#the collector can do a lot of stuff but i don't think he's good at bows
senselessalchemist · 3 months
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Bow problems (+ other nonsense)
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regular-gnome · 3 months
HIII! The ask box finally decided to work for me- 😭 I have a few questions....again.
Have The Archivists faced any dangerous threats? (Not including the Titans)
Can Archivists been born from a Gamma ray Burst and not just a KiloNova?
Have the Archivists ever considered the existence of other Cosmic beings from different dimensions?
Does The Wayfarer still have the skull of the extinct species?
How old is The Anatomist? (Are they in the 100 thousands or maybe in the 1 million range)
Would they attempt to help Climate change, deforestation, humans driving animals to extinction, just planet destroying stuff in general on Earth?
All lot of questions- Sorry about that. 😓
I have no clue what the issue with the inbox is. Some of the asks also disappeared when I know for a fact I got them and was planning to respond later. But glad this one survived. Gotta say, it's a rapid ask fire, so I'll short-answer them
1. So yeah, there aren't many things that can hurt them, but celestial beings can damage each other. Encountering other children of the stars is rare, but if that happens, and it's difficult to predict what a semi-conscious mass of magic decides to do or another far more unstable collector, but they havent seen them for a long time. As for non-physical threats, at this point, they are mostly desensitized to mortals, but that's also something they found out: how bad people can be when they are scared of someone, like Belos with no remorse throwing Collectros disc to be forgotten. I'm pretty sure if he could ensure more to control a pretty powerful power source he would even if that powersourse was a kid and I dont belive he was the only person to ever have this approach
2. Maaybe? In my version, children of the stars are born from events where a big release of energy and magic occurs. Kilonovae typically release energy of 10^41 to 10^43 joules, GRBs typically release something around 10^44 to 10^48 joules. I think it would create a celestial being, but I'm not sure if it would really be a collector or rather some other celestial creature that is simmillar but not the same. I'd like to think that collectors are all born from the same astronomical phenomena, especially given how rare they are (and it plays a little bit into siblings motive), but I dont really have a good reason why it cant be Gamma Rey too
3. They are aware of other realms, but traveling between them is bit more tricky and they already try to keep up with everything that goes on in the galaxy they are currently in. I think there is some quirk to titan magic that makes the travel between dimensions really possilbe or at least more controlled
4. yup! they took more keepsakes but the skull is preserved in Way's corner of the archive
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5. It's closer to billions in range. For collectors to be able to look over evolution, stars coming into existence, millions of years isn't enough. Anatomist was one of the younger collectors when the first archives were established and everyone split to their own, but it was still a long time ago. I imagine it takes a very long time for immortal beings to grow up. At the point of the story, they aren't even really mature
6. I know it's currently still a theory, but there are articles about Earth currently experiencing 6th mass extinction, the previous one being that one that took out the dinosaurs. The archivists' goal is to preserve life, and if it's dying, that mission is sabotaged. So yeah, they would probably try to stop it, but I don't think they'd take kindly to the one species that caused it so the earth after their interference wouldnt be the same
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crypticcowboys · 6 months
hi there, i absolutely love your writing! please may i request some general headcanons for mike x gn!reader where both he and the reader are autistic? i’m glad to see that someone else headcanons him as such :D i hope that’s not too vague!!
a/n: thank you for being my first ask :3! and ofc it's not too vague! this is going to be focused more on mike's traits and basically his interactions with you. this was also lowkey self indulgent. i actually really enjoyed writing this so i think i might make another one of these focusing just on him@))@ pairing: autistic/audhd!mike schmidt x autistic!gn!reader headcanons, also autistic abby (the entire family is autistic) warnings: brief mention of autistic meltdown, otherwise fluff. wc: 836 (i ran out of ideas.)
not proofread i wrote this while high
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mike schmidt didn't find out that he was autistic until a lot later into his adult life-- only knowing that he had adhd. he always knew that abby was autistic, she had been diagnosed earlier into her life. but him? he never gave second thought to it. of course, he felt disconnected in a sense to the rest of the world. he was there, but he felt like nobody truly clicked nor resonated with him besides abby. of course, until he met you.
to say that mike was truly comfortable with you was an understatement. he didn't feel forced to make eye contact with you, and of course, ended up feeling comfortable enough with you to make full-on eye-contact... each and every time.
i feel like mike's love languages are definitely quality time and physical contact. he enjoys sitting in a room with you as a sort-of body double-- you two don't have to talk at all for him to have a good time with you. he enjoys being close to you, or being in a room with you, the both of you engaging in anything that you'd like. as for the physical touch part, he always needs to be connected with you in some way. in public, he's behind you, interlinking your arms or your hands together and giving you a soft squeeze. or when you're both in bed, and you two can actually fully hold eachother, this man needs pressure. he needs to feel like he's being pressed by a hydraulic press. either lay on-top of him or squeeze him from behind whilst he's the little spoon-he's in heaven.
mike definitely loves the sound of your voice. when you're talking he's pretty much giving you his full attention, even if he's not looking directly at you, or doing something else. he won't mind if you ramble about your special interest or your hyperfixation, he'll listen and ask you as many questions that pop into his mind. he's genuinely curious about what you're into!
as for mike's sPin/hyperfixations, i feel like one of the biggest hyperfixations he ever had as a child was pokemon. it's basic and mainstream, i know, but i feel like he especially took interest in card-collecting. i feel like he's a big collector in general-- he likes seeing physical groups of things that he either picks up or buys himself. he doesn't have much money to expand his collections now, but every once in a while he'll save up to expand them. i feel like he really enjoys miniature things-- like tiny things he can build. this may seem a bit childish to him and he'd never admit it-- but he likes calico critters because of the small objects. he can just never afford the sets. i feel like he also watches tiny cooking videos on his phone when he can't sleep.
mike's also a really big music enjoyer. i feel like he's always got his walkman on him-- several tapes. this man is a sade and jeff buckley enjoyer and you can't tell me any different.
despite the fact that he needs a job to support himself and abby-- mike is quick to burn out with work. he'll start off strong at first, and then later, everything down to the very air he could breathe in the place could just irritate him. besides all the stuff that happened at freddy's, it was... sort of a fresh breath of air, being his 'own boss.' no coworkers that couldn't understand the meaning of taking a break due to overstimulation to nag in his ear during rushes. not that rushes even really existed in the first place at freddy's. but for all his other jobs, he either got fired or outright quit less than 6 months of work because of his dull-minded managers. fast food was the worst-- he'd always encounter rude customers. he got a drink thrown at him, once, and he swore to never work fast food again. he does not back down on promises.
but whenever he does have burnout, or have a meltdown, mike instantly seeks you out first. he's clinging to you like a lifeline, feeling tears springing to his eyes whenever he's thinking about the amount of bills and fees he has to pay, or the chores he needs to do. he needs you to distract him from it all, he needs you to hold him tight and just distract him from everything. the burnout takes weeks to go away, but you and abby just make the experience so much smoother for him.
i feel like mike really enjoys going on road trips and long drives. no destination, just driving around with you and abby, making up dumb stories or you giving storytimes from your job that abby probably shouldn't be hearing, incase she starts picking up words like 'shit.' but she's already picked them up, honestly.
both you and abby are his lifelines. and the world wouldn't quite click if it weren't for you, especially.
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snitchesnsneeds · 4 months
First Half of Miraculous Season 2 Done. Here's my thoughts:
The Collector: A pretty good start! They made the teens smart while still being dumb teens!
Despair Bear: Chloe needs a therapist, arguably moreso than a redemption arc and especially a downward villainous spiral. Also Dangit Grandpa
Prime Queen: Wow, this was a lot more chill than expected. Even Cat Noir was left aghast at what Nadja was doing, Nadja seemed to be pressuring Ladybug and Cat Noir more for views than anything else, and I'm not entirely sure Akuma personalities can be trusted.
Befana: Fun fact: This was the episode that got me into Miraculous in the first place because of how shocking it was. And then I discovered even more. In hindsight from watching the other episodes, it was relatively darker, but mostly because it's Marinette's friends and family that are getting G-rated killed instead of random civilians like every other episode.
Riposte: Kagami is here! I don't see too much chemistry with her and Adrien yet, but she's cool and I like her and feel like I could be friends in real life. Also this feels like a relatively uncommon trope, but I wish "X is blatantly a woman but no one notices" was spedran through by someone with brains.
Robustus: Pretty good, all things considered. From what I've heard about Miraculous lore, creating sapient or at the very least semi-sapient AI isn't that uncommon for weirdness hotspots, and I'm putting Max in the list of characters I think should have figured out Ladybug and Cat Noir's identity. (There's four now!)
Gigantitan: It turns out my favorite parts of Miraculous are the slice-of-life bits instead of the superhero bits the show is about! We got to see more of Marinette's friends! Alix! Mylene! Julie! The Eeby Deeby herself! Also it was really sweet to see Adrien's bodyguard calm down just by looking at the kid. Adrien's true daddy.
Dark Owl: No wonder these two aren't allowed to know eachothers' identities, considering how much of a loose tongue Marinette has!
Glaciator: Alright, it's finally time to talk about the sins of Marinette and Cat Noir, considering the fan content I osmosed before watching the series was heavy salt stuff, and I wanna see how much it holds up. So far Cat Noir has acted as if he's already dating Ladybug previously, and in this episode he got mad at Ladybug for not showing up at a date when she herself said she might not come due to having other plans. Isn't he supposed to be used to not-showing-up disappointment as Adrien due to his dad? Is it different because he's Cat Noir? Is this a breaking point? No matter, he eventually calms down and is ultimately the less bad member of the relationship. Marinette, meanwhile, doesn't have as many misdemeanors to her name but they're a lot worse. She stole Adrien's phone to get rid of an embarrassing message and got away with it too, what the hell, and also owns the schedule. Although I don't believe she stalked Adrien and made it herself due to how busy she is as both Marinette and Ladybug, that's just weird and wrong. I'm reluctant to call her a stalker, but her actions are still wrong. Ultimately, this relationship is going to need a lot of therapy and counseling to not crash and burn. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. The ice cream episode. I think the ice cream guy can be wrong and he doesn't understand that.
Sapotis: Silly little fun episode, also it introduces the first new Miraculous holder! I'm honestly fine with it so far if it means more screentime for side characters. I honestly really like seeing Marinette's classmates. They're neat. Also I was this close to putting Alya on the list but she proves time and time again that she doesn't actually know Ladybug's identity.
Gorizilla: In this episode we are introduced to Adrien's deranged parasocial fanbase. I'm starting to understand some of his father's decisions at this point. This is what I was talking about with the schedule, by the way. These obsessive stalker creeps make Marinette look reasonable, and I wouldn't be surprised if the one guy who I'm pretty sure becomes Party Crasher discreetly stalked Adrien to get his schedule. Restraining orders need to be filed.
Captain Hardrock: One of the funniest episodes, up there with Dark Cupid. Also Luka is here! And he already has great chemistry with Marinette! And more Rosie and Julie content even if it's crumbs!
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A brief-ish Analysis on the most important scene in For the Future lore: The Collector's Story
I needed a place to ramble, so here we go
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To start off with, the cover of the actual book is much simpler and more childish than the symbol we've seen in the past:
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So this book was probably made for this Collector specifically, or any young Collector to learn about their species. I'd also like to comment on the fact that while the book may look impossibly long, the stone pages coupled with the large font greatly shorten it. This doesn't mean it's not long, just not as long as it first appears.
This isn't important, just thought I'd point it out.
Moving on:
The contents of the book
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This scene confirms something very important, there were other Collectors
and from the looks of it, they weren't very nice. More on that in a moment
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The people depicted here are probably the ancestors of the Titan Trappers, seeming to worship the Collectors. But considering the Collector's tendency to wipe out anyone in their path, this isn't surprising. They seem to gain followers through fear, the type of fear they twist into awe and worship.
I find this especially interesting because Belos gained followers in a similar manner, fear turned to worship. First of all, I'd like to acknowledge they are still very different. Belos's rise to power came about through manipulation and making everyone believe he could lead them to a better future, while the Collectors probably scared everyone into submission with the idea they could take down any who go against them in an instant.
But while their origins are different, they grow into something very similar. By season 1 and 2, Belos was forcefully gripping at control and using his powerful position to either capture any who rebel, and to invoke worship in the rest. Maybe I'm reading too far into it, I don't know.
Additionally, each group were trying to destroy an opposing species. Belos with witches and The Collectors with Titans
Long story short, The Collectors inspired fear and turned it into worship. Belos did something kind of similar. Also, Boscha and Kikimora also established a tyranny in this episode. Just some food for thought
Back to the book, the section that the Collector crossed out hold some heavy implications.
("But should they meddle in our affairs, we'll clean the planet and scorch the air")
Not just the ones who opposed them, the planet itself.
The Boiling Isles would be an empty mass of boiling sea if it weren't for the titan's carcasses. Without them, there would be nothing there. What if this is because the Collectors reset the planet, burning away anything that once rose above the sea and raising the ocean's temperature to boiling levels in the fire.
Or at least that's my interpretation
So, based on the information we have, the Collectors may or may not have had the power to wipe out an entire planet. Yet, they seem to have been completely wiped out alongside the titans, except for just one of their young.
We know a titan was the one that sealed away our Collector, so we can assume that it was an evenly matched battle, the two species wiping each other out. (King and our Collector probably can't reproduce, so their as good as extinct)
Okay, at this point, we've figured out a rough theory on the Collector's history, but how does our Collector play into this?
It's made very clear that our Collector isn't fond of his predecessors. He's a kid with a lot of power and was probably bored by the other's ideas of doom and gloom and the tendency to destroy anything interesting.
So our Collector decided to start doing things his own way. It's clear he didn't decide to step away from the old ways out of sympathy, rather, it was because he's a bored, lonely kid who wants to do interesting stuff like play and make friends.
Does he have any role in the destruction of his species? We don't know. Personally, I think he was placed in the mirror when he was really young, leaving him with nothing but vague memories and a book to get to know his predecessors by.
I believe this because it would parallel him more with King, both of them not being able to remember their species.
I think if the Collector learned to listen to king, they could form a really nice, genuine friendship
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the-misfit-star · 1 year
Cookie run x reader who's like the collector(toh) pt.2
●This story will include Twizzly Gummy Cookie , Time keeper cookie, Pancake cookie, and captain Ice cookie
●Again the relationship between you is strictly platonic
●Readers pronouns are they/them
●Some parts will not include you telling your back-story because I don't know what to make certain characters respond.
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⭐Twizzly Gummy Cookie 💥
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● I don't even know where to start with you two.
●Twizzly Gummy Cookie is pure chaos so clearly you two fit each other perfectly.
●Two energetic mayhem creating besties!
●You like time jumping with her and her crew and distoy worlds with her.
● You hate it when the T.B.D (Time Balance Department) ruins your fun creating danger in the other worlds. I mean seriously! It's not your fault you were bored and wanted something exciting to do with your friends!
● She thinks your powers are perfect for creating chaos and danger in other dimensions. Imagine all the mayhem you can cause with your magic!
● I headcannon that both of you have anger issues and destroy everything in sight of you. So if you're going to be angry then atlest destroy something with her to make you a little more . . .calmed down?
● Your relationship with her is like little sibling and older sister. (Except you're technically older than her) And I mean she's a cool older sister and not a lame one.
● "I HATE the T.B.D they're always ruin our fun !"
● "I wish I just get rid of them! Permanently!"
● "Yeah me too- Wait. Y/N cookie you could just use your powers to destroy them!"
● "You're right Twizzly I could use my powers to get rid of them! But they would just find a way to stop me . . ."
● ". . . Well, I wouldn't hurt to try!"
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⚙Timekeeper cookie ⚙
● If you're the Collector then she's Bill cipher.
● She can literally travel and alter time, she practically unstoppable. Just like you!
● At this point no one can stop stop you because Timekeeper can just change the past to make sure that cookie was never made.
● The members of the T.B.D are so scared of you two for a lot of reasons. I mean honestly
● A very powerful deity child and a unstable cookie who can travel through time, even having the power to bend and change it at will? Who wouldn't be scared?
● If you wanted to change your past, all you have to do is tell Timekeeper cookie and you'll forget everything! And everyone who wronged you! All you you have to do is ask
● Overall a fantastic cookie to play with if you get bored! (And God knows NOBODY want to remember the last time you were bored. Everyone was atlest a little bit traumatized after that)
● " Y/N cookie, we should go back in time to undo all previous mistakes you have and will do!"
● " Timekeeper doesn't that sound kinda dangerous? I mean what if we undo something that cause a "time rip" or whatever?"
● "Exactly. That's what makes it fun."
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🥞Pancake cookie 🌰
● He is just as enthusiastic and energetic as you! 9/10 friend! (It would be 10/10 if he didn't ask you for stuff all the time . . .)
● The best part of being his friend is the fact that he always wants to do something fun with you!
● You always do stuff for him, that is what best friend do right? Always do things for each other?
● I mean, you do always play his games, and he likes to play your games to so clearly you guys are good friends!
● You find it silly that he depends so much on other cookies when you're right here!
● Oh, he wants Acorn jellies? : you can just snap your fingers and make some appear. He wants to fly? : you can easily just give him the ability simply by clapping!
● Honestly it's so funny how he could want any other friends when you're literally the best in the galaxy!
● " AHHH- Y/N cookie put me down!"
● " Hey! You said you wanted to go higher!"
● "I didn't want to go this high!"
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🧊Captain Ice cookie❄
● Just like Pure Vanilla cookie, she's a mother figure to you.
● She doesn't trust you around or to be honest touching the ship.
● Even though you're powerful you still look and overall act like a child, and especially since the ship has a lot of dangerous objects it's not that much of a shock she doesn't trust you.
● You constantly explain that you're " mature enough" to at least be on the ship! If you broke anything you could just use your powers to fix it!
● She gets tired of you constantl complaining.
● Her crew likes you though! They think that you could just snap away any threats! But she thinks differently.
● Eventually when you DO manage to convince her enough to let you on the ship she has very, very , VERY strict rules about what you can and can't do. (Most of them being not touching anything)
● It just gets very boring.
● "Y/N COOKIE! You are not permitted to touch that!"
"I wasn't even gonna do anything!"
● "That does not mean I trust you anywhere near a canon."
"UGH! You're rules are so boring! It's not my fault for being bored on your dumb ship. . ."
● " . . . Go to time out . . ."
●"GO to time out."
● You learned not to question her authority even if you were more powerful than her.
A/N : this took very long to write but I'm glad it's finally done :) I also don't think I will make part 3 of this because I'm making fanfics for other fandoms but if I do make part 3 there will be about 2-4 I will write for 💛
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sugar-omi · 9 months
any headcanons for what kind of sex toys the boys have? for themselves or their partners. who is the most embarrassed to go shopping for them and why is it derek? (ik cove seems the most obvious, but I think once they start fucking he is all about making you happy. plus he talks in the dlc abt "running out of supplies quickly" so we know he's gotta go like. all the time)
NO BC I HALF ASSED READ WHAT YOU SAID (my cat keeps begging for snacks, someone tell him it's a 1 time thing just for his 2nd bday like calm down Mr. fat cakes🤨) N I WAS ABT TO SAY DEREK THEN I REALIZED U SAID DEREK
anyway so conclusion is I agree. anyway imma go in order of cove, baxter, derek...
straps/dildos for days. I feel like he's a Little obsessed w stretching you out
mm I'm thinking flogger or smth as well since he likes pain sm
maybe even blindfold as well bc sometimes he gets embarrassed n I think the lights off thing goes a bit deeper sometimes...
would love if you used it on him too but also he'd be so whiny n breathy if you're laid out for him n waiting n reacting strongly to his every touch n move...
omg how do we feel abt nipple clamps
you don't have to use em but I can totally see it for him, he'd look so cute w those
ooo what abt butt plugs, I think he kinda likes the stretch n sensation yk👀
definitely has a few vibes bc he wants to see how you react, how you shake...
he also has weird shaped dildos I'm not ngl to you. not tentacle level, but definitely weird ridges and knots🫣
so he's into bdsm right... (I'll add the link here Inna bit)
I've said it a million times, but bondage.
he's a total rope bunny n a rigger. doesn't even have to be the typical rope, will tie you or himself up with long silky ribbons and ofc his tie if you're in a hurry/rlly frisky
basically a fucking vibrator collector
omg he's a vibrating pantie type of man too
another flogger/paddle man
definitely wants you to stuff him w a toy, vibrating or plug, and have him wear it all day <33
I think marking is a thing for him. signs of ownership
so hickeys ofc, but he would not be above collaring 👀 even if it's just limited to the bedroom or the collar is like a NANA situation or jewelry w your initials on it...
sweet summer child he is🫶🫶
even just flavored condoms/lube flusters him...
stuffing him is the way to go, lots of dildos and butt plugs are good
bullet vibes/magic wands...
highly suggest using a fleshlight on him, he'd be so cute to watch
I also suggest trying to sexual card/board games w him to spice things up, see what happens
also after I said the vibe panty thing w baxter I thought abt cove... have you seen how the girls beg their men to turn it down? that's so cove. all whiny n squirmy m barely able to stay on his feet. ofc he wouldn't be in the middle of the mall but fuck if you don't take it outside (baxter n cove are big outdoor sex men, as if it's surprising... the farthest derek can go is your balcony overlooking an empty beach or your car in the middle of no where, hes shyyy)
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cal-writes · 2 months
Hi! I just wanna start by saying I adore your writing so much and you inspire me a whole lot!! Everytime a new chapter of yours drops I feel like life gets a bit brighter lol.
Anw, I hope you’re still receiving prompts? There’s one that has been sitting at the back of my head for way too long:
“The Strawhats are convinced Zoro’s foreigner, coin collector, sword user, tattoo enthusiast, bread hater, cardiac surgeon boyfriend is entirely made up, until they realise he’s real.”
I’ve been itching to write it but it never came around soooooo :3
Have a good day ilysm <3
that is so incredibly sweet of you. thank you so much for telling me! I'm glad i can inspire and brighten <3
prompts are always open i just - apparently - do not see them sometimes or dont have an idea
Zoro glares down at the collection of coins as if they have personally offended him. He crosses his arms, brow furrowed in concentration which in turn makes the poor vendor of the flea market stand pale and sweat. The young man lets himself get distracted by an old lady asking about the display of postcards he has laid out
"What's got you so pissy this morning?" Nami asks him, crossing her arms as well before she huffs. "If you didn't want to come you could have said no." She tells him. Usually she asks Robin to the flea market - because Robin loves that sort of thing and because they get coffee after - but one of her classes had her busy on a week long project. Maybe she should have just stayed home.
Zoro's expression turns from murder to confusion as he blinks and glances at her. "I wanted to come?" He says incredulously.
"Then why are you glaring daggers at this crap." She asks, gesturing at the rickety table and its myriad of good before catching the eye of the vendor. "No offense." She adds with a sweet smile which is ignored.
Zoro huffs and rubs the back of his head. "Law collects this stuff and I figured it'd make a good gift but these all look the same." He mutters and Nami narrows her eyes at him.
"Law?" She asks and Zoro gives her another look, as if he thinks she is an idiot.
"Yes?" He shoots back.
"Who's that?"
Zoro rolls his eyes and exhales sharply. "Not this again." He mutters before glaring at her from the side. "You know who he is."
Nami waves her hand. "Ah, yes of course. The 'boyfriend'." She says, making airquotes with her fingers.
"Why do you always say it like that?" Zoro asks and the vein on his forehead announces his irritation.
"Oh, please." Nami scoffs. "You don't have to keep pretending. I won't tell Hiyori. I get it." She tells him, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Fuck knows I've told people you are my boyfriend before so they'd leave me alone." She says, picking around in a jewlery box of tangled necklaces, trying to find anything of value she can haggle the price down of.
"Okay?" Zoro says. "He is actually my boyfriend though."
"Riiight, the tattoed heart surgeon from Frevance who collects swords and coins, now, apparently. He's definitely real." Nami tells him with heavy sarcasm, as she tries to pull apart two pieces of jewlery.
"Glad we're in agreement." Zoro replies, being deliberately obtuse.
Nami snorts. "Would love to meet him one day." She says to play along.
"Good. Because he's coming this way." Zoro tells her, unbelievably smug, pointing over his shoulder.
She glares at him from the corner of her eye. "Like I'm gonna fall for that-"
A tattoed arm glides over Zoro's shoulders before a tall lanky man comes up to him and Nami turns to stare. "Hey, didn't know you were going to be here." The man says to Zoro before glancing over at Nami.
"Law, Nami, Nami, Law." Zoro introduces them, smirking insufferably at her before she has time to control her expession of shock.
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yanderesimp2000 · 2 months
(Im back) alastor x fem Cat demon chap 1/???
This is not sexual/romantic since al is aroace but it is dark he is fond of you but in a master/pet type way this takes place in an alt universe where alastor dosnet go into the Hazbin hotel
TWs: you fate is worse then death, Physical abuse, degradation, fearplay, and everything you expect from alastor, Reader gets angry easy, user does cat stuff
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Your life isn't  the greatest even when you are alive your life sucked there's always too much debt and people chasing after you because you're in a Rival gang And one day they just got to you shot you point blank and that's how you ended up here and literal hell trapped in this ugly cat body and even then you got in trouble with loan sharks they just kept chasing you no matter what you did So eventually you got desperate what about the  horror stories of what happens to people who sold their soul but you would do anything to get these loan sharks off your ass the next day you were thinking about who to Sell your soul to but then one of the loan sharks came beat you bloody and took your wallet eventually you were left on the Alley Bleeding Out
As you are blacking out you heard someone coming after you you thought it was one of those loan sharks coming to finish you off you couldn't see you were too weak to open your eyes but you heard a strange voice " oh dear do you need help don't worry I'm not like those cruel evil debt collectors I'm a gentleman and I'm wondering if you want help " before you could even respond to that question he scooped you up in his arms and started caring you somewhere you struggled a little trying to escape thinking whoever this man was he was going to hurt you but he just kept holding you that same static voice came back on again " be careful dear you're wasting energy I'm just making sure you're okay what type of man would I be if I didn't " you try to struggle again but you are too weak too eventually you pass out and wake up on a bed with water next to you and that same man looking at you then you realize who he is the radio demon who massacred Lots of the strongest overlords suppose you going to do to you was he going to kill you hurt you those are you could think about he came up to you and said  " oh I'm glad you're awake I thought you would never wake up if you want to Coma that would be very unfortunate " he then leaned down and started to touch your ears a big sensitive spot of yours he was scratching them gently maybe trying to calm you down but it just got you on edge you slapped his hand away and growls " don't touch there " the demon found your effort amusing and said " oh dear I'm very sorry" he patted your head and said " I'm so sorry that happened to you how could anyone do that to you "
The demon looked down at you that creepy smile still there before he said something again " I have a proposal to make I will keep you safe and protect you from any of those pesky loan sharks coming after you again and you can just do a couple things for me so what do you say do you want to make a deal" you still not wanting to accept but feeling obligated because you are at his Mercy and he is one of the most powerful overlords in hell so none those Loan Sharks would come up after you raised one of your paws and gently put it in his hands another part Of Your hellish existence is that you have no thumbs so you can't really carry anything or grip onto anything plus your just slightly bigger than the average house cat you've only been in hell for a year  and you get how bad it really is the demon grinned an even creepier smile and said " good good you're very smart Kitty " he giggled while rubbing your head this made you mad but you are too weak to speak up about it just didn't have the energy " so I'll just leave you head of rest yell if you need anything " alastor said before walking out the room
1 week later
life with alastor hasn't been so bad your pretty much recovered from your attack and just lounge around his house its weird he hasn't asked much of you and he's gone most of the day so you just do what you want that was until the incident today happened you were lounging on a wooden kitchen island when he walked over to you and started to pet your ears you didn't like it and tried to get up and jump off the counter but he used his other hand to gently keep you on the counter you told him to stop multiple times but he didn't seem to listen eventually you were scared you were gonna start purring which is a sign of weakness for you so after one has scream for his to stop you unscathed your claws and swiped at him skimming his left arm before you hissed and said "DONT TOUCH ME THEIR IM NOT YOUR FUCKING PET" he didn't seem to react other then a light giggle "oh have you forgot the deal we made" suddenly a greenish chain appeared around your neck and he pulled you off the counter senting you falling to the around "ơ̵͈h̷̡̆ ̸͕͋ṁ̷̜y̷̧̛ ̸̗̇n̴̡̽ả̶͖i̸̼͠v̵͉͘e̵̘͂ ̷̨͊l̴̩̒ỉ̷͕t̵̹͐ţ̸͒l̴̮̍e̶͔͝ ̵̡̀k̸̓͜i̷͓͝t̵̫̿ṯ̶̋y̵̦̿ ̶̣̓I̵̤̒ ̵̺̈ŏ̴̡w̵̗̚n̴̢̅ ̶͖͝y̴͍͝ö̵͔́ǘ̶̮ ̷̢̈́ń̵͕o̴̻̒w̸̲̓ ̶̲͠a̴͙̕n̸̻̏d̶̳͠ ̷̛̤I̵̯̔ ̸͙͑c̶̦͂a̸̠͗n̶̯̏ ̸͍͊d̸̜̚o̶̧̾ ̷̿͜w̴̢͘h̷͔͂ä̵̻́ţ̴̿ ̵̬͠I̶̩̐ ̸̹͝w̵̗͑a̴͍͐n̷͍͝t̷̨͐ ̶̳̽w̶͔͝ḯ̴͔t̴̢͑ḧ̷̲́ ̶̲̚y̶̲͑ó̵̫ű̴̲" his voice was horrifying and disturbing he yanked the collar towards him sending you with it, it bruised your neck and you were right by his feet he then picked you up by your scruff and said "d̶̬͊o̵̠͑ ̷͚̚Ḭ̸̂ ̴̙̈́h̵̟̐å̵̱v̸̫̈́ë̴̼́ ̵̳͑ẗ̶̳́o̷̬̚ ̴̯͘r̷̥͛e̴̪͑p̴̈ͅê̸̞ȁ̷͍t̶̤͂ ̴̨͌m̸͂͜ÿ̴̪́s̴̲̓ẽ̵̺l̵͓͒f̸̣́" his voice was low and staticly you were shaking and trembling in fear "y-yy-y-yy-yes" you said in fear his tone changed and he said "good good my dear I don't want to do anything rash to my little pet" he said it nicely but it sounded oddly cruel you were still dangling from the air when he sat down on the couch with you. Then it hit you like a truck you just ruined your life for the rest of etenerinty will just be as a pet you couldn't hold I back you just started crying into him the demon giggled "there there my dear let it all out" you buried your face into his coat and were gripping onto him just crying he seemed to get a sick and cruel pleasure from this he just kept petting you and giggling "every thing will be okay dear just trust me
Hope y'all liked it my last "first post in 2 weeks" got taken done sooo yeah
How I imagined you crying into him looked like (except you aren't husk lol
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egophiliac · 1 year
Hello!! I'm in love with your artstyle (especially the way you did the signature spells??? I've been looking at them for a while adsgfdfsf, they look like movie posters tbh and that's fricking cool to me. anyway!! I'm a player on the NA server (btw, I've already seen spoilers of chap 7 due to tumblr/reddit/pinterest, so yeah it's not the most spoiled I've ever been so yea) and yeah. I'm getting through the story okay but do you have any advice for people trying to get through certain events with a more limited life schedule??? Also, what are some of the differences that you notice between the english (if you see a lot of it??) and Japanese versions of the game? sorry if this was a longer ask, i tried to be simple but i wanted to tell you that I loved your art and everything just spiraled AAAAAAH
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been surprised by how many people really like my posters -- it's kind of a weird style to do fanart in, I guess, but I'm glad other people think it's cool too! :D
(gonna answer out of order because the event stuff turned into a huge block of text, sorry!)
I've seen a few of the localizations, but I don't know a lot about the Eng version, so I can't speak too much about differences. (I do think "housewarden" has a better sound to it than "dorm leader" though...they need a fancy little word to match their fancy little outfits.) I did look up the unique magic/signature spells to see if they were able to somehow work in the glossing -- I'm not even sure how you would localize that without it being super weird, so I don't blame them, but I was a little sad anyway! :( in Japanese, they're all written as Japanese phrases with the English as ruby text, and sometimes they're given a little extra meaning. like -- this is where the episode 7 spoilers I'm tagging are) the words that Mal says are "Fae of Maleficence":
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but the meaning of the Japanese is "Blessing", which is a nice little "ooooh" moment given the context of it!
there isn't always an extra meaning, sometimes it's just. super literal. but my other favorite is Jack's, where what he means is "✨howl that pierces the moonlit night✨", but what he actually yells is "UNLEASH BEAST" before turning into a giant dog. what a good boy.
as for event advice (under the cut, because this was already getting long)...
speaking as someone who is 100% F2P and therefore also tends to get kind of burnt by some of these events -- the #1 most important thing is to just...make peace with not getting everyone. :') I am a collector-type person, so it definitely gets grating when I can't have all the fancy PNGs my little packrat heart desires. generally though: never do random pulls, always be saving your keys and gems between events. (once a month you can buy a 10-set from Sam for a 50 gem discount, and logging in on a character's birthday will give you a 10-set for free, so make sure to do those!). when the event info starts coming out, pick one or two cards that you really want and work specifically towards those, focusing on grinding out the items and/or using your saved-up pulls on their specific banner. and in the end, accept that it might just not be meant to be, even if you hit the 100-pull pity SSR no I'm not still bitter over fairy gala Ortho why do you ask. if the event doesn't have any cards that you really want, take it as an opportunity to save for the next one!
hoard your star fragments (the things that restore AP) -- if you're going for a card that requires grinding event items to permanently unlock, and the item is one you get from lessons, you can use star fragments to bump your AP up to 30 at a time (10 is the limit that will restore over time, but 30 is the max you can have at once). that makes for a looong lesson loop, but I usually get about 50-60 items per 30 lessons, and I just let it run in the background while doing other stuff. (usually these items are what also unlock the event story, so I'll do a huge amount of lessons first thing and then have enough to get the whole story at once. 👍) it can get really grindy, but events go on for a while so it's not usually that bad if you space it out a bit, instead of waiting until the last minute to try and get those last 600 items (cough) (cough).
if it's one of the ones where you get the item from doing a rhythmic, you get the same amount of items no matter how well you do, even if you miss every note. so you can just...tap occasionally to restart it and get the same effect. if it's a battle one, you do have to actually win to get the item, but once you figure out the sweet spot of a team setup + highest battle level where you win every time, it becomes basically the same deal.
so...yeah, tl;dr you can get away with a lot just by setting things up to run in the background and paying just enough attention to tap through some of the menus. it does require a certain amount of time to just leave your phone while still sorta-kinda paying attention to it, so it might not work for everyone, but that's the best way I've found to get through most events!
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Choir: ♪ Holy infant So tender and mild ♪
John: Wait, who describes an infant as mild?
Ted: Yeah, I'm more hung up on tender.
John: Yeah, somebody's eating this baby.
Priest: It's important that we remember just why we celebrate Christmas. We observe the holiest of all days to rejoice in the glory of the birth of Jesus Christ, born not from the seed of man but from divine origin. Never before or since have we, God's children, been blessed by such a miracle.
Ted: Excuse me. Yeah, over here. Hi. Ted, local bear. You're talking about a guy who came alive out of nowhere, right?
Priest: Yes.
Ted: Yeah, me.
Priest: I'm sorry?
Ted: I'm just saying, he's not the only one.
Priest: I don't think that's the same thing.
Ted: Well, you said, never before or since. But… You know, this guy.
Priest: The birth of Christ was a heavenly miracle.
Ted: I mean, what do you call this? I mean, I don't see any Pound Puppies or Monchhichis walking around.
Priest: Christ's birth was clearly ordained by God, marked by the star of Bethlehem, a miraculous beacon from the heavens.
John: There was a star there. Ted: There was a star, right?
John: Yeah, no, it was a shooting star.
Ted: I had a star. John: Yeah.
Priest: Jesus had a divine purpose. God sent him to us to spread the word that He loves us.
Ted (recorded voice): "I love you."
Ted: Your move, Friar Tuck.
Priest: I just want to finish the sermon.
Ted: I'm just saying, I might be Jesus. Might. I'm not saying for sure. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I might be Jesus.
Priest: That is incredibly disrespectful.
Ted: Says the guy eating babies.
John: OK, we can't read this whole thing.
Ted: Well, if we're gonna figure out if I'm actually Jesus, we at least got to skim it.
John: I have never seen pages so thin.
Ted: I know. It's like Kleenex with boring stories on it.
John: You know, I was thinking. How do we know that Dennis isn't Jesus?
Ted: Johnny, Jesus walked on water, all right? Walked! That means he had feet, not wheels.
John: Yeah, that makes sense.
Ted: Oh, wait, hang on. Stop right there. Look, look, look. Matthew 21:31, "Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and prostitutes go into the kingdom of heaven before you." Look at that. Jesus hangs out with hookers.
John: Yeah, and he says there's hookers in heaven too. He sounds a lot like you.
Ted: Oh, yeah, heaven is probably mostly hookers.
John: Wait, so you're paying for sex in heaven?
Ted: You're not paying them for sex. You're paying them to fly away.
John: Oh. Let's see. "And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give"…
Ted: What was that first part?
John: "Behold, I come quickly."
Ted: Jesus said that?
John: Yeah.
Ted: Yeah, that's not the kind of thing I'd start with "behold." What else? Well, look, look, look. Right there. Right there. John the apostle. Jesus had an apostle named John.
John: Holy shit. Those were, like, his buddies, right?
Ted: Yeah, yeah, there was Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Johnny, Blitzen, and Larry, Darryl, and Darryl. There's no doubt anymore. I'm the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ted: Holy shit. Does this mean you have, like, powers and stuff?
Ted: Yeah, but I probably got to learn how to use them. Flip to the spells.
John: OK, spells, spells, spells. Ted: Spells, spells, spells.
Ted: Wonder what my alignment is.
John: Chaotic good.
Ted: Ah, yeah, yeah. Good, but, like, you know, I might fuck around a little bit.
John: Yeah.
Ted: Shit, we supposed to have dice?
Ted: OK, what do you say we try one of them spells, huh? Water into wine, here we go. "Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho. Meka leka hi, meka chiney ho." All right, try it.
John: Still water.
Ted: Fuck! Oh, you know what? It's 'cause we don't have the wand.
Blaire: Shit. I mean, how the fuck am I supposed to share a house with somebody who treats me like I have some fucking disease Guess there's no chance he's gonna apologize.
Ted: You know, if I can offer a bit of Christly wisdom, Blaire? You're smarter than he is, so you might have to go talk to him.
Blaire: Oh, fuck that. I am not extending an olive branch to somebody who's against basic equality.
John: Well, that's the thing, Blaire. I don't think he's really even against anything. Think he just didn't want to look stupid in front of his truck.
Blaire: Listen to yourself!
John: OK, then don't do it for Dad. Do it for Mom. Look, she's really bummed out right now, and it's all just 'cause Christmas is messed up. Look, I know it's gonna suck, but…
Ted: But it's like I say in the Book of Romulans: turn the other cheek. Do unto others. Say it, don't spray it. I'll have what she's having.
Blaire: You're an idiot.
Ted: Oh, what do we say to that, Apostle?
John: Four hell points.
Ted: Four hell points.
Blaire: What the fuck is a hell point?
Ted: It's how I determine which of my children, who I love, will be tortured forever.
Blaire: Oh, God. Ugh, all right, all right, I'll… I'll talk to him.
Ted: Well, I Jesus-ed the shit out of that one.
Blaire: You? You didn't do anything.
Ted: Eh, I worked in mysterious ways.
Sarah: How?
Ted: Where there was only one set of footprints, that's where I carried you.
Blaire: You watched 18 hours of TV yesterday. You barely moved.
Ted: When it most appears I'm not Jesus, that's when you need faith.
Sarah: Ted, you do know what happened to Jesus, right?
Ted: Yeah, he gave back the Gobstopper, and they gave him the chocolate factory. I mean, I think that's what happened. I'm reading, like, two books at once.
Sarah: They nailed him to the cross and crucified him for our sins.
Ted: Wait, what?
Susan: It was so nice of him to let them do that for us, wasn't it?
Ted: They killed him?
Sarah: Yeah.
Ted: Oh, shit. Yeah, fuck that. I'm out. Wait, maybe I'm Buddha. Buddha was lazy, right?
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
Speaking as an embalmer, I'm also skeptical about the scrimshawed skull. Though admittedly not my skillset, the removal of skulls being more of a taxidermy thing and not something generally practiced on humans except in the context of medical schools, I'm really skeptical about someone's ability to preform the required tasks one the body of a friend to get the skull out of the skulls. Few enough modern embalmers are even comfortable embalming their own family. I find it really hard to think that someone would be able to remove all the skin from the outside AND the brain from the inside of a skull of their friend. And even if they were able to emotionally, I'm not sure that they'd be able to practically accomplish that while out at sea. But like I said that's more in the realm of taxidermy so I couldn't say. The line that goes around the skull on which the ship is sitting is looks like what you would expect from a cranial autopsy, but that's usually done with electric tools. Not sure about how or even if iit would have been done like that in 1868. I'd also be really interested in how the top portion of the skull was reattached. In short, I think you're right to doubt its authenticity. Hopefully this hasn't been too weird or creepy. I find my ability to judge what others might find unsettling isn't as great as it used to be before I started studying this stuff. Oh, and if you're interested in beautifully decorated skulls the Hallstatt Ossuary is absolutely gorgeous if you ever have the opportunity to visit.
Hi, first of all you don't sound creepy at all- I like that because I'm not an embalmer but a sepulchral archaeologist I work with mummies and the dead of all kinds. So hello mate ;) And yes, I know the Hallstatt skulls, I've even worked with them.
I agree with your objections, but let me tell you, whalers were very good at taking whales and other animals apart and processing their bones. And with a surgeon on board, a clean opening of the skull was no problem, which by the way has been around since ancient times, albeit with saws.
Whether one was emotionally capable of removing the skull of a comrade, cleaning it and boiling it is another matter, and at that time the moral concepts were again very Christian and conservative, so it is difficult to imagine that one would have done this to a comrade, especially since what were the men planning to do? To bring the skull to the poor mother or widow and say - well, unfortunately he didn't make it but here's the rest of him, even decorated, you can put him on the fireplace, was nice to meet you ma'am have a nice day-. Not really - but well ... sometimes ... Well, let's not go there, it just sounds too weird.
It's hard to imagine, but collectors at that time had completely different ideas and walked over dead bodies (in the truest sense of the word) to get a great story and a great exhibit, even if they bought a skull and had it decorated by a Sailor or Whaler. So I assume the latter. But a good story sells well and brings in a lot of money. And the Victorians were strange as hell and very morbid, death was something quite fascinating for them and was already blooming in very weird ways. I'm just saying mummy unwrapping parties, memorials of the burial site made of hair and teeth of the dead etc.
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jessicalprice · 1 year
not every story is a fable
(reposted from Twitter)
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So in reading Christian commentary on NT parables, and its wild and ugly claims about first-century Jews and Judaism, I often find myself wondering how they got there. And I think I've discerned the process. 
It goes a little something like this: 
Christians receive traditional interpretations of what the parables “mean." E.g. the prodigal son means you should forgive people, the good Samaritan means you should help people in need. These meanings are, generally, banal.
Rather than reading the parables as stories, Christians read them as fables with a moral. They read them through the lens of that moral instead of approaching them without a predetermined interpretation.
Christians also believe that the parables must contain revolutionary, radical truths.
So now, they somehow have to resolve the idea that the stories are radical with the fact that their received interpretations are obvious/banal/the same thing plenty of other people have said.
And that goes a little something like this: 
Since (what they believe are) the morals of these stories don't sound radical to contemporary Westerners, they project that radicalness backward onto the parable's original context and audience. That is, it must have been radical/shocking at the time, to the people who first heard it.
Now they have to resolve the dilemma of how something that sounds so banal and obvious to us could have been radical and shocking and scandalous(!) to the original listeners.
Most of them aren't going to say "Jesus's Jewish listeners were incredibly malicious and/or incredibly stupid," at least out loud. So they move to: Projecting that onto Jewish culture, Jewish law, "religious law," etc. 
So then they need to make up norms/customs/attitudes that would make the parable "shocking." If they can find a source that maybe seems to say something that hints in that direction, they'll claim it says a lot more than it does and that it was normative. (E.g. Ben Sira saying you can tell things about a man from how he walks ends up meaning "the villagers would have stoned the father for running to greet his long-lost son" and of course that running to greet your long-lost son would be S H O C K I N G to the listeners.)
It's why they love throwing "ritual purity" in there so much. 
The father in the Prodigal Son story wouldn't embrace his son because he was ritually impure! (If the father was out doing farm stuff and wasn't going to the Temple any time soon, most likely, so was he.)
The kohen and the Levite in the Good Samaritan story passed by the dying man on the side of the road because they were afraid he would make them ritually impure! (The story is very clear they were headed AWAY from Jerusalem, and thus the Temple, so no.)
The Pharisee in the Temple has contempt for the tax collector and doesn't want to stand next to him because he's ritually impure! (No, if the tax collector is in the Temple, he is in a state of ritual purity.)
An anthropologist friend of mine told me that when anthropologists/archaeologists are confronted with an object from an ancient culture and they don't know what it's for, the default category is "ritual object."
Did you dig up a weird-shaped ax that doesn't seem well-designed for either being a weapon OR chopping things? Ritual object. 
Find a statue with some odd characteristics? Ritual object.
"Ritual purity" appears to be to Christian understanding of Jewish customs what "ritual object" is to anthropologists. Anything that doesn't make sense to you, put down to "ritual purity."
So, anyway, the process goes like this: 
parables must be shocking > 
they're not shocking to me > 
they must have been shocking to Jews > 
make up supposed Jewish customs/laws/attitudes that would have made normal behavior "shocking"
It’s exhausting. 
(Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio)
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tohisprettyc00l · 11 months
celebrating your birthday
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A/n: It's nowhere near my birthday but whatever
Amity: It's been a while since she's had a real birthday party. She used to get mager ones when she was friends with Boscha. In retrospect that was probably to impress Boscha's parents. But enough about all that it's your big day. And with money (that she totally didn't steal from her mom) she wants to make sure that you have a great birthday. She takes you to any store you want. And then gets you your favorite food.
Luz: She loves birthday parties so much!!! She goes all out. There's a bunch of decorations. And if you like having more people there, all of her friends are there. Which we know is a fucking lot. If you don't want a lot of people that's okay. She buys your favorite cake. You only turn whatever age your turning once. And now I've at least alluded to Boscha two more times than I thought I would.
Willow: She's never been one that likes big crowds. And no matter how many people are on your part she'd feel kind of awkward. So she hosts a party that's just the two of you. On the plus side, it's more special. Also, her dads make you a cake <3.
Hunter: The FUCK is a birthday? Yeah, I think I've made it clear the Empoer's coven and the Empoer himself suck. Like doesn't even know what that word means. But once he finds out he's determined to give you a good one. Despite never being to or having one himself. And it's very all over the place, You have no cake but do have ice cream. Not sure how he managed to mess up the biggest part of the birthday. He's trying okay? Also the number of gifts he good you was absurd.
Vee: She kind of knows what birthdays are. A few kids had them at camp (Which was probably sad as fuck.) So while the general decorations are kinda dull. The gifts are great! Most (affordable) things you want you get. Though there are a few oddballs in there. Like she just got you a straight-up weapon.
Raine: Pretty good birthday. The happy birthday song is 10x more awkward. Because they have a beautiful singing voice. Thankfully they also are an awkward mess when it comes to stuff like that. So they probably won't sing it (if you don't when them to.) All of the gifts they get you are sweet.
Eda: Never trust Eda to throw a party, worst mistake of my life. There are so many different shows and gamed-themed plates it's insane. The presents don't make any sense. Like a book about how to get better at abominations, while your human ass is just sitting there confused as fuck. She starts laughing and then just straight up gives you 250 snails.
Emria: She bakes the cake herself (and almost burns the house down.) She's not great at the whole planning the party thing. But it is still an enjoyable experience! While the wrapping job might have been so bad that you could see the gifts, said gifts were still great. Is her lacking ability in making birthday parties just a her thing or is her mom also at the core of this? I don't know, you decide.
Edric: Dude was stressed. He wanted it to be perfect! But, just like his siblings, he had no clue what to do. I mean he'd had birthdays, but he's not known for excelling. And with his mom being Odaila there was no chance of him getting a proper birthday. Cue the googling! The birthday isn't very extravagant, despite his wealth. But it is a fun time. He did end up getting pin the tail on the donkey. So that's pretty fun.
The Collector: Any chance to throw a party is a chance he'll take! And it was about you? That's twice the fun. He can make you the biggest cake with just a snap of his finger, not sure how good it would taste but that's beside the point. Also, the presents are great, obviously. You guys have stereotypical "girls" birthday parties. You have a slumber party, eat pizza, play truth or dare, and stay up all night.
Lilith: She probably wouldn't do anything major for your party. A slice of a cake and a small gift or two. It's not that she doesn't care about you, she does a lot! She doesn't really celebrate her birthday. (Sorry boys it's not angst this time I just don't think she likes celebrating her birthday.)  That being said, if you want a bigger party she's not totally against the idea. But the only people she has the confidence to ask are Hooty, Luz, and Eda (King probably tagged along.) It's pretty hectic, as all things with the owl family are, but it's honestly the best birthday you've had.
Gus: Gus is almost the biggest overachiever out there (second only to Hunter.) So he's more than excessive. He takes all his past parties and parties he's been to and combines them into one big party. He invited Willow over to make sure it looked okay (bless her and the crap she has to deal with.) She tells Gus in the nicest way possible that you'd probably have a heart attack from all the colors. She quickly helped him fix everything up. When you do come over it's overall presentable. It's a far cry from what Gus had planned but it is chill.
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This is my first time writing in an ask box so please forgive me if I did anything wrong but the thing you just posted Ajdkskdk. I never considered this kink, a lot of scenes involving ignoring a sub are not particularly my thing, plus not into to public stuff lol, but the little blurb you wrote Luci/Dia/Barb/You IS MY THING. I wondering how Barb would behave in both situations yk? Dia is pretty obvious in my opinion, entranced by the quality of this jewel/he’s boastful about the treasure he’s captured but what would barb do?
If Dia is playing ruler he will most likely point out whatever Dia hasn’t noticed or talked about, “My Lord, he’s (it’s?) complexion is rather unique, not many have quite as pale of skin as it”
But what about when they are bring Luci back to you? Is he boastful as well? Is he still just serving his lord with knowledge? What’s happening?
Well, firstly, I'm honored that you broke your "no asking" streak to come into my inbox! Secondly, you didn't do anything wrong! I love it when people send me asks about my ideas! Or sending me asks about their own!
I, too, don't really vibe with scenes that ignore the sub. I mean, I don't hate the concept, I think it can be a nice addition to a fic, but I don't go seeking it out.
I'm glad you like my post! I think Barb would kinda be a coy instigator in those scenes. For example, if you just made Lucifer cum he'll ask if that's it, it's only capable of cumming once. If Diavolo is a kid on Christmas day excitedly admiring his new toy, Barbatos is a collector examining a product.
That's not to say he's cold. He's still very gentle and praises Lucifer. (I really like your line, "My lord, it's complexison is very unique," Barbs would absolutely say that). He just wants to push Lucifer a little more and see how far you can push him. He also notices the little things that Diavolo might have looked over, like how Lucifer's cock twitches after he cums.
I admit, when Reader is playing ruler and Diavolo and Barbs nrimg Lucifer to you, it's less "precious object kink" and more "wild demon that has been captured and played with by humans" kink. But I can mix those two together! In my mind how the scene plays out with Lucifer pretending to be a wild demon that human knights Diavolo and Barbatos caught, played with and tamed, and now brought to their ruler to show it off.
Lucifer is chained up and kneeling in front of your throne while Barbatos and Diavolo talk about how good of a toy Lucifer is. How beautifully it begs, how much it came cum, how being a demon means it can take a lot more than a human can, etc. Diavolo plays the part of the boastful guard, excitedly shoving his thick fingers into Lucifer's hole to show off how it begs. While Barbatos stands to the side and comments how willingly Lucifer obeys, and shows you by commanding Lucifer to kiss his shoes, which he does. Diavolo is a lot more physical with Lucifer while Barbatos is a lot more psychological. While Reader pretends to be uninterested, so Diavolo and Barbatos really have to ruin Lucifer to try and convince them.
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biribaa · 1 year
Hey I'm the person that came onto your blog when it was new and you were writing Collector fanfics. Sorry I completely disappeared from it. Hey, do you think you can do P03 x reader headcanons if you haven't already??
P03 x reader headcanons
Tbh i rlly want to fogor bout these Collector fanfictions i did
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P03 will always act like the P03 everyone knows, quiet, grumpy, and judging everything he sees and hears, oh but trust me, when it comes to you P03 is itching to have an interaction with you, anything! A conversation, holding hands or etc, P03 is dying to be able to interact with you, but is embarrassed to admit that he is "vulnerable", in his words. But this is all just at the beginning of your relationship, with time P03 will be less shy, still shy, but the results are visible.
But of course, if you're gentle with the old lil' P03 inexperienced with love, they will be able to relax into your touch. Pss, they hate to admit it, but they love laying their head in your lap.
Of course we can't forget about the cute nicknames it gives to you! "Idiot", "Loser", "Bastard", P03 has difficulties expressing affection, so trust me this is the best way P03 can show it. But of course, if you are uncomfortable with these nicknames, he will stop, and try to use something more affectionate.
While P03 cannot express love like most people do, with words or physical affection, they try to express their love in helping you, most of the time being tips and etc, but they like to show you that they actually like you and like to help you.
Another notable thing that P03 only does with you, is listening to you without interrupting, it does this almost all the time with the other scrybes, but not you! P03 listens carefully to you, it's even impressive how it pays attention. Sometimes, he even make notes, writing down the likes and dislikes that he noticed in your conversations, P03 wants to try to be a good partner, and doesn't want to see you regret staying with him.
Theres that type of moments between you and P03 where they try their best to hold your hand without you noticing, they get to the point of shaking from so much struggle, you find it cute, and when you finally grab their hands by yourself P03 almost jumps, but relieved anyway.
I don't know about you, but "Soft Bitch" by Rio Romeo is the biggest P03 x reader I listened.
There are times that P03 think how he was so harsh on you, calling you stupid, idiot, dumb and etc. He secretly blames himself for all that, he doesn't like to admit he thinks about it, but he wonders if you forgive him.
There are times when P03 scolds you for staying up too late, for not eating, or for just eating not so healthy things, it's not doing that because it doesn't like you, quite the contrary, it loves you! And all P03 wants to see is you well and healthy with lots of energy. P03 loves you.
P03 doesn't normally sleep with you, he'd like to, but he's afraid he'll make you uncomfortable, due to the fact that he's completely metal, y'know, pure hard stuff, so he'd rather you have a comfortable sleep than gossip about having back or neck pain.
Anyway, P03 is quite loyal, and always wants the best for you even if that means he have to scold you, I hate to use that term but the easier way to explain this is "tsundere".
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