#thats just fucking stoopid
thistleclaw-and-miku · 9 months
hot take but i think it shouldn't matter wut wc character you like. as long as you acknowledge when they do something wrong and don't try to excuse it i think any character is warrior cats can be likable.
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worldblight · 1 year
Inneed to write something other than. Fanfiction
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cherubispunk · 7 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (CHAPTER ONE) -Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: The Canary Club. Illicit. Underground. Dangerous too. But nowhere near as dangerous the affair you and Joel start there.
a note from Lucy: chapter one! I'm digging my own grave here. thats all im saying. i promise it is focused on joel and the reader later in the chapter. im just setting the scene for differnt relationships in the series.
wc: 6969 (haha lol) Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20’s and Joel is in his 40s), smut. p in v sex, oral - f receiving, oral through panties, choking, groping, sexism, mentions of racism, touch starved joel, me being back on my bullshit, drinking, ,smoking, throwing fists because men are stoopid and cant talk things out, cheating on the readers part, but joel knows this and still fucks her like the horny bastad he is. *sigh*, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, ww2 references, an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged. 6969 words of unedited bullshit because im piss drunk and cant for the life of me edit.
series m.list | m.list
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The jazz band was one of the finest groups in the city. ‘Only the finest for The Canary Club’, as Johnny had put it. 
Johnny Boy Finnick. 
Now he was a man. Played sports in college, muscular, strong arms that pinned you to the wall or mattress or table. Hands that shuffled playing cards with ease and had you screaming far after the night was over. Deep blue eyes and blonde hair that never fell out of place from its slicked back style. Not even after he had crushed someone's jaw under the weight of his pummeling, bloodlusting fist.  
Johnny made a name for himself bootlegging liquor, too young to fight in the first world war. Took over as The Boss of Boston. It’s how he got his name. Johnny Boy. Fresh faced but the heart of a ragged old man. Lost it all after the second world war, gained it back not long after. A killer with a bone deep yearning for blood, money, violence, and you. 
He sat in his pressed suit, legs parted as he leaned over to display his full flush to the table, flashing a killer smile when he collected the money off his right hand man and three more of his boys. You smiled from the bar, beads of your dress twinkling in the low light of the speakeasy, ready to waltz over with another old fashioned and drape yourself in his lap.
“Thanks, Henry.” You smiled at your oldest friend, taking the drink he had placed down in front of you on the bar. Henry was your age, 25. A boy from Hartford, Connecticut, grew up in Kansas, then moved here looking for work in a big city. Honest, hardworking. Sweeter than cherry pie. And his little brother Sam was just the cutest pip you'd ever seen. 
“No problem, Doll.” He teased, which deserved a roll of the eyes from you. 
“How many times have I asked you not to call me that?”
“This would make it…” he glanced up for a second, as if calculating within his mind, “one too many times to count.”
“Funny.” You gave him a quick bitter smile. All in good fun, clearly, for he took no offence. He just shot you a smile, running a clean rag over the bartop, collecting two glasses and wiping the rings of condensation they left upon maplewood. 
“Your man looks thirsty. Might wanna take him his drink now. Before he gets the wrong idea about me talking to ya.” You sighed, craning your head slightly to look back at Johnny who scanned the place with a scowl. It made your skin crawl the thought of his temper snapping again. Despite it, you left Henry with a playful wink his way before swanning back over, placing Johnny’s drink in front of him and a vermillon kiss to his cheek. 
Johnny sneered at the affection, wiping your lipstick stain from his cheek. All the confidence you had fell to the floor and shattered miserably. Liquid courage sloshed on the cured wood floor.
“Fuck’s sake, Doll. What you do that for?” He demanded of you, the disgust in his cruel cerulean eyes sending a chilling, agonising jolt down your spine. 
“Sorry, Johnny.” You shied away, folded your hands together, eyes on the floor.
“Ain't you gotta powder your nose or something? Go on. Piss off.” 
He was right. You’d be on soon. Drenched in the spotlight. Under the scrutinising, side cramping glare of everyone's eye. You could do with the quiet. So you shuffled off to your dressing room without a word more, holding back tears with your breath. 
In the mirror, you mourned the girl you were. Mourned the life you had before it all turned upside down. Mourned the man you fell in love with. And the monster you had no choice but to stay with. 
Joel was fuming. If you touched his skin you'd reel back with a scorched yelp because his blood ran hot, fast and thick under his flesh. Trust Tommy to catch himself in the web of underground crime. Always a joiner. Always a deserter too when things got heated. And who was left to untangle him from its intricate, venom snared weave? Joel ‘Gubbins’ Miller. He might as well have ‘mother to my brother’ branded on his forehead. Because that's what he was now. 
The war ended four years ago and ever since Tommy had been searching for his purpose. Preached about it round the dinner table in their grimy, mildew inhabited apartment like a preacher would his sermon. And every time it set Joel’s teeth on edge. Because he knew what came after the downfall. The pickup. 
Now, however, Joel was determined to nip this lunacy in the bud. Tear it up from the soil by the new roots. 
The Canary Club was one of the few remaining speakeasies around in Boston. To a cop it was practically a ghost of an establishment. Might as well not be there. But to a man like Joel, whose brother never stopped babbling on about the next best thing he had cooking for himself, it was as easy as pie.  
A shroud of cloud hung just above Boston’s looming buildings, teaming with the early moon to create a murky gloom over the dim city’s sin. It seemed to fill the hollow, smoggy air as they cast dark, taut shadows over the slick, grimy roads. The sky threatened rain for the third day in a row. A place that reeked of underground crime, drug rings and watered down, once bootlegged alcohol, laced with what one can only assume to be illegal too. All of that was washed down with the constant sour smell of new rain upon dirty tarmac. A city plagued and tarnished by its own rejects.The promise of work bought them in. But the lifestyle spat them back out. Chewed up and ruined by their own humanising hope.
He and his brother came in search of work. They were getting nowhere down south in Texas. On the dole and barely able to afford a loaf of bread between the two of them. Even their own mother hardly recognised her boys after the war. Said they were empty shells of men. Husks of the boys she raised. Killers. 
The woman was a pacifist at heart. And it was a trait that Joel not only saw as weak, but typical of women. Or that's what his father had socialised him into thinking. He didn't know where his father’s ideals ended and his started. As the days went by he saw more of the violence his father harboured in himself. Grimaced at the lug in the looking glass. 
Joel was no pacifist. But he didn't storm through the doors either. No gun was in hand ready to send people screaming bloody murder. That was stupid. A mistake that he knew could wind him up on the concrete in the flooded gulley with a bullet in his head where blood and water could finally mix. Instead he stole in quietly in the ambience of playing cards and a Jazz band, ordered himself a drink, and sat at the far corner of the bar where it was dimly lit. Just enough for him to see his drink and the room, but his face still remained shadowed. 
While he sipped in ponder, he took the chance to people watch. Scan the patrons for any uncanny resemblance of dear Tommy. But nothing. He seemed distracted by the careful and steady hand that polished glass after glass, though each of them were spotless before touching the rag. 
A pointless task. Some may say sisyphean. But the boy doing so knew when eyes were on him. It was a very rare occurrence if not related to his race. People of any darker colour were ogled often in these parts despite it being more accepted within the north of America. There was still divide and segregation. However, this new patron wasn't looking for Henry’s skin colour, rather contemplating how on earth a boy such as him had ended up in such a place. What connection he had to the gang. Was he like Tommy? Roped in at the side of the side of the road and choking on his remaining pride. Or in a sticky financial situation? All these questions seemed to circle like the rag in the crystal glass Henry held. 
“What’s your name, kid?” Joel asked him with an ex-smoker's voice, brow dark in the shadow. The boy looked up, eyes youthful, but they'd seen things no man should have to. 
“Henry.” He said after a beat, quick to refill Joel’s glass when it was empty besides a drop circled thin and amber in the bottom. “Yours?” Joel lifted his head, taking a sip before placing his glass back on the bartop in furrowed brow contemplation. 
“Joel.” He leaned forward on his forearms, haunched over the bar, before looking around again. “Whatcha doin’ here, Henry?” 
Henry laughed slightly, looking down at his feet before back in Joel's eyes. And what he was met with was the hollow ache of a man scarred by war. Henry’s face fell flat. 
“No…I mean in Boston.”
Henry cleared his throat at the sudden, and even brash way Joel approached his question. So much that it took him a second to frown and then reply. 
“Came from Kansas. Hard for a black kid to find honest work there. Especially with a family to look out for.” His words were solemn and reflected a truth Joel knew all too well growing up down south. Even if he never lived it in his own white skin.
“You look a little young to have a kid.” 
“I don’t. I got a brother.” Joel nodded as he listened, waiting for him to go on. Which he did after a beat of silence. “Bright kid. Bright future too. He’s deaf though. Got a lot stacked against him in this world. Mom can't bring in enough to fund education for ‘im. So I stepped up.”
“No Daddy?” Joel asked and Henry shook his head. “How’d you end up here then?”
“A girl.” The look Joel gave Henry was sceptical. But the young boy was soon to put a stop to it all. “Not a girlfriend. Just a girl. We grew up in the same building. She moved up north for a life and I followed a few months later. She met a guy. A wealthy guy. And she wrote to me often of how swell Boston had been for her.”
Joel wasn't the questioning type. Neither one to beat around the bush. But Henry intrigued him. Reminded him a lot of Sarah. The challenge she had faced with the colour of her skin that he, as a white man, would never understand. He felt a guilt about it every day that flared up in the dark of night before his eyes closed for restless and futile sleep. “And this guy?”
“Him.” Henry nodded subtly over to the table of men playing cards. Poker. A game Joel knew well in the frontline and in Egypt where he fought. Him and a few others often huddled together in their own game. Nothing but the last pair of intact socks to bet on, or a single cigarette to get them through the night. Joel quit smoking the moment he got back. Knew it was something that made him unpredictable and jittery in the best of situations. “Johnny Boy Finnick. A big name in these parts.” 
Joel followed Henry’s gaze, but his attention was snagged by the unmistakable head of dark curled hair facing away from him. He knew his brother anywhere and his blood began to boil as he threw back his second drink and slammed the empty glass on the bartop. 
“Hey, man-” Henry tried, shoulders straining as he stood to attention. Joel didn't pay him any mind. Merely wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before his bar stool sharied upon the varnished wood floor. He cared not for the noise. Only the feeling he would get once his closed fist met the bone on the bridge of Tommy’s nose. 
Trumpets flailed to a stop and drums failed mid blow. The room fell silent after a chorus of gasps. 
He loved his brother. Deeply. So much it caused a chasm of a rib cracking hole in his chest every time Tommy slipped up. But he saw red now it all caught up behind his lids that blinked once. That split second of not seeing and before he had a chance to second guess, he was gripping the back of tommy;s collar and wrenching him up to his feet to deliver a shiner to the face. 
Tommy staggered back, and everyone at his table stood up with the intention to harm. Yet no one but the brawling brothers fought. As he gained his footing again, he also gained his senses, recognising Joel anywhere. 
“Joel, what the fu-” He was hardly able to finish before another shooting pain split his bottom lip open and Tommy’s mouth was filled with the taste of his own bitter blood. Blood he and Joel shared and were now shedding in a futile fight of nothing but testosterone. That was enough to send the same foul blow to his kin. Joel winced, knowing the crescent of a bruise that would bloom on his cheekbone overnight. One of Tommy’s many rings sliced his skin. He felt warmth in crimson dribble from a fresh flesh wound. 
“Hey!” One loud and bellowing voice that had the power to command a whole unit of men boomed out before neither Joel or Tommy had the chance to throw another fist. It was for the better. Any more and Joel’s knuckles would have bruised purple. A colour of shame. 
It was Johnny. And his face was stoic as he stared each brother down with a burning gaze that had even Joel’s hairs stood on end at the nape of his neck. Like an army stood to attention before the first charge. Except he didn't move. Joel knew now where he stood in the food chain of this speakeasy. And it was right at the very bottom. “You!” He pointed at Tommy. Go clean yourself up.” And Tommy went as pale as a funeral sheet before nodding meekly. His face melted from shock to shame in the blink of Joel’s very eye before he grumbled something under his breath and passed Joel with a sharp clip to his shoulder. 
It's his turn now. 
At this point you'd come out to see what the commotion was for. The walls, while thick upstairs in the printer's press, were thin in the basement. And you;d heard silence and the spit of a man as his blood splattered with spit on the floor in the doorway. 
“The fuck do you think you’re doin throwin’ fists in my god damned club for?!” He roared. And Joel had to take the duration of both inhale and exhale to get his lips and tongue to work. But the scowl on his face said it all. “Huh?!” Jonny’s nostrils flared like a spanish thoroughbred bulls’. 
“That’s my brother you got workin’ for ya. I ain't havin’ him in some shady drug ring you got goin in. I aint!” 
Jonnly was no stupid man. Hr was smart. Quick minded and knew a man with balls. But Joel also knew very little. So this one time, he took the approach of calmness, and used his usual lying tongue for truth. Any other time it would she forked like Lucifer's serpent form. But now he was a man of coolness. “Right.” Johnny nodded at him, his tone was one that could soothe a ravenous bear. But with an edge as sharp as a knife. So sharp it could slice skin in one swift swoop. “Sit down.” He commanded calmly. “Let’s get you a drink.” 
With a wave of his hand a cha was pulled out. Two heavy handed brutes shoving Joel down into a chair, an old fashioned presented to him by Henry in front of him on the maplewood table. Then Johnny addressed the room gently. Set its patrons at ease. The music played its jazzy, jolly tune once more. People spoke again.And Johnny took his seat opposite Joel. 
“Look here…” The gangster waited for Joel to give him his name. Which he did. “Joel, I appreciate a strong swing as much as the next guy. But I don't appreciate it in my establishment.” Joel nodded in understanding. His temper ashamed him. How it ran hot under his skin. Fizzled white when provoked until he saw red in rage and swung. Never blindly though. He wasn't a loose cannon like the  broken soldier stereotype enforced. Just a fractured man. 
“You’re a soldier aint ya?” “Was.” Joel said gruffly. Curtly and he brewed a stare across from Johnny.
“Oh, nah.” Johnny shook his head, swirling his drink in the crystal glass, “Once a brother in arms, always a brother in arms. The war sticks with ya. You’re a soldier.” “Fine. Yeah, I'm a soldier.” 
“I know the war. I served like you. Left a boy and came back a shell of a man. Now look at me.” Joel took a moment to calculate his motive here. Johnny’s arms stretched wide with a smirk of pure pride as he gestured to the heart of his Boston crime empire. “I got money. I got birds.” He held up his glass to Joel, “I got liquor.” then leaned forward and spoke in a grave tone, "What you got?” 
Joel swallowed harshly, unable to answer because he had nothing in reality. 
“You got a job?” He shook his head, exhaling through his nose. “No.”
“Figured. Hard finding work when all the women are competent enough to do it themselves. Fight for your country. End up on the streets. You don't die a hero like you thought you would. No one knows your name.” He scoffed, holding fingers up in air quotes around competent. It left a bitter taste of disgust in Joel’s mouth as the father of a daughter. Curled the edges of his tongue distastefully. Made him kiss his teeth to hold back the insult. “Well, people know my name.” Johnny paused again, the air grew thick between them and smouldered on their shoulders. He was squinting at Joel opposite him, sizing him up. Joel was rugged. A strong build and most likely a strong character too. Something Johnny could always do with having in abundance. And so when the devil's own smirk curled at his lip, Joel felt a question brewing at the very tip of his tongue. One that would change his life for better or worse. Regardless of it he declined or accepted. “And they could know yours too.”
Joel didn't want to admit it for the sake of his crumbling pride, but the man had it all. Even a good five years his junior, the man made a living for himself. Picked himself up from the dirt and used bloodshed and bodies for the foundations. 
“I could use a guy like you–”
“No.” Joel put his offer down flat before it had the chance to meet the air. 
“Hear me out.” He said calmly, and held up a hand, “A roof over your head. A steady income. A little extra dough in ya pocket?” Johnny rubbed his thumb and index finger together in the older man's face. An action to which Joel’s nostrils flared. It was embarrassing to even mull over. “Come on,” Johnny smirked. “Give it a go.” 
The southerner’s lips pursed, as if he was thinking it over. Which he was. But to what lengths would he go? Sure, Joel was conditioned in a short few months to kill. He was good at it. Mowed down men on the frontline like clockwork. And his trigger finger twitched at the thought of holding that power once more. But that didn't mean he was a man without morals. The men’s blood he;d coat his hands in had families. They were someone's son. Probably someone's husband or father. Joel knew the hollow ache loss left. The imprint of a shadow it left. The chasm ripped in your chest. Loss felt like an agonising, deep, helpless pit. But here was Johnny, throwing him a rope 
“You know, you’re right. This ain't the time to talk this over.” Johnny held his hands up and leaned back in his seat before they clapped back in his lap. Now you were at Johnny’s side once more. But the figure of Joel in his chair had something jumping in your bones. Tongue curling to taste his very words.  “Dollface here will patch you up.” 
You raised a brow, giving the two of them a dirty look. “Excuse me? Do I look like a nurse?” You shut up when Johnny glared. Swallowed your pride, and sighed inwardly. You both hated and loved the power he held over you. As much as you despised it at times, Johnny had your being wrapped around his finger like a puppeteer holds his strings. And tightly. You felt his tug at the strain in your limbs. 
“And you come back here tomorrow. We’ll talk in my office over a drink and a cigar. A good fucking drink.” 
Joel swallowed harshly when he saw you. Eyes, wide and decorated by dark mascara lashes, white liner on lower waterlines, face of a doll like Johnny’s nickname for you suggested. The red lipstick you had re-applied moments prior was glossy, inviting him to stumble over velvet words he would hear you speak. Lean closer so the blood red could graze the shell of his ear while you would whisper a dirty joke at him. 
He followed as you led him down a corridor off to the other side of the bar. Your dress seemed fit for hypnotising him into your bidding. Surely you were a siren who climbed the strats of a pier of the east coast and arrived here. Something about the beauty you wielded was not the everyday sort. It was the type you see women bend over backwards to achieve even a glimmer of for their man who came back after work. He could see himself now. Loosening his tie, hanging up his coat and hat. Leaving his briefcase and sanity at the door to see you in a pinafore and pin curls. Pretty gingham dress. He’d sit at the table and either be presented by you or a meal for his satiation. He’d prefer to devour the sweetness between your legs. 
Your hand in front of his face had his attention now. Fingers snapping. Nails manicured and painted the same shade as your lipstick. 
“Hey, you listening?” You asked, face set into displeasure. Joel straightened as he cleared his throat.
“What?” His tone was gruff and he mirrored your expression to you. His southern accent catching you off guard, but is intriguing. 
“I said sit down.” 
Joel looked over at the chair set at a vanity mirror you gestured to with an extended arm. The second time he had been asked to be seated. The second time he obeyed. 
You took your time to wet a washcloth in the small basin in the corner with warm water. Took the bottle of whiskey you stashed last week from the bottom of a rickety chest of drawers. Joel watched you in the mirror, eyes narrowed a fraction to make sure you were of no threat to him. He knew he could take you easily. In more ways than one. The power imbalance had his length twitching in his trousers. 
Your hands weren't gentle as you sat on the vanity between his legs. You took his stubbled chin in your grasp and jerked his head up into the light, tilting it to take a closer look at the gash. 
“Stay still.” You said curtly, holding the rag to the opening of the bottle and wetting it. You then pressed it over the pad of your finger. The initial touch made his teeth bare at you and a hiss to escape his mouth. His large wrist enclosing around yours to make you stop. “I said,” And you yanked your wrist from his hold, “stay still.” 
He did as he was told again. Silence setting his between the odd hiss from him and twitch of muscle under weathered skin. The crows feet at the side of his eyes were old. He clearly had lost his smile to something in the past. But you didn't ask, only wondered as you wiped the dried blood clean from his wound. “Fuckin grown man and you cant take a little sting of a cut.” You mumbled under your breath to yourself in amusement. Followed by a small huff of dry laugh.
“Maybe if you weren't digging your fingers into a fresh bruise I wouldn’t be wincin’.” You shot him a look and let go.
“All done.” And you held up your hands for good measure. 
“What are you doing here anyway?” You asked, tossing the rag aside and crossing your arms. He reached for the whiskey and took a large gulp, pursing his lips at the slow burn in the back of his throat. 
“None of your business.” 
“What’s your name?”
“You know my name.” He stated lowly. He was right. But you found a sick satisfaction in having any man you liked bend to your will. Answer any question you so pleased to hear the answer to. 
His bones groaned as he stood up from the chair. Your coat draped over the back of it fell to the floor and you swiftly got up to swipe it from the floor and hand it on the hook on the back of the door before pressing your back to it and facing him. Blocking his exit.  “Move.”
“Tell me your name.” You crossed your arms, jutting your chin up at him. 
“Don’t make me move you, princess.”
“Tell me your name.” 
Joel bit his tongue, the vein in his neck starting to pulse visibly under his skin that once again went hot. 
“Why do you wanna know?”
“Because I’m nosy.” You smiled, sarcastic and saccharine. “And i want to know the name i’ll be moaning tonight as i touch myself under the covers.” 
“Fuckin-” His jaw ticked, nostrils flared in his disdain. You kept your smile as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a small guttural noise from the back of his throat. A headache was starting to coil behind the strain of his eyes. “Joel.” And he looked back up at you. It still wasn't enough “Miller.” Your smile was genuine this time, just as sweet. You uncrossed your arms, standing up straight from the door to hold out your hand and give him your name in return. He rolled his eyes, reaching for the handle and swerving you. He pulled the door but you used your body weight to slam it shut with your back again. A loud slam and a creak of protest from its hinges.
“Where are you from, Joel?” 
“Is this a game to you, girl?” Joel growled. 
“Yes.” The smile you had was sly. Foxy. A  single finger ran down his chest and dared to slip just under his shirt’s collar. “I like games.”
“You don't wanna do that.” He warned, dark eyes burning you up inside from your very core. It was the look of a man’s lust that had been left untouched, unloved for quite some time now. It strained at his morality. But who were you to give up the warning and keen hand of a man who so desperately needed a release to the coiling tension of his shoulders. You saw it. Felt it in the rhythmic yet chaotic hammer of his heart against his ribs. As if it were trying with all its might not to break his own bones clean in two and lurch from its enclosure of flesh and bone. 
“And why not?” This was a devils game of chess. Careful calculated words from loose tongues and taking each other's moves in as you exhaled a counter. And oy had him three moves from checkmate. His king weak in defence, your advances stronger  by each word that fell into his eras from your red painted, enticing lips. He could feel his limbs being string up for you to pull at like a puppeteer in an advanced level of her craft. But he was no kind man. His words were even less forgiving than his disposition. 
“Because I aint a kind man. Haven't been for a long while. And I know types of things a man like me would wanna do to a pretty girl like you.” 
“I doubt it would be anything new.” You cooed, watching your finger as it traced a line lower over his buttons,  stopping at the top of his belt buckle and just shy of teasing at the growing bulge in his trousers. 
The tension between you was thicker than molasses. And it seeped through the cracks of his better judgement to the part of him that hungered for touch. That was ravenous for a single one of your fingers. 
“I don't think Johnny would like that.” 
“And I didnt like the way he spoke to me earlier.” You pouted. The way a child would when dined a sweet treat before dinnertime. 
“That aint a good reason to start an affair with me. Because when i get my grubby hands on ya there ain't no going back, doll.” 
His words were enticing you more. To have a man obsessing over your body. Your curves. Your voice singing his name as he fucked you dirtier than anyone into anything. Joel was that man now. He knew it in the very marrow of your bones that you were trouble. His new little minx. So it was no surprise when his lips crushed yours under the full weight of his sexual frustration. 
It was needy. Heated. A clashing of tongues and teeth as he pressed you with his entire simmering being into the wood of the door. His bulge grinding desperately into your thich that parted his legs. 
His tongue swiped your lower lip before drawing it back between his teeth for him to suckle on until it tingled deliciously. He was jealous with his touches. Groping your hips as the sating of your dress that crumpled to the floor. It revealed sweet sweet skin. Skin Joel wasted no time in delving in for the first damning lick. A pleasure to every sense. Sight, taste, touch, smell, sound. 
Heavy breaths were exhaled into the dewy skin of your clavicle, tongue languidly sliding over the high points of your collarbones and enclosing in a sharp suck over the skin just above your right breast. It sent a chorus of heavenly sinful, light and airy monas from your mouth and floated into his ears. His lips were chapped and weathered in contrast to the silk smooth of your skin. It was delightful. 
He went lower, got to his knees as he drank up the sense of a woman's skin for the first time in years. This was the taste of true damnation. He was past the opening of hell's gates and somehow found heaven in the parting of your thighs down the newly trodden path of your navel. 
He pressed his open mouth to your clothed cunt, tasted the seeping slick you gave him on his tongue and gluttonously inhaled your musk right at the apex of your thighs. Your fingers tangled into the curls of his messy, wind wrecked hair. Keening your hips up to press into the curve of his aquiline nose, and riding the burning in the pit of your belly starting to grow. Your head fell back against the door. Your mouth unhinged and letting out moan after sigh after mewl of his name. His face buried between the meat of your thighs as his hands gripped your asscheeks and spread them so he could push his face deeper between your folds. Your underwear drenched and ruined from your wetness and his spit while he tongued your hole through the flimsy lace. 
You pulled him back, smirked at the wreck he was with his lips sticky and shiny in the light of your dressing room. To then pull him up to your lips so you could curl your tongue into his mouth and taste yourself on him. It’s where the taste belonged. Among notes of whiskey and chewing tobacco and drugstore gum. 
His large hands pawed at your hips once more, listing you so your legs could wrap obediently round his waist. That's how it worked now. He wanted, you gave. And willingly like the sounds that fell into his motu like sweet, freshly harvested honey. Ut had the feel of money. Powerful and green like spring leaves. But with the warning of rotting when summer meets its tragic and fatal end. It was like trying to cross a canyon with a broken limb. Near impossible. The last sip of a drink that would ensure drunken and slurred movements. It took even the nest of a man his entirety to deny you, But deep down, Joel was a weak man. Strong in body, maybe mind too. But weak in soul. And he gave in with the cashing of your back against the vanity mirror. 
He had his faults. He knew that. And you did too. It had you wondering how a man like Joel loves. Did he change for his chosen lover? Or was he just as rough a callus as he was with everyone else. Would he destroy and ache and leave you wondering when your body would be at his whim next and how he would bend it to his will. Or would he let you lean into his embrace as he kissed down the column of your throat to the holy entitled epiphany between your thighs. The glisten of your hot cunt aching to be touched by anything. His everything. 
So you reached for his belt. So you undid it along with his buttons to touch his heated skin, To feel the blood flow beneath as the strain of each of his muscles. You ran a hand across his chest and he let his head fall back as a woman touched him for the first time as a man of war. A veteran.
He felt like he had been cast in gold by the sun for the first time in his life. Shed his skin for a new layer reserved just for you. As if he was thanking whatever resided up there for you. He was no believer in god, but, Jesus Christ, he was starting to believe in some form of higher power. You were proof that there was a blessing for him to steal away from the world. It was in your sound. Your taste. Your touch. It beckoned him the way your finger did, curling into the collar of his shirt to clash your lips with his and let. He had no autonomy over the moan that fell into his mouth where it festered at the back of his throat and was swallowed with a desperate and heady inhale. 
You trod roads into his skin with your touch. Ones he knew he would follow later that night in an erotomaniac’s pleasure. And you finally pulled his length free from his trousers. Your underwear was soon to follow and your slick aided the way he managed to sink so smoothly into your sopping heat. A squeeze he would commit to memory and savour like the taste of fresh and ripe fruit. Because you were. Fresh and youthful in age. Ready to be devoured to the core as a gleaning red apple would be. The very same one that even took in the garden of eden. Temptation. Fruit flesh to signify sin. 
He took his first bite out of you with a satisfying crunch. And keep devouring until there was nothing left but the remnants of your birth, ready to be resurrected, grown again in the form of a new tree. 
He stilled once he bottomed out, letting himself bask in the moment. The first time he was nestled deeply in the walls of your cunt. He heard your quiet whimpers for him to move. Felt the way your pert nipples brushed his sweat slicked skin. It was a ghost of a memory the last time he felt this. The heat of someone in the throes of intimacy. And it was all over him. It was the very air he wes starved of. The past was all paled in comparison because of the way your hips bucked pathetically to feel his thrust inside you. To get him going. No one had needed him this rawly, this undignifying before. 
A single hand clamped over your mouth, stilling your movements. He felt the tickle of your exhale against the pinky finger. 
“Stay still…” He commended with a swallowed down groan when you clenched around him, ironically repeating your words from earlier.
You looked at him. The glazed over, far away look in his eyes. His voice low and laden in a gravelly tone that came from the very back of his throat. You pulled him forward to lick it out again with your tongue when his hand fell to your throat. It gave a warning squeeze. And you once again canted your hips in protest. 
This time he moved. And it was like poetry as it hit that toe curling spot inside you. Made your eyes close in blissful ignorance of what this would do to you. YOu slick drooling from your cunt onto his shaft until it shined at his very base and dripped down his heavy balls. 
His hand squeezed your throat tighter. Had you yelling for him in a suppressed squeal. His other hand clamped around your mouth for you to moan into. Your words of praise lost on his ears, listened to by his palm instead. Every devil was fuelling this act of infidelity. This act of carnal sin you both needed. Ut unwound your bones, but had the coil in your belly cramping with each swift buck of his hips. 
You met his swift thrusts in a desperate attempt to be of use to him. Finding it hard to breathe, yet alone Your cunt spasmed delectably. Searching for a new feeling. A feeling primal and dirty as the streets of Boston. Your eyes rolled back in your head as your legs trembled while he went on, giving you something you would remember from this day forward, A sentence of being binded to him.
You were in the arms of the devil himself. St his ,ercy. Nsd nothing felt more thrilling than the pleasure that rolled at a landslide's power and pace down your spine into your core. 
Another squeeze round your throat. Another unhinged moan into his hand. He snarled, baring his teeth at you before pressing his face into the crook of your neck and biting down. Your eyes closed and painted a picture of stars. You were close to seeing angels by now and the deep ache of pleasure grappled your flesh and had goosebumps flicking up to attention over your flesh.
His chest heaved with each curl of his hips. Your exhales heavier by the second while you moaned his name like a mantra to his hand. His teeth imprinted on your back like a randhishing. A mark of the sin that was witnessed by the two of you that day. Your voice was shrill. A repeated ‘Joel! Joel! Joel!’
“Fuck, yeah, sing f’me doll. Sing f’me. Let em know who’s doin’ this to you.” He panted in vain. “Tell me.” “Feels so good–”
“Again.” He demanded. 
“Feels so good! Too good!” 
And it was. He had you burning white hot at the end of an illicit teather. You gripped his back with talons of hellbirds. Clawing at his shirt clad back. The wings of hi shoulderbales. The snake length of his spine. 
“That’s it. Tell ‘em. Tell me! Tell me in making you feel fuckin’ good.” 
“You are. Harder Joel.” His pace was like poetry. Ripped you in tow and had you displayed to him. One knee was hooked over his hunched shoulder, spine curled as his forehead pressed to yours. `The new angle had you singing like a songbird. High and melodic in tune.  Your kitten heel slipping off and clattering to the floor without a second thought. The head of his cock nipped your cervix. The lewd wet sounds of your pussy smothering him in your slick and your shared moans filled the room. Everything of you was his now. You couldn't even think of giving this up to Johnny. Yes, he fucked you dirty. But Joel fucked you like it was his sole purppose of living. Like it was what gave him life. 
You fell. You fell as soon as you hit your climax with a mewling moan that ended Joel right there and then. Coming together with heavy breaths and shaking, trembling chests. His release inside of you, strings of his come smearing you in him. Marking you for later. Well and truly ruined for any other warm body that dared to slip into your sheets. 
But falling was not the problem. Only when you hit the ground is what causes all the grief. And the look you shared once the gold haze of afterglow faded was what confirmed this. 
What have you done? How would you live without this?
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Uhh i request you
<-forgot everything about creepypasta after stopping reading fanfics
...slenderman uhhhhm meeting reader who is the same.. species? Found family????? Reader being chipper and welcoming?? Artistic and calming?? Basically um. I dunno. They also live in the woods and collect poor souls, helping them cope and detach from this world??????
I am.. stoopid.
Slenderman x slender-person!artistic!reader ! (found family)
dusts out my slenderman hcs as well as my au ideas on him aheehee ahoo speed running this since i just put my first round of macarons into the oven and im too impatient to wait until theyre done baking for me to write this NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT
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okay but im getting this idea out of the way before i forget. imagine the reader, instead of doing paintings and stuff for the "artist" thing they make little structures and statues and stuff and have them around in your area. of course theyre all made with forest material; mud, sticks, pinecones, ect ect i dont know, i just love the nature aesthetic with this idea and rrrraaaaaAAAAH
for some reason or another, you make your home in the same woods THE slenderman lives in; or perhaps it was the otherway around? regardless, it doesnt take long for you to become aware of one another....
okay but how funny would it be if you guys bonded over your annoyances over people collecting your stuff. people taking his pages, and people taking your art projects (at least the ones that are portable). like!
though i cannot think of any lore reasons for slendermans pages in my au.... i will one day i promise, i feel like thats too much of an iconic thing to just cut out
it DOES take a long while for slenderman to get used to you, much less foster a friendship with you... but a family bond? i mean yeah sure, hes very reclusive... but thats not just with humans. he doesnt like interacting with other creatures, either
pats your shoulder
my moot
my dear moot, allow me to go on a tangent about my take on slenderman
basic summary is that he and all other demon/most nonhuman creepypasta characters were made by zalgo in my funky au; basically to bring disorder and that kind of shit. but like in a "this is just a part of this universe's nature" way. thus making slenderman himself in my take the be a simple fact of life... thinks.. and he resents his own existence, i think. i mean how cruel is it that he was made to cause issues, in fact he cant live without it (eats people) but he was granted the ability to be able to grasp the complexity of morals and emotion. like thats fucked
i love it
anyways, theres that and him just naturally being reclusive! hell even his supposed "brothers" (splendor and trender, i refuse to touch the third one) hes still.. distant
basically what i mean to say is that you guys probably arent going to be.. outwardly close... if that makes sense. like hes not going to be very affectionate; so dont expect many familial... things... and its not often that he would seek conversation out... though
as i write that, if i recall correctly i did give him the vague craving of connection, and while i usually save that for traditional x reader stuff, i think this would still apply to found family stuff! so actually, i think he WOULD eventually start seeking your company out, just for the fact of having someone else to talk to who doesnt resent his existence the same way he resents his own
given my silly hc i do think he would have some understanding with your relationship with humans/lost souls. would he do it himself? i think it really depends on the situation... like if hes not actively hunting he usually just drives people out of the woods, no sense in wasting.... things... you know?
im all jumbled all over the place my apolocheese im just excited to write for slenderman again
will get annoyed if you snatch away his "meal" since AGAIN, he was cursed to feed on people . like he understands why you did it, and he has mixed feelings around eating human (like not in a "im distressed and i hate it" way more so "its not totally desirable but i cant survive without doing this" way)
i think
im gonna toy around with my slenderman hcs... this ended up being more of a hc dump than a x reader, my apologies
its also that as im typing this i realize how similar my takes on eyeless jack and slenderman are... which is funny because they live in the same woods in my au but they fucking HATE each other
territorial stuff you know
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froggowivdagudvibes · 8 months
Ive been meaning to post this for a while, so uh.. ye.
Ok before i start, its stoopid o clock and im incapable of wording rn, so bear with me.
I am very much confusion.
So im questioning the possibility of being a demigirl?
Im afab and up until maybe a year ago, have felt pretty comfortable as a girl. Then i started feeling more nonbinary-ish but also female, but i was convinced i was just overreacting. I thought i was just subconsciously making it up for attention (idk how else to describe it, but hope dat makin sense). I was just tryna squish all those feelings down bcuz i was sure they weren't real. I didn't realise it was a thing, to be both non binary and female, and i felt just so invalid.
Then the other day me and my friend were talkin abt her new oc, and she said they were a demigirl. I asked wat dat was and she explained to the best of her knowledge. I just stood there open mouthed and while i didnt say anything, i was screaming inside.
That night i did sum research and i thought i was definitely a demigirl. The feeling comes and goes tho, and sometimes i feel more nonbinary, but for the most part i feel much more female. I still feel like im probably a demigirl, but im just kinda confused.
Idk why i made this post, ig i just needed to tell someone, cuz im not ready to tell anyone irl (partly cuz i still dont trust my own feelings) (i mean wut i said. theres sum weird shit goin on in my head lol)
I guess i also wondered if theres maybe sum demigirl/boy (or anyone rly) out there, to just tell me that my feelings are valid (or that theyre complete bullshit, if thats the case).
And if youre homophobic/transphobic/just dont agree with the concept of demigirls/boys, then i dont need your input. Its really not helpful.
Anyway, uhh ye. Bye ig.
Fuck i needa get sum sleep—
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Hihihihi I'm being annoying 2 u now, bc I got 2 thinkin' of my ahit au, and dumb cat brain thought of our aus meeting how chaotic that'd be.
Kelpie and Hattie being a extrovert adopting a introvert, Tabby and bow (I don't remember ur bows name sorry) just having a normal fuckin conversation surprisingly, the two Mu's talking and HM!Mu just ramblings about flowers
Romeo would NOT like ur mb, especially since he seemed to hurt his kid making her run away Romeo does not stand by that (even if it was a accident) Cc needs 2 make sure he doesn't fuckin kill him.
HM! Snatcher would bully ur Snatcher,, no reason just vibes (my Snatcher is a dickhead lol). HM! Vanessa would try to get along with ur Vanessa the best she can.
Also the birds are just chilling, gay old men meeting trans fem & trans masc hostility? Yeah they'll be great
Sorry not sorry for babbling heheho :3
TABBY AND BELLA (her full name is Bella Beatrice Von Bonebelle Cook) ARE LEGIT THE ONLY CALM AND COLLECTED ONES. LEGIT.
MY MU WOULD GET SO ATTACHED YOU HM!MU ITS INSANE. THEN MY MU IS ALL LIKE "O btw im a eldritch horror and this isnt my real form, wanna see my real one?!?!?"
HOLY SHIT YES ROMEO BEAT ALESSANDRO'S ASS. (Thats my Mafia Bosses name!!) *insert Alessandro hissing at Romeo cause hes a fucking cat lol* ALESSANDRO WOULD FIND CC TO BE A LOVELY WOMAN AND TREAT HER WITH KINDNESS AND RESPECT AHAHAHA
My Snatcher would be so fucking done with HM! Snatcher BAHAHAH My Snatcher gets pissed off SO fucking easily so like there would be a teeny weeny little itty bitty fight lol-
If it was my PAST Vanessa pre-jealousy then yeah yeah HM!Vanessa and her would get along great!! If it was DEAD Vanessa then uhuhuhuuhuhhhhh.......No. no not at all. BAHAHHA
Ur florist and my florist....lets just say bad things happen.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
okay okay okay so like basically for the longest time, i didn't realize you had changed your url from 'enbylewi's. so i'm here, seeing all these gifs from a 'f1errari' and thinking that goddamn the coloring and gifs and style look so similar to 'enbylewis' it's actually insane, are they the same person, is there some kind of copyright going on, maybe they just share the same brainlength. and then:
at least now im staying on top of it (princemick!!!!!)
#i am stoopid #ily!
asjdbkajsbkd pls thats so fucking funny 'some kind of copyright' also for ur sake I'm gonna ignore that in my pinned it always said either 'prev: enbylewis' or 'prev: f1errari'
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theworldangel447 · 3 days
You gotta be fucking kidding me. You paid ppl off to not say anything and then got Malcom and Alissa and Ian and julian and CASY to hack their accounts to take back the money put it in an account for me these last..til January and then act like nothing ever happend and I all of a sudden get married to Tristan’s and start my new life … and then basel pressed a lawsuit on her and Therese bc their accounts got drained by those dummies up there Alissa siae Malcom and Ian McDowell can ATest w Julian Harrell for crypto.. whatever day I wrote about her trying to “help me get my life together while AGAIN sending me mental warfar” and I went to the psych to talk and relieve my head …that’s the day basel called her WITH EVIDENCE and she DIDNT say anything to Howard.
And then the day I came over talking about I’m on 5 spiritual retreats they all lead to ONE PERSON ONLY AND OUR FAMILY BEING TIED TOGETHER AND KNOWING OUR SPIRITUAL TRUTH.. TRISTAN❤️❤️ ..THATS the day she then what …wanted to admit the bullshit to me but then found ways to further gas light me about what my ex’s had done and then build a case in HER HEAD why I was unfit STOOPID excetera to think neffi would come back bc Daniel said she attacked his dog and he had to put her down per Lee request …so then decided fuck I gotta build a FAKE MENTAL CASE ON CASHAY SO SHE DOESNT KNOW HER FAVORITE THING NEXT TO TRISTAN IN THE WORLD IS DEAD 🤯 bruh u gotta be so fucking for real. THIS WHAT I BEEN LIVING W?? Then put the fucking crazy rollercoaster of bullshit on me …cause what I put on the blog about AFTER THE PLAY OF 44 THANK I BRODY FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH TO ME THRU VIDEO CLIPS OF OUR ACTUAL HISTORY… 👽tology ..hit me with a “wise words of wisdom” the VERY NEXT MORNING AFTER READING MY BLOG WHILE DOING MY HAIR …then watched law abiding citizen knowing that was going to be her truth ..and the fucking psycho nurse my truth 🤯🤯🖕🏽🙂 ..reverse that. The right ones get it .. basically admit THRU MOVIES THIS SHIT IS REAL AND IM ADVENGING MY OWN FUCKING FAMILY FOR THEIR MURDER OF MADS DESTRUCTION ON HER HANDS …and then something happened w Vivicca me admitting Tristan and I been talking TELLATHICALLY .. told her I had a message / package from him cause she was suppose to turn me over to him by then and didn’t decided to send me to Vivicca to let someone else care for me while she cleaned up her fucking mess.. but me saying me n Tristan been in communication and HOWARD backing her up saying no you had not just what ..fuel for more fuck shit to prove I’m crazy and she’s sane 🤯🙂🖕🏽 that’s retarded as fuck Lee. I CLEARLY FUCKING KNOW / KNEW. And ur FURTHER helping me prove EVERYTHING I OUT ON THIS BLOG. Alissa morris did some fuck shit to Lee garlington and wants to get back at her…they in a weird tit for tat …Alissa got her government official computer breaking into our house and Alissa did all the nudes to the White House the day vivcca and I came over to speak to her and Howard ABOUT THE INDUSTRY TRACKING / SHIT BOYFRIENDS that came by way cause Lee + Alissa fucked all of them ..so ur telling me Alissa is a miniature terrorist w Aja and they’re getting back at u w Tony .. THIS AINT TRUE AT ALL U LYING ASS SHIT. U PAID THEM OFF TO DO THAT DUMB SHIT W MALCOM AND THEY ALL TOOK PARRT AND IAN WAS THERE TO KNOW THAT U THREATENED THEM ALL W BIG MURDR CHARGES OF PAST MURDSERS .. like wtf kind sense does that make Lee . UR A REALLY WDIRD FUCKING PERSON IN THE HEAD AND UR STILK HOLDING ME HOSTAGE BC U LEGITIMATELY WANT TO KILL ME OUT OF THE FACT THt u WONT BE THE LFIRST LADY IE KAMALA HARDIS .. sorry fucking the spelling. This sooooo childish u gotta be fucking kidding me … and yall nighas say i got adult issue ain’t no fucking way this what’s been going on in ur brain and u just been keeping cool.. or this bitch real life lost her rockers when I started awakening the first day she seen me at st Francis psychward .. the condition in which I was in.. this bitch really made At herself for failing as a fucking mother when she worked sooooo hard to prove she’s a good mother .. like what was the point of the planned breakin .. that’s what happens when u don’t know pol in yo circle .. u got extra weirdo ppl around u looking for a hand out u gon say someone Ian took over and did things his way to prove I’m not fucking crazy and ur a shitty ass fucking mom because nighas been watching this blog and watching me on my fucking growth ..so u know Howard paid these ppl off to stop the fuck shit but nighas h4_eazy still did the weird shit and stole my laptop til Ian told him put it back then stole Howards.. that had child pornography on it of me as a minor .. ALISSA IR FUCKING WEIRD U TEO CONSPIRING RN W MALCOM AND NICKI HOW GO GET OUT OF THIS SHIT INSTEAD OF ADMITTING YAL ON WEIRD SHIT .. as pissed off and upset as I am w Howard rn Zfor not STANDING ..
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skiniibuniii · 7 months
anxiety is setting in now lol what if i forget something and get paralyzed with anxiety cuz i dont want to do anything except that one thing. for some reason that happens when i go over to people's houses. i remember one time we went to bf's dad's house and i neEDED to crochet right then and there but i didnt bring the shit so i just didnt know what to do with myself. stoopid ik but like its not super lit to be nonfunctional. ive also overshared a little bit when i was there last and i have no fucking clue how much i said so imma play dumb and act like i said nothing and i will say nothing lmfao
what do normal people talk abt? ik probably none of you can answer that lmao no diss but like i am NOT talking abt the weather or politics like uhhhh i heard trump was arrested or something? did biden eat ice cream and fall over? thats all i know man i have no clue whats going on outside of my tiny bubble
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ok i need to talk abt this boy i like hahahahah
so i knew him from high school we were in drumline together and i always admired him from like a distance. hes a year younger thn me, i always say that i heard him before i saw him hahah bc he was in pit and i was on cymbals and i heard him playing the teen girl squad song LMAO i was like "who is playing that they are cool" and it was him!! We got close and talked all the time there was a time where we were fr always texting my sr year ish like one of us would text "marco" and the other would reply "polo" hahah shit like that but we never dated or fooled around or anything. We liked each others best friends so we were both preoccupied w that lol
we lost touch after i graduated but still followed each other on twitter and snapchat and stuff, we had hella mutual friends tho. didnt talk much through college for either of us, but in march 2017 his friend was getting married in chicago so he was in town and we got drunk and hooked up 😎 it was actually rly sweet but thats a different story anyway he later told me he had feelings for me and at that time i was going thru some shit and balls deep in love w a different person so i turned him down and i found out later thru a mutual friend that he was gutted, i feel really bad at the idea of hurting him hc hes such a good human but i had to do what i had to do! Anyway weve been snapping each other more, i rly wanted to see him over winter break but i got stoopid covid and had to stay home 😡 he lives in denver which is harder to get to than cbus where we r from but ive been thinking about him allll the time all the time hahha ewww
hes such a cool human tho. hes been drumming since he was 3, hes a vegetarian, he speaks german, hes a socialist, hes named after a super famous basketball player lmao, hes a gemini AHHH i love gemini boyssss we have a really similar and compatible sense of humor ahhh i just like him a lot
idk what would even possibly come of it bc we live in different cities p far away but ahhh i like him. i feel like my ideal situaysh would be like long distance open thing like i still wanna fuck around hahah my freedom and independence are super important to me and we live 1000 miles away so its just not realistic but i like him so much to the point where like i would want to pursue this like i would like if i get to be his girlfriend aaaaaah but only if he would want that ovbiously like that js a big "if" idk what's going on w him in that whole dept and idk how to bring it up or even if i want to bring it up ahhhh.
U know what it is, i blame morgan presley LMFAO she and her bf lou are so sweet and so in love and SO WELL MATCHED and suited for eachother i'm like damn.... i want that hahaha
Anyway where it stands right now i'm just thinking about him all the time and like daydreaming a bunch of gay shit hahaha and lowkey trying to find an excuse to go to denver... i mean i still have a ton of shit in sacramento still, maybe i drive it back??? and hang out w dude for a couple days???? and we reconnect and talk and cry and fuck a whole bunch and smoke and jam and make out and i take a bereal of me painting his nails and then he comes to visit me and we have such a good time here and we take turns going to each others cities and sometimes meet in the middle and go to concerts and festivals together and and and and and lemme stop
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mean-hare · 2 years
third fuckin chapter of my diary lifestory (mhwnbcb)
achtung: boring, whinning, bullshit, stoopidness, mistakes of non-englisher. every character is real, everything is true, wtf
july, 1 nothing to eat but plently of coffee to drink. perfect. i started to drink more coffee. i started to even like it
july, 2 i wonder how many calories extreme sweating burns. i hate to wake up in such wet clothes under that hot sun rays
july, 3 my mom gets a kitten. i suggested to name him ronald. its tiny orange and white creature with blueish eyes and too loud voice. mom is happy but i am already overwhelmed
july, 4 asked mom to buy icecream and choko bar. thats the only things i ate today. all the day i watched long unhappy movies. dont want anything
july, 5 too many caffeine and once again million thoughs rushing my head at once, winding out my already poor powers. i thought i need to eat but when i ate i realised its not a hunger pain. i made bracelet of horse hair i found at the village field few weeks ago and my fingers tired. kitten walks on dark corridor, meows awfully loudly, annoying. i killed a moth attracted by the light of my phone.
july, 6 today i liked what i saw in the mirror and i thought maybe i am not fat and my weight is just a muscle weight. but then i decide i was wrong and that "muscle weight" is just an excuse for me to eat more and gain. so i declined this thought
july, 7 absolutely messed up with pancakes
july, 8 i started to do some little workouts. idk maybe its uncouscious wish to be good for my friend who is going to gym. i dont want to have muscles, i dont want to be strong, my body goal is more like live bjd doll. but he says that i am really very strong, one of strongest guys he know already. maybe i shouldnt waste this
july, 9 i binging to celebrate birthday of my dearest friend who probably doesnt like me and doesnt want to talk with me
july, 10 i pretended and considered about random shit and ideas and one idea was clown energy drink with eyestrain design and cursed pics on can and with weird tastes (like strawberry and seaweed or milk soup or meat icecream or peach buckwheat or what) and it also should be bright colored. and of course it should be zero kcals. i think i am gone abnormal and need more fucked up stimulation for all my senses
july, 11 bags and napkins and cans and bottles all around my room for few days long and i have no will and no powers to clean it up so i sleep in trash once again
july, 12 i tried to not hold the grudge for everyone who doesnt care about me, how everyone forget about me. i ate sweet bullshit to hold myself in better mood but it makes everything worse as always. at least i have no energy for crying and psych around. i am so ugly. as always. i think about sleeping in clothes like my dear danny does. clothes can hide my bodys ugliness from my eyes
july, 13 everything so pointless and maybe i should stop and doing nothing. everything i tried fails and i cant even die no matter how i want to. now all i can is just sleep, eat and watch something just to kill time not spended in sleep.
july, 14 i crush bodies of insects with my own bare hands. im living in dirt and dont take a bath or shower so it doesnt make difference
july, 15 i felt asleep at 2 am. i woke up at 4:55 am because of fuckin air alarm sound. you better leave me under their bombs but let me sleep, заїбали
july, 16 stuck in binge and cant purge bc this can make my severe headache become more severe
july, 17 i found girl online who lives in same city and we met irl. we both have tatoos and scars. she also has blueish hair, collar with chains and glitter makeup. . we sat in park and listened free music show of not really good bands. we may be friends. or not. i think i look and behave as an idiot. if only she is so lonely that shed like to have any friend, even miserable ones like me. and also i am too shy
july, 18 i didnt realise how touch starved and deprived i am until i took ride on tram. there stood very handsome man near me. he had long hair and shirt with dragon and hieroglyphs. all the time i thought about him. why that man? i dont know. but i was desperately wanting to embrase him, to lean to his chest. pet his skin etc, i was almost shaking, i dont even know, i felt something like this only when met danny at first time but we knew each other before, i think i never felt something like this to a stranger never seen before and may be never seen after and i am not horny, i didnt wanted sex, i just wanted touch. i so desperately wanted it and never get. i had an panic attack(i think it may be it) that night. danny was online and he tried to calm me. i asked him to stay with me online and we chatted a little, i cried and whinned to him and then exhaustingly felt asleep
july, 19 my face looks unfamiliar. something wrong. my eyes, my face look different. it also looks thinner but im sure that i lose no weight
july, 20 i send mails for 3 people and appeared in a group chat. and nobody answered
july, 21 success day. i stayed on my limit. goin to slaap. wantin cookies
july, 22 i bought and ate cookies. and chips. and choc. oh shit what have i done
july, 23 i ate so much (bag of spicy chips, 7 pieces of toasts with cheese, milky way bar) drank so much caffeine drinks (can of cold coffee, 0,5 l of energy drink, 2 l of pepsi black, many cups of tea)and i didnt sleep. i actually didnt sleep yesterday, i couldnt. i am home alone today. i walked my dog in hot concrete suburbs and then it the thunderstorm came. i singed for 3 hours and send, recorded this and sent records for dani bc he loves my voice.
july, 24 i didnt sleep so it wasnt hard to walk my dog at the morning. i was already awake and we walked in fields. fields looked very weirdcorey at the morning but after 30 minutes nature started to irritate me. we went back. i bought pack of cookies. then i drank a few cups of tea and coffee and started to feel nauseous because of too much of it.i slept a little on a couch at 12. then i wake up but was still tired so i slept few more hours. and then again. woke up at 16-17 completely and go to market and bought few more energy cans, 1 pack of chips and 1 pack of milk. then i walked with dog again. i ate and drunk so much but i hope that my long walks burned all of it. i am really so fuckin tired.
july, 25 toys are so expencive. i spent money on overpriced but so cute plastic horse. maybe i looked stoopid. brutal metalhead in black clothes with spikey bracelets that buy pink girlish toy. but i glad that i did it. i also bought some snacks and zero drinks. i sat on a bench, drank an energy drink, looked at the sunset and felt myself the coolest guy at the playground
july, 26 people joking about night crawing, night overeating etc but when else i should feel this crawings if i usually go to sleep at 6 am and waking up at 17 pm? how fucked my daily shedule is. but i have no regrets about it.
july, 27 no limit overtake bc theres no eadible (for me) food in house
july, 28 classical gross feeling after food. the guy writing this is Stupid
july, 29 i almost didnt eat, i cried almost all day and all night. i cried and cried. my parents was in same room sometimes and they didnt noticed bc i cried silently, i dont want them to see it. i miss my friend dani. he doesnt talk with me and i do not understand why.i miss him and i tried to be a good friend but nobody wants me now. i cried about my loneliness stopless guy from the shyzo chat calm me down finally. he likes me, i even dont know why but it is soo good. he sees something unique in me
july, 30 i trought that i tried everything and got hella bored but then i found a market with many snax and drinx to try. i missed new experiences
july, 31 i bought and drank so much caffeinated sugarless cheap drinx that i suffered all night… it becomes my bedtime routine lmao
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tsumikoz · 4 years
literally nothing I’m just sat here
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clefayery · 6 years
vid: “if your only crushes on men have been ones in completely inaccessible positions, you might be a lesbian!!”
my mind: blown
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kaistarus · 3 years
Mistexting Mayhem
Tumblr media
Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 1.6K
Summary: You accidentally send Nishinoya a text that was meant for Yachi and now he’s knows secrets you were hoping he never found out
A/N: If you think this fic is anything but crack you’re wrong lmao I’ve always wanted to write a fic with this style and Noya is great for the chaos i needed. It was fun
[6:40pm] idiot⚡: look y/n without adhd id be too powerful
                         i could beet god himself in handtohand combat
                         god was afraid of my raw fuckin awesomeness wen i bursted from the woom
[6:41pm] y/n: there is so much wrong with what u just said
[6:41pm] idiot⚡: i have absoltly no clue wat
[6:43pm] y/n: put those 3 brain cells to work. I believe in you
[6:43pm] idiot⚡: but theyve reached their daily quota
                          plz there so tired and overworked
You snorted, a dopey smile on your lips as you laid surrounded by textbooks and homework, swinging your feet in the air behind you. You focused intently on the cell phone in your hand doing everything you could to procrastinate the schoolwork around you.
[6:44pm] y/n: noyas so stupid
[6:44pm] yachi❤: i thought you liked him?
[6:45pm] y/n: jeez Yachi. dont come for my throat
                       i cant help that i have bad taste 🙄
[6:46pm] yachi❤: if it helps he tripped over a stray ball today
                               maybe think of that till you don’t like him??
Unfortunately, the image of Nishinoya waving to everyone then biffing it only had you smiling like a dork. How you’d gotten to a point that Nishinoya being an idiot made you swoon, you’ll never know.
You raised your eyebrow suspiciously at the new notification on Snapchat from ‘Tanaka’ and after swiping it open you nearly dropped your phone. Looking back at you was Nishinoya, his head tilted and eyebrow quirked in confusion with a gari-gari kun shoved halfway down his throat. The caption at the bottom reading ‘daaaammn look at your prince charming go 😩’.
You frowned at the picture, letting out a frustrated groan at how your heart accelerated against your ribcage. You quickly tapped out of it and reopened the messenger app.
[6:57pm] y/n: we have to kill Noya
[6:57pm] idiot⚡: we??? what kind of mission is this??? 😤
[6:58pm] y/n: i like him too much. he has to die. its for my own good
You waited impatiently for her response and almost debated doing your homework since it took longer than you felt necessary. You supposed you had suggested murder to Yachi, but still…
When you finally received a response your entire body froze.
[7:11pm] idiot⚡: U LIKE ME?!?!? 😍
                          UR KILLING ME?!?! 😢
                          IM SO CONFUSED......
                          and a lil turned on ngl👀
Your hand covered your mouth in horror as you processed what the hell you had just done. This didn’t happen to people in real life. Mistexting was stuff people made up when they created fake texts for social media to get likes. You didn’t think people actually went through this.
You opened new notifications to escape the hell that stared you straight in the face.
[7:15pm] Tanaka💪: Yo, whatd u do. Whys Noya having a panic attak
[7:16pm] y/n: I accidently texted him instead of Yachi and told him i liked him 😣
[7:16pm] Tanaka💪: O wtf thats hilarious 😂
[7:17pm] y/n: ITS NOT HILArIOUS
[7:18pm] Tanaka💪: Hes askin if its a prank. Wat do i do?
He stopped responding and you banged your head against your pillow anxiously.
[7:23pm] idiot⚡: THIS ISNT YACHI!!!!
                           HOLY FUKC U DO LIEK ME!!!
You screamed into your pillow. Were you fucking kidding? This could not be happening.
[7:25pm] Tanaka💪: dude, twice? i cant save u now 🤪
[7:25pm] y/n: betraying me in my time of fucking need? i’ll remember this asshole
[7:26pm] Tanaka💪: so vulgar 👀
You growled at Tanaka’s uselessness and bravely peeked through one eye as you went back to your conversation with Nishinoya.
[7:26pm] idiot⚡: 1
[7:27pm] y/n: what is this twitch chat? fuck 
[7:28pm] idiot⚡: your heeeeererererreee 🥰
[7:29pm] y/n: soooooo………..
                        clearly there has been a misunderstanding
[7:29pm] idiot⚡: oh nonono. I understand PERFETCLY. u LOVE me
                         its ok. this is a safe space. we can discuss feelings 😌
[7:31pm] y/n: there are zero feelings to discuss
[7:31pm] idiot⚡: then y did u say u like me too much so i have to die?
[7:34pm] y/n: i am filled with rage 🤬
[7:34pm] idiot⚡: rage over how much u liiike me???🥰🥰🥰
[7:36pm] y/n: definitely not
You racked your brain for some kind of reasonable sounding excuse, eventually landing on:
[7:36pm] y/n: It was autocorrect
[7:36pm] idiot⚡: HAH????? FROM?????
[7:38pm] y/n: HAH???
[7:38pm] idiot⚡: Who TF is nora???? 😡
[7:39pm] y/n: someoe i like obviously 😏
[7:40pm] idiot⚡: so u like them but u use my name so much it autocorrected to me? 🤔
[7:45pm] idiot⚡: i pull them out for special ocasions 😌
[7:45pm] y/n: well how bout you pack those up and put em away
[7:46pm] idiot⚡: how bout two people who LIKE each other SAY something so they can DOOOOOOOO something bout IT 🙄
You began typing a frantic message about how it was none of his business until you processed the message. Then you read it over several times before letting out an audible, “what the fuck.”
[7:50pm] y/n: YOU LIKE ME
[7:50pm] idiot⚡: I FLIRT WITH U ALL THE TIME WAT DO U MEAN yOu LiKe Me!?!
                          FUCKING OBVIOSLY
[7:51pm] y/n: literally when. name one time.
[7:52pm] idiot⚡: I WALK WITH U EVERY MORNING!!!
[7:53pm] y/n: I thought that was a coincidence???
[7:54pm] idiot⚡: I BRNIG U SNACKS DURING LUNCH!!!
[7:54pm] y/n: I thought they were leftovers??
[7:55pm] idiot⚡: …....I call you cute and invite you to my games.
[7:56pm] y/n: you call everyone attractive and i thought there was like a audience quota or something........?
[7:57pm] idiot⚡: ….i cant tell who i should be upset with rn but i think its u 😑
[7:58pm] y/n: WAT WHY!?!
[8:01pm] y/n: whoa. slow down. I hate math 😣
[8:02pm] Idiot⚡: ===WE SHUD GO ON A DATE!!!
[8:02pm] y/n: HAH!? i think you started multiplying that addition problem buddy 🤨
Your cheeks were beginning to ache from how wide your dopey grin was. You couldn’t help but tease Nishinoya-it was second nature at this point-even if you now knew your feelings were mutual.
[8:04pm] idiot⚡: i suk at math but thats NOT the point
                         point iiissss i think deep down u want to hang out and cuddle and fall in love
                        maybe even..... 😏 kiiisssss
[8:04pm] y/n: WHOA WHOA WHOA
                        WARN ME BEFORE YOU GET NSFW
                        i would never premarital eye-contact. let alone k🤢ki-🤢🤢kiss🤢🤮🤮
[8:05pm] idiot⚡: well we would have socks on 🙄
[8:06pm] y/n: oh. well if there’s protection
[8:06pm] idiot⚡: Im not a maniac
[8:07pm] y/n: i suppose as long as you dont do something stoopid
                        like faceplant in public
                        that would be humiliating
[8:08pm] idiot⚡: I-
                          who told you that 😠
[8:08pm] y/n: i have spies everywhere noya
                        youre never safe
[8:09pm] Idiot⚡: kinda hot 👀
                         makin me fear for my life like that👀
[8:10pm] y/n: i hate that i like you
                        It kills me inside 
                        i feel braincels leaving with every conversation
[8:12pm] Idiot⚡: fan behavior 😏
                          so am i taking u to eat tomorow or wat?
[8:14pm] y/n: if I HAVE to 🙄
[8:14pm] Idiot⚡: No u GET to
                          I am a fucking delite 😤
[8:15pm] y/n: whatever helps you sleep at night
[8:15pm] Idiot⚡: nothing helps me sleep at night. this mind never rests
[8:16pm] y/n: thinking 24/7 and still not a smart thing comes out of that mouth 👀
[8:17pm] Idiot⚡: yas, bully me more 😫
[8:19pm] y/n: ok thats as much as i can handle for one day......
                       im gonna pretend to do homework
[8:20pm] idiot⚡: okie... good luck my sweet baby pogchamp 🥰
[8:20pm] y/n: no
[8:20pm] Idiot⚡: 😘😘😘
[8:22pm] y/n: 🙄✋
[8:23pm] Idiot⚡: oh FUCK yas 🥵 shut me UP
[8:25pm] y/n: suddenly all i feel is endless regret
[8:26pm] Idiot⚡: i have that effect on people
                          See you tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰
[8:27pm] y/n: unfortunately 😘
[8:27pm] idiot⚡: 🥵
You flung an arm over your eyes and let a small giggle bubble up from your chest. Nishinoya was probably the biggest idiot you’d ever met, but you couldn’t help that thinking of spending time with him had you kicking your feet with excitement.
You supposed you should actually get started on your homework. You reached forward when a notification popped up from Yachi, asking if her idea worked and you had stopped liking Nishinoya.
...you should probably break the news, huh?
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
O yah we are not letting lucifer off the hook that easily. Are yall really gonna ignore the fact he almost killed luke, a fucking child, and his own brother over some stoopid ass booklet grimoire. Fam he legit tried to fight a child. He needs to sit his ass down🙃
Im probably pissing off all lucifer fans out here but this is the type of dude thats only acceptable/hot in FICTION. Irl stay the hell away for this type of guy and save urself some peace and time bby.
And tbh any relationship w belphie isnt gonna be healthy unless yall get therapy together. How he just gon kill somebody and then act like he loves them like that just dont sit right. Sumthing not clicking right in his cute sleepy head.
Hehehe I reference his shenanigans in the catacombs (underground tomb whatever you wanna call it) in the fic and boy lemme tell you, I’m pushing Luci off his high horse. I won’t lie Lucifer is in my top 5 out of the 11 possible love interests but that doesn’t mean I won’t call him out for threatening my life multiple times.
Don’t worry everyone is entitled to their own opinion! I know there are people out there who can’t stand Mammon and while I am 100% his slave I still respect their choice! Also yes real guys who show any of this behavior are unacceptable but that’s the fun part about it being a game, it’s not real so you can bend and change things as you wish!!
Tbh everyone needs therapy at this point😂 I can totally see MC dragging the seven brothers to a therapist and being like “none of you leave until we start unpacking this baggage because humans have a short life already AND YOU ARE SHORTENING MINE WITH THIS STRESS!” (Affectionate)
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You have dared me and I can not back down form a dare. So...hmmmm if you write liu...
can I get someeeee eh I’m so stoopid can you do some cuddling headcanons? I’m sure you like him too😂😂
Bro you kidding?? I fucking love Liu.
Sully would step on me but thats f i n e, i love that lil fucker too
The DID representation got me fucking b u s t i n '
Fandom: Creepypasta
Rating: Fluffyyy
Readers Gender: neutral
Present Characters: Homicidal Liu, Sully
Trigger Warnings: Sully being a dick, hints at after sex, hints at broken bones but not really-, Liu's PTSD,
Notes: I might do some headcanons later about Liu and D.I.D. Gotta love that accurate representation, plus i have some personal ideas i haven't seen in the fandom so keep an eye out when i drop that 👉😎👉
The first few times you guys cuddle, Liu is so tense im ngl
You may even startle him in his sleep and he'll wake up in a panic before realizing its just you
However though, when he does start to relax and get more comfortable to sharing a bed with you, he has a couple favorite positions while cuddling.
The first one is definitely facing eachother in a complete tangle of limps
You can pry that headcanon out of my cold dead hands
Just being able to feel you, to hold you and be held by you makes him feel so safe and loved.
Sometimes he'll have you with your face burried in his chest, sometimes he'll bury his face into yours if its been a stressful day
Other times he'll press his forehead to yours and just melt while you exchange soft kisses here and there on eachothers faces
Kiss his scars
I dare you
His checks, bridge of his nose, chin
He will melt, completely wrapped around your fingers like putty
He is always self conscious about his scars and stitches, and at first even tried hiding them from you.
Showing him that you love him despite the scars means the world to him-
His second favorite cuddling position is him as the little spoon.
I dont take criticism on this. Liu is a hard ass little spoon.
The first time you spooned him he mightve cried a little
He is so damn touch starved-
His favorite thing to do while you spoon him is when his head is pressed back into your chest, and you cradle around his head just enough to press kisses to the top of his head and forehead.
Lastly, if its been a r e a l l y long day and it puts him in a foul mood, he loves simply walking in and seeing you laying in bed
Could be drawing or reading a book-
He will simply plop down ontop of you and bury his face into your stomach or chest
If your reading, read to him.
Show him what your drawing
He loves anything you do, and enjoys when you get all excited to tell him about it
Takes his mind off the bad day he's just had
Now- if you play with his hair
Thats a whole other story
I hope your comfortable, because he will pass tf out and you are not getting him off for a good hour or two
Prayers to whoever tries to bed this bastard outside of anything sexual
I think he really only has two settings
McStabby and Horndog
The first few times you try to cuddle him, he might flat out kick you from the bed and on the floor.
Especially if theres a switch from Liu to him while cuddling, he will shove you on the floor and roll over to sleep
He probably thinks its hilarious
The first time you guys actually cuddle is definitely after doing the deed
If you can manage to keep up and tire him out, he'd be to lazy to shove you from the bed or get up to leave
He turned his back to you, and you being stubborn or just plain cold after he hogged the blanket, spooned against his back
He would never admit the butterflies it gave him when you hesitantly drapped an arm over his waist, but he decided then that maybe cuddling isnt so bad
At first the most you get after that is just him allowing you to lean against him while your standing near eachother or sitting together
After a bit though, he found comfort in draping his arm around your shoulders
(It was totally because someone was hitting on you, but you wouldnt let him shank the creep so he resorted to getting handsy)
If you ask him about it he claims its because your Liu's and someone has to watch you while he's not there.
But he is really so protective and its a comfort to have you under his arm, showing anyone watching that you belong to both of them
Sully also enjoys being a tease and will make you work for cuddles
So he loves doing a half spoon where he lays back comfortably and you cling to his side
He has his arms supporting his head while you bury yourself against his side and just give a cheeky grin to you actually wanting his affection, though he was sure its just because Liu wasnt there to give you any
Has definitely referred to Liu as a simp-
If you fall asleep in that position he might drape an arm over you 👀
But only after he's sure you've fallen asleep.
Once he starts getting more attached and protective of you, he loves having you burried against his chest
Often propping his head in his hand while laying on his side and watching you
He enjoys it when your facing him in this position, but is just as fine if your on your back burried under him or facing away from him with your back against him while reading or playing on your phone
He'll just watch you and whatever your doing, which can get a little creepy considering the unsettling gaze he naturally has
But he also doesnt say anything either- even if you try talking to him he'll just shrug or stare at you till you leave him alone
If he really wants your attention he'll take whatever your doing from your hand and throw it behind him while pulling you to face him.
Dont play with his hair- he is not a soft lover and doesnt want to be perceived as such
The first (and hopefully last) time you tried playing with his hair he snatched your hand and damn near broke your wrist.
So really just dont touch him unless he wants you to or you know hes alright with whatever you do. He has alot of boundaries that he just wont tolerate being crossed
The last few positions he enjoys are after sex
Sometimes he'll just flop down ontop of you and pass out right there, still pressed inside you while he sleeps
Other times he'll roll over with you and have you sleep on his chest
He has a funny way of showing his affection for you, but he does care in his own twisted way-
He may be a hardass but he is your hardass and he does need to be taken care of
With the few things he does allow you to do to him, he really just melts
He is wrapped around your finger too, whether you realize it or not
He would kill for you if you asked it of him
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