#the biggest “they dont know” moment I've had irl in recent times
saeraas · 8 months
funniest and most painful conversation I had with someone who is an anime only for jjk was when everyone popped off after chapter 236 and spamming social media and the woman, who asked if i saw that response, was telling me "I don't get why everyone's saying he's dead! like he just got sealed, he's okay everyone. just calm down" and in that moment, I understood why gege did what he did because I was just standing there like
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t1meslayer · 2 months
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Busy with important family events over the next couple of days, and so I thought it would be good to get a day-and-date release for this Debrief on the latest entry in my Sapphic Valley series, "How You Get The Girl." Be sure to read the story before jumping in!
Did you do it? Did you read the story?
Alright, I'm trusting you. Go ahead and hit that 'Keep Reading' button you scamp.
It only seems appropriate to start this Debrief off by addressing the elephant in the room. I haven't posted anything in over a month, and "By Moonlight" came about a month after its predecessor, the conclusion to "Stone-Cold Lovers."
Work, naturally, has been a major factor.
You can see me talk about that almost two weeks ago in this Tumblr post I made about writing in a coffee shop, which came weeks after I actually started writing during a trip to a friend's house.
Side note:
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Just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge my beautiful Haley and Emily keychains. My friend who's responsible for the affairs of one ghostly farmer named Jizzabelle (Gisabelle to the laymen) got them for me! Only appropriate after I commissioned some art of her and Abigail.
Emily was my first Stardew wife, and Haley currently holds the biggest place in my heart. They make a lovely duo!
And I'll avoid any sister-wife jokes
While I've had some other projects like Zine writing to take care of, work and life can't explain the full absence.
The best way I can think to explain things is that:
I had the general writer's block, and
Despite the best intentions and advice of my irl friends and online pals like @alchemicallymoon and @duelbraids, I couldn't force myself to "break" that block by just... Writing something else.
This is entirely the result of my own psychosis. I have a tendency to carefully plot things out and impose a timetable that really doesn't need to exist. When I feel the cause is righteous enough, it's hard to get around that. In this case, I knew I needed to get my poll-winning idea out after dawdling for holidays like Valentine's Day, and then I knew I only wanted to post one more story before jumping on a very special event for my upcoming 30th AO3 post.
Thus, here we are: arbitrarily forcing myself into a spiral of writer's block misery because of a silly promise on Tumblr and my own sense of ordered chaos.
At the very least, this meant it's coming out not long after my AO3 pal InsertACatchyPennameHere also emerged from the woodwork to tell me they're working on something INSPIRED by my four-person friend group farm adaptations.
Much love to them, wherever they may be.
I'll probably start writing more eclectically now that my shoulders are unweighed, but don't expect my next publication to hit until I'm finished working on teasing the big event. All you Pokemon fans better get hype!
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And oh how sweet this publication feels. Between my great set of recent ceramics, the figure drawing class I've been attending, and creative writing, I've felt more fulfilled than ever.
You're here to talk about Stardew, though. So let us talk.
This idea began less with any one event as it did a desire to advance the Alexis/Haley relationship, and Haley's characterization in particular. It was always going to end with watercolor painting reference, but 2 Willow Lane was what I really wanted to dig into.
As I see it, a lot of what keeps people invested in Stardew when its comfy vibes becoming routine is the air of mystery in Eric Barone's worldbuilding. Haley and Emily's parents being some world-traveling duo who left their home in the siblings' care for who knows how long (and who knows how many times over their lifetime) really piqued my interest. So much so that the new writing challenge I set for myself in "How You Get The Girl" was crafting a particularly long set of descriptions that emphasize how overwhelming the parents' influence feels — without creating an impenetrable wall of text.
Hopefully I succeeded in that. Let me know!
I tried to include some vaguely real world-adjacent references into that description of the house, as happens with the magical-realism world of Stardew Valley. For example:
The computer sitting next to their bonsai tree is an iMac G3, the kind of old 'futuristic' tech that my dad loves!
A Speedwell refrigerator is based on even more vintage tech, the Mayflower fridge, but named after a different ship ridden by Pilgrims coming to America.
That city that the family visited in an old photograph with a "monument of arching, interlocking steel" is, of course, Paris — with the statue bookends referencing any number of statues in the Louvre.
Haley's FAD magazine could be referencing any number of publications, but Vogue is probably the closest analogue to what I imagine her reading.
Furthermore, I took some notes on describing the home's layout off of my sister's apartment building, and I asked my bestie @trybard for input on what kind of hanging plant should be used in the transitional hallway. Hanging pothos, philodendron, and spider plants were the three options provided, and my response was appropriate:
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They know so much about plants.
Go bug them about it.
I drew on other friends' knowledge to help decorate the house. Specifically, I asked one of my witchiest friends what kinds of protective wards someone like Emily would leave around doorways and windows. She had... A lot of reference material.
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I picked Hazel given it purportedly "protects against evil; encourages abundance and inspiration." I also picked Amethyst as one of Emily's loved gifts, one that purportedly "absorbs negative energy, promotes harmony."
My witchy friend is the same one who provided the TikTok that I referenced in my advertisement post:
Perhaps the most important thing about 2 Willow Lane was the recurring motif of Barbie's Dream House.
As a surface-level reference, I think the groundwork is clear. Blondie's love of fashion and general queen bee demeanor fits comparisons to Barbie well, and she lives in a big ol' house full of stuff. We all saw Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie last year. It's still in the cultural zeitgeist.
I'm hip with the kids.
Yet, early on I also tried to make it clear that if this is a "dream" house, it's neither Haley's nor Emily's dream. Haley is a Barbie in that stereotypical sense, but also there's much to be mined from the analogy of a sort of powerless doll in an immutable house, constrained by social obligation to her family rather than literal plastic and stickers.
The cold open of Jodi and Sam was meant to stand alone, but in execution I also think drawing Kent's absence into the conversation makes for a more thematically rich comparison to these sisters who appear to have themselves more put together.
My beta reader said this wound up being one of my stronger stories because of how all of that intertwined, which I appreciated given how down on myself I was following the whole writer's block thing.
But also.
Alexis gets to be horny. She's hitting on lonely MILFs and watching girls shake their asses to the tune of bad reality TV.
We love a buff dommy mommy farm girl in this house.
Haley is probably horny too, she just doesn't realize it yet. For now I think it's fun enough to play into her being coy about building excuses for Alexis to come over, and then getting incensed when Emily barges in on their private time meant to learn more about this farm girl she just can't get out of her head.
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Fun fact:
Every story in this series is named after a Taylor Swift song, but I know next-to nothing about her discography. All of them are suggestions by my friend whose house I was at when starting this story — the same one who controls Gardenia on the farm.
While I went with "How You Get The Girl," her alternative suggestion was "The Man."
All that w|w talk aside, I also want to give Sam the loveable idiot a shoutout. Had to do a fair bit of research into how skateboards are constructed for his failed ollie, and I slipped in a reference to shitty old technology that's exclusively for my beta reader to enjoy.
I also tried doing some agricultural research to figure out how the folks at Kevin Farm could have grown cucumbers so there'd be a jar of legitimate pickles... But that was getting too in the weeds.
Insert laugh track here
Decided to just go with pickled artichoke hearts to save everyone a lot of trouble.
And where does "Kevin Farm" come from, you may be asking yourself. Or the fabulous "Kevin's Special" with its definitely not innuendo tagline.
That story will have to wait for another day, my friends.
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eldritchqueerture · 3 years
13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 32, 41, 44
damn bestie that's a lot /pos 💜
I'm gonna put it under a read more if you don't mind
13: Biggest turn ons
haha what kind of attraction am i experiencing are turn ons meant as sexual attraction only or others as well am i even experiencing anything-
i love when people roll up their sleeves to their elbows, especially if they have hairties or bracelets around their wrists. when people fidget with stuff or when they play with their hair. i adore when in conversation there's a topic they care about and they get excited and just start infodumping, they always apologise afterwards but its literally so cool
14: Biggest turn offs
cigarettes unless we know each other well (dont ask idk thats just how it is), lack of general politeness to strangers, judgement, just unmatching vibes will sometimes turn me away from interacting with someone
16: I’ll love you if…
If you show me basic kindness and understanding, I will like you very much; if you show any kind of interest in me as a person I will love you thatse it
17: Someone you miss
my irl besties ;_; so far away, but we are meeting up for halloween so :DD
18: Most traumatic experience
uhhh that time I got stung by an italian fish that supposedly couldve been deadly? it had no impact on my mental health but there you go, I don't feel like going into actual serious traumas skdjfkwjkgj
19: A fact about your personality
I'm fluid as fuck, many things change as time goes by, but I have troubles with that thing that's responsible for assuring you that things do change. If I feel like something in the moment that by default means I'm gonna feel it for the rest of my life and nothing else matters, even though I literally know that this has been proven wrong a hundred times before.
20: What I hate most about myself
Where do I Start? This could be an essay not worth writing. Right now, I'd say I hate the fact my outlook on myself is limited. I have all the information I've gathered about myself from years in therapy and introspection yet I can't consciously put them all together because it feels that my vision is limited. It's frustrating that my brain does that and I hate it.
21: What I love most about myself
Sensitivity and the amount of consideration I have for how other people feel, even if I'm not always good at showing it. I'm also kind of wired towards experiencing things in the moment and feeling the emotions attached to everything and I like it. I love that I can at any moment stop and just appreciate the moment and the place in the world I am in. Mindfulness my beloved.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
genuinely can't remember any recent instances? I lie to my parents plenty, but to friends? hm i told them yesterday i was just about to go eat dinner but there was a conversation topic and I ended up eating like two hours later but its not my fault time passes too quickly when I get caught up in something
32: What words upset me the most
"nobody cares" or just "shut up". makes me instantly withdraw from the conversation, even if it's said jokingly, unless its very clearly stated its a joke and I know the person well enough to know their intentions
41: Where I want to be right now
in a cafe working on writing. i might even go somewhere today, there's an amazing chai latte in costa coffee I'm in love with and I need to start on the tma bingo I have received!
44: A random fact about anything
since you asked, the new Starset album, Horizons, is incredible and if I can get you to listen to a song from it, listen to Icarus. I'm hhhhhh💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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