#the entire camp: our daughter now
pinacoladamatata · 8 months
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Our little idol thief!! We didn't get an act 2 camp "ketheric's dead" party where we got to act silly and dance so i'm taking matters into my own hands
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star-girl69 · 5 months
Better Than Revenge
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: more jealous clarisse and this time she gets to be insane about it (I Can See You coded tbh)
a/n: soft clarisse MOVE OVER insane clarisse hiiiiiii ….anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
Better Then Revenge - Taylor Swift
warnings: possessive clarisse pleek i want you i need you, violence, swearing, punching lol, men, allusions to sex and this is just pretty suggestive, tell me if i missed anything!!
The anniversary of Mr. D being sentenced to a life at Camp Half Blood has become his birthday over the years.
Of course, his children use that as an excuse to throw a rowdy party disguised as a simple bonfire.
Chiron turns a blind eye, as long as everyone swears to not give him any alcohol, and there’s still a modicum of responsibility among the camp population.
It’s one of the highlights of the summer, the heat from the fire, the dark night lit only by Selene, where it feels like you can do anything and get away with it.
It’s your first with Clarisse, and by the way she’s looking at you right now, you’re probably not gonna last more than an hour before you get dragged somewhere to make out. Which is not what you want.
You’re already in your outfit, the jean shorts you know she likes, the low-cut top you know she likes, leaning over in front of the mirror as you do your lipstick.
“Do you have something you want to say?”
Clarisse usually sits with you as you get ready for something, since you shamelessly take longer than her. She always calls you her prettiest girl, then expects you not to live up to it?
She doesn’t rush you. She’s never impatient. She just likes watching you, and it’s fun to put on a show.
She always looks at you, but something about the look in her eyes tonight is especially… feral.
“What’d you mean?” she says, smirking and leaning back on her elbows.
The Aphrodite cabin is a particular swirl of activity, but your little corner is just you and her. She refused to wear anything but her camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans, of course, but she looks good in anything.
“You’re looking at me like you want to pounce.”
“Took you this long to pick up on that?”
You laugh, bending over to grab a jewelry box that lives at the foot of your floor length mirror.
“Baby, let’s just stay back,” she groans.
“This is our first time going together, though. I want to go.”
“And I want to kiss you until we both pass out.”
“Oh, how romantic,” you whisper, holding earrings up to your ear. The dangly pearls look best. Some sort of dangerous thought slithers into your mind, and you turn around to face her with a slow smile.
“Oh, Gods. What?”
“If you can go an entire hour without kissing me…”
She looks up at you like you’ve just called her the worst warrior at camp.
“Then we’ll leave as soon as the hours up, and do whatever you want. But if you can’t, then we get to stay until I say so.”
She smirks. The only thing she loves more than you is competition, a challenge. You watch her eyes light up.
“I can do an hour.”
“Oh, really?”
“I have amazing self-control, actually.”
“Oh, really?” you repeat, drawing out the word.
“Really,” she says, rolling her eyes and mocking you.
She’s sitting on the edge of your bed, leaning back on her palms now, watching you as you step forward.
“Really,” she says again.
But her smile fades as you place your hands on her shoulders, her hands coming to your waist as you place yourself right down on her lap. She lies down and let’s you straddle her, tracing her lips with your pointer finger.
It’s so startlingly silent and tense, she can hear your breath, you can hear hers.
You squeeze her face in your hands. “Well, time to go!” you announce, climbing off of her.
“You’re a demon,” she hisses. “A witch.”
“I’m a daughter of Aphrodite,” you roll your eyes. “I prefer to be called a seductress.”
The party is already buzzing when you get there, night just falling and the fire blazing high.
You wave to a few of your friends, dragging Clarisse by the hand as you lead her to the best group of chairs and benches, not too close and not too far from the fire. All of the camp counselors and the people around your age are there, drinking punch and talking amongst themselves.
You greet your half sister and head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, Phoebe, with a kiss and a hug.
“You look so pretty, Y/N,” she smiles. “I love the pearls.”
“Thank you,” you gush. You look up to Phoebe more than you would like to admit. One day you hope to take her position, and it wouldn’t hurt to make a good impression now. “You look gorgeous.”
Clarisse’s hand falls from yours and she pushes you forward to the empty seat next to Phoebe.
You look behind you. She gives you a look that says “Are you dumb? Talk to her.”
You’re always so close to Clarisse, but she goes and sits nexts to a few of her siblings on top of a picnic table 5 feet away.
You hum and start talking to Phoebe about a few of the new arrivals about camp- you both agree one of the new boys is a son of Aphrodite, before Phoebe looks past you and cringes.
“One of the other new kids is staring at you.”
You risk a small glance.
There’s nothing special about him. Pale skin, brown hair and brown eyes. He’s not your type, to say the least, especially when you steal a look at Clarisse and find she’s already looking at you-
You stomach flips.
She taps her wrist as if there was a watch there.
“Almost halfway,” she mouths, smiling brightly.
You look pointedly back at Phoebe.
“He’s eh,” you shrug.
“If he doesn’t stop staring at us I’m gonna go insane.”
“Is he really staring?” you ask.
“Yeah. I think he thinks he’s flirting, or something? I don’t know.”
You shrug. He probably knows you’re dating Clarisse, and if he doesn’t, he probably will soon.
She bumps your shoulder.
“Any updates with Clarisse?”
You smile, playing with your fingers.
“No, not really. We’re still happy. Actually, we’re having a contest right now. If she can resist kiss me for an hour, then we’ll leave. But if she can’t, then we get to stay at the party all night.”
“Ooh, that’s evil,” she teases.
“I know, I’m having so much fun.”
You both laugh, and Phoebe opens her mouth just to close it. She fakes dropping something to lean closer to you.
“He’s coming over here.”
“Oh, Gods,” you mutter.
“Hey, ladies,” he says. His voice is deep and scratchy, like he just smoked an entire pack of cigarettes. “How y’all doin’ tonight? Enjoying the party?”
You have to stifle a laugh. Phoebe was one of the cabin leaders who helped organize the party.
“Havin’ fun,” you smile awkwardly. He stares so intensely into your eyes you have to breathe out not to laugh.
“Good, good. Either of you know where the punch station is?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, it’s right by the Apollo cabin,” Phoebe points.
He follows her finger. “Great, thanks.”
He looks at you and winks. “See you around.”
Both you and Phoebe dissolve into a fit of giggles.
You make your way over to Clarisse after a second, sitting down next to her on the table. You hug your knees to your chest from where they sit on the actual bench.
“‘M cold,” you moan, rubbing your knees.
Her siblings, Carrie and Nelson are now distracted by Phoebe’s animated talking, leaving the two of you.
She wraps her arm around your shoulder, letting you lean against her.
“You wore those shorts,” she says.
“For you.”
“Oh, you’re so mean.”
“Before the challenge. And I think you mean ‘thanks for trying to make me happy, Y/N.’”
Clarisse laughs.
“Okay, pretty thing,” she mutters. “That’s what I meant.”
“Right,” you mutter, pushing yourself further against her. It’s better here, closer to the fire, but there’s still this chill in your bones.
“Stop being so close to me,” Clar mutters.
You turn to her.
“What did you just say to me?”
“It’s almost irresistible to kiss you,” she whispers. “I’m not allowed to kiss your forehead, am I?”
You put your face into her warm neck.
“Is that kissing me?” you whisper, your lips brushing her skin.
“Shut up,” she mumbles, pushing you away from her. “You’re not distracting me. I’m not losing this. One hour, then we’re going back to my cabin and staying there for a long time.”
You smile, lifting your face up from her neck to stare in her eyes. She smiles softly back at you.
“Did you see me turn around and bend over to fix my shoes?”
Her eyes blaze.
“Should have guessed that was on purpose. What’d you call yourself? A seductress? I agree.”
You smile, wrapping your arms around yourself, deciding you’ll be nice and give her a few minutes reprieve. Ares kids are always so warm, and even just being pressed slightly against her is nice.
Someone places a jacket over your shoulders. You smile, turning to Clarisse, not remembering if she had a jacket on. Did she bring one for you?
“Clar, I-”
She’s not looking at you at all. She’s staring off towards the fire, holding your hand, and you know she didn’t just give you this jacket.
Harry walks around the table, smiling.
“Looks better on you then it did me,” he says, awkwardly. “You looked cold, so…” he laughs.
Clarisse finally realizes that he’s talking to the two of you, or well, you.
“Huh?” she says, giving him a bored look. Immediately slipping back into her mean girl persona, even though she was just blushing with your face in her neck five seconds ago.
She looks at you at the corner of her eye.
You’re sitting there, frozen with his jacket over your shoulders.
“Uh…” you say, stupidly, because your mind is literally empty. What are you even supposed to do in this situation?
Clarisse grabs at the black jacket.
“She looked cold,” he says.
She finally realizes what happened.
“So, you’re hitting on my girlfriend? Right next to me?”
His smile falls. “Y-your friend, yeah-”
She rips the jacket off of you and throws it at him.
“Girlfriend,” she hisses.
“It’s not my fault,” he says, scrambling to catch his jacket, getting defensive now. He knows he fucked up, his pride is hurt. “You weren’t even touching, and she was, like, shivering-”
She stands up, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“Hey, hey, Clarisse,” her sister Carrie says. “What’s going on?”
Clarisse glares at him. He starts sputtering incoherently.
Carrie raises an eyebrow towards you.
“He gave me his jacket,” you mumble, still feeling a little dazed. “Clar, c’mon, let him go.”
Carrie takes a step back. “Oh, ‘kay. I don’t care if she beats him up then,” she laughs.
“It looked like they were friends!” Harry shouts, pushing Clarisse back.
She punches him in the face.
“Clarisse!” you yell, jumping down from the table. “Don’t you dare!” you grab her arm, she’s fuming, rearing to punch him again.
A crowd has formed around you.
Harry groans and holds his bleeding nose.
“You fucking bitch,” he mutters.
“Clarisse. Clarisse, please, let’s go. Let’s just go.”
“You weren’t even that hot anyway,” he hisses.
“Don’t fucking talk about her!” she yells, jumping forward to punch him again-
“Clarisse!” you shout, not wanting her to get in trouble but you’re a second too late. Her fist flies into his cheek, but he’s prepared this time, so he takes it and counters with his own punch.
Your heart squeezes, but she blocks it, and both of their respective siblings finally jump in to hold them back.
“Oh, Gods,” you mumble, staring at his blood on the ground. At least it’s not hers. “Carrie!” you shout, giving her a pleasing look, and she nods.
“C’mon, Clarisse,” she says. “You’re very strong and tough, stop beating up the twig whose got no chance.”
It takes three of her siblings to corner her against the picnic bench.
“Giving her your fucking jacket, I should kill you!” she shouts, thrashing against her siblings hold. “She’s mine, dumbass, we’re always around each other, did you not notice?!”
“Clarisse- stop!” Carrie grunts, putting everything she has into holding her back.
“Go fuck yourself,” he groans, finally having enough common sense to cup his nose and walk away, the groups of people parting for him.
You stand there, shocked. Phoebe comes next to you.
“Oh, I love this night,” she sighs. You shoot her an unimpressed look.
After he’s gone, her siblings let a fighting Clarisse out of their holds, and she scans the crowd, but Harry really has disappeared. Her eyes find yours immediately.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, marching towards you and immediately pressing her lips against yours.
Pride is her fatal flaw. And when her ego is wounded, especially when it comes to you, she feels an inherent need to try and get it back.
She can’t beat up Harry, but showing everyone you’re hers is what you guessed she would do next.
She grabs you by the neck, the other arm wrapping around your waist, bringing you two closer together. You’re touching everywhere, kissing her is like touching her electric spear, and she finally pulls away slowly.
She can’t say that she loves you, so she just kisses your temple instead, wrapping her arm back around your shoulder.
As much as you hate violence, that was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
Clarisse drags you off to her cabin.
“Oh, fuck,” she mumbles, opening the door.
“What?” you whisper, squeezing her hand.
“The contest. We should have stayed-”
You snort. “Who gives a fuck about the contest? I’ve been swayed. Let’s go make out.”
She seems a little shocked, extremely excited, and starts ushering you towards the ladder of the loft.
“Well, who am I to deny you,” she says, holding your ass as you ascend.
“Also, stop punching people.”
“That’s where I deny you.”
You make it to the top, her hands on your waist as she follows you. She’s always touching you, like she’s addicted to you. You pretend, but you’re so in love with her you genuinely think you’re gonna fall over just thinking about her sometimes.
“Clarisse, seriously. You’re gonna get in trouble one day, and-”
She spins you around and throws you back on your bed. You yelp as she climbs on top of you.
“No. Kiss now, lecture later.”
You protest, but she shuts you up by smashing her lips into yours. It’s rough, you did tease her all night, all teeth and the sounds of your roaring heartbeats.
She starts kissing down your neck, your dig your hands into your curls.
“‘She’s mine’?” you say after a second, referencing her anger-haze of a rant.
“Yes,” she says. Softly, but not sheepishly. She says it confident and proud. “You are.”
“I am,” you mutter back, having a feeling she’s gonna leave hickey’s all over you.
You do your best to flip her over, but she’s all muscle and it’s hard, so she ends up grabbing your hips and helping you.
“What?” she gasps, confused at the change of position. Not that she’s complaining, though.
“You did lose the challenge,” you tease.
She doesn’t like to admit she lost.
You hover your lips right above hers.
“Say it.”
Her fingers dig into your hips.
“I lost,” she grits. “You won.”
“I did,” you mumble, lips grazing yours, but you’re getting bored and you want to kiss her just as bad.
And you do, your hands on her face, her fingers starting to slip under your shirt. She mumbles against your lips.
“Fuck, this is so much better than revenge.”
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(i’m actually the funniest person alive if you couldn’t tell)
clarisse: oh, so you think i cant take care of my girlfriend? because we’re not close enough? because you think she’s cold? well guess what. now i’m never letting her out of my sight again, fuckfaces
y/n: FUCK YES i mean noooooooo noooooo that’s horrible omggg
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme
@jazhandzzz @urbisexualfriend
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hollisxwrites · 4 months
could you write a percy x daughter of dionysus reader? 🧎‍♀️🙏🏼
lay all your love on me
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AGED UP percy jackson x daughter of dionysus! reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: inspired by the "lay all your love on me" scene in momma mia!, just take out the funny background dancers. pretty spicy, not fully on smut, but definitely some heavy making out and innuendos. underwater kissing, mention of underage drinking and the reader being a little bit of a troublemaker, some language, possibly can be seen as slightly angst at the beginning with some little bitty bit of jealously. i really like this one!
summary: the reader is bored on a beach day with her boyfriend, percy, so she decides to tease him a little bit, which ends up with her and her boyfriend making out on the ocean floor LMAO.
Laughter filled the air as my boyfriend, Percy, and I sprawled out on the beach of Camp. It was one of the rare days of peace we had at Camp, a beautiful, glorious, Sunday. Percy looked stunning, as always, the sun warming his freckled face, and the sea making his already perfect hair even curlier. His swim trunks, even though they had unicorns in shark onesies on them, clung to his figure perfectly. I took a sip of my champagne that we had managed to steal out of the cabinet that my dad kept near his desk, and I tried to pry my eyes away from Percy. He was chattering out about something that had happened with the younger campers the day before, watching the waves from his perch against a rock. I wanted to distract him from the mundane talk of camp, so I decided I would mess with the boy a little bit.  
I stood up from where I sat near Percy and pulled off the oversized tee shirt that I had on over my swimsuit. The swimsuit was plum purple, and I knew Percy loved it, he made it abundantly clear every time I wore it. I stood near the water, about ten or eleven feet away from Percy when his conversation finally died down. “You look...beautiful, dear gods.” He choked out, his voice straining a little bit.  
I smiled and adjusted my hair, so it framed my face. “Thank you, darling.” I took another swig out of my champagne flute and turned so my back was to Percy. Soon enough, just as I expected, Percy was beside me. He moved to put his hand on my lower back, but I swatted his hand away. I looked over and saw the little pout on his face, and knew my mission was already succeeding.  
“I noticed you talking to Connor a lot yesterday, what’s that about?” Percy asked, his tone almost a little bitter, even though I could tell by his demeanor that he was joking with me. 
I shrugged. “I lived in the Hermes cabin for a long time, Mr. D never wanted to claim me because he didn’t want to have to punish his own daughter. I used to get into a lot of trouble at Camp.” 
Percy chuckled at this. “Oh, I know. What did Connor want, though? You guys don’t usually talk like that.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Perc.” I looked him in the eye. “He was just asking me if I knew who had stable duties this week, since we both are in trouble with Chiron right now.” 
Percy sighed, letting his eyes wander down my figure, which sent electric shock through my entire body. “Okay, I’m just not used to being so jealous. Any guy I see talk to you feels like a potential threat.” He moved closer to me, our fingers millimeters away from touching. 
“You have no reason to be afraid of other guys. You know I’ve only ever had eyes for you. You have all my love.” I said, comforting the boy. 
He nodded at this. “Sorry, I feel so possessive of you sometimes, you’re just so fucking beautiful, I know any guy would want to have you, but you’re mine.”    
A shiver ran down my spine. “That’s why I love you so much, Perc. That is exactly how I am with you. I don’t want anyone else to even look at you.” 
Percy leaned down a little bit, probably trying to kiss me, and I connected our noses, but never our lips. I moved away, pushing his muscular chest a little, and went to take a sip from the glass still in my hand. He smirked a little bit, finally catching onto the game I was playing with him. I set the glass down in the sand, and walked further into the water, thus further away from Percy. I flipped myself so I was facing him again. “Don’t go wasting your emotion, Perc. Lay all your love on me!”  
He giggled, obviously getting the ABBA reference I was making here. “Okay, miss disco queen.”  
I laughed, getting close enough to kiss him again. This time, just our top lips touch before I pull away and move back to the rock we were leaning against earlier. Perched again on the rock, I looked Percy in the eye. His eyes wandered once again to my figure in the swimsuit, but not in a way that made me uncomfortable, in fact, he made me feel so loved with his gaze. He moved towards me this time, and finally brought us together into a real kiss. My back pressed against the cool surface of the rocks, and I was fully immersed in the kiss. His hands went to my waist, pulling my chest flesh against his, causing my entire body to feel ignited by his touch.  
He separated us, leaving me panting and my knees weak. “Two can play this game, disco queen.” He ran off into the water, diving into the depths of the salty sea. 
“Not fair!” I shouted out after him, still trying to compose myself after the earth-shattering kiss we shared. Sure, as a Dionysus kid, I may have a lot of wit and a lot of charm, but I could not breath underwater like Percy could. Suddenly, I saw a mop of blond curls pop up from the water about half a mile into the distance. “Percy Jackson!” I yelled again. 
I saw, or at least I thought I did, him flipping me off from the distance, and that made the desire in me to catch him even stronger. I hopped in the water and started to paddle my arms, quiet poorly, trying aimlessly to catch up with the boy. I felt a hand grab my calf, and I yelped as I was pulled into the water. I came face to face with Percy. I hated to say it, but he looked even more attractive underwater, if that was even possible. His lips met mine, once again, and due to his touch and manipulation of the water, I could breathe, ish. His hands gripped me, pulling me further down into the dingy water. Being underwater with Percy was always a thrill, especially when we were making out like this, tongues clashing and hands being nowhere and everywhere all at once. When he finally parted from me, both of us were panting like dogs. “Gods, I love you.” 
I giggled, pressing a lingering kiss into his jawline. “I love you, too.”  
He bit his lip as I continued to press kisses into his jaw, his neck, and eventually his collarbones. Maybe it was the champagne going to my head, or maybe it was my handsome boyfriend, but I had never been happier than I was in this moment. My kisses went lower and lower down his abdomen, and I’m sure what you can guess what happened next. 
But, as they say, what happens in the ocean stays in the ocean, or something like that.    
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studioghibelli · 14 days
leather & lace- a joel miller x reader series
chapter one: the silver stallion.
summary: an untamed cowboy and the sheriff's daughter. an outlaw and a goodie two shoes. a hardened piece of leather and a perfect cut of lace. at first glance, you and joel miller are polar opposites, yet somehow fate has managed to tangle you both up in the same spool of yarn.
“You're saying I'm fragile, I try not to be. I search only for something I can't see. I have my own life, and I am stronger than you know.”
warnings: violence (guns, blood, death.) enemies to lovers, an unspoken companionship of convenience, this is sort of a soulmate au? in a very thematic and metaphorical sense, age gap (50’s Joel, 20s reader), themes of guilt and betrayal, domestic abuse. if i missed any, please kindly let me know. thank you!
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A silver stallion was galloping across the vast canopy of the dusty sky, illuminating the distant mountains with a sheen of gentle moonlight. It had been a harsh, dry summer, followed by an uninspired autumn, but soon the loving hand of winter would blanket the land in her snowy glory.
The town of Ruby Springs stood glimmering at the base of a mountain, the golden light of dingy hotels and busy saloons flickering in the darkening air.
It was warm, inviting-and there was nothing he wanted more than a pint of beer and a place to rest his aching feet.
How long had it been? Days? Weeks?
The time didn’t matter when his back ached like this. His crooked spine had not felt the plush feathers of a pillow in many moons, his lips had gone too long without a tender kiss from a pretty stranger.
Every inch, every bone, every breath of Joel Miller hurt.
He was getting too old for this, too lousy, too grumpy, too much of everything to keep up with it all. The train robberies, the kidnapping, the late night bank runs. If it were up to him, he would have stopped years ago.
But he was an indebted man, and Joel knew he’d have to sleep with one eye open if he tried to run away from it all. He was reminded constantly of his duties, of the promise he swore to her years ago.
His boss, his warden, his burden. She saved a life for him, and in turn, he owed his entire world to her. Every penny, every breath, every move- Joel did so to appease Tess.
And now this.
He had done many things in his life. Cruel, unspeakable things. He had watched skin turn purple and eyes roll blank. He had watched men hang for their crimes and horses die for their loyalty. War, famine, anger, cruelty- Joel had seen his share of the world, of the vast and indescribable horrors of man.
But this. Something about this made his stomach churn. Something deep, intrinsic, something that had been determined by fate many moons before. Something he didn’t quite understand.
The letter detailing his current orders were in the pocket of his worn coat, burning a hole straight through the leather and deep in to his chest.
The girl. The boy. Their father. In that order. This sheriff’s been sniffing out our plans for too long, and we can’t have him ringing any alarm bells. Get it done and dusted, and report back to me in Jackson.
He could turn his strawberry roan mustang right around and run off, far into the desert. Where he would go, what exactly he would do- well, he wasn’t quite sure.
But he had ideas. Options. Dreams.
He could ride alongside the screaming eagles through the valleys of mesa rock, make camp beside a Montana stream rich with salmon. He could trade meat with the Apache down in New Mexico and drink moonshine beneath the stars.
He could choose to do anything but that.
He couldn’t, could he?
What was more innocent blood on his hands? Joel had killed before, and he knew he would kill again.
Patting the ivory handled Colt that sat glued to his holster, he guided his steed towards Ruby Springs, stomach tight with the promise of what he was about to do.
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The powder room was the color of eggshells with pink satin pillows thrown about, piles of gowns that needed to be washed and trays of powder that were fading had been littered throughout various places. It was pretty. Delicate. Feminine. A room fit for a city girl who had never known a days work. A city girl who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
A city girl Joel felt inextricably fond of, without ever knowing intimately.
The room he had found himself camped in smelled faintly of vanilla and cinnamon, and framed photos of a pretty thing and her loyal steed were hung about the walls.
The woman he was sent to kill.
Joel sat behind the bed, careful not to lean back on any loose floor boards. If he made any noise, he know he was screwed. In his gloved hands was a small, circular photo frame, a photo of your face beaming up at him, his target, staring back. Your eyes were full of light, face full of promise. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen someone so beautiful, someone so fragile.
He wondered what you smelled like. He wondered what your voice sounded like, if you snorted when you laughed. When he looked at your photo, he saw hope. He saw a shadow of someone he once was.
An outline of a little boy with a heart, with a soul, with a dream. A little boy who prayed and laughed and played outside beneath the heat of the sun. A boy who kissed his mamma and brushed his dog and shook the sand from his boots before walking inside the house.
Where had he gone? What had he turned in to?
Down the hall, he could hear footsteps. Heavy and booted, hushed whispers accompanying them.
“Shit.” He muttered, grabbing his pistol and peering over the meticulously made bed.
The doorknob was rattling.
Joel glanced down at the fading picture. He really did think you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A confident smile, pretty hair, dazzling eyes- you were so young, you looked so pure.
And your blood was about to be all over the palms of his hands.
His ribcage felt as though it was going to break, his whole body full of the whistling pressure of what must be done. Before he could even think or mourn, he heard a hiss of pain.
“Get off me, Wyatt!”
Wyatt. Your brother. The boy he was meant to kill.
“You gon’ tell daddy? Betcha’ not gonna do shit about it.” There was venom in his words, it dripped from each syllable.
Joel sat quiet. His curiosity outweighed his allegiance to Tess, and he wanted to see where this was headed.
“You killed him, Wyatt.” Your voice was hushed on that forbidden middle word, killed sounded so foreign when it came out of your mouth. It was as though your tongue wouldn’t dare hold on to the verb anymore than it had to.
“So? Don’t matter. When you’re the sheriff’s kid, you can do anythin’ you want. You should try it sometime.”
“No. I won’t. I’m going to tell him.”
“You wouldn’t.” A challenge. There was the ruffling of a leather strap, followed by the clicking of a gun. Not only a challenge, a death sentence.
Although Joel couldn’t see, the air grew thick with tension, like a beach before a storm. He could hear your little breath of air, he could smell your annoyance. Quietly, Joel peered over the mattress.
Something stirred deep within him. He wanted to protect you, and the thought made him angry.
Wyatt stood tall and dumb, buck toothed and freckled like a growling hound dog. His pistol was pointed right at you, and he wore a mask of pure anger. That’s all he was. An angry little boy with no real reason to be.
And Joel knew how to deal with angry little boys.
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You couldn’t remember when it started.
The rage.
It ran unbridled through you, like a stream trickling downwards towards the edge of a mountain. You could feel it in your veins, like the stinger of a wasp, stuck with nowhere left to go.
You knew, ever since you were a young child, that one day the band that held it all together was going to snap. And one day, sweet, innocent, “Oh no sir, I could never!” little old you would snap. You would sink your teeth in the neck of a handsy man, or drive a bullet straight through a gossipy woman’s stomach.
One day that band would break. And one day your perfect socialite image would come crashing down.
Today, spoiler alert, was that day.
That morning, when you had awoken, your thighs were sticky with your own blood, and your skin was covered in a sheen of sweat. Winter was approaching, but the wooden walls of your family home held in the heat from the furnace like no other.
You were hot. You were angry. You were a woman on the edge, standing at the precipice of a ravine full of hatred and violence. One little gust of wind, and you’d be pushed over the edge.
Enter: Wyatt.
Your big brother. Nasty, incompetent, spoiled rotten by your overly doting mother who never, over her now dead body, treated you the same.
Wyatt could get away with whatever he wanted. Why? He was daddy’s favorite. The crown jewel of Ruby Springs. Next in line to be the town’s newest, gluttonous, and corrupt Sheriff.
Wyatt was a pig. A fucking pig you would send to the slaughterhouse if you could. You could do a lot of damage with a nail gun to his forehead, you thought.
When he had grabbed you by the arm and dragged you in to your room to snarl his line of profanities, you were already knee deep in the rotted mud of a shitty day.
One little gust of wind.
“-You wouldn’t.” Wyatt’s tone was full of that disgusting self-righteous attitude he always carried around with him, full of the thought that nothing could ever harm him, full of the thought that there was no one who could put him in his place. When he pulled his pistol out on you, no fear coursed through you.
Why would it?
You had been spanked as a child, damn near shot by your own father when you were twelve and accidentally dropped a bucket of hot water on his feet. When he grabbed you by the throat and threatened to spill your life blood, you felt it for the first time.
That rage. That deep, bitter, heavy rage.
One little gust of wind.
“What are you doing, Wyatt?” You asked nonchalantly, eyes flickering down to his gun.
“Protectin’ myself.”
“From what?”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “You’re such a fucking coward. You know that?”
Wyatt held the barrel of his gun against your chin. It was cold. It was… inviting, like a hug from a distant family member. There was a feeling to that frigid metal against your skin that felt familiar, a yearning deep within you that had always been there but never awoken.
Not until now.
“Don’t test me, girl.”
“No, Wyatt.” Your voice was low, like the growl of a cougar. Your dumb brother didn’t notice you reaching towards your vanity, to the pointed hair pic resting gently on the edge. It wasn’t a knife, but it would do.
They say poison was the weapon of women, but you figured anything could work if you gritted your teeth hard enough.
So grit your teeth you did. So hard you could hear them heaving and grinding against another, like the metal cogs of a train engine.
“You don’t test me.”
Wyatt took a step back. A floorboard creaked, from what- or who- you weren’t sure. All you knew was your red tinted vision, the thrumming pound drumming at the back of your head, was filling your mind with the promise of a fight.
“I have put up with you for so long. Your incessant bitching, your stupid fucking crocodile tears. I’ve put up with the abuse- from you and papa- and I’m sick of it. I’m sick of you. You know what doctor’s do when a sickness starts spreading? They get rid of it. And I’m going to get rid of you. You’re a fucking pain in my ass. A disease.”
You had never seen Wyatt go so wide eyed before, like a doe stuck at the end of a bowie knife, a rabbit lost in the woods. There was a bead of sweat forming at his temple, crinkles scrunching at the side of his dark eyes as he squinted, trying to make sense of what was going on in the world around him.
“You-….” He stood up straighter, cleared his throat louder. Wyatt’s eyebrows knitted tightly together as he gained his arrogance back again. “You on your period or something?” The chiding tone of his voice was enough to break that band.
One little gust of wind.
“That’s it!” You screamed out as your legs carried you, your mind completely on auto-pilot as your instincts guided you. In a matter of seconds Wyatt was on the floor, and the hair pic was lodged deep into the flesh of his cheek.
He cried out, a string of curses soon following. “You crazy bitch! You fuckin’ stabbed me!” He spit, a loose molar tumbling to the floor.
“I said don’t mess with me!”
“You’re fuckin’ crazy!” Wyatt easily wrestled you to the ground, shuffling around for his pistol as you struggled against his grasp. Unfortunately he was much stronger, and you held no power over him while he had the high ground.
You felt the cold barrel of his Colt on the temple of your eye, and for a moment you accepted your fate. At least you went out with a bang.
And there was indeed a bang, followed by a thud, and before you knew it, you were being suffocated with the body of your lifeless brother, your neck and face painted with the crimson of his blood.
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Joel had no clue what had come over him.
He hadn’t felt protective like this for a very long time.
Not since her.
As he perched behind the cushy mattress, listening to you two bicker like a pair of angry birds, a wave of emotion rushed over him. A bit of fear, an unforeseen amount of admiration, and a twinge of…. well, something he didn’t really know the word for. Interest?
Interest? Joel shook his head to himself quietly. He wouldn’t. And even worse than that- he couldn’t.
Interest. In his line of work? Not a safe option, not a safe feeling.
Joel held his gun steady, ears perked like an alert dog, waiting for an opportunity. An opportunity for what exactly, well, he wasn’t quite sure.
When he heard your bodies tackle to the ground, he knew he had to do something about it. Before he could think about his next move, his mind shut off, and his gun was pointed right at Wyatt’s head.
Something within him could hardly stand it, seeing you there, wide eyed and covered in blood. His ears were ringing, the echo of the shot bouncing off the wooden walls of the house. It had been drowned out by the old church bells right across the street, signaling the turn of midnight, the noisy commotion of the late night saloon bustling about outside the frosted windows.
“Up.” Was all he could manage to get out, extending a gloved hand your way.
Fuck Tess. Fuck it all. He wasn’t going to kill you.
Because God above, were you even more breathtaking in person. He felt his stomach twist and knot around itself, his organs rearranging themselves at the mere sight of you. His palms grew sweaty behind his gloves, his heart slammed against his ribcage, begging for a prison escape.
He didn’t know what to do with all the emotion fluttering about behind his skin.
It was in that moment that Joel Miller decided he hated you.
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The weight of a dead body was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
Your mouth was full with the taste of metal and gunpowder, your eyelashes cracking with drying viscera. It smelled like searing flesh, and your nostrils flared at the intrusion.
The strange man stood towering above you. Strong, capable, eyes hidden behind the brim of his dark Stetson.
It was a simple command. Covered in the previous life of your brother who easily wrestled you in to submission, you decided to take both his hand and his offer. It was one of the kinder interaction you had had today.
While rising to your feet, your eyes caught his own.
His eyes.
You had never seen a shade of umber so alluring before. Honeyed spheres full of coffee tinted orbs, his pupils wide and dilated with the rush of taking another man’s life. There was something dangerous about his eyes, something dark and distant, as though he had seen and partaken in unspeakable horrors, as though he had carried the entire weight of the world on his shoulders and survived to tell the tale.
He was a broken man, you knew it right off the bat. A broken man with nowhere else to go, or nothing else to do, except shoot people with bounties on their head.
Oh, you weren’t naive. It wasn’t the first time a man had been found hiding in your room, ready to take you. Why, kidnapping the Sheriff’s daughter for ransom would give them a pretty penny, wouldn’t it? But you have a murderous brother- correction, had- who didn’t mind hunting men down and killing them. Not because he cared about you, of course not, but because he loved the feeling of murder, he danced with the illustrious shadow of death.
That shadow came back to bite him in the ass, and you relished in watching him die.
Fuck Wyatt. Fuck that tool. He had tormented you your entire life and now he was gone.
You shook those thoughts away, returning to the gaze of the man before you. Something rumbled deep in your soul, something you had never felt before. A tug, a pull, towards the person who stood tall in front of you. You had never felt something so intense, so deep, in all your life. It’s like you were stuck in the waves of a tempestuous ocean, with no escape in sight and a mouthful of sea water clawing at the back of your throat.
You were drowning in those honeyed orbs, a gust of wind pulled you back down to reality.
Finally, you could speak. “I’m-”
“I know who you are.” His voice was raw and deep. You watched him wipe his bloodied gloves off on the denim of his pants, and you winced.
“Are you taking me somewhere?”
For a moment you stopped. You could run out the door, it was three feet away. You could also pounce and grab Wyatt’s gun, it was right at your feet.
Or…. you could go with him. You could run away from the abuse, the suffocating town, the disgusting standards, the burden of having a social life in the public eye. You could prove a point to your father.
You could be your own person.
In that moment you decided that this man was going to be your ticket out of Ruby Springs.
“Can I change?”
“What?” Joel looked at you like you were crazy, a thick eyebrow raising with incredulousness at the sound of your statement.
“Can I change? I’m covered in blood. I want to put on a clean dress, it reeks of Wyatt.”
The unnamed cowboy sighed. “Fine. But be quick.”
You began the tedious process of stripping out of your layers, starting with the buttons on your sleeves. “And don’t think about looking.”
“I ain’t lookin’.” His voice was tired with annoyance, an echo of the man he once was. He turned around on his heel, staying true to his word with his broad back turned to you.
“What’s your name anyways, mister?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“I reckon you and I are going to be spending a bit of time together.”
He snorted, and you watched his shoulders rise and fall with a shrug. “Miller. Joel Miller.”
Your fingers stopped in their tracks, your body short circuiting as the name replayed in your mind, again and again.
Joel Miller.
The Joel Miller.
He was as famous as Billy the Kid, as notorious as Jesse James- he was an outlaw that everyone, even those fancy pants on the East Coast, knew of. And he was standing in your room.
Joel let out a sigh. “Your silence is loud, girl.”
“I just…” You paused for a moment as you flicked through your wardrobe. “I just…. my dad used to tell us stories about you when we were kids. He…. well-”
“Hates me?”
“Damn straight. Made it his life mission to hunt you down.”
“Well he ain’t that good at it. Considering I walked right in to his town.”
You laughed, slipping in to a chemise. “He’s gotten a bit stupid in his old age. Should I go and tell him you’re here? Give him a head start?”
You could have sworn you heard Joel chuckle, but a quick clearing of the throat masked whatever sound of amusement he could have made.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Don’t know yet.”
“You don’t know? That’s not how ransoms work, you know. This isn’t my first time being snatched up.” You held your head up high, buttoning up the front of your blouse.
“Doesn’t surprise me. Lot’s of hunters like your type.”
“My type?”
“Naive little girls with rich daddies. The kind that pay well.”
“Naive? Don’t make me laugh.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. You’re definitely not naive. You put up a good fight with your brother.”
You had to learn to defend yourself at an early age. You had to hold your own. There were days you would walk back home from school with swollen eyes and cracked knuckles. By the time you hit puberty, your mother started dressing you up in the attire that good little girls from rich little families inside snooty little social circles wore. Dresses the color of poppies, shoes made from silk- it was all lovely, and you grew to love it all, but deep down you knew it wasn’t where you belonged.
You didn’t respond to Joel. You threw on your overskirt, slipping on your tired leather boots. “Ready.” You chirped.
Joel turned around on his heel, looking at you through his eyelashes. There was a short moment of silence before he picked your brother up and tossed him on your bed.
You winced. “Come on. Those sheets were clean.”
He ignored you, patting through his pockets. A few stray bullets and some loose change later, and you were sneaking out the back of your house.
“Can I go grab my horse?”
“That would defeat the purpose of a kidnappin’, girl.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please? I don’t want to leave Fritz here.”
“Fritz?” Joel scoffed at the name, staring you down.
Joel gritted his teeth, hissing out a shot of hot air. “Fine. But be quick or I’m shootin’ you too.”
You smiled a toothy grin, running off to the stables. You had appeared just as quick as you left, an all black stallion standing tall and proud. His mane was braided, and his soft nose was pink. He was a handsome specimen, standing out like a sore thumb beside the strawberry coated mustang.
“What’s her name?” You asked, following him closely on the path that lead out of the town. You noticed you were headed for the mountains.
“My horse?”
You nodded, before realizing he couldn’t see you. “Uh, yeah.”
Joel sniffed a bit. “She doesn’t have one.”
“Why not?”
“Because she’s just a damn horse.”
You rolled your eyes, running your fingers down Fritz’s soft neck. “She’s your companion. She trusts you more than anything, you know. She’s bonded to you, completely at your service, and you can’t even give her a name?”
“Will you just shut up? You’re yapping my ear off, woman. Kidnapee’s ain’t supposed to talk this damn much.”
“Well you ain’t never kidnapped someone like me, Joel Miller.”
As you rode in silence, the early morning thickness hanging in the air, the sound of cicadas lulled you deeper in to your thoughts. Thoughts of Wyatt, thoughts of the strange man riding in front of you.
The strange man who seemed so cold, so mean. And what kind of dick didn’t name their horse?
It was in that moment that you decided you hated Joel Miller.
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tag list: @loliwrites @persephone-girl @ilovepedro @noisynightmarepoetry @moel-jiller @bensonispunk @obvitsclaire @redb1cpen @paanchusblog @joelalorian @dragonsanddragons @ashleyfilm @kungfucapslock @cumberpegg @cupidguider @sunandmuun
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priyajoyyy · 3 months
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Clarisse la rue x repunzel!pesephone!fem!reader
Reader spent their entire life hidden away in a tower to protect her from the outside world wanting her for her powers, its only when a certain daughter of ares finds her scared and confused, that she finally gets to see the outside world like she always longed to.
Toxic parents, yandere!parents, oblivious!, Clarisse being stubborn, overprotectiveness, cannon typical violence, readers not got the best survival instincts 😭, reader is blonde, more to come maybe
Gods had a weird way of protecting people. And while you could confidently say they your parents were never intending to harm you or your siblings. They definitely went about it in weird ways.
Of course you never realised this, being locked away in a tower your entire life was all you even knew. You didn’t understand that your life wasn’t normal.
You didn’t realise you weren’t the only child your parents had hidden off in magical locations to protect them from Zeus and the dangers of the world in their own twisted ways.
And so you stayed where you were, waiting in your tower for the days that your parents would come and visit or the few creatures of the forest you had befriended came to your window.
With not much else to do but paint or read everyday in the same walls. Your hair growing and failing to ever stop, getting to the point of it being constantly in the way.
Clarisse was beyond confused.
She was 150% sure they had come the same way they had 100 times before. She was convinced. And yet there had never been a giant tower int he middle of the path all the other times they had taken this route.
Her brother suggested that maybe they took a wrong turning, surely they were just lost.
But Clarisse refused to acknowledge the idea she could even being wrong, no she was curtain they came the right way.
Besides they needed somewhere to camp out for the night anyway, so she took off towards the tower.
“Clarisse what are you doing?” Her brother shouted after her, the girl from the Hermes cabin turning to give him a look of annoyance.
The two followed after the girl, watching for a while as she searches around for some sort of entrance before giving up and turning back to them.
“Come on, we need to find a way up” Clarisse tells the two, not being able to find any sort of entrance other than the window near the top of the tower.
“Why?” The blonde girl asked in annoyance, “can’t we just go find somewhere to settle for the night?”
“Yeah clarisse it’s getting late, we can find our bearings in the morning” her brother added.
“This is somewhere to settle for the night” Clarisse stated plainly, rolling her eyes when the two stared at her in confusion, “it’s a giant tower in the middle of nowhere with no doors…no one’s living up there”
“I don’t know Clarisse…I mean this is meant to be a satyr trail, surely someone’s up there” the boy tried to reason.
“Aren’t you curious?” Clarisse asked, “I know we came the right way, this part of the route is blocked off, there is literally no way we got lost”
She was right, this small section of the trail was hidden away, you could only get in and out through two small entrance/exits, covered by plant life to hide it off.
They had been through the secret path a million times and never once was the tower there.
“Well how do you expect we get up?” The girl asked in defeat.
Clarisse looks around for a moment, before grabbing the bag off of her back and pulling out two daggers and holding them up to the two.
“No” the elder boy stated, to which Clarisse turned and made her way towards the walls of the tower, grabbing onto the vines to test their strength, “no no no Clarisse stop it right now”
The girl ignored him, stabbing the dagger into the wall inbetween the cracks and using both of them and the vines to begin to pull herself up the wall.
“I swear to god Clarisse get down right now!”
“I’ll see if there’s another way to get up once I’m up there” Clarisse calls down to them as they stare at her dumbstruck.
“I’m gonna kill you when you get down!” he called up to her.
“I hate your sister” the blonde said to the boy nonchalantly, collapsing to sit on the floor and wait for the ares daughter to be done you her adventure so they could get to bed.
“Tell me about it” the boy replied glaring up at her as she made her way to the top.
Clarisse made her way up, using the, surprisingly strong vines and plants growing off of the tower as her main support on the way up.
Once she made it to the window she pulled herself up on to the ledge, looking down to see her quest mates sat on the ground talking, rolling her eyes at the sight.
She quietly forced the shutters of the large window open, stepping on the flower bed as she climbed through into the room.
You hadn’t heard anything while Clarisse had been climbing up the walls, busy in your room painting as she entered into the main room of the tower.
Your hair was laid around the different rooms, leading through doors and hanging from ceilings in an attempt to keep it out of your way, something Clarisse stared at in confusion as she quietly wondered around the room.
She was clearly wrong about no one living in the tower, there were candles and lights lit across the room, and a fire lit int he fireplace.
The kitchen was full of food and everything was relatively clean. And not to mention the yards and yards of hair laid across the place.
That’s what confused Clarisse the most, surely no human had this much hair.
She was shocked out of her thoughts when she stepped backwards, tripped on some of said hair and fell onto the floor, alerting you in the other room.
You heard the noise and turned around quickly, your hair curling round you slightly causing it to tug, getting caught underneath Clarisse and yank on your head slightly. Making you squeak in shock.
Clarisse heard this from the other room, her eyes widening as she looking towards the doors that someone clearly resided in.
Both of you grabbed your weapons, Clarisse clutching one of her daggers, and you running to grab a vase off of a cabinet. Inching your way towards the door that separated the two of you as Clarisse stood up.
Clarisse started to walk up the stairs towards the door as you walked down the hallway, both of you stopping at the door before Clarisse decided to push through it suddenly.
You screamed as the mystery girl collapsed on top of her, hair covering your face as you flailed about, trying to get her off of you as she try’s to find the dagger that she lost on the floor.
“Get off of me” you grunted, pushing the hair out of your eyes and attempting to push her off of you, “who are you?”
Clarisse finally finding her dagger, held it to your throat, causing you to stop fighting back, breathless and staring at the weapon in her hand with wide eyes.
“Who are you?” Clarisse retorted, glaring down at the girl as if she wasn’t the one breaking and entering.
“You’re in my home” you say back in shock, frowning at how the knife gets closer to you.
“And I’m holding the dagger…see how this works?” Clarisse tells you with a smirk, flipping it in her hand as she kept it near your throat.
“I-I’m y/n…” you replied slowly, not knowing what to tell her. Looking at her with wide eyes as she huffs in realisation that it wasn’t the most helpful question to ask.
“Well why do you live here?” Clarisse asks noticing the way the girl looked confused and adding, “I mean you’re in the middle of the forest in a tower with no doors…”
“And I mean what’s going on with your hair, it’s so long” Clarisse continued, “and who uses a vase as a weapon?”
You didn’t really know what to say to any of that, looking at her blankly.
“I…don’t know” you answered eventually, adding in a small voice, “can you please get off of me”
Clarisse sighed, getting up slowly but still holding the dagger pointed towards her as she did.
“Why are you in my house?” You asked meekly, staring at the dagger in fear. Clarisse rolled her eyes noticing your wariness, putting the dagger down to her side to try calm you down.
“I’m not gonna hurt you unless you try anything ok?” Clarisse stated, “I was just looking to see if we could stay the night in here, I didn’t realised anyone lived here or anything”
“My friends, well not really my friends but, well they’re just outside” Clarisse told you, “why are you in a tower by yourself exactly? And seriously what’s going on with your hair”
“I just live here…I don’t know what you mean” you answered, “and I guess it’s just my hair…my mum says it’s special”
“Your mum? Special how what do you mean”
“I don’t know it just is” you said, “w-wait, no, I’m not meant to tell anyone that”
Clarisses eyebrows furrowed at that, looking at you as though you were an idiot causing you to blush at her.
“Why can’t you tell anyone about your hair…” Clarisse asked.
“Mummy said not to” you said hesitantly.
Clarisse smirked at that, only seconds ago you said you couldn’t tell anyone and yet here you were continuing on with the subject.
“And mummy is?” She asked condescendingly, something you didn’t pick up on as you went to answer.
“Ummm Persephone…” you responded simply.
“What?” Clarisse asked in confusion, looking at you like you were mad. Sure, she knew you couldn’t be mortal, but a demigod?
She supposed the flowers and plants in full bloom in autumn made sense by that, it didn’t quite explain the hair but she was sure it had something to do with that.
“You’re a demigod?” She asked in confusion.
“What?” You replied, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at her, “what’s that?”
Clarisse stared at you for a moment, you felt like she was scrutinising your entire existence as she looked you up and down.
Suddenly she grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the door, you stumbling as she continued down the stairs towards the main room of the tower and leaving you stood in the middle.
You watched her as she made her way to the window, opening it again and shouting down at her ‘friends’ she told you about earlier.
“It’s all safe” Clarisse shouted, before turning back to you, “do you have any rope?”
You looked at her in shock that she was just inviting people inside your home, speaking when she sent you a look of annoyance, “no?”
Clarisse looked around the room for a moment before settling on your hair that hung around the room, turning back to you with a new look in her eyes.
“You sure?” Clarisse asked, leaning down to pick up your hair and hold it up for you to see.
“W-what? No you can’t use my hair!” You told her, rushing forward to remove it from clarisses hands leaving you stood right in front of her.
She looked down at you with a smirk, taking the hair back, “come on, they won’t hang from it or anything, they just need something to hold for leverage to get up”
You rolled your eyes with a pout at that, looking up at her before walking towards the window, looking down at the two on the ground, who were now beyond confused at the blonde girl appearing.
You leant over to reach the walls of the tower then, Clarisse running over to hold on to you as you stumbled slightly, “be careful!”
You blushed feeling her hands on your hips, shaking yourself out of it and leaning down to touch the plants and vines attached to the stone.
Clarisse watched as the plants grew, covering the side of the wall all over and bits of vines hanging down for the two at the bottom to hold on to.
Once it was fully grown you turned back around to Clarisse, underestimating how close you both were when you did so.
You smiled up at the shocked look on her face, proud of yourself for figuring out a solution to the situation, hearing clarisses brother begin to scale up the side of the wall as you and Clarisse faced each other.
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia @asvterias @ashisabitgay
Wanna rewatch tangled now 🤩
Pretty sure this is shit but oh well
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
What about a Yandad! Poseidon with his mortal/ demigod daughter??
❝ 🌊 — lady l: I got carried away and ended up writing a mini imagine. This is not canon and is based on the voices in my head lol, but I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💙
❝tw: threats and a slight yandere!Poseidon, but other than that, nothing else.
❝🌊pairing: platonic yandere!poseidon x daughter!reader.
❝word count: 683.
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You grew up at Camp Half-Blood, surrounded by other demigods and learning to control your divine powers. Your relationship with Poseidon was complex; on the one hand, you benefited from his protection, but on the other, the shadow of prohibition hung over you. The sea god, your father, had a clear interest in your fate, and the other demigods couldn't help but feel the aura of power that surrounded you.
Your relationship with Percy Jackson, the already known hero and son of Poseidon, was a highlight. The two half-sibilings trained together, shared experiences, and supported each other in battles against monsters and other threats. The bond between them grew, consolidating a formidable partnership, feared by many enemies. Poseidon was more than pleased to see his two favorite children get along so well.
In the years that followed, Poseidon's presence in his daughter's life was constant. He guided you in training, sharing secrets of the seas and teaching you how to control your aquatic powers. As time passed, your abilities stood out among the rest. Poseidon's influence ensured that the instructors at camp also paid special attention to you, preparing you for even greater challenges. However, the constant gaze of the god of the sea also generated distrust among your fellow demigods, fueling rumors and jealousy.
Life at Camp Half-Blood wasn't easy. Monsters constantly threatened the perimeter, and quests were often assigned to the most skilled demigods. Poseidon, in turn, began to discreetly intervene in your life, providing help at crucial moments and ensuring you were one step ahead of impending dangers.
However, your relationship with the sea god was not just one of benefits. In dreams and visions, you began to receive cryptic messages and warnings from other gods and titans, warning you of the implications of being so close to Poseidon. A god can never be involved in his children's lives, well, the demigods children at least.
Tension between the gods grew as your bond with Poseidon deepened. Zeus, in particular, viewed the increasing influence his brother had over you with suspicion. The warnings from the other gods increased, and the shadows of destiny began to manifest themselves more clearly.
One night, during a vivid dream, Triton, the son of Poseidon with his wife and your half-brother, appeared before you. His eyes expressed concern as he warned of the consequences of ignoring divine warnings.
"Proximity to our father can bring blessings, but also curses," Triton said, his voice echoing like the waves of the sea.
Quests abroad became more dangerous, with more powerful monsters and mythological creatures challenging the demigods. Poseidon continued to intervene subtly, but now his help was under the scrutiny of the Olympian gods. Zeus, in his wrath, explicitly prohibited any divine intervention in your quests.
Once, during a battle against a colossal sea beast, you found yourself on the brink of defeat, your companions also injured. Desperate, you silently cried out for Poseidon's help. He responded, sending a furious wave to defeat the monster, but the price of this intervention was high. On Olympus, Zeus' anger became uncontrollable.
The situation reached a critical point when an oracle prophesied that the proximity between Poseidon and you would trigger a catastrophe that would affect not only the demigods, but the entire balance of the mythological world. The gods' prohibition on interfering in the lives of their children became an unbreakable decree.
Poseidon, however, didn't care one bit. You were his daughter and he would help you if he wanted.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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thekissofaphrodite · 5 months
Can you do a smut part 2 for “Waterloo” where clarisse gets really jealous and tells reader that if she breaks up with her boyfriend she will ✨reward✨ reader so reader breaks up with her boyfriend after some contemplating. When clarisse found out that reader actually broke up with him she drags reader somewhere and smut pursues.
Take a chance with me
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Clarisse La Rue X Daughter of Aphrodite!Reader
Summary: After the incident in the bathrooms, Clarisse decided she had enough of your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend.
Warnings: (Light) SMUT. Cursing and cheating, misogynists (Remind me if i missed one!)
Collab with -🍵 <33
It was another painful day with your boyfriend, Keith. Camp Half-Blood was still in its normal route, Daily Practices, Bonfire singalongs, Games, But there's someone who you can't stop thinking about.
Her chapped lips moving in sync with your soft ones while your lipstick smudged. It was all tempting.
But now here you are, With you boyfriend's gang, trying not to cringe every time they made a bad joke, You could only stare at Clarisse from afar, while she trained with her siblings, Yelling at them at the same time.
I love charlie, But you aren't mine.
"How 'bout you, Y/n? why're you here? shouldn't you supposed to be in tea parties making friendship bracelets and painting your nails?" Asked logan, One of Keith's friends. Then, all of them started laughing, You looked at your boyfriend, trying to spot any signs of empathy, But he, himself laughed along with his friends.
That bitch.
Then you snapped.
"The only thing that you should be doing right now is to keep that pretty little mouth shut" They walked towards you, Your boyfriend, Keith had the same look they had, Rage. You wondered for a second, Why was he looking at you like that? Why was he siding with the people who wronged you?
"How about you? Logan? Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your Godly parent since you haven't been claimed yet?" You raised a brow at him while looking stern, "I'm certain any God would be embarrassed to have you as their son. Hence being unclaimed for almost two years straight" Your lips curled into a small smirk as you watched his eyes widened in fury.
The gang then stood up and looked at you, eyes fuming with anger as if it could eat you alive. You never meant it, You even felt sorry for the poor boy, But you couldn't help it, They were like this every time you were with them, Is it so bad to stand up for yourself?
You stepped back, carefully analyzing their faces, keeping an eye for any upcoming blows or attacks, As they slowly walked towards you, You bumped into someone.
She held her head high, towering over you even though you were only two inch shorter than her. Seeing Clarisse, you felt relief wash over you, internally sighing, You let your guard down a bit, but not entirely.
Shit. You thought. Your mind panicked thinking that you got cornered by them and on instinct you immediately thought of using your charm speak, trying to find an escape route. Yet determined to fight against them you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of people you're about to fight.
As you were trying to find the right words to use against them, You felt a strong body behind you, you quickly turned around and saw none other than Clarisse La Rue. Her usual intimidating demeanour still plastered on her face as she glared at the group of boys.
"Is anything the matter?" She asked, Her eyes darting from you to the group of boys.
"None of your damn business, La Rue. Let us do our thing" One of the boys, Yuan, said.
" By 'thing' you mean terrorizing MY 'friend' her to death?" Hearing those words you refrain to sneak a glance at Clarisse, As if she didn't just fucked you inside the camp bathroom days ago.
Someone scoffed, It was Keith. Looking at Clarisse with a judgeful look.
"She's MY girlfriend, La Rue. Therefore my property." He said with a boastful look. "Who are you to stick your nose around our business? You're just an outsider in this.. —" Registering Clarisse's words, he sent a scowling look towards you, Forgetting the current situation he turned around to face you fully. "L/n." There was it again. The use of your surname and that warning tone he uses whenever you two argue.
You loathed moments like this. Every argument you had with him you always felt belittled while trying to fight for your rights, but it always ends up with Keith shifting the blame to you every.single.damn.time. "What? Levine." You answered firmly, But this time, You aren't backing down this war of words.
Your expression changed, Your eyes says it all, But you kept your head high. When Clarisse was about to defend you, you quickly stretched out your arm to refrain her from doing anything rash. "You've got the nerve to say that when YOU'RE the one who's following them around, doing EVERY SINGLE THING that they asked for!"
Keith then sneered at you, He was never used to you talking back, But here you are, standing proudly, ready to defend yourself. But of course, he bites back. "Friends? really? Impossible, You know your mother and her father had relations, Long story short, Fucking. Plus, look at La Rue, Compared to her, You're just an attention seeking lapdog"
At that moment, Clarisse was ready to pierce her spear into your shitty boyfriend's head, Thinking about it.. the sight of him with his head pierced pooling with blood made her quite satisfied.
Keith's expression changed, He knew what was gonna happened, That's why he stepped up and approached you, Trying to hold your hand.
"I'm sorry baby" He whispered,as he got a hold of your hands. "You know I didn't mean to insult you like that, I love you Y/n, you know that right baby? I love you so much Y/n". Clarisse raised her dark brows, Looking at you, waiting for your response.
"Okay...I forgive you.." You whispered, Your breathing became normal and you didn't know why, You didn't know why you always give in his sugar coated lies but you couldn't refuse his touch and those doe eyes of his. You could've easily be more mad at him but you knew better than adding fuel to the fire when a lot of people are watching.
Not long after hearing your response, Keith then smiled 'sweetly' as he hugged you. Pressing his nose against your soft hair as he inhaled your sweet scent.
Clarisse's POV
Clarisse stood there awkwardly, Watching you with careful eyes wondering, Why the fuck you forgave him and why the the fuck were you still willing to be with that sick bastard.
I clutched my spear in hand, whilst watching Y/n from afar, Already with her pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. It had been a week since that incident in the mess hall happened, I wondered why she would submit easily to his will, Just a simple apology wouldn't make the cut.
Then, I saw her kiss her boyfriend's lips before getting up, the sight of keith's lips touching her was enough to make me gag. I wanted to talk to you, shooting one last glance at my half siblings, I slipped away and followed Y/n.
Y/n was heading towards the Amphitheatre, I suppose she was there to meet her friends, But before she could even reach the steps, I pulled her aside near the armory, When her back hit the wall, I slammed the door shut and opened the small light switch.
She was about to scream, But as soon as the light illuminated the room and revealed me, She closed her mouth and sighed.
"Clarisse..What—" Before she could even answer i cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes, Her brows furrowed, Her eyes darting to my eyes and lips.
Then, I kissed her, Not because of passion, Because i was mad at her, Because she was still with the boy either of us hated, Mad at her for kissing him every stupid arguments when she was supposed to be mine. I kissed her hoping that this is the final time I get to kiss her in the shadows. "Break up with him." I said to her in a whisper as I pulled away from the kiss, her eyes widened in shock, lips quivering nervously or was it excitement?
I waited eagerly for her response, Imagining all of the things we could do together without her boyfriend sticking his nose into our business, wanting her back while she's still in my arms. My trance was broken when I saw her face deplete in a disagreeing expression, I immediately pecked her lips before whispering in her ear. "Because if you do, I might just give you a special reward in return"
I winked at her, My arms still gripping her waist, "What kind of reward?" She asked, Her eyes beaming with hope. I then caressed her cheeks "You'll have to find out"
That sentence made her think for a moment, I watched her carefully, Praying to the Gods that she will agree, So that I can finally hold her hand and kiss her right in front of everyone. Loudly and Proudly.
After a moment, I was rewarded with the sight of her nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I'll do it" I smiled, so widely that my cheeks hurt, But I couldn't care less, She also smiled, Making my heart melt as i felt her lips touch mine.
It was now the next day, the day after that talk you had with Clarisse in the armor room and the day you'll finally dump your shitty ass boyfriend. Making you way through out the camp you walk towards cabin 9, opening the door you welcomed yourself into your boyfriend's- well soon to be ex boyfriend's cabin. As you were about to call out his name you heard a noise, "What if someone sees us, Honey?" You heard a female voice say — It was between a moan and a gasp.
You walk into the room more careful not to disturb their "love making", you cleared your throat. "Excuse me?" you said in an uninterested tone, you watch the two quickly pull away from each other, Keith even pushed the girl away, making her yelp as her body hit the cold ground.
You peaked through the small corner that seperated you and— well, Keith and and his lover. The girl that Keith was kissing sat on top of the counter you onced sat, Her hands roaming around your soon to be ex's body, Followed by his groan. "Then let them see my love, let them see how much we love each other" Keith said to his lover while letting out a small breathy chuckle.
At first you wanted to back down from all of this and break down in your cabin but then you remembered Clarisse's words.. 'Break up with him. Because if you do, I might just give you a special reward in return'. That's when you realize you're not going to lose anything except a little bit of face and reputation,but you'll be free from your shitty boyfriend's manipulation, you'll be free from the toxicity of this relationship, you'll finally be with Clarisse.
"What was that for?!" She yelled, her hair disheveled, But keith ignored her, Stuttering and trying to find right words to explain what you just walked into.
Before he could even explain, You slapped him, Fast and Sharp, He tumbled lightly, But thanks to his muscular body, he managed to keep his balance. Keith clenched his jaw.
"Save it, Keith. I don't wanna hear excuses coming from your mouth that once touched mine! You're disgusting"
You glared at the girl, ready to attack her, but your instinct stopped you, You looked at them with red eyes one last time before leaving. You didn't care if they started kissing again, You didn't care if they talked shit about you, All you cared about is that you're free.
After storming out of the hephaestus cabin, Your first thought was Clarisse, There was no more plotting on how to conduct your affair without him seeing, for the Gods see everything.
You then ran around camp, trying to spot your lover for you had missed her so dearly, craving her touch every second that passes by.
Then, You noticed every camper huddled into small groups, heading towards the camp fire, the ares cabin slowly emptying itself, But Clarisse was nowhere to be found, You felt disappointed but there was a little hope inside you, That's why you walked towards her cabin, You could've sworn you saw her silhouette, Peaking, You saw her sitting on the edge of her bed.
She looked- Nervous...? But her face changed when she saw you, The Ares girl stood up and ran towards you.
"Well?" She asked breathily, Waiting for the response that can change your lives.
"We're over, Him and I" Clarisse felt like a big heavy boulder has been lifted up her shoulders, She then proceeded to cup your cheeks, Her eyes glistening with love.
"Good, He doesn't deserve you" She whispered before kissing you, Pushing you into her bed, You groaned and ran your fingers through her messy curls as she bit your lower lip. You let out a small moan before feeling her palms going in your inner thighs, She pushed you, until you felt your legs touch her bed, She laid you down, straddling you. Clarisse pulled away, taking the matters into her own hands, she undressed you herself, revealing your red bra, It lifted your breasts, That made her smile, watching it rise up and down.
You then tugged on her shirt, Desperate to see her, Clarisse smiled and undressed herself, Her bra was a black one, with laces, But it didn't held your breasts up, It seems like her bra was merely a decoration.
It all then happened so fast, Clarisse's sweaty body pressed against yours as you two moaned, Legs intertwined, moaning each other's names. Her peppering your neck with hickeys mercilessly while her legs rubbed between your thighs creating unimaginable frictions, Her fingers inside you, Curling themselves. Clarisse watched you carefully, gasping and moaning gripping her sheets for dear life, She didn't care if her fresh sheets were stained, as long as it came from you.
Clarisse pressed her lips against your red ones, Gripping the back of neck, pressing you closer to her, she whispered "He doesn't love you like I do, Honey.." She then proceeded to kiss you, trailing her lips down to your breasts.
You two were so lost in eachother you didn't even noticed it, An invisible golden net dropped down the ceiling, You screamed as Clarisse fought against the net, But it was so strong and thin, No matter how hard Clarisse looked, She couldn't even see it. You and Clarisse both thrashed and fought against the metal, Until a shadow emerged from the doorway.
He looked quite broken, seeing the scene before him, his face said it all, He had not want to believe it, and it hurt him...To the core.
For a second, Clarisse almost felt sorry for the wrench...Almost. But then his face hardened and he burst into a fury. He cursed obscenities to you, And then called out into everyone to see the shameful scene. And in their hoards, they came running. Clarisse turned to you and shielded you as best she can from their prying eyes. Courses of laughter ran out around us and The Hephaestus Boy looked satisfied.
He called out mocking words, and threatening to keep you and Clarisse naked and trapped for all eternity as a punishment.
But Clarisse held her head high and spoke;
"If i had a choice, There is no place i'd rather be...Trapped with the love of my life? What a punishment indeed..." Clarisse mocked him, Then all of the Demigods started laughing...But this time, at the little fool, Keith. And he shrunk in on himself, he turned red in embarrassment.
No one knew that you and keith had broken up, That's why you and clarisse were the hot gossip.
The Hephaestus boy stormed out, as the fit of laughter became louder, dragging with him the net that had trapped you two, But Clarisse couldn't care less, She demanded the door to be shut and be alone with you, so the campers did left.
As Selene crossed the skies with her silver chariot, You laid with Clarisse and dozed of, Still bare from the activities you guys had done.
And when Helios crossed the skies in the morning, Clarisse wrapped her arms around you and inhaled your scent, Knowing that you're hers...Loudly and Proudly.
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angrygirlromero · 4 months
Summary: In which the son of the God of thieves, is head over heels in love with the daughter of the sea God.
Warnings: possible grammar mistakes, dark Luke.
Pairing: Luke x daughter of Poseidon x Little brother Percy.
Ella could remember quite clearly her life with her parents, her life before camp, her life before Luke, her life revolved around training with her father every morning before dawn, learning to use her powers and the other half of her time was spent with her mother Amphitrite learning how to rule and care for a kingdom, it was overwhelming for a little girl, but at such point in time Ella was more than content with making her beloved Godly parents proud.
Ella's mind raced as she made her way down the path towards the office, the sweet and awkward little boy she had met only a few days prior was her little brother, her father had fathered another bastard, a son.
Ella couldn't help but feel hurt by her father's infidelity once again towards her mother, but Percy was a nice boy him being her brother wasn't going to change the fact that he was also the victim of her father's actions or now their father's action.
She knew Amphitrite was not one bit bothered by her husband's company but to father two forbidden children was most certainly crossing Zeus line, Poseidon would not be forgiven, war will come, Percy was not prepared to wage war against the gods maybe Ella and her father were but the young boy wasn't.
Making her way up the stairs of the opened office Mr. D eye's met her's a stressed look fully displayed on his mature face, "Oh look who's here the woman of the hour" called out the God, Percy quickly wiped around to face his sister.
Percy Jackson was lost, a wave of different emotions had overwhelmed him since he had been claimed, but when he saw her his heart pained to know this entire time at camp he had felt alone and his sister had been right in from of him this entire time.
"Dionysus, Chiron, Grover" greeted the girl with respect, she could feel the tension rise in the room, Grover stoop silently in the corner after his outburst he wasn't sure he should intervene in such conversation any more.
Ella turned to finally face the boy who's eyes had been boring into her soul since the very moment she step foot in the room, "Percy" she breathed out, and for the first time in her life Ella was speechless.
Chiron and Mr. D shared a look before Chiron spoke to break the tension between the sibling. "Marella maybe you should show Percy to his new cabin..." he trailed off, "of course" replied the girl smiling softly at Percy, he wasn't to blame after all.
"I suppose the cabin was getting quite lonely after all" she added, to which Percy smiled, before he trailed behind her as they left. Making their way down toward the Hermes cabin Percy walked next to the girl, an awkward silence falling over the pair.
"Did you know?" asked Percy breaking the silence, "No, I didn't, I've always been aware of our father's affairs but I never knew he'd fathered another forbidden child" stated the girl, Percy came to a halt causing Ella to slowly stop in her tracks, "What's wrong?" she asked, "look I know this is gonna sound weird but since the very first moment I met you I've felt this connection, I don't really know how to explain it's like if you and I were connected, and I didn't understand the feeling until now, you've been nothing but nice to me since we've met and I don't want you to hate me" pleaded her brother.
Ella took a few steps closer coming face to face with the desperate boy, "Us being sibling does not change how I feel towards you or care for you Percy, that feeling you felt was mutual, it's like father always says, water holds memory, it was him trying to tell us from the very beginning" stated Ella lifting her hand to Percy's face, her delicate fingers brushing over his cheeks.
Percy's eyes bore into hers, "From now on we are one, you are my brother, my blood, whoever wishes to harm you shall have to go through me first little brother, even if that means waging war against Zeus to keep you alive" stated the girl.
Percy's eyes overflowed with tears, he had felt so very alone and abandoned since the moment he had arrived at camp he thought his father had turned his back on him, but instead Poseidon had gifted him a sister, a loving and beautiful sister to care and protect him.
Ella gave Percy a sad smile before she embraced him in a hug the boy ducked his head into his sister's neck sobbing his heart out to his now found sibling, for once in the longest time Percy Jackson felt safe.
From a distance Luke stood on the porch of the Hermes Cabin, watching them, pure jealousy raging in the Hermes boy's eyes, Percy was her sibling but yet Luke couldn't help but feel the overwhelming feeling of jealousy overtaking his body, he desired nothing more than to be Percy in that very moment, he wanted her to wipe his tears away, to hug him, and rub his back in comfort, he would keep her to himself matter what it took.
Walking back into the Hermes cabin was a different type of experience for Percy now, everyone looked at him differently, with respect maybe, or was it pity? or maybe even fear, Ella made her way into the cabin at her brother's side, her arm interloped with her brother's until they reached the spot where his stuff where.
Percy let go of his sister careful as if in any given second she would just disappear into thin air, picking up his things he tried avoiding the chattering from all kid's around him, "Hey princess" called out a familiar voice causing Percy to glance back at his sister.
He watched Luke approach her from behind wrapping his arm around the girl as if he owned her, their interactions had never bothered Percy before but yet now Percy couldn't help but feel bothered by Luke's proximity to his older sister.
"Hi love" she smiled up at him, leaning up to her tiptoes to press a soft kiss on to Luke's scar causing the Hermes boy to flush, "How've you guys been?" he asked with a small stutter because of his nerves, "We're doing just fine, I have a feeling we're gonna get along quite well" stated Ella with a pretty smile provoking butterflies to flutter in Luke's stomach.
Luke Castellan wasn't one to enjoy being powerless, but yet when he was with Ella he had never felt weaker, he loved the addicting feeling of her attention on him. "That's great princess, I'm happy you guys are getting along" said Luke, lying, at first he had found Percy's fondness for his girl amusing, but now Luke was much more bothered than ever.
Percy quickly threw his stuff into his bag finally zipping it up standing to his feet, facing the pair with an awkward smile, he watched his friend mutter something into his sister's ear causing her to smile and nod as if she was confirming something, "you done Pers?" asked Ella.
"Alright then, I'll see you later handsome" said Ella slowly releasing herself from Luke's arms causing the older boy to pount and Percy to cringe, Ella began walking away as Luke refused to let go of her, soon enough he did standing there like a lovestruck fool letting Percy walked past him.
"Hey Percy" called out Luke, causing Percy to stop and face him "Don't be a stranger, if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask" said Luke with a smile, to which Percy nodded, "Yeah thanks, I won't."
Walking into their cabin Percy stood amazed at the entrance watching the beautiful fountain in the middle and the carvings of Poseidon and other greek engravings that were displayed on the wall, his eyes scanned his sister's half of the cabin where their were hand painted paintings of the sea on some parts of the walls.
There was a huge double bed remaining beautifully adorned with white sheets, an elegant dark blue head-bed with gold embroideries and an unhealthy amount of sea animal plushies, and around the bed were white curtains that were neatly hung around the pretty bed display, it looked like something out of his mother's dreams.
His new cabin was most definitely better than the Hermes cabin, there was a small section with a desk and a book shelf in the farther corner of the room, and on the other side of the cabin were shelves of different weapons and vintage fishing gears on display.
"The other half of the cabin is all yours, I've asked Dionysus to order you a new bed, it'll be arriving sometime next week, so for now you can sleep on the bed with me if you like" offered Ella, "It's alright, I'm good with the taking the floor, I wouldn't want to cause you any discomfort" said Percy his eyes scanning over every souvenir on the shelves.
Ella chuckled at Percy's enchanted state, "You know when I first got here this place was a mess, no one had stayed in here for ages and all this stuff was just thrown around, but with time the Hermes and Hephaestus boys helped me fix up the place" explained Ella, "Oh well that's very nice of them" said Percy finally removing his bag to place it on the floor on his half of the room.
"You know you are more than welcomed to use my desk and books whenever you like little one, everything here is as much yours as they are mine"
"Thank you Ella, really I appreciate it all" said Percy with a grateful look, "I um have a question tho, its kind of off topic" continued Percy, "I'm listening" replied Ella taking a seat on her soft bed.
"You and Luke, are you guys like a thing, like officially?" asked the sea prince, "Luke and I are complicated, we both have feelings for each other but our pride won't allow either of us to confess, besides I've known Luke for years and he's always been there for me, him Chris and even Annabeth, he was there for me when I needed him the most and if we don't work out I don't think I could ever live with myself" Ella said mumbling out the last part under her breath.
"That makes sense, but if he tries something you don't like you tell me, because if he hurts my sister he'll have to deal with me" said Percy causing Ella to laugh, this was most definitely going to be interesting.
Tag list:
@mxtokko @poppyflower-22 @starryhiraeth @trashmouthsahra @purplerose291 @iloveneilperry @onlyreadz @mahidahi
A/N: I'm starting a tag list please do message me or comment if you wish to be added, sorry for any grammar mistakes, hope you enjoy even if this was just mostly about Percy. REQUEST ARE STILL OPENED FOR PJO, HOTD, GOT, HUNGER GAMES, OBX, ETC.
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yourstingrey · 3 months
Luke X Daughter of Kymopoleia
Reader has constant mood swings which is understandable due to her heritage of being the daughter of the goddess of violent sea storms and sweet BF Luke always helps her out/calms her down and doesn’t let her feel bad about herself because of it since she can’t help it ( also please can you mention Clarisse as like a side character and readers bestfriend )
Calm After the Storm
A/N: EEEEE I was actually kinda so hype for this request cus ive never seen anything similar and its actually a cool like character I hadnt thought about in the pjo universe! I hope this is good anon i tried my very best!! This post was really helped me with kymopoleia so it might be helpful to read before this but you dont have to!
Warnings: threats of fighting someone?
Description: An annoying loss, an annoying Chris, and a very patient Luke!
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The sun was shining, and a warm dancing breeze fluttering around camp on what should have been a beautiful day was being ruined by Chris droning on about being a sore winner. Gloatingly of course. We just had our capture the flag the night before and as usual, we lost. We would have been so close to winning this time Clarisse and I had it all planned. Last time we learned last time trying a seduction tactic did in fact not work so this time we decided we would target their weak which to us was Chris. Not to say he was a bad swordsman by any means but up against me and her we knew he wouldn't stand a chance. A perk of dating Luke was also he forgot that he shouldn't spill his capture the flag plans. Soooo we also knew for a fact it was Chris guarding the flag. 
We snuck through the woods with ease no one tried to hunt us down they knew we'd get to them first, Chris was practically sleeping while he sat in front of the flag entirely spaced out we moved from behind and started to grab the flag of course a single shift of my chest plate was enough to break him out of his daze and turn towards us and of course start to scream to his team like a little girl. We got caught pretty quickly. We may be strong but not take on 20 campers strong and it wasn't long after we heard the cheers of the Blue team already at the river.
So now of course, as I tried to relax Chris decided it was the perfect time to gloat at me “I mean what a stupid plan no offense” I drowned him out a little too busy clenching my jaw so I didn't practically spit venom at him, Chris continued now laughing as he continued “-I mean really I can't believe you thought I couldn't take you both on bahahaha!” A real knee slapper to him. I finally unballed my fists from my sides to get into Chris’s face, backing him into a tree my voice laced with annoyed anger “We could take you on idiot! You just had to scream for your team to save you!” Chris stuttered before coming up with a weak rebuttal putting his hands up in defeat “UH- that's not even true i just had to get them so they would watch you after the fight but they got there fast pfft I could have easily taken you” I grab a hold of Chris’s shirt “Oh really let's do it now then. No crying for anyone else this time.” 
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In the background, a crowd had not formed but anyone working or sitting close by paused to watch not swarming in case Chiron were to notice and break up hopefully a really funny fight (funny as all campers knew the outcome) Even Clarrise sitting back with her siblings let out a little yell of “Get his ass Y/N!” But One of those campers mainly Luke, who quickly made his way over forgetting he was supposed to help campers make friendship bracelets he had to make sure his girlfriend was okay bracelets could wait, and that she didn't shred his best friend into pieces. Jogging over he quietly grabbed his girlfriend's hand that was gripping onto Chris. I let out a quiet breath before meeting his eyes, in an instant looking into his soft gaze I dropped my hand not before I quickly gave him one last dirty look and stepped back “C’mon let’s go” Luke said as he grabbed my hand leading me away.
He leads us to sit in front of the creek as I sit I absent mindedly throw rocks at the water watching it ripple and splash. Turning back to face Luke he already gives me a knowing look to tell him why I wanted to maim him. I took a deep breath before I word vomited it out “I mean ugh! I know he's your best friend and all but sometimes he's such a dick! Saying ‘I could take you guys’ But he literally starts screaming out ‘Luke come save me she's here!’ or or ‘Guys come back Clarisse is gonna eat me!’ as if he wouldn't even enjoy that too ugh! He's just so- so ANNOYING!” Luke's hand grabbed mine again to stop me from getting heated again, his eyes flickering back to the creek to see me subconsciously making a creek look like a raging ocean. He threw his back laughing at my rant about Chris, as he calmed down he just looked down at me rubbing slow circles onto the back of my hand. 
His hands were rough and calloused but it didn't matter because when he held onto me I could feel warmth practically spread from my fingertips to my head and toes. “I'll make sure to lock him out of the cabin, he can sleep out in the cold. How bout that hmm?” He joked, craning his neck to look at me. I cracked a small smile “Maybe I'll pray for my mom to storm a bit too…” His hand let go but just to sneak behind my waist and pull me closer leaning my head on his chest “I'm sorry I got mad at Chris I know he is your friend..” I mumbled out against him I could feel him shrug against me before looking back down at me “Nah don't be sorry honestly I should have let you at him he deserved it butttt I wouldn't want my girlfriend to have to be cleaning stables all of next week” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and started to start up about what he was doing before he had to save Chris. “Wait doesn't that mean you should be helping those kids now..?” A bit of panic dawned on his face as he tugged us both up and pulled me with him as he walked (more like speed walked) “Actually uh were both going to help now!” I laughed as he tugged me along with him..
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close to home | chapter seventy five
close to home | chapter seventy five
plot: Daryl breaks a promise, and the reader goes after him
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 4,050 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: I've been on such a reading kick lately
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The following days were a blur. After your panic attack, Daryl kept an eye on you. After your delirium from the waves of fighting walkers passed, you joined in with the rest of the community. You were doing better. And you were sure it was because of Daryl picking you over the community, even though it made you feel guilty. 
Despite the days moving quickly, they were long. Lydia was attacked, and Margo was accidentally killed by Negan. You and Daryl thought Negan was right but couldn’t do anything about it. Then the Whisperers attacked Hilltop, though there wasn’t any real proof. And Michonne took off with Judith to assist them. You stayed back to watch over RJ. Eugene left too after what happened with Rosita--which she happily told you while you and she hung out with your daughters. 
Daryl went with Carol to look for Alpha’s horde, which you fought him every step of the way. But you needed to know about the horde, and he promised he would stay on your side of the border. You believed him until they came back with a Whisperer. You wanted to throw him off a cliff for lying to you, but when you found out it was all Carol, your anger dissipated. You knew she wasn't in a good place. You’d found the pills. 
But then the Whisperer died. And then Siddiq was killed by Dante, and you and Daryl sat with Josie the entire night. He’d helped deliver her. If Dante wasn’t already dead, you would’ve killed him yourself for ever touching Josie. 
Then, a freak named Mary showed up and told Alexandria where the horde was if she got to see Earle’s son. And Lydia went missing after something happened with Carol. And if all that wasn’t the worst of it, finding Daryl’s note was. 
Gonna end this. I’m sorry. I love you. Don’t come looking for me. 
Well, you did exactly that. 
“You stupid son of a bitch,” You nearly yelled, throwing your bow down beside the fire. You didn’t care that you had an audience or the surprised--and then very angry--look that crossed your husband's features. 
“What the hell are ya doin’ here?”
“You taught me how to track, dumbass! Don’t you think I know how to track you, of all people?” You seethed. Your bag was heavy on your shoulders, and you dropped it. “You didn’t think I would come after you? Do you have any idea how stupid this is?”
Daryl grabbed your arm and pulled you a good fifteen feet away from the small camp, and you pulled your arm free after a few seconds. 
“Who has Josie?”
“Rosita.” You glared. “Why, Daryl? After everything that’s happened the past few days.”
“‘Cause I can’ stand lookin’ at ya during all this shit. I can’ stand knowin’ ya lookin’ over ya shoulder for Alpha. I want her dead.”
You crossed your arms. “I want her dead too, but you don’t just walk out like that. How would you like it if I did that?”
“I’d drag ya back by ya ass if ya did.”
“Exactly. We’re a team, Daryl. Since the beginning. Since the damn night we met and we fought our way back to my safehouse. I don’t appreciate this.”
Daryl sighed angrily. “Well, ya here now. Exactly where I didn’ want ya.”
“Josie needs her father.”
“She needs her mother, too.”
Your hard glare dropped. “She needs both of us, Daryl.”
His own anger seemed to deflate, and he nodded slowly. “‘M sorry. Just want this over.”
“I know. So do I. But we work better together, and you know that. So let’s find this mother fucking horde and get home to our daughter.”
Daryl shook his head, but it wasn’t like he had any other choice. “Can’ believe ya fuckin’ followed me out here.” He swung his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes at the embrace. 
“Well, next time don’t be such a dumbass and I won’t have to.”
The next day, you found the valley that the horde was supposed to be in. But it was empty, and you didn’t know if you were happy about it or pissed off. Everyone seemed to be the latter, but it wasn’t something you had to worry about this exact second.
You’d only walked about a mile before you came across a river, and Daryl thought Lydia would’ve followed it. You were set to keep following him when you turned back and noticed Carol had stopped by a tree. You inwardly sighed--you couldn’t keep up with her lately, no matter how hard you tried to be there for her. 
“Carol, let’s go,” You called out to her. You knew Daryl was behind you when you felt his hand brush against your backside. 
“You guys go ahead. I’ll meet you.”
“We should stay together,” You said, but she was already walking toward a small field about twenty yards away. 
You glanced at Daryl, sharing an exhausted expression, and followed after her. When she started running, you looped your bow over your shoulder and picked up the pace, a train of obscenities being muttered under your breath. 
You were breathless when you came to a trench, a few dead walkers on the ground. Daryl was fighting off a few walkers, and he looked at you for only a second. “Go, get her ass outta there!”
Magna pushed you forward, and you jumped into the trench and pulled yourself out of it, running toward the opening toward whatever structure was ahead. You were going to kill Carol. 
It was dark and much cooler in the structure than it was outside, and you paused beside Magna momentarily. But then you heard Carol scream and you quickly ran after her. 
“Carol!” You yelled. 
“Oh, shit,” Magna cursed, grabbing onto your arm. The weight of her body pulled you forward, and your feet slipped. 
You screamed as you dropped a good ten feet, landing on rock. You didn’t have time to focus on your vision before your body rolled. You tasted blood in your mouth as you fell from another ledge and landed harshly on the rock below. You heard your friends landing around you as well. 
“Mother fucker,” You cursed, spitting out blood as you rolled over onto your side. Your back ached, and your lip was bleeding from where you must’ve bitten down on it. 
“Are you okay?” 
You glanced at Carol, who was dusting her shirt off. She helped you up as you replied, “Just peachy.” 
You heard your name echoing from above, and you thanked God that Daryl was still up there. “Daryl, don’t come down--.”
You cringed as you heard your husband fall and took a step back when you saw him come down. He landed with a groan, and you were immediately kneeling by his side. “You alright?”
“Ya bleedin’,” He said, using his thumb to wipe the corner of your mouth. 
“I’m okay,” You said, standing and helping him to his feet. 
You set your hands on your waist as you looked around the cave, trying your best to ignore the groans of walkers below you. You cursed under your breath and grabbed Daryl’s hand as Jerry yelled for everyone’s attention. You looked over to where he pointed, and that was when you saw Alpha. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as memories of the barn filled you, and you took a step backward. Daryl squeezed your hand and pulled you closer to him. You could’ve sworn you could feel the tip of her knife dragging across your arms again. 
There was a lump in your throat as you looked back at Daryl. “Just take a breath.” He told you. 
Nodding, you did as he asked and looked back to where Alpha was, but she was gone. You took another deep breath and looked at Aaron, who was against the wall you fell from. 
“Okay, maybe we can get back up,” Aaron said. “If we can get one of you women up there…”
It was a no-go. They tried to lift each and every one of you, but none of you could get a grip. Besides, the wall beyond that was too high. 
So you grabbed Daryl’s flashlight and looked around for any other way out of the damn cave. Water was running in from somewhere, and Daryl and Aaron were discussing how to get out of there. You noticed a chain of boulders that looked close enough to jump to, and they stretched across to the other side. 
“Shine the light for me over there for me,” You handed the flashlight to Daryl. 
“What are ya thinkin’?” Daryl asked but shined where you pointed. 
You didn’t reply and took a few steps back. Without a word, you ran the few steps to the ledge and jumped. Daryl immediately yelled after you as you landed on the first boulder, your knees buckling under the weight of your bag and weapon. But your boots were steady, and you stood straight up. 
“(Y/N), are you crazy?” Carol yelled. 
“Yeah, but she on to somethin’,” Daryl said. He pointed the light to the rock in front of you, and you took a deep breath, steadying yourself before you jumped again. 
You climbed around the formation, feeling wisps of fingertips touching your boots and back legs. But they couldn’t grab you. You glanced back at Daryl, who was following closely behind you. You looked back at the ground, who were all looking a little unsure. 
You kept moving, getting to the next boulder. It was there that you paused and took a deep breath and turned when Daryl called your name. He tossed you the flashlight, and you caught it one-handed, shining the light so he could get to you. 
“Knew I called ya crazy woman for a reason,” Daryl said when he was standing beside you. His arms were on either side of you, effectively pinning you to the boulder so there wasn’t a chance you’d fall or slip. 
“Gotta keep our relationship interesting, huh?” You gently teased, though you were sweating profusely and wanted to bang your head against the rock itself. “Starting to wish I never found your note, though.”
“One more jump, baby girl. Let me go first. I can help ya,” Daryl said. 
You wanted to roll your eyes and tell him that you’d been perfectly fine, but you knew he was only doing it because he loved you and because he was scared for you. So you shined the light onto the cave wall, with just enough room to jump onto. 
When he was on the other side, you tossed him the light and then jumped yourself. His arms were around your waist, and he pulled you tightly against his chest. You could feel his hands shaking as he urged you forward while he waited to help everyone else. 
You watched from a safer place as the rest of the group slowly made their way to the other side, and then you sighed with relief when everyone was over safely. Then you followed Daryl through a tunnel, your hand gripping tightly to the back of his vest.
When you reached a larger area, Daryl dug out his matches and handed you a few. While he told Connie to keep everyone, you lit the match and walked slowly, trying to find a cross breeze. 
You tuned out the conversation happening behind you as you glanced at Daryl. You paused momentarily, admiring his form and the pull of his arms as he held up the match. Shaking your head, you turned around and got back to work. 
You walked over to Daryl and watched the flame find wind. You smiled and looked up at him. “Nice job, sexy.”
Daryl grunted and put the match out. “Nice thinkin’ with the jumpin’. Gonna have to curse ya out later for it, though.”
You stood on your toes to give him a quick and private--thanks to the boulders--kiss. “You’re welcome for saving your life for the thousandth time.”
About an hour later, you sat against a rock wall with your heavy head on Daryl’s shoulder. A half-empty skin of water lay between you two, and you had long since intertwined your fingers. 
Daryl’s thumb was absentmindedly rubbing against your hand while he chewed on his other thumb, and no matter how many times you swatted it away, it was there again in a few minutes. 
“So,” You whispered low enough so nobody would hear. “Ever wanna do it in a cave?”
Daryl snorted. 
“We could find some dark corner,” You teased. 
“Ya ain’ quiet enough, darlin’.”
You smiled and squeezed his hand momentarily before kissing his shoulder. You looked up in time to see Carol headed toward you. “I’ll let you two talk,” You said. You knew very well of the tension between them since everything happened with Lydia and just in general. She hadn’t been the same since she got off the boat, and you knew Daryl was missing his friend. 
Carol smiled as you passed her, and you walked over to where Jerry was sitting. You smiled widely despite how tired, hot, and sweaty you were. “Jerry, my main squeeze,” You collapsed beside him, setting your bow aside. “How are you holding up?”
The two of you murmured, swapping stories of your children. It was the only thing that kept you from falling apart. Getting back to Josie. You would be damned if you let anything keep you from seeing your daughter. 
You’d just settled into a nice silence when you heard Magna screaming ‘skins’. You were on your feet immediately, grabbing your bow and getting an arrow ready. With hardly any light in the cave system, your fingers twitched in anticipation as you followed Jerry toward Magna. 
Rounding the corner, you only had a second to see Magna fighting off a freak when another one dropped before you. They swung their arm at you, and you jumped backward, dropping your bow in favor of the machete at your hip. You ducked underneath their next swing and drove your knife up into their stomach, lifting it as high as you could. Then, with a swift pull, you yanked it to the side. 
Warm guts hit your boots, and the freak dropped dead just in time for another one to approach you. Before they could make the first move, a knife embedded itself in the back of their skull, and when the body fell, Daryl grabbed your arm and handed you your bow. 
In the distance, you could see the last of the freaks running off. You nodded your head toward it, and Daryl yelled for everyone to follow. 
You ran for a good few minutes before you lost the figures, and everyone around you needed to stop. You took a deep breath and wiped your sweat from your forehead. You lowered your bow and slung it over your shoulder. 
When Jerry found an arrow, you all decided to follow it. If freaks got in, then you could get out. So you followed the arrows until you reached a gap in the wall, and Daryl picked up their trail. You watched anxiously as your husband walked through the tight funnel, and you kept an arrow in your bow in case something happened. 
After a few minutes, he gave the signal, and you were the first one to follow him. You fit through the tunnel easily and caught up to Daryl within thirty seconds. You grabbed the back of his vest again until he reached behind you and took your hand in his. 
“How ya doin’?”
“Oh, I’m just snug as a bug,” You retorted, pulling your body forward in a painful army crawl. You could feel your jeans rip over a particularly sharp rock, and you bit your lip to stifle a colorful choice of words. 
You focused on the light above you and the bottoms of Daryl’s boots. It was the only thing keeping you from freaking out. You weren’t claustrophobic by any means, but the idea of being sandwiched between tons of rock and who knows how far underground made you want to cry. 
Still, you were doing better than Carol. 
You wanted to cry with happiness when you saw Daryl pull himself out of a hole and then shine his flashlight toward you. “Hand up ya bow first. Gonna be a tight fit.”
“That’s what she said,” You laughed humorlessly as you struggled to get the bow off you and then send it up toward your husband. You could just barely make out the glare he sent you, and then you actually did laugh. 
His hands wrapped around your wrists, and he helped pull you the rest of the way out. When your feet were on the ground and you were finally standing upright, you threw your arms around him and kissed him. 
When you parted, you grabbed your bow. “Don’t act like you don’t like my jokes.”
“Ya got jokes all damn day, every day, since the damn prison.” He replied, shining the light back into the hole, where you could see Kelly slowly making her way. 
You smiled and leaned against the rock, reaching out to pinch his ass. Daryl jumped and smacked your hand away, which made you laugh. 
“Can’ ya ever take anythin’ seriously?”
Your smile widened, and you shook your head. “Gotta try and keep my mind off of our impending deaths for a little while.”
“Ya ain’ dyin’. ‘M gettin’ us home to Josie.” 
When the tunnels led you all to an old mining setup, and after you found Alpha’s horde, you sighed with relief. It meant that there was an exit. And you’d see the sky soon. 
So when Daryl found the sun streaming through the ground above you, everyone jumped at once to start clearing a path to dig out of there. But nothing made you more nervous than Kelly finding dynamite, and you prayed that nothing bad would happen. 
“Ya seen Carol?”
You looked up from the pile of rocks you and Connie were moving, and you shook your head. “I thought she was with you guys.”
“‘Mma look for her, ya stay here and keep workin’.”
You hesitated but nodded. She couldn’t have gone off far, and Daryl wouldn’t leave you for long. So after he squeezed your forearm, he went to find her. 
You’d only been working with Connie for a few more minutes before you heard an explosion, and everything around you started to shake. Dirt fell into your eyes, and you cursed loudly, stumbling backward before someone grabbed you. Fingers worked at your eyes, and when you opened them, you saw Connie signing to you. 
Are you okay?
“Come on!”
You grabbed your flashlight and shined down the tunnel where Daryl had gone, but you couldn’t see a damn thing. “Son of a bitch,” You muttered before you walked forward. 
An arm wrapped around yours, and you were pulled back by Magna and Connie. “What are you doing?”
“They could be hurt,” You stressed. “I’m not leaving my husband down here or Carol.” You pulled your arm away from Magna’s and took off. You knew they followed you by the sound of their boots, but you didn’t stop. 
When you saw the glow of a lantern, you nearly cried and ran up to Daryl and Carol; the ladder hurt. You wrapped an arm around her waist and helped Daryl get her back to where your exit was. 
“Aaron and Kelly, we got freaks up there!” Jerry strained as he tried to keep the post up. 
“You need to go up first. She can’t climb out!” You yelled to Daryl. When you saw the hesitation on his face, you yelled louder, “Go, dammit! You need to pull her out.”
Dirt was spilling from everywhere, and you coughed loudly as you pushed Carol up. She struggled, and Magna had to help you push her until Daryl had her. 
As you strained, you saw movement in the distance. “Freaks!” You yelled. 
You heard Magna curse loudly. You glanced at the hole above your head, where you could see Daryl getting Carol out. Then you looked at Jerry, who was struggling with holding the post. 
You took a deep breath and wrapped your hand around your machete. Then you ran after Magna, toward the freaks. 
There was barely any light, and you struggled as dirt continued to rain down on you. But you could see figures, and you swiped your machete at each one. Tears burned your eyes from the dirt, and you felt warm blood spray on your face. 
“Get out of here!” Magna screamed. 
You saw her go down, and you quickly stabbed one of the freaks in the head before running over to her. Connie was struggling toward you, weapons raised. But she was signing something you couldn’t see, and you helped Magna. 
The ground shook before you heard the explosion. The ceiling was coming down, and wooden beams were falling. You couldn’t see Magna or Connie through the cloud of dirt. The last thing you heard was the sound of Magna’s screams. 
Daryl squinted in the sunlight as he dragged Carol’s body backward. She was nearly unconscious, and Daryl knelt down for a moment, shaking her head. When her eyes blinked slowly, and she nodded, he took a second to look for you before he stood up and ran back over to the hole in the ground. 
“(Y/N)?” He yelled, watching Aaron pull someone up from the hole. His stomach twisted in a knot when he saw it was Jerry he was pulling up. “Where’s (Y/N)? Why didn’ ya send her up first?” He yelled as Aaron helped get Jerry out. 
The ground started shaking, and Daryl’s eyes widened as he realized what it was. “(Y/N)!” He made a beeline for the open hole. 
“Daryl!” Aaron yelled, throwing himself against Daryl’s body and sending them rolling down the hill. 
Shards of rock blasted up from the ground and rained around the group. Daryl covered his head as he struggled against Aaron. When the ground settled, and Aaron let him go, his knees went weak. 
“No!” He screamed, running toward the pile of rocks. “(Y/N)!” He climbed over the debris, and when he saw the cratered hole the explosion left, when he knew the roof had collapsed, he sank down to his knees to dig through the debris. 
He could barely hear Kelly crying; he could barely hear himself crying and grunting with the weight of each rock he threw as he dug. 
“We gotta dig!” He yelled. “She’s down there, we gotta get her out.” 
“Daryl… it’ll take us a week to dig this.”
“Then help me!” Daryl screamed. “That’s my fuckin’ wife down there.”
“We can’t,” Kelly yelled through thick tears. “This blast is going to call walkers and Whisperers from a hundred miles from here. We don’t want our backs pressed up against this mountain when they come. We can’t save them if we’re dead!” 
Daryl stared at the pile of rocks as tears fell from his eyes. You couldn’t be dead. You couldn’t be dead. He repeated it over and over in his head. And then his grief, his desperation, turned into white, hot rage. 
He walked away slowly and looked at Carol. 
“Go ahead and say it to me. I deserve it.” Carol cried. 
Daryl’s mind couldn’t even think of a response. All he could see was red. All he could feel was a level of anger that he’d never experienced before. 
“Just say it to me,” Carol said. “That’s (Y/N) down there. Our (Y/N). Your (Y/N). Just say it.”
He could see the desperation on her face. The guilt. The self-hatred. His jaw quivered in anger as he thought about you down there, about you being dead.
And then he found his voice. 
“If she dead, it’s on you,” He stressed. “And you will be dead to me.”
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tiredtxmblrvet · 4 months
Fic Rec Friday
Thanks again to @mediumgayitalian for the idea!
Below are 5 fics I've enjoyed this past week/recently.
IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! by @rosyredlipstick
It’s June 1984, Prince is at the top of the charts, and Nico di Angelo has spent the last three weeks scratching at mosquito bites and herding around a group of elementary school kids—and somehow it’s been the best summer of his life. - “Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake!” Jason yelled over, ever-polite.
Okay I'm back with another Rosy rec. When I tell you this story literally captured me within the first paragraph and held me in a vice grip the entire time. I literally started the beginning and went "now this is how you start a story" and then couldn't put it down. This is a horror/slasher AU, but none of the major characters die! It's a love letter to a lot of horror films, so if you're in to that sort of thing, I'd totally recommend. Or if you're like me and don't really watch horror, I'd still recommend because it's that good. Also once again Will and Nico's dynamic is top tier in this fic, and I really love Will's POV.
The Other "Heroes" by SirOliverSurface
Percy Jackson had seen weird before. Swimming in the River Styx to gain invincibility to fight the Titan lord of time was "weird". Getting your memory wiped by the goddess of marriage and family in a gambit to unite Greek and Roman demigods was "weird". Having a spiritual attachment to blue food was... well... completely understandable, no matter how much Leo joked about it. But this? This is "weird".
When a battle goes wrong, and magic goes wild, the son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus finds himself dumped in a world that seems strangely familiar. The Greek Gods are still around, the old myths were really true, all seems well. But one thing has changed: the people he's come to love. And it doesn't take long for him to figure out that these new faces all miss someone else, too; Hero of Olympus, and daughter of Poseidon, Percie Jackson.
This is Percabeth centric, with Solangelo as a side ship, but this story is so good. Granted, I'm only about 150k in, but the writing has captivated me, and the adventure our heroes go on is fascinating to me. Plus I just love the "other" versions of all the heroes. Will I ever be able to finish it? Maybe in 2 years, but hey! It's my go-to fall back on fic when I'm running out of things to read. (It's 1.2 million words!)
August by CordeliaRose
Somehow, Nico's life only gets more confusing after he defeats a primordial Goddess.
Will Solace accounts for about 90% of that confusion.
(A journey through August, and all its ups and downs.)
I just had to rec this story, as I am about to re-read it only a couple of weeks after finishing it the first time because it's just that good. This follows the rest of August after the end of BoO, and the way Will and Nico's relationship develops is just absolutely stunning. Also Nico and Will are autistic coded in this story and it just makes me beyond happy.
peach tea by ghosttotheparty
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
I love the way ghosttotheparty writes intimacy, just, warm, soft, fragile moments that have such a wonderful air to them. I'm not usually one for high school AU's, but I love their characterization of Will and Nico so much that I just had to try this story, and I'm so glad I did. There's a particular scene where Will helps Nico down from a panic attack, and it just made me want to cry it was so well done. Just a lovely story.
Safe (better keep that thought to yourself) by @buoyantsaturn
Nico figured he was probably overprepared, but it was better to be safe than sorry, especially when leaving his child with some guy he barely knew and a kid he’d never met.
God, he hoped Will wasn’t some kind of psychopath. 
I'm back again with another one of CJ's lovely works. I'd been looking for a cute Parent!Nico and Parent!Will kidfic, and this story absolutely delivers. The way that both Will and Nico stumble around each other is so endearing in this story, and their kids are JUST the cutest!! I absolutely recommend this story.
Okay that's all! I'll probably keep doing this until I run out of fics to recommend. Have a good friday lovelies!
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hollisxwrites · 4 months
Hi! I absolutely love your writing, I was wondering if you could write a luke castellan x reader. Where she’s been at camp for a while now and haven’t been claimed. But most people at camp think she’s Hermes daughter which Luke hates because he has a crush on her. But she’s known the entire time, just wanted to stay in that cabin with Luke and everyone else.
"you've got to hide your love away"
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not my gif or my song! all credits to the original creators.
luke castellan x fem! reader (lukes POV)
word count: 1.8k
warnings: some sexual innuendos (nothing explicit though), some crude language, kissing, another song fic! i'm sorry! premise of the first little section is luke denying feeling for the reader because the people at camp think they could be half siblings, but it's nothing weird so dw!
summary: the reader is incredibly close with the kids in the hermes cabin, so close, that she lies and says she has not been claimed by her godly parents yet in order to stay with her friends for as long as possible. eventually, she admits it to her closest friend, luke, and he is relived, as he is in love with the reader.
authors note: guys! i have reached 500 (!!!!!) notes on two works so far, and that has blown me away! thank you for all the request, i'm working on getting through all of them as we speak, and i am so excited to put out what i have been working on to you guys! this is a shorter fic and just kind of cute, so i hope you enjoy! keep sending request, i'm loving reading all of your thoughts about percy and luke! i am so thankful for this community. love you all!
My friends and I, Connor, Travis, Chris, Clarisse, Alice, and {reader} sat around a dwindling campfire on an oddly cold night in September.  A gentle wind blew, rustling the leaves around us, and sending the heavy smoke of the fire into the faces of Connor and Travis, making everyone sitting under the stars laugh at their dramatic performance of a coughing fits.  Everyone, that is, except for {reader}.  She always had a soft spot for people who seemed to feel unwell, even if it was for something as small as the brothers inhaling a little bit of smoke as a joke.  
{Reader} was unlike anyone else I had ever met, sympathetic, gentle, and kind.  Every time I saw her, I felt like my world was a little brighter.  Chris said I loved her, Connor said it was just because she is my “sister” through the camp, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the feeling was.  She had not been claimed by her godly parent, or so she says. Everyone believes that her dad is Hermes, since he is typically a deadbeat dad, and people say he is too lazy to claim her.  I guess their thoughts made sense; she had lived in our cabin for two years, so Hermes really had no reason to claim her at that point.  It shattered my heart just a little bit, as {reader} was so beautiful, a type of beauty that is unique unto her, something I feared I would never get to experience again.   I thought I would not be able to fully love her if she was my sibling.  So, I pushed back any feelings I could have for her deep down in my heart.  No one knew about them, and I hoped they never did, especially if she was my sister. I didn’t want to be seen as some kinky weirdo. 
The Stoll's finally stopped their theatrics, and I was able to look at {reader} for what felt like the first time due to the long day we’ve had.  Everything from counselor duties to training to hanging out with friends, I hadn’t gotten to spend a lot of time with her the days prior.  I watched her every move, and every moment she enchanted me.  Holding her guitar that I had gotten her from an Apollo kid for her birthday last year, she was picking out random chords, humming along to a song that I didn’t recognize.  Conversation fell silent amongst our group as {reader} started to play the chords she had been fiddling with in more confidence.  She sang along to the expertly played chords in a clean, clear voice that mesmerized me every time I heard her sing. When she reached the chorus of the song, she looked me in the eye while she sang, causing my stomach to erupt in fireworks.  Her eyes shone in the darkness, made even more beautiful by the fire reflecting off them.  
Gather 'round all you clowns,  
Let me hear you say 
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away! 
When she completed her song, the Stoll's clapped, and then repeated her chorus loudly, skipping around the perimeter of the campfire, shouting like drunken sailors.  Typically, I would’ve joined in their antics, but in that moment, I couldn’t even speak.  {Reader} was so beautiful.  Maybe Chris was right, maybe I did love her.  She sat her guitar down beside her, and leaned up against the logs that we used as makeshift chairs. She threw her head back laughing at a joke Clarisse made, and her laughter was almost as beautiful as the song she had sung.  I could have sworn at that moment that my heart was going to burst out of my chest.  Something about the energy surrounding her made me admire her.  I couldn’t take my eyes off her.  
Eventually, when the moon was completely risen in the sky, and the Harpies were about to come out, my group retreated to our respective cabins.  After showering and changing, I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling that was plastered with plastic stars, there to comfort younger campers.  I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist that {reader} made for our friend group and exhaled deeply.  I had no idea what I was going to do.  That day had solidified for me that I was in love with {reader}.  Her aura was enchanting, enticing me every time she spoke.  I stared into the plastic stars for what felt like an eternity, when all the sudden, someone distracted me from my thoughts (thank the gods). 
“Luke?”  {Reader}’s sweet voice whispered.  “Are you still awake?”  I saw her figure standing next to my bed.  She was wearing a sweatshirt from her hometown and flannel pants that made her look warm and inviting.  Her hair was slightly out of place, and she looked frightened.   
“Of course I am, you know me.  Never asleep.”  I said with a sigh, sitting myself up on my elbows so I could see her better.  “Whatcha’ need?” 
She turned her head away from me, as if she was embarrassed by what she had to say.  “Nightmares.  Again.  I can’t go back to sleep, I tried.” 
I frowned, feeling sympathetic for the girl in front of me.  “I’m so sorry.  I know that sucks.  What can I do to help you?”  
“Could I stay with you?”  she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“What do you mean?”  I asked quizzically, my heart racing, thoughts jumbling together at the mere idea of her staying with me.   
She rolled her eyes and shoved me over.  “I just need to be around someone right now, and you’re my best friend, so...”   
I moved over so she would have room beside me, and automatically, I could see her body relax.  I pulled my duvet over her, making sure she was warm, and shuffled over a little more to respect her space.  “Do you want to talk about it?” 
She shook her head.  “Not really.  I do have something that I want to tell you, though.”   
I laid down so I was facing her.  “You can tell me anything, you know that.” 
 “Of course I can, that’s why I’m scared to tell you this.  I don’t want you to hate me.”  I could see the agitation on her face, so I reached out to hold her hand, hoping to ground her.  Electricity sparked where our skin met, but at that moment, I tried to ignore it.  I wondered if she felt it, too. 
“I could never hate you.  I don’t care what you tell me.  You could tell me you hated sword fighting and I would still forgive you.”  I said, giving her my best sympathetic smile. 
She giggled at this, moving to play with the silver ring on my finger.  “I know.”  She swallowed hard.  “Luke, I have been claimed by my dad, I just didn’t want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to leave the cabin.  I didn’t want to leave you.” 
Resisting the urge to let my jaw drop, I looked at her, trying to find any sense of sarcasm in her gaze.  “Are you serious?  Who claimed you?  When?  Why me?” 
“Apollo is my dad."  She said shortly.  “A year ago, the first time I played the guitar you got me. He claimed me then. Also, why you? Look at yourself.  You’re the most genuine person who I have ever known.  I love you.  So much.”  
This time, my jaw did gape open just a little bit.  She loved me.  Oh, my gods, she fucking loved me.  “I love you too, but why are you telling me this now?”  I asked, curious as to why she was letting me in on this information at two or three in the morning.  
“That’s what my nightmare was about.  The lie had gotten to me, and you started to believe I was your sister, which is a horrible thought, and you dated someone, some Aphrodite girl who said I was too ugly to be loved by someone like you.  I didn’t want that to become my reality, so here I am.”  She said, her gaze traveling down to where our hands were still connected. 
My mind ran circles around her words.  She loved me.  She wanted me.  I guessed I looked lost, maybe even unhappy, because when I started to speak, she cut me off.  “So, what you’re saying is that...” 
“If you don’t like me that’s okay!  Seriously.  I know that this is random and ridiculous.  It’s just a stupid dream.”  She said, trying to pull her hand away from mine.   
“It’s not stupid, {reader}.  I love you, too.  I wanted you to not be a Herme’s kid with everything in my heart.”  I paused, eyes moving to her lips.  “Can I...”  At this, she softly pressed our lips together into the sweetest kiss I had ever experienced.  It was so soft, and some of her honey lip balm transferred onto mine.  She pressed a kiss to my cheek, my scar, my jaw, and my neck, before her eyes drifted closed.  “I love you, Luke, but I want to sleep.”   
“I love you, too, so I will let you sleep.” I responded, pulling her into my arms. I held her close for the rest of the night, basking in her scent and her warmth.  I was coaxed to sleep by her rhythmic heartbeat that I could feel against my chest. 
“WHAT THE HELL!”  Travis shouted.  It was probably nine in the morning, due to the emptiness and light coming into the cabin. 
I jolted awake, suddenly aware of another person in my arms.  {Reader}.  She had her arms thrown across my chest, head resting in the crook of my neck.  I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, trying to take in what was happening around me, trying to comprehend that the night prior wasn’t a dream. 
Travis and Connor stood near my bedside with stunned looks on my face.  Connor was the first to speak up after Travis’s initial reaction.  “Did you guys' fuck?”    
My face turned beat red. “No, dumbass!  Go away, she’s still asleep.  She just had nightmares last night and didn’t want to be alone.”  
“Sureeeeeeee.”  Travis drew out, smirking at me.  “That doesn’t look like you guys are just friends, Lukie.” 
I rolled my eyes and pulled {reader} closer, trying to ward off the Stoll's, trying to protect her from waking up at their loud words.  “Go away, please!” 
The brothers chuckled and walked out of the room, nudging one another.  I sighed and turned back to {reader}.  She didn’t stir in my arms, surprisingly, after all the commotion.  Holding her there made everything in my life make sense, and at this moment, I believed I had finally found my lifeline, my home. I pressed a kiss into her hair and contented myself with memorizing every freckle on her face.  
402 notes · View notes
helloalycia · 4 months
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one / two / three / five / masterlist / wattpad
summary: as you try to avoid witnessing Clayton making moves on your girlfriend, you start to hang out with the help some more, only making Alycia jealous in return.
warning/s: none.
author's note: super delayed (my bad), but here’s the final part! hope you guys liked this one :)
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Alycia's parents were treating her to lunch today, so I busied myself with icing the cupcakes Millie let me help her bake yesterday, and also the little 2-tier cake I'd baked for Alycia as a surprise.
It was fun, I wouldn't lie, even though I was terrible at baking and icing and anything creative in that aspect. But Millie was great company and it was a nice enough distraction from the utter boredom I otherwise would have felt with Alycia being gone. 
"So, how did you and Alycia meet?" Millie was asking as we dyed our icing.
"It was actually at a job, working over the summer at one of her parents' camps," I answered. "Though, back then, I definitely didn't know she was the daughter to millionaires."
"Would that have changed anything if you did?" she asked with an amused smile.
I shrugged, weighing it up as I'd never really thought about it. "I'm not entirely sure... I think if I knew before speaking to her, I may have avoided her. But that would have been based on a preconceived idea that she's stuck up and spoilt, y'know? Obviously, I spoke to her because she was my buddy at the time and we got along from there. And by the time she told me about her parents, well... she's lucky she's cute."
Millie laughed at my joke. "That's adorable. You guys make a lovely couple. And you're right about getting to know Alycia. I've worked here for a year or so, mostly for her parents, but the few times she's visited and we've interacted, she's been kind."
I smiled, knowing that sounded like Alycia. Nothing like her parents, thank God.
"So, how did you end up being a private chef?" I asked curiously.
We passed time as we decorated, talking about how she went to culinary school, what she did when she wasn't baking and her love for it all. It was refreshing, especially because I'd never met anyone who did this for a living. And after she helped me not make a fool of icing the cakes, but also assisted me in decorating Alycia's, a waiter entered the kitchen to let us know of Alycia's return.
"That's your cue," Millie encouraged, before nodding to the cake in the box on the counter. "Knock 'em dead."
A little excited, I smiled gratefully before grabbing the cake and heading to the front door with hopes of finding Alycia. They were still outside, I noticed, when I glanced out the window, and then I realised they weren't alone. Her parents, her and fucking Clayton of all people were getting out the car, chatting and smiling. Had he gone to lunch with them? What the fuck? I literally stayed behind so Alycia could have some bonding time with her parents, not him.
Frustrated, I stepped away from the window and realised my anger had gotten the better of me because I'd unintentionally squeezed the box in my hand and, consequently, the cake.
"Fuck," I mumbled, before backing away from the door and returning to the kitchen.
"How did she– wait, what happened?" Millie started, but stopped herself when I tossed the cake box on the counter.
"Fucking Clayton and his fucking lack of boundaries," I muttered with irritation, before leaning my head in my hands on the counter to contain myself.
"Oh, Y/N..."
I'd never discussed anything of my feelings towards Clayton to Millie, but it was pretty evident how I was feeling right now. I thought I was over it, especially after Alycia's reassurances last night, but clearly I wasn't.
"It doesn't matter," I said with a heavy sigh. "It was stupid anyway. Just throw it out. It's basically bird food now anyway."
No doubt giving me a disapproving look, Millie grabbed the box and said, "Don't be silly."
I glanced up when I heard her shuffling about, only to see her taking the cake out the box and cutting a decent enough slice that wasn't destroyed by my inability to contain my anger.
"Go," she ordered, pushing the plate towards me. "Give this to your girlfriend."
I narrowed my eyes at the cake. "She's too busy with Clayton."
Millie gave me a knowing look. "It's her dad, not her, now go." I just about rolled my eyes when she added, "Don't be a child, Y/N."
Grumbling to myself, I straightened up and grabbed the plate. But not before glancing at her and saying, "You're getting too comfortable with me."
She cracked a smile, resisting the urge to laugh, before wafting me away with her hand. I groaned inwardly before returning to the front of the house, where Alycia, her parents and Clayton were just entering the atrium. As soon as Alycia spotted me, her face lit up and she ran to me, almost making me drop the plate as she hugged me. Admittedly, it made me forget why I was annoyed in the first place and I immediately returned the hug.
"Ooh, what's that?" she asked distractedly, eyeing up the cake slice. "My surprise, perhaps?"
Unable to stop my smile, I was about to reply, but was instantly cut off by her father.
"Oh, that can't be Millie's handiwork, surely," he said with a loud laugh. "What on earth is that decoration?" Glancing at Clayton, he added, "This is why you have to be picky with the help."
Clayton laughed at his joke whilst I tried very hard not to throw the plate at his head.
"Dad!" Alycia scolded with a look. "That's not nice!"
Her dad played dumb, then looked to Clayton for approval, which only boiled my blood more.
"Y/N, what is it?" Alycia asked, expression softening when she looked back to me.
"Nothing," I managed to say without flipping out irrationally. "Just leftovers from a practice batch Millie made." Swallowing hard, I took a step back. "In fact, I should probably throw it out. It's not that nice anyway."
Alycia frowned, about to speak, but bloody Clayton of all people spoke up.
"Alycia, your dad and I are going to get a drink, would you like to join us?"
Seconds away from smashing this plate on his head, I rolled my eyes and turned to leave instead. Storming back to the kitchen a second time, I made a beeline for the bin.
"Seriously?" Millie asked with playful disbelief. "You still haven't–?"
"It was a stupid idea," I snapped, setting the empty plate before her, before leaving to get some fresh air.
Not even half an hour passed when Alycia found me returning to the house after a well-needed sulk around the property.
"Y/N!" she called once she spotted me by the outdoor dining area. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"I haven't been very far," I said nonchalantly.
She frowned guiltily, eyes flickering between mine. "I didn't know Clayton would be there. My parents took me out and he was already sat there at the table."
"He always seems to be present, don't you think?"
She sighed. "I know."
I lifted an eyebrow questioningly. "Seriously? Why not doing something about it, Alycia?"
She raised her eyebrows too. "Don't you think I'm trying?"
I tried not to scoff as I crossed my arms. "Well, not hard enough."
Definitely surprised by my attitude, she gave me a look. "Y/N."
I looked down at my shoes, knowing my anger would return if we discussed this any longer. "Forget it. See you at dinner."
"Y/N," she started as I began to walk away.
"Or maybe we'll see Clayton, who knows?" I said sarcastically, before rolling my eyes as I left, ignoring her calls.
It wasn't her fault, I knew that, but she wasn't exactly telling her father to back off, at least not well enough. I was uncomfortable and her parents were doing a pretty great job at making me want to leave. So, why couldn't we?
Dinner time that same evening was awkward as hell and I was counting down the seconds before I could leave to go up to our room. Her parents were chatting, talking about the business and Alycia, and I was staying quiet because I seriously couldn't be bothered. The only relieving thing was that they hadn't invited Clayton.
At one point, the dessert was brought out – the cupcakes that Millie let me help her make, though she did ninety-nine percent of it – and her dad felt the need to comment.
"Ah, see? This is Millie's handiwork," he said with a smile as the waiter placed some cupcakes before us all. "None of that rubbish from earlier."
I bit my tongue as I distracted myself with my cup of tea. Alycia glanced over at me, wanting to say something, but as usual, she didn't.
When the meal was over, Alycia and I headed straight upstairs for bed. I never usually went to sleep so soon after eating, but I didn't want to stay awake and have to talk things out with Alycia, not when I was still so upset at the situation. So, after getting ready for bed, I jumped right in and laid down, turning my back to Alycia who was still unchanged from her day clothes.
"Y/N?" she called gently. "Can we talk?"
I closed my eyes, frowning to myself. "I'm tired."
I heard her sigh from behind me, and though a small part of me felt bad for treating her like this, the rest knew that it wasn't fair how I was being treated this whole trip. The sooner we left, the better. But for now...
"Okay," she muttered. "Goodnight, I guess."
I didn't say anything, but the door closed and I assumed she'd gone into the ensuite to get ready for bed, too.
I'd hoped going to sleep would put me in a better mood, but when I woke up the next day, I was only reminded of how shitty everything had been and my mood still remained.
There were only two days left before Alycia and I could go home, but for now I had to suck it up. I still wasn't in the mood to talk to Alycia, so I avoided her the best I could, which I soon discovered was ideal because none other than fucking Clayton was back at the house again. Apparently it wasn't for Alycia, based on what the staff chatter had to say, but rather for a business meeting with her dad. Either way, it was an excuse for him to be around and I would have rather stayed away.
Deciding that Millie was the only other person here that I knew and felt comfortable enough to be around, I went to bother her as she worked in the kitchens. Plus, I owed her an apology after my outburst yesterday.
When I found her, she was preparing some ingredients for something and almost didn't notice my presence until I stopped by a stool at the counter.
"Hey," I said with a small smile.
When she saw me, she returned my smile with a relieved one. "Y/N, hey. How are you doing? You seemed really upset yesterday."
I leaned in the palm of my hand nervously. "Yeah, look, I'm sorry for snapping at you. It wasn't very nice, especially not after you tried to help me with the whole situation."
"It's okay," she assured. "I can see how annoying it must be to find out Clayton is always around. I'm guessing that's why you're here now."
I sighed, trying not to get worked up at the mere mention of him. "Yeah. I hope that's okay. I just can't stand being around him. And Alycia isn't helping the situation, so we're kind of not talking."
At this, Millie gave me a disapproving look. "You can't just not speak to her. You know this is an awkward spot for her. It's her parents, not her."
"I understand that, but how about me? I'm at my girlfriend's house to hang out with her family and instead of that, they're trying to show her off to another guy right in front of me. Why do I have to be okay with that?"
Millie sighed, shrugging as she worked. "You're right. It's shitty. But you need to communicate this to Alycia, not avoid her."
I put my head in my hands and groaned quietly. "Can I avoid her a little longer? I'm not in the mood."
Chuckling quietly, Millie nodded. "I suppose so. Maybe I can teach you how to make fresh pastry."
Glad she was letting me stay, I smiled for real and jumped off the stool. "Thanks, Millie."
It was probably a terrible sign that I enjoyed spending more time with a pastry chef than I did my girlfriend's family, but I didn't care. If they couldn't bother to make half the effort with me that I was making with them, then I couldn't change that. Besides, there were only two more days left. I could surely survive that.
After spending the morning with Millie, chatting away mindlessly and watching as she worked because it was better than watching TV for hours on end, it was soon lunchtime. We were supposed to be having an outdoor afternoon tea for lunch, with some baked goods that Millie and a few of the other chefs had prepared in advance. I was stood outside with Millie after she set the table, the two of us talking by the doors, when Alycia found me.
Millie and I's conversation ceased as soon as Alycia stopped by us, glancing at me with a tense jaw.
"Alycia," I greeted, still mildly irritated.
"Can I speak to you, please?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Before glancing at Millie and adding, "In private?"
I looked at her with disbelief, but before I could say anything, Millie nodded awkwardly.
"I should get back to work," was all she said, before returning to the kitchen.
When she was gone, I looked back to Alycia. "That was a little rude, don't you think?"
Alycia's green eyes stared holes into mine. "What are you doing?"
I was confused. "What?"
She crossed her arms with annoyance as she asked, "Do you like her?"
Absolutely baffled now, I raised my eyebrows and stared at her. "What? Are you joking right now?"
She clenched her jaw, unimpressed. "All you keep doing is avoiding me and hanging out with her instead. What gives?"
The audacity of her to make such assumptions was laughable, to the point where I had to stop myself from doing so.
"Wow," I said with both irritation and impatience. "You're kidding me, right?" Judging from her know-it-all expression and the patronising glare she was giving me, I knew she wasn't. I continued, "Maybe if you stopped appeasing your dad's wishes this whole trip and hanging out with Clayton all the time, you'd see that I'm bored! Millie is the only bloody person I can hang out with here!"
Alycia scoffed frantically, shaking her head and looking away. "That's hardly fair."
I widened my eyes as I gave her a questioning look. "Isn't it?! What's not fair is that I'm here to bond with my girlfriend's parents and, instead of doing the same, they're trying to set you up with a new man whilst I'm literally right here!"
"That's not what's happening–!"
It was my turn to scoff as I cut her off. "Sure it's not. Because he just so happens to be around all the time, doesn't he?" Giving her an angry glare, I said, "He drools over you, Alycia. And do you think I like watching him check you out? Because I bloody don't!"
She opened her mouth to speak, but just on cue, someone approached us and interrupted, and it was damn Clayton.
"Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but Alycia–"
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" I shouted at him, before losing my patience and shoving past him to return indoors. I didn't have to deal with this – it wasn't fair!
Storming up to our room, I shut the door and tried very hard to contain my frustration, but it was too late, I was already fuming. It wasn't fair! I didn't deserve to be treated like this! And I wasn't going to stand for it anymore. Being here was only making me miserable, so I had to leave. Alycia could stay the rest of the trip with her parents, but they didn't want me here and I didn't want to be here.
Pulling out my suitcase, I grabbed as much as I could from the wardrobe and threw it in, deciding to pack everything up. Clayton and Alycia's parents could live happily together, but I didn't care to see it.
I was midway through packing when the door suddenly opened and Alycia appeared.
"Y/N, we need to talk," she said sternly. "Not argue."
"I'm not interested," I said dismissively, throwing another shirt in.
She must have realised what I was doing, finally paying attention, as she lost her irritation and looked to me sadly. "You're leaving?"
I narrowed my eyes at her. "No, I just thought the suitcase was a looking a little empty. What do you think?"
I ignored her and continued to pack, moving to grab some toiletries from the dressing table.
"Please, let's just talk this through," she tried again. "I don't want to fight."
"Neither do I, but I can't be here anymore," I said, throwing my toiletries in my bag. "We can talk it through at home. You should stay the rest of the week."
"We're literally talking right now," she pointed out, making me roll my eyes. "C'mon, just sit. Please."
I met her eyes with a hardened stare. "Not in the mood."
She frowned and then her jaw clenched and I saw her impatience shining through. "Y/N."
I was stubborn, but so was she, and I refused to let her get her way this time.
Returning to my packing, I planned to ignore her presence until I finished, and even when she rounded the bed to approach me, I blanked her out. A little too much, in fact, as I didn't realise she'd pulled out some handcuffs from her back pocket and snapped them onto my wrist, connected to hers.
"Alycia!" I scolded. "Unlock it right now."
She pursed her lips, shaking her head. "Nope."
I bit back my irritation. "Maybe when you were a kid this sort of behaviour was cute, but it's not now, so let me go."
"Talk to me then," she insisted. "I don't like how things ended before and I don't like seeing you upset."
"Well, I'm not in the mood to speak to you right now and I just want to leave," I retorted. "So, respect that."
Her gaze softened. "Please."
I outstretched my free hand. "Key. Now."
Just when I thought I'd have to wrestle it from her, she sighed and gave in. "Fine."
As she patted down her pockets, I pushed my hair from my eyes and groaned inwardly. "Where the hell d'you even get handcuffs anyway?"
"Toy set from when I was a kid," she mumbled, before I watched her pat her pockets some more. Judging from the worried look she had, I couldn't imagine the news being good.
"Alycia, give me the key," I repeated, growing nervous, and she tensed her jaw with annoyance. "This isn't funny."
"D'you see me laughing?" she snapped, before checking her back pockets and coming up with nothing.
I tried to pull my wrist from the metal cuffs, but it pulled her wrist too, making her yelp, and that's when I realised she really wasn't joking.
"Alycia, are you insane?!" I shouted, already stressing because of what this meant.
"Just shush!" she ordered, though the guilt was seeping through. "Panicking doesn't help!"
I gasped sarcastically. "Sorry if we're bloody handcuffed together and I'm panicking! Because in case you didn't realise, darling, we're handcuffed together!"
"I know!" she shouted right back, before giving up with her futile searching. In a quieter voice, she said, "I've lost it. I must have missed my pocket when I put it in."
I groaned loudly, attempting to sit on the bed, but she of course came with me and I had to remain standing.
"Look, let's just go back downstairs and retrace my steps," she said hopefully. "It'll show. And if not, there's gotta be some tools somewhere."
I stayed quiet, not wanting to snap at her even more when I was already pissed off and she was the last person I wanted to be handcuffed to right now. Instead, I let her lead me downstairs and around the living room and old playroom, with hopes of finding the key on the floor somewhere. But we searched everywhere and there was nothing. Not wanting to give up, Alycia assured me we might be able to find some tools in the shed outside. But of course, it was just our luck when there was nothing there either.
"No offence, but you're terrible at this," I told her bitterly, before flagging down the pool boy who was nearby. "Hey, mate, are you alright to give us a hand? Alycia over here has handcuffed us together and we need something to unlock it with."
The pool boy, more of a man in all fairness, glanced at our handcuffed wrists. "Have you tried the key?"
I closed my eyes, containing my constant frustration that didn't seem to leave me today. Thankfully, Alycia responded so I wouldn't have to.
"We lost the key. We were thinking something like a screwdriver or a hammer. Anything else, really."
"Hmm...," he thought to himself. "I'm not sure about the wrist part, but I can definitely separate you by chopping the chain with a butcher's knife."
How hadn't I thought of that? It was genius!
I blinked, looking to Alycia. "I'm sorry?"
"Y/N, are you insane?" Alycia asked with disbelief. "That's so dangerous! What if he missed?!"
I opened my mouth, stunned. "Are you– are you kidding me right now, Alycia? Insane? You bloody handcuffed us together! The only insane one here is you!"
Taking that as his cue to leave, the pool boy turned on his heel and left Alycia and I to bicker.
"How dare you!" she exclaimed, not even attempting to disguise her annoyance anymore. "Sorry if I had to take extreme measures to talk to my girlfriend!"
"I said I would talk about it back home!" I reminded her, before yanking our wrists towards me. "Now c'mon! I don't want to be handcuffed to you any longer!"
"I said no!" she said, yanking me back as I attempted to walk away.
Frowning, I pulled her towards me. "We're using the knife, dammit!"
"I said no!" she repeated firmly, yanking me back towards her.
"We're going to the–!"
"You're not listening–!"
And before either of us knew it, she'd yanked me too hard, enough for me to go tumbling right into her and knocking us both into the pool. The cold water shocked the anger right out of me and I immediately tried to resurface, gasping for air. I made sure Alycia was okay beside me, momentarily stunned, and when she was pushing her wet hair from her eyes, the realisation settled in and my anger returned.
"I can't believe you just did that!" I shouted.
"Me? You're the one who fell into me!"
Swallowing hard, I began to swim to the stairs. Thankfully, she got the hint, and we both returned to our room dripping wet.
"We'll go to the garage in town first thing in the morning when it opens," she suddenly said when we were stood there making a mess on the carpet. "They'll have tools."
I resisted the urge to glare at her. This was probably the biggest fight we'd ever had and, right now, I hated her.
"I'm showering," I said without giving her much choice. "Come on."
Yanking her into the ensuite, I shut the door and grabbed a towel, mumbling to myself, "I'd have a bath but I can't because tweedledum is handcuffed to me..."
"I'm not stopping you," she said defensively. "Go for it."
I glanced at her, trying to see if she was joking, but when she wasn't, I thought what the heck? I deserved a nice, relaxing bubble bath. Though preferably one that didn't include her. Unfortunately, I couldn't manage that, but I could still have the bath, so I filled it up as I undressed and forced her to sit on the edge of the tub, look at the door and be quiet. Being Alycia, however, she couldn't manage that, and she was nonstop talking about how she didn't like Clayton or what her dad was up to or anything about this week so far. And I'd finally had enough.
"Alycia!" I snapped, opening my eyes. "The whole point of this is for me to relax. Be quiet, please."
She sighed, but thankfully listened, and I closed my eyes again, trying to forget that she was attached at the wrist and sat on the edge of my supposed-to-be relaxing bubble bath. Just when I thought I was doing better, she suddenly moved, making me open my eyes, and then I saw her jump into the bath with me, sitting opposite me and with her clothes still on.
Widening my eyes, I looked to her. "Alycia!"
"I'm sorry," she said with a pained voice, ignoring my shock and her current situation. "I know I need to do more. This week hasn't been fair on you. But my dad doesn't listen and I don't know what else to say. I don't mean to appear ignorant. I care about you, Y/N, so fucking much."
The sincerity in her voice was convincing enough, but I was still staring at the fact that she was soaking wet and fully clothed in the bath with me.
"Say something," she pleaded.
"You're wearing clothes?" I said with disbelief.
She rolled her eyes. "Forget that. Just talk to me. Please."
Despite the stupidity of everything, it was the distraction I needed to finally tell her how I was feeling. I hesitated, not planning to do it whilst sat naked before her in a bubble bath, but she clearly wasn't going to leave, so it was now or never.
"I've tried to be respectful, but your parents don't like me, Alycia," I started, meeting her eyes. "I can't stay here any longer whilst they do what they're doing. I just want to go home. This whole week has been a train wreck."
She sighed dragging her hand down her face. "I know."
I sighed too, looking down with embarrassment. "I know you don't like Clayton. But seeing him with you doesn't feel good. It's not that I don't trust you, but I can't help it if I feel jealous sometimes. Especially when I'm here because of you. I don't know. It just sucks."
She rested her cuffed hand on mine, rubbing her thumb gently. "I feel the same with you and Millie. And it wasn't fair of me to accuse you of anything. I was just pissed because you already hated me and she was making you smile and I got stupidly jealous."
I frowned, meeting her eyes. "I'm sorry to make you feel like that. I don't hate you, Alycia. I've just been upset. I'm not usually the jealous type and it got ugly."
"You're not," she agreed. "Neither am I. I guess this whole trip has just pulled us apart, huh?"
I hummed in agreement, leaning on the side of the tub with my elbow. I didn't know where to go with this. Her dad wasn't listening and that couldn't be changed. So, now what?
"I love you," she said, earning my attention. "I want to make things right. And that starts with you being comfortable. So, we'll leave tomorrow."
"It's your family, we can't just leave."
She lifted a brow. "Wanna bet?"
I gave her a knowing look. "Alycia. No. Look, I'll go. You stay. I'll see you back home in a few days."
"I'm not staying without you, and you don't want to stay, so we go together," she insisted, moving closer to me, unbothered by the fact that she was chest deep in water. "Besides, I don't really want to stay either. Not when my girlfriend is being shit on time and time again."
That was all I'd wanted to hear, selfishly enough.
"You're sure?" I asked. "I'll stay if you really want me to. And I won't sulk."
She cracked a smile. "I'm sure, love. We've been here long enough."
I nodded, relieved. "Thank you, Alycia."
"Thank you," she corrected. "For being so patient."
I gave her a small smile, before nodding to her clothes. "Take them off, idiot. You've already made a mess from jumping in here."
She laughed, pulling off her clothes whilst still in the water, only making a further mess of water on the floor. I rolled my eyes but gladly pulled her towards me, struggling at first but managing to keep her between my legs and hold her tight.
"Sorry, I was jealous," I mumbled into her shoulder.
She kissed my cheek and leaned back. "Me, too. And I'm sorry I couldn't try the cake you made me. It looked really nice."
I sighed. "No, it didn't."
She began to smile, her body moving slightly as she held in a laugh. "Yeah, no, it didn't."
I squeezed her playfully, making her laugh properly, and refused to let go.
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alyssaforevermore · 5 months
Unearthed ↦ Daryl Dixon season one, part two
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Synopsis: Based on the events of The Walking Dead television series, Y/N Grimes, younger sister of Rick Grimes, attempts to survive in a world now inhabited by walkers. Family has always meant everything to her, but in this new world, can she keep her family safe and together?
Show: The Walking Dead (S1-S11)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Warnings: coarse language, violence, character deaths, drug and alcohol references, series spoilers and general The Walking Dead content warnings!
Tags: @1ivinqdeadqir1 @callmeyn @thegeorgiahuntsman @mellxander1993 @bigbaldheadname @cjmonsterwolf @abbi23323 @actuallyklee
Later that night, you sat around the campfire with your family and other members of the camp. Rick was recounting his journey here, but you couldn’t quite seem to focus on anything he was saying.
You couldn’t get that look on Shane’s face out of your head; the one when he saw your brother. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t explain it away. That feeling twisting in your stomach, making you question what Shane had told you that night. Had he simply made a mistake or was there something more to the story?
It killed you to question him; he had saved your life, after all. He had saved the life of your entire family. Rick had been his best friend their entire lives and you had to believe Shane would never just lie about something like that.
“I felt like I’d been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else.” Rick spoke. “For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever.”
Carl’s response finally grabbed your full attention. “Mom said you died.”
You looked at Shane, his face white as a ghost as his eyes were fixed on your brother. 
Rick nodded, his voice soft. “She had every reason to believe that. Don’t you ever doubt that.” 
“When things started getting really bad, they told us at the hospital that they were going to medevac you and other patients to Atlanta, but it never happened.” Lori spoke up.
“Well, I’m not surprised after Atlanta fell.” Rick responded. “From the look of that hospital, it got overrun.”
“Yeah, looks don’t deceive.” Shane finally spoke up. “I barely got them out, you know?”
Rick looked at you, his lips curled downwards. “Were you there when-“
You shook your head. “I had a shift that evening, but I hadn’t stayed there that night.”
This was the first time since the fall that you wished you had been there. Rick was alive all this time; you kept thinking about how if you’d stayed, maybe you could have felt a pulse that Shane didn’t. Maybe you could have gotten your brother out of there. Maybe, just maybe, you would’ve never left to begin with.
Rick’s eyes shifted to Shane, a small smile forming across his face. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane. I can’t begin to express it.”
Dale smiled, leaning back in his seat. “There go those words falling short again. Paltry things.”
The sound of a log being dropped into a nearby fire caught your attention. You glanced over at the Peletiers, Ed sitting back down in his seat. Every night since you’d all arrived here, he had insisted that his family have their own fire. He wanted to keep Carol and their daughter Sophia as far away from the rest of you as possible, and you knew why. It made your blood boil.
“Hey, Ed,” Shane spoke up. “You want to rethink that log?”
“It’s cold, man.” Ed responded.
“The cold don’t change the rules, does it?” Shane huffed. “Keep our fires low, just embers so we can’t be seen from a distance, right?”
“I said it’s cold. You should mind your own business for once.”
Clenching your fists, you went to stand up but stopped as Shane gave you a knowing look. Instead, he stood and walked over to Ed.
“Are you sure you want to have this conversation, man?” Shane asked, his eyes darting towards Carol and then back at Ed.
Ed thought for a moment, finally giving in. “Go on. Pull the damn thing out.”
Carol nodded, standing from her seat and quickly pulling the log from the fire. Shane shook his head, mumbling under his breath as he stomped the flames out. Finally, he knelt down in front of Carol and Sophia.
“How are y’all this evening?”
“We’re just fine.” Carol gave a small smile. “I’m sorry about the fire.”
Shane shook his head. “No apology needed. Y’all have a good night, okay?”
“Thank you.”
Shane stood back up. “I appreciate the cooperation.” He spoke to Ed before heading back over to his own seat.
Dale cleared his throat, everyone having clearly been watching the situation as intensely as you had. “Have you all given any more thought to Daryl Dixon? He won’t be happy to hear his brother was left behind.”
“I’ll tell him.” T-Dog announced. “I dropped the key. It’s on me.”
“I cuffed him.” Rick noted. “That makes it mine.”
“Guys, it’s not a competition.” Glenn spoke up. “I don’t mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy.”
T-Dog shook his head. “I did what I did. Hell if I’m gonna hide from it.”
“We could lie.” Amy suggested.
“We need to tell him the truth.” Andrea responded. “Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed. Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's.”
“Is that really going to help matters?” You asked. “We know Daryl isn’t going to be rational about this. It’s his brother. Hell, if I knew someone left Rick behind to die, nothing would stop me.”
You glanced at Shane out of the corner of your eye, him swallowing hard at your comment.
“I was scared and I ran. I’m not ashamed.” T-Dog said.
“We were all scared. We all ran. What’s your point?” Andrea asked.
“I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It’s not enough to break through that… Not that chain, not that padlock. My point is, Dixon’s still alive and he’s still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That’s on us.”
The camp went silent, everyone reflecting on the conversation. Nobody really wanted to tell Daryl anything; he was a loose cannon, but nowhere near as bad as Merle. You just hoped that nobody would get hurt.
The next morning had started off fairly slow, everyone partially looking over their shoulders, anxiously waiting for Daryl to return. You stood by as Dale and a few other men took apart the car that Glenn had come back in. He was clearly devastated by the scene, his arms folded across his chest.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, almost causing you to jump out of your skin. “Good morning.” Rick spoke, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Good morning.” You smiled, pulling yourself together. “How did you sleep?”
“Better than I have in days.” He chuckled.
Glenn let out a huff, his arms falling to his sides. “Look at ‘em. Vultures.” Dale looked back at him, shaking his head. “Yeah, go on, strip it clean.”
“Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn.” Dale responded, carrying on his work.
“I thought I’d get to drive it for at least a few more days.”
“Maybe we’ll get to steal another one someday.” Rick smiled, before turning to you. “Have you seen Lori?”
You nodded. “I think she was folding laundry. I should probably join her.”
You lead Rick towards where Lori was standing, taking clothes off of the clothes line and folding them before placing them in neat piles. 
“Morning officer.” Lori smiled, noticing her husband coming up behind you.
Rick smiled, kissing his wife on the cheek. “Good morning.”
“Did you sleep okay?”
You began to help Lori, zoning out in the process. You always found peace in household chores. Just sitting in your living room folding laundry was one of the only times you didn’t really need to think; your job already took up enough of your brain power. It was now an escape from the worries that constantly plagued your mind. 
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Lori spoke, her voice hushed but pointed enough to grab your attention once more.
Rick swallowed hard. “I’m asking you.”
Before Rick had been shot, you knew of his constant arguments with Lori. He had always been cautious not to speak to you about it, but you were sometimes present for those moments. When Rick had found you all again against all odds, you had really hoped the arguing was behind them.
“Well, I think it’s crazy.” Lori responded, folding her arms over her chest. “I think it’s just about the stupidest way to break your son’s-“
Screams echoed across camp, your ears locking onto Carl’s voice calling for his mother.
“Carl?” Lori asked, her eyes darting across camp to try and figure out where the screams had come from.
Everyone sprung into action, grabbing weapons and rushing into the woods. You had managed to grab a wrench from Dale’s tool kit.
It wasn’t too long before you came across Carol, Sophia and Carl. 
“Dad!” Carl called out, rushing into Lori’s arms.
Lori fell to her knees, caressing Carl’s face. “Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you?”
Carl shook his head, letting go of her. “No, I’m okay.”
Rick, Shane, Glenn, Jim, Morales and Dale continued further into the woods, you trailing close behind with a wrench in hand. 
You reached a small clearing, seeing a man hunched over the body of a deer. The sound of snarling filled your ears, urging you to position your wrench to swing at any moment.
The men began to circle the scene before them, catching the attention of the walker. His snarling intensified as a piece of the deer’s meat fell from his hands.
Rick took the first swing, hitting the walker in the head with his shovel. When that wasn’t enough, everyone else joined in, hitting it with as much force as they could muster. Finally, Dale took a swing with his ax, taking the walker’s head clean off.
Everyone struggled to catch their breath, you knelt over with your hands on your knees. 
“That’s the first one we’ve had up here.” Dale commented. “They never come this far up the mountain.”
“They’re running out of food in the city.” Jim spoke, wiping sweat off of his forehead.
You let out a sigh. “What does this mean for us? Are we even safe up here anymore?”
“It’s just one, right?” Glenn asked. “Maybe this is a one off.”
“We should still have a bit more time before more make their way up here, at the very least.” Dale responded.
Shane nodded. “We should start thinking more about safety measures, getting traps and tripwire signals set up.”
A twig snapped behind you, earning everyone’s attention as they held their weapons high once again. After a few moments, a familiar face poked his head out from behind the brush. Daryl.
“Oh, Jesus.” Shane huffed, lowering his gun.
“Son of a bitch, that’s my deer!” The man snapped, walking towards it. “Look at it. All gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!” Daryl kicked the body of the walker with each word.
“Calm down, son.” Dale said. “That’s not helping.”
“What do you know about it, old man?” Daryl asked, getting into his face. “Why don’t you take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond?” 
You shook your head. This was typical any time Daryl or Merle were around. You had begun to get used to the peace around camp without them here.
“I’ve been tracking this deer for miles.” Daryl bent down, grabbing his arrows from the deer. “Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?”
Shane shook his head. “I would not risk that, man.”
Daryl nodded. “That’s a damn shame. I got some squirrel—about a dozen or so. That’ll have to do for now.”
You looked back at the severed head of the walker, his teeth smashing together. Amy, who stood off to the side with Andrea, let out a gasp as she turned away.
“Come on, people. What the hell?” Daryl asked, loading up his crossbow and shooting the walker in the head. “It’s gotta be the brain. Don’t y’all know nothing?”
Daryl turned away, following Amy and Andrea back towards camp. You and Rick shared a knowing look, joining everyone in heading back there as well.
This was it.
“Merle!” Daryl called out, entering the main camp area. “Merle, get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrels, let’s stew them up.”
“Daryl, just slow up a bit.” Shane spoke, his voice calm. “I need to talk to you.”
Daryl turned to face him, his eyebrow arched. “About what?”
“About Merle. There was a—there was a problem in Atlanta.”
“Is he dead?”
“We’re not sure.”
Daryl shook his head. “He either is or he ain’t.”
Rick stepped forward, getting between Daryl and Shane. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it.”
“Who are you?”
“Rick Grimes.”
“Rick Grimes,” Daryl huffed. “You got something you want to tell me?”
“Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He’s still there.”
Hold on, let me process this.” Daryl stepped back, facing away from everyone as he wiped his eyes. It took a moment before he turned back to Rick. “You’re saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?”
Without missing a beat, Daryl flung the rope of squirrels at Rick before rushing to tackle him. Shane jumped into action, body slamming him to the ground. Daryl then pulled out a knife, swinging it back and forth at the two men. Rick was able to sneak in a gut punch, allowing for Shane to get Daryl into a choke hold.
“You’d best let me go!” Daryl yelled, thrashing his body.
Shane shook his head. “I think it’s better if I don’t.”
“Choke hold’s illegal.” Daryl spoke through gasps.
“You can file a complaint.” Shane responded, Daryl continuing to thrash in his arms. “Come on, man. We can do this all day.”
Rick knelt in front of Daryl, looking him in the eyes. “I’d like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?”
Daryl thought for a moment, before choking out a quiet “Yeah.” Shane looked to Rick for reassurance before letting the man go.
“What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others.” Rick began.
“It’s not Rick’s fault.” T-Dog chimed in. “I had the key and I dropped it.”
“You couldn’t pick it up?”
“Well, I dropped it in a drain.”
Daryl shook his head. “If that’s supposed to make me feel better, it don’t.”
“Well, maybe this will.” You responded, earning the looks of your fellow camp members. “T-Dog chained the door to the roof, right? With a padlock.”
Rick nodded. “That's gotta count for something.” 
“To hell with all y’all!” Daryl snapped. “Just tell me where he is so I can go get him.”
“He’ll show you.” Lori spoke up, looking at her husband. “Isn’t that right?”
Rick stared at his wife for a moment before finally nodding. “I’m going back.”
“Like hell you are.” You snapped.
Lori shook her head, storming off towards the RV.
Rick stepped towards you. “I have to.”
You shook your head, stepping away from your brother. In this moment, you felt like you were losing him all over again.
AN: Thank you for reading this chapter, I really hope you all enjoyed it! I originally intended to end this one with them getting to Atlanta, but this chapter was way to long already. We will follow that rescue mission in chapter three! If you'd like to request to be tagged in future chapters, you can do so here. Please be sure to like and reblog <3
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Overwhelming Emotions
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Loyalty was a huge thing with relationships at the start of this hell, and as the apocalypse continued…you find out who really cared and who didn’t. Others just took it differently than you did • SFW/ANGST/NSFW • TW: Cheating / Abuse / Injuries / Nightmares / Self Harm / Scars / Governor Violence / Terminus / Depression / Miscarriage
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It’s hard to love in these times
Because. How do I know if it’s real or not?
Mm. You’ll know
The reunion was honestly tear jerking. Y/N watches as this sheriff that came into their group with the help of Glenn, reunite with his wife and son. She couldn’t be happier for them but her temporary happiness faded when the hand of her partner found its place on the back of her neck.
“See. This is why I didn’t have you go out the night everything went to shit. Had to keep yea close or who knows what could’ve grabbed you” Your boyfriend, Grey couldn’t help but squeeze the back of her throat. “Mm. Still need yea for certain things”
Maybe it was for your medical training as a surgical resident, or that you’re really intelligent.
No. He’s talking about your pu—-
“This is Y/N, our personal medic. And her boyfriend Grey” Her boyfriend. Yeah that’s a title he’s both proud and ashamed of whenever she’s brought up. She’ll pay for it later.
“Rick Grimes” He extends his hand seeing Y/N about to take it when Grey pushed her aside not dramatically but enough for him to notice as he took his hand instead. “Well. Thank god for yea around. Can’t wait to get to know you better”
“Same here. Now if you’ll excuse us” Grey smiles warmly to avoid any suspicion as he took Y/N over to their tent.
The two were observed the entire way back to their tent and not by Rick. But the archer that was about to find out the deer he’s been tracking has been taken by the undead. He may have not known them longer, but long enough to know she deserves better.
The night the small horde crawled in on their camp and started to do its damage. Daryl couldn’t believe what went down the second he arrived with the others after a failed rescue mission for his brother.
Grey suddenly trips Y/N for the advantage to get himself out alive. She was more panicked than anything trying to scramble to her feet as fast as she could with hatchet in hand. But as she fell back once again to the walker drawing close, she froze when the arrow went straight through its head. The walker topples over as the archer and medic locked eyes for a second both sighing from relief.
The next morning brought a lot of agony given the losses. Y/N frowns watching Andrea kneel over Amy’s dead body, understanding enough of what loss was like. But she felt awful for her friend. More awful about almost being sacrificed to the walkers by the love of her life but every negative thought that sparked in her mind faded when—
“Yer alright?”
Y/N looks up to find Daryl’s attention completely on her. “Yeah…”
“No bites?”
“No I’m…just shaken up is all” Y/N held herself for the moment as Daryl was about to ask another before stepping away when Grey made himself present sitting beside Y/N and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“You good babe?”
“Cool, cuz you almost died and that would’ve screwed us” Grey laughs a bit trying to lighten his own mood only to receive silent judgement and a death glare from not only Daryl but Rick and Shane.
He was never a crowd favorite.
The CDC was a temporary luxury…
Y/N was the first to enjoy the hot water since she slipped away from the group to avoid Grey joining her. But expecting him to come anyway, she was surprised to find Carol talking to her daughter right outside the door. She looks over to Y/N the second the door was open and winked before returning to the conversation with Sofia.
“We got stuck sharing a room with the Dixon guy”
“He’s not too bad, Grey” Y/N sighs fixing the bed as Grey scoffs laying on the bed before she even finished setting it up. “I’m gonna get water…” she states leaving shortly after watching Grey wave her off.
As Y/N was walking to the kitchen she heard the struggle that she could only make out to be Lori and without a second thought she entered the room. Shane quickly removed himself from Lori as it was clear what he was trying to do and what the two have done to make him act like such. Y/N just stared, no words were exchanged until Shane tried to explain.
“Get the fuck out”
“Leave or I tell Rick” Y/N threats Shane watching his face drop before leaving on that note. Lori frowns waiting for what Y/N has to say to her about it but all she did was leave on that note.
Y/N forgot about the water and couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw as she walks back to the room seeing the lights off. Both Daryl and Grey were fast asleep. She quietly crept in laying on the same mattress as her boyfriend, not being able to sleep immediately. But she really couldn’t sleep when Grey wrapped an arm around her too tight to move.
When the next morning came and few of those were met with a hangover, the clock on the wall held a smaller time than before. Which lead to Dr. Jenner explaining the reasoning and the doors locking.
“So we’re going to die in here” Grey states joining Shane and Daryl in trying to get the doors unlocked.
Y/N froze in her place feeling all sorts of things, but when the doors were open and the only obstacle was getting entirely out of the building…she weighed her options.
“Y/N let’s fucking go” Grey snaps grabbing her arm harshly only for her to pull away. “Jesus fucking Christ are you stupid? You’re gonna stay here?!” He yells in her face as Andrea watches the interaction while having one of her own with Dale.
“Leave. Live whatever life you want. I’m done…” Y/N frowns pulling away as Grey grabbed her by the back of the throat pulling her into him.
“You’ll be killing us. You’re useful because of that stupid training that took years of our lives before this shit happened. Really think before you fucking act” He pushes her off and sprinted to the lobby with the others.
When Daryl noticed no sign of Y/N when Grey went to help get the glass broken. He growls to himself dropping everything and running back to find Y/N curled against one of the computer tables.
“Yer not stayin’”
“Stop it! I don’t wanna hear anything and I definitely don’t wanna hear what that bastard told yea. But you ain’t stayin’” Daryl frowns dropping to her level with a quick glance to the clock feeling his anxiety get the best of him. “You ain’t stayin’ not ‘cause we need your skills. You’re not stayin’ cuz I can’t let yea. I’m not leaving without yea” he frowns and before Y/N could even stand up, Daryl suddenly picks her up anxious over the time and sprinted with her clinging onto him.
After the CDC exploded, Grey pushed Daryl out of the way taking Y/N’s face into his hands. He was trying to read her expression when Grey did such but the way she practiced a neutral expression for times like these, drove him nuts a bit.
“Let’s get goin’. Find Fort Benning” Rick states waiting for everybody to load up.
But none of them calculated the next events to happen, losing Sofia and Carl getting shot.
At first, Rick wanted Lori. He wanted his wife in case things went south with Carl but then it clicked to him.
“Get Y/N. Get Y/N and don’t tell them nothin’ but have them follow” Shane informs Maggie as she sets off on her horse to grab the resident.
When Maggie arrived and spotted Y/N, it was clear that she was the one she was looking for. “There’s been an accident with one of your own. You’ll follow me but I need her immediately” she states watching Y/N step forward as Grey tried to stop her but Glenn and T-Dog pushed him away.
“What we’re supposed to trust this girl?”
“Yes? No, yes!”
“It’s one of our own. Unless she was tryin’ to take Y/N with force, that’d be a different story” T-Dog states as Y/N quickly took Maggie’s extended hand and got on the horse with no issue.
“Ride a horse before?”
“There’s a lot I’ve done before” Y/N sighs holding onto Maggie as she quickly got the horse to sprint in the direction they needed to go.
“But what about Sofia?”
“We’ll keep lookin’ once we get our group secured wherever she’s headin’” Daryl reassures Carol as the group scrambled together to follow Maggie.
When the news got to Lori finally she was angry that they didn’t take her back first, worried that she would be losing her son, and relieved that both Hershel and Y/N were helping her son.
“We’ll need to get more medical supplies before we could even think about handling the internal bleeding”
“He won’t make it if we just work with what we currently have” Y/N bluntly says watching the fear shake up Lori as she went to hold her letting her sob uncontrollably.
As Shane leaves with Otis to get said supplies, Rick and Lori stayed to watch Carl with Hershel and Y/N checking in every now and then. Y/N makes her way to their little tent city outside of the farm house entering the one she shared with Grey as he expects her to look his direction but she was occupied searching her little belongings.
“What Grey?”
“Not gonna like say hi or catch me up on what’s going on, you’ve got a fuckin’ minute or two”
“Carl is dying. Shane and Otis better hurry up or we’re having a funeral.” Y/N deadpans hearing Grey laugh making her whip her head in his direction. “What?”
“Your whole resident shtick coming out. Makes you less human. But hell like you fucking care about that”
“It doesn’t make me less human. I’m just stating the facts to you. We need the medical supplies. We needed them yesterday” Y/N frowns watching Grey stand up from the cot standing before her. “Grey. Be useful and do something. Don’t do what you’re about to do”
“Oh I know what you could do while we wait for supplies. Seriously. That old man can handle himself for a bit” Grey at first took a hold of her neck pulling her close by such. “You need to relax and remember not to talk to me like that”
After news that the supplies arrived, Hershel called out for Y/N to join him as she came in a sprint. For more reasons than just Carl. Carl was finally in stable condition and thanks to the two docs.
“I can take care of it” Y/N reassures Hershel taking the used supplies and throwing them out where she was instructed before.
The small walk to the waste bin gave Y/N enough time to sit away from everybody holding herself.
He could’ve died and it would’ve been on your hands.
You’re a bit out of practice it could still go south, he could still not wake up
Hell. You’re trying to keep it together personally. That could’ve caused something.
“What’re you doing?”
Y/N looks up to find Glenn looking at her with concern.
“Did Carl—“
“No no. He made it. He’ll be okay, fingers crossed…”
“Then what’s wrong? Because you’ve always had this ghost look to you and like…I-I’m not one to confront others’ personal problems but this Grey guy doesn’t make me feel comfortable”
She couldn’t help the tears that fell when he said that and the laugh to follow as well. Glenn started to panic a bit, more internally to avoid drawing anybody.
“I-Im sorry. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know what I was thinking I just—I don’t know what to do! You’re too sweet. Helpful. Useful! And he’s just. Belittling that every chance he gets…” Glenn frowns sitting beside Y/N for a bit. “Definitely rubs Daryl and Carol the wrong way. You don’t deserve this…so why are you with him? Even during all this”
“That’s the thing…because all of this. I know I’m helpful and he’s just making me feel small. But…I…I’ve never seen my life without him and my mind knows I have to protect myself. But my heart is manipulated. Needing something secured from the before…”
“Y/N…” Glenn takes one of her hands into his squeezing it tightly. “You deserve better”
You deserve better than the hell that followed you to the end of the world.
“Be safe alright? I don’t think Hershel would be too happy with you taking one of his horses” Y/N crosses her arms looking up at the archer making sure his crossbow is strapped to him.
“Gotta find the kid” Daryl mumbles, worried for Carol and worried for Y/N. He heard what Glenn said the other night and wish he said it himself but he doesn’t want Grey to hurt her over something he said. The two don’t like each other. “Ditch the scrubs though?”
“Oh, yeah…uhm. Turning to the survivalist medic. Guess I wouldn’t need the name tag anymore” She messes with said name tag in her fingers as Daryl whistles for the horse to get started walking but he quickly turns to her.
“Don’t get rid of what makes yea you” He states and with that he leaves.
Y/N watches him leave as she clips the name tag to the bottom of her sleeveless black hoodie that covered up the bruising on her neck the best. Her long sleeve taking care of the others. She makes her way back to the group seeing the rest of the men discuss about going on a run as she chimes in what she needs but Grey pushes her back.
“Your needs are hard to come by” Grey tells her and it’s not entirely wrong, medical supplies are hard to come by. But he referred to so much more.
Shane squints in Grey’s direction as he clears his throat. “Well. Gotta teach some of yea to shoot just to be on the safe side. Andrea is already learnin’”
“Don’t gotta teach Y/N”
“Why? You’re gonna? You’re not a clean shot, Grey” Dale laughs only watching Y/N look at him with fear in her eyes as Grey glares at the man.
“My gun is actually…hers.”
Yeah, it was the first thing he grabbed when the news came out about the end of the world. Before Y/N and Grey found the camp, Y/N was teaching Grey how to shoot her gun. That did not help her in the slightest given some social standards he believes in.
But at least she knows how to shoot.
“If she weren’t a doc, we’d have her on our runs.”
“Don’t give her too much credit” Grey rolls his eyes walking away as Y/N steps toward the car gesturing for Shane to hand her the list he was making to add a few things.
“Just if you happen to come across it…don’t need to kill yourselves getting it” Y/N frowns going to follow Grey and console him.
That didn’t go smoothly, nor did Andrea shooting Daryl.
“Woah put the gun down Y/N”
“She didn’t mean to”
“It was an accident”
Y/N held her gun at Andrea glaring into her soul as she held her hands up after setting the hunting rifle down.
“You’ll die being trigger happy. Know that” Y/N rasped out holding her throat with her free hand for a second before lowering her gun and taking the hunting rifle.
Once Andrea finally exhaled, Y/N handed her gun back to Grey taking the hunting rifle for herself. He couldn’t believe what he saw and wanted to say something, but for once, he didn’t. The anger in her eyes stopped him. She was never that way about him.
“How is he?”
“Stitches are clean. You can check my work the next bandage change if you’d like. But I’d like to check your cheek from your “fall” earlier” Hershel asks finishing the bandage on Daryl’s side as he did his head lac first. Thinking the archer was out cold when discussing Y/N’s injury but he heard it all and knew it wasn’t a fall.
Carol smiles on her way out after giving Daryl his dinner, holding the door open for Y/N to slide in with new dressings and clothes she got from Daryl’s things.
“I’ll grab your other shirt if you want from the arrow wound. But just thought you’d want to wear something else” She drops the clothes at the foot of the bed along with the bandages on top. “I’ll let yea eat before—-“
“Sit.” He states holding the bowl in hand as Y/N sat in the chair in the room. “What happen to yea”
“Mhm…” Daryl gave her a look of I know the real reason and Y/N couldn’t help but feel small. She brought her knees to her chest in the seat staying there knowing she’d have to leave the room once she redressed his wounds and he knew that. But. “I feel dizzy”
“What?” She looks up from her feet concerned. “Daryl why didn’t—“ then he winked at her keeping his serious look on his face. “Daryl…”
“Gonna need observin’ from a doc. Others’ll understand” He says calmly finishing his meal setting it off on the nightstand before moving to the edge of the bed. “You fine observin’?”
Y/N didn’t say anything and nodded as she got up to check and redress his wounds. He gently takes a hold of the hospital name badge and laughs a bit internally seeing her picture. He doesn’t deserve her. She looks so happy here. He stopped fiddling with it to let her change the one on his side but the second she sat down he took a hold of her chin making her turn to expose her bandaged cheek more and the slight bruising around the eye.
“Gonna scar”
“Yours are too yknow”
“Yeah…b-but…ugh never mind just. Can yea change it?” He was trying to say something but didn’t want anyone overhearing anything.
The farm had two more incidents. 3 counting Rick and Shane’s fight. But one revealing what happened to Sofia and then the barn fire with the walker outbreak. Leaving the group to leave urgently and Grey watching Daryl quickly pull Y/N onto the back of his bike while he followed Glenn.
Rick taking on a whole new vibe to his way of leading things after everything that happened. The others just let him deal. Finding the prison was a safe haven after clearing the walkers in the gated field.
“Y/N…have you ever performed a c-section before?” Carol asks as the two scoped the outside of the prison within the gates.
“My focus was going to be OBGYN before the end of the world happened. I know how to perform one. Never done it”
“Well…Carl was a c-section so—“
“This baby most likely will be as well…Carol, I can do it and I’ve been checking on Lori. I’m afraid it may not go the right direction if it comes to it”
“Promise me you won’t leave her side. I can tell she’s scared and hell I’ll keep Grey away if it means—“ Carol stops when Y/N took her hand.
“I’ll stay with her. I have to check Hershel first then I’ll be glued to her” Y/N reassures and does exactly that.
Especially when she was trapped in a dire situation with a laboring Lori, her worried son, and a helpful Maggie trying to calm her while Y/N had to be real with what’s to happen next.
When the little baby came and Y/N had handed her off to Maggie. She looked up at Carl giving him her sorry expression as he wanted to cry. But part of him couldn’t. He couldn’t…in that moment he was numb and draws his gun once Y/N rose to her feet.
“I could—“
“No…I have to” Carl assures Y/N as she moves to be by Maggie.
The two flinched to the sound of his silencer. Maggie turned to Y/N seeing her hands still dripping of Lori’s blood as she was about to say something, but the doc walked shortly after Carl not acknowledging anybody that looked in her direction.
“Y/N what—…” Grey stopped himself seeing Maggie come out with the little baby. Rick’s expression immediately dropping approaching the two. “Y/N wait come here” he frowns grabbing her shoulder on her way out when she quickly turned.
“DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME” Y/N snaps startling everyone in the cell block. Grey went from sorry to anger instantly watching her leave the cell block as he was about to chase after her when Glenn stopped him.
“Move out of my way”
“Give her a second, man. You’re not going to hel—“ Glenn was cut off by being pushed out of the way by Grey as he was about to grab him by the ankles when Daryl tripped him on the way.
“Give her a goddamn minute” Daryl growled watching Grey look up at him angrily as he scrambled to his feet stepping over to the table and sitting. He helped Glenn up watching his friend brush himself off while Grey stews.
It’s just blood
You’ve never seen a hemorrhage before? It happens Y/N. It happens more than you think
You’ll be seeing this every day for the rest of your life
Even when it’s no longer on your hands
Y/N didn’t resurface until Rick did. Which wasn’t for a few days and her friends knew where Rick was, was a bit angry not knowing where she went off to. She stayed in the bed of the truck they brought through and was surprised no one went looking after the first day. Even surprised by Grey not doing so. But when she rejoined the group and sat down beside him, he leaned into her whispering.
“It’s your fault you know” just to drag her deeper into the pit of her mind. With that said she unconsciously followed Grey once he got up.
Daryl watches the two leave the room they were all in as he held the little ass kicker. His anxiety crept up his back wanting to follow after them but the baby in his arms had other plans and started to wail.
“Hey shush…you alright” He reassures in a whisper.
You’re gonna be alright…he’ll make sure of it
“Seriously, Ricks got his head up his ass”
“He ain’t the one taking issue with you.” Daryl frowns walking through the woods with his brother behind him.
“The nurse?”
“Ain’t a nurse. She a doc” He sighs. “She ain’t got an issue with you. Understands your bullshit to whatever extent”
Merle grabs his brother’s shoulder to get his attention knowing damn well he was going to get swatted away because of the earlier incident of ripping it shirt revealing his back.
“She too good for him”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t act coy. I’ve seen how you look at her. Even back at the quarry. She in that situation and it’ll only be hard for her. She’s too good for anybody but for sure that bastard.” Merle begins with glaring at his brother. “Don’t be stupid with me out here. You know damn well leaving that group is eating yea alive in more ways than one and she’s one of’em reasons. I may not be the best at advice here little bro. But you know I’m right saying all that shit”
It hurt more that he was right, and died on that uphill climb. Many died and survived that night at Woodbury. The prison grew but hell. Who’s ever going to forget what happened?
“How’re you feelin’?” Rick broke Y/N out of her thoughts as he was referring to the hidden injuries that she’s been keeping from everybody but he saw what happened. Hence why Grey is stuck on watch tower duty.
“Didn’t need to get Hershel”
“I did. He’s better at keepin’ this shit a secret unlike others. Which reminds me you shouldn’t even be out here”
“I can walk just fine…when you got the leg for Hershel he still kept his crutches and I’m not using it to go back inside when they’re about to come back” She frowns fiddling with her sleeves as Rick took the seat beside her watching the kids playing in the field while his son keeps most of them out of trouble.
“Yknow we could get rid of him. Daryl definitely wants to”
“You’d feel bad leaving him out there”
“Nah I wouldn’t. He almost killed yea. Several times but if I didn’t find you, he might’ve this recent one” Rick frowns still thinking what he saw was awful, and knew she wasn’t going to like it when he tells Daryl.
“Rick” Daryl walks away from the run group to Rick for a second seeing the sheriff’s confusion. “I need a favor”
“Name it Daryl”
Daryl didn’t know how to be anything else but blunt. He also didn’t have to say much for Rick to instantly know where he was getting at.
“Watch her. Yknow who I’m talkin’ about”
“I do. Daryl, you sure you’re alright to go on this run? This won’t—“
“Wont distract me. I just. I trust yea. You saw it when you first arrived day one. You know. You’ll know what to do” Daryl states about to head out as he stops for a second. “Tell me if that bastard does anythin’. He ain’t living if he hurts her again”
“Daryl we don’t—-“
“Ed didn’t live. He hurt Carol. Shane didn’t. He hurt Lori. Sometimes we gotta pick n choose. I’m done letting Y/N stop me from keeping her safe” and with that Daryl left for the run.
Not witnessing the horror of finding Y/N at the bottom of the stairs in their cellblock in a pool of her own blood. Thank god for Rick coming in at the right time and for Hershel keeping it to himself.
But god this wasn’t going to be easy
For either parties
“Yknow what hurts the most about what happened?”
“Enlighten me”
“Hershel and I agreed to keep a certain antibiotic for dire needs. Since it was in low supply. But it was also meant to keep one who suffered a miscarriage from developing an infection” Y/N turned to Rick when she stated that last part, and that’s how she ended up at the bottom of the stairs.
Some people have a village to take care of a child. Judith has exactly that.
But when Y/N found out and told Grey. He didn’t want to have to deal with it.
Didn’t before all of this
“Y/N. You shouldn’t be out here then. Should be resting”
“I’m going crazy being in the cell stuck to a bed…just let me sit out here for a little while longer and then I’ll go back” She tells Rick through tears as she tenses up when he took care of the ones that fell.
“I ain’t leavin’ yeah then”
“Deal…” Y/N sobs a bit more relaxing as she leans against Rick.
After another hour or two, the group from the run came back with what they could scavenge as Daryl parks his bike spotting Y/N sitting in the middle of the field since she convinced Rick to let her stay outside but as long as he was around. He turns to Rick walking toward them from the garden spot as he didn’t have the best poker face.
“She ok?”
“No but Daryl. We need to find a way to just get rid of Grey that won’t hurt Y/N in the process”
“That chokehold he’s got on her, it’s gonna hurt no matter what we do” He frowns looking over to see Beth approaching Y/N with Judith as she sat with her. “Chokeholds illegal…don’t matter mental or physical, shits illegal” he picked up the stuff he received on the run to put it with the rest of their findings.
When the night came in, Grey watches Carol collect Y/N’s things from their shared cell with the help of Maggie. Neither of them explaining and none of the men from the original group had him go search for Y/N.
Who hasn’t moved from her spot in the fields, now with a lantern beside her and Judith wrapped snuggly close to her. Carl with her as well to keep an eye on both her and Judith.
“Grey is going to be mad”
“Meh” Carl shrugs taking his hat off and laying in the grass beside Y/N. “He shoulda seen this coming”
“…he’s going to still—-“
“We know. But you’ve got us. Hey maybe you’ll get your strength back and beat the shit out him”
“Language Carl”
“Sorry, Y/N” He frowns seeing her fixed gaze on the sleeping baby. “Have you wanted one? Like…before all of this”
“Yes…but with the right person”
Daryl frowns watching the two talk in the yards of the prison keeping his distance and making sure Grey doesn’t come out of the cellblock he resided in.
The sudden touch of a hand on his shoulder blade startled him out of his thoughts. Quickly acknowledging the youngest Greene’s presence before bringing his eyes back to where he wants them to be.
“Maggie and Carol got her in a cell next to Rick. Wanted me to come grab Judith and have her go inside. Sleep”
“She needs it.”
“Mhm” Beth of course noticed how fixated the archer was on the doc, and part of her wanted to be her teen self to gush about how much he cared about her. But the past few days have been awful…she didn’t want to press anything.
Even when everyone’s suspicions were true.
Daryl cares deeply for Y/N.
Once everyone turned in for the night, Daryl found that his mattress was moved from the catwalk to be right outside of Y/N’s and the Grimes’ cells. He didn’t mind it one bit and found himself staying awake for a little to see if anything would happen because of recent changes.
So far…nothing has happened. Forcing the two to separate for Y/N’s well-being, has done some good. Even if Grey’s anger gets the best of him most days as he tries to approach the doctor but gets blocked by anyone from her family near by.
“What is your issue man?” One of the Woodbury folk, Brian, catches Grey off guard from his brooding point at the tables outdoor furthered away from the watchtower by the main gate entrance.
“Why do you care? You don’t know me”
“I know you as the creep stalking that one doctor chick”
“I ain’t stalking my girl”
Brian gave him an even more confused look turning to the direction Grey was looking and finding Y/N talking to Daryl.
“I don’t think that’s your girl no more”
And that seeded a brand new thought in Grey’s mind. One he couldn’t accept, but he was going to for the sake of his self-centered self.
One of the run days came and Grey knew that Daryl would be the forerunner on that trip along with Glenn. Which meant Maggie will be with her father, on watch, or with her sister. He is pin pointing location to those who are willing to fight him when it comes to going anywhere near Y/N. Carol and Rick were his main concerns when it came to those three being occupied. Granted Michonne would be another—but she is on a trip for who knows how long, Grey doesn’t entirely pay attention.
“Hey, I’m gonna go shower. I’ll be back in 30 to help with lunch.”
“Alright…I’ve got my eyes on Grey, so you should be fine” Carol reassures the doc watching her smile temporarily before heading inside the prison.
Grey gave it five minutes before taking the lit cigarette from his mouth and tossing it in the bin that Rick collected a lot of dead leaves to help with composting. Another thing Grey has now idea how any of that works.
The second the fire broke out and both Rick and Carol were drawn away from their duties along with a few new friends they made since they started letting people in—-Tyreese and Karen. Grey immediately headed inside. He always had a sense of sneaking up on Y/N, even when he’s a walking red flag for everyone.
“What are you and Dixon”
Y/N froze under the running water as her whole body was exposed to Grey given he didn’t care about space. Never did. She tried to cover herself as he looms over making her realize how close he has gotten since entering the washroom.
“We aren’t anything”
“But yea want him?”
“I didn’t fucking say that” Y/N flinches when Grey punched the wall dangerously close to her head.
“I know you’re lying. You may not be fucking under him every night but you want him. You’ve always fuckin’ have”
She felt herself cower like she used to when she felt his hand on the back of her neck. “I’m not yours. I’m not his. I’m no one’s”
“I’ll make sure of that princess.”
Once the fire was taken care of, Rick couldn’t help but grow anxious suddenly. Who could’ve caused it? This wasn’t natural. He quickly scanned those outside to get a headcount of his people as Carol notices her friend grow frantic. Then it clicked to them instantly.
Grey did it.
Carol knew immediately where to go and checked the washroom not finding Y/N or Grey. She then went to the cellblock finding Rick approaching her cell on the other side. Both of them looked in to find Y/N putting away her shower supplies in one of her milk crates that act like storage compartments.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“You’re not lying are you?” Rick frowns watching Y/N immediately look away from him as her body cowered once more. Giving him his answer.
“I’m settin’ a council meeting with whoever is left on it that’s here. He’s not staying here”
You best believe it was unanimous.
The previous run group came back to a small crowd by the gates blocking a frustrated Grey that had all his bags (2) on him. The shouting became more audible when their car and Daryl’s bike came through after Carl and Tyreese opened it up for them.
“What’s going on?” Daryl asks approaching the crowd and watching Grey’s already enraged expression get worse bringing himself toward the archer. “Back the fuck up”
“You just couldn’t keep shit to yourself. Yea think you’ll keep her fucking safe?” Grey spat in his face which didn’t make matters better for him. “You’ll hurt her just like I did”
Oh he’s done Daryl snapped and immediately socked the abuser in the face watching him fall. He was about to do more damage when Glenn held him back, but Grey wasn’t done. He needed to lash back.
Except he didn’t get back up on his feet right away given the gun that was drawn to his face. The one holding it wasn’t Rick or any of them, but Y/N.
“Stand down and get the fuck out”
“You’re making a mistake”
“Am not” Y/N frowns keeping her gun locked on him, even when he rose to his feet and was shoved out of the prison entirely.
Y/N didn’t lower her gun until she saw him fade out of view but even then she was stuck in that position. A few started to disperse, leaving those from the farm to remain worrying for their family that seemed stuck. Carol quietly approaches her now shaking form, taking the gun from her hand and unloading the magazine to realize it was never loaded.
A weight was suddenly lifted as the tears came abruptly causing her to drop to her knees and bring herself into a ball.
Years…fucking years trapped in that relationship…
She’s actually finally free.
The archer was ever so careful when approaching her fragile state, bringing himself to her side resting his hand on her back and giving a look to the others to leave. He remained by her side for however long she needed, and was going to remain in that spot for whenever she needed him.
He’s never going to hurt her like him
When the illness came through the prison, Daryl didn’t like the idea of Y/N joining the group on the run to get medicine. But she was the best asset along with the military doc Bob, even if he turned out to have an ulterior need that Daryl threatened if he had a drop of the alcohol before the medicine got to their people he shall meet the consequences.
Daryl couldn’t help but watch Y/N do her magic, what she trained to do, by helping those still living to get the medicine they need to survive and live. She was gentle and told the truth about everything she gave them, what it did for them positively and what could happen negatively. But in the end, the bad will be overlooked once the good saves their life.
In that moment, he knew what he wanted. But only at her speed…if she’ll ever have him.
And he’ll never know.
“Daryl we have to go!” Beth yells in his deaf ears as he scanned the ruins of the prison while the chaos still commenced.
He will never know
She will never know
Reunions are bittersweet. Nothing will beat the once lost sheriff reuniting with his wife and son. Except maybe theirs.
Cannibals. Of course they would be a threat at least once during someone’s life during the apocalypse. Except one wanted to expect that this sanctuary called Terminus would be the light the group needed after the hell they endured with a villain they had once thought was gone for good. But they turned out to be just as devious and their main course were the living.
On the chopping block was Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Bob, and then two other individuals they have never met before. But they met their fate of being sliced opened and the blood poured into the trough they were propped against. Then the explosion happened, taking their leader Gareth away to investigate. Giving Rick his window to take out the two butchers and free his friends.
After getting their weapons and trying to get back to their people in the train car. There was the threat of the Terminus people and the walkers that were flooding in, but moments where the walkers got dangerously close to the four making their way to the car—-the undead would drop permanently dead to the bullet shot by the unknown source.
The unknown source being Y/N. She came into view when dropping grenades she found during her separation onto larger groups of walkers to give the four their path—and inevitably their entire group. But she wasn’t the one to think of the break in or to know where they can find their supplies. The plan’s credit goes to Carol who neither Daryl or Rick hesitated to hug once they regrouped in the tree line.
“Well you certainly did some soul searching” Maggie smiles wrapping her arm around Y/N’s shoulders making comment of the changes to her person.
Hair was cut shorter.
A short sleeve shirt, no longer hiding her scars made by the past.
Combat pants she snagged on an abandoned army vehicle.
She kept her converse because they brought her joy.
She looked better, still healing. But better.
“I did, but I’m only rather relieved to be back with y’all…you’re my home” Y/N smiles as Maggie instantly pulled her into a hug once she said such.
But their hug was very short given the archer waiting patiently for his own. Maggie couldn’t help herself by pushing Y/N toward Daryl making all three of them laugh slightly, Daryl’s being more nervous than anything.
“Yer pretty badass now huh?” Daryl comments watching Maggie and Glenn walk away to give the two time to themselves.
“Oh I’ve always been. Just had a weight on me for most of my adult life. It was always there”
“I knew it was”
They both were still feeling overwhelmed by the horrors within Terminus and granted the time apart. He couldn’t stop thinking about where she was and how she was doing. If they’d ever meet again. As Y/N had hope that she would meet him again. She only feared that she lost him along the way.
Then here they were. Too lost in their own minds but their hearts wanted to act on its fate.
“I’m not ready…”
“That’s okay”
“But…” Y/N brought herself close to Daryl watching his hands hesitate to touch her but she gently took his hands into hers. “I wouldn’t mind going slow”
“Neither would I”
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