going to make an effort to be aware of that going forward. Mustn't have been fun for Mr. Beagle (considering my head is made of resin and probably made for unpleasant noseboops).
On a lighter note, I do distinctly recall hearing people shout "Shallie!" as I rounded one of the corners (I think it was Leafy Greens?). This really made my day, as I rarely get recognized by name in the parade. I made an effort to get a lot of mugging and posing in, trying to do more than just wave. I think they like it when I act "fabulous", so I'm going to try and ham it up more next time.
After the parade, I rushed back to my room to get cleaned up before running back to attend Charity Whose Lion. Again, one of my favorite events. And again, more cripple fight (IIRC Boozy ended up swatting Propzilla with his cane). I highly recommend this panel; these folks are all experts at improv comedy. If you haven't seen it, watch the video when it comes out.
Following that, I went over to the dealer's room to take a look around, and collect my super-sponsor swag. This year's con swag: a Fur Squared beer mug, a t-shirt, a branded dice bag, a complete set of D&D dice, and a branded stemless wine glass for the super sponsors. As usual, sponsors got a copy of the poster, and super sponsors got to be IN the poster. I was pretty blown away by my picture: they knew somehow that I was a spellcaster, so they made me a sorceress (in a pretty dress no less). It was awesome.
After wandering around some more and snagging a bite to eat (while signing the super-sponsor poster for the charity auction and giving two sprouts away to some strangers), I went over to @FurSquared. This was a gameshow of some stripe, hosted by Iggy, where each round, people were given prompts, and were asked to come up with clever responses. For example, one of them was "what kind of fictional crossover have you always dreamed of?" The responses were pretty good, but I remember the game being a bit more... lively the previous year. Still, fun times.
Following that, I went over to another bizarrely named panel: "Monkey Knife Fights." Following a similar formula as Drunken Naptime, they put Alkali and Boozy up on a stage and had them BS for an hour. As you might imagine, it was hysterical. But that wasn't the cool part. That came after the panel.
Immediately following the event, Alkali revealed that a hypnotist had come to the convention, and was in the audience with us. I think some people donated to the charity to convince Alkali to undergo hypnosis at the hands of this gentleman. I thought "Oh this'll be funny, we'll watch Alkali do stupid things". But what actually happened was even better. The gentleman, who was named Mark, was a professional hypno-therapist, and he spoke all about how hypnosis can be used to help treat psychological disorders and mental illness. He also explained how hypnosis worked, in an effort to allay Alkali of his fears (he was visibly nervous at first).
Eventually, the ferret calmed down, and Mark began his hypnosis regimen. He told Alkali to imagine that a helium balloon was tied to his wrist, and that it was slowly filling up with gas. As it filled, Alkali was told to imagine that his arm was getting lighter as the pull of the balloon got stronger. Eventually, Alkali's arm PHYSICALLY ROSE OFF HIS LEG, and he literally could not make himself put it down. Then, Mark cut the balloon's "string", and Alkali went to sleep. Mark told Alkali to envision that one of his friends had snuck in the room and put googly eyes on Boozy's eyes (Boozy had been sitting there silently the whole time), and to think about how funny that would be.
At the end, Mark told Alkali that he wouldn't remember any of this, but that he would feel very refreshed and happy, and that he would see Boozy's "googly eyes" upon his waking. Mark commanded Alkali to wake up, and Alkali had the biggest, most placid grin I had ever seen on his face. He looked so peaceful, so content, so relaxed...
And then he turned and saw Boozy and LOST IT!
Alkali honestly believed that there were googly eyes on Boozy's face. He was all like "You look like Dr. Doom from Roger Rabbit!" and he laughed so hard that he nearly fell out of his chair. After he had calmed down, Mark asked how Alkali had felt. Alkali responded that he felt "the best I've felt all day."
I really hope that was filmed, because that was an incredible experience.
Moving on, I went to the super-sponsor dinner. More accurately, I stood in line for the super-sponsor dinner. Apparently there were so many super-sponsors that they had to bring in people in stages. I was toward the end of the line. Alkali was really apologetic, and said he would try to smooth things out for next year. But it honestly didn't matter. They had enough food for everyone.
And what a banquet it was. They had a buffet with chicken and mushrooms, roast beef, roasted vegetables, dinner rolls, salad, beer cheese soup, potatoes, cookies, brownies, and Sprecher Root Beer on tap. It was pretty delicious, especially considering how hungry I was. I sat at the table, eating with my fellow super-sponsors, thinking to myself "I'm doing this every year!" And frankly, I think I will. All the cool swag, getting to be in the poster, AND a free catered meal? Considering a Fur Squared supersponsorship is $100 less than one at MFF or AC, I think that's a pretty solid bargain.
Also, there was a proposal at the dinner. It was pretty sweet. I think Alkali cried.
After that was the DRAGGET SHOW! Super fun, like always. The panel was Xander and Alkali, Boozy, Draggor, and Pandez. I forget what all they talked about, but it was recorded, so eh. I do remember Xander mentioning the video I made for them. Context: I had been working on a remix of the JAPAN SONG for the past several weeks (go to YouTube and look up "dragget show japan song" if you want to see the original, or my remix), with my goal being to get it done before Fur Squared. I was successful. I also wanted to get Xander's attention about it (he tends to not check his phone often), so I asked him about it on his Patreon. He mentioned it, and said that he had actually retweeted the song. So yeah, that was cool.
Of note: the Dragget Show was a charity panel, so people were passing around the hat. But towards the end, there were two huge donations. One person donated $666.66. And (IIRC) Tobe donated $1,000. Alkali cried. Combined with the other money, the show raised over $2000, which made it the most generous event at the convention other than the charity auction. It was amazing. And as usual, the show ended with a charity story. It was the story of what REALLY happened on Draggor's birthday, when they all got insanely high. I won't go into detail, though; you need to attend the panel to hear the charity stories. >:D
Following that, I went over to the Foxes and Peppers after dark show. It was pretty funny, like usual. Pepper's guitar string broke mid-set, so he had to fix it WHILE performing. They auctioned off the last printing of one of Fox's CD's. And they performed "Lighthouse", in memory of the kids who were shot during the school shooting in Florida recently. Pepper put it best: "I want to forget the reason I wrote this song, but there keep being more and more reasons to perform it."
The show ran a little long, so I ended up being late to Libation Appreciation. For those who don't know, this event is all about sharing knowledge about alcohol. They talked about various different types of booze, how they like to enjoy them, and various recommendations for brands to try (apparently Nika distillery is good for Japanese whiskey). It was pretty informative. Then Fox and Pepper crashed the panel, and Pepper (who was drunk) started playing around with the giant Jenga set in the corner of the room. Still, good times. They kicked us out at 1AM and I went to bed.
Got up at around 9 for breakfast (someone ended up taking our spots, so we had to talk to the wait staff and get new vouchers), and then Jake and I went over to main events for Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. For those who don't know the video game: one person has a bomb in front of them, with a bunch of puzzles on it. The other person/team has a bomb manual, with instructions on how to solve the puzzles. However, neither can see each other's screens, so they have to talk and work together to defuse the bomb. It's a pretty fun, but stressful, game.
And they took it further at Fur Squared. Firr and Zen Fox were running the panel. They had one audience member at the bomb, and a team of other audience members with paper copies of the manual. While the bomb was being defused, Firr and Zen would do everything in their power to be distracting. They would scream and shout, sing, dance and stomp around, blare annoying music, and more. They even set up crazy "house rules" to make it even harder. One of the "experts" had to speak in a Russian accent. Another time, only one of them was allowed to speak. Another time, the audience had to use their phones to use the manual.
And then it was my turn. I got to be the defuser once (I lost), and it was hilarious. Firr and Zen were yelling and making the stage shake, and they were moving my microphone around. Another time, I was one of the experts, which was shortly after they had taken all of the paper manuals and threw the pages all over the place. We gathered up the papers as best we could, and were ready to start.
And then Harvard walked up to the bomb chair. Harvard is a silent fursuiter. We had to play "Keep Talking" with someone who didn't talk. To make matters worse, Firr and Zen decided to play "helping hands" with us, where they came up behind us and put their arms under ours, pretending to be "our arms." I distinctly remember receiving a nipple tweak from Firr. At any rate, we lost, even on the easiest difficulty. Harvard had the foresight to hilariously dive from her chair just as the bomb was about to explode. "She was the only one who thought to do that," said Firr.
Our next "victim" was Razzy, another fursuiter. Thankfully Razzy could talk. We still had a hard time deciphering what he was saying for some of the puzzles. This wasn't made easier by the fact that Zen Fox decided to lie down on top of all of the bomb manuals. I had to physically roll him out of the way (I thankfully didn't push him off the table). But we won!
For the last bomb, I think it was Zen in the hot seat, and Firr reading the manual. They misread one of the puzzles, but I think they ended up winning? I don't remember. Regardless, Firr does a really good job with the Keep Talking panel, so you should check it out next time you go to Fur Squared.
Following that event, Jake and I went down to the "Coming and GOHing" panel. SemJay, Zen Fox, Pandez, and Firr regaled us with stories about being the previous guests of honor at Fur Squared. They answered questions and shared their thoughts about unexpected things about being a GOH, what their proudest accomplishments were, and how they messed with Alkali's head. SemJay even took off her pants for charity (she was wearing underwear, don't worry).
This panel bled into the following panel, Firr's "Go Forth And Suck." It was a pep-talk panel, where Firr (and the other former GOH's) encouraged people to just go out there and try whatever they wanted to do. If you have an idea, just do it, and don't be ashamed of sucking. We all sucked at one point. And sucking is how you get good. It was because they all took risks and did stupid things, some of which just blew up in their faces, that they ended up where they are now. Pandez's story was particularly poignant; one of his first solo comedy sets was to a crowd of 12 people in a room made for 500. But he kept going, and he learned a lesson from his experience (tailor the room to the size of the event, and do smaller sets).
I was reminded of my panel at the previous year's Fur Squared. The one that only had 3 attendees. As of writing this, I never attempted to try again after that dismal failure (even though someone thanked me for my time). So, next con I go to, I am going to submit multiple panel ideas and see which ones I get. I will do my best, and I will have fun doing it, no matter what happens.
Sidenote: because one panel ended up bleeding into the other, the panelists decided to combine the two and call it "Coming and GOHing and Sucking." We laughed at that for a good 30 seconds.
After the panel, I went with Jake back to the room and we said our goodbyes. He unfortunately had a plane to catch. But I was happy to have been able to share so much of the con with him, whether it was sitting together at panels, or having in-depth conversations during meals. He told me he remembered fondly the time at AC when we just sat and talked for hours at the end of the con. I hope that we can do something like that again sometime.
Then I went to the charity auction. As usual, it was fun times. Lots of great stuff up for auction. I unfortunately didn't win anything. But honestly, it wasn't even about that. The Fur Squared charity auction is one of the highlights of the con, because people really get into it. Cheering, jokes, huge bids; the atmosphere was electric! There were items that went for over $1000 apiece. My roommate, Dezzi, actually ended up buying the creative rights to the Kalerati AND the Church of Adam at the auction. Alkali bought the signed super-sponsor poster, as a way to say Thank You for all the hard work done by Axikor and their team. A mask made by one of Alkali's Nero friends went for $1500. It was incredible.
Oh, and someone bought a collection of Victoria's Secret perfume and then sprayed it all over Alkali, Firr, and Pandez.
Charity auctions, the bar has been set by Fur Squared. Both in terms of money raised, and in terms of the experience.
After the auction, I quickly went back to my room to get into fursuit. I decided that this was going to be a tradition: I would always do "This Is How You Kill A Con" and closing ceremonies in-suit. So I did.
I met up with my friends Linn and Xeila at the panel, and had some snuggles (I know Linn had previously asked for fursuit snuggles, so I was making good on my promise). I gave Linn one of my sprouts. But the real fun was the panel itself. For those who haven't been: "This Is How You Kill A Con" is basically just a time-filler while the board of directors meets to go over the events of the con. As a result, they give Firr free reign to do pretty much whatever he wants. And he took full advantage of that.
Him and Zen (and I think Furry Bobs was there for a bit) just kind of did whatever for an hour and a half. We had a mini charity auction. Several things ended up being up for bid. First, a small sketch done by an artist in the audience at "Coming and GOHing and Sucking". Next, a small piece of string. I think there was something else (I hope they filmed the panel).
And then Huscoon showed up. The conversation turned to Culver's, again. Turns out, the Fur Squared Twitter account only follows one other account: Culver's. This gave Firr an idea. He would put up for auction the ability to send a single tweet from the Fur Squared Twitter account AND the ability to have the account follow any one other account (no unfollows). I think the winner tweeted out that he wanted to be the GOH for next year.
They also managed to convince Huscoon to auction off the ability for someone to post a tweet on HIS account. Yes, you read correctly. The famously conservative, controversy-starting Huscoon. The one for whom #BlameHuscoon was created. Turns out, Dixie was the one who won that tweet. I think she posted "I give my undying love to my sweetheart, Pepper Coyote" or something like that. Good times.
In the middle of the shenanigans, I made my way up to the front of the room and gave my last two sprouts to Firr and Zen. Firr clipped his to his hat (where it stayed for the rest of the con), and Zen clipped his to his beard. I was happy.
Finally (after ending the panel with a round of "Bohemian Rhapsody"), it was time for closing ceremonies. They began with a big Happy Birthday song for Draggor, and he was blown away. He was grinning from ear to ear, and he turned beet red from embarrassment. Turns out he's as big a sweetheart as Alkali is. The staff also brought up a present for him: a hoodie featuring the logo for Dragon's Milk beer.
I won't go into too much detail, as this panel was filmed. I'll just go over the highlights. Kataze had his traditional power point presentation, going over the numbers at the convention. This time he had graphs, and they were HILARIOUS. Final head count: 1101. Total sponsors and super-sponsors: 485. That's right. 45% of the convention chose to upgrade their badges. By contrast, I think AC had a similar number of upgraded badges, but had 7,500 attendees.
Someone brought in a whole cart full of Culver's custard. I didn't get any (as I was in suit) but they had enough for... a lot of people.
And then the waterworks. Alkali read off the totals for the charitable donations from each of the sources. And as he read, his became more and more misty-eyed. But it didn't stop there. I think there were at least 4 or 5 instances of people coming up and going "wait Alkali, I have more money." Including my roommate Gothy donating a LITERAL BRA AND PANTIES MADE OF MONEY, that was worth $69 on the dot. As usual, Firr went around and rounded things up.
The final charity total was $21,000. They beat their previous year's total by about $6,000. Which, as of this post, puts Fur Squared at #3 in the ranking of most generous furry conventions in the world (total donated divided by attendance).
To top it all off, Cy, one of the guests of honor, said that when she sells her house, she would donate 10% of the value of the house to the charity, which was estimated to be a donation of about $12,000.
Lastly, they announced stuff for next year. Vegas themed. Title: The Mouse Always Wins. I do hope that means that Miko is going to do something ridiculous.
They also announced the guests of honor. They doubled up on the artists of honor (I don't remember their names), but they also had a new "Gamemaster of honor" title, which they awarded to Iggy! I was ecstatic, cuz I had roomed with him the previous year, and consider him my friend. I was jumping up and down and clapping like mad. I think Iggy was pretty surprised.
After closing ceremonies wrapped up, Linn went back to my room with me, and I gave her the Christmas present that I had been meaning to get to her for the past 2 months: a board game called Pitch Deck (look it up, it's fantastic). She was so happy, because she's a huge board game nerd, and she immediately recognized the game when I pulled it out. We sat and talked for a while, catching up and talking about future convention plans. After a while, I told that I had to get cleaned up (I was still in my bodysuit), so we parted ways.
After cleaning up, I went over to the hotel restaurant for dinner. This was where things took a bit of a dip. I got to the restaurant, and sat down. I waited for the waitress to come bring me a menu, but she never did. I went over to the bar and sat down, looking over at the bartenders. They never acknowledged me. I sat there for a solid 15 minutes, and was never even noticed. It was stupid. Upset, I decided to give up and head over to the Adventure Time marathon. Thankfully they had pizza there, so I was able to eat my fill without having to spend money.
I discovered that night that I don't like Adventure Time. While it has some funny jokes, it's too full of existential dark humor and body horror for me to enjoy it. Plus, there were like 5 people watching the show. So instead, I decided to take a look around and see what people were doing.
It was then that I discovered the "dead dog karaoke" happening. Firr, being a DJ, had set up a karaoke machine in the main events room. People could give him a card with their requests on it, and he would call you up when it was your turn. It started out kind of slow, but as the night went on, it became increasingly more fun. And there were some AMAZING singers. Citrine Husky in particular did an incredible cover of "Don't Stop Believin'".
People were really getting into it. I ran into Gabi and Angel again, and we hung out for a bit before they ran off onto the dance floor. There were a surprising number of folks dancing. Then Zen Fox showed up and things got a bit more rowdy.
Highlights: closing ceremonies had a big confetti cannon, so people were having confetti fights. A lady in a big white fursuit, with padded digi legs, sat down on Zen in the middle of the floor. She then proceeded to poke Zen with a big "phallic" balloon. At another point, someone had a cardboard cutout of Jesus, and they were dancing around with it. Someone did Andrew W.K.'s "Party Hard" and Firr was backing it up unenthusiastically. One guy serenaded Gothy with R. Kelly's "Bump n' Grind." They did the Time Warp.
And I sang "Your Song" by Elton John. I was kind of afraid of the high notes, so I started out singing the song and octave lower than the original. This ended up sounding bad, so I switched over to the original register and just did my best. Turns out I was able to hit most of the high notes after all. I distinctly remember doing a silly dance during one of the breaks. Firr came up next to me and sang along. And I held out the last word longer than I expected (I looked at my "watch" in an effort to be funny).
I'm not saying all that to brag. I'm trying to remember what happened, because I don't think it was filmed. See, the main reason I write these journals is so that I can re-read them later down the road, and have a solid recollection of the events of the con. My memory isn't that good, and most cons become a blur after a while, so I try to capture everything as best I can.
Anyway, the night ended with another rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody", which concluded right before the hotel staff kicked us out of the room. Apparently there were business travelers, and we needed to be quiet after midnight. I think they said they'd put the karaoke in another room next year so that it would be less disruptive.
Exhausted, I wandered back to the room with Gothy. We chatted briefly about furry stuff before heading to bed.
Got up at a reasonable hour and got breakfast with Gothy. We ran into Dezzi at the restaurant. We chatted for a bit, about his newfound "power" as the new owner of a cult and a religion. He's apparently planning on handing over the reigns at next year's charity auction if someone can match his bid.
After our breakfasts, we went back to the room and got packed. Gothy had the foresight to request a luggage cart, which made things WAY easier getting out. However, in her haste to get home, she forgot her slippers, so I had to run them out to her before she left (made it).
I packed my things, and with a little finagling, I was able to get all my stuff out to the car in one trip. After checking out, gassing up, and getting a coke, I put the pedal down and drove home, listening to #Hashtag and The Dragget Show on the way.
I love Fur Squared. It is a magical, unique, wonderful convention, a true diamond in the rough. Every year, they have new surprises. Every year, new memes, new jokes, new stories, new insanity. They keep donating more and more money, and creating bigger and grander schemes and shenanigans. Every con is special, but Fur Squared is... different. Its craziness, its generosity, its attention to detail, its loving and close-knit atmosphere, its relationship with its hotel and charity... many cons have some of these things, but it is the confluence of all of them that makes Fur Squared worthy of being called my favorite convention.
You should go.
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fisherfurbearer · 6 years
Tarantula Happenings
Vivarium setback aside, I’m pretty excited. Pretty cool tarantula news under the cut. I talk about my decision making and what’s going on soon. This hobby is really going places for me but I know I did this right.
I’ve been balancing my finances carefully, I still have a lot in savings even after finishing up my personal projects, and this tax refund is so much more than I expected. Next month I’m applying to new jobs in a different city where I’ll be moving soon, and I should start working in June. Money isn’t a huge issue but I’m still being reasonable and planning ahead. Making sure I have enough for my student loans, phone bill, credit card, and personal plans. I’m striving to keep above a certain amount, and I’m pleased to say that I absolutely can!
So after several weeks of planning, I made my first online purchase of tarantulas. This isn’t out of the blue. I’ve wanted a Grammostola pulchra since I first researched Ts, and I wanted to order from Fear Not Tarantulas when I got my new job anyway. I just did it early since the money will be spent anyway, my tax refund was a lot bigger than I was expecting, and they had all the species I wanted in at the same time. I’m worried they’ll sell out, so I couldn’t pass this up. There was no way I’d be able to find these three species together, at such nice sizes, with a bonus freebie and a nifty little habitat thrown in to boot.
I thought about it carefully. My current projects are basically done, besides the viv set back, but even then it’s a simple enough fix, it just takes time to cure properly. The isopods are done, the springtails are done, all the roaches are cleaned up and refreshed, and my last round of red goblins is coming in next week. The vivariums are drawing to a close. My plants are all doing great and I even pruned them and made them look nice. The tarantulas are all doing great. Everyone is in appropriately sized enclosures, and once I move out, I have big plans for the next step up. So all my current guys are doing great, I have the money, I’ve planned this for a long time, I have more experience of course and I’ve proven myself with my tarantulas, I already have plenty of supplies and feeders on hand, I’m ready for this.
I chose my new species carefully, and followed the same process I did for everyone else. I already have my big ol’ list of species I love and want one day, which gets refined all the time, as I find new species and learn more about the other ones, see them in person, and get my questions answered from more experienced folks. I only put my absolute favorites on that list, and I vow to never get a tarantula just to get it. It had better be amazing, and it had better be within my comfort zone. No OWs, no arboreals yet, nothing too fragile, nothing aggressive, although skittishness is fine, if they fast they have to be larger than 2″, and if they get 6″ as adults they need to grow at a slow-medium pace. That way as time goes on I’ll be in a better position for having large enough enclosures for them. Space is a hot commodity, so sticking to adult sizes at or under 5.5″ is ideal. I plan this stuff out a LOT, can you tell?
So going off that list, I check out the online vendors I’m interested in, and availability, prices, and sling sizes to my list and current comfort zone. I make a shorter list of practical options, then research those extensively for at least a week or a few. Once I’m pretty dang sure the plan is proper, I still sleep on it, and in the case of reptile shows, all those times I’ve spent a long time talking in person, inspecting the spiders, and taking a good walk to be absolutely sure it’s right. I also have a rule, don’t buy anything if I feel stressed about it. I don’t want to regret it. And this plan, I did all of that and I certainly don’t regret it.
My biggest fear/potential regret was disappointing my partner or making issues with our future roommates. I talked to him about it though, he trusts me, approves of my plan, and everyone else is okay with it too.
So saying all of that, what exactly did I do?
Well! I’m very lucky that Fear Not Tarantulas is out traveling to expos, and won’t be shipping until the week of April 2nd. It’s another reason why I did it now. So even though I already ordered, I have even more time to move in my new roaches and relax. No need to rush. It’s not like they’ll be here tomorrow, I can chill out and be totally prepared for it.
I also emailed them with some questions about the species just to be sure, and I’m positive I made the right decisions. This is what’s coming in:
1″+ Grammostola pulchra (with enclosure)
1″ Homoeomma sp “Blue peru 2″
1/2-3/4″ Pseudhapalopus sp “Blue”
1-1.5″ Brachypelma albopilosum (Nicaraguan) (freebie)
All are hardy species, well within my comfort zone, and established slings. These are all some of my absolute all time favorite spiders, and I’m so excited to be getting them!!! Seriously, if you don’t know what they look like, google search it. Holy bajeezus they’re incredible. They’re going to be so pretty and fun to keep, I love the sound of their personalities, and I even have a couple names figured out. The G. pulchra will be “Winnipeg”, or “Winnie”, like the famous black bear that inspired winnie-the-pooh! I think it’s fitting for this species. The B. albopilosum will be named “Flaveri”, like flavor and Fieri, since it looks like Guy Fieri’s hair, and I love watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives.
So that’s what’s going on and that’s why I’m doing it! I’m trying really hard to be responsible and make proper decisions. I’m also coming to really nice compromises with my own wants/needs, finances, and everyone elses’ comfort levels. I don’t want to disturb others with my hobby, and I’m very lucky to have a supportive partner, and his friends are perfectly fine with it too. Things are looking up, and I’m happy that I’m making more rational decisions. Expect lots of pictures! I can’t wait to get these guys moved in and see what they’re like in person, so I’ll take lots of pictures and maybe videos. c:
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cyberkevvideo · 4 years
My Changes to “Way of the Wicked”, Book 4, Part 3.5
Taking a bit of a break from the “Throne of Night” debacle, and going back to the, at the time, first evil campaign for Pathfinder 1e. Going over my own notes from 2015, I can tell I was quite green. Not that I disagree with what I had written for today’s entry, or even for the next one, but five years changes your perspective on builds when you know the whole story behind why things are what they are, and you finally realize that mistakes were made in those builds.
Today we’re going back to the copper dragon’s island, and revising a couple of mistakes that were made with one of the NPCs that the PCs meet up with.
As such, this partially revises what I said in my Book 4, Part 3 post.
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As always, for space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
I do not have a Patreon or a Kickstarter, but I do have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who are looking to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so.
Finally, before get to it, I hope everyone’s staying safe right now.
First off, I want to say I really wish there was art for this entry, but unfortunately SpiralMagus didn’t do much additional art back then for NPCs that weren’t going to be sticking around past one fight. So instead I’ll be using Paizo bestiary art, and that’s fine.
While doing all these builds for “Throne of Night”, I found myself going back through “Way of the Wicked” to try get a proper mindset for Gary’s story builds. What ended up happening was I saw errors in builds. Not too glaring, but it definitely shows that there wasn’t much “monster role” knowledge, or the official bestiaries weren’t referenced. And back in 2014, not everyone knew how to properly do that. I certainly didn’t. It’s not like the free sources online hammered that into your brain like the bestiary appendices did. Just a common rookie mistake. This time around. But as such, the encounter between the PCs and the xorn ambassador is less than sufficient.
In the original post, I said “give him a headband of alluring charisma +2 and a ring of protection +1.“ Now, I know that’s unnecessary. At the time, I thought he seemed under-powered with the few spells he had, and that the amulet it had was all but useless. Especially in a fight. That last part is true, but it turns out, it’s an amulet of the planes, but you don’t need the DC 15 Intelligence check to make it work as it’s attuned to a specific plane and acts as tuning fork to go there. So, it’s technically more powerful. I adjusted the naming of the item to benefit that, but it’s still apparently only worth the original 120k, which is fine. If it were up to me, I’d make it worth 30% less just because it’s so specific, but it’s honestly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The headband of charisma isn’t necessary now because it turns out the xorn is under leveled. It should actually be sorcerer 10, not 7. With it now having stoneskin, as a bloodline spell, to protect itself from some physical damage and higher level pit spells, the need for the headband is less necessary. Especially when  you realize the xorn is missing feats. With the additional 3 HD for sorcerer and the missing feats added back in, the xorn now has the approximate ability DC it’s supposed to have for being a CR 14 encounter. If anything, its saves are a little low, even with the resistance spell on it, but there’s not a whole lot that can be done about that. I still stand behind the ring of protection +1 though.
Other than that, all it needed was a little cleaning up on the wording in the tactics section, as well as its name, and the numbers to add up correctly (I’m looking at you, initiative that doesn’t include Dexterity), and it’s good to go. The new spells might seem underwhelming overall, but I wanted to stay true to the NPC’s pits and stone spells theme. It’s also very annoying not to have spell DCs added to the spells. Ugh. Annoying. But also fixed.
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XKR’XKZ’XKO (or “XEKAR”), XORN SORCERER AMBASSADOR    (CR 14; 38,400 XP) Advanced xorn sorcerer 10 N Medium outsider (earth, extraplanar) Init +6; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +22 DEFENSE AC 30, touch 13, flat-footed 28 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +13 natural) hp 185 (17 HD; 7d10+10d6+112) Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +14 DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, fire, flanking; Resist electricity 10 OFFENSE Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.; earth glide Melee bite +17 (4d6+5), 3 claws +17 (1d4+5) Special Attack crystal shard 1/day Bloodline Spell-like Ability (CL 10th; concentration +15)   8/day—tremor (CMB +15) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 10th; Concentration +15)   5th (4/day)—hungry pit (R-DC 21)   4th (6/day)—acid pit (R-DC 20), calcific touch (F-DC 20), stoneskinB   3rd (7/day)—diamond spray (R-DC 18), shifting sandB (R-DC 19), spiked pit (R-DC 19), slow (W-DC 19)   2nd (7/day)—bear’s endurance, create pit (R-DC 18), darkvisionB, glitterdust (W-DC 18), stone call   1st (8/day)—comprehend languages, expeditious excavationB, grease, identify, mage armor, magic missile   0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance Bloodline deep earth TACTICS Before Combat The xorn always has mage armor cast. It casts bear’s endurance and resistance if it senses trouble During Combat Xekar has not come here to fight but to negotiate. However, if forced, it defends itself by trapping enemies in pits where it can rain down diamond spray. Morale Xekar flees if reduced to 70 hp. It has not come here to die. STATISTICS Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 20 Base Atk +12; CMB +17; CMD 30 (32 vs. trip) Feats Cleave, Combat Casting, Eschew MaterialsB, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)B, Spell Focus (conjuration, transmutation), Toughness Skills Appraise +12, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (arcane, dungeoneering, planes) +19, Perception +22, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +12, Survival +12, Use Magic Device +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Terran SQ bloodline arcana (underground only; +1 spell DC), stonecunning Gear ring of protection +1, attuned amulet of the planes (pendant will return Xekar and the Jundarian Stone to the elemental plane of earth), granite and diamond dust (worth 250 gp), rubies (worth 25,000 gp) SPECIAL ABILITIES All-Around Vision (Ex) A xorn sees in all directions at the same time, giving it a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks. A xorn cannot be flanked. Crystal Shard (Sp) The xorn can touch a metal or stone weapon (or up to 50 pieces of ammunition) as a standard action, giving it the bane property against any creature with the earth subtype, oozes, or constructs made of stone or metal, for 1 minute. Earth Glide (Ex) A xorn can glide through any sort of natural earth or stone as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves no sign of its passage nor hint at its presence to creatures that don’t possess tremorsense. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a xorn moves the xorn back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Next time we look at the absolutely necessary revision of the witchwyrd in Book 4. Boy howdy, it’s a mess.
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tallglassofsweetpea · 5 years
Little Darlin’: Chapter Seven
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Sweet Pea x OC, 1950′s AU
Warnings (this chapter): language, sexual content/smut
AN: I’m baaaaaaack! Sorry for the delay, I really struggled with this chapter. I swear to god i went back and rewrote almost the entire thing like three times! This chapter is pretty long, and pretty spicy! Hopefully that will make up for the delay! All previous chapters can be found in my masterlist on my blog. It’s also now available on AO3 under the username: sweepee
As always, thank you all so much for your support (and patience) I hope you enjoy!! 
[Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters. Also feel free to message me if you have any suggestions for this story and where you’d like to see it go, or if you have any general comments/questions! My ask is open :) ]
Chapter Seven: Devil or Angel
The Monday following homecoming, Lily walked into chemistry class and sat down in her usual spot. She had prayed and prayed Reggie would be absent from class that day. She couldn’t yet face him. When she finally did see him, her breath caught in her throat. He was beat up, bad. His face was covered in black and blue, his bottom lip split. He walked right past her and took a seat in the back of the classroom. Luckily his usual lab partner had returned, as did hers. She wondered what could have happened to him. She knew it wasn’t from the football game, he had looked fine at the dance. Then her mind flashed to the look on Sweet Pea’s face when she told him what had happened at the dance. She glanced back at Reggie once more with wide eyes.
Lily was in the middle of eating her lunch when another lunch tray was slammed down on the table in front of her.
“Hi, Trish.”
“Where on earth did you run off to during the dance Saturday? I tried phoning you when I got home but when your mother answered the phone I hung up. I know how much she hates me, I swear I can see it in her eyes.”
Lily sighed, it was the first time she had seen Trish since the homecoming dance and she was of course locked and loaded with a round of questions. She quickly filled her in about what had happened with Reggie at the dance.
“You slapped Reggie!?”
“I’ll admit it was a knee-jerk reaction, but-“
“I only wish I had done it myself. I swear if Archie knew anything about this…wait...where were you the rest of the night?”
Lily began fiddling with her food, her eyes fixated on her tray. “Well, that’s where it gets interesting. I went outside to clear my mind…and Sweet Pea was waiting in the parking lot.”
Trish’s eyebrows arched. “Sweet Pea?!” She said a little too loudly. Lily’s eyes widened and pressed a finger to her friend’s lips. Trish relaxed a bit and lowered her voice, leaning in closer to Lily. “Sweet Pea? What was he doing there?”
“He was waiting for me.”
Her brows knitted together in confusion. “How did he even know you would be there? I thought it was over between you two?”
“It’s sort of a long story, I promise I’ll fill you in soon.”
“You’d better! Here I was, planning nearly one hundred different ways of ridding him of his manhood for breaking your heart. Little did I know, you’ve been off galavanting together the whole time? Lily, you have got to tell me these things! Sorry, I’m talking too much. Please continue.” She dug into her lunch as she listened.
“He drove us to Sweetwater forest and we slow danced beneath the stars, Trish it was so romantic! And then…“
Trish stopped chewing on her sandwich, she was practically on the edge of her seat waiting in anticipation. “And then…?”
Lily lowered her voice. “He asked me to go steady.” Lily couldn’t hide her bright smile thinking about that night.
“You and Sweet Pea? Lil’! I’m so happy for you!” She reached across the table and shook Lily’s hand in excitement.
“I know, it’s sort of left me dizzy. It all happened so quickly. We were dancing one second and kissing the next and then…well…” Lily’s cheeks started to get hot, not knowing how to tell Trish.
Trish’s mouth dropped to the floor. “You did not…you and SP-”
“No! No, we didn’t do that. I mean, we did other things…”
“Lilian Greene, you little trollop! Tell me more, and for the love of god use descriptive language!”
Before Lily could say anything further, the school bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
Trish groaned in annoyance. “You’ve been saved by the bell this time, but next time you won’t be so lucky. Gosh, I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day without knowing. The anticipation alone is going to slay me!”
Lily rolled her eyes and rose from the table. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Later that week, Lily was walking to the library from her dance class. She usually went to the library on the edge of Southside since it was closer to the studio. She had just reached the front of the small brick building when she heard the rumbling of motorcycles. She turned to watch a group of Serpents pulled into the gas station across the street, Sweet Pea included. He took off his helmet and shook out his sable hair, he smiled when he saw her standing across the street. She wore a lavender poodle skirt with a white sweater and her saddle shoes. She had a small dance bag hanging from one shoulder. Sweet Pea dismounted his bike and crossed over to her, a pleasant smile on his face.
“You’re a long way from Kansas, Dorothy.”
“I was just on my way to the library, I need to return some books.”
“I see.”
He leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips, his arms loosely wrapped around her waist. She pulled back and absentmindedly toyed with the silver dog tags that hung around his neck, a more serious look washed over her features.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” He said with a shrug. He reached out to finger the light purple ribbon that was neatly fastened around her ponytail.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about what happened to Reggie after the dance, would you?”
Sweet Pea pretended to search his memory, tilting his head side to side. “Nope. Can’t say I do.”
She knew he was lying, she crossed her arms across her chest.
“…Sweet Pea.”
“What? The guys been cruisin’ for a bruisin’. He’s lucky all I did was rough him up a bit.”
Lily’s eyes widened. “Rough him up a bit? He’s covered in black and blues…”
“Good.” He shrugged. “Nobody messes with you, not if I have any say.”
Lily shook her head at him, disapprovingly. “You’re bad news, SP.”
“Maybe you’re just too good.” He said with a smirk, her smile faltered.
“I should probably get going, it’s getting dark.”
“You wanna hang later?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Cool. I’ll be over to get you in a couple hours. Hurry home, never know when a big scary Serpent might show up.” He winked and pressed a light kiss to her lips before jogging back over to his friends.
Lily and her parents sat down at the table for supper, Mrs. Greene had made her famous meatloaf right on time for her husband’s return from work. They held hands and said grace before filling up their plates.
“Did you hear about that poor Mantle boy? Got himself a beating in Pop’s parking lot Saturday night.”
Lily’s eyes shot up at her father’s mention of Reggie.
“Mantle…Lily, wasn’t that the boy you went to the homecoming dance with?”
Lily nodded her head. “Yes, Reggie.”
“He seems like a very nice boy, comes from a good family too. That’s really too bad. I think it would make a good impression if you went over to check on him sometime, Lilian.”
“Yeah, maybe.” When hell freezes over, she told herself.
“I’ll bet you it was one of those Southside boys again.” Lily’s gaze lowered to her food, she pushed the meat around on her plate with her fork. “Just when you think those hellions couldn’t get any worse.”
If only her father knew she had been spending her nights in the arms of one of those so-called “hellions”. And that in fact it was the boys on the Northside that she needed to watch out for. She could only imagine the look on George Greene’s face if he found out his perfect little girl had been sneaking around with a big bad Serpent.
“They can’t all be bad, daddy.”
Both of her parents paused their movements and cast an eye at her with raised brows.
“I wish I could agree with you, sweetheart. But these are very bad, very dangerous people.
“I just mean that maybe they have their reasons.”
“And what reasons would they have for beating up an innocent boy?”
Innocent boy? What a joke.
Lily chewed on her bottom lip, she wanted to tell them the truth about Reggie to prove her point. Her father looked at her expectantly. An uncomfortable silence was held amongst the three of them until her mother spoke up.
“We really shouldn’t have brought up such serious talk at the dinner table. Darling, how was work today?”
Mr. Greene’s gaze lingered on his daughter a second longer before he ran through his day with his wife. If there was one thing Lily let out a breath and continued eating her dinner mostly in silence, only responding when directly spoken to. She wished more than anything that she could tell them what had happened.
After dinner, Lily helped her mother clear the table before she went to sit in the living room with her father. Sometimes they would sit in silence as they both read, other times he would have her read scripture, sometimes they would talk. Tonight was a quiet reading night.
“Hey Lily-pad?”
She looked up from her book. “Yes, daddy?”
“When I tell you to stay away from the Southside, its because I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. I know you’re a smart good girl, but even good people can find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I understand, daddy. I don’t know why I said that stuff at dinner, it was silly.”
“It’s not silly, you see the good in people.”
“I like to believe everyone has a bit of good in them.”
Mr. Greene gave his daughter a polite smile before returning to his book. “One day you’ll understand.”
Lily toyed with her necklace. She was both physically and mentally biting her tongue. She closed her book, slipping the bookmark inside before rising from the loveseat.
“Maybe one day you will understand too. I’m off to bed, goodnight daddy.” She kissed him on the cheek before marching up the stairs leaving her father at a loss for words.
As the weeks progressed, Lily and Sweet Pea had grown closer than ever. Had you told either of them only months ago that they’d be as close as they were, they’d both have laughed. He was addicted to her presence and the way she made him feel, and vice versa. Their outings were strategically planned around Lily’s parents, not wanting to know what would happen if they found out. Often Lily would wait until after her parents would kiss her goodnight before sneaking out of the window to meet Sweet Pea at the end of the street. They would go to the Wyrm to dance and hang out with Trish and Fangs, but after awhile they would sneak off someplace they could be alone. Sometimes they would just go somewhere to talk, the air filled with laughter and stories. Other nights the air would remain silent except for the sound of their quickened heartbeats. Sweet Pea’s hands had a tendency to “accidentally” wander, not that Lily minded.
The two lovers were sprawled out side by side on an old blanket laid on the grass. One of the good things about living in a small town was the night sky, bountiful with stars. Sweet Pea put his arm behind his head, looking up at the sky. Lily turned her head to look at him, taking in his striking features illuminated by the moonlight.
“Sweet Pea, how come you never mention your parents?”
“Not really worth mentioning.”
“You know, you don’t always have to be so mysterious.”
Sweet Pea glanced at her and sighed. “My dad left when I was a baby. My mom’s off somewhere down south with her scumbag boyfriend. My grandma took care of me most of my life. She got real sick a couple years back, couldn’t work anymore. So I started doing odd jobs after school, that’s when I met FP.”
“I remember you telling me, you were only 15?”
“Yeah, I started helping him out for extra money to put food on the table. My grandma never asked where the money came from, but I think she had her suspicions. When she passed away I dropped out of school and officially joined the Serpents. I guess they’re the closest thing I have to a family now.”
She studied him silently, taking in what he shared with her. Her heart broke for him, she couldn’t begin to imagine what it must have been like having to take on the responsibilities of an adult at such a young age. Most kids wouldn’t know what to do, but with Sweet Pea there was no question about it. He knew he needed to take care of him and his grandma, no matter the risk. Lily admired him for that.
“That was incredibly brave of you to do that at such a young age. It sounds like you really loved her.”
“She had a real tough shell, but deep down she was the sweetest woman with the biggest heart. She’d do anything for anyone.”
“Reminds me of someone I know.” Lily intertwined her fingers with his and pressing a gentle kiss to his fingers. Sweet Pea let a small laugh escape his lips.
“I just wish she was still here. Though I guess it’s probably best she didn’t have to watch me turn into some punk kid.”
Lily shook her head. “I bet she would be proud of you.”
He scoffed. “Thanks, but I don’t know if she’d be proud her grandson ended up being a high school dropout turned Serpent.”
Lily sat up, resting on her elbow and looked down at him, his features had hardened.
“Maybe not…But I’m positive she would be proud of what a strong, loyal, sweet young man you are.” She traced the lines of the tattoo on his neck. “You’re a special guy, Sweet Pea. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
Sweet Pea’s warm cocoa eyes met hers. No one had ever told him anything quite like that. He gazed at her in complete wonder, she looked like an angel with the moonlight shine around her hair like a halo. He reached his hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb running over her smooth skin.
“I don’t deserve you.” Lily turned her head to kiss the palm of his hand then leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Sweet Pea drew her over him so she lay straddling his waist, his hands rested on her hips. Her fingers quickly became lost in his hair, her hips lightly ground into his as he deepened the kiss. He whispered against her lips. “God, you drive me crazy.” One of his hands drifted down to her bottom, giving it a light squeeze while pulling her hips into his.
Sweet Pea rolled them over on the blanket so his body was atop hers, his muscular arms enclosed her petite figure. His hands traveled up her sides until they came to cup her breasts, Lily sighed into their kiss. She let out a little whine when Sweet Pea pulled back from the kiss, leaving Lily out of breath. “Why did you stop?” His lips traveled down her neck
Sweet Pea kissed her on the lips and smirked. “Trust me.”
Lily nodded, her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity as she watched his lips follow down her collar bone. He placed kisses across the top of her breasts, still clothed by the thin fabric of her dress. He pulled down the straps of her dress to expose a rosy pink lace bra. He lowered his head, sucking each peak through the fabric. Lily gasped at the sensation, she watched him with anticipation as he continued kissing his way down her stomach. Her lips parted slightly. She could feel his large, rough hands move up her thighs. He lifted her bottom from ground, just enough so he could pull her panties off and toss them to the side. He gently lifted her leg by the ankle and trailed soft kisses on the inside of it, working his way up her leg at a taunting pace.
“Sweet Pea, what are you doing?” Lily asked with a sigh, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips trail over her body but unsure of where it would lead. “We’re outside, what if someone sees?”
“Fuck it, let em’ see.”
Lily laughed. “You’re crazy.”
“You make me crazy.” Sweet Pea’s eyes locked on hers. “Relax for me, baby. Trust me.” He smiled at her reassuringly, she gave him a bashful grin and took a deep breath. Sweet Pea continued to trail kisses past her knee and kissed her inner thigh. His lips worked their way up to the crook of her thigh sucking on the skin, letting his teeth nip at the skin, leaving a red mark. “Sweets.” She half moaned, half scolded.
He kissed his way to her center. Lily looked down at him with eager, lustful eyes. “Relax, Lily.” He lowered his mouth to her center, and let his tongue slowly run over her. “Oh god!” Her hands flew down to grasp his hair. He continued to softly caress her with his tongue, leaving her a whimpering mess. He had pleasured her with only his hands until then, and this was something entirely different. Lily’s hips bucked up involuntarily against his mouth. Sweet Pea paused to look at her. Her head was tilted back in ecstasy, her eyes tightly shut and lips parted. “Does it feel good?” Lily nodded her head, seemingly unable to speak.
“Tell me.”
Her words sounded shaky. “Yes. Please don’t stop.”
Sweet Pea smirked and lowered his head back to the task at hand. Sweet Pea kissed her open mouthed running his tongue from the bottom of her slit up to the top. He entered two of his fingers inside of her, letting them curl inside of her. Lily moaned and trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to stay quiet. She felt warmness between her thighs begin to spread over her body. Her nerves felt as though they were on fire. Lily whispered to the dark haired serpent. “Pea.”
His tongue skillfully worked her clit as his fingers glided in and out of her soaking core, curling his fingers inside again and rubbing the pads of his fingers against her sweet spot. He felt her tighten around his fingers, watching as she arched her back in pleasure her dainty fingers twisting into the fabric of the blanket. Lily felt a warmness spread throughout her body, her breathing hitched, she was getting close. Sweet Pea could tell she was holding back, so he gave her some encouragement.
“Let go, baby girl. Let me hear you.” He whispered to her gruffly before lowering his head once more, flicking his tongue against her until her body began to shake, her moans getting louder and louder until she peaked. He knew he would never forget the way she whimpered out his name as she met her release.
Sweet Pea moved back up so he was lying next to her, watching her chest heave as she came down from her orgasm.
Lily looked over at him, her green eyes hazy. “Sweet Pea?”
“Make love to me.”
Sweet Pea examined her face. Their passion filled evenings would often reach a certain point where Sweet Pea took it upon himself to exercise serious restraint. If there was one thing he didn’t want to do, it was to rush her into anything.
“Not tonight, doll.”
“We could make love, right here under the stars. ” Though he could think of worse ideas, something about it just didn’t sit right with him. He pulled his eyes away from her.
“Lily, I said not tonight.”
Lily sat up to look at him. She had swallowed her pride and essentially offered herself to him yet he seemingly couldn’t to get out of the situation fast enough.
He saw the look in her eyes, and his heart sank. Embarrassment. “Shit, baby don’t-“ Sweet Pea tried to reach out to her but she pulled herself away from him, her hands ran over her face.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, but-“
“I made myself entirely vulnerable to you…and you denied me.”
“I didn’t deny you, baby. I just-“
“My parents will be looking for me soon, we should go.”
She adjusted her clothing and smoothed back her hair before standing up and getting into the car.
Sweet Pea threw his hands up in defeat, shaking his head.
The car ride was mostly silent, Lily looked out the window with her arms folded around herself. When they pulled up to her house, Lily didn’t give him a chance to say anything before slamming the door of the car shut and strutting her way to the front door.
Sweet Pea groaned to himself. “Fucking Northside girls.”
When Lily returned home that night, she lay awake in her bed. Her mind was racing. Why had Sweet Pea not wanted her? Had she misread the situation? From the sounds of it, he was far more experienced than her.
What was it that those other girls had that she didn’t? That’s when an idea came to her. Lily quietly snuck the telephone into her bedroom and rang Trish.
“Hey Trish? Are you free tomorrow night? I need your help.”
Sweet Pea leaned over and lined up his shot at the pool table, pocketing two balls.
“Fangs, you’re up!” He loudly clapped his hands together. “Fangs?” He called out, but was left without a response. He turned around to see Fangs standing slack jawed facing the entrance of the Wyrm, a few other Serpents were doing the same. Sweet Pea snapped his fingers in front of Fangs’ face.
“Fogarty? Are you paying attention, we’re in the middle of a game. What are you staring at?”
Sweet Pea followed his stare to see what had stolen the attention away from the game. As soon as he turned around, his jaw dropped.
“Holy shit.”
Lily walked through the doors of the Wyrm, Trish followed a few steps behind her. Sweet Pea’s eyes were drawn to to a tight-fitted, fire engine red off-the-shoulder top that left little to the imagination. His gaze followed down to the pair of high waisted black pants that hugged her curves perfectly. She wore a pair of simple red heels to match.
Trish had drilled it into Lily's head that the grand entrance was most important. She swayed her hips, shifting her weight from one leg to the other as she sauntered over to the tall serpent she was in search of. She stood beside him and rested her arms behind her on the edge of the pool table.
“Hey, Pea.” She said, a wicked smile playing on her lips.
“L-Lily?” He couldn’t believe his eyes.
“You’re catching flies, sugar.” She brought her hand up to his chin and closed his mouth, pressing a brief but heated kiss to his lips. She pulled away too soon, leaving him weak for more. “Aren’t you going to buy me a drink?”
Sweet Pea internally groaned as he watched her saunter her way to the bar and leaning against it, strategically pushing her bum out to drive him crazy. And it was going exactly as she had hoped.
Sweet Pea turned to the guys surrounding the pool table, they stood gawking at the petite blonde. Sweet Pea’s jaw clenched and he threw a threatening look their way. “What the hell are you looking at?” They instantly tore their eyes away from Lily, resuming their conversations not wanting to cause any problems with SP.
Fangs threw his hand up in surrender. “I’m with her!” He wrapped his arm around Trish, who wore a satisfied grin. She felt like a proud parent. Since they were little girls, Trish had tested out nearly every beauty and fashion tip from Vogue magazine. Lily had (often against her will) been her own personal guinea pig. So when Lily called her the night before to ask her for help, she couldn’t contain her excitement.
Fangs leaned into Trish, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. “I was really looking at you the whole time, babe.”
Trish laughed, shaking her head. “I’d have been offended if your jaw hadn’t dropped at the sight of her. This is easily my best work yet.”
Sweet Pea made his way over to where Lily stood at the bar.
“Sorry to distract you from your game, it looked like it was getting pretty intense.”
“Oh, that-that’s no big deal. I’ll catch up with them later on.”
Toni came over to serve them. “SP, who’s your new friend? What happened to little miss Doris Day?”
“Hi, Toni.”
Toni’s eyes bugged out of her head upon recognizing her. “Damn, Northie. You look hot.”
Lily smiled brightly. Sweet Pea’s eyes narrowed at the petite bartender.
“You gonna get us a couple of drinks or stand there and hit on my girl right in front of me?”
Toni laughed. “Cool it, beanstalk. I’ll be back in a sec.”
Sweet Pea turned back to Lily, scanning her from head to toe. Was it possible that he was only dreaming? Her fair hair was worn in big sexy curls that framed her face. She had never worn so much makeup in her life, not even for dance recitals. But she thought Trish did a nice job, giving her a classic smokey eye with an expertly applied cat eye. But it was the rich, crimson lipstick glossing her lips that had Sweet Pea’s mind racing with sinful thoughts. He subconsciously bit into his bottom lip.
“She’s right, you look…great.”
She smiled at him, she couldn’t deny how powerful she felt knowing how much she was affecting him. Smooth talking Sweet Pea was wrapped around her little finger.
“Do you think so? I wasn’t sure about the top, do you think it looks alright?” She adjusted the tight fabric of her red shirt so it revealed a bit more cleavage. Sweet Pea easily fell into her trap, his eyes lingered on her chest. His tongue ran over his bottom lip.
“I think it’s just fine.”
Toni slid over their drinks, Sweet Pea didn’t even break eye contact to look at Toni as he handed her a couple of bills. He watched Lily pluck the cherry from her drink and wrapped her equally as red lips around it, pulling it from the stem and eating it. She took a sip from her drink,  looking up at him through her dark lashes.
“Is there something on your mind, Pea?”
Sweet Pea leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Some thoughts are best kept locked up, darlin’.” She tried her best to fight off the blush that emerged on her cheeks, and took another sip of her drink. But it wasn’t before he noticed. She knew her facade was breaking, she needed to recover quick. Trish said the key to seduction was to always have the upper hand, keep them wrapped around your finger.
Once she was positive the color in her cheeks had evened out, she turned to look him in the eye as she swirled the straw from her mixed drink. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You could ask me just about anything right now, sweetness.”
She gave him a flirty smile. “Are you really as good as they say you are?”
He tilted his head at the question. His lips parted, but for once he was at a loss for words.
“At pool, I mean.” Lily simpered at him, satisfied that he fell into her trap.
Sweet Pea cleared his throat, straightening out his shoulders and taking a drink from his beer. “Pool, right. Yeah…Well I’ve beat everyone in this bar at least once or twice.”
Lily shook her head lightly, fluttering her lashes. “Not everyone.”
Sweet Pea let out a low chuckle. “Are you challenging me, blondie?”
Lily shrugged. “So what if I am?” She grabbed her drink and started walking over to an empty pool table, grabbing Sweet Pea’s hand and dragging him along with her. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Sweet Pea groaned and tossed back the rest of his drink before following her girl through the bar.
She didn’t expect to win, at least not at pool. She made a point of leaning over the table just right, giving him a clear view of her breasts. She’d give him subtle touches here and there in passing. If she sipped her drink, she made sure to keep eye contact with him. He knew what she was doing to him, and he hated to admit it was working. He was like putty in her perfectly manicured hands. They were about halfway through the game when Sweet Pea walked up behind her, trapping her between his body and the table. She turned around in his arms. She captured her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked at him. His eyes were big and dark, almost animalistic. He had endured enough torture for one night.
“Maybe we should cut the game short. I could use some fresh air.”
“Afraid I might make a comeback?”
Sweet Pea shook his head and took the pool stick from her, leaning it up against the table along with his own before wrapping his arm around her waist and leading them out of the Wyrm.
Lily stood leaning back against the cold brick wall. She tilted her head slightly to look at Sweet Pea as he puffed on a cigarette. He watched her. His eyes scanned over her body. He couldn’t deny the way her new look was affecting him. The fact that he knew it had the same effect on every other guy in the bar bothered him immensely. It took every ounce of strength he had to refrain from tossing her over his shoulder in the middle of the bar and bringing her somewhere only he could see her like that. “
Lily’s eyes shifted to his lips. She reached out to remove the cigarette from between them and replaced it between her own scarlet lips. She gently pulled some smoke from the cigarette as she maintained eye contact with Sweet Pea. He was hypnotized, watching as the smoke escape her pursed lips.  
“Don’t do that.” He plucked the cigarette from between her fingers. “Thought you didn’t smoke?”
“I don’t. Trish and I used to steal her father’s cigarettes when we were younger, just to try it.” She shrugged her bare shoulders. Trish occasionally smoked, usually in social settings.
“Interesting.” Sweet Pea nodded. taking one last puff before tossing it to the ground. Wanna go for a ride?”
“I might accept your offer, however I don’t see your car anywhere.” Her eyes scanned the lot.
Sweet Pea shook his head, amusedly and walked over to straddle a shiny black motorcycle.
“No car necessary.”
Lily’s mouth fell open, her bad girl facade instantly shattered. In the time that Lily had known Sweet Pea, she had never been on his bike. She had truthfully been dreading the day that he would ask.
“There is no way I’m getting on that death trap.” She crossed her arms.
Sweet Pea smirked at her, there was the Lily he knew. “Come on, doll. I thought you were feeling rebellious tonight? You’re not afraid are you?”
Lily chewed on her lip. “Of course not.”
Within minutes of him cutting the engine to the bike and letting down the kickstand, Sweet Pea had Lily pinned up against a tree. His hands groped and massaged her body through her tight clothing as their tongues tangled and fought for dominance. The two of them sighing into each kiss.
Their lips connected again, Lily pulled his body against hers making Sweet Pea groan. He kissed and sucked on the gentle skin between he neck and shoulder. She let her hand slide down his chest until she reached the cool metal buckle of his belt. Sweet Pea groaned, pushing himself into her touch. She gently tugged on the leather of his belt. “Maybe I’m not as good as everyone thinks…” Sweet Pea pulled her head to his, his lips taking hers possessively. His strong hands ran up her sides to cup her breasts. He groaned against her soft lips, his tongue meeting hers as they fought for dominance. Lily’s hands gripped into the leather of his jacket. She pulled away from his lips.
“I want you.”
Sweet Pea shot her a look, and ran his hand though his hair in frustration. “Lily.”
Lily let out an exasperated sigh, throwing her hands up. “I don’t understand, Sweet Pea. From the sounds of it you’ve been with every girl on Southside but when your girlfriend looks you in the eye and tells you she wants you, you shut her down? How does that make any sense?”
Sweet Pea stood there in silence, looking past her and into the darkness of the forest.
“What is the difference between me and those girls?”
“There’s a big difference.” Sweet Pea took a deep breath. “Lily, it’s not that I don’t think you look sexy as sin right now. Believe me, you have no idea what this outfit is doing to me. But it isn’t you. I mean, what is all of this about?”
Lily reached up to fiddle with her necklace when she realized she had taken it off. Trish had said it would ruin the look. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively. “I thought maybe it would make you want me. Sometimes it feels like you don’t.”
“Don’t want you? Baby, you really have no clue how bad I want you. It keeps me up half the night. Hell, I’ve wanted you since the day I first laid eyes on you.”
“Then why do you keep stopping?”
“Because I-“ He stopped himself, afraid of what might have slipped out. “I think you deserve something more than just some quickie in the back of my car or in the woods. You mean more than that to me. I know it’s your first time, so I want it to be special for you.”
Her eyes softened and Sweet Pea ran his hand over her cheek. “And when the time comes I want you to be you. I want the Lily I fell for.”
Lily gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Pea.”
“I don’t ever want you to feel like you need to change for me or anybody else.” He caressed her cheek, she melted into his touch. “You’re goddamn perfect as you are. If I have to remind you that everyday, I will.”
Even in her heels she had to stand on the tip of her toes to kiss him. He happily wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter to him as they kissed. Lily was the first to pull back. His eyes were warm and loving.
“You know…it’s really too bad.”
“What is?”
“Trish went through all the trouble of getting me dolled up…all to go unappreciated.” She offered Sweet Pea a suggestive look.
“I mean, I guess it would be a shame to put this outfit of yours to complete waste…”
Lily giggled, pulling on his dog tags to lower his head to hers. They both smiled into the kiss. Sweet Pea’s arms snugly encased her waist, pulling her into his strong build. The tempo of kiss quickly changed from steady and sweet to urgent and hungered. The scent and taste of candied cherries flooded Sweet Pea’s senses as he became fully enveloped by her presence. Lily leaned up to his ear, her hand making it’s way back to the top of his jeans. “I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
Sweet Pea swallowed hard.
Her hands tugged on the leather of his belt, her hands nervously fumbled with the buckle until it finally came undone. She cautiously let her hand palm him through his underwear, her eyes widening at the feel of him. Sweet Pea sucked in a breath as her fingers gently glided over his length through the fabric, twitching in answer of her touch.
Lily peered up at him sheepishly. “Pea?”
“I-I don’t really know how to…I’ve never…”
Sweet Pea smiled at her sweetly, her innocence never failed to tug at his heart. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. He pushed down his underwear, letting himself free. He covered her delicate hand with his own and guided her to him, wrapping her dainty fingers around his shaft. Sweet Pea softly grunted at the feeling of her soft hands covering him.
“Just wrap your fingers around it like that, and move your hand up and down.”
Lily watched between them, their hands gliding up and down his length. It wasn’t as though she had a lot of references to compare him to, but she was still taken aback at his size.
Sweet Pea’s voice became breathier. “You can grip it tighter.” He closed his fist around her hand more, tightening her grasp on him. “Yeah, like that. That feels amazing.” Sweet Pea eventually let go of her hand, letting her take over fully. He let his fingers trail down her neck and along her collarbone, down to the exposed skin of her shoulder.
Lily got curious and ran her thumb over the velvety tip, Sweet Pea let out a moan. “Fuck.”
Lily stopped moving. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?!”
He shook his head. “No, it just felt really good. You’re doing great.”
She continued to pleasure him with her hand, enjoying the sounds of his soft moans.
His hand made its way down to the neckline of her red top, he fingered the thin fabric for a moment before pulling down the fabric to expose her lace clad breasts. He let his hands gently caress the skin, encouraging soft sighs from Lily. He lowered his head down to kiss her neck, gently sucking and biting her skin. Sweet Pea groaned when she pushed her body into his even closer, the soft swell of her breasts pressed against his hard chest. His heartbeat was racing.
“A little faster.” He pleaded.
She proceeded to stroke his member with more confidence. Sweet Pea’s breathing was short and shaky as he neared his climax. Lily tightened her grip around him, causing him to grunt into the crook of her neck. “Lily…” His fingers dug into her hips, pushing her back against the rough bark of the tree behind her and pressing his body flush against hers. She could feel his muscles twitch as she built up his pleasure. He was teetering on the edge of release when Lily flicked her thumb over the tip once again, setting off his orgasm. He bit down on her neck, grunting in ecstasy as the pleasure shot through his body. His hips jerked into her touch until he finally came down from his high.
Lily’s breath had grown almost as labored as his, she couldn’t believe she had done that. It was the ultimate confidence boost, being able to bring him as much pleasure as he had brought her countless times.
Sweet Pea sighed into her neck before lifting to rest his forehead against hers, his signature curl tickling her skin. Lily gazed up at him. A look of contentment had washed over his features, an expression that was rarely worn by the Serpent. She grinned proudly. “I seduced you.”
He chuckled darkly. “Correction, you damn near killed me. Who knew you had a little bit of poison in you, angel?”
Lily chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Seems like I’m full of surprises lately.”
Lily kissed Sweet Pea goodbye and ran to the front door of her house, she quietly turned the lock on the door and opened it. She slipped off her heels and made her way over to the stairs.
“Where are you coming from?”
Lily almost jumped out of her skin, bracing herself against the wall. Her mother was waiting at the kitchen table, her hands folded before her.
“I was…I was over Trish’s house, she forgot to tell her parents I was staying over. I didn’t want to cause any trouble so I came home.” Lily fumbled through her excuse then turned to run up the stairs before her mother could ask anything more. “Goodnight, mother.”
“Stop.” Lily halted her movements. “Let me see you.” Lily groaned internally before she walked over to stand before her mother. Mrs. Greene scanned her body with narrow eyes. She lowered her voice so as not to rouse her husband, who would surely have a fit if he saw his daughter like that.
“What in the devil are you wearing?!” Lily crossed her arms to cover her chest and shrugged.
“Trish gave me a makeover. It was just for fun.”
Her mother’s hand brushed over her cheek, her eyes caught at the nape of her neck for a beat. Her eyes widened.
“What’s this?”
Lily narrowed her brow in confusion. “What’s what?” She turned to look in the mirror hung in the hall. Her neck was decorated in hickeys. She made herself a mental note to kill Sweet Pea.
“It was the curling iron. You know how clumsy Trish can be.” She laughed nervously, pushing her blonde curls to cover the marks before turning to face her mother again. She wore a stone cold look, her arms folded around her. “Curling iron.”
She abruptly turned away from Lily and walked to the kitchen, bracing herself against the sink as she looked out the window.
“Go upstairs and wash that stuff off your face before your father sees you. I don’t want to see you dressed like this again. You tell that redheaded hussy to keep far away from you, she’s nothing but trouble.”
“Goodnight, Lilian.”
Lily nodded her head silently. “Goodnight.”
Mrs. Greene rubbed her temples, trying to keep her composure. She was no fool, she had known something was up. Coming home late, spending an unusual amount of time at the Vargas girl’s house. She knew from an early age that girl was up to no good. Trish was always much too fast for a girl like Lily. A light outside the window caught Mrs. Greene’s eye, the headlights of a black motorcycle pulling away from the house. It wasn’t one of the neighbors, and it certainly didn’t belong to Trish’s parents. She could hardly make out the driver, but she knew that it certainly wasn’t Trish…
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