#that being said i will always blame a man so im blaming those 2 white men she was pandering to
kendallroygf · 4 months
i forget to vent about this but i got White Woman’d in my modern europe seminar on friday and im not upset bc ive got enough shit going on but i just remembered how she incorrectly identified the society of revolutionary republican women as the same as MODERN DAY radfems and said it wasn’t good that they were promoting misandry………… how are people this stupid
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 years
Maybe its bad on my part but im native, trans, bi, afab and disabled... Ill never get an actual diagnosis just because of one of those but all 5? No way and tbh... I dont think it'll do me any good other than give me another hurdle when it comes to getting gender affirming care or adopting or even getting treated like an adult. Me and my system are ok and i dont experience distress from my system enough to think i need psychological help.
Idk if i can handle some white ass cishet abled doctor walking up and saying i dont have it and gaslighting me.
I hope this dosent conceded cause thats not my intention but even though im anti-endo, i get their distrust in the medical system and why diagnosis is something many wont persue. 1 because many of them know the doctor will diagnosis them correctly(as having trauma or having something different) and 2 because american doctors are not a safe place like... Ever. If your not a cishet abled white man.
So, a lot to cover here.
I'm white, afab, trans, bi, with multiple partners. I was diagnosed at about 21, and I've been in and out of therapy ever since. I'm also Canadian. Getting diagnosed was the best thing to ever happen for me, and I have several friends with the same experience.
And several who had bad experiences.
My experience will not be everyone's.
I am not pushing for anyone to get diagnosed. Doing so is a personal choice, and a decision that should be made by you, and your therapist if you have one. There are many reasons someone might get diagnosed (access to resources and specific care, financial support, etc) and just as many reasons someone might not want to get diagnosed. You also don't need a diagnosis to get the help you need.
What I DO want to people to hear is: whatever decision you make, do it with the REAL facts.
If you're going to choose not to get diagnosed, don't do it based on bullshit you see or hear on the internet. I made a post several months ago about someone going around saying that a diagnosis will stop you from getting housing, a job, and being able to buy alcohol, of all things, as if you have to present your mental papers to the cashier.
None of those are true. Gender affirming care also can be still be given and received, with an added step of a psychiatric evaluation (which is mandatory in Canada anyways for everyone, regardless of mental health, so if you think about it, you're not really losing anything). You can still adopt and have a family. You can own a home and have a job.
If you take anything away from my blog, it should be this:
Know your rights, and know how to exercise them
There are assholes everywhere, I'm not denying that. There are people who will bend rules and laws and who will use personal information (like diagnoses) against you. I'm not blaming anyone who has had this happen to them, either, as if they should have preemptively known better. No, that's not it at all.
Being aware that it happens, though, know that you have rights-- you're protected by employment, privacy, and human rights laws (yes, even in America, I debunk more American myths than Canadian). You do not need to disclose for work, except for positions in the military, certain healthcare positions, and when working with vulnerable sectors, and even in those cases, not always, and it can't affect their decision to hire you. You don't need to disclose for housing. You don't need to tell anyone anything, and you shouldn't, unless you need reasonable accommodations, and once they have that information, it can't be used against you. Don't let them. Easier said than done, I know, I've let things slide myself that, looking back, I wish I hadn't. Sometimes it's just easier, even if it's not right.
Point is, when in doubt, question everything. Do your own research, find your own answers, look for sources, question facts you see that aren't cited.
When you make decisions for yourself, be certain you're making it for the right reasons, and with the right information.
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I miss you
Murray Bauman/Alexei (Smirnoff)
a/n: this is my first fic in tumblr, please don't kill me. I'm like so down the rabbit hole named cherry vodka and im not leaving. There's gonna be part 2 to this.
warnings: a few swear words (but should i even warn y'all about that?), mention of death, mentions of blood.
word count: 1192
Murray stared blankly as they walked out the fun fair. Not once did he ever look back. Well, not until Joyce decided to hit the Mayor with a mean right hook and smash his balls leaving the latter groaning and hissing in pain. He didn't smile, not even a twitch on his mouth. On a normal day he would've laughed or smirk out of amusement, but then again this is not a normal day...
Jim is being chased away by russians and he just saw a dear friend get shot infront of him, resulting for the man's death.
He shook his head violently as he jumped on the convertible. Joyce had immediately read his grim expression and sighed as she reversed the car swiftly, hoping that Jim would still be alive waiting for them like he instructed.
“you do know that there's nothing you can do to stop what's going to happen. You didn't know” she said in a sympathetic tone but it just made him infuriated.
The thing about Murray, he always think ten steps ahead. But tonight was an exception, he became careless. Forgetting that the man he's with is being chased by his ex-comrades, forgetting that soviets would tie loose ends and make sure those loose ends stayed shut. The russian scientist's smile bore a deep hole in his heart. The amount of trust Alexei had put in him... to protect him. And one bullet changed all of that.
There is no one to blame except Murray. He forced Alexei to come with him. To enjoy being an American even if legally, he still isn't one. But nevertheless, it still happened. He knows Joyce was right, that there is nothing he can do to stop what happened. He just delayed the inevitable. He knows in his guts that if they both stayed in the parking lot, not only would the russian terminator find them easily, but Murray will also get killed.
He looked infront of him as Hopper jumped inside the convertible. "DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!!!"
Hopper looked back and paled seeing Murray alone. He wouldn't admit it but knowing Alexei is dead sent a shiver down his spine. The cheerful, and fucking sarcastic son of a bitch died and he couldn't even do anything to stop it. He gripped his knees so hard, his knuckles went white.
Murray looked down, averting every possible questioning look Jim might give him but that was a fatal mistake. He saw a discarded cup of slurpee on floor of the car. He placed his hands on his face and sighed. Another wave of guilt hitting him as the cold breeze makes him shiver, remembering that he left his polo in the hands of Alexei in poor attempts to add pressure to the wound.
Fucking hollow points. Fucking russians. Fucking starcourt.
It's been a week since the incident happened. He went back to his bunker by the help of the Harrington kid despite of Joyce's urging that it's not helpful if he's alone. But on the contrary, he's used to being alone. That was his life a week ago, how bad can it be?
It turns out, it was bad. Not in a "I'm traumatized" kind of bad, but a “I'm talking to myself in Russian” kind of bad. Alexei had rubbed on him in just a day which is extremely scary if you think about it. But that's not the worse part. He's been hearing Alexei's pleading again and again like a broken vinyl record. He already drowned himself in vodka. He slept till the late hours and when does wake up, he drowns himself in the bathtub with cold water.
In his desperation for closure, he even came back to the fair. Just to look, he thought to himself. Just one look. But he's not there. Those damn Soviets must've took care of him and threw him somewhere where the loose ends would stay, of course, not loose.
The Hargrove kid they saved kept on knocking on Murray's door to apologize (and to invite Murray back to Joyce's house because she asked Billy to force him incase Murray opens his door for the poor kid) but he never answered.
Well, not until today.
Murray woke up from the sound of his doorbell being smashed again and again and irritates him to no ends. He hoped it was Jim so he can just tell him to fuck off and that he's not in the mood. He looked at the camera and saw two armed men in suits and a woman in a grey and red tracksuit which is really uncalled for.
His bunker was compromised, how the hell did he forget that?
"Look at the camera " they all looked at different places and he groaned. The dumb breed of americans, of course.
"On your upper left!" he yelled and took his unloaded shotgun.
"Names?" he asked as he took the bullets from the cabinet and loaded the heavy gun. If they're gonna murder him, he's gonna put up a hell of a fight.
"I'm afraid names are not necessary, Mr. Bauman. We're just here to talk" the woman said cooly and he rolled his eyes. He had his fair share of assholes who think they can bypass his 'security' and he doesn't tolerate them
"You're in my yard, means i lay the ground rules here. I can stay here as long as i want and not give a rat's behind if you die in the cold. You're the ones who need something from me, not the other way around" he spat and leaned back knowing he's got the upper ground but the woman wasn't atleast bit bothered.
"Oh. But Murray, you need something from us too." She said to the camera and nodded at the armed man behind her. He opened a briefcase and took out Murray's blue polo. His blood ran cold.
The same bloody polo he used to stop Alexei's bleeding.
He tried to play it off with a chuckle, knowing these people they're gonna do everything just to corner him. Well, unfortunately for them he's used to being cornered and he knows how to get out.
"He's dead, what do you want" he tried to compose himself. What if he's alive? What if this government has his hostage? Are they Soviets? No, that can't be. The woman speaks fluent English, but maybe they're tricking him. What if... there's no harm done if he just obliges to what they want right?
"We just want to know everything there is to know about Starcourt. From a journalist's perspective, per se" he sighed.
"Fine" He cocks the shotgun and open the door. The muzzle staring at the woman's face and his fingers on the trigger. Yet he diverted the gun to the two armored men trying to push down the memories of him and Alexei's first meeting.
"Guns on the table. All of it" he growled and the woman nodded to the two unsure men and they took the guns out of their coat pockets and followed the bearded man's instructions.
This is gonna be one hell of a day.
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hmu is you want to request, you can check who i write for here!
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away-ward · 11 months
Got some points to share :) What i dont understand the most is the fandom's hypocrisy of demanding emmy to be so accommodating to will despite her circumstances (even in the present) as if he was not one of the MOST PRIVILEGED WHITE MAN in his town or county, and most of the shit he got into was his own fault. He had old money WEALTH. Old. Money. Wealth. And he was also supported by the society AND institution, how is the fandom making him look like HE was the one who suffered most here? So much wealth that emmy didnt have, and yet he never spent a single cent to contact her again even after he saw her bruised and bloodied, yet the fandom expected her to come back to him? Like this guy prioritised his hurt feelings over her rejection rather than her ACTUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY knowing that nobody in that town gave a fuck about her at all. Will can spend all his inheritance and his mommy and daddys money on booze, alcohol, parties, sex parties, women, escort services, big cars, helicopter rides, YET he couldnt be there for emmy? Not even a call? A free email? Right. Sorry, but emory scott always deserves better to me, not will grayson. If i was emory, i woudve hurt her more ngl, im kinda vengeful with whiny bitches like will grayson. I cant stand him. I just knew that the reason why this fandom likes to pile on emmy because: 1. she admitted her fault and took responsibility of her actions unlike will, 2. She made it clear he didnt owe her anything (even when will himself said he shouldve staye) and didnt think she was entitled to will unlike will to emmy, 3. Its easier to sympathise over a sad white privileged guy after everything he did or didnt do to "his woman" because RoMaNce where if they can read about him simping about her in his mind, he was immediately ABSOLVED OF ALL GUILT AND WRONGDOINGS TO EMMY. But the devils night fandom is not ready for this take. Also because 4. when they said they like dark romance, they can only take shitty men like michael and damon, but hate it when the sex and gender was the opposite. My point is, its dark romance, if will can be shit, why cant emmy? Period. I dont even care if they get even at that point.
Thanks to this fandom, i thought about alex, this useless side character more than i had to so i had to. I'm also an alex hater through and through and i agree with a lot of anon and your points about alex here. In fact, i love the alex slander actually because putting aside some valid criticisms about how a lot of twitter dn fans are just misogynistic towards her because of their bias towards emmy, there are actually a lot of valid points why alexs character was just icky and you and that anon are the only ones that i have seen so far that have the same take as me. They like to dismiss our takes with "oh its an emory scott fans thats why, its the jealousy" like huh? First of all, why didnt yall talk about wills hypocrisy of sleeping around with everyone in a skirt but was jealous as fuck of damon and aydin bonds with emmy? Yeah, right. Second of all, even emory can be rational when willalex were giving her shit, just because emmy was emotional in those moments, doesnt mean she was irrational. She was literally kidnapped to an abandoned island with no one there to help her and will made it clear he didnt give a fuck about her and reminded her how she was nothing to him. Alex who was supposedly her "friend" wanted her to stay and help will as if she had no other job and responsibilities outside of will. Why would she stay? Shes not even rich, she gotta go back home and pay her bills. Stupid argument honestly. Tbh, My dislike for alex was not even because of her relationship with Will. They both owed emmy nothing, even em knew this. A big part of the fandom hates alex because of this willalexs take but i personally dont agree with this take tbh. Instead of blaming alex on this, the argument between alexemmy started because it was on will, and even aydin to a certain extent, for being a fucking loser of a man, and for pitting two women against each other.
But i also wanna just say to these people who defended alex palmer so much: lets not act as if alex never had a history of laughing at other women when SHE was being put on a pedestal, instead of someone else (especially with michael to rika in corrupt, and damon to winter in kill switch) either. Like rika, banks, winter, and alexs relationship started with misogyny. LIKE LITERALLY. Only alexemmys relationship started with a bonding OUTSIDE of being pitted against one another no matter how weird the circumstances was. Even then, theyre still just on acquaintances level yk. And i feel like alex felt challenged and angry at emmy in nightfall because she thought emmy was better than her (alex chose to believe because her shallow world had not allowed her to think about anything else as long as it justified her anger. She also probably was jealous and look at emmys situation and think emmy didnt have to do anything but all these men were going to jail for her, suddenly being her brothers and protective of her, bonding with the guys or smth like that, and later have access to so much wealth, ad compared to her who had been an escort etc., yet still she had nothing. Its totally irrationally personal, her anger towards emmy was not rational at all). Its the jealousy and inferiority speaking tbh.
Look at the way aydins ex, rika, banks, thunders bay people etc. talk to her? Like shit. Whether its in front or behind her back. Now did this misogyny happened for alexemmy's friendship? Nope! Best girl Emory Scott thats right! Even rika, banks and winter had slutshamed alex and other women with various degrees, but look at the way emmy talk about sex workers? (These girls too grew up with so much isogyny so understandably, they had to unlearn and relearn a lot. Theyre so different in nightfall, love that for them tbh). Like heavens and earth and i think its easier for people like alex to accept being treated like shit because unhealthy female relationship and rivalry was what she was always used to, and she always had to be the person to initiate being the "cool girl who'll just roll with everything", especially with her relationship with banks) that when she found a healthy and supportive female friend that didnt start like shit, and would ACTUALLY take her side instead of their man (will or aydin), she was kinda shocked and became stupid, not knowing how to react to it in a kinder manner. Its like a defense mechanism. Alex never rose her voice to rika, banks and winter, unlike what she did to emmy and its because she probably never felt challenged by them because their men still paid for her services so what can these women do much to her really + she never saw aydin took interest in them like he did with emmy (disregarding the manipulation aside, im trying to make people understand her possible pov). This is why woman should have healthy female relationships! No one wants to be like corrupt rika, pre-marriage banks/ winter and nightfall alex! No one wants to admit that alex too, just everyone else, had internalised misogyny. I dont think anyone ever noticed the nuances really, alex hid it too well, but it shone through in her lowest moments unlike emmy. Because when emmy was at her lowest, she never humiliate alex to step on her like what alex did to emmy in blackchurch or on the train, but emmy straight up attack will (verbally) because why would she attack alex? Will was the one who hurt emmy not alex. But aydin attacked alex, and its emmys fault that alexs man was shitty? She was so wrong for that. Emmy never even shame her throughout nightfall, so this only highlights how different emmy's character in this series. Ngl, i think only Emory is the true girls' girls in this series. *Side note, Alexaydin, sigh... such fucking cowards this couple tbh.
Wasnt it also mentioned in conclave that alex had a fall out with her ex's roommate and then she was labelled "the slut" as if the three of them were not being stupid horny college students together, but alex was the only person who be the bad guy. That must have caused a lot of resentment in her because then she just became an escort not only to support her education and lifestyle, but also to use it against aydin. How does that even compare to emmy's pain, honestly! Theyre literally not the same and the fandom always like to dismiss em's pain just because em looked at her highly even when the text in the books shows otherwise. Alex couldve quit her job anytime now, she didnt need the money anymore, she did it for personal fun, sexual liberation and revenge against aydin. And now that when she went through the SAME THING that she did to other women by laughing at them and got treated like shit back, wow suddenly, emmys seen as a bitch? Huh? Emmy never even laughed at her face or looked down on her unlike others, not even once in nightfall unlike rika, banks or even winter, so i believe alexs stupid shit in nightfall was really out of inferiority complex and jealousy. Like "shes better than me thats why i had to put her down" kinda complex. The hypocrisy was too much but i dont think anyone really noticed this. Thats why alexs character was shit to me because her arc was so??? Where did this misogyny came from? But then when i think again and piece her story from the start, it made sense because to a certain extent, alex probably had looked down at all these rich people (including women bcs if her ex roommate) with their rich problems and then she met emmy, who didnt fit in with these stereotypes she had about people of thunder bay, and she had heard a lot of good things about em from will prob, so her sex worker card that she likes to use against these people suddenly dont work anymore because she realised that she wasnt the only one suffering. She cant best her, so in her moment of anger, she had to step over emmy in front of everyone but really, it just proves how nasty of a person she is and shownhow ugly her jealousy can be. Thats why she couldnt argue back with emmy after. She fucked up, but no one really noticed this because her misogyny wasnt so blatant like those in corrupt, hideaway and kill switch. What i also dont understand is how she always talk as if she was a victim EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Her speeches in corrupt, conclave and nightfall just solidified alexs characterisation. I cant stand her tbh, all of alexrika conversations really rot my brain lmao, because they always give these two stupid friends talking about eveyrthing and nothing vibes.
Since this is dark romance, i can understand if pd wants to put a character like alex, or any women really to be shit, but alexs fans didnt have to act like the annoyance towards her was because people cant stand willalex, as if alex herself was a snow white who can do no wrong or something, when she was proven that she did, was shitty sometimes. Like her mary sue character was even worse than rika 😭🤣 And the thing is, if everyone, even emmy, was so morally righteous, none of them would be the horsemens family. The fact that these women are their partners, everyones already guilty just by association, like what emmy said to alex in the train. So why put alex or anyone from dn, on such a high pedestal so much? (Alex is kinda Like kai in her morally right shit, but she just got more fleck for it). Even i admit that emmy wasnt always a nice girl either but i wasnt delusional like alex and her fans tbh. Ugh, so annoying. Hopefully the bonus contents we're gonna get by pd soon only has exclusive willemmy contents for willemmy. or i will riot!!
Yeah, some of the readers need to re-evaluate their perspective. But I really don’t want to convince anyone to see things my way so…
hopefully they stay wherever they’re at. As I’ve said before, I haven’t involved myself with any of the discourse or in-fighting in the fandom, so I’m not sure what they’re arguing over, but it sounds like a waste of energy and time. I mean, I get it’s willemmy vs willalex, but…like. Ugh could you imagine making that the center of your fandom experience? Horrible.
You make a good point about the start of the friendship between Alex and Emory. I’ve never been…happy (?) with how it started, because it involved Alex making a whole lot of assumptions about Emory and being right…because she’s Alex and she’s always right…of course. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be Alex. And then to have that be the one night they spend with each other, and suddenly Alex understands Emory like no one else. She gets her.
Oh, right. It’s Alex. Enough said.
The idea that Alex couldn’t process anything that challenged her justifications for her anger because that would mean she’s wrong about something. It would be an actual flaw on her part. And that her feelings for Emory were borne a bit of jealousy. I’d have like if her character and went farther in that direction.
I think for my part, I always considered Alex’s main motive toward Emory was knowing that Will was still in love with her and that Emory had the power and ability to hurt him as she had before. She was protective of Will – “her reflection.” It’s nice to see another possibility/side of it. You make a good point. I guess I never considered Alex feeling inferior to Emory. Emory’s background being different from the people she’s surrounded herself with, to then see Emory rise above that and carry on, leaving Will behind like she probably saw Aydin rejecting her, and suddenly seeing the way Will and Aydin react to Emory might have made her feel small and like a stand-in, which she is for so many.
I agree that it’s a little out of bounds to compare Alex’s pain with Emory’s.
You said she couldn’t argue back with Emory and I’m not sure of the moment you’re talking about but the first thing that came to mind was “that’s my shirt”…like, girl. Girl. Are we being that pathetic right now? But yeah. Alex’s “justified” anger was weak. And her framing herself as the victim was annoying.
“If everyone, even emmy, was so morally righteous, none of them would be the horsemen’s family.” Yeah, exactly.
I had to put the book down and take a deep breath with Rika said “I had to remind myself we weren’t really criminals.” Or something like that. Excuse me, ma’am, but what? You’re not what now? Have you not been paying attention? You cannot erase the last three-to-four years.
Alex is like Kai in her moral superiority is not a take I thought I’d ever see but…there it is. Nice to see they have something in common.
I didn’t know we were getting any bonus content but you’re the second person who’s told me. I hope we get something good for NF.
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disco-cola · 2 months
ok im gonna rant. it was really interesting for me to learn today that the 1993 so called "peace" efforts oslo accords between israels then-prime minister yitzhak rabin and the PLO did not actually aim at a sovereign palestinian state, like the contract would've expected the PLO to fully recognize israel, however in return, all israel offered was to accept the PLO as the representative for the palestinian people, but not actually a full-on independent palestinian state. in 1994 rabin signed the gaza-jericho-agreement which would only give the PLO limited self-rule over certain parts of the west bank and gaza, those certain parts being designated by israel. some israeli settlements would've stayed intact in parts of gaza and the west bank, too even though it's not even a secret fact that the occupation of the west bank, gaza and the golan heights - latter belong to syria actually - since 1967 does not abide by international law, not then and still not now (and yeah some people say but gaza is not occupied today well they are still being controlled and extremely limited by a state they technically aren't a part of so what is then)... the interim accord signed in september 1995 (2 months before rabin was shot by a rightwing radical israeli jew bc of his "peace" efforts with the PLO, btw netanyahu also held several hate rallies against rabin and called him a traitor for it and rabins widow co-blamed bibi for her husbands assassination) aimed at dividing the west bank into specific areas A, B, and C with only area A giving exclusive control to a palestinian authority, without israeli settlements, but it would've only made up 18% of the west bank, and area B would've still been under co-control with israel while area C would've continued to stay under israeli occupation including settlements and total control, that area C alone making up a whopping 61% of the entire west bank. that area also includes almost all natural reserves of that piece of land, including forests and many wells and springs. those remaining palestinian residents in area C could not and still cannot build a house without a permit and applications are expensive and almost always still get denied which is why they have built and still build houses "illegally" (as in illegal under israeli law) which results in that ever present demolition of palestinian houses through the israeli army there. also in 2000 israel then put in order the right to enter into area A for "operational needs" meaning they again effectively control all the west bank including areas under what was supposed to be palestinian authority. honestly i now fully understand why hamas were against the oslo accords because they would've not even been the bare minimum. i think it's wrong to say they have "always been against peace" because THAT would certainly not have brought justice and peace long-term. so literally what former black panther kwame ture said: "“there’s a difference between peace and liberation, is there not? you can have injustice and have peace. you can have peace and be enslaved, so peace isn’t the answer—liberation is the answer. ‘peace’ is the white man’s word." that quote applies so much to this situation as well. kwame ture was also an anti-zionist btw.
rabin in my opinion is so wrongly considered a "peace figure" because he also was the one who ordered idf soldiers to immobilize palestinian protestors during the 1st intifada by systematically breaking their bones. today, that order is still somewhat effective and is showing itself through idf soldiers oftentimes specificially targeting the legs and especially knees of palestinians, particularly youths, in "hopes" of disabling and permanently immobilizing them - because otherwise they continue to pose a "threat." so much for he was one of the good ones. even the "left" in israel is extremely zionistic and thus holds nationalistic discriminating values. like literally even the left is still right lmao... idk i learned this today and it's been on my mind ever since and i wanted to share it to internalize it further and maybe it also helps someone understand better along the way too as it did with me.
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Ooooh, what did that trick ass bitch say now?!
@tremendousconnoisseurgardener you asked about this to
Shes now pretending like shes done nothing.
She asked to use one of the girls hairbrushes, they agreed, but said you better bring it back. That girl was clueless to what she did so I didn’t blame her.
When summer left I told to girl next to me, shes black and thats very important to this story, she will go by R. V from before is white. I asked R “Why are we letting her sit with us, you know what she did?”
R: I dont like her either, but she told me she last said the N word when she was 10
Me: no? Remember, she said to me, everytime a song has it she says it and all her favorite songs have it. She called me the n word too! Shes white! When we all confronted her she said she would never say it, now she said it when she was 10? Her story doesn’t add up!
Other girl 1: Shes said shes dating a military man and faked a kidnapping
Other girl 2: she said shes dating a married man
Me: *list more terrible things she said about me*
Me: She makes me and so many of us upset, why dont you guys help kick her out!
Summer returns the girls hairbrush, and its in terrible condition. She had bright red lipstick on now to. Shes gets really touchy with my gay guy friend, hes starting to get uncomfortable.
Summer: Yknow I would never date you!
Me: He doesn’t care..
Summer like glared at me? Im not sure, it was stupid💀
Summer: That ugly bitch.. (referring to me)
She tried to whisper but I got mom hearing, I hear everything and she was next to me lmao
The bell rung so I couldn’t do anything about it
I love to fight a bitch, but since im in school and theres cameras so im not gonna hit first. I actually like the principal so I would to get on his bad side to.
Summer frustrates me to a completely different level. She thinks being racist is funny and i hate it. Im just not in the mood to deal with her or anyone right now.
Let her no lip, thinning hair, in proper faction built body, lying, dirty, no brain, got 99 problems and a fictional married man is 90 of those, stank breath, never takes a shower, a mistake, greasy, smells like 10 cans of bounce that ass and foot sweat, perfume cant hide her dirty ass, thinks sex at a extreme young age is fine, all ways gotta say something about someone else’s daddy but dont got one herself, long toed, want every man to date her, forced a lesbian girl to be her girlfriend even tho shes not part of the lgbtq+, unforgivable, always stealing somebody’s shit, come up and hit me. She wont, she to scared cause she knows. I could fucking bench her and her mama😒
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smutsonian · 3 years
Mafia bucky with size kink, belly bulge, choking with vibration arm, sub space, daddy kink, creampie kink and squirting, breeding kink, maybe exhibitionism with Steve. This could lead to a part 2 as a 3 way with double vaginal penetration, no anal
that smile on her face
bucky barnes x reader
summary: mafia!bucky x reader ft. mafia!boss!steve and it’s basically just p0rn with a little bit of plot i guess.
warnings: smut, (whatevers written in the ask), violence, rumlow, not proofread, idk please tell me if I missed something.
word count: 3.1k
a/n: why was it so hard to write this fic vjhafvu im rusty with writing soz
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It was becoming too much for you. The palpable tension between the two brooding men and the looming figures of terrifying men on each side that serves as guards for both sides didn’t bring you any comfort and the fact that your boyfriend is a few feet away from you right now isn’t giving you any reassurance that this situation is under control.
 Steve, your boyfriend’s best friend, stands face to face with an unknown man wearing an eerie smile on his face but his aura is producing anything but a positive vibe while your boyfriend stands beside Steve, glaring at the strange man. You thought you remembered someone calling him Rumlow.
 You know about your boyfriend’s line of work but you never really got to witness his job with your own eyes. Life with Bucky has always been laughs and giggles, passion and love behind closed doors so you never really thought about the dangers that may come with his job. You thought you could continue to live happily and carefree with him until now. 
When you saw Rumlow turning his attention to Bucky’s louring face and smirking at the emotion he’s able to get from your boyfriend made your stomach turn. You saw Rumlow’s hand rise from his side and time seemed to stop for you when you saw a gun pointed in your boyfriend’s direction. You saw your Bucky’s jaw clenching and you couldn’t help the small whimper escaping your lips when Rumlow turns the safety off with a deafening click.
 Bucky’s eyes subtly searched your face but you weren’t looking at him. Your eyes were begging Rumlow to drop his gun and let your boyfriend be but the moment Rumlow turns to look at you, your stomach begins to feel more horrible than it already is. But you would do everything for your Bucky. You had to try.
 “P-Please don’t…” You stutter, glancing at the gun pointing towards your Bucky then looking back up at Rumlow. 
 He mockingly juts his bottom lip out, pouting at you before tilting his head to the side. “No?” He asks.
 You could only nod, ignoring Bucky who was trying his best to get your attention, for sure trying to make you stop talking to Rumlow.
 “This your girl, Barnes?” Rumlow asks, scanning your form but nobody answers him.
 Rumlow chuckles before putting the gun down, giving you a sense of relief before your breath hitches when the gun is suddenly pointed in your direction. 
 “Should I just shoot you then, little girl?” 
 Bucky’s form stiffens, as well as Steve’s and his guards, ready for an order to attack when Rumlow speaks up again.
 “Are you willing to risk your life for this motherfucker?” 
 You didn’t know if it was your nerves making you dizzy but everything went by in a flash but in slow motion at the same time. You saw Bucky side-stepping quickly towards you, his metal arm raising as if to shield you both. A bullet makes contact with his metal arm before bouncing off of it and you stare at his arm in awe before looking at him with crazed eyes. He scans you for a quick second before he rushes you both out of the place, and onto a car before caressing your face with both of his hands. The sounds of guns being fired filling your ears.
 “You shouldn’t have done that, baby girl.” His words are dark and it would’ve scared you if you didn’t know him. If he wasn’t giggling with you about a silly movie yesterday, you would’ve been frightened of him.
 When you don't answer, he tightens his grip on your face, forcing you to focus on him instead of the continuous gunfire.
 “Y-You’re arm… How did you know it would save us?” You stared at his face while your hand absentmindedly wrapped over his metal hand, caressing it gently.
 His eyes flicker to your hand on his metal ones before looking back at you with an earnest look. “I didn’t. I just know that I had to protect you.” He says, chest heaving as he finally let himself show his emotions. Something that he only does with you.
 “Y-you… You could’ve died, Bucky…” 
 “I will do anything to protect you, doll.” He presses a kiss on your forehead before the driver’s door opens and Steve crawls in, breathing heavily.
 “We gotta fucking go,” was the only thing he says before stepping on the gas.
 You did your best to ignore the blood splattered on his face and the white shirt under his black suit.
 You lay your head on Bucky’s shoulder as he hugs you extra close to him, fearing that you might slip away from him and you bask in the closeness and warmth of his body. Your brain starts to fog up, and the only words running inside it are the words your Bucky said. You snuggle closer to him, humming unknowingly in satisfaction.
 ‘I will do anything to protect you, doll.’
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  Bucky Barnes watched you curling closer to him, your cheeks brushing against his arm as your eyes remained close, face finally relaxing as you go deeper into slumber. He smiled at your form, pecking the top of your head before pulling you closer to his body. 
 If someone told him that his heart would be palpitating because of a pretty little thing like you, he would’ve shot them in the head for poking jokes at him but now that you’re beside him…
 “Is she okay?” Steve’s voice cuts Bucky’s thoughts off as Steve looks at him through the rearview mirror, quickly turning back to look at him then towards his girl with worried eyes.
 “She’s resting. Calm for now.” Bucky’s jaw clenches at the thought of you producing tears for the likes of Rumlow. His heart skips a beat at the memory of that gun being pointed at you. His grip on the door handle becomes tighter while he tries his best to keep his other hand calm, the one that he’s holding you with.
 “She’ll be fine. We won’t let anything happen to her. I know you won’t. I sure as hell won’t…” Steve gives Bucky a reassuring smile, mumbling the last words under his breath. 
 The car ride was silent throughout the ride, thoughts eating up on Bucky’s mind as he thinks of Steve’s words as well as what to do with you. How to make things up for you because he’s taking the blame for you being in a very dangerous position. 
 “We’re here,” Steve states, stopping the car and getting out before quickly going over to Bucky’s side, opening the door for Bucky and a groggy you. You’re still in Bucky’s arms, already squirming into consciousness while Bucky tries to coo you back to sleep.
 “Need any help?” 
 “I got it,” Bucky answers Steve before carrying you inside the manor, Steve quietly following behind.
 Once inside, Bucky feels you squirming more and he lets you go, gently putting you down on your feet. He looks down at your face that’s looking back up at him with a blank expression. He takes note of Steve’s form leaning on the doorway.
 “Bucky…” He hears you mumble.
 “What is it, princess?” Bucky notes the way your eyes flutters at the nickname and he fights a smile that wants to force its way onto his face.
 “You almost d-died because of me,” Your sob breaks his heart and he’s suddenly on you. He’s eager to make you wipe the tears away. Eager to bring back the smile that always makes him swoon because this isn’t how he wants to see you cry. 
 “Don’t cry, princess. I’ll do anything for you even if that means getting hurt.” He continues to wipe at your tears but it was no use. You’re a broken dam right now.
 “Daddy’s here, princess. Daddy’s right here.” He whispers, not caring if Steve hears him but he takes note of the way Steve’s form stiffens by the doorway. It wasn’t hard to miss because of his broad shoulders. 
 “You trust Daddy, right, Princess?” He pulls back, caressing your face and that’s when he sees it.
 Your eyes are fogged, face wet with tears but the flow has stopped. You’re just looking at him with those foggy eyes filled with something so much intensity.
 “Yes, daddy. I trust you.” He hears you whisper and he knows you’re deep in your space right now.
 Bucky wipes your face with a cloth that’s conveniently in his pocket before walking back, away from you. You whimper at the loss of his touch but one word from him made you stop.
 Bucky feels himself grow proud at your obedience. He flicks a look at Steve before looking back at you.
 “Take your clothes off for Daddy, princess.” 
 “Steve, you fucking stay there.” He doesn’t even glance at Steve but he hears his steps stopping. You didn’t even notice his words towards Steve because you were eagerly obeying his command, stripping out of your clothes with haste.
 “Come here, princess,” Bucky motions you to come over and you do. He instantly wraps his metal hand around your throat, not clenching it at all. He just rests his hand on your throat, careful not to frighten you.
 “You trust me, princess?” He asks one more time.
 “Yes, yes I do, daddy.” You breathe out, nodding against his hold which he tightens. Bucky’s eyes flicker at how your thighs clenched together and hear the tiny moan slipping out of your mouth.
 “You like this, princess? You like my hand around your pretty little throat?” Bucky tightens his hold a little more, eyes gleaming at how his hand is covering your whole neck now. 
 “Your neck is so tiny, I can easily crush it, princess. You’re not afraid of me?” Instead of being afraid, you whine, suddenly thrusting your naked hips towards him and he chuckles at you before letting you go. 
 Bucky glances at Steve who was fixing his pants, no doubt tightening uncomfortably at the scene in front of him.
 Bucky stares at you, eyes begging for him to touch you but he ignores it before walking over to the long sofa and sitting down. He pats his lap as he calls for you which you eagerly obeyed, almost skipping your way towards his lap. You were about to straddle him when he stops you.
 He turns your body with so much ease before pulling you down, earning an “oof” from you when your back hits his hard chest. He guides your legs so they’re resting outside of his legs. He easily spreads your legs with his and he dwells at the shiver your body makes when you’re completely exposed.
 “Sit, Steve.” Bucky motions to the long sofa opposite to where the both of you are sitting and he feels you stiffening against him so he whispers soothing words in your ears. “I got you, princess.”
 Steve walks towards the sofa before awkwardly sitting. Bucky could see how much his best friend was trying to control himself but, in the end, his best friend loses his inner battle for he looks at you and then to your cunt, before looking back at you.
 “Don’t worry about Steve, princess. We can trust him. He did kill that awful man for you…” He chuckles at the way your body shivers, your stiffness has long gone now.
 “H-he did?”
 “Yes. Now let’s give Steve a little show, yeah? Show him just how fucking precious my princess is…” Bucky’s metal finger goes to your breasts, teasing each of them with equal attention. He pulls little whimpers from you here and there and he can see Steve squirming uncomfortably from across the both of you and he chuckles.
 “Don’t be shy, Steve. You can touch yourself.” Bucky’s free hand goes to your core, rubbing his fingers on your clit, making your moans grow louder.
 “But you won’t be able to touch my girl. You can just watch and you can be thankful that I’m letting you.” Bucky takes pride in how he’s able to make his best friend look so powerless when he’s the boss. Right now, Bucky is the boss though.
 “D-daddy!” You’re suddenly shaking against Bucky as you reach your first peak, your juice covering Bucky’s fingers while his other hand continues to play with your hard nipples.
 Bucky hears a groan from Steve, smirking how his friend has his hand down his pants pathetically.
 Bucky continues to play with your body, pulling a few more orgasms from you until you’re crying from all the pleasure he’s giving you. 
 Now that’s how he wants to see you cry. Only in pleasure and nothing else. Only the best for his girl.
 “Daddy, please!” You scream at Bucky, your small hands gripping his flesh hand that was on your cunt.
 “What is it, princess? Tell daddy what you want.” 
 “W-want more, daddy,” you whisper, almost shyly, and Bucky coos at your embarrassed face.
 “You need to be more specific than that, princess. Don’t be shy. You’re so fucking beautiful that you got Steve and me so fucking hard, baby.” He turns your head to the side before pressing a hungry kiss on your lips, tongue lapping every corner of your mouth before pulling away, admiring the string of saliva that connects your lips.
 “Tell daddy what you want, princess. Be more specific this time.” He whispers against your ear before nipping at it and earning another whimper from you.
 “Want your cock in me, daddy,” you finally say, begging with your hips grinding against his hard cock that’s under you. 
 He hums in approval before easily lifting you up and positioning his tip in your entrance. He looks at Steve who was looking hungrily at your slit that’s ready to take his swollen cock.
 A gaudy moan escapes from your mouth as Bucky pulls your body down his cock, your head instantly falling back to his shoulder at the feeling of his cock inside of you.
 “Fuck!” Bucky hisses at the feeling of your warm and very tight walls hugging his thick cock.
 “God, baby… You’re so fucking tight!” Bucky’s eyes shut at the feeling of your walls clenching him and he even whimpers when you start to grind against his lap, asking for more.
 He gives it to you. 
 He stares at Steve’s face as he guides your body on top of his, bouncing you on his lap while thrusting his hips into you to reach deeper inside of you.
 Bucky sees Steve’s hungry eyes staring at a certain spot as he bites his bottom lip. Bucky follows his gaze and he too, grows even more hungry, if that’s even possible, at the sight of your lower abdomen bulging out every time his cock thrusts deep inside your tight cunt.
 “Princess…” Bucky groans, stopping you from bouncing, earning a whine from you which turns into loud cries of pleasure when he starts impelling you with his cock again and again. His flesh hand goes to press on your lower abdomen to feel himself inside of you.
 The three of you groan at the scene and Bucky looks back at Steve, smirking and moaning at the same time. Seeing Steve hungrily looking at you but not being able to touch you gives him a rush. Especially when Steve is choking his own cock while he watches the both of you. Oh, Bucky loves showing people that you’re his girl.
 “D-daddy, I’m gonna—”
 “Fucking cum for me, princess.” 
 And you do. You cum with a loud cry, followed by Bucky’s loud cry as he felt your walls suffocating his cock which only gave him more motivation to pistol into you, riding your orgasm. His vibranium fingers find your clit, ignoring your tiny hands that wrapped around it.
 “Too much, daddy!”
 “Give me one more, baby! I wanna cum inside your pretty cunt,” he whispers into your ear before pressing his lips on your neck, sucking your skin with wet kisses. That seems to make you more compliant. You wanted him to cum inside you and Bucky chuckled at how your walls clenched around him at the thought.
 “Oh, you’d like that, won’t you? Want daddy to give you his cummies? Want daddy to breed you? Get you all nice and round…” 
 “Y-yes daddy!” You let out a squeal when his fingers started buzzing around your clit.
 “Yes! Cum inside of her, Buck…” Steve’s wanton voice catches both of your attention and Bucky feels your walls tighten around him when he sees you watching Steve beat his cock with his own hand, his girth swollen and ready to cum. And it’s all because of you. His girl.
 Bucky doubles his efforts, metal hand vibrating against your clit, flesh hand pressing on the bulge that his cock continues to make on your lower abdomen.
 With a few more thrust, Bucky feels his balls tightening and you must’ve felt his thick cock twitching because your walls tightened again and this time, it’s enough to make him burst his seeds into you so, with a loud grunt, Bucky pulls you down on him as his cock twitches inside you, spurting his seeds into your cunt while the head of his cock remains touching your cervix.
 With his metal fingers still vibrating against your clit, you follow him with cumming as the mixture of the feeling of him filling you up with his cum and the intense vibration of his fingers on your sensitive bud.
 Across from the both of you, Steve watches how Bucky is filling you up with his cum, and the moment Bucky’s excess cum starts slipping out from the sides of your slit, he loses it. With a whimper, Steve’s cum shoots out and his hands get covered with his thick white cum while a few lands on the floor. Steve licks his lips when he sees Bucky pulling out of you and using his metal fingers to push the fallen cum back inside of you.
 Steve, still shaking from his orgasm, watches as Bucky picks you up after covering you up with his suit jacket and walking toward the stairs. 
 He stops to look at him though.
 “Thanks for killing the bastard for her, punk.” And with a smirk, he leaves with you in his arms.
 Bucky places you on the bed before cleaning you up. His hands are gentle as he wipes his cum off your thighs and your swollen cunt before getting in beside you and wrapping you up in a blanket.
 “Thank you, daddy.” You slur before curling up beside him. He chuckles before pulling you closer to him.
 “You don’t have to worry about anything, princess. I’ll do anything for you, okay? Seems like Steve will too,” Bucky laughs but doesn’t earn a reply from you. He looks down at your face, seeing you already fast asleep with a smile on your face.
 Oh, how he loves that smile. 
 And he’ll do anything to keep that smile on his girl’s face.
a/n: i just wish I did this request justice :3
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @white-wolf1940 @the-soulofdevil @mianorth @scorpiosmalfoy @rottenstyx @littlegasps
Bucky Fics: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard @chrisevanisliterallysir
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Ateez Reaction to their s/o calling them when they’re in danger (maknae line)
TW: Sensitive content and mentions of abuse
Word Count: 2.6k
Mature Language*
San: (creep at the beach)
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(From the perspective on San’s Girlfriend - read pt.1 for Yunho’s girlfriend’s pov)
You and San were at the beach with the rest of Ateez and their girlfriends. It was a nice way to get away from their busy lifestyles as idols and for everyone to just have a day off. You and Yunho’s girlfriend were quite close and decided to go shell collecting together.
The rest of Ateez’s and Ateez girlfriends were taking pictures, building sand castles and having fun, while Yunho and his Mingi went to go get ice cream for everyone.
You were laughing and giggling with one another, collecting sea shells, and comparing one another’s like kids, until two tall men interrupted the both of you.
“Hey ladies! are you here at the beach to have a fun time?” One of them said. You, being the bubbly and friendly person that you were, decided to respond and make conversation.
“Yeah, we’re just collecting seashells” You smiled back at them 
“with our boyfriends” Yunho’s girlfriend added
“Hey, it’s alright they’re just being nicee” You whispered back to her
“You never know” she just shrugged back
“Anyways, do you girls know where we can pick up some hot ladies” At this point, you looked a little uncomfortable. Who just comes up and asks you stuff like that?
“There’s a bar up ahead, hope you find what youre looking for, it was nice talking to you” Yunho’s girlfriend sternly said. You were glad to have a stricter mom friend like her, she was quick to take charge. She grabbed your arm and turned the opposite direction, and you gladly accepted.
“Hey, no, no wait up, we just want to talk” The other man grabbed her wrist.
“Let go of me” She sternly said. You tried prying his arm off of her wrist but to no avail. You were starting to get a little scared. It was surprising how she was able to keep her composure
“We need to go back now, let me go!” Yunho’s girlfriend yelled at him. At this point your eyes were watering. This was such an overwhelming and scary situation, not to mention, these men were way taller than you and could easily do anything they pleased. That thought gave you shivers.
The man holding Yunho’s girlfriends arm looked to his friend and his friend then looked at you. He walked closer, and you tried taking a step back. Before you could however, he gripped your chin and neck with one of his hands while the other was one your shoulder. You felt disgusted and at this point, the tears were already flowing out your eyes.
“Let go of me!” You yelled at him, trying to step back, only for his nails to further dig into your shoulder
“Let us go!” Yunho’s girlfriend yelled at the both of them. She then managed to kick and shove the one holding you onto the ground and you were free. You looked back at her with watery eyes, she just nodded at you and told you to call someone for help. Looking at the situation you both were in, you got more overwhelmed and fell to the ground with your phone in your hands fumbling on the dial pad, trying to call someone. You called Yunho, as you were scared for his girlfriend. 
[Yunho-yah] You cried on the phone
[Hey, hey, hey, Y/n, what’s wrong]
[We were collecting seashells and these 2 men started talking to us and touching us, please come get us] you tried getting the words out
[What the hell!? both of you stay right there, me and San are coming to get you, don’t worry. Stay on the call with me okay, you’re going to be alright]
[Please hurry, they’re hurting her] You sobbed loudly scared for your friend.
You then looked up to see the one that was holding you before was walking towards you. You tried to stand up, but your legs would not cooperate. The man abruptly pulled you up by your waist as you tried to get out of his grip. 
“Already falling for me, eh?” He said creepily
“No, please let me go” you tried saying as sternly as you could, only for it to come out as a bare whisper. He then proceeded to slip his hands under you white sundress, as you tried getting away. 
“Don’t touch me please! Im begging you!” you tried reasoning, while sobbing loudly.
“Y/N!” you heard your boyfriend San’s voice and relief flooded in. Yunho kicked the guy holding you and then ran to his girlfriend. As soon as the man let go of you, you fell to the sand crying and sobbing. San crouched down to your level and took you in his arms, sitting you on his lap. You hid your face from him trying to look down, however he grabbed your cheeks and made you look at him. You were surprised to see tears in his eyes too, flowing freely.
“What the hell is wrong with those creeps” San yelled as Yunho and his girlfriend both felt bad for the situation you were in. This man had inappropriately touched you, and you were scared.
You were hyperventilating and flinched at his touch and San had never felt more devastated.
“Baby, follow me okay” He guided your hand to his chest to feel his breathing. Soon enough, you started taking longer breaths and were no longer hyperventilating.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to protect you” He said, voice cracking at the end
“It’s not your fault” you reassured him leaning into him further. The last thing you wanted was for him to blame himself. 
For the rest of the afternoon, you noticed how two members had followed you at all times, and how San, specifically never let you out of his sight.
Mingi: (kidnapper)
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You and Mingi had just started dating, it had been a few months and you were slowly falling more in love with him. None of you had said it yet though. You lived separately and took turns to go to each other’s houses. You always looked forward to your week, when you had to visit his house though. Upon reaching his house, it was like heaven, it smelled like him and you couldnt have asked for more. Today, it was your turn to go to his house and you were excited to say the least. 
You quickly packed some gum, extra leggings, your phone and a charger with you. You plugged in your favourite song and began skipping down the streets carefree. It was around 4pm so you weren’t really too worried, however one thing that was weird was how empty the streets were. Shrugging it off, you began humming and walking to his house. It was a few blocks away, so you didn’t mind walking. 
After a few turns, you came across an older man, supposedly in his 40s with a young kid. It was quite normal to bring your kids with you on walks around the neighbourhood, so again you just decided to not pay to much attention to it. As you reached closer however, you could hear them arguing over the music, while the older man tried pushing the kid in your direction. You looked away, trying to be less awkward in this situation. The little kid shook their head a few times at the man and he glared at her. She soon ran up to me and tapped your leg. 
“Um, miss, I think you’re really pretty, here is a chocolate for you” The little kid gave you a chocolate and ran away back to the old man. He pat her head and they both turned away. You should realised how big of a red flag this was but, just shrugged it off and ate the chocolate. In a few minutes, you started feeling dizzy. Mingi’s house was still around 5 minutes away, so you just decided to call him to pick you up. You called him and he picked up after a few rings.
[Mingi-ah] You weakly said
[Hey Y/N? you usually never call me like this is everything alright?] he replied
[I don’t know I feel light headed, I’m about 5 minutes from your house, and I-] as soon as you said that you fell to the ground due to weakness.
[Y/N! I heard a thud are you alright?]
[No, I can’t get up, my legs and hands feel numb] you whispered
[Okay wait there I’m coming to get you]
[Okay] you whispered weakly, after which you closed your eyes and passed out.
[Y/N, stay on the call with me okay?] he called out to you
[Y/N?] He asked a little louder
[Y/N?!] He was frantic at this point, shuffling heard through the phone.
He tried reaching your location as quick as possible. When he did he noticed a strange man trying to carry you off the ground.
“Listen you bastard, let my girlfriend go!” Mingi yelled at the man pushing him off of you.
You were still out cold, unaware of what was going on around you. 
When you wok up, you were in Mingi’s bed with a cold cloth on your head and water by your side. Mingi was also sitting on the bed just looking outside, not realising you had gotten up.
“Mingi-ah” You said weakly
“Oh my goodness, Y/N” he engulfed you in a tight hug not letting go of you
“I thought I lost you, I love you so much”
“I love you too Mingi”
Wooyoung: (break-in)
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You and Wooyoung had just fought. It was some stupid reason, however both of you being the petty people you were, didn’t back down and it resulted in Wooyoung stomping out of your shared apartment. You stared at the door as he did, too paralysed to do anything. You had never had a fight this big before. You decided to cook dinner to hopefully cool off, eventually Wooyoung would come home right? You decided to cook dinner for the both of you. 
You put something on the stove and left it to cook for a bit while going to the other room to set up the table. While setting the table up, you couldn’t help but regret what happened earlier, you felt guilty for letting escalate so far and let a few tears fall. As you kept setting up the table, you decided to check on the food cooking and once it was done you plated it nicely, adding a heart of sauce to Wooyoung’s plate, and simply sitting at the table waiting for him to come back. After a while, you got tired of waiting for him, and decided to just call him. You called him once, but he didn’t pick up the first time and so you tried calling him again, which he picked up.
[Y/N, I thought I told you not to call me] He said sighing
[I know but I made dinner, and I was just waiting for you to come home] you whispered out feeling guilty for bothering him.
[Alright then, I’m coming home, we can talk it out] he said, you were relieved and happy that you would be able to sort it out, but also nervous to face him again.
[Okay, Woo-] You were interrupted by a doorbell ringing, and you went to go check the door.
[Wait, Y/N who is that?] Wooyoung said
[Isn’t that you?] You asked him back.
[No it’s not. Check through the peephole]
[It’s a random man, do you have any friends coming over?]
[No, they’re all here, don’t open the doo-]
You both were interrupted by a noise on the door, banging. You gasped and spoke to Wooyoung again.
[Woo, I don’t know who that is, and I’m scared, please help]
[Stay on the call with me! Don’t hang up and lock yourself in our room, Don’t come out until I get home!]
[Wooyoung you can’t come home, what if they attack you or something?] You said voice breaking at the end, even the thought of Wooyoung getting hurt was so hard to think about.
[Y/N, are you crying?] He asked lovingly
[No] you replied whispering, not trusting your voice. Wooyoung video called you, and you covered your face.
[Baby, there’s no need to worry, I have Seonghwa and Yeosang with me too, now show me your beautiful face please, I’ve missed you] You looked up showing your tear stained face, gaining a gasp in return
[Why is my baby cryinggg] he whined over the phone. You giggled, and were quickly interrupted by police sirens, suggesting they called the police and were here to save you.
The second you saw Wooyoung outside, you ran out the house into his arms, jumping onto him, wrapping your hands around his neck, and legs around his waist. 
“I missed you” you cried into his neck, “I was so scaredd”
“Aigoo, I promise I won’t ever leave you alone again alright? Now let’s go have dinner”
And that promise was definitely fulfilled as her tried to stay with you whenever he could acting clingier that usual fro the next few weeks.
Jongho: (creep at night)
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You and Jongho had gone out for a late night stroll as you finally got time to spend with each other. Oftentimes, he was busy with the band, or couldn’t leave the house. At night like this however, you were both content. You were calmly strolling around a park when you decided you go pick a few flowers. Not going too far, you saw these blue and purple flowers that you quite liked and further ventured into the park to get them. Jongho was still on the bench of the park eating some ice cream you had gotten together. 
You decided to to sit down and collect a few flowers so show your boyfriend you you made yourself comfortable and sat comfortably. After a while, you heard shuffling behind you and saw a strange man walking towards you. Warning bells ringing in your head, you tried standing up to walk away, only for the man to come up to you and hold you down your shoulder. He was squatting down, so you had to look up at him.
“Excuse me sir, I don’t know who you are or what you want, please let me go” You tried saying as nicely as you could. Despite this however, the man just grinned at you as he inched closer and closer. 
“I like the innocent ones the most” He said sneering
At this point, you were scared as hell and were struggling to get out of his grip to no avail. You started breathing heavier and started getting worried, no one was around, what would this creep do? 
“What do you want, ugh!” You tried squirming out of his grip, only to be shoved back to the ground. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll let you go after I’m done” He said wickedly. At this point you had had enough
“Jongho!! Help! Please help me!” You yelled as loud as you could. No response. 
“Guess your little boyfriend over there, doesn’t mind either. Now where should we begin?” He asked trying to trail his hands towards your neck, only to get shoved to the ground by Jongho. 
“You bitch!” Jongho yelled. Kicking him a few times as well.
“How dare you touch my girlfriend!”
Jongho picked you up and took you back home. Although you didn’t show love to each other physically too much, it was moments like this where you realised how in love you were with him. you were thankful to have such a protective boyfriend.
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ot3-watch · 3 years
Episode 2: The Homecoming Job
How does he make seven dollars a day that doesn’t seem remotely accurate
This was so skeevy. DId he get shot up by accident? Did the Castleman guys just start shooting? Like what?
This poor Doctor. She’s so great, but she really should not have said “that’s not the way the world works.” That seems like such a challenge.
This is what I mean about the continuity confusion! Why would Hardison have to call them if Leverage was set up at the end of the last episode????
Sophie’s acting in the commercial audition wasn’t terrible. Weird for an audition, but not terrible.
Eliot’s so unfazed by having a gun pointed at him, I love it.
You don’t even SEE Parker I can’t
I don’t like stuff. I like MONEY
“I’m not gonna tell a couple of known thieves what i did with a multi million dollar payout” you so smart eliot
Parker’s so excited by mundane office stuff it’s adorable
Eliot’s face at the sports. Hardison building stuff for him from day 1 it’s adorable
I love how it all starts out so simple, just get the money it’s fine, and then they always end up like… toppling the entire corrupt system.  
Where did Parker’s shower cap go in later episodes? Like… she’s a thief. The need for a leather shower cap likely would not disappear…
...It disgusts me that they can buy congressmen AND IT”S NOT EVEN ILLEGAL!!! 
How does Eliot just… know what words have the necessary sounds?? How is he so smart? HOW IS THIS MAN A THING I’M IN LOVE
“Oh, there they are. Really loud too” I love her in this episode
I think Castleman is one of the WORST groups they’ve gone up against. Not in terms of like, bad for TV, but just in terms of them being super evil. The stolen money, the attempted murder, and things always feel even more disgusting when you include army contracters. 
Did… Did Perry just grope Sophie? Are we going to just ignore that? 
So, do docs and nurses really wear crocs that much? I thought good supportive sneakers would be more common
… where did nate just randomly find a defibrillator. 
“...I actually hurt people… so…”
I’m sorry, I doubt you’re reading these posts for endless heart eyes for eliot, but THAT’S JUST HOW I FEEL
Sophie already trying to stop Nate’s drinking. Why did they just… forget to address it later? Like when he falls off the wagon in S2, no one cares anymore. 
Nate’s accent is terrible. Why is all their accent work terrible? WHAT DIALECT IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE
“Those are the same signs your wife is cheating on you” Or… just the signs that someone is trying to hide something from you? Like in general??
I always feel bad about the congressman’s cancelled wood panels until i remember how he got them and the lives at stake so he can have a nice house. It’s so icky
This whole law thing is so clever but is that really how it works?
I love that Hardison is already in love with Parker. I love it. 
...The only difference between Sophie and a politician is Sophie doesn’t have the authority but makes up for it with having a moral code.
“I’m sorry it’s too far away for you to punch I’m sure that really frustrates you” I fucking LOVE HIM
What’s a better ship? The OT3 or Parker/Money?
...And another IYS reference. Should I start a tally? How many episodes they mention Nate’s past with IYS or Nate’s past with Sam? How many times they show that fucking Sam clip? I’m gonna start doing that at the end I think.
“WHat is it like a creepy contest?” CUE PARKER HEART EYES I CAN’T I LOVE THEM
Is the money story real? Like did the money transfer really happen? Because it sounds like it could be real, like i wouldn’t put it past them, but i really hope its not
... So I looked it up and there’s much more money in cash per person. Nate’s full of shit. (Or the writers just got bad info but I like blaming Nate more)
Why does this security guy look like a john cena wannabe i hate it
NATE AND SOPHIE’S DiSTRACTION IS INCREDIBLE. Can you imagine if they were a real couple though, and the guard was that fucking rude to them?
What’s a better ship, Parker/Money or Parker/Explosions
… Knowing what I know about black men and cops… why the fuck would they have Hardison driving the truck? I’m just saying that seems like a real easy and VERY AVOIDABLE way of getting him killed. 
“JUSt cause a brother likes matzah ball soup? What’s wrong with that? Sammy Davis?” I CANNOT
… why did they.. Not check the container number??? I’m so confused?? WHY ARE THEY SO STUPID???
The PR stunt they’re trying to pull right now… sleazy slimy
They switched the order of the accusations… like… 
“We’re gonna lead with Crap.” politicians always do
...Technically, the money is stolen? Like… I’m not gonna say they don’t deserve it? But… it’s technically stolen
“I bought a plant” PARKER YOU SOFTIE
“What does it do?” YOU’LL FIND OUT
The cherry red tesla is so over the top i hate it. I hate sports cars though so like
OKAY SO FINAL EPISODE THOUGHTS: 7/10. Characterization was much better. They seemed like more human people. Points off for Castleman becausE as gross as it is to kill people through negligence for money, it’s so much grosser to ACTIVELY murder them for money WHILE PRETENDING TO BE A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS AND HAVE GOVERNEMNT ASSHOLES IN ON IT LIKE I’M SO FUCKING DISGUSTED. Added points for the HUMAN HEART EYES EMOJI THAT IS ELIOT SPENCER. Points off for Perry kind of assaulting sophie AND FUCKING GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Added points for Parker being adorable. THis was one of the episodes that put me on the fence about her when i wa not in love with her. 
IYS count: 2/2 Sam reference count: 2/2 (for the children’s hospital donation in the beginning) 
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spiderstyles04 · 3 years
Episode 1:
Can’t stand the fact that they’re trying to make Sam the victim, fuck the white bitch 😤. (okay yeah she’s kinda the victim but like she deserves to be blamed)
I can’t stand the fact that everybody keeps trying to make Robby the villain (ik he’s MIA, but the words they’re calling him make me wanna punt their asses into oblivion 🧎🏽‍♂️🏌️)
Episode 2:
Kreese is actually fucking sadistic wtf.
fuck men (esp. those that prey on young girls).
cops @ the prison rlly said: “I aint see nothin at all -👄-“.
wow so you can definitely see who is Johnny’s priority! Instead of continuing to look for his missing son, he went to go see Miguel🖕🏻.
and Miguel is like boohoo why’d this happen to me it’s all Johnny’s fault. Uh no it’s partially yours for accelerating the fight. Shouldn’t have gotten in the middle of a fight if you wanted to come out unharmed.
Robby blaming himself for everything and worry abt the others before himself is making me cry my eyes out pls 😭😖.
Daniel fucking Larusso rlly said let’s catch this scared teenage boy off guard and have a cop sneak up on him and arrest him
Episode 3:
I hate that Robby is in jail but he looks hot af
Not the LaRussos blaming Robby’s grudge on him being a teenage. Like you literally had a cop sneak up on a terrified kid and you expect him to take your calls???? I think tf not.
Sksks Sam rlly out here acting like Tory got angry outta nowhere and that she had no reason for being brutal. Yeah having a bad background doesn’t justify bullying but you kinda provoked her. YOU KISSED ANOTHER GIRL’S BOYFRIEND WHILE YOU HAD ONE OF YOUR OWN. SUCK IT UP AND SHUT UP LIL BABY.
Not Robby fighting with guys in prison over their comments abt Sam of all ppl 💀 she’s the reason you’re in there and she cheated, what the fuck are you defending her for?
sad puppy Robby is making me tear up shit I love him too much to see him in pain 😖
God I hate Eli. Imagine being jealous of not being able to creative enough to raise money for your friend so you resort to stealing the money from the only ones able to get money for him 💀.
“Douche clown” BAHAHA.
Episode 4:
NOT JOHNNY ASSUMING THAT ROBBY IS THE ONE STARTING FIGHTS (reminds me of Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls when she accused him of fighting with Dean when rlly he just got attacked by a bird)
I love that Robby is telling Johnny off like PERIODT KING GO OFF
Nah if some idiot wrecked my lego diagram that took me weeks to build, I’d knock him on his ass no hesitation. Idgaf if I got expelled
Not the counselor completely disregarding the fact that Dimitri’s project was wrecked
Every time Johnny enters Robby’s life, he just makes shit harder for him. I feel horrible for my bby
Kreese has a god complex & I wanna put him in the ground 🕳👨🏻‍🦽👩🏽‍🦯
Little miss princess got some anger issues oop
Not Johnny making a paralyzed kid get out of bed 💀
Episode 5:
Robby basically telling Kreese to fuck off and tell talk to “somebody who gives a shit” is everything to me I love him
Not Johnny using a sex magazine to motivate Miguel 🤢
If Robby gets back with Sam I will RIOT
Imagine taking pleasure from terrorizing others and children sksksk couldn’t be me
Damn it Robby you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s only gonna make your sentence worse bby. Ik he’s an asshole, but you gotta be the bigger man
The fight in the lazer tag place I- not even gonna comment
Episode 6:
I’m glad Eli is abt to get the vibe check he deserves
Miguel rlly should choose what he says more wisely like sir you can’t just tell the angry mentally unstable girl that she needs help sksksksk those are words of war to her
Oh Mrs. LaRusso getting in on the action lmao
Episode 7:
Damn Tory rlly wakes up every day and chooses violence uh it was a dream nvm
There’s no fooking way Miguel recovered from a spinal injury so quickly 🙄 also why’d they throw away the wheelchair??? That shit is expensive af
Imagine having a dad that actually feels genuinely bad for not keep up with your life SKSK couldn’t be me
I haven’t seen Robby in a hot minute and I’m getting pissed abt it.
I love when ppl tell Eli off. Gives me a diff kind of joy
tf is Eagle Fang sksksks
@ Kreese: Bye bitch 🥴
Episode 8:
I cant believe they’re dicusssing Kreese when they’re abt to pick up Robby I- none of these men are fit to be stable father figured to him
Glad Robby told them to fuck off bc when the going gets tough, unfortunately, they will always choose someone else over Robby
But I’m all here for Miguel’s character development. Looks like soon I’ll have a total of 2 characters that I like on this show
Eyyy go off Miguel preach
Nvm fuck that. I’m glad Robby walked in on Miguel and Sam flirting so he could see she isn’t all she’s cracked up to be. I’m glad he’s telling them off. I just hate that they’re making him out to be a villain, AGAIN UGH
Episode 9:
Fuck fuck fuck I’m terrified for this episode
oh shit Ali...
Trouble is in the air....
Miguel and Sam 🙄😀
Oh so Robby is back in his sn 1 wardrobe... 🤬
Not you making bad decisions again Robby smh we’re trying to keep you out of jail
I repeat... if Robby and Tory get together I am RIOTING
Fuck Johnny
Episode 10 - final episode:
I am the quintessential example of seething anger. If I was an anime character, I’d have steam coming out of my ears and a tic mark on my forehead smh
Tory has got some anger issues that surpass even my own, and that’s saying something
Also why tf are they fighting in Sam’s house??? Like I don’t like her but thats not only trespassing passing on private property, but the damages they’re causing are gonna cost a buttload
I’m just glad that Robby isn’t there to fight. Thank you bby
I love the fact that Eli is realizing how fucking stupid he’s been acting
I’m still crying over Robby fuck
Everybody over here hashing shit out and Robby is inside the dojo like X👄X
Anyways all in all, fuck season 3 gn
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unrationalthinking · 3 years
To The Past Part 1
For this story take places after endgame, wandavision, loki, and the falcon and the winter soldier except because i love the characters tony was able to receive medical attention after he snapped surviving it rogers did return the stones except the soul stone is a soul for a soul so when he returned he had Natasha with him spiderman far from home still happened sort of.
Everyone has obviously made up from civil war Bucky has given Tony his space he needs though he is trying to seek his forgiveness Tony still finds it hard but has come around on the fact he can't blame Bucky for what happened When an old enemy reappears Hydra. Realizing that they if they could change the past they could finally stop them once and for all so the head back to the 1940’s directly after shield was created and after captain crashed the plane to save the world steve also never shaved because he looks much better with the beard bucky did cut his hair steve enjoys his on the run gear more so he still wears his darker colored uniform sam never became the captain and redwing survived
As the team geared up in there uniforms the head back in time the blue prints laid out for camp Lehigh after shield took it over deciding where to enter the building via the time loop they decided they need all the help they could get in this time so they decided that peggy and howard would be first on the list they found a room the was on a lower more secure level near Howards office that would be easiest to get into for the mission. Those going on the mission were Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Thor, Rocket, Groot, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Wanada, Rhodey, and Shuri. As they geared up the team didn't speak much; they all had a common enemy and a lot of pent up feelings in the past, mostly tony steve and bucky. They all made their way to the center area for time travel hank pym and his family standing work on the computers around Scott and Hope would both be joining them in the past. Hank was proud of Tony he didn't care for Howard but Tony seemed like a good kid alot like Howard but so different at the same time. After hugs where given the all went throw the machine to the 1940’s landing in the abandoned room the choose it had worked they quietly made their way to the door peeking out they didn't see anyone the clock read 11pm but there he Was in his office Howard Stark working with a open bottle of whiskey, Tony and Steve shared a look the tension rising as the watched him work for a few minutes until there was some yelling down the hall and Peggy made her way down the hall with two men, one Tony remembered very well as Edwin Jarvis but the other he had assumed to be Daniel Sousa he had never met him but the limp and the stories he heard he assumed they all sat quietly as the made there way to Howard's office peggy ranting more like yelling at them “I don’t care if he thinks his work is to busy for this he needs to be told something has to be done besides creating a new project or finding steve's body!” as she made her way into Howards office the duct a bit not being seen she had a tear running down her cheek “HOWARD STARK” he looked up fear in his eyes as she rarely said his name like that she crossed her arms as Steve and Tony shared a knowing look about her tone everyone else had to hid there laughs though Daniel seemed to notice a strange noise they duct to stop him from seeing them and he brushed it off a bit peggy continued at howard though “Where were you today?” he Answered in a stutter “i.. I Was here working, why?” She rolled her eyes and said “ And where were you supposed to be today?” Howard took a moment and realized the date being the third year that Steve had died. He made a promise to Peggy to spend the day with her “ah… Peg im so sorry i forgot im such an idiot i should have been there.” she sniffles crying “But you weren't there three years Howard Three years since he died and you couldn't even be there for anyone you hide here working on what?” Howard lowered his head, a tear rolling down his face “I was working on a time machine to go back and stop him from crashing the plane Peg.” Rhodey let a laugh slip thinking about how much Tony was Like His dad only to realize Daniel heard it. Tony and Steve shared a grin realizing he messed up and they could hold it over him. Daniel had pulled his gun sushing everyone but Howard didn't get the hint and asked “Daniel what are you doing?” Daniel responded in a whisper “there is someone in that room right there.” as he pointed. “No there is not. I would have known I'd been here all day.” Howard responded.The avengers realizing Daniel would not let it go decided to pretend they didn't know what was happening when the door opened they were all staring in random directions while some where even whistling. Peggy Jarvis Daniel And Howard opened the door with full surprise as 15 people stood there acting like they didn't see them but Daniel raised his gun Saying “you guys are trespassing on private property hands up!” but the first to respond was Steve taking the time to joke he had recently become quite the jokester spending too much time around Tony, he looked down from
looking at the ceiling and walked to the front of the group “Hey guys so uhm, come here often?” Peggy pulled her gun on Steve “whoever you are, this is a real sick joke showing up as Captain Rodgers on his 3 year mark of his death.” It was Tony who stepped in this time “ alright let's put the guns down and let us explain who and why we are here and captain nice joke I see I'm rubbing off on you.” They all stared in shock for a minute until they decided they were out numbers and dropped their weapons “Start Explaining” Peggy said with her hands on her hips. Thor piped in with “I see why you loved her, Rogers the sas fits you perfectly.” making steve Blush and look at the ground Tony made a vomit action and started to speak “We are the Avengers we are from the future and we came back to deal with Hydra once and for all because they grow to large in the future and almost destroy the world multiple times and end up tainting Shield forcing us to remove Shield.” With that they started not believing it so Toni pulled out his holographic phone and played videos from some of their encounters and they realized they were telling the truth. Peggy looks at Steve once more “are you… are you really here?” staring in shock “yeah sorry i missed our dance, but you found yourself a better partner then me.” As he sends a knowing look at Sousa, making them both blush and Sousa become intimidated, Steve continues “Don’t worry I'm happy for you guys.”
At that Peggy ran to Steve hugging him as an old friend was crying. “We have to get to work, we need to attack Hydra now we know where they are located already, we just need the manpower.” Tony said Breaking the silence and with that Howard spoke “Can we atleast get your names? If we are working together.” Tony nods and introduces everyone pointing as he speaks about people “I am Tony Stark also known as Iron Man your son, Captain Rogers known as Captain America, Thor King of Asgard a different plant God of Thunder, Shuri princess of Wakanda more intelligent than me and you combined, Bruce Banner known as The Hulk or Professor hulk now, Rhody known as war machine also my best friend, Hope Van Dyne known as the Wasp Hank Pym's daughter, Scott long known as Ant-man dating hope pym doesn't like that, Sam Wilson The Falcon Caps Best Friend #2, Rockett he a raccoon that was a test subject in a different galaxy, Groot hes a tree, Wanda also know as scarlett Witch dont fuck with her she hates hydra more then anyone, Natasha Romanoff Known as the Black Widow russian spy likes betting up the super soldiers.” With that there was a pause to take everything in and for Tony to catch a breath as Clint from the venting shaft jumps down and says “I'm Clint Barton American Spy also known as Hawkeye though you will need to speak up sometimes I have a hard time hearing.” as there was another pause as Howard asked “you said sam is the captain's 2nd best friend? I assume I'm the First right?” chuckling a bit Tony responds “no Bucky Barnes is his 1 bestfriend.” Howard pales a bit “ Bucky died though.” at that bucky landed behind but in between Tony and Steve making the 4 people jump not expecting it as he stood a blank stare he always wore on his faces not smiling showed. Tony spoke “And Bucky Barnes also known as caps bestfriend, the now ex winter soldier know known as the white wolf of Wakanda dont fuck with him he could kill all of us in this room currently.” with that bucky smirking at Tony and Howard just looking at him paler than before anyone could respond Howard asked “The winter soldier is you? How did you survive?” bucky froze and then responded “when the 107 was taken i was tested on it helped me survive the fall Hydra found me removed my arm and gave me the super soldier serum.” there was a pause as Shuri walked up to comfort Bucky “after i had healed the scrambled my brain making me forget everything i was and trained to be a cold killer i have the memories but i wasn't in control i remember all the faces of those i killed the innocents and and the murderers i regret it but i had no control over it.” a single tear rolled down his and Tony's check as Tony hugged him finally gave his full forgiveness.
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planetjisungie · 4 years
misconceptions- l.jn
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characters; gryffindor! jeno, slytherin! reader ft, gryffindor! mark
an; im making mark debut in every house, its what that man deserves 😔✋🏻 also marks kinda a bitch in this but like we still love him. this is part 2 of the nct dream hogwarts series
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jeno sat in the grand hall, watching you walk in alone. your hair was so silky, and you looked so delicate and soft. but that, apparently, was the complete opposite of who you were.
"bro i heard she like, hexed a bunch of first years and made them look stupid in the hallway. poor kids" mark uttered. the topic of conversation was conveniently you, and jeno was slightly confused about where this was all coming from. "and it’s definitely true?" he asked, turning to his blonde friend. mark shrugged. "its y/n, so i wouldnt put it past her. last year she got into a fist fight with kang miyoung"
mark was always gossiping, he knew all the rumours in the school, if you wanted to find anything out all you had to do was ask mark. he knew everything and it was sometimes scary. but it wasnt always true, like the time he spread the rumour that choi san had cheated on his girlfriend when it actually had turned out to be his sister. that was an awkward one. turning back to you, jeno tuned out the sound of mark droning on and on about the things you had apparently done. he watched you sit down away from the other slytherins, grab some pasta onto your plate before silently eating. he watched you drink your cup of water slowly, before going back to eating your food. he also saw how the other slytherins would glare at you, or point at you while laughing. something didnt add up. why would slytherins, known causing petty issues, mock someone who supposedly did just that? it really didnt make sense to him.
so the next day, jeno had heard crying down the hallways. being a gryffindor, he ran towards the sound, wand in hand in case anyone was in danger. what he wasn’t prepared to see, however, was a first year on the ground, holding his ankle while crying in pain. but that in itself wasnt shocking, what was, was you sat next to him, a gentle smile on your face while your wand had a green glow to it, seeingly calming the boy down. he had then noticed that you were using a pretty advanced healing spell, which was odd for a slytherin to know in the first place, especially someone like you. in fear of being caught staring, jeno just swiftly turned around, brows furrowed from the thoughts in his brain.
the next time jeno had seen you, he was playing hide and seek with the gryffindor boys in the forest. he was hiding behind a fallen tree, when he noticed a familiar head of hair, and the black and green robe flowing around you. getting up, he silently walked closer towards you, trying to see what you were doing. seeing a creature next to you, he squinted his eyes. you were knelt next to a unicorn, a large gash on its right side, your wand with the same green glow as when you were healing the first year. you seemed to be at peace here, just helping out. not noticing the small smile on his face, jeno turned and walked away before again, you could notice him.
the third time he had seen you, was not as pleasant as the last two. you were sat on the floor of an empty hallway, a white cat in your lap as silent tears fell down your face. jeno felt his heart break for you, he could practically feel the emotional pain radiating off of you. deciding to actually talk to you, jeno made his presence known, walking closer before sliding down the opposite wall to face you. looking up, your eyes widened noticing the infamous gryffindor heartthrob, the crush of all the younger girls. clearing your throat, you wiped your eyes of the tears, pulling your cat, mr snuggles (the return of mr snuggles) closer to you unknowingly. jeno flashed you a small smile, which you returned. clearing his throat, he moved his gaze from the oddly adorable sight of you cuddled up to a cat to the cold wooden floor. "im jeno" he introduced, causing you to scoff lightly. "im y/n, but you probably already know that" you said softly. surprised to actually hear your voice, it wasnt at all what jeno was expecting, causing his head to whip towards yours. he was expecting an arrogant, cold, high pitched bitchy voice, but was met with a quiet, gentle and melodic voice. by now he was almost certain that you had definitely been misunderstood.
"uh- okay wow i wasn’t expecting-" jenos rambling was cut off with your soft laughter, watching your head lean against the wall slightly and your eyes close, shoulders moving up and down in response to the sound coming from your chest. "i know i know, you were expecting me to be some cold, brutal and violent bitch, right?" you said, a smile now on your face which was a nice contrast to your earlier face of sadness and utter despair. "i mean kind of i guess" jeno shrugged and chuckled awkwardly. you let out a sigh before extending your legs from the crossed position, letting them stretch in front of you. "its fine, everyone just blindly believes any rumours that are spread. youre not at fault, the slytherins are" jeno looked up in confusion after you said this, evidently showing on his face, adding onto that the noise he lets out which couldnt be described other than ‘a jeno noise’. noticing his obvious inquiry, you layed back and closed your eyes.
"i dont exactly fit in with the slytherins. my focus has always been to help others, to share what i have to those who dont. the slytherins obviously didnt like that, and i quickly became a misfit, so they started spreading awful rumours about me. no one usually bothers to check if they’re true or not, so that resulted in me not having any friends" you sigh after explaining practically the whole reason of your mental torture at hogwarts to the gryffindor across from you. jeno once again felt his heart break, and a small pout formed on his lips. "how comes you were put in slytherin then?" he asked. you groaned and opened your eyes. "stupid slytherin parents. i didnt get sorted, they work for the ministry so i was basically forced into slytherin to carry on shitty family tradition bullshit" you snorted, head lolling onto your right shoulder. jenos eyebrows raised. so you were basically not a slytherin yet put in slytherin and people practically bullied you for it. sounds pretty tough to him. "and you couldnt speak to dumbledore about it? im sure hed do something" he said, now genuinely concerned about you. shrugging, you reopened your eyes. "i dont realy care anymore, let the people think what they want"
after that day, jeno watched you a lot more closely. he would see how your nose scrunched up when you saw something you didnt like, or when your tongue poked out when you were focused. he sat across the room from you in potions, so when slughorn announced that you two were going to be partners for the Amortentia potion, he couldnt exactly say he was disappointed. despite the obviously sympathetic looks from people around him, he smiled as you pulled the chair next to him, sitting down carefully.
the lesson began, and you and jeno quickly started working on making the potion, working together efficiently and getting it done to the T whilst also having a little bit of fun. leaning towards the pot, jeno moved at the same time as you to smell what was supposed to be the scent of your crush. immediately catching a strong whiff of jenos apparently overpowering cologne, you leaned back, coughing and covering your nose. "jeno, stop wearing so much cologne" you choked out, trying to inhale fresh air. meanwhile, jeno smelt the scent of lavender and cotton, turning to you in disgust, not at the smell itself but the pure strength of it. "unlike you, i dont douse my clothes in lavender essential oil, jesus christ woman" he lifted his hand whilst staring into the pinkish liquid. "i dont think we did this right" you said, before slughorn came up to you with a delighted look on his face. "oh well done, this is perfect!"
that day lead to a lot of confusion between you and jeno. opting not to ask him about it seeing as he never questioned you, you just sat in silence out on the grass, staring up at the stars. you had snuck out of the castle to sit on the land around it, seeking some sort of relaxation. what you hadn’t expected, was for the black haired boy to somehow find you, sitting down quietly on the grass next to you. "so..." he started, before sighing and looking down. he knew he liked you, how could he not? the way you were completely different to how you were said to be, how you didnt blame others but the slytherins for being mean towards you, and just how kind you were in general. whilst most people would veer away from you, he was the complete opposite, finding himself attracted to you like a magnet. smiling slightly, you turned to face him. just like him, you had found it hard not to fall for him. in the times where people would doubt you, or just be plain rude, he actually came and spoke to you. jeno was the first one who cared about you, and not just the rumours that drifted around, he talked to you when no one else would.
that night, you two had a whole sobbing session, confessing to eachother and apologising for things you didnt even need to apologise for. needless to say, when you walked into the hall hand in hand the next morning, with grins that hurt your cheeks, it definitely put people in a daze.
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themeed · 3 years
damn allowed myself to want things for a day and all i want is a van to live in, knowledge, freedom, weight loss, and a bass guitar.
im. happy with that i think. im proud of me, no jokes. im proud of being able to want things and care about them and vibrate towards them with longing. im... pleased with that. its fulfilling in a way Not Wanting For Anything isnt, because thats... kinda hollow. empty. in a vacant, lonely, yearning and grieving and SAD way. maybe because i Couldnt Want then. i Couldnt Desire or it would be used against me or taken away. that sucks. that sucked.
and now. im free to want again. and comparatively???? i think im very much never going to aim for buddhism or that weird Not Desiring Not Attached Nirvana mindset. like good for u but been there out of trauma and its not fun theres no reason to truly Live. u just float endlessly and experience and it aches so badly!!!! it hurts to want to want and not be able to. and i guess that is different from not wanting at all but... its not different enough for me to justify ever going back to that. or going forward to that. i just got this back and screw enlightenment if it means i have to give up on my passions i dont think life is worth living without it.
and anybody who looks down on that from a spiritual tower has yet to examine their own pride and how empty they feel without it.
anybody who looks down and smiles and wishes me luck on my journey? good for them. im glad theyre living their best life, on their journey as they see fit.
and i feel the need to protect myself because ive been hurt by the pride- the arrogance of others before. a lot of my hurts and traumas stem from my mother being too prideful to recognize that she can be wrong and someone under her power could be correct over her. and it was an uncomfortable truth. so she denied it was one at all and hurt me. i know the reason could be elaborated on. she didnt want to confront her own internal logic. or trauma. or even doublethink. that doesnt excuse her hurting a child for the sake of her sense of pride, of comfort, of self-worth. a child under her power, that she claimed to be parent of. teacher of.
not owing anyone anything is not the same as not hurting anyone. i havent reconciled that yet. oppressors should be held accountable for their mistakes, and give reparations if the harm is physical at LEAST. and i think that applies to politics, yes. privately though? if i beat up a nazi, i dont want to pay for his hospital bills. my personal philosophy struggles between equating people and ideas as a worth measurement, and realizing that that line of thinking is... similar to oppressors. but. its based on something people can change. the question is, do i think "if given the opportunity" is a good enough reason to stop and question a racist that runs their mouth? and do i think pre-emptive violence is okay? if say, a nazi walks into a bar and doesnt say anything but is wearing all the red flags and bells and whistles. i dont think that justifies a beatdown. being asked to leave, sure, but the beatdown doesnt start til the first remark flies.
once the intent is given OR the action is taken, the line is drawn. doesnt matter if they Havent Had The Chance. if theyre starting shit outside of debate spaces like that, and not, say, asking questions, theyre not looking for new perspectives, and it is NOT my job to educate people. its not my job to Show People The Light. a quick fucking google search could tell them why theyre wrong. if they havent put even the most basic energy into questioning their beliefs, thats on them.
it sounds like im trying to absolve myself of blame here. largely because. i think i should go out and help educate people because theyre inherently complacent if theyre, yknow, in a position of power. aka white folk and men and rich folk and cis folk and on and on and on. these people dont live my reality. they dont live the reality of a gay black man in the south, or a genderqueer lesbian in the west, or an indigenous woman whose nation is being targeted, or a muslim woman who cannot wear her headcoverings in the face of danger of death, or an asian immigrant who cant get a job because of COVD age discrimination resurging. we will never live each others realities, but we can become aware of them.
they wont come into awareness without someone asking or telling, and then doing something to change them.
we shouldnt need to go running to people in power for them to be aware of problems in the populace, govt is supposed to help and solve issues like this. like. actively. thats the whole point, make life better for the countrys citizens. and individuals in a position of social power...
are individuals who didnt take on a responsibility to protect and serve or otherwise care for the populace of a nation. i personally think they SHOULD care, but they are not obligated to. i cant make them care about others.
and honestly, on some of them, it would be a waste of time. there are people who want to change or question things and yknow what? they seek out answers. in people or places or online usually. stats and stories.
so like. i dont think someones Potential as a person matters when theres a throwdown about to happen. it really isnt my responsibility to save people from themselves or try to change their sides against their will. if they want to chat about it they can ask questions first.
not throw insults or punches or hatred.
what people have been taught is worth analyzing and trying to correct IN SOCIETY but i cant fix every broken white boy that comes to me. PSAs, fliers, outreach, online videos, debate spaces. those are things i already have access to and can be a part of if i really want to go around changing minds. or yknow. get involved in legislation and be myself around others to change their perceptions of whats socially acceptable or normal. maybe protest, maybe call congressfolk, etc.
but not every comment has to be analyzed or a learning opportunity. im allowed to shut it down, and people can respect that or stop talking to me. this isnt my parents house where i had to justify everything that i said or did when scrutinized, and doubly justify any criticism i had of mother, or any joke i frowned at instead of smiling.
these people dont have that power over me. they arent my mother. they arent my boss, and if they are i can fuck off and get a new job if necessary. they dont have financial control over my living space and food and schooling and physical control of where i can go and with who and for how long. I CONTROL THAT. I do.
Huh. maybe thats why i want a van so bad. i mean... when this lease ends if nobody is gonna end up living with me...
i could just... live in my car and shower at truck stops. get a storage unit for my stuff. save by driving jobs. like 40 to 60 a day. tear out my cars back, insulate it, and install my mattress pad there. water on the floor, cooler next to it, wooden cutting coard, knife, single camping plateware set, and another little shelf for spices. maybe a hot plate i can hook up to the car battery? get a long enough usb and it might be doable. i could go camping and open the trunk to just... vibe.
because yeah, honestly? i dont plan on having a solid apartment for a bit. like a long bit. and i still have like 70000 miles on my car before itll want to go. and by that point, even at like 100 miles a day, thats like 2 years, less if i go cross country in that vehicle. i could save up SO MUCH for a better vehicle, or like. college. live on campus, get some credit, continue working after i figure out want i want to do.
i think thats a solid plan, even if i dont get another apartment and put everything in storage. work as i need to instead of all the time for rent, really only paying for gas, car repairs, car ins, food, and phone data/hotspot internet... that would bring my monthly expenses down to like 500 a month max instead of like 1400. id only need to make some 1000 a month doing contract stuff to save for taxes and stuff. anything extra would be just that: extra for savings and things. holy shit.
depending on how this next month goes for my friends, holy s h i t.
i. i might do this. legitimately.
i. dont think i can yet. i need proof of address to get my license im pretty sure? but hey, thatll be my 21st this year, so. once i have that i wont need a new address for a While. i dont know if ill want one, really.
i could always just ask a friend or family member if i could use theirs for mail that cant go to a PO box.
anyway. yeah. wow.
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for-emilia · 3 years
Insta Live. pt 2
i love u x
Whenever Fikayo had to leave on international break or European games for the club both he and Emilia adored, they acted like it was the end of the world. Regardless, they’d spend all of their time together, but when he was due to leave, they’d be practically stuck together. Even when he was away they’d facetime, text and call each other constantly, still preferring to be in each others’ company than anyone else's.
This time, Fikayo had to leave for 3 days to travel to Belgium for a game in the Euros with the rest of the England squad. Emilia stayed at home due to the shortness of the trip and to look after their two dogs. The pair now had a rottweiler and a pitbull who needed more love and attention than they could’ve imagined.
Emilia fully blamed Fik. From the moment the dogs came into their lives, he treated them like actual children. Sometimes Emilia wondered if he loved the dogs more than her, always cuddling with them on the couch and putting on ‘their favourite movies’, randomly coming home with treats or toys for the two of them and always making sure they were pampered and happy. Their dogs were the life and soul of the house which was saying something when you knew their parents were Emilia and Fikayo.
Even though the two dogs were their life, they pretended the dogs weren’t shared and like they didn't have them together. Of course it was just a massive ploy to throw people off the scent of their relationship, like most things they did, but it was incredibly confusing for the whole of the Internet.
Nobody was sure which dog belonged to who, or if they shared the dogs and had split custody, or if they both belonged to only one of them. They both made regular appearances in the couple’s stories, or even sometimes just one of them, but who knew if they were just visiting? One thing the whole world could count on was that they were never apart.
Which meant that, when Fikayo was lying in his hotel room the night the squad had arrived in Belgium and he went live on Instagram, not a single soul was surprised to see Emilia in the comments.
“Aight, we’ll try and scare Tammy tomorrow, don’t worry about it, we’ll sort something,” Fik sighed and rested back on the plush pillows with one arm behind his head.
“‘You’ve just announced it now, he's going to know’...” he read from the stream of comments on the live, “cheers lads you’ve fucked it.” He laughed out knowing he’s messed up but blaming the viewers for his mistake.
He was chilling in the hotel room on his own as the other lads played each other at Fifa in someone else's room. The defender had intended on getting some work done and preparing in advance but alas, found himself drawn to Instagram live.
Emilia joined only a few minutes after he began, immediately smiling at seeing his face once again and holding it a bit longer than she intended at the way he looked. He looked so cute, sat there in a comfy black hoodie and his Chelsea blue durag on just chilling and laughing at his own jokes.
“Emilia’s here?” Fik questioned seriously, squinting his eyes seriously and scanning the comments, “I wish, like not having my left leg without her here.. And we all know how good my left leg is.” He dramatically let out a fake sob and threw himself backwards.
He saw her comment ‘no im not here’ and laughed to seemingly himself.
“Ohhhhh the dog sitter? I didn’t think I knew an Emilia,” Fik kissed his teeth and sat back against the pillows, already adding to the confusing narrative.
‘here we goooooo’
‘Oh lord it begins’
‘who else is confused already’
The comments upped in frequency and speed, more and more people butting in and already loving the interaction between the pair.
“Join my live, bae,” Fik spoke out, refreshing his requests to join the livestream and looking for her name to accept. He smirked at all of the comments in capital letters emphasising the pet name he said, waiting for the request to come through.
“Here she isssssss..” Fik smiled as the screen split and her face emerged in the bottom half.
“Ello ell-” Emilia started before she was quickly cut off by her man.
“Shut up, don’t wanna see you, where’s the dogs?” Fik said seriously, furrowing his eyebrows and scoffing as a joke.
“Not what you were saying earlier was it? Changed your tone, you slag,” Emilia fought back as a joke, “I’ll kidnap them.”
“Shhhhh man,” Fik rolled his eyes and wafted his hand in dismissal. “Camoooooooo, Bronxyyyyyy,” the man called out, giggling as he saw Bronx’s little squishy face pushing into the camera at the sound of his dad’s voice.
“There he isss, my little sonna,” Fik cooed at the screen as the livestream could hear Emilia shouting to the other side of the room for Camo.
“Camo is in front of the fire and he’s looking at me like he’ll gobble me if I make him move,” Emilia side eyed the Pitbull splayed out comfortably in front of the fireplace, warming up from the walk she took them on not too long ago.
“You two move to him then,” Fikayo said in an obvious manner, as if lying on the living room floor just so he could talk to his dogs was the most reasonable option.
“Only if you pay me extra on top of my hefty dog sitter bills,” Emilia scoffed, sliding down from the dimly lit sofa to the carpeted floor in front of the fire where Camo was panting from the heat.
“Awww hello my baby, has she knackered you out?” Fikayo talked amorously, making a conscious effort to say ‘she’ instead of ‘mamas’ like he normally would if he was referring to Emilia when talking to the dogs.
Emilia propped the phone up against the wall where the fireplace was, settling back where Camo lay, Bronx now taking it upon himself to lay his head across the gorgeous girl’s legs. The soft orangey light of the fire
“Aww look at all of my besties,” Fik smiled, “someone take a screenshot.”
At this, he began posing and making opportunities for the fans to screenshot as he requested. First he was smiling cutely with his eyes all sparkly, back in the company of his three loves, even if it was virtually. After that, he was smiling even more dramatic, flashing his white teeth making Emilia laugh which made for the cutest screenshot ever. And finally, he leant down and kissed the border of his part of the screen, just where Emilia's head was, following up afterwards with kisses towards where both of the dogs were strewn next to her.
Of course, everyone went mental. Flooding the comments and Tumblr and any pages that cared with the new information that Fikayo ‘kissed’ Emilia on Insta live. Some battled that he outright called her ‘bestie’ and said she was dog sitting, whereas others argued he called her ‘bae’ and they were being generally flirty, honing in on the kiss and her little comment of ‘not what you were saying earlier’.
The Internet was so split between people who thought they were an item and those who disagreed, however it was always changing and some people who once believed, changed their mind, and some people who weren’t convinced, changing their outlook at little things like the half kiss.
The two of them continued laughing and acting like it was just the two of them (four of them including the two snoring pups in Emilia’s lap) until Tammy and Chilly started hammering on the door, forcing Fik to get up and answer the door reluctantly.
“What?!” He swung the door open, the camera just able to see his shoulder, and of course Emilia still on the bottom half of the screen with the dogs.
“Jeeeez just wanted to say hi,” Tammy complained, looking sideways at Ben weirdly out of shot, “did I interrupt something?”
He wiggled his eyebrows and looked down to Fik’s phone, suggesting something that definitely was not happening. Fik picked up his phone and faced it towards the two men at his door to fill in the livestream on what the disturbance was. However, Tammy swiped the phone out of his hand, burying his head in the screen immediately and using his size to block Fikayo’s protests to get it back.
“Hello, pretty gyal,” Tammy smirked at seeing Emilia on the bottom half of the screen, thoroughly amused at what was happening.
“Oi!” Fik protested, trying to push past Ben to get his phone back.
“Heyyyyy Tammy,” Emilia flirted, just to wind up her boyfriend and to tease all of the chat.
“Can you go away?” Fik sulked semi-seriously, “was talking to my puppiesssss.”
‘This is a mess in the best possible way’
‘yowwww someone’s jealous 👀’
‘they must just be fik’s dogs uno’
‘Bronx looks done with these shitheads 😂’
The fans never knew what to expect when it came to Fikayo’s lives and the amount of people who watched and then rewatched them was absurd, hundreds of people dissecting their every move and theorising over their relationship. But one thing everyone knew for certain, whether they were together or not, they had something special, and it was the greatest thing in the world to watch.
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boywivlove · 5 years
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| Lutz | 01 
Chapters | 02
Pairing: Past Hoseok x Reader | Eventual Jimin x Reader
Genre: Figure skating AU | Slight angst | Fluff
Words: 1K +
Summary : After your last performance at the Junior world championships leaves you with a broken leg, your longtime boyfriend and team mate Jung Hoseok decides to partner with someone else and sign with a new agency  for the next competition, leaving you behind with the remains of a severed relationship. 2 years go by and your leg has long since healed, but a nasty blow to your confidence has put you off the idea of return to the competition circuit after being left behind. But when a chance meeting with an old friend catches you by surprise, you find yourself with a new partner. And after working hard you end right back where everything went wrong. But this time your going to show just far you’ve come.
Warnings : Mentions of broken bones and injury | some strong language |
Authors Note: Heyyyy SO Im still here haha, Ive been so busy with work and getting ready for christmas Ive not had time to write, but hopefully people are still here and want to read my skater AU hahah >W<
Its funny how things can change so quickly. You feel like everything just fits together, like a jigsaw portraying the image of your perfect life. You never really think about the perfection shattering like a mirror and you, being left to pick up the pieces of your once perfect reflection. Some things are just not meant to last forever I guess.
It was currently autumn time in your small little town, the leaves had long since shifted from lush greens into the beautiful hues of orange and red, like fire lining the cobbled streets. The chill in the air calling for thick winter wear and stalls of delicious hot foods perfect for this kind of weather. Yet as you walk the busy street, your once beloved time of year now only brought you broken memories and an ache in your bones you couldn’t seem to shift. 
You readjusted your messenger bag as you opened the door to the small coffee shop, the bell chiming as you felt the warmth kiss your frostbitten cheeks. It had been two years to the day when your dreams were ripped away from you. It was in this very cafe that you remember every detail of that night, every word he spoke to try and make you see his point of view, as if to soften the blow of his abandonment. Who was he trying to kid? His name was Jung Hoseok, Jhope in the figure skating circles. Yes, THAT Jung Hoseok. Lovable bad boy Pro skater Jung. god. damn. Hoseok. It was such a bad break up, if you could call it a break up. More like complete abandonment in your opinion. Who the hell abandons their girlfriend and skating partner for competition? Him thats who. 
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It all happened at the junior world championships. You and Hoseok had been partners for 10 years, ever since you could balance on your skates. and for 5 years you had been a couple going strong. All the training you put in had led up to that moment, the moment to prove yourselves and be scouted out by the mass of agencies that had attended in hopes of snatching some new blood. It was finally your turn and you both breezed through the routine, the toe loops? no sweat. the Salchows were child’s play for you both. But then came the triple lutz. You had practices this particular move almost a hundred times and every time you were near perfect. But that one particular moment. The one time you needed to be flawless, lady luck decided fortune was not in the cards for you. You lost footing mid air and Boom. One broken femur and a trip to the hospital later you felt your ego bruised and your chances of being talent scouted shot.
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It was two months later into your recovery Hoseok had asked you to meet at the cafe you sat in now, four booths over in fact. You had arrived a little late due to your injury inconvenience. He had ordered your favourite hot drink, peppermint hot chocolate and asked how you were. You didn’t think nothing of it but he had been distant since the accident. It wasn’t anything you felt you had to worry about, you were confined to the house the majority of your time after being released from the hospital so it was natural to you you hadn’t seen him in weeks. It was only when he cleared his throat and bit his lip you knew something was on his mind, it was a habit he had since he was a kid. Time seemed to slow down in that moment as your world caved in from under you.
“hey listen,, this is a little hard for me to say…”
“oh? is everything alright? I know we haven't been able to practice in a while but once im all healed-”
“no no its,,, look Y/N ill be straight with you.”
“ o- ok?”
“Y/N,, I want to go somewhere with my figure skating. and with you off the ice for the foreseeable,,,, I dont think I can go anywhere.”
“ oh… uh- so,, are you saying you want to go solo?”
“Not quite,,, aghhh listen, after your accident I realised were on different levels in our skating, this just proves it. This competition should have been easy for us and you go and break your leg for fucks sake,”
“oh like it was my intention to make an idiot of myself out there? How can you blame me for that?! Hoseok if you just wait we can work, I can work on my routines. i ca-”
“Y/N I cant say thins any other way but, I got a call from the S.F.S.A and they want me in their program. They’ve partnered me with a great skater and she-”
“Wait… you've already signed with them,,, and got a new partner. Hoseok I cant… I cant believe you. We always said we skate together or not at all. and you know how much I wanted us to get into S.F.S.A TOGETHER? Its like you dont care about anything we worked towards… and just because I broke my leg? … I just. I cant believe you.”
“come on Y/N dont be like this. This is a big opportunity for me. The Seoul Figure Skating Association in a BIG deal. I thought you’d understand. Your my girlfriend why are you being like this”
“Im HURT Hobi!? The slightest inconvenience and you throw me away? ,,,”
The silence was deafening as the two of you sat in that booth, The lighting overhead made Hobis blonde tips look almost white, and your eyes shimmer with unshed tears. It was as if the Hobi you knew, the man you’d loved since childhood had disappeared the moment he sat down. After all the hard work and effort you had put in, both in your teamwork and relationship, was it all for nothing. 
“I dont think this is gonna work between us anymore… Things, things change. People change and, I want this Y/N. I cant wait for you anymore.”
Those few sentences broke your heart. With nothing else to say to him you stood up, your crutches steadying you as you said nothing, what could you say to someone who just threw away everything you had together for a chance at bettering his career,,, a career you both put so much effort into. A career he was perusing with someone new. Hoseok stood with you when you struggled to adjust your bag around your head, he looked as though he wanted to help you, but the angry tears threatening to spill out of your reddening eyes was enough to tell him not to. As you made your way to the entrance you looked back at him, his face was masked in an almost pained expression, his cheeks were starting to pinken and his jaw was shaking slightly as thought he was about to cry. You left the shop before you could hear him saying its for the best. if that was what he thought then he can leave you. You were just thrown to the kerb and in that moment. your perfect world had shattered. your reflection left broken into pieces on the floor.
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So, two years later and here you sit, in the same cafe, looking over to the booth your whole life came crashing down. Your leg had healed well, and you took back to the ice almost instantly to train yourself up again, but after the pain of losing your partner on and off the ice, you just couldn’t find the confidence you once had. It was as if your competitive lust for figure sating had left you with Hobi. It was after your loss of confidence your mental health took an even bigger hit, you felt yourself declining from the world and the people around you as you just got by day to day. You felt you could heal from what happened physically, but not mentally. But all grey clouds have a silver lining, days went by, the sun came up, and you eventually felt like yourself again. It took a lot, but it was the lack of self confidence in yourself that led you to your current occupation, your local ice rink had an opening for the overseeing the beginners lessons for ages 5-10, as much as you wished you could get back to being the skater you once were, the kids have grown on you. Your days that were filled with dull moping around the now very single woman’s apartment was now filled with tiny rosy cheeked little faces eager to learn. and everyday you felt yourself becoming more and more like yourself. And its this part of your life when you meet someone who turns it all around for you.
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