#that and next week bc i’m scheduled to work on every single day ;-; manifesting a lack of need to work next sunday p l s
deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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is the weekend here yet…?
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spitestudies · 6 years
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!  
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
so much of getting and staying organized has to do with organizing your time in advance.  there are a million ways to do this--google calendar, a bullet journal, a planner, some post-it notes.  my system involves three parts: a google calendar, a planner, and an online to-do list app.  
google calendar: this is mostly for events.  i can see when i have rehearsals, classes, doctor’s appointments, etc.  this helps me see how much available time i have and budgeting it properly.  
planner: i take this with me to school, and i use it to right down when i have assignments and tests.  i use the ban.do planner, but these are a bit pricey, and really anything will do.  just somewhere to put down tasks so you can keep track of them
getplan.co: this app is, honest to god, the only reason i am still alive and breathing.  it plugs into your google calendar and then allows you to create and schedule tasks around events.  @studycxlture has an amazing post about plan here that i def recommend checking out!
general tips about planning: 
plan out the events of your month at least two days before it starts
set aside a night (i like sunday evenings) to set up a system for the upcoming week and go over what you have planned so you don’t forget anything
you are NOT gonna remember that assignment that teacher told you about.  write it down.  
you do not need a fancy system.  it’s okay to try lots of different things until you find what works 
never spend more time planning out tasks than completing them.  unless you have that much free time, don’t dedicate two hours to making a lovely weekly bullet journal spread.  
color codes!!! are a life saver.  i have one with a color for each class (red for english, orange for spanish, yellow for history, green for science, blue for math, etc) as well as some for my extracurriculars (pink for the musical, teal for model un, etc).  
always have ur planner open when ur working, so that you can make sure u r actually completing all the tasks u said u were gonna complete
oh my god oh my god oh my god staying on top of your work is SO important when you’re busy.  being able to find your worksheets and keep track of your homework and your million responsibilities is essential to being successful.  to stay organized, i have an expandable file folder with tabs for each class.  because i take most of my notes in notebooks instead of binders, this is a good way to keep all of my handouts, worksheets, and syllabi centralized.  
also, make sure you have a way to keep your online materials organized.  create a folder for each school year, and within that folder, create more folders for each class.  from there, it’s up to you about how you’ll organize files. you can create even MORE folders (yeet) for things like homework, notes, study guides, etc, or folders for each unit you study.  the possibilities are endless!!!! isn’t technology exciting
here r some pieces of advice for staying organized: 
have a series of folders/binder/expandable file folder to hold your worksheets.  or one for each class, though i prefer to keep all my papers in one a) to save money and b) to save space.
label your notebooks/binders so that you know which ones to bring home with you
never just shove something into your backpack.  never.  i’m gonna manifest into ur classroom and FIGHT you if u do that.  it’s not good, it’ll end up getting lost or crushed under the weight of all ur textbooks, and you’ll end up panicking when u can’t find it 
have ur planner on u at all times
keep a good filing system of ur stuff at home.  u don’t need to carry around every single bio assignment you’ve gotten back, but by the time ur final rolls around ur gonna want 2 b able to look at all the materials you’ve gotten during the semester
that being said, throw stuff away when the year is over!  i, for one, know i’m never gonna think about calculus after this class is done, so i will be recycling all of my papers (save the earth) and moving tf on 
keep a recycling bin in your room!  even if it’s just a paper bag, it’ll make throwing paper in the trash way less tempting (save the earth)
u don’t need a ton of pens.  i’m being a giant hypocrite saying this but you really don’t need all that stuff.  if you want it and you can manage it, great, but if it’s just another thing to keep track of, leave ur staedtlers and ur mujis and ur fineliners and ur calligraphy pens at home, and just take the essentials with u to school
in order to succeed, it’s v important to make every second count.  this doesn’t mean studying 48 hours straight (pls don’t), but try not to waste time. whether this means you spend fifteen minutes napping, doing some reading for english, or having a quick snack, make sure u are being productive and healthy!  i, for one, sometimes have 1-2 hour breaks between school and rehearsal, and i like to use these to walk to the grocery store by my school and get some food and then study in the deli.  
some ideas for being productive! 
carry a clipboard around everywhere.  this way, u don’t need to spend as much time transitioning in and out of tasks, u can just put ur work onto the clipboard, and put it in ur backpack at the end of a break, and then the next chance u have to work on it, just take it back out.  easy peasy
work during commutes! nOT if ur the one driving the car though that’s VERY dangerous and distracted driving = bad.  but if ur on the bus, or ur mom is driving u to school, that might be a good time to go over some notes you took last night, or some reading you need to catch up on.  nothing too insane, please don’t do ur chem labs on the public bus but.  u know.  
read over the notes you took that day on the ride home.  this will help reinforce the information in ur brain, and it’s not super difficult. i go over my apush notes during the 40 minute drive home and sometimes talk about them w my mom, which gives me a much better grasp of the material
don’t waste time on social media.  either delete instagram altogether, or log off/mute notifications before u start work.  same with tumblr.  don’t start scrolling obsessively if u have three tests to study for. 
power naps!!!! napping for about 10-20 minutes, maybe on the way home or to practice/rehearsal/whatever u gotta do, can help u feel refreshed!  anything longer will make u more tired tho, so be sure to get up when u say ur gonna get up.  
study smarter: when ur going over material, u don’t need to handwrite 60 beautiful flashcards.  use quizlet instead.  don’t revise if it’s not gonna help u.  prioritize which assignments r gonna be most impactful over the little ones u can easily make up
take good breaks!! breaks r VERY important and should be utilized properly.  here r some good suggestions for things to do: 
throw in a load of laundry
empty the dishwasher
stretch/do some jumping jacks
drink some water!
go for a walk
talk to a family member 
get a snack!
read some fun novels n such
!! in case of emergency !! the following tips should only be employed when ur short on time.  don’t use these just bc u can, this is just when it’s about getting close enough to grasping material, not actually grasping it
do every other math problem assigned, and either star the ones u didn’t do, or get the answers from the back of the book.  this way, u get some practice but u also save time
sparknotes ur reading beforehand.  this way, u can recognize what’s going on.  it’s not v good for developing ur reading comprehension, but assignments will go by quicker
NEVER google translate ur language homework, but u can use word reference for helping u find the right word and proper conjugations
flagpole it: didn’t study enough for a test?  are u guessing on like 10 of the questions?  if it’s multiple choice, but the same answer for all the ones u have no clue about, unless that answer choice seems highly unlikely.  then pick a different one.  this way, ur statistically more likely to get some of the ones you guessed correct. 
when u have an online assignment due at midnight and it’s 11:53 and u haven’t started, find another assignment you’ve already completed that has a similar document name.  for example, “scarlet letter chapters 9-11″ instead of ur actual assignment “scarlet letter chapters 12-14″.  submit the other one, and then when u finish the other assignment (either that night or the next morning) email ur teacher and apologize, say u accidentally submitted the wrong document
if ur parents will let u (if ur in high school) or u can let urself (if ur in uni), it’s okay to skip a day to catch up.  just make sure u actually work, get the notes u missed, and talk to ur teachers/professors abt the material u missed.
ur health comes before any assignment, test, or extracurricular.  i know lots of ppl r probably telling u that and it doesn’t seem like they mean it, but i mean it.  no exam is worth sacrificing ur mental, physical, or emotional health for.  yeet!  so here r some things to keep in mind
eat!  ur fuckin!  breakfast!  whether it’s a smoothie or oatmeal or a cup of orange juice or an apple or an elaborate french toast dish, u need some food in ur stomach so that u have the energy to start ur day
remember to take ur meds if u need to!
drink water!  drink! water!  have a glass when u wake up, and then at least one with every meal, and one before u go to bed.  hydration is v important.  if u can, invest in a water bottle and take it with u to class.  
pack a lunch!  and if ur staying later after school, pack snacks!  tech week for me is always hell because i get to school at 7:30 am and don’t usually leave until 11 that night.  it’s v important to stay nourished and hydrated so that u don’t get dizzy or faint.  
remember!  that u are beautiful, and ur body is beautiful, and it deserves 2 b loved! especially by u.  
get 6 hours of sleep.  aim for 8, but six at the very least.  if ur done with ur work, go to bed early!  don’t just stay up for no reason.  
shower everyday, or every other day at least.  give yourself those 15 minutes as a break from work or school or anything else that’s keeping you busy
write down ur thoughts in a journal?  
talk to a friend if ur feeling sad, or just feeling things very intensely.  share ur joy with other people!  vent ur sadness and anger so u aren’t carrying it around everywhere. 
make some time to have fun.  see a movie w ur friends or ur bf/gf/datefriend or ur family over the weekend.  go to a museum.  hang out at the mall.  sleepover at someone’s house.  taking breaks is healthy.  
make an effort to have dinner with ur family if u can (also if u like ur family.  i know some ppl have bad relationships w them so skip this step if that’s u).  it can be nice to reconnect w everyone, even when ur stressed or they’re annoying u, it can be nice.  
remember that it’s okay to be imperfect!  u don’t need to be good at a lot of things.  i got a b for the first time last semester, i just got a c on an apush test, i failed my driver’s test again yesterday.  but i also aced my math quiz, i celebrated six months of knowing my best friend, i walked my dog, i helped put a production together.  it’s okay to have rough days and bad days and bleh days, as long as you keep pushing through them and working for the days to get better.  
i love u!!! stay hydrated and nourished and get enough sleep.  put on some lotion if u have it available.  brush ur hair.  if u ever wanna ask a question, my ask box is always open!  <3
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galentines · 6 years
i literally hate everything about myself this week. i hate... whatever fuckin happens when something clicks in an obsessive way. i hope this is a little universal here, as we’re all on this hellsite for various fandoms that we love.
does it ever just feel insanely out of control for you? i’ve struggled with this a lot. you can see it in the ridiculous amount of marvel action figures i own, or the stupid amount of times i have seen amy poehler perform, my fuckin blog for the past few weeks. its so hard for me to casually enjoy something. its all or nothing. and i dont choose that, it just.. happens without me thinking about it.
like, for example, parks and rec was seven seasons long. i only missed an episode airing live once, and it was the first episode of season 2, before i was genuinely obsessed. but once i hit that point, i would have my work availability schedule around it, i once paid for a cab from one extra train stop away because i thought i was gonna miss the beginning of the finale (i made it home 20 minutes before it started, jfc). it was like this frantic thing where i ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT miss an episode, it gave me anxiety if it even came anywhere close, and sometimes it was so ridiculous that i wouldnt even enjoy the episode in the end.
i havent been like that with any other shows since, but it still manifests in different ways. marvel is a film series and, since once you see the film that’s it until the next one, i began obsessively buying merchandise. i’m scared to even count how many black widow figures i own. and they just sit there, on a shelf, getting dusty. and i keep buying more.
its been like this forever. its like that nagging thing from childhood where if you love something, you beat it to death. how i would watch the vhs of joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat constantly. how i would put on the mummy returns every friday after school. how for two years i watched two episodes of friends before bed every single night.
WHY CANT I LIKE SOMETHING IN A CHILL WAY? you know what i’ve done this week? spent like 10 minutes every morning looking at kendra kass stuff on instagram. she hasnt updated her instagram since april. THERE IS NOTHING NEW TO LOOK AT. I JUST KEEP LOOKING. i frantically emailed a billion people to trade for two bootlegs just bc she was in them! this is an actress i havent paid attention to since 2009 and suddenly its all i care about again, and its insane? like why?
this is where it gets me the most. I CANT ENJOY AN ACTRESS REGULARLY. or like, i can, but the special ones are so much worse. i have to learn everything about them, consume every piece of media, stare at every picture til i snap. its so absolutely stupid and i dont know why i cant stop. this is the first time its like been this bad in a long time and its so random?? like one day i was casually enjoying an actress who is in anastasia and ended up watching different youtube videos of the carrie musical and then bam, kendra was in one and i was like, oh fuckin right i used to be in love with her. and my mind was like WELP LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!
i’m not 18 anymore!!! but also that doesnt even matter bc even if it was someone else the same thing still happens!!
this is the dumbest rant but i just want to like NOT BE THIS INSANE FOR A LITTLE WHILE PLS. especially for a theater actress who primarily performs in a state i have never even been to. like let me breath, pls. even if i had loved her the whole time since college, she was not in nyc when i was, in any shows. nothing would have changed. it would just have been stanning a different blonde actress than the one i did at the time.
kill me pls this is the dumbest
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bluntforcetanya · 4 years
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3️⃣6️⃣ ______ COACH SAID I'M GETTIN DENSE 😬 goal: an actual singularity ______ Last week of winter break 📚 semester starts next week. And not long after that so does...... training for my new job from home 😭😬😬😬👩‍💻 Everything always shifts all at once. Yes it's a phone support role (hello I had to set up a L A N D L I N E FOLKS), but still much less tangible human interfacing which is always the goal for me (idc what anyone says - my mental health scales SHARPLY in an inverse fashion with the amount of human interaction I experience), & muchhh more control over my schedule + environment, not to mention more money 💲 I have been HEAVILY pulled towards working from home the more I realize I love my days totally at home the most & the less luck I've had finding a job I don't dread the idea of otherwise - so I desperately followed that pull & yanked every string & stray piece of fuzz I came across blindly to manifest it until I found one with something at the other end for me. One thing I compromise very little on is how I allocate my work ethic, time, & mental RAM. I am constantly on auto-scan for ways to improve my net life happiness, constantly auditing my mental energy budget, & I think this will be a huge power-up score. ______ 🌔 New top single PR smooth asf 🌔 I made the executive decision to add reps to what is meant to be my top triple on DB binch given the fact that I cannot progress 5lbs per DB at a time but triples with the 40s are too light for the RPE target (retrospectively approved by coach🤙🏻) 🌔 Sillymachine chinups 🌔 Sillymachine laterals 🌔 3x10 this wk, 5lbs up from last wk's 4x10, but WAY more survivable - I really didn't think I was gonna make it a set with that weight #BLESSED #icri 🌔 Experimented w/ a heel for RDLs to see if that helped my pelvis stay in anterior tilt. Seemed to, but coach said my ROM was perfect anyway so maybe I was being too critical of it. Might not bother again🤷🏻‍♀️ 🌔 Rows - whole session felt really #skrong tbh 🌔 Same same but different ft. weighted stretch at the end bc final back set - I always wonder if bystanders think I'm somehow stuck when I do this. ______ Coach : @nunez3dmj @team3dmj (at The suit) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PSw0Oj5Mg/?igshid=yo0ug2lmnzry
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