#the creation of the Eggpire
kisuminight · 20 days
So what's up with the Egg in this AU? Basically, it's part of the Entity that killed the Blood God and Aegis!Dream in the backstory.
For a slightly longer explanation: the Entity is based on a plant. And if you know anything about plants (mint, my beloathed) they can be really hard to get rid of. Not only that, but the Entity was aware that it was losing, and it split off a part of itself to go hide and re-grow. The Egg is the result of that, and it is both a "descendant" of the Entity and a "clone" of the Entity. It isn't quite the same thing as the Entity (yet. It hasn't hatched, after all), but it does have all its memories.
So how did this happen? Well, the original fight that I mentioned as part of the Karl-XD explanation was the last battle in an ongoing war, essentially. Aegis!Dream actually learned enough over the course of that war to write down information about the Entity's nature in their research journal (which c!Dream has in the present day). Unfortunately, the journal itself was lost when A!Dream was killed.
Shouldn't A!Dream have told the others what he suspected of the Entity? He did! But the fight basically ended in a mass-slaughter of the brainwashed forces of the Entity, the deaths of 2/6 of the godly participants, the extreme shock and grief from the other 2/6 participants that had been in a soul bond with the dead parties, and the last 2/6 in something of a crisis over the unneeded (unnatural) deaths caused by the Entity.
Like, the Blood God was dead. His Aegis ripped out his heart so she could keep fighting and is now having a crisis over it the moment the fight is done. A!Dream, their healer, is dead, and XD doesn't even have the shards left. A!Dream died saving DreamXD, so there's massive survivor's guilt there, too. This is the first time any god or Aegis has died, ever, and it is kind of overwhelming the Goddess of Death and her Angel. Also, the Entity absolutely used it's abilities to trigger the deaths of all the surviving brainwashed civilians it was puppetting when it wasn't their time to die yet, so there's a mess with how their domain is even functioning right now.
None of them were in any fit state to continue the fight. The fact that they were able to get rid of all the remaining bits they knew about before they all fell apart even further is something of a miracle. Should they have called for help on this? Absolutely. But the Blood God, the Goddess of Death, and the Chaos of Life are not the sort of gods with the personality to call for help, especially after they've "won."
So they miss the Egg. It grows in secret on the server (DreamXD's server) where it first invaded the universe. The Entity wasn't a natural spawn, after all. It was something Eldritch and monstrous, that corrupted the code it touched in an effort to take control. The Egg is like that, too, though it does have a bit of a camouflage. The Egg is the Egg because it is mimicking, the best it can, the code of an Ender Dragon egg.
The Egg is subtler than the Entity before it. It knows that it can't pick a fight with gods just yet. But there aren't gods here, just one, and that god doesn't even have an Aegis anymore. Still, it realizes that it needs something similar if it wants to fight on even terms. So it tries to corrupt Blades for its own.
The problem of Blades it that they are resistant to the Egg's control on their own. Corruption from the Egg can seep into them, through the Driver, but when they revert to core crystal and "lose" their data of their previous life, the corruption is purged as well. Hubert, through his Driver Billiam, is one of the first attempts at permanent Blade corruption.
c!Dream and c!Punz's initial Memory Patch creates a big glaring weak spot in this type of protection, unfortunately.
As of the main timeline of the DreamSMP, c!Skeppy and c!Badboyhalo are the most recent attempt at this. Unfortunately for them, their specific bond and Resonance is a complicating factor. They are much more tightly tied with each other than a regular Blade and Driver, and that makes them easier to influence.
The Egg is eldritch enough that it can see the ties between Blade and Driver, and it does use that to try and target the Drivers of the server when it is active. It does try and target c!Punz and c!Purpled. c!Techno and c!Philza stay out of reach until much later, so it is aware of them but can't get to them. c!Callahan's Driver is not on the server, which makes him functionally immune. c!Slime is a dormant core crystal at the moment, and has been since before the Entity, so the Egg does not know about him.
Using c!Skeppy and c!Bad, it does try to c!Dream and c!George. A large part of why c!Bad and c!Ant went to Staged Finale was to try and collect Dream's core crystal for the Egg. The Egg does not recognize Dream (or Hubert, before him) as Blades created from the shards of the Aegis Blade the Entity shattered.
The Egg is prioritizing control over the Blades on the server, so keeping Bad and Skeppy is much more important to it that c!Puffy. Its focus on the Blade-Driver pair diverted enough of its attention that she, as a regular Player, was able to escape the influence.
And all of these, plus the differences in Staged Finale, lead into why the timeline gets different and we veer away from the Stations of Canon for the rest of the plot! But in another post, because this one is getting long.
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jrwiyuri · 1 year
Saw a post I disagree with and I can’t find it sntmore but oh my god the urge to respond has never been stronger
#I’m not angry I just like..#augh#idk#it was a post of a person saying that the dsmp would change a lot if it wasn’t inspired by Hamilton and the op responded that early dsmp#would but later dsmp wouldn’t#but like… most of late dsmp is a consequence OF early dsmp!!!#like god I can’t get into it but like..#so much of the dsmp is literally BUILT upon the joke of ‘haha were like Hamilton’#all of L’Manburg and the consequences of that nation? it’s all Hamilton#and when you realize that L’Manburg is Hamilton you realize that a lot of shit can’t happen / happen the same way because of it#like even the eggpire would be different!#cause early on bad wanted to use the egg as a tool for the badlands#and the badlands could not exist WITHOUT manburg#manburg can’t exist without L’Manburg ofc and thay couldn’t exist without the Hamilton#like! even if it seems to not be connected it is#and it’s not to say that like factions wouldn’t be made and the egg is an idea that ONLY can exist like that#but that the ways things happen such as groups being made or the egg being founded would be very different#like if the dsmp was inspired by hadestown (what the original asked user as an example) it WOULD be so different#even in character creation#you have a huge inspiration of Greek mythology#gods such as XD would have a bigger play#the way people act and speak and the decisions they make would be different#there likely would not be any early war#and if there was it would not be nation vs nation#like.. so much would change#which I think is cool btw and that’s why I mad I can’t find the psot#cause I wanted to repsond#domino effect n shit#it’s cool to me :)
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serpenndragon · 5 months
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I don't know how many people are interested in seeing them but I'd like to share my Eggpire oc!
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"Vines is a silly guy!! They can't speak very well and prefer to chirp in chiptune. They come equipped with an HL-L2325DW printer which is perfect for posters. They also have litte robot friends to help them spread the good vibes of the eggpire! It is unknown where Vines came from before joining the group, or how they were infected in the first place. However It's rumored they were a creation of Jack's that got loose."
- A little thing I wrote for their toyhouse :3
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fruit-sauce · 4 months
I am so curious about godzilla!bbh care to elaborate??? 👀/nf
Basically, I have this giant AU in my head:
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I'm still in the process of making it makes sense, as it combines a lot of Godzilla continuities/eras, even tho not all of them are even in the same universe, but the start of it all was mostly centered around the Legendary films and then expanded outward
The base of this all started with the connections that q!BBH and Godzilla are both large, non-human creatures that are full of radiation (along with many other things)
The creation of Godzilla!BBH, I've nicknamed him GojiHalo, is one of my biggest accomplishments, I love him dearly and I'm excited to show him off more (and the others as well, of course)
also have this chart
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and also the Eggpire - Destoroyah thing is just for funsies, i may change it later since the eggpire doesn't exist in the qsmp
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antiherometalau · 2 years
At first, the world came to him in black and red. Lines of wireframe marked the perspective of the room- representing each minuscule dent in the wall- each tool or miscellaneous piece of machinery strewn about the room- each detail of a mustached man's face, staring at him intently, with a wide grin and jovial look plastered on his features.
Then, an explosion of color- further refining each of the world's details- the greyness of the metal vent covers, the vibrant blues of the sky outside the viewport window- the characteristic red tint of the man's nose.
As his vision processes completed their final startup checks- the rest of his mind came into action. His facial recognition software jolted into motion, and he recognized the man to be his creator, Doctor Ivo Robotnik. His auxiliary sensors burst to life- the silent droning noise of machinery filling his artificial ears and the feeling of hard steel beneath his talons filling his false nerves.
And then, at last, his primary systems came online.
[TERTIARY DIRECTIVE: eggLang.exception.null]
Through the reflection in the man's glasses- Metal watches his inquiry appear on a screen behind him. He notes that he happens to be wired into the base's systems at the moment- and that his frame is pristine, as if it were brand new.
He notes that it may, in fact, be brand new.
"Ah, Metal! You're conscious! I really need to invest in faster drives- your startup sequence took a very long time..."
Eggman clears his throat.
"Anyways- you sustained very heavy damage in your last fight with that blasted hedgehog- too, heavy damage, really. It wasn't... worth it, per say, to repair your previous frame- so I have transferred you into a new one! Go on, get a feel for it! I've included many features you previously lacked- before you ask, no, still no voice chip. I've been having issues getting those working..."
Metal raises a clawed hand into his vision, staring downwards. He's taller now- presumably to not be outdone by the loathsome organic copy, who had been growing steadily over the years- his turbine is in pristine condition, and he has the most curious sense of touch, now. He reaches over with his other hand- experiencing the feeling of dragging his claw against his palm- the sharp, biting sensation.
It is most intriguing. He turns to his creator with as much of a look of gratitude as he can muster. Unfortunately, his expressions are rather limited- but he hopes the message is gotten across regardless.
"I'm glad you enjoy your upgrades! You know, I never realized just how behind you were with my technology- I mean, I haven't given you any proper touch ups in... well, too long! For my greatest creation, you were overdue for an overhaul."
Greatest creation. The praise is somewhat lost on the machine, however, it appreciates it regardless. It nods hesitantly- attempting to disconnect itself and stand up.
"Woah, woah now. Calm down there, Metal- you're still not calibrated for these new systems- it may be a bit hard to-"
Metal feels as the cables disconnect, and plummets to the floor. His legs seem to operate on different control schemes, now.
After a moment of re-calibration- Metal feels the servos in his legs straining to pull him back upright. They succeed, and he reorients himself- his optical scanners intaking the rest of the room as he turns to Robotnik, awaiting further instruction.
"Eager to get back to it, huh? Well- unfortunately, I've got nothing for you to do right now. Say- why don't you go orient yourself around the base? These forests can be confusing to navigate..."
Flying through the trees was... difficult. Too difficult for Metal's liking.
He was still adjusting to his new chassis- and his old turbine was simply inadequate to carry him at the speeds he was used to- much to his chagrin. He felt weighed down- a feeling he was not going to get used to for a while.
That was it? This was his turbine's cruising speed? Despite his speedometer reading quite the velocity, he felt like he was hardly at a jogging pace. No- this simply wouldn't do. He began to try and push his turbine further-
His speed gradually increased, however, the stress on his body increased in turn. As he began to rocket between the trees and brush- his turbine's overthrottle was starting to drain on it-
THIS was his limit? No. Disregarding the warning- he continued to try and speed up- his turbine struggling to meet his ever increasing demands...
Finally. This was befitting of him. He soared through the air at breakneck speeds- but his systems couldn't handle it for long- and as quickly as that euphoria arrived...
Metal began to rapidly lose speed- his speedometer tanking as he came to a stumbling halt amongst the brush. He curses himself as he feels the heat of his turbine stifling the air around him- and light smoke emitting from the back of it. The doctor would not be pleased with him damaging his new shell already... and he was not pleased with himself, either.
He had let his need for speed get ahead of orders.
He wouldn't again.
However- it still lingered within him- and, with his turbine engine now under duress- he couldn't rely on it to carry him home. Though it DID seem that his legs had gotten an upgrade- their control schemes must have been different for a reason. And so- he began to run, normally- back through the forest, towards the base. He had taken a bit of a winding path coming here, but returning in a straight line was optimal- and he didn't wish to discover the limits of his legs by dallying about as that would leave him stranded.
Revving to life- he sprints onward- slashing branches and thistles out of the way with his sharp claws- and, nearly passing through a clearing- when something calls for him to stop. His heavy metal shoes dig into the ground as he skids to a halt- the opening within the trees giving way to quite the scenic view of hills in the distance.
But that was not why he had stopped- no. He had stopped because of the pink mass of pixels in his visual scanners- leaning against a tree across the breach.
Amy was tired. She'd been hard at work for days- assisting Tails with his newest project, of which the two-tailed fox seemed to never sleep on- and she was desperately in need of a break. Preferably, one out of the way of everyone for a while...
And luckily, she had just the spot! Sneaking out of Tails' workshop- he had passed out on his desk again, and she had laid a blanket over his shoulders- she makes her way out of the town and into the forests. She has a basket held in her hands- containing a picnic blanket and a few small food items for her to snack on while she distracts herself from her life's recent stresses.
As she paces through the brush, she hears a low rumble in the distance- but pays it no mind, assuming it to merely be something from Tails' workshop- that she did NOT wish to deal with right now. She reaches her clearing, and takes a seat beneath one of the towering trees- laying out her picnic blanket and sighing.
The morning passes by and the afternoon arrives- and, having finished the small lunch she brought for herself, she packs up the basket and simply sits, taking in the sounds around her with her eyes closed.
The chirp of birds! The ribbit of a distant frog- the racket of crickets in the grass, and-
The soft thud of heavy weight against the dirt. Confused, her eyes snap open, and she turns to the source of the noise-
Only to see Metal approaching her. She panics- stumbling back a bit- and raises a hand to block her face...
It was taking a long time to capture her as it usually did. She slowly lowered her arm, meeting the scary gaze of the robot, both locked in a moment of confused silence.
"...Aren't ya gonna... k-kidnap me, or somethin'...?"
The robot shakes its head- beeping negatively.
Somehow, she understands this beep fully.
"Well! I'm not busy-"
She pats the grass next to her, and scoots to the side slightly.
"I've got time to listen."
Confused, Metal took a seat next to the pink hedgehog- not even really understanding why he had listened to the command. He, unsurprisingly, ends up not being the one to talk as much- and simply sits there, an odd feeling of contentedness within his matrices as he listened to Amy Rose vent about her recent frustrations and gush over every little thing. He expressed some visible annoyance when she spoke of his loathsome copy- which, he noted, managed to pull a giggle from her.
Why was she acting so... [DEFINITION FOUND]- amicable towards him?
He found himself staring at her blankly- taking in each minute detail of her appearance. By the time she had stopped talking, he was convinced he could create a full, 3D model exclusively from the data collected by his sensors- and he wasn't entirely sure why. He convinces himself that it was due to the organic notion of eye contact during conversations.
Eventually, she had run out of things to say, and she sighed tiredly. The afternoon sun was now beginning to droop- and his turbine had thankfully cooled down in the interim. He began to devise a route to return to base, however, her annoyingly cheery voice interrupted his inner machinations-
"Well- it was nice to have someone here to listen to my ranting, for once!"
...He simply lets out a computerized tone in response.
"Yeah, well, even if you say you don't care- I can see through you, silly robot!"
See through him? Had he become translucent somehow? No. That was illogical. His apparent confusion caused her to emit another giggling sound-
"Anyways... thanks!"
She grabs hold of the interwoven wood basket beside her, standing and waving to him cheerfully as she sprints off back towards, presumably, her 'base of operations'- her home, Metal recalls.
With that, Metal stands back up- his servos snapping out of their stillness, and he carefully fires up his turbine engine- flying back to home turf, mind lost in thought.
He had no idea at that time what exactly was to come- or that this would not be the last instance of a chance encounter with that pink hedgehog.
As he re-entered the secret outpost, he noted that his creator was consumed in his work- and, as per protocol, decided not to disturb him with his return. He simply paced silently through the hall- past the crowded workshops and into a small, side room- built just for him. A charging bay contained within it was his target- and it had been recently upgraded to fit his new height. Slotting into the capsule, his visual feed cuts out as he seals himself away for the day.
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marvelousmarley · 9 months
Came up with a AU and need help with naming it so why not share it!
Essentially the AU is based around the Eggpire and how the Egg came to be, as well as why Bad was brought into it. Just a little reminder that none of this this is canon and I doubt it will ever be. To start Glatt is going to be a main part of this, before he was found in his cave I suspect that he has lied about not being able to leave. Since of course he still has Schlatt’s personality and likes similar things he still will have his thirst for power and if he ever found out his life before he died he would most likely want to find a way to continue his legacy somehow. This leads to the creation of the Egg, some resources he found in hell (which I am guessing he went for obvious reasons) he was able to create something that could easily lure others but not in the way you may think. When Bad first found the Egg Glatt used this opportunity to actually possess Bad in a way and used the Egg to make sure nobody knew it was him, though the Egg did have some brainwashing mechanisms to use on the other members of the Eggpire Bad was never under the influence. Glatt used Bad in order to try and continue his legacy by gaining more power, brainwashing more people and spreading the Egg around the server. Though once the Egg was quarantined and blocked off he was unable to use it as an excuse so he actually gave some control back to Bad, still sticking around to mess around with him. He mostly would suggest things Bad would never do and try to influence him to do these ideas, but it never really worked, he did manage to suggest his way of coping from the trauma of the prison with alcohol though that was the most he could manage. In the end he kind of just used Bad for some company until Quackity found his cave, he still would talk to Bad when alone to give himself company and Bad actually got used to him after a while.
Somethings I do want to add is how I came up with this AU so if anyone does want to dig deeper into it they can! ^^
I got the idea when the Eggpire invited people to the Red banquet and ended up luring others right into a trap a sacrifice to the Egg, which is almost exactly like the L’manburg festival that Schlatt used to trap Tubbo. After I started to collect more clues, one being how Bad’s color change from red to white even if others changed TO red, you may say that it already was red but his eyes were also white, to symbolize the Egg’s influence they could of changed to red though the white could also symbolize the fact he was possessed by a ghost instead. Along with the plan of the Eggpire, taking over the entire server and also turning into a government, Glatt obviously wanted power so that would be his main goal in order to gain it. One last thing I would like to mention is the change in Bad’s personality, he started to turn more manipulative which is something Schlatt had a talent in. Not to mention how he stopped calling people out when the used foul language which is very VERY unusual for him.
I don’t really care if you dislike this AU at all or honestly not plan on ever learning more about it but I simply just need some name ideas for it so if you have any please tell me some that would save me a lot of time 😭
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
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DREAM SMP/DSMP (Cannon only)
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Dream (XD)
Karl Jacobs
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I will not do 'romantic' requests for the following but Famailial and Platonic (friendly) way: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Aimsy, Eret, Niki, Philza, Foolish, or Charlie/Slimcicle, Technoblade 
Most of this may be alot of random fuckery, But if requested (or I feel like it) things will also be cannon.
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Dream SMP/ Greater SMP
Kinoko Kingdom
El Rapids/ Mexican L'Manberg
Foolishes Summer Home
Las Nevadas
Antarctic Empire
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Birth of L'Manberg
L'Manberg VS. Dream Smp: Fight for independence
Betrayal: Spy within the walls (Eret betrays L'Manberg killing the occupants)
L'Manbergian Election
Manberg Rebellion arc: Electoral fall out and exile of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit
Birth of Pogtopia
Wilbur soot villain arc: Thinning Loyalty (Wilbur goes insane speaking nonsense)
L'Manberg festival
Festival aftermath
Manberg VS Pogtopia war: Fallen rullers (Death of Wilbur Soot and JShlatt)
Reconstruction of L'Manberg
Tommyinnit's Exile: Betrayal of brothers
The Butcher army: Revenge on The Blade (Technoblade's execution)
Creation of Mexican L'Manberg/El Rapids
Safe and sound: Tommy the Raccoon innit(Techno finds Tommy in his basement)
Tommyinnit and Technoblade: return of the forbidden (Techno and Tommy go back into enemy territory aka L'Manberg; to regain Techno's weapons)
Betrayal of a friend: Technoblade's lonely return (Tommy stays with Tubbo, and betrays Techno)
Doomsday: Fall of L'Manberg
Ghostbur: attempt at necromancy (attempt to revive Wilbur)
Disc war Final: Imprisonment (Dream is rid of two livrs and is imprisoned)
Rise of the Eggpire: Blood vines
Inescapable prison: The lockdown (Dream and Tommy are locked inside)
Inescapable prison: Loss (Tommy's loss of last cannon life)
Inescapable prison: Awakened revival (Tommy's release)
Bench Trio: How to plan a Murder (Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo plan to kill dream)
Snowcheater: one is missing (one of the nukes go missing)
Return of the Eggpire: The red banquet- Sincere apology (the banquet is held as a sacrifice party)
Death of the dead: Revival of a once strong ruller ( death of Ghostbur and Revival of Wilbur Soot)
Las Nevadas
Las Nevadas: Legacy
Inescapable prison: Strong has fallen weak (Techno and Dream are locked in the prison)
The cookie post: Las Nevadas (Tubbo signs the Cookie post him and Ranboo made off to Quackity as a part of Las Nevadas)
Taunt: Wilbur Soot and Quackity (Both men try to convince Tommy through manipulation)
Inescapable prison: flawless escape, revenge for the fallen (Techno, Dream, Ranboo, and Conner escape the prison which results in the death for Ranboo)
Las Nevadas: Beatral of one, the loss of another (Charlie/ slime is killed by Purpled who betrayed Quackity for blowing up his UFO)
Inescapable Prison: Wardens punishment (Tubbo, Eret and Technoblade Imprison Awesamdude for kidnapping Tubbo and Ranboo's son)
Las Nevadas: Betrayal and destruction (Charlie returns to Las Nevadas with Purpled and Dream to over throw Quackity which results in Quackity losing his second cannon life.)
{Y/n will also have their own lore!}
(Comment here for another arc/era/incident)
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hopperpolar · 2 years
Underswap monster kid
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His prosperous first appearance in video games led to the creation of a variety of The Eggpire is an alliance between BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, Punz, Ponk, Hannahxxrose, and Skeppy. Part of the renowned Nightmare Cops, they try to stop Freaks in the town in specific nightmares, but Boyfriend and Girlfriend end up there somehow Vs.
Ink has the strange habit of checking every AU version of Sans' height, because he is slightly smaller than the Undertale Sans.
By the 1260s, he was the sole old “Greetings, young Portal Master, I have been waiting for you. Talk to Caroline with over 25 trust and 20 mood. ” ― Stan, Pre-Civil Diss Stan is a character created by The Behemoth, and modded in by Hamillun. Soaked Nightmare Bloom s lose the highlight and shrivel. Sans is larger than his normal counterpart but he is still shorter than his younger brother papyrus. If you push the sofa to the wall on the right and move the desk parallel with the fireplace, you would have room for an accent chair in front of the shelf/fireplace. William Afton accepting what he has become. It is set in the Cold-War era of the 20th century, and its setting is inspired by the totalitarian countries from that time, most notably the Soviet Union, as well as the book 1984 by Dust!Sans is one of the many Sanses from the Nightmare Gang.
Use the height & the entire wall, I am partial to pipe shelving.
Join Our Discord Search Trending Avatars. He wears an unzipped light blue parka, a white t-shirt, black basketball shorts with white lining, and a pair of pink slippers.
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Nightmare teleported away before Dream could try to attack the other a second time. Tubbo is a very funny guy and rightfully one of Tommy's best friends. How tall is swapdream nightmare Long Distance Call 59.
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cupidlakes · 3 years
i’m not sure how to word this but i think it’s cool that depending on what time you started watching the dsmp in a way it can shape what arcs/characters/dynamics you favour
it just makes a lot of sense to me that people end up extending their sympathies and liking to different character based off of the eras they have lived through because it’s one thing to catch up on all the lore in a more far removed way but another to have lived through the discourse/harmony of those times
#dream smp#like people that have been here since the beginning probably have nostalgia relating to the og 8 and a care for the dteam dynamic#(me)#and possibly interested in smp!dnf/george lore (same for those joining around the time of king george)#vs people watching around the time tommy joined and forming attachments w the lmanburgians and the nation of l’manburg as a whole#and then the elections and creation of pogtopia introducing a range of characters and different motives#like quackity schlatt and vilbur#and then people joining post nov 16th which obviously changed a lot but introduced the tubbo administration and layers to his character#and also the addition of philza and the idea of smp!sbi#and then the exile arc villainising dream to extents we’ve never seen before and alienating people further from his character making tommy#more and more easy to sympathise with#also Ghostbur being a presence#to people joining when ranboo joined and being significantly into his lore and character#to people joining around the time of the eggpire sympathising w the lesser heard voices of the smp#this is such a surface level look at the smp because i haven’t been significantly involved w it since the exile arc#and even then my interest lies in the very early days/conception of l’manburg#but like#idk i just think It’s Neat#i’m not saying this is the case btw you can totally get into the dsmp today watch it from the beginning and have your takes i’m just saying#people’s preferences even unintentionally may lie with what they’ve been able to experience live#and our discourse surrounding some of these characters sometimes tends to ignore their past because people haven’t lived through those eras#and genuinely don’t remember those times#but again! i’m not as much of an enthusiast anymore these are just thoughts
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tobi-smp · 2 years
you guys remember how city of mizu came out right after doomsday, after ghostbur’s library full of historical documents for l’manberg had been destroyed inside of the city itself, and how the entire premise was about the Warping of l’manberg’s history? and how wilbur didn’t show up At All?
it hit me at the time that wilbur’s legacy had been destroyed. he’d lost himself in this narrative that his story ended as an unhappy one, that he’d be remembered as a villain no matter what he did because he was hated, but at the end of the day phil, techno, and dream had damned him to an arguably worse fate. not being remembered At All.
and it’s unclear if that’s going to hold up in the long run, wilbur’s come back from the dead after all and karl jacobs probably wasn’t privy to that at the time. but it’s hit me again, with legacy being reaffirmed as a major theme of the series right along side attachment, just How Much of history has been warped and lost. even with people who were So Close to what’d happened.
dream, techno, and to a lesser extent phil, in labeling tommy as the cause of everyone’s problems Also have placed him at the center of the entire server, as the center of L’manberg (and in dream’s case this is intentional. whether through real belief or delusion he fully believes that tommy is the center of everything because he’s the most important person To Him. his strongest and only attachment). 
tommy is Consistently placed as the center of attention, blamed for l’manberg’s revival on the 16th by techno, placed as the counterweight to l’manberg to force his exile, framed as being l’manberg’s problem when he was Already Exiled (when dream framed him for destroying the community house to pressure tubbo into giving him the disc), Openly framed as the center of everything dream had ever done at the community house, was Once Again the center of techno’s attention at doomsday despite not being involved in anything that’d lead up to it, the disc war finale, the eggpire labeling tommy as the key to the rest of the server after Dream had labeled him as such, His Death And Revival, it goes on.
and what does this all mean? cumulatively tommy has been framed as both the Reason for l’manberg and the one at Fault for l’manberg. jack remembers tommy as being the catalyst for l’manberg. and he paints this as Selfish (as tommy starting it by causing problems with his discs, the same as he sees tommy as being at fault for everything on the server), but even still he remember’s l’manberg as Tommy’s when it’d been Wilbur’s creation.
and again, technoblade Watched tommy give up the presidency to wilbur and wilbur give it to tubbo, but it was Tommy that he’d centered his anger on. it was Tommy that he’d vocally blamed for the existence of new l’manberg and president tubbo. and it doesn’t surprise me that the rest of the server corralled him into the role of vice president after he’d already turned it down, because it’d been so vocally labeled as His.
and it’s just like. ghostbur had been there to rebuild l’manberg. it was the reason why he thought he existed, his unfinished symphony that he wanted to see the end of. he built the the lanterns, the sewers, the buildings, collected its history into a library, and finished its anthem. he wanted to Fix what wilbur had left behind and create a new legacy through making a Home. and it was erased. completely erased.
ghostbur didn’t remember the verses he’d wrote for the anthem in the aftermath of doomsday. he isn’t remembered in the city of mizu. and after his death only tommy mourned him. to everyone else he’d been a stand in for the real wilbur whose himself is left floundering to try to find a way to Live in the aftermath.
and it’s like. these two people who loved each other had their histories and their legacies warped and twisted to shove them into opposing roles that were ultimately used to Hurt Them. tommy is remembered as the “hero” whose responsible for everything that went wrong, either because he’d Failed or because he’d been selfish and arrogant in the first place. and wilbur had the good he’d done Stripped from him and erased first by his own attempt to immortalize his own story on his own terms, but second at the hands of people who Didn’t understand or care about his legacy.
at their current state in lore tommy wants l’manberg to be remembered as something good. he Wants to break away from this stigma that’s been placed on his shoulders but he doesn’t know How because at the end of the day none of them are based on the truth. and wilbur wants to create something that’s His and gets to Stay His. he wants to break Away from storytelling and get to Live.
it’s fucked up and evil that in other people painting their narratives one way or another they’ve been ripped from each other and twisted, and I just want them to be happy. I want them to be remembered for being each others again. for being family.
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modernsuperhero · 3 years
Hey DSMP fans, new and old!
If you're a Dream SMP fan who'd like to know What The Fuck Is Going On at any given moment in the Lore™, then boy howdy do I have the place for you! Introducing the...
DSMP Lore Hoard!
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We have specialists available to answer your questions on ANY specific character or arc within the DSMP, from its initial creation with the Original Eight all the way to whatever the fuck just happened today! This includes major characters, minor characters, fan-favorites and fan-forgottens. With our help, there’s no more need to scour the DSMP Wiki or pour through hours of VODs! 
Click on the read-more for additional details!
We offer regular lore updates for people who miss or can’t watch streams, social media updates INCLUDING private tweets and sub-only messages, lore fact-checking with direct sources such as stream clips or twitter Q+As, and our Lore Hoarders are available to answer any and all questions someone might have - including full lore summaries from the very beginning of the character!
This is useful for the casual fan who just wants to keep up with one or two characters - maybe you’re dedicated to the Eggpire lore, or the missing nuke plot, or maybe you’re just patiently waiting for the fandom to acknowledge Connoreatspants as the main character. 
It’s also useful for the brain-rotted fan - we have open conversations about theories, headcanons, new and old information all the time! You’ll be among your people here. 
Of course, we can’t forget our new fans! Do you not know who Spirit is or why it’s important, or maybe you’re wondering why the Prime Path is considered holy? We’re here to help! No question is too niche, and we welcome all the askers here! ;]
The DSMP Lore Hoard is here for anyone - artists looking for references, fic writers looking for quotes, and theorists looking for clips. And, if you’d like, you can even join our team and become a Lore Hoarder yourself, helping to answer questions and run your own private section dedicated to your chosen character.
We WELCOME lurkers, and have no requirements for our members to be active in the server to remain. 
Feel free to come and check out the official Dream SMP Lore Hoard!
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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Crotch Goblins
Pairing: Purpled x Reader, Ranboo x Reader, Tommy x Reader, Tubbo x Reader
Request: wait would it be cringe if i like. requested your take on the yandere kids
Word Count: 1.6K
Warning: yandere, fighting mentioned, stalking, fear of abandonment, anxiety, stealing, kidnapping, the egg
A/N: This is all platonic! Nothing romantic.
This poor child lives in constant fear of forgetting you. His memory issues are a big problem and it affects everybody he loves. And his anxiety definitely doesn’t help his situation; it only feeds his paranoia of losing you.
To prevent losing any precious memories of you, he’ll write down so much about you. He’d probably have books on books just dedicated to things about you he wants to remember. Another way to always remember you is to never be away from you! It’s much harder to forget somebody if you’re constantly around them!
If you allow it, he’ll fucking cling to you. He loves the attention and reassurance you give him. Aw yeah he's a poor memory boy and constantly scared of Dream and enderwalking. Please stay by him??? Pretty please??
He’ll occasionally come over to your house in search of your company. Though he won’t tell you that directly. It’ll be under the pretense that he’s very scared of something happening and wanted to stay with you for some comfort. Not all of that’s a lie though. He always goes to you when he’s anxious; you’re his safe place. You make everything right and good again. You found it rather endearing that he trusted and liked you so much. Baked treats would always be on standby for his visits.
He’ll occasionally come over to your house in search of your company. Though he won’t tell you that directly. It’ll be under the pretense that he’s very scared of something happening and wanted to stay with you for some comfort. Not all of that’s a lie though. He always goes to you when he’s anxious; you’re his safe place. You make everything right and good again. You found it rather endearing that he trusted and liked you so much. Baked treats would always be on standby for his visits.
He’ll slowly start to stay at your house for longer and come back quicker. Soon he’s practically living with you. You’re not bothered by it at first, and you don’t think about it after a while. The domesticity of the situation just feels right. Why would you disrupt something like this?? And he deserves some of this. After all, the dsmp isn’t a nice place, and especially not to Ranboo. Why don’t you just let him have this?
Tommy lives in constant fear of you abandoning him. Or worse, having someone take you from him. He’s lost so many loved ones already, and he doesn’t know how many more he can live through. You’re one of his most prized possessions, besides Tubbo and the Disks. Above Tubbo, but a close contender with the disks.
He’s gonna be clingy af. And he’ll do anything you want him to. By that, he really means anything he thinks you’d want him to do or something that’s “necessary”. Overall it’s just bad stuff. Be prepared for some warfare to happen just for you.
No thought, only fighting. Fights will break out over the silliest things. Like he wants attention from you? Fight! Someone getting too close?? Begone thot!! This is his friend! Not theirs! Back off.
After every fight, you’ll bandage his wounds while lecturing him. Not a single thing you say will be properly heard by Tommy. Your words would slur together in his ears, turning themselves into a beautiful song. Did you know your voice sounds really good? Oh yeah, you make the pain go away so quickly too. Your medical skills are just so fucking good, can’t you see?
There will be no question that he’d steal for you; he’d do it without question or request. If he finds anything that you might like or need? Yoinked as soon as the old owner isn’t looking. Finders keepers, after all. The smp is a dog-eat-dog world. And you deserve the fucking best shit man. If you find out it’s stolen, you’d return it in a heartbeat with so many apologies. You somehow found it somewhere and you didn’t know it was theirs. Wow you must like Tommy if you’re covering for him like that!
You’d be dragged around by Tommy on some days. All a grand tour to show you his creations, and he begrudgingly shows you some of the builds by the others. He feels somewhat inadequate when he eventually shows you his stuff. Like his multiple cobblestone towers. But you’re giving such nice compliments for each one. And they’re all so unique too. No two compliments are the same. He is a really good builder, huh?
He’s going to be protective of you. Not overbearingly so, but definitely is watching out for your safety a ton. With him having watched the lives of those he loves fall apart around them, he doesn’t want the same fate to fall upon you. He can’t go through that cycle again, and especially so soon. You’re so nice too. You definitely don’t deserve that fate.
Micheal took a liking to you really quickly. If Micheal likes you, that means that you’re a part of the family. He doesn’t care what you have to say, it’s just facts. You have a problem with it? Try bringing that up to Micheal. Want to tell him that you aren’t a part of the family? Exactly. So that means that you are a member.
Oh and you help him so much, which he’s thankful for. And it’s not just to a specific type of task either. You help with everything. Building, cooking, caring for Micheal, the whole biz. With you doing so much and putting so much effort into everything, that must mean that you love him like he loves you, right? Nobody does this much for somebody else without loving them. So the obvious answer is that you love him back!
Will do anything in his power to convince you to move in with him, Ranboo and Micheal. Like really hard. He pulled all of the charms and stops. And there’s a very slim chance that you didn’t move in. Though you would eventually. There isn’t a chance in hell that you wouldn’t be living in that house by some point. You’d be moving in with or without your consent. Maybe one day you just woke up in the mansion. Oh hey why do you look so confused? You agreed to move in already silly, don’t you remember?
There’s no and, if, or buts about it; he’d get Ranboo in on it also if he wasn’t already. They’re platonically married after all. And the three of you are all friends. So it’s obvious that Ranboo would be in on it as well. If he isn’t, then he’d turn a blind eye to Tubbo’s behavior. Huh, yeah he didn’t notice that at all. Nope, nothing odd happening here.
Would absolutely get you to help him on every little task that he could. Especially with building and taking care of little Micheal. The builds would be little cottage core stuff. Such sweet and quaint things. Not too much or too hard, but very pleasing to the eyes and the feeling of accomplishment the two of you got at the end of the project felt incredible. Children can be such a handful too, so any help for Micheal will be much appreciated. Plus it’s so much fun to play with children, especially children in Micheal’s age group. The more time you spend with them, the less time you have to spend with anyone else. Which leads to a smaller chance of being taken from them.
This man? Oh he’s so fucking happy that you and him don’t have many relations outside of each other. It’s so much easier for you two. Since you two are so close, it’s easy to coerce you into living with him. Yeah it may be far from the rest of the smp, but that’s okay. It’s not like you had any friends there. It’s easier to stay safer so far away from everything. And you know what’s even better? Nobody would even notice y’all disappear!
Before y’all moved away, he always conveniently showed up at random times. It was always during times when you were alone or felt alone. Really helped you there; made you feel loved that somebody noticed and was there for you. Though it was odd how often he appeared at just the right moment. You wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth though.
He always knows what to get you. What your favorite flowers are, what food you like, what your favorite color is, your favorite gift items. He even knows your dislikes. Even the ones you don’t tell him. You know, anything a good friend would know.
If somebody even remotely offends/scares/harms you, they’re in fucking trouble. That? Yeah, that’s a valid reason to start a fight. He’ll beat them within an inch of their life and threaten to do it again if they even thought of hurting you like that. >:( Definitely got them to stop talking to you.
Since he’s working for the egg, he feels like the egg could maybe protect you?? Yeah he’s not completely under its control and he sees how crazy the other members of the eggpire are, but it can’t be that bad. The others are just praising it, talking about how it could make all of his deepest desires a reality. Not many people like going to the egg, and they wouldn’t be looking for prisoners there. So it should be safe for you. Well, safer than the outside world. And his deepest desire is your safety and love, so that should be easy to gain if he brought you to the egg, right?
There is no question: he’d kidnap you to bring you to the egg. Though it’ll be after a while of trying to persuade you to come with him for that. You heard so many horrible things about the egg, so it’d be better if you didn’t get involved with that. So if his attempts to get you to the egg fail, then some forceful measures will be used. It was for your best interest after all.
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onslaughtsqueen · 3 years
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Foolish x reader
You fall to your knees and hang your head low before him, he sits on his throne and his robes lay to the stairs. Tears run down your cheeks into your lap, hear him clear his throat making you feel even smaller then you were “ you failed y/n “ you look up to speak but he holds his hand up stopping you, your head falls again you hear him get up and see his robes in front of you “ was he worth it” he bends down bring his finger to your chin lifting up your head “ you could have anything your heart desires if you followed my orders and stayed disciplined. I made you a goddess, when your soul walked through the dark, it cried and begged and I pitied you. So I made you into something that could never die or rot away, your beautiful because of me “ you cry moving your hand up gripping his rods “ I do not deserve your gift. Please forgive me, I’m grateful for this gift “ he cups your cheeks wiping your tears with his thumbs “ my beautiful creation “ you cry more in panic not knowing what he had planned for you. He’s always been gentle and kind hearted to you, he fed you and kept you in the finest of clothes, you walked the galaxy with him, he showed you time and history. He made you into something that many wished for. But you betrayed him. He tilts his head “ that man brought nothing but chaos and death to my front door,when his eggpire fell he came to my land y/n “ you sob “ I don’t want to kill anybody master, I fear the guilt and the unknown, please master I love you, I’ve served you for many years “ he nods getting up, go to the room, I will speak with you later. You know what to do “ you bow until he leaves. Once he leaves you go to his room, since he made you who you are you’ve always laid with him and been with him. You were his queen and him your king. You close the door moving to your vanity sitting in front of the mirror you see your face is a mess and feel embarrassed for looking like this in front of him, you wipe your face taking your hair out letting it fall, you dropped your robes where you stand, walking over to the large tub, the water fall fell into the water making the water reflect off the walls, you slowly walk down the stairs into it, you dive under and come up your hair rests on your shoulder,the warmth calmed you but you still felt overwhelmed not knowing when he would return or what he would say. You rested by the stairs, the large gold door opens, you hear his foot steps. You turn as he has his back to you, you run your fingers through your hair and rest on the top stair resting your head on your arm’s, he turns looking at you. You move out the water more, he comes closer wrapping his arm around your bare waist his beautiful emerald green eyes look at you, he drops his robes lift you up, you wrap your arms around his neck, he holds the back of your thighs and kisses your neck. You close your eyes and mumble “ am I forgiven “ he lifts you up more kissing your shoulder but letting his sharp teeth move over the skin “ do you think you should be forgiven “ you lean back looking into his eyes “ I love you master, I don’t deserve you or your gift but I long for your forgiveness” he laughs kissing you deeply moving more into the water biting your lip as you whimper “ I can only say disobedience leads to things, I don’t think you’ll like, understood” he lifts you up more kissing you more as you nod kissing him back “ I understand master”
Artist (@sennhah)
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bigboobyhalo · 2 years
I think it’s so funny how, because of when foolish joined the server, he had never known what bad was like when he wasn’t possessed… yet he still always defended bad and the rest of the eggpire because he knew they weren’t in control of themselves… and then his first time interacting with a non-possessed bad who was fully in control of himself was the creation of l’sandburg
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Dream SMP Recap (April 26/2021) - L’Sandburg
Foolish and Puffy are both reeling from the events of the Red Banquet. Foolish confronts a familiar foe in his mind while Puffy works through her grief.
After Foolish’s lore, Bad, Antfrost, Purpled, HBomb and Foolish get involved in a new conflict, as Bad declares his  walled-off tollbooth on Foolish’s road a new nation called “L’Sandburg.” Foolish, mad that Bad would attempt to occupy a spot on his land, intervenes. Bad ends up declaring war.
Later, after things settle, Puffy is invited to L’Sandburg but instead attempts to take over the nation, declaring it “L’Puffburg.”
Captain Puffy
- There’s a flashback to the Red Banquet from Foolish’s perspective, watching as Puffy and Antfrost argue.
- As Foolish dies, the screen goes black. The Egg speaks.
- Foolish gasps and wakes in the green beacon light within the Temple of Undying. He’s confused -- he’s immortal. But that was different.
The Egg makes noises, then speaks -- but not in reverse.
“I...am..in your mind...”
“No, no no no no, this is -- this is just tricks! Games! This is just something new!”
“Is this -- is this the Egg? It’s tough to forget a voice like that.”
“What do you mean? No no no, I have never heard you before, it wasn’t that long ago that I first met you. You’re something new, something I’ve never met before.”
“So I guess...I guess I was wrong -- I’m not afraid of you! Even after all that, I am still not afraid.”
“Maybe...maybe I had it wrong. Maybe I thought I was stronger. But...but I’m still here! I’m still here. And where are you? How’d that Banquet go?”
“No, no...you don’t know! You don’t know anything about me!”
“And? Enlighten me, tell me something. Tell me something that only I would know!”
“Be more specific.”
“You could be lying. Where?”
“How do I get you out of my head? I’m not -- you’re still trying to get me to join your side, that’s not gonna happen!”
“No...no, you have it wrong! I’ve tried that, okay? I’ve tried power in the past and it doesn’t work! It doesn’t work. You can’t just use overwhelming force. It worked for short term at best.”
“You think...you think I’m weak? You think there’s strength -- there’s strength in what I do! Let me explain to you. Let me explain to you why I build.”
“Before, I was reckless and wild. I used to believe wielding godlike powers and a sword gave me some sort of control. But it all led me down a path of violence, and anger, mistrust. I can’t control the actions of the world through overwhelming power. It doesn’t work, just doesn’t. But building provides two important elements in my life. Creation and control...”
- Foolish walks back to the mainland as the Egg continues to speak with him.
- Foolish heads to Church Prime as the Egg keeps asking to join him. It says that it knows about Foolish’s deal with Ranboo.
“Hm. So maybe you do know something. Which is all the more reason I need to be rid of you. And you can go back to whatever dark abyss of the Nether you came from!”
- Foolish tells the Egg it doesn’t work that way. The Egg says it can and it will. Foolish asks if it has any last words.
“No...then I mean this in the most polite way possible...”
“Go to Hell.”
- Foolish submerges himself in the waters of Church Prime as the Egg shouts. When he emerges, it’s gone.
- He wonders if anyone is still alive from the Banquet. He walks down the Prime Path, not understanding why he’s afraid of death.
“There was that brief second before that sword...I don’t see beauty in mortality.”
- He jumps down into the spider spawner and makes his way down the hallway, but he hesitates. He needs to calm down.
- Foolish heads back home. Did the Egg know better than him? Is it saying things that he’s afraid to admit? 
- He makes it back to the temple, wondering if it’s really safe. Even if he can die, why is he so afraid? 
- He opens the secret door and walks down the staircase. He still doesn’t fault the members of the Eggpire for the Egg’s control. He retrieves his things from the basement.
- He just needs to rest. Foolish returns to the beacon light.
- Bad creates a three-block-wide area on Foolish’s path to the Nether portal and claims ownership of it. He constructs walls around it and declares it the Town of L’Sandburg. 
- As a gift, Foolish gives Bad a bed and the HBomb catmaid service coupon.
- Bad creates Halobucks. Antfrost arrives to help Bad, and they request more sandstone to build with.
- Foolish gives Antfrost the Sword of XD to kill Bad with. Now, Antfrost and Bad have defenses for L’Sandburg. They refuse to give the sword back.
- Foolish attempts to negotiate with Antfrost to kill Bad in exchange for the supplies. Antfrost is reluctant, as Bad is the ruler of L’Sandburg and he doesn’t with to betray his country.
- Antfrost changes into his maid skin. Foolish asks for his sword back.
- They do an exchange of supplies, but Bad doesn’t give Foolish his sword. Foolish, frustrated that he is unable to break his vow of pacifism, calls in some help: he tells HBomb about the possibility of maid service for Bad.
- Purpled joins the call and logs on. Bad invites him to join L’Sandburg.
- Bad and Ant inform Foolish that he must pay a toll to pass through the path.
- Purpled arrives to join L’Sandburg. He is their lawyer.
- Foolish gets Purpled to kill Bad and then pays him. Purpled also kills Antfrost.
- Foolish says he’ll give Purpled a block of Netherite. Antfrost offers emeralds, but Purpled weighs the options and decides Foolish’s offer is better and continues to kill the L’Sandburgians.
- Bad threatens to declare it an international incident.
- Purpled starts mining bits of L’Sandburg, but Bad stops him, saying he has to take it up with the court. Purpled isn’t one for politics. Bad warns them that if they continue, he’ll have to declare war.
- Bad says they’re bringing HBomb over to act as a judge. Purpled says that’s his cue to leave and heads off. Foolish lets him know that he might need a favor later.
- HBomb arrives in his catmaid outfit and Ant asks him to join L’Sandburg. HBomb becomes a citizen of L’Sandburg. 
- Bad hands Foolish a representation of the court papers (a single arrow) as HBomb exits L’Sandburg to carve out his own country neighboring them. Ant says he can have dual citizenship. 
- H creates a running stream of water and a wall of wood and declares his new country: L’damburg.
- He also creates a seat in the sun and offers Foolish take some time in L’tanburg.
- He then makes a ton of cars and welcomes Foolish to L’jamburg.
HBomb: “Wait, are you streaming?”
Foolish: “Yeah.”
HBomb: “Welcome to L’camburg.”
(Foolish tells chat to never become a pacifist)
- HBomb lights a piece of TNT and explodes L’tanburg, declaring it now L’bamburg. 
- Bad declares that L’Sandburg’s borders, now the entire chunk, have now extended into L’damburg. They now have territory for agriculture.
- Foolish asks, how are they even a country? Do they even have a declaration? One way or another, Foolish says, they can have their little fantasy for a bit but then L’Sandburg is getting destroyed.
- Rat is a canonical L’Sandburg member
- He asks how to make a TNT cannon. Bad warns him against that, saying it would violate their peace treaty.
- Bad declares war on Foolish’s summer home over a piece of cake.
- Bad annexes a block of cactus into L’Sandburg. Foolish is outraged, insisting that this is his land.
Bad: “You will rue the day, Foolish, you started war with L’Sandburg.”
- Bad starts building a wooden one-block-wide pathway to annex territory to the cactus. Foolish gives in and says that they can have this strip of land officially, but not anymore land or else Foolish will have to bring in necessary forces.
- After learning that the cactus has been around for centuries, Bad realizes that L’Sandburg must be older than Foolish’s summer home!
Bad: “Everything the eye can see must be L’Sandburg!”
Foolish: “The strength of my patience is the reason you’re alive.”
- HBomb gets injured from falling outside the strip and Bad says Foolish needs to pay for the damages.
- To be good neighbors, Bad offers to let Foolish keep the strip and the cactus, and L’Sandburg and L’Damburg will stay within their chunks. In exchange for the ancient cactus, Bad requests stacks of sandstone.
- HBomb pulls Bad aside, suggesting they form a new nation: L’hamburg. They claim another chunk.
- Bad starts building a statue to Rat. Foolish blurts that he doesn’t want a statue of that “ugly creature” and Bad and H both stop and look at him. HBomb immediately starts building a wall between them.
- Foolish walks into L’Sandburg, checks a chest and is outraged when he finds that the L’Sandburgians/L’damburgians have been stealing supplies from him. 
- Foolish insults how ugly L’hamburg is. Bad leaves. 
- HBomb explains that he is not a citizen of L’Sandburg now, but L’damburg, and that L’bamburg and L’damburg are the same.
- Foolish tells HBomb that he will wait and get rid of L’Sandburg later. HBomb asks if that’s a threat.
Foolish: “That wasn’t a threat, just a promise.”
Foolish: “We strike at dawn.”
- HBomb points out that Foolish hired Purpled to kill them. He’s the judge.
- While H continues to work on L’damburg, Foolish performs the Shift Dance.
- Bad returns. H has to leave, but he tells Bad to keep an eye on the ‘burgs. Bad suggests he and Foolish create a peace treaty. 50% off toll, and in exchange they have peace.
- Foolish asks, what if someone else isn’t peaceful? Bad would consider that an act of war on his part. He offers to gift Foolish L’hamburg.
- The only thing, Bad says, is that Foolish can’t get rid of the L’Sandburg capital. With that, he departs.
- Foolish says he might keep the tower, but he’ll have to do this later.
- Puffy examines her Netherite axe. The axe that she killed her best friend with. She still can’t believe what happened. Worse than Foolish dying, she stooped to their level and took a life. She swore she wouldn’t be like them.
- Antfrost was right. She failed. She understands why people didn’t fight for L’manburg now.
“Chaos always wins. Despite all odds, despite everything you think you can do to fix the situation, to help each other, to persevere...you can’t.”
- She doesn’t know where Foolish is, but killing Antfrost didn’t fix anything. 
- There’s somewhere she hasn’t been in a long time. She’s done with Bad, done with Ant -- but at least Ant has a reason to hate her now. By killing Foolish, they’d hurt her more than if they’d killed her.
- Nothing excuses what she did. She’ll face the consequences for killing Antfrost later. She acted on her emotions, but she’d do it again.
“Maybe the only way to have people listen to me, to take me seriously, is to instill fear in them. And that’s not who I want to be, but if it’s who I have to be, if I have to be the villain in everyone’s story? Then that’s the choice I’ll make.”
- The Captain’s Log was meant to document her progress as a knight. Now, this book is her undoing. She goes down into her underground base, looking at the signs on the wall.
“You can’t connect the dots, you can’t see anything coming because everybody you think you know about everyone on this server is a lie! Everything you know, you can’t trust anybody!”
“Even the sweetest of people, the closest of people, the people that you have trusted since day one? They’ll turn, because everybody on this server has a dark side, whether they like to think it or not, whether it’s been shown yet, whether it’s been revealed, everybody -- everybody including me! Including the quote unquote ‘mother,’ the ‘protector of the server,’ even me! Because I could be worse than all of them! And the best part is is that they’ll never see it coming.” 
“Some people are predictable...I’m not one of them.”
- Puffy writes in her Captain’s Log, changing “What it means to be a knight” to “What it means to be a villain...”
“Trust...trust is the biggest weakness there is. Trust is what separates strangers from friends. From security, from vulnerability. Trust is weakness, and...on this server, you can’t have any weakness, because if they find out, if anybody finds out you have a weakness, they’ll use it against you.”
- A new era of peace isn’t going to happen. Puffy will bring a new era of darkness. There are few people who haven’t broken their loyalty yet, and she’ll keep an eye out. But to the people that failed her, 
“To those people, I say...’welcome to Doomsday.’“
- After discussion about Puffy’s height, Bad tells Puffy that he’s forming a new nation if she would like to join. A nation called L’Sandburg.
- Puffy arrives at L’Sandburg. The capital tower has been renovated, the base reinforced with obsidian.
- Puffy asks if this is canon. Bad says yes, this is his tower. (After Puffy gets mad at him for killing her son, Bad says it’s maybe not that level of canon)
- Bad lets Puffy into the L’Sandburg capital.
- Puffy asks what the point of L’Sandburg is. Bad explains that it’s a sort of tollbooth on Foolish’s road. The toll depends on how much armor a person is wearing. The more shiny, fancy armor, the higher the toll, because that person can afford to pay more.
- Puffy starts twerking to test the road durability. She pays a toll of carrots with one steak. Bad plans to increase toll amounts as the nation improves infrastructure. 
- Bad tries to arrest Puffy and put her into toll jail for bypassing the toll, but he gives up and walks away when she says no. Puffy points out that his security system is not very good, and Bad starts to see the problem here.
- Puffy walks into the toll booth and Bad asks her to pay a toll of five carrots this time. The price has gone up due to inflation. Puffy turns the tables and starts charging Bad toll to enter L’Sandburg, declaring this territory “L’Puffburg.”
- Bad bypasses the toll by saying he’s ready for hot girl summer and agrees to let Puffy keep ownership of the top floor of the capital.
- L’Sandburg is apparently Bad’s “vacation country.”
- Bad and Puffy hang out in L’Sandburg/L’Puffburg some more and Bad plays around sticking his head out of sand and doing various voices.
- Antfrost arrives. 
- Ant changes into Badboyhalo in a maid outfit.
- Bad and Antfrost fight. Antfrost runs out of L’Sandburg and Bad chases after him, threatening to take his second canon life, telling him to accept his death like a good potato.
- Antfrost kills Bad. Puffy tells them to put their weapons away so that they can have a proper duel. They fight a second time.
- Ant and Puffy say goodnight and leave Bad to work in L’Sandburg.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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yostressmininggirl · 3 years
Foolish and Potion of Healing for the angsty feels because i almost lost channel points to him today ):
Aww anon, I’m sorry about that little scare but hey, at least you saved it! And ngl, I did kinda struggle thinking of how this will go so I hope this works!
Box of Memories
Please Use
minecraft:potion (potion:”minecraft:strong_healing”) // FoolishGamers // In his inventory?
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Gods in the Dream SMP are strangely nonchalant despite the fact that they are tied down to the rules of mortality with the rest of you.
You’ve observed this when more of the powered up kind of people started showing up in the server - the blood god that never dies, the angel of death with a single heart, the once-God of Death-now-totem of UNDYING.
Despite how absurd it is to claim immortality in a server built around the rules of canon lives, they seem to make it work. Perhaps that’s tied in to their Godness, tho you’ve heard in mythology from other civilizations of Gods being so paranoid of oracles that depict their death (which usually end up being true, last you’ve heard from Technoblade’s stories).
You’d love to have that kind of reassurance, fail-saves and whatnot.
But when you’ve met Foolish and Foolish Jr., and the implications, Totems of Undying are definitely off the table.
“Oh my god,” you breathed out as you entered the large mansion built by the God in question, followed by you screaming when you turned to see him standing just behind you.
“You called?”
“Oh you know what I meant! Goodness, last time I was here it was still barren,” you turned back to gesture to the foyer, recognizing the interior built just past the main staircase, “how long have you been up just to finish this?!”
You know for a fact that this God is known for size, and his builds whether his or not, are always monstrous and overwhelming. Foolish’s signature chuckle echoed to your right ear as he stood next to you, exhaustion evident with the weakened state of his voice and slouch as he looked upon his creation too. “I dunno, probably like, 13 hours give or take.”
With a deep sigh from the familiarity of the man’s recklessness, you took his arm and looped it around your shoulder, guiding him outside and back to his home as he sends you a guilty smile along the way.
To this you sent a light-hearted glare that turned his grin into a more natural state.
Foolish will always be thankful of you taking care of him especially with how taxing his work has been lately, something that comes after people realize his exceptional building skills. Even if he had the godly constitution to stay up and endure, it's his sanity that's mostly at risk.
So as the one closest to him, you took the role of making sure he's safe and sound.
How ironic that a God is taken care of by a mortal soul.
"You're really going? I don't know, Foolish, this banquet seems really sus-" before you can finish your sentence, Foolish turned around to show off his suit that he somehow procured from somewhere. Against your better judgment, you admit he fits it perfectly.
The compliment makes him beam, raising his arms and repeatedly straightening the non-existent creases in his outfit. "Exactly, (Y/N)! Which is exactly why I should attend, even if they claim that it would be a peaceful dinner, it's better if I'm there to intervene," you supposed he has a point. Everyone else would be without armor or weapons (which would be a stupid move) and only Foolish had the power to fight without those. "Our friends, like Eret and Puffy would be there, I can't let them fend off the Eggpire alone if ever."
Sighing in defeat of Foolish's explanation, you began rummaging for something in your inventory. "I expected this much," he hums as he watches you reach into your pocket to pull out a potion, "but just in case, take this with you. You'd do that for me, right?"
Foolish warmed at the touch of the cold glass in his palm when you gave the potion of healing, appreciating another bout of your kindness and protectiveness.
You rarely make potions of healing so this may as well be made just now just for his sake.
"Aw, thank you so much! Don't worry I'll take care of myself, and then I'll head back here immediately once it's over. Sounds good?" Just to assure you that he's safe after the event.
"Sounds good, I'll see you soon." And with that, you watched as Foolish disappears into the nether portal, sending you one last assuring smile.
You didn't expect for him to come back so soon, tho.
One life less.
When he came out of the summer home instead of the nether portal, your stomach dropped at the realization - dropping everything you were doing to tackle him into a hug, a shaking, shivering hug.
Nothing went as planned.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled as his arms wrapped around your waist, and you wanted to talk back and say it wasn't his fault, but you couldn't, "I wasn't able to use the potion. I'll get it back."
Don't worry about the damned potion right now! But those words that bubbled in your throat died down when you heard him sob, and right now what he needed was your hug.
And you'll give him that, for his sanity.
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