#the actual WIP for this is almost done soooo 👀
allbluedepths · 5 months
This originally stemmed from all the posts I’ve seen comparing Shanks to various dogs, which my brain then veered off from into “ooh, what about a herding dog, haha”. Besides just a little joke, though, it did spur up a fun headcanon idea of Shanks habitually checking in on/“herding” the Red Hair Pirates after major fights and what that might look like.
(ft. pre-relationship Mishanks, Red Hair Pirates, + my fav: Benn-Lucky-Yasopp and Mihawk awkward semi-friendship moments)
It’s just a small quirk. Benn, Lucky, and Yasopp noticed it fairly early on, how Shanks will casually walk around the post-battle party until he’s seen everyone himself, his observation haki subtly checking over everyone as well. They’re not even sure Shanks realizes he does it, but without fail, they’ll see him follow the same path around the deck or whatever place they’ve crashed after a battle. The couple times they stopped him early, he was oddly tense and off for the rest of the night, so they don’t bother. If anything, they’re taking bets with each other of how many laps he’s going to do. (It’s definitely amusing to them that Shanks seems like the life of the party on those nights, when he’s far more like a herding dog circling the area.)
This gets even more fun when you add Mihawk into the mix, coincidentally there on one of those nights. Their duel didn’t end up happening that day — some cocky pirates made quite the ill-advised attack on the Red Hair Pirates — but he stuck around anyways because Shanks had also promised him a good vintage he found. However, as he ends up sitting around alone (a rarity because Shanks often doesn’t leave his side for long when he agrees to stay and drink), there’s now a swordsman stewing in annoyance/boredom/jealousy that Shanks is just… wandering around??
Cue three certain pirates who loop him into what’s going on. This is really an excuse for me to have Benn-Lucky-Yasopp + Mihawk sitting at the corner of a party watching this unfold, with room for some light teasing about how Mihawk is definitely not exempt from being rounded up by Shanks. Spoiler: he absolutely isn’t. The three of them mention they’re there because if they sit on one side of the deck and Mihawk sits on another, Shanks is going to end up running across trying to hold two conversations at once because he wants to keep Mihawk so close. This is indeed what ends up happening. Mihawk isn’t leaving until the next morning, partially because Shanks finishes his rounds, beelines for him, and then doesn’t move for the rest of the night. Stop being so smug, Benn.
All in all, everyone’s happy. Even if Shanks has no idea why those three keep looking at him and snickering.
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heyyyy💖 your wips sound amazing! Looking at 'in a west end town and dead end world like' 👀👀👀 will this be a multichap or a one shot?
And for the asks🤭 (Hope it's not too much?)
From the first one J & K and and from third one 13, 17 & 22?
HI MARI!!! i have answers for you, friend 🫵
so first off, in a west end town already has three chapter out of four out 🥹 i have one chapter left in the works, so it stilll counts as a wip?? if you'd like it to?? i CAN talk about the last remaining events tho (spoilers just in case you want to read it urself before): aziraphale and crowley's reunion. i am SO excited to show the world that bone crushing hug fr‼️ crowley has been through so much these last six years and deserves to know that aziraphale is still here and still loves him despite his mistake🫵🫵🩷 also having the reassurance that no matter what heaven or hell might do in response to all this, they'll get through it TOGETHER AND THATS ALLL THAT MATTERS pardon me. im emotional
J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
i gotta go for them presumed dead/fake character death thangs 🗣 i will genuinely NEVER get over it, its just so MMMMMMMM. im gonna read more of them tonight actually, this has just reminded me i wanted to. and as for writing it...the closest ive done is it comes and goes and that one kid from jersey, but not exact exact. but two of my bang fics do involve it for a little while!!! 🔥🔥
K: Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
watching characters be angry at the universe. specific, yeah, but this little trope can be molded in soooo many ways and i'll eat it up EVERY TIME!!!!!! imagine it like the "show me a great plan" scene. THAT anger, whether it be obvious or not, KILLS ME. i have crowley get close to these of moments multiple times in my fics, even if its not always noticable. sometimes that anger is masked for aziraphale. ougj
13) what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
write what you have energy go at that moment? wanna write chronologically? go ahead. wanna write the climax when you havent even wrote the first scene? right-o. wanna write one scene in the second act that makes you feel all soft inside? hell yeah. do whatever you want forever!!!!!
17) what do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
step away for a while (from either a couple days or weeks), read other fics, and shower. those are usually the go-tos, because most of time whenever i cant write its due to some external force like tiredness or boredom rather than "i dont know what to write". i know what to do, i just cant DO it because it feels like miniscule progress in comparison to what i want when its meant to be finished. doing something else usually helps :)
22) are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
first person pov, accidental pregnancy, and smut are the rock solid nos, but everything else is possible (though some things need a lot more convincing than others). and that "everything else" is very fluid. i am very attached to hurt/comfort and pain tho
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
im soooo happy you're unflagged now, slutty chris as your pfp was something i missed a lot when i opened tumblr haha 🫠
anywayy, i was wondering what tips you have for finishing WIPs? like, i have about 6 of them that are pretty long already but each time i open one i write about a paragraph and get unmotivated againn
i really wanna post this multichapter ive been working on since january (it's a dad's best friend trope, if you're wondering 👀) but im writing one last chapter and nothing will come to me :(
do you have any tips for getting motivated or just general things that help you stay focussed?
Same! It felt like such a long time 😫 (I mean, it was almost three weeks, so it kinda was a long time, but you know what I'm getting at)
Your wip sounds super interesting. I'm sure they're all devine. Sending you all the ✨️motivation✨️
I don't know if I have tips as much as I can tell you what I do (or what I try to do, at least lol), but anyway, here goes--
I usually don't have more than one "actual" wip at one time, I obviously jot down ideas when they come to me, but I'm not writing multiple full-fledged fics at once. I'm writing a fic, and maybe I'm working on some writing for Tumblr at the same time. Other than that, I just don't. I'm VERY tempted at times, but I force myself to take it one at a time. Even when it might be painful, lol.
(And I'm aware that I'm very privileged to have a brain that works in such a way as to let me write like that.)
Plus, as weird as it sounds, I've found the more I write with a single wip at a time, the more moving onto the next idea I have becomes a reward in of itself.
As far as finishing what I'm working on currently, usually I start with an outline, literal jot dots, for what I want the fic to be. Obviously, it doesn't always follow what I first put down, but there's an outline at least. Then, I go back and fill in that outline where I know nothing is permanent. I literally write the full fic in jot dot form. It just might be missing bits and pieces. It's still in jot dots. After I finish through the whole outline--expanding the ideas into actual writing--I go back, and I go section by section, removing the jot dots while reading for things I might need to change, things I might want to add, etc. After I get through the whole thing that way, I re-read it as a normal piece of writing. Again, changing or adding or removing things or whatever as I go. Then, I usually run it through a program like Grammarly or some shit to catch stuff that I can't catch (thanks dyslexia). Finally, I copy and paste it into AO3, reading it one last time, in a different font.
My schedule for writing on the weekend (soon weekdays, too... almost hello summer 👀) is to write for an hour after I eat breakfast. I'm a morning person, I get up at 6:00 am, then I sit on the couch with my laptop and type for an hour. Usually like 7:00-8:00am. Then I'm done. I'll come back to it tomorrow. It's a routine that's been my routine for a couple of years now, so I don't even really think about it. I just do.
(Also, obviously, if I'm in the middle of a scene or something, I write down what I will need for later, but I have shit to do, so I have to stop.)
When I'm in the middle of writing and I get stuck, usually I scroll back up to what I've written earlier and do some rereading. Or I scroll down and freshen my memory of where I'm trying to take this thing. Then, I integrate back into what I'm trying to write, thinking about the feeling I want to create, what picture I want to paint, what the internal world of the character I am writing is like (what is their "voice"), etc. When words won't come, I think about things other than words--if that makes any sense, lol.
If that doesn't work, rereading, I might take a breather. I drink a lot of tea, so I might go make myself some tea, sometimes thinking about what I'm trying to write, sometimes not. Usually, I get a lot of ideas the second I set my laptop aside, lmao. Or it comes to me when I'm pacing, waiting for water to heat up. Usually, because I write for an hour, I feel pressure to write the whole time, but I don't have to. No one has to do anything. It's all good. Take a breath.
A breather.
I also always listen to music when I'm writing. Almost always music with words but not always the same genre; I'm not just listening to horny music or whatever when I'm writing, so if I'm stuck, I might swap to a new playlist. Maybe one that is intentionally matching for what I'm writing--a more sexual playlist for smut, a softer playlist for romance, an upsetting playlist for angst, etc. Or maybe one that clashes, that always shakes something loose in my brain.
(Listening to straight fucking screamo when writing an intimate, quiet, fragile scene is objectively hilarious, too, so I entertain myself.)
Usually, when I write in the morning, I don't have as much trouble with my dyslexia because I haven't exhausted myself reading and processing the bullshit that letters and numbers do all day, but if it's just a bad day for whatever reason... I might swap fonts and try to keep at it. Usually, I write in Verdana, but I might swap to Comic Sans or something for a while.
Or, if I'm stuck because of dyslexia or anything else, I might just stop for the day. As a perfectionist and workaholic and, just, someone who you could not pay to sit still and not do something, I'm trying to allow myself more times where I can just stop. A lot of the time, I push through, though. I tell myself 10 more minutes, then you're done. A tangible goal can be good.
What really motivates me is getting the fic out. Not even necessarily getting it out and publishing it to AO3 and seeing people's reactions to what I create, although that is undeniably an incredible thing to experience. I feel compelled to write. I like the process of writing. And because I've accidentally created this rule for myself where I have to finish one thing before the next, I have to get something out to start the next. Editing is the WORST, but I will do it to move on to the next. That's just my workaholic nature.
It'll probably kill me one day... it's not the best. As a consequence, I will readily admit I forget what I've written CONSTANTLY. I don't re-read what I write once it's finished. I move on to the next idea so fast that I forget what I did prior until other people bring it up. I'm propelled forward with very narrow vision. Again, it's not the best, and I should learn to stop and appreciate what I've done. It's hard, though.
Also, talking to people about your ideas is always a good way to go. I should do it more, too. I find myself being a very selfish creator. I create from this place of compulsion. I have to get it out. I don't know why, I just do. It's the way I am. And I create alone a lot. I'm an introvert and a highly independent person, I like to be alone, and I like to make things alone. So, it's easy to fall into the same pattern of being private and only showing off what I have when it's fully finished, complete with a sparkling varnish. But that doesn't have to be the way it is. Share bits and pieces, talk about what you're doing, let other people tell you you're doing it! You're doing a good job! They're excited to see the next update, no matter how small!
If you can't/don't want to share, though, a fun way to bounce ideas around is going, okay, I have to make a list of [whatever number, 20, 50, 100, etc.] ideas. They can be absolute fucking garbage, all of them, but I am going to list out as many as I possibly can. If none of them are good, great! They're no longer taking up space in my brain. They're on this list. If one or two are good, great! You can build on those or warp them to fit.
I hope some of that helped, lol. I just tried to explain the way my brain works, and it isn't pretty, lmao.
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stevethehairington · 1 year
Hiiii for the fanfic ask game (the movie, the sequal) 💖👀🖊️
helloooo!! thank you for sending this in! 💕
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i think i'm going to go with either my characterization or my ability to build tension well. i've had a lot of practice with both and i like to think i manage to do each very well!
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
ooh hmm. well, i mean, im sure the answer is yes in the sense that i have about a million wips in my folder that are in various stages of completion (ranging from literally just the idea word vomited into a doc to i've actually started working on this to i'm almost done with it!) and there's no guarantee that i'll ever get around to them all, so like statistically lol some of them just won't 🤷‍♀️
BUT out of all those wips i have, there's none that i'm like intentionally keeping from seeing the light of day. like i've got nothing to hide lol.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
welllll the latest wip i've been working on is my bb fic and i can't share anything from that one (even tho i would LOVE to) soooo i will go with a lil snip from my fic currently dubbed of all the gin joints:
Steve’s nearly finished with his first drink when a flash of movement from across the bar catches his attention. A combination of one guy rising from his seat to make leave, while another sidles up to the bar in his place. The guy leaving is older, in his sixties maybe, and balding. He slides his arms into his coat and tucks a matching fedora onto his head. Steve’s gaze doesn’t linger on him for very long, though. Not as the new patron slips into the rare empty seat, pulling Steve’s attention. This man is younger, around Steve’s age probably, with a full head of hair. Long hair. Beautiful hair. The dim lighting casts a shadow across his face, but Steve can tell, even from across the bar — he’s handsome.
fanfic ask game
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3pirouette · 2 years
For the WIP game: "Tactical Insertions 2"? 👀
The sad but true answer is that this is a MESS. I've always wanted to write a sequel to Tactical Insertion (wherein Steve survived the crash and was present for Season 1 of Agent Carter) but Season 2 was soooo bad. So bad. I was just frustrated with it so much that it was hard to figure out where he goes, how I get around the whole "love triangle" piece of it to make the story make sense.
With Season 1 it was just a few rewrite, him chilling in the background, letting Peggy do her thing then showing up at the end, but Season 2 will be an entire overhaul.
One day, when I'm done with all my WIPs, I'll attempt it again. Right now it's about 3 pages of the first scene in the first episode, then a handful of notes on what's supposed to happen after that. There's a lot of real potential in there, and I still hold out hope that someday I'll make it into an honest to god story... Here's a snippet...(Ok, more like half of what's actually written, but... I'm feeling generous!)
Steve stood in the small, dark room with his arms across his chest, watching Peg circle Dottie as they traded sharp barbs. He was both fascinated and on alert. They’d tracked Dottie for months, it seemed almost too easy to pick her up in the bank this morning. “Here are the things you will tell me,” Peggy began, her stern voice muffled by the glass between them, “The names of your handlers in Russia, your methods of communication with them, the names and whereabouts of other communist operatives on American soil, why you were targeting Bowery Savings Bank, and who it is you are working for.”
“You’re acting like you’ve got a front-row seat to Rocky Graziano versus Tony Zale,” Thompson muttered from behind Steve. The man who was now chief had been grating on Steve from the first day he met him, and not just for his tendencies to be rude and domineering. The man had an edge that was slowly showing itself, a desire for power and visibility that Steve had seen before, and it made it hard for him to trust Thompson.
Steve took a deep breath, determined not to mince words with the man now, especially when Dottie seemed so talkative. “Quiet.”
“Peggy, I expected so much more from you, not ‘you will tell me this and this and this.’ Where's your technique? Girls like you raised with silver spoons and perfect skin, you expect everything to come to you so easily.” Steve hadn’t spent any time with Dottie, but he knew Peggy had, he knew she knew the woman better than any agent in this building, but there was something unnerving about the woman all the same. She was always so calm, so cool. It set his teeth on edge to watch them.
He was riveted watching the way Peggy dealt with her, so calm, so clear in what she wanted, so in charge. Steve took a deep breath, focusing on what she was saying. “You have one chip to trade on: fear. And fear is the one tool that little girls who grow up handcuffed to their beds learn.” Peggy’s confidence was sky high, a challenge, and he could see feel the tension in the room from the other side of the mirror. “I, however, am not afraid of you.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to think about how impressed he was with her, how in love he was with her, as she let the small lapel pin slide across the table. “Now, this was found in deposit box 143. There was no owner on the bank registry. Why did you want it?”
Dottie’s smile was positively chilling, a challenge if he’d ever seen one. “Peg, We both know there are currencies stronger than money.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Thompson huffed, sidling up to Steve. “She’s wasting time.”
Steve looked at the man, incredulous, as the door opened. “If anyone can break Dottie Underwood, it's Peggy.”
“Chief?” The young man stuck his head through the crack in the door, “L.A.'s on the horn.”
“Thanks,” he strode quickly to the phone in the back of the room as the agent turned his attention to Steve.
“Captain Rogers, senator Brandt asked that you call him back as soon as possible, as well.” The young agent couldn’t quite make eye contact with Steve as he strode past, thanking him and heading toward Peggy’s desk in the bullpen.
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hyba · 4 years
soooo what's the wip, edge of love about..?? oxo, pe-ersona
That you are sending this means you are either on my mailing list or you have seen it on my website and both are equally lovely so I am EXTREMELY grateful that you’ve taken interest enough in my work for either of those two possibilities and also ELATED 💙
You might remember a while back I was talking about a romance WIP that I was going to write? The Edge of Love is that romance! It’s on my website right now, and I’ve shared the first six chapters, but they’re not going to be up there forever (👀 limited time offer, peeps! 👀). The main idea behind that was for some feedback before I move much farther into the story, & more details on that in the WIP intro post I’ve been working on. But yep, that’s why I’ve been keeping it on the down-low for now!
I’m excited, though a bit shy, about putting this romance novel out there. But I have also decided that I want to be the person who puts things out there and learns from them and continuously hones my writing skills, and ergo have been stuffing my shyness into a suitcase and shipping it off to the middle of the ocean.
Now to answer your Q!
The story follows our protagonist, Sabrina Lennox, as she returns to her Small Hometown from the Big City defeated, unemployed, and with no money to her name. It’s been 5 years, and she’s less than happy to be back where she started, not only because she feels like a failure, but also because the town holds memories for her that she’s done her best to bury and move past. Almost immediately she learns that her ex-beau is going to be in town for the summer, and is less than thrilled considering he ditched her pretty bad, seemingly out of nowhere, back in senior year - the same night that something horrible happened to her.
Anyway, things start looking up for Sabrina, and she lands a job at her old high school for the summer, working as an assistant to Mr. Oliver Lawrence (queue romantic interest Numero 1). They hit it off, and she tries to move on with her life while avoiding Edgar Cooper (her ex) and his billionaire family. But it’s a small town, and sooner or later the inevitable bump-ins happen, and in the course of those meetings, Sabrina uncovers new information about her past breakup with Edgar and what was really happening behind the scenes.
Also, it’s set in 2003 (so technically contemporary lol) when fashion was horrible and we had those cute flip phones, but I’m LOVING that whole vibe! It’s a clean romance, so I’ve been trying to keep it appropriate for all audiences. There’s no problem for me with the romantic content because anyway I tend to not wanna write anything remotely explicit so it will really focus more on the emotional aspect of romance, but there is some content in there that deals with an attempted sexual assault and and trauma that comes with that, so I actually would be interested in hearing what age-level readers think something like this book would be okay for. I’m thinking high-schoolers and above for sure.
The Edge of Love was conceptualized as a billionaire romance, minus the more popular billionaire romance tropes. For example, there’s no new-employee-falling-for-CEO thing going on, or the Mr.-CEO-has-his-life-together-and-is-a-beacon-of-maturity-and-stability-for-young-naive-heroine. I’ve also sought to minimize the power-play of Rich OC & Not-Rich OC in love. I don’t think it’ll read much like the usual billionaire romance, but that’s for more seasoned romance readers to tell me (because I’ve gotta be honest, I’ve not read very many billionaire romances).
Anyway, point is, I’m trying to turn over some common romance tropes and play around with the genre a bit, and at the same time I do plug in some cheeky jokes and sarcasm about the romance genre in general. I’m totally winging this one, and as my first foray into romance as a genre, I’m sure it could be a lot better, but I’m wondering how my style of writing fares in such a genre, and if readers would be interested in it.
Also, one more fun fact! I’m thinking of writing the book in Sabrina’s POV for the first half, and then Edgar’s POV for the second half! I think that would be interesting. Not sure if I want them to end up together, though. Hmm. Hmm. Something to figure out somewhere along the line!
This response is kind of me rambling about the whole project excitedly, but I’ll have something a bit more coherent for you when I make the intro! And, for readers interested in giving it a read, you can read the first 6 chapters on my website, and for those who are kind enough to give feedback, I’ll be going into more detail about that in the WIP intro post as well (I’m just finalizing some important stuff for that before introducing everyone to the book)!
Thanks so much for the ask, @pe-ersona!
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