#the contrarian is also up there
juoreze · 7 months
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a followup from my previous post! Finally got around to doing the last four voices, also featuring the worst roadtrip ever
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maigetheplatypus57 · 4 months
"i need grumbo to be more insane about each other this season" this and "i need more scarian" that, well i think that perhaps scar and mumbo should be more insane about each other. maybe even have their own robot child or cactus ring together. how about that.
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3zethe3zr · 5 months
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Working on a stp au, so take the designs of the protagonists: two dysfunctional and amnesiac detectives and their equally dysfunctional amnesiac client! This surely can't go horribly wrong!
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random-autie-fangirl · 2 months
Shoutout to a bunch of voices crushing on the Razor
Voice of the Broken: She doesn't want us. Voice of the Contrarian: You're just saying that because you want her to be into you. Voice of the Broken: I know. I thought I was being obvious.
Voice of the Paranoid: Maybe it'll work! Maybe it'll throw her off. I know I'd be thrown off if she started flirting with us. Voice of the Contrarian: Yeah, because you'd be into it. Voice of the Paranoid: No comment.
Voice of the Stubborn: I'm into it. Voice of the Cheated: I can't say I mind either. If it weren't for all the cheating, I'd say she's pretty cute.
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Hero doesn't know if he's into the Razor
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salty-an-disco · 2 months
*stumbles onto the stage, barely being able to keep standing as I grab the microphone*
I did it. They all have wings (and some tails) now
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(you can’t see Para’s cus she keeps them hidden)
*falls over and dies*
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necrophiliak · 4 months
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hey, your video compilation of 4chan post about shield is a great ressource for fandom psychology. Interesting to see another user who lurk the wrestling board and use tumblr. Did you ever work on compilation of the tumblr fandom during the peak of the shield era ? I did not research it yet. xoxo
glad someone liked that video, only in times when im super fixated on something will i end up searching through the 4chan archives for more content...unfortunately 4chan vernacular tends to get a laugh out of me (if it isnt absolute lowtier content, had to scrape through a lot of that). the shield stuff i tried to get from when it was at its peak and you'll see posts on there from 2013+, but i also got modern stuff now bc the boardspeak actually changed with it.
ironically it is way easier to deepdive and compile stuff from 4chan bc it has a much better archival system than tumblr; ive also looked for lots of old stuff on deviantart due to the crossover but i found that it has a pretty shitty way of archiving/sorting older posts (just like on here. ive been on tumblr since 13 so i know what sorts of areas to look for, but its still very hard to find it directly on here. i havent spent as much time as i did getting those posts for that video so i can try harder.)
fandom psychology is interesting to me too so im happy you saw my video with that angle. ive collected lots of old shield fangirl content off of sites like weheartit and pinterest (ironically those are often better at keeping images up for longer periods of time) too but i didnt know if i should make a comp, maybe i will. i also looked through random forums and places like lolcow dot farms (which only really granted one of the screenshots...not too much discussion over there for good or bad. i was hoping to find discussion abt shieldfangirls or wrestling rpf but surprisingly they didnt think to make a "point and laugh" thread abt those topics). i find it interesting how much shieldrelated psychosis was on both sides of the spectrum (tumblr vs 4chan)....i could talk more on it but im a little brainless and sleep deprived rn
heres some extras i had that didnt make the cut (plus just some of my favorites):
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and these were from a thread talking abt the modern stereotypical tumblr wrestling fan (specifically talking abt aedubs young bucks fans/the elite fans)
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(*fangirl in this is a term im using loosely of course)
#surprisingly there is actually LESS shield blingees than dx or cm punk blingees. that at least i could find. theres a large number of#desktop background edits from deviantart and content like the fanfic edits/“outfits i would wear to meet the shield”/ogflowercrown phone bg#collages. and the like. i could compile all this shit i just didnt think it mattered to anyone LOL#sorry for the long post everyone#the most interesting thing abt the shields hayday and eventual fall on 4chan was 1) how many guys unironically loved seth up until he#“turned shoot faggot”/or the first knee injury. he was a fan favorite on there even with the contrarian posters saying otherwise (most of#4chan is just being. the contrarian so that tracks). and 2) the huge divide between guys who hated ambrose (usually bc he was over with#female fans...theres still that divide with how straight men dont understand favs among women. also goes along w my noted difference in fav#among queer men/women etc etc - but they would mask this by saying they hated that he was a jobber (true) or his inring technique was slopp#) and guys who adored ambrose bc he was a promo guy...they loved his early promos/“he just like me fr”.. (and a large grouping of dudes who#would call him cute). i dunno just stuff i noticed#also. obviously a lotta mox hate due to dickriding cornette#the shields peak is interesting to me so i might continue to compile more shit like this when i get the time. i have the shield dvds too#and wanted to do a LONG journey of p1rat1n6 all their scenes off of pcock while i still have my sub. but it would take a while#also. love ur acc bc i too enjoy thinkin abt the fem versions of dude wrestlers#fleshclipstag#tactical-asks
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saintfaulkners · 8 months
I kind of hate this new trendy sentiment that queerbaiting is somehow superior to actual canon queerness. my guys the problem is that a lot of people don't seem to fucking know how to make genuinely interesting queer media. in what world does that mean let's go back to queerbaiting
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 months
like fully so many people i know who dont actively ship it / care that much are like "yeah theyre basically married in TotK" lmao
mm tastes like vindication bro
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ravenkings · 2 years
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i, personally, have no intention of seeing blonde, but i do agree that watching the tendency in some internet/fan spaces of engaging in art and culture criticism purely as a metric as to whether one work or another should be allowed to exist based on a system of black-and-white moral judgement seeping into the critical mainstream to be.......troubling.......to say the least
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tropicus · 2 years
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2012 and rise lgbt hcs
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mifhortunach · 8 months
little clip from a Just King things patreon ep. talking about the 2017/2019 IT films
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ccarrot · 8 months
another thing that really throws me off about these current 'batfam' comics that dc is putting out keep bringing out what they intend to be epic team moments but then like. Beat up all the side heros and have bruce save the day himself. Its very pointless.
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bandtrees · 2 years
my favorite thing about like, proshippers who make liking “problematic” things their whole personality, is when they pick a random popular and completely normal ship and try to treat it like it’s ~~~PROBLEMATIC~~~ to suit their edgy internet persona when it’s the most noncontroversial take ever
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I'll reserve judgement until I actually play TOTK but they did a story-heavy Zelda once which elevated the gameplay and its mechanics and it was great, without leaning into twee anime tropes
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lochley · 10 months
lennier can be an incel AND delenn can be a manipulative bad influence and i think the fact that i have dug my own grave dead center in that venn diagram because it's the funnest way to interpret canon is going to eventually get me completely dogpiled by people who passionately only believe one of those things, regardless of which side, if i ever enable anon lol
#og#lenncourse#to be cleeeeear#i actually don't rly think lennier had incel-levels of conscious entitlement in mind and i also think delenn had some good intentions#neither of them are bad people but they are people so they are Both imperfect#and regardless of what ideas i personally vibe with best i also think it's fun to explore diff/more extreme ideas to see what canon can#comfortably support - esp due to how many people walk away with so many diff interpretations! it's interesting to understand why#but like........ the moment i dig into any of those messier traits with balanced intent it kinda gets misconstrued as me seeing them#solely in negative lights rather than those traits being interesting parts of a whole that i want to further explore#or there's a neglect of recognition that i also think the other character has flaws too in their weird little dynamic#and while i get why it's easy to do that based on stray tumblr posts i feel the need to clarify that every time#because i can be quite jokey about it and that also does not help when touching on something almost every person who#has ever seen the show already has such intense opinions and feelings abt so they've made up their minds about anything contrarian#meanwhile although i have my preferred interpretations and occasional political sensitivity they're just... dolls to play with to me#and it is genuinely so unfortunate that nuanced discussions about them are so un-allowed because there is SO much to mine there#and so many interesting interpretations to entertain regardless of liking/believing them personally or not#for people like me who at least are open to that rather than understandably wanting to stick to one preferred thing#as long as sticking to one thing =/= making it other people's problem#anyway! periodic clarification disclaimer over that is not actually going to be read by anyone who needs to read it
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