#the canon diverse would be hilarious
allerg1cvilly · 3 months
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Bro acted like bro didn't care then be secretly wants our Tv-man attention
Like girl choose your disability.
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thurio-edau · 2 months
first of all, I should explain what I am going to do. starting with Ashlyn, I'll analyze and/or theorize the group. because there is a lot of depth to all their characters and I've really been wanting to do this for some time. it will be a total of 5 posts instead of 6, because I will be analyzing Tyler and Taylor together due to obvious reasons. I will also cut them at the beginning because they might be long and also there will be triggers.
Part 1: Ashlyn Banner
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I'm starting with Ashlyn right here as the protagonist and the leader of the series. Ashlyn's probably won't be very long since this is not a character analysis and instead, a mental characteristic analysis. even though her character is written so well that doesn't mean she has to be mentally sick, since she seems to be... well the most stable one -until the recent chapters-
what I'll be starting off with, will be autism. even though it's not confirmed fully in canon, Red herself said that she wrote Ashlyn with autism in mind so in this analysis I'll mostly go through with the symptoms she shows and how it explains her character.
her most obvious and constantly repeated symptom is her sensory issues. she is able to hear phantom noises and other things no one can hear due to her hypersensitive hearing.
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from the beginning of the series, she has been repeatedly struggling with loud noises even though she wore earplugs or noise-cancellation headphones. Ashlyn herself said that she didn't want to make friends growing up, one of the reasons being her sensitive hearing allowing her to hear everything. you'd also probably be wary of things like it if you had her hearing; any gossip, talking behind backs, rumours etc. would not be pleasant to hear and you'd be aware of everyone's true side.
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the group understands her problems with her hearing being too strong, and looks after her whenever there's anything loud. which was first seen at the arcade if I'm correct, Taylor asked her if she'd be alright and Aiden got punched in the face while he was worried about her.
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or the time Taylor and Logan were shooting at the centipede phantom, due to the bullets making extremely loud sounds for her. or in the facility, when Logan told her to cover her ears to take down a phantom.
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from the moment she was born, she had always been sensitive to any loud sounds. reminding here that autism is a neurodivergency, which means someone's brain is diverse than most other who we call neurotypicals. autism, ADHD, bipolar etc. are neurodivergencies that cannot be obtained later in life, and has always been at the person's brain.
I see myself in her frequently, I also wear earplugs constantly and my friends are aware of the sensory issues I have. her reactions to said sensory issues are written really realistic and correctly.
next, boundaries and distancing.
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once again, since the beginning, Ashlyn has been distancing herself from everyone around her. this part will mostly include Aiden due to him not understanding boundaries and having passed Ashlyn's lots of times.
autistic people tend to avoid eye contact, physical touch -if the person is not very close to them- and also usually not very expressive. for the love of god, the first time we see her geniunely smile is halfway through the series, when they get the car keys. the group's reaction to her smile is hilarious, even.
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after the events of that night, Aiden is trying to understand her boundaries. he's an affectionate/caring person inside, and wants to hug her but keeps it low by just holding her head.
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here we learn he did, indeed, hug her when he kept her from falling and Ashlyn even allowed it when she realized how scared he was for her.
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despite keeping her boundaries always high, she let it happen this time, learning how to open up to people. before this night she was always on guard
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by time she starts to see them as her actual friends, like the found family they are. autistic people are similar to cats actually, like those stray cats that will claw you instantly if you look at their eyes for long or make sudden moves to pet them. the cat sniffs your hand first, you feed it for some time, then a slight touch. the cat gets used to you after your own efforts to get close to it. Ashlyn is a similar case, she had to almost die to get used to them and accept them.
next, special interests. this part is a bit short but I feel as if it still counts to be honest.
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ever since her childhood, she's been very interested in dancing. losing track of time as she does, not being interested in any other things if it wasn't related to ballet, making it a very important part of herself. her love for dance/ballet made her not take any interest in anything else like her self-defense classes her parents tried to give, and they were really surprised once she asked them to do it this time.
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like cmon she has a literal dance mat on her room
which basically wraps the main symptoms! I can't really think of any detail symptoms for now because it's midnight here but I'm thinking of updating them each time I get more ideas. for the next part, mental disorders.
personally, I must say that I don't think she suffers from any mental disorders or illnesses. she's not depressive, just closed off. you might ask anxiety but she herself had said she isn't shy or nervous, she herself just doesn't like to talk a lot which is fully valid. Ashlyn hasn't showed any problems in talking in front of audiences, she isn't paranoid -her hypersensitive hearing doesn't count since it's not paranoia; she knows what's in there because she hears- and seems to be mentally more stable than the rest of the group. I also don't think she has anger issues the way Ben and Tyler do, it's just that everything got on her nerves quickly before she got used to the team.
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she doesn't mind being the leader of the group and definitely isn't scared, as seen as how she went up against Tyler when they first were in the phantom dimension.
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Ashlyn is basically the autistic girl who doesn't like talking much and has high boundaries, but once she warms up to her friends she's willing to do anything for them as seen as the recent episodes in the facility. I'm almost fully sure that she is autistic, considering the signs she shows.
sorry if this was a bit boring! the next ones will definitely be more interesting because the rest of the characters have interesting backstories and oh boy some disorders, I just wanted to start with Ashlyn to see if I could do this the way it was in my mind. I'm sure the rest can be pretty good!
I'd like it if anyone else mentioned more stuff. next up will be Aiden, who has a plethora of characteristics and it's definitely going to be really interesting. thank you for reading so far but I won't be writing Aiden's now because hhhhhh i need some sleep
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bugeyedfreaks · 3 months
I enjoy seeing PPG fan interpretations of the characters online, and I think it's very interesting to explore the varied ways that people interpret them. The diversity of ideas and different perspectives are really cool! It's just that every time I see a fan interpretation of a “future” Mojo Jojo (“future” meaning 10-15 years from the original timeline) portrayed as some doddering old wrinkly elderly dude with grey fur riding a robot wheelchair, I just can't help but be like... huh?
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Why would you so drastically age up this super smart actual baby?
It's weird because, yeah, if you stop and think about it… he's technically around the same age as the PPG (perhaps even younger because they were born at five years old... this is a weird show, what can I say), so despite his hilariously deep voice or love of the more mature, finer things in life (which I just view as him trying to be more refined since, you know, he now has like all the intelligence ever)... I just don't feel in my heart of hearts that he would be drinking prune juice and watching The Price Is Right if the girls were teens/adults. He'd probably be more or less the same as he is canonically since he’d still retain his super intelligence (maybe he’d be a little taller as a treat, or at the very least he’d just whine even more than usual… maybe even more jaded, we just don't know).
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momo-t-daye · 4 months
Momo's Snapedom AU Ask Game!
I do love how the Snapedom has folks who write extensive meta with citations and how the Snapedom has oodles of people making a delightful diversity of AUs that gnaw on the bones of the canon narrative skeleton to cook up a more satisfying story-soup! So I thought it might be fun to put together a few questions for an ask game (after all, the fun part of fandom is interacting with other fans):
Do you have a name and/or a tag and/or a master post for your AU (so I can peruse your blog and admire your creativity)?
What is the premise of your AU (one sentence summary, tropes, your big “What-if” question, etc.!)?
Can you describe your AU badly?  (Because I do love hilariously misleading but not actually inaccurate descriptions of stories)
What your favorite thing about your AU? (Does it make you cackle with glee or do you break your own heart?)
What are the major divergence points in your AU?
Is there any part of the canon narrative you really like to build off of or interrogate with your AU?
Are there themes or motifs or specific concepts in your AU that you hope people will notice?  (Do you want to give hints about your masterful foreshadowing or chat about your extensive world building?  Should we all grab a floriography dictionary when flowers are mentioned?)
What are some key life moments in your AU!Snape’s life that differ from canon!Snape’s life?
How and why does your AU!Snape differ from the canon!Snape?
Would your AU!Snape want to trade places with canon!Snape (and vice versa!)? Why?
Do you know if Severus going to escape the gravitational pull of the canon narrative/fate in your AU?
Do you think any other characters are going to escape the gravitational pull of their canon narrative/fate in your AU?  If so, can any of that extra AU!velocity be attributed to Severus’ actions?
What era does your AU primarily take place in (is it focused on part of the canon timeline? Is the canon timeline adjusted a few years one way or another? Or are you playing with a futuristic sci-fi AU or a historical AU or something else entirely?  Maybe you have a 1998!Snape dealing with life in 1942 or some other combination?)
What is his childhood and/or family life like in your AU?  Is it better than his canon life starting out in Cokeworth?
Does Lily exist in your AU?  Are Severus and Lily friends in your AU?
Do any of the Marauders exist in your AU?  What role do they play in your AU Severus’ life?
Do the Malfoys exist in your AU?  How do they interact with your version of Severus?
Does Voldemort exist in your AU?  Does Severus join his cause at any point in your AU?
Does Dumbledore exist in your AU?  What role does he play in Severus’ life in your AU?
Does Harry Potter exist in your AU?  How does he interact with Severus in your AU?
Is there another canon character that plays a major role in your AU!Snape’s life?  What role do they play and how does it differ from their canon relationship with Snape?
Is an Original Character a major feature and player in your AU?  Who are they? What role do they play AU!Severus’ life?  How do they interact with any other canon characters in your story?
Does Severus have a significant other (or others) in your AU?
Does Severus have children in your AU?
Is Severus Snape the Hogwarts Potions Master in your AU?  If not, what is he doing instead?
Does Severus have any major interests (mycology, astronomy, sci-fi, baking elaborate puff pastries, art forgery, etc.) in your AU that we never got to see canon!Snape indulge in?  Do these interests play a major narrative role?
Do you have a snippet of prose (or an art piece or a list of headcanons) from your AU that you particularly enjoy and want to share?
Free space!  Any other questions folks want to ask?
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The best thing about shipping 2Fukus and Zenki Soukoku is that poly would not save them, but actively make everything worse. One of severe "Love loses, diversity wins!" cases. Here's to hoping for mochi divorce to become relevant!
Anon, I can’t stop cackling about this. It’s true though! In terms of hilarious dynamics, I love these three as a concept. Even just their canon storyline so far is I think unironically some of the funniest stuff to come out of the series. Two guys commit multiple atrocities for their own versions of the greater good while the third is largely passive but judges them severely for it. The aforementioned two are bitter about the third but still reminisce about the good old days when they were friends/worked together. The third just wants to pet cats and not think about the murders he committed. To be honest anon, I’m not even that much of a shipper and I actively ship very few things but your brain is beautiful for this. You just want to see three middle aged men who have already fucked up each other’s lives do it again but even worse. And really, who wouldn’t?
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
And they only m care about THEIR representation too. There was a girl on twitter talking about how she headcanons dean as aro and she is aro too and they all leapt on her. Which is hilarious considering if we are thinking about which one has more canon support… but what about her right to be represented then?
Representation in media serves a twofold purpose - it's meant to both show people others like them are a normal everyday part of life, and to allow people to see that others who aren't like them are also a normal everyday part of life.
What fandom has done is try to take the concept and turn it into a ranking competition to serve their own purposes. Where it's more important than any other possible aspect of story and individual fans or groups declare themselves arbiters of what identity most deserves more representation and take it up as a Very Important Cause. Anyone who sees the characters in some other way? Not acceptable! They're obviously Wrong on the Internet bigots. Same for the canon creators if they don't write what those fans want. It just somehow so happens that in the vast majority of cases? The most important identity always turns out to either be their own or fit with what they want for shipping reasons. Imagine that, right?
As the canon stands, the Winchesters do represent a population that doesn't get a lot of attention in media - people who choose a central life relationship that isn't romantic and are happy with that. I'd go so far as to say their tendency to cry and be vulnerable is important representation for adult hetero men, going against toxic stereotypes, too. But certain fans are not only not interested in but actively hostile toward anything that isn't what they personally would choose to prioritize. As if anything that doesn't specifically speak to them, the main character of the universe, is inherently unworthy and wrong. No, that's pretty much the opposite of what diversifying representation in media is meant to accomplish. That type of fan doesn't so much want a diverse media landscape with validation for everyone across all stories (since no story can be everything to everyone) so much as they want a media landscape where creators are required to prioritize them and their wants above all.
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ailendolin · 1 year
Cannon diversion 🔀
What if Mike was able to see the ghosts instead of Alison (I love Mike a lot and think him seeing ghosts would be really cool)
Oh this was fun to think about! Thank you!
Headcanon ask game can be found here.
🔀- Canon Divergence/Slight AU
The weirdest thing, Mike reflects once he's accepted the fact that ghosts are real and he's not actually going crazy, is not the caveman who likes to make the lights flicker to startle Alison, the Georgian lady who desperately wants to be his sister or even the headless Tudor man everyone always seems to forget about - no, it's the fact that at least four of the ghosts have a crush on him (possibly five - he's not quite sure about Julian's constant innuendos yet).
It's flattering, really. After all, who doesn't like to be desired? But if he has to listen to even one more terrible, lovelorn poem composed by Thomas or watch the Captain blush and stammer when he only so much as glances at him - or, Mike thinks with a shudder, catches Lady Button ogling him as he changes into a new shirt or, god forbid, finds Mary sneaking into the bathroom while he's on the loo again, he swears he's going to fling himself off the roof.
Alison, of course, finds it all hilarious. And, traitor that she is, she eventually joins in on the fun. Mike has no idea how she even learned about Mike Club but when he finds her in the common room with his four admirers (plus Julian by the laptop) talking excitedly to what to her is only empty air about the merits of being married to him, he huffs and loudly declares, "That's it. I'm getting a divorce."
Alison laughs out loud but Thomas's eyes widen with sudden hope. Before Mike can so much as think, Oh no, he says, "Yes! Divorce her, kill yourself, marry me!"
Mike groans and hides his face in his hands. A moment later, Alison snorts and Mike just knows Julian has relayed Thomas's words to her via the laptop. He shakes his head in despair. Why is his life like this?
Then again, he thinks later that night when they're all sitting together watching Friends: he wouldn't really have it any other way.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
How do you think Lucius and Narcissa would canonically treat Draco if he was actually gay? Would Lucius be disappointed in Draco for not being interested in women? What is your take on this?
This is a tough question to answer because aside from JKR's 'diversity win. the highly morally questionable manipulator of children was gay for wizard hitler' statement after the books came out and 2 instances of homophobic insults, LGBTIA+ people simply are not visible in the books.
From a Doylist perspective this is because JKR sucked at representation (although hilariously she was so straight she accidentally wrote several characters as extremely queer - but she doesn't get credit for that).
So in-universe the lack of discussion of this topic means either it's so accepted that it's just not even brought up. Or else the wizarding world is wildly homophobic. You can read it as either. The purebloods certainly seem to value producing offspring with appropriate matches and furthering their bloodline.
But in a universe with magic it's quite believable that a same-sex couple could very easily produce a child. Similarly it's believable that transitioning from one gender to another is as simple as swallowing one dose of a special potion to the point that it's not really worth remarking on because being born in the wrong body is as easy to remedy as having a hangnail.
In Draco's case I think it's notable that he never has a girlfriend. If his family was deeply homophobic I'd think he would put more effort into keeping up appearances and dating someone. That's how I like to read it in general because I like to think in a world with magic and dragons, queer people being able to exist isn't too much of a stretch of imagination. But I certainly think there's canonical evidence for the opposite reading. And some excellent fics have been written for that.
My personal preference is to view it as the wizarding world having tolerant views towards queerness and just being intolerant about different sorts of things than in the muggle world - i.e. being gay is fine but if you want to marry a nonhuman you might face prejudice.
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inkshine · 8 months
How Camp Here and There Characters Dance: Headcanons.
Jedidiah: He has. Two. Left. Feet. Even if he knew what to properly do with himself on a dance floor, he still probably couldn't pull off his desired moves. He is...surprisingly decent at slow-dancing, due to having slow-danced with Sydney in the past. But it's been a while. Maybe they'll strike it up again soon and give Jedidiah a chance to polish up his slow-dancing skills again.
Sydney: He doesn't dance very much, on account of his body making it difficult, but when he does, he's not afraid to put his whole heart into it, especially if it means the kids will be entertained. He's fond of slow-dancing...especially with Jedidiah.
Juniper: He knows like five popular dance moves and only rotates through them. A couple of those moves haven't been in style for years. The kids either find it hilarious or eye-rollingly cringeworthy.
Rowan: Surprisingly skilled on the dance floor. He has a lot of pent-up energy almost all the time, and he's not bad at letting it out through dance. Whatever dance he does, he puts his whole chest into it.
Soren: Soren is more fond of interpretative dance. Only no one can interpret what his dance moves are supposed to mean or be. Sometimes he makes fluid dancing movements and gestures that appear to mime things related to death, dying, burial, and emerging from a grave. People tend to give Soren a pretty wide berth on the dance floor.
Elijah/The Elephant Man: Shown canonically to have at least some pretty passable knowledge of waltzing and slow dancing, so I think he definitely knows how to lead a partner in a dance. In terms of solo dancing, I feel like his dance moves would be quick and quite showy or flashy. He would be pretty popular in clubs...if he was still allowed in them. He hasn't been to many, but those he has been in, he's been, ahem, forcibly escorted from the premises by a deeply unnerved bouncer desperately trying to avoid eye contact. (this last part is my headcanon btw!)
I would do Marisol, Yvonne, and Fennel, but I can't think of any right now lol-feel free to tell me your suggestions!
The Tonies: Their dancing knowledge and skills consist entirely of vintage New York dance moves, and moves they just made up. They are skilled at the former, and less so at the latter.
The Campers: The campers dance moves are as diverse as the kids themselves, but Cabin Dungbeetle's in particular consists of a lot of headbanging and mosh pit style moves.
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I know this is millennia in the future but I'm a sucker for time shenanigans.
What do you think Dr. Light and the rest of the classic crew would feel about X and his family?
Bro as someone who’s also into timeline shenanigans this is gonna be fun!
To note this is Non canon but I will be talking about it since I’m silly >:3
So basically it would be a very interesting scenario where either Classic or Legends gangs end up in either timelines. But for simplicity sake let’s just say through time travel shenanigans that caused Classic gang to end up in the Legends timeline for a short time and encounter X’s Family by accident.
Dr Light would have so many questions about this Era especially seeing X. He recognizes him regardless of his grizzled appearance, and role that he has. He’s still his youngest child in his eyes. My goodness look how he grew! Even if it took thousands of years to get there!
He’s also a father for goodness sake!! Taking care of 5 rambunctious children, who are all different in personality, appearance, age, experiences etc…they are so diverse yet so close with each other! He loves all of his grandchildren to bits! Each and one of them are so unique in their own right! (Despite the MASSIVE time gap in creation dates between the Guardians and Volnutt). But they still have their Father’s traits in their own unique ways. He’ll just just spoil his grandchildren and bond with them.
But notice that Volnutt is also this Era’s Megaman…but thankfully the boy has his family and friends to guide him like Rock has…it’s such an interesting coincidence that his youngest Grandson was named after his other son.
(It would be a silly tradition to name their youngest sons after their fathers aksnskn)
He’s just so proud of X for how far he has come, having to endure so many years of hardships to get there. Basically Dr light is just very happy to finally meet his son and his very colorful children.
Megaman/Rock’s feelings about his little brother’s family were met with enthusiasm and curiosity. He thinks they are the freakin coolest!! Like Dr.Light, he’s proud of his Little brother. He absolutely thinks his nieces and nephews are the coolest!! Absolutely want to get to know them better, especially Volnutt. He spends time with them and definitely is that fun uncle that tries to be a good influence to them.
Basically she also would love her baby bro’s Fam a lot. They would be very close and have all sorts of fun!! Especially fefnir’s gardening hobby is a constant delight for her. She appreciates X for teaching his kids how to do house work! She and Leviathan often get cute outfits together. Absolutely Taught the rugrats the power of THE BROOM.
Blues like everyone else is proud of X and is so happy to see him and his children. Unlike his younger siblings Blues would be a cool uncle who would get the kids to loving trouble. He’s a great influence for them yeah nothing goes even wrong- Honestly Phantom and Harpuia reminds him a lot of Tangle and Beat. He definitely calls Harpuia “Harpy bird” (For his fucking dismay).
But it’s also really fucking hilarious since Rock, Roll and Blues despite that they are older then X and his fam they are child models so the contrasts with with their brother and his kids. So trips to watch Movies and antics would make the ultimate wacky shenanigans galore!! Especially the reactions they would be priceless (Oh Blues is absolutely taking advantage of this).
X and his Kids would be swarmed by their robot master relatives. Especially volnutt HE HAS SO MANY UNCLES AND AUNTS LIKE DANG-
But yeah the classic gang absolutely loves X and his family very dearly, the same thing goes with them too. After the kids get over the shock of how ridiculously large loving robot family.
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ticklishraspberries · 3 months
hi hello i hope this isn't weird but what do you love about The Great? I finally have hulu and im about to start watching it because of you fr like i dont go there but I WANNA GO THERE // @tickle-bugs
omg hi i love this question!! i'm gonna tell you my favorite and my least favorite aspects so u can make a genuinely informed decision lol!! i believe this is all vague enough to not give anything away but give you a genuine review of the show to help you decide to watch it!! i would LOVE if you watched it, i think if you wrote a fic for this in your gorgeous style, i would DIE bc...i just know you'd KILL IT but also 0 pressure, seriously.
my favorite things about the great are:
the characters are all incredibly well-written, well-rounded, and well-acted - especially elle fanning's portrayal of catherine
the humor is sort of dirty/low-hanging fruit but it genuinely always makes me laugh, every episode, someone will say/do something so absurd or hilarious that it cracks me up
the dynamics between all the characters are fascinating - it takes place in a country/time period where class/status, gender, etc. all are so important to your place in society, and yet, characters often have unlikely imbalances of power and different dynamics that you might not expect
the romance is so compelling, just about every romantic relationship has so many layers to it and plays into many different tropes: you have the doomed-by-the-narrative lovers, the childhood besties to star-crossed lovers, the enemies AND lovers simultaneously...just the romance and the sexual scenes are all so compelling and well-done, they clearly had a great intimacy coordinator on this or smth bc damn
THE COSTUMES ARE SO FUCKING STUNNING, like the costumes are indescribably beautiful and actually breath-taking. the dresses that all the main women wear are like actually perfect, i want to steal them all. elle fanning is so beautiful and they manage to make her look even more amazing, like her hair/makeup/outfits are just incredible, but everyone looks so good.
this show doesn't use "it was a different time period" to justify any lack of diversity - there are characters of all different races, multiple canonically queer characters, women are badass and well-written/represented, and while it does address issues like aspects of discrimination in russia during that time period, there is very little actual racism/homophobia in the show, like the characters who are black or queer do not suffer.
my least favorite things about the great are:
the historical inaccuracy is self-proclaimed, but gets a bit silly at times - catherine the great was so fascinating and well-documented in history, but they really just took a concept and ran with it without even trying to get anything right? there are little things like, the number/gender of siblings catherine had, but then the huge differences like how catherine rose to power and became empress. it makes a compelling story, but if you're a history buff, it can be frustrating!!
on that topic, it does gloss over a lot of the good that catherine the great did in real life as it gets caught up in the drama/comedy/romance of the show and forgets to show her as the genuinely accomplished woman she was.
this is a big one: it got cancelled. i haven't finished s3 yet, but i'm a few episodes in and i'm not confident that it is going to end on a fully satisfying note. if a show being cancelled is a turn-off for you, this one did just end and i'm still not sure if the ending is anti-climactic or not, lol.
lastly, this doesn't personally bother me, but it is extremely inappropiate. there is a lot of violence (not too much gore, everything is either very obviously fake, or not explicit), nudity/sex, and totally vulgar language. there is a lot of infidelity, implied/mentioned SA but no scenes that are violent or explicit, overuse of the word "cunt", etc. so just proceed with caution and consider looking up content warnings if you're wary!!
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Gilgamesh for ask meme!
Hi!!! Thank you for messaging me ☺ I really appreciate it! It's been a long time since I did askmeme on gilgablog so thank you for requesting him (i keep most fate thoughts private)! Sorry I will probably write a whole massive paragraph about him XD
My Gilgamesh opinions are very subjective here so they may not all be accurate, which is why I enjoy this ask a lot ^^
Sexuality Headcanon: I headcanon him as bi/pan, like yeah there's no denying he is also attracted to women, but his devotional relationship with Enkidu and kinky pleasure yuetsu time with Kirei is every bit as canon in my opinion!!!
Even his creepy obsession with Saber really hints to me personally that Gilgamesh may not discern his initial sense of attraction primarily by gender- I believe he may be attracted to people based off intangible traits that link to his personal sense of values as well; which cannot be as simply measured as gender.
Gender Headcanon: Though he is masc, man he/him I also feel as if Gilgamesh's gender is also just 'GILGAMESH'. Sometimes I wonder if Gilgamesh would see himself as beyond the convention of gender.
Also I heard from someone that gender can be very diverse in Ancient Mesopotamia so it would be really cool to see where Gilgamesh would slot his gender identity there... also can his pronouns be king of heroes/ king as well! I feel like he really defines himself by his role more than gender per se, and in one fate hanafuda game he says gender doesn't matter ☺👍
An OTP: ohh I love Gilgamesh ships so much 😊😊 Gilkidu is just so amazing in many ways I cannot even describe, Kotogil is incredible in their twisted dynamic .. and GilHaku is just so beautiful! And I love Gilgamesh x Merlin for the shenanigans... to be honest most Gilgamesh ships are my otp. I even really like Gilgamesh x reader/ oc fics and Ritsuka/ Guda ones depending on what the ocs are like! Oh I also like Gilgamesh x Cu as they can clash head on and go wild, as well as Gilgamesh x Ozymandias!
And a mutual introduced me to Achilles x Gilgamesh. I think it is a beautiful pairing as they have so much grief, love, power and arrogance in common.
A NOTP: I'm sorry Gilgamesh x Saber fans. I respect those who ship it but Gilgamesh is such a creep to Saber in my opinion, I like it when she doms him to smithereens and stomps on his pride though ☺🥳🥳🥳
BROTP: This is a hard one as I feel like his otps can be good otps, but seeing him hang out with Iskandar is always hilarious. Love how he actually listens to Taiga in the spin off games as well, so they could maybe enjoy a few drinks together. And Gilgamesh/Solomon/Merlin makes for great chaos.
Gilgamesh/Siduri/Enkidu is a powerful alliance and err what else... I feel like as long as they can entertain one another then Gilgamesh has the potential for many BROTPS.
Random Headcanon: He has golden nipple tassels that he unleashes whenever he has an urge to go full sexy, also I feel like though yes he does love pleasure and decadent desires the way he so tightly constrains and punishes himself sometimes makes me wonder if some of his hedonism is also used as a way to appear as an overwhelming figure to others.
I feel like Gilgamesh is definitely tyrannical and extremely powerful and charismatic... yet also has a side to him that is insecure as hell, his larger than life and genuine powerful and wise sides overcompensating for a side of him that is plagued with all sorts of self loathing and grief.
General opinion: I love this asshole!!!!!!!! Endless joy can be created from researching his character and reading, watching his materials, he is entertaining in such a wide variety of ways, and every side of him is a marvel to witness (though i wanna punch him sometimes too cuz holy crap is he horrendous at times).
He's a very complex and nuanced character that can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways so I am really irritated by how some people try to gatekeep Gilgamesh's character and throw him into a box, when Gilgamesh is such a versatile character! I hope that there will continue to be a space where people can enjoy Gilgamesh in as many different ways as possible, without there having to be some sort of 'fandom consensus' on which Gilgamesh opinions are most valid.
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more tales from the gas station propaganda! i personally would recommend checking out the web series as well as the books honestly - the books are a lot more detailed but the web series is still interesting! if you only read one of em 100% go for the books but they're still pretty neat together and also feature some differences (and an entry or two that didn't make it into the books)! it also felt more immersive to me to read the web series and then read the book, where jack talks about the blog/writing it. i personally started with the web series and moved onto the books afterward, and recommend doing that since it can drag a bit more if you read the books first (since a lot of the web series content is featured in the books). i found it most useful to read the web series + side stories, the books, and then the spinoff/side story bedside manor! the web series is more comedic than horror, though the books also lean more towards comedy in the first half.
anyway, in terms of actual propaganda - alongside the actual plot being really good, the characters are a big highlight! the prev propaganda went into it a bit, but the cast is endlessly fun. jack, the main character, has very dry humor and ends up kind of being "the straight man" of the more eccentric cast, but he's very fun bc unlike a lot of characters who fit that trope, he's JUST as weird and unhinged as the rest of the cast in his own way. his best friend (from book 2 onward at least), jerry (the blonde himbo) is the most chaotically hilarious character - deeply impulsive, wildly overly affectionate with everyone, weird fun fashion, unbothered by functionally everything, and basically just a human puppy given murderous tendencies. he and jack are also deeply pathetic (i say this affectionately).
there's also rosa, one of jack's coworkers in a later book with a massive crush on him (that he's fully oblivious to), is just a ball of sunshine and the only real competent employee; she's also fully unaware of the supernatural shit going on and is Very stressed over it </3 book 4 especially gives her fantastic characterization. o'brien is the local sheriff on gas station duty from book 2 onward (she basically cleans up any shit that goes on at the gas station) and is a little standoffish at first, but gets attached to jack and the rest of the crew pretty quickly (though she tends to show it more through endless nicknames and doing everything she can to keep the cast of idiots safe); she cares a Lot and actually puts effort into trying to keep the town safe and figure out what the fuck is happening
and that's just the main four characters! all of the side characters are also really good - spencer, the murderous stalker who has it out for jack, brick roscoe & brick roscoe, two agents of an unknown organization who cover up supernatural shit, benjamin, an insanely tough monster hunter/survivalist tired of everyone's shit, agatha, a cool old lady with a massive monster truck.. really, there's no shortage of fun characters
also! it's a pretty diverse series, with multiple canonically queer characters (even of the main cast, jack is ace + jerry is bi), physical disability rep, characters of color, and ofc mentally ill characters (again including jack himself) - alongside many people seeing jerry as coded (and potentially canonically?) adhd and jack as coded autistic
i will say that it's important to keep in mind there's a LOT of triggering content - alongside the horror stuff, which includes gore/body horror, unreality, paranoia fuel, torture, kidnapping, stalking, and more, there's also a LOT of discussion of abuse/child abuse and the series doesn't shy away from the bigotry the cast often faces (in particular warning for racism, ableism, and homophobia + slurs), and unfortunately there's also a decent amount of fatphobia in the series. i would 100% recommend the series, but do be warned that it's very heavy, especially towards the end
like the other person said the series is all available in audio format, both through audiobooks and youtube reading of the series! i'm not sure if the books are in any libraries but they're also all available to buy online, and obviously the web series is free to read on reddit and the tales from the gas station website. it's a bit of a long read (i get through books fast and it still took me a good week or two to get through everything even marathon-reading it) but it's worth it imo!
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loracarol · 7 months
For all that I love Les Misérables (the musical), I've only seen it once on stage; when the local high school was performing it, and I was in elementary school/early middle school. (I don't know why my Mum took us to see it, but some things definitely went over my head lmao.)
So my brother got my Mum and I tickets to see the US tour, and holy shit. Holy. Shit.
Some of the things I enjoyed may be common to the play! Maybe I'm just out of the loop! But I still really liked them! (In no particular order.)
Nick Cartell and Preston Truman Boyd were really good as Jean Valjean and Javert, but I have to give a special shout out to Haley Dortch whose Fantine was exquisite and Randy Jeter who played the Bishop and whose breath control/ability to hold long notes I envy deeply.
Gavroche flipped Javert off at the barricades. 🤣
Is Grantaire caring for Gavroche a common theme in the musicals? Because in this one, Gavroche ran to give Grantaire a hug during one point at the barricades - I think after Eponine dies? And then Grantaire gave Gavroche his coat to sleep under. Later it's Grantaire who takes it the worst when Gavroche dies, and is the one to hold him and take him down from the barricade.
I have a confession… I don't actually know the difference between the different Les Amis. I know that they're popular, and I know some of their names, but I have to double check the lyrics to see who Grantaire was. >>; That being said, they're death scene was really amazing but also probably be very careful if you're sensitive to flashing lights. They had spotlights flash to represent the bullets as each Les Amis died and it was gorgeous and brutal.
Our barricade wasn't a turntable, but the sets in general were really cool. They had a projector screen on the back that they used to great effect, especially during the sewer scene and Javert's suicide.
THE RUNAWAY CART. I have no idea how they did that but it was so well done.
The Turning transition to Empty Chairs at Empty Tables and how each lady in Turning left a candle and then each dead Les Amis picked one up and toasted like it was a cup. Ugh. Gut punch.
The Thénardiers were terrible and hilarious as always. We were high up in the cheap seats, so I couldn't always tell what everyone was doing, but the Thénardiers were always so over the top that I could always tell what they were doing.
Diversity win, one of the worst characters in the musical made canonically bisexual (?) with the lines in Beggars at the Feast changed from, "This one's a queer \\ But what can you do?" to "This one's a queer \\ I might try it too." At which point M. Thenardier started dancing with the gentleman in question and dipped him.
I really could see why Marius would be clueless about Eponine's affections; every time he actually is interacting with her, she's either teasing/friendly bullying him (pick-pocketing his book then throwing it across the street), or helping him find another woman. It's only in her asides/inner monologue that she acknowledges it. It gave very, "boy pulling pigtails" vibes and I would understand why Marius wouldn't necessarily see it.
In general, Marius and Cosette were adorable. His "I'm doing everything all wrong" was pitch perfect and he had the audience laughing.
...I know that J/J (?) Valvert (?) is the most popular pairing, but honestly I came out of the first act wanting an AU where Fantine's illness is less deadly, and she ends up leaving w/ Valjean, and they figure the easiest way to hide is to get married and pretend to be a family; it hides Cosette's parentage, and gives them a cover in Paris; Javert is looking for Single Convict Jean Valjean, not Married Family Man Normal McLoving-Husband-and-Father. And later Javert can join in making them a weird poly trio, as a treat. (Not weird because they're poly; weird because Javert is Like That.)
(...Maybe in a modern AU where Javert gets some major therapy.)
(My first thought was fake-marriage AU where Valjean marries Fantine to get her on his health insurance and then I remembered that that's an American Problem Probably.)
(I'm not saying it would work for all versions of Valjean and Fantine, just in this one.)
The Bishop was with Fantine and Eponine in welcoming Valjean to heaven and that's when I started crying.
In the applause, all the child actors held hands with Valjean and did a bow with him & then he picked up the child!Cosette of the night and carried her. It was adorable. Everything about Valjean and child!Cosette was adorable.
In general everything with the children was so fucking cute.
I already loved the songs, but hearing them echo and reverb in the theater was amazing and I'm super jealous of people who can go on the reg. |D
Just. Ugh. It was so good. I didn't realize how much I missed live theater.
I even bought merch for the first time. 🤣(A keychain and some pins, nothing fancy admittedly.)
I wish every traveling group put out their own soundtrack. I want to listen to these guys 5ever.
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sircrocowani · 1 month
so canonically all devil fruits taste god awful whenever we see someone eat a fruit (at least that I’ve seen so far) but I was thinking about how funny it would be if they were all just like uniquely terrible experiences in taste/texture/whatever personalized to the power the devil fruits have like.
Logias are I think the easiest way to go by it since it would probably have to do with the element they’re associated with (minus the ones that aren’t so physical like Borsalino’s lol but that just needs some brainstorming I feel) so it would be like, Crocodile’s sand fruit feels crumbly and extremely dry in your mouth and makes you feel like you have a mouthful of cinnamon or Ace’s flame fruit makes you feel like you burnt the roof of your mouth or your tongue on something or Kuzan’s freeze fruit making you feel like you bit into something frozen and now your teeth hurt, etc.
Zoans maybe could just feel like chewing through rancid meat of whatever animal it’s supposed to be mostly cus I think it’d be hilarious if mythical zoan users got a taste of dragon or phoenix or Literal God and it tasted like shit lmao. Also I like the freaky idea of fruit having the texture of meat for funny.
Paramecia could go so many ways with it considering the sheer diversity of powers there are and definitely not all of them are easy to pin down but I imagine ones associated with substances or the like are easier (like Kalifa’s fruit being like you just ate a bar of soap or Galdino’s fruit being like you just ate a scented candle) while the more out there ones probably have to rely on other senses or something (like Barto’s barrier fruit probably leaves some kinda weird awful film feeling in your mouth, Doflamingo’s string fruit probably feels like it has some kind of weird stringy fiber or something or maybe for someone like Moria it’s just straight up so awful it makes you black out for a bit)
This isn’t really relevant to anything other than me thinking it would be really really funny but I figured to externalize it somehow for funny purposes. god bless
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For the ship game: Leopika and Hisoillu! I don't know your ship taste well so I'm just hitting a couple other big HxH ships hrjfjkjkdlgdfk hope you don't mind
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Oh, I don't mind at all, Percy! :)
Hisoillu is... I mean... they are kind of sort of engaged (?) so. Yeah, it makes sense. Also, I can think of no one else in the universe who should be subjected to close proximity with these two on a regular basis hdfhbsdhj. Congrats, you're perfect for each other, just never involve anyone else in what you've got going on ever. Truthfully, I'm kind of indifferent towards it as a ship. It makes sense to me, but it's not something I actively seek out in fanworks I suppose. It's just, yeah, Hisoka and Illumi are together. Happy for them lol. I guess it's mostly because I think murder is their love language and I just... can't see them being romantic with each other in a lot of the more typical ways that characterize many fanworks. Do they want to kill each other, or are they into each other? The answer is both - the murder is an intrinsic aspect of the "being into each other" hdjfbvhd. That said, I think they have a pretty healthy respect for each other, due to probably being evenly matched, I'd say. I think Hisoka genuinely finds Illumi good company, and Illumi readily has fairly casual conversations with Hisoka. Their dynamic is kind of fascinating actually, and I do honestly think they're kind of perfect for each other. Diversity win??? Loss??? I'm honestly not sure lmao
Leopika :') I love the potential for them. Sadly, they don't have all that many interactions in the canon manga, so I would ordinarily say it doesn't make a huge amount of sense, but then we have the 99 anime and the radio skits who seem determined to ship them so hfbgjdhj I have no clue. I'm weird about this ship because I tend to alternate between "yeah they're cute" and "oh god. oh god. them. AAARGGHHH" and experiencing emotional damage hahaha. I am like this with no other ship. It's very strange to me.
The one thing is that I'm extremely picky with Kurapika characterization, in any art or story. If Kurapika doesn't read right to me, I just can't suspend my disbelief. I'm really not big on the "mom and dad" characterization, though no shade to anyone who is.
Peak Leopika dynamic to me takes into account not just Leorio's concern and Kurapika's walls, but also their mutual stubbornness and Kurapika's hilarious tendency to annoy Leorio on purpose. To me, I've always felt that he likes Leorio because he's a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and values individual lives so strongly, so he kind of checks that he hasn't changed that much when they see each other. I think it's kind of relieving for Kurapika, in a way, to know that Leorio will always be himself - "same old Leorio" kind of deal.
I also think Kurapika is just a little shit hjgbvsjdh
But no, I love that Leorio clearly eases up some of the pressure Kurapika feels, and seems to make him feel better about things- that's probably half the reason he keeps him at arms length. I think affectionate bickering is their love language. I also wish people noticed a little more that it's Kurapika who actually seriously initiated friendship between them, not Leorio. In most cases in the Hunter Exam, it was Kurapika approaching Leorio and showing a clear interest in sticking with him and helping him pass and achieve his dream. I think it's incredibly meaningful that one of the first people Kurapika meets and takes a liking to is this guy who wants to become a doctor - the doctor that Kurapika had left in the first place to go looking for. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to see what role Leorio will play in the current arc (just to have more Leorio, honestly, pls Togashi I miss him...), as I'm sure he will eventually find out about Emperor Time and OH BOY I'm sure that will go over well.
Erm. Sorry for rambling. I had a lot to say apparently...
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