#that isn't a mother that is a fourteen year old girl
cuteniarose · 18 days
Just saw a "best mom character" poll that featured Katara and instead of talking about the fact she's an actual mom and her relationship with her children all the propaganda to vote for her mentioned how "she took on a mother role for her older brother and is the mom friend in the Gaang look at how caring and maternal she is!!" I'm going to stab someone
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hello, since you want some Fernando requests, could you do a Fernando imagine where he's a girl dad and when you and him bring her to the races, she dress up like him with a Alonso 14 shirt and a Aston Martin hat and she's like the team mascot
i want to have his childen tbh (what is it with me and old men?)
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"Are you ready to see papa?"
Fernando Alonso's wife loved him. She loved him so much that she gave him whatever he wanted. She even gave him a baby. A beautiful little girl, the apple of her fathers eye.
She had been to the track once before, when she was a year old and Fernando had been so excited to show her off. He wasn't racing when she had been born (and, admittedly, his wife thought it would keep him home). But, when he returned to Alpine, he took her with him.
(As much as his wife would have liked him to retire, she couldn't hold him back. They both had dreams. She was living hers while being a mother, and Fernando was living his while being a father. Starting a family only added to their lives).
In the back of her mothers car, little Lucía Alonso was decked out in green. Her short, dark ponytail was pulled for a green Aston Martin hat with the number fourteen on it. She had a little Aston Martin shirt, with Alonso printed on the back of it.
Lucía was her fathers biggest fan. "Yeah!" She shouted, pretty much bouncing in her seat.
They pulled up at the track and she held Lucía as they walked through the paddock. There one and only place they wanted to be. She held Lucía on her hip as she carried her through to Fernando's garage.
Fernando was busy. He didn't notice his wife and his daughter right away. She didn't try and get his attention, instead talking to Lance as he waited for Fernando to notice them.
"There's my favourite niece," said Lance as he took Lucía from her mother.
"Hi, Uncle Lance," Lucía giggled. Holding her against his hip, Lance took her hat from her head. He passed it to her mother and placed his own hat on her head.
"That isn't right," Came the voice of Lucía's father.
She let out a shriek as she wiggled out of Lance's arms. "DADDY!" She cried and Fernando picked her up. He took her little hat from his wife and placed it back on her head, giving Lance back his.
Fernando was so happy to have them there. He kissed his wife, keeping his daughter in his hands. He was going to drive his heart out for them.
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im-a-hoping-beetch · 9 months
Many people seem to get genuinely confused, whenever we, zutara shippers, mention how underdeveloped kataang really is. Usually, they’ll brush it off as us being delusional, bitter and you know the drill. Their main response to that, usually is: “How, could they possibly be underdeveloped, they had 3 seasons!?!”
The thing is they forget that the amount of time isn’t as important as what you do do with it. Cuz, yeah, Aang and Katara did have 3 seasons, but their relationship still managed to feel rushed as hell. Heck, even Bryke, out of all people, admitted to it. Which mostly as to do with a bunch of things that I’ll get into right now.
Let’s start with the fact that, Katara never actually shows any interest in Aang.
Now, many of y’all will probably come for me by citing how the cave of the two lovers or even the Headband have moments of her showing interest in him, but all of them end up falling flat at some point.
The cave of the two lovers:
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The argument here, usually is“if she didn’t have any interest in him, why would she kiss him?” or “why would she blush at the idea of kissing him?”. The former seems to forget this is a life or death situation and that we don’t really know for sure that if there were another way to get out if this, she wouldn’t take it. For the latter, I’d like to say that blushing can have many significations such as, embarrassment. Which, here makes sense when considering what she says and overall demeanour, after suggesting to kiss.
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Like yeah, a fourteen year old girl blushing bcz she’s embarrassed at the idea of having to kiss, her friend, out of all things, cuz you know… awkward. Can you imagine that (pun fully intended)???
The headband:
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This one is going to be a ride, but stick with me. The arguments can range from “What about her jealousy while Aang is dancing with other girls.” to “What about the way she looks at him during the dance.”
Here, is said jealousy being shown:
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And said look being done:
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Now, yeah, I can absolutely see why these two exemples would be used as a way to prove her interest, but let me remind you that this is the same episode where we have this happen.
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Yeah, the same episode where Katara is acting all jealous and giving flirty looks to Aang is also the same one where she pretends to be is… mother. While, I could go on about how it wasn’t the best idea on the directors or whoever was in charge of the episode part if it was their way of giving a glimpse of Katara being into Aang. The issue is, them doing so wasn’t completely farfetched either, because up until now it’s been established that Katara can be very motherly and she acts that way with almost everyone in the gaang. More specifically, the one with who she does so the most is, Aang.
I mean, even the show makes a point of poking fun at their mother-son dynamic on several occasions all throughout the show (ie. the don’t-rub-your-eyes-when-you’re-speaking scene in “The runaway” episode). So realistically, the two exemples shown way above could somewhat work, but only if you decide to completely ignore what episode they take place in, one that hasn’t really helped at stopping the mother-son dynamic allegations kataang has been getting, for years, now.
So, back to the development aspect, I think it has always been stunted from the beginning, because, fundamentally, the ship as always been designed to be Aang-centric. If you’d like more insight on that I’d recommend checking @starlight-bread-blog’s amazing post on the issue. But also, that their lackluster resolution is way much more obvious, cuz both are leads in the show. Katara's existence in the show, isn't solely there to serve as some love inerest for Aang. Shocker, but she's actually a MAIN CHARACTER in the show, meaning that we spend three seasons where we get to learn about her battles, fears and aspirations, none of which seems to involve a relationship with Aang.
Like yeah, the reason why The Ending Kiss™ feels so unsatisfactory is, simply, because, Katara doesn't like Aang (at least not like that). Katara, likes Aang, because the show said so. Now, stick with me, cuz I can already feel some of y'all ready to jump at the screen. Within the show, name a single moment where she ever comes to thinking of Aang in a romantic way. One that doesn't involve any external sources, such as someone suggesting about it or because of the given circumstances she has to. The answer is none. The only time we ever get to see her voice her ACTUAL opinion about it, this is what she says:
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That's not even counting how her overall demeanor, from the body language to her choice of words seems to suggest that she's actually trying to let him down gently. Also, may I remind you that at that point THERE'S ONLY 3 FREAKING EPISODES LEFT BEFORE THE BIG KISS™ and this is where there at in their relationship. Plus, within the 3 episodes that are left WE NEVER GET TO SEE THEM TALK ABOUT IT, EVER!!!
This obviously was part of Bryke’s horrible attempt at the will-they-won’t-they trope. Which ended up playing right in their face, cuz like I mentioned they themselves had to come to glaring realization that kataang was rushed. Now, it could’ve been it, the creators realizing their obvious mistake and if they could, trying to fix it by giving us what seemed like the natural progression of their relationship, which was for it to end.
Instead, we got comics!Katara and oooh boy…
Basically, they decided that they would throw away Katara’s meticulously built characterization in order to make her existence revolve around, Aang. I kid you not, when I say that she isn’t allowed scenes, lines and actions that do not revolve around her “sweetie”.
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Remember how I said that, Katara likes Aang because the show runners said so. This is an example of this cranked up to a hundred.
Essentially, when you start thinking about where these two are in terms of growth, kataang is the antithesis to development itself. On one hand it validates the regression of one (ie. the dropped chakra plot line), while simultaneously, having to strip any previously built characterization of the other (ie. comics!katara).
On that note, I’d like to remind people, how important Katara is to the story. Without her, the entirety of the gaang would be dead. Without her, there would be no story. Without her, there would be no Aang.
She deserved to have a voice within her own relationship and not for it to be stolen by two grown men who were still stuck in their childhood fantasy.
She deserved better.
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alilaro · 1 year
I have some Thoughts on Evangelion, and I'm hyperfixating right now, so here's a massive info-dump on it. Thank you and I'm sorry.
(trigger warnings for: child abuse, child death, gore mention, pedophilia, mental health, depression, suicide, and potentially more.)
So, my take on the End Of Evangelion is like a 'Worst Timeline AU.' So what would've happened if Shinji had given into the crippling (justified) trauma and deepest depression of an abused, manipulated, and unfathomably damaged child soldier.
The way Misato constantly screams at him throughout the entire series to 'be a man' and pressures him to get into the EVA and fight literal biblical, kaiju-like angels.
The pressure of trying and failing to get a crumb of praise or approval from his neglectful and spiteful father.
The way people (and fans, tbh) get upset with him for constantly changing his mind. How if he doesn't pilot the EVA, either he or his friends could die. The pressure every adult puts on him. Or again, the absolute cosmic terror of just seeing—let alone having to murder these angels.
Of course, he quits all the time, he's 14. He's a child. An average adult with all the combat training in the world would easily do the same.
Yet he comes back again and again, because of the guilt, the self-loathing, the manipulation of the adults around him—
(who can have all the greatest intentions in the world, "the greater good", etc etc, and it doesn't change a goddamn thing that they are putting these children into death machines and treating it like if they dont do it they are selfish and worthless)
—that if he doesn't do it, his friends will do it and either they or others will die if it's not him.
Like, the point isn't that he can't make up his mind: it's the fact that even if he "gives up", he still keeps coming back, and putting himself before others, despite the grief, despite the pain, despite the trauma
A fourteen-year-old child refuses to stop getting up and trying. Which I feel is symbolic of the whole shows entire meaning, no matter how dark things are, how much you hurt, how much others hurt you, how you feel like nothing, and you want it all to just stop—the pain, the memories, the guilt, the crushing weight of complete utter depression—even as the darkest envelops you and holds you tight, you feel like you can never escape: there is ALWAYS a way out of it.
It's fucking hard, you will lose yourself in it, you will hurt so, so much—but eventually you can find your way out. Through time, through loved ones, through therapy, and more. It's never too late or someone is too far gone in their own despair that they can't be saved and brought back.
And that's not even mentioning the other children. Fans enjoy Asuka more than Shinji because she's got that quick, snappy, high-energy personality. She's overly proud and stubborn, and she loves to fight in her EVA. And Rei, she's the shy quiet girl (a Kuudere, even (didnt like writing that)) designed to be mysterious, and to speculate over. Who is she? Why is she so calm? Does she have a personality behind that demeanor?
But, just like Shinji, they are all child soldiers, and like him, they are products of trauma and manipulation by adults.
Rei, was made in a fool-hearted attempt to bring back Shinji's mother, Yui Ikari, by combining her remains with Lilith. What they got was Rei. An assimilation of Yui, Lilith, Eva, all combining into Rei Ayanami.
Her creators obviously had attachments to her, both having loved Yui before her death, and Gendo Ikari almost took her on as a daughter-like figure (Rei being the name he would've given to his child Shinji, if he had been born a girl,) and revoltingly even more than that.
But as the theme of the series goes, good intentions from adults mean very little, and often act as nothing more than an excuse for creating/doing inconceivably monstrous acts.
She is of course used as an EVA pilot, being able to manipulate her form into a 14-year-old. She is used as a tool. She is replaceable. She knows this. She has no desires because no one has ever cared enough about Rei as her own person to let her think for herself, asked her what she wants, her likes, her dreams, her fears.
Rei's entire existence at this point is to serve, and in an eerie way, the only thing she wants is to serve Gendo, because he's shown her the only breadcrumbs of "compassion" she's ever known.
And then Shinji comes along. Shinji has no idea what she is, only that she is another EVA pilot like himself. He speaks to her as he would anyone else. He cares about her, and her well-being as another person. Actual true compassion.
In episode 06, when Rei is hurt and thought to have died by Shinji, he pries open the hatch to her EVA, ignoring the scalding heat that burns his hands to do so. He finds her alive and cries, and she smiles for him.
This scene is an exact parallel that takes place before with Rei and Gendo (Shinji's father.) He pries open the hatch, scalding his hands too, and finds her alive inside. It's identical except for one thing: Compassion.
Shinji fights to free and help Rei, and when he sees her alive, he is overcome with relief that she, Rei, is alive. He is in tears, he tells her she isn't nothing, implying her life is worth something and people care about her.
When Gendo does it, he does it like a man trying to save a valuable asset. He sees she's okay, and mutters 'I see', and that's the end of it.
Again, in episode 23, when Rei actually dies and is replaced; she is confronted by herself (the Meta Rei, the Rei in her purest, most godly self. A combination of all her sense of beings,) and realizes that she is feeling, she is lonely, she is suffering, and for the first time she cries, and asks herself if this just for her love of Gendo, before sacrificing herself in death to save everyone—specifically shinji.
She is replaced by her many clones, but this time she regains some of her memories, her feelings, her anger, and she is more human now, less vessel, more soul. She is Rei.
In the End of Evangelion, we see the depths of Gendo's depravity. He wants his wife, Yui, back as she was, of course. But in the meanwhile, there's Rei. Rei who is part Yui—a substitute. He touches her breast, an attempt to merge with her, and moves his hand down further to rest between her hips, inside her.
Rei is as much his daughter figure and a child, as she is a part of his own wife, and arises from this: an Oedipus Complex. Gendo treats her as a disposable tool, yet holds Yui at his highest priority. She is his to do with as she likes. How many times has he used her like this? How many times has he committed these atrocities with this child behind closed doors?
Amongst everything else Rei is, she is also a victim of pedophilia.
And in her final moments, while he attempts to merge with Rei in a delusional attempt to bring back Yui, Rei becomes her own being. Rei puts her foot down and says no. She's had enough.
"I will not be a puppet for you to control."
She takes the hand of Adam, fully merges with Lilith, and becomes a God.
And what does she do with all that power? She takes it all, and gives it to Shinji. The one person that ever consistently showed her care and compassion, showed her love. Made her realize she is her own person, gives her the strength to realize her worth and refuse Gendo Ikari, and choose her own path.
Her choice can be argued as good or bad, both. But in the end it was REI's choice, and no one elses.
Asuka uses her anger and her fighting as a means to cope with a barbaric childhood. Her mother, Kyoko, underwent a Contact Experiment when Asuka would have been ~5 years old.
Kyoko survived, but lost her mind completely, thinking her real daughter was actually a doll, and leaving Asuka completely neglected by her mother, all whilst begging and trying to convince her that SHE was her real daughter, not some doll she clung to.
Meanwhile, her father was completely unaffected by this, and even had moved on with another woman (An affair that had been going on before Kyoko fell apart completely, the woman being Kyoto's doctor, that she knew about, and took place in their own home while both mother and daughter were present.) Throwing himself back into his own life with this new woman, and job, Asuka was left with nothing.
Asuka's mother finally snaps and plans her own suicide. She invites Asuka, and with nothing else and wanting nothing more than to be acknowledged by anyone, agrees to take their lives together.
As if all of this isn't bad enough, as a final blow, Asuka's mother takes her own life without Asuka, leaving a five-year-old CHILD to find her mother hanging lifelessly, betrayed and alone again.
Her entire personality isn't because she's 'cool' or 'bossy', its an unfathomably traumatized child, constantly in pain and unable to trust anyone, because she has been taught as an infant that she can not rely on the people meant to care for her, because her parents taught her that in the most brutal and disturbing way possible.
There's even reference to her trying to repeat her mother's suicide after disappearing from the fight, only to be found gravely injured and withering away in a bathtub.
She fights so hard to be independent because she refuses to let herself be hurt and abandoned again.
At the End of Evangelion, even when she is screaming and crying, bleeding to death after being speared through the eye, losing power, and being cannibalized alive in her EVA, she is still so desperate, so angry, that she refuses to die, swearing vengeance on her enemies through dying rattled breaths, and it isn't until she is bombarded with blades that she finally succumbs. And at the hands of NERV.
Again, she, and every single EVA pilot, is only 14 years old.
tldr: The series is about child trauma, children being turned into soldiers, the failings of adults around them, and the tragically brutal and real aftermath of the wreaks of havoc that would have on a child.
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cardentist · 9 months
regarding kyle from the evillious chronicles/daughter of evil series:
I don't think people ever put this in blunt enough terms, but kyle was a Victim in the situation.
"kyle had a crush on a lesbian and that's why he's a bad irredeemable character" is a take that I Still see used completely unironically to this day, and it's so baffling to me.
prim marlon, kyle's mother, is in possession of the sword of venomania, the vessel for the demon of lust. she used that sword to possess king arth, someone who was not interested in her romantically and had a wife, and forced him to have a baby with her (something that she made him forget after the fact).
to put it bluntly, as the fandom often doesn't, this was rape. she used magic to coerce him into having sex with her against his will. this is a consent issue, the power of the venomania sword is Inherently a consent issue.
and then what she did see, is she intentionally put kyle in an arranged marriage with the purpose of one day coercing him to break it.
for those who aren't aware. prim was in love with arth, arth was in love with anne. arth and anne got married and had children (riliane and allen), prim plotted to get revenge and had intended to burn the entire world if necessary to get it.
in that process she intentionally arranged a situation where riliane would be possessed by the demon of pride without her own knowledge, affecting her behavior.
riliane would become more volatile as she grew up, and in that time she'd Also grow up knowing that kyle was intended to one day marry her. having kyle Reject that marriage was Intended to send her into a blind rage, that was what prim wanted to happen.
so what she did was give kyle the venomania sword as a "gift" and Didn't Tell Him What It Did.
it was the Sword that influenced him to develop a crush, it didn't matter to prim who that crush was on only that it happened. and this, as I need to make perfectly clear. Was Prim Violating Kyle's Consent.
prim, kyle's own mother, used demonic sex magic to Force him to develop feelings that he might not have otherwise.
this isn't the only way that she hurt him, she abused him throughout his life, but I Need the fandom to internalize this.
kyle's crush was not his fault, kyle's crush was him having His Own Consent violated without his knowledge. He was the victim in this situation.
and notably ! when venomania (as the sword is named after) made a contract with the demon of lust he kidnapped women to his sex dungeon basement. when Kyle was unknowingly possessed by the demon of lust he gave a girl he had a crush on a hug.
kyle Never forced himself on michaela, he never made her do anything she didn't want to do, he just Liked her and wanted to get to know her. the fact that she was actively falling in love with someone else at the time Wasn't His Fault.
and moreover, Kyle Did The Right Thing By Ending His Arranged Marriage With Riliane.
kyle was in his early 20s, riiliane was Fourteen Years Old. the marriage was arranged without his consent when he was a child, it's not his fault that he was in that arrangement in the first place. but it's Objectively A Good And Moral Thing that he broke that arrangement, despite what ended up occurring in response.
nobody has to Like kyle, but you Cannot criticize him without acknowledging that he was intentionally manipulated, abused, and Possessed by his mother into making the mistakes that he did. kyle is not the villain of the daughter of evil series, prim is.
kyle's only crime was being straight and not wanting to be married to a minor, and in that I think he can be forgiven
The daughter of evil series: [Link] The entirety of the evillious chronicles: [Link] A guide to the series: [Link]
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
this is us ~ jjk | masterlist
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How could you possibly forget him? You couldn't even if you wanted to. You wanted to extract core memories of the two of you and store them in a pensieve for safekeeping, so you could revisit them whenever you missed him, but magic isn't real, and the fairytale of you and him isn't either. You were just a writer caught up in your fantasies, living in daydreams, escaping reality, and projecting your hopes and dreams onto an imperfect person--what a fool you were. But yet, this is you. This is him. This is the story of us.
✨ title: this is us | completed (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ✨ word count: 159k | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap ✨ warnings: language, kissing, alcohol consumption, significant age gap (9 years), noona kink, recreational drug use (edibles), girlxgirl kiss, insecure reader, crappy mom, jungkook's nipple is pierced, cheating, toxic ex's (jk's & readers), talks of miscarriage/inhospitable uterus, flashbacks to 18-year-old jk, reader slaps someone, accidental voyeurism, heartbreak, time skip, eventual happy ending, there is a lot of emotional trauma and this story is pretty much a rollercoaster of emotions, love confessions, longing, pining ✨ smut warnings: jungkook + reader attempt to have sex in a hot tub and fail, allusions to sex, LOTS of teasing and touching, blindfold kink, masturbation(f), unprotected sex, oral sex (m,f), creampie, rough sex, rough oral (m receiving), 69, jungkook is a tease but so is reader, non-penetrative sex, fingering, breast play, light anal play, protected sex ✨ a/n: hiii, this is a sequel to all grown up! if you've read it here, then you can read the sequel :) this is probably one of my favorite series, and this couple has a special place in my heart. ✨ a/n 2: have a drabble request for any of my couples? drop them here and i'll do my best to fulfill them! ✨ read on AO3 & Wattpad ✨ playlist | ✨ quiz: which tiu character are you? | how well do you know tiu? ✨ tags: fic: this is us | tiu couples mood boards | tiu asks | tiu ramblings | ask my muse | tiu pin board | character profiles
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✨ one - this is how you fall in love | wc: 5.5k ➥ you start to fall hard for jungkook.
✨ two - back hugs and peppered kisses | wc: 4.3k ➥ when you're stressed, jungkook has a way to help.
✨ three - hot tubs and clubs pt 1 | wc: 10k ➥ you get to meet jungkook's college friends during a weekend getaway.
✨ four - hot tubs and clubs pt 2 | wc: 5.0k ➥ jimin and taehyung want to party before they leave.
✨ five - daydreams and stargazing | wc: 4.2k ➥ you finally talk to jungkook about the conversation you overheard.
✨ six - it's not all rainbows and butterflies | wc: 5.6k ➥ after a hard conversation with your mother, you learn some new things about yourself.
✨ drabble - girl's night | wc: 2.0k ➥ a fun girl's night with yuna and hyunie.
✨ drabble - the reveal | wc: 4.0k ➥ jungkook sees the photos you took with hyunie.
✨ seven - party of three | wc: 5.4k ➥ you find out yuna's big secret and reveal one of your own.
✨ eight - a blast from the past pt 1 | wc: 5.5k ➥ a blast from jungkook's past comes to stir shit up.
✨ nine - a blast from the past pt 2 ~ the college years | wc: 8.3k ➥ jungkook feels guilty about what he did.
✨ ten - a blast from the past pt 3 | wc: 10.3k ➥ jungkook finally admits what's been on his mind.
✨ eleven - the call | wc: 7.8k ➥ you receive an unexpected call.
✨ twelve - i do | wc: 6.3k ➥ you finally find hyunie, amongst other things.
✨ thirteen - heartbreak hotel pt 1 | wc: 6.6k ➥ after a few weeks apart, you have to tell jungkook what's happening.
✨ fourteen - heartbreak hotel pt 2 | wc: 8.6k ➥ jungkook makes a decision that will change the course of his life.
✨ fifteen - here comes baby | wc: 5.4k ➥ let's have that baby, shall we?
✨ drabble - it'll be okay (jk) | wc: 891 ➥ a small glimpse of life in LA
✨ sixteen - so maybe you're not okay | wc: 5.4k ➥ six months later and you're still not over jungkook, and when you finally hit rock bottom, you realize you have to pick yourself up because no one else can do it for you.
✨ seventeen - one year later | wc: 8.8k ➥ it's been one year since the breakup, have jungkook and y/n been able to move on?
✨ eighteen - you're seeing things, aren't you? | wc: 10.9k ➥ you're dreading the meeting in LA, but it's a big city. you're not gonna bump into jungkook, are you?
✨ drabble - dream bigger, darling | wc: 1.3k
✨ nineteen - together again | wc: 9.7k ➥ after three long weeks, you and jungkook reunite.
✨ twenty - ending credits | wc: 9.2k ➥ you finally get your happy ending.
✨ epilogue - us | wc 5.9k
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✨ TIU deleted scene
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➥ TIU Celebration | Podcast Episode
➥ drabbles 01 - jk + oc compete who thinks iseul will say mama/dada first 02 - jk telling his family he’s coming back home 03 - jk gives oc his photo album 04 - iseul's bedtime routine 05 - jk, joon + tae look after all the girls 06 - indie + hani meet baby iseul
➥ character asks - jungkook | oc | yuna | namjoon | hyunie | taehyung | jin
➥ ama
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saintsenara · 4 months
*rolls up in sexy nurse costume* i have those crack ships you ordered, doctor! extra strength unhinged.
firenze/narcissa malfoy
augusta longbottom/piers polkiss
colin creevey/the bloody baron
oh, you thought you ate with these, anon, but they're hardly unhinged at all.
firenze/narcissa malfoy
i wonder what returning to the forest would be like for narcissa in the years after the end of the war? it's the site of probably the most pivotal decision she will ever have made in her life - one which saves her son, but kills her sister; one which sees her family lose its status, humiliated by the ministry clearing house after the battle and dependent on the goodwill of harry potter to stay out of prison, but which still enables them to survive as a trio.
i seem to write, whenever i'm asked about narcissa, that she's clearly someone whose life is dictated by conformity to conventions - especially ones relating both to her gender and to her social class. with the end of the war, the mask behind which she has lived for decades is no longer available to her, and a woman who is clearly quite fragmentary is going to find herself trying to piece back together a person who hasn't been seen in public since narcissa realised she'd have to make up for bellatrix and andromeda's defiance by being a porcelain-perfect wife and mother.
and returning to the forest is going to stir up the same feelings in firenze. he was driven out for also making a knife-edge decision of huge consequence - agreeing to abandon the usual centaur policy of indifference to human affairs and working for dumbledore as the war ramps up - and which also results in a victory which is tenuous: he's absolutely right to recognise that there's a time for being hands-off and the government in being in the control of a genocidal terrorist kingpin isn't one of them; but, in being right, he ends up an outcast from his community, living as a second-class citizen in a society in which even the good guys think of non-humans as less worthy than themselves.
so you've got your forest-based meet-cute. you've got your central couple striving to come to terms with who they really are. you've got two people whose lives have been dictated by conformity to a set of social standards who no longer have the safety of those standards available to them. you've got a woman whose whole family are named after stars and a man [who is also a horse] who knows how to read the skies.
tell me you don't ship it.
augusta longbottom/piers polkiss
i've seen harold and maude.
colin creevey/the bloody baron
if you were adjusting to life as a ghost, having been brutally killed in a battle you shouldn't even have been fighting in, who would you want to show you around as you learn the ropes?
a forever-fourteen-year-old girl who literally doesn't stop whining
the world's most pompous partially-beheaded man [also fond of whining]
a mysterious and rude young woman who won't stop going on about how hot the man whose forces killed you was when he was sixteen
a drunken monk who represents the least interesting house and who's probably really into "looking on the bright side" and "manifesting", even though he's dead
5. an intriguingly blood-stained [always sexy!] anglo-norman nobleman who would help you tackle the big questions about regret and remorse and who could keep peeves away from you.
we all know what decision we'd make.
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greatideas-badwriter · 5 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Chapter 1
Sixteen. That's the age that a person reaches adulthood in Konoha. It's also the age when most sons and daughters get paired up for arranged marriages. The same can't be said for Sakura, though. No, at twenty-two years old, she's never received a single offer, largely due to the fact that her existence isn't known by many. As the illegitimate child of Baron Haruno and a traveling dancer, the poor young woman was brought up as little more than a slave. Most maids are treated with more care.
Sakura is the eldest of the Baron's four children. Just three years younger than her is Hihara, the family heir and only son. With blood-red hair, emerald green eyes, and tan skin, he received nearly thirty marriage proposals on the morning of his sixteenth birthday. He married Duke Hyuga's second daughter, Hanabi, though he remains in the Haruno estate while she stays at the castle. Apparently, their dislike of one another is mutual.
Next, there's Haruka, the most beautiful Haruno daughter. She has the family's red hair, long and flowing down her back, sparkling blue eyes, and a figure others can only dream of having. Her sixteenth birthday was two months ago, and she's been taking her time selecting a husband out of the many proposals.
In reality, Sakura knows Haruka's only holding out because when she's been wed, she'll have to move in with her new husband, and it's likely she won't be as coddled as she is at home. Haruka is a daddy's girl through and through. She's spoiled and mean but does a great job of appearing charming in front of others.
Finally, there's Hana, the youngest daughter. Unlike Hihara and Haruka, Hana is sweet and kind. At fourteen, she's soft-spoken and intelligent. She's the only sibling who doesn't mistreat Sakura. The two share a love for reading novels and often bond by discussing them.
After twenty-two years of being treated awfully, Sakura's spirit is beyond broken. With dull green eyes and an ever-present solemn expression on her pale face, the woman does what she's told and tries not to draw attention to herself. Any personality she had to speak of was squandered long ago.
"You should be thanking me. My father allowed you to stay here even after your slut mother ran off and got herself killed," Haruka shoved Sakura to the ground. The pinkette didn't try to defend herself because she knew by now it would only make things worse.
The middle siblings often find reasons to bully her, even if they have to make something up. This time, Haruka insisted the woman glared at her. It didn't happen, obviously.
"Here," the redhead lifted her flowing dress enough that her feet were visible and pointed one out toward Sakura, "Kiss it. Tell me how grateful you are."
Tears threatened to rise in Sakura's eyes, but she blinked them back. Gritting her teeth, she crawled closer to do as ordered, only to freeze when their father's voice rang through the long hallway, "Girls, quit playing and come to my office."
A tiny cry escaped Sakura when her hand was suddenly stomped on by Haruka's heel. She snatched it away to her chest when able and struggled to her feet with a low gaze. It was bleeding. She quietly followed her younger sister.
"What do you need this trash for?"
They stood before the Baron's desk, Hihara and Hana already present and waiting. The stern man held up a piece of parchment with an unfamiliar seal in dark blue, "There has been a proposal that cannot be declined." He set it on the desk before him and interlaced his fingers with his elbows resting, "The second Uchiha heir demands a wife from us."
Sakura expected Haruka to be excited because, as far as she was aware, none of her other suitors had a name even close to as powerful as "Uchiha". To her surprise, she wasn't. "No, Daddy, please! Don't make me!"
"This is outrageous! How many women has he gone through already, Father? Surely there's something you can do?" Hihara added.
The Baron lifted a hand to silence the room, "Sakura."
Sakura's eyes lifted in surprise, only to drop quickly down again, "Yes, Father?"
"You'll go."
Haruka gasped before laughing loudly, "That's perfect! Send the garbage to her death in my place. Thank you, Daddy!"
The pinkette couldn't help but ask, despite knowing it'd upset at least her siblings, "To my death…?"
Hihara responded, "Countless women have been sacrificed as wives to him already. Receiving a proposal means certain death by the monster's hand." When Sakura met her brother's eye in disbelief, he smirked, "Thank you for your sacrifice, dear sister."
After being raised under the idea that she was nothing, Sakura didn't argue. She didn't fight back when Haruka visited her bedroom later that night to beat and mock her. She didn't even shed a tear upon being bathed and dolled up like some kind of princess the next morning, only to be put into a carriage and immediately sent to the most northern part of Konoha, where snow covered the ground, and the air was cold enough to hurt bare skin.
'If only I wasn't about to be killed, I'd be so relieved to finally be away from everyone,' Sakura mused while watching the trees pass outside. 'Wait, why aren't we going East, toward the castle?' This was the first time she'd been permitted to leave the estate, so she was still happy regardless.
She looked at her hands with a grimace. Her nails were trimmed and painted a soft white, but there's no hiding the scars and callouses from the hard work she'd been forced to do.
'Will he kill me immediately, or will he want to consummate the marriage beforehand?' To say she was frightened is putting it lightly. Sakura didn't know what consummate meant, but Father told her before she left to expect it and that it was her duty as a wife.
"We're here, Lady Haruno," the driver interrupted the woman's train of thought. Sakura's spine straightened as the door to the carriage opened. She was helped outside by the frowning man. He removed her luggage and sat it by her feet, tipped his hat, and left her there on the side of the dirt road.
"W-Wait!" It was futile. She was alone.
The confused woman looked behind her, only to swallow hard. There, at the end of the lengthy trail she'd been left at, stood a mansion. It was black as night and gothic in style. Every window was dark and covered with curtains. The grass and garden were dead, the leaves from the bare trees lying unraked and messily mixed into the snow to make it a dirty brown color.
'Is this really the home of a member of the royal family?'
She carried her heavy suitcase, struggling all the while, up the path until she reached the door, where she hesitated. Before she could decide what to do, the door opened to reveal a pale-skinned man with dull eyes and a tense smile, "You're trespassing. State your business or leave the premises."
'What? Is this not the right place?'
"I'm the eldest daughter of Baron Haruno." Sakura bowed politely as the maids instructed her last night.
The man's eyes widened, and he cocked his head to the side, "You're Lady Haruno?"
She nodded, attempting to remain composed under his watchful gaze.
He studied her in silence for a moment before holding the door open and gesturing inside, "Follow me. Don't touch anything."
A second man wordlessly approached, took her suitcase, and followed the duo into the large home. The floors were bright white, the tile shiny enough to reflect the lights even though they were dim. Dark violet wallpaper with an elegant black design covered the walls. Expensive-looking vases and ornaments decorated the hallway, each one probably worth more than everything Sakura owns combined. "
Wait here." The young woman nods, bowing her head politely when the pale man spares her a glance.
It was silent between her and the second butler for the entirety of their wait, almost ten minutes. The pinkette begins to feel lightheaded. She wasn't offered any food before being sent off by her family, and her body has always been weak due to the neglect and abuse she suffered all these years.
Just as she began worrying she'd have to ask the silent man nearby to show her somewhere to sit, the original butler reappeared.
He held out a thin black envelope. "Usotsuki will show you to your room."
'What is this? A letter? Where is the prince? Will he not come out to kill me now?'
The confusion must've been obvious because he curtly explained, "Lord Uchiha forbids you from visiting the third floor of the estate, where his quarters are located. Until further notice, you'll begin planning the wedding. That letter contains an official greeting."
The next thing Sakura knew, she was alone in a massive, dark bedroom. It took mere minutes to hang the three dresses she owned in the wardrobe. Inwardly, the woman was terrified the murderous prince would come to kill her in the middle of the night, but she was also wondering if maybe things would be better that way. If he did it while she was asleep, then at least she wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
Lighting a candle at the desk near the bed, Sakura sat in the large chair and opened the letter from her soon-to-be husband. Intricate, neat handwriting met her gaze. Tears welled in her eyes as she read it.
"Lady Haruno, thank you for agreeing to travel to my home without an escort. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. As for our engagement, allow me to clearly explain my intentions. We will not be married. His Royal Highness has demanded I search for a fiance, which is why you've been summoned. However, I do not agree with his demands."
"While I am certain your stay here will be temporary, please inform any of the staff of your needs, and I will see to it that they are met. I ask for your patience as I devise a plan to return you to your family. Please allow me one month to remedy the situation. In the meantime, you will need to act as though our wedding is inevitable. I understand that I'm asking a lot, but it's for both of our sakes. I do not wish to be married, and you likely do not wish to be married to a man like me."
A signature at the bottom of the letter read "Sasuke Uchiha".
Sakura's heartbeat soared in a panic.
'No! No, this can't be happening!'
If she returned home in a month, unwed, her family would be enraged. With shaking hands, the woman fumbled through the desk for a pen and paper, quickly writing a response.
"My Lord, your honesty is appreciated in this stressful situation. Please allow me to return the gesture with unsullied words. While I'm sure you have personal reasons as to why you wish to remain a bachelor, I beg your reconsideration. For my own reasons, I cannot allow this marriage to fail. Let us be wed as His Highness requests. Use me as a defense against further such demands. Whether you discard of me or not, I am fine with whatever outcome so long as our families are fooled."
Sakura would rather be brutally murdered by this mysterious prince than return home. She was sent here to die, and if she didn't do that, the punishment would certainly have her begging for death.
Hesitantly, the woman opened the door to her room and tiptoed into the hallway until she saw two maids passing by, "Excuse me, but can you please deliver this to Lord Uchiha?"
The maids looked at her with wide eyes. One of them gingerly accepted the letter, "As you wish, Ma'am." The pair bowed politely before scampering off, whispering excitedly to one another.
Sakura watched them for a moment before returning to her room with a sigh.
That was the nicest any staff had ever treated her. She fully expected them to hit or at least yell at her. Her body trembled with fright as she climbed into the comfortable bed and curled into a ball. One way or another, her life would soon be over.
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astrid-sama · 5 months
Labyrinth of white roses (Effie trinket x fem oc)
Chapter 1)
The harvest
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I wake up with the warmth of the sun's rays caressing my face, it's a rare event, usually if I want to sneak away without anyone seeing me I'm forced to get up when there's still the moon in the sky, at first light dawn in district twelve everyone is already at work; today, however, everyone is exempt from work and people sleep late trying not to think that tonight at least two families will mourn the loss of their children.
Today the annual harvest is held, on this day a boy and a girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen will be chosen from each district to participate in the Hunger Games, a deadly game from which only one tribute will emerge alive. At school we kids are taught that the Hunger Games are there to ensure that the Dark Days are not repeated, in reality they are just another way for the Capitol City to assert their dominion over us.
I get out of bed, put on my hunting clothes, kiss my brother on the forehead being careful not to wake him and leave the house as quietly as possible. I arrive on the main road and after making sure that there is no one around I head towards the fence; during the journey I feel my stomach growling, it is normal to be hungry here in district twelve and that is why every day I leave the fence to go hunting, putting my life at risk, between dying of hunger together with my brother and being hanged for betrayal by the peacekeepers I choose the second, it is the least painful option. At the fence I find my friends Gale and Katniss waiting for me, we have been hunting together for more than four years now; the fence should be electrified but here in the twelve there is almost never electricity, one at a time we crawl under the fence taking advantage of a point where it is damaged. According to the Capitol, the fences surrounding the districts are there to prevent wild animals from attacking us, but I think they're there to keep us locked up.
We enter the woods, retrieve our bows and hide among the vegetation waiting for prey to hunt. After almost an hour we have captured three rabbits and a squirrel, we go to hide our bows in an old hollow trunk and start looking for fruit and medicinal herbs; when we have finished the sun is higher in the sky and it is probably just before midday. Before leaving the woods, Gale, Katniss and I take a break sitting on a rocky ledge.
-Girls look what I have here- Gale takes a loaf of bread out of his bag, it seems warm and fragrant, few people can afford such bread.
-But this is real bread! Gale where did you find him?- Katniss said as she grabs the loaf of bread.
-The baker gave it to me in exchange for a squirrel-
-Just a squirrel?!-
I can't help but wonder, the baker is a good person but usually a squirrel isn't enough for a loaf like that.
-Today is harvest day, we are all better-
Gale divides the loaf between the three of us, we eat in silence until Katniss asks a question.
-How many nominations do you have?-
Under normal circumstances a seventeen year old like me should only have five nominations, I have so many because I was forced to trade them for food; my father became ill when I was twelve and died when I was fourteen, but my mother died soon after my brother was born so I found myself having to support both myself and my brother and was forced to apply several times in exchange for food, Gale and Katniss are in the same situation as me.
A few minutes later we set off to return to the enclosure; once we return to the district we go to the black market to barter: we exchange strawberries with the mayor in exchange for a bag of legumes, we exchange the squirrel for matches. After leaving the black market, Katniss, Gale, and I wish each other good luck and part ways.
When I arrive home I find my brother waiting for me, he is dressed in a pair of green jeans and a white shirt, his long black hair is tied in a braid and his green eyes shine with happiness when he sees me.
-Welcome back big sister, how do I look?-
-Elia you are handsome, I bet you will make everyone fall in love with you-
Elia blushes and looks away.
-Big sister it's almost time for the harvest, you should go and change-
I nod, I go to the bathroom and quickly wash both my body and my hair, after drying my hair with a towel I put on my best dress, a light green dress with small white flowers and finally I put on some old brown boots. Elia insists on tying my black hair in a braid like his, when he's finished we go to the square to take part in the grape harvest.
As soon as we arrived we immediately separated, I joined the seventeen year old girls while my brother joined the fourteen year old boys. After all boys and girls eligible to participate have been registered, the harvest ceremony begins; first of all (like every year) the mayor goes on stage and begins to read a long speech in which he explains how the Hunger Games are our just punishment for having rebelled against the Capitol seventy-three years ago; after what seems like hours the mayor finally concludes his speech and gives way on the stage to the Capitol emissary who has the task of escorting the tributes of district twelve to Capitol City Effie Trinket.
-Welcome to the seventy-third edition of the Hunger Games, may luck always be in your favor-
Effie walks very enthusiastically towards the glass bowl containing the pieces of paper with the girls' names written on them.
-As always ladies first-
Effie slowly dips her hand into the glass bowl, pulls out a piece of paper, and returns to the center of the stage; in the seconds preceding the reading of the name of the tribute there is absolute silence.
-The female tribute from district twelve is.... Selene Davidson-
All the girls turn to look at me, some look at me with pity, others with relief. My hands are shaking, my body seems to have turned to marble and even though I know I should go on stage I can't move.
-Darling come here-
Effie Trinket smiles at me and calls me to the stage. I force myself to move and slowly advance towards the stage; I'm trying to hold back the tears, I can't seem weak. Capitol City is watching me.
-And now the male tribute-
I watch Effie take the piece of paper with the name of the male tribute and hope that the name is neither Elia nor Gale.
-The male tribute from District Twelve is... Alexander Morgan-
Alexander is a fifteen year old boy with curly red hair and a weak physique, you can clearly see how terrified he is; once he gets on stage he starts sobbing.
-Now a big round of applause for our tributes-
Nobody claps their hands, silence is the only act of protest allowed. After the harvest we are taken into the courthouse and given some time to say goodbye to our friends and family. I'm sitting on a velvet sofa when the door opens and Elia comes in, hugs me and starts sobbing with his head resting on my shoulder. For a while we remain hugged without saying anything, then Elia dries his tears and begins to speak.
-Win big sister and come back to me, I know you can do it-
-Elia I-
-No Selene don't say you can't win, you are an expert hunter you know how to use a bow and knives perfectly and you also know both edible and medicinal plants-
-You're right, I promise I will do everything to come back-
I try to sound confident but in reality I don't think I have much chance of returning home, after all what can a weak little girl from district twelve with a bow (if there is a bow) do against a volunteer from district one who weighs twice as much as she. A short time later, peacekeepers arrive and take Elia away and let Gale and Katniss in in his place. We hug each other, resigned to the idea that this will be our last meeting.
-Guys remember the promise we made to each other, don't let Elia die of hunger! Take him with you into the woods, teach him to hunt, please don't abandon him-
Some time ago the three of us had made a pact, if ever one of us was chosen as a tribute the others would be taken care of by his family.
-Don't worry, we'll take care of Elia, you think about winning-
A short time later the peacekeepers took Katniss and Gale away, I was escorted out of the courthouse and taken to the train that would take me to the Capitol City.
This is the first chapter of my fanfiction "Labyrinth of white roses", I will publish all the chapters of the fanfiction on Ao3 with the name "Labyrinth of white roses".
These are my fanfiction characters created with artificial intelligence:
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takearisk-x · 1 year
For a prompt, Ginny telling Harry he needs to give James "the talk".
you are an angel. a godsend. a light in the darkness. you are my true north.
under the cut because (hilariously) nsfw
James has been spending a lot of time Lyra, she'd said. It's important for him to hear it from us, she’d said. Just be honest, she’d said. It’ll be fine.
It was not fine.
"Right," Harry fidgeted, sitting down next to James on the bed. "So, you know about... girls? Right?"
James pulled a face. "You mean like their existence, or?"
Harry resisted the urge to say don't be a prick, and instead gestured vaguely with his hands. "So, when a boy and a girl love each other-"
"Ew!" James jumped to his feet. "What's the matter with you!?"
It was probably a valid question, but how else was Harry supposed to explain the intricacies of sexual urges to a fourteen year old.
"Look," he tried to be pragmatic. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but your mum thought-"
"Mum!?" James shouted in continued disgust. "What's Mum got to do with anything?"
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Well, she does the washing..."
James blinked a few times before catching Harry's meaning and his face flushed a shocking shade of scarlet.
"Just-" Harry swallowed back a laugh. "Sit down, will you? And I'll get this over with."
Grimacing, James perched on the edge of his mattress as far away from Harry as he could get.
"So, when a boy and girl love each other-"
Again, James cut him off. "Dad? Can we skip the dragons and the doxies speech?"
Harry exhaled in a huff. "I don't know? Do you have any questions? About- any of it?"
James looked like he was in the midst of swallowing an egg. "I know how it all... works. Where babies come from and all that."
"You do?"
"Yeah," James asserted. "Lily told me ages ago."
"Lil-" Harry choked on his eldest daughters name. "She did what?"
James didn't answer, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. "When did you... you know?"
Harry's eyes fell shut as James asked the one question he'd prayed his son wouldn't ask.
"When I was twenty."
James tilted his head, suddenly curious. "That's kind of late, isn't it?"
"What?" Harry snapped. "No, it isn't. And you can wait even longer."
Not accepting this directive at all, James continued with his questioning.
"Was it with Mum?"
Harry chewed on his tongue as the discomfort of his resolution to be honest hit him in full force.
"No, it wasn't."
"Did you love her?"
"No," Harry answered through clenched teeth. "I didn't."
"So, it's okay to do it, even if you don't love them?"
"I- That's not-" Harry stammered uselessly. "Now, hold on just a moment-"
The corner of James' mouth quirked.
Oh, this fucking kid. He knew exactly what he was doing. Fine. If that's how he wanted to play it, Harry could join in.
"Alright, you know what?" he began, taking on an air of finality. "I'm getting your mother."
James paled just as quickly as he'd blushed and shrieked, "No, don't!"
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chaotic-toby · 4 months
Name: Angel Graves
Age: 21
Angel is the cousin of Andrew and Ashley. He was sent to live with them when he was around ten years old. His parents had to get rid of him because a) they were too poor, b) they kinda regret having him, and c) he crept them out.
(Angel's mother is the sister of the siblings' father).
When Angel moved in, it was around three months after Andrew and Ashley killed Nina, so they were a bit distant from Angel, not wanting him to somehow find out about it. Over time, they got close with him and the three became inseparable. The siblings even helped Angel pick out his name (they wanted to keep the "a" pattern).
Angel is close to both of the siblings, but he does argue with them every now and then despite hating conflict. He isn't a doormat or anything. If there is something happening that Angel doesn't agree with, he will gladly argue against it, but sometimes, he finds himself refusing to argue with Andrew or Ashley in fear of them abandoning him just like his parents did. Angel was escatic when he finally got siblings since he was an only child, and he doesn't want to lose that.
Now Angel's personality can be all over the place at times. He doesn't have a lot of patience with situations or people. He sometimes act without thinking, which gets him into dangerous situations. Angel can have really bad mood swings at times-- he can be extremely happy or content with life for like half the day, but then all of a sudden, he can get really sad. This happens when he thinks about something that has happened to him or overthinks about what could happen. It can get very annoying, especially when he is having a really good day.
When Angel does get in one of his moods, the siblings have different ways of trying to help. Andrew will give him space, but also making sure that Angel knows they both love him. Ashley, being the menace she is, will invade Angel's personal space, giving him a lot of physical affection and surprisingly loving words until Angel either accepts it or snaps at her if it's an especially bad day-- to which he apologizes for later on.
Angel has trouble caring about people he isn't close to. If the people he loves the most are hurt or something, then he would be worried, but if he sees someone he barely cares about-- like a friend from school or even his parents-- crying, he finds it difficult to care. He knows he should care, and it bothers him a bit that he doesn't, but Angel just doesn't care.
It takes him a while to actually care about someone.
Angel doesn't like sleeping. He will stay up for days at a time until he is either forced to go to sleep or faints. This has led to the siblings finding him in the weirdest spots. They get very worried sometimes.
As a child, before he realized he was trans, he would call himself The King and would order the kids on the playground around, which led to the other kids not really liking him.
Speaking about him being trans, Angel didn't start questioning his gender identity until he was fourteen. Before that, he didn't really have any problem being a girl. He wasn't a girly girl or anything-- he did love boyish stuff-- but he didn't have any qualms about dressing feminine or being referred to as a girl. However, as he grew older, he became uncomfortable with all of that. After years of going through different labels, names, and pronouns, he finally settled on Angel, and uses he/him pronouns.
Lastly, he really likes the outside, so when he was in quarantine, it pained him to be stuck inside all day for months.
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hubrisbracket · 9 months
Hubris Bracket Side A Poll 11: Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (The Evillious Chronicles) vs Fei Wong Reed (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
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Propaganda below!
Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche
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So in evillious there are people known as the seven sinners because they were possessed by demons of sin (there were other people that were posessed too but the sinners are the ones who made the biggest impact on the world) and riliane is literally the sinner of pride!! She was a princess who got posessed by a the demon of pride and that made her all tyrannical, executing people for no reason, letting commoners starve, classic evil princess shit, and she committed genocide on a country because her ex-fiance fell in love with a girl from that country. BUT then the people started a revolution where they wanted to execute her, but her servant Allen who was very very devoted to her (and who was actually her twin brother but she lost memories of that because of a different demon) and allen puts on her clothes and pretends to be her and gets executed, she has to watch him die then runs away into the woods and almost dies, but then gets saved by a nun (that was actually the lesbian crush of the girl whose country she genocided) and was taken into the monastery, at first she was all pathetic and snobby and didnt want to do "commoner" work but eventually she came around but her main Thing is the part where she gets knocked from her throne and becomes a sad wet kitten okay. Also she was 14 and ruled the country bc her parents died
She is Literally the embodiment of Pride. She is fourteen years old. She ordered a genocided. She has a favourite horse named Josephine. She regularly has people beheaded via guillotine. She became a nun wishing for everyone to know peace later in life. She HAS the range and also she has bee the princess of my heart since like 2015 ♡
(this next one isn't in bullet form bc it's long)
Riliane was an exceptionally terrible tyrant, who only ruled her kingdom for 1 year before being overthrown. She would tax the people, who already had very little food, so that she could buy exorbitant things to show off to her guests and her fiancée. She would execute people over the tiniest of issues, such as not letting her win a game. She waged a war on another kingdom because her fiancée (who was forced into the marriage by his abusive mother) broke off the engagement to pursue a peasant woman. Not knowing the woman's identity, she simply commanded her army to track down and kill every woman who shared the same traits, known as the "Green Hunt".
If all of this sounds incredibly petty and childish, that is because Riliane ascended to the throne when she was 14. She is literally a child. History books say that she was executed in the square at three o'clock, just before her 15th birthday… but the truth is a bit more complicated. She had a younger twin brother, but a succession crisis and plot to undermine the royal family ended up with her getting amnesia and him having to fake his death for his own safety. This happened when they were only 6. He eventually came back to the palace as a servant named "Allen Avadonia", but Riliane had already been possessed by the Demon of Pride. The only people who knew Allen's true identity was Allen, their late mother, his adoptive father, and the two other confidants that their parents had. Riliane just saw Allen's resemblance to her as a fun piece of trivia.
Despite this, Allen did his best to make her happy, even to his own detriment. And it seemed that, even though she was possessed, she did come to care about him as well, because she only stopped the war because he said he would leave the palace if she didn't. When the revolutionaries were coming to capture and execute the princess, Allen asked if they could switch clothes, and then told her to flee while he stayed behind.
Even if she couldn't remember him, they were still twins, so he could probably fool the rebels. Riliane, to her credit, was absolutely horrified by this and protested, even telling him that this was all her fault and she should face punishment for it. Allen, however, didn't give Riliane a choice in the matter. He pushed her into a hidden passageway and locked the door behind him, while he faced the revolutionaries alone. Riliane has not lost everything, even her own identity because the princess was supposed to have been executed. On the brink of starvation, however, she is found by a nun, and taken in. Riliane is still somewhat selfish and bratty, pushing everyone else away, except for the nun who saved her, Clarith. Eventually, Clarith's kindness even manages to make Riliane try being more respectful and help out with the chores at the orphanage.
Clarith understands what it's like to be so alone, as it is something she struggled with her entire life until she made her first friend. And then her friend was killed in the Green Hunt. One night, Riliane goes to the confession box, and admits all of her evil deeds from her time on the throne, then goes out to watch the sea and mourn her brother. And, by complete coincidence, Clarith overheard everything. Knife in hand, Clarith looms closer and closer to Riliane. This is the tyrant who took her dearest friend and razed her village to the ground.
Everyone is dead and gone because of her. Killing her would be justice. Right? But she's a child and she's so lonely. She's just standing there, in the seawater. She knows Clarith is behind her. She knows that Clarith is intending to kill her, and she accepts it. She knows she deserves it for what she's done. But Clarith spares her life, takes pity on her. And furthermore, Clarith helps her adjust to this new life, and the former tyrant resolves to try and become a better person, to honor the sacrifice her brother made. She knows she can never apologize or be forgiven for what she has done.
But that doesn't mean she shouldn't at least try. She spends the rest of her life at the orphanage, raising the children there with love. (This is the propaganda) TLDR: Teenage tyrant loses everything; her kingdom, riches, last remaining family member, even her own identity, and is forced to live the rest of her life with the knowledge and guilt that she has no one to blame for her misfortune but herself. In the end, she is given pity by a person she has hurt directly and tries to honor her brother's sacrifice by being a better person, living humbly and being a loving parent to the orphans at the orphanage. She'd learn nothing if she was simply executed, after all.
Fei Wong Reed
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Fei Wong Reed sought to conquer death where the superior magician (Clow Reed, who created Fei Wong by unspecified magical means) failed; he didn't do this because he particularly cared about any dead person, but because he wanted to prove he was better than Clow. he orchestrated a whole plan involving time loops, clones, memories scattered across worlds/dimensions, and pawns arranged for when they were children, but he still failed in the end. he arranged for a group of four people (and their sapient little magical creature) to travel between worlds, unknowingly fulfilling Fei Wong's ends; this group was made up of two clones created by him (one of whom had her memories scattered across worlds by Fei Wong so that he could use her for her powerful magic once the group had gotten all the memories back), a strong fighter who wouldn't have ended up on this journey if Fei Wong hadn't killed his mother when he was a child, and a powerful magician whose secret convoluted backstory meant that he was supposed to betray the rest of the group to Fei Wong (spoilers: when it comes down to it he decides to help the rest of his group instead because they are Found Family). in the end, the group (along with the escaped boy one of the clones was created from (who escaped because one of Fei Wong's other creations let him go)) stops him, and he winds up dead at the hands of the fighter. TLDR: Fei Wong Reed wanted to do an impossible thing just to prove he was better than his creator, he set up an intricate web that brought a specific group of people together to help achieve this task without (most of) their knowledge, and he was then killed by this group of people.
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Some of the most grown up, bravest things book Hiccup has ever done that I think about often;
Unarmed and staring down a sword, a deadly dragon, and an erupting volcano, and still managing to sing in the face of death
Freeing the Wanderers on the American Dream 2
Freeing a gigantic terrifying dragon just because he couldn't stand to see it so sad and trapped in chains
Defeating his own father in a duel for the crown, even though he didn't want it, just so that he could free the dragons and hopefully end the war peacefully
Being a branded Outcast and still having the compassion to free and disarm dragon traps, even when both humans and dragons were trying to kill him
Willingly entering Prison Darkheart to look for his best friend
Willingly staying in Prison Darkheart to look for his best friend even when staying was extremely dangerous for him specifically, and even when given ample opportunity to escape, instead giving up that opportunity to a little girl who couldn't even remember her mother. He even redid all the buttons on her bear suit so that she would look her best when she went back to her family that is the sweetest thing--
Waiting patiently for the perfect moment to kill a dragon even when he was literally being digested alive by it
Saving Snotlout even though doing so would literally put him and all of his friends at risk of being brutally killed by dragons and even though Snotlout himself wasn't above killing him
Realizing Snotlout had led him into a trap, coming to that realization, and, this is extremely important-- ultimately decided to let himself be led into the trap on the off-chance they might let slip where the lost things and Camicazi were. He actually made a choice in his head, and then steeled himself, and willingly walked into Alvin and the Witch's trap on the off chance he could find the lost things. That's ballsy for a fourteen year old kid
Speaking of that-- ENDURING WATER TORTURE. His dragons managed to keep him from drowning and getting torn to bits by pirhanna dragons, but that water was freezing and clearly did a number on him mentally. And he never broke. That was so brave of him and I'm never getting over it.
Not to mention that moment where he looked Snotlout in the eye, even after everything he did, and told him he never gave up on him-- and he still isn't giving up on him-- before jumping back into the freezing water to escape. Nerves of steel.
Then he woke up from a shipwreck with amnesia to a little dragon telling him "Hey good morning. You're the top most wanted enemy in the archipelago. Dragons and humans think you're dead but they'll definitely kill you on sight if they find out you're not. You're being hunted by dragons right now actually. Also you need to get to this island full of dragons (that kill you by launching you into the sun the second you step on it), because your arch-nemesis is there and he's about to become king of the archipelago. You need to not only stop him from becoming king, you yourself need to become king of the archipelago, and then you need to face this BIG GIANT HUMAN HATING ISLAND BURNING DRAGON in SINGLE COMBAT to determine the ultimate fate of human and dragon kind."
And Hiccup said, "okay."
That kid managed to get to that island JUST IN TIME, with AMNESIA, and interrupted Alvin's coronation even though he was black and blue and torn to shreds and limping and crying and couldn't even remember his own name and STILL told them all that he was willing to become King of the Wilderwest.
What a kid
Not to mention he faced that human hating island burning dragon with the courage of an entire army's worth of heroes.
Even when Furious dies he promises to the end of his life to try to make the world better for dragons and he DID to his dying breath he tried
He tried and it mattered
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is quite possibly, in my opinion, one of the coolest protagonists ever
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n0vembrs · 2 months
she doesn't think too hard about the card, giving it a once over: an avenue between funny and affectionate, just the right amount of appropriate to get her a side-eye from the girl's mother. ❛ what do fourteen-year-olds even like? usually i just give her cash. ❜ at least since valerie had insisted she'd grown out of barbies and bratz dolls and leappad books; but time has passed since then, too. she's not nearly as in-touch with the next generation as would be useful to her right now.
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the card goes in the basket. ben has a brother. sure, max isn't exactly a fourteen-year-old girl, but he's probably the closest november is going to get.
@luminarot — starter call : for ben logan.
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bat-besties · 1 year
Your lili posts have me thinking a lot about Jade and her similarities with Rose. Both come from countries ravaged by war and colonialism and this shapes their childhood- and yet DC ignores it despite the potential for a poignant and meaningful story there.
Rose grew up in a determent camp. Jade’s father was a french colonialist and she was later sold into slavery(and when she escaped she was trained by a chinese freedom fighter). These are interesting stories not only in the way they uniquely affect cambodian and viet women but in the sense they just… are compelling?? Jade works well with Roy and her daughter DOES make her more interesting but her dynamic with her daughter and with MEN has an extra layer there that they just don’t care about.
Rose HAS this unqiue and formative trauma that’s never discussed. Despite who her mother was or the things she saw she is aggressive to other women constantly, she is centrally relevant for her daddy issues,which yea are important, are not the only thing to explore there! I hope this makes sense and I’m not just very tired
This does make sense!
That's a really interesting parallel - I didn't know about Jade's backstory! I assumed the man she was talking with was a fellow assassin and not someone who had such a formative impact on her life.
Yeah, I think it's very telling that DC does a relatively good job with Mia Dearden as a trafficked white girl (and even that has some misses) but when a women of colour has trafficking in her backstory it's not fully explored or explained. Especially when women of colour are more at risk of human trafficking than white women, but don't receive the same attention/horror at their situations.
In way too many DC comics, human trafficking victims are a blur of undifferentiated nonwhite and/or female characters freed from the back of a van by our hero and never seen again, used to show just how evil an organisation or villain is. So yeah, that makes it especially galling that Jade's escape from slavery isn't factored into her relationship to men and her daughter.
Like Jade, Lili escapes slavery and tries to give her daughter the best life possible, and like her, she's erased from her daughter's personality and life.
Intergenerational trauma specific to Cambodia (which was already being discussed in academia in the 90s!!) and Vietnam is completely ignored. The way both have to deal with their own trauma and break cycles of abuse to raise their daughters is never acknowledged, while any way they act on past traumas is heavily punished. [Lili not wanting Rose to know about Slade to protect her leaving Rose unprepared for him/Jade reacting violently to having her daughter taken away from her being portrayed as her being crazed]
And yeah, the Rose who initially protects a woman from an abusive husband as a fourteen year old and has tea parties with Dolphin and Lian is suddenly turned into a sexist.
(Rose not hearing out Jade about Lian because of her own trauma and need to protect a little girl from the assassin parent coming on the scene was so PAINFUL and I am curious if they've interacted since)
Rose's valid and actually nuanced debate with Cassie about morality, the nature of redemption, etc, is portrayed as a catfight. It devalues both characters' arguments, but the racism of making Rose an oversexed Asian girl who says sexist things is much more egregious.
I also hate any Rose line along the lines of "I was raised in a brothel" because it never leads to a nuanced discussion of sex work but always means "sex isn't a big deal", which (a) I don't think anyone on any side of arguments about sex work thinks and (b) frankly would not be said if her mother and her were white. And of course, I don't even need to mention how horrible the Tim scene was for her character and background.
Similarly, you're so right that Rose's problems with authority are often seen as "daddy issues" which is so offensive because firstly, responding to abuse by a parent by struggling with authority is a genuine trauma response many people have. Secondly, she grew up for five years in an environment where soldiers abused refugees, and then she spent the next nine at risk of police abusing her mother and the other women because they were sex workers, and majority women of colour. She has really valid reasons not to trust people in authority, and when Eddie's being manipulated by the Doom Patrol, she's the first member of the Teen Titans to call bullshit and protect him. It's especially interesting because the manipulated members of the Doom Patrol are strongly disability coded and Caulder mimics ableist rhetoric to control them. Eddie, coded as newly disabled and white, is not used to having someone use bigotry to manipulate and control him, and I find it so interesting that Rose as a woman of colour is the first to worry about him. In the right balance, her distrust of authority is useful and insightful.
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I honestly don't know enough Jade yet to have similar insight into her but I want to read more!
Overall, the Asian women in DC are so frequently screwed over, and I really think, being white myself, that white people need to stop discussing treatment of women in comics as shorthand for treatment of white women. For example, it might be overdone to focus on a white woman being a mother, but Asian women like Lili, Jade, Talia and more have their motherhood devalued and relationship to their children discounted. There's way too much reading material out there about treatment of Asian women in media to not work towards intersectional discussions of characters like Rose and Jade. Trying to untangle these characters from DC's racism/sexism and discussing them in their historical and cultural contexts is really rewarding and interesting.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
Not a big deal, and nobody asked for this, but although I try to keep clothing descriptions in my stories in moderation, I do think about costuming for OCs, and exactly when everyone's clothing dates from. It's not always as simple as matching it to the year the story takes place.
Rachel, for instance, is from a family that isn't wealthy, and she doesn't often get new clothes. Her family wears what they have as long as possible, so her clothes probably tend to date from a couple years or so behind the time--she's about fourteen when we meet her and hasn't done a lot of growing recently. But she also wears clothes that were her mother's as a young woman in the 1880s. They've been made over a little to reflect current fashions--obviously she's not going out in public in outdated bustles--but the basic 1880s structure and color/pattern choices remain. Very few of her clothes are things she has chosen herself.
Rietta and Tietra are kept on a tight budget, so what they wear on a daily basis at home is probably a few years behind the times, more so in the case of Tietra, who doesn't need to replace clothing as often as Rietta, who has grown a lot shortly before we meet her. Even though most of Rietta's clothes are now well-worn, they are of high quality and were the very latest fashions when they were first made. Her wardrobe is of course going to be significantly fancier than Rachel's. However, anything worn for public appearances is always going to be new and stylish. Rietta exerts as much control as she can over styles and colors, so her clothing reflects her preferences well.
The Coregean royal family is very well-off and not suffering from the effects of a long war in the way that Faysmond is, so they are going to be wearing new, expensive, fashionable clothes almost all the time. Talfrin and Bethira maintain a very public image, and their fashion sets the tone for the rest of the nation. Bethira was raised much more modestly and might wear somewhat older clothing in private, informal settings whenever she can get away it. Delclis prefers older, comfortable clothes also, but he's a growing teenager and has to replace clothes fairly frequently. All of Elystan's clothes are new and chosen by either him or Bethira; he has never worn Delclis's hand-me-down anything.
Amarantha's wardrobe in Book 2 is almost all new because it was recently purchased for school. Her family is better off than Rachel's but not wealthy, so her clothes will be of a nice quality but not elaborate. Edmara is not present enough to play much role in choosing her daughter's clothing, and Amarantha selects everything herself, taking pride in her ability to select becoming colors and styles.
Tamett's in a similar situation with new clothes for school in Book 3. His wardrobe is clean-cut and well-made but deliberately chosen not to outshine Josiah's in any way. He tends not to take good care of clothes, and they have to be replaced more often than his mother would prefer. His sisters wear clothes that are of a similar quality to Amarantha's, but Emenor is the only one who tends to get new clothes on a fairly regular basis, since the younger girls mostly wear her (...or Lovisa's or Cille's) hand-me-downs.
The Liennese royal family can afford the best, most fashionable clothing, and Odren employs a very gifted tailor who can give him (and Josiah) the desired image. But Odren also wishes his family to be a model of Liennese Thriftiness™, so they do tend to reuse clothes more often. Ayra and Ateva especially wear older clothing in more private settings. Josiah doesn't do this as much because he's still growing (a lot), so most of his wardrobe is going to be fairly new and expensive, but most of his old clothes are saved and remade for Mikaiah. Clothing choices have to be approved by Odren or a representative of his, and his children frequently wear clothes that match or coordinate with each other--when they're not actually in uniform.
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