#the FLOW is INCORRECT if you read it from the top
sapphire-writes · 10 months
Girl In The Bar (modern hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 1 || masterlist || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: Your internship begins at Citadel General Hospital. But your first day does not go according to plan as a familiar face appears.
word count: 4.3k
note: here we go! my little celebration piece, the beginning of a new AU/mini-series! thank you so so much for all the love and support ❤️
warnings below the cut!
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warnings: medical terminology, stitches/sutures, mentions of blood, concussions, nausea, referencing spicy times but nothing explicit in this chapter
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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You’d been preparing for this. That’s what you keep telling yourself as you stand outside the doors of Citadel General Hospital. Four grueling years of med school weren’t for nothing. Your heart beats steadily, only slightly quicker than usual as you take a deep breath to steady yourself. 
You can’t help but stare up at the large building in front of you, watching the sunlight reflect off of the many windows, obscuring the view of the occupants inside.
“Are you going in?” a girl says sliding up beside you, curly brown hair flowing freely around her face. She gives you a crooked smile, tilting her chin to signal you inside. There’s a faded scar across the bridge of her nose along with a dusting of freckles. 
“Can’t believe it’s the first day,” she sighs as the doors open and you follow her inside, “We met at the intern mixer briefly.”
The mixer was held a few weeks ago. You'd met most of the other medical interns and gotten a tour of the hospital. CGH is massive; it’ll take time to learn the lay of the land. You follow her down the hall towards the intern locker rooms. Scrubs wait for you and you hurriedly begin to change into them. Nettles scoops her hair into a large bun on top of her head, wrapping a scrunchie around the mess of curls. 
“Right,” you say, nodding as you remember her, “It’s Annette, right?”
“Nettles,” she corrects, “Family nickname. Though from what I’ve heard, they barely refer to us by our first names.”
“That’s correct,” a guy says, throwing on his scrub top, “Be prepared to change your name to whatever your last name is.”
The guy glances at you, cheeks flushing. He rubs his dark curls out of his eyes, adjusting his light blue scrub top before extending his hand for you to shake.
“Jace Velaryon,” he introduces, squeezing your hand, “Or just Velaryon I guess.”
“Do you know who your resident is yet?” you ask, just as a woman in dark blue scrubs enters the room. Her red hair is held behind a scrub cap decorated with silver eagles. She holds a clipboard tightly in her hands, tapping a pen against the metal.
“Velaryon, Waters, Martell, Snow, and…” she pauses, before reading your last name, “You five. Baratheon will meet you at the nurses' station. Three minutes.” 
You hurriedly lace your sneakers as a locker from across the room slams shut. A woman with long ink-black hair elegantly plaited down her back hurries forward. 
“Thank you Dr. Arryn,” she calls, as the woman leaves the room.
Another young woman hurries from around the corner of lockers, struggling to pull her thick brown hair into a ponytail, “She didn’t say Baratheon, did she?” she asks, as her hair tie snaps. 
You reach into the pocket of your scrubs, holding out the spare you have. She smiles gratefully as she accepts it.
“Sara Snow,” she introduces, “We’re sure she said Baratheon?”
“Sure did,” the girl with the braid says, her dark eyes wide, “Cory Martell. Nice to meet you all for whatever time we have left.”
Jace chuckles nervously as Cory fiddles with her braid, taking a sudden interest in the ends of her hair.  
“What’s that mean?” Jace asks, looking at you all as you don’t respond, “Hello?”
“Ballbuster Baratheon,” Sara says with barely an audible whisper.
“Ah shit,” Nettles says, tilting her head back as she groans.
“Am I the only one who is lost?” Jace asks, “He can’t be so bad.”
Nettles only shrugs but gives you a wink before pushing forward out the door. You hurry after her, the rest of your cohort stumbling not far behind. The nurses’ station is bustling with people; the phones ringing continuously. 
Cory stands up straighter, flipping her braid over her shoulder. 
“Do you see him?” Jace asks, looking down the hallway.
“See who?” a doctor comments, eyeing Jace carefully. 
She’s wearing similar blue scrubs and holding a clipboard, black hair cut bluntly at her chin. 
“Dr. Baratheon,” Jace comments, still looking off in the distance, “Heard he’s a hard ass.”
The doctor raises an eyebrow at him, fire in her cobalt blue eyes. She wets her lips, before folding her arms in front of her, holding her clipboard against her stomach. 
“Very interesting Dr. Velaryon, assuming the scary resident is a man,” the doctor comments, flipping through her charts.
Jace’s face turns beet red, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Sara glances at him, a pitying look on her face whilst Nettles attempts to hide her snicker with a cough. You elbow her slightly in the ribs and her eyes widen in feigned shock. 
“I didn’t—” Jace begins to ramble before being cut off.
“I didn’t ask,” Dr. Baratheon says, waving him off, “I’m Dr. Maris Baratheon, you may call me Dr. Baratheon. Not Maris, not Mari, not Baratheon. Is that understood?”
You all nod eagerly, mumbling your agreement, Jace looking rather pained.
“You’re interns,” Maris says, deep blue eyes scanning over you, “Runts—bottom of the food chain. Extensions of me-but don’t get in my way. When I move, you move. You will observe, you will listen and you will learn.”
She lets her gaze fall on each of you as she speaks, her tone not very friendly.
“You are my interns. My responsibility. You fuck up, it falls back on me,” she says, pointing her finger at each of you, “Do you think I like fucking up?”
“No ma’am,” Jace says, shaking his head back and forth. 
“Correct,” Dr. Baratheon says. 
The pager strapped to her waist beeps frantically and she glances down, before nodding; more to herself than to all of you. 
“Let’s move people,” she says, moving down the hallway.
You all begin shuffling behind her, quickening your pace to match the urgency of her walk. 
“I’m an idiot,” Jace says miserably, “She’s going to hate me forever.”
“Probably,” Nettles says with a snicker.
“She won’t hate you, she’ll understand you’re learning,” Sara insists.
“Oh yeah, she seems super understanding,” Cory agrees, but one glance at her reveals her sarcasm. 
Dr. Baratheon stops outside a room before turning back to the lot of you. You all nearly collide with each other trying to stop in time; Jace slams into Sara’s back and she pushes him with her shoulder. Cory reaches into her pocket, pulling out a small notepad and pen. 
“Who has been prepping my charts?” Dr. Baratheon asks, rolling her eyes at your scrambling. Your hand shoots into the air along with the rest of your cohort, “Good, you’re not entirely useless.” 
Dr. Baratheon opens the door, walking inside the airy hospital room. The windows are large, letting in rays of sunlight along with a beautiful view of the Honeywine River. It’s a clear day today, the blue water ripples and sparkles as some boats make their way further down the mouth of the river. 
“Come on in,” Dr. Baratheon insists, “Someone tell me what’s been going on.”
A girl sits on the hospital bed, tubes, and wires twisting away from her, a stuffed lion held tightly in her small arms. Her golden hair lays flat against her head and though her skin is pale, she smiles when Dr. Baratheon enters the room. A woman you assume to be her mother sits beside her, looking tired as she holds a cup of ice. 
“Cerelle Lannister, nine-year-old female,” Nettles begins, lacing her hands behind her back and straightening her shoulders, “Admitted while complaining of fever and muscle spasms localized to the lower body.”
“Thank you, Dr. Waters,” Dr. Baratheon says, walking to check the chart at the foot of her bed, “How are we feeling this morning Cece?”
Dr. Baratheon’s voice changes as she talks to Cece; it takes on a more caring, comforting tone. Cece smiles nervously, turning her flushed face to her mother. 
“She’s okay,” her mother answers, “The spasms seem to be about the same. Nurses said her fever broke last night.” 
“I’ve eaten so much ice, my tongue is numb,” Cece says, sticking her tongue out, “See? I bet it's blue.”
Sara giggles at the action and you can’t help but smile too. You hate seeing such a young kid in the hospital, it makes your chest tighten. 
“No blue tongue. But I guess you’re not interested in ice cream for dessert later?” Dr. Baratheon teases. 
Cece’s eyes widen and she shakes her head vigorously.
“Let’s not talk crazy now,” she squeaks, “I am always interested in ice cream.”
“Just making sure,” Dr. Baratheon says, cracking her first smile of the day, “Dr. Snow, how would you proceed?”
Sara stiffens at the sound of her name, clearing her throat. 
“Muscle spasms can indicate an overuse of the muscle or perhaps an electrolyte imbalance,” Sara begins, as though reciting from a textbook, “I would make sure she’s getting enough fluids and rest, get some labs done to confirm.”
“And after that?”
“Potentially a CT scan and MRI to rule out any potential nerve damage that may be contributing to the spasms.”
“What about the fever?”
“Fever is an immune response that indicates potential infection,” Cory interrupts, “We want to rule out a viral or bacterial infection.”
“Which first?”
“Rule out the infection first,” you interject, causing Dr. Baratheon to turn to you, “More likely bacterial than viral. Ms. Lannister doesn’t have symptoms.”
“Alright, yes,” Dr. Baratheon agrees, “What should we do if we think it's bacterial?”
“Gather a culture,” you continue, “Skin, nose, saliva. Run labs for those as well to rule them out.”
“Well Cece,” Dr. Baratheon says, turning back to the child, “You’ve got a competent group of doctors caring for you. We’re going to do our best to get you better.”
Mrs. Lannister squeezes her daughter's hand. Cece smiles shyly, holding her stuffed lion closer to her chest. 
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You stand in line for lunch in the bustling cafeteria. Quick lunch, and then off to run for labs for Cerelle Lannister. Different options are laid out in front of you as you drag your tray alongside Jace’s. He’s still moping-- has been all morning. Sara rolls her eyes at him as he drops a banana onto his plate.
“You need to chill,” she tells him, reaching for a turkey club. 
“How do I come back from this?” Jace asks, reaching for a cup. He moves to the soda machine, choosing to fill it with cherry coke, “She wants me dead.”
“You’re so dramatic,” you tell him, fighting a smile.
“I’m serious!” he says, eyes wide, “She could make or break my entire career based on this slip-up, put me in the pit for the year.”
You decide on a chicken Caesar wrap before scanning the cafeteria for a free table. You spot Nettles a few tables away, leaning back in her chair and munching on a bag of potato chips. She waves you over and you motion to your colleagues to follow. 
“So you’ll do the time, pay your dues, all that jazz,” you console Jace.
“Yeah, but--shit!” Jace yelps as you reach the table, his cup falling to the floor. Reddish brown liquid blooms on the white floor and Jace groans, “This day keeps getting worse.”
“C’mon, let’s get some paper towels,” Sara says, putting her tray down and grabbing Jace’s arm.
Nettles watches them walk away, unmoving from her spot as you take the seat beside her. 
“What a drama queen,” Nettles comments.
“I mean, if I pissed off Ballbuster Baratheon, I’d be pretty upset too,” you tell her, giving a sympathetic smile.
“You’re too smart to make that mistake,” Nettles comments, and a pleasant prideful feeling lodges in your chest. 
You smile at her.
“Thanks,” you tell Nettles and she shrugs.
“Just being truthful,” she says, “I briefed everyone before we started. You’re rather impressive.”
“You briefed everyone?”
“I like to know who I’ll be working with,” she says nonchalantly. 
You nod, impressed by her dedication. You take a bite of your wrap, wincing slightly at the soggy texture of the lettuce. It’s edible. You doubt you’ll have anything to complain about when the hospital is working you into the ground. Your eyes scan the cafeteria as you chew, taking in the other doctors in the cafeteria. 
Your eyes drift over to a pair of residents near the vending machine; a man and a woman both with strikingly platinum blonde hair. The taller of the two has it pulled away from his chiseled face and into a low bun. As he turns your heart drops into your stomach. 
“Shit,” you whisper, feeling the blood drain from your face. 
“What?” Nettles asks, examining her half-eaten sandwich, “I mean it's bad, but not that bad. They have hot dogs on Fridays.”
“Not the food,” you explain, “The doctor.” 
Nettles follows your gaze toward Aemond as he’s lost in conversation with the other resident. Her eyes flicker between you two, eyebrows raising to her hairline. 
“You know him?”
“Know who?” Cory asks as she arrives, sitting in the empty chair beside you, “This food looks nasty…”
“I need to go,” you tell them, standing with your tray, “I need to--” It’s too late when you realize you’d stepped right into the spilled soda, your feet going out from under you.
You drop onto your back with a loud thud, head smacking against the linoleum floor.
“Fuck! Are you okay?” Nettles asks, crouching beside you. You blink rapidly, stars in your vision from the impact, “Shit, Y/N you’re bleeding don’t move! Head injury, you could have internal bleeding-”
“I’m okay,” you insist, trying to sit up, “I’m just….woah.” A wave of nausea rolls through you and you lean back against the ground, “Maybe I do just need a moment.”
Your vision blurs but you can see his lean silhouette in the distance. Through your haze, you swear you see his body language change, his posture stiffen, and your lunch lurches in your stomach. 
“You’re concussed,” Jace insists crouching beside you, “Don’t move. You’ve cut your head too…”
“My head?” you ask, bringing a hand to your temple, feeling wetness on your palm, “Fucking hell.”
You’re staring blankly at the ceiling, mortification settling in your bones as your colleagues chatter around you. 
“What is going on?” Dr. Baratheon’s voice echoes through the cafeteria, “Y/L/N?”
“Yes Dr. B?” you mumble, earning a chuckle from Cory.
“I’m going to let that one slide because you’re likely concussed,” Dr. Baratheon says, “Velaryon, Waters, get her to a bed.” She grumbles, moving on with Cory and Nettles, “I’d like to keep my interns in one piece please.”
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The night before the first day of your internship you couldn’t sleep. Call it nerves, call it excitement, one thing was for sure; there was no way you were finding sleep at a reasonable hour. So you decided to grab a drink. Something to calm your nerves. 
Just a few blocks from your studio apartment was a small hole-in-the-wall bar, the Dragon’s Den. One drink to calm your nerves, that’s all you needed. You’d sat at the bar alone for a while, sipping your wine and reading yet another smutty romance on your Kindle.
You’d noticed him come in, of course. It was hard not to notice him. 
He was truly beautiful; with striking platinum hair braided away from his face and down his back. Chiseled jawline, long straight nose, and those eyes. One violet, one blue, watching you from across the room. Your cheeks warmed as you buried your nose back into your book.
He’d caught you staring. 
He’d joined you at the bar; slightly awkward, but confident enough to strike up a conversation with you. Ask what you were drinking. He was so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body, and count the veins winding their way up the back of his hands.
“You’re a long way from Riverlands,” you’d commented as he’d told you where he was from.
“My sister dragged me out,” he’d told you, “I’ve just recently moved back here, to be closer to family.”
“I have a new job starting tomorrow,” you’d told him, causing him to raise an eyebrow at you.
“Congratulations,” he’d said, smiling as though he genuinely was happy for the stranger he met at the bar.
He’d bought you a drink, saddled up next to you. Listened intently as you spoke to him about your hobbies, your interests. Watching you the entire time with intense focus. 
“I don’t normally do this,” he’d insisted as you pulled him towards you outside the bar.
“Me either,” you agreed. It didn’t matter if it was true or not; it's what people say when they make reckless decisions. 
Fingers fisting into his button-down shirt, you’d pressed your lips eagerly against his. You hadn’t been kissed like this in forever. Hadn’t been touched like this, been fucked like this. 
You’d brought him home, walking the short distance hand in hand taking breaks in between for him to press you against the brick walls of the buildings you passed, let you wrap your legs around his waist as he kissed the life out of you. 
You’d stumbled into your apartment desperately peeling the clothes from your body and his. Greedy hands, greedy mouths, and lipstick smeared across his cheeks and chest. Fingers, tongue, a combination of the two, and then his cock splitting you in half, pounding you into the mattress. 
He’d made you cum five times. 
Five times, during a one-night stand. You could barely feel your legs as you drifted off to sleep. 
You’d woken early the following day, stumbling out of bed and into your small kitchenette as the lanky stranger gathered his things. 
“Aemond,” he’d told you, with a shy grin as he entered his number into your phone.
How anyone could be shy after that bedroom performance was beyond you. 
“I’ll text you,” you’d promised him, as he opened the door.
“Have a great first day.”
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Somehow, Jace and Sara get you to a bed, secluded with some curtains. You can’t believe he’s here. He’s a resident. In every hospital possible, it had to be this one. By the looks of it, he wasn’t expecting to see you as well.
The curtain opens and an attending enters the small bedside area, flipping through the papers on his clipboard. Dark hair and eyes he glances up at you, a small smile on his lips. 
“Not every day an intern lands in a hospital bed,” he comments, ushering you forward. 
You sit up, groaning slightly at the throbbing in your head. 
“Didn’t do it on purpose,” you grumble, and he flashes you a grin. 
“Follow the light,” he softly commands, clicking his penlight and moving it in front of your face.
You blink, but obey; following the bright light. 
“Good,” he murmurs, “Now follow my finger.” He does the same motion with his finger, “Pupils look good, any pain?”
“Just where I hit,” you tell him, “Will I need stitches?”
“Just a few,” he says, bringing a gloved hand to move your hair, “A small split. Bleeds a lot more than it's worth.”
“Not my first rodeo,” you tell him, as he reaches for some gauze, “You’re the neuro attending?”
“One of them,” he comments, applying some dap gauze to your wound, cleaning it gently, “I’m Dr. Cole.” 
You tell him yours and he nods, a glimmer of recognition in his eye. 
“I read your resume,” he muses, discarding the bloodied gauze, “Your thesis was very interesting.”
“Thank you,” you told him, remembering your research, “I enjoy research a lot.”
“Plenty of opportunities here,” he says, removing his gloves, “I’ll have Dr. Targareyn come stitch you up.”
Your heart leaps into your throat, “Can’t I just use some butterfly bandages?”
He shakes his head, pursing his lips.
“Don’t want to scar up that pretty face,” he comments, “Targaryen doesn’t mind, he enjoys the practice.” 
You chew on your lip as Dr. Cole leaves the room. Several moments later the curtain opens and Aemond steps forward. He’s just as beautiful as last night and your pulse quickens remembering your time spent together. 
“Hey,” you manage as Aemond clears his throat. 
Aemond stands awkwardly stiff, before moving to the stool Dr. Cole previously occupied. He doesn’t speak, just uses his long legs to pull himself closer to you. He readies a tray, grabbing a suture kit and lidocaine. You watch his tense, calculated movements before he turns to you. 
“This may sting,” he murmurs, as the tip of the needle enters your skin causing you to wince. 
The lidocaine works fast, and the area begins to tingle with numbness. Carefully disposing of the needle, Aemond grabs the suture and begins his work. You can feel his hands on you, and watch his face as he stares at his handiwork. 
He won’t meet your eyes. 
“We didn’t know,” you tell him, feeling the tugging of the sutures, “Aemond-”
“No,” he answers, “You’re right of course. No harm, no foul. But this can’t happen again. I’m your superior.”
“Superior? It’s not like you’re an attending,” you tell him. 
“No but I’m in a position of power and authority over you,” he continues, “The implications of a workplace relationship between the two of us would be an uneven distribution of power.”
“Okay, we slept together once,” you tell him, “No one’s saying we’re in a relationship-”
“Then you agree,” he counters, “We shut this down before it really starts.”
That’s not exactly what you were thinking as you reminisce about the previous night. Staring into his eyes only makes your cheeks grow hotter, a nervous sweat begins to form on your brow. 
“Is that what you want?” you ask, your heartbeat suddenly noticeable; a gentle flutter against your ribcage.
“It’s not about want,” Aemond insists, avoiding your gaze and focusing solely on his suturing, “It’s about being dutiful, and doing what’s right. What’s expected of us.”
Goodbye guy in the bar, you think to yourself, heart sinking slightly at the thought.
“Yeah, sure,” you tell him as he cuts the final stitch, “I’m not going to say anything.”
“You’re all set,” he tells you, moving to stand, “Think you can take them out on your own in a week?”
“If not, I know where to find you,” you quip.
Aemond stands next to the tray of instruments, freezing as he awkwardly glances at you sideways. His posture is tense. You let out a nervous breath at his startled reaction. The sex god you met last night is nowhere to be found. He flexes his hand before shoving it into the pocket of his white coat. 
“That was a joke,” you tell him, earning a curt nod, “One week. Got it.”
You hear the sharp voice of Dr. Baratheon call your last name before the curtain is yanked back. Her eyes find Aemond immediately, lips forming a tight pout.
“Dr. Targareyn,” she says apprehensively, as though she’s watching him very carefully. 
Aemond nods acknowledging her before she turns to you.
“How are you feeling?” she asks.
“I’m fine,” you assure her, “I have to run those labs for Cerelle Lannister-”
“Martell is covering that,” Dr. Baratheon cuts you off, “You have a head injury. I want you home for the remainder of the day.”
“Dr. Baratheon-” you insist, but she holds up her hand.
“Come back tomorrow,” Dr. Baratheon tells you and reluctantly nods. 
You suppose going home isn’t the worst idea. 
“Let’s get you an Uber,” Dr. Baratheon says.
“I can drive her,” Aemond says suddenly. His eyes are wide before he casts his gaze to the floor as if he can’t believe the words left his mouth.
You watch him carefully.
“Okay,” you tell him. 
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Aemond’s car is nice. Clean, like he just bought it. He very well might have, now that you think of it since he moved to the area so recently. The ride is silent besides the sound of the air coming through the vents. 
“Thank you,” you tell him, as he pulls up to your apartment complex.
“No drinking any alcohol,” Aemond says, still not meeting your eyes, “Make sure to get plenty of rest and monitor your symptoms. Do not feel any pressure to come back to work tomorrow if you’re not up for it.”
You nod and his gaze flickers to your face. He wets his lips, tongue darting out quickly. It might be the concussion, but you can remember how it felt. How he tasted. Fuck. 
“I got it,” you assure him, unbuckling your seatbelt.
He nods, unlocking the car doors before getting out. Aemond walks around the front of the car, opening the door for you.
“I’ll walk you up,” he insists, and you nod, taking the hand he offers. 
He remembers your unit. The entire elevator ride is full of tension as you wait to reach your floor. As you walk down the hallway. As you get to your door.
You turn to him, wanting to invite him inside if only for a cup of tea to thank him for being so kind. If only to keep him near your longer. 
But Aemond nods curtly as you unlock the door.
“Have a nice day, Dr. Y/L/N,” he says, turning on his heel and heading down the hallway. You watch him flex his fingers again, before shoving them into his pocket. 
“Goodbye Aemond,” you call, and he pauses, hand outstretched to press the elevator button.
His head dips for a brief moment before he straightens up as the elevator doors open and he disappears inside. Your heart hammers as he turns, giving you a nod once more, before the doors close obscuring him from your view. 
You exhale the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Before tucking yourself into your bed, you lean against your window which gives a view down to the front of the apartment. Clouds have gathered and fat drops of rain begin to fall, splashing onto Aemond’s car still parked below. You watch as the lights come on, but he stays idling a moment more.
Your phone vibrates. 
Reaching for it you can’t help but smile as you see the message.
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note: hope you liked it!! again, thank you thank you THANK YOU for all the love and support for my silly little stories, y'all are seriously the best for real 🥹
Series Taglist: @witches-of-discovery-a @mooncalvin @rwdkarla, @spinachtz, @arcielee, @castellomargot, @bellaisasleep, @wintrr13, @angel6776, @watercolorskyy @hogwarts1207, @gibbsgirl7, @high-on-darren-criss, @theshatteredideal, @elizarbell, @hiraethrhapsody, @helaenaluvr
751 notes · View notes
readychilledwine · 6 months
i can’t believe i missed this when i was reading acosf, but in ch 59 emerie says she figured that cassian fucks good bc he’s got the Walk. She says
“You know, when a male knows how to use his cock well and struts around with that swagger that basically declares it to everyone”
Could i please request something with cassian x reader where she sees him walking like that and knows he’s big, she tells her friends about the walks and cassian overhears her so he approaches her and his male pride is overwhelming👀 they flirt back and forth and it leads on and on👀👀👀👀
One Night Stand
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Summary - Cassian is more than happy to prove your theory after eavesdropping on a conversation between you and your friends
Warnings - oral (f recving), fingering overstimulation, squirting, hair pulling choking, slight dirty talk
A/n - grab the headboard, princess.
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“He's definitely cute,” you rolled your eyes at your friend, watching as Cassian, the Illyrian general of the Nigth Court danced and flirted through Rita's. “He seems arrogant, though.”
You took another sip of your drink, studying his movements, his confidence, his body language. “The male knows how to fuck and he's not afraid of showing people that. It isn't arrogance, it's confidence.”
The three of you started to debate, unknown that the general could hear you and was already plotting. You rolled your eyes again, walking away to get more drinks.
Cassian approached you when you were waiting at the bar, leaning against it next to you as he studied your face, body, and hair. “Can I help you?” You finally turned and asked him.
“Possibly,” he looked you up and down again. “Depends on how badly you'd like to settle that little debate you and your friends seem to be having.” You felt your face flush, instantly turning away as he laughed under his breath. “I've never had a female leave my bed unsatisfied. I highly doubt that would start with you.”
“Maybe I was incorrect,” you looked back at him, a soft smile on your face. “Maybe it is over confidence.” He returned your smile, turning to lean against the bar with you. “You realize you saying that means nothing if you can't actually show it.”
Cassian took a sip of the whiskey the bartender had brought him with a smirk. “I am willing to show you, princess.”
The wall Cassian held you against was cold on your bare skin. He'd wasted no time, ripping your dress the second he landed and took you into the House of Wind. His hands were grabbing whatever they could, your waist, your hips, the plush skin of your ass. He picked you up, smiling as your legs wrapped around his waist on instinct as he carried you to his room. You continued kissing him, trusting he knew this house well enough to get you two where he wanted you without an issue.
You heard a door open behind you, him finally pulling away from your lips long enough to walk inside and toss you unceremoniously onto the largest bed you had ever seen.
He didn't give you time to breathe, getting on top of you while removing his shirt and allowing you to see the scars and muscles hiding beneath that fabric. Your hands started at his shoulders as he began kissing you again, then lowered to his arms, nails grazing the skin and making him shiver. Then they trailed from his abs up to his chest, resting here, feeling his heart beat increase slightly.
He pulled away again, jaw moving to your neck, pepper and sucking small marks into the skin as large calloused hands began to play with your breasts and tweak your nipples. He smiled into your collarbone as you moaned for him, feeling a small joint of arousal flow through you as be gently pinched the tender peaks. “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are,” he murmured into your skin. “Thought about you from the second you walked in wearing that tiny tight dress. Teasing everyone with that pretty ass of yours.” He squeezed your breasts, groaning at the feelingnof your soft skin and making you whimper. “Such pretty noises too, and I'm just starting.”
Cassian worshipped you as he made his way down your body. Taking time to kiss every inch of skin, paying attention to the areas that gave him the most reaction, whispering words of praise and promise as he went. He finally settled between your legs, kissing your inner thighs before looking up at you. “Such a pretty pussy, baby. Is she all mine tonight?” You nodded eagerly, head thrown back and mouth falling open as a gentle teasing lick ran your core. In a voice laced with arrogance, he spoke again. “Oh I know she is.”
You hands instantly tangled into his hair as he began a calculated attack, alternating between suckling your clit and fucking you open with his tongue. You were panting almost immediately, eyes rolled back as he circled your bundle of nerves over and over flicking it and sucking lightly. He moaned as you pulled his hair, the vibrations making you cry out and clench around nothing.
“Please,” you began to beg, feeling wetness pooling and that coil tightening. “Please general.”
And Gods did you using his title on him make him throw in the towel. He wrapped one arm around your back and hips, pulling you in even closer to his mouth while his free hand moved up your thigh. Two fingers ran the length of you, gathering your ever building wetness before gently pushing into your entrance.
It burned so wonderfully. That delicious stretch of him in your walls making your head fall completely to the side and pants to turn into never ending moans. He began thrusting, fucking you with his fingers while he continued flicking and rolling your clit. “Cassian,” you moaned desperately, trying to pull him even closer. “Gods Cassian, yes!” You could feel him smirking against you. Watching as you began to teeter that edge and beg for him.
He pulled away slightly, making you whine desperately. “Believe me yet, baby? Or am I going to have to fuck you silly with my cock to get you to understand?” He watching you, thumb coming to your clit and pressing down as your walls twitched around his fingers. “Already can't respond to me can you? I don't know if you'd be able to handle riding me, y/n.”
You whined again, feeling that coil in your stomach threatening to rupture. “Cassian,” his name became a mantra. Moaning it over and over while he smiled looking up at you with unmatched male pride.
“Cum for me, sweetheart. Make a mess on my sheets and we'll decide if you deserve my cock.” You came screaming his name, walls pulsing around this thick fingers, vision almost going black at the intensity of the orgasm. He fucked you through it, feeling you begin to squirt on his hand and abs as he started overstimulating you and your cunt.
He finally pulled his fingers out, licking and sucking them clean before going to remove his pants. “Hands and knees,” he commanded you. “Now.” It wasn't an option, and you rolled over instantly, arching your back to allow him the best view possible. Cassian gripped your hip in one hand, his hard leaking cock in another. “Grab the headboard and hold on, baby.”
It felt like fire when he entered you. A silent scream tearing through you as your walls stretched even more around his cock. Your hands barely had time to find the headboard before he began pounding.
You could feel every ridge, every vein. He felt like heaven inside of you, filling you perfectly as he pounded into that secret spot inside of you over and over and over again.
Your mouth was permanently parted, a silent scream coming through you as a large hand grabbed and pulled your hair, forcing you to let go of the headboard and sit up with your back arched more, taking him deeper and deeper. “Feel so good, baby,” he moaned into your ear. “might have to keep you here.” He smirked as you tried to nod but couldn't as another large hand gently held your throat. “You'd like that wouldn't you? Being my little cock sleeve? Keep ready and waiting for me at all times.” The sound of his moans, his grunts, his voice. It was ripping you closer and closer into another tidal wave of completion.
Cassian smiled behind you, feeling your legs begin to shake, your walls twitching more and more as they prepared to milk him. “Gonna soak me again, baby? Cum all over me?” All you could do was moan and nod. Eyes rolled back and drool forming as he fucked you into a state of absolute submission and drunkenness.
Cassian kissed you temple, shoving you into the mattress face down and began pounding harder, almost laughing as your moans became more and more desperate for him. He was close, you were close. It was a gentle, brushing of fingers on your swollen clit that did you in. A loud scream tearing you apart as he held you against him, groaning loudly as thick rope after rope of warm cum spilled into you. “Milking me so good, baby. Just begging for more, aren't you?”
He gave you a few more sloppy thrusts before pulling out and watching as a mixture of cum dripped out of your abused cunt.
Cassian was gentle as he lifted you up again, carrying you to his bathroom and setting you in the already filled warm tub before getting in with you. He held you close, peppering soft praises into your shoulder. “Do you want to stay with me tonight?” He finally asked. “I can take you home or you can sleep here. I don't mind.” You were already half asleep on his chest, looking up at him with tired eyes.
“Can I stay?”
He nodded, eyes lighting up at the question as if he had been hoping you'd ask. “Of course. We can have more fun in the morning. Gotta make sure you can't walk properly tomorrow when I drop you off."
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booquip · 1 month
Firstly I wanted to say thanks so much for all the love on my first post! I enjoyed writing it a lot and hope you all had a fun time reading it! I hope you all enjoy this one just the same! ☺️☺️ Not going to lie I really struggled to incorporate two head cannons I had into a one shot fic, so apologies if the writing is super mangled. ): As always feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated!! (I haven’t caught up with JJK in a minute so sorry if my memory is hazy causing me to use incorrect info.)
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!Reader x Geto Suguru
Summary: Satoru seeing you before him and Suguru leave for a mission. (written from multiple POV's) ( I like to think that along with Satoru's lack of spacial awareness he lacks emotional awareness when it comes to himself while Suguru is like okay I feel this way now wtf do I do, which both of them can bond on once Suguru helps Satoru realize he’s not dying and that he is in fact in love with reader.)
word count: 1,149
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 “Gojo-san!” You say with that airy smile you always have. You go on even more missions than them yet how do you always manage to have a smile on your face? You run up to him still all smiles and giggles. Why is it that you’re always running? And why did you look so beautiful running towards him? Your hair was flowing heedlessly down your shoulders as you came to a stop. Both of you sitting on the grass as he rests his head in your lap. (It became routine ever since he had spotted you one day reading a book lying on the grass mindlessly munching on whatever snack it was that you were eating that day.)
He looks up only to be met with those encapsulating doe eyes of yours. Many would argue that his eyes were the ones full of prowess but how could that be true when one look from your glistening eyes had him falling to his knees. He was having the worst of worst days about…wait what was it about again?
Ha- See what he means?
“Ahh Gojo-san are you listening?” Your voice jolts him out of his spiral. How long had you been speaking for? He scratches the back of his neck letting out a light laugh. Your face mere inches away from his. The words had come out of his mouth before he had time to stop them.
“You have pretty eyes Y/N.”
He feels heat rush to his face as the words pored out of him.
You feel as if the world around you both has been silenced. No not silenced you think, it’s almost like it has decided that just the two of you are allowed to bask in its beauty. You slowly blink at the notion of his words, beginning to come back to your senses. Has he gone mad? The Satoru Gojo, complimenting the likes of you. You wanted to hear it more, hear him more. He probably—no he deffinetly didn’t mean it like that. Gojo-san is known for his outbursts and this was just one of them. You make attempts to ease the fast paced thoughts. If there truly was no meaning behind his words, why did his voice sound so sultry so—
“hahaaha jeez Y/N you take everything so seriously.”
You notice him hide his face in his hands and you think it’s just to mask his laughter so you dismiss his words all together.
“Ah my apologies Gojo-san didn’t you have a mission to attend to with Geto-san?”
Why did you ignore his comment? He knew he dismissed it first. He knew it was unwarranted but still— did you just not take it, take him, seriously— why is he so angry right now? Why does he feel as though his heart has been ripped out of his chest? Why does he feel dejected? Why? Why? Why?
The furrow in his brows is uncommon to you and before you can question it, you feel a hand gently graze the top of your hair. You look up to see the one and only Suguru covering the glaring sun from your field of view as you peered up to look at him. "Ah Geto-san, hello!"
Satoru's voice is whiney while he speaks his distaste for the mission. “Ugghhh do I really have to go? I would much rather stay here.” Suguru sighs in contrast to Satoru it's almost foreign to hear him complain. “Yes, Satoru we unfortunately do also the auxiliary manager is going to get mad if we don’t show up soon.” Oh that's when you’re reminded you almost forgot the main reason you approached Gojo-san in the first place.
“Geto-san before you leave take these!” As you pull out the coffee-caramel flavored hard candies from your pocket and into his hand, he looks at you with the most quizzical expression.
“You don’t like the taste of curses, do you?”
He looks at you wide eyed, you take that as a sign to continue.
“I know these won’t change the taste also that your not much of a fan for sweets hence the coffee flavor, but I hope that it makes you forget even if it’s just for a little while. Please eat them after your missions! I hope you find them useful!” Your explanation (that wasn't really an explanation) still has him stunned. You had only went on one mission with them. Was he that terrible at masking it? No he was sure he did well as Satoru never questioned him for it.
For an airhead you sure are observant.
And that's when it hit him the realization crashing down on him all at once. How could he not have seen it sooner? The way he would smile at the mere thought of getting to see you in class. The way his cheeks would heat up whenever it was just the two of you alone. The way he would always go out of his way to make you smile. Oh your breathtaking smile. It was contagious, motivating others on the most depressing of days. He could internally beat him self up right now for being so dumb.
He was in love with you.
And with the way his best friend looked at you he was sure that he felt the same way too.
He's pulled out of his trance when he hears you about to apologize. “I’m sor-"
“Thank you Y/N.”
He says with a smile so sincere, it's then and only then you finally understand why people would go to the end's of the earth for their loved ones. You would go to the ends of the earth for your friends even if it meant killing yourself in the process. It would have all been worth while-- His smile was so precious— so welcoming you couldn’t help but return it hoping to reciprocate even a sliver of the energy back. Is it selfish to wish for this moment to last forever? You three in this moment without the fear of curses? Was that really such a selfish ask?
Satoru laying in your lap while Suguru is on your side shoulders almost touching. Satoru makes a loud pout. “Hey… where’s my candy.” You can’t help but let out a deep belly laugh, sometimes he is just so predictable. You couldn't decipher his face when he heard you laugh since he had quickly gone back to pouting. “What are you laughin fo-“ He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you peel a birthday cake flavored toffee and slip it into his mouth. “ Haha I’m sorry Gojo-san, sometimes you really are just so predictable.” Suguru also can’t help but laugh at the spectacle before him. Satoru keeps his head in your lap for the duration of your time together. As all your laughing dies down, you can’t help but feel content in this moment. Continuing to selfishly wish it would last a lifetime…
Jeez im super tired after writing this. It takes way longer than one would expect. This took like 9 hour's to write with no breaks and it could still use some tweaks ( I'm just super lazy haha) Props to all writers out there because this shit is so draining. Again feedback and constructive criticism is alway appreciated love you all!! Oh wait I would love to make readers strength contrast with her personality like she's super clueless in every other sense but smart in battle and before Gojo or Geto she becomes the first special grade but I'm not too sure. Im just tired of seeing the weak Y/N trope lol.
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chvnnie · 2 years
hwang hyunjin x reader
word count: 5.1k
genre: smut - MINORS DNI
warnings: non idol au, artist hyunjin, mean (like really) dom!hyunjin, sub!reader, pet names: love, baby, beautiful, dirty talk, a dash of degradation, shibari (v poorly detailed - i’m so sorry) so bondage, use of vibrator, slight objectification, multiple orgasms (f receiving), choking, slaps to genitals (2 to be exact), unprotected sex - pls don’t, incorrect use of paint. if i missed anything - PLEASE LET ME KNOW. 
summary: hyunjin has the perfect idea to create a masterpiece
a/n: just want to shout out the ever so lovely @cariadchan, who definitely fueled this idea. you are a gem and a wonderful human, so thankful that you always listen to the filth i spill. also, i hope you all enjoy my first fic after a mini hiatus (the concerts and traveling and moving really took a toll on me). i’m so excited to share this fic with y’all!
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents hwang hyunjin as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
taglist: @lix-ables, @rachalixie, @agustd-essert, @gibbysupremeacyisreal, @katieraven, @miamormi, @woahfruity, @isilentprincess
Dating Hyunjin is nothing less than adventure. You lost count of the amount of times you’ve been woken up by him, whisked away on some sort of last minute trip - typically fueled by passion for his craft and too many cups of coffee. Sometimes it’s down the street (“The stars are brighter in this neighborhood.”), sometimes it’s car rides to different cities to see specific buildings or mountains, and on the rare occasion, it’s red eye planes to different countries because he just can’t shake the idea of the Great Wall.
When you moved in together, the adventures became more domestic. You went from waking up to calls to pack a bag, to waking up to the autumn breeze flowing through the open balcony doors. It was one of his preferred places to paint, feet on the top of the stool and knees pulled to his chest as he painted whatever pulled him out of sleep that evening. Sometimes it was five minutes before he was back in bed with you; sometimes he spent hours out there, the morning sun highlighting his light brown hair in a way that made him look otherworldly.
You never really know what to expect with Hyunjin, and quickly learn not to be surprised by what you’re woken up to. Going with the flow of his inspiration proved to work out in your favor, Hyunjin repaying your support in ways that make you swoon just to think about.
“What would I do without you?” Whispers accompanied by soft brushes of his lips, kisses so gentle they’re almost nonexistent. Whatever you did for him, he made sure to repay tenfold. Not that you ever did so for the praise or reward - supporting Hyunjin was simple when loving him was as easy as breathing. You couldn’t even fathom not standing by his side, watching as his eyes fill with wonder before he grabs your hands and drags you along with him.
Hyunjin was never afraid to push boundaries with his art - using mediums that aren’t typical, supports that aren’t normal. That’s what made his art so unique, so exciting - Hyunjin was unpredictable, more than just paint on a blank canvas or charcoal on paper. It was thrilling to see where his mind would go next.
It was the day a black box arrived at your house that you realized how terrifying the thrills could be.
The box was lightweight, making you question if anything was actually inside it. You carefully flipped it, fingers tracing the edges. It was smooth, not a scratch on it as if it was simply placed at your doorstep instead of being handled by multiple people multiple times. The label was handwritten, slanted Japanese detailing both the return and delivery address. Hyunjin’s name were the only words not in Japanese.
Not thinking anything of the strange, black box, you took it upstairs to his studio. Knocking once, you let yourself in, finding your boyfriend huddled over a flat canvas-like tarp. Brown hair held back by a ponytail and headband, he studied the progress he had made before your arrival.
“Hi.” He said lightly, eyes still bouncing between the strokes on the tarp.
“Hi.” You responded, dropping the box on his work table. It didn’t make a sound when it landed. “You got something.”
“Hm?” He hummed, head turning in your direction while his eyes stayed on his project. “What is it?”
As if he could see you, you shrugged. “Not sure. I think it’s from Japan?”
Finally looking at you, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Japan? What-“ When his eyes landed on the box, they widened, an all too familiar excitement sparkling in them. Hyunjin dropped his paintbrush, long legs helping him move quickly to the table. He wiped his paint stained hands on his white shirt before grabbing the box, flipping it the same way you did earlier. Unlike you, however, Hyunjin spent more time studying the box, more time tracing the smooth edges and reading the Japanese characters. It was almost like he was mesmerized by the box itself, no interest as to what could be inside.
“Well?” You asked, tearing his focus away. “What is it?”
His eyes darkened for half a second, and if you hadn’t had been looking at him, you would’ve missed the look that crossed his face that sent chills down your spine. With a blink, the look was gone, normal Hyunjin returning to you. “Nothing. Well. Something. I have this idea that won’t leave.” He said, removing one hand from the box to tap his forehead. “I’ve had it for weeks. It’s been keeping me up, stealing my focus, and now I can finally do something about it.”
The way Hyunjin spoke about the material inside the box piqued your interest more. He was brilliant, the way his mind creates magic without even trying leaves you in awe of him. “What’s the idea?”
Hyunjin paused, jaw clenching as if he had said too much. He typically wasn’t private about his art, especially with you - the sheer number of adventures he took you on to chase inspiration was proof enough. To say his reaction to your question was odd would be an understatement. “I’m not ready to share yet.”
The look he gave you left no room for argument. Meekly, you nod your head, softly agreeing to drop any questions that were bubbling to the surface.
“Actually, would you mind giving me some time alone with this? I need to…plan.” Breaking eye contact, he turned back to the table and dropped the box. You watched him move across the room, dropping into a squat as he dug through a box of mannequin parts. “Lock the door behind you.”
You backed out of the room, willing your body to move at a normal pace so you didn’t seem so alarmed by his sudden change in demeanor. Once the door was shut and locked did you let yourself feel what had been tugging at you since his eyes darkened.
You had thought you learned not to be surprised by Hyunjin, but the eerie feeling he and the box left you with was something you never saw coming.
Thuds of various volumes came from his studio throughout the rest of the evening, some accompanied by a string of low curses. He had only emerged from the room twice; once to grab an energy drink, the other to dig through the shared dresser in the bedroom. A delighted hum left his lips when he was buried in the dresser, quickly concealing whatever he found before retreating to this studio. He refused dinner, telling you he had enough snacks in there to keep the hunger at bay while he worked.
It wasn’t until around midnight that you began to get concerned. Even on the days he got lost in his work, he always found time to break away before you went to sleep, reassuringly kissing you and promising that he would be in bed soon. Most of the time, the promise was empty, but you didn’t mind, so long as he came to say goodnight.
Considering that you could still hear the thuds, it would be awhile before his attention broke.
Robe clutched around your body, you loudly knocked on the studio door. Something fell, followed by more curses and the sound of footsteps before Hyunjin cracked the door open. Red paint streaked his right cheek, some of it crusting on his hair. His brown eyes were blown out, wide awake while the rest of his face screamed exhaustion. “What?” He asked gently, tone laced with slight irritation.
“Just wanted to say goodnight.” You whined softly, reaching towards him. “And wondering when you’ll be in bed.”
The sight of your grabby hands made Hyunjin’s face soften, stepping out of the room briefly to hug you. As soon as his arms wrapped around you, you immediately relaxed, the lingering eerie feeling from earlier practically nonexistent at his touch. He smelled of sweat and paint, a slight burning scent lingering on his button up. It was a combination far too familiar, immediately comforting you.
“Just need a bit longer, then I’ll be there.” He whispered, peppering kisses across your head.
“Come to me soon, okay?” You ask, bunching his shirt up in your hands to keep him close.
“So soon.” Hands cupping your cheeks, he pulled your face out of his chest. When your eyes met, he smiled sweetly, making his tired eyes light. “Don’t wait up, ‘kay?”
Soft “I love you”s were exchanged in the dim hallway before Hyunjin slipped back into his studio, quickly shutting the door to keep his project hidden. From inside the room, you heard him hum a song, light thuds continuing the music they’ve been making all evening. He was out of reach again, the eerie feeling creeping up your spine again now that his touch was gone. You tried shaking it off, swiftly walking to the bedroom and burying yourself in the covers to try and subdue it.
It didn’t help, the feeling only growing stronger the closer you inched towards sleep.
The clock read 3:30 when Hyunjin woke you up.
“Love?” He whispered, long fingers brushing back the hair that covered your waking face. “Come on, wake up for me.”
You mumbled his name, leaning into his gentle touch. Butterflies filled your tummy at the feeling of his cold hands on your face, sleepy moans leaving your lips the more he touched you. “Bed time?”
His chuckle was airy, matching the gentle way he continued to touch you. “Not yet. Wanna see what was in the box?”
You had almost forgotten about the box, about how secretive your boyfriend had been with it since it arrived. Your eyes shot open, looking up at Hyunjin. He’s showered since you last saw him; the paint that was on his face gone, hair still damp and pushed back with a headband. A tight black shirt has replaced his paint-stained button up, short gym shorts riding up his muscular thighs. When your eyes meet his, the sparkle in his burning with excitement and pride, it’s obvious that whatever was in that black box helped him accomplish something big.
That was enough to ease the feeling that’s plagued all evening.
Hyunjin helped you out of bed, fingers lacing with yours as he walks you down to his studio. Every step felt like a mile, anticipation bubbling in your chest the closer you got. When the two of you arrived at the closed door, Hyunjin brought the hand he held to his lips, planting a firm kiss on the back of it.
“I love you.” He whispers, then opens the door.
The studio, once cluttered with various art supplies, had been organized since you last stepped in; paints neatly tucked away on wall shelves, canvases piled in corners. The curtains were drawn, which to a stranger would seem normal, but you know how Hyunjin’s brain works. He can’t focus unless he can see the sky, so the fact that the curtains were closed was enough to make you question just what he had in mind.
All the lights were off except for a single lamp, warm yellow spreading across Hyunjin’s work table in the center of the room. The lamp was high enough to not impose on his work, but also to give him a clear view of what his hands were doing. A white cloth was spread across the table, protecting the wood table from the paint he was bound to drop on it. In the center of the table, atop of the white barrier, sat a bundle of black ropes that, at the right angle, sparkled under the light.
Was that it? Was that the secret Hyunjin kept tucked away all evening?
Your body moved before you could fully process what you were looking at. Ropes? Why was he being so weird about ropes? It wasn’t the first time he’s incorporated them into his art; you were recruited more than once to help him tie pieces of his projects together. What was so important about these ropes?
It wasn’t until you touched them, the lightweight material slipping through your fingers, that everything began to click in your head.
Hyunjin’s hands softly gripped your hips, body pressing against yours from behind. “Pretty, right?”
You swallowed, continuing to rub the soft ropes. “What are they for?” The room suddenly felt very cold, your mouth dry as you asked the obvious question.
“To tie you up.”
The ropes slipped from your hands, landing on the table with a light thud as Hyunjin began to kiss your neck. It wasn’t a surprise - you were never surprised when it came to him - but, nevertheless, it set you on edge. Goosebumps covered your skin, stilling at the idea of those smooth ropes against your body.
“I thought it was for a project.” You stated, voice barely above a whisper.
“It is.” His words followed by a nip on your neck, and you had to bite back the whimper that threatened to release. “You’re the project.”
Before you could ask him to clarify, his large palms pushed up your body, bringing your shirt along with them. Stomach exposed to the cold room, Hyunjin’s kisses became more aggressive. More desperate, more demanding.
“I had a dream about you.” One palm kept your shirt up, while the other returned to your hips, pointer finger twisting around the hem of your lace panties. “Bound for me, letting me explore every inch of you between the knotted ropes. God, you looked so pretty, so helpless at my disposal. The way you whimpered under my touch was heavenly. When I woke up, I tried to paint the scene, writing every detail I could remember. That’s when it hit me - why paint you when I could paint you?”
You blinked, trying to process the last few words. It was impossible to think as it was, Hyunjin’s hand sneaking closer to your core not helping anything. “What? Hyunjin-“
In a flash, he spun you around, cornering you between his body and the table. The look he was giving you was the same one you had caught on his face earlier - dark, twisted with the glint of wonder shining through. It was in that moment that the eerie feeling from before came back, this time bringing along an excitement that had your knees buckling together. You were terrified - the look on his face was enough to make you want to break eye contact and hide. But the thrill of his touch in ways you’ve yet to experience overpowered every last drop of fear.
“Let me tie you up.” His voice was low, raspy with a desire that went straight to your core. “I want you bound and pretty for me, a willing canvas to create a masterpiece.”
And though you weren’t sure if your body was trembling with fear or excitement, you nodded your head, a light “okay” leaving your lips. You would never not support Hyunjin in his passion - especially if it included you.
The most genuine, beautiful smile spread across his face, cheeks dimpling as he leaned in and caught your lips. Hands cradling your face, he tilts your head back, allowing his tongue to slip inside with ease. The acidic taste of coffee and chocolate danced across your tongue, distracting you from the movement of hands down to your underwear. Swiftly, your core was exposed, cold air hitting your wet mound and making you shiver. The chill only lasted a second before Hyunjin’s warm fingers were on your clit, teasingly slow circles matching the pace of his tongue.
With a pinch to your sensitive bud, your lips disconnected, head rolling back and hips arching forward. Fingers found the nape of his neck, pulling at his hair as he rolled your clit between his thumb and forefinger.
“Beautiful, beautiful girl.” He mumbled, eyes raking your shaky form. “I can’t wait to paint you.”
Hyunjin slowly released your clit, hands moving upward and removing your shirt. Body now bare, he reached behind you, gathering his supplies to ready you for him.
He took his time tying you up
Every time the rope tightened around a different section of your body, he kissed the area between, worshipping you as he worked. You were laying on his work table, Hyunjin hovering over you with a focused look on his face. Only once your wrists were bound and above your head, feet tied to the ends of the table, did he pause his movements.
He studied you from above, long fingers dancing over the knots he had so diligently tied. Your legs were sectioned off into thirds; thighs squeezed into two sections while your calves were one. Rope wrapped around your hips, creating a barrier between the top thigh knots and your stomach, your core exposed to him. Hyunjin had toyed with the idea of a crotch tie, but didn’t like the idea of not having access to you.
Which didn’t make sense to you - wasn’t the purpose of this to paint you? That’s what you thought, until Hyunjin reached under the table and pulled out your favorite bullet vibrator, or rather, his favorite.
This toy was only really used when he requested it; often when he was away or if he wanted to push boundaries in public with you. It was a fine toy - multiple settings and intensities, long battery life, quiet. Nothing too different than the rest of your collection, but what made it special was the bluetooth setting. The app that let Hyunjin have control, even when he wasn’t close by.
After running the vibrator up and down your folds, and adding a drop of his spit for extra lubrication, he worked the small toy inside on you, pressing the power button to leave it on standby. Nothing would happen until Hyunjin made it happen - and that made this whole experience much more nerve racking than you anticipated.
Double checking every knot, pulling on the ropes to make sure you couldn’t escape, he climbed off the table and began to mix paints on his palette. “No matter what happens, stay still for me.” He lifts a paintbrush, the slick orange paint sparkling in the light. Gently, the tip touches your left nipple, brushing down to where the rope sectioned off that breast. “Don’t mess up my art.”
It was much easier said than done; he had just started and the chill of the paint was already tempting you to arch your back. You bit your bottom lip, hissing as Hyunjin slowly moved the brush around the base of your breast. His brushstrokes were always meticulous; he was precise and patient, each stroke just as important as the last. It was something you had always admired as a watcher; his devotion obvious in the obsessive way he works. But now, as the art, you felt your sanity slipping with each stoke.
Hyunjin pulled back to coat the brush with more paint, giving you time to release the breath you were holding. This was only the beginning - how were you going to stay still as he painted your entire body if just one of your breasts was making you so-
A yelp slipped from your lips as the vibrator activated, mildly humming inside your walls. You barely had time to process the new sensation before Hyunjin’s brush was on you again, painting over the skin he missed earlier. Mind fuzzy, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to regulate your breathing. The tickling brush of paint on your breast and the speed of the vibrator that was just fast enough set you on edge. This was absolutely evil, and you’re sure if you looked over at your boyfriend, he would have a smug smile on his face. Teasing you was just too easy.
Once your left breast was completely covered, Hyunjin leaned in, blowing cool air over the paint. Gasping, you couldn’t stop your back from arching this time, erect nipple brushing over his chin.
Oh, no.
Clicking his tongue, one hand found your stomach, shoving your hips flush against the table while the other grabbed the paintbrush, fixing the smudge you made. “What did I just say?” Hyunjin said. His tone was soft, but was laced with a warning that he wouldn’t take much more of this. “Don’t. Move.”
Your lips quivered, whimpering as you apologized. “Sorry, Hyunjin.”
Standing up, Hyunjin put the dirty brush on a cloth and grabbed a new one, dipping it in a pale yellow paint. Orange paint glistened on his chin, eyes bouncing from the palette to your right breast. The tip of his tongue stuck out, slowly licking his bottom lip as he leaned across your body to paint the other breast.
You kept your body as still as you could as he worked, nails digging into your palm anytime you felt the urge to move. Though no easy feat, you made it through the second breast painting. When Hyunjin blew on your skin this time, you used every ounce of strength you had to keep still.
“Good job, baby.” He hummed happily, stretching after being hunched over for long. “You’re behaving so well.”
The praise goes right to your core, only adding to the pleasure of the vibrations. You had almost forgotten the toy was there - so focused on the brushstrokes that the vibrations were the last thing on your mind. But you were quickly reminded as Hyunjin picked up his phone, a wicked smile on his face.
“I’m sure you can handle more, right?”
It was a rhetorical question, an answer not required as he switched the setting to a pulse and upped the speed. You squirmed, trying to force your legs together but were, of course, unsuccessful. Hyunjin’s laugh echoed through the room, the depravity of it making you shake.
“What’s wrong? Too much?”
Wide eyed, you looked up at him, helpless eyes scanning his for an ounce of compassion. There was none to be found. “I-it-Hyunjin-“
“Shhh.” Hyunjin shushed you as he leaned in, lips pressing a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose. Wanting more, you nudge your nose up, the tip barely brushing his plump lips before he pulled away. “Good canvases don’t talk.”
With that, he moved on, grabbing a thicker brush and dipping it in maroon paint. You lifted your head up, eyes watering both from his cruel words and the intense sensation between your legs. He was treating you like nothing more than an object, and as much as it broke you, it also sent a wave of arousal through you. You were nothing but a tool for him to work with - and you loved it.
He focused on your right side this time, thick brush tip pressing down on your inner thigh. You gasped as he dragged it up, the bristles dangerously close to your core. His lips quirked up in a smirk, bringing his brush closer to the edge of the barrier. Your chest was rising rapidly, panting as you tried to control yourself. This was getting dangerous - the more Hyunjin’s brush grazed your thigh, the closer your orgasm got. It had been moving by the inch, slowly building up as he worked on you. Now that Hyunjin was focused on your thigh, it was moving by the mile, the speed at which it was building was almost unbelievable.
And if Hyunjin didn’t want you moving, he sure as fuck didn’t want you coming.
The brush flipped in his hand, the handle of it now sweeping over your clit. You tugged at the bindings on your wrists, whimpering as you willed yourself to not cum. You could do it. You could keep it in. You could hold it, if only you could focus-
Then the handle nudged the tip of the vibrator, and you lost all control.
You came with a scream, head hitting the wooden table hard enough to concuss you. Pleasure made your toes curl, tears forming at your waterline as the feeling overwhelmed you. God it was so intense, god it felt so good-
The brush fell from his hand, the sound of paint splattering on the floor making your eyes shoot open. You didn’t have to look down to know what happened - the orgasm ruined his work, paint running down your inner thigh and mixing with your cum as it dripped on the white cloth. Fear coursed through your body as you looked at Hyunjin, shock covering his face as fire began to burn in his eyes.
God, Hyunjin was mad.
The vibrator was ripped out of you, joining the brush on the ground. He was on top of the table in an instant, one hand gripping your throat while the other hit the table beside your head.
“What the fuck-“ his grip tighten, body pressing onto your as he leaned in. “-did I say?”
Whimpering, you shook your head, mouth opening to speak before you snapped it shut, tears breaking free as you stared at him. The last thing you want is to piss him off more.
“I was so patient with you.” Using the grip on your throat to ground himself, his other hand moved to his shorts, shoving them down. “I was so gentle with you. And this? This is how you repay me? By ruining my work?”
You shook your head rapidly, wishing you could explain it to him. It wasn’t your fault; not really. You didn’t ask for the vibrator, that was all his idea. Hyunjin was the one who made you break - you did nothing but lay there and take it like the good canvas you are.
It was only a matter of time before you came, and he should have recognized that.
“I didn’t even get to finish your body. I didn’t even get to use you the way I wanted to. Are you happy? Did it feel good, fucking up my masterpiece?”
When you didn’t answer, his free hand smacked your cunt, a choked cry leaving your throat.
“Fucking answer me.”
“Y-yes.” Your words were barely audible, restricted air supply making it hard to speak. “Yes, it felt good-“
“I hope so, because that’s the last time you get to come for a while.” His hand came down on your core once more, harder than the previous slap, before he rammed his cock deep inside you.
Not a second was spared before Hyunjin pulled out, fucking back into you with an aggression you’ve never felt before. Mad was an understatement - Hyunjin was livid.
He let go of your neck, ripping his shirt off his torso and pressing his chest to yours. Teeth connected with your collarbone as the paint rubbed off onto him, orange and yellow connecting you. It was hard to tell which feeling was more addicting - the slightly painful stretch of your walls as his cock abused you, the burning of the rope around your wrists as you tugged on them, or the texture of the paint mixing with your combined sweat.
This fuck was mindnumbingly good, making you question the intentions of his art. Did he actually want to create a masterpiece?
Regardless of the answer, you were more than happy with this outcome.
He released your collarbone, pushing himself up with a moan as he dove deeper inside of you. The speed at which his hips were snapping was unreal, barely letting you catch your breath before he was hitting your g-spot again. Looking down at where you met, he chuckled when he saw the smeared paint on his chest.
“Not enough.”
How he reached the tubes of paint, you don’t know. One second his hands were caging your bound body in, the next, he was squeezing a tube of pastel pink paint on your chest and stomach. Once that was empty came the second tube - a baby blue - which he coated his hands with. Hyunjin rubbed his hands together, making sure to color every inch of them, before latching onto your throat again and closing the space between your bodies.
The new chill had you reeling all over again, clenching around Hyunjin as he fucked you harder. Chest to chest, his body slid up and down yours, creating a pretty sunset tone on both of you. His hand held your throat gently, squeezing only to hear you gasp every once in a while. It was messy and cold, and every second of it was pure art.
“You look so pretty like this.” Hyunjin whispers the first kind words spoken in hours, hips beginning to slow as his cock twitched inside you. “I knew you’d be the perfect canvas for a masterpiece.”
Before you could respond, his lips collided with yours. His passion was unmatched, kissing you as if this was the last time he would. You cried into the kiss, body submitting to another wave of pleasure as Hyunjin’s hit. Everything was too much - the paint sticking his body to yours, the feeling of his cum filling you up, his sweet moans getting lost in your mouth.
It was too much, and you couldn’t get enough of it.
Hyunjin stilled inside you, crashing against your body as his head rolled into your neck. Stretching up, his blue hands found your bound ones, intertwining and squeezing hard enough to cut off blood supply.
The two of you laid there in the dark studio, you unable to move and him unwilling. Exhaustion washed over you, eyes fluttering shut as you counted his breaths against your neck. You could feel the paint drying, the cracks on your skin bringing you back to reality.
Low grunts left your boyfriend as he pushed himself up, eyes screwed shut as he pulled his softening cock out. He sat up on his knees, head thrown back to gather his breaths. You took the opportunity to study his body - orange, yellow, and pink blending on his god-like chest in the prettiest pattern. Paint highlighted his abs, muscles shining in the light and if you weren’t so tired, you swore you would squirm at the sight.
With a sigh, his eyes opened back up, blinking to adjust to the light. They met yours, the familiar glint of wonder warming your body. A fond smile stretched across his face as he stared at you, no doubt taking in your body just as you did his.
“Well? Is it everything you pictured?” You asked, a playful smiling gracing your lips.
Hyunjin shook his head with a soft laugh, studying the details of his work. “Even better.” A hand found your cheek, smearing blue paint across it. “You really are my masterpiece.”
©: chvnnie 2022
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bumblingdragon · 10 months
I don't post "art tips" like at all, but my best advice or "hack" for hands is if you can't get them to look quite right, try taking a chunky brush and blocking them out with colors (this can work for other anatomy too i just have the most trouble with hands) it gets me better depth and shape language and "flows" imo
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I tried at least half a dozen times to construct that hand with typical wireframe methods but it constantly looked stiff and incorrect
So I looked at my own hand for reference and then blocked out that top right one, and it overall looks more natural, relaxed, and reads the way I wanted it to. I'll probably just trace my lines directly on top of it and move it over
Pay attention to what masses are in front of others (like the thumb in this case) and what shapes they make together (the angle between the thumb and the forefinger, the negative space between the forefinger and the rest of the fingers). The chunky brush keeps you from getting worried about details so you can get the form
And now I don't have to put any more thought into breaking down the hand anatomy lol
I mean it still boils down to "use a reference", but instead of breaking the reference down with circles and lines and trying to construct it like a puppet try "chunking" it
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kaneaken · 2 years
Hello! Congrats on your millestone :) i was thinking of requesting Tighnarixreader with a robin hood type vibe? Ive been reading your work lately and youre a great writer 💜
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author's note; hiya :D i'm happy you're enjoying my works and i hope you can continue to enjoy them <3 funnily enough, i have only ever actually read the original robin hood tale. i actually watched clips from the disney film to figure out which scene to put in. decided to base this one off the archery tournament scene for tighnari, hope you can enjoy it :D
content notes; gn!reader, fluff, reader is royalty, possible ooc characters, reader is referred to as (y/n), possible incorrect use of liege?
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you watch as the competitors walk past you, debating with nilou which archer would come out on top. there sure were a lot of contestants this year. did the reward really encourage them that much?
" my liege "
you turn away from nilou and face a hooded figure extending a flower to you.
" begging your pardon, but it's an honor to be shooting for your favor "
you take the flower from the figure's hand and make eye contact with them
you could definitely never forget those beautiful eyes of tighnari. tighnari, at least that's who you assume him to be, shoots you wink
" oh, why thank you. i wish you the best of luck, " you bring yourself closer to him before whispering, " with all my heart "
you watch the arrows fly and hold your breath when one of the other competitors shoot their arrows closer and closer to the center. you clap each time tighnari hits the center and smile brightly
a few rounds pass and the final two are finally announced. tighnari waves to you as he readies his bow once again. you wave back and hear azar chuckle
" you favor the hooded young man, (y/n)? "
" oh, um, why yes, sire! at the very least, he amuses me, " you answer, giving him a forced smile. you know how much azar despises tighnari, so you must make sure he never learns the truth
" oh, well, coincidentally, he amuses me too "
you rise to clap with the others as tighnari is announced the winner. you hope whatever azar finds interesting in him isn't his true identity.
you give azar side glances as tighnari walks over, a column of guards following behind him
" archer, i commend you and because of your superior skill, you shall get what is coming to you," azar chuckles, " our royal congratulations "
you definitely do not like his tone. tighnari bows as azar pats both his shoulders with his sword
" i name you the winner, or shall i say- " azar uses his sword to remove the hood from tighnari's head, " the loser "
tighnari is stunned as azar commands the guards to arrest him. nilou holds you down as you attempt to reach tighnari. she shakes her head as she holds you from escaping
" i sentence you to sudden, instant, and even immediate death! " azar shouts
you shake nilou's grasp off you and rush over to azar, kneeling before him. you'd told yourself you'd never kneel before such a cruel man, but you must save tighnari
" please, please, sire. i beg of you to spare his life. please have mercy, " you say, clasping your hands together as your tears flow down your face
" my dear, emotional royal, why should i? "
" because i love him, your highness! "
" you love him? " azar scoffs, " and does this prisoner return your love? "
tighnari watches as your tear-stricken face turns to him. oh, how he hated when you'd cry
" (y/n), my darling, i love you more than life itself "
" ah, young love, " you look up to see azar chuckling to himself, " your pleas have not fallen upon a heart of stone "
you brighten before your shoulders droop at azar's next statement
" the traitors to the crown must die! "
you see tighnari's face scrunch up as he shouts at azar, "that crown belongs to lady kusanali! "
" that's enough of your insolence! off with his head! "
you watch helplessly as the executioner approaches tighnari's figure
" stop! "
you turn to azar, his face appearing terrified as he called out to the executioner, " executioner, stop! hold your axe "
your confusion was great as you heard azar stutter out that tighnari was to be let free
the crowd cheers as the sheriff is forced to release tighnari. you rush over to tighnari, a smile making it's way toward your face
tighnari opens his arms to receive your warm embrace and he mumbles to you, " i owe my life to you, my darling (y/n). thank you "
" i couldn't have lived without you, tighnari "
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theballadear · 6 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Le Monde
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Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Category: Gen
The probability of Ranpo being incorrect about anything is zero, his judgement and deductive skills make him the agency's strongest man and most valuable asset. However should Ranpo ever be wrong about something it should be taken as a sign of the times and that the sun is going to explode, taking the earth with it. So when several strange letters appear at the door of the ADA saying that Ranpo is wrong, the detective takes this as a challenge and an insult to everything that makes him the way he is.
In which Poe is framed.
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Read on AO3:
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Ranpo was clever, this was a fact, so when several neatly sealed letters lay waiting to be trampled upon at the door he knew something was abnormal to say the least. He knelt down and picked up one of the could-be doormats and inspected it. The periwinkle colored wax stamp had a bulblike flower imprint, in between the bulb it had seemed someone tediously painted yellow strokes to give the waxy art depth, it looked too artificial far too perfect. Ranpo haphazardly turned over the envelope and wrote smooth as marble was lettering of the name ‘Fukuzawa’ at the center of the envelope. Ranpo hummed to himself raising an eyebrow in amusement, this was interesting. The next letters followed the ebb and flow of the initial copy with minor differences laying in the name and flowery symbol, one for both he and Yosano. Ranpo makes his way over to one of the office desks and sits on top of it, laying the letters for the others to the side, before opening a drawer and grabbing a knife. Carefully, Ranpo keeps the stamp intact whilst opening the letter, it read as follows;
Edogawa Ranpo,
You do not know me, nor I you, however I am looking for someone that you have been seen to be in contact with, Edgar Allan Poe. I also sent letters to your family members in case this letter was lost somehow, disregard them if you are reading this. If you have no connection to this name please feel free to pay no mind to the rest of the contents of this letter, in the event that you do have these connections please continue reading.
My name is Frances Allan, I am Edgar’s adoptive mother. Approximately six years ago Poe had cut all contact with me and his father and seemingly disappeared. We know that he is alright as we see his novels on shelves however we do miss our son oh so dearly. Prior attempts of reaching contact with our son has resulted in him once again running off to god knows where and it troubles us so, for this reason I urge you to not contact Edgar about our contact with you. Instead I extend an offer of lunch, paid by me and Mr. Allan of course, to you and your family. We simply wish to discuss things that you know about Edgar and perhaps if you know where his last known location may be. The back of this letter is the location of a cafe, where my husband and I will be every day from noon to dinner for a week following the knowledge that you have received this letter.
Thank you for your time,
Frances Allan
The sound of Ranpo’s laughter shattered the quiet of the room. Kunikida’s voice wasn't echoing orders through the halls nor was there a Dazai laying on a couch complaining about said orders. That chaos usually followed by Atsushi telling everyone to please, the boy always minded his manners, stop arguing. No, the others were all on a mission that Ranpo had solved for all of them of course, but that made for a boring day. Or so Ranpo had thought it boring till the strange letters appeared, seeing as no one else was here and it was about his best friend, Ranpo took it upon himself to take care of it.
The Genius Detective leapt off the desk that he was perched upon, proceeding to gather the letters and nab a bag of chips before sauntering his way to the president's office. Ranpo would need permission from Fukuzawa before investigating the case, which should be no issue as Ranpo highly doubts that “Poe's parents” would be ability users and even if by chance they were Ranpo has faced off against ability users many times before and walked out unscathed. Besides they’re offering free food, who doesn’t love free food?
“Fukuzawa-” Ranpo lamented down the hall. “Fukuzawa, I got spam mail about my friend-”
Fukuzawa looked up from the papers on his desk, “What’s bothering you?”
Ranpo, instead of sitting on the chair, sat himself on Fukuzawa’s desk and held out the letters, “It’s like those email scams, you know the ones where they lie about being someone famous and ask for money? Except this one is about Poe. You remember Poe right? He had the raccoon? He brings me books all the time?”
“Yes, I remember Poe. He aided you in breaking me out of prison and saving the agency. He’s with the Guild, correct?”
Ranpo nodded as he opened his bag of chips and began to crunch on them, “Yeah, the letter says it’s from his mom or something but I don’t know it seems sketchy-”
Fukuzawa carefully cuts the seal of his letter and begins to skim the contents, his narrowed eyes flashing a moment and lips pursed.
“I kinda wanna go for the free food, you know? I mean they could also be after Poe and if they are trying to get Poe for some reason then like two birds one stone-” Ranpo continued to ramble as Fukuzawa continued to read his letter, taking a much longer time to digest its contents then Ranpo had.
“I don’t believe this is a scam. I think this is actually Poe’s parents. Has Poe ever mentioned his parents before to you? Both of you are close.” Fukuzawa neatly folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope, seemingly making his mind up about something.
Ranpo narrowed his eyes.
“Of course we’re close but I don’t pry. He doesn’t pry at my past either, I appreciate that.” Ranpo closes the bag of chips and places them beside where he was sitting on the desk.
Fukuzawa hums, passing a glance to the envelope in his hands before looking back at Ranpo, “This letter about Poe is very concerning”.
“I know! Like that's the most suspicious letter I think I’ve ever read in my entire life, I mean the whole part about not contacting Poe, him not seeing them in years-”
“Ranpo that's not what I meant.”
Ranpo’s eyes meet Fukuzawa’s. Ranpo said a lot with his eyes, this was something Fukuzawa had learned while raising the boy from teenage years to the age he is now. The gaze that Fukuzawa was being given was one he was not usually on the receiving end of. The guarded look only lasted a moment, any random person would have missed it but Fukuzawa was not a random person to Ranpo and from that look Fukuzawa learned, neither was Poe.
“What do you mean that's not what you meant-” Ranpo hops off Fukuzawa’s desk, his expression a facade as his voice and mannerisms made the phrase seem nonchalant.
“What I mean is-” Fukuzawa sighs looking at the letter once again. “Ranpo, how much can you say that you know about Poe?”
Ranpo tilted his head with a look of puzzlement crossing his face for a moment before speaking with a smile, “I think I know a good amount about my own best friend.”
Fukuzawa makes a noise of acknowledgement before gathering all the letters into a drawer and locking it. “I see-”
“What are you doing? We didn’t even see what Yosano’s said, actually while we’re on the topic, what did your letter say?” Ranpo was propping up his chin with his elbow on the desk.
“It didn’t make sense from what I’ve seen of Poe, their claims about him just….did not add up-”
“Yeah, I said the letter was weird. We’ve clarified this-” Ranpo said matter of factly.
Fukuzawa took a breath, pursing his lips and closing his eyes to think about how exactly to break this to Ranpo, “The letter said that Poe killed someone-”
A look of pure confusion crossed Ranpo’s face, “He’s in The Guild? I don’t see how this is a surprise-”
“Ranpo, the letter says that he killed his step sister and has been running from the charges since.”
Ranpo froze.
“Elaborate.” Ranpo stated.
“The letter from Poe’s parents said that their daughter, Virginia, had been…murdered by Poe when the girl was only thirteen-” Fukuzawa said with caution.
“That makes no sense!” Ranpo scoffed.
“Ranpo, you might have a biased opinion on this matter and-”
“Biased opinion?” Ranpo interrupts. “No? If Poe did something stupid I would be the first one to point it out. Not to mention, why are you second guessing my deductive skills? If I say something is fishy, it’s fishy.”
Fukuzawa glanced at a safe resting in the corner of his office, holding something that he should have broken. Ranpo followed his gaze and scoffed. The One Order lies dormant in that case, only used once and only usable by one man. The cost of the weapon was higher than either of them like to discuss. Fukuchi was family, Ranpo never felt more betrayed then on that day, when Fukuchi nearly killed he and Atsushi, when poor Akutagawa lost his humanity, when Ranpo was-
“You’ve been wrong before.” Fukuzawa’s voice echoed in Ranpo’s ears after the words left the lips of the older.
Ranpo stared at Fukuzawa, the air of the room became as thick as tar.
If there was one thing that Ranpo hated most in life, it was being wrong; for Ranpo being correct was all he had for so long. When the monsters of the world turned their back on him, he could always rely on the fact that he was always right about them without fail, until he wasn’t. Ranpo met Fukuzawa. He had thought that he was just like everyone else and yet the old man had proved Ranpo wrong. Fukuzawa had given Ranpo what he truly wanted, a family. The family started small but with baby steps, blossomed into something beautiful. Yet with one word Fukuzawa had pulled at a petal. Wrong.
Ranpo was never wrong, even when he had been wrong he had been right in the end. Fukuchi was an ally in the end. Fukuzawa’s issue was not about Ranpo being incorrect, no, it was-
“You don’t trust me.”
The words tumbled out almost against Ranpo’s own will.
“That��s not what I’m-”
“Not that’s exactly what you're saying! You know-” Ranpo laughs. “I wouldn’t have sought the help of Fukuchi if you hadn't had such a blind trust in the man.”
“Ranpo.” Fukuzawa shot a warning glare.
“No, if you want to bring that up we can totally bring that up!” Ranpo smiled and began to pace the room. “Hm, lets see, who was the one that suggested that we didn’t even pick up the case that got us framed in the first place? Oh! That’s right! Me!”
Ranpo picked up an old photo, taken almost a lifetime ago. The moment, frozen in time and sealed in a stainless steel frame, showed a child and two swordsmen at a party, a banner in the background read Armed Detective Agency.
Ranpo roughly placed the photo back on the shelf, “Who's the one who solves all the cases in the agency that everyone is too dumb to? Me.”
“Ranpo. You’re acting childish.” Fukuzawa stood from his chair.
“Hm, now let’s all think about who saved everyones asses after, what I said was going to happen mind you, happened. Oh my god! It was me and the person you're accusing of being a child murderer!”
“I’m not calling Poe a child murderer-” Fukuzawa rubbed his face.
Ranpo paused his pacing to look at Fukuzawa with a face of bafflement.
“You literally just got done telling me that I have a ‘biased opinion’ about Poe and were questioning me on his character.”
“And you are defending Poe as if your life depends on it, leading me to believe that you might have blinded judgment-” Fukuzawa closes his eyes and see’s vibrant purple eyes staring back at him. “I can openly admit that I am able to be blinded by close friends as well-”
“You're still bothered about everything with Fukuchi.” Ranpo paused and once again looked at Fukuzawa, reading him like a book, like all those years ago and he began to speak, “Reading the letter you were worried that I was going to have to go through what you went through which is why you started acting so aggressively and insinuated that I was wrong about Poe. You're scared that I’ll have to make a choice like you did. You had to choose between the fate of the world and Fukuchi and you chose-”
“Ranpo.” Fukuzawa scolded.
Ranpo stepped closer, “You probably thought if you could insight distrust of Poe in me that it would save me from feeling betrayal if it were to happen.”
Ranpo wrapped his arms around Fukuzawa, a mirror image of a scene from before. A lifetime ago the two of them stood in front of the moon, a child crying into the arms of the first adult to care about his well being in so long. However at this moment the sun was out and the detective could feel a wetness begin to pool on his shoulder but he gave it no mind. A muffled yet strong voice echoed an apology and as a response Ranpo held his father tighter. There were much bigger problems at play here of which Ranpo was well aware, like how lunch was quickly approaching and that he never finished his bag of chips and—well that was entirely off topic much like this situation, it was also unproductive but since when had Ranpo ever been productive.
“You alright old man?” Ranpo joked.
“Yes-” Fukuzawa pushed away from the hug and cleared his throat. “I once again apologize, that was uncalled for-”
“You're good.” Ranpo shrugged. “However we do need to talk more on the Poe Parents situation as the end of my letter said that they would meet for lunch with us about a week from today, also can you take the letters out of the drawer, it’s evidence.”
Fukuzawa just shook his head with a smile as he unlocked the drawer displaying the letters for the two of them to examine once more. Ranpo immediately grabbed at Yosano’s envelope to open it for its contents, taking note of the stamp of what looked like red miniature roses. Unfortunately Yosano’s letter was worded much like Fukuzawa’s, playing up the “woe is me” and dead daughter deal to a thousand whilst making Poe sound like a heartless monster that kicks puppies and curb stomps every nearest toddler. Ranpo knows that Poe is a little bit out there but he was not Fyodor or, dare he think should he be struck down, Dazai level out there. The only new information added to the pile was the pleading to Yosano's care about Ranpo hanging around someone so “dangerous" which Ranpo gave a chuckle at. Yosano is also a bit out there and has done much worse than kill one person. Hell, Fukuzawa is so good at killing people that he needed to stop. Ranpo really loves his family, he thinks they’re the silliest people on earth.
Yet after reading all three of the letters one question wracked Ranpos mind—”Why would they tell all of you about Virginia’s death but not me? Was it to stir conflict? Did they think we would each read them separately? Why leave me out of the loop?”
“Ugh!” Ranpo plopped down on the floor, starfished across the carpet. “I need more information but I don’t wanna research Poe’s parents, gathering intel is so much effort especially when they’re overseas-”
Fukuzawa peaks at Ranpo from over his desk, “Why don’t you ask Poe?”
Ranpo paused for a moment staring at the ground before taking out his phone and sending a text to Poe:
(Ranpo) u free today ??
(Poe) Should be, why?
(Ranpo) lunch ??
(Poe) Ofc!!! What time and where are we going? :D
(Ranpo) idk gimme like a hour and cafe under ada
(Poe) Okay!!! Lemme get Karl ready
“Done!” Ranpo exclaimed, closing his phone and putting it back in his pocket.
Fukuzawa blinked, “That was…incredibly fast?”
“Poe responds to everyone fast, he doesn’t have many contacts.” Ranpo shrugs.
“So what did you learn about his parents?” Fukuzawa questions.
One cannot use words to describe the pure look of bafflement that Ranpo gave Fukuzawa at that very moment.
“Heh? I didn’t ask him about his parents over text! That’s insensitive! They clearly don’t like him! That’s like if he were to text me ‘Hey how was being homeless?’ out of the blue! I asked if he wanted to grab lunch!”
Fukuzawa folds his hands together, red tint on his cheeks, and his voice still steady as always, “Of course, yes-”
Fukuzawa cleared his throat, “Report back to me as soon as you are done gathering intel.”
Ranpo gives a small salute wave before turning to walk out the door. A six year old murder, yes, Ranpo would not be bored for some time now. Ranpo immediately turned on his laptop and threw the thirteen-year old’s name into the search bar, for right now he would need to use the publicly documented records until he can figure out how to convince the American police to allow him to have the files to a cold case. Ranpo opened his email and began drafting while the public files printed in the background.
The World's Greatest Detective was on the case.
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Can You Check Into A Relationship?
There is so much written about lifestyle relationships that with any subject that invokes strong feelings and if you follow along with the lifestyle community here on Tumblr, recently there have been some brave submissives who have and are continuing to step forward to share their truths about the person who set themselves up as a leader as well as a lifestyle a “Dear Abby” 144/wolfie. If you are part of the lifestyle community and are unaware of what is happening, please head over to @accidental-muse see the pinned post, educate yourself, and I believe everyone who steps forward to share their truth needs to be supported because it takes bravery, guts, and determination to step forward and speak up. As other submissives stepped forward to share their experiences, I was struck by, a lot of things, but there was something that just has stuck in my mind since I first read it. It is something that I have seen numerous times from 144/wolfie and I always dismissed it as misguided advice, perhaps meaning well but well off the mark in my experience. This changed for me when a submissive stepped forward to share her truth and what I ignored because I thought it incorrect but harmless turns out it this “advice” can be a tool to manipulate, so I want to talk about it.
When @anonymous2357 shared their post and truth about the instructor is when my eyes opened to what I once discarded was something more. They shared that they were under a good deal of stress and while it is not stated, I think that like most of us when our stress levels skyrocket, they might have been struggling a bit (not their words, just my thought). At this point, 144/wolfie was a friendly ear/ friend to the submissive and someone they trusted. The instructor has now built trust and friendship with a submissive who is off their game because of the pressures of life, making them perhaps a touch vulnerable, and now what I originally thought of as misguidance turns into manipulation. !44/wolfie shared many times that they believed when a d-type asks or things evolve where a person does daily check-ins, that it is the beginning of a lifestyle partnership.
Right now, in my mind, I am screaming the F-word at the top of my internal mind’s lungs because Houston, I have a problem. The problem is that six years ago, my life, as well as some of my close friends’ lives, were touched by tragedy, and just like everyone else we all experience life-altering events. Since that experience, one of my close friends and I check in with each other each day. Sometimes, if one of us is struggling or it just fits, we will even tell each other “I love you”. See the reason I am swearing like a sailor in my head right now is how am I going to sit down with my friend’s wife and explain to her that for the last six years her husband and I have been building a D/S relationship because we check in with each other daily? Geez, I bet I have led my friend on too, I mean for all these years he has been patiently waiting for me to take things to the next level. I am such an idiot.
The above an attempt to use humor to highlight how untrue wolfie/144’s idea is in the real world. Just because you check in with someone does not mean you are embarking on a lifestyle partnership, it just means you give a rat’s butt about the person. It is pretty darn amazing when someone takes some of their care, from their limited supply, and chooses to care about you.
Now, the lifestyle does make things different than the good old vanilla world. It is true that when d and s types get to know each other and there is a spark between them that dating or even exploring one another is unique compared to non-lifestyle dating. The undercurrents of the lifestyle, the dominant naturally desiring to lead and the submissive willing to follow the lead of someone who has earned their position typically flow from the get-go. In my experience, when dominants and submissives start chatting and there is a mutual interest, you will often find the d-type making suggestions or offering advice (dominants are wired to want to make a submissive’s life better) to the submissive which the submissive willing follows because hopefully, the advice is good and secondly, the s-type feels drawn to respect and observe this person’s ideas because they have potential to possibly be their dominant.
A quick note, many times, it is during these early subtle lifestyle interactions that signs of a potentially problematic dominant will show up. If the d-type’s asks are sexual, selfish, or perhaps better said as designed for their selfish amusements, it is a huge red flag. I believe that while this is most certainly not a hard or fast way to rule out twattwaffles, often well-meaning d-types will be asking things like “did you have breakfast?”, “do not forget you have ___ after work”, or “make sure to practice self-care today”. While it is often too early to determine if someone is truly a good person or not, some creep-its reveal themselves right off the bat with their subtle requests early on.
Now back to continue my thoughts, on daily check-ins. 144/wolfie’s belief that checking in is “assuming a relationship” or the beginnings of one are simply assuming a partnership exists based upon action. While it is true that actions speak louder than words, making/building a partnership, especially in D/S, requires communication or in other words, a ton of words. I believe that by building the assumed relationship, wolfie/144 was out and out manipulating those submissives he did this assuming too. Just for the benefit of those exceptional Tumblr people who do not know this, there is a saying about assuming that says when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. I also want to say that feel for all the dominants and submissives out there who believed his words and followed this “ass-uming” advice.
For me, the instructor had targeted this submissive because of the stresses in their life and knowing they were vulnerable made them ideal for this assumption ideal. While he sat at home with his wife, he had a submissive out there thinking they were building something because the submissive respected, trusted, and liked this person enough to start following their directives. Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice…Sorry, had a random flashback to Saturday mornings spent with the Super Friends. So while this submissive is believing they are being open with and perhaps, even worse, allowing themselves to be vulnerable to wolfie/144, he is sitting there with his wife, most likely other submissives who are operating under the same assumption as this submissive they are building something special with this self-professed community leader.
This is where in my opinion the evil genius of the instructor comes in, since he has preached from his punny pulpit the myth of assumed relationships, submissives in his orbit take his words to be true but he is being a sneaky bastard using this ass-umed crap-o-la simply as butt cover. Let’s suppose for a moment that one of his assumed submissives comes forward and shares the top-secret news that they are involved with wolfie/144. If you did not know, he never allowed his submissives to share their relationship status with anyone. Since the instructor, at least at this time, is married, cheating, and chasing, it would be bad, bad news if word leaked but by creating the assumed partnership he has covered his bum. We will assume that Sally Subbie comes forward to tell people publicly about what happened but the instructor can say “Look we ever never in a relationship. Show me where we had the I’ll be your Daddy and you be my submissive conversation?” and telling the rest of the world “I was just being friendly trying to help Sally through a tough spot, she assumed it was more and with all that stress she is under she needs our thoughts and prayers.” He has covered his ass nicely here because the relationship is assumed, there is no official commitment conversation. You know that old-fashioned, I’ll be yours if you be mine thing, plus he targets submissives at a vulnerable time for them, thus making the “she is crazy” gaslighting rebuttal believable as well as palatable to his devoted minions.
I to express that I do not believe anyone should blame themselves if they discovered they were in an assumed relationship with or being led down that road by 144/wolfie. Please, no one should feel that they should have known better. That is hogwash, this person used his position to target and take advantage by using his voice to create both opportunity and cover. People trusted him to share real-world solutions but had no idea that his method was taking the naturally occurring and flowing undercurrents of a budding D/S relationship, channeling them to get what he wanted while creating the deniability and cover he needed should his secret submissives spill out into public view.
Not only that, I wonder how many d-types out there are victims of this malarkey as well. Many d-types, especially newer ones, found or were funneled to this oracle of lifestyle knowledge. I am sure some assumed they were in a relationship with a submissive because the submissive was following their direction to be crushed when they discovered that just because the s-type took their self-care guidance, for example, it did not mean they were dominant and submissive.
Maybe I am just old fashioned or perhaps just old but no matter if you are kinky, vanilla, or somewhere in between, there can be no assuming when it comes to your relationship status with someone. It requires conversation and thought because it is more than I am yours or you are mine, especially in the lifestyle. There are so many more variables than a typically vanilla partnership. Will it be or possibly become poly? What are your limits? What are my limits? How will it be structured? What means of accountability are we going to include? These are just some of the questions that need to be discussed when crafting a lifestyle relationship and no amount of assuming will answer those and other important questions. So the “advice” that a partnership can somehow be assumed is flawed and fabricated I believe for personal gain.
As with all of my writings, please see this disclaimer.
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justicerikai · 1 year
Charisma House - The Seven Charisma‘s “Mechamecha Charisma“ lyrics translation (english)
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They’re just ordinary guys!
This is a lyrics translation for a new 2D project by EVIL LINE RECORDS, the same company as Hyponosis Mic, with writer Shu Matsubara, who is best known for working on Gintama and Osomatsu-san.
The lyrics for their song “Mechamecha charisma” is found below under the read me. Enjoy!
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone shuddered from excitement
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone’s, everyone’s heads had turned the other way
服従のカリスマ 本橋 依央利だよ
I am Motohashi Iori, the Charisma of Obedience
どんな無理なことも なんでもやってあげるよ
The sky’s the limit, I’ll do anything and everything
だからさ めちゃくちゃ めちゃくちゃ こき使ってよ
Push me around, work hard me to the very bare bone
To the point of being your slave
負荷がさ 負荷がさ もっと負荷が欲しいんだよね
More burdens, more and more burdens, I want all of it
Because I’m a dog for the people!
Self-sacrifice! Contribution! Free service! Woof, woof, wooooof!
自愛のカリスマ テラです
I’m Terra, the Charisma of Self-love
は~ まずいな 綺麗だな
Oh geez, how dreadful, so beautiful
My eyes are glued once again
To the Terra-kun within the mirror
完璧だよ もう抱きついちゃう
All this perfection, making me want to leap into my arms
Hah~ I love, love, LOVE me! Aahn~♡
(Chorus repeat)
秩序のカリスマ 草薙 理解です
I’m the Charisma of Order, Kusanagi Rikai
You there! You’re using your phone way too much!
肩凝って 血流も悪くなるし 依存性あるから すぐにやめなさい
You’ll get stiff shoulders and it’ll worsen your blood flow, on top that it’s addictive, so cease using it at once
って聞いてんのか コラァー!
Wha-, are you even listening, goddamnit!
I speak so kindly yet you foolish sheep dare to ignore me-
赤は止まれ 席は譲れ 正しくない奴は誰?
Stop at red, give up your seat, and who’s incorrect?
Order is ALL GREEN
反発のカリスマ 猿川 慧だ
Charisma of Rebel, Sakurawa Kei
って やだね 誰が自己紹介なんて絶対しねー
Tch, I ain’t gon’ do it, who the hell would ever wanna do some introduction-
Whoever you are I ain’t takin’ any orders
俺は俺を突き通す NOは NOだ!
I got my own beliefs I’m stickin’ to here, NO is NO!
Gah, ain’t this turning into some kinda introduction now
俺の事を知るな ちくしょー!
You don’t get to know shit about me, fucking hell!
Back at it with charging up our Charisma diligently today
ララララ ラララララ~ PON!PON!
Lalalala, lalalala~ PON! PON!
(Repeat of chorus)
Aah~ Uugh~....
内罰のカリスマ 湊 大瀬です
I’m Minato Ohse, Charisma of Internal Punishment
僕みたいな存在する意味もないクソ吉のこと 忘れて下さい
Please just forget about my sorry self of a shitty, unlucky poor existence of a being
いいんです だって死ぬし
It’s okay  Because I’ll die anyway
あ 暗いことばっか言って
Ah, I’ve only got a knack for being morose
すみません すみません
I’m sorry, I’m so sorry
ごめんなさい 死にます
I’m truly sorry, I’ll go die
すみません すみません
I’m sorry, I’m so sorry
ごめんなさい 死にます
I’m truly sorry, I’ll just go die
初めまして 性のカリスマ 天堂 天彦です
Why pleased to meet you, The Charisma of Sex, is I Tendou Amahiko
ハァ 僕たちの(Bleep)聞いてる 皆さんって本当に��クシーですよね
Haah Listen to our (beep) Everyone’s truly sexy here
もう~既に耳が悶えて (B)ァ(B)ァ
Oh lord~ I can already feel my ears tingling  Haah, haah
Looks like things have gotten somewhat hard
(Beep) Sexy~
(Beep) Sexy~
(BleepBleepBleep) エクスタシ~
(Beep, beep, beep) Ecstasy~
(Repeat of chorus)
正邪のカリスマ 伊藤 ふみや
Charisma of Good and Evil, Ito Fumiya
No good? Why? It’s bad? What is?
白と黒の境 灰色の世界
The border in between black and white, it’s a gray world
善人?悪人?確認は 不可能
A good person? A bad person? It’s impossible to say
個性あふれる 欠陥仲間
They’re a flawed group of friends, all overflowing with personality
頭の数だけ 生まれるストーリー
Stories are born solely from there being as many minds as there are heads
What’s defined as good or bad- it all depends
ここじゃなきゃ こいつら どこにも家無い
If it’s not here, then all of them wouldn’t have a place to call home
君らも 僕らと カリスマブレイク
Now all of us together with all of you, let’s have our Charisma breakthrough
ララララ ラララララ~ PON!PON!
Lalalala, lalalala~ PON! PON!
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone shuddered from excitement
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone’s, everyone’s heads had turned the other way
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chaotic-super · 2 years
Live With Me - Chapter 7
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When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily but things take a turn when Kara and Lena realize that something more sinister may be at play.
Read Live With Me on Ao3 here!
Kara carefully stacks her notebooks up as the clock strikes five, releasing her from her work day.  She slides them into her desk drawers and locks them behind her before grabbing her purse, checking that she has everything she needs before heading out.
As soon as she’s sure that she has everything and her desk has been left tidy, she heads for Ms Grant’s office.
In response to her gentle knock on the glass door of her office, Cat glares over the top of her laptop screen, her glasses perched on the end of her nose in a way that should be humorous but on this woman, it comes off as nothing short of intimidating.
“Sorry to interrupt, I am just about to go and wanted to come and say goodbye, I know you’ll miss me being out on vacation.”
Cat plucks her glasses off her face, resting one of the arms on her bottom lip, her eyes still as steely as ever. “On the contrary, it is you that has shown up in my office.”
Kara smiles at her. “Ok, fine. Maybe I’ll miss you but I’ll only be gone for a week.”
“That’s incorrect.”
Kara’s eyebrows shoot up, surprise clouding her features. “Excuse me?”
Cat leans back into her chair, closing her laptop and tilting her head as if she’s bored. “I encouraged your better half to double the length of your vacation. You’ve brought enough revenue into the magazine with your recent articles that I am willing to overlook the time off as long as you continue writing good pieces when you return.”
“Really?” Kara beams.
“Yes, I am more than aware of the toll it can take on a person when you are being stalked and targeted, go and tan those stupidly long legs on a beach for a couple of weeks then come back. Now get that ridiculous puppy dog look out of my office.”
Kara practically jumps for joy as she turns to leave. “You’re the best, see you in two weeks!”
Cat watches her closely as she excitedly peels out of her office, her phone being dragged out of her pocket, probably to call that girlfriend of hers. Kara’s upbeat optimism is one of the most annoying things in her life but damn if she for some reason can’t help but like Kara and want the best for her and with her recent articles, her chest has been overflowing with pride, she needs a serious break from all of this mushy stuff, that’s why she contacted Lena to make her prolong the vacation.
Kara calls Lena right away as she gets into the elevator, glad she has space to herself thanks to the small delay of stopping by to see Ms Grant on her way out today. It barely gets through two rings before Lena answers sounding particularly upbeat.
“Hi darling, I’ll be with you in two minutes, traffic hasn’t been too kind to us.”
Kara can’t resist the need to keep her lips quirked upwards. “That’s all right, I’m just in the elevator on my way down to you now, I stopped to say bye to Ms Grant and she has informed me of an extension to a certain vacation.”
“What vacation would that be?” Lena teases.
“I’m not sure, what do you think?” Kara giggles down the line, reining in her dopey look as she steps out of the elevator.
“I think you should get your cute butt out here so we can go get on the plane and find out.”
Kara is not going to argue with that so she moves a little quicker, her strides long and flowing easily, her pace quick and restless as her heart pulls her towards the door, getting closer and closer to her person who by now, is waiting just across the street.
She jogs over to the car, too excited to walk at a normal pace and not caring about what other people might think of her.
Lena pushes the door open for her, accepting her onto the seat next to her and into her waiting arms.
“Hi.” Kara grins, leaning in for a kiss. Lena simply kisses her back and lets her driver know that they are ready to go.
They stay cuddled up together in the back of the car all the way to the airport, thrilled to finally have time together as a couple without something big and horrible looming overhead, sitting in the backs of their mind preventing them from truly enjoying their time together.
“Did you pack extra clothes?” Kara asks, the thought popping into her head that she only packed for one week, not two.
Lena smirks at her devilishly. “I did, I know that I’m certainly going to enjoy the clothes I’ve packed for you.”
“That worries me.”
“Don’t be worried, you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet, you’re going to look so immensely sexy that nobody will know what to do with themselves.”
Kara rolls her eyes, trying to hide her bashful blush by ducking her head. “Charmer.”
Lena leaves a kiss on the top of her head, tightening her arms around the blonde and revelling in the soft warmth that surrounds them, eager to feel the warmth of the sun beating down on them in Hawaii and the sand between her toes.
Kara stares up at the private jet with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
“That’s a private jet.”
“That’s my private jet.” Lena corrects her. “It barely gets used, it’s not very economical to be flying around in a private jet when you can board a commercial flight but I figured that my beautiful hardworking girlfriend deserves the luxury.”
“I thought you were kidding when you told me we were flying private. Does that mean we are also staying in a presidential suite of a five-star hotel?”
Lena just nods, eyes alight with amusement.
Kara watches as their suitcases are carried aboard the plane and eagerly follows Lena when she starts making her way inside.
If she wasn’t already impressed before, she certainly is now because it’s everything she ever thought a private jet would be and more. “Lena…”
“I know, it’s narcissistically elaborate.”
“I would use the word awesome.” Kara giggles, plopping down into the seat opposite Lena, the cream leather seat engulfing her in comfort.
Lena can’t take her eyes off Kara, enthralled by the glee that she’s showing at something that Lena herself had never paid much mind to.
They are vaguely aware of the few people milling about the plane, performing checks, and securing their luggage into the overhead holds for them but Kara becomes acutely aware of them when they all begin to leave.
“Where is everyone going?”
“They were just here to do the safety checks, we are going to be the only ones aboard, the plane has autopilot so I only have to take off and land the plane myself and then it will keep its course by itself so as soon as I have us in the air, I will come back here and hang out with you until we get there.”
Kara stares at her astonished. “You have a pilot’s licence?”
“I do.”
“You just get hotter and hotter.”
Lena just grins at her, getting up as the plane door is shut behind the few members of staff she had to get the plane ready for them. “I know. Buckle in, darling, and I’ll get this bird in flight, then we can have a little alone time before we land.”
“When you say alone time do you mean…?”
“Want to join the mile-high club?”
Kara’s mouth is going to be stuck permanently open because she can barely function and Lena is opening her eyes to things she had never thought to think about, let alone look at. “Holy crap.”
Lena moves up to the front of the plane and takes control of the metal bird, headset in place, and requests permission to take off from the flight controller. Kara watches it all go down from her seat further back, falling in love with every new thing she learns about Lena.
They are in the air in no time and Lena drops back into her seat opposite Kara with her chest puffed out in pride, drawing Kara’s eyes down to her boobs.
“So, have you ever wanted to get fucked by a pilot?” Lena leans across the table separating them, a predator stalking its prey.
Kara surprises her though, leaning across the rest of the way until their faces are centimetres apart. “I actually heard that pilots are the ones that like to get fucked.”
A glimmer of a challenge sparkles in Lena’s eyes, gleaming bright and leading to her smiling arrogantly, knowing that a Luthor doesn’t back down from a fight. “Interesting. I think the only way you’ll learn that what you heard is wrong  is for me to prove it.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” Kara whispers, her lips brushing Lena’s ever so slightly, just enough for Lena to taste the strawberry chapstick she’s wearing.
Lena shifts so quickly that it takes a few moments for Kara to comprehend what is happening. One second they’re leaning across the table at each other and the next she has a lap full of Luthor and the seat is tilted all the way back so that she’s lying back, her feet still planted firmly on the floor, the only thing grounding her.
Her lips are completely engulfed in Lena’s attack and tugged by her deliciously sharp teeth and her tongue is dominated by Lena’s, no chance to get her breath or for her to even contemplate fighting back, just giving in and giving herself to Lena.
Lena takes what Kara is giving so freely, her hands wandering and her lips taking what she wants, demanding what Kara is already handing over so generously.
Kara’s shirt is the first thing to go, Lena’s deft fingers releasing each button from its corresponding hole as Kara digs her fingers into Lena’s back, pressing hard, trying to get her somehow even closer to her.
As soon as it hits the floor, her bra is unclipped and joins it seconds later. Lena palms at her now free boobs, loving the way the perky orbs sit in her hands and the cute little nipples harden at her touch, the perfect little playthings for her.
Her fingers tweak the little pink nipples, gripping and rolling them until Kara is groaning and her hips are canting up and her thighs are pressing together, searching for pressure in the seam of her pants.
Lena notices the increased movement beneath her and shifts, pushing Kara’s legs open and holding them that way with her knees now pressing into her inner thighs, not giving her so much as an inch of wiggle room, no way to get anything until Lena says she can have it.
It causes Kara to let out a high-pitched whine that just makes Lena want to make Kara all the more desperate, to make her wait until that’s the only noise she can make.
“You’re so pretty like this.” Lena whimpers into Kara’s lips, loving the feeling of her palms being filled with Kara’s boobs with each deep breath she takes.
That little line sparks something in Kara and she finds herself again, moving her hands away from Lena’s back and to the zipper at the back of Lena’s pencil skirt, dragging it down and then pushing the material down Lena’s thighs, moving her hands right up to Lena’s shirt next, leaving the skirt bunched at her knees since that’s as far as she can get.
Lena helps Kara with the buttons of her shirt, feeling very overheated and becoming more and more desperate with each frantic motion of Kara’s needy hands and the sound of her ragged breaths.
She wants nothing more than to take Kara’s lips back between her own but there’s something she needs to do first.
Standing up, she steps back away from Kara, pushing her back down when she tries to sit up and follow her. She strips herself of her underwear and then moves onto Kara’s pants, dragging them down her legs and completely off along with her panties.
Now that they’re both naked, Lena starts planning where to start and she knows exactly what she wants to do the second she sees Kara spread out across the seat, naked and dripping for her, her eyes blown and her lips swollen.
She grabs one of the shirts off the floor and twists it into one long stretch of the material, clueing Kara in on what she’s about to do.
Kara is quick to offer her hands to Lena, pressing her wrists together atop of the material so Lena can wind it around them and tie it off so they are trapped together. “Damn, this is a good way to join the mile-high club,” Kara whispers as Lena checks the knot, jerking Kara’s wrists abruptly in the process.
It’s hard to ignore the hot pulsing desire between her own legs but Lena pushes away her own need for release, focusing on giving Kara something that she hasn’t had before. “You better brace yourself, darling, you’re in for a ride.”
She grips onto Kara by her waist and tied wrists, turning her over until she’s on all fours and facing away from her.
Lena’s always been organized and today is no different, she reaches into her purse for a special little something she packed in the off chance Kara wanted to get a little frisky on the flight. She knows her girlfriend well.
She works on the straps of the strap on, tightening it around her waist while keeping an eye on Kara’s twitching hips and glistening thighs.
Lena inserts the dildo into the straps, pressing the smaller end into herself, a lovely feature that lets her get just as much pleasure out of the experience as she will need, then she lets it sit just below Kara’s pussy, grazing it along her dripping lips.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Yes!” Kara pushes back into the dildo, trying to get more pressure.
Lena isn’t one to deny Kara anything so she uses the head to push against Kara’s clit, pushing the rubbery phallus through her folds to get it nice and wet before sliding it into her with a slow unrelenting pressure that doesn’t let up until she’s firmly seated inside of her pretty girlfriend.
She pauses when she bottoms out, giving Kara chance to adjust to being filled but not giving her an inch of space. Lena drapes herself across Kara’s back, one hand brushing her hair over one shoulder so she can suckle at the unmarred skin of her neck and the other finding her clit, painfully ignored up until this point.
Kara moans out into the overwhelming amount of pressure she’s suddenly on the receiving end of, her clit cheering at finally being touched and her whole body way too close to the edge for how little she’s been touched thus far.
Kara lets Lena know when she can move with a slight hip thrust back, pushing her ass into Lena’s pelvis and rocking the dildo so they both moan as it edges deeper inside of them both.
That’s all the encouragement that Lena needs to start thrusting, ramming into Kara with reckless abandon, filling her completely each time and leaning back so she can increase her speed, Kara’s high-pitched whines that accompany every thrust filling the air.
Kara knows she isn’t going to last long, there’s no doubt about it with the way that Lena is hammering into her, her clit being attacked by Lena’s very talented fingers, and the grip that Lena has on her waist keeping her grounded.
Pushing herself up onto her hands, careful not to topple over because of her bound wrists, Kara uses the little amount of leverage she has to push back as hard as she can into Lena, begging her for more without so much as uttering a word and Lena is having none of it, pushing her down so that her front end is angled down, her forearms resting back down on the seat and her face resting on them.
“I don’t think so pretty girl, you just stay still for me, you wouldn’t want to pull at your stitches.”
Between the way that Lena is jackhammering into her, the way Lena just called her pretty girl, and the protective way that Lena is thinking about her and trying to make sure she doesn’t accidentally hurt herself has her right on the edge.
She knew that it was coming but now that she’s actually here, one particularly hard thrust away from what is very clearly going to be one of the best orgasms of her life, she is shocked by the speed of it. They are barely five minutes in and she is already pulsing around Lena’s dildo like nobody’s business.
“Oh fuck, Lena, I’m gonna cum!” Kara whimpers out, her own moans blocking her from saying anything else.
Lena simply keeps her thrusts steady, finding herself not too far behind and silently thrilled by how much of an effect she’s having on Kara. She’ll make sure they always travel using a private jet if this is what happens.
Lena uses her free hand to tug at Kara’s nipples, her other hand still teasing at her clit and that’s all it takes for Kara to be done for, spasming uncontrollably around the dildo inside of her and cumming with a loud moan.
She keeps her thrusts even, each one simultaneously prolonging Kara’s release and pushing her closer to her own orgasm.
It seems like Kara has other ideas though because all of a sudden she is pushing herself back up and turning, letting the dildo slip out of her and making Lena move back.
Kara stands on shaky legs and unclips the straps and removes the dildo from inside of Lena before pushing her down onto the seat, Lena is way too close to her own orgasm to do much more than comply but her eyes widen significantly as Kara drops to the floor in front of her, licking her lips once before diving in between her legs.
Lena has no idea how she’s going to be able to control herself well enough to land the damn plane because her legs haven’t stopped quivering since she managed to finally pry Kara’s head out from between them.
That woman is an animal and she was not letting her up until she had her fill, that’s for sure. Lena was just there to go along for the ride and it was one hell of a ride.
They have finally separated enough that they are now sitting opposite one another again, still naked and having no plans to change that until they have to, the climate controls in the plane keeping them comfortable enough without extra layers being necessary.
Lena can’t keep her eyes off of Kara’s face, enthralled by her beauty and in total disbelief that she has managed to bag a woman so astounding.
“If you keep looking at me like that then we’re going to have to go for another round and your legs aren’t currently strong enough to hold you up as it is,” Kara smirks, her head resting in the palm of her hand while her elbow is nestled into the plush material of the arm of the chair.
Lena shrugs, her mind overflowing with possibility. “I know quite a few positions that don’t require the use of my legs.”
“I’m sure you do,” Kara giggles, “but I would prefer having something to eat first before we explore those avenues.”
“But you just ate.” Lena puts on her best confused face, teasing Kara for the sole purpose of making her blush, a feat that is remarkably easy and Lena’s favourite pastime.
The line works a treat, the cutest flush climbing up Kara’s chest and up to her cheeks. “Lena!”
Lena just laughs as Kara buries her face into her hands, admiring the way she can be so adorable just minutes after being a sexy little minx, holding her down and pushing her to her limits.
“Alright, alright, I give. I made sure there is sushi on board for us so we can dig into that now and then maybe, just maybe, think about a second round because I need to be able to walk to the cockpit to land this bird in a few hours’ time.”
The mention of food has Kara changing her tune pretty fast, surprise overtaking her. “We get to have sushi? I love you.”
“I have a feeling that you actually love sushi and I’m the afterthought here.”
“You’re a very attractive-looking afterthought though, now, where’s the sushi?”
Rolling her eyes, Lena directs her right to where she can find the food so she can grab it and bring it over to be spread across the table between them.
Lena doesn’t say a single thing when Kara pulls all of the best dishes towards herself without even trying to hide what she’s doing but her heart does warm when Kara makes sure to leave her the last bite of everything so she does get some too, even if Kara isn’t willing to split everything evenly.
The warm air hits them like a punch to the face when they step off of the plane, now dressed accordingly for the weather, light flowy dresses giving them more modesty than they had in the plane. Those seats will need to be professionally cleaned once they get back home. There’s no point in having it done in the meantime, Lena is planning on a repeat performance on the way home and she gets the impression that Kara has very similar plans herself.
Kara carries Lena’s suitcases off the plane for her, smiling and waving off the staff that rush across to offer their help.
Lena takes her two cases from where Kara left them at the bottom of the stairs while she grabs her own and meets her back down beside the plane, leaning in to kiss her firmly once before heading over to where a car is already waiting for them.
Seeing Kara looking so deliriously happy and excited about their vacation and having a chance to relax has a knock-on effect that makes Lena equally as thrilled. After everything that happened back in National City, this break is exactly what she deserves and if Lena gets to sit back and watch Kara relax while looking hot as hell, well that’s just Lena’s reward for surviving the experience without having an aneurysm from the stress.
Settling into the car with their cases shoved into the trunk, Kara clinks their hands together, resting her head on Lena’s shoulders and fixing her eyes on the beautiful sights out of the window.
Lena listens with rapt attention as Kara points at palm trees and beaches and birds she can see, admiring each new thing with fresh eyes because while she can objectively see when things are beautiful, they are given meaning in the way Kara lights up at the sight and grabs her attention with an enthusiastic, “Lena, look!”
For such a short car journey, Lena has never heard her name being called so many times in quick succession but she’ll be damned if she ever says that because she knows Kara would get self-conscious and if anyone else was to point it out either she’d destroy them. If Kara ever stops being so free and open with her in this way, someone will have to pay, even if it’s her that causes it.
Kara is going to have a grazed chin by the time they get home from the amount of time she’s spending slack-jawed. The elaborate hotel being the reason she’s currently catching flies.
Lena happily unloads their cases from the trunk alone in order to give Kara more time looking adorably dumbfounded by the fancy hotel that stands tall and proud before them flaunting its many impressive attributes.
From its lavish marble pillars to the light blue curtains flowing from each window and doorway, it’s breathtaking. Kara knew that they were going fancy with this vacation because of course they are, Lena’s the one that planned it and she’s always enjoyed spoiling her, but this is extraordinary.
“Holy shit, this is so extra.” Kara breathes.
Lena chuckles, standing beside her with their luggage surrounding them. “I know and just you wait until you see where we’re staying.”
Kara allows Lena to take over for them, checking them in and being directed up to their room on the top floor, a massive corner suite with a fancy gold plaque on the door, The Presidential Suite. All the while Kara is just taking everything in and trying to commit every last detail to memory.
Kara has to admit that Lena is right too. She’s absolutely blown away when she walks into their suite, the whole place looking like Lena’s penthouse if it had been turned into an Air BnB for self-absorbed celebrities.
She makes her way through the suite until she’s at the glass doors leading out to the balcony, unlocking them and stepping out into the sea breeze. Lena follows her out, wrapping her arms around her middle from behind and resting her head on her shoulder.
“This is incredible, Lena. Thank you for doing this.”
Lena squeezes her a little tighter and presses a soft kiss to the base of her neck, tickling her ever so slightly which makes her shiver. “It’s not entirely selfless. For one, I love a good vacation and don’t get to take them often enough and two, I am very much waiting for you to put on one of the bikinis I packed for you.”
“You packed bikinis for me?”
“I did, and my mind was lying in the gutter while I was doing so. I ordered them for you because I saw them when I was ordering myself some and couldn’t help but imagine how sexy you’re going to look in them.”
“Of course you did.”
“If it makes it any better, I also got myself some new bikinis that I’m absolutely certain you’ll be appreciative of.” Lena sways them back and forth lightly, both of them looking out at the beautiful view of the beach and the sea that they have from here.
Kara turns around in Lena’s arms, keeping her close and holding her back once she’s in position. “I’m willing to forgive you if you show me those bikinis right this second.”
Lena has to fight back a laugh at the serious expression written across Kara’s face. “Is that right?”
A resolute nod has her putting on her best serious face in return. “Of course then, whatever it takes to get back into the good books of Kara Danvers, I don’t want to be on her naughty list.”
“Babe, I’m not Santa.” Kara breaks, whining.
“No, but you are my ho ho ho.” Lena can’t help herself.
Kara breaks out of her grasp, head tilted back and giggles falling from her lips in rapid succession. “Lena!” She covers her face with her hands, stumbling back until she’s leaning against the stone wall of the balcony for stability. “I can’t believe you said that!”
Lena doesn’t even care about how cringy her joke was, to get a reaction like this off of Kara is a gift in itself. “What, you don’t want me to call you that in bed?”
Kara cannot contain herself, pushing herself off of the wall and shoving past Lena to get back inside, her laughter never ceasing. “You’re insufferable.”
Lena follows her back in, beelining for her suitcase where she has the bikinis packed. “I am, but I have a lovely red bikini in here for you, it seems fitting after our lovely revelation out there on how you’re my- “
“Don’t! If you say it again I’m going to pee myself.” Kara hunches over, trying to contain herself, her cheeks aching from smiling so wide.
Lena backs off but carries on pulling out the pile of swimwear, the pile she dumps out onto the bed being a mixture of the ones she got for Kara and the ones she got for herself.
Taking the time to sift through them and sort them into their pairs again where they got separated gives Kara some time to calm down and survey the ones that are now nicely laid out for her to look at.
Lena really went overboard with how many she got, ordering about a dozen each. “How many sets of boobs do you think I have, Lena?”
“One very nice pair that deserve a lot of options, darling.”
Rolling her eyes Kara gets back to the bikinis, seeing which are meant for her straight away since there is a size discrepancy between the bikini tops meant for her and the ones meant for Lena.
Just like Lena said, there is a red set laid out, it has several large straps that are clearly meant to wrap around the wearer’s torso and Kara isn’t above admitting that it will probably look awesome on her.
There is a second red one though, much simpler and intended for Lena. Kara is overcome with the desire to see Lena wearing it and picks it up off the bed, knocking the material out of Lena’s hands so she can press it into her palms. “Go put this on.”
“You’re being bossy.”
With an amused sigh, Lena does exactly that but she doesn’t move from where she’s standing. Kara was expecting her to go into the bathroom that she has yet to explore but nope, her girlfriend has decided to stand there and strip down instead until she’s as naked as she was on the plane on the way here.
Lena’s plan is simple, tease the ever-living daylights out of Kara.
She doesn’t get that far though because the second she’s out of her clothes Kara is grabbing her by her thighs and lifting her up. Lena instinctively grips Kara’s shoulders, her ankles locking around Kara’s waist.
They land in a heap on the bed, lips pressing insistently and hands working together to rid Kara of her clothes too.
It takes a long time for them to emerge from that room and they have to send all but three bikinis to be washed along with the sheets because while they are waterproof, they have still been covered in…fluids.
Those bikinis took the three rounds on the bed like little champs though and the shower got one more round after that.
The pair of them are exhausted now between all of the travelling and the endless rounds of fucking they’ve done but unless they stay awake for a few more hours their sleeping pattern will be off and they’ll end up sleeping throughout the day and being awake at night.
Now they are laid out on sunbeds beside the massive pool the hotel has, a book each and blissful silence since everyone else out in the pool area seems to have the same idea as them, either falling asleep beneath a parasol, out frying in the scorching sun or reading quietly.
There are only about a dozen people out here in total and they are spaced out enough that even if they do talk, none of them can hear each other unless they are shouting.
Kara sighs, putting her book down because her tired eyes are struggling to stay open, the story is a little too boring for her tastes, she prefers a good romance or perhaps a little bit of fantasy here and there but this is a regurgitated adventure story that she’s read about a hundred versions of before.
“Do you want to swim?”
“I’m good for a while, darling, you go ahead though.” Lena peers over the top of her book, it must be better than Kara’s because she can barely stand to drag her focused eyes away from the pages.
Kara does just that, leaving Lena to her book and her oversized sunglasses, Kara isn’t sure why she’s wearing them because Lena is sitting fully in the shade in fear of getting sunburnt. Her pale complexion is a little bit too delicate for Sol’s powerful rays.
Lena keeps peaking over the top of her book so she can watch Kara descend the steps into the cool, clear water of the pool, her eyes fixed on her ass, barely covered by the blue bikini that thankfully, fell off the bed earlier when they first got tangled up in each other. It’s the only one of Kara’s that survived whereas Lena had two to choose from, settling for a simple plain black one that complements her skin well, making her look like a sexy vampire.
The water ripples around Kara when she finally sinks down to her neck, breathing heavily while she gets used to the temperature change, reassuring herself that it will only last a minute and then she’ll be alright.
She pushes off the wall of the pool and glides into an effortless breaststroke, her hair topknotted into a bun so it doesn’t get completely soaked through, just a few strands at the back getting a little damp and sticking to her neck.
Lena’s eyes trail across the pool, following her every move and thanking every god she knows the name of and then some for bringing this incredible woman into her life and allowing their bond to grow into what it is now.
If you had told her a year ago that she would be here now on vacation with Kara as her girlfriend, living in a house together back in National City and feeling vindicated for helping to bring down the major criminal scumbag that is Maxwell Lord, well, she would have laughed and then waited until no-one was around to pray that the reality you speak of actually comes true.
On one of her laps across the pool Kara meets Lena’s eyes, making Lena more aware of the fact that she isn’t actually reading anymore, even though her book is really interesting, she has just found something more interesting, so she slides her bookmark in place and stands to go and join her favourite person.
She winces at the first step into the pool, the water icy compared to the warmth of the air that settles around her like a warm blanket.
Kara meets her halfway up the stairs, taking her hands and walking backwards to encourage her to come and get into the pool with her.
Lena squeals quietly when Kara pulls her off the last step, the water rushing up her torso and chilling her to the bone, her legs automatically finding refuge around Kara’s waist and her arms around her shoulders.
She raises one hand to slap the back of it against Kara’s bicep lightly, “that was mean, Danvers.”
“You know what they say, the quicker you’re into it, the quicker you’re out of it.”
“You didn’t seem to have that in mind when you were the one very slowly tiptoeing your way in here on your own.”
“That’s different.”
“Of course, it is, my love.” Lena doesn’t relinquish her hold on Kara, content to just float along while Kara wades them softly through the water.
Kara presses her face into Lena’s chest, just above her breasts, breathing in the smell of her expensive perfume. “I’m really happy we’re here.”
Scratching her fingernails against Kara’s scalp, Lena agrees with a happy hum. “Me too.”
“We’ll have to come here again sometime. We’re only on our first day and I’m ready to stay forever.”
“We’ll come back for our honeymoon one day.”
Kara pulls back rapidly. “Honeymoon? You think we’ll get married someday?”
Lena looks deep into the stormy blue eyes that hold the key to her heart, her complete attention focused on the pretty blonde she’s cradled in the arms of. “I don’t doubt it for a second, but like, not for a while. Our lives are already super hectic as it is, we need some time to breathe before we jump into wedding planning.”
Kara grins but there’s an underlying level of confusion to it. “Did you just propose to me?”
“Oh darling, you won’t be confused when I actually propose to you.” 
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#but i do still really appreciate each and every one of you who follows me or reads anything i write
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'll Come Back
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, f!reader
Word Count: 1796
TW: Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Presumed Dead (but not really), Grief, Reunion
Spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick
Top Gun Masterlist
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You lingered outside the briefing room, waiting for the news you were certain was about to come but yet you prayed didn’t. As much as you knew Rooster wanted on this mission, the thought of him going made your stomach roll and your heart clench. Though you only worked the coms in the control room for the mission and had no clearance for the details of the current assignment, you had managed to sneak a look at the mission plan. It was a near-suicide mission, and everyone knew it. And yet, you knew better than to ask Rooster to step down. It was missions like this that he trained for his entire career, and he wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to fly it. Even for you.
Suddenly, the door to the briefing room flew open and Hangman stormed out. The second you saw his face, all of your fears were confirmed. The only reason he would look that pissed off is if he hadn’t been selected for the team, which meant…..
Rooster walked out of the room, and he stumbled to a stop when he saw you standing there. Without saying a word, he opened his arms and you were instantly in them, wrapped in his tight embrace for what might be the last time. Burying your face into his chest, you said in a muffled voice, “I told you he would pick you. Maverick knows talent when he sees it.”
Rooster sighed as he rested his chin on the top of your head. “Yeah, well, you’re not exactly objective when it comes to my skills.”
You chuckled softly but the sound quickly shifted into a sob. You tried to bite your lip to keep your tears from falling, but it was useless. Rooster placed his hands on your arms and pushed you away from him, getting a good look at your face. “Aw, baby, please don’t. If you cry, I’ll cry and that won’t be good.”
“I’m sorry, I just- I need you to come back. Okay? I can’t…. I can’t sit there and watch you go down.” The tears were flowing more steadily down your face and Rooster reached up and wiped them away with his thumb.
“I’ll come back. I promise.”
You shook your head. “You can’t promise that. There are so many things that could go wrong, so many chances to fail. You know I believe in you, baby, but this….. this isn’t something that just relies on skill. If even the slightest bit of information is incorrect, if they miscalculated anything, this could all go wrong, and I can’t-”
“It’s not going to. I will come back. I promise you. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He trailed his hand down your cheek before lifting your chin with his thumb. His lips brushed against yours, gentle and soft, and as much as his words were saying differently, you knew this was him telling you goodbye.
You rested your head on his chest once more and the two of you held each other in silence for as long as time permitted.
See the full post
1,387 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Old Friends
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Maverick's Daughter!Reader, f!reader
Word Count: 2309
TW: Fluff, Kissing, Angst, Explicit Language
Note: This story takes place BEFORE Top Gun: Maverick but DOES contain spoilers for the movie
Top Gun Masterlist
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As you stand outside the front doors of the main building, you struggle to remain professional and contain a squeal of excitement. Your whole life has been leading to this moment and once you walk through these doors, your dreams will finally become reality. Despite the double-edged sword that came with being Pete “Maverick” Mitchell’s daughter, you had made a name for yourself independent of your father’s reputation and earned your spot here same as everyone else. One of the elite few admitted to Top Gun.
Taking one more deep breath, you throw open the doors and hurry down the hall which is currently crowded with cadets, instructors, and other Navy personnel. While you recognize many of the instructors as friends or colleagues of your dad’s, you don’t seem to know any of the students outside of passing acquaintances. You roll your eyes when you notice Jake “Hangman” Seresin in the corner with a few other cadets who look vaguely familiar. Hangman only stood out because he had relentlessly hit on you at one of the awards ceremonies you had gone to with your dad. The night ended with your drink in his face and if he didn’t watch himself now, you’d resort to a much harsher deterrent.
You are so focused on your thoughts of Hangman that you don’t even notice the man walking directly towards you until the two of you almost collide. Apparently, he hadn’t noticed you either because as you both made eye contact, the same look of surprise is mirrored on each other’s faces. Standing before you is a man you haven’t seen for years but had once been as close as family. Your best friend, your first (unrequited) love, Bradley Bradshaw.
But before you can say anything, he mutters, “Ah hell no.” before whirling around and storming down the hall in the opposite direction.
You hurry after him. “Wait! Please! I didn’t know you’d be here. Bradley, wait! I swear, I didn’t know!”
He comes to an abrupt stop and whirls around to face you, anger and betrayal burning in his eyes. “If you did, would it have made a difference? Would you not have come?”
You looked at the floor as you softly shook your head. “No, of course not. You know this is my dream just as much as it is yours.”
“Yeah, but no one stole your dream right from under your nose and left you to fight tooth and nail just to get back to the same position you were four years before!” he spits the words at you, and you can’t help but flinch.
Softly, you whisper, “I told you back then, I didn’t know what my dad was going to do. If I had, I would’ve tried everything I could to stop him from pulling your application to the Naval Academy. You were my best friend in the whole world. Do you really think I would have just stood by and let him do that if I had known?”
“He was the closest thing I had to a father after my dad died and he betrayed me. Why shouldn’t I think you would do the same? You’re just like him.” He starts off down the hall once more, but you quickly follow.
“Just because I refused to cut him out of my life like you did doesn’t mean I agreed with him. But, come on… He’s my dad. What was I supposed to do?”
“You were supposed to have my back. If you couldn’t back then, how am I supposed to trust you to have it now in the air?”
You stop as he keeps walking, your jaw falling open at his accusation. Up until now, you had been feeling regret, sorrow, and a little shame. But all of those emotions quickly turn to rage as you scream, “Fuck you!”
The busy hall instantly goes silent as every person turns to face you but you don’t care. Marching up to a surprised Bradley Bradshaw, you jam your finger in his face. “I know what my dad did was horrible. I know you have every right to be furious with him. And fine, you can even be mad at me for not siding with you over it. But don’t you dare insult my skills or abilities as a pilot or as a wingman. You aren’t the only one who had to fight with everything they had to be here. Do you think it’s easy being the daughter of Maverick? One of the most accomplished, yet most written up pilots in the last thirty years? Everyone always expects me to be him, the recklessness, the arrogance, the total disregard for the rules. And I have worked so fucking hard to show people that I am my own person, my own pilot, and that I deserve to be here. So don’t you dare try to tarnish my reputation just because we have a troubled history.”
You storm past him, ramming your shoulder into his as you do. You feel his hand reaching for yours, but you yank it from his grasp and continue down the hall and out the door.
See the full post
1,417 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Waiting for Someone
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Robert "Bob" Floyd, f!reader
Word Count: 1211
TW: Fluff, Kissing, Bar, Drinking, Unwanted Flirting
Note: NO plot-related spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick
Top Gun Masterlist
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You knew the second you entered The Hard Deck that this had been a mistake. Being this close to the airbase, it wasn’t surprising that for every three people in the room, two of them were in uniform. And you had had enough experience with these kinds of places to know nothing good came of hanging around one by yourself. However, you were here for a reason, so after quickly smoothing out your sundress, you hurried over to the bar.
Taking a seat on one of the stools, you ordered a beer from the kind bartender who gave you a sweet smile as she handed it to you. But just as you raised the bottle to your lips, someone leaned heavily against the bar top next to you. Glancing out of the corner of your eye, you saw a handsome blond man with an arrogant smile staring back at you and you internally groaned. While you had expected this, it would have been nice if you had been able to at least take a single sip of your drink first.
The man slid a little closer as he asked, “So, what’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in a place like this?”
You softly sighed as you said, “I’m sorry, I’m not alone. I’m waiting for someone.”
“Well, you’re in luck! You don’t have to wait anymore because I’m here now.” As he leaned in even closer, you could see a small crowd of pilots over his shoulder watching his every move.
You rolled your eyes and took a small sip from your beer. You knew this had been a bad idea, but you had wanted your visit to be a surprise. You should have just called ahead and let him know you were coming. Or asked him to meet you somewhere else. But it was too late now.
Trying to keep your tone as polite as possible, you said, “I see that. And in case you didn’t understand by my tone the first time, I wish you wouldn’t be.”
You heard the pilots behind the man snickering at your response and there was one jeer of “Hangman’s left hangin’!”. The man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his jaw clenched before he pushed himself off the bar and walked back over to the pool table.
Relieved he was gone, you finally thought you were going to get some peace and quiet when another man with a loud Hawaiian shirt and a mustache sat down next to you. “Sorry about him. He’s a jackass. But I liked how you handled yourself. That was quite the brushoff.” The man stuck out his hand. “The name’s Rooster.”
Politely, you gave his hand a quick shake before turning back to your drink. But you could still feel his eyes on you. With a sigh, you turned back to face him. “Rooster, is it? I’m sorry, but I really am waiting for someone.”
“Oh… I just thought….” The man shook his head before smiling. “Well, no problem! What’s his name? Maybe I know him and can help you find him.”
The voice instantly perked you up as you turned to see your boyfriend standing just behind you with another woman at his side. Hopping off the stool you rushed over and threw yourself into his arms with a squeal of delight. He stumbled back a step, but his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and his head rested against yours.
After a moment, you pulled away to take a good look at him. You were relieved to see that even after all of his dangerous training he still looked just like he did when he had to leave you a few weeks ago. Same hair combed perfectly to the side, same blue eyes slightly magnified by the same wireframes, same adorable little smile that sent your heart fluttering. He was still your same Bob.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here!” Bob said joyously, but then his tone turned more confused as he asked, “Actually, what are you doing here?”
Before you could answer, the woman next to him politely cleared her voice and gave the two of you a questioning look. Bob started as he realized the situation, “Oh, sorry! Phoenix, this is my girlfriend. Sweetheart, this is Phoenix. She’s my pilot.”
“Of course! Bobby’s told me all about you!” You quickly pulled the other woman into a hug which she returned after a moment of shock.
“Oh! Um, hi! Bobby actually never mentioned you.”
You pulled away and turned to your man. “That’s not surprising. He told me he doesn’t like to talk about his personal life with you guys, and I usually respect that. But I had a few days off of work while they redo the office and I jumped at the chance to come and see him.” You held out your hand and he instantly took it. “I hope that’s alright?”
Bob smiled at you. “Of course, sweetheart. I was just surprised, that's all. But I’ve missed you so much!” He pulled you in close and you wrapped your arms around his neck before placing a big kiss on his lips.
“Wait…. So, Bob is who you were waiting for?” Rooster asked slowly, clearly not believing what he was seeing.
You nodded, as your head still rested on his shoulder and a wide grin spread across your face. “Yep! So, I guess you two do know each other!”
Bob looked down at you in confusion. “Yeah, we do. But how do you two know each other?”
“Oh, Rooster here was just offering to help me find you. Don’t worry, he was being sweet about it.” You offered Rooster a small wink and he gave you a smile in return.
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1,561 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
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Top Gun Gang
The Bet
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1,732 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fight Through the Pain (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, f!reader
Word Count: 1335
TW: Angst, Whump, Plane Crash, Burns, Injuries, Pain, Love Confession
Spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick
Part 1, Part 2
Top Gun Masterlist
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Everything hurt. Your world was currently nothing more than pain on top of more pain as every bone, every muscle, every molecule in your body screamed out. Large sections of your skin felt as if it was on fire while other parts felt like it was frozen solid. As you tried shifting slightly, a low moan reverberated in your chest as the pain intensified. But the attempt did provide you with some information. It made you realize that the coldness seeping into you was from the snow you were laying on. But why were you laying in the snow?
And then it came rushing back to you. The team had been sent on their mission to blow up the uranium enrichment plant. At the last minute, it was decided one additional single-person plane should accompany the group, and much to Hangman’s chagrin, you had been selected. As everyone was saying their goodbyes and good lucks, Rooster had pulled you into a hug that was tighter and lasted longer than you expected. And when you finally pulled away, he had stared at you with such an intense look on his face that it sent shivers down your spine in the best way. It finally gave you the courage you had been needing to tell him how you felt about him, yet just as you opened your mouth, Maverick had interrupted you. So instead of telling him, you had hurried off to your plane.
The mission had gone perfectly…. Up until your planes escaped Coffin Corner and activated the SAMs. The Surface-to-Air Missiles had quickly filled the sky and as much as you all tried to react, there were just too many of them. As you had done your own evasive maneuvers to avoid disaster, you watched Rooster fire countermeasure after countermeasure from his position above you, narrowly escaping the missiles. But then his panicked voice cried out through your coms that he was out of flares, and you watched in horror as two more missiles trailed behind him.
You hadn’t thought, you had just acted. Instantly pulling up into a steep climb, you positioned your plane directly between Rooster’s and the missiles. Across the expanse between you, you had managed to catch Rooster’s eye for just a moment. His face drained of all color, and you saw him shouting at you to get out of the way. But you had just given him a sad smile as the missile slammed into the tail of your aircraft, sending a fireball roaring through the cockpit.
You screamed in pain as your hand had yanked the ejection lever, but it was too late. Even as your seat jettisoned into the sky, you could feel the burns scorching your skin in a dozen different places. Then as you drifted to the ground, your parachute had gotten snagged on a tree, slamming you into the trunk and causing you to plummet the other 50 ft to the ground. As you crashed into the snow below, you had mercifully slipped into unconsciousness.
But now, something stirred you from your sleep, something other than just the pain. Voices. Slowly, you realized that your helmet was still on, and you could still make out your teammates' voices as they tried to reach you on the coms.
“Bumblebee! Do you copy?” Phoenix’s frantic voice came into focus. “Bob, do you see anything?”
“That’s a negative,” her WSO replied, equally as panicked. “I can see the smoke from her plane where it crashed, but I lost sight of the parachute.”
“I saw it for a minute, but it was smoking pretty heavily.” Fanboy chimed in anxiously. “I don’t know…. I don’t know if it would have been able to remain intact until she reached the ground.”
“Bee! Answer me! Please!” Rooster. You struggled to open your eyes at the sound of his voice. Maybe it was the distortion from the coms or your pain-addled brain, but it almost sounded like he was crying. But that couldn’t be….
“Bumblebee!” he screamed again. “Damn it! Why did you do that! Why did you- I’m not worth it. You shouldn’t have done that. Not for me. Please, Bee. You have to be okay.”
“Rooster,” Phoenix said softly. “It’s not your fault. She was just protecting her wingman.”
“Well, she shouldn’t have! It should have been me down there instead of her. We need to find her!”
Maverick’s voice suddenly broke through the chatter. “There’s nothing we can do right now. Without her location beacon turned on, we have no way of finding her. We need to get back to the ship and we can try to figure out something after that. But for now…. I’m sorry.”
“No!” Rooster screamed again. “I’m not leaving her! Bee! Listen, you need to turn on your beacon. Please! I promise I’ll find you, but you have to give me something.”
“Rooster-” Maverick started but the younger pilot cut him off.
“No! She’s still out there, I know it! And she would never leave any of us behind! So, please, Bee. Come on, you can do this. Just turn on the beacon.”
Both of your hands were currently laying by your sides and the locator beacon was on your shoulder. The amount of pain that was shooting through your body just with every breath was almost unbearable, so the thought of trying to move, to cross that impossible distance to reach the beacon, was almost inconceivable! But you knew you had to try. If not for you, for Rooster. You might have saved his life, but if you died, you knew he would blame himself and it would haunt him for the rest of his days.
So, ever so slowly, inch by agonizing inch, your hand began its vast journey up towards your shoulder. Even the smallest of movements was torture, and you were fairly certain that your arm was broken in at least one place. But Rooster’s pleas and cries still sounding through the coms urged you on.
When your fingers miraculously brushed against the dial of your beacon, you realized you were in for a new level of pain. In order to turn the beacon on, you had to twist the dial. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem but because of the fire, your fingers were pretty badly burnt, and your joints were swollen. It was going to take everything in you to turn that dial and you just didn’t think you had the strength left to withstand that level of pain.
But then, Rooster’s voice called out to you one more time, calmer yet more tender than before, “Bumblebee…. Please. I know you’re there, I know you can hear me. Please, come back to me. I-I love you.”
He loves me? You had been in love with your wingman for years, starting back when you had first been at Top Gun together, but you never thought he could return your feelings. It was why you had chickened out on the tarmac from confessing how you felt. But if Rooster loved you back….
It was just the motivation you needed. Taking a few deep breaths (and ignoring the spikes of pain that were sent through your chest with each one), you screwed your eyes closed and twisted the dial.
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2,244 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
Day 25
Today was reserved for a trip to Mount St. Helen’s National Volcanic Monument, which has both a state and national presence of several different agencies. This reserve of land was established just a few years after the infamous eruption in spring of 1980, which devastated the surrounding area and took the lives of 57 people.
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I got my Junior Geologist Badge! This badge is dedicated to CS for not only donating to my cause but being dedicated to what he does by jumping feet first, full throttle into conservation and caretaking for the park he manages. He also has created and raised two fun, adventurous kids that I always enjoy talking to, on top of all that responsibility. He offers them a life of adventure and opportunity that I could have only dreamed of having.
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Mt. Saint Helen’s was strikingly different from Mount Rainier; that distinct waft of sulfur hit me as soon as the car door opened at the National Forest visitor center. The mountain is moody and dirty and steaming. The land around it ravaged from the 1980 eruptions superheated mudslides and pyroclastic flows. It was a true sight to behold.
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I earned my National Monument Junior Ranger badge up mauka on the slopes of the beast. This badge is dedicated to Leon, for donating, and giving me a nice surprise of a dream come true. You see, he found and read a book I wrote, even though he lives across the world. In a Welsh bookstore, he picked up my third book Ronnie vs. The People of Texas City and afterwards reached out to tell me how much he liked it. We’ve chatted every since and it’s such a dreamy way to make a friend across the globe. Thanks, Leon, for donating, and to making this little author’s heart happy. If anyone is interested in reading any of my novels, they are temporarily available again on Amazon at this link as both paperbacks and e-books:
I plan to donate any royalties I make from this temporary re-release before they go back into partial hibernation while I look for a traditional publisher. Overall, Mount St. Helen’s was a very touching place that had a somber feel to it, the way that Cliffs of Moher did. A place of power, violence, and possible destruction that should be respected and revered. It’s an awe-inspiring mountain, not just for its alien landscape, but for its story and capabilities. Watching the steam rise and seeing the discolored snow and glaciers (from ash settling and landslides), made me feel very lucky to have worked at Crater Lake in Oregon, which was a much larger and destructive flow by at least 50 times. How humbling this world can be!
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We had some daylight left, so we headed about 40 minutes away to Halloweentown; St. Helens, Oregon. This is the quaint and charming town where multiple movies, including the Halloweentown series, were filmed. Although it was disappointing that their vending machine of Halloween themed merchandise was jumbled when it was stocked, so both things I paid for and received were incorrect, I still liked this town and hope to go back during Halloween time someday. 
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We cruised the streets and eventually ended up at a weekly town fair where we listened to music and ate ice cream. We did come to the conclusion that it seems like a very happy place to live and may be entirely filled with and run by children, who seemed to run wild in the streets in numbers I haven’t seen since before smart phones took over our brains. Oh, not only children, but dogs. There are so many dogs to pet here that your wrist will ache.
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Until next time,
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watkinsayden81 · 22 days
The Importance of an Essay Proofreader: Enhancing Your Writing to Perfection
In the world of academia and professional writing, the quality of your essays can significantly influence your success. Whether you are a student aiming for top grades or a professional seeking to impress your audience, a well-crafted essay is essential. One crucial step in the writing process that is often overlooked is proofreading. An essay proofreader can make the difference between a mediocre paper and a masterpiece. Let's explore why investing in an essay proofreader is a wise decision and how it can enhance your writing.
Why Proofreading Matters
Proofreading is more than just a cursory glance over your text. It involves meticulously checking your essay for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style. This process ensures that your writing is clear, coherent, and free of mistakes that could distract the reader or undermine your credibility. Here are a few reasons why proofreading is vital:
Eliminating Errors: Even the most skilled writers can overlook minor errors in their own work. Typos, grammatical mistakes, and incorrect punctuation can slip through the cracks. An essay proofreader catches these errors, ensuring that your paper is polished and professional.
Improving Clarity and Readability: A Essay Proofreader can help improve the clarity and flow of your essay. They can identify awkward phrasing, repetitive words, and unclear sentences, offering suggestions to enhance readability.
Ensuring Consistency: Consistency in tense, tone, and style is crucial in academic and professional writing. Proofreaders ensure that your essay maintains a consistent voice and adheres to the required style guide.
Strengthening Arguments: Proofreaders can provide feedback on the strength and coherence of your arguments. They can point out logical fallacies, unsupported claims, and weak transitions, helping you to present a more compelling case.
Saving Time and Effort: Proofreading is a time-consuming process. By hiring a professional proofreader, you can save valuable time and focus on other important tasks, confident that your essay is in capable hands.
What to Expect from an Essay Proofreader
A professional essay proofreader brings a fresh perspective to your work. They approach your essay with a critical eye, meticulously combing through each section to enhance its overall quality. Here's what you can expect from their service:
Thorough Error Detection: Proofreaders identify and correct grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors that you might have missed.
Style and Formatting Adjustments: They ensure that your essay adheres to the required style guide (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) and make adjustments to improve the overall formatting and presentation.
Constructive Feedback: Besides correcting errors, proofreaders provide constructive feedback on how to improve your essay. This feedback can include suggestions for rephrasing sentences, enhancing transitions, and strengthening arguments.
Attention to Detail: Proofreaders have a keen eye for detail. They not only focus on the obvious errors but also scrutinize finer points such as word choice, tone, and sentence structure.
Choosing the Right Proofreader
Selecting the right proofreader is crucial to ensure the best results. Here are a few tips for choosing a reliable proofreader:
Check Credentials and Experience: Look for proofreaders with a strong background in writing, editing, or academia. Experience in your specific field of study can be an added advantage.
Read Reviews and Testimonials: Look for feedback from previous clients to gauge the quality of the proofreader's work and their reliability.
Request a Sample: Many proofreaders offer a sample edit of a portion of your essay. This can give you an idea of their editing style and attention to detail.
Consider Turnaround Time: Ensure that the proofreader can meet your deadline without compromising on quality.
Investing in an essay proofreader is a wise decision that can significantly enhance the quality of your writing. By eliminating errors, improving clarity, and providing constructive feedback, a proofreader helps you present your ideas more effectively. Whether you are a student or a professional, the benefits of a well-proofread essay are undeniable. Take the time to find a qualified proofreader and experience the difference they can make in your writing journey.
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jokumsencline92 · 3 months
Taking Full Advantage Of Comfort and Efficiency: How A/c Professionals Can Assist
Furnace Upkeep 101: Specialist Suggestions for Maintaining Your System Running Smoothly At HVAC Contractors, we understand the relevance of a well-functioning heater in your house. As the weather condition starts to cool down, it's vital to guarantee that your heating unit is running smoothly to keep you and your enjoyed ones cozy and comfortable throughout the winter season. Regular maintenance is the key to prolonging the life-span of your heating unit and staying clear of expensive repair services down the line. Our group of specialist professionals is below to offer you with first-class furnace maintenance solutions. With years of experience in the sector, we have developed our abilities and expertise to use you the very best services for all your furnace requires. Continue reading to find some useful recommendations on just how to maintain your furnace running efficiently, and why you must call our business for help. 1. Arrange Normal Maintenance Checks. Just like any type of various other mechanical system, your heating system calls for routine upkeep to maintain it in optimal problem. We advise setting up an upkeep check a minimum of annually, ideally prior to the winter starts. Throughout this check-up, our technicians will check every part of your heating system, tidy or change filters, and recognize any kind of concerns that may impact its performance. Normal upkeep checks can aid avoid unexpected breakdowns and maintain your system running effectively. 2. Tidy or Change Filters. Among the most essential aspects of heater maintenance is cleansing or replacing the filters consistently. Filters can get blocked with dust, dust, and various other fragments, which can limit air movement and lower the efficiency of your heating unit. Filthy filters can additionally cause interior air contamination, creating breathing problems and allergies.
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Our specialists will clean up or change your filters throughout the upkeep check, ensuring that your heating unit obtains proper airflow and operates with no obstacles. If needed, we can also assist you on exactly how to tidy or change filters on your own in between professional maintenance sees. 3. Examine the Thermostat Settings. The thermostat acts as the nerve center for your heater. It manages the temperature of your home, making sure that it remains comfortable throughout the day. However, incorrect thermostat settings can result in squandered energy and unneeded strain on your heating system. Our knowledgeable service technicians will check your thermostat settings throughout the upkeep browse through to ensure they are calibrated correctly. We can additionally advise programmable thermostats that enable you to set different temperature levels for various times of the day, aiding you minimize energy expenses. 4. Inspect and Clean Ductwork. The ductwork in your house is accountable for dispersing heated air to various areas. Over time, dirt, pet hair, and particles can collect in the air ducts, hindering the airflow and decreasing the effectiveness of your heating system. Additionally, filthy ducts can lead to inadequate air top quality and trigger respiratory system issues. Our technicians will certainly check and cleanse your ductwork throughout the maintenance go to, removing any kind of blockages and boosting air flow. Clean ductwork not just boosts the efficiency of your heater yet additionally advertises much healthier interior air quality for you and your family members. 5. Look For Carbon Monoxide Gas Leaks. 24 hour heating and air conditioning repair Carbon monoxide (CARBON MONOXIDE) is an anemic, unsmelling gas that can be dangerous if it leaks from your heating unit. Routine upkeep checks can aid detect any potential CO leakages prior to they come to be serious. Our professionals have the needed tools and expertise to identify and deal with any type of problems connected to CO leaks, ensuring the safety of your home. Why Choose HVAC Contractors for Heating Unit Maintenance?
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Choosing the best firm for your heater upkeep is essential to make certain that the task is done successfully and successfully. Right here are a couple of reasons that you ought to call our business for help:. 1. Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, our service technicians have actually acquired the necessary abilities and expertise to deal with all sorts of furnace. We remain current with the latest modern technologies and strategies to give the best services for your certain demands.
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2. https://tottenhamhvac.co.uk/index.html Professional Service: We take satisfaction in our professionalism and reliability and commitment to consumer fulfillment. Our service technicians get here in a timely manner, complete the job efficiently, and leave your home spick-and-span. We prioritize open interaction and aim to exceed your expectations with our exceptional service. 3. Reputable and Trustworthy: Our firm has constructed a track record of count on and integrity amongst our customers. We comprehend the relevance of your furnace, and we treat each maintenance see with the utmost care and interest to detail. 4. Competitive Rates: We offer competitive prices without endangering on the quality of our service. Our goal is to give economical services without hidden costs, guaranteeing that you obtain the most effective worth for your investment. Do not wait up until your furnace damages down in the center of wintertime. Call HVAC today to arrange an upkeep see and maintain your system running smoothly throughout the year. Our specialist service technicians are here to assist you preserve a cozy and relaxing home.
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outlawprincessx · 4 months
The Ins and Outs of HVAC: A Guide to Comprehending and Maintaining Your Home's Home heating, Ventilation, and Cooling System
A/C, a phrase for Home heating, Air Flow, and Air Conditioning, plays a critical function in guaranteeing convenience and air top quality in our homes. Yet, numerous property owners neglect the value of understanding and preserving their cooling and heating systems until something goes incorrect. In this thorough guide, we will dive right into the globe of HVAC, clarifying its parts, functions, and common problems, encouraging you to make educated decisions and safeguard your investment.Paragraph 2: From the minute
you enter your home, a/c is at work, guaranteeing a positive interior environment year-round. Heating unit keep us cozy in the winter, ventilation systems distribute fresh air, and cooling systems cool us down during warm summer season. Nonetheless, without appropriate upkeep, these systems can come to be inefficient, bring about high energy expenses, uncomfortable temperatures, and even carcinogen. We will check out the key variables to consider when preserving your heating and cooling system, consisting of normal filter modifications, professional assessments, and cleansing treatments. By complying with these best practices, you can prolong the life expectancy of your a/c system while appreciating optimum comfort and power performance in your house.
Read more here https://morehartac.com/
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kley-blog · 7 months
“I’m a modern man. A man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified, multi-cultural, post-modern deconstructionist. Politically, anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up-linked and downloaded. I’ve been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing. I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low life. A cutting edge, state of the art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond. I’m new wave, but I’m old school. And my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer. Voice-activated and biodegradable. I interface from a database, my database is in cyberspace. So I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time, I’m radioactive. Behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave, dodging the bullet, pushing the envelope. I’m on point, on task, on message and off drugs. I got no need for coke and speed. I got no urge to binge and purge. I’m in the moment, on the edge, over the top but under the radar. A high concept, low profile, medium range ballistic missionary. A streetwise smart bomb. A top gun bottom feeder. I wear power ties. I tell power lies. I take power naps. I run victory laps. I’m a totally ongoing big foot, slam-dunk rainmaker with a proactive outreach. A raging workaholic. A working rageaholic. Out of rehab and in denial. I got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant and a personal agenda. You can’t shut me up. You can’t dumb me down. Because I’m tireless and I’m wireless. I’m a alpha male on beta blockers. I’m a non-believer and an overachiever. Laid back but fashion forward. Up front, down home, low rent, high maintenance. Super size, long lasting, high definition, fast-acting, oven-ready and built to last. I’m a hands-on, footloose, knee jerk head case. Prematurely post-traumatic, and I have a love child who sends me hate mail. But I’m feeling. I’m caring. I’m healing. I’m sharing. A supportive, bonding, nurturing primary caregiver. My output is down, but my income is up. I take a short position on the long bond. And my revenue stream has its own cash flow. I read junk mail. I eat junk food. I buy junk bonds. I watch trash sports. I’m gender specific, capital intensive, user friendly and lactose intolerant. I like rough sex. I like rough sex. I like tough love. I use the F word in my email. And the software in my hard drive is hardcore, no soft porn. I bought a microwave at a mini mall. I bought a minivan at a megastore. I eat fast food in the slow lane. I’m toll free, bite size, ready to wear and I come in all sizes. A fully equipped, factory authorized, hospital tested, clinically proven, scientifically formulated medical miracle. I’ve been prewashed, precooked, preheated, prescreened, preapproved, prepackaged, post-dated, freeze dried, double wrapped, vacuum packed and I have an unlimited broadband capacity. I’m a rude dude, but I’m the real deal. Lean and mean. Cocked, locked and ready to rock. Rough, tough and hard to bluff. I take it slow. I go with the flow. I ride with the tide. I got glide in my stride. Driving and moving. Sailing and spinning. Jiving and grooving. Wailing and winning. I don’t snooze, so I don’t lose. I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road. I party hearty. And lunch time is crunch time. I’m hanging in. There ain’t no doubt. And I’m hanging tough. Over and out.” –George Carlin (1937 - 2008)
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