#the bridgertons headcanons
kaivenom · 16 days
How would Benedict Bridgerton court you... HCS
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You both first crossed glances at a ball, you were not a debutant, just passing around, just like his sister Eloise, you weren't much interested on claiming attention, but you catched his.
His first thought when he saw you in the back of the salon, tapping your feet to the rythm of the song while looking at a big painting was that he needed to paint you.
He spent the rest of the night, admiring you from the distance, until you both almost bumped into each other.
Inmediatly he took the chance and asked you to dance.
It was the funniest night you both had, cause after the dance, you talked about art, and drinked, and danced again, all night until your mother decided it was time to leave.
After that night, you didn't heard from him in a couple of weeks, you almost thought he forgot about you.
The thing was that he was collecting information about you, everything he could find that he knew you would like.
Then a bouquet of your favourite flowers came to your door, signed by the name of "Your artist", you knew it was him, but he surely wants to be romantic so you let him be.
A couple of days later, your favourite crystals, and then gems, and fabrics, and art supplies.
With this routine of secretism, a couple of months passed by with his gifts demostrating that he knows you.
You saw each other a couple more times during balls and dances, until you decided to approach him again.
"Why do you sent me notes but not talk to me?"
"I want you to see that i can know you better than anyone, plus i want you to be as crazy in love for me as i am for you."
A smile escaped both of your lips, suddently you had an idea.
You dropped your fan carefully and he inmediatly get down to pick it up.
"So... that's how you like to play then." he told you with a smirk.
"You said you wanted me to get crazy about you, who says i can't play that game too?"
"Then we both must play."
The once innocent game of knowing each other turned into a rollercoaster of temptation.
Small touches while dancing, innapropiate comments while talking in public, purposely moving to the corner of the room to have more privacy with your not so discreet behaviour.
(I firmly believe that Benedict is a switch with a very brat behaviour, so picture that)
Until your mother decided that you were going to marry a noble.
Thats when the game stopped and started to get serious.
Benedict distanced himself from you and you got so sad from the lonelyness that awaited your future that you wouldn't leave your room.
Your mother didn't let you alone in any social act, that means that you can't talk to him... ike that could make a change.
One week until the wedding and everything feels bad when suddently you received a bouquet of your favourite flowers with a note.
"I will not cut you like this flowers, but i will keep you to myself no matter how, with love Your Artist.
You almost broke in tears right there, your mother entered the room with your future husband to finish some business.
They didn't even care to ask you what happened, the just talked about your future like nothing.
One of the servants announced Benedict and everyone on the room turned around.
"I am here to propose."
"Too late, she is my fiancee." you couldn't believe what was happening.
"I double the endowment, my mother and brother approved it."
You know your mother will marry you to the best match she could find, which means the one who could provide more money.
After verifying everything was right, your mother inmediatly sent out your now ex-fiancee and welcomed with open arms your new husband.
"How?" you asked him, still processing.
"I intended to send you that flowers yesterday, i don't know why they got today." he sounded more concerned about his time planning that your tear, "Oh, you mean all the other things, sorry for ignoring you, once you got engaged my family forced me to separate myself to not staint your virtue... so i was convincing them to let me marry you."
"I..." you kissed him on the lips with passion, with all the emotions you've been keeping inside.
"I think we should wait to the weeding night, in a week." your eyes opened surprised while he justs smirks, "I didn't want any longer to kall you mine, so i managed to get a wedding licency too."
"I love you."
"I know, and i love you too."
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lady-ashfade · 16 days
Golden Son
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Yandere!Bridgertons x Male!Sibling/Son!readee
╰・゚✧☽ new season was amazing and I had this idea in my mind. Partly because I was jealous of Colin the whole time.
╰・゚✧☽ warning: yandere behavior, over protective, Platonic
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Ever since you were little all they ever wanted to do was be around you. Fighting for who gets to play with you, or who got to hold you when you were born.
The middle child getting much attention? That was rare but all they could do was give it to you.
Your older brothers, and sister, would fight over who got to teach you. Having a sibling to look up to was important and they did everything in their power to get you to favor them more.
Eloise was born after you. But she wanted your attention from the minute her brain could think. You are her ideal and safe space. seeing her as more then just a woman.
God forbid you look so close to your father, everyone is more protective over you. Especially your mother, who dots on you almost every second. 
When you are older the younger ones get to keep your time because it’s fare. They have more free time and you can’t say no.
You are the talk of the town really because you are so rarely at the balls or events because the family likes to keep you safe.
So everyone is always marveled at the sight of you.
Until it is time for you to take your first debut in the season.
Another Bridgerton man who wants to find a wife? Ladies are lining up at the door.
Whether you want the attention or not, your siblings can’t allow anyone near you they don’t want…So everyone.
They ask questions to make them unsure of themselves and uncomfortable. Or pull you around the room and leaving the girls to their defeat.
If you want love then they will grant you to have it, but they must like the person and get to know them along side you.
If lady whistledown wrote anything bad about you? They will unmasks her so quickly it’s bad.
And if Eloise already knows? She’s making her pay. And if Colin is courting her and already asked her to marry him? He’d dump her in a second. You are his little brother, his favorite little star.
You are the family’s glue. You make them happy, feel at home and safe.
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dusty-daydreams · 16 days
Autistic Francesca whose special interest is piano is overwhelmed by her noisy home and struggles to read social cues??
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witchthewriter · 10 days
Collin: It is what it is. Pen can marry whomever she wishes.
Eloise: *says sarcastically* Yes brother, you are completely right...
Eloise: *whispering to Hyacinth* he is so going to cry about this later
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lady-charinette · 1 year
The lucid moments of Queen Charlotte & King George:
they sometimes hide from the heavens under the bed and George asks how their kingdom is doing. Charlotte quietly confesses how sometimes, the world seems to close in on her too & she feels like she might just hide from the heavens forever. George cradles her hand whispers lovingly:"You've always been the stronger one of us." Charlotte:"Only because you gave me half of your strength."
George sometimes escapes his confinement and bursts into meetings, but he's lucid. Charlotte is momentarily stunned, but relaxes when George speaks normally with the higher members of the ton. She smiles and watches her husband, the king, attend to his duties. In these little moments, she feels like the paintings didn't have to add George in later, she feels like he was there all along for the still sitting.
George still goes to the fields, he's old now, but he can pick at the weeds and plant some vegetables at least. Brimsely swore he would always attend to Her Majesty the Queen, but whenever her husband is outside, he temporarily serves the King, on orders of Her Majesty. Brimsely knows the Queen trusts him above all to protect her king in Reynold's place
George sometimes draws her, draws her face, his artistic skill curiously weakens when he's of sound mind, but Charlotte doesn't seem too offended when she spies her likeness on their wall. She smiles brighter than the sun
They reminiscent of their youth together, George remarks on the make of Charlotte's dresses, they look just like they had when they were younger. Charlotte is too prideful to admit she still orders these dresses to be made because it's the only thing of George she can have with her everyday to keep her grounde
Amelia's passing wounded everyone deeply, George had still been lucid enough to have learned of it, which ultimately crumbled the pieces of his sanity over time. His lucid moments grew fewer and farther in between and Charlotte felt like she had not only lost a daughter, but her husband as well
George has his observatory in his residence at Kew, and sometimes when he gazes at the stars and searches for a glimpse of Venus, his clarity returns with full force. In those moments, he quickly writes down whatever thoughts flood his clear mind, to not forget them, forget that deep down in his madness, there is still a man. Charlotte occasionally visits his observatory and she always checks his journals for new notes. Little things he intended to remember. The names of all their children and their birthdays. Thoughts of Charlotte and how much he misses her. Most of them speak of Venus, how much he loves and adores her. The Queen learned early on that Venus has quite a few names. The Great Star. Goddess of Love. Charlotte. Lottie. And sometimes, his Queen.
"Tell me, Lottie, how are the gardens?". She smiles, "In full bloom, my dear.". There was an uncharacteristically but not unfamiliar grin on the king's face. "And tell me... how is your garden?" Charlotte laughed, spying the mischievous twinkle in her husband's eye. "It definitely could use some tending. Some watering. Some fierce plowing." Brimsely knew better than anyone to immediately send the guards and attendants away once the Queen hitched up her skirts and moved over to sit on the King's lap.
"I'm sorry, my dear Lottie." George spoke softly into their quiet bedroom. Charlotte tried to discern his expression through the darkness. "Whatever for, George?". George sighed deeply, "For not giving you as much comfort and support as you do for me, once my mind wanders again.". Charlotte can only hold her husband close to her and kiss his forehead, whispering softly into his thinning hair. "You do give me comfort, my dear. So much."
George often has nightmares during the night, whenever he calls for his attendants, more often than not, it's his wife that hurries to his bedside. She always manages to quench his demons. He's heard the whispers in the halls, about how cruel and cold his queen was. But not to him. To him, she was soft and warm. Oh, so warm.
At the birth of their last child, George worries for Charlotte's health and urges her to not have anymore babies. She tries to argue with him, but George snaps:"We have enough heirs! I know what it is that you try to do, I know my...my madness may pass down to any one of our children, but if I were to lose you while you give birth to another child madness shall consume us all! What shall I do mad with fourteen children to care for instead of enjoying the moments I have left with you by my side?"
George sometimes reads manuscripts of the love stories between older kings and their queens, he sometimes forgets them and discovers them anew, but he always remembers what each of these stories lacked to him. None of these love stories could come close to describe the endless well of love he harbors for his wife, in madness and in sanity.
Charlotte finds reading poems to be a waste of her time, but she keeps the small, crumpled pieces of papers very close to her heart. The handwriting is not always neat, not always eligible, but she knew them all by heart anyway. Even though he may not be physically near her, Charlotte knew she was never alone in ruling their kingdom with George's heartfelt poems tucked safely into the sleeves of her dress.
They sometimes run into each-other in the kitchen at night, it's always a fright at first, Charlotte doesn't know if George is in his right mind, but he always quells her fears with a boyish smile. "Fancy meeting you here, my queen. Care for some of the best pudding in all of Britain?" Charlotte smiles, her eyes misty. "Oh, you old fool. You'll upset your stomach if you continue eating pudding every night.". George caressed her cheek. "That never stopped you before, has it?" Charlotte sighed. "Oh, just give me that spoon."
Sometimes, in his calm state of mind, George wonders if his body subconsciously enters into madness on purpose. Not to drive him mad, no, a much simpler reason. Sometimes, George wonders if he falls back into madness because he knows if he does, Charlotte would always come to visit and spend time with him. Somewhere in the deepest corners of his mind, George doesn't mind being called the Mad King if it meant spending time with his dear wife.
Charlotte is Queen during the day, but when she visits George at night, she turns young again, the ache in her bones recedes and she's just a simple maiden with her farmer. Just Charlotte. Just George. Just them.
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newtonsheffield · 1 month
Sometimes I’m just going about my day and then I remember that Anthony talked a huge game about all the filthy things he’s dreamed of doing and at the first opportunity he dropped to his knees in a garden gazebo and made it 100% about Kate.
Anthony B. The man you are. A forehead kiss for you sir. He really said “I’m going to make her forget where India even is.”
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mydairpercabeth · 16 days
Shout out to my autistic demiromantic queen Francesca Bridgerton
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vex-leth · 15 days
I just binged all the new Bridgerton episodes, and I have some thoughts about Eloise
Specifically some sapphic thoughts
I think that Eloise had a crush on Penelope. Actually, I think she still has feelings for her and is trying her best to ignore them and / or get rid of them entirely
Obviously I don't think she quite understands what that means or maybe even that you can like girls when you're a girl, because the women around her have had one purpose and that has to been to find a husband
She's never wanted that, obviously because she wants to be an academic, but the way she brings up how she always wanted her and Penelope to stay single together and grow old together makes me think there's something more there
Because it's perfectly reasonable for her to stay single and still be friends with Pen while Pen is married, but Eloise didn't want that
I think she definitely liked Pen, and that's one of the reasons she's acted the way she has about Penelope trying to marry and getting with Colin
I also think that she's developed feelings for Cressida aswell, she views it as friendship, as a means to take her mind off of Penelope, but there was that sadness in her eyes when Cressida also chose to ignore her in favor of finding a husband
In conclusion, I think Eloise Bridgerton is sapphic because despite her wanting to stay single, she shouldn't have any qualms about her friends getting married unless she wanted them to herself
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calummss · 12 days
Eye of the Beholder | Penelope Featherington
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summary: you had liked penelope for as long as you could remember and watched her change for someone else. at least so you thought
pairing: sapphic! penelope featherington x lesbian! reader
words: 1k
a/n: i <3 penelope sm and needed a wlw imagine so bad. spent 1 hour on this so if it’s bad i apologise but it’s 4am and i couldn’t sleep without finishing this story
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“Pen!” You called out from the Featherington’s hallway. “Make haste, we are already late. Madame Delacroix promised us those fabrics from Paris and I am in desperate need of new garments.”
Farleigh raised her eyebrows at you but remained silent as she glanced up the stairs to see if Penelope had heard the lady shout from downstairs; improper manners but being late to an appointment was far more rude.
Penelope eventually made it downstairs wearing her bright yellow dress. Penelope hated the citrus colours her mamma always had her wear. You thought it rather suited her. It was a happy colour indeed and she looked the kindest in them. The details were too much—you agreed with Pen on that but she looked beautiful in any colour. How could she not? She had hair, orange like the sunsets over London; rosy cheeks that matched her fiery hair; when she was embarrassed or vexed, feeling too hot or cold, the apples of her cheeks would shine bright alike. She was so very bewitching but you could never tell her. It was unheard of—a woman in love with another? No one ever even uttered a word of queer affections. So you stayed silent and admired her from afar.
“Indeed.” She beamed, taking your arms and headed towards the carriage that waited outside.
At the Modiste you eyed a pink fabric that Madame Delacroix had laid out for you. Pink like little piglets and flowers, decorated with the most marvellous design of glitter. Penelope had strayed away from the citrus colour and asked Madame Delacroix for the latest fabric from Paris that weren’t orange or yellow.
“Do you think it wise to alter your mamma’s signature colours?” You asked.
“I simply do not understand her fixation on citrus colours. ‘Happy’ colours indeed but it makes me look washed out. Sick even. It is not for me.”
“I think you look pretty.”
“You might be the only one in Mayfair who thinks so.”
“I doubt so,” you walked towards the mirror to stand opposite Penelope, “but if you must know, those colours Madam Delacroix chose rather suit you quite well..”
“You think so?” You swear you saw a tinkle in her eyes.
Madame Delacroix promised Penelope six new gowns, one to be done in two days time just in time for Lady Danbury’s first ball of the season. It was both Pen’s and yours third season out with no prospects to show. Either men were too interested in you or not. Believed you to be some kind of dog they could just tell about. And with your conveyed feelings you weren’t even quite sure you wanted a love match with a man. A woman sounded much more pleasing but out of reach. Your family; your papa, mamma and younger sister knew of your unwise choices and savoured the word of acceptance over and over again but that it was a fantasy that could never be real. That you had to marry a man and that it would be easier to forget. Society liked women in brothels that performed together. Was queer love only good for the pleasure of others?
It was even harder knowing that Penelope felt for Colin Bridgerton. He barely eyed her and yet her affections were in a box with a key only he could open. Penelope had grown more silent on the matter and not staring too much out of her window. It was odd for Pen not to stare into Bridgerton house but you couldn’t blame her. A flame only lasted so long.
At the ball you had waited by the food table in hopes of Penelope finding you. The two of you enjoyed being stuck to the wall and observing the ton. The most peculiar things did happen when one thought no one was around to see. You saw the Featherington’s arrive when you noticed that Penelope hadn’t taken her cape off and when the staff helped her remove it, Pen stood on top of the stairs like a fallen angel. The green complimented her well. Well was an understatement. It was unmatched. You weren’t even able to get to Pen as the suitors went up one by one.
When the suitors did eventually leave, Cressida had walked up in the same moment and you saw her purposely edging the heel of her foot into her fabric so that when Pen tried to come towards you, her gown had ripped.
“How mortifying! I am so clumsy. My deepest apologies.” She said, cruelty marking her every word.
Penelope stared at you and without warning rushed outside. You followed her after telling Cressida off, hoping she would one day learn her lesson.
Outside Pen started weeping, a sight you wished you wouldn’t have to witness.
“Pen, I am so sorry.”
“I am the laughing stock of the ton even when I change my entire wardrobe!”
“You didn’t have to change to begin with.”
“All night I waited to be noticed. To be admired but who could I blame?” She let out a concealed sigh with a laugh.
“Pen,” you grabbed her hands, “I saw Colin look at you. I am very sure he was engaged by your charm.”
“Colin?” Pen pulled her hands back. “Who said I’m talking about Colin?”
“Are we not?” You asked carefully.
“No, I am talking about you!” She shouted, her chest rising and falling.
“What?” You mumbled.
“All day,” she breathed out, “I waited to be beholden by you. To see you gaze at me in a way that is considered forbidden but you didn’t.”
“Nevermind, I should have never said what I said. I’m-a-fool-and-should’ve-stayed-quiet-and—“
“Shut up.” You muttered before kissing Penelope.
A momentarily calmness came over Penelope as she melted into the kiss. You had grabbed her by the face and pulled her in. Her hands held your wrists and she kissed you back so softly, unsure if the kiss was reality or fantasy.
“You have kissed me,” Pen pulled back.
“Shouldn’t I have?”
“I’m not sure, I—“
“Kiss me again.”
And she did. With the same tenderness as before as you nervously waited for the carriage to arrive and to take you two home.
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Being courted by Colin Bridgerton would include...
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From the moment Colin laid his eyes on you, he just knew.
At a young age, Colin was so obsessed with the fantasy his mother had fed him about finding a love marriage though he would never tell his brothers how he so desperately wanted what his father and mother had.
He's a hopeless romantic.
He had been trying to blend in with the rest of the rakes, with his brothers, but that façade fell when he met you.
Stolen glances from across a busy ballroom, small smiles when you'd catch each other's eyes.
You never thought a Bridgerton would ever want to dance with you never mind court you but you were most pleasantly surprised when Colin approached you and asked you to dance with him.
"Will you do me the honour of a dance?"
Of course, you said yes.
As you danced you found out that he was kind and caring and he genuinely wanted to hear all about your experiences and all about you. He was genuinely interested.
"Tell me everything. I must know all about you."
You knew he was handsome but up close, you really got to appreciate him especially his eyes.
The dance ended all too soon and Colin couldn't help himself. "Join me tomorrow for a promenade."
Of course, you said yes.
The rest of the night you're on a high, whole body warm and tingly. You could hardly wait until the morning.
He barely sleeps. He cannot stop replaying your dance over and over in his mind. His brothers noticed and they teased him but he didn't seem to mind any longer about what they thought. All he could think about was that he wanted to get to know you more, maybe this was his chance.
On the Promenade, he is courteous and respectful, complimenting every detail about you.
"Forgive me but I must say, you look radiant in the sunlight."
"I... I lost my thought, I was too caught up in your eyes."
"The more I learn about you, the more I like."
He tells you stories from his travels, his favourite places he has visited and why. You hang onto his every word. He dramatises some of his experiences for your enjoyment, he likes your animated reactions to his stories; the gasps, the giggles, the full belly laughter that erupts at one point. He soaks it all in.
"Your laughter is such a pretty sound."
Violet Bridgerton smiles knowingly from afar.
He wants to know about you, what you like and asks you such interesting questions. He asks you things that interest both of you; questions to get to know the real you.
"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?"
All too soon, you must bid farewell for the day but he asks you to join him for another promenade in the morning.
Of course, you said yes.
This continues every day. You meet for a promenade and he calls by your home every other day that he doesn't see you. He brings flowers and a warm smile each time.
At Lady Danbury's ball, you get a lot of interest from other suitors. Apparently when the young Lord Bridgerton is courting you, there will be a line of suitors out the door for you.
You are the only one he dances with.
His dance is the only one that matters.
"Oh, I must say," Lady Danbury smiles as she and Lady Bridgerton are watching, "I do think your boy has found a love match."
It was true. The way Colin looked at you, the way he smiled when you spoke... There was no denying it.
A few weeks after your initial meeting, Colin goes to Violet for advice. "I think I have found what you and father had... She completes me." So, with warm words from Violet, Colin decides he's going to ask for your hand in marriage.
He invites you and your family for dinner at the Bridgerton home. You're nervous. You want to make a good impression. You don't want to mess this up. Colin's sitting across from you and his foot nudges yours. You meet his eyes and he smiles and everything's okay.
His family are lovely. You especially like Benedict - he's funny - and Daphne - kindness radiates from her - and of course Violet.
You and Colin are the only things the Ton are speaking about. There's a lot of buzz around the two of you, a lot of whispering about proposals and weddings. It makes you feel overwhelmed and a little dizzy but after expressing this to Colin, he tells you to ignore it. Just focus on him.
He doesn't have to invite you on promenades any longer, instead, the two of you have a meeting time and place and that's where you go each morning. You follow the same route each time, he picks you a flower and you sit by the water.
This time was a little different.
He has prepared a picnic breakfast by the water with all of your favourite things; pastries, fresh fruit, cake!
You spend the morning laughing side by side.
And as you finish, he asks you a very important question.
"Would you do me the honour and pleasure of marrying me?"
And, of course, you said yes.
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rose-edith · 3 days
Being a plus size Bridgerton sister would include:
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•All your life you’d felt like an imposter, bigger than your sisters- sturdier- curvier. You felt less than, despite being physically more than. And you felt that no one ever really understood that.
•Your mother and Lady Danbury saw no flaws in you, thought you were absolutely beautiful, and kind and clever- but they believed you were simply crippling shy. So naturally, they went out of their way to help ‘bring you out of your shell’. Which yes, was as utterly hellish as it sounds! It meant rounds of introductions to eligible men, being pushed to the centre stage at all family functions, dressed in more jewels than anyone else. They really wanted to make you sparkle, because to them, you were already a diamond. You had been the apple of your Father’s eye before his death, and everytime Violet looked at you, it was Edmund she could see.
•as for the Queen? You may well not exist. She wasn’t even the slightest bit perplexed or excited by you. Which suited you fine!
•Anthony is SO protective of you, and following his marriage to Kate, she becomes protective of you too. Kate and Anthony stare at any members of the ton who even dream of thinking anything unkind.
•On his travels, Colin makes sure to collect for you the most beautiful jewellery or paintings or fabrics. Colin is tender with all his siblings, but he’s the one who listens to you most when you’re upset- he’s the one who sees it, and does his best to support you and build your confidence. Whether it’s fashionable or not to dance with your own sister, Colin will always take you for at least one turn about the floor; he can’t bare for you to be overlooked or be left ‘on the shelf’.
•Benedict is also your number one fan, at balls and social events he’ll often help you to escape- whether he takes you for a turn about the room, to get a drink, or to help you leave early if you’re just not feeling it.
•Growing up, you couldn’t help but be envious of Daphne, of her looks, her success on the marriage mart, her beautiful life with Simon. But as you grew, she showed you that real beauty comes from within anyway. Simon loves you too, finding you to be amusing, clever and witty. As for their children- well, you’re their favourite Aunt!
•Eloise was aloof as ever, she understood rationally and practically why you were somewhat on the outskirts of society. But she enjoyed not being the only one on the outside looking in; and sometimes when she needed an out you would cause a diversion, and vice versa; Eloise was an ally!
•and hand in hand with Eloise came a friendship with Penelope. You realised almost immediately that Pen was Lady Whistledown, but you never told a soul. Not Pen, not Eloise, not anyone. You were proud of Pen for using the harsh reality of a lonely life to create something meaningful; to carve her own career. Penelope was your friend, though she was Eloise’s best friend. She was at your side when Cressida cut across your heart with her barbs and remarks, and when Cressida “accidentally” cut Penelope up, spilt her drink or split her dress, you would retaliate in kind- most notably resulting in her perfectly smoothed down hair getting dislodged when she “tripped” over your out-stretched foot at the drinks table. ‘Poor Cressida!’ You had cried with devilish delight. ‘What an awful spectacle to befall you!’ The music stopped and everyone turned to look as the mighty Cressida crumbled. What an elated victory indeed.
•Francesca was in and out of your lives, going to Bath and escaping the misery of a lonely life in London. But she would send you music; and suddenly the world wasn’t so blue.
•Your favourite people of all to be around though? Hyacinth and Gregory. They were young, brains like sponges ready to learn and laugh and they love you without reservation. You spend afternoons drilling them with dances, playing archery, games, stealing cakes from the kitchens.
•but like all your family, there’s only one thing you ever wanted really: to find love. You just weren’t foolish enough to believe you’d find it yet, but maybe, just maybe, you’d be surprised when love fell directly into your lap.
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cirtusmistress · 13 days
JJK Bridgerton Inspired HC’s - Gojo, Geto, Nanami
authors note: so your girl is on a Bridgerton binge and a JJK rewatch binge so like.. I’m boutta cater to such a niche audience lmao
genre: historical romance
tw: a lil horny sometimes but ultimately SFW
AO3 Crosspost
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💙 Crown Prince Satoru Gojo and The Debutant 💙
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• A prince by birth and next in line for the throne.
• Well bred, read, and wanted most dead. Has lived through multiple assasination attempts.
• Was never really interested in the prospect of marriage, was more invested in rehauling the royal system as a whole.
• Likes to spend his time with the young royals and nobles like his ward Megumi.
• W H O R E. Chronic flirt. Smart enough not to accidently sire an heir but knows how to have his fun.
• Met you during your debut year. You were the first woman to actually catch his eye.
• First he thought it was just more sexual attraction, but after a dance and a conversation he knew it was much more. Your wit was unmatched and you had snark enough to keep up with him.
• Played it cool though because he knew if he gave you too much attention you’d have a target on your back, and he wanted to make sure you were his.
• Goes out of his way to see you as much as he can. Lots of ‘accidental’ run-ins.
• The moment that sealed the deal for him was when you near bested him in a fencing match. It had been so long since someone had surprised him.
• Though being under the eyes of the crown prince doesn’t go unnoticed. Soon enough other men began attempting to court you. Even worse, certain parties started conspiring to use you against him.
• This all came to a head when you were cornered at a ball. You were meant to be taken hostage and used to lure and kill the prince. But there was no corner of the world they could hide you where he would not look. His day started and ended with you and if they harmed you the world would burn in your name.
• You were found and rescued by him, and your kidnappers were dealt with in a swift and brutal fashion.
• He proposed on the spot. No hesitation he was on that shit. You were to be his and that was that. And you would never be alone again.
• The wedding was huge. No expense was spared and he catered to your every whim and desire. You were his gorgeous only ever.
• Honeymoon was.. Oh baby. Literally. You weren’t coming back without being knocked up.
💜 Duke Suguru Geto and The Viscountess 💜
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• Of common birth and rose to the rank of Duke after the former Duke passed away. He was the only living male relative, hence receiving the title.
• A former friend of the crown prince. The pair had a falling out when Geto grew power hungry in his new role. He is still a respected member of the ton, though under constant watch of the crown.
• As a Duke he is in charge of a small township. He’s known for his high taxes and using his citizens to collect rare birds from the surrounding area. He keeps them in an aviary with clipped wings, and sells them to other nobility for profit.
• He once was in charge of two townships, but one mysteriously burnt to the ground. An investigation brought no results, but it did reveal two survivors. Geto took them in as his wards.
• He met you during one of his bird sales to the Queen. You were a member of her entourage.
• You were a young widowed Viscountess with two young daughters of your own. Your husband had died of medical complications, leaving you alone with no sons. Luckily you had favor with the queen, but with no husband and no heirs you were in desperate need of saving.
• He found your unwavering commitment to your children admirable and you two began a long friendship.
• Your girls all got along well, and you loved his daughters with all your heart. Something about you doing their hair and tending to them so gently made his heart flutter.
• The friendship did eventually turn into more.. Especially after you admitted you urned for more children.
• Enter baby fever Suguru.
• He proposed in his aviary, promising to love your children as his own, and to give you as many more children as you desire.
• Townsfolk said Geto became far kinder after your marriage.
💛 Viscount Kento Nanami and The Housekeeper 💛
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• Kento was born into his role as Viscount. And he takes it extremely seriously. Balancing finances and planning events, maintaining a reputation for his family.
• Unlike other men in the ton he rarely goes out to gentlemans clubs. He goes on the occasional hunt though he sees it as pointless and barbaric.
• His goal was to find a practical match, not a love match. He wanted someone who would bare him an heir, so that one day he could rest knowing he had done all he could for his family.
• His housekeeper eventually was forced to retire after injuring her hip. She had served his family for over fifty years and raised him, so he ensured she lived the rest of her life comfortably.
• But.. That meant he had to find a replacement. Easier said than done. No one could live up to the former housekeeper. Plenty of maids were recommended but.. None of them felt right. So he put out a request.
• And then you showed up. Younger, so he was skeptical. But you came on high recommendation from her majesty herself. Apparently you were quite capable and able to handle the heavy loads associated with the job.
• And lord were you. No one could have taken this job more seriously. Not a hair out of place, not a meal late. Sheets pressed. Animals tended.
• And Nanami found it.. Oh so attractive. Your dedication. Your concentration.
• Nothing impressed him more than your skills in the kitchen. You were an amazing cook. Although it wasn’t a listed priority in your job, you still took time out of your day to prepare one of his meals. Usually his afternoon tea.
• After a few months, he was starting to grow fond of you. It was improper to feel such emotions for a servant. But he couldn’t help notice all the little things. The crease of your brow as you kneaded dough. The satisfied smile after a days work completed. The pensive worry in your eyes as you dotted on him in his study.
• Eventually he had enough. Forgetting formality for once in his life, he gave you his heart. And you returned it.
• It was a scandal, but he took it. Because having you made it all worth it.
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
The lack of fics on this app or any of them for these lovely ladys gives me rage.
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F the men in this show, give me woman! (Requests are open by the way.)
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Husband Anthony Bridgerton Headcanons...
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Credit goes to @cafekitsune for banner and divider
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❀Anthony takes every opportunity to show you off. He's so proud to be standing beside you at any public event. Introducing you as his wife feels him with such pride.
❀Anthony is always quick to reassure you whenever you need to hear it. You are without a doubt the love of his life. He's always going to remind you of how important and special you are to him, even if within that moment you don't believe it.
❀Anthony being gobsmacked the first time he sees you in Bridgerton blue. Anthony thinks your beautiful in any colour, but there's something about you in Bridgerton blue which sets fire in his vveins. It's another symbol telling everyne in the Ton you are his.
❀Whenever Anthony has to go away - regardless of the amount of time. He brings you back a gift. It's always something personable, something he knows your going to like.
❀Anthony admiring the relationships you have with his Mama and his siblings. Family is everything to Anthony so observing you interact with his family fills his heart with such warmth. He's also relieved you all get on so well.
❀Anthony will never admit it but he enjoys hearing all of the gossip going around the Ton. He enjoys sitting or standing besides you while you tell him all the current gossip. Anthony makes comments replying to this information. As long it's not about his family that is.
❀If you had children, Anthony would be an excellent father. He'd be doting spending every waking moment he could besides your children. Teaching them important life lessons or having fun. He's definitely stern but fair.
❀Anthony would always remember important dates. Like the date you two met or when you first started courting. He celebrates every single one of them because they are important milestones in your relationship. He'll never get tired of reliving those happy memories.
❀When conflict does arise between the two of you two. Anthony never lets either of you go to bed angry. He's seen first hand how someone can be taken away in a heartbeat. So any conflict or disagreement is solved before you two head to bed.
❀Anthony surprises you with wildflowers. He'll just come in and present you with a flowers he's seen. While the flower arrangements through the Bridgerton household are always prestine; there's a vase within yours and Anthony shared chambers with a variety of mismatched, mutlti-coloured flowers sitting there on the windowseal. They serve as a reminder Anthony is always thinking about you.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 4 months
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tags: gojo x f!reader, bridgerton au. (unedited) word count: 1.29k
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it seems as though lady whistledown had taken a liking to you. born out of a prestigious lineage, your name was untainted, holding no negative connotation other than the envy your perfectness shone over anything.
like a porcelain doll, as the queen has once referred to you as on your first visit.
your mother and grandmother before you married as 'pure' with little to no scandals involved, yet it was your mother in her time who caused the biggest uproar in suitors to pursue her. even today, you had grown up with maids, nannies, and people well acquainted with your mother, and your mother at times who would share details over her diamond years. 3, to be exact.
now you felt an obligation to live up to the family name, to honor the work your mother has preserved before you so that you could comfortably live a life with no shame, and you swore that you would do the same for your own children.
if, you decided to bear them.
tonight, you stand in a glorious dress, embedded with the stones your mother and trusted modist claimed to make you look radiant. yet that seemed to be the opposite for you. 4 dances have occurred in your presence and only one man approached to talk to you. the worst thing was that he was unsuitable, and your mother had to intervene, breaking apart the association and taking you to another.
"he was boring," you whisper shouted at your mother who eyed you, aware to not make a scene as you stopped by a secluded balcony. "it seemed everything I told him, he would restate it or make it obvious. it was like talking to myself! if I wanted to, I would have sought company from my mirror."
"how frustrating." you nod in agreement with your mother.
"have all good men gone to waste mama?" you ask, stress and tears welling in your eyes. "If this is the first man I encounter, I cannot bear to think what the rest of them might be like. Or is it I am just ugly?"
"hush, child." your mother holds your shoulders, then cups your cheeks. "you're not acting like yourself tonight. don't let one bad apple ruin your basket. you are young, gifted, and come from a name. you are something because you came from me. have I not taught you well?" she caresses your arm in comfort. "come, wipe those tears that are threatening to fall. you will cause a scandal on your own if you are seen crying tonight. let's find you an honorary man."
that night you only danced with two men. they remained respectful, yet not enough to provoke intrigue in you. though you would never outwardly admit that to your mother, at the end of your second dance, you went for a beverage. opting for some time for yourself.
"I couldn't help but wonder if you were running from that man after that dance, or if the conversation was that good you needed to excuse yourself for a beverage." the voice snickers, standing beside you, "he was terrible, right?"
"I wasn't, I was just dehydrated." you remark, careful with your tone as you defend your doings. as you stand beside him, you cannot see his face as he is taller than you. lifting your head up would raise even more spectacle as you saw one woman and what appeared to be her sister point at you with the mysterious man at your side.
"so do they just dehydrate fair maidens now? seems like a trick to get you to marry the first man you see,"
you don't answer him quick enough.
"lord higurama is a good choice. he has a fair name and a inheritance to obtain, however, be wary of his drinking problem. heard he leaves bars at ungodly hours of the morning with holes in his pockets."
you can't help but gasp softly, almost in disbelief as the man beside you spoke so poorly of the men you danced with. it might have been a given that you needed to get out of here after those girls pointed at you with shock on their faces. have you just ruined your reputation?
"I respectfully fail to see how that is any of your concern, sir." you state, imposing a formal limit, "I have no desire to engage in talk if it pertains to stain the reputation of others."
"please," you hear him snort beside you and you freeze, feeling yourself slightly become smaller. "his reputation is done for. I'd be doing you a favor
"and your reputation, good sir?" you counter, but when you hear silence from him, you fear you have crossed the line. it isn't until you are pulled by mother you see this man. white hair adorns his features while stunning blue eyes decorate his face. the hold your mother has on you let's you know to stand well, and be presentable.
"Lord Gojo," your mother bows, slightly forcing you to bow with her, "what a pleasnt encounter to find you here. my condolences to you and your family after your father's passing."
"lady levington, you are too kind." he man before you bows, offering your mother a charming smile you can't help but hold back a jaw drop at his sudden charming behavior. "I assume you are enjoying your time at the final winter's ball?"
"indeed," your mother smiles charmed, "we were just enjoying our time at the ball. this is my daughter, lady levington. she is of the age to begin looking for a suitor," your mother states, "wouldn't you agree?"
"well I find it difficult to believe that your daughter will struggle to find a suitable partner given her agreeable nature," your jaw slightly clenches, "I suppose you have a large list of eligible bachelor's for your daughter?"
"oh yes," your mother smiles, "but I tell my daughter we must select carefully. it is growing rather difficult to choose an honorable man for marriage, yet modern problems always continue to arise with the passing of time. wouldn't you agree?"
"I couldn't have said it better myself," he smiles, "finding a husband has been growing to be tedious by the years, yet that is why we must be careful in selecting. london is unfortunately filled with lots of ineligible bachelors starting off with lawyers with questionable drinking and spending habits. a poor reflection on our society, wouldn't you agree?"
"it is unfortunate indeed," you mother sighs softly, "but we shall look carefully to ensure a positive outlook for the future."
"that is always a pleasure to hear," smiles gojo, offering a bow. "if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way. it has been a pleasure to find you in good health, madam. and the best of my wishes to your lovely daughter as well."
after some concluding exchanges, your mother stands proudly with a smile on her face. "you will not believe who we just spoke to." she says, moving you away from the drinking station. "we must bid our farewells and leave as soon as possible."
"why?" you frown, "the dance doesn't end until-"
"-we've already met an eligible bachelor," your mother smiles, "you should've seen the look on everyone's faces. you will surely draw attention now, my dear."
the following day, you wake up to the following news from lady whistledown, having written an article about you.
"at the winter's ball, lady levington's beauty could be seen from a mile away, drawing the attention of lords. standing with such poise and grace, lady levington has proved herself to start off as an indestructible force with honor as her first name. will she perhaps be named diamond of the season? or indestructible diamond?"
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
Hi can I request Yanderes Anthony Colin and Benedict Bridgertons poly romantic x gender, neutral reader headcannons please and thank you 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
🌟you most likely grabbed Colin’s attention at a ball and when he saw you he became enchanted by your beauty .
🌟he would find every SINGLE detail about you from where you live to your favourite colour etc.
🌟speaks very highly about you to his family .his family thought it was normal until the only thing he could talk about was you and then they became worried .
🌟Anthony most likely met you because he wanted to find out why his brother is obsessed and put a stop to it . However when he met you and spoke to you he fell harder for you then Colin did.
🌟Anthony will tell you about how he is a viscount and how he could take care of you…
🌟once Colin finds out that Anthony is trying to court you he uses every card in the book to try keep Anthony away from you. He tells his mother using his favourite child card or goes and tells you all the mean things Anthony has done.
🌟Benedict was helping Anthony court you until he got to know you personally and he fell in love. Your his muse .the reason he wakes up in the morning.
🌟he often uses the excuse of being the spare heir to get closer to you.
🌟it won’t be until someone else who isn’t one of them do they finally team up .
🌟and once they team up you are never EVER getting away.
🌟Anthony , Benedict and Colin will marry you even if it means forcing the priest to make you there wife.
🌟anyone who speaks down to your or is rude suddenly disappears. They let there family get away with a few things but if it’s about you all bets are off.
🌟once married you will find yourself trapped in your bedroom having a little bell to ring when you need something.
🌟often spending your days posing for Benedict and being his muse. Also listening to Anthony rant about everything wrong with people and Colin lying his head on his lap just happy your with him.
🌟they will spoil you rotten but if you miss behave they will treat you more like a pet making you beg for there attention and affection.
🌟you will have to give children to them after all Anthony needs an heir . But if you can’t don’t worry Colin will do anything for you even pay for a child of one of the maids. No one can say the child isn’t there cause they haven’t seen you in ages. And who are they to question the viscountess .
🌟you will find peace with violet though she’s the only one who sees you everyday other then them. She will other you comfort and will let you rant to her about them and she won’t tell them.but she won’t help you escape so don’t even try and ask her.
🌟they are obsessive and possessive. They will always compete for your affection but stick together because they are family and it’s easier to fend off rivals.
🌟all in all good luck 😉
❤️thank you so much for this request
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